English Bridge

Useful Conventions by David Bakhshi S

N Defending against O I T N E V

N Weak Twos O C

L U F E S Why play Take-Out Doubles? into a penalty double (by passing), or U David Bakhshi removing the double in a descriptive It may seem that giving up a penalty way. With weak hands, the advancer double is something that you cannot bids his longest suit at the lowest level. CONSTRUCTIVE bidding can be hard afford to do, but you should consider a few With an invitational hand, the ad - enough when it starts at the one level, but factors which have led most experts to vancer can either jump in his longest clearly gets much tougher when the favour take-out doubles after an oppo - suit, or bid 2NT, and with the values bidding starts at higher levels. Since it is nent’s Weak Two: for game, he either bids game in his relatively uncommon to pick up a hand 1. One will wish to double a pre-empt longest suit, tries 3NT, or alternatively suitable for a Strong Two opening, many for take-out far more often than for cue-bids the opponent’s suit. duplicate players prefer to increase the penalties. This last point is the one which requires frequency of pre-empting by employing 2. The partnership will extract bigger the greatest discussion, since partnerships Weak Two bids in the majors, with a good penalties when they hold general can agree how specific a meaning they number also playing a in strength as well as good trumps. So, attach to a cue-bid. It is common to play diamonds. These bids classically show a while either defender may wish to this bid as either asking for a stopper, or as six-card suit and around 5-10 HCP, though double for penalties with a a ‘Staymanic’ bid seeking a 4-4 fit in an many pairs will open more aggressively, holding such as K-J-9-7-5, a sub - unbid major. especially at favourable vulnerability (non- stantial penalty will be more likely if vulnerable vs vulnerable). that player’s partner has several high Are there any other issues cards outside of trumps. to consider when defending How should one defend 3. A take-out double may be converted against Weak Twos? against Weak Two openings? to a penalty double, while the use of penalty doubles requires the defend - One other action that may be chosen is a Once an opponent has opened a Weak ers to replace a natural call with an direct cue-bid of the opponent’s suit. The Two, the next player will have three artificial one if they wish to show a two most common meanings attached to positive options: bidding a suit, bidding hand suitable for a take-out double. this bid are to describe a two-suited hand no-trumps, or doubling. Though he will (Michaels), or to show a hand with a long have to bid at the two (or three) level, his How do you continue strong suit, asking partner to bid 3NT strategy should essentially be similar to after partner has taken with a stopper in the Weak Two suit. My that employed when the opponents open a positive action? preference is to play that a cue-bid shows at the one level (whilst the level is higher, at least five cards in each major if the the opening bidder has shown a different • If partner has bid a suit, then you opponents open 2 t, but as stopper-asking type of hand). have first to decide whether your if they open 2 ™ or 2 ´. • With opening values, strain to over - partnership has found a fit. If you If you adopt this approach, then you may call in a major with a decent five card have, then the advancer (i.e. the over - wish to further consider the meaning of a suit. caller’s partner) can either raise direct - jump . Many partnerships adopt the • Holding a with ly, or make a full-value raise by ‘cue- principle that we do not pre-empt after our around 15-18 HCP (and at least one bidding’ the opponent’s suit. If a fit opponents have pre-empted. Using this stopper in the opponent’s suit), bid has not yet been found, then the principle, then a jump in a shows 2NT. advancer can introduce his own (five a good hand. How ever, jumping in a minor • The most important decision, how - plus card) suit. A change of suit is should be less attractive since it bypasses the ever, relates to the meaning of a best treated as forcing when the op - most likely game contract (3NT). So, many double. While it was once fashion able po nents have pre-empted. partner ships now use a jump to 4 ® or 4 t to to play that a double was for • If partner has bid 2NT, then a sen - show a two-suited hand (Leaping penalties, it is now commonplace to sible agreement is to continue as if Michaels). For example, after an opening employ take-out doubles (showing partner has opened 2NT. bid of 2 ™, a jump to 4 ® would show a good an opening hand with shortage in the • When partner doubles for take-out, hand, at least five-five in clubs and spades, opponent’s suit and support for the then advancer follows standard prin - while a jump to 4 t would show diamonds unbid suits). ciples, either converting the double and spades.

