
Lessons of Leadership: Examining the Life and Administration of Franklin Delano Roosevelt

Bob Avery Director of Business Services Beaver Dam Unified School District

The Ten Lessons We Can Learn from FDR

• This presentation is adapted from one given by Matthew Pinsker, Ph.D., Associate Professor of History, Dickinson College at the 2014 ASBO Eagle Institute.

1 4/27/2015

The Ten Lessons We Can Learn from FDR

What can we look at in FDR’s life and administration to learn lessons on leadership? • Campobello • Court‐Packing • • Lend‐Lease • • Pearl Harbor • Hundred Days • D‐Day • Second • Yalta

The Ten Lessons We Can Learn from FDR

Early Years • 1882: Born, Hyde Park – Only Child • 1903: BA from Harvard – Father died while attending • 1905: Married Eleanor • 1910: Elected to NY State Senate • 1912: Appointed Ass’t Secretary of the Navy • 1920: VP Candidate • 1928: Elected • 1932: Elected 32nd President of the US

2 4/27/2015

The Ten Lessons We Can Learn from FDR I. CAMPOBELLO • Contracted polio in summer of 1921, at age 39, while vacationing.

The Ten Lessons We Can Learn from FDR II. BRAIN TRUST

Louis Howe Henry Morgenthau Basil O’Connor

Eleanor Roosevelt

Samuel Rosenman Hugh Johnson Rexford Tugwell

3 4/27/2015

The Ten Lessons We Can Learn from FDR III. FIRESIDE CHATS • 30 Chats between 1933 and 1944

The Ten Lessons We Can Learn from FDR IV. HUNDRED DAYS

“Of course we may have to change remedies if we don’t get results.”

4 4/27/2015

The Ten Lessons We Can Learn from FDR V. • Works Progress Administration • Federal Power Commission (now FERC) • Rural Electrification Act • Farm Security Administration (now FHA) • National Labor Relations Board • Social Security

The Ten Lessons We Can Learn from FDR VI. COURT PACKING • SCOTUS overturning New Deal legislation as un‐Constitutional

5 4/27/2015

The Ten Lessons We Can Learn from FDR VII. LEND‐LEASE • Neutrality Act • The Garden Hose metaphor

The Ten Lessons We Can Learn from FDR VIII. PEARL HARBOR

6 4/27/2015

The Ten Lessons We Can Learn from FDR IX. D‐DAY • June 6, 1944 • Opening the Second Front in Western Europe

The Ten Lessons We Can Learn from FDR X. YALTA • Second of three meetings of the Big Three • February 1945 • Crimean Peninsula

7 4/27/2015

The Ten Lessons We Can Learn from FDR

• What was your Campobello? • Who is your Brain Trust? • How good are your Fireside Chats? • When do you launch your 100 Days? • Do you need a Second New Deal? • Are you in danger of Court‐Packing misjudgment? • Can you find a Lend‐Lease solution? • How have you reacted to your Pearl Harbor? • When is your D‐Day? • Are you in danger of creating your own Yalta?