(12) United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 6,664,105 B1 Pecker Et Al

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(12) United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 6,664,105 B1 Pecker Et Al USOO66641 05B1 (12) United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 6,664,105 B1 Pecker et al. (45) Date of Patent: *Dec. 16, 2003 (54) POLYNUCLEOTIDE ENCODING A (58) Field of Search ............................... 536/23.1, 24.1, POLYPEPTIDE HAVING HEPARANASE 536/24.5; 514/44; 435/320.1, 455; 530/350 ACTIVITY AND EXPRESSION OF SAME IN GENETICALLY MODIFIED CELLS (56) References Cited (75) Inventors: Iris Pecker, Rishon le Zion (IL); Israel U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS Vlodavsky, Mevaseret Zion (IL); Elena 5,968,822 A * 10/1999 Pecker et al. ............... 435/325 Feinstein, Rehovot (IL) 6,177.545 B1 * 1/2001 Pecker et al. ............ 530/387.3 (73) Assignees: Insight Strategy & Marketing Ltd., OTHER PUBLICATIONS Rehovot (IL); Hadasit Medical Sudhir Agrawal, AntiSense oligonucleotides: towards clini Research Services and Development cal trials, TIBTECH, vol. 14, Oct. 1996, pp. 376-387.* Ltd., Jerusalem (IL) Alan M. Gewirtz et al., Facilitating oligonucleotide delivery: Helping antisense deliver on its promise. PROC. NATL. (*) Notice: Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this ACAD SCI. USA, vol. 93, pp. 3161-3163 1996.* patent is extended or adjusted under 35 Douglas W. Green et al., AntiSense Oligonucleotides: An U.S.C. 154(b) by 0 days. Evolving Technology for the Modulation of Gene Expres sion in Human Disease, J. AM. COLL. SURG., pp. 93-105 This patent is Subject to a terminal dis 2000.* claimer. * cited by examiner (21) Appl. No.: 09/435,739 Primary Examiner Ram R. Shukla (22) Filed: Nov. 8, 1999 ASSistant Examiner Joe Zara (74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm-G. E. Ehrlich (1995) Ltd. Related U.S. Application Data (57) ABSTRACT (63) Continuation of application No. 09/258,892, filed on Mar. 1, 1999, now abandoned, which is a continuation-in-part of A polynucleotide (hpa) encoding a polypeptide having application No. PCT/US98/17954, filed on Aug. 31, 1998, heparanase activity, Vectors including Same, genetically which is a continuation of application No. 08/922,170, filed modified cells expressing heparanase, a recombinant protein on Sep. 2, 1997, now Pat. No. 5,968,822. having heparanase activity and antisense oligonucleotides (51) Int. Cl." ........................... C12Q 1/68; C12P 19/34; and constructs for modulating heparanase expression are C07H 21/02; CO7H 21/04; C12N 15/00 provided. (52) U.S. Cl. ....................... 435/320.1; 435/6; 435/91.1; 536/23.1; 536/24.1; 536/24.5; 536/23.5 5 Claims, 34 Drawing Sheets U.S. Patent Dec. 16, 2003 Sheet 2 of 34 US 6,664,105 B1 FIG 2 peak peak || Fraction U.S. Patent Dec. 16, 2003 Sheet 3 of 34 US 6,664,105 B1 11 OO S O d t- 9 (S E CQB 550 O) O 9. SV S CO O Fraction FIG. 3B E O. C st- 9 (US E O CB O) -O cu D a-1 St. S O?) O 1 O 2O 3 O 40 5 O Fraction U.S. Patent Dec. 16, 2003 Sheet 4 of 34 US 6,664,105 B1 FTG 4 1100 S50 O 1 O 2 O 3 O 4 O 5 O Fraction U.S. Patent Dec. 16, 2003 Sheet 5 of 34 US 6,664,105 B1 FIG. 5A 1 OO E Ol d s CS E QO 550 CD O c 9 Su S OO O Fraction FIG. 5B 100 E Cl () d (US E 550 ob O c 92 St. S CO Fraction U.S. Patent Dec. 16, 2003 Sheet 6 of 34 US 6,664,105 B1 FIG. 6A peak II 600 E Ol O st- 1200 9 (VS E O C2 800 d O c 92 s 400 S (?) O O 1 O 20 30 4 O 50 Fraction FIG. 6B 400 E Cl C s 5 c E 700 c O c SD S CO O O 1 O 2 O 30 40 5 O Fraction U.S. Patent Dec. 16, 2003 Sheet 7 of 34 US 6,664,105 B1 FIG 7A 1 400 700 O O 2 O 30 40 5 O Fraction FIG 7B 8OO 400 Fraction U.S. Patent Dec. 16, 2003 Sheet 8 of 34 US 6,664,105 B1 FIG. 8A 1200 peak II E C O t e E C O) O 9 s S Fraction FIG. 8B peak II E O. O g s E O O c 92 St. S O 1 O 2O 3 O 4. O 5 O Fraction U.S. Patent Dec. 16, 2003 Sheet 9 of 34 US 6,664,105 B1 FIG. 9A 700 O i---------------------vivi s w :-- y w O 5 O 5 20 2 3 O 35 4 O 45 Fraction FIG 9B o O 2O 3 O 4 O 5 O Fraction U.S. Patent US 6,664,105 B1 ---wr------a ---------- war-------- ---------&-was-------- *~*~~~~--~~~~¤·············---···········---···---······· 8 : F:30 t33 : w 33 8:338 it 3-8 ; ; U.S. Patent Dec. 16, 2003 Sheet 11 of 34 US 6,664,105 B1 8 & s & 3:... k33. 8 ::: 8.E. E. --M. 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