september 2011

The Singer challenge Fighting a false philosophy

john lennox | creeping islamisation | same-sex marriage

September 2011 No. 640 the magazine of the presbyterian church of australia

the singer challenge editorial 4 The great debate: John Lennox 10 Out of tune: Gordon Preece ne of the defining moments of the 21 st century was not simply the terrorist attack on 12 Singer’s swan song: Collin Hansen 9/11 that claimed the lives of 2977 victims education from 90 different countries; it was the Oreligious doubt that this event generated in the minds of 14 Creeping Islamisation: Vicky Janson millions around the world: “If God is good, whence such evil ? Doesn’t such terrible suffering remove any reasonable bible study possibility that the world is controlled by the kind of God that Christians worship? ” The Lord saves 15 One of Australia’s leading intellectuals, Dr , 20 Bible studies in Isaiah 40-45 seems to think so. According to his Intellectual Autobiography , Singer has entertained this view for most of church directory his life. For him, the is the clincher that 17 Every Presbyterian church, state by state disproves the existence of God. Whether the evil is due to human malice, like the destruction of the World Trade news Centre, or simply the consequence of some natural disaster like the tsunami that struck Fukushima, the effect is the 25 News same. It makes belief in the God of the Bible impossible . 28 On the Agenda In the recent debate in the Town Hall between Peter Singer and John Lennox (both eminent marriage professors from acclaimed universities), Singer claimed that the problem of evil, and specifically the issue of 30 Man and woman: David Palmer suffering, rendered belief in the Christian God implausible . letters Of course, the temptation for many Christians is to dismiss Singer’s protests and see them as unimportant. But 33 to do so is to ignore his immense influence in Australia’s intellectual culture and his moral stature amongst the prayer rising generation in the English-speaking world. He is a prolific author who writes on ethical subjects that are 34 slowly changing the moral and political agenda of our books world. Further, Singer is not content to remain within the cloisters of the university; he wants to go mainstream by 35 John Knox and the Reformation: appearing on radio and television as well as writing in popular magazines. He now has syndicated columns in 300 D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones and Iain Murray newspapers in 132 countries . Counselling Christian Women on How to Deal With The presence of evil in our world confronts everyone and the challenge of explaining it lies equally upon all. The Domestic Violence: Dr Lynne M. Baker special challenge for Christians is to provide a satisfying, if The Life of Charles Hodge : A. A. Hodge incomplete, answer to this question. And for atheists like Singer, they should have the honesty to admit that denying back page God’s existence does not reduce the world’s suffering one iota ; it simply takes away any hope. 36 Cheating disorder: Peter Jones Peter Hastie ap

THE AUSTRALIAN PRESBYTERIAN (ABN 81 498 399 755) : The national magazine of the Presbyterian Church of Australia. Editorial committee: Peter Hastie (NSW) Themes Editor; Barney Zwartz (Victoria) Production; Stuart Bonnington (West Australia) News Editor; Peter Hastie (NSW), World News Editor. Graphic Design: Sandra Joynt for A&J Moody Design: Advertising and subscription inquiries: Michael Timmins, PO Box 375, Kilsyth 3137; Phone: (03) 9723 9684. Subscription: $39.60 a year inc. GST; bulk (etc) $36.30 each inc. GST. Office: PO Box 375, Kilsyth 3137. Phone: (03) 9723 9684. Fax: (03) 9723 9685. Email: [email protected] Printed by Adept Mail & Print Services, Boronia, Vic. Published: Monthly except January by the National Journal Committee of the Presbyterian Church of Australia; Convener Peter Hastie. Opinions expressed are those of the contributor and not necessarily those of the PCA, the editor or the committee. Acceptance of advertising does not imply endorsement. Contributions: Submitted articles are welcome. The deadline is the first of the previous month. Donations are always welcome. Print Post approved 34918100384.

| australian presbyterian September 2011 3 The great debate The eminent philosopher can be surprisingly shallow about God

rofessor John Lennox publicly I think it’s most unhelpful that we’ve debated Professor Peter John Lennox invented a separate word , “ apologetics ”, Singer on July 20 in the talks to because people tend to think of it as a Melbourne Town Hall on the Peter Hastie branch of Philosophy 101 . The word sPubject: “Is There A God?” The debate apologetics is the transliteration of a drew an interested and curious audience Greek word, apologia, which means from around Australia. Peter Singer is texts in algebra in the Oxford “defence ”. Apologetics , therefore, is the Ira W . DeCamp Professor of Mathematical Monographs series. nothing more than the explanation of Bioethics in the University Centre for His most recent book, on the inter - the Christian gospel to an audience Human Values at Princeton University. face between science, philosophy and that’s asking questions, and that is true He is also the laureate professor at the theology, is God’s Undertaker – Has in any age. The moment you open your Centre for Applied Philosophy and Science Buried God? (Oxford, Lion- mouth and attempt to explain the Public Ethics at the University of Hudson 2009 ). He has lectured exten - gospel, people are going to start asking Melbourne. He first became well known sively in , Eastern and questions. The non-Christian world is internationally after the publication of Western Europe on mathematics, the filled with misunderstandings and mis - Animal Liberation . His extremely contro - philosophy of science and the intellec - representations about , in versial views on animal rights and other tual defence of Christianity. addition to their natural prejudices. And issues in bioethics have received much In recent years he has debated so Christians should be able to answer attention. on “” the questions that pose obstacles to John Lennox is professor of mathe - in the University of Alabama (2007) and Christian belief. matics in the . He is on “Has Science Buried God?” in the I come from where also fellow in mathematics and the phi - Oxford Museum of Natural History there’s lots of sectarianism. So it’s not losophy of science, and pastoral advisor (2008). He has also debated Christopher unusual for people to assume that many at Green Templeton College, Oxford. He Hitchens on the of my beliefs are grounded in some form serves as an adjunct lecturer at Wycliffe ( Festival 2008) and in of prejudice . You saw a case of it last Hall, Oxford University and at the Samford University, Alabama on the night in the public debate that I had with Oxford Centre for Christian Apologetics question: “Is God Great? ” Peter Singer in the Melbourne Town and is a senior fellow of the Trinity John is married to Sally, they have Hall , where we were discussing the issue Forum. three grown up children and four grand - of whether it was reasonable to believe John studied at the Royal School children and live near Oxford. He spoke in God. , Northern Ireland and was to Peter Hastie after the Singer debate. At one stage in the debate he said to Exhibitioner and Senior Scholar at the audience that his greatest objection Emmanuel College, Cambridge John, apart from your career as a to religion was that people remained in University. He worked for many years in mathematician, you’ve developed a the religion that they were brought up the Mathematics Institute at the reputation as a well-known in. He said, “The reason John believes in University of in . He was a Christian apologist. What led you God is because his parents did.” I admit - Senior Alexander Von Humboldt Fellow down that track? ted that my parents were Christians and at the Universities of Wuerzburg and I saw from the history of early so I asked him, “Well, Peter, what about Freiburg in Germany. As well as more Christianity that every Christian in the your parents? What did they believe?” than 70 published mathematical papers , first few generations of the church’s life He replied that they were atheists. So I he is the co-author of two research level was, in a very real sense, an apologist. said to him, “So, you remained in the

4 australian presbyterian September 2011 the singer challenge in which you were brought up.” He generally appreciate the it’s very important for Christians to responded to me: “But it isn’t a faith”, to significance of dealing adequately stand up and defend what the historic which I said, “Really, but don’t you with these scientific challenges to Christian faith has to say about the believe it?” their faith? issue of origins and the status of the I should also mention that I am very Clearly, the issue of the status of the universe. And, if you are going to do interested in apologetics as a result of universe, that is, whether it is created or that, then it’s necessary to engage with studying mathematics and science at a not, is one of paramount significance. science . first-class university, Cambridge. I was You only have to walk past bookshops to engaged in doctoral work there and I felt realise that this is one of the central con - Many people in Australia, especially that it was very important for me to cerns of western culture. The reason for in university circles, regard Peter develop satisfying answers to the ques - this is that our origins are the key to our Singer as one of Australia’s leading tions that everybody in the academic public intellectuals. What was it like world was asking. to debate him last night in the Melbourne Town Hall? So you obtained doctorates in Well, it was very interesting. I got on mathematics and science? very well with Peter; I met him before at Yes, I did. I sometimes call it perish - Oxford. I have previously read a lot of ing by degrees! I obtained a PhD in his work, so it was fascinating to meet mathematics at Cambridge, and then him again and engage in a public debate Oxford gave me another one to help me with him. I didn’t mention this earlier, in their system. I didn’t really have to but I also have a Master’s degree in earn that one. Will we concede to those bioethics that I completed at the However, the most important doctor - people who support a . My thesis involved ate I have is the DSc, the Doctorate of naturalistic interpreta - comparing Dawkins and Singer in their Science , which is a higher doctorate. tion the right to create worldviews, and then examining the This degree is awarded in the British influence of their worldviews on their system for a lifetime’s research. I the authoritative ethics. received the DSc from the University of account of our world? However, the topic of the debate was Wales where I taught for 25 years. not bioethics; it was, “Is there a God or not?” Therefore I stuck to that topic. I When you wrote God’s Undertaker , identity. If we don’t know where we thought that since Peter’s extreme views why did you focus largely on issues have come from, it’s hard to understand are so well known, it would be a waste of of a scientific nature? who we are. This leads to a further time going into that area. I think every - Simply because of the immense cul - important issue: the status of human one is aware that he has made some tural authority of science and the mis - life. Do we find our essential identity in rather sensational claims about issues use of it by people like Richard Dawkins the animal world , or is it to be found in like euthanasia and sexuality , for which who were arguing that if you want to be our relationship to God ? he has received some notoriety. a respectable , scientifically literate intel - This explains why there is such a bat - However, those views were tangential to lectual , then it’s impossible to believe in tle today over the true meta-narrative the subject that we were asked to dis - God. I think Dawkins draws some rather for our culture. Christians are facing a cuss, namely, the existence of God. wild conclusions that, to my mind, rep - momentous challenge: Will we concede Of course, his controversial views in resent a complete misunderstanding of to those people who support a naturalis - the area of ethics do flow out of his the issues . However, since my primary tic interpretation of the universe the metaphysical beliefs – they arise natu - area of interest is science, this is where right to create the authoritative account rally out of his atheism. I mentioned at many of the questions that I deal with of our world, or will we marshal the evi - the beginning of the debate that I dis - arise. Since these questions always dence to explain and defend the tradi - agreed with his views in those areas, but seemed to be popping up, I decided to tional Christian narrative? Any story I did acknowledge that they were at least write a book that sought to deal with that seeks to explain the existence and consistent with his atheism. I mean, if them. That was how the book came meaning of the human race has got to you believe that human beings are noth - about, although it took a long time. say something about the past as well as ing more than the product of a mindless, the future; otherwise we’re rootless and unguided process then, in a sense, it’s Do you think that Christians hopeless, so to speak. Therefore, I think very difficult to see how you can have

| australian presbyterian September 2011 5 the singer challenge

any meaningful and authoritative basis Well, because he demonstrates a gen - existence of suffering. Has his for ethics at all. Nevertheless, despite uine concern for poor people all around argument that suffering disproves our fundamental disagreements, he was the world . In a sense, Peter is speaking the God of the Bible any merit? very polite and respectful and I hope I out of his humanity and is really empha - No . Of course, Peter advances that returned that compliment. sising what our Lord emphasised, argument because he wants to prove namely , “ Do unto others as you would that God is either powerless (because He You have been in a number of public have them do unto you. ” A lot of his can’t prevent or stop suffering) or a debates with people like Richard utilitarianism is based around that idea, moral monster (because he thinks it Dawkins and . and there’s a lot of sense in that, of shows that God is unloving and uncar - Have they been conducted in a course. It’s when you get to the ing). He obviously believes that he is similar spirit? Was Dawkins more extremes of that view that it really lets successful in this, but he still hasn’t combative? you down. removed the problem. Indeed, as far as Oh yes, Richard Dawkins is much the sufferer is concerned, he has noth - more aggressive in his style . Actually, I ing to offer him/her except hopeless - prefer to have more of a public discus - ness. The sufferer still has to suffer and sion than a debate. The word debate is Peter’s only explanation is that, well, it’s rather unfortunate because it implies just a brute fact of existence. And so, he that we are involved in a contest in thinks he’s solved the problem; but he which there is a winner and a loser and hasn’t . All he has done is satisfy himself the aim is to attack the other person and intellectually that he’s eliminated God overwhelm them with your rhetoric and from the picture; but what he’s done is arguments. I am not sure that that’s a cut off all hope and left us to suffer with helpful way to proceed in this matter. no explanation apart from the trite, My aim on these evenings is to In a sense, Peter is “Well, that’s just the way it is!” So I think address ideas and examine their truth - speaking out of his that the Christian answer is far better. fulness, not to attack people. I want to model what I believe is a proper humanity and is really When you say he’s cut off all hope, Christian defence of the truth, and that emphasising what our what do you mean? means being firm while treating people Lord emphasised, namely, Well, Peter has no hope beyond who don’t agree with me with respect .I “Do unto others...” death. When you die as an atheist – don’t see any necessary conflict between that’s it. Further, as I commented in the treating others with respect and being debate, atheism provides no answer on firm in stating the truth. All around the ultimate justice. The only justice we world today there’s a desperate need for Why do you think so many receive is in this life; this is the only reason in public debate because there’s intellectuals in the academy find world where wrongs can be righted. So, so much extreme language and emo - Singer so appealing? if you are robbed of justice in this world, tional ranting. I think Peter and I Well , you’ll find exactly the same then there is no prospect of receiving achieved a discussion that avoided those enigma with Dawkins and it’s very hard absolute justice anywhere else, espe - tendencies. to explain. I think it’s partly due to the cially in the life to come. fact that Singer, Dawkins and others like To my mind, that undermines his Why do you think Peter Singer has them are saying things that people want whole ethics; I mean, what’s the point in established so much credibility in to hear. One of the key things that I’ve being concerned about ethical behaviour our secular culture? discovered in reading Singer’s book, if there is no ultimate accountability? I think it’s rather difficult to answer Practical Ethics , is that he doesn’t like Unfortunately , I didn’t have sufficient that one. There are probably others bet - masters. He refuses to have anyone time in the debate to pursue this idea, ter placed to do that, especially amongst above or over him – in that sense he has but I have noticed in his writings that ethicists. My impression is that he has the same familiar ring as Marx. They his concept of justice is not so evident as become famous because he has empha - both seem to be saying, “We will have no his preoccupation with ethics. I cer - sised practical ethics . As Karl Marx once one over us.” Singer’s way of thinking tainly admire Peter for wanting to lead famously said: “Our job is not to under - frees us from a) the domination of an ethical life and grounding his ethics stand the world , but to change it .” As nature , and b) the domination of mas - on a broad base. However, I still main - you may know, Peter first made his ters . My own view is that it represents tain that Dostoyevsky was right – that if mark by taking an interest in the way the spirit of Western materialism. I am there is no God , then there is no real animals were being treated. Of course, not sure why Singer has such strong intellectual basis for ethics . he’s done an impressive job there and appeal to intellectuals, although that’s he’s become very famous for it. I expect clearly the case. How do you account for the fact that that’s one of the reasons. Then again, he Peter Singer provokes such extreme has written an important book on world Singer argued strongly last night reactions? Many intellectuals today poverty that I have been reading against the traditional or “classic” admire him, but he seems to be recently , The Life You Can Save . It’s a arguments that have been advanced loathed by a range of people, many very powerful challenge to anybody. for the existence of God. However, of whom have disabilities… the argument on which he seemed Well, the negative reactions to Peter Why? to place his greatest weight was the Singer are very understandable. Some of

6 australian presbyterian September 2011 the singer challenge his views, such as his tolerance of prac - hasten death by giving proper palliative that you were expecting? tices like bestiality and euthanasia, have care is almost mythological. In my expe - Yes, very much so. Some of them a certain “yuck” factor to them. People rience, doctors are much more ready actually amazed me. I mean, I’d heard have a visceral reaction to these posi - these days, certainly in the UK , to treat him do it before, but his claim that we tions, largely, I guess, because they the patient’s pain with suitable pallia - believe what our parents believed was a know what’s right and wrong from the tive medicine. If one of the side -effects very surprising statement from a law written on their hearts. of such medication is that it lessens your philosopher who places such a high Although I didn’t get the opportunity life by a very short period, then that’s a value on the mind. It’s what is known as last night, I wanted to raise with Peter small price to pay for having decent pain “the genetic fallacy ”. An example of it the statistics with respect to euthanasia relief. might be, “Oh, you would say that, in Holland. I suppose many of your read - wouldn’t you? After all, you’re a ers will be aware that the Dutch have Peter Singer appeared to be a very woman!” In other words, if you can experimented for a number of years courteous and morally consistent claim that a belief is somehow genetic in with legalised euthanasia. I don’t think person. Were you impressed by his its origin and has not arisen as a result Peter deals particularly successfully with manner? of rational or logical processes, then it’s the results of these statistics from relatively easy to dismiss it. Well, the Holland. This experiment has, in a very same applies to his atheism. You see, if real sense, created a very vulnerable our beliefs are derived from our genes or class of people. I mean, you can’t stop upbringing , then his atheism has no people committing suicide if that’s what rational basis either. Peter’s problem, of they have decided to do, but once you course, is that he will not admit that his legalise euthanasia you immediately cre - atheism is as much a faith as my beliefs ate the potential for enormous difficul - as a Christian theist. ties in families. Older people suddenly feel pressure from the younger ones to Where are the greatest get out of the way by dying so that the Peter, despite his vulnerabilities in Peter Singer’s new generation can get hold of their arguments? property. I know that sounds very dark, atheistic beliefs, is an Well, his strongest argument against but it’s been happening in Holland. impressive person. the existence of God, as you mentioned Whether the Dutch intended it or not, He acts consistently earlier, is the problem of suffering and the result has been that the Dutch have with his principles and evil. Now in my experience I have found gone down a slippery slope . Inevitably that it’s much better to be honest about what happens in that situation is old is fair and generous in the problem of suffering than pretend people feel that they are a burden on public debate. that you’ve got a neat answer to it which everyone else and some people are killed is all sewn up. I don’t think we know the without their consent . truth about everything until it is I find it interesting that doctors still Of course I was. Peter, despite his revealed on the last day, but I’m still have a strong aversion towards euthana - atheistic beliefs, is an impressive per - convinced that the cross lies at the heart sia, even the non-Christian ones. It goes son. He acts consistently with his princi - of the Christian response to the prob - against their basic commitment to pro - ples and is fair and generous in public lem of suffering and I find that people tect and sustain life and is certainly debate. Actually, I fully expected that he find rest in that. Although we don’t have inconsistent with the original would act the way he did. After all, peo - all the answers, it’s a comfort to know Hippocratic Oath – “Do no harm. ” ple are moral beings and are made in the that God not only understands our pain; image of God. We recognise good from He has also experienced it Himself. I guess it is terrible trying to end a evil. Indeed, Jesus recognises this I have a lot of friends, who, like Peter, person’s life deliberately because it innate capacity in us all. He says, “If you lost their relatives in places like is very difficult even to kill an being evil know how to give good gifts to Auschwitz . I’ve been there, and the animal? your children…” This is an important experience changes you. It makes you Oh , it is, absolutely. And the point is statement because it reminds us that very sympathetic to the plight of others. that palliative care has now improved so the capacity for the recognition of good When people raise the problem of suf - dramatically that family, friends and and evil exists in fallen human beings. fering with me, I find that the most carers no longer have to suffer them - Unfortunately, this is not always recog - important thing is to show them that I selves while they watch others in terri - nised by theologians; nevertheless, it have begun to understand their prob - ble pain. I know there’s a lot of mythol - seems to me to be a thoroughly biblical lem, even if only in a remote way. I have ogy about the so-called inadequacy of position. After all, if we can’t judge found that if you try to deal with the palliative care. There was a time when morally, then we can’t be condemned. problem of suffering purely from a doctors were so afraid of being accused Therefore I would expect, as Abram dis - philosophical perspective, then you of killing someone that they wouldn’t covered in the Old Testament, that come across to people as insensitive. give them sufficient doses of morphine. sometimes pagans have higher stan - Ultimately, you just turn them away. But now that’s changed. I’ve visited sev - dards than us. When I was debating Peter last night eral palliative care hospitals in my time I was not really surprised by anything he to meet the people. What I’ve discovered Did Peter Singer make the kind of said. I anticipated virtually all of his is that the notion that you somehow predictable assertions last night arguments against the existence of God.

