U](TltTELI \fA BAl'riTU, JOHANNBSBURG, 22':'0 DECEMBKB, leU, , '" that the need for that selfsame £It ~S" lUI...... goodwill among men wbich was What Is Best For The P.O. 80:1: 4:ou,. so necessary nearly two· Jo~at1aO. thousand years ago when Christ Pllbll6IJN wttJlr. preacbed it to the world. WaS Protectorates? ~'t"r"tslPTJ(\" R"TU-(BT p.)") , never more urgent tban to-day. to ••• .. . ' i'- We have only look at Europe to see malevolence. hatred, fear 7.' of another. milldirecting Should They Be Incorporated ••• •• the great nations and leadiog them to the very brink of In The Union? :Bantu anot.her war. The lallt ooe, iIImttlrli wa ~ ::ad DECEMBER, 1934. wbicb also arose out of fear and hatred twenty years ago, "Enquirer'l on the Wrongs of the People coat t he lives of 10,000,000 men while it also maimed an The Editor, "Umwteli." from the poiut of vie. of the NallvN A HAPPY CHRISTMAS even greater number and U E t\QUIRER" wri tes Sir,-Th' of the l'rotfClontU. ThOle poor ruined na.tions whose wealth q ue.tion of th., propoaed traus' people bTlng lotO lheir rts{letUve TO ALL! fer 01 tho Protectoratea hu of late :eftltorie. tbeunt-d. l f l' U"loO, ;yearly. had been incaloulable. Iteeems become a topio of abtorbing intueBt. Iha~ money.ll gou to tbe EuropeaD RRb TMAS is upon UII once inconoei.vable that the wider, Varioue vie",e are e:l:pruaed. the trading co mmunity aud to the Cmora; and in circumstancell tbe oDlversal, need for the quaintneu of lomo of which ia ofton Admhll.tratlou. to meo~ Ibe C:l:ptOtti even happier than tholle of lallt Cbristian spirit to· day is Dot amuBlug. Thu. one of your con· 01 tbelr Public Su\'icet. In other olearly appa.rent to the leaders temporariet, iu commenting Oil the word., While the Proteotor.tet c.nnOI year. To our readerll, then, m,L1 (r. aeriouely .>erl that " tbe .upport t heir populat.lolI, the public we extend the watIllellt of of the natiODs of Europe. That Uil ion h.. no Nath'e policy," and .dmlnlltration 01 the PrOttctoratfa greetmgl!, and our hopell that need must be recogniefd if bec.oie of th.t "the time i. not ripe reeta almo.t entirely OD the tunt and tbe seallon will be rich for them civilisation is to be Baved. for tbe t ranafer of the Protector.te . ... hard earned iDcome. of the Nati"et In South AfriC'a fortunately. Tbe two domin.nt f.ctorl which Of tbi. we cao ..y with lOme cer: in benents. The year tbat is ~aillty, t~t! t.bare i. ahlOlntely no,b. the two White races have come prennt themeelvet for coneideration 80 nearly past bas marked an In ( 0 f.r '1 the matter affect. UB a, a 1118 the Brltl.b C<.veromen' .ith al advan:e in prollperity and a together on a buis of fosion . ~ople io the Onion are to wh.t it. good intenUoo and .m'oerity t o lessening of unemployment: Tbe old fears and prejudiCes uteot .nd in wh.t m.noer are .e oblene lobe "promitM aod ohliga. tion' tbe,. eoterod ioto ou behalf of and, &e far &8 can be eeen, tbat of English and Dutch wbich .ffech!d ' by the pretent .tate of the caused two catastrophic wan 81atter 1 Second I", are we goillg to the Nati"N," OIn .im to ba'fe done adv&Dce will continne through­ derive .ny mater'ial belHfitff(m tile or. i. doing for the ge.oer.1 oplift out the coming year. A spirit within tbe last fifty yeare, incorpor.tion of the Protftltoratu ; of tbeM people, and al.o fOf the im­ of rejoicing ill, therefore, rigbt­ bave gone, let us hope forever! will loch an inco.potltion in ao, provement of their eoonomio COil ly ahead: Nld Christmas meets The reflection is .. oheeriD~ w.y improve "or lot 1 ditioJl" Thete people are IImpl,. one. But it must not eDd kept there to .allow I. tbelt chefll.h~d us lin in II seasonable mood. Protelliorat.s As The, Are " freedom" of trihal .tagnatloo. Btlt what is Cbriltmal and there. In the ('oming year. Th. prelent Itate of the matter it pnlltll pO'ftrly lad milerabte help how did thil leMon of Roodwill we may be permithd to hope le ••ne .. iJt their 0 "'71. la nd. di.tinotly detriment.l to 1111 The begin? It began with the birth that the eame spirit of goodWill Proteotorate., under which term are Bad England kept; true to her of Chrilt who came to thil so happily initiated among tbe iDcluded Baentol.od, S.a:r.ilaod and tr.dition ••• tru.tee to ,Dd. P'O' world to give it a mnoh needed European racee of the coontry. Bechuanal'Dd Prokutoratea, have teotor of tbe Welfare .Ild intel8l1. ot been left oompar.ti.ely undueloped her .eak a.d po.erle.. Bl.ck .ub­ melll1ge of goodwill. It hap­ will be extended to em}lraoe ject., tAtre .oold Dot have bun ao]' the African peop)es; tbat it by the Briti.b GO'i'ef'Dment. There pened. loog ago. In thole daye are no lubetantial indu.trietl to pro· nee« ..it1 for tbe IDol ...ion of tbe the great Roman Empire, ee· will expres8 iteelf in wider vide tmplo}ment for the m.N" of Pro&eotorate. in tbe ScUd ..... 10 the benefite and in In ab6fDce of South Afric. Act.-which .&ep .. .. tllblj'hed maiDI, through ite the people. Tbe Proteotorattl are taken hy tbe Brhi.b Gower ...... repreni ... e legialation Uke lome wholly inClp-ble (of 8UPPOitiog their mighty umiee, wae everywhere .ith~ot coD.olttDI the re.poolible­ tritllDpbant: no other armies of that cODtEmpJa1rd for the populalior. The public ruenue i. PUUlQuot Chief. of thole territoria• . Dest IetliOD of Parliament. maiDly derivat frOID Native ":l:atio •. W. have DO IooQ 't.e.Ddi at all iD tM (10014 NDd &samlt thea IuC­ To 6nd CODey with which to p.y ney oonq uered We feel eomebo .. that tbe aa\&er. It la iaamMerial '0 u" ceeon,. \heir tun .cd '0 meet- the .aiD· ....lher or uo, lhe Prot.ectorat.et are. force. of eoligbtmentand good­ tenaoce and .opport of th.ir l.mOie. almoet !he whole of the known iDCOl'porated iD the UDioD. "orld. Bllt, illd~ed by to-day'. wiJI will WiD the day notwith­ tb. N.l.vn have to oeme ioto the [Thie Ie.ter .. aD lAeel'-, .uapa.. et.e.ndard., tile b ..... of tile old etanding all the reactionariu. Union in th,ir tboutlnd., Y'f'a,l,.. 'lh. yare found io all ntal, orban of a little howled.. belili. d ....r . Do_an people were filled with The latter are a fading foroe. and induI,rI.1 centrn of tbe UliloD, ona lhinl. Th. pI'OIpent,. of lIae­ ...... OUItom, their kiDglwere Whatever temporlry victories in all .pheru of 1.00or or emplo,. UDioo ia auch 'hat .iuoaU,. all , ... as oft,pn .. not .,sMlin.ted or tbey may win, will be ]'evened mtnt. The,. are ftcei"ed .od treated laboor offeliDg frOID au,wbe,. • lliter on: and the A'rican will in the Uoioa endly ID the ...e beIDI.beorbto. Mortover. ,h. ad· Ced, and the rich were aiaiitratioD of the Protectoralet a. aad uD.ympathetic UlUredly come into hil OWD. m.naer a. the Union Na.,i,.ea are, to ucept \-hat thty do not P'Y 'ay doae e~DOlllicall,. and weU. ADd it &0- the poor. The Roman armiee Meanwhile, we wi.h our • bare of their earniDgt ioto th. ,h. i ...t.able .ch... of ... at~led their chief captivet: readen all haJ?pinee and pro­ Uoion oolell. Tbat il to .." tbey d*ipll•• alld pro'peri', of tb. terri­ Royal brotherl plotted and aperity, We aleure them tbat enjo,. aU ,igh" aDd faollitie. for toriel-Edltor.j kiUed royal brothe" ill the the lignl .re good: and tbllt which tbe Uoion Nativet hue to the future has never beeD p.y mooey. Tho. their ohildren lila, tight for the Tbrone-aod aUtIl,d enhool. i. tb. UoioB whilat mercy Will unknOWD. E"'eD iD brighter. the parent. pay ,hei, tanl to th.ir Operation., M1ed OD f.ct. di.cover· the peoples' games at the H'peotive Admini.tt.tioo.. The ed b, theta t.o .0rgeoCWl, are .niDI Col.om. crowde thronged tbat • UUlon N.ti." are .peoially teud for the liv" of childreo and .d.l... at the vast Romlln amphitheatre to tbeir educatton i~ addition to tbe Boy.1 W.telloo BOIpltaJ. ODe Criminals Slain by direot te:l: \-h., pay ioto 'he Union patieDt, . bo, who bad ,h. pM"r .ee men with .bielde and ehort uohequer. There it DO ltpl b.r to pan of bl. lungl ,emoYed, caD no. swords fi.a:ht other men with tbe ohildr.n of the Protectorato play football. Iharp triaeu.tI and nete-the Doctors Nativ" A(lqoi,iog allricultu,,1 edoo .. I Tbe theoriet bued OD thediaoo.. riu latter to entangle the .worde tioo io tbe Uaion N.Liva agricultural of tbe t.o aooiaot ...&omiet. b.-a How The Egyptians collele•• hll.t 'heir Pan'ota are km· oaly reeeD'ly been .pplied to modlra of their opponent.. Thul were poratily domiciled in the Union. .orger,. Ia ,.ean lODe by \he H' men butchered to make I learned Surgery From tb. yearly ItatemeDta ollciall,. mo.-al of .Iuog 111 ...11,. meaat .oddeD Roman holiday! poblidled In tbe AfricAD ~~n, _,b, boUo·da,.l8&D,. til''''' all beln~ Into this eav"ge world of thOle collegu woold .eem (0 be lind by thia m.l.bod tbe Romane oame (,hriet to W.J W. 8 •••61 To.day 60anced entiTely by tbe Native "S.rp"ol l.ba U1roat and 'bora.s preach hie me.. age of goodwilJ, ne'felopment Accoont .hicb i. a hal becom. 10 impro.ed that tlul rI ... TWO thou'aDd yean 'I!o, in Air un· Fund cruhd .holl,. by porUoo of to Ufe ill g,.tly diminilbed," a 'UI' of brotherhood, friendJineea dri., Egypt, a IiUle bllDd of the tn paid b,. tbe Unioo N.tive.. gaoo at the Royal Waterloo IIoepit.1 and fairplay. How bie goepel crimioal. were led fnm prinn to The retult d all thi. I. tbat l.bOIl · told R.ut.r 10 .. intervie •• proved unpopular witb the .tr.nge .nd terrible dUlh,. The land. 01 people io the UllioD are kept "10 tb. patt, th.te operattoD' wire Roman le&

-======-~~='==~~======~~~~~Mr. H, D. T, Moll"II, who bad beeD Christmas Greetings cQ u/loed in tue W.N.L.A. Houpltal, lelL for Mareking on Tbuttrlay . Great Contests In Song, • «(!U/Il i /WI'(l, f rom. P"IJ~ t.) A receot vi.itor II Mra. R, Botha, U~INlIMZANRI BU.W"f SA.N"GWf.1Nr DO' of Potohef.trooIl), wbo "a,1 heeD Dance And Speech m'(. i wake, uuo Native Marketi aHending meethlg. of AllrllicaD DUrban, baa.elu. h:ihlobo u KI,lmuI, Mothers Unloo. omnaodi DO Nyaka Omtlha omula. Full Report Of Fourth African UMN(FM1.,UU A. C. MMIRliO nom,;1 wake, blue Point, Durban, ballieia Herschel Local Council Eisteddfod itlhlobo u Ki8imuli ojabuliBayo kanye Applicatiooe flore invlteri by th., no Nyaka Omtaha omble. Hetlcbel Local Cauocll for tba poet of VrLA.K 17.1.-Mr. 'L Z., Mn. E. Lorry Driver. Applicaotl millt be Meritorious Victories of Miss Faith Caluza Mtlb!L"to, Mareh~l! ::Itroet, Joh.ollel· Natlvea; in pOSlleuioll of a. Cape burg, thaok p~tI"')!lS for support and Driver'a Licance, 0. receot te"lt.imorual. ~byor IS IVvr&bip. the of Jonanuea· aome elips wi th her word" in tho wiBil tbero a hap,)'", Christmas. {I ble to read and write aDd to efect ruo· ,Jl borg, ~Ir. Miurioe ,(j' ree~aQ, leoood veree. Min ~'Ioronce Sib iii niog repaire. Tbe Halary ia£4~·B 60 per opened tbe fouttb TtAo,$vaai Afrloan ~fS)ll:'ln my l"viDR mother, Mr. Ma· ..a8 allo very good, boD her pura.iug mputa aod fe.roll.v nf LangIL, a happy aonum and ~he eucoeuful applicant Eiatedd£od at tbe Da.ntu Men'e SOI);al migut haVe been better. Ghri9twoe (Iud. nri,l("ht New Year­ ehall be relJuired to serve one j'~ a( OD Centre on Thur,dAY, Deoember 13~h Miu CaloM also exoellod in the from Mfa Mn.f.o\I~!l'. KWoberley. probation aDd t.o perform any ~eJM()n ' at "p.m. T!le Hall was paok;ed. Meuo·Soprano oo mpetitiou . She laug able taak., apart hom driving, aa may WITU linoue good wiebee for a Mr. &, J , Nionoltu, wbo aoted a. the telt uOderltaodiogly-witu good b8 let bim. Applications mWlt be 10 happy Chrie tmu ~od a bright 8nd :bairman, and later aa one of the pbralin~ aDd diotion. ::Iue W6S follow· my handl by :HBt December, 1"114. adjudieatora, heartily weloomed the ed by Miu G. i'hahlane, who aleo proepsroua NeW Yaar to all-from l'lhyor. Mr. Nioholaa who inoidentally, laog with uoderataoding. V.N. Plaatje a.od hor Rbytbm Girls. T. D . R &'\lS&'l.", TrUIDrer, I1enohel Local Couocil. ie Pte&ideot of the N .. tional Elateddf(Jd Mill Calnza eeoured botb tbo W'&STJ;H" N A'rIY l: TOW~l:IHrp SOHOOL, ( Euf(JpaaO), aaid it afforded him tbe loprano end mezzo'lopraDo awardl. Ameril)\l.o BJud Millioo, wieh" P.O. Sterkapruit. grea.teat pleaBure to note tbe remArk· An AtrleaD Caruso fdeod. and supporters a happy able progrea8 tbe Afrioan wat mak· The Tenor aection had many com· Chrle~m\s and New Year. SALE IN EXECUTION. ing. The Afrioan ~a' oertainly pro· petitora, and Mr. Ezekiel Mngale W ,TIVATI:I1')&.t..ND DI!'jTRIC"I' AFRICAN NINE MACALOCHA va I!rening, along hi. own linIn : but de· proved bimtelf a veritable "C.rulO" kI~OOl'B&l.I . ASSOCIATION wilb all it. aerved Done tbe leal, everyauitance of tbe Eillteddfod. He ba. a very affiliated c1uba aDd lupporten a happy JOSEPH SIBANYONI. from the EoropeaD publio. fiCie voioe, and rendered the loog io Obriltmu aud $ prOlperoue New Year In puuuance of a judgoment of The Mt.yor said: "It givea me tbe profeeeional,tyle. Tbe aiogiog in this tb.e Native Commi ..ion er 'l Court of graate.t pleaeure to be here tbil teotion wae keeo and of an exoellent XU&.-Mr. /tond Mn. C. D " Weatern N,tlve Towolhip, Jobannesburg, wieh GermiatoD aDd Writ of Exeoution afterooon to open tbe fourth TraDe· .tandard. The prize vary properly dated tbe 3rd OotoOOr, 1934, tbe vul Afrioln Ei.toddfod. You Butu went to Mr. Mogale. Meutl H. friende tbeir beat during tbe Feltive Seaeoo. following gooda will be aold in 6.1;100· p!!l()ple ha.vo a ra.fO gift at mut.ioialloa, Kumalo, A. B. Mutuyedwa, E. Majo· tlon at Stirtonville Loc.tioD. OD !Iond it it very plu1ing to tOO you mbod all clmo .econd, Mellfl J . ZLLILO.-U Mnu. no Nkoalt. John Stand 699, 8 . Street, 00 tbe J ht day eodoavouriog to devolop it." Hie Diogwayo and S. Mathupe gained M. aonui w.lobo , blUe Alvani, hanqwe. of Dacemb6r, 1934, at 11 a.m. t.o the WOHhip oJmmGot.ed on the. oothu•. tbird placel. Mr. J. R. Rat.bebe, uo· oela h;1blobo i Kreemui emyoli DO higbest bidder viz :- ialm of Afriaaoe for tho EUteddfod fortuoately, did not know tbe .ong Nyaka. Omhhll wo ... uyo. One noule built of wood aad !.ron not ooly in the Trlo.vaal but also in perfactly. ZOETLA...."D.-Mr . • ad MIl E.W.and witb four roome, 1 .tove, I) bencbel otber Provinooe. Bo eulogiaed the Tbo baritona aDd b.all olaull were family, NOllget Street, Job."onelblltg. 2 table•. Literary llection, particularly the of an oneUent .tandard. wi,b all frionde a bappy Cbriltmae A. J. MOROCCO, Cbiof Poem 00 Kblma by Mn. The outatandiog duettietl were Mra. and a proaperoua New Year. Native Court MfllIII6nger Edirilwe Berot8ft of Seka-waoa. Bo· G. Motlieloa &nd Miee Naooy Maka· P.O.BoJ:17(', Far EaatBand. ohlnnaland. Ho anured the audieDoo loUt. N.A. Dept., uud applllU&o tbat during bil term of The Dnrban Male Voioe Cb.oir Germieton. offioe be wouk! do bil utmolt to ani.t proved a great aUractioo. Tbe con· Late Mrs. Kbonkhohe tbe Bantu. dootor, Mr. A. Kumalo, i. a oompoler Aootber mile·.tooe hal beeo reo Vocal ADd. Choral Contosts of part.. The Prl.le Winners CODeert moved from St. Cyprian'e Charoh, Mr. Mark S. Radebe, Or aniaing 6 ThOle who failed '0 .tt.end WedDllI' Johanneeborg. by tbe death of Mn. Seoretary, who acted &8 malter of day night. olotiag concert by tbe win· Carolina Khonkhobe, wife of tbe late coremOoiel, intimated that tbe choirs ners 10 tbe Tranlvaal Afrioan Eilted· Bev. F. M. Khook;boba, at tbe Non­ --8obool enior-would oompete in Europeao BOlpltal, on Friday, dfod competitiona miaae.d 10 evelling eong tNt.. Oue of tbelW wae io tbe (f rare be.. uty. Saldom bla Jobin­ Decem ber 14 Sbe had endeared Native laoguage. nNburg, iodeed, Soutb Africa, been hereelf to all of thOle who koew her; There was keen...competition. ThOle treated eo lavilbly to mUlio by Ind wae a leader amoog tbe memben prominent were Albert Str&et School. Afrioaos. Items in EOl!lisb, Afrik;aanl, of the MotberB' Union. Her obaeqlliel The Americln Board 80hooll-Brak· and the verQ&Colar in the elocution took pla.ce 00 SnodlY. Dan, Doornfoutein. Weltern Native lectioo reflected much credit 00 the Townahip, St. Cyprian'a, Weet Rand, competiti tOH. under tbe condoetoHhip of the follow. Mi .. F .. ith Caluu., tbe Durban IN THE NATIVE DIVORCE COURT Become iog: Menu T. Kambulo, Mbambo. OF SOUTH AFRICA. Matloporo, Figlao. Pretoriul and E. oompetitor, both in einging and piaoo 10101, revealed rare taleot. Mn. lNAT.t.L Ill«) TR-'''9''AAL D,V11flON) A Leader E. Belle. Tbe work done wal of. Motaleloa and Mi .. Makaluu deaen'e Case No. 4Sj40}34. bigh etandard. Tbo conduotor, de· Of Your mention for then reoderiog of .. Hold --- eerve oongratulation for their inter· 10 the matter betweeo :- pretationl of" Anchored" (Wataoa). Thou My Hand," a piece wbich de· People. The Carter's Shield w.. woo by the manded aU the akill alld art of accom· CHARLIE SEKULU of Geldenhoi! plilhed eiogera ; "bile lueh group THE maa who bo edu.cated ....mm. Is "- Amerioao Board School, W08tero cboire a. the Genniaton Cborieten, Deep Ltd., Dermiaton, Plaintiff, n"pec1 of hi8 poi!oplo and beco_ 1m. Native Township by a Darrow margin St. Miobaels' Sobool, Dioce8ln Colll'ge "d pcrtlUlt. He all.nl8 more moollY aod .... from laet yoar's holders, tbo Albert GLADYS SEKULU (born Mgco· have .. "omfortllblll hOIDfl with a happy (Picteraburg), American BOlrd Scbool Street Sl)hool. ogca) formerly of Alenndra TowD· fa.rnily. Thl Union CO.mIl with it. Fill ia ud eulogised the choirs aDd ,.a.ld he felt present whereabouts "re unknowo, poet the coupon bel"" fer free inlonn.aUoa. pJsitive tbat Inoh rendermga woold Choir, St. Peter's School Seoior Choir, Defendant. have been a great revelatioo to maoy contributed notahle efforts in Englisb a Europoan unlcQ.uainted with tbo aDd iu tbe veroacnlar. To tbe abo\'enamed Defendant:- The lS...,re!.ary, The Mayor68a prelented tbe prizel. musical prOWeBS of Africaol. You are bereby IUlOmoned tbat you UNION OOLLEGE. The Jnnior Scbool Sectioo aohieved Tbe gold medal of distinctjol) in tho P.O. 80,. 3641, competltiolle wae won by Min Caluza, do appe"r before this HoooorabJe JohIIDDeBbmg. a better etandard of musio than the Court at. Z.A.8.M. 1I0uee, 499 Market senior oboirs generaUy, and Mr. S. inclndioR a epeoial prize of a large Please Mnd me, ...-Ithco.t con 01 obltg_. b010f obocolatel preaeuted by the Street, Pretoril, on tbe 6tb day of tioo, full information .bout t.ho eoa' .1 I Manyosi, with hia Wesleyan Sch~ol, proprietor of one of the ci ty' s mOlt Mllrch, 1935, at 10 o'clook io tbe have muked witb a X. Sopbiatown, wona tbe Xuma Sbleld up to·date te ... roome. Mil~ Florence forenoon or eooo thereafter al Cano@el EngliBb Standard8 IV, V VI, for the aecond time. vn Sibie! and Mill JohaoOJ!. Phablaoe caD be heard to anewer the olaim of Afrikaant Junior Certificate The adjudicatora deemed him the the Plaintiffff hereio for reetitution (Bloemfontein) allo received apecill Zolu Matricut.t.ion beat cooduetor of an tbose at tbe of conjogal rigbte. failing wbioh Eisteddfod. He revealed personality prizes. In the Hymn oo mpoeitioo Trann-e.e.l N.ttv., TNehera eection, awarda were made to Mr. S. divorce. and exploited it to the delight of the ,-'"X_ le, 2nd, ud!nl ,... M. Mokitioi, Seloto; Mr. A. A. AND take NOTICE tbat io defaalt audienoe. He dieplayed complete lSechuana National Com.meroW Kamalo (Durban). Zulu; and Mr. H. of yonr doiog so , you will be held to uoderataoding and cootrol of the I. E Dhlomo wal awarded third prize !""ve admitted the aaid claim, and the Acithmetl. E",UDin.atlona lonli!' and of hi. choir. for setting hymn worda to musio. P Io. iotiif may prooeed therein and Degree Exam1nat.l_ MIlS Faith catuu's Victories iu DECEMBER, IgU. Umteteli's Page Of Xmas Greetings

