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8-30-1990 Eastern Progress - 30 Aug 1990 Eastern Kentucky University

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Activities Features Sports Weekend weather People helping people Richmond rocks Man of Steele Weather is expected Alcoholics Anonymous makes It's a long way to the Runner earns an to remain in the mid- to-high 80's through plans for -campus meetings top of the music world early graduation the weekend Page B-4 Page B-2 Page B-6 THE EASTERN PROGRESS 16 pages Vol. 69/No. 2 August 30,1990 Student publication of Eastern Kentucky University, Richmond, Ky. 40475 ©The Eastern Progress, 1990 Shooting deaths of university faculty under investigation By J.S. Newton said. mine details about the case. Police and the coroners office said without permission from theRichmond Combs said she lives across the Editor When police arrived they found a Results from those tests are ex- they are not ready to disclose what Police. street from the Lees and had not seen person lying on the floor and accord- pected to take approximately 10 days type of gun was used in the killings. All windows at the house, with the them fighting in the past several days. An investigation into the deaths of ing to both County Coroner Embry to start coming in. Curry said. Curry arrived at the scene before exception of a back-door window, were She said she saw them Saturday on Mickey and Lynda Lee, two univer- Curry and Carman, the couple died Police are reluctant to disclose noon and would not say whether a note covered with sheets. the front porch of their house sitting sity faculty who were found dead at from gunshot wounds. possible motives into the killings until was left at the Lee home. According to neighbors on both down and had had no contact with their home on Fifth Street Monday, is Curry said on Tuesday night both the investigation is complete. The Lee home was wrapped in sides of the Lee's 326 Fifth Street them since. expected to last three to four weeks, Mickey Lee and Lynda Lee died of Police are investigating the possi- yellow tape and sealed from the public residence, the couple was quiet and But she said the night before the Richmond City Police said. gunshot wounds to the . bility that Mickey Lee first killed his by police. had not displayed any visible discon- Lees were found, she saw he Lee's The couple was found early Mon- Dead alongside the Lees was their wife, his dog and then himself. Two Toyota one-ton trucks were tent with each other in the past several dog laying in the side window of the day morning after colleagues of Lynda labrador retriever, who was also killed "Both victims had been shot with at the home, one in the yard and one in days. Lee's house. Lee worried about her not showing up by a single shot. Curry said. the family handgun," Carman said. "It front of the house. "They jogged together. They were At 10:30 p.m. Sunday Combs said to teach her morning class, Sgt Mi- Routine tests have been, and will does appear he shot her, the dog and A sign hung from the back door of clean and never bothered anybody," chael Carman of the Richmond Police continue to be, conducted to deter- himself." the Lee house, prohibiting entrance E.E. Combs said. See SHOOTINGS, Page A6 House proposal Running in circles Library targets athletic plans to graduation rate extend

By Terry Sebastian the graduation rates of their athletes by hours News editor breaking the rates down by race, gen- der and specific sports. By Terry Sebastian News editor A bill that would require college According to Nancy Kcnncr, athletic departments to reveal the administrative assistant to the dean of number of graduating athletes and how health, physical education, recreation The John Grant Crabbe Library will add nine and a half hours to its much money the department makes and athletics at the university, college athletic departments are only required weekly schedule starting Tuesday. and spends has passed the U.S. House June Martin, who directs public and is heading for the Senate. to release the graduation rates of ath- According to Omer Waddles, letes to the NCAA in their college's services for the library, said the ex- tended library hours is a pilot project legislative director for Rep. Carl Chris annual report Kcnncr said the university does this semester. The library may keep Perkins, D-Ky., the Senate will review the hours regularly depending on the HB 1454 once Congress reconvenes not have graduation rates for athletes broken down into any of the specific attendance and usage of the hbrary by the week of Sept. 1S. students. Waddles said the Senate will have categories. Joan Hopkins, advising and test- This is for the students," Martin the opportunity to add amendments to said. "We need bodies in here because the bill during this lime. ing counselor, said the biggest impact of the bill would be the requirement of we will be taking hourly statistics. Not Once the Senate is finished with just to.rcport attendance, but to see if the bill. Waddles said it will move into a lot of paper work. "They are asking for it to be bro- students are using the different areas a free conference committee where in the library for studying not socializ- members of both chambers will deal ken down into sex and race," Hopkins said. "As a profession, we are worried ing." with the others aspects of the bill. Ernest Wcyhrauch, dean of die The bill, known as the "student that the counselors are going to be the ones held responsible if the graduation library, said the additional library hours right to know" bill, would require all are the result of two student-based colleges, which receive federal aid or rate is not high or isn't high as some- offer athletic scholarships, to report one else's in your conference. proposals. "So there is going to be "Back in February of this year, pressure in this position at Kevin Hatiery, student association Athletic graduation every school, which is good See LIBRARY, Page AS and bad," Hopkins said. "I "jk rates think that the pressure to make sure everyone gradu- ates will create more help in this area." Inside Randell Uahl, University ol Kentucky's registrar, said Accent B1 a lot of work would have to Activities B4-5 be put forth to break the Arts/Entertainment B2-3 graduation rate into each Classifieds A5 category. News A1-12 "I don't think they realize People poN A3 the resources it will take to Progress photo by CREC PERRY Perspective A2-3 Police beat A3 E™*MB3S4 A runner at Samuels track made the most of a hot August afternoon. The track, located OradumdM See ATHLETICS, next to Commonwealth Hall, is open for the use ol all university students and faculty. Sports B6-8 Progress graphic by TERRY SEBASTIAN Page A6 Babbage ready for role in state's future Campus-housing shortage By J.S. Newton results in tripled roommates Editor By Kelly Witt rooms. Staff writer Dena Culver, director of Dupree Hall, Bob Babbage writes letters back to those 6 6 A lot of people have invested their commented that the tripling which occurred in who write him, returns phone calls to those Picture this One freshman moving into Dupree was really "not that big of a deal this who phone him, answers all questions asked time and love in me, and now it is time her home away from home accompanied by a year. The 18 girls who were tripled were to him. He takes positions on all questions cluster of necessities — curling iron, hot roll- mainly walk-ons, so Housing had prepared posed and seems to sincerely worry about I invest in other people. } 9 ers, blow dryer, three or four suitcases them for the situation." the people he is serving — morcso than he crammed with clothing, stereo system, stuffed She ex plained that as of Friday the tripled does himself. animals, framed pictures, iron, 20 pairs of rooms had been eliminated in her dormitory. Bob Babbage is not your ordinary poli- — State Auditor Bob Babbage , 10 purses. You get the picture. However, Keene Hall did not resolve the tician. Multiply that image three times and you tripling situation as quickly. Men were still In two 30-minute phone conversations tripled in this dormitory as of the second week This is in comparison to approximately 300 different interests, it was hard to pin one have conjured up a dormitory scene from the former university student and current Hades and the reality for approximately ISO of classes, and the date for completion of the state auditor made clear why he feels a push per year, which Babbage said was around down," he said. After working his way to the top of the university students this August untripling process was still unsure. for the office of Secretary of State would be the average number of audits done under the Roger Bamette, a university student liv- prior administration. state's political ladder, Babbage said he University officials were confronted with his best career move. a temporary tripling situation in two dorms: ing in Keene Hall, seemed to be dealing with In his term as state auditor, an office he Now with his term in the auditor's office likes the idea of serving the people. the situation very well. He explained that coming to an end, Babbage is eyeing the He said he owes them too much. Dupree Hall and Keene Hall. still holds at the ripe age of 39, he has tried Jeannette Crockett, dean of student life, although he hadn't been bothered a great deal to keep a high profile and let those he served office where he feels he can make a differ- "A lot of people have invested their time by sharing his small living quarters with two ence. and love in me, and now it is time I invest in explained that the tripling problem is often know he was in the state capital to work. eliminated quickly due to the number of others, he had also found that it had been "There is just no substitute for hard His goal: to register the 1 million voters other people," Babbage said. "aggravating to move around so much." in the state who have not registered them- In his bid for the office, an announce- housing contracts that are usually canceled work and enthusiasm," Babbage said. during the first week of school But the demand for housing continues to "People were saying *We arc hopelessly selves. ment he made public June S of this year, cramp resident assistants, who usually have "We have some plans so that we make Babbage said he saw problems with the "We want as many people as possible to behind in our audits. Why kill ourselves?' come to Eastern Kentucky University ."Crock- private rooms. Some were assigned room- And we were saying, "hey, let's kill our- registration easier. I don't want to give it state registration process that he would like to correct. ettsaid. "Last year, for instance, 600 people mates because of the overcrowding. selves.'" away all today," Babbage said. applied for residence housing and didn't show Robin White, a senior R. A. in McGregor, In his years at the university some 17 As well as registration, Babbage said he Last year alone, the former Eastern up. This year we held their housing contract explained her frustration: "I'm extremely Kentucky University graduate and his 130- years ago, Babbage was unsure of what he disappointed. Having a private room is sup- wanted to do with his life. "I had so many See BABBAGE, Page A7 until Wednesday (Aug.) 22. If they had not person staff cranked out over 800 audits. shown by then, we began taking the third posed to be a big advantage to being an R.A. people out and placing them in unoccupied That advantage has been taken away.1* * V '• > A2 Perspective The Eastern Progress Thursday, August 30, 1990

