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By Type-01-Academic.Indd Collegiate Academic Design John Brown University Windgate Visual Arts East Building, Siloam Springs, AR Hastings+Chivetta converted a former engineering building into a cutting-edge Visual Arts facility in the historical heart of John Brown University's campus. The renovated facility includes new drawing and painting studios, a printmaking studio, a larger multipurpose/enhanced-technology classroom, video editing suites, sound recording studios, drawing studios, and a permanent student works gallery. The Windgate Visual Arts East building serves digital media arts, cinema, graphic and web design, art and illustration and photography majors. Centre College Crounse Academic Center, Danville, KY Crounse Hall is at the heart of students’ academic experience at Centre College, and Hastings+Chivetta designed the renovation and new façade to reflect the campus' return to its Federal-style character. A 170-seat movie theatre is included, as well as a state-of- the-art media center, classrooms and lecture halls. Offices, staff/faculty lounges and work spaces are offset by seminar/meeting rooms that offer large arched windows allowing views of the campus green. The Academic Center houses the Center for Teaching and Learning (CTL) that promotes opportunities for instructional innovation. Hanover College Hendricks Hall Renovation, Hanover, IN Hendricks Hall, built in 1903, is the second oldest building on the Hanover College campus. It is home to the Rivers Institute, the first academic program in the world to use liberal arts for the cultural, economic and scientific study of rivers. Listed on the National Register for Historic Places, Hastings+Chivetta renovated the facility to serve modern needs. Spaces include office suites, library, a reading room and a state-of-the-art conference suite that connects the Institute to organizations around the globe. University of Missouri-St. Louis College of Business Administration, St. Louis, MO To create a prominent and unified presence for the College of Business Administration at the University of Missouri-St. Louis, Hastings+Chivetta (in association with Robert A.M. Stern Architects) was engaged to develop a conceptual design. Currently, the undergraduate and graduate business programs are taught in five buildings resulting in what students describe as a “nomadic” experience. The new facility will resolve this issue, and create a professional environment that supports collaboration with local enterprises. Lindenwood University School of Business and Entrepreneurship, St. Charles, MO Building on a long-standing relationship as their campus architect, Lindenwood University engaged Hastings+Chivetta to design an addition and renovation that creates a home for the School of Business and Entrepreneurship. State-of-the-art technology is incorporated throughout the facility, including campus TV broadcast capabilities, connections for outside media outlets to broadcast events, distance learning, and presentation/lecture capture. Missouri State University Strong Hall | Public Affairs Building, Springfield, MO Hastings+Chivetta designed a comprehensive academic facility, organized in a horseshoe plan oriented to the campus’ eastern mall, to serve as Missouri State University's Western Gateway. Six departments (Economics, Philosophy, History, Political Science, Religious Studies, and Sociology and Anthropology) each have a core area which includes reception, offices, conference room and workroom, surrounded by faculty offices. Located in the center of the horseshoe, connecting departmental offices in north and south wings, are classrooms, seminar rooms and distance learning rooms. University of Tulsa Tyrrell Hall, Multimedia Teaching Lab Building, Tulsa, OK Extensive renovations and an addition have reorganized Tyrrell Hall and transformed the building into one of the most important teaching facilities on campus. Hastings+Chivetta designed state-of-the-art multimedia classrooms, seminar rooms and an auditorium that support the application of new pedagogies. Technology includes two-way video conferencing/distance learning; formal lecture capture; informal capture of class discussions; clicker response systems; SMART boards and podiums; three dimensional document cameras, as well as other audio and video capabilities. About Us Leaders in Collegiate Academic Design Hastings+Chivetta designs academic facilities for colleges and universities across the country that achieve the educational goals of each institution they serve. We create flexible, technology-rich spaces that engage students and connect them to the broader world. We understand the challenges our clients face when competing for funding, and we know how to make the most of limited resources to create state-of-the-art spaces. We create innovative facilities that promote interaction between faculty and students to create intellectual communities. Our broad experience, knowledge, collaborative approach and high-quality service, create the cornerstone of our practice: “Building clients, not just projects.” At A Glance Founded in 1960 National Practice Award-winning Designs 75% of Projects from Collegiate Clients 80% of Work from Repeat or Referral Clients 100% of Architectural and Interiors Staff LEED Accredited Offer Full Architectural, Interior Design, Engineering and Fundraising Assistance Services COLLEGIATECOLLEGIATE CCLIENTSLIENTS AdrianAAdrddrriianian CollegeCoCollellllelegee IllIllinoisinoiss StateStSttaatete UniversityUnUniUn verrsitsity SSouSoSouthernththeh rn IllIllinoislliinoiis UiUUniUniversityversitiity EEdwardsvilleddwardsd vililllle AlfredAAlfAlllffrerrededed UniversityUUniveiveersirs tyy IllIllinoisinois WesleyanWWesesesleyleyeyan UniversityUnUnnivvevere sisitsity SSouthernouthern MetMethodisthodist UnUniversityiversity AAlAlleghenylllleeghghghenyene CCoCollegeolleegee IndInIIndianannddianaannaSa StateStattataatte UUniversityniviviversersrsiitityty SSouthwesternouthwestern UnUniversityiversity AArArkArkansasrkrkaannssasa StateStaatee UniUniversityververssisititity IvyIIvvyvy TeTTechechch CommunityCoCComomommmumununu itytyy CoCCollegeolleleegege SStatetate UniUniversityversity CCollegeollegeg at CoCortlandrtland AAuAugAugustanauuggussts aannnaa CCoCollege,ollellllege,g ILL JacJaJacksonvilleacacksokkssonvnvviillelllee UniversityUUnniiveiv rsrrsissityy TarTarletonleton StaStStateatee UniUnUUniversityverv sity AAuAugAugustanauuggussts anna CCoCollege,ollelllege,g SDSD JamJaJamesamess MadMMadisonadadiisssoon UniversityUnniniviivveerersrsitiityttyy TemTeTempleplepl UnUniversityniveveerrsityy AAusAuAustinustintinn CCoCollegeollelel gge JJhJoJohJohnhnBn BBrownrowrorowownnU UUniversityniniviverserersrsityitity TexTTexasaas LutLLutheranheherann UniversityUUnUniversity BaBaiBBainbridgea nbrnbbrbridgge CCollegeollege JohJohnhnCn CCarrollararrrroll UnUUniversityniviveersirsrsisittyy TexTexasass StateStaS atete TTecTeTechnicalecchnihnhninicalcacal CoCollegeollelleegege BehBBehrendehreend CCollegeollege | PenPennennn SStatettaaatte JunJJuniataiati ta CCollegeoolllllegeeggee TexTTeTexasxaass Woman'sWomWWoman'anan'ssU UniversityUnivniivverserersityit BeBelBBellarminee larlarrminm e UniversityUniversityy KKenKentt SStatetattate UUniversitynivn verssitityityy TheThThee CoCCollegellellel gege ofof WooWoWWoosteroostester BeBerBBereaereaa ColCCollegelege LakLaLakekeeS SSuperiorupeupppeerrioioiorSr StateStattatatte UUniversitynivversererrssiititytyt TheThheh OhioOhOhioio StateStaStatet UniUnUUniversitynniiverveverersitsisitty BerBBerryerry ColCClCollegellege LinLiLindenwoodddenwoow odUd UniversityUnivnivi erserersr ititty TraTTrTransylvaniaraansysyylvalvvavanianiaa UniversityUnUniveivveversisityt BluBlueue RRidgeidgidge CCommunityommmmunity &T& TTech.echc . 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