Jr. Confirmation Class Bethany Lutheran Church of Six Chief Parts Overland Park & Stilwell, KS Rev. Dr. Kevin Wyssmann (913) 648-2228 x101 Student’s Guide C-4 [email protected]

Focus Time 10 minutes Discuss the following questions: 1. What is the penalty God has attached to each and every sin, little or large? (Romans 6:23) 2. What does God agree to accept as a substitute payment for our sins? 3. How do we go about claiming that alternative payment for ourselves? 4. Why does the Lord command us to take the Lord’s Supper often? 5. How often is “often?” 6. How often might be “too often?” 7. What would be the result of taking the Lord’s Supper every time it is offered? 8. One question that I still have about participating in the Lord’ Supper is…. QUESTION: ______Class Discussion Part #1 20 minutes Check it Out: Q. What is the of the ? A. It is the ______body and true ______of our Lord under the ______and wine – instituted by ______Himself for us ______to eat and drink. Luther’s Small Catechism pg. 231

Whoever ______and is ______will be saved, but whoever does not ______will be ______. Mark 16:16

T ? F It is by good works that we are saved through sincere faith.

T ? F Babies are not God’s children at birth.

There are three (3) universally accepted statements of faith (Creeds). They are:

1. ______2. ______3. ______

The Holy : Terms You Need to Know Draw a line connecting the term to its description: The linen cloth designed to cover the ware on the altar The act of setting aside the common elements of bread and wine Host Another name of the common cup Flagon The plate on which the host or unleavened bread is placed The technical term used for the unleavened bread The large pitcher used to store the wine to be poured into the common cup

The ______of Jesus, His Son, ______us from all sin. 1 John 1:7

Traditions, Customs, and Practices – Part #1 1. The “Fruit of the Vine”: Wine or grape juice Matthew 26:29 2. The “Loaf”: Leavened or unleavened bread Leviticus 23:4-6 3. The Vessel: Common cup or Individual cup Mark 14:22-24 4. Partaking of only one kind 1 Corinthians 10:16-17 5. Luke 22:14-20

Partner Power 10 minutes THE  Work with a partner to fill in the blanks to the Words of Institution: Our Lord, Jesus Christ, on the ______when He was ______, took ______, and when He had given ______He ______it and gave it to His ______and said, Take, ______; this is My ______, which is given for you. This do in ______of Me. In the same way also He took the ______after supper, and when He had given ______, He gave it to them saying, ______of it, ______of you for the ______of sins. This do, as often as you ______it, in ______of ______. Break Out: Got Bread? 20 minutes

Reflection Time 10 minutes Take a moment to reflect on the following statements:

It is important that I take the Lord’s Supper regularly because ______

Taking Communion is God’s way of ______

Taking Communion is our way of ______

I probably shouldn’t take communion when ______

I especially need to take communion when ______

Class Discussion Part #2 20 minutes Traditions, Customs, and Practices – Part #2 4. The Community:  Open 1 Corinthians 11:27-29  Closed  Close Reading Schedule 5. Preparation Luther’s Small Catechism  The Confessional and Reconciliation Matthew 5:23-24  Day 1: Pg. 237 6. Examination Benefit of the 1. Am I truly ______for my sins? Sacrament of the 2. Do I confidently believe in ______and His ______? Altar 3. Do I intend, with the help of the Holy Spirit to ______?  Day 2:

Pgs. 237-239 Luther’s Small Catechism pg.242 Question 296

 Day 3: Examine yourself to see whether you are in the ______; ______yourself. 2 Corinthians 13:5 Pg. 239 Power of the Luther’s “Pinch” Test Sacrament of the Altar  Am I still alive?  Do I still sin much?  Day 4:  Am I still in need of my Savior? Pgs. 239-240 Questions 297-298 Who should not receive the Lord’s Supper?  Day 5: The openly ______Pg. 241 How to Receive The un______This Sacrament The un______Worthily Those un______to examine themselves  Day 6: Luther’s Small Catechism pg. 243-244

Pgs. 241-243 Questions 299-303 Worthy Participation We receive (the Lord’s Supper) worthily when we have ______in Christ and His ______,  Day 7: “Given and shed for ______for the ______of sins. Pgs. 243-245 Questions 304-306 Luther’s Small Catechism pg. 242

The cup of blessing which we bless, is it not the ______of the ______of Christ? The bread which we break, is it not the ______of the ______of Christ? This Week’s 1 Corinthians 10:16 Assignment: Family Time C-4 © 2011Rev. Dr. Kevin Wyssmann  Junior Confirmation  Olathe, KS