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Connecticut Soldiers in the Pequot War of 1637 (1913)

James Shepard

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Shepard, James, " Soldiers in the Pequot War of 1637 (1913)" (1913). Electronic Texts in American Studies. 40.

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The plan of the compiler is to present, for the first time, a conl- j~lctclist of tlie Coniiccticut men it1 the l'equot War, ;ts given it1 \-nrious co~npilatioi~sof the sever:tl authors who have matle a special study of the subject in connection with the history of one or more of tlie three river towns; together with the places from ~vl~icl~tl~cy ;ire saitl to Ilave c~llistcdand the ;luthority for the same. We have riot atten~ptedto verify their work, further than to examine carefully tlie printetl Colonial Kecortls of Connecticut for statements as to service in connection with grants of land therefor. For the s;tlcc of identification, a 11rici historical recot-(1 of each nt;ln is giveii, with referc~lces from which further- llis- : i tory 111;ty 1)e li;id. 111 lnariy cases we could have e;~silye11l;lrgctl ( the nu~~~l~erof references, I~utconsitlei-ctl it unnecessary to tlo yo. \\ie Iiave, ill some cases. cited ~relcl-erlces that coiltraclict each

!' other as to the history of the men, thus enabling the reatlei- to i consitler, if tlesiretl, these various statements before cotlling to a conclt~sion. rarlcer's rnar~usrript,hereiiiaftcr- cited, we I~clieve, ii 11:is ncvcr 1)ecti pul)lisllctl, ant1 its itnpoi-t;~nccwill I)e scen when \a%. ti-e statc that it gives tlie nanlcs of nirie Inen not illclutlctl i11 any ! other list of those who served in the Pequot War fro111 Con- necticut.

New Eritain, Conn., March IS, 1910. -2 INTRODUCTION

The first levy of ninety men for war against the was made May I, 1637, calling for forty-two men from Hartford, illirty from Wintlsor ant1 eighteen from Wetl~erstield (Colonial Xecortls, Vol. I., 8.) 'I'he secolirl levy of thirty tnen was lllatlc June 2, 1637, calli~igfor fourteen llicrl fro111 Ilartford, ten froni Ycindsor and six from Wethersfieltl. The third levy of ten men was made June 26, 1637, calling for five men from I-Iartford, t-hree frorn Wiiltlsor ;~ntltwo from Wethersfield (Colonial Itec- ords, Vol. I., 10). 'I'hcse three levies calletl for sixty-one men from l-lnrtfortl, forty-two fro111 Windsor and twenty-six from \\'ethersficltl, z~ial

(; '!'here is no rccortl of the enlistments for these levies ;~ndno t muster roll or pay roll of thosc ill tlic scrvicc. 'l'hc Hartford soldiers were given land by the proprietors in the "Soldiers' p. Field," but there is no vote or record setting out this land and no -'