18 English Bridge August 2010 www.ebu.co.uk Quiz spades and clubs were swapped, it would be better to make a take-out double. CAPTION The dealer opens 2 ™ (weak) and you are next to speak: Hand B. 4t. With a two-suited hand, it is COMPETITION useful to be able to show both suits imme - diately. If the partnership adopts ‘Leaping Hand A Hand B Michaels’, then this hand would be suitable ´ A Q 7 4 3 ´ A Q J 5 2 for a jump to 4 t, rather than making a ™ 7 ™ 4 simple overcall or a take-out double. t K 8 2 t K Q J 7 4 ® K J 5 4 ® A 3 Hand C. 3´. With limited room to explore, a raise to 3 ´ potentially covers a wide range of hands. However, one should treat a The dealer opens 2 ™ (weak), your partner simple raise as mildly invitational, and cue- bids 2 ´, and the next player passes: bid the opponents’ suit with a full value invitational-plus raise.

Hand C Hand D Hand D. 3™. This time you expect to make Alright, I can do ´ Q 7 6 2 ´ K 5 4 game, and might make a slam (opposite, Best Behaviour at Bridge! ™ 8 4 ™ 6 2 say, ´ AQ7632, ™ A3, t 762, ® K5), so it is t K J 7 6 2 t A 8 5 useful to be able to make a forcing raise. 3 ™ THE winner of our June com pe ti tion, ® 9 3 ® A Q J 7 3 is initially assumed to be invitational-plus, with the cap tion above, is Lydia but may be the first move on a hand with Stanford, Hove, who will rec eive a slam interest. charming Victoriana bridge mug from The dealer opens 2 ™ (weak), your partner our sponsors, Bridge and Golf Gifts doubles, and the next player passes: Hand E. 3´. With a known fit in spades, and Direct (see page 7). Other good cap tions invitational values, jump to 3 ´. 2 ´ would be were: I'm afraid it's Members Only this evening, Nick (John MacLeod, London); consistent with a much weaker hand, and Would you care for a demon stra tion of the Hand E Hand F possibly just four cards in spades. Devil’s ? (John Dean, London); ´ K J 8 5 3 ´ A 7 Which one called the Director? (Ron ™ J 4 2 ™ Q J 10 9 3 Hand F. Pass. Bidding 3 ® should not be Beazley, Essex); Ladies, I would like you to t 7 t 6 4 attractive, as you could easily have the meet my husband, he is only like this at the ® A 7 4 3 ® Q 5 3 2 values for game. You could instead try 2NT bridge table (Gwen Griffin, Hants); Why to invite game, but if partner passes you do I always get the partner from Hell? may not even make 2NT, and if he raises to (David Noble, Northumber land); I'm Answers 3NT, you may have missed a chance to score here to join your old NICK O team (Mike even more points. How can you do this? Orriel, Devon); I want to remind you that Hand A. 2´. Though one would prefer a The answer is simply to pass. You are likely you are all vulnerable (Beryl Povey, Herts); and Let’s cut for partners (Mrs E.M. stronger spade suit to overcall at the two to have four winners in your hand, and Richtie, Merseyside). level, it is usually right to act with an partner should provide at least two more The cartoon for our new competition opening hand. Holding a five-card major it tricks, especially if you can actually make as is below. Please send your bridgy is preferable to make an overcall, but if the many as nine tricks in no-trumps. r captions (multiple entries accep ted) to the Editor, English Bridge, 23 Erleigh Road, Reading RG1 5LR or by e-mail to IN A NUTSHELL: ANNOUNCEMENTS MADE EASY [email protected] not later than 20th August 2010. Don’t forget to include A short reference table provided by Jeremy Dhondy your full postal address!

WHAT DO I ANNOUNCE? WHAT DO I SAY? 1NT natural opening The range ( e.g.12-14). If you have agreed that it can contain a singleton you should also say this.

2® Stayman in response to a 1NT opening ‘Stayman’.

2t/2 ™ Transfer in response to 1NT opening ‘Hearts’ or ‘Spades’ as appropriate.

A natural two-level opening Explain the strength by using one or more of the words that follow. You do not say the range. You might say ‘Weak’, ‘Intermediate’, ‘Strong’. If you say ‘Strong’, you should say whether it is forcing or non forcing. You can mix and match, e.g. ‘Intermediate Sponsored by Bridge to Strong’. & Golf Gifts Direct

www.ebu.co.uk August 2010 English Bridge 19