| australian presbyterian September 2011 7 the singer challenge

He tried to discredit Thomas Aquinas’ to have little knowledge of Christian has led in history. traditional arguments for the existence theology because he repeated a common The trouble is if you try to derive of God, however I chose not to focus on misunderstanding about how our Lord your ethical system bottom -up from the them because I thought we would was supposedly mistaken about His animal kingdom, then you can create become side-tracked in an unhelpful dis - return. He also made some rather curi - almost any system of ethics that you cussion at that point. Nevertheless I did ous statements about the transfigura - like. I really meant what I said last night. address some of his comments on issues tion of Jesus that suggested to me that If we are nothing more than the end like the origin of God – “Who created he hadn’t read much by serious product of a mindless, unguided the Creator?” – as well as some of his Christian authors on the subject. process, then ethics is simply a matter assertions about God’s existence based of opinion. Sadly, it’s almost impossible on the argument from design. Peter Singer claimed last night that to get people like Peter Singer to see that it was possible to develop an ethical because it undermines their whole view What did you think of his dismissal system based on Darwinism and of life and reality. They assume, as he of those classical arguments? Nietzsche’s views, which did, the validity of reason. All through I think Peter underestimates their presupposed that God was either the debate , he believed he was being cumulative force and is too easily dis - dead or unnecessary. What do you thoroughly rational. However, there are missive of them. The simple fact is that say? no logical grounds for rationality if life there is a lot more to them than he says , is simply the result of a mindless and and people who understand them find chance process . them persuasive. However, in a debate This is really the most telling argu - like the one we had you are very limited ment against the whole atheistic sys - for time and I decided that it wasn’t tem. To the extent that it is grounded in worth trying to critique each of state - a view of life that is completely random, ments with which I disagreed. You don’t there is no real place for human reason have precious time to waste. I only had in atheism . Atheists shoot themselves seven minutes to respond to his major not in the proverbial foot, so to speak, statement of 17 minutes, so I had to be but in the head. Sadly, Peter Singer does very selective! If we are nothing more not recognise this problem. He fails to see that a meaningless origin is an effec - After the debate last night, what than the end product of tive barrier to constructing a meaning - questions did he leave unanswered a mindless, unguided ful ethic. He is locked up in his own for you? process, then ethics is blind faith system. Oh , he leaves many questions unan - simply a matter of swered for me. It was obvious that he is opinion. Why do scientists like Richard relatively unacquainted with research Dawkins and philosophers like into the origin of life because he would Peter Singer base their approach to never have said what he did if he knew life and ethics on a system like something about the basic science of it. I don’t believe that it’s possible to Darwinism? How do they find For example, his statement that he had construct such an ethical system that meaning in life if the first cause is no problem with the theory that life honours and respects all life, especially essentially random and arose from some primeval soup shows human life, from either of these sys - meaningless? that he has very little knowledge of the tems . In a sense, their commitment to complexities in this area. Everybody Darwinism is irrational. I mean, to my who works in this field knows that there But haven’t some ethicists claimed mind, the logic here is absolutely simple. are massive problems with some form of that such a project is possible? If there isn’t a God, and the world began spontaneous generation arising from Well, the attempt has been made to without any guiding hand or purpose, basic amino acids. base an ethical system/s on Darwinist then how do you construct any mean - Even Richard Dawkins has now been principles. One of the systems that has ingful set of values? Where do you get forced to admit that he can’t use the the - been tried presupposes that Darwin was moral principles from if everything ory of evolution to skate over all the hid - a kindly old soul who observed how began as a result of pure chance? At den difficulties. Whatever you believe creatures often cooperated with one least the Christian doctrine of creation, about evolution, you can’t even get the another. From this we are meant to which features an all-wise and holy God, process going unless you have life. Peter deduce that Darwinism provides a base provides the foundations for a set of didn’t seem to appreciate this as a prob - for altruism. Well, I am not convinced by moral values. Darwinism, on the other lem, which I thought was interesting. So this argument because altruism seems hand, provides nothing that is even I found him very inadequate at this to work against the notion of evolution. remotely like this. point. Anyway, there’s another possibility Essentially, we are faced with two I also found his treatment of ancient about framing an ethical system from worldviews, and we have to decide history seriously deficient. He just dis - Darwinism and this time it’s built on the which one makes more sense . Each of us missed large parts of the Bible in a idea that nature is “red in tooth and is faced with a decision that no one else rather cavalier fashion without any claw ”. That’s what Herbert Spencer saw can make for us. I reject atheism as a sci - apparent appreciation for their literary in evolution. And we know where the entist, because it makes no sense on the context and function. Again, he seems principle of the survival of the fittest basis of what I know about science.

8 australian presbyterian September 2011 the singer challenge

Incidentally, the reason I reject faith ” question as well as the evidence Do you think that Peter Singer had Darwinism as a worldview has nothing for the resurrection. read your book, God’s Undertaker ? to do with my theology; it just makes no No, I sense that he hadn’t. sense on the basis of what I know about So the second book, Gunning for science. God , includes an extended section One of the reasons why I thought on the resurrection? the public debates that you engage Peter Singer on a number of Yes, and also the relevant discussion in are so good is because you’ve occasions last night maintained of the authority of the documents of the obviously done a lot of research on that Christianity was nothing more New Testament and the critique of the the person before you get there, than blind faith. What do you say Scottish Enlightenment philosopher, whereas I don’t think they do much about that? David Hume. David Hume, as you may research on you. I say that Peter Singer does not really know, was distinguished for his refusal I think that’s a fair statement. It know what he is talking about when it takes an enormous amount of work to comes to the Christian faith. prepare for these debates. It is very Christianity is most definitely not based expensive in terms of time and energy. on blind faith. Of course, it has become That’s why I do relatively few of them. quite popular to claim that it is. Richard Dawkins is the one largely behind the Many Christians today have drifted view that Christianity is anti-intellec - into Darwinism because evolution tual and based on blind faith . But has become the most authoritative Dawkins is wrong. For example, in explanation in our culture for how John’s Gospel we are told that “Jesus did the world came into being. Do you many other things that aren’t written in I reject atheism as a think that Christians should this book, but these are written that you concede that point and become might believe ”. In other words, John scientist, because it theistic evolutionists? sets forth clear and historical evidence makes no sense on the Probably the majority of Christians to support Christian beliefs. We find basis of what I know have taken that position today. this sort of faith set out in other parts of about science. However, I’m an exception to that. If the Bible. For instance, in 1 Corinthians you want to know why, you will have to 15, Paul sets out a number of lines of read my books , God’s Undertaker and evidence that remind us that the resur - Seven Days that Divide the World . I am rection is actually true and really took to believe in miracles and the supernat - happy to concede that on a minor scale place. True Christianity involves a com - ural elements of the Bible. So it’s slightly we do find variations within a species, mitment based on evidence – not a blind different, but it’s designed to answer a for example, the three of us sitting here leap in the dark. common approach that it taken today by look quite different even though we all I think the reason that both Richard unbelievers. I felt I had to write it belong to human species. But beyond Dawkins and Peter Singer continually because people are always saying, “Oh, that, I’m very sceptical of macroevolu - remind us that the Christian faith David Hume said this …or David Hume tion and have given my reasons in God’s requires a blind and irrational leap of said that.” Peter Singer took this Undertaker . ap faith is because they want to re-define it approach last night. so that when they meet a person like me, they say “Oh, you’re a man of faith ; that means that you believe even when there is no evidence. This obviously means that there’s no point talking to you and considering your evidence , end of story. I am afraid this is a rather Discount Offer childish intellectual cop-out. For a limited time all new subscriptions, or new gift subscriptions to the I notice you are publishing a couple Australian Presbyterian magazine are available for $18.50 incl. GST for the of new books in the coming weeks. What are they? first 12 months (a saving of $21.10 on the regular price ). Well, the first one is called Seven Days Pass this offer on to your friends, or give a Gift Subscription today, so that:- that Divide the World , published by “All may be informed, encouraged and equipped to serve Christ in the world” Zondervan . It’s on the early chapters of Genesis . Then in September, part two of Contact: Australian Presbyterian Office God’s Undertaker is coming out. It’s not going to have the same title. The new P.O. Box 375, Kilsyth, VIC 3137 title will be Gunning for God : Why the Phone: (03) 9723 9684 Fax: (03) 9723 9685 New Atheists are Missing the Target , Email: [email protected] which attempts to answer the new athe - ists’ moral critique of God . I also go into the evidence with respect to the “blind

| australian presbyterian September 2011 9 the singer challenge Out of tune The cool, calm Singer is the nice face of a nasty philosophy.

Gordon Preece

ncreasingly in postmodern secu - ethical reality , may later hear the gospel lar societies, ethics is the new and be converted. frontier for apologetics. Despite How does Paul’s creation – connecting the significant rise of the new apologetics approach at Athens relate to aItheists and their old-fashioned , mod - my approach in Rethinking Peter Singer ? ernistic scientism, the issues that cause Evangelical bioethicist Nigel M. de S. Christians the most trouble in society Cameron once debated Singer in the US. are those that make us appear discrimi - They agreed there was an unbridgeable natory in a world that has lost the posi - gap between a Christian “image of God ”- tive power of ethical discrimination or Singer is a consistent, based anthropology and derived sanc - discernment . Christians appear intoler - clear thinker who largely tity of life ethic , and Singer’s utilitarian ant of choice or preference, of gays to be follows his presupposi - views. married, of women (urged on by men) to tions to their logical Singer also observed the massive dif - abort, of the aged to be euthanased or ference between John Paul II’s Catholic assisted to suicide. And we’re scape - conclusion, going to worldview and his own — sanctity of goated , because of our high Christian where other atheists are life vs. quality of life, 10 old command - humanism and its implied sexual and unwilling to go. ments vs. Singer’s five new command - bioethics, but also for society’s ecologi - ments, religious absolutes vs. secular cal problems. utilitarian reason etc. There is a vast The ethics of the world’s most infa - approach to ethical apologetics of con - gulf on human life issues between a mous philosopher, Australian Peter necting with our createdness and cor - Christian “intrinsic value ” approach and Singer, is a case in point. Singer is pro - recting our idolatry borrowed from Singer’s “means to an end ” ( of pleasure fessor of bioethics at Princeton Paul’s sermon in Athens. I’ll then use my over pain ) utilitarian approach . University and laureate professor at the Rethinking Peter Singer as an example. In University of Melbourne. His books a society abandoning Christian morality inger is a consistent, clear thinker include Animal Liberation, Practical on many fronts, how might we re-con - Swho largely follows through his con - Ethics, Rethinking Life and Death, The nect with certain creation-based intu - sequentialist presuppositions to their Ethics of What We Eat , and The Life You itions and correct their distortions in logical conclusion, going where other Can Save . Singer, in fact, accuses the light of the gospel? Could we even atheists are unwilling to go. This is why Christians of speciesism, by analogy out-green the Greens by re-connecting he is infamous for supporting infanti - with sexism or racism, discriminating in with God’s created order, our natural, cide, bestiality and the like. It is also favour of our human species over other sexual and social ecology? why Singer’s fellow atheists, such as animal species. Paul’s Areopagus sermon in Acts 17 is Richard Dawkins, Christopher Hitchens, Many conservative Australian regarded by some, like William Barclay, Sam Harris , and the Greens, shy away Christians identify the above issues with as a failed experiment. He thinks Paul from him . Singer wants to take us back the Greens, but don’t realise Singer was a had few converts, and changed his more to the days of the stoical and epicurean Greens Senate candidate . Catholic jour - philosophical wisdom-based strategy in pagan philosophers Paul debated before nalist Angela Shanahan, wrote last year Corinth to preach the cross alone (1 Cor . a Christian whole-of-life ethic took hold. in The Australian about Singer’s influ - 2:1-2) . But Barclay’s view is simplistic. Still , many today will not deny their ence on the Greens : “ In 1996 (Greens Paul knows people in a pluralistic creation -based intuitions in favour of leader Bob) Brown and Singer co-wrote a world won’t swallow a worldview whole Singer’s inhuman stoical , rationalist book simply called The Greens … The new like an elephant. It has to be eaten a bite philosophy. He ascribes an abstract ‘green ethic ’, according to Singer, directly at a time. Paul wasn’t trying to instantly equality to all creatures with senses, contradicts the old Christian, biblically convert people, he was seeking a second (although he does prioritise rational based ethic of man at the centre of cre - hearing. He got it and several were con - creatures or persons, including chimps, ation .” But ethical themes of the priority verted (Acts 17:34). I see ethical apolo - dolphins and pigs, who allegedly have of personal preference, are not confined getics as a way to a first hearing, a foot preferences or choices ). Though the to the Greens – as Singer says, we live in in the door for some unwilling to listen Christian ethic presupposes a view of a “culture of choice ”. to gospel proclamation first up, but man based on our being made and This article will introduce an who, touched in their creaturely and remade in God’s image , this is not nec -

10 australian presbyterian September 2011 the singer challenge essarily opposed to a minimalist intu - debate. Secular is not the same as secu - infallible, but not necessarily irrational. itive and rational ethic based on univer - larism. Their secularism is in fact sectar - They are often pre-rational remnants of sally recognizable principles. C.S. Lewis’ ian – a kind of atheist fundamentalism. God’s created order reflecting our crea - Law of Tao describes a natural law ethic In connecting , like Paul , with secular tureliness. We can test them and cri - in common to the world’s major reli - seekers we can use a Reformed creation - tique them through Christ, Scripture, gions and philosophies ( The Abolition of based view of humanity which is accessi - tradition and reason, in that order. But Man , appendix ). The two can work in ble partly through the general revela - we shouldn’t indiscriminately throw tandem, as in Scripture, given God is tion, common grace, and divine provi - intuitions out . C.S. Lewis rightly Creator as well as Redeemer. dence . In correcting we can use a describes such secularist rationalists as So fortunately, as Francis Schaeffer Reformed view emphasising total “men without chests ”. recognised, many are co-belligerents, depravity (or holistic human sinful - In fact, the cool, calm Singer is the fighting in the same cause with us, with - nice face of a nasty utilitarian philoso - out our Christian reasons or presupposi - phy. He appears in a documentary after tions for a consistently whole-life ethic. an animated lunch with his wife and On seeing the high stakes of sacrificing adult daughters, then tells the camera young and old, they intuitively reject that when babies they were just like lit - them, though not necessarily knowing tle irrational blobs and therefore not why. This provides a good opportunity, persons and so could be destroyed pain - at the second hearing stage, to explain lessly. He allows this for disability, but the gospel reasons . the logic of his position is that if parents are rational persons with preferences urther, pastorally sensitive We can commend and children are not, then infanticide is FChristians should not turn concerns Singer’s relative consis - possible if you prefer one sex over about some Greens policies into a cul - another or blue eyes over brown. ture war that undermines our ability to tency to his principles Not only are some of Singer’s key connect with their legitimate concerns and wish Christians ideas unthinkable, they are also unliv - about creation, climate change, poverty, were as committed and able. Singer’s rarified rationalistic animal suffering etc . Singer’s personal consistent. impartiality is impossible to live out and generosity to these causes is to be so fails his basic test of the practicality applauded. But his and his followers ’ of ethics. Singer himself could not ignorance of Christian generosity to the ness) , that no values are neutral, and the euthanase his mother Cora who was suf - poor and care for animals (including necessity of special revelation and grace. fering from Alzheimers and on his crite - founding the RSPCA) needs to be cor - We can even, like Oxford mathemati - ria of rationality was no longer a person rected. cian John Lennox in his recent debate with preferences or choices and thus Many Singer followers are, in Jesus’ with Singer, commend Singer’s relative able to be painlessly killed . Fortunately terms, like sheep without a shepherd. consistency to his principles – such as Singer proved to be a better person and They are often ignorant of Singer’s more his vegetarianism, plastic shoes, simple son than philosopher. extreme pro-infanticide and bestiality lifestyle and concern for the poor, ani - Singer is not without compassion or views. I met a young man over coffee mal rights activism – and wish emotion, just inconsistent in his appli - once who described himself as saved Christians were as committed and con - cation of it, more to animals than to from drugs and suicide by reading sistent. But we argue that his conse - human unborns or new-borns. In fact, Singer. A young waitress overhearing a quentialism reduces humanity and the Singer’s successful advocacy of animal conversation about Singer said “he’s my environment to a means towards the liberation came less from abstract argu - hero, love the man ”. end, the end being rational persons’ ments against speciesism, than from the It’s those people that we need to get a preferences . In fact he is discriminatory, horrific photos of animal suffering and second hearing from, when we can be especially towards human children the intuitive yuk factor they aroused. more specifically scriptural. While I (born and unborn), the mentally dis - Look at the massive reaction against the respect a bold biblically direct apolo - abled, comatose or relatively non-ratio - abuse of live cattle exported to getic, in our secular, pluralistic context nal elderly. Indonesia. It’s a shame nothing similar it’s often a case of premature proclama - In critiquing Singer I use a range of is heard of horrendous human rights tion, which doesn’t lead to an appropri - mainly female non-Christian philoso - abuses by Indonesia in Papua, once one ate consummation. Better to connect phers’ arguments, such as UK scientist of the most Christian places on the like Paul, honouring the spiritual seek - philosopher Mary Midgely, who are fel - planet. ap ing by poets and philosophers of the low fighters against his ideas. I connect God in whom “we live and move and creation-based intuitions or Midgely’s Rev. Dr Gordon Preece is have our being ”. “yuk factor ” which she uses against Director of Ethos: EA Centre But Paul then subtly corrects their aspects of cross-species genetic engi - for Christianity & Society. idolatrously misplaced seeking . In a sim - neering and against Singer’s more Some material is adapted and ilar way we can use a biblical and extreme views favouring infanticide and updated from Ridley College Reformed presuppositionalist critique bestiality, cloned sets of headless spare CACE Newsletter, Vol. 9 No. 1 to argue against Singer’s (and other sec - parts for rational persons etc. May 2004. Rethinking Peter Singer is available from him or ularist atheists’) rationalistic exclusion Intuitive reactions, which Singer of Christian reasons from secular public ridicules as irrational, are certainly not

| australian presbyterian September 2011 11 the singer challenge Singer’s swan song Make ourselves the last generation, ethicist suggests

