Nazi 1 Weimar Germany 1918 - 1928 Aims of the Big Three at Versailles

1. November 1918 Kaiser Wilhelm II abdicates & Germany surrenders. WWI ends 26. Woodrow Wilson - USA 27. David Lloyd-George – UK 28. Georges Clemenceau - France

2. January 5th-12th 1919 Spartacist Uprising in Berlin, which is brutally crushed by the Freikorps.

3. June 28th 1919 Germany is forced to sign the Treaty of Versailles

4. September 1919 joins the DAP (Germany Workers’ Party).

5. February 24th 1920 The DAP changes its name to the NSDAP - also known as the Nazi Party. It announces its 25 Point Programme of policies.

6. March 13th-17th 1920 The Kapp Putsch; the Freikorps’ attempt to overthrow the government is stopped by a Find peaceful ways of solving To keep Germany stable. To ensure Germany could never general strike in Berlin. arguments between countries. Wanted to stop Communism’s threaten France again. Germany Sets up to spread after Russia had a had invaded France in 1914 at the 7. End of the year 1920 The membership of the Nazi Party reaches 2,000 help solve these. communist revolution. start of the war. 8. May 1921 The amount of reparations Germany had to pay under the Treaty of Versailles was set at £6,6 billion (132bn Gold Marks). Let the people of Eastern Europe To enable Germany to recover To secure reparations from and the Middle East have economically. Germany was Germany. The war had destroyed 9. July 29th 1921 Hitler becomes leader of the NSDAP. freedom to choose their own one of Britain’s main trading a large part of North East France, governments- self- partners. which now needed to be rebuilt. 10. November 1922 Germany fails to make reparation payments to the Allies. determination. 11. January 1923 The French and Belgians invade German to collect their money (the Ruhr To disarm the most powerful To maintain Britain’s naval To take back land that France had crisis). The German government tells workers to go on strike. The German nations. If these nations supremacy. As an island, lost to Germany. In the 1871 government has to print more money to pay the workers and this leads to disarmed, war would be less Britain’s relied on having the Germany had taken Alsace prices rising quickly, known as hyperinflation. likely in future. strongest navy in the world. Lorraine from France. 12. August 1923 German money reaches 1,000,000 marks to the US dollar. Gustav Stresemann becomes . Terms of the Treaty of Versailles

13. October 1923 The German government scraps the old currency and replaces it with a the 29. Blame Germany had to accept blame for starting the war Rentenmark and ends hyperinflation. 30. Money Germany had to pay £6.6 billion in reparations (money) 14. November 1923 Adolf Hitler and the Nazi Party try, but fail, to seize power during the Munich Putsch. 31. Army Germany’s army and navy were massively reduced in size – 100,000 men 15. August 1924 The Dawes Plan is agreed- US gives Germany loans to help. & only 6 battleships. No planes, no tanks 16. April 1925 Ex-World War One General Paul von Hindenburg is elected President 32. Land Germany lost territory on all sides, and its colonies in Africa 17. September 1926 Germany is admitted to the Council of the League of Nations Map of the terms of the Treaty 18. October 3rd 1929 Gustav Stresemann dies of a stroke

19. October 29th 1929 The Wall Street Crash. US banks called in short term loans to Germany, triggering a deep economic depression

20. Unemployment in Germany reaches 3 million

21. President Hindenburg gets rid of the Reichstag and begins to pass laws using Article 48

22. Unemployment in Germany reaches 4 million in 1931

23. Unemployment in Germany reaches 5.5 million in 1932

24. The Nazis become the largest party in the Reichstag, winning 230 seats in the election, but don’t have a majority (full power)

25. January 30th 1933 The government is failing and so Hindenburg is persuaded by to appoint Hitler as Chancellor, hoping he can be controlled. Nazi Chronology of Nazi Germany, persecution and the Holocaust Nazi Germany – 1933 – 1945 - Key knowledge/concepts/words Germany 2 1933 – 1945 18. Reichstag Fire Reichstag (German parliament) was burnt down. The Nazis blamed the communists & used it to ban them. 1. Feb 27th The Reichstag Fire gave the Nazis the opportunity to declare a State of 1933 Emergency 19. Enabling Act A law forced through the Reichstag by the Nazis that gave Hitler the power to pass laws for 4 years without the Reichstag’s approval 2. Mar 1933 The Nazis won 44% of the vote in the Reichstag election. They exclude 20. Trade Union An organisation that exists to protect the interests of workers. communists and intimidate to get a 2/3rds majority Hitler passes an Enabling Act. 21. DAF The German Labour Front. The official Nazi trade union that looked after workers.

