OF ST. EDMUND OF CANTERBURY 15th March 2020 20 Village Way, Beckenham BR3 3NP Third Sunday of Lent Email [email protected] Website: www.saintedmunds.net Salesian Sisters Office 020 8650 0970 25 Village Way, BR3 3NA Monday to Friday 9 - 1pm 020 8650 6313 [email protected] Missionary Sisters of Fr. Steve Wymer - Parish Priest 020 8650 3390 - [email protected] St. Peter Claver Fr. Ashley Beck - 020 8650 4117 or 020 8289 5696 - [email protected] 89 Shortlands Road BR2 0JL 020 8313 3915 Deacon Sean Murphy - 020 3490 5693 - [email protected] [email protected] Deacon Duncan Aitkins - 07957 861404 - [email protected]

This weekend we have a second collection for Lepra


ARCHBISHOP PETER SMITH was of Southwark In this period he was also asked to give television interviews, until his retirement last June, having passed the statutory age of particularly about difficult topics (or as he put it once, when ‘the 75. As you know it was announced last weekend that he died bishops ran for cover’). So it was no surprise when the pope peacefully. Archbishop died in the autumn, and appointed him the second Bishop of East Anglia in 1995: he is had ceased to be our pastor many years ago; but this death feels still remembered there with much affection. In 2001 he was more poignant because Archbishop Peter was leading us until so made – this was a challenging job in many recently. ways, but one of his achievements was introducing permanent deacons. In 2010 he returned to South London as our archbishop. For much of the latter period of time he was Vice President of the Bishops Conference and was very active in the Church’s public witness, especially in relation to moral teaching, particu- larly as Chairman of the Bishops Conference Department of Social Justice. He played a big part in leading successful opposition to legislation which aimed to permit ‘assisted dying’ and was often interviewed on radio and television. The picture (left) shows his support for refugees, an important issue in our diocese, when he visited the refugee camp in Calais (in the picture he is in the makeshift chapel). The second picture shows him with Archbishop Rowan Williams. Peter was down to earth and unpretentious, with a strong sense of personal humility; he also had a good memory and cared deeply for his clergy and parishes. We last saw him at St Edmund’s when he presided at Fr Jack’s funeral in early 2017; he also came here not long ago to rededicate the chapel at Bishop Challoner school, and before that presided at Fr Steve’s induction. It is always sad when someone who has worked hard all their life is not able to enjoy a long and happy retirement; Peter was diagnosed with cancer only a few weeks before his death; at least he was spared long suffering. I understand that in his last days when he was asked whether there was anything he wanted, he simply said, ‘a coffin.’ Peter Smith was a devoted priest for nearly fifty years and a bishop for nearly half that time. May he rest in peace and rise in His funeral will be on Monday 30 March in the cathedral. glory. When I became a Catholic in 1994 and began formation to Fr Ashley become a Catholic priest, Peter Smith was of our diocesan seminary at Wonersh. He was unfailingly kind to former Anglican clergy like me (including those of us who were married) who were beginning a new type of part time programme and taught us Canon law: these classes were full of detailed knowledge of the rules, but also down-to-earth and practical pastoral experience and common sense. Incidentally, and this shows how long ago it was, for much of the time when you saw him in the college he had a cigarette in his hand (smoking was banned after he left in 1995). His welcome and kindness were consistent; he was also keen that former Anglicans should get to know ordinary seminarians and be taught alongside them (this was different from the practice in other dioceses). Peter was born in during the Second World War and read for a law degree at Exeter University; he then trained for the priesthood at Wonersh and was ordained in 1972. At one point he was parish priest in Thornton Heath but most of his ministry as a priest was spent teaching Canon law at Wonersh and as Rector. MESSAGE FROM FR STEVE FLOWER TEAM In Evangelii Gaudium: The Joy of the Gospel Pope We are looking for someone to take Francis refers to the revolution of tenderness whereby we over the running of our long adopt the values of the Golden Rule in The Beatitudes established flower team. The role (Mt 5:1-12). This means, of course setting aside the would be suitable for