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The Meaning of Love As Seen in John Legend's Song

The Meaning of Love As Seen in John Legend's Song




Presented as partial Fulfillment of the Requirements to Obtain the Sarjana Pendidikan Degree in English Language Education

By Hani Pertiwi Student Number: 141214137





Presented as partial Fulfillment of the Requirements to Obtain the Sarjana Pendidikan Degree in English Language Education

By Hani Pertiwi Student Number: 141214137




He said: “The LORD is my rock, my fortress and deliverer; my God is my rock, in whom I take refuge, my shield and the horn of my salvation. He is my stronghold, my refuge and my savior— from violent people You save me.

1 Samuel 22: 2-3



ABSTRACT Pertiwi, Hani. 2018. The Meaning of Love as Seen in John Legend‟s Song “All of Me”. Yogyakarta: English Language Education Study Program. Department of Language and Arts Education. Faculty of Teachers Training and Education. Sanata Dharma University. Love is a strong feeling of affection and sexual attraction for someone. It becomes theme of this thesis. This study analyzes ―All of Me‖, a song written by John Legend. It tells about his love journey with his wife, . The song is a gift for Teigen in their wedding. The aim of this study is to reveal the meaning of love in ―All of Me‖ song. There are two research questions in this study. They are "What kind of love is described in John Legend‘s song entitled ‗All of Me‘?‖ and ―What is the relation between love in the song entitled ‗All of Me‘ and John Legend‘s reality?‖ The researcher uses the library study in conducting this research. The primary data of this study is ―All of Me‖ song. The secondary data are taken from printed books, journals, articles and internet. The theories used are theory of poetry, theory of love, theory character and characterization and theory of poetic devices. The approaches of this study are the formalist and biographical approaches. Based on the analysis, there are two findings. The first one deals with the kind of love in ―All of Me‖. The kind of love in John Legend‘s song ―All of Me‖ is erotic love. The love is full of compliment and exclusive between two people, the speaker and the audience. The second finding deals with the relation between love in the song and John Legend‘s reality. The love in ―All of Me‖ song is his experience to express his feeling. Furthermore, this study provides some suggestions for future researchers and teachers in relation to language teaching using songs.

Keywords: All of Me, John Legend, hidden meaning, love.



ABSTRAK Pertiwi, Hani. 2018. The meaning of Love as Seen in John Legend‟s Song “All of Me”. Yogyakarta: Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris. Jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa dan Seni. Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan. Universitas Sanata Dharma. Cinta adalah perasaan kasih sayang dan ketertarikan seksual yang kuat bagi seseorang. Hal tersebut menjadi tema dalam tesis ini. Studi ini menganalisa ―All of Me‖, sebuah lagu yang ditulis oleh John Legend. Lagu tersebut menceritakan tentang perjalanan cinta dengan istrinya, Chrissy Teigen. Lagu ini adalah sebuah hadiah pernikahan untuk Teigen. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengungkapkan makna cinta dalam lagu ―All of Me‖. Ada dua permasalahan yang harus dijawab dalam penelitian ini. Permasalahan tersebut adalah "Jenis cinta apa yang digambarkan dalam lagu John Legend yang berjudul 'All of Me'?" dan "Apa hubungan antara cinta dalam lagu berjudul 'All of Me' dan realita kehidupan John Legend?" Studi ini menggunakan studi pustaka. Sumber utama dalam studi ini adalah lagu ―All of Me‖. Sumber lain diambil dari buku, jurnal, artikel dan internet. Teori yang digunakan adalah teori puisi, teori cinta, teori karakter dan karakterisasi dan teori perangkat puitis. Pendekatan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah pendekatan formalis dan biografi. Berdasarkan hasil analisis, terdapat dua temuan. Yang pertama berhubungan dengan jenis cinta dalam lagu ―All of Me‖. Jenis cinta dalam lagu Jhon Legend berjudul ―All of Me‖ adalah cinta erotis. Cinta tersebut selalu berdampingan dan eksklusif antara pria dan wanita. Temuan kedua berkaitan dengan hubungan antara cinta dalam lagu dan realitas kehidupan John Legend. Cinta dalam lagu ―All of Me‖ adalah pengalamannya yang menunjukkan ekspresinya tentang perasaannya. Lebih lanjut, penelitian ini memberikan beberapa saran untuk peneliti dan guru di masa depan dalam kaitannya dengan pengajaran bahasa menggunakan lagu.

Kata Kunci: All of Me, John Legend, hidden meaning, love.




First of all, I would like to express my deepest gratitude to Christ, for His unconditional love and blessings in my entire life. Without His presence, I would not have been able to finish this thesis.

I would like to express my gratitude to my advisor, Laurentia Sumarni S.Pd., M.Trans.St., for her time and patience throughout this thesis writing. Without her guidance and advice, this thesis would never be finished.

I would like thank my mother, Selvi Rosana, for her unconditional love, prayer and patience. She is my greatest teacher, a teacher of compassionate love and fearlessness. Then, I would also like to thank my father, Cucun Sumiharja, for his support, love, motivation, and guidance in my whole life. I thank my family for trusting me to pursue my dream.

I would like to give special thanks to Maria Vincentia Eka Mulatsih S.S., M.A., for her guidance in this thesis writing. Without her willingness to share her time and knowledge, this thesis would have not been completed. I would also thank Agatha Greis Vita Suroso, S.Pd., and Erni Suryati, S.Pd., for becoming the proofreaders of this thesis.

I would like to thank my family in Christ. They are Christ Batara, Margaretta, Putri, Stella, Caca, Tina, Reski, Kevin, Olan, Vanda Laurent, Ruth, Vivien, Ullay and all of God’s Chosen members that I cannot mention one by one. I thank them for always supporting me with prayer, laughter, and tears. I thank them for all life lessons, togetherness and precious time that we spent. I feel blessed. I would like to express my deepest gratitude to my closest friends in this college life Vita, Al, Shella, Dian, Danar, Rio, and Herman. I thank them for all the laughter and love that we share together. Moreover, I thank Egy Mauliani Harahap for always accompanying me whenever I need her help. I thank her for her kind heart.




TITLE PAGE ...... i APPROVAL PAGE ...... ii DEDICATION ...... iv STATEMENT OF WORK‘S ORIGINALITY ...... v LEMBAR PERNYATAAN PERSETUJUAN ...... vi ABSTRACT ...... vii ABSTRAK ...... viii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ...... ix TABLE OF CONTENTS ...... xi LIST OF APPENDICES ...... xiii CHAPTER I. INTRODUCTION ...... 1 1.1Research background ...... 1 1.2 Research Questions ...... 3 1.3 Significance of the study ...... 3 1.4 Definition of terms ...... 4 CHAPTER II. REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE ...... 6 2.1 Review of Related Studies ...... 6 2.2 Review of Related Theories ...... 7 2.2.1 Theory of Poetry ...... 7 2.2.2 Theory of Love ...... 10 2.2.3 Theory of Character and characterization ...... 14 2.2.4 Theory Poetic Devices ...... 15 2.3 Theoretical Framework ...... 16 CHAPTER III. METHODOLOGY ...... 18 3.1 Object of the Study ...... 18 3.2 Approach of the Study ...... 19 CHAPTER IV. ANALYSIS ...... 21 4.1 The Kind of Love in the ―All of Me‖ song ...... 21 4.2 The Relation between Love in ―All of Me‖ song and Legend‘s Reality..... 34 CHAPTER V. CONCLUSIONS AND SUGGESTIONS ...... 39 5.1 Conclusions ...... 39



5.2 Suggestions ...... 40 5.2.1 For Future Researchers ...... 40 5.2.2 For English Teachers ...... 40 REFERENCES ...... 41 APPENDICES ...... 43




Appendix A ―All of Me‖ song lyrics ...... 44 Appendix B John Legend Biography ...... 45





In this chapter, the researcher provides four parts namely research background, research question, significance of the study and definition of terms.

