MEASUREMENT SCIENCE REVIEW, Volume 6, Section 1, No. 2, 2006

One-sided Tolerance Factors of Normal Distributions with unknown and variability

I. Janiga, I. Garaj

Dept. of Mathematics, Mechanical Engineering Faculty, Slovak University of Technology Nám. slobody 17, 812 31 Bratislava, Tel: 00421-7-57296-160, [email protected] Dept. of Mathematics, Faculty of Chemical and Food Technology, Slovak University of Technology Radlinského 9, 812 37 Bratislava, Tel: 00421-7-59325 297, [email protected]

Abstract. In the contribution are given some approximate formulas as well as a derivation of exact formula for computing of the one-sided tolerance factors of with unknown mean and unknown variability. It is also shown that the exact computation of the factors is closely related with non-central t-distributions.

Keywords: tolerance intervals, mean, variability

1. Introduction In [1] we deal with computation of tolerance factors for the two-sided tolerance limits of a normal distribution with unknown parameters. Results are published in [2]. In [3] are given the results for more than one normal distribution with different and common variability. All the above mentioned parameters are unknown. In this contribution we are interested in one-sided tolerance limits of a normal distribution with unknown parameters. 2. One-sided tolerance intervals 2 2 Let random sample X1 ,X 2 ,…,X n be taken from distribution N(µ,σ ) . Parameters µ and σ are unknown. We will find intervals, which with confidence 1−α (0 < α < 1) cover at least the fraction p (0 < p < 1) of values of the distribution N(µ,σ 2 ) . Such intervals are called 100 p % tolerance intervals. In the following text we are only dealing with one-sided tolerance intervals which can be right-hand or left-hand. For right-hand tolerance interval (− ∞,X + kS) is valid P[]P(X < X + kS) ≥ p = 1− α (1) and for left-hand tolerance interval (X − kS, ∞) is valid P[]P()X > X − kS ≥ p = 1− α (2) where X is a normally distributed variable with mean µ and variability σ 2 from which the n n random sample X ,X ,…,X was taken, X = n −1 X and S 2 = (n −1) −1 (X − X ) 2 . 1 2 n ∑i=1 i ∑i=1 i

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The value of the factor k is determined so that the tolerance intervals with the confidence 1−α cover at least fraction p of the values of the distribution N(µ,σ 2 ) . Number 1− α named the confidence level and constant k is the one-sided tolerance factor. 3. Non-central t-distribution Let us consider random variables X - µ νS 2 Y + δ Y = n , V = , T = ν (3) σ σ 2 V The Y has a standard normal distribution N(0,1) . It is independent of the random variable V , which has χ 2 -distribution with ν = n − 1 degrees of freedom. The random variable T has a non-central t-distribution with ν degrees of freedom and non- centrality parameter δ (−∞ < δ < ∞) , which is denoted by T ~ T (ν, δ). Its probability density function [4] is

2 2 ν δ  t δ  − − 1  y −  ν −1 2 ∞ 2 − 2 (ν + t )  2  2 2 e  ν + t  f (t, δ ) = y ν e   dy − ∞ < t < ∞ (4) ν ν + 1 ∫  2  2  ν   t  0 Γ   π ν 1 +   2   ν  ∞ ν−1 − x where Γ (ν) = ∫ x e dx is the gamma function (ν > 0) . 0

th Let us denote the α (0 < α < 1) of the distribution T(ν, δ ) by tα (ν, δ ) . It follows from (4) that for any real numbers t and δ holds

tα (ν, δ) = −t1−α (ν,−δ) (5) The most widespread tables of of non-central t-distributions can be found in the monograph [5], where they are computed with accuracy to five decimal places for α = 0,01; 0,025; 0,05; 0,10; 0,20; 0,30; 0,70; 0,80; 0,90; 0,95; 0,975; 0,99, ν = 1 (1) 60 and δ = 0,1 (0,1) 8,0.