someone who values of the world. has professional experience or a background in floristry. Please email the Parish Office if you are UPDATES ON CORONAVIRUS interested in this. Last Monday the Bishops Conference updated its guidelines over Coronavirus, and these were implemented as mandatory by the by decree. The full guidelines can be At all Masses this weekend we welcome a found on https://www.cbcew.org.uk/home/our- visiting speaker, Silvia Bonotto, who will be work/health-social-care/coronavirus-guidelines/; joining us to talk about the continuing work we are now in ‘stage 2’. Please bear in mind that of Lepra whose mission is to beat leprosy. we are being asked to follow the advice already Over 7 million people are currently affected given about hand washing, the use of tissues, etc. by leprosy and 3 million do not know that As before we are summarising here the essential points in they are living with the disease. The disease is curable relation to Mass and other acts of worship and adding and Lepra works to find, treat and rehabilitate these some of our own. hidden people and to promote their rights in India, The sign of peace is suspended. Bangladesh and Mozambique. There will be second Holy Communion from the chalice to the people is collection to raise funds to support the work that they do. suspended. Those who normally receive the Host on the tongue are encouraged to receive it on the hand. Holy water stoups have been emptied. HCPT We have been asked to stop the use of hymn books. A couple of weeks ago you responded very generously to Single use hymn sheets will be provided; please an appeal by two girls from Coloma who were raising funds take them home with you and also for your own to assist in covering their travel expenses to assist on a use your Mass sheets, (and perhaps look at the pilgrimage this Easter to Lourdes. Bible readings during the week) – don’t leave It is with very great regret that owing to the Covid 19 situa- them in church. Please take a newsletter home tion the HCPT has decided to cancel all their pilgrimages with you; don’t leave one here if you pick one up. for the foreseeable future. These two girls will be unable to At Masses at the convent the recitation of Morning volunteer next Easter as they will be sitting their A levels Prayer at the beginning of Mass is suspended be- and so all the money raised by you for them will be given in cause this involves the use of shared office books. its entirety to the HCPT to assist volunteers when the We are suspending refreshments after Mass on pilgrimages restart. Sundays as they involve shared-use crockery and utensils. Clergy and special ministers will cleanse their hands with gel before the distribution of Holy Commun- WATCH & PRAY FILM CLUB ion. If you have gel yourself you might want to Next Sunday, 15 March the film will be Karel - bring it with you to Mass if you’re likely to greet The Man Who Became Pope (about the early life people (if we keep some by the door it might ‘walk’ of Pope John Paul) as it is not easy to get it at the moment). Please join us in no 11 at 2.30 pm. If you do continue to receive the Host on the tongue, please open your mouth in such as way as to min- imise the risk to the person giving you Communion from touching your tongue or saliva. If you receive on the hand, please hold your left hand out flat to minimise the risk of the person giving ST PATRICK’S DAY you Communion from touching your hand. The Salesian Sisters normally welcome us into their If you self-quarantine, do let us know and we hope that at house for a little celebration on St Patrick’s Day. This least some of you will be able to watch Mass through our year safety first has to prevail but Sr Pat is sure that the website. If you become seriously ill let us know and a leprechauns will sort everything out after the Coronavirus priest will come and administer the sacrament of the sick has blown away and they’ll have a gathering to celebrate. and other sacraments. If the guidelines change we will let you know as soon as possible. Please bear in mind that these guidelines have For the foreseeable future there will be no refreshments been issued in the light of the best medical and scientific after the 9.30 and 11.00 am Masses or after 10.00 am advice and that compared to many parts of the world the Mass on a Tuesday. The Drop In Cafe for those with inconvenience here is minimal. Please pray for those memory loss has also had to be closed. We will let you affected by the virus and for those in the medical services. know as soon as these can re-start.