The background of the study covers the description of the topic and why the writer chooses it. Then, research questions consists of formulated problems that will be answered and discussed in this study. The significance of the study describes the some advantages of this study for both the researcher and the readers. The last is definition of terms. In definition of terms the researcher provides some definitions of the keywords and phrases that are used in this study.

1.1 Research background Literature is the expressions of life in the form of language. It can picture the human feeling in this world. Literature contains human aspects, such as moral, history, fact, human being, psychology, love and many more. Sometimes human cannot express their feeling by words but they can use literature as their tool to express the feeling. Literature depicts the reality. They have connection. The literature describes or tells the story that happens in the real life. Literature is magic. It can bring the readers or the listeners to the fantasy world.

According to Starte (1967), literature is generally divided into three groups. They are prose, drama and poetry. Prose is in the form of language, for example, novels, short story and novellas. Drama is language and dialog with its




act(s) and its scenes in conversation, dialogues, conversations, comedies, tragedies, tragic – comedy. Poetry is a part of language and it is an art of poets.

Poetry is an art from the human feeling, social reality, experiences, and thought. There are two meanings implied in a poem. The first is the surface meaning. The surface meaning is what is written directly in a poem. The second is the deeper meaning. The deeper meaning is something that is not written or called as the true meaning of the poem. According to Perrine (1969), Some poems are expressed in the form of song. On the other hand, song is a part of poetry. Song is an art combination between tone and (Blasing, 2009, p. 26). All at once, it can produce a beautiful song.

Nowadays, listening to songs has become favorite activities, since many centuries the technology has advanced. People can listen to the song everywhere through many applications, for example YouTube, JOOX, Apple Music, Spotify, etc. People can also download the song without the spaces and time limit. People can listen to the music everywhere, for example in the mall, restaurant, school or event in our own bedroom. Song is one of the literatures which are the most easily enjoyed by everyone.

As already mentioned, song becomes an interesting thing to be discussed.

The researcher is interested in analyzing John Legend‘s song entitled ―All of Me‖.

All of the songs in the ‖ tell about love. This song was inspired by John Legend‘s fiancée. The couple met in 2007 on the set of video

―stereo‖. They are married on September 14, 2013. This song tells about the writer‘s feeling when he fell in love with his wife. According to International



Federation of Phonographic Industry), ―All of Me‖ song is the best-selling song of

2014 in United States with 4.67 million copies sold for a year as well as the third best-sellling song in United Kingdom. Then, ―All of Me‖ song is on first position in 2014 for five weeks. The researcher is interested in analyze the kind of love in

―All of Me‖ song and the relation between the song and John Legend‘s real life.

1.2 Research Questions Based on the background, this research is conducted to answer these following questions:

1. What kind of love is described in John Legend‘s song entitled ―All of Me‖?

2. What is the relation between love in the song entitled ―All of Me‖ and John

Legend‘s reality?

1.3 Significance of the study There are some benefits from this study. The benefits are aimed for readers, teachers and students and further researchers.

This study is expected to give benefits for the readers, especially the listeners of ―All of Me‖ song, who want to identify the kind of love which is described in this song. Every person has their own interpretation about song. By reading this study, the readers are expected to understand the motivation behind this song. Besides, the readers also are expected to understand the relation between the love in the song and John Legend‘s reality through the biographical approach used to investigate the ‘s life.

This study is useful for the students in English course. While they are listening to this song, the teacher can ask them to catch the vocabularies and look



for the meaning behind this song. The students not only memorize the vocabulary but also enjoy the music. Then, they can pronounce the English language correctly. Moreover, song is one of the material contained in curriculum 13.

Students are expected to understand social fuction and linguistic element in songs.

On the other hand, they are expected to figure out the meaning of the song.

This study is expected to give contribution for future researchers who wants to discuss about the deeper meaning of this song. The next researchers can use this study as their reference in discussing the song through the biographical approach.

1.4 Definition of terms In order to make the readers understand the study, the researcher provides several keywords that frequently use in this study:

1. All of Me

―All of Me‖ is the song composed by John Legend from his fourth album in the theme Love in the future (2013). This song released on June 2013. On May 16,

2014 this song became first-number one single in the United States. The song peaked at number two in the United Kingdom and New Zealand and topped the charts in Australia, Canada, Ireland, Portugal, Sweden, Switzerland and the

Netherlands. This song inspired by his wife name Chrissy Teigen. This song was made three months before they got married. The song was produced by Dave

Tozer and Legend himself. This song was the third best-selling song of 2014 with

12.3 million equivalent-units worldwide (sales plus streaming), according to the

IFPI (―All of Me‖, n.d).



2. Literal Meaning

Literal meaning is what is written or we can say as intrinsic elements. Intrinsic element is like theme, value, setting, plot, point a view, and figure. According to

Recanati (2018), literal meaning is what is said. He said the distinguishing characteristic of sentence meaning (the linguistic meaning of the sentence type) is that it is conventional and context-independent (Recanati, 2018, p. 4).

3. True Meaning

In the new criticism there are two kinds of major analysis. There are surface

(literal) meaning and deeper (true) meaning. Surface meaning is what is written or we can say as intrinsic elements. Intrinsic element is like theme, value, setting, plot, point a view, and figure. Then deeper (true) meaning is something that is not written. In the other words, deeper (true) meaning is the real meaning from the poetry.

4. Love

Love is to like other people very much and be romantically and sexually attracted to them, or to have strong feelings of linking a friend or person in your family.

Love is about giving and taking. Someone cannot be loved if we not giving anything. According to Fromm (1963), love becomes evident in the fact that it always implies certain basic elements, to all forms of love. These are care, responsibility, respect, and knowledge. When we give those of things, we will be loved. Love needs to be shown.




This chapter contains three parts. They are review of related theories, context of the song and theoretical framework. The review of related theories presents the theories used in this study. Context contains the object of the study.

Then, theoretical framework consists of the contribution of the theories and reviews applied in this study to answer the problems. The theories needed in this study are the theory of poetry, theory of love, theory of character and characterization, and theory of poetic devices.

2.1 Review of Related Studies This study focuses on the meaning of love and the relation between love in the song ―All of Me‖ and John Legend‘s reality. Many people use song as an object of their thesis research. They use psychology approach, doconstruction and post-structuralism and there are many other choices. Most of them use psychology approach.