THE EASTERN PROGRESS J.S. Newton Editor W> KQY, You CAH SAve "nte EAKTH Tom Puckett Managing editor *5w*vAlUttS 6CSC/ HfKC AT fcTSfCRjJ Steve Lanham Staff artist University should heed petition for new recycling programs ' At the end ofthe spring semester, members of purpose of recycling, it said it created a problem a group of concerned citizens at the university with fire hazards and roaches. They said their got together and formed a petition to start a cam- was a difference between protecting the envi- puswide recycling program. ronment and protecting the environment on a Those involved with the petition wanted to day-to-day basis. get the administration thinking about starting a We, at the time, accepted that answer as program before the university started to lag logical for the time, but also offered solutions behind its environmental obligation to the com- such as the program at the University of Ken- munity and the people of the county. tucky, to establish bins to store recyclable trash. After several weeks of getting faculty and A new semester has begun, but the issue students to sign the petition, it was prepared and remains the same. handed over to President Hanly Funderburk for Sooner or later the university will see recy- he and the administration to mull over. cling as a necessity and not a burden, and sooner According to Dr. Gary Ritchison, one of the or later the university will have a plan. moving forces behind the effort, he received a But the longer the administration waits to letter, soon after, informing him that the univer- implement a full plan, the more we fall behind in sity is concerned over the issue of recycling and the quest to save the earth. all ready efforts are being made to initiate a Plans such as the ones at UK are easy to get program. started. It would keep the roaches out of the We, at the Progress, would like to commend halls, and It would keep the university from the president on his efforts in delivering a quick ..complaining of fire hazards. response to those involved with the petition. We Fire hazards and roaches can be dealt with if also are happy the university has started some we act quickly enough. recycling on campus, most of which is being We must do our best to preserve the commu- Compulsive readers, writers done with recyclable paper. nity and the earth around us. However, we would like to encourage the We would hate to see our university be the university to keep the administrative wheels last member on the trip to environmental protec- create a unique magazine turning in an effort to find solutions to our envi- tion. "An incurableilehforscribbling ^pstg| poor, swollen feet. Help! — Dot" ronmental problems. The complications of starting a program are takes possession of many and grows M Tom Puckett And any coed who's ever played An example — last year when members of outweighed by the end result inveterate in their insane hearts." ^^1 *■ with dolls should be able to compose the university administration were asked why In the end, if a program were started soon, it - Juvenal ' ^ 7 a letter to #5480, who wrote. "Ken: students should not collect paper and cans for the would benefit us all and most of all, our earth. M they say I'm plastic. What do you I've always been a compulsive .^ | f ranssn tsillr tmn»;? — Barbie." ' ' reader—at a party, you'II likely find y\ / "*** """ If all this seems like strange be- me holded up in the corner with m^^m^^m^a^mmi^mmm^m havior to you, then you're not alone. some magazine the host has thought- It is strange behavior, at least in a fully placed out on a table. tion writer and humorist seeks re- day and age when you can turn on the To the editor: Junk mail, romance novels, al- lief. Anarcho-feminism, ESP, weird television and be entertained without manacs, even textbooks (in small science, speculative literature and any effort on your part, or turn on the doses); I can't resist at least skim- poetry, synchronicity, feminist radio and let someone else tell the Students urged to register, support Galbraith ming through any written communi- books, borderline anything." story in 2-minute bursts, cation that comes across my path. Something tells me this sub- But the problem with our modern Another election day is creeping tive rights, and open ballot access in verter, you can run a diesel engine on Which is probably why I imme- scriber suffers from the same com- mass-communication systems is that upon us, just two months away. I often elections. hemp seed oil. It is also suitable for diately got hooked the first time I pulsivc-reading syndrome I'm they leave little or no room for one- wonder why EKU students don't hold Because I am a classical liberal, cooking and lighting. The seed is high picked up a copy of The Letter Ex- complaining of, and would proba- on-one, interactive communciation. on to more power in Richmond and I must make clear why I would in protein usable by both humans and change — "Lex," as subscribers My relish a 22-chapter examination Even with telephones, where we Madison County by registering to vote support Mr. Galbraith in next year's livestock. affectionately refer to it of Asian goat-herding techniques if are able to as one individ- here. If students would participate in elections. Classical liberals stand for Hemp has positive medical indica- The Lex is a quarterly booklet it arrived in her mailbox with a ual to another, we seldom have the local politics, I think the campus could individual rights, both economic and tions for asthma, glaucoma, nausea from produced by The Reader's League, a postmark and return address. chancetodelveintoanotherperson's hold one or two of the city commission social. The only limits to those rights cancer therapies, epilepsy, back pain, private business owned and oper- Which is not to say the letter- feelings with the depth or clarity that seats. should be on taking actions of force muscle spasms, anorexia, stress, mi- ated out of Albany, California, by exchanging concept is poindess. It a letter allows, I would like to remind folks that and fraud. But classical liberals, or graines and depression, among other editor Stephen Sikora. could be just the thing for lonely And it's not likely you could dial the deadline to register to vote is over libertarians, also stand for limited ailments. You can get a sample copy by coeds, or for would-be big men on up an anonymous phone number, ih a month. County officers quit taking government. I see Mr. Galbraith's Government arguments for prohi- sending $4.50 to Albany P.O. Box campus who've not found college spill your guts and get a favorable the forms a month before the Nov. 6 proposals for legal uses of hemp to bition were based on tabloid smears by 6218, ZIP code 94706. life to be the social bed of roses they reaction. election. And this is the last chance to be a good first step to less govern- the Hearst newspaper chain. (Hearst The Letter Exchange is a maga- expected. What impresses me most, though, change party affiliation until after the ment of die type now waging the had 800,000 acres of Mexican timber- zinc by, for and about inveterate There are plenty of invitations- is just the reassurance that there are May 1991 primary. "War on Drugs." land taken from him by Pancho Villa's readers and writers — a complete to-write from people whose inter- still a few more compulsive readers It seems that when Democrats and The war isn't working. And the "marihuana"-smoking army.) Fifty directory of people willing to have ests might mesh with those of a uni- out there. Apparend y, there are even Republicans are in office, they have a Kentucky economy is losing a mar- percent of all violent crime was blamed their mailboxes stuffed with the ideas, versity student, such as #4096, who a few readers willing to sacrifice an great need to make laws limiting or ket share in many areas besides that on marihuana use by minorities such as lies and opinions of complete strang- simply provided a list of his favorite hour or two composing a letter, just directing the political support or ac- of recreational herb use. By U.S. Mexicans and Negroes. Scholars have en. progressive-musicartists,or#5996, to insure that they'll get mail on a tions of citizens. Department of Agriculture statis- found no factual basis for the reports. Each issue of the Lex consists afemalecollcgestudentwho"wants regular basis, I encourage everyone to get regis- tics, hemp could solve the impend- I do not want to promote drug abuse. almost entirely of pen-pal introduc- to hear your life story." I know now that I'm not alone, tered as a Democrat for the May pri- ing greenhouse effect by replacing But drug prohibition has guaranteed dons: anonymous listings placed by In fact, anyone who hasn't been that I'm not a strange person just mary election. That is the only election all wood pulp paper and all fossil police corruption. The convictions of subscribers for a small fee. imprisoned in a hermetically-sealed because I like to read everything I forum coming soon that includes can- fuels. So far, our government isn't forma Lexington police officers and But these aren't your ordinary envelope for the past two decades can get my hands on. didates both for and against the de- willing to legalize the herb, even to the pending cases from eastern Ken- pen-pal listings. They're coded with should be able to find a "Lex-er" There are some sane, stable criminalization of cannabis or hemp. save the environment of our planet tucky show that law enforcement is a a special subscription number, which with similar interests. people who appreciate the same I invite discussion on the matter Mother Earth deserves better. good training ground for more than just allows the editors to forward mail There are some people in the things. arid the candidacy of Gatewood Gal- One acre of hemp can replace law enforcement. Legalization would without the writers ever exchanging letter exchange who apparently have Subscriber #4757, for example, braith for governor. He wants to direct 4.1 acres of forest. Hemp produces take a bile out of crime's pocket And real names or addresses. no interest whatsoever in the world who tied up two universally-impor- the Commonwealth of Kentucky to fiber for textiles which are eight responsibility would be relumed to license, tax, regulate, and control the times as strong as what we wear individuals. The idea, as one subscriber wrote, around them, so they pretend to be tant questions in a single listing: is to exchange letters without know- part of another. "What color is death? Whatever sale of hemp. today. As a material, it can replace Mark GaiIcy ing or caring who is behind the The "Ghost Letters" section happened to Elsie the Borden Cow?" Mr. Galbraith is also for free choice everything from building supplies Broadcast major in gun ownership, women's reproduc- to plastics. With a carburetor con- number—"to become deep without consists entirely of listings written And subscriber #5816 has almost Richmond, Ky necessarily becoming too personal." in the hand of an imaginary person, singlehandedly restored my faith in As you might expect, this open and readers are expected to reply in humanity with his request for corre- Acting dean misquoted forum for incurable writers and read- kind. spondence: "Researching chastity I On behalf of the College of Arts me as saying, "I have been given the sity community that an Acting Dean ershasaltractedanintelligent,eclec- Subscriber #4187 tried a ghost belts. Seeking inputs." and Humanities I wish to thank The responsibility to Vice President Rowl- will not be involved in the search for tic readership. Witness the invitation letter mat should be familiar to most That's the sort of material that Eastern Progress for the coverage ett to form a committee which will the position of permanent Dean. of Lex subscriber #4145: "Green witch still after ruby-red could spark a great letter, don't you given to recent developments within screen applicants for the position (of Would you please note this cor- "Congenitally bored science fie- slippers, but they're stuck on my think? the college. Certainly, change of per- Dean)." I did not make that statement; rection? Thanks. sonnel is a matter of interest to the that is not the case. The screening entire university community. committee will be headed by Dr. Enzie, However, I wish to call to your Associate Vice President Dan Robinetle How to reach us attention an error in a quotation that I think this is a significant point to Acting Dean, College of Arts was attributed to me. Mr. Royer quoted be made to insure to the entire univer- and Humanities To report a «*ws story or idea: To place aa ad: The Eastern Progress is a member of . Associated Collegiate Press, Kentucky New* Display Intercollegiate Press Association and Terry Sabastian. 622-1882 Beth Leppert -.622-1872 College Newspaper Business * Adver Featares Using Managers, Inc. Guidelines for letters to the editor JulieSmead 622-1882 Classified The Progress is published every Thurs- The Eastern Progress encourages Acdvlties CharlenePennington.. .622-1872 day during the school year with the ex- newspaper and must contain the au- opinions in a column called "Your Susan Reed 622-1882 ception of vacation and examination itt readeri to write letters to the editor thor's address and telephone number. Turn." aa topics of interest 10 the university Letters must also include the author's Those interested in writing a "Your Arts A Entertainment Fax number f^T, ,. „ community. signature. Lee McClellan 622-1882 606 622-2354 A"y '*• * mJd"dJn« H*™**** Turn" column should contact the editor «««•.». ' should be reported to the Adviser/Oen- Letters submitted for publication Carbon copies, photocopies end before submitting an article. Letters T«m M.r«h.ii ten !««•> SutacT*PjloM.,re wjjW* by mail at a eral Manager. Dr. Elizabeth Fraas. 117 should by typed and double-spaced. letters with illegible signatures will not and columns should be mailed to The Tom Marshall. 622-1882 cost of$l per issue; $15 per semester: or DonovanAimex. Eastern Kentucky Uni- They should be no longer than 290 be accepted. Unsigned letters will not Eastern Progress, 117 Donovan An- Photos $30 per year payable in advance. Contact versity. Richmond, Ky. 40475 or 606 words. The Progress may condense be accepted. nex, Eastern Kentucky University. Jonathan Adam* .622-1882 Charlene Pennington for details. 622-1880. letters over 250 words, irieners are not The Progress uses its own judgment Richmond, Ky. 40473. free of excessive spelling, grammar to determine if a letter is libelous or in The deadline for submitting a letter Opinions expressed herein are those of student editors or other signed wriuas and do not neceassrUy represent the views and punctuation errors, the editor re- poor taste and reserves the right to re- tor a specific issue is noon Monday of the university. Student editors also decide the news and informational content serves the right to return the letter for ject any letter. prior to Thursday's publication. Let- Eastern Kentucky University is an equal opportunity, Affirmative Action employer. Any complaints arising by reason revisions. The Progress also gives readers an ters and columns will be printed in ac- of alleged discrimination should be directed in writing to die Affirmative Action Officer. Million House, Eastern Kentucky Letters should be addressed to the opportunity to express more detailed cordance with available space. University or 622-1258. K The Eastern Progress, Thursday, August 30,1990 A3 Perspective People poll Summertime in Richmond: By Leslie Young

How would you feel If the U.S. Government asked you to enlist to go to Kuwait? some things never change Welcome back, those who long four-cent diode for S110 and a toi let to quaff deeply the chablis that is seat for $640. knowledge. Also, welcome back, A corporation bought the exclu- those who merely long to quaff sive rights to the century-old town deeply. name "Renfro Valley," and has No doubt Richmond has been threatened to sue anyone who uses it ever on your mind the whole of without permission. This leads the summer break. Surely not a minute skeptical bystander to wonder from has passed when you haven't whom they purchased the name. thought, "Lackaday! but I do miss the broken beer and wine bottles in Next, McDonald's will probably dear old Richmond. I wonder what's the campus parking lots, which claim Shakespeare infringed on their going on back at the home of my would theoretically have given the trademark when he wrote alma mater?" twister a brown and green color. "Macbeth." Well, here are some of the excit- Brian Abney, senior, IET, Berea: Julie Wletholter, senior, nursing, J. Alexander, senior, loss Either scenario would have been In mid-July, while summer ing things that happened in your ab- worth slaying in town for. "I'd be glad to go because that's Cold Springs: prevention, Richmond: school and freshman registration "I would be scared but I would "I'd hope they'd wait till I sence. The Lexington-Bluegrass Army were in full bloom, the university's one of your responsibilities On May 21, a tornado rudely when you're In the service." go over there to help the people got my commission In the Depot officials demonstrated how powers that be decided it was time to that are serving my country Marine Corps. In May then jaywalked on Big Hill Avenue, tear- much they like and appreciate the repair some of the parking lots. because this Is the main reason I'd be happy to go." ing the roof off a tavern called "Ba- patience of Madison County resi- Rather than work on them one at a I chose my major." nanas." This gave rise to the local dents by staging — as a public rela- time, which would have caused joke that Bananas became tions stunt, mind you — a mock enough inconvenience, the entire Richmond's first topless bar. terrorist raid made up of hypotheti- Lancaster Street lot, the lot behind Despite ghastly rumors to the cal locals at the depot grounds. The Palmer Hall, and half of the Alumni contrary, no one was killed, though Army must think that if you don't Coliseum lot were all closed at the if the tornado had hit the Rider's like the idea of having extremely same time. The result was an un- Rally in progress at the campus the toxic nerve gas incinerated within precedented parking nightmare. sky would have been filled with sniffing distance, you might be some So if anyone asks you what went mild-mannered accountants on kind of crazy fiend. Perhaps we on in town during summer break, flying Harleys. civilian types are crazy, but at least just say knowingly: "Same old usual iA&lk It might also have sucked up all most of us aren't willing to buy a stuff."

