Everglades Consolidated Report Chapter 7: The Everglades Problem




THE PROBLEM (bio)accumulation of methylmercury in fish tis- sues. Eventually, methylmercury can build up to The Florida Department of Public Health has concentrations in top-predator fish many millions issued fish consumption advisories for the Ever- of times the concentration in the surrounding glades to protect the public from exposure to the water. Fish-eating animals, and their predators, high mercury concentrations in some Everglades then further bioaccumulate this methylmercury to fish species. This has impaired the use of the Ever- potentially toxic levels. glades as a sport fishery. The high mercury concen- trations in the Everglades food chain may also THE SOLUTION threaten endangered species like the wood stork, mink, and Florida panther. Mercury is a problem in The mission of the District’s Mercury Studies many rivers, lakes, and wetlands throughout the Program is to provide the responsible federal and U.S. and the world, but the Everglades is one of the state agencies with reasonable assurance of the fol- most contaminated aquatic ecosystems in North lowing: America. • There will be no substantial increase in the Moreover, concerns have been raised that in quantities of total mercury or methylmercury the process of eliminating the threat in runoff as a result of the adoption of Best to the Everglades, the mercury problem could be Management Practices (BMPs) by farmers in made substantially worse. If this so-called “inverse the Everglades Agricultural Area (EAA). relationship” between eutrophication and mercury in fish is occurring to the extent • The Stormwater Treatment Areas (STAs) will predicted (Sugar Cane Growers Cooperative, not cause nor contribute to a new mercury 1999), this tradeoff might not be acceptable. problem within their borders or downstream. • The planned reconfiguration of South Florida Why does the Everglades have a mercury prob- hydrology to meet the future water supply lem? The inorganic mercury in rainfall, runoff, and needs of humans, the Everglades, estuaries, peat soil is being converted by naturally occurring and bays will not cause nor contribute to a bacteria into methylmercury, a very toxic form of worsening of the Everglades or Florida Bay organic mercury. This is occurring at a higher rate mercury problems. in the Everglades than most other places, but the • All requirements of federal and state statutes, reasons for this are not yet clear. Once produced, regulations, standards, and permits governing methylmercury is absorbed by one-celled plants mercury pollution will be met. and microscopic animals that are eaten by small fish, and on up the food chain, to top-predator fish To conduct this mission requires an under- and birds. Methylmercury in water or food is standing of the pre- and post-restoration as listed readily absorbed, but only slowly eliminated from below: the bodies of fish. This process results in the

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• Supplies of mercury from EAA runoff, peat 2. Statistical Modeling Approach: Measure soil, and air deposition; mercury in water, sediment, plants, and wild- life along with related water and sediment • Processes that link those supplies to the con- chemistry data at various Everglades sites to centrations of methylmercury in Everglades identify important influential factors using var- fish and fish-eating animals; ious statistical models. Test the predictive • Influences of water quantity and quality on validity of these statistical models against real those processes; and conditions at other sites in the Everglades. Use • Toxic effects to humans and wildlife when the validated statistical models to predict post- making full use of the Everglades as a sport STA mercury risks. fishery and wildlife habitat. 3. Mechanistic Modeling Approach: Quantify the key processes and influential factors that The District and DEP continue to support the govern methylmercury production and bioac- multi-agency South Florida Mercury Science Pro- cumulation in controlled experiments in the gram (SFMSP) to obtain the information and tools laboratory and field. Develop a mathematical needed to understand and solve the Everglades model that includes all of these processes and mercury problem. influential factors in a realistic way. Fill key data gaps with literature values until Ever- POST-STA MERCURY IMPACTS glades-specific results become available. Test the validity of this realistic mathematical One of the most important objectives of the model against real conditions in other portions SFMSP is to predict what will happen to methylm- of the Everglades. Use the validated mechanis- ercury production and bioaccumulation in the tic model to predict post-STA mercury risks. northern Everglades when the supplies of total phosphorus and mercury are reduced by the STAs, The results of all three approaches were sum- and eutrophication is eliminated. To achieve this marized in Chapter 7 of last year’s Everglades objective, the District and its partners in the Interim Report. The first approach was conducted SFMSP pursued three separate but interrelated in Appendices 7-2 and 7-3, while Appendix 7-4 approaches discussed below. presented the second and third approaches.