The recent study was done by Afriani (2010). She researched the song entitled ―I would‖ by Andrew Choi and Kim Taesung. Her study focuses on the meaning of love experienced by the character ―I‖. She reveals the character ―I‖ by using psychology approach. In her analysis, she explains ―this approach is chosen because it is suitable to find the surface and deeper meaning of love on ‗I would‘.

On the other hand, the deeper meaning will form when it is combined with the description of ―I‖ and the surface meaning. Psychological approach is used to




reveal the meaning of love through I‘s condition (Afriani, 2010, p. 18).‖

Psychology approach only reveals character in the lyric.

In this study the researcher used the formalist and biographical approaches.

In the first research question, the researcher used the formalist approach to reveal the kind of love in the ―All of Me‖ song. The second research question, the researcher used biographical approach to reveal the relation between the love in the song and John Legend‘s reality. The researcher connects the lyrics and the writer‘s reality. This research has never been done before.

2.2 Review of Related Theories This part presents the theories that are used in this study. They are theory of poetry, theory of love, theory of character and characterization, theory poetic devices, theory biographical approach and theory new criticism.

2.2.1 Theory of Poetry

Poetry tells the writer‘s feeling and thoughts. Perrine (1969) states that

―poetry is as universal as language and almost accident‖ (p. 3). Poetry takes all life as its province. Its primary concern is not with beauty, not which philosophical truth, not with persuasion, but with experience. Song has the same characteristic with poetry. Song is also come from writer feeling, thought and it is followed by the music (Perrine, 1969, p. 5). Therefore, song is a part of poetry because both of them come from writer feeling and thought. Perrine (1969) states:

Poetry as whole is concern with all kinds of experience – beautiful or ugly, strange or common, noble or ignoble, actual or imaginary. One of the paradoxes of human existence is that all experience – event painful



experience – when transmitted through the medium of arts is, for the good reader, enjoyable. In real life, death and pain and suffering are not pleasurable, but in the poetry they might be (p. 9).

The song writer expresses their feeling based on their experiences.

Wordsworth (as cited in Barnet, Berman, and Burto, 1963) states that ―poetry as spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings‖ (p. 306). Each experience is poured in a language. Poetry is a kind of multidimensional language. Again, Perrine

(1969) states:

Ordinary language – the kind we use to communicate information – is one- dimensional. It is directed at only part of the listener, his understanding. Its one dimension is intellectual. Poetry, which is language used to communicate experience, has at least four dimensions. If it is to communicate experience, it must be directed at the whole man, not just at his understanding. It must involve not only his intelligence but also his senses, emotions, and imagination. Poetry, to the intellectual dimension, adds a sensuous dimension, an emotional dimension, and an imaginative dimension (p. 11).

Initially, poetry might be defined as a kind of language that says more and says it more intensely that does ordinary language (Perrine, 1969). In other words, poetry is a genre in literature that emphasizes the word-play as its power in saying something and it has given pleasure.

Kennedy and Gioia (2002) divided poetry into three major categories.

They are:

a. Lyric Poetry

It is a short poem expressing the thoughts and feelings of a single

speaker. Often, the poet will write a lyric in the first person, but not



always. Instead a lyric might describe an object or recall an experience

without the speaker‘s ever bringing himself or herself into it.

Generally, lyric refers to poem which made for singing (p. 10).

b. Narrative Poetry

It is a poem which main purpose is to tell a story. It is similar with

fiction in characters, setting, and storytelling (p. 12)

c. Dramatic Poetry

It is a poem which presents of an imaginary character (or

characters) speaking directly, without any additional narration by the

author. It is often called as dramatic monologue (p. 15)

Each poetry has a theme. A theme is the central thought of the poem

(Kennedy & Gioia, 2002). Poetry also contains refrain and stanza. Kennedy and

Gioia (2002) state ―words, phrases, or lines repeated at intervals in a song or song- like poem‖ (p. 145) and ―stanza is a recurring pattern of two or more lines of verse, poetry‘s equivalent to the paragraph in prose‖ (p. 679). There are several types of stanza:

a. Couplet

Couplet is a stanza that contains of two lines.

b. Tercet

Tercet is a stanza that contains of three lines. It tends to end in the

same rhyme



c. Quatrain

Quatrian is a stanza that contains of four lines. It is also the most

common stanza used in English-Language Poetry.

d. Quintain

Quintain is a stanza that consists of five lines. It is also called as a

quintet or a cinquain.

e. Sestet

Sestet is a stanza that contains of six lines.

f. Septet

Septet is a stanza that contains of seven lines.

g. Octave

Octave is a stanza that contains of eight lines

2.2.2 Theory of Love

The theme of ―All of Me‖ song is about love. Legend made this song when he was preparing his marriage to Chrissy Teigen. The Oxford Dictionary defines love as an intense feeling of a deep affection. Love is an art and universal phenomenon. Fromm (1963) states ―is love an art? Then it requires knowledge and effort‖ (p. 1). When we want to be loved and to love, we need to make some efforts. Love cannot grow on its own. It is a feeling of intimacy and cares for someone. Kokab and Ajmal (2012) state ―People in this life seek love. Everyone wants to feel special and to be cared of. When you find a person who really cares for you, is honest, sincere, and gives you happiness then you automatically get attached to that person. The feeling that he or she gives you is special and you do



not want it to fade away which in turn keeps people together in a relationship‖ (p.


Fromm (1963) states ―love is not primarily a relationship to a specific person; it is an attitude, an orientation of character which determines the relatedness of a person to the world as a whole, not toward one ―object‖ of love‖

(p. 38). There are five objects of love. They are:

a. Brotherly Love

The most fundamental kind of love, which underlines all type of love,

is brotherly love. Brotherly love is love among equals. In brotherly

love there is the experience of union with all men, of human solidarity,

of human at-ornament. Brotherly love is based on the experience that

we all are one. Love of helpness one, love of the poor and the stranger

are the beginning of brotherly love (p. 39).

b. Motherly Love

Motherly love is the love for the help. In motherly love, two people

who were one become separate. It means a mother gave birth to a

child. Motherly love makes the child feel: it is good to have been born;

it instills in the child the love for life, and not only the wish to remain

alive. The same idea may be taken to be expressed in anothe Biblical

symbolysm. The promise land (land is lways a mother symbol) is

described as ―flowing with milk and honey.‖ Milk is the symbol of the

first aspect of love, that care and affirmation. Honey symbolizes the

sweetness of life, the love for it and the heppiness in being alive. In



contrast to brotherly love and erotic love which are love between

equals, the relationship between mother and child is by its nature of

one of inequality, where one needs all the help, and the other gives it.

It is for this altruistic, unselfish character that motherly love has been

considered the highest kind of love, and the most sacred of all

emotional bonds (p. 41-42). c. Erotic Love

The other name of erotic love is eros. Eros is what made them marry,

causing their decision of living together and having a common life

project. At least, eros is the most likely responsible of this decision.