$$$$SSS$>^ ^^^^^^^i^^

Bobby Collins, senior, Mlchele Davis, Junior, social Jeremy Eubank, sophomore, management, Southern Pines, work, Mount Washington: undeclared, Erlanger: N.C.: "I wouldn't want to go, but I "I'd be honored to go and stick "I think I should stay here to would feel guilty if I declined." up for my country but I'd FALL INTO keep the environment growing." probably be scared." [FASHION The Eastern Progress and EKU STYLE are planning a Fall Fashion Photographer follows the call issue and invite you to be a part of the excitement. Our Fall , Fashion Issue will feature what's of the mysterious boob frog hot in apparel, jewelry, footwear, & hairstyles. Night had fallen and the familiar penny nail spikes in its back. sound of boob boob was off in the However,' faulty equipment The deadline to reserve your distance. should never be an excuse for a loss The call of the boob frog di- during a hunt. space in our fashion issue is rected our hunt as we walked through The heralded three-prong gig September 7. Contact your a grassy field carrying a 4 foot pole soon became a broomstick with a ad rep at 622-1872. Don't with a three-prong spear on the end. spike on the end. My neighbor and I were trek- Since the equipment was slowly miss out on this fashion king into an experience of a lifetime. falling apart, the decision was made spectacular! We met up with an experienced snuggled on the banks of the lake. to head toward the house, with the frog giggcr that would Till us in on all Spear in hand, I watched as the garbage bag kicking full of boob of the details of the hunt. spotters guided their boat toward frogs. Our equipment checklist con- the bank. The delicacy of frog legs that sisted of a gig, a dependable flash- My heart skipped a beat each mi I lions have partaken, was about to light with the output of at least 120 and every time I heard the scuffling become a reality for me. watts, and a double-lined .heavy- noise of the foe near my feet. Separating the legs from the body duty garbage bag. Now was the time of judgement was performed with a knife by the EARN EXTRA $$$ Nearing the water, the moan of as a burst of light hit the glistening experienced gigger. the fierce boob frog rattled inside my of the frogs eyes. Stepping into the house with a head. The attack that was about to Stunned, the frog sat helplessly pan full of legs, I could hear the lake place was etched in the din awaiting a spear, consisting of three grease on the stove, boiling ready for before our eyes. prongs the size of a 4 inch penny those legs. Our guide instructed us about nail. Our guide stripped the thin layer the tactics involved in a successful Caught up in the moment, those of skin from the legs and then rolled capture. three seconds passed quicker than them in a frying batter. The 120 watt torch would beam the gig did from my hand. Dropping the legs in the boiling toward the eyes of the victim. This The frog had regained con- oil, the muscles began to contract, sudden burst of light would shut down sciousness and escaped the well making the legs look as if they were all active body parts, better known as planned hunt. still alive. stunning.This shutdown would last Encouragement and support Now was the moment for which for an average of three seconds. were given to me by my colleagues we had worked so diligently all night Within those three seconds, the out in the boat as we headed for long, the tasting of the legs. gig would have to be thrust toward another victim. One thing is for certain, I am a the stunned victim. If a direct hit is A story book talc of a successful shooter rather than a gigger- photo- accomplished, slowly move the gig hunt was nearing the final chapters graphs that is. upward, and collect the carcass. until I began to bring one of many With these detailed instructions, frogs closer, to separate it from the Adams, 2 Us an undeclared jun- the experienced gigger and my neigh- g'g- ior from Winchester, who is cur- bor would head out in a two-man row Thcn all of a sudden, the frog rently employed as the photo editor boat in search of the sly creatures took off with one of my 4 inch for the Progress.

JOE by Rob Wilkirson

rut w«»j fits t J« A m yen w+ MAC/ inn Bi-t m rvM re" a>/r if, - • I f£\ e J»«T SIT rut*ty^»tf TUfcr -me Kt-rrat Muctfj* The Faster - Safer Way ww&4 CAHPMS S«CVJ*I-W KCC t>NK AtJP IKhVS&KrtDJ', H** Sct&JC* PKO^SSOK g^J SPEC TACTIC porffKS T& UuCIEM* ntlACTott S* 2043 Oxford Circle R*Jfre\ Cutouts ££*)£, Only 30 minutes -me purpose 6f- esnL ? 254-8047 (no r tfope So 6K -mis from EKU Campus RxP wi|\ BETC? OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK MON-THURS 7 A.M. - 8 P.M. STUPENTS FRI 7 A.M. -6 P.M. with EKU ID receive SAT - SUN 8:30 A.M. - 2 P.M. $20 on first visit A4 The Eastern Progress, Thursday, August 30, 1990 Campus news Center will offer free tutoring By Julie Smead and Terry Sebastian

Where can a student turn to for help with their fall reading and writing loads? The Writing/Reading Center is open weekly from 8 a.m. until 4:30 When school is in session, free time means getaway p.m. Emphasis' of tutoring ranges time. Make sure your car is running its best and ready from better textbook comprehension to help in preparing for standardized for the getaway. Take it to S&S TIRE and take tests such as the CTBS and NTE. advantage of these service discounts all semester long. Margaret Dean, director and vis- Simply show your student ID (or proof of faculty/staff iting professor at the university, rec- status) to receive these service discounts. ommends that students coming to the cenier for tutoring in eilhegcourse- related writing or reading should bring a sample of the problem material. OIL, LUBE & FILTER The center is possible because of the English faculty and graduate assis- We'll lubricate your vehicle's chassis, drain tants that take time to help the stu- old oil, install up to 5 quarts (I0W30) of Progress photo by LESLIE YOUNG dents. new oil and a new oil filter, check all fluid $|090 The tutor will talk with the student Mr. Bubble levels, air filter and hoses. Most American about his or her instructor's criteria as cars and light trucks. REG. $15.95 well as the student's circumstantial input. An understanding of the rela- Scott "Stork" Montgomery, a senior public relations major from Leitc hiieid, Ky., blew bubbles tive assignment is also necessary. In the Ravine Monday during Fraternity Rush Kickoff. Montgomery Is a member of Sigma Chi. The tutor and student will go over the instructor's comments and try to determine how Ihe student can im- prove his or her performance,'' Dean TOTAL ROTATION & BALANCE said. Check cashing policies vary Well computer spin balance and rotate all The center can also help students four tires for one little price. Lee McClcllan prepare for the recently installed uni- "We usually do not cash checks monthly service and you only need $|g90 versity writing requirement. Arts editor for in between students. If we do, $100 to open the account." All students transferring 10 and The one commodity that most rfwy must get approval from the People's Bank will cash a check REG. $25 95 entering the university as of last fall, students have a very depleted stock of director," Bishop said. for a student thereafter, even if the are required to take a university writ- is cash. Check cashing is also offered in account in question is under $100. ing requirement exam as soon as they But, one can resupply a pocket- the Powell Building. Area liquor stores are also an al- have acquired 60 credit hours. book with the green stuff on campus, Local banks offer c heck cashing ternative to the bank or campus. A This test came about because of at the office of billings and collections services, but most will not cash an student must fill out a form to have a the English department's concern for in the Coates Administration Build- out of town check without the per- check cashing card at that particular the students' quality of writing, ac- ing. son in question having an account at store. COMPLETE BBAKE INSPECTION cording to Dean. They cash checks for students that bank. "You need to fill out a form, ask- who posses a valid student identifica- Arlene Long of Citizen's Fidel- ing your campus address, your home We'll thoroughly check and analyze your "The English department was tion card. address, social security number and braking system — Free preventive 1 ity said, " Of course, you have to concerned about the quality of writing "We cash pretty much anything," have an account to cash an out of a driver's licence, this will allow us maintenance. across (he board," Dean said. 'The Rose Bishop, office of billings and town check. You would need a local to cash a check for S10 over pur- concern was not just for writing in collections, said. "Wc cash two party chase," said Mike Parker of College FREE endorser that would stand behind an $8.00 VALUE English courses, but in history, geog- checks if it is from the students par- out of town check." Station Liquors. raphy and all other courses.'' ents. Other two party checks must One local bank has a checking College Station also will cash have the directors approval." "Services similar to ours would account with a check cashing serv- payroll checks. The office cashs student pay ice aimed at students. "We lose over $800 a year due to cost qu i te a bit if the student had to pay checks for students who work on for them," Dean said. Susie Stames, new accounts rep- bad checks. A lot of the problem lies campus. There is, however, one type with the court, we do everything to It is located in the Wallace Build- of student who can not get checks resentative at People's Bank said, collect and the court does not want to ing in Room 346. For information cashed on campus. "We have what is called a Colonel FRONT WHEEL ALIGNMENT about the center call 622-1619. checking account. There is no deal with it," Parker said. We'll align your front wheels, setting all adjustable angles to manufacturer's original specifications. Most domestic and $^90 imported cars (Chevettes toe only). Parts BAG First Base extra if needed. REG. $28.95 Cards + Comics A BIG ONE. RADIATOR FLUSH & FILL l ^rr:^j^^V-^ *-'''^*|^jWP

Try our Hot 8" Pizza Sub; Call Ham Sub; Sausage Sub & GUARANTEED LOWEST PRICES lAPOUO Meatball Sub, each only $3.30 Steak Hoagies $3.95 WE GUARANTEE our Everyday Low Prices advertised on our 623-0330 tires will meet or beat any other Lexington metro stores' Salads $2.25 advertised prices on the same National Brand Tires at the time of Baked Spaghetti & purchase. Just show us verifiable proof of the competitor's ad For Fast Garlic Bread Lg. $4.95; Sm. $3.95 from the previous seven days. PlziA FREE DELIVERY! Garlic Bread $1.50 "Firestone 200 S. Second St. Richmond. KY Liter Drinks 959 Frito-Lay Chips 70< Minimum Delivery $4.25 H-^tt-KELH liltlllUfSIUIIl GENERAL TIRE (3 >JRMSTRONGtV^ Present Thi» Coupon For ONLY j Present This Coupon For ONLY LARGE 14" ! 6--" Offer, good through 12/18/80 for EKU atudants. faculty and staff only PIZZAS ONE LARGE * 10.95 14" PIZZA $6.95 With 1 Topping T« inched | 123 0330 With 1 Topping Tax Included I ^(N«v^dWrthOth«o«tf.) Expires 9-15-90 PtaWMWflhOftw Ofcl Expires 9-15- 90

Present This Coupon For Present This Coupon For ONLY 3NLY MEDIUM 12" SMALL 9" AND AUTO SERVICE CENTERS w PIZZAS PIZZAS $9.95 SOUTHERN HILL CENTER. RICHMOND • 623-2800 With 1 Topping T»K included With 1 Topping $7.75 Tax Included (Not Vakd With Other Offer.) Expires 9-15-90 (Not Vafcd With Other Offer.) Expires 9-15-90 90 Days Sam* As Cash