J 08 ,\ '!:( S 1::< Bt: Rt: J 01 ... T Nil; Hl S('H"UI. ?tIDOI'IOwlI.-Nune Grace E ., Batbo P,E£'TE.-Mr, .nd Mr •. J OD lthl D -?tIr. D. S. Kek.n. and Stloll ",lib Loc.t.loo. Bloe mfontl:io . wilhel friendl Banern N.tive Towa.hip, J oh.onu· Our Readers To all Itudente .od hindi • b.ppy a happy ChriMtw .. aod • brigbt Ne w burg, wi. b . 1I friend. a merry Ch rin_ C.hriltmll Ind I prc.>lperou. N~" Year. m.l l nd. prolperoul New Yelr. Their Friends \ u r. MOLIUI'OU Mr. N. S.• Bocb.bel. P u.LA,·.-" Tlhahall l. ," the fruit. JOIlA)")'l:"Bl"Kc: Afl(II'AS l<' .... Ul"IIAI.L Bloemfontein, wilbel friendl a h. ppy u er . tbln" . 11 t he B.ntu men T HE Jl:reetill~ by following our A~SO(:HTJUN .lahel all I U mem bul Cbriltm... Dd • prolpuoul bl ew ~ e mm r r Ground, Jor patron.ge . nd Itladen to tbelT frjend, i, a new . nll eupporten a hiPPY Cbrietm.. Year. ,,"bn them. b. ppy Chril h:DII . ~n D1I al fu ture in iU.t('d by Umt.etel i, aad a prolperoul Football Se.. o n. MOL·1I0KO.· Mr . I nd Mr •..T .P. Ind Itl order to enable Africanl to record P ~)I\E V'OUR F OOTBALL CLUB th.oki fittingly t heir ..,.ton.ble tribntel of KU A'IP£J'E.-Mr .•nd Mrl. A. T., f. mity. Ultrriemith, wi eh all friend. IU It I . upporten .ud wi.hu them . Good ..ill. The opportunity, •• will Ale::S:lnd r. To.nehlp, Joh.nne.borg, • L.ppy Ch,i.t mll aad I prOl perou. h.ppy Cbril tmll and New Yelr. be leen, h .. been li berally .vailed of. wilh their friende It b.ppy Chri.tml. N"w loar. PB.a..& IUSTA U.-Mr . J oee lad Miu . od a bright New 'tear. AHuRul.-U Mnn. no Nkoak. S., MABUtA. Mr . B, I b~, Market St. . M. Maioe. 364, Batho Lccati,. JoblO Delbutg. wi ,hu a ll bill rel.tive. BI f u, Nkoel;;. B u.a, No% izwe. Mnn . no K H.ATLA!:o·£.-Mr . I Dd lU ra. J . R . frielld, Iud •• trone • merry Cb.i. , : o~ m ooteu), wilb frielld • merry Nko .... M. Balbe, abamak.y••• e .nd family wieb .11 t.bei r friendl • • Chrutmle .nd • pro . .... roul N •• mu and a h.ppy Ne" Year. Year. r v Rini. banq"enela bihlobo i K relmu i merry Chril tr::ue . nd a bl PPY New Emondi nobom be Nya!.;a Omh ba. Ye. r. MOA'r!E.- Mr . • nd Mr l. A. R ., R ~TH EBE.-Mr . • ad IIIra. J . R. aud K \B.~.- M r. and Mu. F . C. 8Dd Aiel-andre Townl hlp, Job.nnelborg flmlly G .. S All "~ln 81'l:'ln:1' Sl BooL.-Tbe Prio· wilb a ll tbeir friend. a b.ppy Chrie~ . , .er Ie treet. Sophi.towa. c ipaJ and Steff . i.h an ~r e nt. and fa~ iJy . ~atflh.1 1 Street, J ohanoeeburg WII~ their m.Dy 'riendl • merry friende a bappy Cbri, tmu and a wl l h fnend •• happy Chrietm .. ILd m .. ao• I pro.peroul New Year. ChTl. tm .. and a bright New Year. prOlperon. New Year. a prOlperOUI New Yeaf. MAfSUlT:1 8 .\ LL aDd family. Robin.on Deep. Joban· MA BUYA.-Mr .•ad Mll. Barnlb.. , NDDIJ.NDB- YiSi Elitabdh, Non· ASSOCIATI ON wilhee .Illte mfmhll a Delbnr!, "ilh tbeir friendl a merry Robin&on Deep, JohuDubuTg. wieb Europelo Boapital, Joh.noeehnrg, bappy Chriltm .. ltd • pro.peroot Chri.tmal and a prolperoo. New Year . • n fdende here ud It Stntterheim,' "i.hee her friead! and HI.tioDI. Ne. Year. D An E".-Mr. aod Mli. W, .nd merry Cbrietmll Ind Ne" Year. merry Chr.,tmu .nd • b.ppy New TI,ALI:.-Wi.. R., Aliw.1 North, f.mily. Coraelio. Street, Job.nae.. MAU.J.BOLO-Mt .•od Mn. M .•'ld Year. C.P ., wi.hea frieDdl • happy Chrilt· borg. wilh .11 their friendl • b.ppy f.mily, E ..tern N.tive Town.hip. NOll8tWo-Mr . and m .. Ind. prolperoo. New Year. Cbrlltm" and • bright. New Year. Iilu. c....,n JohaaDelb~g , wilh their m.oy friend. aCId r.mily, F. ..teto Native Townuip. TJ.KD&L..l-lIoo. 00 Nkolk Sol., 3;'. EV ATOS E t' RAYJlJ CA~ SCu OOL.-Tbe .Dd rel.tion•• merry Chrittm .. . nd Job.Donbnrg, wi.b their friendl ud Heidelberg Raid, Pro.PfC't TowD,hip. P,ioeipaJ aod 8t.ff wiebe. all parenw • h.ppy .od prolperoO' New Year. relationl a merry Cluiatm'e and. Joh.aDHlborg, A.aqwenela idhlobo aDd friend•• merry Cbriltm... ltd • ... MA.TE8 E -Mr. Ind Mll. Chrilt.i.o b.ppy New Year. ubo nyolo Die KTeemul aovnyo 11.11 happy New Year. P., Aliwal North, C.P . "jlh all Jriead. NO:" TLJ.BU.-M.iu Edith, Non· EOfO' Ny ..... Omt.ba. G 'O LE-M.r . Theo., E ..tern N.ti.e a bright Chrietm ...nd. proaperoul pe.n BOlpital, JOh.Doe.burg, wi.bn T !1 -Mr. £11 .. Tii..,tlO, o. ' Wll~ thell m.oy fneed •• merrr J ':BA.);)'E,~Bl'Jt(; ORUElt 01" ELI[~.­ MrALALA -Mr . • nd Mn. A. Job.a' Krooaltld olak.let,a meieo.lIe boo Cbrlltm... nd .. bappy New Year. The Prelident .nd Membeu witb IU neeburg, "iehu hi, frifl:d l • merr" Ilei. Ie boble b. rekltlg le'VeDkeleng 1' 1 T~ALA-Mr . H.rvey. Wolhotn fr'eadl • merry Chrietm" . nd • Chrietmla and a hiPPY New Year. bee 0.1. Ie tb.bo k. Kereeemeee ho Men I HOltel. Jepp&e, Johaatletborr bright .ad prolperoae New Year. MAPJKELA Mr. and Mn. T.M. lad i .. Selemong ee Seeh.. wiehee hi •. friendl .Dd rel.tioDI a .rABAH1.-M'r. W .W., New Bright.oo, 'amily, Banln Locat io n, Bloemfoateio, PO!

) Ir. \1. )1"troU", of Krugeudorp, Mr. A. P. Khutl.ng who h•• lliu returOl'd frow Wioburg. O.F.tI. Town And Country News reneotly f •• igned from ihe ,t.ft' of .Yr. and ~r •. S. Mou.e of Bloem. tbe Bantu &leo '. Ro, 1.1 CeDtr., i. in footeio. are rt'ceot arrival~ io Johan­ oh.rge 01 tbe A O.E. Slog.,. who Ielt ne.burg, o~ TbufI?ay for. tour of PortaCl;u,," People In The News This Week Mr. S. Mlangeni. of Bethlehem. Ka.t Aftlc.. Mill .t"loreo--:e Sibi.i O.F.S., p&:,eed through Jobanne.bur~ tbe well koo"o .ioget•• ccompa nie(j .111 ..... la PI.I.tlltu.rc Mayor 'he magi.tra'e and Mr. Couzyn to Pretoria for tbe Adviloty Boardt tbe party. HE of ReVi. J. Labele and Rev. B. B. Make, Ooogrell. ohief. IIph.blel .... R.ma· Mr. W. G. Inb.t of PimviU" T gopo'. and "oletsie·. loo.'ioo' Hr. J. M'ocllml and Hn. Thebe. Re. Mr. MoNeil B. Mooyake left during Government 8obool. left 011 Friday b.u acreed to .he di'lOlutioo of fer~ooe .... made to the manoer 10 the "'INk fet Ba.utolaod. for the ,Free State. tlleir COUDQiI, &0 m.ke room for • which the Looatioo had Improved Huer. A. F. aabedi and P Mr. aod Mrt. Eph. J. MOlioli of ..ore .mbltion form of 100.1 gove"n_ duribg .Mr. Aldred'. regime the :Mabileha arrived on Buoday moro: Pim."iIIe, Joh.noeaburg, I~ ...e· on lDent. Tb. oouuoll ... ill ooo.i.t of Mayor remarking 00 the .tre~t im- log from ~~ort Hare. ~0!lday for Krooo.t.d on • holid.y .ine ..embere, tbree of whom .re to provemeote. tha good hou", the R.v. and Mft. P. O. H. Khampepe Vlltt. be nomin.t.ed aDd .ppointed by the little garden. and tbe fine aall.· Mr. of tba A.M.E, Church, Za.tron, .peot Re". S. K. Letuku, of the A.M.E. Governar·Geoer.I, and .i:r by repte. Ald.red thanked the 'peaker!! aod the I ..t "'eek'end in Oermiston. Churob. laft 00 Tue.d.y oi!ht for Matativ", of the villagen. Tbe Afflcan,.fnr their loyalty. The pro. Hi .. Emma J 110m left Jobannel· Piete"burg. repreHntativ. ill torn will ba.p­ flramme Inoluded a Dumber of mlllioa.1 burg. 00 S~aday tooroiog for Durban. Mi .. M. M. Rathebe. St. P.triok". poioted by tupayen, th.re being Items by the A.M.E. Churoh and the Mill EIi._ M .ailo le_ve. tonight Sohool, Bloemfootein. h .. arri"ed io 00' repreleot.uve for every 100 Philharmonio ohoin. for Bloemfooteirl 00 a holiday vi.it. Johaooeaburg 00 • bolid.y vl.it· •• vo"'n. Such repreeeot.tive. wUI The Ba.ntu Meo'. Sooial Ceotre !lfl. Miooie ~ombole left 00 Suo- aleo Mill M. P.I.... • Dumber .bout 130 and will meet in mootbly gUelt oight has beeo post. day for Healdto"o. Mi.. E. C. T.h.bal.la, Krooaetad • • • Pietenburl .t an early d.te to t.ke pooed to 28tb December. A talkie . Mi" L. M.pu!e left 00 Suod.y " • reoeat .rflval in Joh.onelbarg. part in the eMiotion of tbe .ix pioture ..ill 'hen be .howo. olght for Belf.,~. Mi .. N. Mllole, of Queen.to... o. hal coonoiUo". Tbe Am.nzlmtoti .todenh will give Mfi. Con.taooe Kotcbe, of Joh.o· .rrived in Johaooeeborg .od i•• be The 6.ret ....mbly of the coonoil a coaoert d the Bantu Meo·. Social ae.burg, lea-vea toaigM for Port gOelt of Mr. and Mre_ H. Mam.bolo. ..ill t.ke plaoe ., Pietereborg 00 Ceo're en 27th December. Port Eli:r.abeth. E •• tern Nati-ve Town.bip • 30th Jaooery, 1935, under the oh.ir· The B .... SC. Quart.eU "iII.iog to lire. Maggie M.g.ba leU 1... 1. week aUlhip of II.'. H. St. Cl.ir (NaUve the patieatl of the Bridlman lor Capetowa. CommiaaioDer .t Pietenburg). The llemorialHOIpital 00 Saturday (22nd Mr. Peter Retlot, of Merry Black lullo.ion. of the couacil IDolnde the December) and a. tbe noo.Europe8o Bird.,. Johanoe.burg, lelt la" ..eek £1 £1. con.'rootioD Mid m.intenance of aOlpite.l on Sund.y (:13rd). The. for Relt:r. .. road., p,.Yentioa 01 fOil eroaiaD. Quarteu ..ill allO broadcaat from IIr, Le.he Xeme:r.e.. ef JohnaDAN' ... i.provement 01 ....r IOpp!y. efe('· JohlUUl,!,burg 00 New Ye.r', day. Iborg. left I •• t week for the Orange tion and m.iotenaace of dippiol A -vanety concert aod dance ... ill Fre. St.te. hnkl. de.tructinD 01 no:rioo... eed., be I'ven .1. .he Leake Hail Orlaodo M.u, O. L. Mogoye, of Johanne.· aoitable 'y.tem of •• Dit..tion. ea'-­ by tb. Orlando Bee.ot.i~ J.u.; I borg, left oa Suaday nigh' for ...... 'llMfa-...... bli.bment 01 hOlpit.ale, improved 9I18eO.OD Bo:riul Day. There will be Krooa.tad. . . B.I..& .. OD, Rt1JXlK ADd ...... _ aI all ~ me'bod. 01 .,.-ioaltDre. eda(la'ional lodoor gamea organieed by Mr. D. R' l Me ..~ Ngcebettha and Blkllha OJeiM., facilities .od .8:o,..tation. U i. Twala. left during the ... eek for Botter ... orth. Cult It ,_. at .II per •• ~. beli.eved tb.t il proper o.e iI made Th'AlbertB~reetSohool,Jo.hanne··1 C.:r~. E. Doodolo Jef~ doti th o.B .. w.... of the power. ",.ted in th. (looncil. borg. gave 'helf anno.1 clo.IOI coo· k f a h . og .. e a .y.tem eimilar $0 ,h.t eojoyed by oert .t the Methodi.t Men', Ia.titute, ... ee or ereo el 00 a hohday VillI.. CHAHANIE BROS., tbe Tr.o.keiaD N.tiv.. will e\"en· ViII.ge Main on Frida 14th Inw. Mr. Pero~ Kum.lo left ~n Tb~~.. It 101111'" ItUft to.lly be dneloped. m'., Tb' y, '''-d r day for M.rlt:r.burg on a hollday n.l'. (110 ...-~. u4u ...... uti • e programme oonll.... a M Fr k M b f Lo "'!o-I'" oe_1 Hamr Bt" Prtterlptlon 800ga io vero&oul.r .nd Eoglieh· reo r, .•n. -va .U, 0 -vedale, IOlUlflfll:8Bt7BQ. The Aserio.n Zalu Hi ..ioo Di •. cit.tion., aketohu .nd drill •. Rev. peo•• ry recently prelCribed K.ttir S. Mdebnka preaided. Amoog.t tbote :b:'~'~'~'~'~"~'~d~'~.~J~O:b~'~.~.~"~b~.~,g~.~=~~~;;;~~~~~~~~~;~ Beer lor .. Dorban Nati"" "ho had prelent Were: Mr. E. Gumede, Mr. S. been .ufferiog from boile. In • letter R.mn.bo. M,.. C. Manteo, Mr •. B. to the Town Clerk of Durban, tbe Monn.t.hebe, Mpam., S. K.mbule, E. muaicip.l.adi$or, .fter di,..o~iog tbe Seoek~, J. T.tue, D. 11 Dl'o.laoe, hrm.r·. a"eotioa '0 lhi. matter. Moaotl; Mr. D. Meim.og, Mr. P. ny' the ile... of Kattir Beer to a T.t.ne. I .• nd R. Moonathebe, J. N.&ive patieo\ it 00 mare onre ..on· Deo.lane. Millin M. and D. able t.h'n 'he i.. ae of other 'timol· MonD&thebe, M. Mp.m •• M. Motluo •• 1 aota to Europe8D1, but fIM" tha' L. Nuepe F. E. C.luu. G. Mpulo, F. the regal.r illae of !taflir Beer D Calau., M. N. Mpolo, E. Ntalu, E. preacriptioa. miaht h.ve the effect ..tab.oe. Mr .•ad M,... Johnsoo, Ru. of making tbe di.pellAry \'ery Z. A. Baqwa, Mr. aod lIu. Lekboaba. popolar ! M,.. E. K.mbule. )I,.. Grace Nkole, Knt," SOY'fel,as ..,.. E. N. Gumede. I Sixty Krupr .overe.igo. were uo­ The eng.gement i. anoouo~d of earthed by.n Afric.o while ... orking Mr. Jlmu Sondun Gqeba of Ea,t \ 00 a fouod. ioo io aD Iodiao Bataar Geduld. Springa, .od Mi,. Eliu in Pretoria reoeotly. The ... ood M1d Gxotiwe. daughter of Mr .•od Mfi. iron bllildinl, comprielng a .bop .nd S. Nlu:r.o of ali",.1 North. eever.' rooma, had been broken dowo, IIr.W.W. J.bavu of Port Eliu,bl'tb. aDd while foaodation. were being chief ageot of "Omteteli" for the prep.red for a Dew buildiog. a Native Eaatero Pro-vioce and Tran,kei, .,. rived io tbe oity on Su-od~y 00 bie elDpl~yed by the cootractor foood aD old tea tin io the ground. Whan thi. way to Pretoria where he .tteoded ! w., opeoed it ..... found to oontain the .ersion. of the Locatioo Adviaory ·the eovereign•. BOlrda' Congrea •. M,.. E. PiJi@o. wile of Mr H. B. Students' Assoelatlab Pili90 of Crowo Mion, Itft for Poodo. The luter-Provinoe S~adeoh' A.­ lend 00 Sunday oight, accompanied eoci.tioD held a .tu:cettaful fuootion by ber cbildreo. io the Commooal Htll, Eutero Millfl GlIce Figlao, of Crowll Minu, N.tive Towo,hip, Johanoelburg, on left I... t week for Her.chel. 'OVA LTIN E' Vlnd.y. 17tb December. when Hr. Mr A A. Kumalo, 01 tbe Baotu J. C. P. M"n-imbela brought out bit Sooial Centre, Durban. aod MiN F. ne ... orche.tra. There were recital •• E. o,.lu:r.a of Dorb.o.• rrived I.et 1'·O,·altine··irnnandi .. Ov.lllnc ., k .. seno 1I;''IIoe. .iagiog .nd danciog. Tbe week to aUend the TlIo.v.al Afric.o embon~nt. Yinh!e 'e mllnafl'. F, iml'ela kubQ bon!;;e molemo h-o bohle ho 10uction ...... tteoded by the yoooger Eieteddfod. n~ob .. nodUle]" b.IH elenlt bore ha .e .et, ptortical.rly .tudaoh. who ..e,e Mr. I. Chochoe. of Johaone.bor!!:, ~,"hle kakulu eku_ Iimakaftlo ba UIl,aka mi"hlul. left on Sunday for Potcbfftroom to qin;""nl uouimba. U buo.l "'a eooa moo bo batld.;,,,y&!. maatb. . • r. J. C. Aldred • ttend hi ••iater'. weddiog . I ,. Ovaltjne" yen­ .. O"aldne" e ent'ooe A l.rRe It'theriog on Mond.y io .he Mre. a. B. JoholOn ... ilI leave 00 ~i ....e nl!.obi51 olutsha, ka Jebe"5e Ie lecha. m .. e _ macha Ie Aldred Hall. KJ.rkldorp. bid fare ... ell Mood.y (Chri8tm.8 Eve) lor Kroon­ n .. n~.un ..qanda arn_ 'mela. £ monate to Mr. J. C. Aldred, ..ho h .. beeo .tad on a holid.y viait. "aha nan~amabele. hwakala ifana JOQlou Cbokoleta SQperinteoden' of loeatlenl for 24 Mi.. Louin Hagw •• of Oermiaton. 'me Ie bona e b(loo;>lo leU on Thund.y for Queen.town on nOflwidl emlonyeni boeetsa hore seno 'e year.. Tribate. to the .ervioe' rend· futl Ipuzeka kahJe end by Mr. Aldred were ,.id by • vi.it to her parentt. ...-de e.e-o ae raff,ane. Mit. Aloe. Gqoogqooyeka, of Johan­ iqini,e amadoda ke banlla ba ballolo, the Loc.tioG ,.ldeote and by tbe babeslfa:r.a1l3 nezill_ baroet •• na ba ne.bnrg, left duri.og the week for Ilounenl Ie b_na. Co6mvaba. Cape. on • holiday vi.it. Mre .•'ilda Sepotckele, of Pim­ rille, Nanoe6eld, Joh.ooeeborg, left Kembl.. ",ullelo ..1<1.1 Dr. Williams 10Upop. "II ...... niH Id ...... for Fraooi&town. Bechu.oaland. on 10 .. Ovallln•. '· lIt".tro_. Ip.. b ..... Ulliel ~U"_ti. SUlld.y I.,t, "'trol~ ._ ..11 1: .... ~hno hnJ ••1 Pink Pills 1··0-.111_. ' T ..... ld_. Hi.. Lind. Oldjohn, of 110.od•• 1...... _, •• /or Wet (;k$$, An~a N.kl. Ie" daring tbe ..eek for Kalelrinl· --O,'''LTINJ:'' IS .... "DK IN itNGLUfO a,. A. ""AHIIK_. "'TII. • UMTKTKLI W& JU.NTU, JUHAS~BdBU8.G, 20!!fD DEl::EMBER, 1934-.