Eros intrinsically aims to ―being together‖, to a physical and spiritual

union, to a form of exclusive intimacy. The lover aims to have a

special role in the beloved‘s life, a special place in her mental

landscape (Protasi, 2008, p. 74). Erotic love is the carving for complete

fusion, for union with one other person. It is very nature exclusive and

not universal. In erotic love there is an exclusiveness which is lacking

in brotherly love and motherly love. The exclusive character of erotic

love is misinterpreted as meaning possesive attachment. One can often

find two people ―in love‖ with each other who feel no love for

anybody else. They are two people who identify themselves with each

other, and who solve the of sparateness by enlargeing the

single individual into two. Erotic love is exclusive, but it loves in other

person all of mankind, all that is alive. It is intensely with one person



only, full complement in all aspects of life -- but not in the sense of

deep brotherly love. Erotic love, if it is love, has no premise. Love

should be essentially an act of will, of decision to comit my life

completely to that of one person. this is indeed, the rationale behind

the idea of the insolubility of marriage, as it is behind he many forms

of traditional marriage in which the two partners never choose each

other, but are chosen for each other and yet expected to love each

other. Erotic love is completely individual attraction, unique between

two two spesific persons, as well as the other view that erotic love is

nothing but an act of will (p. 45-46). d. Self-Love

Love and self-love are thus mutually exclusive in the sense that the

more there is of one, the less there is of the other. It is respect for one‘s

own integrity and uniqueness, love for and understanding of one‘s own

self, cannot be separated from respect and love and understanding for

another individual (p. 49). Meister Eckhart said that ― if you love your-

self, you love everybody else as you do yourself. As long as you love

another person less than you love yourself. As long as you love

another person less than you love yourself, you will not really succeed

in loving yourself, but if you love all alike, including yourself, you will

love them as one person and that person is noth God and man. Thus he

is a great and righteous person who, loving himself, loves all others

equally (p. 204).



e. Love of God

The religious form of love, that which is called the love of God, is,

psychologically speaking, not different. It springs from the need to

overcome separateness and to achieve union. In all theistic religions,

whether they are polytheistic or monotheistic, God stands for the

highest value, the most desirable good. Hence, the spesific meaning of

God depends on what is the most desirable good for a person. The

understanding concept of God must, therefore, start with an analysis of

the character structure of the person who worships God(p. 53).

It shows human cannot live without love. The basic love is self-love. When we can love our own self, we can love other people. As humans we need to live a balanced life. We need to love vertically to God and horizontally with other people.

2.2.3 Theory of Character and characterization

According to Bio (2013), naming character in poetry is critical because a name makes it more real. It is the flavor of particularity that is important for creating credibility. Naming character also lends them a kind of dignity because the poet is trying to designate an identity to a particular person. Characteristic is very important. In this poetry character that the writer used is ―Me‖. According to

Prudchenko and Media (1937), ―character in poetry may be revealed using their actions, words or thoughts or other character‘s words or thoughts. They may also reveal using imagery or a poignant type of figurative language.‖ ―Me‖ is singular



first person. In this poem, the songwriter describes ―me‖ as someone that falling in love with someone.

2.2.4 Theory Poetic Devices

Poetic devices are used to enhance poem‘s meaning or intensify a mood or a feeling. In this thesis the researcher used the theory from M.H. Abrams and

G.G. Harpharm (2012). There are many kinds of poetic devices. However, the researcher only discusses the required poetic devices. They are:

a. Allusion: a passing reference, without explicit identification, to a literary

or historical person, place, or event or to another literary work or passage

(p. 12).

b. Assonance: the repetition of identical or similar vowels (especially in

stressed syllables) in a sequence of nearby words. (p. 11).

c. Consonance: the repetition of a sequence of two or more consonants, but

with a change in the intervening vowel: live-love, lean-alone, pitter-patter

(p. 11).

d. Irony: in Greek comedy the character called the eiron was a dissembler,

who characteristically spoke in understatement and pretended to be less

intelligent than he was, yet triumphed over the alazon—the self-deceiving

and stupid braggart. in most modern critical; uses of the term ―irony‖,

there remains the root sense of dissembling, or of hiding what is actually

the case; not, however, in order to deceive, but to achieve special

rhetorical or artistic effects (p. 184).



e. Metaphor: a word or expression that in literal usage denotes one kind of

thing is applied to a distinctly different kind of thing, without asserting a

comparison (p. 130).

f. Rhyme: in English versification, standard rhyme consists of repetition, in

the rhyming words, of the last stressed vowel and of all the speech sounds

following that vowel (p. 348)

g. : a paradox is a statement which seems on its face to be logically

contradictory or absurd, yet turns out to be interpretable in a way that

makes sense (p. 267)

h. Metonymy: the literal term for one thing is applied to another with which

is has become closely associated because of a recurrent relation in

common experience (p. 132).

In short, the poetic devices above are used to beautify and give more meaning to a poem.

2.3 Theoretical Framework

Theoretical framework discusses the theories and concepts that are used to answer the research questions. They are theory of poetry, theory of love, theory of character and characterization, and theory poetic devices. There are two research questions. The first research question is to find the kind of love in ―All of Me‖ song. The kind of love can be found in the lyrics. In order to answer the first research question ―What kind of love is described in John Legend‘s song entitled

‗All of Me‘?‖ The researcher employed theory of love by Fromm (1963), theory of poetry by Perrine (1969), Kennedy and Gioia (2002), and theory poetic devices



by Abrams and Harpharm (2012). The second research question ―What is the relation between love in the song entitled ‗All of Me‘ and John Legend‘s reality?‖

The researcher employed the theory of character and characterization by Bio





This chapter will present the methodology that is used in this research.

This chapter consists of three parts namely object of the study, approach of the study and method of the study. The object of the study describes the song to be analyzed. Approach of the study discusses the approach used in this study. Then, method of the study is the outlines and the steps taken in analyzing this study.

3.1 Object of the Study

The object of this study is the song from John Legend from Love in the future album. The title of the song is ―All of Me‖. The researcher did the research on the lyric from that song. This song was released in June 2013, Legend premiered "All of Me" during a performance on 's Oprah's Next

Chapter. ―All of Me‖ first aired on American on mainstream urban radio as the album‘s third single on August 12, 2013. On May 16, 2014, it peaked at number one in the Billboard Hot 100. It became the second best-selling song of 2014 in the United States with 4.67 million copies sold for the year, as well as the third best-selling song in the United Kingdom. This song was dedicated to Legend‘s wife Chrissy Teigen.

This song tells the story about a man who loves a girl. For Legend, this girl means everything. This girl is his world. Sometimes this man needs to sacrifice for this girl but that is okay for him because he loves her so much. The researcher




would like to do the research on the deeper meaning of every stanza. The researcher believes there must be another meaning inside every song.

3.2 Approach of the Study The approach of this study is the formalist and biographical approaches.

The formalist approach is content analysis. M.H Abrams and G.G Harpharm

(2012: p. 247) said ―In analyzing and evaluating a particular work, they eschew reference biography of the author, to the social conditions at the time of its production, or to its psychological and moral effects on the reader; they also tend to minimize recourse to the place of the work in the history of literary forms and subject matter. Because of this critical focus on the literary work in isolation from its attendant circumstances and effects, the New Criticism is often classified as a type of critical formalism.‖ The researcher combines between content and other data. Then, the biographical approach is the study about the relationship between the writer life and their work in literature. Brian(2002) states ―biographical research is an exciting, stimulating and fast-moving field which seeks to understand the changing experiences and outlooks of individuals in their daily lives, what they see as important, and how to provide interpretations of the accounts they give of their past, present and future‖ (p. 1). Biographical research tells a life story of the author. The author recounts his life experiences in a literary work. Usually it tells about memorable experiences. It can be a pleasant experiences, sad or paintful. In short, the biographical approach is chosen because it is suitable to reveal the relation between the lyric and the writer.