Collin Hansen

eter Singer intends to there is no hope for tomorrow, this provoke. So the controversial dystopian ethic says, at least we don’t Princeton University have to worry about tomorrow. We can bioethicist probably does not live it up today. Pmind the dismay he causes Christians. Singer doesn’t actually go quite so far Southern Baptist Theological Seminary as Benatar. He acknowledges the president Albert Mohler calls him “one abundance of suffering but maintains of the most reprehensible intellectual hope that humans will evolve. forces alive today” . “In my judgment, for most people, Mohler cites a few of Singer’s most “If we could all agree to life is worth living,” he writes. “Even if notorious low-lights. “He has advocated have ourselves sterilised that is not yet the case, I am enough of the morality of human infanticide, for then no sacrifices would an optimist to believe that, should the greater value of animal life over humans survive for another century or some human life, and for a radical vision be required – we could two, we will learn from our past of animal rights that is based in his party our way into mistakes and bring about a world in purely evolutionary view of life.” extinction!” which there is far less suffering than But with one recently published there is now.” Peter Singer opinion piece, Singer may have outdone Though we may hope future himself. Writing for The New York Times generations will learn from our in June last this year, Singer asks a mistakes, history gives little such characteristically provocative question: also argues that human lives are, in comfort. And besides, Christian “How good does life have to be, to make general, much less good than we think anthropology recognizes the constraints it reasonable to bring a child into the they are,” he writes. “We spend most of of original sin (Rom. 3:9-20 ; 5:12-13 ). If world?” He wonders whether even the our lives with unfulfilled desires, and anything, Christians might be comparatively high Western standard of the occasional satisfactions that are all considered more pessimistic than even living is suitable for a fulfilling time on most of us can achieve are insufficient Singer about human prospects. Jesus earth. Singer asks this question at the to outweigh these prolonged negative offered no hope for an ever-improving prompting of South African philosopher states. If we think that this is a tolerable human condition. On the contrary, he David Benatar, author of Better Never to state of affairs it is because we are, in indicated that good and evil would spar Have Been: The Harm of Coming into Benatar’s view, victims of the illusion of until his climactic return and Existence , which Singer describes as “a pollyannaism. This illusion may have triumphant victory at the end of the fine book with an arresting title” . evolved because it helped our ancestors age. Singer summarises Benatar’s survive, but it is an illusion nonetheless. argument from the 2006 book. “Benatar If we could see our lives objectively, we till, Singer prompts us to reflect on would see that they are not something Swhy Christians nevertheless we should inflict on anyone.” enthusiastically bring children into this Singer offers climate change as one world. We harbour no false hope about threat to the Western way of life. And he eradicating suffering through evolution. pulls no punches while offering one We understand these children to be possible response to this potential crisis stained with sin from the beginning. We that he says threatens future generations. “Why don’t we make ourselves the last generation on earth? If we would all agree to have ourselves Christian Singles sterilised then no sacrifices would be required — we could party our way into Any nice singles can join! extinction!” Send for FREE colour brochure: Whether he realises it or not, Singer PO Box 122 WALLSEND 2287 cites an ethic attested and condemned Ph/Fax: 02 4955 5445 in Scripture (Is . 39:8; 1 Cor . 15:32 ). If

12 australian presbyterian September 2011 the singer challenge groan along with a creation subjected to Singer. Hope rooted in God’s sovereign Babylon: Build houses and live in them; futility, currently awaiting redemption care for His creation transcends plant gardens and eat their produce. (Rom. 8:19-23). What reason do we circumstances — even circumstances so Take wives and have sons and have, then, to bring new children into dire as Judah’s exile into Babylon. The daughters; take wives for your sons, and this world? give your daughters in marriage, that The simple answer is that we fulfill they may bear sons and daughters; God’s original command to Adam and multiply there, and do not decrease” Eve: “Be fruitful and multiply and fill (Jer. 29:4-6 ). the earth and subdue it and have So long as God rules, hope will never dominion over the fish of the sea and run out. Childbirth will testify to God’s over the birds of the heavens and over enduring care. With each new child, we every living thing that moves on the proclaim God as creator and redeemer. earth” (Gen. 1:28 ). God did not need to create the world. He did not need to create human beings. In od’s command alone would be So long as God rules, fact, when God created us, He knew we Genough to compel our obedience. hope will never run out. would sin against Him and worship idols But God’s Word supplies us with several made of human hands. He knew His one other motivations, elucidated by Steve Childbirth will testify and only pre-existent Son, Jesus Christ, and Candice Watters in their 2009 book, to God’s enduring care. would sacrifice Himself for sinners. He Start Your Family: Inspiration for Having With each new child, we created nevertheless, that His creation Babies . They worried about bringing proclaim God as creator might know His love even more deeply children into the world as the Y2K in redemption. And the promise of challenge threatened to take down the and redeemer. redemption gives us sure hope for world’s computer grid. Their fears future generations. ap recurred when terrorists felled the World Trade Center’s twin towers on exile, God’s judgment for persistent sin, September 11, 2001. was cataclysmic for everyone in They found comfort, however, in four Jerusalem and the southern kingdom. Collin Hansen is a Christianity Today major reasons God offers for why we Hope was in short supply. So how did editor at large and co-author with John Woodbridge of the forthcoming book, A should have children: design, blessing, God address His downtrodden people? God-Sized Vision: Revival Stories That crucible, and hope. “Thus says the Lord of hosts, the God Stretch and Stir (Zondervan). This article Christian hope differs significantly of Israel, to all the exiles whom I have is reprinted from Christianity Today. from the evolutionary hope harbored by sent into exile from Jerusalem to

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| australian presbyterian September 2011 13 education Creeping Islamisation School chaplains are not the real threat to secular education

Vicky Janson

ith all the kerfuffle and rary images of each other’s societies ”. debate generated around What’s happening in the From what I’ve seen so far, I think that chaplaincy in schools one tuck shop is just pretty means the less than positive images, marvels at the silent representative of what’s true or not, are omitted. And as for aWcceptance of the continuing “mutual ” – I wonder if a reciprocal course Islamisation of our schools. Recently I happening in the in the Arab nations elevates Australian had a call from a concerned parent about classroom. culture and its Christian heritage . just one Melbourne public school. The Although not categorically stated in Islamic observance of Ramadan and fast - the Arab Gateways Course, you might ing was taught in the Indonesian lan - some non-Muslims may have that halal receive the subliminal message when guage class . meat is ritually slaughtered to a foreign reading the section on trade, that Islam I guess we can expect that now with a god and funds further Islamisation of was spread through its trading enter - curriculum designed to embed Islam Australia or – worse – seditious Islamic prises rather than military conquest. You into every school subject. Can we also causes or armed conflict somewhere. might think people adopted the Arabic expect the religious observances of The teacher querying the diversity at language, and adapted the Arabic alpha - Buddhists to be taught in Chinese lan - this training day was soon recognised as bet because of its merit, rather than as guage classes? As tolerant and diverse as intolerant and asked to leave. You see, many Egyptian Copts will tell you, we are, we certainly wouldn’t expect to when lunch was served, although the because of the threat of losing their have Christianity taught in English only Muslim in attendance was the pre - tongue for using their own language. classes! It appears all the diversity and senter, who was fasting for Ramadan , The Qur’an mandates that Muslims special exemptions are almost exclu - the food prepared for this non-Muslim must command what is good and forbid sively to promote Islam. group was entirely halal. While this what is evil . So in our schools now it is At this same public school that boasts teacher was clearly upset, serving halal - forbidden to criticise Islam or its two locked prayer rooms for Muslim stu - only food is as you’d expect from the prophet, it is forbidden to eat pork, for - dents, space for Islamic prayers has been National Centre for Excellence in Islamic bidden for boys and girls to swim extended to include lunchtime prayers in Studies (NCEIS). But this does reflect together, or even Muslim and non- the classroom. While public schools the double standards when it comes to Muslims girls together. There is not just become increasingly “sharia -compliant ” catering to diversity, as all Australian gender apartheid in a “just ” Islamic soci - – no longer mandating student partici - schools and institutions are being asked ety but ultimately an apartheid securing pation in curriculum and activities con - to do. Non-Muslim institutions must “Muslim-Only” space – as we see in the sidered un-Islamic, like music, gender - serve Islamic food, but Islamic institu - Muslim-only prayer rooms and Muslim- inclusive swimming and school camps – tions are not likely to serve un-Islamic only toilets springing up in our places of it is still chaplaincy that’s seen as the (non-halal) food. Is this diversity or learning. major threat to secular education. Islamisation? Teacher diversity training is allowing And there are training programs to Islam to “command what is good and for - ensure our teachers are on board with hat’s happening in the tuck shop bid what is evil ” in our schools and yet this philosophy of “tolerance ” and incor - Wis just pretty representative of we hope to foster integration, tolerance porating Islam into Australian schools. what’s happening in the classroom. and secular education! Let’s not be One teacher attending the recent diver - Courtesy of tax-payers, more Islamic mocked: While many are fixated on oust - sity training as part of this Muslim products are on the menu with the ing chaplains from Australian schools, Perspectives Curriculum Project queried recent introduction of the Arab moving swiftly under the radar is our why the Birrong Boys Public School in Gateways course – as if there weren’t secular teachers singing from the toler - NSW only offered halal food for its stu - enough gateways into our schools ance hymnbook and embedding Islam in dents. In all the catering to diversity it already. our schools. ap seems the non-Muslim student body This is an initiative of The Council for were offered only halal meat or vegetar - Australian-Arab Relations (CAAR), ian food; no bacon bits or ham sand - which is funded by the Department of wiches at this school. Foreign Affairs and Trade. CAAR works Vicky Janson, a Melbourne Christian, is And the idea of not offending to “promote mutual understanding and author of Ideological Jihad. Muslims seems to over-ride the concern project positive, accurate and contempo -

14 australian presbyterian September 2011 bible study

The Lord saves 20 daily Bible studies in Isaiah 40-45

saiah was commissioned to declare God’s word to Israel from 740 BC to about 680 BC. He was given the task of telling the nation about God’s future plans for her – plans that involved punishment and Icaptivity (chapters 1-39), followed by rescue and renewal (chapters 40-66). He knew it was going to be a difficult task because God had warned him at the very beginning that the people were not going to take any notice of what he said (Isaiah 6:9-13)! This month we are going to work through chapters 40- 45. Isaiah’s name means “the LORD saves”, and that is what his message here is all about. We might think that the people would be pleased to hear such a message, just as we assume people today would be glad to hear the Good News about Jesus. But no! To understand God’s plan of salvation we need first to learn about God’s person and character – that He is the Creator and Ruler of all that is, that He is righteous and holy, and that He is holding us accountable for how we behave in our relationship to Him and to the world He has committed to our care. Sin has blinded man’s eyes to the real nature of the situation. The picture God gives us of Himself and His rescue plan in this part of the Bible was just as foreign to man’s way of thinking at the beginning of the 7th century BC as it is foreign, politically incorrect, and unacceptable, to man at the beginning of the 21st century AD. (“Who does God think He is telling materialist, scien - tific Man that the Bible is the only source of absolute truth, that He is the only one who knows the future because He controls it, and that His way is the only way to heaven?!”) If we will take time to think deeply about the issues raised in these 20 studies we will be richly rewarded. More than ever today we need to listen to the truth God has cho - sen to tell us and be less influenced by our own views and theories.

Bruce Christian is a former Moderator-General of the Presbyterian Church of Australia.

| australian presbyterian September 2011 15 bible study

DAY 1 Hope for the hopeless . THE PASSAGE ISAIAH 40:1-8 ment in Jesus, the Christ (1 Peter 1:23-25), and all the THE POINT In spite of the threat of the Babylonian invasion promises about Jerusalem now apply to His Church (Galatians and Isaiah’s foretelling of the collapse of Jerusalem, God gives 4:21-31). the prophet a strong word of hope for the future based on the • We should not be discouraged by the frailty and decay of fact that His revealed Word is both indestructible and reliable. even the best of human achievement, but rather we should THE PARTICULARS take heart from the fact that God’s Word of promise never • Isaiah heralds a time of refreshment to follow the time of changes (5-8). God’s judgement on His chosen people, a time of restoration TO PONDER ... AND TO PRAY when there will be peace, forgiveness and blessing among His people (1-2). • What evidence is there around us today that God is bringing • This renewal will be thorough and all-embracing, marked by His Church through a time of testing and discipline? peace and comfort in the place of hardship and struggle (3-4). • What encouragement and challenge does this passage give • The NT application of this prophecy shows its final fulfil - us? DAY 2 The whole world in His hands . THE PASSAGE ISAIAH 40:9-17 edge (13-14); and every nation is under His absolute control THE POINT Although God is the Creator and Ruler of every - (15-17). thing that is, so that in one sense we are to Him but specks of • In spite of His greatness and power God relates to His people dust, He still has a special loving, caring relationship with us as a gentle shepherd relates to the sheep under his care (11). as His people. TO PONDER ... AND TO PRAY THE PARTICULARS • How does it help you to know that the personal God of the • The good news is that, in Jesus, God is with us. We should Bible is the Creator of all the stars and galaxies that exist? be making this good news known with confidence and power • How does it help you to know that the personal God of the (9). Bible is in full control of everything and everyone He has • God is all-powerful and He will always act justly (10). made? • God is Creator of the whole universe and still holds all things • How will it help you today to know that this personal God in His hands (12); He is the source of all wisdom and knowl - will look after you as a good shepherd cares for his lambs?

DAY 3 The heavens declare... . THE PASSAGE ISAIAH 40:18-26 • God is in complete control of everything: the weather and THE POINT The universe belongs to God and nothing hap - the rise and fall of kingdoms, nations and political systems pens outside His plan or control. Man’s plans and ideas are as (22-24). nothing to Him. God reveals Himself to man in His Creation • God is a God of order and design; every star in every galaxy is and in His Word. known to Him personally, with a special place in His plan (26). THE PARTICULARS TO PONDER ... AND TO PRAY • The God of the Bible is unique; there’s nothing like Him (18, • How does modern scientific research and discovery help us 25). to see more clearly the greatness, majesty and power of God? • Man-made idols are nothing but man-made idols no matter • How do the great advances made in science today (such as how beautiful he tries to make them look (19-20). The same DNA structure) leave atheists without excuse (see Rom. 1:18- goes for man-made ideas about what God is like; we can only 20)? properly know anything about God by what He tells us in the • Why is it futile for man to think that he can make up his own Bible (21). ideas about God with any confidence that they are right? DAY 4 When the going gets tough .

THE PASSAGE ISAIAH 40:27-31 (31). THE POINT God is the Creator and therefore is always able • God wants us not only to experience times of great spiritual to help us; He is also our covenant LORD and is therefore blessing and considerable progress in our walk with Him, He always willing to help us; if this is so, hard times should never also promises to help us keep going in times of discourage - discourage us. ment when just to do so seems beyond us, and the progress THE PARTICULARS slow (31)! • God’s people have no excuse for falling into the trap of think - TO PONDER ... AND TO PRAY ing that God has forgotten, rejected or wearied of them (27-28). • God’s revelation of Himself to His people as “the LORD” • God knows that even the best of us run out of puff from finds its ultimate fulfilment in Jesus (see fuller comment on time to time; He is therefore willing and able to reinvigorate this at Day 16). Are you trusting in Jesus to give you strength us (29-30). each day? • Entrusting ourselves entirely to the LORD who has made a • Why do you think God gives the order “fly-run-walk” in verse covenant with His people will give us the strength to go on 31, rather than the more anticipated order “walk-run-fly”?

16 australian presbyterian September 2011 church directory Come worship with us! If you are passing through or moving nearby, feel free to ring the Minister, Clerk or Elder. Find us on the Web at:

northern territory S.Clerk: Stanley Chen (02) 9753 2073 CRONULLA BOWRAL 13 Croydon St. 9.30am. Cr Bendooley & Wingecarribee St. 9.30am. Rev. Russell Stark (02) 9523 5875. DARWIN Kids’ Church: 9.30 am. 1st & 3rd Sunday EAST MAITLAND Kormilda College 10.00am. Bees Creek 1st Sess. Clrk: Mr Peter Boggs, (02) 4861 3079. George St. 9.30am. Beresfield: Beresford Ave. and 3rd Sundays 5pm. Rev. Rob Duncanson BURWOOD (St. James) 7.45am. Raymond Terrace: Irrawang St. (08) 8945 7878. 46-48 Belmore St. 9.15am 9.45am. Pastor Gordon Peden (02) 4932 0370. Rev. David Maher (02) 9744 6542 EPPING BURWOOD CHINESE Bridge & Rawson Sts. 9.00am, 10.30am & australian 46-48 Belmore St. 9.15am & 11.15am 6.30pm. Rev. Matthew Oates (02) 9876 1188. capital territory (Cantonese) 10.30am & 5.00pm (English). GLEN INNES Church Office: (02) 9715 3889. Rev. Dennis Heron St. 10.30am m/tea, 11.00am service. Law (Senior Minister) 0414 812 776. Pastor Lance Jackson (02) 6732 6607. CANBERRA, BELCONNEN Rev. Eugene Hor (English Associate) 0414 GOSFORD Cnr Gatty St. & Ross Smith Cres, Scullin. 992 106. Mr Joe Lin (Chinese Assistant) 14-16 Young St. West Gosford. 8.00am. Sunday Service 10:00 am 0405 203 064. Miss Amy Leong (Youth & 9.45am. 6.30 pm. Rev. M. Cropper Elder: Mrs J. Cram (02) 6278 7379 Children’s Worker) 0415 777 829. Mr Peter Office: Ph (02) 4323 2490. CANBERRA, FORREST (St Andrew’s) Hughes (P/T Youth Worker) 0404 949 190. GOULBURN (St Andrews) 1 State Circle (opp Parliament House). CAMPBELLTOWN Clifford St. 9.30am. 7.00pm 2nd & 4th Service Times: 9.30am. & 7.00pm. 34 Lithgow St. 8.30 am. 10.00 am. Sundays. Also Taralga and Crookwell. Church Office: (02) 6295 3457 Samoan service 12.30 pm. Phone: (02) 4821 3115. CANBERRA, TUGGERANONG Rev. Jim Elliot (02) 4625 1037. GRANVILLE/MERRYLANDS Isabella Plains Early Childhood School, cnr CARINGBAH Granville: 14 Hutchinson St. 9am. Ellerstone Ave & Noorooma St, Isabella 393 Port Hacking Rd. South. 9.30am & 6.30pm. Chinese language 11am. Merrylands & Plains. Worship Service & Sunday School CASTLE HILL Monitor’s Rd. 10.30am Rev. Winston Mah 10.00am. Evening service 6pm. 247 Old Northern Rd. 9.30am & 6.00pm. 0403 113 657. Canley Heights: 3 Derria St. Session Clerk: 6296 5216. Rev. Moses Hahn (02) 9634 2911. Inquiries 9609 7384. East Parramatta: CHATSWOOD Inquiries B. Frost 0433 908 130. St Andrew’s, Anderson St. 9.00am, 10.30am GRIFFITH new south wales & 6.30pm. Rev. Jeff Read (02) 9419 5932 Opp. Collina Oval, Blumer Ave. 9.30 am. (W), (02) 9419 7349 (H). Ass. Rev. Warren Manse: (02) 6962 4827. Esdale. Dr L. Thorpe (02) 6962 1934 ANNANDALE-LEICHHARDT CHERRYBROOK HURSTVILLE Hunter Baillie, Johnston & Collins Sts. John Purchase Public School Hall, Cnr. Park Rd. & McMahon St. 9.30am & 10.00am. Rev. Peter Dunstan (02) 9810 7869. Purchase Road. Service: 9.30 am. 5.30pm. Rev. Kevin Murray (02) 9580 1425. ARMIDALE (St. Paul’s) Rev. Stephen Fong (02) 9875 4894 KIRKPLACE Faulkner St, 9.30am. & 7.00pm. CHINESE CHURCH Meets at 9.30am at 12-16 Derby St, Rev. David M. Seaman (02) 6772 3093 Cnr Crown & Albion Sts. Surry Hills. Kogarah. Rev. Steve Chong (02) 9587 1081. ASHFIELD English 9am & 5pm / Cantonese 10.30am / KOREAN, SYDNEY (Young Nak) Liverpool Rd. & Knox St. 10.15am & 6.00pm Mandarin 9am / Bilingual Service 12noon / 7-9 Manson St, Telopea. 9.30am. 11.00am. Rev. Peter Hastie (02) 9798 6572. Sunday School 9am & 10:30am / Youth 9am. 3.00pm. S.Clerk (02) 9816 3807 BEACON HILL (St Andrew’s) Church Office (02) 9331 4459. Rev. David MAROUBRA 244 Warringah Rd. 9.00am. & 7.00pm. Tsai (02) 9747 4845 or 0408 5516 606. 8 Robey St, 10.00am. 7.15pm. Rev. Trevor Cheetham (02) 9451 5076. COFFS HARBOUR Chinese Service, 4pm. BEECROFT 187 Harbour Dr. 8.00am & 9.45am. Rev. Johnnie Li (02) 9349 1312 Mary St., 8.45am. 10.30am. & 5.30pm. Harbourside Evangelical Church: 5.00pm & MITTAGONG Rev. Paul Cooper (02) 9876 2478. 7.00pm. Mittagong Presbyterian Community Church. BEGA — EDEN Rev. Jamie K. Newans (02) 6652 3183 Cr Alice & Edwards Sts. 9.00am. Sess Clrk Bega – 25 Upper St. 9.30am. CORNERSTONE Mr John Currie, (02) 4872 4293. Contact: Mrs M. Cochrane (02) 6492 2949 @ Concord: Meets Concord Public School MOREE (St Andrew’s) BONDI 9.30 am. Cnr Burwood Rd. & Stanley St. Cnr Albert & Auburn Sts, 10.00am. Cnr. Castlefield & Miller Sts. Concord. Rev. Mark Powell (02) 9702 5281 Tel. (02) 6752 1083 10.00am & 6.00pm. @ North: Meets Eastwood Heights Public MORUYA Rev. John Graham: (02) 9130 6607. School 9.30am. Lincoln Street, Eastwood. 31 Evans St. 9.00am. BONNYRIGG Rev. C. S. Tang (02) 9688 7880. Rev. Peter Pallett (02) 4474 2186. Western Regions Chinese Church COWRA MOSMAN (Scots Kirk) 14-16 Bibbys Place. 9.30 am. (English) & 46 Macquarie St. Belmont Rd. (nr Military Rd), 9.00am. 11.00 am. (Mandarin) Rev. David Stone Ph (02) 6342 1467. Rev. Adrian de Graaf (02) 9969 6101.