;~ritl'I'llorn;~s J 1;llc in tlie \CTetlicrsfieltl list, 1)ec:~usc they settletl lots i11 tlie Soltlicri' 1;icltl :~tI-lnrtfortl, ai hereinafter stated in tlicrc:, ;~ltliouglitlicy were evitlclitly living in I--[artfort1 ill 1037. tile "Soldiers' Jiccortl." IYhile tlie follo~villglist of soldiers is neither complete nor per- It should i~eborne in 171ind that there were 110 settlelnellts in Connecticut, at that time, other than Hartford, Witltlsor and fect, it is based upon the cotlclusiolls of several workers wllo \VetIiersfieltl nl;tl the Ijeginning of a settlement at Sayhrook. have exalr~inetlevery accessil~ledata as to the thrce river tow~ls \\:if11 il~ecsceptio~l of ~~irlctecnri1c11 untler ('apt:~i~l~Tiitlcrhill (a with sucli care that any itntctncrlt of service in the T'ccpiot IVar ic\V of wl~oti~\vc.~-c fro111 Say111-ooliant1 tlie rest fron~Massacli11- of men whose names (lo tlot :rj)pear it1 this liit, sl~oultl11c tloul~tcd, setts), only Collnecticut men were in the Mystic Fort fight in uxleis accompanied wit11 satisfactory reasons for such statement. Xay, 1637 111 the Swarnp fight at Fairfield, June, 1637, tl~ere ivere, besides the Conrlecticut men, sorne one hundretl or more ,?il:~ssacl~usettsmen untler Captain Tsracl Stuughton. 'There tloes 11ot appear to 1)e any list of those who went fro111 M-~SSAL... -1lusetts. Cotlgc's "Soltlicrs in King ]_'hilip's War," has a brief account of the I3equot \\'at- and claitns to have draw11 from all available sources. It gives a list of Hartfortl ant1 IYindsor men, a list of the \~olumteersrxisetl in T'lymouth, Mass., to go, I~utnever went, a:~dgives no list of the men ut~dcrStot~ghto~i ant1 U~lderhill. 'fhe C:ololiY of Coti~lccticut g;lve lantl to tliirty-six of these illell, or their heirs, aucl in cotlllection therewith stated that such grants were in consider:ltio~~of service in tlie l'ecjuot LV;lr. ?dally of tlie men llercinafter 11;lnied received latltl grants wliicli iliay have Ixen in consideration of such service, but inasn~iuchas Iznd grants, without special service, were common we have not, ,\t~ithonc or two esccptions, citctl 1:und grants in which there is no reference to service iu tlic I'cclunt \i\i;rr-. TI] the following "Sol- t:iers' Kccord" we Iinvc designatctl these thirty-six men by rcf- erences under "service mentioned," I,y reference to the volume :ind page of the Colonial liecords where the grants, with mention of jervice, Iliay 11e fotmtl. So far, we have the ~lal~lesof only riiticty-five rncn th;~t;u-c saitl to 1i;tvc bccn C:onnccticut sol(1iel-s ;:I the Pequot \Var. I;ive of tllese t1ic11 were PI-oba1)Iy from 5aybroolt and three of them cannot be located, thus leaving the number froti1 the river to~vnsat eighty-seven out of the one huti- tired ancl tliirt:,, called for in the three levies. Of the ninety-five inldiers l~crc:~ftc~-n:~mcd, it is l~~-ol):~l~lethat fifty III;L~1)e crcd- :tctl to 1 I;II-tfortl,011 its cluota of sixt>~-one;cig-I~tc:er~ to \?Til~tlsor on its quota of forty-three, and nineteen to Wethersfield on its quota of twenty-six. Of the fifty men from Hartford, Francis IT. Parker, Ecq., gives the names of twenty-nine Inen \\rho hat1 ABRIDGEMENTS FOR REFERENCES

v,rlI IC EI AIG ('~'rlir) ~IIOI


ADAMS...... Shernian W. Adams, in blemorial History of Hart- fort1 County, Vol. TI., 435. A'TWAl'liR ...... I listory of t11s C:olox~y of New I lavcrl, I)y Edward 15. Atwatcr, with Supplemental Ilistory and I'ersonncl, by Iiohert Xtwater Slilith, etc., 1902. BODGE ...... Soldiers of IGng Philip's War, by George Mason Bodge, p. 466. CAUI.Trtls, 1Ix1-tlortl Ilistrict. 13y Charlrs Wi1li:~rn R4anwaring. il'hree Vols. AIASON...... Capt. John Rlason's Narrative, in Collections of the Massacl~uscttsHistorical Society, Vol. VIII., Second series, pp. 120 to 153. Also in 1-listory of the I-'rclut,t War. 'Il~econtcinj~o- rnry ;~c.courlts of hlasoli, 1-ntlrrl~ill, Vincrnt nntl Gartlncr, ivitl~notes l~yCharlcs Orr, pp. I to 40. N. 3. C. R...... Records of thc Colony and Plantation of New Ha- ven, Vol. I., 1638 to 1649, by Charles J. FIoadley, $1. A. P!\RI

~(?l?r?ty!~cllt! isi(:ric:ll SociCt;; L.7"J T?r7,11cjs 1 [, I'arl<<>r, ICsq., Jan. .I, 1887, wit11 :11i additinal paper rcnd l'cl,. 5, 1889. In tile Library of the Society. POPE...... Pioneers of ;\lassacl~:~setts,by Rev. Charles FIenrjr Pope. 10 CON NXTICUT SOLDIERS IN