3. Trade unions were banned in Germany – workers no longer have a voice in 22. Night of the Hitler arrested and executed his rival the leader of the SA, Ernst Rohm, along with politics. Long Knives up to 200 other Nazi Party members 23. Concordat Agreement between the Nazis and the Catholic Church. The Church agreed not 4. June 1933 The Nazis agree the Concordat with the Catholic Church to interfere in politics., so Nazis would leave the Church alone (they broke this).

5. The Nazi Party was declared the only political party in Germany. 24. Oath of An oath made by all German soldiers to be loyal and obey Hitler, once he Allegiance combined the positions of Chancellor and President upon the death of 6. June 30th The Night of the Long Knives – Hitler has up to 200 opponents within the Hindenburg. 1943 Nazi Party arrested and executed 25. Fuhrer A title simply meaning ‘leader’, taken by Hitler after the death of Hindenburg

7. Aug 1934 Hindenburg dies. Hitler takes his role and becomes ‘Fuhrer’. 26. Police State A country in which the police secretly monitors all aspects of citizens’ lives Army swear an oath to Hitler (not Germany) 27. The SS Schultz Staffel – Hitler’s personal bodyguard during the 1920s, which grew to 8. Sept 1935 The Nuremburg Laws are announced, restricting Jewish rights and striping oversee the security forces in Nazi Germany them of their German citizenship 28. The The secret police in Nazi Germany, which monitored all aspects of citizens’ lives

9. Berlin hosts the Olympic Games 29. The Nazis’ youth organisation, which all young people were encouraged to join from the age of 10 upwards 10. Sept 3rd World War Two begins as Britain and France declare war on Germany 1939 following its invasion of Poland 30. Persecution Ill-treatment of a particular group, often based on race or religion 31. Concentration Camps set up by the Nazis to hold their political opponents and members of 11. 1940 The Nazis begin to establish ghettos for the Jewish population of Poland Camps society they considered to be ‘undesirable’

12. June 1941 The Nazi invasion of the Soviet Union begins. 32. Kristallnacht Nov 1938 Jewish homes, businesses and synagogues all over Germany were SS units known as Einsatzgruppen follow the army & commit mass murder attacked and destroyed a German diplomat is killed by a Jewish man in . of the Jewish population 33. Ghettos Sealed off areas incities into which the Jewish population was forced to move during World War Two 13. Jan 20th The Nazis agree a ‘Final Solution’ at the Wannsee Conference. Jewish people 1942 from all over Nazi-occupied Europe sent to death camps in Eastern Europe. 34. Final Solution The name given to the Nazis’ attempt to wipe out the Jewish race in Europe during World War Two 14. Feb 1943 The German army suffers its first defeat at Stalingrad in Russia. The Soviet army begins to push the Germans back. Key people – Nazi Germany 1933 – 1945 35. Hitler Leader of Germany from 1933 to 1945. Took the title ‘Fuhrer’ after the 15. June 1944 D-Day – Britain, Canada and the USA invade northern France, starting the death of Hindenburg in 1934 liberation of western Europe 36. Ernst Rohm Leader of the SA, arrested and executed on the Night of the Long Knives in 16. Summer Soviet and Allied soldiers begin to discover Nazi concentration camps. 1944 37. Heinrich Himmler Head of the SS in Nazi Germany 17. May 8th Nazi Germany surrenders and World War Two ends. Hitler had committed 1945 suicide days earlier 38. Nazi Minister of Propaganda