k A5 The Eastern Progress, Thursday, August 30, 1990 Campus ^news PROGRESS CLASSIFIEDS Jo place an ad, bring or mail copy of ad to the Progress office. 117 Donovan Annex, EKU. Richmond, Ky. 40475. Ads are $2 for 10 words. Please pay upon submission of ad. Weyhrauch said a petition from ing the library at 10:30 p.m., we have LIBRARY several students in the nursing depart- extended the time until 11," Martin Continued from Front page ment was sent to university admini- said. The late study will still be avail- able to students until 1 a.m." Looking for a fraternity, sorority or stration in July regarding library hours. student organization that would like chairman, presented a letter to the "It was a seven- or eight-page Martin said on Friday and Satur- FOR SALE SERVICES Board of Regents, Funderburk, Dr. day, the library will be open until 8 to make $500-$ 1000 for a one-week petition which was a good expression on-campus marketing project. Call Myers, Dr. Rowlett and me about p.m. instead of 5, and the library will STUDIO EASEL for sale Call 623- of their needs," Weyhrauch said. "This SKYDIVING INSTRUCTIONS — Kevin at (800) 592-2121 EXT 110. improving library hours," Weyhrauch petition was the last effort. Admini- open earlier on Sundays, 11 a.m. in- 2717. Train and jump the same day for said. stration was so moved by it that they stead of 1 p.m. only $80!Lackey's Airport. Us 25 Martin and Weyhrauch both said RECORDSMITH BUYS USED Weyhrauch said implementing the launched a program." south 6 miles from Bypass. Turn Polish your photography skills and hours in spring would have been diffi- the extended hours during the week- cassettes and CD's in excellent Martin said the funding for the right on Menalous Road. Sat. and earn a credit line and maybe a credit condition. 623-5058. cult since the proposal was given to program will cost $5,000 a semester. end will benefit students the most. Sun. 10 a.m. Info call (606) 873- hour by becoming a member of the administration in the middle of the Martin said with the funding, the "One key to the projects continu- 4140 evenings. 986-8202 Progress' photo journalism staff. semester. GRATEFUL DEAD T-shirts, library can improve its service to stu- ation will be the statistics we will be weekends. Contact Jonathan Adams or Leslie posters, stickers, postcards, He said funding the project was dents on campus and to those students keeping," Weyhrauch said. "It's quite Young at 622-1872. the major issue discussed during the who have a hard time getting to the expensive to do this. cassettes. CD's. RECORDSMITH VISA OR MASTERCARD! Even spring semester, and it was not until library because they work or live off "With some luck, it will be contin- 623-5058. if bankrupt or bad credit! We July that administration really saw a campus. ued in the spring. We just have to keep Guarantee you a card or double Driver's Wanted: Part-time flexible REPOSSESSED VA and HUD need for more library hours. "During the week, instead of clos- our fingers crossed." your money back. Call (805) 682- hours Must have own car & HOMES available from 7555 EXT. M-1446. insurance. 18 or older with valid government from $1 without credit driver's license apply in person check. You repair. Also tax Refttre having between 5 p.m.-9 p.m. Apollo's delinquent foreclosures. CALL 15,000 an abttrtittn..... Pizza, 200 South Second St. Record 14,500 (805) 682-7555 EXT H-3284 for repo list your area. Sfl Fall Enrollment | (projected) Read this htxtk ! enrollment 14,081 jJK SEIZED CARS, trucks, boats, 4- wheelers. motor homes, by FBI, 14,000 ning to diuov.i about IK. hidden aid. of Fall into IRS, DEA. Available your area Itongt. A v«ry hfnoly publication on a expected now. Call (805) 682-7555 EXT. C- vory compla. itftu. confronting humanity. 13,664 fashion 2758. Urtt odinon r.Uat.d through Progress staff report ACOi YT1 PUBLISHING USA This space for sale. $2.1872. " ■ 313 • bvinoMon. MI S9047 in the The university's enrollment for 13,000 S3 US • $4 OVIftSf AS POSTPAID the fall semester is predicted to shat- Progress' ter all previous enrollment records. Dr. John Rowlett, vice president 12525 ▼ ^ ^ £ WANTED EKU STYLE of academic affairs, estimates that JOBS 14,500 students will be enrolled in 12,000 Wanted: Baseball cards, comic TOMS PIZZA: Drivers wanted: magazine university classes this fall. books, old Dungeon and Dragons Rowlett said students were still Apply in person 218 South Porter Sept. 13 registering for evening and extended supplies. Top prices paid. 624- Dr. behind Jerry's on the by-pass. campus classes, and because of this, Source: 3377. 623-6294 11 a.m.-5pm. it will be two or three weeks before 1 Academic J it*???? his office will know if the university allairs has surpassed last fall's enrollment. "We are very pleased," Rowlett 84 85 87 88 89 90 said. "This shows us that we are doing a better job of serving the Progress gmphk by TERRY SEBASTIAN ROSES people. Other universities across the state As of Aug. 28, U of L's enrollment Murray State University en- are predicting record enrollment too. was 20.556, but university admini- rolled 8,013 students last fall, but 5.95 per dozen The University of Louisville's strauon predicts 3.500 more students the university projects 8.300 stu- enrollment last fall was 23,180. will register. dents for fall classes. wr ,n papar C| Stather's0. fi9d-mQftD-C^l-Uiyo with!!K? this coupon lOWer bnOp 630 Big Hill Avenue Expires 9-6-90 PUT YOUR BUSINESS 0UER THE TOPI RDUERTISE IN THE EASTERN PROGRESS \ 622-1872 Show your style with eyewear from DR. WILLIAM R. ISAACS Optometrist DR. C. L. DAVIS Optometrist DR .WILLIAM T. REYNOLDS Optometrist GET IT BIG OR DEEP 228 W. Main, Richmond Ky. Open Mon - Sat 8:30 a.m. - 5:00 pjri. Insurance Welcome All Brands of Contacts CALL Medical Cards Soft & Semi-Soft CHIPS c Permalens 624 - DEEP DRINKS asr 623-3358 Bifocal Contacts 624 -3337 SUBMARINES Member of Kentucky Optometric Association SALADS • Hour.: Mon.-WedK 1130 -Jn.- 12S0 «jn. PIZZA Thur. - Sat: 11:00 a.m. • 100 tutu. 140E. MAIN Sun_- 4:00 p.m. - 11:00 pjn. Chi Omega would like to "I ANY SUBMARINE SANDWICI M welcome her newest members: 10"s-u, I w / Chips & Drink I 79 I Christie Clark t TdLOL* Beth Mitchell (fcQ.99 •♦TAX \D\J LUNCH ONLY $3 I Heather Compton Keiley Pilotto CALL624-DEEP For A Limited Time Only Wendy Cozmyk Sharla Prewitt Dara Crase S Peggy Reister Med 1 item Rita Delozier ffo y f% Beth Roberts 12" Alice England i frW Kate Sorrell 79 Teresa Esker V Jennifer Steiner $47.' TAX Sally Hahn . COO-GOO* Alicia Stubblefield CALL 624-DEEP For A Limited Time Only Sherribeth Hampton Kelly Thomas CALL624-DEEP Alicia Tobin Crissy Lawson \XJ Monster iuem Large 1 item Shannon McMillen Carla Weber 14" Chryssa Zizos 79 Pizzeria d;c79 $8.?► TAX 4/W-J. ♦ TAX For A Limited Time Only CALL624DEEP Congratulations, Baby Owlsl For A Limited Tune Only Eat in • Carry Out • Free Delivery! Owner: EKUGradl A 6 The Eastern Progress, ThursdayAugust 30, 1990 Campus news

SHOOTINGS Continued from Front page she saw the dog sleeping, and when she left her father's house, a neighbor of the Lee's, the dog had not moved. That was two hours later. "I thought that was very unusual that at 12:15 or 12:30 he was still laying there," Combs said. "It was strange also that at the time the drapes we/e still all pulled back, at that time of night. It was strange. The dog hadn't moved," she said. Ruth Flannery, a neighbor on the opposite side of the Lees, said ihcy were good neighbors. "They were just very, very nice. Progress photo by TERRY SEBASTIAN They just seemed so pleasant," she A police line outside the Lees' home protected evidence. said. Both the Lees came to the univer- He taught in the Department of department as her husband, is a native sity to teach in 1984. Administration, Counseling and Edu- of Griffin. Ga. Mickey Lee, 39, was a native of cational Studies, Ron Harrell, director She was a 36-year-old associate Scranton, Pa. and was a tenured pro- of public information, said. professor and taught human develop- fessor at the university. Lynda Lee, who taught in the same ment.

ATHLETICS The bill asks that graduation rates graduation rate for 82-83 was 47. 5 be determined by taking the number percent and the graduation rate for 83- Continued from Front page of students which entered together 84 was 62.7 percent Progress photo by JONATHAN ADAMS provide this information," Dahl said. during a certain year and at the end of According to Freida Egglcton, Working on the edge "Besides, no one really keeps records five years tallying the number of stu- Western Kentucky University's reg- Fred Rachford, Richmond, removes paint from the sixth floor of Palmer Hal Tuesday. Rachford that way." dents graduating from that same spe- istrar. Western's athletic graduation works tor B.L Radden and Co. of Lexington. Dahl said UK does not have a cific group. rate for the group entering 82-83 was graduation rate for each sport it offers. Hopkins said she noted two main 44.5 percent and for the group enter- Hopkins said a problem she saw a problems with the way the bill counts ing 83-84 the rale was 50 percent. ■ problem in that the bill only addressed graduates. The bill also asks university ath- athletes. "A transfer student, someone who letic departments to release informa- "I guess what bothers me is that comes to Eastern and transfers some- tion concerning revenue sources University's phone system tbey are not asking for graduation where else, is counted against our spending. rates from every university student for graduation rate," Hopkins said. According to Waddles, this part of sex and race," Hopkins said. "Even if they graduate from an- the bill is often referred to as the not compatible for 911 other, they arc counting against our "Henry provision" since Rep. Paul "OK, I don't have a problem with tem. call, the caller must first dial a nine, a them asking for athletes, but who is graduation rate," she said. Henry, R-Mich created the portion of By Mike Royer James Keith, director of commu- Assistant news editor fact thai severely hampers the possi- taking care of the restof the students?" "The other thing is that they only the bill. nication services, said the problem bility of 911 coming on campus. One of the reasons the bill has give you five years to graduate. We Waddles said the Senate plans to with having 911 at the university is one of technical feasibility. Tom Lindquist, director of public become a controversial issue among have a number of students who gradu- strike this provision out of the bill and Madison County madeagiantstep safely, said he likes the idea of 911 on the only report universities would have in June toward obtaining a 911 emer- "We don't know if we could do it educators is because the federal gov- ate in six or five and one-half years," ," Keith said. "AT&T is sending a rep- campus, but agrees that it may not be ernment would be the regulating she said. to give would be the graduation rates. gency telephone system, but at this possible with the present phone sys- lime, the possibility of the emergency resentative to Colorado this week to agency. f Kcnner said she is proud of the "The NCAA was taking care of see the feasibility of 911 on campus. tem. itself, and I don't think it needs a line being incorporated into the uni ver- "I have a problem when the fed- university's athletic graduation rate, isty's telephone network is at best a "Until he gets back, we will not "We'd like to see it if we could, eral government gets into this busi- and she would never make any at- mandate from the federal govern- know if 911 is possible," Keith said. but the equipment now as I understand distant hope. The reason is mostly due to a tech- ness." President Hanly Funderburk tempt to hide it ment," Hopkins said. The Madison County fiscal court is not compatible, I don't foresee it The university's athletic gradu- However, Hopkins said the bill is nical feature of the present campus tomorrow or the next day," Lindquist said. approved $50,000 to be spread out phone system. Funderburk said he felt comfort- ation rate for 82-83 (recruited athletes not all bad. over an 18 month period to develop a The main problem with installing said. able with the NCAA handling the data graduating in 88) was 41.S percent, "I really do think it's a good thing. 911 system for Madison County. the 911 system on campus is the cur- The possibility of the univesity of the graduation rates, but not with and the graduation rate for 83-84 was It gives my office a measuring slick," The university, however, has no rent phone system uses the nine func- being included in the Madison County the government putting restrictions 40 percent. Hopkins said. "Helping them gradu- definite plans to be included in the tion to get an outside line. 911 system is an idea that students oh the data. According to Dahl, UK's athletic ate is what my office is all about." county's attempt to acquire the sys- To make an off campus phone seem to accept and take for granted. Memorial Service A memorial service will be held for ANNOUNCING fMotfier $ Coin LauncCry New Concepts in Family Dentistry Shopper's Village Eastern Bypass Lynda and Mickey Lee 623-5014 Thursday, September 6 Dr. Steve Mottingly, D.M.D. 5 p.m. Graduate of University of Kentucky Bring this coupon to Meditation Chapel College of Dentistry receive one FREE wash or Flexible Office Hours-Evenings an< 5 lbs. FREE dropoff! Saturdays (with 10 pound minimum on dropoff) Insurance Welcome DhMMM Watch TV while U wash or let Visa. MasterCard Accepted us wash, dry, fold and hang VISIT Winners Circle Place for you! Boggs Lane and Eastern By-Pass 623-0222 R£CoW>S/A»TH (Across from the "New" Richmond Mall) Limit one per customer. Offer ends 9/6/90 • T-SHiKlS WET CUTS . stickers GUYS $6 PH»SS Petes* gig P.22fttWr GIRLS $9 when you present AJ WATTLE your EKU I.D. We may not have $fast$fast food but it's good good food! Aveda Hair Care & Skin Make-Up Mary Anderson (owner) * Gina Webb Kathy Short * Donna Issacs * Debra Abraham waffles hamburgers Anderson's omelettes barbecue WE WANT YOU! 11 biscuts & gravy catfish fillets HAIR ON MANE eggs any style soft serve ice cream 130 E. Main St. 31©) 623-2300

Bypass at Portor Dr. 623-0054 SAE Fall Rush 1990 7tJUUUI. xac*3 50% OFF We Just Love Romance £9flKMM5i &*■^$&**f Balloon Bouquet TiedTo a "Kentucky's Largest Health & Fitness CorporaUon' $^ Large Candy Bar "Keeping Kentucky Fit Since 1981 $10.95 (expires 9-6-90) Special Pre-Grand Opening 623-0340 Rates Available MILL/KK HORIST Now!! Check out our line of designer hand bags! 125 South Third Street Richmond, Kentucky 40475 OFFER ENDS SOON! madison optical madison optical • DOWNTOWN NEXT TO BUS STATION sunglass shoppe 624-0100 240 Geri Lane "A Full Service Florist" Richmond Mall Aerobics - Aerobics - Aerobics 623-0303 S3 @j We will be at our new location on the Eastern By Pass In the old Easy 623-1882 Roller building on Tuesday. September 4th. to answer your questions. The Eastern Progress, Thursday, August 30, 1990 A 7 Campus news