SXVAGIC...... C;encalogical Tlictionary of the first Scttlers of New I.Cr~gl;~ntl,by James Liavage. SCIII~~NCLC...... lli,c.torp of I~airlicltl,1)y Mrs. I~lizabctl~Sclierick. S'l'JLLSS' Wl<'i'l-I.. .Ilistory of Ancient Wethersfield, by I-Ienry R. Stiles. A. M., M. D., Vol. I., 72. STILES' WIN.. . . .History of Ancient Windsor, by Ilenry R. Stiles, A. M.,bf. D., Vol. I., 69 anti 70. SOLDIERS' RECORD S'i'TJAli'T......'s 11:lrtfortf in the Ol(let1 'firnes, I)y 1. W Stuart, p. I 17. TALC0'l"T...... Miss hllary I<. T;~lcott,in &lcmorial ilistory of lIart- ford County, Thc Original Proprietors (of Hart- ALVOJID, SERGT. BENEDICT-Service mentioned. (C. R. ford), Vol. I., 227 to 272. Yo1 II., p. 150, and Savage.) Enlisted from Windsor. (Tarbos, TARBOX ...... Kcv. Increase X'. Tarbox, in klernorial History of Tuttlc, Iiodge, Stiles' \Vin. and t7arker.) llartfortl County, Vol. I., 50. Son of 'l'liotn,~~antl Joan (Ilawliirls), Alfor~l,was of Wi~ld- 'I'In?JdO,W ...... IScclesiastical mtl othcr Slictcl~es of Soutliiligton, 11y 1:c.v. I lrrnnn 1Z. 'l'irnlow ; (;el~e;tlogies. scr, 1637, i11 Old I':nglatltl 1639, in Mass. 1640, when he returned l'U'l'rl'l,L...... Rev. liuel L;. 'Tuttle, in kle~norial ilistory of Hart- to IVindsor ant1 died 1683. ITive children. (Alvortl's Dcscerld- ford County, Vol. II., 505. :mts of Alexander Alvortl, pp. rz to IS and 24; Manwaring, Vol. IYBTII. GEN...... llistory of Aiicient Wetl~ersfirltl,Ily Ilcnry R. Stiles, I., p. 268; Will. Gen. and Savage.) A. M., M. I)., Ccnealogies, Vol. 11. \4'IN. G13N...... lIistory of Aricier~t Wintlsor, by I~lenry R. Stiles, A. M., &I. I>.,Genealogies, Vol. 11. I>i'\I~l:liK,TIIOMAS-Service merltiontd. (Mason.) I'nlisted from LVindior. ('I'arbos, 7'uttle, 1:otlge antl Stiles' Win.) 1lc was tlie first i11 by tlie name of Unrl)cr, set- tled at Windsor 1635, where he was an apprentice of Francis Stiles, carpenter. liemoved to Simsbury, 1648, died 1662. Seven children. (Win. Gen.; Ancestry of David R>ers; Earber, p. I ; Earher-Eno Gen., p. 5 ; Manwaring, Vol. I., p. 94, and I'ol~e.)

I3ARNlIS, TEIOMAS- Service ~nentioned. (C. I<., Vol. II., p. 161.) Enlisted from Hartford, (Tarhos, Talcott, Bodge, Stuart and Parker.) Had a lot in Soldiers' Field. Of Hartford, 1637, removed to Farmington before 1651 ; died 1689. 'I'hree childrcll. (Talcott, Savage and Marlw;~ring,Vol. i., 1). 401.)

ELATCHIFORD, PETER-Service mentioned. (C. R., Vol. II., p. 161, and Savage.) Enlisted from Hartford. (Tarbox, Talcott, Codge, Stuart ant1 Parker.) TI- ILC W'I~ e'iriy of iiartiorti, rcrnovetl lo New TAot~dotl,1658. Cought land at I-Iadtlan~,ICS, where he died 1671. Three chil- dren. (Talcott, Savage, Manwaring, Vol. I., p. 185 ; Caulkins, PF 60, GG, 68, 74, 110, 137, 156 and 157, and Atwater, p. 691.) 12 CONNECTICUT SOLDIFLRS IN THE PEQUOT WAR OF 1637. 13


CUI,I,ICI<, CAn. JOIIN-Enlisted from Hartford. (Tal- EI,MEK, EDWARD-Enlisted froill Hartford. (Parker.) cott, Dodge and Stuart.) Flad a lot in Foldiers' Field. 16 CONNECTICUT SOLDIERS IN

