5/13/2015 TPP labor standards; Why U.S. textile industry supports TPP; Members' Night Having trouble viewing this email? Click here

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TPP labor standards; Why U.S. textile industry supports TPP; Members' Night


Fourteen U.S. Senators write USTR about TPP Labor Standards

In a letter to USTR Froman, Senators warned that waiting to implement standards lafter TPP goes into effect could diminish labor protections in TPP countries. "If we don't improve labor standards in TPP counties in a meaningful way, we fail to give American workers the ability to compete," said Sen. Sharrod Brown. "Before we sign a trade deal affecting 40% of the world's GDP, we must put stronger worker protections in place."

Why the U.S. textile industry supports the White House on trade

The U.S. trade representative says it won't turn back on yarn­forward. "I assure you there will be no surprises" in the TPP negotiations, U.S. Trade Representative Froman told NCTO executives in March. "We will work with you hand and glove." As part of negotiations over the 12­nation Trans­Pacific Partnership, the U.S. is insisting on a "yarn forward" rule of origin, that only fabric produced from yarn made by a TPP country would be eligible for duty­free trade.

What economic models tell us about TPP's effects

The TPP debate is reviving old misunderstandings about how trade agreements affect the U.S. and other economies. Over the past four years, colleagues and I have built models of the TPP that are now frequently mentioned in the debate. Since this work is likely to provide the most detailed assessment of the TPP until the United States International Trade Commission (USITC) issues its report some months from now, our results and their limitations need to be clear. Four broad insights emerge from our work:(1) The results do not suggest early, large effects from the TPP for the U.S. because our economy is so large, and 90% is minimally affected by trade; (2) TPP matters over time, by helping to move resources toward more productive firms and industries; some transitions will be difficult and costly, so we need adjustment assistance and other initiatives to facilitate worker mobility; (3) TPP will provide gains for our trade partners as

Stage a Spectacular Event In Central

Host your next event at Angsana Lang Co in Central Vietnam and be blown away by its outstanding facilities, unrivalled beach frontage and a creative and professional events team. From pre­arrival to post­meeting entertainment, dedicated event planners will manage every detail with efficiency and flexibility to ensure a world class summit, conference or workshop.

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We welcome and appreciate your sponsorship in cash, products, and services. Please contact our Events Team for Sponsorship details.

PATH is recruiting an Innovation Fund Consultant, based in or City

PATH is the leader in global health innovation. An international nonprofit organization, we save lives and improve health, especially among women and children. PATH is recruiting an Innovation Fund Consultant, based in Hanoi or , to lead the development and launch of the Healthy Markets Innovation Fund. The aim of the fund is to take a social enterprise approach to stimulating and piloting community and individual led innovations to support a sustainable response to HIV in Vietnam.

Korean Air ­ Special Offers To America

Korean Air, with a fleet of 155 aircraft, is one of the world's top 20 airlines, and operates more than 400 flights per day to 127 cities in 45 countries. It is a founding member of the SkyTeam alliance, which together with its 19 members, offers its 552 million annual passengers a worldwide system of more than 15,000 daily flights covering 993 destinations in 187 countries. www.koreanair.com

Double daily flights between Narita and Houston offered by ANA­United Joint Venture

Starting June 12, ANA will launch a new daily service between Tokyo Narita and Houston. Its service will complement United's already existing daily departure from Narita to Houston. Besides serving Houston itself, these two flights offer connections beyond to cities throughout the southern part of the United States as well as South America. HCMC customers can depart on ANA and connect to either of these flights at Narita. With these flights, customers can now enjoy greater schedule choice with attractive fares. Please visit us at www.united.com and www.anaskyweb.com for further details.

May 13 Morning Briefing with Q&A/Discussion: Visa procedures for Business Travel to the USA

On February 22, 2014, the U.S. Embassy in Hanoi and the Consulate General in Ho Chi Minh City introduced an exciting new service making it easier for all nonimmigrant visa applicants to schedule their appointments, obtain information about the visa application process, and arrange for the home delivery of their passports­all for one standard fee. These changes are part of the Department of State's continual worldwide effort to streamline the visa application process and provide enhanced service. In response to a number of AmCham companies, AmCham has arranged this workshop to provide an update on U.S. visitor visa application procedures, visa renewal procedures, and procedures for group visits (incentive tours, etc.).