By using the formalist approach, the researcher can analyze the kind of love in ―All of Me‖ song. Then, by using the biographical approach the researcher can analyze the relation between the love in the song and John Legend‘s reality.

The approach is used to find the true meaning of the song through feeling, emotion, and motives.




This chapter discusses the analysis of the study. The purpose of this chapter is to answer the research questions in Chapter I. This chapter is mainly divided into two parts. The first part focuses on the kind of love in the song ―All of Me‖. The second part discusses the relation between love in the song ―All of

Me‖ and Legend‘s reality. The researcher analyze the lyrics by using the theories in Chapter II.

4.1 The Kind of Love in the “All of Me” song ―All of Me‖ is the song by John Legend. The song was really popular in

2014. This is one of the Legend‘s hit songs. It became the third best-selling in

2014 with 12.3 equivalent-worldwide (sales plus streaming) according to IFPI

(2014). As presented by the researcher in Chapter II, poetry contains stanza.

Kennedy and Gioia (2002) state that stanza is ―a recurring pattern of two or more lines of verse, poetry equivalent to the paragraph in prose‖ (p. 679). The song ―All of Me‖ consists of seven stanzas. There are several types of length. They are from two lines to eight lines. Each length of line has a name. Couplet is stanza that consists of two lines. Tercet is a stanza that consists of three lines. Quartrian is stanza that consists of five lines. Sestet is a stanza that consists of six lines. Septet is a stanza that consists of seven lines. Octave is a stanza that consists of eight length. From what has been described previously, it shows that ―All of Me‖ is a part of lyric poetry.




The theme of this song is about love. Love is the universal feeling that comes from our soul. There are many kinds of love in this world. According to

Fromm (1956), there are five objects of love. They are brotherly love, motherly love, erotic love, self-love, and love of God. In this field, the researcher will discuss the kind of love in the ―All of Me‖ song.

In order to understand kinds of love in the ―All of Me‖ song, the researcher provides the individual stanza analysis.

The First Stanza What would I do without your smart mouth Drawing me in, and you kicking me out Got my head spinning, no kidding, I can‘t pin you down What‘s going on in that beautiful mind I‘m on your magical mystery ride And I‘m so dizzy, don‘t know what hit me, but I‘ll be alright

This stanza is called sestet because it contains six lines. In the first line, it shows that the speaker is really dependent on the audience‘s presence. ―Being dependent‖ means that the speaker needs the audience. According to Oxford dictionary (n.d), the word ―smart‖ means intelligent. Then, ―mouth‖ is a metonymy of the audience because it is a part of humans. Metonymy is the literal term for one thing is applied to another with which is has become closely associated because of a recurrent relation in common experience. ―Smart mouth‖ is metaphor. ―Smart mouth‖ is when someone who is sarcastic and or speaks to others with disrespect. In this line, the speaker states about the audience‘s personality. The line ―what would I do without your smart mouth‖



states the audience does not really care about the speaker, but that thing that makes the speaker more interested in the audience.

In the second line, the word ―drawing me in‖ is an idiom. The word

―drawing me in‖ has the same meaning as the word ―drawing someone or something into something‖. It means to pull someone or something into something; to attract someone or something in. In this line, it explains that the audience entices the speaker to enter into her life. After that, the speaker states

―kicking me out‖. In this line it shows the audience invites the speaker to come to her life but at the same time she is ―kicking him out‖. The word ―kicking me out‖ means kicking someone out or driving someone out. This line is a paradox because she invites the speaker to come to her life but at the same time she drives him out. This line explains that the speaker is intrigued by the audience and her erratic ways.

The words ―spinning‖ and ―kidding‖ are assonance. M.H Abrams and G.G

Harpharm (2012), ―Assonance is repeated vowel sounds in words placed near each other, usually on the same or adjacent lines‖ (p. 11). The word ―spinning‖ shows that she makes him confused. Based on Oxford dictionary (n.d) ―spinning‖ means to move, go, run, ride or travel rapidly. The audience is always moving around and makes him confused. The word ―pin‖ shows she is difficult to be hold.

The phrase ―pin you down‖ is an idiom. The phrase ―pin you down‖ means pin someone down or to demand and receive a firm answer from someone to some questions, or to explain or understand something exactly. It is difficult for the speaker to get answers to some questions that are in his mind. The speaker is



confused by the audience because of the many things he wanted to know about the audience but it is difficult to get an answer from everything he asked.

In the fourth line shows that he becomes more interested in the audience because the speaker is wondering what is in the audience ―beautiful mind‖. It can be seen from the use of the metaphor ―beautiful mind‖. ―Beautiful mind‖ mean getting awful results that do not make sense, obtained using the most insane and convoluted ways possible. It seems that the speaker is looking for an answer that does not match his expectations. In this line, the speaker wonders what is really going on.

In the fifth line, the speaker uses the metaphor your ―magical mystery ride‖. The idiom ―magical mystery ride‖ means taking a trip to an unknown destination by taking some public form of transportation, chosen at random, usually a local bus. Some people do this to get to know a new city. Others do it for the fun factor, and potential for a good story. This line states the speaker is on his way to go with the audience to a ―relationship goals‖ he does not know. The speaker does it to get to know more about the audience. Then, the speaker enjoys every single time the speaker spent with the audience. The audience‘s life is full of surprise. The speaker hopes this ―magical mystery ride‖ will lead the speaker to a potential good story.

In the last line, the speaker describes his feelings through assonance.

Assonance is the repetition of similar vowel sounds followed by different consonant sounds in words that are close together (M.H. Abrams & G.G.



Harpharm, 2012, p. 11). The example of assonance in this line is dizzy[i] and hit[i]. The speaker feels dizzy. The word ―Dizzy‖ means having or involving a sensation of spinning around and losing one‘s balance. The speaker does not understand what hit him. ―Hit‖ means to deal a blow or stroke to. The speaker is confused about what really happens to him. At the end of the line, the speaker states ―I‘ll be alright‖, which means that despite the challenges, the speaker still wants to be with the audience. The speaker realizes that in the end he will be okay.

In the first stanza states that the speaker is interested in the audience because in his eyes she has an awesome personality. The audience attracts the speaker but also drives the speaker out. The speaker is confused with the audience whether the audience is interested in him or not. The speaker tries to get answers to all the questions in his mind. In the long run he is more confused about their

―relationship goals‖. At the end of the line, he states ―I‘ll be alright‖ with all those obstacles. In brief, it is difficult to figure out the audience‘s feeling.

In the second line through the sixth line show that the speaker ―I‖ is really infatuated by the audience ―your‖. Fromm (1963) said ―erotic love is full complement in all aspects of life – but not in the sense of deep brotherly (p. 45)‖.

Brotherly love is love among equals. Fromm (1963) states there must be an experience of union with all men, of human solidarity, of human ornament.