Came in the Lion 1032, was first of Cambritlge, Mass., and Was of Cambritige, Mass., 1632, one of the original proprie- early of I Iart fortl. liemoveti to North:~rill)totl, Mass., allout tors of 1-Iartford, ant1 afterwards one of the first settlers of Ilad- 1650, nnll from thcrr to iVintlsor. \Yas killed by the Inclians ley, Mass. Slain by the lr~dians1676. Eight children. ('Talcott, i:i King T'hilip's War, 1676. Seven children. (Talcott. Win. Boltwood's Hadley Genealogies, p. 57, in Judd's History, Sav- Gen., Jol~i~son'sElmer-Elmore Gen., p. 5, Savage, Pope and age and Pope.) Alanwaring, Vol. I., p. 195.) GOOI)IIIClI, ENSIGN WILdI,lAM-Enlisted frorn Wethers- I;TET,I), ZhCILi\IiY-Enlisted from IIartfortl. (1':~i ljox, field. (Adarns ant1 Stiles' Weth.) I{otlge, Stuart and Parker.) Ilad a lot in Soldiers' Field. An early settler of Wethersfield where he died 1676. Nine An original proprietor of Hartford. In 1641 the town gave children. (Weth. Gen., Case's Goodrich Family, p. 34, Savage, him land that was "Clachlee's," He removed to Northampton, C. Ti., Vol. IT., p. 17; Manwaring, Vol. I., 11. 203 ; (;oodwin's Mass., nl~out1059, thence to Ilatlley, Masi., ~(63,whcre hc diet1 Len. Notes, p. +; 'Talcott's N. Y. and N. 13. TTarnilies, p. 516.) I 1;ivc chiltlrcn. (Talcott, Savage, Holtwootl's Gcnealo- gics, 1). 50, in Judtl's Hist. Iladlcy, ancl IT. 1'. V., p. 58.) GRIDLEY, THOMAS-Service mentioned. (C. R.,Vol. II., GALLOP, JOHN (Jr.) --Service mentioned. (Savage and p. 161.) Enlistetl from Windsor. (Tarbox, Tuttle, 'Talcott, Botlge and Stiles' Win.) C. R., Vol. II., 1). 162.) lxnlisted from Saybrook. (Tarbox.) Was first of Windsor, but early of IIartford, where his estate Son of Jol111 (iallop,- the Mariner of Ihrton. IIe was with his father and assisted in tlie capture of Oltlman's vessel from the was probated 1655. Three children. (Talcott, Win. Getl., Sav- Indians on I.011g Islantl Sountl but we are tinable to locate him ape. Pope, hfanwnring, Val. I., p. 122; Putnatn's Monthly Ilist., in Conn. at tllc time of the Pequot War. Ile was of ']"aunton, Mag., Vol. VT.,p. 46, and C. K., Vol. III., 11. 244.) Mass., 1643; New London ;~l~out1650, and later at Stonington. Was an Intlian interpreter and one of the five captains killed in I-IALE, SAMUEL-Service mentioned. (C. R., Vol. IT., p. Icing Pl~ilip'sWar, 1675. Flis wife, I-Iannah, had a grant of 151 ; Vol. IV., p. 423, and Savage.) Enlisted from Hartford. latltl after his death. Tcn cl~ildren.(Gallop's Gallop Family, p. ('Tarbox, 'Talcott, liodge, Stuart ant1 Parker.) T;rorn Wethers- 21 ; \Vheelcrrs Tlist. Stoninflon, p. 381 ; Caullcins, 1). 201 ; New held. (Atlanl.; ant1 Stiles' Weth.) IIad a lot in Soltliers' Field. Eng. llist. and Gcn. Register, Vol. VlI., 1). 211 ; Savage and C. Was an original proprietor of IHartford, rexnoved to Wethers- R., Vol. III., p. 22.) field after 1643, but was in Norwalk, 1655. One account says 1:e was of \Vethersfield, 1660, lived on the east side of the river GlI,LETT, NATRAN--Service mentioned. (C. I?., Vol. IT., in Glastonbury and tlietl rCx)g. Eight childrcn. (Talcott, Weth. 1. 6.) Enlistetl from Winclsor. ('l'arhox, Tuttle, Botlge nrld (;en., Savage, Manwarirlg, Vol. I., p. 456.) Stiles' Lliin.) IIe was a brother of Jonathan Gillett and was of Dorchester, FIALE, THOMAS-Service mentioned. (C. R., Vol. II., p. Mass., 1630; Windsor, 1635, and Sirnsbury, 1670. His wife died 162, Vol. IV., p. 423, and Savage.) Enlisted from Hartford. $11 Sirl~sbtlry,167o Eight children. (Win. Gen., Savage, Pope, (Tarhox, Talcott, nodge, Stuart and Parlcer.) I-Iatl a lot in Sol- Manwaring, Vol. I., p LO[,and Orcutt's 12ist. \Iliolcott, p. 482.) tliers' Ficl(!. Of Iioxbury, Mass., 1634, an original proprietor of Hartford, GOODMAN, RICKAIiD-Enlisted from Hartford. (Park- removed to Norwalk about 1650 and perhaps died at . er.) Had a lot in Soldiers' Field. (Talcott, Weth. Gen., Savage, Pope and Atwater, p. 680.) J 8 COXNISCTICUT SOLDIWS IN -- .- - - .- -- .- -. -- -A-----..---.--..--p

