THE TEACHER: Michèle Gonçalves Momos, holds a Fellowship (highest teaching qualification) with the Imperial Society of Teacher’s of Dance (ISTD), Cecchetti Faculty, London, is an accredited junior examiner with the Cecchetti Society of Southern Africa and has a ballet teaching diploma from the University of Cape Town, South Africa.

Michèle started dancing at the age of 9 in Johannesburg, South Africa and was accepted into the Johannesburg High school of the Arts where she completed her secondary school years. Thereafter she was accepted into the Ballet School of the University of Cape Town where she completed her Diploma in the teaching of ballet.

In 1989, she qualified as a Cecchetti teacher and started her own ballet school at which she has taught for 27 years. Her students were trained for the annual National examinations always enjoying a high success rate. Over the years, many of her senior students qualified into the Annual Cecchetti Awards which were held in Johannesburg.

Michèle has choreographed and produced 2 – 3 act with her students, which included; Mary Poppins, The ugly Duckling, Snow White & the 7 Dwarfs and Peter Pan. These were performed at local theatres and performances were open to the public.

Michèle was the recipient of the Pat Hardy Scholarship and attended the Cecchetti Teachers Seminar in Chichester, London in 2008.

In 2009 she was invited onto the examining panel of the Cecchetti Society of Southern Africa. In 2015, she was invited to train as a senior examiner.

Throughout the years, she has also coached and prepared students to take their teacher’s qualification in the Cecchetti ballet method. This being an Internationally recognised qualification which is accredited by the ISTD.

Michèle moved with her family to Portugal in 2016.


 Ballet improves fine-motor skills, concentration, deportment, balance, co-ordination, develops a pliable body, musicality and rhythm.  Teaches discipline preparing youth for anything they might encounter in their lives.  Teaches self respect and how to best take care of and respect your body.  Develops a strong physical body which may aid all other sports and physical activities as well as benefitting all other dance genres.


The Cecchetti method is an exact and meticulous system drawn up with careful regard for the laws of anatomy and is designed to furnish the body with all those qualities essential to the dancer:

Balance, Poise, Strength, Elevation, Elasticity, Ballon and so on.

The Cecchetti Method differs from other schools in that it tries to reduce the dancer’s training to an exact science; to mould and shape the body to bear the strains and trials of public appearance and to make muscles, tendons and nerves respond readily to the steps and movements that might be required of them by the choreographer.

An essential part of the system is the set exercises according to each day of the week. This ensures that different types of steps are always practised in a planned order, stretching and contracting each set of muscles to a carefully calculated degree.

Another important feature of the Cecchetti Method is that the student is taught to think of the movement of the foot, leg, arm and head, not as something apart but in its relation to the whole body, which develops a definite feeling for line.

The Cecchetti Method endeavours to achieve purity and accuracy in its classical style; it is classic in its strenuous opposition to all extravagance and fussiness of movement; it stresses the importance of line.

Enrico Cecchetti

Enrico Cecchetti was born in 1850 in a dressing room of the Apollo Theatre in Tordinona, Italy. His parents were dancers and his father, Cesare, was trained by Carlo Blasis. Cesare made his debut as a mime and dancer at the age of 21 in 1842 and later danced with Marie Taglioni. Enrico’s brother and sister also became dancers and Enrico’s first stage appearance was at the age of five.

Enrico and his brother and sister trained with Giovanni Lepri, a protégé of Carlo Blasis. When Enrico was ten, he was sent away to school but he was more interested in dancing than in studying so he was returned to the stage. His debut as a dancer was in 1866 when he was sixteen, partnering his sister, Pia. He went on to dance in many roles in ’s La Scala Theatre and he toured Russia several times. Enrico appeared in many ballets during his career as a dancer and also created special roles such as the Bluebird in Sleeping Beauty.

In late 1878, Enrico married a dancer, Giuseppina. They had seven children altogether, two of their sons becoming dancers. Later on, Enrico was hired by Serge Diaghilev, the impresario, as and mime for his Ballets Russes company and he was to work with many eminent dancers, choreographers and artists of the day such as , Tamara Karsavina, George Balanchine, , Leonide Massine, , Matisse, Picasso and composers Debussy, de Falla, Prokofiev and Stravinsky. He continued to perform and teach into his seventies. In 1927, he performed for the last time in the role of the Charlatan in Fokine’s Petrushka at the La Scala Theatre. Later that year, his wife died.

He took seriously ill while teaching a class in Milan and the next day, 13 November 1928, at the age of 78, Maestro Enrico Cecchetti died. His influence on the ballet continues to live on through his pupils and his pupils’ pupils.

Writer and publisher, Cyril Beaumont, codified the Cecchetti technique and published it as A Manual of the Theory and Practice of Classical Theatrical Dancing. Beaumont also promoted the formation of the Cecchetti Society in England in 1922 and sent Margaret Craske, a pupil of Enrico’s, to open the South African branch in 1928. CLASS TIMES: Lessons are to be held in the gymnasium at Santo Antonio International School, Avenida Saboia no 622A, 2765-277 Monte Estoril.

Mondays: 16h30 – 18h00 13 years and older

Tuesdays: 16h00 – 16h30 3-5 year olds 16h30 – 17h30 6-8 year olds 17h30 – 18h30 9-12 year olds

Wednesdays: 16h30 – 18h30 13 years and older

Fridays: 16h00 – 17h00 6-8 year olds 17h00 – 18h00 9-12 year olds 18h00 – 19h00 13 years and older

There will be a free trial lesson for all age groups as follows:

Monday 6 February 16h30 – 18h00 13 years and older

Tuesday 7 February 16h15 – 17h15 6-8 year olds 17h15 – 18h15 9-12 year olds

FEE STRUCTURE: Fees are payable per month and payment should be made by the 5th day of each month.

3-5 year olds 1x lesson per week 35€ per month (1/2 hour per week)

6-8 year olds 1x lesson per week 40€ per month (1 hour per week) 2x lessons per week 50€ per month (2 hours per week)

9-12 year olds 1x lesson per week 45€ per month (1 hour per week) 2x lessons per week 60€ per month (2 hours per week)

13 years and older 1x lesson per week 50€ per month (1½ hours per week) 2x lessons per week 65€ per month (3½ hours per week) 3x lessons per week 80€ per month (4½ hours per week)

There is a 5% discount for siblings on the above amounts.

Enrolment fee 30€ per year Insurance fee (to be confirmed)

Kindly contact Michèle before the 1st ballet lesson, for application form.