BABBAGE Continued from Front page Model's playground wants to help the people of (be Commonwealth establish a seeks renovation stronger of ficc to start their small However, the playground still businesses in. By Terry Sebastian News editor needs a rubber conveyor belt for a His roots in Madison county rubber bridge, and money is needed to run deep. A grandfather, Keen pay for metal hand rings. Johnson, was Governor of Ken- Drills, 40-gallon garbage bags, Metcalf said the layout of the play- tucky from 1939 to 1943, and has step ladders, paint brushes, brooms, ground was taken from the Picadome a building on campus named in five-gallon buckets and the muscles to School in Lexington. his honor. use them are needed for five days next "Picadome used a design of the Babbage said his grandfather month as Model Laboratory School Robert Leather (architectural) firm in had a great deal of influence on renovates its playground. New York," Metcalf said. "They had his life. Others who helped push Sept. 19 through Sept 23, Model someone from the company come Babbage include university pro- children need volunteers to bring such down and design it for them. It cost fessor Dr. Paul Blanchard and items and more to the existing play- $12,300. Mass Communications Chairman ground behind Model. "We don't have that kind of pp.' Glenn Kleine, to name just a few. Jane Metcalf, a parent volunteer, money," Metcalf said. "I could list list 2()or 30people said the idea of a new playground has Metcalf said the playground has who were very loving and patient been in the works for three years, and had several donations in the form of after several committees, meetings and equipment and money. with me," he said. "I have many "Since several children's parents happy memories associated with plans, the playground is finally com- ing together. teach at the university, we have been Richmond and Eastern. Some of able to use that talent to lower our the best memories of my life are "The playground will help develop upper body strength and balance for cost," Metcalf said. "Also, the univer- tied there, and I am looking for- sity has provided us with some help." ward to getting to homecoming the children," Metcalf said. "And it Chad Middleton, director of the will provide more safety than custom- and seeing Eastern make the play- university's physical plant, said the **tr offs for the 400th time in a row." ary playgrounds. university will give the playground a After leaving this university "But it takes an effort that in- load of pea gravel to line the ground Progrtu photo by JONATHAN ADAMS and his memories behind, Bab- volves everybody," Metcalf said. and the use of heavy equipment. Beep I Beep! bage worked for various bodies According to Metcalf, the play- "We have also built a drainage of state and local government, ground will have such features as a wall along the back of the play ground Callahon Mclntosh, 5, Brockton, drives hie mode of transportation across campus Monday. including working in the gover- rope bridge, ramps, a trolley ride, chin so it will drain property/ Middleton nor's office in the 70s, teaching, bars and slides. said. serving as city council member and assistant to the president at the University of Kentucky. And i f he wins his seat as Sec- retary of State, some people think he might have a shot at the state's top spot — the governor's office. He considers the suggestion more flattery than possibility. "A lot of people suggest it, This semester, take some electives and I'm flattered by that But right now I'm looking out the window of the auditor's office at the secre- tary of state's office...as we in communications. speak," Babbage said. "So I'm looking to be a good auditor and a good secretary of state. If I am, then the future will take care of itself." Introducing ATSLT 60 minutes of Student Saver Plus. If you're an off-campus longdistance. student, it'll be easier to get For free. JOIN THE through college this year. Because AT8T has put together Movies. Videos. a program of products and services that And more. PRRlY! can save you money. For less. Tune into the party Just by choosing any Stu- on CLUB DMC... dent Saver Phis program, you'll We're bringing you the get up to 60 minutes of fax long best music 24 hours a distance calls. You'll also get a free coupon booklet day! The hitline is open *»** good for for your requests at savings 1885. all around AM 57 CLUB town. DMC... Where the t party never stops.

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) A 8 The Eastern Progress, Thursday,August 30, 1990 Campus hews Crowded parking lots test administration, students' patience Carolyn Martin for commuters which adds close to said so far this year he has had hole and Terry Sebastian 300 spaces. trouble. Jennifer Gray, a sophomore from "Two out of four days I have found "Complaining about parking is like Flemingsburg, said she tries to leave a space," Falk said. The other two complaining about the weather," David campus at convenient times in order to days I had to look harder. I think we Scfton, chair of the university's his- get a space when she returns. are going to be OK if we can keep the tory department, said. "There's no "I live in Tclford. but my car is students out of the lots." solution." parked in Brockton because I couldn't Another parking lot created over "No one in our building is having find a space last night," Gray said. "It the summer is the next to Clay Hall. a good time," Scfton said. "By 7:40 is usually difficult to find a space. The fenced parking area of what use to am., you can't find a space in the "I don't think there is much they be a tennis courts is now home to parking lot behind University." could do about parking except buy several resident's vehicles. Scfton, whose office is in the more land." The Powell East Parking Lot, lo- University Building, said he stays on The Begley Parking Lot will add cated between Powell and the Wallace campus for lunch because "it is im- about 110 more spaces to help allevi- Building, has been converted to em- possible" for him to find a space when ate parking problems, but parking ployee parking. he returns. times will be-limited. Several parking spaces have been "It isn't a major problem," Scfton This lot is normally reserved for added on to the Keene Hall Parking said. "Just a minor annoyance." the band, during football season. Lot, and a new lot is being built next to In an effort to curb the parking However, a portion of the lot will be the Perkins Building. situation around the university for made available to commuters until 2 Diana Spencer, a public relations faculty and students, public safety has p.m. daily. major, who commutes from Lexing- come up with a few solutions. Jozefowicz,said after 2 p.m., cars ton, thinks there should be more Over the summer the university's will start to be lowed for 3:30 band commuter spaces in the center of division of public safety re zoned some practice. campus. of the parking lots to add more com- Since the biggest crunch for com- However, the transportation de- muter and employee spaces. muters is 9 a.m. until 11 a.m., this partment has good reasons for putting commuter parking on the outside of Progress photo by JONATHAN ADAMS Mark Jozefowicz, assistant direc- should not cause much of a problem, campus. Par ed lnthe Wr ng partl,n zon tor of public safety, said the change Jozefowicz said. USE!? !l ° ° e*havethochanc©of brtng tow«d. Perry's Wrecker service Jozefowicz said, "Just because has been under contract with the university to tow all vehicles In violation of parking regulations should have been made earlier. Charles Falk, dean of the univer- they bought a permit, they feel they There has been a lot of changes in sity's business department, said he should be assigned a spot." side and walk in." cise. the parking situation," Jozefowicz said. and his colleagues are waiting to see if had to drive back because she was not According to Jozefowicz, com- Walking is exactly what one pro- "It lea ves an empty parking space, able to find a parking space. "Some repairs look place too." the parking situation this year com- muter lots on the inside of campus fessor does every day. Some of the parking spaces in the pares with last years. and the whole world is happy then," Sefton said, "We understand the would cause too much traffic, and Dr. Paula Kopacz said since she Kopacz said. situation but there is no point in shuf- Alumni Coliseum Lot that were once Falk said last years parking situ- make the campus less safe. "It works does not live far from the university, zoned for general parking are zoned ation reminded me of a zoo, but he Kopacz said she has driven to fling or changing lots because there is better for students to park on the out- she likes walking to school for exer- school before on seme rainy days, but no solution."

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I Arts B 2,3 - •■ Activities B 4,5 Sports B 6-8 Accent Section 5 The Eastern Progress Thursday, August 30,1990 Julie Smead, editor So you want to be a rock 'n1 roll star... Richmond bands tell it like it is By Julie Smead "I once had an offer to play with a well-known solo performer for $350 Features editor a week, but I turned it down. I like being able to do my own songs. I like the band I'm in." "Why you breaka my loilcl?" the Arabic nightclub owner bcsceched. Richmond may not be a talent-stocked musk hub like Nashville or "We don't know," said Howard Horn. Hollywood, but it certainly can boast of a few promising and ambitious, In an interview last Monday, Hom explained the porcelain tragedy. albeit, often peculiar musk groups. "Our first drummer just went into the bathroom of this bar we were play- These are the bands that entertain university students downtown for a ing at, ripped the commode off the wall, and threw it on the stage where it sometimes much too modest fee but still remain devoted to their craft shattered all over the place. But the owner didn't really seem to mind." Some of them aren't in it for the money and some of them are. The place was the now non-existent Thrash Can bar in Lexington and the Some of them break up; some reorganize and even change their names. band was called Vice. Some have a couple of beers before performances to loosen up while the Although the bar is no longer open, and the band is no longer called Vice, others shy away from the party scene after the show is over saying they only the toilet trashing tradition still lives on under the name of Aura-Sen. have enough energy left to go home and collapse. In addition to Horn's bass and Dave McLean's lead guitar, Aura-Sen They love what they do, yet they don't love what they do. consists of Mike Frogue's drumming and Glenn Smith's singing and acous- But they all keep doing it and hoping for those breaks that will give them tical guitar playing. more and more exposure. "We consider our music to be heavy metal," Hom said. "But there's also Greg Francis, lead singer and guitarist for Beholder, is a man who knows a lot of punk, reggae and funk influences." how to gain exposure, and not only through the heavy metal music genre. "And we do all originals," Horn said. "We've missed out on a lot of gigs In addition to his restaurant and movie reviews in the Richmond Regis- by refusing to play only cover tunes. But that's the way we want it." ter, Franc is has recently initiated a socially aware. Dear Abby-esque, special "I guess I could tell you how this elderly guy described us once," Hom letters and comments section called REEL Response. said. According to Francis, through his music and writing, he "has a message "We were playing at a band battle in Winchester," Horn said, "And in the to bring to fruition." middle of the concert this elderly guy yelled out, 'You're garbage!*" "There is a change in man that we must understand," Francis said. "It can "Right after that, someone retaliated with, 'Bleep you, old man.'" be seen by plotting a population curve on a graph, plotting food expenditures "I guess you ought to put that bleep in there," Hom said. and consumption, looking at energy production consumption, and not to On stage, the band has a penchant toward the outrageous and distinctive. mention the fact that three monotheistic religions of man will eventually Lead singer. Smith, has been known to smash pumpkins on stage during come to a prophetic end" the show and arrange eccentric displays like the destruction of a 16 gallon "It's not fun to deliver a message," Francis said. "It's work." steel trash can Tilled to the brim with dried flowers. Before transferring to and eventually graduating from the university "There are times when I'd rather not be associated with that part of the with a business degree, Francis studied quantum electro dynamics as pan of show," Hom said." Maybe I'm a little naive, but when I play music I'm trying an electrical engineering technology program at Purdue University. to put across an idea or an emotion." These physical, systematic doctrines seem to have remained with "The stage antics are fun, but it sometimes covers up the message," Horn Francis even up to this point in his life. said. When asked about the band's five-year outlook, Francis replied, "We In addtion to being a member of this increasingly popular heavy metal will be in a position in seven years to reinforce nodal points in the waves of band, Hom is a university broadcasting major who hopes to graduate from human flows." The Campus Beautiful in December of '92. (Okey Dokey. I'll leave the interpretation of that to the experts.) "I got addicted to the bass when I was 11 years old," Horn said. "I'll Tony Estrada, drummer for Beholder, describes the band's music as always play music. But I came to college because I'm an inquisitive sort of having the heavy crunch of bands like Metallica and Queensryche, only with person. I started out as an electronics major." higher pitched vocals. "Sometimes people think that rock bands just sit around talking about For visual effect, they sometimes paint their faces with white make-up. partying and women all the lime," Horn said. "But some of our conversations "We do it more or less for shock effect," Estrada said. have started out with a discussion of oral sex and ended up switching to Lead guitarist, Kenny Z. Rotsikk, has this to say about the band's genetic engineering." intentions: "People can be entertained without sex and drugs or us telling "As far as fame and fortune goes. It's great to think about big concert tours them how many girlfriends we have." and platinum albums, but it's really just a form of artistic expression for me," "It would be a lot easier to sing about these things," Francis added "But Hom said. instead, we do what we do."