As already mentioned previously, this poetry is about love. Based on the first stanza, the love takes place between men and women. Therefore, it is



different from the brotherly love. The love is really exclusive because it happens between two people of supposedly different genders.

The Second Stanza My head‘s under water But I‘m breathing fine You‘re crazy and I‘m out of my mind

In the second stanza is called tercet because it contains three lines. The first and the second lines state that when the speaker is with the audience, the speaker can get through anything that seems impossible. In the first line, the speaker uses the words ―under water‖. According to Oxford (n.d) dictionary ―under water‖ means situated, occurring or done beneath the surface of the water. The idiom

―under water‖ is being or holding an asset that is worth less that its purchase price or that debt owed on it. In this line, the speaker is under pressure and the speaker needs to sacrifice many things.

In the second line the speaker states ―breathing fine‖. The word

―breathing‖ means the process of taking air into and expelling it from the lungs.

The word ―breathing‖ is an activity which can commonly be done by humans. On the other hand, even though the speaker is ―under water,‖ the speaker can still breathe. It means the speaker will be okay with all the things that he needs to sacrifice. The audience‘s love is like an oxygen to help him survive even when he is under water.

In the third line, it is a paradox. Paradox is a statement which seems on its face to be logically contradictory or absurd, yet turns out to be interpretable in a



way that makes sense (M.H. Abrams & G.G. Harpharm, 2012, p. 267). The word

―Crazy‖ means an extremely enthusiastic or aggressive behavior. Then, at the end, the speaker states ―out of my mind‖. The word ―out of his (one‘s) mind‖ means slang crazy. This phrase can be followed by ―with‖ and the cause of craziness. In short, both of them are crazy. They have the same character. Therefore, at the end, although there are many challenges to be faced he still stays with her.

This love is different from other kinds of love. This kind of love is called erotic love. It can be seen in the second stanza that the speaker wants to sacrifice for the audience. Erotic love essentially is an act of will of decision to commit a life completely to one person. From this stanza it can be seen that the speaker wants to be with the audience even though in the ―under water‖ situation.

Motherly love is also special love but it is different with erotic love. Motherly love is the love for the helpless. This love makes the child feel good to be born.

Nevertheless, it is not exclusive as an erotic love. Erotic love is really exclusive because it is only given to one person.

The Third Stanza 'Cause all of me Loves all of you Love your curves and all your edges All your perfect imperfections Give your all to me I‘ll give my all to you You‘re my end and my beginning Even when I lose I‘m winning

In the third line is called octave because it contains eight lines. In the first line and the second line, he declares all his love is for her. The word ―all‖ refers to



the whole quantity or extent of a particular group of thing. In this poem, it means to give whole the quantity of his life, his body, his soul and his mind. The speaker loves the audience‘s curves and edges in all the audience‘s perfect imperfections.

The word ―Curves‖ means a curving contour of a woman‘s figure. It also means receiving high grades. It shows that the audience is a smart woman. The speaker does not just adore the audience‘s body but also the audience‘s mind. The word

―edge‖ means advantage. Other than that, the word ―edge‖ means easy to get angry or emotional. The speaker does not just love all the talent and the power of the audience but he also loves all her deficiency.

The speaker uses ―perfect imperfections‖ to emphasize the previous sentence. The speaker loves whatever the audience has including the imperfections. The idiom ―perfect imperfect‖ is when someone has strong feelings for you they may tell you ―perfect imperfect‖ basically saying that they accept your flaws and they like you enough. The speaker shows he has strong feeling for the audience.

In the third lines prove that the love is erotic love because it is really exclusive (it is because of physical attraction). Fromm (1963) describes ―in erotic love there is an exclusiveness which is lacking in brotherly and motherly love.‖

This exclusive character of erotic love warrants some further discussion.

Frequently the exclusiveness of erotic love is misinterpreted as meaning possessive attachment. Erotic love is exclusive, but it loves in the other person all of mankind, all that is alive. It is exclusive only in the sense that I can fuse myself fully and intensely with one person only‖ (p. 46). In the two last lines the speaker



uses the rhyme. The speaker states ―you‘re my end and my beginning even when I lose I‘m winning‖. This line is a promise for the audience. It is clear on the last line that she is everything because although he loses, he is still winning.

This stanza is a synchronization between the speaker‘s feeling and the audience‘s feeling. As long as their give each other nothing can come between them. She is his soul mate. Losing is impossible because anytime he loses, she wins and anytime she wins she is happy. When she is happy, it makes him happy.

In this stanza, we can see the intimacy between them. It can be seen from how he describes about her curves and edges. If it is brotherly love or motherly love, he will not describe about curves and edges or other sensitive things. Next, in the seventh line, he declares ―you‘re my end and my beginning‖. It means she is the only one woman in his life. Fromm (1963) states erotic love is expressed intensely with one person. It can be seen in this stanza that the love is very special because it intertwined with one person only.

The Fourth Stanza 'Cause I give you all of me And you give me all of you

In the fourth stanza is short but really meaningful. It contains two lines called tercet. The speaker said he would give all to her and he asked her to give all of her. Therefore, it can be seen that the love is complementary. They need each other. The speaker‘s love for the audience is very big and limitless because he declares to give all of him. Fromm (1963) states ―one neglects to see an important factor in erotic love that of will. To love somebody is not just a strong feeling – it



is a decision, it is a judgment, it is a promise‖ (p. 47). This stanza is a statement of promise that he will give all of him to her and she also gives the same thing

The Fifth Stanza How many times do I have to tell you Even when you‘re crying you‘re beautiful too The world is beating you down, I‘m around through every move You‘re my downfall, you‘re my muse My worst distraction, my I can‘t stop singing, it‘s ringing, in my head for you

In the fifth stanza is called sestet because contains six lines. The phrase

―how many times‖ explains that the speaker has stated more than once. In the second line is an irony. Irony is when remains the root sense of dissembling, or of hiding what is actually the case; not, however, in order to deceive, but to achieve special rhetorical or artistic effects (M.H Abrams & G.G. Harpharm, 2012, p.

184). The first line the speaker states he is still beautiful even when the audience is crying. It shows the audience is perfect in all situations and the speaker accepts the audience in all situations.

In the third line, the speaker uses the word ―beating‖. Based on Oxford dictionary (n.d) ―beating‖ means a punishment or assault and ―around‖ means present. The idiom ―beating you down‖ or ―beating someone down‖ means to defeat or demoralize someone. The speaker uses the phrase ―beat you down‖ to explain that the audience needs to face many obstacles in this world. Then, the idiom ―around through every move‖ or ―(your) every move‖ means everything that you do. It means the speaker promises to be with her in all those obstacles and to be with her in everything that she does.



In the fourth line, the speaker uses the metaphor ―downfall‖. The word

―downfall‖ means a loss of power and prosperity. It means she is his weakness.

Then, the word ―muse‖ is an allusion. Allusion is a passing reference, without explicit identification, to a literary or historical person, place, or event or to another literary work or passage (M.H Abrams & G.G. Harpharm, 2012, p. 12).

The allusion ―muse‖ means in Greek and Roman methodology each of nine goddesses, the daughters of Zeus and Mnemosyne, who preside over the arts and sciences. On the other hand, ―muse‖ means source of inspiration. The speaker is a musician. The speaker really needs inspirations to create all his songs. In short, this line states the audience is everything for the speaker. The audience is the one who can make the speaker crumble and more alive at the same time.