to tbe inluffitncy of loClI. garden;ng h.d /lOt. progrelled with complet. Bloemfontein ..tiataction. About 2{;O tr~tI b.'~ Kimberley News beeo plallwcI in tbe D.R C. glrden Entertainments aud the school,," indehted to )lr. J RB : :AU; in the city for CbriMt· 'lear, Kelopile Tbebe obtaio{'d a fiut. R. Cooper for the treu. rbe health A m.. holiday' include Mr •. P. cl.sl paB!. \'ERl: eojoyable of the cbildren had bfeD good duritl[ Lopood1r'08 Irom Uiteoh8@8 .. i\IH. Mr. Sol. Peba il lea.ing hIt E.at A at the Pre8byterian year. Tbue were 253 bOYI arid !\ojei. ... , from Jobilloeeburg 11,110. London on holiday- ~eturd.'y, bth Dtcember. girl. cn the roll, ./ld lleven lOen iu the dty. Menu S. M Fo~. thoir under the baton 01 Mr. T. 6ve women teachEn en the I tllt (Rind). P. Kraai (Furt Bare), ud ,. • Dlweogu, ...ilted by Wednuday at tbe St. Btru"d'l Clotte (Fo r~ Hare) proceeded to. Cboreb ohoir uoder Mr. Bochabel., tbe Bi.bop pce. M,feking, II did mlny Itudeot' from g.vIIlIltctionl. Solol were prize. to .tbe ICh,?la r~ "ho h.d the variool ('oUtget. Potchefstroom by Mellrl M,humpel., Caodleltick' ~ell at theIr e::a:l mlDatIOn. Tbe Depa.rturu from Kimberley 10.­ and Mill Ph.tlane. Biahop "" highly ple.sed witl:: oluded: MellI. T. Motehomi (of the Tbe Merry Makera under Mi. J. G. the achooll' .cbievement. in Ipih ,t,« o.f the Lyndbunt Ro,d Second· News And Notes Phatlant! gave a very 8ucoeaeful oo n· of Dlan y obetaclee to be overcome. ary School) Ind W. 8. Mcwabeni (?f Ollll ct to a full bOUle on Monday 10th A lucceilifulg.rden party waa given St. Bonilace School) for BloemfontelQ December. Judging from the appl.use by the membere of the CS.D. Cloe and Kroon.tad ; Mr. W. S. T,lno Happy Christmas Treat after eacb item tbe audience were at tbe reliideDce of their prUldent. (Igent for "Umteteli") for Benoni; Hr. pl ealed indeed. Mr. WiIli.ml Setllb., at Bc cbebtla . F. Twem Rone (St. Boniface) for POlt Tuelday, 11th December, tbe o annes b urg Banu t Cb,'ou Gt",'-... The committte con.iihd d MuuI. Eliubeth; M. Z. Makin. and Mr . S. ON J b F . Welf, Alfred M"J.yeoop, Peter­ Nojek",. for the Rand ; aod B. D. Native .chool children In the Thue eagerly a"aited LeboDa IDd Mill Mui.m Chclili. Haggoi IDd Mill B. J . TIOd.kuboQI, Loc.tion had. Chriatml8 treat, wbich (under ?I1n. Mallndi) received a Tbe Revel/er. Synoopatofll gave. of Bt. P IO]', School ,tIff, (nr V•• eo Included. Punch and Judy aho .... PIotronlge in II pite of very locce ..ful ooncert IDd d.nel ill. diltrkt, Cape Toll'o ; Mi.. Conoie Thil "aa given tbrough the Europe.n entertlinmentl the Commonity HIli 00 Mond.y lith &rv,b6u lor Port Eliubeth j and "Child Welf.re Society," over .bioh palt fortnight. concert Decemher. lli_ L. Gorrlh (01 the Lyndhulllt our chief megiltrate'. "He, Mre. eIcellent, the .inging of the The Mb Innn.1 oonlereoce 01 the Secondary Sehool) for Klipdam. M.lan, prelidel. Tbe children .11 girll keeping the IIlembled at tbe Anglican Chulcb bound. Tbe ballett Lother.n Chulch "ill hold il!) Coogratolatioo. to None Sylvia E. in Blotmfootein hem Ihr ::9U,: glOood, "hence they m.rcbtd to tbo Odent.1 piaYI ... ere V. Meiti. of No. 2 Locatioo, for to tbe let J.nuary, 193:;. '1ZcceMfolly pu,iog her filiI. yur in Springbok H.Il, "here eacb child WII pleuing .tyle. The nllninp. given t.o buo ••od a cop of gingu .i!terry &bker. rendered lome Mr . C. Bro... n and hi,lIeuy Maken beer .erved by Eoropeln Iidlu d tbe programme. The Band are luving on tour nnt ... eek. tho to.n. After every child "" conent wal maioly due Their fint date. are in Port Eliubeth, .en-ed, the cbildreo ling Icme com· of Meura M.ikiey., D. and they touch Kn,a.. nut. muoity folk lOng, whillt the Punch Tau, Molatedi, Mlhnmpela and Indaleni Higb School 1Ir. J. Mokae ud childreo have and Judy Ihow"al beiog prepared. Pbltlane. Thanh .....ell are dne been vi.itOIl at Mr•• M. Louw'l. Whln .11 ... " re.dy Ibe great fun Mr. end Mn. Mothibi, of 259 ~:i:,~:,~: 1. Uni,enily Juaior CertiliClile H. Mot-homi and A. Malelane left began, and the children greatly Ro.d, who accommod.ted tbe Course.. luI. Saturday for Bloemfontein ; M. elljoyed it. After t.be aLol" the during their Itay hert. SUi V V Thekilho, for Petr'U .nd A. Mohapi, Mayor, Mayore88, Mr . Mal.n (Chid On Toe!dlY IItb DecemLtt Mr. •. , I, Vll, VllI and IX...... u_ glll"' II ') e In d M n. M'a In, arri"dVe, Mak.othi, Principal Baolu f"N.B.-ThilconneieallOonAo r- for Vent.eridolp; J. L . Seroke for , Buukllaud; aDd J. aa.ebu.e lor al alo F ath er Chfla" t mu. Th e c hI"'d • Scheol prelented hie annoal or a limited nUQIber of boy." Bloemfontein. ren ... ere each ginn a pl cket of to I meeting of parenti, and 2. Teachen' Coane in Domellic Friend. and relativtl of Malter J. Iweet! and m.ny abock b.nda ~ith that many diffioultiee bid Science. Lobelo, of Green Point Location, will Father Chrietmll. Rev. H. R. during tbe year, bnt h.d For tho Natal Education De- be very glad to le.rn of hi. recovery Barrilh, of the D. R. Cburch, io- oome with the a ..iltlnce 01 partment Certificate. in the Joc.1 hO'pital from In attack troduced the 1ft yor (Mr. Hit~e), tbe Owiog to I.ck of fuodl the achool Df fever. Chielltlegiltrate (Mr. M.I.n), Mr. A. not .ble to hold itll .nnu.1 ,,,,nt,., 3. DomellicSciellce&:IDdutri.1 To the examination at the Lynd. J. Weeki (Superintendent of the .lthough the Danetl Flo.ting Cnp..... Training for Girl.. A three hunt Read SeeDndary School, the Location) .nd the EOrOptiD Iidiu .gain compt'hd f(J by the bigber yean' coune for "hich Std. follo ... iog ... ere Inccte.fol :-St.nd.rd p,elent. Mr. Baniab told the cbild_ olll'u (If Ihl!! Icbto!' Football and IV i. reqoired. VU; E. )lob.ogula, J. Snoke, E. rell how grateful they ought to be 10 oat b.1I b.d formed tbe chi.' 'mole- Feea.18 Det annum. Mbengel., J. GMehole, W. Mlloyi. tbe Europeanl, t!pecillJy the m.gil. menll during the year. BOYI .nd Apply for portk:war• .- J. Lobolo, P. Phala. J. G ... ele, J, tr.te and hi. wife, .,..bo ... ere m.ioly JOrll .ere encouuged to joill tbe THE PRlNC("AL, Boro, C. Moyameteli. J. Maditae, A. reeponlible for tbe trut. The 101. Pathfinder .nd W.yfarer movemenh Iada.lelli Bi~h 8cbool, MOEuena, B. Lipbuko, L. Nd.ki, R. lo.iog allO addrulld tbe children; .nd mCllt of the boy•• od g;rlll RICB1l0NI', NATAL Mmndeki, A. MOIOb, A. Matlio, Wm. Landel., S. Mokgothie, B. Job, TheF.ther Mayor Chriltmll., the M.gieuateMr_ J. Mlkau, Ind I~h~'~'i"~.~"~ro~'~" ~d~,~.~m~.~m~h~'~'~'~"~o~'~'~.~ . ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A. Mob'pi, M. Thekitho, H. Mohhll' thanlr.rd the EnJope.ns 00 bebalf of mi, a. G ... ele, R. Thompeon, R. the children aod tncb.". The .bo... 6 ' C Hokobllog and M. KenOli. Standard ., .... w;'h N... , 8,h'.,." Th. VIII (Junior ): A. IlIItelane, M. European8 pleeent were delighted University Junior Cerli cateL ourse. Jemue, E. Wellel., T. Maile, S. with the linging of the Nltive child- African girls may again take:.the 1I01tat. A. Tilo, P. Biokanyo, L. Tyotn, J. Lgc.. , C. Kgadiele, P. re~i.s c. Shiwe, "ho WII getting University J.e. at Inanda Seminary. Niewerahgi., D. Janll.ry, J. Mothupi. married tbia week, g.ve ber lellow. Thi,.iII be a t ... o yun' coone, St • .,d.rda VIIl .nd IX. In 11I3 S oD ly tbe 6n1t D. Babana, I Loow. J . P.l.eni, Wm. te.cherl an at-bome on Thoud.y of year. Standatd VIll,.iII be giveD. Malr.nbalo, B. Jem.ne, S. Grad.el. I•• t weelr.. A be.otiful vue fl (\ wtr A number of girl, ha"e '\lcc~lI.. full,. co mpleted thia CQU,," at la,"da Setllinuy ia Sond.y, 2nd December, .... a red­ .tand wal prellnted to ber by Mill the p.. t and hl ~"t1 eDtel"t'd FQr~ Hare, Teache ..' TrI)D'Dg CDUnH Dr tbe NunN' letter in No. II Location for tbe R. MOli.!lidi on beb.1f (f tbe lhoff, Tr.iDiag CGUfM. membeu of the Afric.n Chriltian The priocipal nid killd word., .lter Aay girl .bo h •• pl_d Staod ..d VII IDd .ho de,iret tG eoter tile t'aivtnlity J.e. Unioo Charoh of Sootb Afrin. It "hich refrl8bmenlll were etJ ve d . A Coune i., 1936 thould apply 10 :- wu the ooo ... ion of the opening of very hiPPY afternoon wee lpent Ind The Principal, Inlnda SeminarYI Phoenix, :iatal. the DoLch Reform Choroh. Tbe Mill C. Shiwe th.oked tbe Itlfl lor eervice .... 11 opened by Bithop Muhilo tbe beautifol gift. of the Ethiopi.n Churoh in Zion, and A Cbriltma' clbaret d'nce will he the general .enioe " •• oonducled by given 00 Wednelday, 26~b December, the H.ev. \ral. of Bloemfooteio. Mn. by PoLchefatroom M'OIICI. Viola repreaented tbe WOmtlll' Uoion Nurae Lizzie do. Plnli. of St. of the Alric'lI Nation.1 Church. The Mary'. Helpital, . KlI'a M.g"lu, POLELA INSTITUTION ce .. emony of " ,o"nillg" .11 an im­ Zolo.land, haa arrIved to .pend hrl prea.ive olle. '£be .enlce endtd .ith holid.y ... itb her pareot •. The School for African Girl. and Boye in Upper Natal. .. he lingillg 01 a hymn. Doriog the Mr. J. Fobaoe, 01 R'DdfoDtein, COURSES : meeting of tbe Womelll' Union tbe paid a viait to hi. rel.tiHl'. llermon w.. preacbed by Rev. Mn. Mil. J. Tenu, of Joh.llnubur1, M.11i. h.. been the gout of Mll. R. Rev. K. D. P. M.. iko, of the Holy Derhy.bire. ero.. Chorch , left la.t ... eelr. for Mr . W. Carolol, Pritcip.1 of tbe UNIVERSITY J.e. N.tal, for hi, Chrl.tmal holld.y •. Coloured Scbool, StaOdtrlon, .nivfd On 11th December a b.hy boy wal I"t Saturday to Ipt'lld hil holidlY IN THE HIGH SCHOOL. born to Mr. alld Mu. D. Mzil~ti of .ith hie I.mily and plltoh. Kimber:e,. Mnther and child Ire Mr. M. Smitb, "ho il ~n tbe ltaff Standards V and VI progrollinl ..ell. of Fieter.burg College, bee .rrivrd to IN THE INTERMEDIATE SCHOOL. On 12th December a dlnce in the .tay "ith hi. relltivn, MI. ud Mre . ConltaO.e aall .... gh'en by Simoll T . Tombell•. Mohamed. M,. alld Mrl. Hllry S. Mr. J. Legodi hit left for Kimhu­ FEES: £6 0 0 PER ANNUM. Mogak"e 'Kon firlt prite in an in­ ley on a visit to hi. relatin.. He tereatinl! oompetition. ...HI be the gout d lin. Joe ~ol. Apply to:- Th~ " Pillquet" left for Port Le10di. EliubethtoD l 3tb December. They The P.N.A. School beld ite clOliDg The Principal, al'f' on their Inuu.1 tour, Jiving con­ ('oocert on 12th DeCfmler. The C't · ~ and dlnl'tl•• Principal Ind hie .telf Ife to bt con· Polela Institution, Amongl' the Pertel'uallce .ludent. glltulate-d en tbe n:ctlleot I'ro­ ill Ookrtlf~d Primary Lo.er 2nd gnmme. Bulwer, Natal. UIITl!:TELI W.l BANtU, IOB.lNNBBBUBG, 2:!NI) DEOEMBER, 198" 7 t WHAT OUR READERS THINK

theee doge bl) Dot uled, II thoy are MINE IATIVE CLERKS' mOltly ulele... The witoh·doeton A8S0CIATIOI Can The African Strike are fll better than thele dog •• and I The Editor, "Umteteli." think that inlteld of tbe dogl the B. 1. 1.JHLAMINI, P. O. Box GOVerDJJl,ent .hould employ the witoh~ MR. 326, Benoni, "'ritH: Bir,­ Out For Himself? dooton to do the work. Readen of "Umtetell" who happen Wby Ihould we believe dog. hetter to be employed ae clerke are earoutly than men 1 ~ alked oot only to be lntereeteu in thie • matter but Ilao to give it their keenest Or Must He Solicit European Help? Melin C. Xabanisa and R. H. attention and Immediate lotion. Godlo of Elat London and M We have a faint remembrance of the The Editor," UmteteH." for tbe purpole of organielDg hi, Zlbonda of Port Elizabetb, paned niltence of a body called "The Native MR. S. MISHEMLA write.: Sir,- people on tribal Unea. Tbe rigbt througll Jobannoaburg on tbeir way Mioe Olerkl' Allcciation j" Ind if it is I ho~ that "Enquirer" would Itep to.arda Native development $I to tbe Conference of the Looatlon ia atl.1I in funotioning who cln furnl.h lead UI out. of our cOllfueioD if we in tbe Tranakei, il in foUowicg the Advlloty Boardl hsld in Pretoria ue WIth an autheotic hiltory of it. work Ibould gh'e him a obance, Ind to advioe of the expert. or tbe CWef during the week. Ocmtinued in page 8 uphold this point of view tbree or Native Oom~I~loner and tbe magie· four witnel'1I611 sbould suf\lu. A well· tn~el wbo lilt ID conlleil, and Dot to dsc~d~ the Iuuel by the vote of tbe knOlli'D Afriun remarked recently: "ThOle wbo think that Nativee can maJonty. Tbe Native people are not. yet eduoated op to democratio evolve their own nationaJit.y and their own '. ivililation under the coo· government; they believe io tribal goveroment. The majority rule ie INANDA SEMINARY trol of Europeant are leading tbie couotry .,.t:IY. So long al white more foreign to Native CUltom thIn I government by experts. In itl firet A LARGE SCHOOL FOR AFRICAN GIRLS Soutb Afrita thinb that it forml a meeting, the Government Native separlte nation from tbat of the Cooference wbich 11'11 appointed under Bantu people there oao be DO lOiutioo Act No. 23 of 1920, invited Fees £8·0·0 per annum. Courses as follow:·· of our inkr-raoill problems-the upllfh; but tribal jealousiel,.,;\,.dl .. NATAL It J.C. lolutioos !oggelted beoome probleml the game. UNIVERSITY J.C. INDUSTRIAL themselves ill tbe end." ,!,he teaching of bookl on ."~~:~,~~:: II Standard IX (J .C.) Firlt Year Standard VIII Fint Year It 88eme ablolutely impoa8ible thet Etlquette" aDd mixed locial INTERMEDIATE FIRST YEAR Second Yeu .. purely Afri~.n olvilisation can be taiDmen" with ooloured people Standard VI HIGH SCHOOL Third Year evolved in II sbort time; but the Indians ehould enable tbe Native auimilation 01 European civilisatioD adopt and usimilate ;.~~'~i~~!!:~ Standard VII by the Bant!l psople ill thia fourth European civililation. A geoeratioo 01 educated Africaos i8 about to reach tbe climaX', 8e Dr. againltBealdtown the peopleNative 1 I ::T:R:B:P:""':OIT::AL:':':":':,,":':8:':""'::':':Y:' :P:R:':':N:"':' :N:':T:. we ahould bold on to tbi~ : that. in the eod whatever meanl ---- we take to avoid it, the African POLICE DOGS FOR WITCH people will take over the oiviliaatioD DOCTORS? Tc All l\ahve J),lin, Emplvym. of the West: you and I and every The Editor, "Umteteli." Enropean in Africa, c.onsciousl~ or "TH~ COM~LAINANT II writee; unconscionsly, are takmg pert In a Slt,-I wlah that all the Africlnl prodigious social experiment-tbe (and othere beaidee Africanl) who A MERRY Christmas ami a replacement of African tribal culture Ihave Been how the ao·calied Police Safe and Happy Nell' Year by the ci\"i1isation wbich we atill ('.1.11 dogl ",,:orlo. in trlcing onlprita who western and EoropeaD, but. wblcb break IOto storel, etc., would think to all Natit'e .JIiile Employees is rapidly beoomiog for .11 ita im- well o\"er thie matter. and their families. perfection, t.be civilisation of the Our auperiofl eame from world." to civiliae and Chriatiaoiee 01. We accept tbe verdict of tbele told ue to do away witb all learned gentlemeo on account of ·the aod told UI not to believe uying: "The epectat mmittee at Oraaff Reinet (Iaet in spite of our being edncated to meet at Klerksdorp, on Suoday, Juo. c)ofereoul, hili haeo doiog we .re ('ut out from the 30th December. This i, a Native good .. ork. category of "Civilised Labour." Mi"ioo, a! di,tioct from thoee of the A Ornd Senion 01 the Indepen­ Let the Mine Clera' Allot'i.- Eoropeanl. The prelent officen dent. Order of True Templara ...e tion be formed ..ad thereafter re- Inpervieiog the work in Africa .re held here ( 13 ~ h - 16th December). f u ""lin' rh ovo: hl'C", qoest the Cblmber of Mioe. to Rev. Simon B.Sibenya. of Kimberley, recogniae it .nd give it.a defioile place General E-uogelic.t SuperYi.or, aod • )"'1 mu tn n l s the t tin~ fa Indu~tri.l Ipberel like .ny otber Rev. J. A. Daniell, of KlelK,dofp, 1 b' JC w .. tcr. II f _ afy WOlken' OoiOD . There .te udou. General Secret.ryand Adminletrati.,.e Sugar Magic Native Worken Unionl in exilWioee Offi~er. DJleg.tel Will come from .. \ to get lhe rc bre. (By JOBUi'IfE'J KOOIUlfG i\1£DUP&) .och .! L"uodry Workerl, Religioul f.r afield .~ Izingolweoi (Natal), HiuilWln, Teacllers, etc., .11 of .. hieh LUlikiliki (Pondolaod), and Cape HERE i. u iotere.tiog experiment Ju,t h~' .Il<:;r for your ;r;.t aehiend grea~ thing. through the Town. It il lore to be ao iohreltinR" for your reader. to "y: - (II' e: InJ 'l"ou'~'c a lite: like: medium of their relpeetlve Uniool. cooference. The deliber.tiOOI "ill H'lYe ,00 eyer tried to born .ogar! Wu,lh'lold thell be diftiouit, "ith be held In t.be Lxat.iOD H.II. H not make the at.tempt by applyiog ~wl miue olerkl to form. Union uol.1 The lonl Sopedateodent of Lou· a lighted match to a lump of .ugar. - "" ..ere ooderr.'iog our intel1ige.aoe ' tiool, Hr J. C. Aldred, il retiring at The nlg&!' wmmett, bu~ .. ill 001. boro. Out of the blue COrtin AID'log other thingl to light for the end of thie year after h.vinl Tr, thi ••eYeral time., Yoo .. i11 the whitest wosh would be (1) • Ie.le of 1.I.ry to cope beeo Superinteodent for 23 yea,.. h ...·• the ..m. r •• olt eaoh time, ..ith tbe civili.ed N.tive Itaudard of A" farewell , ...., arraoged in hil Theo take aootber lump .od plec. liv1og, (2) the oniform.ity of •• Iarie" honoor 00 tbe eveoiog of 14th Dec­ a little cigar.t.te a.h on it, and apply I.e.,. delioilie cl ..,ilication of ole rb e£tl.ber, .. benthere .... mu.ic,.peechee, a IigMed match. The .ugar wHl KITTS aceordio.g to effieieaey and Of edoca- and preltlotatiool. Th. g.theriog immediately boro. tiona! a".iomenta, (3) There .hoold / .... ond.er the patrooar of the Tha expluatioo i. that aoy .alt of be a h.lI-mark in the form of.o &hyor, N.tive Commi"iooer and plt.u1olll ( aad tbi. i. cootaioed in BLUE enaialtioo after which .ooc.,..fol ot her Europeanl. aeh) oao ... IOg.r to burn. I" : 1-1


LOWEST PRICES IN TOWN • Read This! Read This! Proof Of Umteteli's Nation Wide Appeal To Africans 561 Entries Received In Recent Essay Competition