[HAT>I,, JOTIN-Service mentionetl ill grai~t to his son, age, l'ope and Ncw Elig. 1 list. and Gen. Register, Vol. VIT., 11. Tili11n;ls Ilnll, of \5'alli11gfortl. (C. I:., Vol. IV., p. 276) bi- 235.1 lidctl fr cini I-l:~rtfold. ( J'arlrer a~ltlShepard's Monogr-apli of John I-[all ) From hf~ssacliusetts.(Genealogical notes by Theo. I4ILLS, JOHN-Service mentioned. (C. R., Vol. II., p. 161.) Parsons Hall and Hall Ancestry ljy Charles S. Hall.) Enlisted from Hartforti. ('l'arbox, T3odge, Stuart and Parker.) Earl) ir, I I;~rtfortl,removetl to Kew TIaven about 1640 whe~e I le was soil of William Fiills of 1Iartford wlicre he was bur- 11c \\,;is an ;~ftcrsixtier of tile agrccmicnt of 163'~~Inter arr origi- icd l(%>~.'fwo tl;l~~ghters.('l';~lcott, IIill's llills Family, p. 11;11 lrop~it.torof \lrallingfortl where Ile tlietl 1676. I'igllt chil- xix. and Manwaririg, Vol. I., p. 466.) dren. (Sliepard's Monograph, pp. I to 37; Geriealogical Notes by T. P. Hall, pp. 24 to 30; Hall's Halls of New England, 1). 87; HOI,LOWAY, JOHN-Service mentioned. (Savage and C. Ilall's Hall Anceqtry, PI). 79 to y); Mrs. Cod4 Ancestry of S. F R.,Vol. II., p. 154.) I~nlistetl from Hartford. (Tarbox, 7'al- Tlall, PI) I to 6, and Savage.) cott, I3otlge, Stllart arid I'

Came irom Watertown, Ma.;?., 1636, to Wcthersficltl, rc~novcd I)orcliester, hl;ls.;., 1634, removctl to Hingham antl in 1636 to to Starnfortl, 1641, :111(1 tlietl 165%. 'I'hrec sons. (\Vetll. Ciell., \\'in(l.;or. For thirty-five years lle was tlie Military Officer of Savage, 1Iuntington's FIist. Stamford, p. 35, N. H. C. R, p. Connecticut and was also the only Major in the Colony. Re- "93, and Atwater, p. 686.) moved to Sayhrook and afterwards to Norwich. Died 1672. Fight chiltlren. (Wheeler's Hist. Stonington, p. 466. Ca~tllc- JENNI-JGS, NICIIOLAS-Enlisted from IIartfortl. (Tar- in's IIi\t. Norwich, pl). 20 and 89, Win. (;en., Savage, (1. Ii. Vol. 1)os and Parker.) Ilad a lot it1 Soltlicrs' 1;ield which was for- I , 111). 15 ;1n(1 17 : New I

14lTNN, l:l

MASON, CL4PT.JOHN-Service mentioned with that of five LTUNSON, THOMAS-Enlisted from I-Iartford. (Tarl)ox, I:otlqc, Strla~t ant1 17;lr licr ) lint1 ;L lot in Soldi~ts'Fit!(!. otlicrs wllose names arc riot given. (C. R,Vol I, 111). 9, 70, ?on, 22: ;;I?, L.j(,, .i~lt'i S:lvdp~.) iMER, \VIT,I,TAM-Enlisted frotll Wethersfield. (kldams cott, pp. v-xuxi ant1 33, Starr's Olcott 1;atnily of Ilartford, pp. and Stiles' Weth.) F"rhapssorl of William I'alrncr, who came to l'ly~nouth, Mas<., 5 to 41, Savage arltl Man\v;~rilig,Vol. I., p 130.) 1621 ; hat1 land in Wctlicrsfield 1640, and diet1 by one account in 1656, by anothcr 1658. Osie son. (Weth. Gen., Savage, OLMSTEAD, NICJIOLAS-Service mentiorled. (Mason and Fope, Manwaring, Vol. 1). 143, and Atwatcr, p. 614.) Savage.) Enlistctl frorn TIartfortl. (Tarhox, Talcott, Uotlge, I., 5iu:lrt ;mtl l'arker.) I'AR I<, liOl',l

