Executive Director Residents’ Services Ref: TRO/CHS1405 March 2015 Key Decision: No A285 Halnaker, – Proposed 30mph Speed Part I Limit

Report by Director of Highways and Transport and Electoral Division: Engineering Solutions Manager North

Executive Summary

In March 2014 the South Chichester Area Committee resolved to include within its list of priorities for Traffic Regulation Orders (TROs) the reduction of speed on the A285 through Halnaker from the existing 40mph to 30mph.

Following advertisement, three individual objections were received, one from Police and two from members of the public. These have been summarised in Appendix A together with comments from the Executive Director Residents’ Services. Thirteen messages of support were also received from individual members of the public.


That the Executive Director Residents’ Services considers the objections and evidence for and against the TRO, and authorises the Director of Law, Assurance and Strategy to make the order as advertised.

1. Background and Context

1.1 The A285 runs from the A27 at north through to and encompasses many villages including Halnaker. Currently in Halnaker there is a 40mph speed limit in operation starting just west of The Street and continuing east just past Mill Lane.

1.2 Concerns have been raised by local residents that 40mph is too high a speed for traffic to be travelling through the village, particularly with the number of pedestrian movements over the A285 accessing the school in Boxgrove.

1.3 The A285 Route has a high collision rate and has been identified by EuroRAP as a persistently high risk route. A number of local safety schemes have been introduced on the County Council road network as part of the casualty reduction strategy.

1.4 Within the 40mph section of the A285 through Halnaker there has been 5 recorded personal injury accidents (PIAs) within the latest 3 year period to 31st January 2015. These include 1 fatal and 1 seriously injured casualty.

1.5 The alignment of this section is predominantly straight with residential properties present on one side of the road for most of its duration, and both sides in parts. Two junctions and some property accesses are also present.

1.6 In March 2014 the South Chichester County Local Committee (CLC) resolved to include within its list of priorities for Traffic Regulation Orders (TROs) a proposal to introduce a 30mph speed limit to replace the existing 40mph speed limit on the A285 Halnaker.

2. Consultation

2.1 The three-week formal consultation period ran between 29th January 2015 – 19th February 2015. During this consultation period a copy of plans and statements of reasons were placed at the local library, on the County Council Website and a notice was placed in the Chichester Observer.

2.2 During the consultation two letters of objection and thirteen letters of support were received from residents. An objection was also received from . The details of the objections and the responses to it are details in Appendix A. Mr Jeremy Hunt, member for Boxgrove supports the proposals.

2.3 Further to the consultation it is proposed that the scheme is implemented as advertised

3. Proposal

3.1 It was proposed to replace the 40mph speed limit starting just west of The Street and continuing east just past Mill Lane.

3.2 The level of frontage has been assessed against the WSCC Speed Limit Criteria (2010), which can be found in Appendix B. The criteria states “for a 30mph limit there should be at least 30% of the route length with frontage development on both sides of the road, or 50% of the route length with frontage development on one side of the road”. The section of the A285 in these proposals complies with this.

3.3 Paragraph 1.6 from the Speed Limit Policy allows the CLC to promote a 30mph speed limit within all villages and removes the requirement to link the decision to actual recorded speeds. Priority can be given to villages with an existing 40mph speed limit. Paragraph 3.3 from the Policy also states that CLCs may promote a change from 40mph to 30mph in villages without the requirement for any associated engineering measures.

3.4 The lengths of roads which are subject of the proposed Order and Speed Survey locations and results are shown in plan number: CHS1405_001 Plan. This plan is included in Appendix C. 3.5 This Order is proposed so as to reduce danger to persons or other traffic using the roads or to minimise the likelihood of any such danger arising, and to facilitate the safe passage of traffic.

4. Resource Implications and Value for Money

4.1 The estimated costs for the lining and signing requirements for the scheme is £1500 will be absorbed through existing Highway Revenue budgets.

4.2 Existing 40mph Vehicle Activated Signs (VAS) within this section of the A285 will require changing to reflect the new lower speed limit. Funding for this is to come from the Parish Council.

5. Impact of the proposal

5.1 Through the statutory duties placed on the County Council by the Road Traffic Regulation Act, the introduction of a 30mph speed limit detailed in the report will provide safer vehicle speeds in the area and meet the needs identified by the local community. 5.2 Equality Duty. The Committee should be aware that the Equality Act 2010 bans unfair treatment and seeks equal opportunities in the workplace and in wider society. It also imposes a Public Sector Equality Duty. The protected characteristics are age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage/civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion or belief, sex and sexual orientation.

5.3 The protected characteristics have been duly considered and assessed in the course of the consideration of this proposal. It is considered that lowering the speed limit from 40mph to 30mph will have a positive impact and that no relevant or disproportionate impact upon any of the protected characteristics in the Equality Act 2010 has been identified in the consideration of the proposals detailed in this Report.

5.4 An Equality Impact Report has been undertaken and is attached at Appendix D.

5.5 Crime and Disorder Act Implications – West Sussex County Council does not consider there are any Crime & Disorder Act implications arising from this proposal. Sussex Police believe it is likely the proposed 30mph speed limit will generate a Crime & Disorder Act issues if the necessary compliance levels with the reduced speed limit are not achieved. 5.6 Human Rights – It is unlawful for a public authority to act in a way that is incompatible with a convention right. The rights of those living in the vicinity of Lyminster Road have been considered and it is believed that the introduction of this TRO is justified.

5.7 Social Value – The proposals align with the County Council’s policy on Social Value insofar as they are community led, to improve the local road environment.

6. Risk Management Implications

6.1 Should the proposed TRO not be made the risk to the County Council is that the aspirations of the local community and Parish Council would not be met.

6.2 Should the TRO be made the risk to the County Council is that drivers ignore the new restrictions. This will be monitored and managed.

Guy Bell Nicola Debnam Engineering Solutions Manager Director of Highways and Transport


Appendix A – Objection summary Appendix B – West Sussex County Council 2010 Speed Limit Policy Appendix C – CHS1405_001 Plan Appendix D – Equality Impact Report

Contact: Simon Osborne – 03302 226351