Pell Wins Gold Clark in First Go Homemade Yacht Two
NEWARK CLUB WILL NOT Action Poses of Georges Carpentier, Man of the Hour in France BE t TRANSFERRED- BARROW President of the International Wheelmen Fast Game and Uncle Sam’s Play Invaders Capture League Denies Authority Are Too Much for New Six Titles at New South FEDS’ BIG FUND FOR Yorkers. Wales. of National Commission. LEAGUERS ON VISITING FIVE PARKER A DUAL WINNER OTHER CLl'BS OPPOSE PLfrN Represented on the court with a The American athletes won six of Ebbets Wanted in line-up that resembled somewhat a the eight championships at the New $25,000,000 Is Behind Backers, Say Tigers New York State League combina- South Wales meeting yesterday at to President Brooklyn to Fight Off Fed- tion, the Bronx Catholic Club quintet Sidney, Australia. According were expected to glYe the Bay View George L. Parker, the California Gilmore. eral Invasion. Wheelmen Seniors a battle at Wheel- sprinter, captured the 100 and 440- men Hall yesterday afternoon. They yard dashes; Ruric Templeton, Olym- CLEVELAND AFTER CLUB Newark fans need feel no alarm •lid, but the way the locals played pic Club, San Francisco, the pole over the stories of the Tigers l>eing i around the visitors at times made it vault; Reginald Caughey, of Califor- James A. Gilmore, president of the transferred to Brooklyn- President the appear as though Charley Heim’s nia shot putting contest, and Federal League, and E. E. Gates, Edward G. Barrow, of the Interna- bunch would the list of New Jimmy Powers, Boston Athletic As- top secretary of the league, held a long tional League, issued a positive de- York State teams were entered sociation, the mile run.
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