Progress photos *y JONATHAN ADAMS ^^^ At left, a 1950s Gibson Les Paul electric six-string. Above, Tony Estrada of Beholder pounds out the beat of "Spiritual Violence," a 17 minute song from the bands' album, "Shock the Wortd." Jeez, I wonder if anyone will ever understand It" T-shirt. you know that honestly wake up You can't expect me to believe monumental, but I had to throw from our wombs equally inno- Julie Smead I thought the whole jist of that with red eyes every day without that anyone would invest in one of them in. cent, potential human beings. ad campaign was to help people get having been out boozing or smok- these things just to smoke tobacco. Jamie Lee Curtis. « Potential. That word carries off of their lazy behinds and stop ing the night before? And "cigarette" rolling papers. Big boobs, big deal. all the weight of the controversy ^ making excuses for not exercising. I have contact lenses and stay Have you ever seen someone actu- I don't understand. since no one can decide if the Anyway... I mean, I don't go around wear- up late working and studying al- ally use them to roll up tobacco? Why do people use the word blastuh can indeed be labeled as ing a "Don't hate me because I'm most every night of each semester I know. I know. Kentucky is a "facetious," (fu-see-shus)? human. ■ beautiful" T-shirt I'm realistic. and I never use the stuff. state where an abundance of to- I think they just say it to sound But did anyone in Tennessee There are a lot of things I really And I don't understand. I don't even buy drops made bacco is yearly grown and farmers smart. Does anyone know what the know the folks in Iowa? How can don't understand. And there's a lot Maybe the guy just started his especially for lens wearers. sometimes like to sample a bit of exact meaning is, anyway? I had to anyone be sure that they didn't of things I understand almost loo cross-training regimen the day be- Sure, everyone's eyes get red their harvest. look it up. I thought it meant "sar- deserve to die or how can anyone well. fore I saw him and was wearing the naturally sometimes, but I can't But guess which plant is the castic" because that's how people be sure that they were really Today I'm talking about the T as a motivational tool. It's not for believe it happens often enough to basis for one man's 1992 Kentucky use it when I'm around. But it means human? Maybe they were aliens things that boggle my mind me to say, I guess. create enough revenue for the slick gubernatorial campaign? "playful or joking, especially at an from Pluto who liked Big Macs I'm not going to get philosophi- Have you ever thought about and snazzy T. V. commercials these Once again, I don't understand. inappropriate time." I've never and just looked like humans. cal or empirical here. I'm simply the relationship between drugs and guys put out. And what about racism. I don't heard anyone use it this way. No, most of them probably going to highlight the abundant lack eye drops? Why hasn't anyone noticed understand this at all being the So, say it with me: / don't un- started out as plain old blastulas. of common logic that surrounds I believe that the drunks, pot this? idealist that I am. We are all people derstand. It is wrong to kill blastulas me. heads and crack addicts of this I have and I don't understand. for Pete's sake. Now here's the big one. just the same as it was wrong Let me start with the most sim- country are singlehandedly keep- And what about legally sold I just love it when someone ABORTION. It's black and when the loony shot the 38 inno- plistic source of my confusion. ing ole' "Gets the red out" in busi- tobacco pipes that look like the calls a black person the "N" word white to me. But not to some. cents. The other day I was driving ness. It's obvious. Maybe they don't crazy thing the caterpillar from and then turns around and says, It's strange how we all get upset Incest and rape abortions I un- around Lexington and spotted a realize it, but Murine and Visine "Alice in Wonderland" was smok- "But I'm not prejudiced." and cry rivers when a loony shoots derstand. sight that made me wonder. are helping to keep fry brains eve- ing from? Is this logic? Does anyone un- 38 people at some McDonald' s out But plain old blastulas. That's It was (I'm just going to say it) a rywhere incognito. Why are they still legal in this derstand this? in Iowa, but then we turn around the one I really, really don't un- FAT guy wearing a Nike "Just Do Really. How many people do lime of Just Say No? Here's some others. They 're not and rally for the right to gouge derstand.

* B2 Arts & Entertainment The Eastern Progress Thursday, August 30,1990 Lee McClellan, editor Blues legend Stevie Ray Vaughan killed in crash Campus culture By Lee McClellan Arts Editor

"I believe, I believe my time ain't long" j Music "Dust My Broom"—Elmore James The Richmond Choral Society will hold its first reherasal of the Monday morning I was stressing school year on Sept 4. out about the fact that I needed more The rehersal will run from 7:30 p.m. to 9:30 pjn. in room 300 copy to run on my page this week. of the Foster Music Building. New members are asked to arrive by All morning long, the station had 7:15 for first rehresal. run a story of a helicopter wreck after There are no auditions, but a membership fee is required. For an Eric Clapton concert. The people in further information contact the director, Linda Everman, at 624- the office kept asking, "Do you think 1549. Clapton is dead ?" At 12:15p.m.LynVaughnofCNN told the audience, "Blues guitarist □ Dance Stevie Ray Vaughan is dead." I sat dumbfounded. Clapton wasn't dead, The clinic for the Little Colonels dance team tryouts will be but Stevie Ray was. held Sept. 3 from 4:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. One of my heroes has fallen from An additional clinic will be held Sept 4 from 4:30 p.m. to 6:00 the sky. p.m. in the Begley gymnasium. A hillside near East Troy, Wis. Tryouts for the dance team will be held at 4:30 p.m. in the took the bluesman home to salvation. Weaver Dance Studio. He had played a weekend concert with For more information contact Joni at 624-1923. Clapton, Robert Cray and his brother Jimmie Vaughan. A few miles away □ Theater from the Alpine Valley Music Theater the helicopter went down and had The EKU Theater department will present "Starting Here, taken along with Vaughan one of Starting Now." Clapton's agents and another member The show will run from Sept. 5 through Sept. 8 in the Pearl of the tour entourage. Buchanan Theatre in the Kccnc Johnson Building. I remember the first time I heard Admission is $3 and proceeds will go to help students with Stevie Ray Vaughan and Double theater scholarships. Trouble. I was a junior in high school. A friend had bought his first album 'Texas Flood," calling Vaughan the white Jimi Hendrix. After one listening of "Love Struck Recordsmith's Top Ten Baby" I was addicted. I thought he was the best white blues guitarist since #1 Jane's Addiction #6 Styper Duane Allman. APUserpholo "Ritual De Lo Habitual" "Against the Law" Growing up in Dallas, but cutting Stevie Ray Vaughan always gave his best at live performances. his musical teeth in Austin, TX Stevie #2 Ratt #7 Don Dokken the Mississippi delta blues of Robert blues masters such as Muddy Watcis players before me-and even now- Ray started his career in stripper clubs "Detonator" "Up from the Ashes" and slugged it out in Austin bars for Johnson and Son House and also the and Howlin' Wolf turned on young aren't getting the credit they deserve. bottleneck slide playing of Elmore audiences in the 1960s. \^ I'll go back to bars before I ever go years until he was discovered. #3 Prince #8 Bob Mould James. Throw in the rock influence of "What I'm trying to do is take commercial, because it's important to During his formative years, "Grafitti Bridge" "Black Sheets of Rain" Vaughan was influenced by the Texas Jimi Hendrix and you have Vaughan's everything that's ever excited me and keep this music alive." style. put it together," Vaughan said in the Now, he will never get the chance blues of Aaron "T-Bone" Walker, #4 Living Colour #9 Sweet FA Lightin' Hopkins and Eddie Vaughan spearheaded a commer- March 25,1985 issue of People maga- to sell out, a hillside in East Troy, Wis. "Times Up" "Stick to Your Guns" "Clcanhcad" Vinson. Mixed in with cial revival in blues and rythymn and zine. "The problem with this music is took care of that. blues and turned young audiences in that record companies don't recog- I hope I never need to find copy the music of his surroundings, #5 Anthrax #10 Pixies Vaughan also was heavily steeped in the 1980s on to blues in the way the nize it enough, and a lot of the great this way again. "Persistence of Time" "Bossanova" MOVIES 8 Ultra-Stereo Richmond Drive-In RICHMOND MALL K3-K.5 In All Houses us 25 South SOMETHING SMELLS! PUMP UP THE A A A A MEN AT Christian Slater LE COLLEGE LIFE WORK Oft* Air America & Mr "*■ ** ** r»i« 1?» I* SOS 72* I « MY BLUE (The most wanted men CALLS FOR Navy Seals HEAVEN ss IPO^ DOMINO'S PIZZA! Friday & Gates open at 8 p.m. tin ix tn MI is uca !a <« isiia mu»-, Saturday $5 per car h Somfes TAKING CARE:: OMOjk tfVUttu bMRMd Flea Market every Sat 10 a.m. • 5 p.m. OF BUSINESS °Z';: JOB. %TTJ - R ATI 1MFRS Sat ft Sun Sun noon - S p.m. JAMES BELUSHI 0"r 4» 7 lit it CHARLES QRODIM 11 »Mfl» GEORGE C. SCOTT in Richmond Drive In GHOST ra®Rci$T BELIEVE^ tfmt My Gods Must Be Crazy >k«n , nia Mi M Ml I* l-U2.lt 141 I is MM & Always Sunday Sept. 2 WE'RE THE ANSWER. FIREWORKS Richmond Mall 624-0237 during Intermission Gates open at 7 p.m. Fan # 623-9588 $7 per car Us 25 South • ■ o si WELCOME BACK

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•a» J B4 Activities The Eastern Progress Thursday, August 30,1990 Susan Gayle Reed, editor Alcoholics Anonymous Sign me up University chapter combats abuse, alcoholism

By Susan Gayle Reed County is, for the most part, cheap, through." Activities editor plentiful, and legal. Alcoholics Anonymous is not af- "There are two main places where filiated with any religious organiza- Because of a concern that the uni- people Stan their drinking career: col- tion. Price said. versity is having a major problem with lege or in the armed services," Price "This is not a religious program," alcohol abuse, a campus chapter of said. he said. "We place principles before Alcoholics Anonymous will be meet- Alcoholics Anonymous meetings personalities. Anonymity is the spiri- ing at 6:30 p.m. every Tuesday night are open to anyone interested. tual foundation of the program." at the United Methodist Campus The meetings are held in open "Anonymity will always be re- Center. discussion fashion; however, those spected," Price said. "'What you see Coordinator Mike Price said that interested in just listening may feel here, who you see here, let it stay here' the Methodist center gave permission free to attend also. is something the program was founded to hold the meetings there after cam- Price stressed that he is not pro- on." pus "big-wigs" rejected his proposal moting A A, rather giving information "Breaking my anonymity is my to have meetings in the Powell Build- to those who may need it. own personal choice," he said. ing saying that every room was taken Price said."I am not at liberty to If someone even suspects he may every night of the week. promote AA. I am at liberty to speak have a problem with alcohol and wants Price chalks up the lack of coop- of my own experiences." to talk to experts, AA may be the place eration to what he feels is pretty much "Only another person who has had for him to look. a community-wide denial that there is alcohol problems can understand a "Psychiatrists, psychologists and a serious problem with alcohol. person who is having problems with physicians aren't the experts," he said. "People in AA are the experts. We've "This community is definitely into alcohol abuse or who has the disease lived it." heavy-duty denial," Price said. "The of alcoholism," Price said. "There is a Price said, 'Tor hundreds of years ones who may wind up in here are the special bond between people who professionals have tried to get people ones who may selectively choose to share this problem that no one else can to stop. Aside from a few who find over look this article. understand." help from the church, this is the only Progress photo by JONATHAN ADAMS Price said the university has an in- Price said,"Lord willing, other program that seems to work." credible problem with alcohol abuse people will never have to understand. "People don't just sit down and Robert Manning, president of Beta Theta PI fraternity, spoke with potential rushees at the or the disease of alcoholism because Only we understand, people who have quit," Price said. "Real people in AA fraternity rush kick-off Monday In the Ravine. Rush will continue until bid day next Thursday. of the fact that alcohol in Madison been through what they're going do it and show others how they do it." Delta Tau making plans for upcoming rush activities By Susan Gayle Reed campus, community, state." But perhaps the service project ing others. They also take time to KDT "rush" begins September 11 out if they like what they see," Wilson said. "They don't really know until Activities Editor Some of the service projects the most special to the KDTs is the Spe- enjoy some of the same kind of events and continues for four days, the 11th, KDTs sponsor are feeding a needy cial Olympics where they serve as as the Greek organizations on cam- 13th. 18th, and the 20ih. they try." Kappa Delta Tau, while the oldest child from Argentina with the Chris- buddies, which stay with the child and pus, such as grub dances, formals, "We call it 'get acquainted par- "I want them to feel welcome," organization at the university, is per- tian Children's Foundation, going on lead him around to the events, or as making a float and having a home- ties', not rush," Wilson said. "We do Wilson said. haps the one which takes the least television to donate money to the huggers, which wait at the finish line coming queen representative. ice-breaker-type games, show a slide- Bowling said, "Anybody who is amount of spotlight. Muscular Dystrophy Association, hav- cheering the athletes on. Wilson said the thing she enjoys show of things KDT has done in the looking for a top-notch quality com- Even though the organisation takes ing parties for children in Shriners' KDTs also sponsor "Sunshine most about KDT is the "Sisterhood." past, and give them an orientation. mitment in their life should look at pan in some, of the Greek activities on hospitals, visiting elderly people in Week" each semester when members There are dues to pay. However Wilson said that anyone who is KDT." campus, KDT is not a Greek sorority. nursing homes, and helping other stand outside the Powell Building the costs are less than the average for considering KDT but who may be "We care for others and we care President Lori Wilson said, "We needy when they hear of someone or a handing out candy and wishing stu- Greek sororities. undecided should come to the get ac- for eachother," Bowling said. "I think are a service organization. Our main family who needs help, including a dents good luck on finals. Members are also not required to quainted parties. it's the finest organization on cam- purpose is service projects for the foster family in Richmond. However, KDT is not only serv- live on the KDT floor. "I'd like for them to come and find pus." WANTED: WELCOME BACK Managers for Men's Basketball EKU STUDENTS Team Hf * Partial Scholarhip Available