In the fifth line, the speaker uses the words ―worst distraction‖. The word

―worst‖ means most severely or seriously. Then, the word ―distraction‖ means a thing that prevents someone from concentrating on something else. The audience is the one who can interfere the speaker‘s mind. The word ―rhythm‖ in psychology side means any sequence of regularly recurring functions or events, such as the regular recurrence of certain physiological functions of the body, as the cardiac rhythm of the heartbeat. The idiom ―blues‖ means sadness; a mood of depression. In brief, the speaker states the audience who can mess up all his thoughts. In the last line the speaker states ―I can‘t stop singing‖. The idiom

―sing‖ is to inform (on someone). The speaker wants the audience to know what inside his mind. The idiom ―it‘s ringing, my head for you‖ or ―ring in (one‘s) ears/head‖ means to still vividly present in one‘s mind or memory, as if one can



still hear it. The speaker feels she is always on his mind and never left for a second.

The fifth stanza states that the audience is everything for the speaker. The audience is the one who can turn over his life and his mind. The speaker wants the audience to know the depth of the speaker‘s feelings for the audience.

From the third line to the fifth line, the speaker describes how important the audience is for the speaker. From those lines, it can be seen sometimes the woman makes him broke or worried. However, it is not really important for the speaker. Fromm (1963) states one can find to people ―in love‖ with each other who feel no love for anybody else. Their love is, in fact, an egotism á deux: they are two people who identify themselves with each other, and who solve the problem of separateness by enlarging the single individual into two (p. 46). The speaker‘s love is bigger than the speaker‘s worries. The audience is everything for the speaker. Then, on the last line it showed he cannot stop loving and thinking about her over and over again.

The Sixth Stanza Cards on the table, we‘re both showing hearts Risking it all, though it‘s hard This stanza is called tercet because contains two lines. Cards on the table is an idiom which means to be honest with your feeling and intension, honesty, openness (Cambridge dictionary, n.d). The speaker also uses the metaphor

―showing heart‖. Showing means an action to show something. Then, heart means feeling, love, affection, and compassion. In short, the first line represents honesty



and openness about their feeling. In the second line, the word risking means expose (someone or something valued) to danger, harm or loss. They have risked many things though it is hard, but the fact is that they are still together. Fromm

(1963) reveals ―erotic love, if it is love, has a premise. That I love from the essence of my being – and experience the other person in the essence of his or her being. Love should be essentially an act of will, decision to commit my life completely to that of one other person‖ (p. 47). Depicted from the stanza above their relationship is full of will and commitment. They have been through a long road but still can be together.

The Seventh Stanza 'Cause I give you all of me And you give me all of you I give you all, all of me And you give me all, all of you

This is the last stanza of the poem. It contains four lines called quatrain.

The speaker uses the same sentence on the third and the fourth lines. All that the speaker said is how much the speaker loves the audience and expresses the speaker‘s desire to have all of the audience. It explains that the speaker love is requited. They love each other. In this stanza, there is a repetition. This repetition shows the seriousness of their love. Fromm (1963) adds ―erotic love as completely individual attraction, unique between specific people, as well as the other view that erotic love is nothing but an act of will, are true —or, as it may be put more apply the truth is neither this nor that‖ (p. 48). The most basic thing in



erotic love is an act of will and the goal is to build the intimacy, while the purpose of brotherly love is to build the solidarity or equality of human atonement.

Based on the explanation above, the kind of love in this poem is erotic love. Again, Fromm (1963) states ―erotic love is exclusive, but it loves in other person all mankind, all that is alive. It is intensely felt with one person only, full complement in all aspects of life‖ (p. 45). The poem reveals the love story between man and woman. The poem describes that they need to live side by side.

The exclusiveness is very visible in every stanza.

4.2 The Relation between Love in “All of Me” song and Legend’s Reality In this part, the researcher discusses the relation between love in the song

―All of Me‖ and Legend‘s reality. As already found above, the ―All of Me‖ song is about erotic love. The researcher connects the love in ―All of Me‖ song with the

Legend‘s reality.

Generally, Legend illustrates his love journey with his wife when they were dating until they got married. The theme of this poem is about love. The poem was inspired by his wife. When writing the lyric of this poem, Legend combined his mood and tone in order to be sung in a song arrangement.

Moreover, according to Kennedy and Gioia (2002) lyric poetry is a short poem expressing the thoughts and feelings of a single speaker. Therefore, it is clear that

Legend‘s purpose is to deliver the same feeling of what his feel and thought through the lyric and melody in ―All of Me ―poetry.



The first time they met was when making ―stereo‖ video clip. The audience is the model of the speaker‘s video clip. After they work together, they never really said goodbye. They are attracted to each other but at that time there is no confidence. The speaker states in the first stanza ―What would I do without your smart mouth. Drawing me in, and you kicking me out. Got my head spinning, no kidding, I can‘t pin you down‖. According to Time magazine (2018,

May) The audience states ―the worst thing you can do is try to lock someone like that down early on, then have them think, ‗there‘s so much out there.‘ I played it cool for a long time‖. The audience pulls back the speaker as it says at the second line in the first stanza. Then, in Bazzar magazine (2016,August), the speaker states ―she is so good and she is so clever. And I started to see the right away with her, and I was like, ‗wow, she is really impressive.‘‖ The audience does it so the speaker can think more about their relationship, whether he really likes her or not.

In fact, he is really admire her.

The first stanza states the speaker confused of their ―relationship goals‖.

The speaker states ―what‘s going on in that beautiful mind. I‘m on your magical mystery ride. And I‘m so dizzy, don‘t know what hit me, but I‘ll be alright‖. This is strongly connected with the audience answers in Time magazine (2018, May).

She says ―never once did I ask, ‗what are we?‘ marriage was never my goal because I‘ve never been very traditional. I was just happy to be with him.‖

Therefore, the speaker states ―magical mystery ride‖ because she never gives decision.



At the beginning of their relationship, they were spending time texting and talking on the phone. Day by day, they know each other better and he starts to fall in love with the audience. In the second stanza, the speaker states ―my head‘s under water. But I‘m breathing fine. You‘re crazy and I‘m out of my mind‖.

Again, in the Time magazine (2018, May) he also states ―we were texting a lot, and I started to see her sense of humor. We would talk on the phone, and I started to fall in love with how engaging and witty and funny she is.‖ He thinks he is crazy because with 140 characters in the text he can fall in love with the audience.

The audience says ―he had never been in a real relationship—or so he says now.‖

For this reason, he says ―my head‘s under water‖ because he does something which he never did before.

Every relationship must have a challenge. They need to face some obstacles. In Time magazine (May, 2018), the audience says ―I was on tour with him and he‘d gotten sick. He was feeling really bummed and stressed out. He was like, ‗I can‘t be in a relationship right now.‘ That lasted for one day. Literally, a day. I knew it came from a place other than us not working. It was the stress of him having to maybe cancel a show.‖ It is related to the fifth stanza. The speaker states ―the world is beating you down, I‘m around through every move, you‘re my downfall, you‘re my muse. My worst distraction, my rhythm and blues, I can‘t stop singing, it‘s ringing, in my head for you.‖ When the speaker feels depressed, the audience can make him calmer. Sometimes, the speaker does something bad but in the end they are still together. In Daily mail magazine (2017, September)



the speaker said ― she was thinking about how she wanted to drink less. We talked about it. I just want to support her.‖ on the other hand, they are supoort each other.