Fr Ashley

HOW CAN YOU HELP? Please would all parishioners assist us in keeping our church clean and tidy. Staff and volunteers are working hard to make sure surfaces are fully cleaned on a frequent basis but your help in taking home the missalette that you CHILDREN’S GOOD FRIDAY SERVICE use or the hymn sheet or newsletter will mean that these This will be on 10 April at 10.00 am. It is a lovely do not have to be gathered up by other volunteers afater service to be a part of and we are looking for children to each Mass. get involved. We need confident readers, who must commit to attending both the rehearsal at the church on We now have two bins at the rear of the church for paper Palm Sunday 5 April at 3.00 pm, as well as the service re-cycling so please use these if you need to and please on Friday 10 April at 10.00 am. To help us plan the do not put paper in the used candle bins. service and allocate readings, please contact Maria Crowe at: [email protected] If we work together we can keep our church a safe environment to be in. READERS FOR THE EASTER TRIDUUM Maundy Thursday – April 9 at 8.00 pm Good Friday – April 10 at 3.00 pm Easter Vigil - Saturday April 11 at 8.00 pm CYM Deanery Youth Council Pilgrimage to Lourdes 2020

Our Youth Councillors for Bromley Deanery are planning Several readers are needed over the Easter Triduum. If a 5 day pilgrimage to Lourdes this summer. Travelling by you would like to read at any of these services coach, the programme will include daily Mass, a tour of please contact Rosemary on 07956 109465 the Shrines and the Candlelight Procession amongst oth- (or [email protected]) and indicate which service you er events. This Pilgrimage would suit youth aged 14yrs will be attending. Thank you. and above who would like to deepen their faith as part of this spiritual retreat and to strengthen our bonds as a GOOD FRIDAY MORNING 10 APRIL deanery youth community. Any young people who are CTiB LED WALK OF WITNESS - HELP NEEDED interested in attending will be encouraged to fundraise We need two volunteers from St Edmund’s to act as towards the ticket costs. If you are interested in attending stewards to help marshal the Walk of Witness to St the CYM Lourdes Pilgrimage this summer, please register George’s Green along Beckenham High Street. A brief- your interest by emailing: ing will be given for all the volunteers at 10.45 am. on [email protected], notifying your the church steps by the side door. parish priest or completing the online form at: http:// www.bromleydeanery.org/cym-youth-pilgrimage-to- We also need four distributors to give out the Order of lourdes-july-2020/ . Service to everyone joining the brief service which starts The deadline to register your interest is this Sunday. at St Edmund’s 11.00 am. Distributors will need to We would also love to hear from any adult helpers arrive by 10.45. who would be interested in accompanying us!! If you can help please contact Angela Dowling our CTiB Rep on 07725 860734 by 22 March. Thank you.

Please continue to bring in your Missio boxes for emptying. Do not leave The Passage is raising funds through the Big Give from them at the back of the church but 12 noon Tues 17 March – 12 noon Tues 24 March. please hand them in at the sacristy. Money raised will support its work helping homeless people to move away from the street to a new home and to return to work. Double your Donation, Double your THE YEAR OF THE WORD impact. This is a matched giving scheme for online AYLESFORD CELEBRATION donations. If someone (can be company, individual or About fifteen parishioners put their names on the list to trust) gives £10 online matched giving of £10 would bring register interest in attending the Diocesan Pilgrimage to the Gift up to £20 (and for individuals to £22.50 with Gift Aylesford in June so we have decided to go ahead and Aid with higher rate tax relief it may cost the donor less book a coach to take us there. Further information about than £10). For more information ring Andrew the day and the cost of the coach will be in the newsletter Hollingsworth 020 75921886 [email protected] so please keep an eye out for it. Donate at https://bit.ly/334RmGH

THE FIVE FIRST SATURDAYS OF REPARATION TO HOLY TRINITY SISTERS FAREWELL MASS THE IMMACULATE HEART OF MARY. Sunday 22 March at 11.00 am ‘I promise to assist at the hour of death all those who, on Please let Old Girls and former staff of Holy Trinity School the first Saturday of five consecutive months, shall know about this Mass which will be at St Joseph’s, confess, receive Holy Communion, recite five decades of Bromley. the Rosary and keep me company for fifteen minutes while making reparation to me.’ Please see the poster in the porch for All contributions to the newsletter should be emailed to the details of this devotion Parish Office by no later than l.00 pm on Wednesday. DIARY DATES Masses this week Meditation every Monday in no11 from 5.30 - 6.15 pm -except on Mon 16 March Feria Bank Holidays. Please note the need to arrive promptly and 7.30 am Church Private int to observe the discipline of silence. 10.00 am Church Kathy Connolly RIP Open door for the bereaved on the first Thursday of every month 7.30 pm 27 VW Adoration from 10.30 am to 12 noon in no11