May 14 New Member Welcome and Orientation (Members only)

Join us at this Welcome and Orientation Meeting to learn how to best utilize your membership investment. This Orientation Meeting is the perfect opportunity for new members, members, and invited guests to get familiar or reacquainted with all the benefits, events and programs offered to you to help grow your business. You will hear from Executive Director, Herb Cochran https://ui.constantcontact.com/visualeditor/visual_editor_preview.jsp?agent.uid=1120960451087&format=html&printFrame=true 2/7 5/13/2015 TPP labor standards; Why U.S. textile industry supports TPP; Members' Night on ways to get involved and participate through AmCham's three pillars of: networking, information sharing and working together to improve the business environment.

May 14 Members Night & Meet the U.S. Consulate General

AmCham invites you to attend a Members Night, with networking cocktails and buffet reception. Members' spouses and guests are not only invited but also encouraged to attend with you. Welcome by AmCham Chairman and introduction of Key Officers from the U.S. Consualte General, the cocktail reception will offer networking opportunities for one­on­one conversations with the Consulate General Team, AmCham Governors, fellow members, and especially meet new members.

May 19 ICT Committee Breakfast Meeting: Marketing and Technology plus Legal is not an Oxymoron

If you're like many other millions of marketing managers and executives, let alone members of AmCham, then "marketing technology" might still sound a little unfamiliar or something for the techs. Here's how we define marketing technology: the set of tools that organisations need to effectively market and sell their stuff. At this event we'll look at the "why" behind it as well as some of the pitfalls to avoid; we'll also look at a bunch of tools that you can put to use right away and finally since we know where we are there's a legal aspect making it even more difficult for us to do, what we want to do.

May 20 U.S. Citizen Town Hall

Consul General Rena Bitter would like to cordially invite U.S. citizens to a Town Hall at the American Center in Ho Chi Minh City on May 20, 2015. The Town Hall will be an opportunity to learn more about the activities of the U.S. consulate as well as the services provided to U.S. citizens. If you are a U.S. citizen and would like to attend, please register here by 5 p.m. Monday, May 18. Please register soon as space is limited. We look forward to seeing you!

May 20 AmCham Scholarship 2015 ­ Tech Information Session

The AmCham Scholarship program is part of AmCham's efforts to improve the business environment in Vietnam in general, and the HCM City area in particular, by helping develop high quality human resources for member companies, as well as helping students develop essential professional working skills.

May 27 AmCham Palooza Party at Pullman Hotel Saigon

AmCham will continue its series of monthly informal networking events at the coolest and latest nightspots in Ho Chi Minh City. The monthly Palooza Party is a platform to develop new friendships, networking opportunities and information exchange. People from all age groups are welcome to attend ­ there's no age limit, you just have to be young at heart! Come and join us for a night of casual networking, meet other professionals, bring your business cards! Dress code: Business Casual

May 30 Green Bike 2015

In response to World Environmental Day (June 4), Intel ­ AmCham in partnership with World Wide Fund ­ environmental partner ­ co­host a green bike on Saturday, 30 May 2015 at District https://ui.constantcontact.com/visualeditor/visual_editor_preview.jsp?agent.uid=1120960451087&format=html&printFrame=true 3/7 5/13/2015 TPP labor standards; Why U.S. textile industry supports TPP; Members' Night 7, HCM City. The bike ride focuses on raising awareness for the people of protecting the environment as well as conserving 5 flagship animals in Vietnam: Tiger, Elephant, Sea turtle, Sarus crane and Saola

AmCham welcomes New Member Companies

AmCham Vietnam ­ HCMC is pleased to welcome our NEW members who joined us in the last four months. We encourage you to welcome them by visiting their websites and patronizing their businesses.

JOIN US: Become a Member of AmCham Vietnam ­ HCMC

Expand your business by joining our AmCham Membership! We currently have almost 500 organizations represented by 1,000 representatives. They are multinational firms, small and medium enterprises and entrepreneurs. Benefits include: Networking, Information­Sharing, Advocacy and Problem Solving, visibility and Corporate Exposure. Contact Mimi Pham for joining or additional information on membership.