| australian presbyterian September 2011 17 church directory

MOSS VALE 2 Willoughby Rd. 9.00am. Cnr, The Community Hub & Overton Lea 7 Browley St 9.30am & 6.00pm Rev. Glenn Samuel (02) 4385 2240 Blvd, 10.00am each Sunday. Rev. Steve North (02) 4869 4795. TOUKLEY Rev. Peter Owen (03) 9307 6583. MURWILLUMBAH Cnr Hargreaves St and Victoria Ave. BUNDOORA 16 Wollumbin St. 9.00am & 6.30pm. 9.30am Morning Worship Bundoora Hall, Noorong Ave. 10.00am & Church Office (02) 6672 2226. 6.00pm 2nd Sunday Mar, Jun, Sept, Dec. 6.00pm. Office: Mrs M. Goodson (03) 9017 NAROOMA Rev. Rex Swavley (02) 4392 9904. 9037. 1 Farncombe Ave. 11.00am. TUROSS HEAD BURWOOD Rev. Peter Pallett (02) 4474 2186. 277 Hector McWilliam Dr. 9.00am. (Chinese Presbyterian Church) 11.00am. NEWCASTLE (St Andrews) Rev. Peter Pallett (02) 4474 2186. Cnr. Greenwood &Tennyson Sts. Cnr. Laman & Auckland Sts 9.30am & WAGGA WAGGA SOUTH Rev. Dr John Elnatan (03) 9801 7645. 6.00pm. Office: (02) 4929 2857 60-62 Coleman St. Turvey Park CAMBERWELL - Trinity NEWCASTLE EAST (St. Philip’s) 9.00am & 10.30am. cnr Riversdale & Waterloo Sts. 10.00am. 48 Watt St., 10.00am. Surfside: 7.00pm. Rev. Sandy McMillan (02) 6925 1228. Rev. Philip Mercer (03) 9882 8102 Stockton: 10.30am Wednesday. WAHROONGA CAMPERDOWN-TERANG Rev. John Macintyre (02) 4929 2379. Wahroonga Presbyterian Church, Terang: 155 High St. Asst: Rev. Jon Nuttall (02) 4928 3410. Cnr. Illoura Ave. & Stuart St. 9.30am. Camperdown: Cnr Campbell & Brooke Sts. NORTH SYDNEY-GREENWICH Rev. David Yu (02) 9489 3302. Session Clerk: T. Fleming (03) 5594 8231. (St Peter’s) 234 Blues Point Rd. 10.00am & WEE WAA CANTERBURY 6.45pm. Wednesday 1.15pm. Mitchell St. (02) 6795 4259 146 Canterbury Rd. 10.30am. & 7 pm. Greenwich: (Taylor Memorial) WENTWORTH FALLS (St Andrew’s) Rev. Grant Lawry (03) 9836 4601. 86A Greenwich Rd. 10.00am. Falls Rd. 9.00 am. CANTERBURY JAPANESE Rev. Dr Stephen Pym (02) 9460 9637. Session Clerk: Mr J. Grant (02) 4759 1998 146 Canterbury Rd. 10.30am ORANGE (St James) WEST WYALONG (Home Mission Station) Rev. Shojc Tsuchihira (03) 9511 0421. Cnr Anson St. & Matthews Ave. 10.00am. Pioneer Memorial, Court St. 10.30am. CAULFIELD-ELWOOD Rev. Robert McKean (02) 6362 6304 Barmedman: 1st & 3rd Sunday. 9.00am. Caulfield: Neerim/Bambra Rds. 11.15am. PARKES/FORBES/PEAK HILL Mirrool: 3rd Sunday. Tallimba: Weethalle: Elwood : Scott/Tennyson Sts. 9.15am. Parkes: S. School 10.00am; Service 11.00am. Last Sunday 7.00pm. Contact Mrs Helen C. Rev. Phillip Chang (03) 9505 3013. Forbes: 9.00am. Peak Hill: 9.00am 1st Husking, Session Clerk (02) 6972 2143. CHELTENHAM Pioneers’ Presbyterian Sunday. Rev. Craig Bland (02) 6862 2730 WOLLONGONG (St Andrew’s) 8 Park Rd. Cnr. Charman Rd. 9.30am. PENRITH (St Andrew’s) Cnr Kembla & Burelli Sts. 9.45am & 6.00pm. Rev. David Brown (03) 9583 2785. Doonmore St. near High St, 9.00am, 10.30am Rev. Granville Pillar (02) 4226 1725(O). CLIFTON HILL & 7.00pm. WOO DFORD Cnr Michael & McKean Sts North Fitzroy. Rev. William Morrow (02) 4721 2440. 88-89 Great Western Highway, Woodford. 10.45 am. Rev. Peter Phillips (03) 9346 8044. PORT MACQUARIE (St Andrew’s) 9:00am. Ph: (02) 4751 7715. COLAC (Scots) Cnr William/Munster Sts, 9.00am., 10.30am WOONONA 90-94 Armstrong Street. 10.00am. Rev. S Donnellan (02) 6582 2505 7 Gray St. Rev. Peter Currie (02) 4284 4057. Rev. Marvin Hagans H: (03) 5250 4360 RANDWICK WOY WOY O: (03) 5231 2398 Alison Rd. & Cook St. 10.00am. & 5.00pm. 118-120 Blackwall Rd. 9.00 & 10.30 am. CRANBOURNE/LYNDHURST Rev. Grant Thorpe (02) 9399 3183. Rev. K. Rathbone (02) 4342 2856. Cranbourne: Cnr Russel & Sladen Sts REVESBY 10.00am weekly. Cnr Tower St & Eastern Avenue, Lyndhurst: 214 Westernport Hwy (entry Service: 9.00am & 6.30pm. frm Pyramid Pl) 2.00pm 2nd & 4th Sunday of Rev. Dr Peter Barnes (02) 9774 5740. victoria Mth. Mod: Rev. Bill Medley (03) 9786 2976. ROSE BAY (St Andrew’s Scots) CROYDON HILLS Cnr Dover Rd & Carlisle St. Maroondah Community Centre, Brentnall Service times: 10.00a m. ARARAT Rd, Croydon (next to Maroondah Secondary Rev. Martin Spadaro (02) 9388 1206(O). 330 Barkly St (Cnr Albert St). 10.00am. College). 10.00am. SOUTHERN CROSS Rev. Ian Hutton (03) 5352 4054 Rev. Matt James (03) 9725 5370. Park Ave. East Lismore. (02) 6621 3655. ASHBURTON DANDENONG SPRINGWOOD Junction of High St. and High Street Rd. 51 Potter St. 10.00am. 160 Macquarie Rd. 10.30am. & 6.00pm. near Warrigal Rd. 10.15am. Rev. John Rickard (03) 9792 4252. Winmalee : 481 Hawkesbury Rd. 9.00am. ASPENDALE DONVALE A. Min. Mark Armstrong (02) 4751 1188 Cnr Station St. & Lyle Grv. 9.00am. & Cnr Springvale Rd & McGowan St Donvale. (O). Rev. Keith Walker (02) 4751 1188 (O). 6.00pm. Rev. John Dekker (03) 9587 0661. 8.30am, 10.30am & 6.30pm. Rev. Gerald SUTHERLAND AUBURN Vanderwert (03) 9842 9493. (03) 9841 7020 (O) Cnr Flora & Glencoe Sts. 9.30am & 5.30pm Cnr Rathmines & Station Sts Hawthorn East DROMANA-MORNINGTON Rev. Andrew Clausen (02) 9521 2361 10.00 am. Rev. Trevor Cox (03) 9882 5256 Dromana St Andrew’s, Gibson St. 9.00am & SYDNEY (Scots Church) BAIRNSDALE 5.00pm. Mornington (The Chapel) Cnr 44 Margaret St. Sydney. Sun: 10.30 am. 15 9 Nicholson St. 10.00am. Strachans Rd. & Nepean Hwy. 11.00am. Wed: 1.15pm. Interim Moderator: 1st of Month 5.00pm. S/school 9.00 am. Rev. Dr Michael Wishart (03) 5975 9514. Rev. Peter Hastie (02) 9798 6572. Rev. Gary Stephens (03) 5153 1669 DROUIN TAMWORTH (St Stephen’s) BALACLAVA Church St. 8.45am. 10.30am. 7.00pm. Cnr Matthews & Crown St. 9.00am & 106 Hotham St. & Denman Ave. 9.30am. Rev. Mark Smith (03) 5625 4112. 6.30pm. Moonbi 9.00am. Rev. Bob Thomas 0417 592 646. ELTHAM Rev. Stuart Andrews (02) 6765 8754. BENDIGO (St John’s) 23 Batman Rd. 10.00 am Tamworth Community Presb Church, Forest St. 10.30am & 6.00pm. Rev. Don Elliott (03) 9439 9720 St Stephens, Cnr Matthews & Crown St. Rev. Philip Burns (03) 5443 6189. ESSENDON 10.30am Rev. David Hassan (02) 6765 2865. BLACKBURN Cnr Wilson & McPherson Sts. 9.15am & TAREE 53 Gardenia St. 11.00am. 7.00pm. Rev. Peter Phillips (03) 9346 8044. Albert St. 9.00am. Rev. P Locke (03) 9725 6417 FLEMINGTON Rev. Paul Harris (02) 6552 1082(O). BRIMBANK Norwood St. 9.30am. TERRIGAL (Scots Kirk) Sydenham Community Centre S. Clerk Miss R. Anstee (03) 9650 9903.

18 australian presbyterian September 2011 church directory

FRANKSTON 7.30pm (1st Sunday of the month). Asst. Rev. Teddy Woo (07) 3865 4185 30 Radiata St. 10.30am & 6.00pm. S. Clerk – Mr Jeff Broad (03) 5484 6284. ATHERTON (Tablelands) Rev. Bill Medley (03) 9786 2976. ST KILDA Cnr. Alice & Jack Sts. 10.00am & 6.00pm. Session Clerk: Mr John Disney 8707 0462. Cnr Alma Rd. & Barkly St. 11.00am & Rev. Cameron Wills (07) 4091 7203. GEELONG (St. George’s) 7.00pm. Rev. Bob Thomas 0417 592 646. BALD HILLS Cnr. Latrobe Tce & Ryrie St. 10.00am. SHEPPARTON 58 Strathpine Rd. 9.00am. & 6.30pm. Ministers: The Very Rev. Dr Allan Harman (03) Cnr. Hayes & Leithen Sts. 9.00am. & Rev. John Trappett (07) 3103 6144. 5255 2134. Rev. Peter Wilding (03) 5281 1723. 7.00pm. Also Stanhope, Kyabram. BRISBANE KOREAN GEELONG NORTH Rev. Kyung Ee (03) 5831 6494. 122 Allingham St, Kuraby 9am & 11am. 60 Victoria St. 9.30am. SOMERVILLE 145 Ann St. 2.30pm. Rev. Darren Middleton (03) 5278 1887. Cnr Jones Rd. & Park Lane. Rev. Dr M. M. Y. Kim (07) 3300 3132 GEELONG WEST (Scots) SORRENTO-RYE BRISBANE (St Paul’s) Cnr. Pakington & Waratah Sts. 10.00am. Sorrento: St Andrew’s, Kerferd Avenue 53 St Pauls Tce. Spring Hill. Clerk: Mr Drew Chittenden 0404 496 428. 11.00am. Rye: Cnr Collingwood & Lyons Rev. A. Gardiner (07) 3831 7458(O). GISBORNE (St Andrew’s) Sts. 9.15am. 6.00pm. BROWN PLAINS Fisher Street 10.30am & Evening service last Rev. John Brennan (03) 5985 6492 276 Waller Road. Heritage Park. 9.30am & Sunday of month 5.30pm (7.00pm Summer SOUTH YARRA 6pm. Rev. Danny Mihailovic (07) 3800 4421. daylight savings) 621 Punt Rd. 10.30 am. & 5.30 pm. BUNDABERG HAMILTON S.Clerk: Mr J. Adlawan (03) 9808 7391. Cnr Water & Alice Sts. 9.00am & 7.00pm. St Andrew’s, Gray & McIntyre Sts. 10.00am. SUNSHINE Rev. Wallace Brown (07) 4151 4766. & 5.00pm. (last Sunday of month) McKay Memorial, Anderson Rd. 10.00am. & CABOOLTURE Rev. David Schultz (03) 5562 7777. 6.00pm. Rev. John Cho (03) 9311 1661. 24 Cottrill Road. 9.00am & 6.00pm. HAWTHORN SURREY HILLS (St Stephen’s) Rev. John Nicol (07) 5499 1977 (office) 580 Glenferrie Rd. 11.00 am. & 7.00 pm. Canterbury & Warrigal Rds. 10.15am & 0418 876 634 (mob.) Rev. Graham Nicholson (03) 9819 5347. 6.00pm. Family Services 6.00pm (2nd & 4th CAIRNS HEATHMONT Sunday). Rev. Chris Siriweera (03) 9833 3306. 87 Sheridan St. 9.00am. & 6.30pm. Cnr. Waterloo St. & Canterbury Rd. Deaf Presbyterian Church Korean 11.00am. Cook Island 11.00am. Heathmont 10.00am. Canterbury & Warrigal Rds. 2.00pm. Rev. Harry Oh (07) 4051 2238. Rev. Andrew Venn (03) 9870 5182. Rev. Tony Salisbury (03) 9551 3634 CALLIDE VALLEY HORSHAM (Mod. Rev. Chris Siriweera (03) 9833 3306) Biloela: Cnr. Kariboe & Melton Sts. 16 Kalkee Road 10.00am & 7.00pm. WANGARATTA – REGIONAL PARISH 10.00am. Jambin: Three Ways 8.30am. Rev. Willem Vandenberg (03) 5382 3735. Wangaratta , 158 Rowan St. 11.00am & Rev. Gaius Goh (07) 4992 1441 . KANGAROO GROUND 5.00pm (9.00am 1st Sunday) CHARLEVILLE/BLACKALL 265 Eltham-Yarra Glen Rd. 9.30am. Yarrawonga , 47 Orr St. 8.45am (11.00am 78 Galatea St. 9.00am. Rev. Rod Scott (03) 9763 4248. 1st Sunday). Myrtleford , 78 Standish St. CLAYFIELD (Scots Memorial) KOREAN MELBOURNE 7.00pm (5.00pm June, July, August). 29 Bellevue Terrace, 9.30am & 6.30pm. 16 Walnut Rd. North Balwyn. 11.00am & WARBURTON Rev. Andrew Richardson 0423 160 412 2.00pm. Rev. Stephen Kim 0430 136 155. 3471 Warburton H’way. 10.00am. COORPAROO LEONGATHA Brian Harvey (03) 5966 2309. Emlyn St. 10.00am. Cnr. Bent & Turner Sts. 10.00am. WARRNAMBOOL (St John’s) Rev. Phil Case (07) 3397 8793. Session Clerk: (03) 5662 2107 Warrnambool: Spence Street. 10.00am CREEK ROAD MALVERN (Includes Children’s program) & 5.00pm Presbyterian Ministry Centre. 1541 Creek 161 Wattletree Rd. 10.30am. & 5.00 pm. (in the church hall Princess St). Road (cnr Fursden Road). Carina 8.30am, Rev. Philip Daffy (03) 9509 7373. Office: (03) 5562 2029. 10.30am & 6.30pm. Centre: (07) 3398 MELBOURNE South Warrnambool: MacDonald St. 9.15am. 4333. Rev. Steve Cree (07) 3398 4333 The Scots’ Church, Cnr. Russell & Collins Woodford: Mill St. 11.00 am. DECEPTION BAY–BURPENGARY Sts. 11am & 5.30pm. Wed. 1.00pm. Rev. Ben Johnson (03) 5562 2029. Peace Presbyterian Church. 9.30am. 10.30am (Indonesian Service) Werner WEST FOOTSCRAY 155-157 Maine Terrace, Deception Bay. Brodbeck Hall, 156 Collins St. 141 Essex St. (Scots) 10.00 am. Rev. John Gilmour (07) 3203 2526. Rev. Douglas Robertson (03) 9650 9903. Session Clerk: Ms J Swift (03) 9687 5701 GLADSTONE (St Andrew’s) MELTON WILLIAMSTOWN (St Andrew’s) Goondoon & Bramston Sts. 10.00am. Mowbray College, Centenary Ave. 10.00am. 87 Cecil St. 10.00am. Benaraby: O’Connor Rd. 8.00am. Rev. Phil Simmonds (03) 9747 8195. Rev. Bruce Riding (03) 9397 5338 Calliope: Dawson H’way (Stirrat St.) MOE — YARRAM WOORI YALLOCK 2nd Sunday 9.30am; 4th Sunday 8.00am. Rev. Stephen Deroon 1363 Healesville-Koo Wee Rup Rd. 9.30am. Ph: 4972 1058. Moe: 34 Fowler St. 10.00am. Rev. Dean Carroll (03) 5964 7563. GOLD COAST (I) Yarram: Cnr. Dougherty & Montgomery WYNDHAM Arundel: 132 Allied Drive 9.00am & Sts. 2.00pm. 116-120 Blackforest Rd. 10.00am. 10.45am. (07) 5571 5676. NOORAT Pastor Shane Cassidy (03) 9974 2024 Cnr Mc Kinnons Bridge & Glenormiston Rds. Robina: Cnr University & Cottesloe Drives 10.30am. Rev. Miles Fagan (03) 5592 5220 10.00am & 6.30pm. NUMURKAH Rev. Kevin Ridley (07) 5571 1416 58 Saxton St. 11.15am. Tallygaroopna: queensland GOLD COAST (II) Victoria St. 9.30am. Cobram : Cnr High and Mudgeeraba: Cnr Mudgeeraba Rd & Pine Sts. (Anglican Church) 2.30pm. Regency Pde. 9.00am. Rev. Frank Savage (03) 5862 1621. ACACIA RIDGE Rev. Ray Evans (07) 5530 7003. Yarram: Cnr Dougherty & Montgomery Cnr Mortiner & Beaudesert Rds. GRACEVILLE Sts. 2.00pm. 9:00am & 6:00pm. Rev. Daniel Bigg, 12 Bank Rd, Graceville, Brisbane. 9.30am RESERVOIR (St. Andrews) (07) 3277 0010 (O), (07) 3711 5410 (H). and 6.30pm. Rev. David Secomb 81 Edwardes St. 10.00am. ASCOT (07) 3122 9561. [email protected] Session Clerk 9497 4785. 68 Charlton St. (Near Airport). GORDONVALE (St Paul’s) ROCHESTER Nundah: 14 Rode Rd 9 Norman Street, Gordonvale. Service: Cnr Victoria St. & Echuca Rd. 10.30am & Rev. Guido Kettniss (07) 3216 4151. 10.30am each Sunday. Minister: Rev. Bruce