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Fate plays role in 'melon-choly' experience Campus Clips It is my belief that some things A Guide to University Activities Compiled by Susan Gayle Reed are a matter of fate, and no matter Susan Gayle gun did not even seem the slightest bit praising. unusual. I felt like I could even cry, but I what you do to try and fight it, there Reed Get Rappelled information call 622-1228. are just some things that are left up I began to develop an attachment told myself that because I had to get The Military Science Department to a higher power. to my green passenger. back to the Progress, the tears would will hold its annual "Co-curricular Football party planned Through I was even beginning to picture have to wait. For instance, last Monday night Days" today and Friday on the intra- Dupree and Todd halls will be my eyes myself on the radio with Cruiser after I sped back to Richmond, I didn't mural fields. The department will I was in bed intent on being at the I won the tickets. He would ask me cry, and I even made my deadline. sponsoring a Football 1990 Rally at Progress office by at least 8:30 in give rappelling and judo demonstra- 8:30 pm Thursday September 6 in do was bring the biggest melon I could how I felt about finding the biggest But I was sad. I wanted those tions and discuss cocurricualr activi- order to have all of my stories in by find to the radio station and if it was the Dupree Hall recreation room. melon, and I would tell him, "Well, tickets, and I knew I was never going ties offered by the department. After Coach Roy Kidd, the team captains, deadline. bigger than anybody else's, I was going you know. Cruiser, this melon has to reveal to anyone the stupid thing I I was up bright and early at 8:00 instructions, students may rappel and several coaches and players will to the show. been working out and training hard had done. from the university's 50 foot tower. getting dressed while listening^io "Well," I thought. "If that's all, As time was running out, I broke be there getting ready for a win for this contest for a long time, and For information call Capt. Frank against Central Florida. Free refresh- WKQQ.as I do every day of school, then what's stopping me?" he's got that winning attitude. I'm not down and confessed to my boyfriend Morin at 622-1215 or 622-1205. when Cruiser came on the air an- ments will be served and door prizes Now, I'm not normally this im- surprised by this victory a bit." what I had done. will be given away. nouncing that nobody had won the 2 petuous, leaping before I look. Had I not been so caught up in my He smiled, he laughed, then he Crossing borders front-row seats to the Gallagher Well, ok maybe I am, but the fact delusions of watermelon grandeur, I just cracked up for a minute and told show yet. There will be a cross-cultural remained that I wanted those tickets, might have turned on the radio and me he didn't know what he was going mixer from 3:00 to 5:00 pm Wednes- Special class offered Now you have to understand, nobody had brought in a melon yet, saved myself from what was to befall to have to do with me. day September 5 in the Keen Johnson The university's Division of Spe- Gallagher for those who are unfa- and Cruiser said that I could probably me. The day of the show, actually four Building. There will be free refresh- cial Programs wil be offering a class miliar with his style, is one of the bring in a kumquat and win. I found the radio station in record hours before the show started, my ship ments and the mixer is open to all on Preparing for the Graduate Rec- greatest comedians in the world. So I woke up my room-mate, who time, ran in all excited, and I have came in. students. ord Exam. They will help students He is also the sole inventor of I knew would be just as excited as me, decided that there is nothing more Whether he was sick of my whin- brush up on verbal and mathemati- the handy-dandy Slcdge-O-Mauc, and invited her to haul a watermelon sickening than the sight of a big green ing, impressed with the seriousness of cal skills at 4<40 pm Tuesdays and the revolutionary kitchen appliance to Lexington with me. water melon sitting in the floor having my attempt, or just feeling particu- Latin culture items needed Thursdays from September 5 through with which countless numbers of I can' t print what her reaction was. won first place. larly sweet, I don't know, but my The 11th Annual Culture Festival October 11. Tuition for the class is fruits, vegetables, Whoppers with I then called our sports editor, I could have thrown up. sweetheart decided that he wanted to which will be held from September 5 S35. For information call 622-1228. cheese, and scores of melons are Tom Marshall, who I knew shared the Desperate, I asked the lady at the take me to see Gallagher, and he even through October 17 will feature the slain each year. same liking for Gallagher. I knew he desk "The contest isn't over yet, is it?" bought my ticket for me. countries of Latin America. There is Lions and tigers and bears an urgent need for items to be dis- I had been hinting heavily to my would love to make the trip with me. She told me yes, that a man had My point? Yes, I have one. Just A Mom and Tot Trip to the Cin- I don't think I can quote his reac- just left that big old melon and walked because a situation looks grim, you played in the library and various boyfriend, who does not like Gal- other buildings on campus. Books, cinnati Zoo has been planned for lagher, to get us tickets. tion here either. out with the tickets.My tickets. don't have to take it When a possible pre-schoolers and parent September However, I have a stubborn streak I couldn't believe it I told her I photos, arts and crafts, native cos- I then resorted to begging and solution presents itself, seize it. tumes, jewelry, eel. will be grate- 12. The bus will leave at 8:15 am. pleading tactics. in me, and feeling some higher power had made this trip to Lexington, driv- Even though my melon didn't win, The cost is $14.25 for adults and was in control of the situation, I felt ing like a maniac, hauling a melon all fully appreciated. All loaned items When none of the above worked, I at least made the attempt which was will be secured. For information call $11.75 for children. Cost includes I being short of money, resigned controlled, possessed, and the next the way to radio station, while on better than staying home and wonder- transportation and tickets to the zoo. thing you know, I'm at Winn Dixie deadline at the Progress, no less, and Callie Dean at 622-3170. Monday myself to the fact that if I was meant ing "What if." through Friday, 8:00 am to 4:30 pm, For information call 622-1228. to go see Gallagher, some new op- comparing watermelons like a woman they didn't have anything there to Besides, if I hadn't hauled a big gone mad. give me for my trouble? and after 5:00 pm at 623-2752. tion would present itself to me. green watermelon all the way to Lex- As I did 85 all the way to Lexing- What injustice! Yearbooks available So as I listened to Cruiser on the ington, my boyfriend might not have ton that bright sunny morning, I knew, She said she was sorry, and I left realized how important going to the Wet ones The 1990 Milestone is available radio Tuesday morning, I knew this way down deep in my soul, that those thinking "She was sorry? I'm the one show was to me, and I might have Tiny Tots and Polywogs Swim- to be picked up from 2:00 to 4:00 pm was the way, the light, the answer to tickets were mine. who's SOL. never gotten to see Gallagher perform ming classes will be held Thursdays Wednesday September 5 and Wed- my dilemma. and Saturdays beginning September nesday September 12 in room 409 of The thought of driving all the way So I got back in my car and glared "Death by Melon." 6. Tuition for the classes is $37. For the Jones Building. It was easy, he said. All I had to to Double Q with a melon riding shot- evilly at the melon I had just been Think about it. 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Buttin' heads sues Athletic director Register By Tom Marshall leaves behind Sports editor Former Eastern athletic director Donald 19-year legacy G. Combs has tiled a libel suit against The Richmond Register and its parent company with retirement Thomson Newspaper. Inc. The suit was filed in Madison Circuit When Athletic Director Donald G. Court Aug. 8. Combs announced his retirement lo uni- The case stems from from a May 16, 1990, versity president Hanly Funtlemurk en story in the Register, which claimed the for- Aug. 3, he ended a 19-year career, which mer athletic director was arrested May 5 on often times put him at the center of con- charges of driving under the influence. The troversy. newspaper account said Combs had recorded The heavy-set and red-faced Combs a blood alcohol level of .15 percent and had has been known for his outspoken ways. been detained in the Madison County Deten- His opinion is one that many have found tion Center. easy m find. The next day, the Register printed two Combs often spoke without analyz- corrections, since the name of the man in- ing the possible consequences of his volved in the incident was Donald E Combs, statements. He's a controversial figure and not former athletics director, Donald G. most anywhere he's found. Combs. In recent years, budget cuts by Fun- In the suit, (he former athletic director derburk have put Combs in the hot seat alleges the story tended to "disgrace and He was the ax-man for Funderburk's degrade" him. decisions in athletics. "He's looking to be vindicated by an irre- Combs bore the heat for decisions sponsible press," said Charles Coy, attorney __ , __^ Progress photo bv IONATHAN ADAMS 1WI Lester takes a handoff from quarterback Dewby Berkhalter in the Colonels first scrtmmate Saturday. Lester, such as the one made several years ago for Donald G. Combs. wno missed most of last season due to a knee Injury Is back to spark the running for the upcoming season. to end the university swim learn, a team Employees of he Register have been in- that Combs had coached to numerous structed not lo discuss the matter by their titles years before. attorney, Robert Houlihan Jr., Register pub- Kidd unhappy with offense in scrimmage Two years ago Combs announced lisher Ruth Bryant said. the firing of farmer basketball coach "We've had a good relationship with to move the football with any consistency." Max Good. EKU," Bryant said. "My reason for not re- By Ted Schultz ping our offensive line. But I think a lot of that Kidd earlier this season referred to his of- has to do with that we have so many injuries in Good, who had a losing record in his sponding is that it's in litigation and I've been Assistant sports editor fensive line as the Colonels "strong suit." But our offensive line." stint as coach, had met NCAA rules con- advised by attorneys not to respond." he is now concerned with that area, as injuries Another bright spot was the return of sistently during his stay and was thought Combs was on vacation and unavailable If Saturday's in trasquad football scrimmage lo five of the top six lineman have set them running back Tim Lester. Lester, who missed to have been fired unfairly by some for comment on the case Houlihan of Lexing- is any indication of how the offense is going to back a few yards. Kidd said their replace- nearly all of last season with a knee injury, detractors of the decision. ton was out of town and also unavailable for look this year, many fans are going to be ments all have some talent, but have little didn't get many carries, but Kidd said he ran As an apparently willing fall guy for comment, according to his secretary. disappointed. college experience. well in the scrimmage. these actions. Combs and his outspoken The Register and Thomson Newspaper Coach Roy Kidd was not pleased with the Kidd also expressed some concern over "He was running fine," Kidd said. "I didn't personality sometimes led him into a Inc., have 20 days from the filing of the showing by his offense, especially in the offen- the tightend position. He said they need more let him carry the ball much Saturday, but he'll cross-fire with students and faculty. lawsuit to respond to the accusation. sive line. Wide receiver Vince Ware and center blocking out of that position to be effective. get his chance lo carry the football." Just over a year ago. Combs spoiled Bryant and Coy would not comment on Jim VonHandorf did not play and tackle Al Kidd did, however, noteacouplcof bright Kidd said he wasn't sure whether his key off lo a reporter from die Lexington the possiblity of an out-of-court settlement. Jacevicius and guard John Holmes were in- Herald-Leader in a story about univer- spots. The defense played well, holding the offensive starters will be ready for the Central "I wouldn't comment on it if their was any jured, but Kidd was unhappy withjhc results. Colonels offense in check, while dom inating sity athletic budgets and the relative negotiations of an out-of-court of settlement," Florida game. But his outlook is that of an "I was disappointed in our offense," Kidd in the tr optimist. importance of academics and athletics Coy said. "There's always a chance that any- said. "I just didn't think we got very much done "Our defensive front is doing a real good "We'll get better," he said. "As we get to an institution such as Eastern. thing can be settled" offensively. We did everything bad on offense "I don't hear anybody telling me job," Kidd said. "They're physically whip- healthier, we'll get better." about the great research work done by professors,'' he was quoted in the Her- ald-Leader. "I don't hear about kids Sports briefs coming to the school 10 study under the great scholars in the country." Followed by a threatened censure of Combs by the university's Faculty FOOTBALL: Four university university players were ROBIN CROWE Senate, (he statement brought an un- common apology from Combs. A for- named to the preseason Al America team, as selected by mal letter was dispatched lo faculty at Don Hanson's Fdotbal Gazette. the university shortly after the story Al Jacevicius, a senior tackle from Worcester, Mass., appeared. earned first team honors. Sophomore running back Markus His retirement, announced Aug. 3, Thomas and junior defensive lineman Ernest Thompson was as abrupt and rough as his personal- were named to the second team. Senior quarterback ity and his tenure as Eastern's athletic Lorenzo Fields was named honorable mention. director. "ITs a good honor for them" said coach Roy Kidd 1 His retirement was announced dur- think they have the potential to be All-Americans. Its just ing an athletic meeting with Funderburk a matter of them having a good year and getting 1 done." and was not discussed with Assistant Tickets for the Sept 8 game wih Central Florida, as Athletic Director Martha Mullins or wen as the other five home games are on sale in the Robert Baugh, who oversees university athletic ticket office In Room 128, Alumni Coliseum athletics through his position as dean of the College of Health, PhysicalFduca- tion, Recreation and Athletics. Without BASEBALL: Coach Jim Ward much notice, Baugh was lapped to wear wil be holding a clinic for the public hmh u dean's and an athletic director's Sept. 8 from 9 am to noon at Turkey caps until Combs' permanent replace- ment is hired. Hughes Field. The clinic, which is free, wl offer Both Baugh and Mullins said they instruction on hitting, pitching, catch- were surprised with the Combs' move and were unsure of the reasons for the ing, and infield and outfield play. Sev- decision. eral coaches and members of East- Shortly after the retirement an- em's baseball team will be on hand to nouncement. Combs left the university offer instruction. lo go on vacation and has not contacted The clinic will also feature a home- Ward Baugh or Mullins since. His retirement run hitting contest, refreshments for officially becomes effective Aug. 31. players and an autograph session for al persons attend- ing the clinic. Since leaving the university, Combs has found time lo file a lawsuit against The cine will be folowed at 1 p.m. by a doubleheader between Eastern and Georgetown College. The Richmond Register and its parent company, Thomson Newspaper, Inc. The suit is in wake of a story in the Register, which Combs claimed libeled COLONEL CLUB: The Colonel Club wil be hold- him by falsely reporting he had been ar- ing its 13th annual fish fry Sept. 6 at 6 p.m, in the bleach- rested and charged with driving under ers of Hanger Field. the influence. Reporters at the Register The 1990 football team wil be introduced, along with apparently confused the university's the 1990-91 men's and women's basketbal teams. Combs with another man with a similar The public is invited to attend at the cost of $5 per per- name. The paper ran front page correc- son. tions of its error. It was probably not controversy that caused Combs to retire. Maybe he was NCAA: The NCAA has approved an early signing tired of carrying out policies that de- period for al winter and spring sports by a margin of 17-2, manded a more profitable bottom line according to The NCAA News. for university athletic programs. Maybe The early signing period wl cover a span of eight he did not want to preside over athletics days and is pan of a pilot study program The progran wl in a new decade that guarantees changes by re-evaluated at the end of the nattonal-letter of intent In Concert in the Ravine in the OVC and the NCAA that he had signing period in 1991. known for many years. Commenting to this reporter about Tuesday, Sept. 4 • 8 PM Combs' resignation, Furiderburk praised Combs' role at the university. QUOTE OF THE WEEK: Universry cross coun- "We'll miss Don Combs,* Funder- try coach Rick Erdmann, on how Eastern compares to the (rain location: Brock Auditorium) burk said rest of the nation by proportion, in terms of performance, "He handled budgets very well,'' he as a resut of the amount of money spent tor the program CENTER said "That's a significant thing in this LCENTERJt.ri, tn tfcnlucky University day and time." "We had the best team probably in the United Sponsored by The university and Funderburk will States last year, based on the amount of resources we B9MDiE^University Centerboard B°MD indeed miss Combs in his retirement had. I honestly believe that.'' Though outspoken lo a fault at times, the ax-man is gone.