HAT thlt clrclllatioD of Umtetell wa Bantu i, at least double tbat of anJ Olber South African NaUn n,,,spaper i, proved conclu.in1y by tL~ T anooilhing naponle to the pUblication of tbe term. of .ur recent ElBay Competition wbicb "'M Opflll to all African writeu. We claim wiah jOltilla.tioD tb.t the ready reepollle to the condition. of eott1 from .11 the important to"OI and the far flo08 di,trich of tbe Union, entitle. Umt.eteli to olaim the leading poahioD among the new'rapen of tho Aftieall Continent. The following impo.lng list 01 ProvinceI, district. and towns, from whicb eotriel ..ere reoeived, bean Dot the oootootioo and tell ... ,isoi6clllt at.ory: NATAL CAPE PROVINCE Natal.ubmittedeotliu from Ad,ml The Cape Province lubmitted Minioo Station, Ma,iaonhill, UIIlt.i· eI,ay. from Grabameto.n, Taomo. mkolo, Durban, Reunion, Bul'll'et, Mahtiele, Langa, T,olo, Kiogwilliame· Riobmond, Higbfi.tl, Phoeni:l", New· town, Fort Beaufort, Polr.wani Rail, ca.tls, Lldysmith, Edendlle R.&il, Tiger Kloof, Alice, Ealt. London, Maritr.burg, Ndwedw8, Mount Eliu Herlobel, Lovedlle, Umtltl, Port Dalton, }'ort Loui. via Dundet, Eli:tabetb, Clarke bury, Korden, Uapomulo. Mthunr.ioi and Kambula. Nortb End, Ea.t SInk Location (Ealt London). Cathcart, Middledrift, 81.. ORANGE FREE STATE .ENTRIIS Mark. Imvani, Mount Frere, Nqaml. Tbe Orange Free State sobmitted kwe, Mount Fletober, Peddie, Engcobo, ellaya from Thaba Nobn. BlrrillDlitb, Flagltall, Qombu, Qaeen.t.own, .$.1i'll'11 Pa'YI, Kroonatld. Bloemfonteio, Nodh, St. Mltthew., Somene' East, Ladybrand, RUltig, StDea-a l, Betb.I, Libode, Kobtad. Willow vale, Kimber­ Vredefort, Modderpoort aDd Rederl­ ley New Brighton, Butterworth, burg. Tlbankolu, Mlitllnd, Uitenhsge, BECBOANALAND Mqlndnli. Strydenburg, Tlunga, Ena,a were.eot io from tbe follo..-· Pllmer'nn. iog pllcel in tbe Beoho.oalao4 TRANSVAAL Prottctorate: Serowe, TlfI.ebe. Rallla­ qoabane and Kanye. The Tran8v.. 1 leot in eluy, from Vereeoiglog, Van Ryn, IU the Native BASOTOLAND Town.hill' and .oborba of Joblnnel· EnlY. were IIOt in from tbe burg Hebron, Benoni, Rlmokgop", tbe following pllcel in Bllutollnd Potchefetroom, Nigel, SpriOgl, Wit· Morlja, Leribe, Butha Buthe, banlt, Pretoria. B~1t8borg, Minoalr, PhamoDg, Qu~hiDg, Mohaleehotk, Pieter.burg, Potgleteflrult, Nortb TbabaDa Moreol and Mherll. Raod, Bochem, Germi.ton, Warm­ SWAZILAND bath!!, Pokwloi, Brakpao, Rlndfoo· Sevenl e.. aYI ..-ero rectived from teio , Naocefield and Wlkkeratroom. Mbabanl io Swar.illod. OMTBTELJ WA BANTO. IOIUNNUBOBO, 1:2.)( 1) DEOK,MBBR, lea,. • .. itho ut baet. aO II .. itbou' relt, Ihe e .... 11 bored. 'fhly have fou nd . om. re.d'M by nooo the ed ~e of • etream. bappy vi" "",JII! by whl/· " t hlll " Lo. bAre I• ••t e" wb.t me 'If". pe IrOOI 8/· hopeobauer'l dHI.mm • . RELIGION AND SOCIAL h om del"eodlna a nd who In. l. ted th. t ma n b.d ooly t he thlret '" fl be delC eod. vein (' holoe bat "e.n tb. lollerlog; of d.ell ioto tb. (' ooliOK unl. U. Bl' d dll.lre . nd the leoguor of after utern.1 .nd loteroel SERVICE meot, Ibe •• Ib with d1lai'y W.II, .100. the d. U, lile of. cow Ih.d. of a .p.... diol trM, ueetly tb • • xI.teoCf> held op to ot down c.lmly In tb ••bado., Ideal- phy.lo.1 comfort .. Itb DO CO'DoeTID I' BIY. RAY •• PBILLIPS and then .be begiOI to che .. tho ",., .od 00 worri •• , who .ooldo' t Her uppe r jaw remalot • oow f VerI few hllmeo wiog. I I wblle the lower re.,.olve.lo • kind be ..1I11D, to cb.ole ioto co .... lollmo "ptore : there II 00 her wblcb mnlt mean only oDe tblDI' 1ad d featuru DO p.le oaet of tboll,ht; Life. wltb I ear". per· HAPPINESS • f o. ver ... Doe ..Ithout thJokiag of plultle., tbe otber. The eye. of. cow are 10 10tere,Uoa beautiful that Homer ge.,.e them to heD c. more BY WILLIAM LYON PHELPS the Queen of HeaveD, beoaule be lotereltlnl it tbe bappler oould Dot tblok. of aay otber eye. to I. tbe perIOD L.mploD Profellor of Eoallih th. mCltt intl!!re.tiog Llter.ture, Y.le Ooinuity I.rgl, 10 luttroul, 10 IJqold, alld untroubled. Cow ••re Dever IV torbed by Introepootioo or by C:onrl l1 tY" There .re no agoo.tio co ... : II i, allO oheo ..id tbat.1 we order to foroieh the mlod, to b•• ble FundameotaU.t or Moderllilt AKUKONTO •IOQtTA YONA grow older , we IDle our .nthu.ie.ml. to Ii"'e inlide a miod with .ttractl .... COWl do not worry .hoot the UKUBA NENKATAZO Tbi~ need Dot b. true ; It I. Dever .od intere.tlDg piotor.1 00 the ••UI! ta. or tbe league of oatlone; a true witb figM·minded Indi.,.lduII •. It ie better to be .0 lotertlltlo, ueyekllll° doe. DOt lie ••• ke .t nlaM kweyo ku­ There i. a fallacy lurkiol io .uch 0 per.oo,lity tb.n to be .0 .md.nll log; if ber IOn I. going to the kuD~ko­ .tehmeo'. Thl!! fallacy i. thit ; we machlnl!!. Maoy go to dutructloo by tom. dlltaot olty. eo"l b.ve coofoood thtl lOll of the obJI!!,·t tbet the .koholio route becu.e tbey 0.0- .ha IOloko of tbe thooghh that in8ict I .kaeene .rou.ed oW' "nthu'IMm wit.h the loll not eodure themeelnl . tbe mODlent bumaolty dlltre.. lod of eotbosiaalO, • "ery dillerent t.hiog. tbey .re left .Iooe with tbeir empty loto elon~il.yo h.o" TbinR'l th., neit. child reo of teo mindl, they Mflk for Itimol.ot, for Zingomrhu. fail to aronae mature meo eod womeo ,0lDl!!thiog to meke them for,et the zingeo. z1qhamo tbelr"h'::i.'~"~"'~~':'~'~d~~f~~;i~ lereoe f.cee '~'~·~'~' IlOi~~~; appre- zooke itemiai -which i,oot. .ailO tb., m.turlt.yh e. w.ate placN. OUlen ro.h 08 to the heolloo or olarm ~ they .re lo.t leo.it.iTenell to ucitemeot. . it motioo'picturn. roo aDywb.re, al· ....y han :o.t ioltlfel' io obildiah w.y. Il!!ekiog lomethiog to m.ke tbioge. Wheo I w••• child, the tbem forpt them.elvn. happie.t d.y io tb. ye.r w.. the Bigber edoc.tioo, the cUlti .... t.iOD Fourth of July. It .... DOt iJlutory of tbe miod, ie more import.ot. for III U. NflHAHC; ..... IU"'H~ ... h.ppioe.. . It ..... r.l : It w••• otheo· women tbao for mea; becauM women U AM ""'UA... '" U I"'" C;0l( "'U. I f K'" ~" 01 H.lVN" NU ~ tic blill. It, ClO .. I 00 t.be Fourth at. more oUen Il!!ft .Ion.. A I.rg. ,... ~(M «( ... lU40.. " 1(( to",.. my of Joly mothl!!r .Uowed me to part of m.eooline activity it merely 'flUI'IA ' f'lG IJA,.." 10 HO" ri.e .t midDlght, go out. Oil the .trut phy,ieal ; meo rUIl .roood like dog• . aod yell t.iIl daybruk. Think of it. But a wom.n, enD in thell!! emaoci· I. who oen.lIy we. forced to retire p.ted day" II forced to be .lool!! at eight, wa. out 00 a city Itrut .t more tbln m'll. Now t.~e tb .. io· tbtu io the moroin,. ehriekiog nd efaoce of • girl who b.t beeo brought yelling ' It .... dl!!hrioue joy. No .. up b.ppily in • I.'~ flmily, witb loppoee yoo .hoold tell me that pleoty of ol!!ighboull .nd frleod., tomorrow) m.y ri.e .t midnight IOd who.e brigbt d.y. pan io b.ppy yell till d.ybrr.k. I dechoe . Don .ctivitiu aad lecre.tion. . Ihe II th.t mean I blve 101" my h.ppille .. m.rried to. loborbanite. The YOllol or mv eotholi ••m ! No; it meaD. wife, rudrly tran.pl.nttd hcm • th.t i don't care to rile.t midoi~ht . cheufol bome. I. placed in .n empty During the d~time of the @Iorioul boUMI. io a town wbere .he koowl 00 l 'oorth, 1 'urd to Ihoot off fire· OOI!!, .nd i •• Ione .11 d.y. God belp crad.eu hour aUu hoor. with un· her if .he bat no mental iohrelh. ao dimioilhed teal. Every DOW &ad idea., 110 intereetillg tboullhtt ! tbeo. I ..ould lee ...ry old mau, I h .... e no dnae to uodereeti •• te about thirty.two, coml!! .IODg. and I the ..ortb of pbytical comfort, or the wonld offer him .0 opportooity to (' barm of yoath : but. if bappiar .. Ba Reile Nguana Lema Ya "REBECCA FELUNA .'. eh.r. my deligh~. He elw.y. dtclined. truly cOllli,ted io phy.ical el" .nd a...Lo. IH... I. 10. I. ,otiaicee•• "Poor fell ~ w ... I reflectled . "Lif. i. freedc;m from care, tbeo Ihe b.ppie.t ..... ' ••• It.. iu. pn ...... - .. ka fj·~~·~~ ont for him. He bal loet bil bappi­ iDdivido.11I'0uld oot be eitber e m.o .dh...... H"J r. i I) • I· lr (,,,Ida n ~ Jitolf'(";' N r ~di DU.... It De"er occurred to me tb,t or ...om.o. Itlwould be, 1 thJok. r ,' .. rl...... It .~ h.. t... ne h..a ~I\c bJ. tlho· ·. '';1 people o ... er thirty h.d Iny fon. I .0 Americao cow. Amerlc.n co ... ~c, "~¥'" _~ , ~ luppoud tbl!!Y bed to go througb tbe .od Ameriun doge .re I.dlu eod J:"n: )l:.I hJ nb h.J dh"b ba ho ,..w.,,,,.. ~ .. ~ .... , "ltuolnJ. HI FelunJ P,]h (,~ '1o~~I~""~ ... ,./VT· routioe of life. but b.d 00 plulure geotlrmeo of lei,are; io Eorope they • ",'. 11'. $ ,,~, ~ ~ Itn:'l.1. II",' ~u bulddJ ~1)rc kc k ... ''"~ IIi" II ..". "" .~, .. Io... dolli. i. DCW etimul.ted by .ome· tbe whole day. Thi. it • diltinct ~~ "" j. , .., . ~ "'~,... f" : Nt~ ntlh" t o! Jit"nnc Fdunl e In ti. '''. to. ,.. ..1 j.,.J . f,:IMI.. tbing elR. • dveotlge ont bomanity. It t.kn h"l..hdo H' huntlc rno y;o boo t.., -tc . J..I~. lf tbe h.ppifllt penoD i. the peuoo the .verlgl!! womaD (and it oo,ht to) mrn.lJ.:"c hJ ...,\-..InJ ~. ""- u .. who tbioke tbe mo.t intertlting .boot threl!!.quartert of .n bour every K O.lndc ).:.l pd.ldo dl Felun ... .•~." /.. 1'1, koI ~, thougbt., we ue bound to grow lingle d.y to .rraDge ber appuraoce. P,II. h O1ol('m<) 0 1..00 pd c thaI,) •• ·I_~" ~ ~ Wheo Harriet MertiouQ W.I. child . happier a. we .d.... n('tl io ye.rI, m" nttkmon..: codhc C'~ b;.uJi. • (; ,10.,.. "" ..... '1 ) T bee.o.. our miodl bl". more .nd abe .....ppalled' by the prolptet 01 K r 1. .1 )o:0nn(- J.,.. more inteJ:eeting thoughte. A weU· h .... ing to bro.h her helh 89Uy d.y 1I."'t ,,. r._ " rnJ#".a II ~ .. I . III 'I.lm(-.I moten); )-~ _. R~;""· ~ I'd. • ~_ G".' ~ ordered Life illik. climbiD~. towu of her IIfl!!. Sh.lived to be nioety. 1. 1>1 1cp.J fTU dl_ I ..., .... 01, .." ... I .... "," .,.... ·~w. the .iew h.1f way up ie btUer thlD The cow dou not bavi to blofh her [ ) i t1hJ.\();l Lela Ie Ie c" ';'~J"~"I: .... ·l~ ~ the v.e-l hom tbe bile, .nd it tuth ; tbe cow doft oot oud to hob .1I.!ng 01),0. .t4l.dily be ~ omu fiou.1 tbe boriroD her hair ; the co .. dou Dot bne to i. 1>. hukJn\J dKhu.lndo ISJ espIDd •. .elret .ppropli.te nd u:prOli ... e hos:h!. Hereio liee tbe re.1 .,..Iue of edu­ Il"meote; or carry. ccmplct ooe I), dhJk~/l l -.c '):u gullh.: ).:ulo gtIlc ),,".. mgtoo:" ~ bon14 "wlelnu .». m.ldhulto ",etiOD. Adnoced .doc.tioo m.yor fli ok, and .he i. fudy. Aod wben J. Mud!. Kc k.l mOk)!!>'l J u rOnlclc kOl go 1' 0 . thi., Ind .tceDd, if it be '0, wbethtr • oerteio .In.e forctd to Iud a lonely R,,~ 7\1. Cape Town. Rdu peJldvrohHe it i. worth He trouhle life, bee.ole we have all the d.y. of ~ •• n~ lut.! 1"\oC }Jk.J '«huJnd "lo oor u:i.teo :e to live with oonel.,.u. to ...Ik tbfle u:d hk. it. Such 10 ~ HowelleDtial it i. tbro, to l eqoire idn II that will ("(coJY H e micd of aome intelle ~ tu.1 or .rti.tlc tlltn, io • cow fc:r tbree hoorl. Aftn !!Iui,,!!

------.------,. OIllTBTBLl WA BANTU • .I0BARNE8BORO, :!:h;n DECEMBER, 11'"

Naye wahbo ogomt-yabulo omble Chief Ow.; Dum.li,ilo. M. Mp~na:,,"i. L\OlU Mnl,IICa, Mbag., Mene. IAba1fu, MJillt'u, r\jIlJU, Mahu- Ezakwa Gatyana weuteto. Kwio\eto yalll(l ocapazele Kuqutyw. .ati ngokublwa. okuba ul6mtulu un-lebeOZ! omawe· I1,.ay.l. zimbioi. J Ciko B p.e. 1.la, Mno~" Conjw&, adlos,lib.. li odwe wokuehumayeu aha hedeni, Higher Million Choir (G. R Tupaoa) II Mou, DO Nkolk.\. J. Spano, bot.­ kuba ama·Krietu akoyo ugam",humi De Nqabara Metbodi.t Higber Minion bioi b.ke bBDU ioLeto .tillloandi. (NGU S. P. NO l'V LU.) amabioi ekulwilli. Selr.omao. kg· (8. G. Maya). Siy.balur•• ha bantu Kut.e aU kuuku".t.,. ,.bayeoze yaoempumell"lo Ikon ••ti "w •• .­ NGE 1 December belw Yolwa i hboloza i cboir yaH Cillo BP.C., arnagaq. eot.to ku Banuml. ll&:IUbl, MiNioo y,caw, eotlba egamaliyi paou.1 Itweotooga yo Mou. G. R. R. H.im.-og. J. Ceza. T. 11. DlululI, 'llimang, Maj .., Mbit. 0'3 uoobhala we Bbuoga kwui.ltbill, M~dDi. FOllr Squarfl GOIpcJ em,fuodiei iogu Tupaoa, e&itubeoi ur.itbethi. Kula­ ,ibl.lo (oogu Mbb.-li ). odele umfundiel lowo ngotwake ogo· L.wft"oce Moqeta, L?ui. lIoqeta, 1110.. J, F. Ziflgler o .. el. fI Amorica. Zitikali,ile elili,.,. iok-Iombi, cutlho Ucango lu 'Vulwe ogo Mantyi we .itbili, ko. Eeihlalwfloi logu Chief Siehop Mtyobeoi, WillOo Mabunla, Juliu. u Mou. C. R. Nortoo weou ioteto Maoxiwa umdieipile omkulu womfu· Ubita, 8. P. llidikaoe, Sipuka, kUlibekele ogati i,ibak .. b • .Ir.. lioama­ efuodieayo kakulu. hitbflthi e.ila· odiei 10'11'0, ehleli oet.b,wfI, Par.· Milton Papu, MrAIliKer. B. C. Mba!!: •. fu kanti :tiokumbi. Allti OkDb. mouot Chief ZWfllidomile Sigoawu 00 J. Dwati, 8. B. Mya'au. ~lo~qelana . udelayo ibe ngu mfuodi.i wama • Himel. iow eyakuba yiot;oioa. liethodilt. e Doty ..a, u Mlo.llit




EA TEE, JOALEKA Qdlab: fl. •• wr;,' f' unaea HAPE KE TLA Ie lea-rot);'.. 1'I>elil a :..og, emra '>ali a tma: HO KHATHOLLA MOENAKil KE TLA



CHIPILE ! • :>e u. . . , r '

• Tee e honolo ho e elsa. U Ishoanelse ho e ikelsel,a oena ka sebele sa bao, ntlong ea bao. • U ka ikelselsa eona joaleka ba e elboa di oteleng. E bilsa han)ane. • E reke ka mehla di pakeleng Isa hoima ba .} lh. kapa be kholoarllane. Ke Isela e dripiteng. Bala ka hlokomelo di laelo Isa ka moo lee e elsoang ka teng. Enoa lee ka meWa ha u nyoriloe, u khalbetse kapa • U Ulloa serame. • • \ t' • I I

e molemo ho oena



U Mou Horace we E';g I Isikumbuzo Sokukululwa Four uzakuzimaoya Nko9Z . Lovedalia Mama wase Ezase Mlala I ku January. Kwa~a Koboka Omdlalo we Qakamba - wokogqibela (Nc.u K wA..1l u) • (NGU MBIlALELI WAKW A. KOMANI.) n.e Komani, k. 'N AK UYO iclolopo. Ie ka Ngubeo.co.ka kokuba f we, 8 kole kubeko im­ isikbo.mbuzo aoko.khululwa kW8m8 "kwi nko o:ell 1 Kap8, ~ ez~klleyo ieenziw:a ngu ko. bok . a n!:o bl1834 aeoziwl.C Emva kwe U Nk"k'os. G"F.. Ndolldo MZlmba ekayeni 'aka aku­ ~D! D I Dbgam ~Cw. h'CWe. nge 2 kilo ngentBebenzo ubenent9ukll J.• Mtyobo II Nuree S. Mbata ob"mka 1gem a, k WI rouo 00greg8tioaal apa egodukela T ImbutO-le iqale kwiBituba sik&. 0. • Yemorial Churcb e Joubert Street i waltla A e soma. U Mlu. 11, Makalima second inninga 61 kuhhra kw~da ~~ee zinzo.lwin i·'Z ::~: eawa yabe Bala, kuhlangene yase ;W1 circuit nodimb~" Cr"d~~~' ~~?el~e J. O'Connor 15) ~ .kotYI1Va IZlmuncumunc'l k" De yaba mhlope, abebal8 nabantauodlJ ny, wab . M ,.nu. k' . nwatylwe. 0 · b'I' .. M ' nya a 00 I eau al8 ump.ag. Ma rw80qa uta.te 6 wickets for um hi a II pam I I Iyl ayor ye dolopu wokllswel k k d' d k Yabe iyatyiwa i Komani u Mnu. N. M. Mallett. Emva koknb~ Mildr,d N' .,.. 0 a 6 wa e, u ~kos~. Kwabab~ko eiogabalula aba t.-umz· . b k I . . OZ CI Nkwanca SiVUY· rUDe., IC aze a go nze eyo mJ0!l~o yale saoa no Mou. 00 Nkosk A If "P h ,- I. D:.Mklzeo , B. Rani, W. HaILohl' ntlangano, ncele u MfuodlBI C K Septemb, k I' . . 0 0 • ." r ngo 11 Izwa og09llona. UKOQBWETA E.MQALENI E. :1IJ~!Ja, J. Xakekile, Njomane 18T, H o d gel u k u b a. apole amazWI otB'bo nkwenkwe N Nk k , W CHAMBERL'I'''S ,,_ h xNt·lntlh. Nurses A, N"aod.I. ' E: . ,., . ~ \.A)ug Remedy a a E N b 'J • 3kwamila ngca. U Mlu. J. R. van walle BllrgberB~ OB. ' . Ikuheta entl"ko okokuqhwstha K'· lNo ?0,80, E. MlotY1Vll>. 00 Stavel wehlelo labe Bala naye utetile oyinkwenkw. _ a'IP uPl•• ' II . .' , .. seapask aya. I kU9010ko kukho uy. yiva U mOlnl kaya, u Moo. E. k wa.ye e bl e uogu~e e e mgoma eZlOulwe yo Nk08k~ M "k . . ';:j::~: • k I I~::~~·.~t:e~.. . weoze a.mazwi amnandl a a c d" h' C • Le ani aYlvnuli Y ."'amn.an I Yl. C ?Ir. ye . aw!'" .yake, nangoku ulele e hospital. yo, u uw iea namandla Ilks nk08ikazi ukubulela ....go,·- locedi8wa ZI VIolin eZlmbllll. U elide u Nkosk Sk I M 'b" kws oko, Akukho kllq.. nama oene k'&zl ogokuze ktaimaB T S-ga 'k' . 0 0 waBe aCI lnl ...Nk 08Z. M . . " Daye UOI we IOU- elele ngendlehenye, ucle watunyeht e Uku- ngobohusuku. a ::ceba n.genteto, kwan.ange ng0!Da kwi Komani holation Hoe ital k b be. • eculwe hqela lake, wetlo HalleluJa.h eyokoogiwa p u u a izikolo ziva/iwe 9i,..uyinva Chorns, wablaaomHsa umzimba. Kwe· . abo. Nnmz. A. NtBhoua, .f. Dziwe i collection, yaze 10 mali yato. Ingoma F' ~ngqo, B. Ngozi, De. Ma- nyelwa kwi Frontier Hospital ojengo . tahona, A. Mxotwa. C. zonke i ::l ~edo. no C. Mbekeni bebuytl Abantu Baye babuya kulwamkelo luka Ikali, Peters konye DO ' .. -- Gqira ROileberry T. Bokwe ebeluaGER DI'm." ep.olli e,.l k~.ogok\l okuluo'~llel. lomo:radal. Co. ;qubel. J»mbili ogezeoto. _Lemb. okokuba ~mpumelelo I'"U- Imbuto ezeut.el ..e u Cqir. R. T. £7 : 17 : 6 b. oppelolu kopehloyo ~y.t •. NJ!iu Botwe e Qonce oue Hooti zibaoge 11.00_ B_ B. Cooa, umbool,1 .. emp. a I okueoodelelan. k ..emibnto Y. B.ntu Qo.dw.. bku.hle ufuQ!.ane 0 SiNGER WENY ANI aphofl til .... e VeoklleDl oboyele bue K.a~. ng. 14 Novembe. Booial Clob. te!.inda ..o tim bioi; eku­ ae SINGER ftlDO .. S" 0 BOMVU olu~u efmileai. ~ llDo. W. B_ NqlOI DO ~o_ S. T. beol i Monti I.Uu ogam.odl. k .. i Nplo loake illeab. uaga fum...,.. iataimbi. toOku lungi.... bkuhle k.,... 8iager. Yrosi ..e ,omelrl. "a).• 'y.kuhlala ubom bako boab. I"~," rt101N> Yok •.•.bak.e bt.ti Bud. e ~,:,d Fl:&tI mbuto yol".mkelo ey.yil.p •• nel. ukuuri ku&o .. ouke imubioi lIOku tUD... Jluaa ukolahlrlUnra ulOm.. biD; .bot. DgemlOlJDbl ebt.lul.ekileyo. BI",,,.- I.pe iqel.. libe linlnti eliye e Monti Gg. "."yo. Yi"" okanye obhale obi&ol ine.. adi ,.m. N ...... De DO }foo. Joho. HIII.o. ovule kul ...mtelo. I c.n uintato bni. IVENlHLE ZASE TRANSVA,AL:_ i.~i.b~j ledhlango e Union ~oe. t .... le i choir ye B S.C. y.l.pa ebiyo- Jollauo.lla'l'-32b Joubert Street Pntori.-!lO V... Don w.It II'... , 81"ylun. no Moo. ¥. B. Sibole kuoeediur. ekuvomeDi. Sekuug. u I ., n RIai&- Street BcmoaJ-!II Fon St.rtH (JohaaneeburB) osakuzlmaoy' oge- Nob.l. Omtulu .og.biz. ioU.og.oi.o .. lOb Plelo 6t... , CII!na.illolr-41 Pret.&de ..t S'_' qln~ I!mt.b.~ ~o. ~tOIl. P. A. ye' Feder.1 Council' ye Bb.i, Mooti, • Wltbaak-Ibbt 8,"" ~I • . II1'om~1 eoelOCI k .._ mti C. J. Qooce, kuny.k:a ozayo eI.oa nek .. )larl. Tinu.. k ...k .. mlloy.oe. ~ 1933. kufuodia.. ane ogezinto ezintlb •. HoD. O,.NIC Sko.lI:. Paolo. b .... Bb.YI . b&yichitl! i .... oek-end" y.bo 11:... Kugda himhlal' v'ohgq,bda NkOlIo . S. Grootboom. Am.kolt. S. Mail. n :: F_ Dunj .... b.b.mbe imeyile Ntoog.. an .. (Rhodee;a) 00 E. Nd.ty.o. ,._ l-:"atini ogomhla I!! December. I(Rhodeli.). Nam ••io.l. tuy.piti!.el. ~Ivoyj ...na no Nkoll. E. Tbotyao. pabti tomr.i ngati u.kweot.& i opumile10 e libbedlele ImVlnl k.-e- konsati x. livayo. Sivuyieaoa DO AWONAWONA MAPEPA OKUBBALA veki e2.i 'I'lel.. Undolo.kile u Ntoek. "Cir." 0 Mon A_ GODtibi oBokopu- ! P. N_ n.ku uku.in~i •• ngall:owabo 0 Dlelol. twenk.eot.. e Ylke 0 AUred ONGAWATENOA Addc, no Knu.. J. M. NI:lol ...oa uku- Mbtlbao. twi Muolcipal Bun.ry .ingl.la e \'OOCI oJebolide. U Mla_ J. y.lonyall: • . Bolilo u.,hume I c. ... e Saod Flat. Imldlalo ..ph o .bt-nenkooto yob6ptilo. hi- Kobl&DlI"ne i Try Agaia C C. oe Amapep••• i 6 e Crudey Camblio P.d tabl. e:ipatati komzl ngebolkle &e Good Hope C.C_ ogo Mgqlbelo .. e 1 I knnye De mvilopu kUOI. po.tiabwa oge Id. Kr.. mUI u2.i H . Pityan •• W , Bam, Decamber kumdl.lo .. uo .. okuq.1a , J. Sine Kom.oi). W. W. Joqo (Rafo), kole ....00 _ KUDgeoe koqala u C. tal , .Mpo looB ••oa (Someraet Ealt). r Oeoade DO H. \'.nlOOYlen be Good I (KG "do hlMlall ololl4dayo) Hope k ..i bo.. ling Ita S. MahaDi no B_ Bioyani etotbe k".08e oyerl t.okaqa­ la y .... imitbi. bapume bonk. Dgeai- F . pbla . .• 111.1..... ' .• wtlalo • .Ma loe,.i . tob. llIyare hanome 5, (0. De Monk Mal, Ma lM, n}~b, a ~l»a IS. N_ H. Kriel 18, C_ De 1I00k 15). Kal.ndele i TrI Agaio. k ... vol. u BO BOLE LANG ? M.bani DO H. Siol.ni ekothe iii ... I.. ikiti yotuq.l. y.ye ilitora lik.. i 56_ Em", lI:oko .... bamba IJjkoro. Il1l- Cl ~ .' l"lla B.Loo bu ..., .. bo libalrj.e yi bowliD, Ita n. Mout DO B.l~ 1IIAl, •• p~""la ¥a_D~bo • LetWo. )I.li, s., D. .... , • • S,l.. ft'--DIJ . Gu.de y.:Ihom. 104 ..n out lB. Ltkh... U.OI', Lo Yal PI" ....'bor ...... 01110. Sinnni 34, Mabani 2,. P . N.la 12. ZAN-BUK lt~ • R-..r .u.i.lecc. 111 .1" 0 Bobl"ko. Math.. P . S. M.joll. 10). Zi'lutyelwe pambi­ Unequalled for Heat Rash, Sunburn, Dba, ....t.oaDy~bo • 1II ..rolo. Iotab.lat.., Do Ii ogomhla we:" i Good Hope iJ.:bome Ruru.h., B o B1a r (>!oh •. L!hPt.. . WokbaUla. Spots, Chari., Insect lit.. an~ Sling_, .. oa ~ .... bt>\.t.I. Hoi',.... ". s.-.. ,. ... Ruru. kUIDlD geno elibioi !IS .11 out (A . MI..:,;. .. I'o.o~ ..,: "6. 10 fl. HI tH-. &'.00w :!6 0otoul, N H . KrieII O, J . Sir. Athieg Feet, tuts. Bruises, etc. "-le_ II! M.t" •• • pb.",,,,I. u.. )1 ..... 0.11. bo C«loan 131. Y.peodul. i Try A.tt.in Keep a Box Always Handy! ~ • • u "l o~ I.. 0:.",101 •.'.1. LI·, .. ,;. !lift' 3:.! fo r 6. lapela i:s:e. b • • iy. _ Rtf.. ...·, lbo- mliU • Opticl ...... PO ,.b...... 1!Ittt,. 11. Lo....a.1 SI,...",' • .Tob aDo",to..,. t~i ... i Good Hope n ge l kora . Im • ). .taI,...,. ¥ · bla. ogeno okoq. I. '!'>ili.H!' I OFFICEll.s liL-s CIOARt:Tn:S (=!. I COUPO!(S)