PAT'TISON, EDWr'\RI)--Service mentioned. (Mason antl IYLJl


(Orcutt's (late of the gift to jol~nson is incorrect.) Five clliltlrcn. (T:~lcott, Ll;lnw;iring, 1-01. I., 1). 152, a11t1 7'11~estate of Rol)crt ICosc was ~)rol)atetlat I~;~irfielcl,in 1083. Savage.) Scvcrl cliilt11-en. (Wetli. (.;en., Orcutt's Ilist. Strntford, 1111. 130 and 1275, Savage and C. Ii., Vol. 11., p. 85, and Vol. VI., pp. SMI1'1--I, IHENIiY-Service me~ltiotled. (C. R., vol. II., p. 1% and 222. 149.) Enlisted from Wethersfield. (Tarhox and Stiles' Weth.) I-Icl~r~Srnitli, of Ilorchester, Mass., 1631, was commissionetl SANFOltTl, 1~013F~1~'1~-1~1i1iste~lfl-0112 Ll:~rtfor(l. (Ta1-1)ok.) 1)y Mass;ichusetts to govern tl~efirst settlers ol Cotl~lccticut.I lis lle was of If;trtforcl, 1646, died 1076. 1Siglit clliltlren. ('Tal- \\,ill was tlated IG&. I-Iatl eleven chil(1re1i. 'l-here were several cott, Savage antl Man\varing, Vol. I., 11. 231.) Henry Smiths. (Savage, Pope, Ma~l~vari~lg,Vol. I., p. 35 ; C. R.,Vol. I., p. 502, and Atwater, 689.) STSICLEY, I.TJ3TJT. Iur~cs'Steele L;amily, 1111. 7 a11t1 Snv;tgc, I'ope ;111~1 hlan\va~ing,Vol. I., 1). 239.) box, Adatns ;111tl Stiles' Weth.) I-Ie is supposed to have come from the F'lyinouth Colony to STONE, JOHN-Enlisted probably from Hartford. (Farker.) \Vethersfield about 1636 ~vl~erelie was keeper of the Fort. Died JIe was an original proprietor of ITartford I~utgave his lalid 1hcj3. Tlircc, chiltlren. (Wetli. (;en., Miles Stantfish's The tlict-c to S;il~rttclStone 1)cforc 1640, ;inti is s;titl 11y Savage ant1 Stnrrtlisl~esof Anierica, 1). I i r, ant1 Savage.) 7';ilcott to 1l;lvc rcinovctl to G~lilfurtl. John Stone of C;uilfortl Lame from England in 16\39 arid cannot be the Pequot soltlier S13ANI,EY, JOHN-Enlisted froni Hartford. A manuscript unless that was liis second coming. A John Stone, aged 40, came Ly his son, Deacon John Stanley, states that he served against in tlie Elizal~eth1635 John Stone, of Guilford, died 1687. Five the Pequots when only thirteen years of age. chiltlrcn. ('l'nlcott, Sav;tgc, 'I'. 1 ,. Stone's I'a~iiily of John Stone, lle was tlie so11 of John Stanley, who dlctl oti the passage for pl,. 5 to o ;inti 41 to 43 ; W. I>. Sto~ie'sFatilily of Jol~nStone. 1'1). New I

'I'KEi\'l', \Y IT,I,Ik\M-1Snlistctl from Wethcrsfiel(1. (Stiles' Wi\TEI

WI-IITEI-LEAD, SAPvIUEL-Service mentioned. (Savage and C. TZ., 1701. II., 11. 150 ) Enlistctl from I-Tartford. (Tarl~ox, 'I'nlcott, I',otlqc, Stuart ;~ritllrarl

W( )ODs, JO1 IN-S~I \.ice tnci~tlolletl. (S:~vagc) lirilistetl fro111 Sayl~rooli. (Tal box ) John \Vootl, servant to Mr. Joseph 131111, came from Wey- ~noutli,Eng., before 1635. In 1639, informetl the Court (at Il,lrtfortl) tl~ata rntlil