In the sixth stanza, the speaker states ―cards on the table, we‘re both showing hearts. Risking it all, though it‘s hard.‖ In this stanza they are already honest with each other feeling. In Time magazine (2018, May), ―it was during that gateway that she knew she wanted to spend the rest of her life with Legend.‖ It states when they have a trip to , Italy. That is where everything happens. In Daily mail magazine, the speaker also states ―we are always honest each other, so we discuss everything that is on our minds‖ (Daily mail magazine,

2017, September). On the other hand, they are already open each other.

The third and the fourth stanzas are the main message of this poem. There is a synchronization between the speaker‘s feeling and the audience‘s feeling.

They decide to give everything they have. They accept each other in good conditions, bad conditions, and perfect imperfection. The Time magazine (2018,

May) states ―a boat tour guide took us to a little spot on the lake and told us to make a wish. I asked for this to be the man I marry and have children with. I think

John asked for the most perfect bite of cacao e pepe. Both came true, and here we are.‖ Finally, they can unite their love in a sacred promise of marriage.

Based on the explanation above, it is concluded that the song ―All of Me‖ tells the story about the man who is in love with a woman. This man is the speaker himself, John Legend. This man is able to give his whole life for the audience,

Teigen. In the lyrics, the speaker states how amazing and special she is. He knows she has various weaknesses, but it does not stop his feeling for her. He adores her



in many ways. On the other hand, the audience decides to be with him forever and unite their hearts in a marriage.

In Fame10 magazine (2016, July) the audience states ―It is not just a song to me. It‘s so personal for me. I do not really listen to it like a song. I listen to it as like ‗oh, that‘s my husband he‘s singing about us.‘ It definitely resonates with a lot of people and a lot of people love it and get it. I think it is a very honest love song. A lot of them are flowers and butterflies and I think ours is kind of more realistic and he‘s showing obviously my smart mouth, my curves and edges.‖ It can be seen that she states ―All of Me‖ song is about his love journey with

Legend. In fact, they love each other. The "All of Me" song and their love story are both related to one another. Therefore, it can be seen from this song that the love is a real experience to show his expression through a song.




This chapter presents the conclusions and suggestions. The conclusions present the final remarks drawn from the analysis. The suggestions provides recommendations for further researchers and for teachers.

5.1 Conclusions Having analyzed the meaning of love as seen in John Legend‘s song ―All of Me‖, the researcher drew two conclusions from this study. This study deals with two research questions, namely ―What kind of love is described in John

Legend‘s song entitled ‗All of Me‘?‖ and ―What is the relation between love in the song entitled ‗All of Me‘ and John Legend‘s reality?‖ The answers to those research questions become the conclusions of this study.

The first answer deals with the kind of love is described in ―All of Me‖ song. As described in Chapter IV, the kind of love in ―All of Me‖ song is erotic love. The love is full complement in all aspects of life. Then, the love is intensely felt with one person only. The poem reveals the story between a man and a woman. The poem describes that they need to live side by side.

The second question discusses the relation between love in ―All of Me‖ song and John Legend‘s reality. It is concluded that the song ―All of Me‖ tells the story about a man who is in love with a woman. This man is the speaker himself,

John Legend. He wrote this song while he prepared for his wedding. On the lyrics,




Legend states how amazing and special his bride is. The ―All of Me‖ song is

Legend‘s real experience to express his deep love through a song.

5.2 Suggestions In this part, the researcher would like to suggest some recommendation for further researchers and English teachers in using ―All of Me‖ song lyrics.

5.2.1 For future researchers

The researcher suggests future researchers to use psychology approach to reveal the deeper meaning of the song. The next researchers could reveal any other type of love in the other love song. Moreover, researcher could focus in the character in the lyric.

5.2.2 For English teachers

In the field of education, the song lyrics ―All of Me‖ could be used in the listening class and poetry class. In the listening class, the teacher could develop the student‘s vocabulary. Moreover, it can also be used as a task to find the meaning behind the song. Song is enjoyable because consists of words and music.

It makes the students easier to remember the words. In poetry class, ―All of Me‖ is a perfect example of love poems. Moreover, song is one of the materials contained in 2013 curriculum. Students are expected to understand social fuction and linguistic element in songs. They are expected to figure out the meaning of the song. Then, this song can be used to enhace their English laguage.



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Appendix A “All of Me” song lyrics Words by John Legend

What would I do without your smart mouth Drawing me in, and you kicking me out Got my head spinning, no kidding, I can‘t pin you down What‘s going on in that beautiful mind I‘m on your magical mystery ride And I‘m so dizzy, don‘t know what hit me, but I‘ll be alright My head‘s under water But I‘m breathing fine You‘re crazy and I‘m out of my mind 'Cause all of me Loves all of you Love your curves and all your edges All your perfect imperfections Give your all to me I‘ll give my all to you You‘re my end and my beginning Even when I lose I‘m winning 'Cause I give you all, all of me And you give me all, all of you How many times do I have to tell you Even when you‘re crying you‘re beautiful too The world is beating you down, I‘m around through every move You‘re my downfall, you‘re my muse My worst distraction, my rhythm and blues I can‘t stop singing, it‘s ringing, in my head for you Cards on the table, we‘re both showing hearts Risking it all, though it‘s hard 'Cause I give you all of me And you give me all of you I give you all, all of me And you give me all, all of yo



Appendix B

John Legend’s Biography

John Legend Stephens or known as John Legend is an American , songwriter and actor. He was born on December 28, 1978. He collaborated with already established artists, such as , and , before collaborating with up-and-coming hip-hop artist . For his solo work, he earned a Billboard Hot 100 number-one single with "All of Me" in 2013. He won the Academy Award for Best Original Song in 2015 for writing the song

"Glory" from the film Selma.

His graduated from college in 1999, and thereafter began producing, writing, and recording his own music. He released two independently; his self-titled demo (2000) and Live at Jimmy's Uptown(2001), which he sold at his shows. After graduating from the University of Pennsylvania, Legend began working as a management consultant for the Boston Consulting Group. He subsequently began working on his demo and began sending his work to various record labels. Now he has three albums. They are ― and Once Again‖ in

2004-2007, ―Evolver and Wake Up‖ in 2008-2010, and ―Tour, Duets, Love in The

Future and Darkness and Light‖ in 2011-present.

His wife is a model, named Chrissy Teigen. They met in in 2007 when she starred in the music video for his song "Stereo‖. They became engaged in

December 2011. They were married on September 14, 2013, in Como, Italy. The

2013 song "All of Me" was written and is dedicated to her; the music video was



reportedly displayed at their wedding. They have two children. They first child is

Luna Simone Stephents. She was born on November 21, 2017. Then, their second child is Miles Theodore Stephens. He was born on May 16, 2018.

(Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Legend)