4. Approximate computation of one-sided tolerance factors There exist a great number of approximations of the one-sided tolerance factors [7] and [8]. The Wallis´s approximation [9] is the best known and up till now the most used. It was derived on the basis of the approximation of the X + kS by the normal distribution  σ 2 σ 2 k 2  N µ + kσ , +  . The one-sided tolerance factor k is given by the relationship  n 2n − 2 

2 u p + u p − AB k ≈ (6) A

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u 2 u 2 where A = 1− 1−α , B = u 2 − 1−α and u , u are of N(0,1 ) . Slightly better 2(n −1) p n p 1−α results are given by Jennett´s and Welch´s approximation [10] by means of the quantiles of the non-central t-distribution

2 2 2 2 δbν + uα bν + ()1− bν (δ − uα ) tα (ν, δ ) ≈ 2 2 2 (7) bν − uα ()1− bν

where bν = ()Γ()(ν +1) 2 Γ()ν 2 × 2 ν . For a small δ is convenient the approximation by van Eeden [8], which was derived by means of Cornish-Fisher expansion [11] (ν = n −1)

u 3 + u 5u 5 +16u 3 + 3u t (ν,δ ) ≈ u + α α + α α α + α α 4ν 96ν 2  2u 2 +1 u 4u 4 +12u 2 + 1 u 3 + 4u u 2 −1 u  + δ1+ α + α δ + α α + α α δ − α δ 2 − α δ 3  (8)  2 2 2 2   4ν 4ν 32ν 16ν 24ν 32ν  Neither of the above mentioned approximations can be considered to give good results in general. This non-availability does not contain Akahira´s approximation [12]. The quantiles of the non-central t-distribution x = tα (ν,δ ) can be found by solving the following equation

3 2 bν x − δ x (uα −1)  1 1  = uα −  +  (ν = n −1) (9) 1+ x 2 1− b 2 2 2 3  ν2 4ν3  ()ν 24 []1+ x ()1− bν

th where bν is the same as given in (7) and uα is the α quantile of the standard normal distribution. The approximation (9) yields good results even if ν is small. When ν ≥ 200 there are many cases where the error is less than 10−4 . There is a disadvantage that the equation (9) can be solved for unknown x only by using numerical methods. 5. Exact computation of tolerance factors For the right-sided tolerance interval (− ∞,X + kS) is

 X + kS - µ  Z = P ()X < X + kS = Φ  (10)  σ  where Φ is the distribution function of a standard normal distribution N(0,1) . For given p (0 < p < 1) the inequality Z ≥ p is equivalent to X + kS − µ ≥ u (11) σ p

th where u p is the p quantile of N(0,1) . The tolerance factor k is determined so that for the given confidence coefficient 1− α is fulfilled the condition P(.Z ≥ p) = 1− α By using consecutive modifications and utilizing (3) we obtain

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 (X − µ) n σ − u n  P()X + kS ≥ µ + σu = P p ≥ −k n  = p    S σ 

= P(T ≥ −k n )= 1− α (12)

X − µ − σ u p The random value T = n has a distribution T (n −1,− u p n ) . From relations S (5) and (12) it follows that

tα (n −1,−u p n ) t1−α (n −1,u p n ) k = − = (13) n n

For the left-sided tolerance interval (X − kS, ∞) we will also get P(T ≤ k n )= 1− α , where

T has a distribution T (n −1,u p n ) and k is given by (13) as well.

6. Conclusion The exact computation of the one-sided tolerance factors k is closely related with the exact computation of quantiles of non-central t-distribution. One-sided tolerance intervals can be successfully applied in statistical . For those who are interested in the mentioned field we recommend [13], [14].

Acknowledgement This contribution was supported by the Grant VEGA project No. 1/1247/04 Advanced statistical techniques and decision making in the quality improvement process from the Science Grant Agency of the Slovak Republic.

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