" UMTKTKLI WA BANTU, JOHANNEBBURG, 22ND DECEMBER, IV". ukuphuma kumge. wokuqala. KII­ ngenwe ngo 2 p.m., bayi yagoduka Imidlalo Ya ngoku i D. R. C. Y8'{i ehiy. konke e:doye izikolo; kute kooa kowo kll­ Bantwana gqihela umdlalo ekutwa yi tug·cr-wn hayi Ylncamiall, amakweokwe akooa (NGU M.rlIALELI WA !'l E STA:-ODJtR'lO!<) .k.bio_kumer.DI nelioye i,ikolo. UMH1XKAZI, i Bitbopu yale dayo. Emva kwemidlalo kwabiwe amabbaBo 16IIe, ube neokon:to yobeko Iwa· ngu Mnu. C. G. Cottingbam oogo w,lndl. lpa nge 9 Decembfor kweyaba Nondyebo we Bbunga Ie dolopu, eku· Ntlundo ayi St. Peter', epaotli ko te emva koko wanikezela i Pretoriul MIn. I. R. Sikiti. Lenkoo:tO i:tukileyo Cup kwiBikolo nee D .R.C. elilOoa ya.ndulehl'e yi parade ye Patbfioden loyilileyo way.mk-ela ke u Mou. C. B. paotll kg Moo. D. Dao DI.dla, uti· Ngin'ta, otiteb.la omkbulu welolikolo. tlhal. omkhulu WMe St. Peter'l Eeilandela eli 16118e Weeley.o Metho· mil8ion I ~ bool. Inkonzo yooa h-ulwe diet, paotel Ir:o Mou. A. W. l'Ihdi, nge colo elr:ute emva toko umhleka:ti elalitbatbn eenee St. Peter'a, p.lltli wenle .mbalwa ngotlllingil81a enko· ko Mou. D. D. Dladl.. Beku:tele ot-weol...... u qala umaebeo:ti wobeko ebaleni elo lemidlBlo kungumotu pelloU l ...eADdia. Emva koko utlbo oge komntu. Kwabe bb.yil8kile u Mnu. S. Zulu nguye oweblole kwi 5 milee Amldoda a9i.l:eo:l:e a,e Tiyopiya e Bloemfontein, laiodile ityalike auhnmayelo elbulhu ayala kwakona ekutiojweni. etamale:.. abo baqinili.. eyo. Do:nebebelr.weeDlva kooke kwabaoye. Knyaqala nkubako komdlalo onjenga' H. Matebe, S. Motlueueog, J. Mohlaping, H. Mat.mbo (Acting Secre­ Lelokiehi yalapa libona Beyi biye­ tary.) S. Hlapane (Chairman,) W. C.kata, Jamea Magwa Secretary bra ogo:ingo yi KIlilBale umzi ootlu­ 10 ap. kulom:ti Wa8e Stallderton. od" 'DDj:"abikelwaoga oto ogalo ndawo. lndlebe llfJe:tiko nambl. apa :tim bini. of tbe Official Board. hbiye .i8llIlgo apbo wooke umntn ku· Eyokuqala yile kuti'l". yi Twal.· juoeka engene kona. lIpablele MUlie Competition Cup, Jobanneaburg ngombla we 14 Decem· osa e Calolina uyakuba nenhuku 8- Ide yafika imini ye inter-Icbool eye8ibini yile ibili Iwel.a ngombl. ber "kuya e Randfontein ogotyelelo EataDtia kwa Moo. MI@eko. U Nkon.. aportl! meating ebikade iluogiaelelwa we 12 December kutiw. yi Pretoriua Ir:wenya iotombi yake eogu Nkolt. D. Victoria Ngubeni ofuodiu e WnJeyen zitikolo lalapa :r.a.bantluodu. Ezi­ Cup. Eyelithatho leyil8 mnyaogo D. Tbae. U Mou. D. J. Makapela Methodist School. pa uyoktlleJa Ilmo. thatbe inxanba ibi zeli: St. Pete"B, yooa ikhuteh.a ngu Mou. J. C. Johna, ofnodiaa e D_R.C. ulinge e Volkafuet Y. kwamnakwabo e Krugendorp. u D.R.C. l1e Welleyn. Abagwebi ibi umhloli we:dkolo :tablnhundu '1'1'110' Ir:ubatali. U Mnn. A. G. X. Nomwa MOil. 00 Nltolk. Jame. Skoutlla. U u:ti,lBr.nnm. N. Welt, C. G. VlIl Wyk, mmandla. ulioge kowabo e Roodepoort. ungo· MOll. William Carolu. olund;!. kwi C. G. Cettingbam; i atatter ingn Mou. Udlnle apa u Nkolk. ntalila ou:be· moye wabaucediei e St. Peter', ,ikolo ube bar a (lima Iodi,. okay. O. P. Moatee oDgu lIlocediBi e D.B.C. nUl kwa Mfo. H. Cranswlct, wa.e mi ..ionlcbooJ. U Mou. O. P. Moatae, liee Potchehtrotm, uyakuhoyeJa 1,:0- Umlebenli uqahFe ogo 9.30 kUIMa Benooi, aliya e Yolkuu,t okuya ofundiaa e D.B.C., ulioge kowabo e zayo unyaa. okwetuba le Dy.oga n i ­ ekote klllaqal'll'a oje kwapa.uleka Ir.uhlola OIIPO IWlke. U Ntoek. Aluaodra Townabip. U Moo. J. W. nt.tu. U MnD. A. Ngweny. of un dill ukllba j D.R.C. ilr:bokale nge poiotl, MIlgal, ooina wenkolikni yo Mfu. I. Tela ofuodiu e Wealeyan Metbodiet, e WnleYID Metbcdiet E'CbfOI ueill£e .ngenJ:a yokuba abaotwana hemana B. Sikiti, oodnluke nge meyile Yl8a ukwele ape nge 14 December ukllli- Zipe1a Iv pepa 15 ' TOWER BRAND PARAFFIN Ask your st ore­ keeper for TOWER BRAND and see tbat you get it.

Buza ku novenkile wakuni upau Iwe TOWER BRAND uqonde ukuba uyi- rumene.-

Funa esitolo sakini upau TOWER BRAND uqiniseke ukuti u­ fl tola lona. I Kopa Ralebenkile oa beno a bo fe TOWER BRAND 'me 0 blokomele bore u e fumane. For lamps and stoves. Best for cooking. Kwilampu nezl• tovu. Ezilungele ukupeka • Emalambini nase zitofini. U1ungele ukupeka. E loketse lilampi Ie litofo. E lokile bakeng sa bo pbeba. The Texas Company (South Africa) Limited TEXACO PETROLEUM PRODUCTS. UIITETBLlWABANTO, JOHANNESBORG, 22sD DECEMBER. leu. Ie Umnyadala We Khaka U Gqira Bokwe Ubuliswa Yi Gompo Social Centre

(Nut! MUU.HELl W1: Z.UI:W.l OOllro.) NGOLW~~I TH.\TH~ umhla '!'" I:! Bruoe.Bj,y~" e Qu.draugle.po b.fu. ko Ol.emb. I Cl,t.>: H.II lbuye . ny.ni .... e idpungo nuioto Ifif.kw. ,.~nl. ugab.nto ~olhdl EOOke ama ~ant.i. kWlmpomlo. Kuoy.ka odlu­ \e~pu, ama Aluka abe 11.la n.m. hleyo Ikbaka 1.lifuoy~n.e ngu Mno ludiy. ul.:uukebCluela ikwayaJ. Eab.· S.~. Solute. ' ot.aoa be.litolo 18Ul. Afrika b('1(! . Ngobu.uku he Mgqibelo ongap.y., IUIN.t.",elu "rnaoma. OJugq.ho Iqel. lombuto oyi Oompo :Social l.ablul ... lu~ Ddlt~l mbini ta) lIig~t ' Centre yal.pa ubenembut. eSt. ~l'Itt tb) man 'Iuglog. Nony.unle Philip'. yoltw.mn&ela u Dr. Ro.eberry Il.:w.yal.ll~ntl.nu, nngen. OgokU~8' T. Bot... e. Ngeo:l&ni yoltul"elek. nd~I~lao. kwaz:o ogOlohlobo: St. kwe lI:'I'I'ayala yomzi .pa, i Oompo PlulllPI No.1 (Mou. R. Ndukw.na). Sooi.1 Club iny.ozeleke ukuba icele u Wionere of tbe lenior , hor.1 co.mpetitioo at Que('oltowD, lobe Higber ~~t. PhillipI:! \~. s. Solute), Uoit~d Muu. P. M. Nge.i wa.e Qooce ote Minion Scbool Cboir. No. 1 (14nn w..uzan.), .Methodllt ",.ko kunye De k".y.l. y.ke, b.oika (Mou. P. M. Mango) ne UOlted No.. 2 ingowa et.ndiweyo ug.b.pul.puli. B.ck row : Standiog left to rigbt:-R. Aotf'lo., W, GWf'g'lll'.n •• J. (Ml!u .. D:.~. Dy.oil." . No., Mnu. D.n Bohaoa neqel. lake Nzoyi. C. Beod •• W, Sipoyo. 2nd row Bo.y.: A. X.mfltli, C. Ollel., £:.,,1 'Ight telt. . elltbe nq.t. nbenenuxeba ayHuman.yo .....hbo. M. V.bo, D. Ngubo. M. Malo.tae., A. Mtlbllofo\w.na, O. Som'lll'.bl., • o.gok"eo~oe .nonY'~.DJe Ik:w.y.• I. Ir.. k.moatldi .. Lembuto. ibiyeyenteto, A. Ma.eti, T. Peter, M. C.gu, A. Nio.gi/.•. 4th row: R. K.ti, I • Ndok".oa 111 t.!.blle eyeublol ko.ko utahil. apo nidweaha uk". Ndl.mbe M.vumb., G. Pooo, M. P. 80.g. (conductor). A. Mciug.oa, R. Sogc.e. kw:eyoLuqal., (h~. bui~~io.i) ~bambe kw.d. kw.ogu I •. m. iXtllb ••de og.lo M.P.hl.oa. 5th ro.,,: K... Mabuy •• A. Yek.oi. H. Peter. F. Khan •. DZlOyana. "t.. ::-o.fllte.ly'~I.bile eyo.· Weo.la eyall:e impeodulo u Oqira V.V.li. ko.'I.la y.a t."eye.lbIDI eogeylha Bok"e waeekel ... ogumkulu.a w.ke iyinme ngeodlela y.yo. oayn. y.kb.· u Mnu. Barbo.ur Bok",. E pl.tform Mou. DO NkOlk. A. W. Madi, ulel talII'. kuko.t&&.ta i ·' key" eng.f.ne. kunye no. Gqir. Bo.kwe kw.lto abe Imidlalo Ya Bantwana I p.ntei ndzima,.i loB.m.hoo .• iuJu lekanga. yarwi~beka ag.lonu. Oqir. no Nkolk. W. B. Rubu ..n., kakulu n.ye. V~ i.daze ,- ..bukuma iadlu oka Mlu. no. Nko..k. G. O. Ndzntyan., Uye ••boy. u Moo. C. B. Nginza M.ngn akufika. pl.tform neqela I.te Baaumz. J. S. C. M.kayi. 8. M. Taba Z.qoia hi ptpa 14 R.utini .pbo. ebeye knl.oda kon e1itity.bule lo~bioi no. ., telt~ " W. C. Mtyeku. S. E. R. Mqb.yi, D. 8: e Piet R~tief ukny. kuhlola .b.zali. U8lpo I•• ke. Bonke .b.oqwenf!J Ir.w.cac~ uknba ,qe.l. l.m •. Methndle~ Mtyongwe,R H. Codlo no J. Tiyaj Uoioa .enko.ik.zi ka Mnu. A. W. ukafuod. ipep. eliogll Mteteli b. lidumblle. hDgqlbele ehka Dy,ol ~bo.lweni pakati kw.b.ninli llpaul. M.di. ofuedil. e Weeley.n Metbodilt, oo.koli fum.n. e loki.bioi toye lwl elite I ••ba •• k1l"Iod.,,0 elitile lance· aha Mnu. no. Nkolk. H. NtlIOnkot. ul.pa ogo.tyelelo. U Mfu. C.swell .dd,e" 35 Cetew.yo Street. St.of"" d",a ngabatile .b.mb.lw. ekuqabele· Banumz. R. Time, J.me. Gubevu. M.ntje ut.hintlbel.e e Lindley.po to.n. ~ .. Di Daeeko~keoi ~.ipelwe,oi •.engoma. A. M. J.b.'ru, M. O. Diogi.",.yo, .y.kuqali•• kozayo. uoy..... Mali Ab.ntw.o ••b.Skiler o n.mhl. 11 Kul.od~le I ,. M... Slogmg' yeculn Mt-j.o., C. T. C. Xab.nise, J. Meki. lenze elokuba il.blekelwe i St.nile vel. kwido.la ng~ iD.l .. og.b 10 Moy.dala elingu "Depart~lte" D. M. Dy.ni, C. T. M.tebikwe. M, n.mbl. n{l:okoknmka k ... alo mfuod •• i Sikiti (St. Cb.d'./, K, :tf.ain. b (by Mendeluohn) elll.ndd"e hculo Mholek ••, Maknlk. Lydi. Mandi. E. w... A.M.E.Church. Kungolizi eli. Cb.d·e), S. Sikiti (KItJOOII.d), elikh('tw. yitit.b.a og.nye. V Mny.odu Mnu. no Nko.k. Cbief v.kaH .. okuba onyana omnoinan8 ka Kangfla kumhu-"meca8 ..,.. ...·1 Kdu\;:"an. ozikbetele 0 .. Lift liP W. Nokhele, Mou. no Nkolk. P. M. ~ Jour be.d." (H.ndel.' MeBllab). U Nge.i n.b.nye. ======:::~:~~:'===='t.• ~ bua2 December. b. b.oe. Sofute yen. ut.b.te u" Co.me le~ nl Sam-Kokolo be 1obolo; toe jnin the roundelay" (by Be.le), ••za Ie. 'M'a rooa u )l.olan. yeoa w.kheta u" A.... ke Ngomhla we 11 ku Diumb. ku· bl •• ph.lletu tabate .p. u Mau. Melfnld S.m ..... e Aeoli.o Lyre" (by D.nby). Oka o libl. e Ie Manllo oo.b Dy.oi b.te .lind" b.b •. Mgwali no. liken. Queen Koltolo. ••. lie n. Ie mbefene" kub. b.kbete iculo elio,e k.ue Mg .... li kumaoy ...... m •. T.b .... e u "H.rk Apollo. .trikee tbe lyre" neotombi y"e M'g"nioi e Bautu (Bi.bop I, }rulo I.ke nikbetele looa Pre.byterian Cburcb 'P' DIU Wlu. _ 0 m.· g I\dok".oa o!J'romiae ogokooc.mi­ G. O. Ndo.tYID •• Emnui kweokoOto. •• vo. Ok. 8c.fllte ubeoek•• yala duo kuyokobl.ng.nwa k ... itdib.oo. (m· du"mel~yo. ete ogelilbw. ya•• k.i· oandi k.a Mnu. D. D. Nt.bbsi e culo. 10 Mnsad.I •• yalivoma k.mo.a· Eaet B.nk, apo k.eozi"e idio.la, Ddi elayo. a ..... y.l. k. M.nuo. koo ••ty ..... p.k.ti It •• ba :-B.numz. ilivume hkable kulo I.yo y.kb.t•. Z. Mdiogi. J. Mngnle, E. Db.ca, G. MUSIC WHERE EVER YOU tabe 2.wa tokeog.blna .. b ...." U M.ogo Mog:nle. B.oomz. n.ma KOlk. D. oeqel. I.kbe oyivume iogom. yo. Nt.kakui; M.kolc. J Mdinpi, 1 n tbe bom~. at a d.nce, or .1. • picoic tbe gq.ho 'III'.gqwe •••. y.t.bo. y.dadom~ G(deu, E. Ndoi;e, M.ti. :x.I •• i, N. H.M.V. Port.ble Gr.mophone ebo.old be witb G. Ndzoty.o., M.kon L. Bb.cel., indlu. Ute k.ntl uzenule u Dy.nl yo.u. It h ... lovely tone, and in it. b.ndy og:oku • b.mbel.o.' 00 M.ngo. ku I~. Koltolo, M. Wohhel •• Labue. .. Harlr. Apollo," kub. umfo k. Maogo Abantu Neoto Zabo .ize aod fo.rm C.D be carried lJIywbere. It i• uyivumi.e Io.ogoma ogeod~ela emo.· Kongoliti uiv.klliu uLu dhe inezpeo.ive to boy, .nd providu a oheap odi ngokuko.dw.. nebo.nlle ut~b. etbe empilweni k. Nlto.k. Rutb form of entert.inment. Yoo eho.old not be ikwavala y.kbe ivutiwe. iqequbeklle. M.thi'lie w.J.p.. U Moo. Coroelio. witboot .0 H.M.V. Portable Gramo.phone; Kugqibeliee o.k. Dy.ni ovum i.·., ogo· God w.l.pa unduloke k .... ic.w. edlo­ call in .1. Mackay Bro •. , Ri"ik Street and ••k kooeo.mek.yo om.bini am.culo. 0.' Iileyo ukueiog. e Kapa age "motor" Dgon •• the ",.lth.tazw. Itukul.odel. Yllke, .te mbla wtluka .p. wayaku: to lee, .od to hear tbem. ODlte .m.,ol()ty.na o.mbbali .... eculo.. I. ng.p.y. k.e Bb.i, ••y.ku6h ...d. .apolaoa nengz.m yecnlo. a Kap. ngokublw. oltol.ndel.yo. Umpebi ibeng\! :\lnu. S. J. Newnea Am.kosk. Sophia Tuhe (Kom.ni), B.A .• u No.:r.aknzalto iogn Mn.u. F. G. M.ry Ngeobond•• oa (M.lvern. Price £2-17-6 Gregg, M.P.C. etoliblw. hknm.ha Jobaoneabllrg) b.eite in.ha tlinil" I.k•• Nd.b. Z.bantn u Moo.. H. W. ngeve.lr.i apa hetiodwendwe 10 Muu. S· Beo·M.zwi. Kwi m.rb e:tiof!:.m. no. Nko.k. Panl Mbutema. U Mnn. All ., , 210 :'0. lIDy.dal. 10 .onb u Mno. Mal"hou'f - FoU.. ~a.(I: (wilhpi.oo) Woodro.fie Mbete ••• e Mq.ndoli, O.U.30' Tl'oDlJl!la _ Folk SODI!! (w'lh p.a.oo) ALIWA Ne.De. orebe ngoluhlobo :- . ongnmfondi e Fort H.re, ... ense 1110' t Thab,tba _ Follr: Soo~ ("';th piaDo) NOR"" 1. Mnu. P. M. M.ngo., Metbod ..t 0.V.308 [ Rata_ Boebat-a Tnt.. _ Folk SOIll! ("ilh l'iaDo) 'E8OTB' ku .p" ekngodnboi kwake, Ito mkn. CBOm Choir 176m.rb. 10 .... w.ke n Abe Mbete. U Moo. 1f.:J.",abtli _ DouIciDI!! Sons ("';th ~) 2. Moo. R. Nd.t•• n., St. Philip. C.u. soe [ "c. Nbtc _ Folk 800S ("ith pi_DO) Nelson Nyebe W.H K.tiltati u,icil. ~ ZiM1IfIcie _ Folk Song (.-ith piaDO) B, " No.1. 170 marb. .pa iholide y.ke. Ab.numt. C. T. C. ALJWAL N. 3. S. S. Sofute, St. Philip. No.2 Xab.oiaa 00 R. B. Codlo b.Dyoke O.U. 3e1 ( »_1; __ Rh'" _ Dancms SoDS ("ilb dnIlD.) 1XOiA CH' 156 marb. Dgl "Exprea." ogo Mgqibelo opelilryo ~ D ~ D-•• ,' United No.2 4.lI1o.u. • JD. J • nkolinga e Pitoli k.i Nltomf. ye ;'HI;'S::':'M;'-A'""S"'YER='S'V"'O"'IC