| australian presbyterian September 2011 19 church directory

Harrison (07) 4056 2470. Asst. Rev. Kwang-Ho Song (07) 4778 3823. PORT AUGUSTA Babinda (St Andrew’s): 25 Church St, WEST TOOWOOMBA Jervois St. 10.00 am. Babinda. 8.30am each Sunday. Ph: (07) Cnr Greenwattle & South Sts. 7.45am, Barry Rossiter (08) 8642 2059. 4056 2470. 9.30am & 5.45pm. Rev. Esa Hukkinen SEACLIFF HELENSVALE (Northlinks) (07) 4613 6691, (07) 4633 4188 (O). Kauri Pde. Seacliff. 9.30am. 1 Shepparton Road – 9.30am. WINDSOR Rev. S. Slucki (08) 8296 1581. Rev. John Evans (07) 5580 1367. 60 Maygar St. 8.30am. WHYALLA HERVEY BAY Wilston: 28 Macgregor St. 9.45am. 28 Ramsay St. 10.00 am. S/Clerk 5 Denman’s Camp Road, Scarness. 9.30am Rev. Stuart Atkinson (07) 3356 4124. H. Mashford (08) 8645 0818. & 7.00pm. Rev. John Roth (07) 4124 7018. IPSWICH Cnr Limestone & Gordon Sts. 9.30am, 10am & 6.30pm. western australia tasmania Forest Hill: Church St, 9am. Office: (07) 3413 1050, Fax: (07) 3413 1051. ITHACA ALBANY CORNERSTONE (Hobart) 10.00am. 100 Enogerra Tce, Paddington. Spencer Park School Hall, Reidy Drive, “The Philip Smith Centre”, 2 Edward St, Service: 9.30 am. 6.30pm. Spencer Park. 10.00am & 4.00pm. Chris Glebe. 5pm “Soul Church” @“The Cupping Rev. Robert Herrgott (07) 3300 6158. Woonings Ph: 0428 665 123. Room”, 105 Murray St. MACKAY BASSENDEAN Rev. Campbell Markham (03) 6234 4719. Cnr Harvey St. & Evans Ave. Nth Mackay. 14-16 Broadway. 9.30am. CROSSROADS 4pm. 8.30am & 6pm each Sunday. Rev. Ross Fraser (08) 9248 3252. 25 Tasma St. H.M. Dan Shepheard (03) 6234 Rev. Gerhard von Tonder. BICTON 8207. Sarina: Sarina Beach Rd. 10.30am each Harris St. & View Tce. 9.30am & 7.00pm. DEVONPORT (St Columba’s) Sunday; Ph. (07) 4957 2835. FREMANTLE (Scots) 13 Edward St. 10.00am. Don : Waverley Rd. MARANOA 90 South Tce. Worship & Sunday School 2.00pm (1st & 3rd Sundays). Roma: Queen Street 9.00am. 10.00am & 5.00pm. Rev. Stuart Bonnington Rev. Steve Warwick (03) 6424 6066 MAROOCHYDORE Word on Wednesday 12.30pm HOBART (St John’s) 45 Okinja Road Alexandra Headland 9.00am (08) 9398 1304 Off. (08) 9336 6542 10.00am & 6.30pm. 188 Macquarie St. & 7.00pm. Rev. Jens Norved. MANDURAH (03) 6223 7213. Church Office (07) 5443 7073. Cnr Sutton and Gibson St 10:00am Rev. Alistair Bain 0407 568 717. MARYBOROUGH Rev. Paul Bloomfield (08) 9319 0706. Rev. Rod Waterhouse 0438 555 983. 523 Alice Street. 9am. (07) 4122 4656. WEST LEEDERVILLE (Henderson Memorial) LAUNCESTON (St Andrew’s) Moderator: Rev. Wal Brown (07) 4152 0769. Cnr Kimberly & Ruislip Sts. 10.30am. Civic Square. 10.00 am & 5.00 pm. MILES English & Japanese Service 1.00pm. Church Office: (03) 6331 5412 Cnr Warrego and Leichhardt Highways Rev. Steve Young (08) 9448 8755. Rev. Peter Thorneycroft 0438 315 412 9.00am. Rev. Walter Jones (07) 4627 1180. MONTROSE NORTH PINE Cnr. Islington Rd. & Walker St. 10.00 am. 57 Old Dayboro Rd. Petrie. 9.00am & Mod. Rev. Rod Waterhouse 0438 555 983. 6.30pm. Rev. P. Cornford (07) 3285 2104. south australia MOUNT STUART REDCLIFFE PENINSULA Rev. David Jones 0400 134 701. WoodyPoint, Cnr. Ellen & Hawthorne Sts. Primary School Gillon Cres. 10am. 9.30am. & 6.00pm. Scarborough: Jeays St. ADELAIDE (St Andrew’s) RIVERSIDE 8.00am. Rev. Peter Whitney (07) 3284 2578. 92-98 Archer St. North Adelaide. 10.30 am. Eden St. 10.45am. Glengarry: 9.15am. ROBINA Rev. Chris ten Broeke. Frankford H’way. Winkleigh: 9.15am, 2nd Cnr Cottesloe & University Drs. Session Clerk Mr D. Niven (08) 8381 4615. Sunday. Rev. Norman Shellard (03) 6327 2967 Rev. Kevin Ridley (07) 5571 1416. ELIZABETH ROKEBY ROCKHAMPTON (Fitzroy) 106 Goodman Rd, Elizabeth South. 9.30am. Presby. Community Church, Tollard 9.30am & St. Stevens – Burnett St. 8.30am & 6.30pm Rev. Kevin Stow (08) 8284 1719. Session 4.30pm. Rev. Neil McDonald (03) 6248 1824. John Knox – Rundle St. 10.00am Clerk: Mr Bob Arstall (08) 8825 5226. SCOTTSDALE Mt Morgan: St Enoch’s, East St. 4.00pm. LARGS NORTH George St. 11.00am. Bridport : Westwood Rev. Jon Chandler (07) 4922 1825 (O) Brenda Terrace. 11.00am. St. 9.00am. (07) 4922 1540 (A/H) Pastor Raymond Brewer (08) 8263 9692. Rev. Greg Munro (03) 6352 2527. SANDGATE MILLICENT STANLEY (St James) Loudon St. 9.00am & 6.00pm. Cnr Fifth & Sixth Sts. 10.30 am. Fletcher St. 10.30am. Rev. D.K. Ashman (07) 3269 1231 Also Rendelsham I.M. Rev. Steve Warwick (03) 6424 6066. THE GAP MT BARKER ULVERSTONE (St Andrew’s) The Gap High School Auditorium 36 Hutchison St. 10.00 am. 65 Main Rd. 10.00am. 1048 Waterworks Rd, 9.30am. Pastor Robert Finster (08) 8391 2270. Rev. Charlie Kennedy 0400 228 241. Rev. Chris Perona (07) 3300 2987 MT GAMBIER WEST TAMAR (Auld Kirk) TOOWOOMBA NORTH (St David’s) Allison St. 10.00 am. 5.30 pm. Also Allendale, 50 Auld Kirk Road Sidmouth 10.00am. Mary St. Also at Geham. Nelson (Vic). Rev. Gary Ware (08) 8723 9028. Caveside Road Mole Creek 2.00pm. Rev. Andrew Clarke (07) 4632 8027. NARACOORTE Pastor Ian Partridge (03) 6330 3702. TOOWOOMBA SOUTH (St John’s) Church St. 10.00am. Cnr Cranley & Geddes Sts. 9:30am, 6pm. NORWOOD (St Giles) Rev. Graeme McKay (07) 4635 4560 79 The Parade. 9.15am & 7.00pm. Murphy’s Creek , Thor St 9:30am. Session Clerk Tom Morgan (08) 8331 To register your church in this section of AP Westbrook , Westbrook Hall, Main St. 9am. 3499. is an easy, low cost exercise. TOWNSVILLE (Willows) PARA HILLS Facsimile the AP office on: (03) 9723 9685 26 Carthew St. Kirwan 8.30am, 11.00am & 174 Maxwell Rd. 10.15am & 5.00pm. Rev. or E-mail us at: [email protected] 6.30pm. Rev. David McDougall (07) 4723 1232. Damien Carson (08) 8264 4607 (Office) The Annual Fees are: Congregations under 50 $45.00 plus GST TOWNSVILLE (St Andrew’s) (08) 8262 7680 (Home) Congregations 51 -99 $55.00 plus GST 113 Wills St. City. 9.00am & 6.30pm. PENOLA Congregations 100 or more $65.00 plus GST Rev. Peter Barber (07) 4771 2460. Portland St. 9.30am.

20 australian presbyterian September 2011 bible study

DAY 5 Abraham, my friend . THE PASSAGE ISAIAH 41:1-10 • The LORD, the I AM from beginning to end, does not THE POINT God was righteous and faithful in bringing change in His dealings with His people from one generation to Abraham from the east to Canaan; therefore He can be trusted the next (4). to bring Abraham’s descendants back from the east to the • God’s enemies “see” and “fear” (similar words in Hebrew) but Promised Land. All the nations need to know that God will still depend on their own resources, their man-made gods (5- never reject His people. 7). THE PARTICULARS • God’s faithful, proven promises to guide, protect, care for His • God is always willing to discuss with the rulers from among chosen people are true for each generation in every place (8- men the question of the justice of all His dealings with them 10). (1). TO PONDER ... AND TO PRAY • Just as He brought righteous Abraham from the east to con - • What warning is here to nations/people who refuse to admit quer nations and establish His people in the Promised Land to the evidence that the God of the Bible, the Father of the (2-3, 8-9), so He will again bring His people from captivity in Lord Jesus Christ, is the only true God, and to submit to His the east. rule? DAY 6 The worm and his God . THE PASSAGE ISAIAH 41:11-16 small worm in comparison to Him, He Himself will be their THE POINT The true Church is presently going through a help (14). time when we feel very small and insignificant in a world that • God’s reference to Himself as the Redeemer and the Holy is proud of its own power and achievements and is becoming One of Israel (14) foresees His coming as Jesus, the Christ more actively opposed to the Gospel. God graciously reminds (Mark 1:24). us here that we are His chosen people and the ultimate victory • God will finally and totally destroy all His enemies (15-16). belongs to us in Him. TO PONDER ... AND TO PRAY THE PARTICULARS • What is better: having self-esteem and not knowing God, or • God reminds His people that the final victory is His, that being in fellowship with a God who sometimes calls you a they should grasp His hand, trust Him and not fear (11-13). worm? Jesus gives similar promises in Matthew 16:18, 28:18 and • What does it mean to you to know that God is your Redeemer? John 16:33. • What does it mean to you to know that God is the Holy One • God reminds His people that, although they are only like a of His people? How will this affect your behaviour today?

DAY 7 Pools and trees in the desert . THE PASSAGE ISAIAH 41:17-20 • No situation is too barren for the living God to refresh (17- THE POINT In spite of the threat of the Babylonian invasion 19). and Isaiah’s foretelling of the collapse of Jerusalem, God gives • God acts in human affairs in such a way as to make it obvi - the prophet a clear and strong word of hope for the future ous that it is His world, and that He is the Holy One of His based on the indestructibility and reliability of His revealed Church. Sadly, men ignore these clear signs to their own peril purposes. (20). THE PARTICULARS TO PONDER ... AND TO PRAY • The Bible often uses water as a symbol of spiritual life, just • There are many parts of the world, including Australia, that as it is the source of physical life and well-being. God takes know what it means to experience severe drought. Does God His people through times of spiritual dryness to remind us of cause such things to happen to remind us of our need of Him our need of Him as the source of true life (Psalm 42:1-2). The in our lives? (Remember why Israel was in captivity in living God alone is the source of our spiritual life (17; John Babylon!) 4:13-14). • Is your spiritual life dry? Will you trust God to refresh you? DAY 8 True or false? .

THE PASSAGE ISAIAH 41:21-29 • The LORD’s track record in warning and protecting His peo - THE POINT There are many confusing voices in the world ple concerning both their captivity and their subsequent res - today calling out for our allegiance. Some of them are quite cue is set down clearly in the writings of the prophets (25-27). subtle and deceptive and lead many astray, even in the name TO PONDER ... AND TO PRAY of Christ. We therefore need to trust God’s infallible, written • How does the fulfilment of many specific OT prophecies in Word which has proven itself true for thousands of years to be the events of the New Testament help us to have confidence in our guard against error. our God as the one and only true God? Why do so many peo - THE PARTICULARS ple ignore this evidence today? What is the danger of doing • God challenges false gods to give evidence that they are able, as He is, to foresee, control and interpret future events (21- this? 23). • Satan is a master of deception (2 Corinthians 11:13-15). • The inability of false gods to do anything about future events What precautions can we take to ensure we are not deceived proves beyond doubt their utter worthlessness (24, 28-29). by him?

| australian presbyterian September 2011 21 bible study

DAY 9 The Servant-King announced . THE PASSAGE ISAIAH 42:1-9 4a). THE POINT The last section of chapter 41 has prepared us • His saving work goes beyond Israel: islands (4b), Gentiles for the great announcement about the LORD’s Servant-King (6b). who will come to be the Saviour of his people. God’s faithful - • It is the sovereign Lord of all creation who declares this (5, ness and power ensure it will happen as He says, and we have 8f). seen it in Jesus! • The Servant-King will fulfil the LORD’s covenant with His THE PARTICULARS people and bring light, healing and freedom to all nations (6- • The LORD’s chosen Servant will establish justice throughout 7). the whole world, He will please God in everything He does, TO PONDER ... AND TO PRAY and He will be filled with His Spirit (1; Matthew 3:16-17). • How do verses 2-4 help us to see that following Jesus is • He will achieve His purposes quietly and without force (2- about patient suffering rather than prosperity and freedom 3a). from pain? • He will be faithful and persistent, not giving up until the task • Do you feel like giving up when your efforts seem to achieve is finished (implying considerable resistance and effort) (3b- so little for God’s Kingdom? How does this passage help you? DAY 10 A time for singing has come . THE PASSAGE ISAIAH 42:10-17 • God will bring about a completely new economy: widespread THE POINT Isaiah reports that God’s restraint from acting devastation and drought for His enemies, but enlightenment, on behalf of His elect is no longer possible. He will act deci - blessing and prosperity for those who belong to Him (15-16). sively to punish their opponents and bless His Church. The • All whose lives are centred on man-made ideas and the glory time has come for widespread singing and rejoicing with this of human achievement will be shamefully rejected (17). reversal of fortunes. TO PONDER ... AND TO PRAY THE PARTICULARS • This final triumph of God over His enemies will only be fully • God calls on the whole earth to sing a new song of triumph realised when Jesus comes again. Are you waiting and longing as He prepares to act decisively to bless His chosen people(10- 12). for this event with the anticipation of a woman in labour? • The triumph will be like the celebration of a military victory • In what sense has the Church been singing the “new song” (13) and like the rejoicing that comes after a difficult birth since Pentecost? What signs show that Jesus’ Return might (14). be soon?

DAY 11 None so blind... so deaf... . THE PASSAGE ISAIAH 42:18-25 (his Law); it was Israel’s failure to make the right response to THE POINT Israel failed in its calling to be the LORD’s ser - the Law that resulted in their demise (21-22, cf Rom. 10:1-4). vant. They had ignored His overtures and promptings. This • Even the LORD’s punishment was not able to get through to anticipated the sending of Jesus, the True Servant, to do per - the Israelites’ hearts concerning how serious their sin was (23- fectly what Israel should have done. Christ’s Church would be 25). the New Israel while the old Israel would be handed over to TO PONDER ... AND TO PRAY the plunderers. • Have there been times in your life when you have been blind THE PARTICULARS or deaf to the promptings of God’s Spirit concerning things • What Isaiah must say to Israel, in the midst of his wonderful that have been wrong in your life? Is there anything you need message of hope for deliverance and a fresh start, had already to deal with today – a relationship? an attitude? an undone been anticipated at his initial commissioning in 6:9-10 (18- task? 20). • What are some aspects of Jesus’ life that contrast with • There was nothing wrong with God’s side of the Covenant Israel’s? DAY 12 My treasured possession .

THE PASSAGE ISAIAH 43:1-7 • God will not allow anything to happen to us outside His will; THE POINT In Exodus 19:5 God had referred to His people He will always be with us and will intervene to save us (2). Israel as “my treasured possession”. Here He spells out what • God will differentiate between those who are His and those that means in terms of rescuing them from danger and death. who are not. This cuts across our modern concepts of toler - It will even mean sacrificing other peoples in order to fulfil ance and equality. His salvation is a very discriminating thing His promises to them. Paul reminded the Church at Corinth, (3-4). “You are not your own; you were bought at a price.” (1 Cor. • God will finally gather all His elect to Himself from every 6:19b-20a). nation on earth, for His own eternal glory (5-7, see Revelation THE PARTICULARS 5:9-14). • God not only made us and formed us for Himself, He redeemed us with the precious blood of Jesus, His own Son; TO PONDER ... AND TO PRAY He therefore knows each one of us by name so we have no • Does this passage leave any room for self-righteousness or need to fear (1). pride before God? Thank Him for His grace that saved you.