* » The Eastern Progress, Thursday, August 30,1990 B7 Sports Man of Steele Colonel Cross Country graduating early team to defend OVC title By Tom Marshall of schedule." By Ted Schultz David Hawes, a junior from Jef- Sports editor Steele is not a star on the squad Assistant sports editor fcrsonville, Ind., heads the list of re- that took top honors at the Ohio Val- turnees. Hawes won the conference Universities are commonly found ley Conference Championships. He's Last season university athletic individual champoinship as a fresh- to have thousands of students unsure a role player, who runs for the enjoy- teams won three Ohio Valley Confer- man and finished second last year. of where their future lies. They often ment of it ence Championships. Tim Menoher ran cross country times question their destiny within the "I've helped them push on," Steele All three were coached by Rick for the first time last year and was the university and later on, down the said. Erdmann. Erdmann guided both the Colonels top runner in only their sec- spanning road of life. After a strong background from men and women to OVC cross coun- ond meet of the season. Menoher was Athletes have also found this road his high school career at Bath County try titles and, with the help of assistant then hampered by a leg injury and difficult and athletes struggling aca- High School in Owingsville, Ky., coach Tim Moore, led the women to a missed the rest of the season. demically can expect their difficulties Steele went out for the Eastern club, championship in track and field. The Colonels have several other spread throughout the news media. and after a quick start, he suffered an The men took places one through runners competing for varsity posi- However, walk-on cross country injury. six (only the top five count in team tions, led by junior Sham Pawsat, runner John Steele has not encoun- "It started out great," he said. scoring) to finish with 1S points in last who has vastly improved since last tered that problem, and has gained a Then he suffered a stress fracture year's OVC meet at Tennessee Tech. season, according to Erdmann. firm grasp on his future—here at in his thigh and was forced to lay out The women took the first four places Kevin Hauery, who finished fifth, Eastern and beyond in the outside five months during his first campaign. and finished with 19 points, also ex- is the only returning senior who ran in community. "Ever since then its not been the traordinary for a cross country meet. the OVC meet last year. Seniors Brian "My schooling is pretty much same," he said. It is not often that a team scores a Cocoran and John Steele also have organized," Steele said. "My room is - Shelburne said Steele still wakes "Perfect 15" in a cross country meet. some varsity experience. not." up at nights with cramps as result of It is like a perfect game in baseball. The Colonels will be counting on Earlier, before discussing his the injury. The fact that the Colonels did it in the a couple of transfers and an exchange Eastern career with an Eastern Prog- The friendships with fellow team conference championship makes it student to add depth to this year's ress reporter, Steele sat in his chair members is something Steele won't similar to Don Larsen's perfect game team and possibly fill a varsity spot. discussing world affairs with room- forget in the World Series. Rob Col vin, a junior college trans- mate Greg Shelburne and a guest, Dan "We're real close, but there's "We had the best team probably in fer is expected to make an immediate Mantrup. The room in Commonwealth always that compeuu vencss," he said the United Stales last year based on impact, as is Andy White, a transfer Hall was cluttered from efforts to re- "It has made me a more disci- the amount of resources we had," from Kent State. Burkhard Wagner, locate to dorm life after the summer plined person," he said "I wouldn't Erdmann said "1 honestly believe an exchange student from West Ger- months. do it any other way." that." many, is also expected to contribute. Steele, who stands tall and slen- A cooperative education program Pmnu vheto bv LESLIE YOUNG This year the conference meet will "I think our strength will be our der, as you might expect in a runner, at the university helped him gain the ability to run as a group as opposed to needed hours to graduate early. Each John Steele, right, wM gradual* hi December after only three and be held at Arlington Country Club, the will graduate wi ih a bachelor's degree a half years at the university. A turf management major from having an outstanding individual," summer since com ing to Eastern Steele Colonels home course. Erdmann said. "The men have a little this fall and short 1 y after plans to move Owingsville, he Is running here with freshman Eric Von Helens. The loss of five of the top seven to Florida in pursuit of his career. has gained practical experience more depth." through the program. He will be employed on a perma- has not fully sunk in for his roommate runners from last year, including indi- The men have had as many as 29 In the beginning, as a freshman, "It's just like summer school," nent basis as the assistant golf course and fellow team member, Shelburne. vidual conference Bill Steele said he was concerned with runners show up for practice, includ- Steele said. superintendent. "Since I found out he's graduating Hoffman, will hurt, but Erdmann ing 13 freshmen. Erdmann said he graduating in four years, much less He has spent the last two summers "The gol f course industry is where early, I've thought about it a lot," thinks the Colonels are still the team to beat in the OVC. plans to run a freshman team in some three-and-a-half. at The Falls Country Club in West you can make the money," he ex- Shelburne said "The real shot will hit invitationals. "Everybody was talking about Palm Beach, Fla. plained in a confident tone. Mantrup me after he's gone." "I think we have to be consid- The men's and women's teams graduating in four-and-a-half," Steele "It was good practical experience," and Shelburne joke with Steele con- Marking Steele's plans for the ered," Erdmann said. "We're capable will open their seasons with the said. "So I started taking a lot of hours he said. "That's where I'm going in cerning his salary at his future job. future are plans to marry high school of winning it. We have to stay away Marshall Invitational in Huntington, and my adviser said I was way ahead January, after graduation." The effect of Steele's graduation sweetheart Glenna Spencer in May. from injuries." W.Va. Saturday. * 97% of all Eastern Students read and dip coupons from the CAMPUS Eastern Progress. Are you advertising with the Eastern Progress?

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r The Eastern Progress, Thursday, August 30,1990 B8 Sports

^^^ optimistic after taking over ■MMte V Lar 1 EKU field hockey program ^■^^ * Agd four-year letter-winner and served as By Ted Sdraltz worked really hard," she said. "They're intensity level is outstand- team captain at Miami of Ohio. Miami Assistant sports edlor If*" JL ing. They're abiaty to work hard is will be the Colonels first opponent this unmatched by any other team I've season, with the meeting in Richmond When DM Frieda took over IK ever worked with." Sept 8. women's field hockey program in Friedu, who replaces Linda Shar- In addition to coaching, Fricdli will Bi." July, she had only three weeks to pies as coach of the Lady Colonels, take over as the assistant director of prepare for the season. has several years of field hockey intramurals. She replaces Linda Shar- She spent two of those weeks experience. She coached for two years pies, who compiled a 32-21-2 record working at camps. To add to tie pres- at Springfield College in Springfield, in three years as coach of the Lady sure, she had only 14 players to work Mass. For three years, she has worked Colonels. with when practice began last week. with (he United States Olympic De- "We expect our players to give 100 But to FnekN's delight, the the velopmental Program, which trains percent every practice," she said. players are working hard and are future Olympians. "We're working hard to be number one IB v coming together as a team. While in college, Friedu' was a and to upgrade field hockey at Eastern Qitf AIL "Since our first practice, we've Kentucky." , .J^H Field hockey remains an unknown sport a*. more like soccer. are used, just as in soccer. By Ted Schultz Players use sticks to move the "The game is similar to soccer in Assistant sports edtor ' ball toward the opponents goal in this terms of strategies," she said. "The mysterious sport. Southpaws are not only difference is that in field hockey, The 1990 women's field hockey allowed in this sport, as all players you use sticks to advance the ball." ^4 .^^ team has as own "Field of Dreams" must use both hands to hit the ball, The ball used in field hockey is * ^BA ^ in mind with the right hand being on the bot- slightly larger and harder than a base- But, as even an avid sports fan tom. ball. ^^ fcj would wonder, how did someone If an intentional foul occurs within The game is played on a field that is concicvaWy dream up the field that is a 16-yard arc of the goal, the player very similar to a football or soccer ^^ ^^^ used and, more importantly, what has the oppurtunity to strike the ball field. The field is 100 yards long and 60 At A mt exactly is the sport of field hockey? from seven yards out to try and get it yards wide and has a goal at each end. • VjiK™*"*"' -*'-^» * ^*?saHlww The majority of people believe past the goalie. If a foul occurs within Each side has 11 players, 10 position that field hockey is just like the more the arc, which in not intentional, the players and a goalie. •»»» popular and more entertaining sport team that was fouled plays the ball in So why is the sport of field hockey of ice hockey, with the only differ- from the side of the goal such a misunderstood sport? Progress photo by JONATHAN ADAMS ence being that field hockey is played If the regulation period ends in a "It's a different sport," Friedu said. Oof! on grass instead of ice. However, be, a 10-minule overtime period is "It's something that we're not used to. played. If the game is still tied after It's not publicized like football of base- Two praam drifting and sweepchecklng Friday in preparation tor their first gam* university field hockey coach Diana of Onto, coach Diana Frtedlls akna mater. Fricdli says that the sport is actually another overtime period, penalty kicks ball. So people don't know it as much."

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