- bona a eto booe otoa ea ro.a; re 101- Native Townehip Co·operativeSooiet.y rSa Parys 'phemphe oa Lapisa nela tlOelopele Ie tokoloho el ml­ blalela, u teohe maUDe; hopoJa le- ___ Afrikl. Phehello otoeog ea rool re ntaof! I. mohl.lefi oa mo·Afrika: (K:s W. J. L.) rIta ho bonl barale barlli ba Afrikl b. eme kamorao bo counwr ba reki­ Mpbempbe ea lapi, •. mathe 0 khonoa REV. LEBURU Ie Jerrou b. kereke ke •• hae. TIne!!: bohle matho maos ea Independent Congregatino.' A.th •• Kh •••• k••• H•• "t'l be. babo booa. Xe eonl teell ea tokoloho Ie hoelopele. T.ebang Ie maog Dhog Iibbelo t •• Ion. Ie b. De b. ile Vereeniging ho ea hola II hore bo Taadabantu Ie bo Cbipile Ie reke ho rooa Ie 1.)_ roa ka kapano to- mOlNlbehi oa kertke teog k. 9 T,'itoe. tla fomana bara Ie barali ba boOI be. koloho Ie tlOelopele u lonl II matto- MOtl'... ngeli S. Molohe oa kereke ea hoog .1001. Em1M' ba lana ma·Mrib Dutch Reformed 0 ota, • itolti.eha I .(KE P. J. MooU.l;.It.L~.) eme kamorlo bo Ii coonter bo Imohell licbelete t .. lonl; empa ball Ie barali Ie I. oh. Ie ikemieelitll ho reta bo ho ete!. mora eo eleng tiohere mane ~2~TSOE leo. Ie Ita hoUmo Ie bulloe bl lona Ie tla be fumana kemorao bo cbiphiJe, Ie leta maveokel". ma- Brandlort. E. nteeng • kul. ke Ie I b mo-Afrika oa mehleol el khale m.lahleng Ie kicbin8. BI lefool kl Afrika Ie utile mlruma a lona ho LitlhakllDyane. e It! .1, Iih'iuoYlDa j, IIolimo 0 ileng oa mo oeel. bohille meputlo e tlue ea cbipbile keliche· loaot.'a tokolobo Ie t.aoelopele ea Ion.. a ntH a Ie fat.'e. t~1o I hIe. bulebe, I qala ho bona lete tI. 1001. Mphe-mphe ea I.pi .. Ke nako ea bore Ie bolelle bo Cbiphile MotAe oa rona 0 uoelapele leheko­ Alre 110 phall b ho kopa Ie ho lIela motho 0 khooo. ke •• hae. Na ml­ hore ba eo etla cbiphile ho ba habo reng la Ir:oloi t.a Hkhooa-motokala. t,.,.. 0 pbeliloe lie motho emong ha .e Afrik. Ie tI. thehoe hofihlell nen8' booa Ii lekane tet'o ba Ii fnmaneog Be Ie re na Ie "bu" mona Par,. ~ ophelo bo lobueng motbo. Mohla- En. Ir:e nako ho bolell We.tern bo ma-Afrika. I itang batho hohle maetong a booa. 16 8Doe. oa mo·Afrika ka maele I o pepeDeoeng bOI$ e ne e Ie " -_. a pbela b bo kop. a mot.,,"]II na -~======'~Ieo eleng II he; ke bl I tla I holemohl Ita mlw'oeo,ebo I ho 1 Ir:a bo kopa bore mphemphe ~ ~ A q&1a bo it.'ebelet.. Ie ho A.ell ea ho bIotll t.. haa hore I .. "tti a h10la I khathlt.aa b bo kopa DIRECT FROM OUR OWN FACTORY· e ho pbela ka ho III umeWa. lIo·Afrika 01 mehieng el kI,eno lenl 0 hlnet.. nl Ie mo·Afrika 01 THESE fine Shoe. mlrk an important reduction in rell lootn•• nlue. Ind empbllue the thale.o re mphe.mphe e lokil. ho­ o.ne IIIOtho 0 khonna ka he Heng , .. advant.ge of purchuing direct from the actu.1 maoulactu.rera__ Tbe beoeSt of apecial hae. ba 0 pbela h bo III Ie Ir:a bo leathe, purchllee combined with mill production. alone enablea CUTHBERT'S to 06er you kopa. Afrika e tI. hoe. ke meeebetei .ncb •• toniahiag nlUM tbe most critic.1 examinatioo will contince you that bere i. nloe - IDa-Afrika e pak.n8 joaJo; 'me Qloibo 1IIaG8 Ie mang 0 til kotula Ii­ rigbt out of the ordioar, .nd remember tbere il no foot 'no difficult for u. to s•. 'boloaa. tI. mOl8betti e. hae. Ba lIug bl lut.ae feel. b. til kotula Ii. UOloaD. tla IiUo; be. 11.08 b. eebele­ .. til bonl. be tl. ru. moputao 01 Ielebewi ea bon •. MEN'S LADIES .... ·Afrik. a I m.- The new shoes for men \Jlo • Iillo tea . bo The new shoes for ho~ ke Record V.loe Shoe8. with eelect " .. Le.ther Uppera, Beet Le.ther ~"o, Ie I. ka Ladies a ntol ea hoelo Solee. Well Guaranteed. ,ma·Afrika. Rooa In Black G1.ce Kid. With .11 the ...duful V.lue. )tlle ho teeba bore Men'. Size. 5-11. we hne been .ble to offer JOIl oaatl'ang tokoloho tbrolllh direct dulinr with our rona. Mo·Afrik. No. 50 Poioted Toe ...... E.dory a rebng ho bali. 0,0"'" a 1II.·Afrik. " 55 Medium Toe ...... We are doubtful if we bave ever 00 a ahileng teng, .. 125 Bro.d Toe ...... given our cu.toml" luch Ipllodid e blokolog ke ma­ Shoe V.loee •• now offered. I@Tnmo I, hee ho These No •• are to be bId in Blank or Drown loa. hore. bolae Wbeo buyiog Shoee be .ure .ud t'o'" ea m.-Afrik. lee tbe al.DlI ban eo u 13/6 ke eon. Posr FRa!:. CUTHBERT'S OVER THE SHOP. 279 Meo'e Shoee Black or Brown ""e. bona teng, -- • maoto bl loaol with Drifoot Solei No.1 M. Ladiee Blad.. or Brown phi.o Iiphahlo h. Bar Shou, comfortable heel, • f· m.·Afrika m.ve- Crepe-Le.ther or Drifoot Bole • theteo ea bo cbi­ kl tbeko he 10/6 'nete h. (POST FRI:!:. boblne , iOlteka - a hopoll, bo cbipbi •• 100 Men'. Boots !olid through No. 7015. oble o. blli· .od tbrough lfitb Drifoot or ladi .. her. i. the Sh •• for ho loonte'a Leatber Soll'l mellebehi ea hard w•• r I tlolug ho Ir:a litheko t.. bool. 17/6 BO:l C.lf Le.ther ea., fitting hohlng borokong, Ie ph •. POST FRn. nice b~1 I • 100. Ie booe t.oelopele 12/6 bl 100. kl • POST Flr. ...:, k. m.bibo a Tandob•. CLipbile-mebitao 10 !.anfel. No. 3639-11 Buk-et Sand.l. in .11 wbite 1180 ~Black .nd White •~;g '.' a I. bull'lang bokhobeog. 11 e.roo. eo re I loaDelaog rone Meo' ••11 Le.ther Work Boots N- 12/6 I.t.uo Native Town.hip Co. 1 Road.ter in Black or Brown 2 i,.. Society. leha ma-Afrik. I ,Uri we.r 10 every pur Ladiea. Comfortable Slippe,. ba motee onl, boog.t. m.lalo a 12/6 2/6 POST FRU.• ADd Special Lin.. ,banks Pharmacy, 3/6 O. Box 88, Darb ... POST Fan. All. ORDER CHEMIST) ~ o.,le ipepa !emit! yetu II. MIXTURE ."D POWDER. • elifUb. IOmO,1 eqed. w. M. CUTHBERT & CO., LTD. okucinlo •. · In.oi lo­ ti u in.il.l eeblUlqia .. a­ ~yo 3.6 nge poei. P•• t Orden to: P.O. BOX 1177, JOHANNESBURG. B,.oc& •• t&r ••gh ••t S.lth Africa.

TSUBA OFFICERS' ME..'" CIGARE'ITE>; (BOLOKA LI COUPON>! UIITltTELJ WA BANTU. J01IANNEBBORG, _'1 I) DECEM8ER 11J~4 I" - ._ .. - --,,======Bana Ba Elang Bophelo ba Moafrika Thuto Hloko Ke Bofe Afrika? MORE~A .- ·Eba mun bo ntumeU. ka lebaka plmpiring ea haD oke hi .10Wllt 0,," SK~U';Aol, ke hebe a Ie makae bo boble, mo· onl, mohlaokaoa . mofumablli kap. LABQBCLl bekt'og (I h:bleng. MIO moroetalna. Ke kopa keleho bo 100. A.. C. J. ltamot.b{', pritWlp .. 1 ('a OOhle ka boikotobetao bore Ie Ite Ie Sekola I. aopaoo 'muho 10 bat-I.loli "­ mpolelle hore bopbelo ba Olo·Afrlk. hae. b. ile b. eba Ie th.bo e kbolo ke bofe moo a fata'eng I. Afrika' ho mem .. t..ahoall ba baOB hoble b. Ruri ke lumao. bopbelo ba mo-Afrika lekolo leoa bo tl. mamd. lIamoo mooa flt"eog la ble, bo ta'oloa Ie baas b. lebelitleug katf'Dg htbutollg tepo ea lekho e kbaohang haog feell r .. booa ••lemong .eOa Ie otlbeog ea ha moea 0 fok.. Jo.l" ke r.ta hore ho fela. Ho bena b$ 'oilong b. fla mobali. ke a leke bo blalola mabak. litbuto Ua liona hloko Iclemoog leila, • matle a ka blahieaog ta'ireleho eblie th.bo e fetia.oB h. mabitlO .. bolim'a bcpbelo bl rooa. Bo alia bona a ntse .. balo& poote'oog u bo­ mahatei bo abo. ho ron. te plpali, hle, 'me ho pakeb. bore b. bile Ie hobane re apere babe Ie bokhapo, St. Aodre.'a Scbool Choir (Queen,town). who took lecond place in mamBlo Ie m_mello II kbolo; .the ho Joale tea Ie kopa ebile kea Ie r.pela the lenior choral competitiool at QUIDltoWO. b. 'oileng ba bloks ho mamel. mati. bore Ie mpe Ie be mon ho ikhltbatl. cbere .. booa Ie bo mameU. OOblo.ll:o ho lebelila keleTJo tEa looa ho batla Front ro" :-R. Mc.ti, I. Sinyaodu. E. Peu-r, L, lI.rwlnqa, (con· b. thuto, tobile mahlomola .. ta'.be. polaoe Ie mokhca 0 ka ehClng hore doctor) S. Mellt'. b. Malot.na, N. Koko. Middle ro .... :_N . Keoto, haog ho bon. Har'. b. hiltog bog ho leliloe lipolabuo Heoa tie Iti/eng O. MDI:'.le, M. MJXlfu. M, P",ter, E. Mllt.b., A. SeIaD • • S. Lova~ha . bo bataoaJi b. baDa, re ka bolel. hahna kahar'a ae~habl II rona, b.. Back rc.w-T. Ra/au A. NC.Jgalo. A. Philip, B. Koko. J . Beaet"a, ot.te Ou Jetiel Ch. Sempe; Re ..... holo kabar'a mdae e. roo a maloke.I-::-__"... _____ ~O_.__=M:.:,~.~I,-D-.C . _M,. R-:.~M~.-.-.-b-.~'.-'-.-. :--:--:_;-_-:- P. Selepe, .1.,. Molo.oto., Sob- Deacon Ibt'neog, Ke eoabl ho bolel. bore u M h M Motl8 0 lome he bo kOII. m.Uo a SCllomon, R M.kbema; ~lealfa A. tla booa ba bOliu bo til metleng ena as oeu tsa aye thoebo b Moqehelo blkeog .. lAho- Iltimkuln, E Makheh, Klukie ea rOlll ho 5e ho rlllilehe motho h.ra r.ro ho &lob. ka Paloogo.n.. B.ae. Lkoko, .Ie:ry mo·Catboloki, Gabie leterat., tmong bo ee ung, Impa ho --- bet.i b. thabehe phomolo "kopaneDg RamohlokolUleo, J. Khuoyeli, P. .1. tsejoe hare oa 0 bollilc.e ke mlDg, (K~ 'MOL.l·TssL.l) Ie Letalhi la )foreu; b. M b. re ek. Moletuoe, E. Nta'al_, J. Schalk"yk, motho a ahoa ••• ka. kul.. Ke k. LEFU Ie ohe Ie ikukela b. lona Bo lip.. a Ii kaLe II Ie lieo b. tMbe ho e. Gabere Nr.oabae; Me,d.mu Khuoyeli, hon. ke reng ke taeba b.Dtle bore t.o. '111. Dkhooo MIt!!"et. Iitl·ebelehollg. Le m.ticbere. lh •. R. Makbe\a, J. Ram.tbe, C. Makbema, babali b. plmpili eDa ke b.tho b. Moltia (,MI-Matilda) • Ie lihmo he betae tab. ena b. Ie b.tloali b. ne S. Mokbeleog. P. Motaamai, E. naog Ie likelello 'me ba tl. leka ho 106 emp. a otH • itllmeela, • ba kh.tb.t.. ka bo rom. bu. hobloe Hat.au, Letaema Ny"faoe; Millu hllbi .. like!euo bore 01. leqheh Ie booa hutle. Ph1lpuog ho bile b.tbo ho ea ko.loa. Rena Bolt. S. Mtembu. Nurte Litl(lloe polane ke life ho eireletu bophelo bl ba feteng mlkbolo a ma~eli, mOEe· Re kile r. hebi •• ha ohte J, Ie ba b"ng ol)hle. Doha priooipal a motbo, Bano •• tlohlllg flile 0.11.0 behi 0 te'oeroe ke ltlr, Da'l'ld Ch,k,oe Pb.cho.oe Ie molamlhlli o. hae b. qete ho b.J. mabielo a I>a letHenR. a lehl.hile maele eecbab.'fa 'ela. Ke 01 Cblche. Moruti J. L. Sellke o. ohe bl kol. habohlokooYIDl, "'jeDo ba leboba Je ho ba la/,;aletla Itblobo· mobla bo holela hore booglt. ba rool kereke e. Afrika 0 kile • b. mona bo re boJela kilo mleoabi loe ha bl I. 10010. Sekolo la moUe Ie batela pele re lie I. bore Afrika e f"m'ne t('lko· bull. lekll. la kerflke ea hae,. be. phela, molum,b.1i 0 Ilmetae ka II 1 haotJe; 'me te I"boha \>oiKbathatao loho. Joale puo ea ka ke ena ho Itn. Mr. Dloiel S. Segalo bo lub·deacoa. December, moon. ka 1.2 December. be Mr. A. Ramathe Ie batllhi b. ble. btugb.li: BouleJlIlg Mrdt. hare Mr, Can.ell Koela 0 (lheochehoe Lelulelehlo!!o Baliat.nbablne. Saterdaba I" fetileng MI.. E. mo·Afrika a lumlDe litl'oantlo tn Bloomfontein k. moaebetli oa bopo· alpatiloe ke bOIl~lta bo toholo; tne Kgabale 'moho Ie batllhi ba bile Ie baefate'eng la Afrika;. k'n lehug lee •. Olnhelilemoht4hboitl'0•. eleb.hreke ea Weaele, 'I/I.'a 1(l0. m"kete oa karohlno bo b. teoaog ho 10lnh'a bob" bolll bo IpareheIlg ro bo botle a utl(lo. Ie mofuta o. Mn. E. Pblchoue a fihla a phalJetfe lekolong !!eoa lio e. bo he ph.ha. ml-Afrik. ka lipolabno herla he hlbo. Be kile r. bon. lehlorba se on. mokbohtloe ren.. 0 fibll e Ie meng aelemoug 8e tlang. eleng b. li blomolallg pelo. EhliJe ke bua babolo "tie .. blbuli ba kereke tI Weaele Ie e Ie kbale b. itbobaletee. Ite II. Ie Grop.ue ba. ngotseng Std. VI. Labone k. lipolahaoo lie mlJokubtoeog moo hoang Boltlooteio ba tlileld:botleng ba otlo eOI. vekeog e fetileog ho theohile Jimil· bopbelo ba motho eleng papali feel.. I. kereke. Bar'. tona baD re b. Moruti Ch.tln Goada (Africao trele Ie luticbtlfe bo el liphomoloog Obo beoghali, rapelJlog Afrika ruri teebileog ke C. Litirl. Daoiel Molale, N.tive Church) 0 hlile 0 bolntu ma_ t~a bona. 'me "kola Ie koet.oe h.pe e e. timel•. Ke ntlo. ke ta'ab. ke S. My.tlu Ie Aodre .. MlloUe. teateioglna. bo fiblel. lemoog ae \Ia tho.... bile ke fello. ke h'epo bo boo. boi· lSa bileng teog ka Sood.h. mona le'olro bo babe har'. lecbabal. roo •. te Henri H. T. Leboo., Tluoke, D. LeotlOe I. SHotbo Ie re moo.·khotla LeboDa Ie R.m.oamaoe, ele baeti k. ba a taekilOe; letlaila Ie tlanela mo- mOlebetli o. koeere ea brloch bona retll, Impilo elungileyo kwabe ba Senekal b. A.T.A O.PS. lire. R. A. S. S. MO~BOJ:SHOE , Moui a tbeobile hI) e. "redefort. Laoglaagte. Rev. J Moloaotoa 0 teo. P.ul Rou: • sifazana ta tla Sela\lo. 0 bile a letela Kroon· atad k. tea Leotloe. Rev. Ie Mn. Tsa Mangauug Yini ukuba udinwe, Ch. Sempe be Fickaburg, ebile br.eti (K. MOL.lUQti) ubebutakataka ugule? ba Ilr.le Mn.Da .. ie Semppe. 'me b. fetetee Jobuaelburg. SIE Ie boiyue Ji t1b.lIet@e bo ranku, IMPILO \"0 \H',sifazalll' Imlllwe I:r:i ga 14 Te'itoe ho timetle Ntaoleog T likae, me ba otae ba leka go e r.;,lhl.!la t'ma izi Ndhhlll ?ibu tllka­ Nt,·.II •• pato. ka Ie hl,blaman8; bolle. ka more Doli bolaeang-cbele, fol k:! i Cali li.mhulnleka kuban~ele 'me Emily Let.'elehl a timell k. I. Ie h. go ohe yalo, re booa gare ga \zkuh~ kultllu\<'1<- Il'zinhl\lpo : 16 T9'itoe, a boloko. kaleblabl.mlog. motlle bltbo b. nhe b. e YI. A ke tnroDINWAYJALO. IKANnA Bobeli ba booa halu bao. ebile ban.· gore booe ba ba e yanp: ga ha tahabe ELIBUHLUNGU, go y. taie e yeleng chefe 1 T.I BUTtJNTUTSBA. 011100110 ba Sekolo .a Kop.oo. Ie m. UKOZELA. W.yf.rer a h'epehlog Iitl'oaoeloDg MokgoroJ. G. Ntlaheog 0 b(lehe 0 tJ1[UKULUPALA IHHLlZIYO ET_ tllohle t .. bool. Phupung tea baD a betotee 'mala. liphala h. glgoe Ii lela KAKULU. SHAYA KAN'CAJlE. _Ill Mr. A. Rlmlthe. bu. kl mati. mololi 0 0 mak.h.ng 00 moocba, re UKUBAN'DA UKUNGACABANGI Ie loa' m.eo.bi, ho billoea tiel. ea utloa gore o. be a boehe a coa. Ie KOMZUll.B.\ . KAHLE. gore ka Saterdag. Ii 15 Dec~mber 0 Molimo eo ogoao. a e qll10g lekoloog, ! ndhl('11l .. kukupda klHl\"O yoku l)uyi~a tapeog h.bo Ie mekbltloog e k.0800 ba phanya tlblgala ka kooaert. Ie impilo kunJ,(oku nZ!If'lt'in izi Ndblala. o. Maeupa-teel., dlnhe mo ",toloog 'a Chache, St. t-Dr. Heinz Glandular Tablets :r:ingu­ Augoetill8 koa Tb.b. Ncbu, ka Ii 17 U.pe re taebin ka muo.bi bore IUul1 oman"'.!'''n\·o wabe lIill\une b<'nke on. Ie koa M.lrquard. moteoalle o. b.ba.oeu Ie babate'o aha'lini ... e >:ffiliZi nase bw;uku lxbu Tbaka ea Bai~mi (1.0.T.T.) k. IIr. Percy D ....oo. court melaeoger, takAtaka ~ll~allgokuba ben~t·ml.ko Iikoaere he tbaro taeli tnmileD8 tbah o timell" t. I. 17 TI'itoe a OOlokoa utwl'Il1.a ul.ul>.1. kutokozl'oe enuk'~ a. teeo Ii tlhollog e Ie cone·cooe koa lsitomhc 1!'11i sikombi!a k.le hl.hl.m.og. Re JI. Ie Mr, G. izi ndhbla ng('t\.;wlllhhzhnlL pele, ba oe b. ile go ea go De. coocert t'·XkOlik Elill1.hdb Hendrick", l\a~e lIooy.oe e. tao. hlokah.no. ke otatle (·.Ipt· To"'o. ('Ilf'min\"lIka en~anll\ 3:!. k" .. 111 ('zi5(' mzimlM·nl. t'ma maoe WNaelebroo; Ie Mr. PetrCle ko.Thlba Nchu kali 17 December, "If'zirthlf'kilf'. nnpllo yomu· Diugaao'a n.y, mo kerekellg ea St, uli ebhalll.:- Inl!ao" '"lITni Zl!Iine- ~I· 1I0hepa eo Ie eeaa • taoa hlolr:a haUo. nyan!.'~. t'1.iyi~i Ii ~'\lll~.\ ipile kahle ntll il!' imhhzpe kakulu. ke moholoaoe o. bloB mapolaeiog • Aogaitioe. Brother Pbahe o. Star J,.:lkulu X"i.,,\ll,k07-i\ ukuh... Il!.'R I ·Ur. Heim. (;J/lndulllr l'&b· of Nanreth ke eo moogce oa bahl­ mot" DOl k. I. 17 T.'itoe, 1~1zf'II'oa ngt' Dr HeinZ (,l.mdlliar leh Zfllll\ abafll:r:i nC~lInarue maili. Mr. S:"M.. Phakiai 0 ilo jela Kreae· 1\&.I)I('la t'l'imnZl~aill>'a~<). X~j zi;,:wa eMiJ,!'\\('llllc n"okll aivuse· Pelaelo ngoe e gODe mo bathoog ba mete be. M.r. Peter Seaeioyaoa mlDe n).:,1II3Ulllllrlhla kUll811g:l. paml,.li ' Ida. kllhli' izi ndhl&1a. toaVl. Orl.odo Townahip, JobaDoe.borg; 0 mohe, ka gore kg.the "pict.up" e zl110 elinr;(8pakll.ti. nku~e. tla ea hae Merija ba • khutll \eog k. taene rori·rori hela mo motaeog oa bcnza \':'\\\'1.inlo :r:('~inl!lIne lelemo ae tlaag. Har·. baeti ho bile M.ngaong. M.lob. ka Satertaga Ie kan~'(' n(' mpil!) yonke. teag Mr. S. Selai ha Mr. Ie MH. H. Shontag. motl.o oe 0 lobegile, go I·DR. HEINZ Lubiai. Sport Nltbnael b. Mrs, ~. (lboaroa bo 'ma rooa I" bo kg.ihali ba Sefale Ie Mr. TI.ru. Mill M.g81e ba ritelaos eekokoYlne. , TABLETS Betate.o 6hlile bo tIoa Pietermaritz- Mr. Daoiel Mokoeoa 0 nhe a lpa· GLANDULAR 1.1urg. Menrl S, D. Semppe, 8. MOB.i, kanyet .. loeto loa glgoe go ea go I-DR. HEINZ GLANDULAR TABLETS :r:ihil:lL 5 6 nl; Iobodh l.. l" Phena, L. Makhem. ba fibllle ho tla tlhola batuli ko. Bopeli, Pietenburg, (' if 1.1 Xhlaln\·.lll.l f'.~ip 100 kuwo wonkt' alllak.·lUlsi . L li ::\blaffi \" n . lipbomoloog. k. mahe.hinYlo. • liholidei h. 7.lf 11;;,\ , u,gr " n,lhlo. ia 1.(,1.i n~'aru~ .•. ' .~ 'r ~b ...... ~."~· ...L·""- • .....-t·~· Kteemeae ko. Tbab. Nchu. !ll!"CT"I<-_ .... .t.:-nr':J".." ... -.- .n-~...... _11'-'- _. __ . oe. mOlhemaQfl ka la I:! Ta·itoe. TSUBA OFFICER' ME:;" CIGARETTES (BOLOKA LI COUPONS) 1934. IS UMTETELI WA BANTU, JOHANNESBURG, 22NO DECEMBER,