22 australian presbyterian September 2011 bible study

DAY 13 No other name . THE PASSAGE ISAIAH 43:8-13 • In the end, no-one will be able to deny the evidence that God THE POINT The Christian Gospel, God’s revealed Plan of has provided that He alone is the only God, the only Saviour, Salvation, is a plan that could never have been devised by and that His Word, the Bible, is true and a clear revelation of human wisdom. It is this fact that makes it so glorious and Himself, His character, His ways and His will (10-12). unique. On the Day of Judgement, when “every knee shall • God’s Plan of Salvation was laid down at the beginning of bow ...”, it will be obvious to all without doubt and without time, is irrevocable, and includes the destruction of the wicked argument that this great Plan of Salvation, centred on Christ (13). alone as Saviour, is the truth that gives meaning to the whole TO PONDER ... AND TO PRAY created universe and human history. • In post-modern, multi-cultural Australia we are under pres - THE PARTICULARS sure to accept all religious beliefs as valid expressions of per - • Having eyes and ears does not guarantee our seeing and sonal “truth” and not to pass judgement on those with differ - hearing (ie understanding and obeying) God’s saving message ent views. Does the Bible give us the freedom to make such (8-9). allowances? DAY 14 Unrequited love . THE PASSAGE ISAIAH 43:14-24 involving all Creation, has now come for God’s chosen people THE POINT God would do anything for His Church, His (18-21). Love, His Bride (see Romans 8:32). Our response to His • Sadly, Israel has failed to respond with love and devotion to expressions of love is too often one of indifference, ingrati - God’s overtures of loving kindness; instead they have been tude, self-centredness and just taking His blessings for apathetic, distracted, selfish, uncaring – even rebellious (22- granted or treating them as our rights. 24). THE PARTICULARS TO PONDER ... AND TO PRAY • The LORD, as Israel’s Redeemer, Holy One, Creator and King, • When was the last time you made a list of all the things with is willing and able to defeat Babylon completely on their behalf, as Pharaoh’s army was no match for Him at the Red which God has blessed you – and then thanked Him for them? Sea (14-17). • Do you begrudge the time you spend with God each day? • God’s punishment of His people is about to become a thing • What can you do today to show God how much you love of the past (cf 40:1-2) – the time of refreshment and renewal, Him, and how much you appreciate His great love for you?

DAY 15 Forgiving love . THE PASSAGE ISAIAH 43:25 –44:5 lem be solved? THE POINT Although His case against His people is unan - • Isaiah looks to a future time when God will make a special swerable, and sin is an ingrained part of the human condition, provision for His chosen people (1-2). [Jeshurun, “the upright God is nevertheless moved to be true to His character and one” is a poetic name for God’s people used 4 times in the OT] forego the punishment we deserve. For the sake of His • The giving of His Spirit to His people will be central to the covenant love He will blot out our sin, remember it no more, means by which God solves the problem outlined above (3-5, accept us back in fellowship with Him, and pour His blessing see also Ezekiel 36:24-28; 37:1-14; Jeremiah 31:31-37). on us, including the gift of His Holy Spirit! TO PONDER ... AND TO PRAY THE PARTICULARS • How does this passage help us to understand why Jesus • It is part of God’s nature to forgive sin (25); it is part of came? man’s human nature to commit sin – even godly Abraham and • How does this passage help you to see that it is only because God’s prophets and priests were guilty (26-27); God’s justice of Jesus’ finished work that you can say, “I belong to the demands the punishment of sin (28). So how can this prob - Lord”? DAY 16 Chalk and cheese .

THE PASSAGE ISAIAH 44:6-20 who lived, died and rose again is one and the same person THE POINT Isaiah writes a long discourse (9-20) that will with the LORD (Jehovah or Yahweh) of the Old Testament! enable Israel to see clearly the absolute stupidity of worship - (Why not share this fact with the next Jehovah’s Witness who ping and trusting in idols. It is proof of the blinding power of comes to your door?) sin that men fall into this trap. By contrast, the reality of the • The God who has revealed Himself in the Bible and in Jesus existence of the living God – the God of the Bible, the God of is unique: He is the only King, Redeemer, Lord Almighty, history, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the God who Rock. He has proved this fact in history through Bible speaks and acts – is beyond question for all who have eyes to prophecy (6-8). see and ears to hear! • Sin blinds man’s understanding. It is sad that on the Day of THE PARTICULARS Judgement the clear truth of verses 9-20 will be obvious to all. • Jesus’ use of the language of verse 6 in referring to Himself when addressing John in Revelation 1:8, 17-18 is one of the TO PONDER ... AND TO PRAY strongest arguments in Scripture for the deity of Christ. Jesus • Are there any dumb, man-made “idols” (ideas) in your life?

| australian presbyterian September 2011 23 BIbBibLlE e sStTuUdDy Y

DAY 17 God is working His purpose out . THE PASSAGE ISAIAH 44:21-28 (24). THE POINT God’s Plan of Salvation for the redemption of • God declares His purposes and plans in advance so that their His elect Church is unstoppable (irresistible grace). He has final occurrence in history proves his credentials, silences His committed Himself to it in writing and so far it has gone critics and makes fools of His pretenders and usurpers (24- exactly according to plan, especially in the life, death and res - 28). urrection of the Lord Jesus. • God’s declaration about the rise of Cyrus and the rebuilding THE PARTICULARS of Jerusalem was a particularly convincing case in point (26, • God has done everything necessary to bring His elect people, 28). His chosen “servant”, back to Himself, to redeem them. It TO PONDER ... AND TO PRAY remains for us to respond appropriately, to return to Him, to • Have you truly responded to God’s call to “return” (turn repent (21-22). round, repent), accepting His gift of eternal life through faith • God’s redemption of His elect affects the whole Creation in Jesus? (23). • Why is it dangerous to put too much value on human wis - • God has His saving hand on His elect from the embryo stage dom? DAY 18 Let God be God . THE PASSAGE ISAIAH 45:1-8 • God will guide Cyrus’s every step in his conquest of Babylon THE POINT God is not accountable to man for what He does and in his decision to free the captives to rebuild Jerusalem. in history or for whom He uses to do it. Nor does He act arbi - • God sovereignly determines every event in human history trarily, but only consistently with His Plan of Salvation in and He does this whether or not those involved realise it. This Christ. is true even with respect to adverse aspects of history (7)! He THE PARTICULARS does this so that men will know Him (6; cf Acts 17:26-27). • God refers to Cyrus, King of Persia, as His “anointed one”, TO PONDER ... AND TO PRAY His Messiah (1). Although Cyrus neither knows nor acknowl - • Why do we baulk at identifying Cyrus with a Messiah-type edges the LORD, the God of Israel (4b, 5b), the fact that he is being used as an instrument in this God’s hands to redeem figure, or accepting that God is behind catastrophic events? His people from their captivity in Babylon makes him a Have we developed a humanistic rather than a Biblical view of “Messiah” type, pointing forward to the coming of Jesus, the God? Why do we feel we need to “justify” the God of the true Messiah. Bible?

DAY 19 Saved by the LORD . THE PASSAGE ISAIAH 45:9-17 does what He does or uses whom He uses; the earth and every THE POINT In spite of the fact that God is sovereign and person on it belong to Him as their Maker (11-13). free to act however He pleases without owing us an explana - • God does not owe us anything (13b, cf Luke 17:10). tion, we can trust Him to be faithful to the promise He has • God promised the final, eternal victory to His Church, made to His Church to save us with an everlasting salvation. although at various times in history this fact is well hidden From the beginning this promise was centred on Christ, and (14-15)! finally sealed by His blood. • The saving power of the Lord will be the disgrace of idolaters THE PARTICULARS and the glory of the Church for ever and ever (16-17). • We have no right to question God’s providence, to ask why TO PONDER ... AND TO PRAY He made us the way He did; He is the potter, we are the clay • Are you able to say with Job: “Though He slay me, yet will I (9-10). hope in Him.” (13:15a), and: “But He knows the way I take; • Again, God does not owe us an explanation as to why He when He has tested me I will come forth as gold.” (23:10)? DAY 20 A righteous God and a Saviour .

THE PASSAGE ISAIAH 45:18-25 • There is no salvation in human wisdom or other religions (20). THE POINT The God of the Bible, the Saviour of His Church • Eventually, every knee will bow to the only true God who is in Christ, is the only God. Every other belief is false, man- the source of all righteousness and strength. It is better to made, and idolatry. Every human being, regardless of nation - turn to Him now and be saved than to meet Him beyond the ality, upbringing, background, lifestyle, sincerity, etc., must grave in Judgement and thereby have to suffer eternal shame turn to Him to be saved. Salvation must be on His terms (21-25). alone, as He has revealed Himself in the Scriptures and in His • God can’t change His mind about all this; it’s what must be Son, Jesus Christ. (23). THE PARTICULARS TO PONDER ... AND TO PRAY • Human life, created by God in His image and inhabiting • How can we be “found righteous in the LORD”? (cf 2 Cor. planet earth, is central to God’s plan of Creation and 5:21) Redemption (18). • In the light of these studies in Isaiah 40-45, why should we • God has revealed Himself plainly for all to see in His Word not expect to find intelligent life anywhere else in the uni - (19). verse?

24 australian presbyterian September 2011 news

and Jewish communities. said. At Selina Bibi’s baptism at Turkish Prime Minister Recep Believers Church on March 29, a large news Tayyip Erdogan announced the sur - crowd of Muslim extremists disrupted prise decision on August 28 in Istanbul, the service, said a pastor identified only addressing a large gathering of as Bashir. Israel must go: Iran Istanbul’s non-Muslim religious leaders Compass Direct representing 161 minority foundations. After the formation of a Palestinian Invited as the honored guest for an iftar Midwife follows OT state there will be no room for Israel in (breaking the fast) meal near the end of region, according to Iranian President the Muslim month of Ramadan, A Christian nurse with a strict inter - Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. Erdogan declared, “The times when citi - pretation of Old Testament rules on According to Mohabat News , the zens in our country were oppressed for dressing is suing a hospital for making Iranian Christian News Agency, citing a their beliefs, their ethnic heritage or the her wear trousers. CBN News report, Ahmadinejad’s com - way they dressed is over.” Hannah Adewole , 45, is suing ments came after a day of pro-Palestine The landmark decree is a significant Barking, Havering and Redbridge rallies last month, attended by tens of step toward eliminating decades of University Hospitals NHS Trust for thousands in Tehran. unfair practices imposed by the Turkish religious discrimination and harass - Ahmadinejad also urged the West to state against its non-Muslim citizens. ment after being told at two hospitals stop supporting Israel. “You and the Their former holdings include schools, that she must wear trousers and not Zionist regime will have no base in the churches, cemeteries, stores, hospitals, scrub dresses in theatre to prevent Middle East,” he warned, and dismissed orphanages, houses, apartment build - infection . the West’s support for a two-state solu - ings and factories that were seized by While working as a midwife at tion as a tactic meant “to save” Israel. the Turkish state and re-registered as Queen’s Hospital in Romford, Essex, she Assist public or foundation properties. The says she was removed from the theatre return of these extensive properties to by the midwife in charge of the high Pakistan helps minorities their rightful owners has been a key dependency unit for wearing a dress. demand of the European Union , to She feels that her religious needs In an historic move, the Senate of which Turkey is applying for full mem - have been overlooked, while Muslim Pakistan will now, under the 18th bership. midwives are allowed to wear their Constitutional Amendment Act Compass Direct hijabs and tops. 2010 , have four seats reserved for Christian Post minorities — one each from the Refugees attack convert provinces of Punjab, Sindh, Baluchistan Stott remembered fondly and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. A Muslim convert to Christianity has This is the first time in the history of been attacked with boiling water and There were moments of poignant Pakistan that there will be representa - acid by Muslims at an asylum reception reflection but also much laughter and tion of Pakistani religious minorities in centre in Norway. thanksgiving at the funeral of John the Upper House, after the next Senate Mohabat News says that “Ali” (not his Stott on August 8. elections (March 2012). real name) had boiling water poured All Souls Langham Place , Stott’s The minorities have been deprived of over him after he converted to beloved church in London, was filled to these “reserved” seats for more than 38 Christianity and would not comply with capacity with friends, relatives and years though seats were reserved for Ramadan fasting rules. He and the other many others who did not know him per - Muslim religious scholars, technocrats converts at the centre now fear for their sonally, yet had in some way been and women. lives. touched by his preaching and more than The 18th amendment in the Mohabat News says the incident was 50 books. The queue waiting to enter Constitution of Pakistan 1973 has been accompanied by the message from other the church before the service stretched a blessing for the minorities and the asylum seekers: “If you do not return to to a block away. Pakistan Peoples Party (PPP) has Islam, we will kill you.” The news agency There was heartfelt sadness at the restored the confidence of the minori - reports that if Afghan authorities found passing of a much loved teacher and ties, including Christians, by this act . out about the incident, and he were to be friend, but the tone of the service was Assist subsequently deported, Ali says he risks joyous as All Souls conductor Noel being sentenced to death by stoning. Tredinnick led the congregation with Turks aid Christians Assist typical enthusiasm in hymns such as Crown Him with Many Crowns and Thine The Turkish government has made an Convert beaten Be the Glory . historic U-turn in state policy, issuing Christian Today an official decree inviting Turkey’s Four months after a recent convert to Christian and Jewish communities to Christianity from Islam in eastern Christians homeless reclaim their long-confiscated religious India’s West Bengal state was stripped properties. The August 27 decree comes and beaten, about 50 Muslim extremists Many Christians living in the south - 75 years after the Turkish government disrupted a prayer meeting held in her ern belt of Pakistan’s Punjab Province seized hundreds of lands and buildings home, threatening to burn it down if she who lost their houses in last year’s owned by its Greek, Armenian, Syriac did not return to Islam, local Christians floods remain homeless despite a plan

| australian presbyterian September 2011 25 news

by the Punjab government to allocate Bogor Mayor Diani Budiarto the government amend the draft of a land to residents in the area, local rejected the recommendation to rein - new penal code that has triggered wide - Christians said. state the permit for the Indonesian spread controversy and condemnation Hameed Masih , a resident of Kot Christian Church (Gereja Kristen over the inclusion of clauses that make Addu, said the provincial government Indonesia, or GKI) Yasmin Bogor conversions a punishable offence. has not set a quota for granting of land Church last month, leaving the congre - Instead, they are asking for a new to members of minority communities gation to worship on a small strip of Religion Act as well as Religion left homeless by the devastating floods land as 15 to 20 Muslim demonstrators Commission to resolve religious dis - that began in late July 2010. The list of taunt them. putes. homeless people was prepared by local “The Ombudsman’s recommendation Compass Direct land revenue officers who did not do so is only a suggestion,” the mayor told fairly, said another Christian, Sarwar Tempo magazine. Vietnamese Christians hurt Masih . Napoleon Qayyum, a minority Minorities act in Nepal Sixteen men and women were severely rights activist and leader of the injured in a violent attack against Minorities Wing of the Pakistan Stung by government discrimination indigenous minority Christians in the People’s Party , said that under and apathy, Christians in Nepal last central highlands of Vietnam in July . Pakistan’s constitution, minorities month joined forces with other excluded ICC (International Christian should be given a 5% quota in all govern - religious communities like Buddhists Concern) says ment plans. and Muslims to begin a campaign seek - the systematic persecution of Degar Christian Aid ing an end to religious discrimination. Montagnard Christians continues, The Inter-Religious Secularism with this brutal attack as proof of the Mayor defies court Protection Movement is asking the regime’s purposeful policing, harass - government to allow churches, ment, and aggressive oppression of this A mayor in West Java who disre - mosques, Buddhist monasteries and all indigenous people and minority reli - garded a Supreme Court ruling to rein - other institutions run by religious gious group. state the building permit of a church in minorities to be registered as religious In a media advisory, ICC says that on Bogor has now dismissed a recommen - institutions and be exempted from pay - July 7, 2011, at approximately 8 o’clock dation by the National Ombudsman ing taxes. in the evening, Vietnamese security Institute to do so. The campaigners are demanding that forces and police descended upon a wor -

Visiting Melbourne? Worship with us at South Yarra Presbyterian Church 621 Punt Road Every Sunday 10.30am & 5.30pm. Pastor: John Stasse Phone: (03) 9931 1546 (Less than 3 kms from CBD)

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26 australian presbyterian September 2011 news ship service in the village of Buon Kret reliance on huge money and propaganda increase in astonishing frequency and Krot and began kicking and beating the are trying to deviate our youth.” intensity. I am convinced that the king - attendees. Abhari explained that the Bibles were doms of this world are about to give Assist taken because of governmental con - birth to the kingdom of God.” cerns that Christian missionaries mean Christian Today Turkish church ‘legal’ to “deceive” young Iranians with “false propaganda” . Chinese leaders detained A house church in Turkey has finally Christian Post been granted legal status after a long Fifteen house church leaders from battle with the authorities in a case that Harper book wins two remote regions of China have been highlights the ongoing difficulties for in detention since mid-July. According Turkish Christians regarding places of Professor Ian Harper’ s book, to a news release from the ChinaAid worship. Economics For Life (Acorn Press ), won Association , during this period local The Protestant group in the eastern the $2500 first prize in the SPCK police have tried to extort money from province of Van has been meeting in a Australian Christian Book of the their families with promises of their two-storey house for seven years, during Year Awards in Melbourne last month. release once the money has been paid, which time it has made frequent The late John Wilson , a Melbourne and threats of labour camp sentences or attempts to obtain a licence for the Anglican bishop, won the $1000 second criminal prosecution if it is not. building to be recognised as a place of prize for his book, Christianity Alongside ChinaAid said on July 26 dozens of worship. Islam (also Acorn). local police and officers of the Despite finally granting the church’s Domestic Security Protection request, the authorities appear to Sudan’s Presbyterians afraid Department entered a meeting in the remain hostile to it, calling it a “stooge city of Wuhai, Inner Mongolia, where for Zionist activities”. More than seven months after more than 20 church leaders from Barnabas Fund Muslim extremists burned its church Wuhai and Ningxia province’s building, a Presbyterian Church of Shizuishan were gathered to plan sum - Algerian Christians rejoice the Sudan congregation is still afraid to mer church activities. meet for worship, according to Christian Police told families that if they raised Algerian Christians are rejoicing after sources. The Rev. Maubark Hamad 50,000 yuan ($US7800), the detainees the country’s Protestant Church said his church in Wad Madani, 138 kilo - would be released, but when the families Association was given official recogni - metres south-east of Khartoum, has not delivered the money to the prosecutor’s tion by the government; it cancels out a been able to rebuild since the January office, the case was sent back to the threatening closure notice from the 15 devastation due to the congregation’s Public Security Bureau, who said the police for all unregistered churches. meagre resources. Christian sources said families must find thousands of dollars The head of the Algerian Protestant they are increasingly fearful as Muslim more. Church Association, Eglise Protestant extremists pose more threats against Assist d’Algerie (EPA) received the licence, Christians in an attempt to rid what which grants all of its affiliated they call Dar al Islam , the “Land of Pakistani beaten churches the right to meet and worship Islam,” of Christianity. freely, from the Minister of Interior Compass Direct A Pakistani Christian was beaten on July 18 . It was described as “an his - unconscious by a gang of Muslim toric day in Algeria for the Algerian ‘End times’ prediction extremists for joining in the celebra - believers in Christ” by a senior tions on the country’s Independence Christian leader. The daughter of Billy Graham, Anne Day. Ashfaq Munawar was severely The EPA, to which the majority of Graham Lotz , believes recent world injured in the attack by six Muslim men, Algerian Protestant churches belong, events are proof that Jesus’ return is who hit him with iron rods on August now has the right to rent, buy and/or nearing. In her book, Expecting to See 14 ; his jaw was fractured and he lost five build property for Christian activities. Jesus: A Wake-Up Call for God’s People , teeth. Barnabas Fund Lotz details the signs of the Second They approached him near Clifton Coming and the implications it could sea front in Karachi where people were Iran seizes Bibles have on the world. gathered to celebrate the anniversary of She wants the nations to realise that Pakistan’s independence in 1947. They Iran has seized 6500 copies of the the terrorist attacks of 9/11 10 years asked Ashfaq if he was a Muslim or a Bible in northwest Iran in what appears ago were a wake-up call from God. She Christian, and when he said that he was to be the latest crackdown by Iranian said: “The signs that Jesus gave and the a Christian, they told him to become a authorities against Christianity in the headlines in the news are coming Muslim if he wanted to be included, but country. together in a dramatically sobering he refused . Few details are known about the way. ” The police came to the scene, but seizure, however, Christian news “Within my lifetime, I have seen the rather than helping Ashfaq, they too agency, Mohabat News , reports that Dr fulfillment of every sign Jesus gave his beat him, took away his motorbike and Majid Abhari , adviser to the social disciples 2000 years ago. Not only have I left him there. A neighbour found the issues committee of the parliament in seen the signs but I have observed the victim and took him home. Iran stated, “These missionaries with local, national and global ‘birth pains’ Assist