AmCham Corporate Partnership Packages

Special thanks to COCA­COLA, Diamond Partner, and INTEL, Silver Partner. The Corporate Partnership comes with a range of membership dues, event sponsorship, advertising, and exclusive benefits. One all­inclusive Corporate Partnership annual, semi­ annual, or quarterly billing simplifies your businesses' sponsorship efforts. Benefits in each Partnership Package include:

Logo on "Corporate Partners" banner on AmCham website homepage Logo on "Corporate Partners" banner in Weekly Update Email Company profile on the "Corporate Partnership" page on AmCham website Corporate profile on screen during cocktail reception at Members' Nights Special recognition/Thank You Page in Membership Directory Special recognition at all business events' backdrop/banner Special recognition in all email signatures

For full information on benefits of each package, please click HERE or contact Cindy Tran.

2015 AmCham Membership Directory ­ Delivery announcement

Our 2015 AmCham Membership Directory have been delivered to all members late April/early May. We hope you will find it useful to you and your company. If you have not get it yet, please kindly let us know.

Besides this print Directory, you can also learn about AmCham companies and their representatives in our online Directory.

Should you desire to advertise your company products and/ore services in our 2016 AmCham Membership Directory, please contact Cindy Tran for advertising rates and booking form.

Marketing Opportunities with AmCham HCMC

AmCham HCMC offers many opportunities to market your company's products and services to AmCham members, the business community and the general public. Our services include: https://ui.constantcontact.com/visualeditor/visual_editor_preview.jsp?agent.uid=1120960451087&format=html&printFrame=true 4/7 5/13/2015 TPP labor standards; Why U.S. textile industry supports TPP; Members' Night ­ Event Sponsorship ­ Event Management Support ­Network (Advertise) on www.amchamvietnam.com: 450,000+ views/year, 200,000+ visitors/year plus 8.5k twitter followers, 6.0k facebook fans, 4.1k LinkedIn followers. ­ Announcement in Weekly Email: 4,500+ AmCham company representatives and subscribers. AmCham Companies are offered 3 complimentary announcements in 2015. ­ Print advertising in AmCham Membership Directory ­ Print advertising in AmCham Membership Discount Handbook ­ Advertising on AmCham Discount Online

AmCham Member Discounts Program

The AmCham Member Discounts Program is provided as one of our Membership Benefits. It serves as a mutually beneficial opportunity for both AmCham Members and AmCham Discount Partners. Members present their AmCham Membership Card to receive special, privileged discounts offered by AmCham Discount Partners. A listing of discount offers is available in the annual Membership Discount Handbook (hardcopy) and on the AmCham website.

News and Issues Updates Improving the Investment and Business Climate: From Words to Action

National Assembly's Economic Committee, the Viet Nam Academy of Social Sciences, the Viet Nam Chamber of Commerce and Industry and the Central Institute for Economic Management met to discuss removing difficulties in production and business, restructuring the economy and improving competitiveness, articularly the impact of free­trade agreements and globalisation on the country's economy. They noted that FDI enterprises account for more than two thirds of Vietnam's total exports, while domestic enterprises are not connected to global supply chains.

National Council of Textile Organizations supports TPA

The Bipartisan Congressional Trade Priorities and Accountability Act of 2015 (TPA­2015) would establish congressional negotiating objectives and consultation mechanisms involving international trade agreements currently being negotiated by the U.S. government. Previous FTAs have created $25 billion in two­way textile trade that is due, in large part, to the strong textile rules included in these agreements."

Vietnam Competitiveness Report ­ Michael Porter, et al.

The idea for an in­depth study of Vietnam's competitiveness emerged from a meeting between Prime Minister and Professor Michael E. Porter in Hanoi. Professor Porter had been impressed by the high growth and significant reduction in poverty in Vietnam, but was concerned that Vietnam's position in many international rankings of competitiveness had remained stagnant.

SBV devalued the vnd to 21,673 per USD

Vietnam devalued the dong for the second time this year on May 7. The State Bank of Vietnam (SBV) said it lowered the mid­point rate for the currency on the interbank market by 1 percent to 21,673 vend per dollar. The currency could slip to 22,050 per dollar by year­end, taking its annual depreciation to 3.1 percent, ANZ said in a research note. It declined 1.4 percent in 2014.