Law Surgery every second Monday of the month in no11 at 7pm Tuesday 17 March St Patrick Prayer Meeting last Friday of the month in no11 at 7.30pm 7.30 am Church Albert & Amelia Abel RIP 10.00 am Church Henry & Eileen Ghent RIP Refreshments in no11 after 10.00 am Mass on Tuesdays

Wednesday 18 March Feria MARCH 8.15 am Claver Int of Valerie Judge 10.00 am Church Wellbeing of Anna Murphy Fri 20 Requiem Mass for Kym Arnoldi 7.30 pm Church Neil Duggan RIP Sun 22 11.00 am at St Joseph’s Bromley. Farewell Mass for the Sisters of the Holy Trinity Thursday 19 March St Joseph Wed 25 Feast of The Annunciation 7.30 am Church Della Killeen RIP 10.00 am Church Cormac & Nancy Hargreaves RIP 8.00 pm Claver Adoration

Friday 20 March Feria 7.30 am Church Valerie Lee & family 9.00 am Challoner Private int 9.10 am St Mary’s Private int

10.00 am Church Bernard Peacock RIP 12 noon Church Requiem Mass for Mrs Kym Arnoldi Readings for 4th Sunday in Lent (A) 3.00 pm Claver Stations of the Cross Psalter wk 4 7.00 pm Church Stations of the Cross Samuel 16:1. 6-7. 10-13

Saturday 21 March Feria Psalm 22 8.15 am Claver Canon Brendan MacCarthy RIP Paul to the Ephesians 5:8-14 10.00 am Church Cesar Ivaldo Alvarado RIP John 0:1.6-9.13-17.34-38 No Adoration today Saturday Catechism Class - First Reconciliation Confessions 10.30 - 11.00am and 5.00pm - 5.55pm 6.00 pm Church Vjollca Loftus - wellbeing 2nd Scrutiny

Sunday 22 March Fourth Sunday of Lent 8.00 am Church Peggy Power RIP 9.30 am Church Gino & Alice Secondina & Gian Bianca Rabbini RIP FAMILY MASS 11.00 am Church Raymond Ford RIP 4-5 pm Church Altar Servers’ Course 5.30 pm Church Private int 7.00 pm Church Alfred Lultz

The collection last Sunday came to £1875.09 with a further The rosary is prayed before 10.00 am Mass Monday to Saturday £3379.22 through ChurchSuite and standing orders. and Adoration for an hour follows the 10.00 am Mass The collection for Cafod raised £2843.00. Thank you for your generosity.

This weekend at all Masses we will have a visiting speaker from Lepra.

We pray for those who have died recently: Ellen McNally, Archbishop Emeritus Peter Smith, Fr Henry Reynolds, Jackie Lee, Kym Arnoldi and Leah Clent.

We pray for those whose anniversaries are at this time: Frances Plume, Anne (Nancy) Simms, Margaret Durkin, Dick Laker, Nancy Hargreaves, Margaret Tawo, Audrey Davidson, Ann Haines, Dolores Leahy, Annette Virdee, Joan Harvey, Magda Wouters, Ellen White, Kathleen Cosgrove, Silvia Amiri.

We pray for the sick: Angela, Bernice, Rob Burns, Emma-Jane, Fr Leon Carberry, Carmel Cardiff, Chant, Christine, John Crouch, Sorcha Davis, Niamh Dawson, Giacomo Dillon, Joshua Dunford, Nicholas Dunford, Cecil Dutton, Ann Elmer, Felicity, Erika Geddes, Chris Grant, Tony Hallett, Hans Halpin, Eileen Hayes, Kathleen Hayes, Jerry Jacob, John, Ellie Jones, Mary McGrath, Eddie Mitchell, Barbara Moyce, Eva Perjesi, John Quaife, Brian Russell, Brigitte Savreux-O’Driscoll, Claire Shelton-Jones, Mary Shipsey, Coleen Shroeder, Siobhan, Helen Solley, Angela Stolle, Patricia Weal, Sue Wingfield and Charlie Wynn.