| australian presbyterian September 2011 27 news

killed. The current violence is the latest covered the grave of St Philip,” D’Andria in a long-running military campaign said. agenda spearheaded by the National Islamic “St Philip is considered a martyr. In Front (NIF) to Islamise and Arabise the fact, the church built in his name on the African indigenous population. Al- Martyrs’ Hill is, for this reason, also Bashir has been indicted for war crimes called Martyrion, despite the fact there Sudan’s ethnic cleansing for the genocide in Darfur. were no traces of the grave of St Philip. By Maureen Lunn Before the secession of the south, al- As we were cleaning out the new church Bashir declared that the North would be we discovered a month ago, we finally A humanitarian crisis is unfolding in 100 per cent Arab and Muslim, posing an found the grave. With close examina - Sudan’s border region where Christians ominous threat to the minority tion, we determined that the grave had are being targeted in a campaign of eth - Christian community there. been moved from its previous location in nic cleansing by North Sudan’s Islamist Barnabas Fund the St Philip Church to this new church regime. in the fifth century, during the President Omar al-Bashir’s forces Apostle’s tomb uncovered Byzantine era. We are extremely happy are conducting daily air strikes and By Gil Zohar and proud to have discovered the grave house-to-house raids in the Nuba moun - of a saint whose name appears in the tains in South Kordofan state, which has A team of Italian archaeologists has bible – this surely is an important dis - one of the largest Christian populations announced the discovery of what they covery for religious tourism, archaeology in the North. believe to be the tomb of Philip , one of and Christendom.” A leaked UN human rights report Jesus’ 12 apostles, at the ancient Asia Assist described “significant loss of civilian Minor city of Hierapolis in Turkey’s lives ... abductions ... arbitrary arrests Aegean province of Denizli, and are plan - Cru ruffles feathers and detentions; targeted killings; sum - ning to excavate the unopened grave By Lillian Kwon mary executions; ... mass graves; system - soon. atic destruction of dwellings; and attacks The discovery of the grave of the New Campus Crusade for Christ ’s name on churches”. Testament saint, who came to Hierapolis change to Cru has led a number of Churches have been burnt down and – known today as Pamukkale – nearly donors to withdraw their support from Christians targeted because they are pre - 2000 years ago to spread the gospel and the ministry. sumed to oppose al-Bashir’s govern - was crucified upside down by the While the exact number has not been ment. Pastors in particular have been Romans, will attract immense attention specified, Mike Adamson , director of singled out and tortured in an effort to around the world, said excavator communications for CCC, told The get them to give up the names of those Francesco D’Andria , director of the Christian Post that only “a very small per - in their congregations, which they refuse Institute of Archaeological Heritage, centage” of donors have pulled out. to do. One church leader was told that Monuments and Sites at Italy’s CCC is one of the largest and most the Sudan Armed Forces , the North’s National Research Council in Lecce. prominent Christian organisations in army, had a list of all church leaders and Philip’s tomb has traditionally been the world, with more than 25,000 full- suspected Sudan People’s Liberation associated with the martyrium church time staff. The Florida-based ministry Movement (SPLM) sympathisers. built at the site, though no evidence of announced last month that it would be Bishop Andudu of South Kordofan the ancient burial was ever found. In dropping its 60-year-old name and said: “My house was shot with guns and July, however, D’Andria and his team adopting “Cru” instead, starting in early my chaplain was able to escape through located a smaller church less than 150 2012. the window and also my offices and cafe feet away from the martyrium that For some, the name change has come [were] burned down.” appears to contain the grave of the apos - as a shock. The daily bombings are preventing tle. Ken Connor , chairman of the people from cultivating the land during D’Andria has been leading archeologi - Centre for a Just Society and who was the crucial planting season, raising fears cal excavations at the ancient city for 32 once involved in CCC, believes the min - of an impending humanitarian crisis. years. Hierapolis was founded around istry is making the change to avoid Many Nuba people allied with the 190 BC by Eumenes II , King of offending people with such words as South during the long and bloody civil Pergamum (197 BC-159 BC), The “crusade” and “Christ”. He’s calling on war in which the North fought to Hellenistic city was given over to Rome the organisation to rethink its decision Islamise the South. But when South in 133 BC and grew into a flourishing and not leave Christ out. Sudan became an independent nation on Roman metropolis, with temples, a the - But Steve Sellers , vice president of 9 July, South Kordofan remained part of atre and popular sacred hot springs, CCC, has maintained that the new name the North. Under the Comprehensive believed to have healing properties. had “absolutely nothing to do with being Peace Agreement that was forged “Until recently, we thought the grave politically correct”. between the North and South in 2005, of St Philip was on Martyrs’ Hill, but we “We didn't decide to take Christ out of the Nuba were promised an election to discovered no traces of him in the geo - our name; we decided to change our determine their political future, but this physical research conducted in that area. name in order to be more effective at has so far been denied. A month ago, we discovered the rem - reaching people for Christ,” he said on The Nuba people have been previ - nants of an unknown church, 40 metres Fox News . ously targeted, in the 1990s when more away from the St Philip Church on Sellers pointed out that the new logo than 500,000 of their number were Martyrs’ Hill. And in that church we dis - contains a cross, thus showing that they

28 australian presbyterian September 2011 news are not bowing to political correctness or Christians being threatened and beaten, But although the Secretary General being ashamed of the gospel. church services being disrupted and the has called for cultural and religious The issue with the old name is not buildings ransacked, and Christian diversity, tolerance and multicultural - “Christ”, but rather “campus” and “cru - property being seized or destroyed. ism in Europe, most Muslim-majority sade”, CCC leaders have said. The Evangelical Fellowship of states display hostility to these very val - “Crusade” carries negative associa - India , which recorded the anti- ues. In predominantly Muslim countries tions and “campus” does not adequately Christian incidents, said it was “deeply Christians and other minority commu - represent all of CCC’s ministries. concerned at the continued hostility nities are routinely discriminated Besides the college campus move - against the Christian minority commu - against, persecuted and violently ment, other CCC ministries include nity in the country”. As well as violent attacked. FamilyLife, Here’s Life Inner City, attacks, there have been numerous cases Indeed, some commentators believe Global Media Outreach , and the of Christians being falsely accused and that a major reason for the increasingly JESUS Film Project . arrested on charges of “forcible conver - public acts of violence carried out While some have speculated that sions”. against non-Muslims may be the ongo - “Cru” is an abbreviated version of “cru - Rather than protecting the Christian ing campaign by the OIC against what it sade”, the new name does not hold any community, the police often take action calls “Islamophobia” and in favour of specific meaning. It is simply a nickname against them. Several Christian victims strict blasphemy laws. The OIC has that was coined on an unknown campus have been forced to accept a compro - pressed for a redefinition of religious in the mid-90s and spread to other cam - mise with their attackers, including sub - freedom, away from the right of individ - puses over the next decade. mitting to demands to leave the village uals to practise their faith freely, and Christian Post or area, not conducting worship services towards an enforced respect for religion in their homes or paying a fine. itself, especially for Islam and every - Violence in India EFI said: The blatant disregard for thing Islamic. The OIC and its members the law by alleged Hindutva proponents, have been responsible for placing More than 60 violent anti-Christian coupled with the inaction and often bias “defamation against religions” (by attacks were recorded in India during of the police in favour of the attackers, which they appear to mean primarily the first half of 2011 as Hindu extrem - has left the community vulnerable and criticism of or blasphemy against Islam) ists continue to target churches, pastors helpless in the onslaught of violence. on the human rights agenda of the and Christian families. EFI called for state governments to United Nations . It has also been at the In one incident in Jharkhand state at take immediate steps to protect the forefront of a campaign to introduce the end of May, five Christian families Christian minority, and for the restrictions on “insulting Islam” and fled their homes in fear after being Karnataka authorities to withdraw the blasphemy in the rest of the world. beaten up by Hindu extremists. One “false and malicious cases” that have Many OIC countries enforce legal woman was hospitalised, suffering been registered against Christians. limitations on what may be said about internal injuries, while another woman Barnabas fund Islam. These severely restrict free – a mother of three – was abducted and expression and are major means of held for a month until a court ordered Hypocritical call by OIC social and political control. They coerce her release. Police have failed to make By Jean-Marc Ferre people into religious conformity and any arrests in connection with this inci - forcibly silence criticism of the domi - dent. In a press statement issued on 25 July nant religion, Islam. In April, an angry mob of 150 Hindu 2011, the Secretary General of the Freedom of religion, both individual extremists attacked a Christian worship Organisation of Islamic and communal, is limited in most meeting in Delhi and indiscriminately Cooperation (OIC, formerly known as Muslim-majority countries, where the beat up participants, including women the Organisation of the Islamic superior status of Islam is often and children. Two Christians required Conference), Professor Ekmeleddin enshrined in the constitution and the hospital treatment for head injuries. Ihsanoglu , expressed disquiet at the Muslim population are often hostile to The assailants also destroyed furniture reported reasons for the brutal mas - Christians. In many OIC countries the and vehicles. sacre of over 90 young people in Norway state itself persecutes Christians, not Saul Pradhan , a 45-year-old by Anders Breivik two days earlier. only through laws restricting church Christian pastor, whose house was He was especially concerned that the activities, but also by arbitrary arrest, torched by Hindu fundamentalists two perpetrator was a person consumed by torture and imprisonment. years ago, was found dead in hatred and intolerance of religious While governments in the West have Kandhamal, Orissa state, in January. diversity and multiculturalism. granted full equality and religious free - The police claimed that his death was Professor Ihsanoglu stated that the OIC dom to Muslims, in Muslim-majority due to cold, but Saul’s body bore marks had always warned against intolerance, states growing hostility and intolerance of assault. incitement to hatred on religious is being shown towards Christians. This The southern state of Karnataka, grounds, and the campaign against cul - is expressed in increased restrictions on which is governed by the Hindu nation - tural diversity being carried on by right- their religious freedom and often in acts alist Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), wing politicians in Europe. The mas - of violence. The OIC’s appeal for equal - has been worst hit by the anti-Christian sacre in Norway vindicated the OIC’s ity and tolerance in the West would violence; of the 64 incidents recorded anxiety at the growth of hatred and carry more weight if its members also throughout the country, 20 happened in intolerance in Europe, which threatened promoted these values at home. Karnataka. These include pastors and the multicultural fabric of society. Barnabas Fund

| australian presbyterian September 2011 29 marriage Man and woman Despite the media, most people do not support same-sex marriage

David Palmer

n a year’s time, looking back, ported a Greens’ motion calling on all August 24 , 2011, may well be seen Parliamentarians, “consistent with their as the date on which the same-sex duties as representatives, to gauge their marriage juggernaut was derailed. constituents’ views on ways to achieve UInquestionably the events of the day equal treatment for same-sex couples have proved a major setback to the including marriage”. homosexual lobby and their supporters. Ever since, judging by the avalanche Matt Akersten on the gay and lesbian of pro same-sex marriage articles in the lifestyle website, samesame , wrote “We’re press over the past nine months, one not going to sugarcoat this – yesterday’s The Greens’ bill for could be forgiven for thinking a vote in MP feedback session in Parliament on same-sex marriage still favour of same-sex marriage in the the gay marriage issue was a tough set - limits marriage to two Federal Parliament was a foregone con - back for marriage equality” . persons, itself arguably clusion. On this date Greens MP Adam The question was, “who would oppose Bandt’s show and tell moment in the discriminatory to those the push for same-sex marriage” given Federal Parliament for the politicians to favouring polygamy or little strength of feeling in the broader give an account of their constituents’ group marriage. Australian community, other than to say views on same-sex marriage failed spec - those opposed tended to be older while tacularly to deliver the desired endorse - the younger, in large part the result of ment of same-sex marriage. In fact , the support from both the Coalition part - the lead given in the entertainment results showed opinion in Coalition and ners and the ALP. This was a response to world and the media generally , have Labor seats was overwhelmingly against fears that the definition would be chal - been supportive of, or at least open to legalising same-sex marriage, with only lenged in the courts. the homosexual agenda, and this even six of 30 MPs indicating their con - In 2009, Greens Senator Sarah includes people belonging to ostensibly stituents were favour of change. Hanson-Young introduced a bill for evangelical churches. Especially striking was the failure of Get same-sex marriage, the Marriage The fight has been carried by two Up ! which likes to describe itself as a Equality Amendment Bill 2009 into the main groups, one group associated with movement of 581,000 members , to get Parliament. This was defeated in the the Australian Family Association and those members to sign their petition in Senate on February 25, 2010, with only the National Marriage Coalition who favour of same-sex marriage. In fact the the Greens voting in favour. arranged a well attended meeting in the Christians delivered more signatures Subsequently, the Greens’ Marriage Great Hall of Parliament House on (52,000) with their petition than Get Equality Amendment Bill 2010 was rein - National Marriage Day, August 16, Up! could muster . troduced into the Senate on September around the theme “Don’t meddle with As someone who has been close to the 29, 2010, for the purpose of replacing marriage”, while the second group was centre of the fight back against the push the current definition of marriage with convened by the Australian Christian for same-sex marriage, I intend to set the definition, marriage means the union Lobby (ACL) and involved virtually all out some of the background leading up of two people, regardless of their sex, sexual the leadership of the Christian Church, to the events of August 24 , reflect on the orientation or gender identity, to the exclu - across the Catholic-Orthodox-Protestant likely trajectory of the issue and then sion of all others, voluntarily entered into divide. compare the arguments advanced for for life . In other words, the purpose of This second approach brought same-sex marriage and the response the Bill is to allow for the marriage of together a representative group, under that we have put to the politicians . same-sex partners. the name Committee for Preservation of This Bill is waiting on the Senate Marriage, consisting of two Catholics – he origins of the political debate notice paper in the hope that the major Dr Nicholas Tonti-Filippini from the Tover same-sex marriage date to parties will grant their members a con - John Paul II Institute for Marriage and 2004 when the common law definition science vote on the issue. The Labor Family in Melbourne and Chris Meney of marriage as the union of a man and a Party has its policy on marriage up for from the Life, Marriage and Family woman to the exclusion of all others, volun - review at its national conference in Centre, Catholic Archdiocese of Sydney ; tarily entered into for life was codified in December. two Anglicans – Melbourne -based Dr the Marriage Act 1961 with bipartisan In November 2010, the ALP sup - Denise Cooper-Clark and Dr Andrew

30 australian presbyterian September 2011 marriage

Cameron of Sydney’s Moore Theological science vote there would be sufficient ing instead to construct a series of pejo - College ; a Baptist, Dr Rod Benson from voting for traditional marriage to defeat rative straw men and “stacking the deck ” Morling College ; and two Presbyterians, the Green’s bill. arguments to hopefully convince us that Dr John McClean from Presbyterian At this point I want to conclude by same-sex marriage was the natural con - Theological Centre, Sydney and myself considering the case for same-sex mar - sequence of a long evolutionary develop - working together under the leadership riage and then to set against that the ment in marriage. Having gone down of Jim Wallace from ACL. rationale for traditional marriage. this path he might have considered a fur - This committee produced the Revising Boiled down to essentials, the two ther evolutionary development – the Marriage? documents in 17- page and main arguments advanced for same-sex Greens’ bill for same-sex marriage still four-page versions with a one-page marriage are ending the discrimination limits marriage to two persons, itself brochure listing the key point as to why and extending gay rights to include mar - arguably discriminatory to those favour - marriage should remain as between a riage. ing polygamy or group marriage. How man and a woman. Probably for the first long would we have to wait for that time ever on a contested moral issue we example of discrimination to be obtained the endorsement of all denom - addressed? inations, the Uniting and Baptist Churches excepted. The Baptists f we want to argue a human rights strongly defended traditional marriage Ibasis for same-sex marriage we need in a media release but only wished to do to first determine whether same-sex so on Scriptural grounds . Revising couples actually qualify for marriage. Marriage? made use of Scriptural, histor - What is it about marriage that deter - ical and revealed natural law arguments. mines who may enter into marriage? The documents are found here: No longer can the redef - What we can say about marriage is inition of marriage as a that despite varying cultural expres - =30 (scroll down to the three Revising foregone conclusion be sions, it is seen as the union of a man Marriage? documents). entertained: rather the and a woman who make a permanent Revising Marriage? was then used case for marriage as and exclusive commitment to each within the churches to encourage church other, of the type that is fulfilled by bear - sessions, vestries, etc and individual between a man and a ing and rearing children together. This Christians to write to their local politi - woman remains concept of marriage, allowing for varia - cians and sign the ACL petition. On the compelling. tions in customs and ritual, is consis - morning of August 24, a press release tently found across cultures throughout was issued in support of marriage under history. Marriage involves a comprehen - the present definition, the union of a It is wrong and misleading to depict sive union of spouses, with norms of man and a woman. Every politician also the case for same-sex marriage as a case permanence and exclusivity. These com - received a personal letter, a copy of the for ending discrimination. The Federal bine to create a special link to children, media release and the brochure sum - Parliament amended 84 pieces of legisla - for their sake, that protects their iden - marising the key points in Revising tion after the 20 07 election to place tity and nurture by a mother and father. Marriage? homosexual rights and entitlements on It is the link to children that gives Being a spokesman for the committee the same basis as those of other people. marriage its special character. I did four media interviews on the morn - Peter van Onselen (The Australian , But why a man and a woman, and not ing of August 24, including ABC TV August 20, Gays denied human rights ), in two men or two women? News Breakfast – you can view the seg - arguing for same-sex marriage as a With one exception a person is com - ment here: human right , never actually demon - plete within themselves as to bodily com/watch?v=3Ccf2MGYBXU . strated why it was a human right, choos - organs and their functions: heart, lungs,