Administration publishes state­by­state export data, success stories

to emphasize the importance of TPA and TPP to current and future economic prosperity. https://ui.constantcontact.com/visualeditor/visual_editor_preview.jsp?agent.uid=1120960451087&format=html&printFrame=true 5/7 5/13/2015 TPP labor standards; Why U.S. textile industry supports TPP; Members' Night Exports supported 11.7 million American jobs in 2014, the fifth consecutive year of record­ breaking U.S. exports, which reached $2.3 trillion. There are 300,000 U.S. small and medium businesses exporting, represent 98% of all American goods exporters, and $782 billion of goods exports, which is 34% of all U.S. goods export dollars. The TPP will have a special chapter devoted to SMEs that will facilitate and promote the participation of A/P SMEs in international trade.

U.S. Congress to Approve Trade Promotion Authority by May 25 ?

Trade Promotion Authority legislation was introduced in both the U.S. Senate and House of Representatives on Apr 16, and approved by the Senate Finance Committee (20­6) on Apr 22, and by the House Ways and Means Committee (25­13) on Apr 23. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R­Ky.) said Thursday "it's my hope to pass it during the current work period," which is before Memorial Day [May 25].

TPP will "change apparel sourcing drastically;" Vietnam could have 35% share of U.S. market

"While issues such as the continued rising cost of labor in China and fabric availability (or lack thereof) in certain apparel­producing regions remain major drivers in deciding where to source product, the big X­factor that stands to make the greatest impact on today's ever­shifting apparel sourcing landscape is the Trans­Pacific Partnership (TPP) Free Trade Agreement (FTA). TPP will "change the sourcing landscape drastically;" and Vietnam's share of the U.S. apparel import market could go from 10% to 35% very quickly."

The effect of TPP on the U.S. textile industry: NCTO President Auggie Tantillo

"It is critical that the provisions of any new trade agreement, such as the TPP, not undermine the valuable and growing U.S. and Western Hemisphere textile and apparel production chains. The U.S. textile industry has supported free trade agreements, such as NAFTA, CAFTA, and Andean Trade Preferences Act, as well as the Colombia, Chile, Peru, and Panama agreements, which have created $25 billion in two­way textile trade that is due, in large part, to the strong textile rules included in these agreements."

U.S. Senate Finance Committee Approves TPA (20­6)

The Senate Finance Committee on Apr 22 approved the Trade Promotion Authority bill, which would streamline passage of the TPP through Congress. Seven Democrats supported the bill. The legislation has splintered congressional Democrats and put them at odds with President Obama and his bid to push through his trade agenda before he leaves office. Full Senate vote expected in May.

House Ways & Means Committee Approves TPA (25­13)

Only two House Democrats joined the Republican majority, highlighting that they generally oppose the TPP and other free trade agreements. In the Senate Finance Committee, seven Democrats favoured the bill, and the Finance Committee approved the bill by a 20­6 vote. House Minority Democratic Leader Pelosi criticized the bill, but she stopped short of saying she'll vote against the TPA measure. House Speaker John Boehner (R­Ohio), said, "We're going to need some bipartisan [Democratic] support."

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Prime Minister's Certificates of Merit awarded to AmCham Vietnam ­ HCMC

At AmCham's 20th Anniversary Celebration Dinner on September 18, 2014, Vice Chairman of HCMC People's Committee Le Thanh Liem handed the Prime Minister's Certificates of Merit to AmCham Vietnam ­ HCM City and to Mr. Herb Cochran, Executive Director for their excellent performance in supporting and promoting trade and investment in Ho Chi Minh City and Vietnam.

AmCham Vietnam | [email protected] | http://www.amchamvietnam.com New World Hotel Saigon #323 76 Le Lai Street, District 1 Ho Chi Minh City

© 2002 ­ 2015 The American Chamber of Commerce in Vietnam, HCM City

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AmCham Vietnam | New World Hotel Saigon #323 | 76 Le Lai Street, District 1 | Ho Chi Minh City | Viet Nam

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