Nyati h'oaoetlleng bo bapnlloa Ii nte'it806 sekolo ko Ueoghilli H. B. ke Moogbali Lobner Ie H. P. V06. (principal), S M. Pulolu. Z. Mzangwe, Sekolo Se Koetsoe Meqoqo Ea Mr. Laxton, moblahlobi 0& tootae A. Motsoenyane; Mu. Moteoeoyane Ie Ngcobo. o iJe Ito qoqeia motes. ka ha bopbelo, Missel. Kaba 10 (KE MOl'lOOLLI .OA TSA KltoONSTAD) Vereeniging a Mlloteoa ke Monghali Kellen 0& Tsa Kresemese sa Bana &!Is. Ii Lihlar-&. Bo builoe k. tu.maiao k. ti80 a. A Labonto, Ill> 1 2'T~'itoe ho koe- Blookmen. Taohlo he tae mabapa Ie Komiti e math" e ent.oe K II. motae 113 ile la ts'oara 1& motle ho . ~oe aekaIo sa Koptulo ke motaa­ LElHLO eDna Ii tis lebelloa bo blaha ho Tab. m0!1g'a motle lej laihlo pbuthebo ea qeteJlo k. mohla 1& eakolo IipapaJi tea malSI Olio sana, Rev. Father l.L Knight, Ba.tbo, Pretoria. lok18et~a bana ba khoaling ea Ta'itoe. Ba nsng tu Kreaemeee. Ie p.riocipal, Mr. R. Ciogo B.A. Ha Bone Lekhotla 1& toropo lea lebobuoa letsahl lena Ie leholo la bakeog 8a ba 113 tang ka 8eaghali H. Davideon, Baa. ta6blloa bJ,oa bllo lecolo haholobolo ea ka Jebohuol.og bo fet~ I bo tis. ~apaloa ka 1110 24 T~'~toe. el.lkolo, e (mookruoeli oa motee), a lutee Betulo, ka t8.~tllleo. Ere melloo (I IDllcha. ea tefo ea ko MongbaJi H . Davidson, manna ea ba tla ,180110 Dokeng bille!!o," Ie P. J. Mol~leki, B. Maraka S. Mahlaee leo, ufate tlamiloeng Ire ba 'MlliO. Ba. khathaleng ha thu.a motee. Leiblo manttl~eng a lo!:!" ttatu a leN.Alongwane JeP.Nkomo. Mo· 8& hl.on goe Ie hI. Iihlahlobo tsa bona. Father mohe Ie mo t8'epile haholo ho Ie ,beleutGoeng hmpho. ~e Ie a hlabits kamoo lekhotla leoa Ie Is. Llmpbo II Imo. qetella kt. ho iumelis& litiohere ngoH lintho tBohle t8e nh'et8loDgmOt.le pele, har 10 otic ee mohe. sa mesebt!tai e antaoeng I. toropo banI. ba 8ekolo boba ka Bolemo kbothaullJeteeog Libui t.a roriea lekbotla la totopo beteoe tie ~SO.Dg lekbotleng moteengoa batho ekaog eoa e latalang: Feldmloo Amm, 1935 IDotsamaisi e tla ba Rev. Thomaa kamoo Ie IisitBeng motee 0010 kateng. Ie Beoghah bo ngaka b&.os. Mangella 0 bile teng ho thuas. Ie Carter, Stanton. Principal a hebiet. Nurse MODgoli a laeloa lIo ngolla motso bo Ie Gold Ie Benghali Voster Fraaer Moerao(l motae mllioka Ie bophelo ba motee, Li. kilo ho tloba hs tiobere o leboba bakeDg 810 tieo ea Ion. e nUe. Snell Ie. Allen ie I. E. Dldabb.y. he noba ebila 0 okamatee phuthaho ea hlahlobo kapa Ie Mn. D. Bouwer Ie tichere Upina 'sa bo Koala Sekolo mpbo h. tla IltDobeJo,: ke ramohp Mr. A. aa baoa Ie ho eletea buhi ho tea tee tie. oklo litulo tea bona: Lipinatsa lekhetlo II. lelbome t41a mongoliH. B. Nyatl. Hue, Mielet L. bophelo. Tsela e kopaoyang motse Jordaao 0& Fort so. ker~ke ea Wesele Ii .1lodder· Ie toropo e qetiJoe. Sekolo ee thu· bo koala eekolo Soga, Ie Nahum!! Ikn(l!lg 0," 8 Ts'itoe. Lipina Ii soaog ke 'Hoso aelumelletsoe ho aebe­ bile teog ka II. • poort. blopba he pele. Sa banll ae ea taatai leo Jiaa otlo ea motss (Comlllunal Hall) enhoe Hol HO PELAELO HOO HANG H ona. kill pbirilllana binne h.ntle bahole ka nako ell. boraro 0& lipiDa mane Ita kopo ea Leiblo II. Motee. Maboae hll6ba Je mokete bo fihlel&. ka nako ea U ke ke oa ba Ie pelaeJo ba u aebeli,. E Ie kODslfete es a motlakatsa a ee a ilo tihla eeterateng m.nuiboea Community Hall. bot.'olel. hooa mantaiboeng 100. Xa Chamberlain's Colio and Diarr. sekolo sa Kopano. Ho ea mabenkele a mohe. Mokhatlo Olio boote'a ha koala pbirimana ba baholo ba bioI. kahohle boaa Remedy. E phakiaa ho bo tiohere FtaIBr Hoerane, football 010 Lehoea ho Transvaal a biotaa ba ka kopaog, 'me ba thabila matla a eooa Ie ho tlosa lipelaelo teeo Mat8epe Ie E. K. Nhlapo. itheiJe katlae'a hookameli baMooghali ka moo D. Don. bamameli. Sekolo so. itumisa kilo Ii. ebang u na Ie teona. ChamberlaiD'e teog makhooa bo Arohdeaoon Sikakaae, moahemane oa Jekhotla II. na Ho bUe ketao, 'me ruri te'ebetlo eoble ea CoI.ic and Diarrhoea Remedy e se e Holme, Father Knight, Father Martin balilla ba R.ilway (Polioe); mooka. a mahlano e me. {etieila ka botle. Chelete e fuma· Ie Idemo tee muhome bo fathsr ba babeli ba RamI. Ie meli Olio motse ke eea. mots'oarll. ho moo e noeng ebHe :£14. Ho lokilihoe ho Dt.a e aebeliaoa homme ha mlokhooa a mang a mangata. Hall hala 61 lekhotla lena. Limpho tse abela banI. ba sekolo oheletellg eoa kileng ea bloloa ke leh'ollo Ie matla e ne tletae batho ba motse. Har'a mabapa Is lipapali tea bona ho 16 ho kapa Ie lefubela. E rekieoa Iiteme. bona re ka bolel,. bahlompbehi bana; lefilos JitJ'snyebelo. Batumliei ba Beng Ie mabenkeleog ohle. Rev. A. D. Thloloe. R. A. Sello, H. ea Sabbath ho tloh.. ho 1. 14 ho iu Binda, S, G. NdWovu, J. Maraba, J. 1.16 TII'itoe. Barnti b. bileng teog Abbote, H . Bnuwst, Mr. Ie Mra. Soga, ka S. A. L. Makhene (preeideot) 010 Skele, Mr. Ie Mrs. P. Lingalo, Mr. Ie SophiatowD, Rev, Ie Jeften M. M. Mrs. E. Molete, Mr. Ie Mu. W. Moaloei, Bethlehem, Ie Rev. Ie Mra. Mofokeng. Mr ; Ie Mrs. S. Nolonolo, A. B. Makhene Olio Sophiatown, boo Madamse J. Ntuka, J. Ramaqabe, J. feIa hI. booa e bile baeti ba Maroti L. M&tuba Ie ba bang; Nursea A. p, Matlhahi 0110 KroonBtad. meteoa. For Over 30 Years! M~rumo, E. Mfazi Ie litichere Ie Mr. S. D. Chakane 0 leboha miatrelses tea likolo hI. motte. Ue eohle e mo tbusitBeog bakeng Ba Hil bile Ie aplcial quartarly can. kepelo e8 mofumahali oa hae mofo ferenee ea Kereke ea A.M. E. kilo la Martha Chak:aoa. 0 kopa teoarslo 30 a LiJemo ! ea Nako E Fetang 14 T~'itoe ka hI. ile ea thibeloa ke ha !iehile ho b1ahisa teboho eaa kohi e hlabileng .ba Moruti Tek:aae he ka baka II. bohna ba lefo leo ka velte 13 fetij~ng. holim 'a hae Ie polong sa haa. Roholo 30! Ho t9ebiaoa babaH hore Rev. o leboha tan·tona Rev. Ie Jefreo J. S. Ngapezu Kweminyaka Ema 010 G .. za Minion kamoo ba entseog ka hoble Joseph Milletaane Litheko, of FLAG Cigarettes bas never maae Kliprivier ho mo tho9a. -- __ The unbeatable quality Chareb 0 tim~le~8e to. tbis wonderfully higb standard 0 klltae veke feela a Ba ileng pbomolong: Mr ~I; Mre. var!ad,. and owin~ (B:eilbron). their Wide popularity IS always maintained. timela kilo la 18 T~'itoe. Phupuug ea Keable 'Mote (Lerlbe), Meesrs M. h" hll bile Rev. A. Moahanyana, Mokh?le JJohannesburg), p, Lephoto Ho loka. ha FLAG Cigarettes ha ho eao fetohe, Ie ka. Rev, Mllkuena, Jefrsu Leaah Mole· (Hartts!JHth), F. Mareh (Pretoria) lebaka 110 ho etBoa ha teona kilo mokhoa 0 taoetIWng tsaDe Ie Muia Mil/ehane mohats'a MisseB E. T~habalaJa (Johanoeeburg): pele bo loka ba blona. ho tIt. honna nako cob(e. moln, . B. Thbtele (Johanoeaborg), M.. Latola kange Rape bo till ba Ie mok6te oa pebo (Evatoo), Ie M. Mo,gorosi (Johannes. I.~~biBO elingena ntanga. ~e FLAG Cigarettee IWllzo \lku. m"tsobo aa baruti bll 5 hona burg). liJike, kwa ngenxa yo dldl olupakamileyo ea kuko. kerekeng ea GIIZ~ Brethrt!o Missioo Baeti ke Mr. Ie Mrs. Gladstone nbiseka kwazo kuya kusoloko Churoh ka 23 Ts'itoe. Sidyiyo (Modderpoort), Mr. Ie Mre. Monti S. J. Moloantoa Ie mofama. Titus Melk (Dealeavilla), Mr. Ie Mre. for your haH 010 bat! ha itokiselitee ho ea Mich. Moleko (SaDeka;!) Ie Mr. Ie Mre. Valuable gifts J. • kop1.oong ea kereke ea bona mane M. Gaolaog (Chrietiana) ; Mr. FLAG Coupons! M& fika lisin, M!l.khoakhoeng, Lesotho, Makhetba Ie Mr. Sam R. Khstei ba theohile kilo II. 19 Ts'itoe, phutheho (Bloemfonteio) Ie Miea Rosina Makoke bakeng sa eona e Illle kilo II. 22 Ts'itoe. Ba tla (Vanerkop). Limpbo tse ntle bp[)hela bob[)eug ba hae mane h6! 80 bile Ie mokete 0" tBoalo ea Likupone tsa bao tsa FLAG! Moreoa Q1.MO Lehika. ngoaoa ba Mr. Ie Mra. T. M. Moroe Ko bila teag konferense mona ea ka II. 16 TII'itoe. Kilo la II Te'itoe ho ze xabiso nge Kuponi setrake n Krooostad ea ba Kereke bile dance mane Community Hall. Izipo Talima 1a~71rJ Ba bobeli Mokete oua 0 no~enhoe ke' Mr. zako ze FLAG! Je£tr~y Zinga Ie Mis8 Alice Mofokang. E bile mokete 0 motls ba memile • metsoalie aa booa ho til. bapa\a lebili Ie bODa. Hlokomela Bahlanksna ba mokhll.tlo ba Meth. odist ba. ne ba ile konferenBeng ea mafllmahali a merapeJo a kereke ea Methodiet mllne Vredafort. Har'a The Old Favourites r Chelete bona ra kilo bolela Messrs P. Thekiao, J. Pob.o,. J. Ntuka, ~aoho, Ngw.enya, ea Hao. J. Mohsloa, S. Moilaa, S. Moteei, S. Mokueoa, Olio A.M.E., Ie Misses Sara Moeoenoyaoa, Maria Molrbanali, Mra. Magno, Ie ba bang. Mrs. P. S. Mangakllooe 0 no. entBo tee ka la 17 ea hao Ts'itoe " memile bo Mrs. D. M. Bolok. Chelete Sebala, Mrs. P. Lingslo, Mrs. S. J Po,t Ollice Savings Bank. Mataoake Ie Hr. 8. Makllena Mtombeni, J . Ntoka Ie J. Makh'etb~ CIGARETTES e boloha hantle teng 010 Bloemfontein. U ka Ho bile 113 moketehlloli 0 motle Plain or Cork·Tipped. phaello ha e 010 peiso ea lipere ka Maodaha ka ---eba Ie Tsatei II. Diogun. Makhooa Ie Ba. ntse de moo Bankeng- __ tala ba bokane h bongata. Hona Save Joor froots for .olry io the taatsing leo ho bile Ie paiso ell. Iibae. ka nako eo u lekele ho kopaae buhemane ba taoang VAWE Competition U ka ents'a b&keag tee fapaneng. \ Gold Output ratang Pasoog e ha6 Ie Mapol"a a eme k.. maoto bo tI'oar.. £3090 io C•• h Pri.e.; Mioimum ZOOlPri.e-Wiuero. ba911.1i ba ritelaog lino tae tahang b.bolo hopole. I from yoor TobaccoDisl. haena. Deltil. aDd EDlry For •• Hr. Ie Mre Miobael Molako ba fetile 1935. mooa ho sa hae Litapoleng Clo.i., date: 210t J.o.ary • OIlTBTELl WA BANtu, IOBANNEBBUBG, !!:'!!iD DECBMBER, IIIi Tsa Phiritona Conference Isa A, M. Isa Mochudi IUMBULELO WE " NENE

-- ' fell'le I An...k"I".t'f.''''''''''. u · uu I""n. libel ~~'"' L IIDtI bo u mableD. I L(.I.1I. Mr. 6Ioa,,)'" b.I""'It:"'I<'I~II)·~"f'liD~uD'm ...... IKOLO t •• mono KO.II Mo h.". I ".",1 .." ',J. .... t~t"' .. '.,I',a .. ,' J.C.61ekuteoileBltit LOLdlll, Mr, IKEP," J D eng.. '\lu",I.i) H.(I\'I, .'.• ,.b"" ••• ,.",,, " I k I"· M A'. ,SELE1'I:) rbudi dl kbuthle k. LaboblaDo,,, •. _ ., ~ • y T ...... 0 0 e ..,.. artlUl La He .... 'l.m ..... 11. ... 101,,II1,,,bo ObUH., IlItl(o~o 1.111 BeDlonva)e; Mr. J. D uiker, Vt'rtt'lli. HAESALE 00 tl 0"h • ""I 2. P u Iu. 7 Morule. SIDa b. il. b. ,I. k.'·'V"" ".... z'n}" "lItt> ")·.n~. nih.Lu"" .. ~ 101, •• .n •• : Mi.. ~.lr.OUD". Rt'it&,' Mr. u80aD", barutl 10 blromuo" ba keug go .lr.gobo.lr.oan6 .lr.o n<.11 I""ltl "1I'r '.ndl~ Ionk" (umu.u"'~<1o .- • k ME, Ra utloa mo. IntlClbo Ulnmz. ta .... IId.d. od .." .d •. afougolDt"lulu, JobanLt'thulg, Mr J. 'ere e el A. . ., ho I "'1. m~.~ u ..,tlu"g.;o. ,u., DAoku , ...... ~. ~ toane D tla .11.0 " It" khalo bo t'a ha" Pondolaod, Ba.utollnd, mo tla le.lr.olo, tI unl ''''"hIllO Imb.I •• " N~"·e.l'.,o 1:'1 u if. .. 1ra6naa1. Rev. P . .w. &!ititbo Ie Wett.le Free State kao(el., bo mo go bou. bo_ S.bellu.. leD,· ••d. ulouze Iou,,~edlkllt .ba. m~umahal i amaug a .Mub(..ollt ba 0 a 001 la mo 0 0 ea OIlUl,e IC.P.) ubLlla: "Illmo I.. l'tru. t .Ir. I D}'C ,··,hlleuc.. be ea Mokoallo, ", ... "·00-1 moo hloohot;~~~;~::I~I:k:b:J~~::~;~:~~;:::!:!~:!I;'~bo~mma. I Mcokam e d; o. d,·' 00I '" r. A. M . I'alll .b.bQlli~kayo."1-"'"_ • ( ".~ ... ,nlolooI ""); Ildi log ea mafamahali. "ba boleletto ho ea a em. a leoogel. bonl ~ bul.la Clio., "d" n,otltu. Imbodl .. la YI So ~I h.h tb M k t 1 Dhl .. blabi.. , .. boli.. jo. bona. batona tholo eo ba e boulng mo tj. odlkulull f.iDtluDpmi 2.omqoio liP Tuml.'· . r. 0 e, a. e t I, . ImlOI a pbuthehile Maitopi.. rong u bool a bile a bolela boitumelo ::~:~~Y'Yi "Y'lld,k.tne oll.eIllDy ..... 1"111. Ie ba b.nl!: ba 'beohde ka /Sondaba Litaporoto.lr.e hODa tie pakileo. K' I he ea LeJoell!lputloa k. motor c.r. ,.,1,00" .,I,mo, lh, , ••••h.l. ge 'ona gOIl e ~og Mole a, a.Kglfela. O. G (C.I'.) ulob.r, uela into yokoku"'a J:I. b I k ],; I R Ie teng mme • tla bua go booa baua .•IDeedlliala "gpmi,uzu ,mil (; e"utllln~oi OLe onlatue Ie ·0 oog I~ ewa, report. k. mololofolo li.lr.hongoaoa tie Mr. Belako Pi/ant", tmong oa ditokollo awe aiau. ebtle mokate 0 motle, taug Bloemlonteln empa taa I.ekgotla la Dlilolo • bua mlfoko t· NlI.oak. D, ,1. R. u:>:"ra "sallge ndr"'a Eka Ur. .f. M. Ntbakba Ie leoa 0 Dlurlct ea e. tloa .Ir.~ bar'a '.ooto I ,g, 'I IIlI.tamo Im.:I "8"'otl mpeta 'DtlUllfU UI' b· .. • la . a ga mal teo-mortgo IIf' uue okoll.uL. 1I08aL. nlku Pllr.aau .. Ua ba 110, 0 •• Ie 186 TaoaDe Ie ~joe. WOua D.mane ea ea b. (a re k. ga bua raDgoan'a Kgoli Ofent.. iIlYI.O oka"}1!i luodL. olo.e Dtaukll fa...... lepotaoa. Ere.lr.lha banna ba Itcbabl nq'ane ho meeli Pil.De, Ie eDe a bua ga monlte. KU'1tl~ldlt u"ubi .. i X .. ..,:t.P.iD f;pt<'lb, .. m.·Afrika ba pbutheheue Mothate Eit""ka Labone a Dgol!uti "liyttl luito a,nlot." A"uolb. eka a.lr.a re mam"lIa Iitaba bantle ha .lr.hany. nkce, ba . a bua Ita tbata go k~o. qODd. "IlIl>aDdl~ 1I.01luli ...bpnliu. olooLllba to ,I pb , I b b ·• h M b h I b ',m.ll. b.D' mo hh'Dlle ajl"'''" eloupiLioelli Inqlq,mbo)a oe. a Ie e e., ~ tie e 0 I a· Ie Ihopla, a ne e. wete lIhi • ilillmbo OLu~o, 10110100, Imu'Dro • 1I1dle. ",Ia Ie bo Itah. joaleka .ecbaba, booa lIS leh:mo. Venniglng ea ba,illl'lie Ita boo, Rum.".eoe, l'rnqolo, IntJUD8u .. Nyo. lAthod. J. KeleLao (N.the Adl'i.ory fol.ga e ncha eo eleog mpbo e utle e ge ele muole mo ma. 0)11. t:mku.blloe, M.ln";I, "J.lo IlJIlo. Board) Ie 1001e,.e t"ba Pretoria u tloaoO ho Mn. Kla,een, eleng latling a Ulog mme a bilt' a IJetea (.lIl1i .... h ollokuba ufumlD' elo.,.lo"a f k d'b' t d yna Ie ('Inlo Town Brand N,noe·Pli .. bore ho kopuce 'MulO ho bol .... lip... ea mofu Mn. A. A. M.re.lr.., m. 0 o. I UI .e Ilug i bUlle. ~I~citil'. X. nglb. u"./llIla n~n,.aDi I.U boo hallg, Lengolo It!na la gal ... Ie ea .lr.butla ka Allen e'an, R. pbatlalla k. go o.,..la "Kgoli' funi o(.nl blmIYez.. I Ntne,PallI Spf(it. .. Ie 1~li;ane , Ie ntile lihloho tie bloka· KrOOU8tad Ie Bloemfollteiu T 0 r~ ~ ClIl<'lll Tower Dralld) idll 3,'(\ Iouto ton"" halaog taof el •. I egof.taa Afereka". ikemi.ti "~,,eDkile u;"'"",lma." mlile " .. ~i (i kude De kemi.ti; "Il' poai 41·. XI Re bon. pbetoho mooa Pbiritona. Baruti ba cbencbiloeug k. ban.: Mr. B. B . Mothu.i, modelli pele uIIIIPIlI"O ukuhfuQ)alll bhalel. nMO 110 Kapolei. b ... a .a uebela lip.ea, II HI I;::;;,~~A~;'.~ Lipbolo oa LiDdle1 oa dikolo lOono KgIUeng r. Tlolloug bln,o •. Healtb Medicille Compn,.. Adellide. II oebeloa of"lngea 'magiurate. Bo. . P. 0 ile boikgUhooli k(. Ihfihug. Cl'. 0l.ta ba ba'ho b. bo eta taebe t"ha brand 0 eo. B" bao~ ba bile b. haelloa ke bo St.nderloD 0 . Db maeto. bona hobaoe ba ne ba &leb. bort- lipae. Ii ukuoa Poline Station, ~o ba b" aupie.ba 'maltr.ta 'IDe fum.n. ho 10 ho koeteoe. T.b" eoa e b.tl. ho 10kiIOa bantle. amohetaoe Moriana oa Chamberlain oa Mala. Ntla til Leeeka Ie ea Pule Ii bofifiog bo boholo kalefu la M.ra. Pule, molu­ mahah 01 Z.. ch.riab Pule. e De e Ie o. Le.eb. 0 hlokahaletle lIal'uk. Ie mofum.bali eoe ea \" arkvlei; molum.hlli e8e o.ko ba nyaJaue ebile o I. matutei b a Ie b. e·n. Ie blna ba b •. &lellg. J. b.e MoreD. 0 beli. Lin-a.:ong tteoa he M •. tlothJe vuk. ene ele motho u .a ba bile pbeleDg blnUt', • lokoll, a m.raro. e ile ea fetoh. e·ua Ie Lehol1o, Letl'ollo Ie Ihene b ••• khath.Ue litai.tti tea matla la m.li. Mora oa ble Ie he liog eon. e oa lOat.'iboJo hono ho bona· Bao. ba lisolo lie kbolo ba Ba taolug Stofbug Ite Mi .. I. Moleboheng Tlh.paoe, mora oa Ie lob Mogotli Ie b.ra b. b.beli b. Mr. tup. hore ,)h.la hore e.lr.a Ie eena u na Sil.. DLkoebe. B • .r.todderpoort ." I'~I~-li obmeloe Ie khathatso e joalo. Min Ida M. Nthakba. Ba qaloa ha etsoa male· Mn. Lethob. o. Mokoallo 0 ue ale _0- b.leha "thOiO. Ba bora .. mno. a cb• .lr.etl& moholoalle Mr. Job h.", hore OO·molt:etlola ba lIogtltti Ie maloko amug a babo,o SEKE OA NGOAPA. taejoang ba hloloa b ho bile. khotlela b.e. a.pe ho fihlile ka feJin khath.teo ua leUalo phekola leh. ba ne ba ntero Mn. Jerita Malt:iUe o. BermoD, Le,o­ U bo aebeli,. Chamberlaln't •• bo letahoa b.bolo. Ea e-be tho, 0 chatetee ba ha moholoue oa houa kajeoo. E e. makah. tab. e thlta. Ba fe1. hae Mr. Ie Mn. J. M. Ntb.kh •. Mra. la ho ruruh., matbopa Ie Jobetba Motenya 0 tile. tla hODa me . e tbu,itee b. baugeta tlo.lIe, eke ba luhe hanUe Lekoa moo • It:e lekbopbo. Mr. Mphab.mele Moteoya a.ebelilng Ii ~.:~~:;':; Ie mabeDlt:eltng ohle. teog. chelete, Ua bonabala hare Ie M.vuka 0 ee Rev. P.:s. SeJepe 0 khutlile M'-I ~======ale lekh.tbeng la ho lelekoa moeebeteing og.ung, 0 bolel. b'~~:~I~',;'~":,k~.:~,e~. bae sa leba" I. ho kula. Molum.hali o. eebelitee han tie. 1 h" feela, leunao De a ~ING.& M.vun, 0 no a Ie a tla kena tlung. Ie ka cbe."bo, e.it. POW D B R Mortlti Selepe 0 bile I IHUL.A.L.A. .•0g.~,~~.I._ .... Ka leblobonolo, ha fih1a moroti emong hDbo9aaa, .lme.DaHa, IoMIh"', a· Imoo b nako eo No kha'hatao. Moruti. ele­ ',M'. rona au .. III ...... hatiUumb6. Bonb Oqoqqo. a tl. ch.kela hi b. , __. tea M"vuka bo~ a reke ootlolo ea Cb.mher· Jefreu Selepe 0 lebile Tb.ba 1sui.. a e ~tui.. h ...... ain'8 Colic 'nd Diltrhot'l Remedy eleng tloh. Hangaoog. Re mo 1•• ,,1.,1.. au b ..... loeto Ie pbomolo e monate L ______.;. ______8ehlare Ie t ..joang .e kile 8& tbuaa batho ba bangata ba neng b. e·u Ie khathatto e joalo. • Jolly Jack Barnard's Book Shop Mavuka a lumela. Eena Ie mora oa hae ba pbela. Appointed .Agent for" Umteteli" NgoBna eo aileng afibla a re­ ThoD ••ad. of books .Iw.y. in lIock indudin, Nalin books, Bibl .., elc, helloa lebitso la Chamber­ Write for Price List to: lain, , COLIC AND JACK BARNARD, DIAnRHO£A 1781 COMMISSIONER STREET, JOHANNESBURG. Chamberlains I<: ~ t.f r :-J'I