s a result of the events of August 24 , Ano longer can the redefinition of marriage as a foregone conclusion be out back tag along entertained: rather the case for marriage as between a man and a woman remains compelling for anyone willing to move past the shallowness of the same-sex Laurie & Gwen Peake are again planning a 4wd tag along trip in May 2012. marriage argument. They will revisit many places of historical interest to the Presbyterian This is not to say the issue has been Inland Mission such as Charleville, Innamincka, Beltana and Oodnadatta. disposed with. The Greens ’ bill to revise marriage will remain on the table. It is The tour will start at Charleville on Saturday 5th May and terminate at hard to see them forcing a vote during Alice Springs on Sunday 20th May. They will make contact with as many the life of the current Parliament. It is patrol padres as possible. They are inviting people, at their own expense most unlikely that the Coalition will give and risk, to join in on this trip and discover first hand the mighty work their members a conscience vote and that PIM undertakes. High Clearance 4wd vehicle essential. regardless , few would vote for a change Numbers are limited so if you are interested please contact laurie and gwen in the law. On Labor’s side under a con - on 07 4627 4157 or [email protected]

| australian presbyterian September 2011 31 marriage

stomach and so on. In other words, to general) should be permanent, exclusive, between those supporting traditional fulfil any of these functions a person or limited to two, these norms of mar - marriage and those in favour of same- does not require a contribution from riage would make less and less sense. sex marriage. The media to date has pre - anyone else. The one biological function Less able to understand the rationale for sented the revisionist argument, with no for which individual adults are naturally these marital norms, people would feel counterbalance. incomplete is sexual reproduction. In less bound to live by them, to their own sexual intercourse, and no other form of detriment, and especially to the detri - ntil August 24 , as far as public opin - sexual contact, a man’s and a woman’s ment of children. Uion was concerned, the largest bodies are joined by way of their sexual To argue that no one would be hurt by newspaper poll on the issue of same-sex organs for the common biological pur - marriage was conducted in February pose of reproduction. Their bodies 2011 by the Fairfax Media Group. It gar - become one , thereby securing future gen - nered 34,667 votes with 55 percent in erations at the same time as they are giv - favour of same-sex marriage and 45 per - ing unique expression to their love for cent opposed. While there was no doubt each other. voting by organised interest groups, the The fact that divorce happens, or one poll highlighted the fact that support for spouse dies early, or some couples are same-sex marriage was nowhere near as infertile and perhaps circumvent that strong as that being presented in the lack to conceive through artificial repro - mainstream media . The result of ductive technologies, including the use To argue that no one Bandt’s’ show and tell moment only con - of donor gametes and surrogate moth - would be hurt by such a firms this to be so. ers, does nothing to change the reality of While much will continue to be made marriage. Same-sex couples simply do radical change in mar - of same-sex marriage being legalised in not qualify. riage is not just wrong, what is only a handful of countries and but wilfully wrong. another handful of states in the USA, it’s et us be clear on this: extending mar - worth remembering that in California, Lriage to same-sex couples would rep - probably the most liberal of all American resent a radical revision of the public such a radical change in marriage is not states, after their legislature experi - understanding of marriage as a social just wrong, but wilfully wrong. mented with same-sex marriage, the institution. To go down this path would In a second article in the same edition people voted decisively against the revi - be for the law to teach that marriage is of The Australian , Tom Dusevic, cites sionist concept of marriage. fundamentally about adults’ emotional anecdotal and opinion poll evidence sup - And so, I suggest, would Australians unions, not complementary bodily porting a change in the law of marriage in a referendum on the issue after a full union or children. Because there is no (“ Idea of gay marriage slowly expands” ). public debate. reason that primarily emotional unions His analysis is not compelling. There has The one issue that does come out of (any more than ordinary friendships in been no serious debate in Australia this saga for me is that as much effort needs to be put into the teaching of Christian ethics as in bringing all our people into a wholehearted acceptance of the salvation and new life in Christ offered in the gospel. And especially does this apply to our young people who are under incredible pressure to conform to the spirit of the age, a spirit which is very hostile to the godly life lived in the fel - lowship of our Lord Jesus (1 Peter 2:20).

• On behalf of the Committee for Preservation of Marriage, I would like to thank our Moderator General and state moderators for their endorsement of Revising Marriage? and for all who wrote to their politicians and continue doing so. For a small denomination we fight well above our weight. ap

David Palmer is convener of the Victorian Church and Nation Committee, and one of the leaders of a coordinated multidenominational fight to preserve marriage.

32 australian presbyterian September 2011 letters

I refer Mr Behan and others to a prophecies relative to the Jews that booklet published in August last year by were not fulfilled by the time of the first letters the Australian Academy of Science. It is Advent now devolve to the church , called the Science of Climate Change, offensive. I am sorry to have to use such questions and answers , and can be a strong term but where is the authority Climate: no conspiracy obtained by going to their web address given to allegorise such cardinal tracts at of Scripture? Jer. 33:35-37 and Isa. I was very surprised to see and read A. Macalpine , 66:22 assure us in the strongest possible the large number of negative responses Inverell , NSW phrasing of the perpetuity of the to John Buchanan’s article (AP , June). Hebrew race. Jer. 23:5-6 and 33:15-16 There appears to be an unusually high God’s plan for Israel proclaim that Israel will be in their land proportion of vocal climate change at the time of Our Lord’s second coming . deniers among your readership. I totally endorse the comments of I say to those who believe Israel is Do the deniers really believe that our Stuart McDonald (AP , letters, July) washed up – do you really believe that God has created mankind with our abil - about the situation confronting the the church will go and rebuild the waste ities to observe, record, compare, reason nation Israel. The whole spectrum of the cities of Israel as is set forth in so many and communicate across the world and Holy Scripture emanated from the Holy passages of prophecy? If so, then may I down through time so that we will be Spirit was decreed to be manifested to say, they had better get a move on! The deceived? God reveals truth in His Word His elect by a particular race of people Jews are beating them to the punch! and in His Creation. For what purpose operating from a particular land , and so Ashdod and Ashkelon are two notable could He possibly want to deceive us? we see why the prophecies concerning examples – now thriving cities that had Some of the responses illustrate very the people of the Book are always tied in been gone for centuries! well the frequently used and very ques - with the prophecies concerning the land Blaisé Pascal studied world religions tionable methods used by the deniers. of the Book. The two go hand in hand . and concluded the authenticity of the For example we see scripture verses Other nations only come into focus Christian religion was confirmed by ful - being quoted in isolation as when we when they are involved with the land filled prophecy. About one third of the read that, “while the earth remains seed and the people of the book. Bible is given over to prophecy. About time and harvest shall not cease ” and we As graphically foretold, as a conse - one third of that third majors on the are expected to take this as proof that quence of their disobedience, Israel and regeneration of Israel – both land and climate change is not happening. So far Judah were scattered worldwide to people. Unless a section of Scripture is as I am aware, those who say that man- become a “curse, a horror, a byword and qualified by adverbs such as- “ like ”, “ as ”, induced climate change is happening are a hissing” . How literally that was ful - or “so ”, surely it is safer to take it at face not claiming that seed time and harvest filled! However, this regeneration as one value, than to spiritualise or allegorise . will cease. It is certainly true though, as nation is just as certain. Could anyone Gordon McLaurin , we heard at a conference held at Inverell read Ezekiel from the 34th chapter on Holbrook, NSW in June, that successful farmers in east - and think otherwise? Isaiah, Jeremiah, ern Australia have already changed their Hosea, Amos and Romans are just as methods to cope with the climate forthright. The opinions published in AP letters are not necessarily endorsed by the editorial change that has already occurred. I find the contention by those who committee. If not openly stated, it often seems to embrace replacement theology, that all be implied that there is a climate change conspiracy, somehow co-ordinated across the world scientific community with the aim of foisting an unjustified fear of climate change on the world at large. If this is true, then we have a lot to learn from the scientists about organis - ing successful campaigns, even if we are not prepared to listen to them about their actual fields of expertise. And are we to believe that the scientific commu - nity is dominated by misguided and wicked people who would conspire to delude everybody? Another strange observation made by the deniers is that the world’s climate has changed fre - quently, almost continuously, in the past. How do they know this? Surely they are not relying on scientific evi - dence? And if they are, aren’t they being strangely selective in its use, especially in failing to note that the rate of climate change is faster than past changes.

| australian presbyterian September 2011 33 prayer

October 2011 11 Julia Gillard, our federal government prayer 1 Pray for steadfastness for the mil - and all members of parliament (1 lions of Christians undergoing severe Timothy 2:1-2). persecution by followers of other reli - 12 Gospel opportunities and Christian September 2011 gions and non-religious philosophies witness among the many interna - 21 A return to the authority of God’s (Heb. 13:3). tional students who come to study in written Word in all churches. 2 PIM leadership: Robert Duncanson tertiary institutions in Australia. 22 Protection from and repentance for NT, convener; Stuart Bonnington WA 13 Dr Daniel Priest and Tammy MP work - child exploitation in the church and superintendent. ers from Gosford NSW in Rumginae, community. 3 God’s blessing on federal 23 Peace and justice between Israelis and western PNG with Pioneers involved Representatives and Senators. The Palestinians. in medical and church work. work of the Parliamentary Christian 24 Persecuted Christians in Iraq. 14 All the faculty, staff and students at Fellowship. 25 The influence of the church in China, PTC, Burwood, Sydney. both official and underground. 4 David & Lalit Clarke workers MP 15 Richard Wilson church planter, 26 Your parliamentary representatives, from Camberwell, Melbourne in Presbyterian Church of Victoria. federal and state. Cambodia involved in grass roots 16 Christian witness in universities and 27 Our Partner Church, the Church of evangelism. other tertiary educational institu - Central Africa Presbyterian – 5 The maintaining of liberty for Blantyre and Zambia synods. Christians in Sudan. tions through Christian students and 28 Richard and Lisa Cho MP (mission 6 Mrs Kathy James, the Health and staff and chaplains – including the Australian partners – Richard Quadrio, Bev Paterson Presbyterian World Mission) workers Community Chaplaincy Co-ordinator from Cornerstone church, Concord, for Victoria. (NSW), David Jones (Tas.), David Sydney in northern Thailand with 7 Pray that the secular Ethics course in Martin, Peter Leslie, Russell Grinter, OMF International involved in NSW public schools may not under - John Diacos and Steve Williams (Vic.) church planting. mine Special Religious Instruction. 17 Relief and Christian ministry among 29 The work and effectiveness of agen - 8 Evangelical ministers of the the millions affected by natural dis - cies aiming at widespread realization Hungarian Reformed Church in asters around the world. that refusal to recognize the reality Transylvania, western Romania, and sovereignty of the Creator, as 18 The GAA College and state where Graham Bradbeer, chaplain of shown by denial of design in His cre - Committees on ministerial training. Scotch College Melbourne taught ated world, is at the heart of secular - 19 Communities and churches severely theology on recent long service leave. ist views of the universe and human affected by planned cuts to water morality. (Romans 1:18-22) 9 The residents, staff and Christian available for irrigation. 30 Graham and Sue Hammond MP work - ministry in the 36 Presbyterian facil - ers from Croydon Hills, Melbourne in ities for the aged in all states. 20 Just relations between the original,

Cairns, Qld, involved in guest house 10 The patients and staff of St Andrew’s newer and the most recently arrived

ministry after time in PNG. Hospital, Toowoomba, Qld. Australians. Ê Subscription form

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view of a pastoral worker wanting to gain 650 pages it is not a “speed read ”, but wisdom in ministering to women in situ - will be appreciated for its insights into books ations of abuse (a broader concept than 19th century Presbyterian life in “violence” explored in the book). You America when, pre-railways and the tele - may need to read chapter 2 in more than graph, attending the General Assembly one sitting: it can be quite distressing. was a major undertaking. John Knox and the Reformation The limitations of the book are her dis - We read of his views on German the - D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones and cussions on theology and some of the ologians, slavery and the Civil War and Iain Murray descriptions of the historical setting. should be encouraged by his steadfast Edinburgh: Banner of Truth, 2011. There are helpful exercises and clear commitment to evangelical theology. Reviewed by Peter Barnes explanations of the cycles and defini - “That Christ is what He is set forth in the tions of abuse. Regardless of the theol - Scriptures to be, and that the Bible is the ogy expressed concerning marriage and infallible Word of God, were facts insepa - forgiveness, the book lets us experience rable from his personal consciousness.” This little book on the subject of the the impact of unhelpful reactions of Hodge was elected as a professor of Scottish Reformer, John Knox, actually church leaders and members. The Spirit Princeton Seminary in 1822 and consists of three addresses – two by continues to bring comfort to women in remained there until his death in 1878. Martyn Lloyd-Jones and one by Iain abusive relationships and this is beauti - He, was one of the first three professors Murray. In 2014 it will be, we think, the fully set out . of that seminary , with Archibald 500th anniversary of Knox’s birth (there The day to day pressures of ministry Alexander and Samuel Miller , of whom it is some dispute about the actual date), makes it hard to set aside time to think was said there was never a hard word and this serves as the occasion for pub - through the implications for the min - between them. He was regarded as one lishing this work. istry of the church to abused women. I of the most influential church leaders in Lloyd-Jones follows Thomas Carlyle in would encourage pastors in the midst of America and “the greatest American the - portraying Knox as more than a 16th cen - the “immediate” demands of ministry, to ologian of the 19th century”. tury Reformer but as “the founder of schedule time to read this book with His position was conservative, evan - Puritanism”, one who was committed to a female leaders in their congregations. gelical and Reformed. Dr William “root and branch ” biblical reformation of This will lead to healthy outcomes for Cunningham of Scotland said of him in the Church. The third address is by Iain this important ministry which we all 1860, “he is one of the ablest and most Murray. As we have come to expect, he have: ministry to women who suffer influential expounders and defenders of draws four needed lessons from the life of abuse. Calvinism in the present day”. Knox, to do with his battles to establish a If you are sometimes tempted to the biblical tradition; his ministry of encour - Ngaire Moore is a pastoral worker. extremes of a form of Calvinism that agement; the power of his preaching; and cools evangelism on the one hand or the recognition that God is in history. broad doctrinally-fuzzy evangelicalism The Life of Charles Hodge These three addresses together constitute on the other, then read The Life of A. A. Hodge a stimulating and forceful work – a wor - Charles Hodge. He was both evangelical Edinburgh: Banner of Truth, 2010. thy help in understanding more of Knox, and reformed and believed this was best Reviewed by Keith Noldt and also of the application of biblical prin - understood in terms of the Westminster ciples in the church. Standards.

Peter Barnes is books editor of AP. This volume, originally published in Keith Noldt is the Interim Minister of 1880, has been excellently produced in Caringbah, NSW. the manner we have come to expect from Counselling Christian Women on Banner. Written by his son , it recounts All books reviewed are available from the How to Deal with Domestic the life and ministry of Charles Hodge Violence Reformers Bookshop – Phone: (02) 9569 (1797-1878) of the faculty of Princeton 9857 or visit Dr Lynne M. Baker Theological Seminary. With more than Bowen Hills, Queensland: Australian Academic Press, 2010. Reviewed by Ngaire Moore Discount Offer For a limited time all new subscriptions, or new gift subscriptions to the Australian Presbyterian magazine are available for $18.50 incl. GST for the A constant challenge in ministry is the tyranny of the immediate preventing the first 12 months (a saving of $21.10 on the regular price ). ministry of the important. Caring for Pass this offer on to your friends, or give a Gift Subscription today, so that:- women who are the victims of domestic “All may be informed, encouraged and equipped to serve Christ in the world” abuse is an important ministry for pas - Contact: Australian Presbyterian Office toral leaders but so very complex and P.O. Box 375, Kilsyth, VIC 3137 emotionally exhausting. This book addresses that need. Phone: (03) 9723 9684 Fax: (03) 9723 9685 I read this book from the point of Email: [email protected]

| australian presbyterian September 2011 35 back page Cheating disorder Good and evil are real and distinct, not blurred.

Peter Jones

hen I came to the United are a One-ist projection on to reality, for States as a naïve Satan’s lie is precisely always and everywhere in pagan European student in the to suggest that evil is spirituality, the goal of One-ism is to ’60s, I thought I had died an integral part of real - eliminate distinctions by the joining aWnd gone to heaven. The proof? Not only good and evil, in the mystical experience did ministers play golf for free on ity to be manipulated of joining the opposites. The human race Mondays, but many shoppers I saw at for one’s own good. shares the divine essence expressed in the local market check-out counter the founding myths. Since joining evil returned extra change. Nobody did that and good brought reality into existence, in Europe! At that time, so much of and, ultimately, the students human manipulation of good and evil American society seemed deeply themselves, denying the kids a real will produce the final earthly utopia. influenced by Christian morals—even education. Alas, this relativising of good and evil Hollywood in its television shows and Last week a national poll of high turns the real chaos of an objectively “family-values” advertising. In 40 years a school students found that 95% openly troubled conscience into a virtual state revolution has taken place. admitted to cheating on school work. of One-ist “guiltless bliss” . I have stopped counting the cases of Many considered it no big deal. Not so in Genesis. Creation is the teachers (often female) accused of Obviously this is not a new problem. result of God speaking forth His own engaging in sexual relations with their Three thousand years ago David cried: good will, unforced by any external teenage students. A general news site “Help, LORD, for the godly are no more power, with things carefully recently reported , on the same day, three … Everyone lies to his neighbor; their distinguished, each after its kind, and incidents of couples copulating in public, flattering lips speak with deception” then calling the results of His work in plain view of children! Though our (Psalm 12:1-2). Most of us have cheated “good” . Evil has no part in His creating politicians promise hope, change and on something, small or large, yet the activity. The good is not the blending of better days to come, any moral basis for problem is of epidemic proportions now good and evil and there is no “spiritual” those better days appears severely because our culture has deliberately integration of good and evil to eliminate compromised. Such a sorry state of unshackled itself from biblical norms of all cultural, sexual and theological affairs is no better seen than in the issue morality and has swallowed the lie that distinctions. Satan’s lie is precisely to of truth-telling. truth is power and that we can choose suggest that evil is an integral part of Some weeks ago, news of the Atlanta our truth for our own personal reality to be manipulated for one’s own public school scandal hit the presses, in advantage. good. which 178 Atlanta public school teachers In Scripture evil is a mysterious and principals, from more than 75% of heating is a practical sign of how interloper that must be and is defeated. schools in the city , were found guilty of Cdeeply pagan One-ism has The new creation’s utopia preserves cheating on state standardised tests penetrated mainstream culture in just a “difference in unity” , as the result of a from 2001 to 2009. They even held generation or two. If there is no ultimate genuine divine dealing with evil at the cheating “parties” to collectively alter Two-ist reality that distinguishes cross of Christ, producing a real, their students’ test scores. The fraud was between honesty and deceit, between objective reconciliation between God so pervasive and effective that between the truth and the lie, then the pagan and creatures, each still after its own 2002 and 2009 the district’s eighth solution for life, the so-called “joining of kind. God remains God and we human graders appeared to have the greatest the opposites” , becomes normal. As a beings remain creatures, but can now be overall improvement in reading in the culture, we are comfortable mixing good forgiven and transformed, in whose entire nation! and evil for our own advantage. mouths, by grace, “no lie is found, for The superintendent, Beverly Hall, a The ancient pagan accounts of they are blameless” (Revelation 14:5). ap shining light of educational success, has creation perceive the cosmos as been accused of destroying documents emerging from an original chaos of evidencing widespread, systematic warring gods, both good and evil. In the cheating on standardised tests in Atlanta Babylonian “Enuma Elish” myth (18th Christian commentator Dr is founder of the public schools. To make their own century BC) it is the storm-god Marduk’s Peter Jones website truthXchange, from resumes look good, such educators victory over the sea dragon Tiamat that which this article is reprinted. callously deceived the public, parents establishes creation. In fact, these myths

36 australian presbyterian September 2011