Igamalika "8ayete" Chief And Lion ARE YOU COMING TO LOVEDALE? :For 03 ye..... LO\'EDALE h .. equop)>t'd men .n,) "Offil"n of .11 trib< t"r no..,. (~GU ~hB'dH:.) apllHf' "f life. Loot ul trl,n 'OU ill Ih. follo ... ioll ~our_'- TINA zizwe ezimuyama wuleli&"e Thrilliag Story From .inamlglm. am.. hle okukulekflla TraIning Schoof. High Schoof. Beeb.laaland P .. m • ..., LoWH Tuchf'''' ('ooruflrtte. Juni." {'~th6cate .mJ.ko.i eto nawokotopana nlta libo· Pr,m• ..., U.gl,u TCa<'bers Cert,'"al". IWllior Cerldhat.o (Uatr; Jl.t".,,). ng,oll ng410ko e.iaoka libu.. ngako. Ngitotat. igama lama Zllo eJiti: Induatrlaf Departments. BUILDING. CARPJ::t.'TltY. PRI:\11!'(;. UOOKflINDlNG. ('O~81~£D " bly"te ". LlligJ.mt. elokokulekela HOW to keep 0001 in the prelenoe of Ut'ILDIKG .\SO <:ARPENTH.Y. iokosi ya'twA Zulo; noma kuog.~ d.uger w .. proved in Northern J'M> for tloCb Ir.,J~ onl, £Ii p<'r aonum. eyaaipi i.tir.we uu kuyinkllii Iiyifaoel~. Beehulualaud the otber day, the hero Domestic Science. Lieh" okoti iukol' iogablieta .. b.yi- being Chief &.eeOOI.i G. KBam.ue. TI,orougb 3 ytart' Trailling io CQoI.Hr. :-;~edl~,,<>.". LluoJ,),. DOuM.urny It . cite. zayo on bekooa bOllnel •• be.hl) wbo bad gooe to .ee hi. cattle at tbe tee £10 p .. r annum. uempela beq ,nd.. ukuti O:l:lI iokoli cattle p".h. There it was reported Home Management Course. i.i.hil.> ilbilo. Ngako k .. "'kungenz~k, . to him th .. t .. lion had killed five of FOI' the 1f"'... 11 benefil "f old~, Ind ruarr,,_ d ... on."II, I four mQo'h,.· .... ,ItU ;1 hfld u'r:abl " umQt ..an~" .kult'kelwlt ago· hil csttle .od that the lion W.I ia tbe t"ie' a yell'. }'eb", ..., to Jut'" ar.d .lul, I, S..",~mbe klti:" B.y\t~'·' uyilt!ll't&kon'l ng()ba bUlh .boot three milee ."ay. Fe., fQr «'00,... ifl. iz;in\r.ullzi ZiUg3be mbili .ib"yeoi liuye. The Chief at ou". deoided to folio" Arr~Y TOP"'· FOJl ful. L,,,.J makosi abokwa njalil eeemed "I if the be"lt .... re ..dy to .bketw. kobek ... noms ohani ngoba tear him in piflOel, but tbe Chief kept Subscribe t.o kwakoql)od". ukubol.. l. obukoli cool .nd taking .. ete.d,.im with bak"llI Z(}lu. Nempel.. ke " ..U ebuYI hil dBle killed the lion in.t.. ntly, ··Uxx1t.et.elj" pas be,. oh Mpsude w .. lifioa lel.ba the bllliet penetrating tbe .lI:ull. mJ.k(llikoei, ..auk. ekolekelwa, ngall:o Gre.. t admiration h .. been expr... ed imboogi y .. ti ku Dinur.ulo ka .t toe oooineu .ad Ikill of Cbief Cetab ....'o: Raeebol.. i O. Kg.m.ne. "U :dplQdo r.. mil' enjeoi, Ngioga honange ngiyiboo' imil' • U"UN. w .... ~", ... ~'" .z ... • .... ". U''', ",,~, .. ltimpoodo; UlIOO! iN(;( ... . l·"" "00'.".' ... · NO.III'.H! Si"elaoa kakolo nomzi ",ak •• Mi,.. ~O. Uloc:ur'KA ., _. t. ,.k' lO p ...." If· •".·0' .. '- Uba n mil' enkomeui, NGOt'I!O .-.. , - .., ... .. Sui yJkomui' amagud' oku· II:wa Kay.kulo. 0 1100. W. M.lg.... bem ..... nrokolhiy •• II: ...ke yiokOlikui y.ke u Regin. M.lg.I, obhobhe Dlolwe.i N,t, lokub izimpoodo nmila Bioi lomhla •• 4, Dillmba, eliHh10 DogomUa e:tiojeoi; iz'lf' 1.I,ba m,ko,i· lihl. engakallge .gole lI:ooken.. IA· lI:oei ak... qondwli Dokuti ngobaoi I.. Di ogeoxeha m&i "all: ... Hiy•• ko­ ofaoeln igama lika "b.ye~ ". hlanl. lungehliyo nani bak... Bbet. ogoba. MlIt.,b, ilona game Vaoen"'•• po aZII ... konl oma· loku knlekela .belo ugo bNllt.iokantolo Mad on. 10. nabangezon& ne&ilDut.lhi zod •• led. !rod.. ,behman DU lekobbek •• ogamehJo ombUM ...kiti bba o&okoai. himaatlbi lui kany. n ...jaji ,II:'O,i· zombili Dlomhla b 2 ku J.utW'y. wo amakoti ngob, hahny. b.ki,hw. Iaikony.ue Ialilont. e TekYini leli • tOOgeD' ,blny., tloti Dob, bengat. .lidhlule. KOJObal.okuti liy. b.te· kith ... ,bablak,hr. ogapaodhle ko­ liaa .belongu kulemiti abati iyuibn. kub_ beteta am.cal_ogitho nko'i 1"la. Ngikolam. Die bmbe Hmbe~ Umyeni ogeke ambon. omloogu ekolekela lonke i:r. ..e; D.mvul. leyo ogeke Imlot.hi ooma ijaji emg"'qeni. ywei:r.. ngoba isiokombi kazilbiyi Abaato ahl .al.d" ig.ma Iik, loto lapo zihambe kona . .. bayekl" ama S.azi ablukolekela Wake iuko.i ,abo ogato bageine. Loko kWlInzi.. oknb, iz.. I,bo _Ioko I.bankoli yioy" KWl NKUNDLA YO QAULO Uyakuvuya! IIITSHATO YOK MZANTSI • AFRICA. (b~m.o 81: N&T.a1. YE Ta.t..."U"~) Ezase Tekwini Ityall No. 48i«l 34. • l~hekade e~~hen,-ha ama Feluna Pill· nge.a likwJzi ukuqal;l kill. d,w., .. ~ .k".•• " .... '­ knde libooa D !.Inn K. E. Malllagi ., ..I"'i( 1935, ngen,ha Ie utflimbi ,e 10 ko· ._. .u, ol olaadi.. Ie k ... a BoI.".yo k.aye 00 p \, l"mell.'lt·, hhkull1 ht'c' • , ..a ounye k .. mliny. em". koko :1:. • "f, .I •• Ut ..,. 1>; Moo. N. Yosom.. ofoodin k.a .Ii , , :'\~Jle'lIl\(-l

UMTK'IKLI WA BANTO, ,JOBANNItBBURO, :!2!'1o DECEMBER, 1VIi. THE SELECTED CRICKET TEAM Test For Pleases Transvaal W.N.L.A. Bantu Tennis Club Province's Team Cricketers I (By H. JORHA) (By D. W. M.&. SHUl'YE) N0W that the .tage il aet lor the East Rand Versus oricket tourney at Port Eliubeth, EXCEPTING by the few te.m8 wbo and the selectors have done their have h.d tbe pleaaure of playiog West Rand ' work in tbe Traosvaal, the time i. tbem, tbe " Wenela" are not very well koowo yo~. The club WII • opportune for a few warde about the eelected team. formed a little over 12 montba SIl:O. drinle did not. d.mp the eotbu· I eympatbize witb the ,election com­ The management of the T.C.M., A ei~'m of the player, wbeu the mittee 01 any aide, for on ita.boulderl N.R.C., and W.N.L.A. laid out io the 1!:aet R1.nd sent in G. Barna.lJ,e !l.nd is placed a gre .. t reapoolibi]ity. W.N.L.A. ~rouude tbe Ipacious wCloia l~. RClro, t.he Welt o:;pringe oponing Tbe aelectorl io tbil inltaoce have court, and it il oDe of the heat on pair, and their rate of Icoriog eeemed bad 00 ea.,y task iu p;ckio! tbeir tbe Reel. Before the form.tion of tbe league tbe " Wenela" woo all to uPJe~ b)th fhldlng aod bowhog team, a, quito !II number of playerl are of the W09t &\od, aod the fielding 00 the top of their form juat no". matcbOi but one, loud lioce then they caphiD cr. SClodlo) changed tho Ths team cb08eo il not withoot .ar· h.ve won eMily the four matchet bJwlers from oue eod to \be other. peilet. For i03hace, who would have they pl~yed .p:ain.t Simmer and Jack E. M uiu oaugbt F. Rorol at mid 00 dreamed tbat io tbe Tran.ve.1 team City Deep. Wit Deep loud Noura~ Mioel reapectively. off \I. Ballour (43-1-22J. load F. thil l~e9l1:o "Bob" Sibeny.', name SJbu .. " came In next. Fro:'ll b3th would be included 1 1 do not wilh to Memberehip to the club ia coufioed bahmen the ball ..eo~ to the b:)ood· iufer tb!l.t Sib90ya il not qo.lified for to employeel, though a limited nu.m ­ lory, but O. Koboka mid" O. ioclulioo, bot, a! • rule. ne.. pleyerl ber of uoattached pl.yera may be Buoabu pl.y ioto tbe h.od! of R. ha .. e to he cooliet.ent, in their per· accepted, provided they h.ve accept· Sibeoy. (tiS-:!-31). formaocM to catcb tbe eye of the able recommeodatiooa. Next ct.ma l. B.OgIIOI .. ho 1f., Ielector.&. end juetify tbeir invitation The te.m ia contemplating. tour quiokly c.ught 00 the Ilip by E. to the Tri ..le by lolid perform.oce!. of tbe 0 F.S. and or N.tal ..hen Muiu off G. Kobob (ti5-3-O). Sibenya i. but one of a bandlol of food. Ire available. Communicationl . N. HA-BAS.:!" a yoong bo .. let 01 J. Matlio (a left.h.nder) "'.1 tbe lurpriae pacltet.. There ia for in· aboold be made to the Compound great ptomiae. who will reprueut next b.hm.o. Maliu continued the Itlnce Oliphant, tboujrh to be lore, Manager W.N.L A. or the Secretary, Trao8vul in tbe forth, oming diusttlr by felliog F. Sobo".'e leg he i, a brilliant fielder and a good Box 1251, Johanneehurg. tourn.ment. etump (65-4--9). betlmen. Kala, a left bander, il L. Set.i made it a left· baud partner­ eltpecled to do well _ith the bat. A "hip, but ba did not eun-ive loog, budding Beadman il rec:ogoiled in I . beiol!: I.b.w. off N. aabana. (70-5-1). Baogaoi, ..bo il • relief bo.. ler too. Off tbe fint ball of N. Haban., D. These are lurprise paokete--yooug Kaodanila ecored a coople. and n01f playen a.od ioexperienced and I SHOES OOIIt much money but you can .nd $,ben took advantage of any Ipace admire the eelecton for making ex· make them I... t twice III long if yoo in the field b, eitber eteaUng a run or perimenta. The Triall Iho.. ed that clea.n them regularly ..ith Nugget Boot scoring a boood..,y. Weet Rand yoong pl. yen are knocking at the Powb. It i8 famoul all over tbe world boaved. sigb of relief ..ben J. Mattia, door • becaU811 it preaerv8I the leather of yODt' ..billt trying to aqueIIH a rUll oB N. After a aound hatting displ.y by ehoea a nd ie allo waterproof. Babolon...... roo oot b, S. Kala M.lete and a IOlid eBort by J . Motlio. (81-6-1). A. T.bome1a joined D. both left blnden anI, t.be aelecto,. "Kaodaoi ... Tbi. pair proved a reacue kno.. _h, th ... two ..are omitu,d. partnerahip, tna'log aDyihl~g loo.e Bot tbe team hal DO" been choaf'll. .NUGGET io cavalier {MhioD. E ...... 1&& from The playen coold be enuuted. to the Nonh eod pot a .top, however, to no bet,ter man Ulan the e:a:perieoc«l BOOT POLISH tllil by m.akiog D. Kaodaoiaa pia, captain P. G ..ele. Good look ~ oor into tbe h.ndl of J. OliphanqW'~-7 team. aDd may the better aide wiu I -II}. The 8th lD.n waa I. MpHiao ...bo ISRUZI Della ba.ali eniO!.i kod"a ung.. t.eoza :r.iko..k.bon:l:e Icored.n oB drin for four off M. • iuaha elide elipiodi ..e oknba olMlheor.i .. roqo i Nogget Balfonr. StolDp' were 'ben dra.. n IziponoDo Boot Poliab. Idome kolo .Ionke ilit."e kuha irayi londolosa at; 6.20 p.ml batlon:.e ye .hui • • • • "Mbleli ..o Mteteli." A' 10,30 •.ID. the overni~bt b.te- k...... ugo mthintW,. i. ~... UGGET· lDen took their poaition: Wauobope Nkosi.-Mandiq&le ngeliti, tioa mpi yue Rautiniengo,ikiyo liyehla .a mulli. came .. a lubttitote ~ B. Sooi. He ,Wi,. bo_led from the South .. ith N. kumn,.dala weqaumba 10 ..0 u.e BOOT POLISH Bab.o. from the North ead. J. Bbai 'Ndlovu. Kanti ke .aipelelanga MpililO, off N. Raban., played iota M. apo neqel.le Ziponono Miohigan Juz Balfour'l bandl at .Up (131-8-5) Six of Springs, uk". lapo ogetyala lomqala (mulic). Lit.imieele nkuq.la C. Ngeogebula came io a. number 9, IE'IA Ii rekoa b chelete e ngata empa u ca etla hare and with A. Tahomela carried the e Bhai liye kuro rooke indawo elila· ndelayo: Uitenblge, Grabamatown, L hue oalto e telele habeli ha u Ii hlakola k:hafetaa Ita Icore over their opponente' Mark (136) Ntlg~t Boot Polish. E t8ejoa lefatecDg loble bobane e up to 166 when R. Sihenya !lot A. Fort ne.ufort. KingwillilmltowD, Ealt London, Queeosto.n. Amanene ala. babaUa Ietlalo 1110 Tehomel.'a middle .tump (I66-~- mboto eZiponono ng.la : P . A. G. lieta tu han Ie 32). Mphele, E. S. Vat.i, S. A. W. Jhora. S. hona h. e cene The laat b.tlman "101 W. Ngcel"ane, B. Ndlat.ilwlloa, R. F. Majol. (Buli­ lIleui. .NUGGET ..ho kept on adding rUOI until tbe 200 mark ..... reached .t 12.10 a m. oeu Maosger) 00 Mias F. N. Tle.. o. Brakpan. hlPONO!'lO. BOOT POLISH. when Ihortly .. f~r that he .... bo .. l­ ed hy M. Balfour (20'--1O-26J C. Ngengehula w•• 25 not out. At tbe requeat of the Seltction The TtaulIVllal reprelent.tive team in the Chamber of Mines Tournament Committe tbe aecood innioga .. al Obtainable io aU.bade,. largely devot&d. to playen, .. ho lilte at Port Eliubeth ia aa follow,:­ E.. M.nZJogaoe. E Ma,in, R. Sihenya P. Owe Ie, captain (Stone. breakerl Zonke iotlobo Uko. .nd othera bad not made up for tbeir C.C), C. Ngeogebula, vice.captaio 1st iooiogl miefortunel io b .. ttiog-. (Van &yo D~ep C.C.), D. Kandani .., kilo ,meba:. T. Soodlo pl.yed a clear 27 in fioe wicket· keeper (Never Despair C C., eobJe. atyle, wben the We.t R.nd Icote .... Geduld). W Ngcel ..ane (Hodder Bee 84 for 7. I. Bangaoi io the Eaet C C). T. Sandia (Simmer and Jack Blood 2nd inning. Ibowed ..ell "itb C.C), F. Roro (Weet Springl C.C.), bie 27, E. H.nzingane "kept" well J.Oliphaot (WiIlo ..a C.C. Pimville), .. od.1 a relerve to D. Kaod.nia. I Banglni (Rieing St.n C.C. ~duld sbould be a valuble allet. Ealt), E. Mpbele (Stone Bre.~er. C.C.), A. Tlbomela (Weet Sprlnga Certainties C.C.), N. Bahana (Orieote] C.C. 10 the trial match J. Mpili.o, F. Crown Minee), J . Mpili.o (Ne .. M.C.C. Roro j~.nd D. Kudamiaa leleoted Spriogl Mioea), E. Masir.a (Oriental the1D~~lve., u bo .. lerl, opening batl­ C. C. Cro.. n ~linell). L. Kal. (Simmer lDan and wicket-keeper., relpeotively. ~nd Jack C.C.). Manager Mr. Y. The'triall, .part from t ..o IlI;rpri.e Xiniwe. omiaaione, gave aD opportnnlty to The T.B.C.U. fixturel ..ill be ItwI­ yoong t.alent. pended 00 23rd aDd 30th Decemher Co.t'"Uotd ill 1U'.d eolumll to be re.lomed t.fter Tonroam~nt.

Printoci eud Fubli.hed by the Proprietotl N .. tive Printing &. Pobliahiog Co., Ltd., 46 End Street, Johanneabarg.