1. Reference Site Approach: Evaluate the pre- Based on the first approach, the District con- STA mercury risks at an unimpacted reference cluded that it is highly unlikely that there will be an site to approximate post-STA conditions in the unacceptable increase in post-STA methylmercury already impacted area. Compare these risks to risks to fish-eating birds. When the exposure esti- those at the most contaminated site as a posi- mates prepared for the Sugar Cane Growers Coop- tive control. The reference site selected for this erative (Exponent, 1998) were corrected with purpose was WCA-2A-U3, where water col- Everglades-specific data, the two risk assessments umn total phosphorus concentration already were in substantial agreement. This correction averages less than 10 ppb, but where hydrol- analysis was conducted in Appendix 7-3 of last ogy and water chemistry were otherwise very year’s Everglades Interim Report. The District’s similartothoseinthealreadyimpactedarea. probabilistic ecological risk assessment, Appendix Validate exposure and toxicity estimates 7-3b, reinforces last year’s results and conclusions. against field observations. Use the validated exposure and toxicity assumptions to predict The results of the second approach revealed post-STA mercury risks. that there are a number of factors that could be influencing methylmercury production and bioac-

7-2 Everglades Consolidated Report Chapter 7: The Everglades Mercury Problem

cumulation along the nutrient gradient in WCA-2A cury bioaccumulation between WCA-2A-F1 and and elsewhere in the Everglades. The strongest WCA-2A-U3. influences on methylmercury production in the sediment appear to be pore water sulfide and total KEY FINDINGS FOR 1998 mercury in peat soils, while the strongest influ- ences on methylmercury bioaccumulation along In Chapter 7 of last year’s Everglades Interim the WCA-2A nutrient gradient appear to be dis- Report (Fink et al., 1999), the District identified a solved organic carbon (DOC), hardness, and total number of important findings from the SFMSP: phosphorus in the water column. • Mercury in Everglades peat soil has increased However, it was concluded in Chapter 7 of last between three and six times since the late year’s Everglades Interim Report that neither the 1800s, so today’s Everglades is unnaturally District’s two-variable statistical model, based on contaminated with excess mercury. water column DOC and calcium, nor the one-vari- able statistical model, based on water column total • Farm and urban runoff may be having local- phosphorus developed for the Sugar Cane Growers ized impacts immediately downstream of Dis- Cooperative, were valid for predicting post-STA trict structures, but the general pattern of peat mercury risks. This is because neither could accu- soil contamination suggests a more diffuse rately predict methylmercury bioaccumulation in source. mosquitofish at other Everglades sites using the • With rare exceptions, the Everglades marsh appropriate water quality data. The results of this and tributary waters today are in compliance year’s multivariate analysis of the influences of with the total mercury Class III Water Quality water and sediment chemistry on methylmercury Standard of 12 ng/L (parts per trillion), but fish bioaccumulation support last year’s results and consumption advisories remain in effect, so the conclusions. standard cannot be adequate.

The third approach was conducted using a • The Everglades Nutrient Removal (ENR) mathematical model built by the U.S. Environmen- Project (Chapter 6),removed50to75percent tal Protection Agency’s (USEPA’s) Office of of the mercury entering through the inflow Research and Development. It included everything pump station each year during its nearly five that was known up to 1998 about methylmercury years of operating life. production and bioacccumulation in the Ever- • More than 95 percent of the mercury supplied glades, including the influence of water column totheEvergladeseachyearisfromatmo- total phosphorus on plant production and decom- spheric deposition, but the contributions of air position, and the accumulation of undecomposed pollution from local sources and worldwide plant matter called peat. These are the key ele- background to that supply have not yet been ments of biodilution. The results of the pre- and adequately resolved. post-STA modeling analysis indicated that there • Methylmercury is produced from inorganic could be about 50 percent, but not an ecologically mercury from the air, water, and soil by sul- significant increase in methylmercury bioaccumu- fate-reducing bacteria in the top layer of the lation in the already impacted area. peat, but some production may also be occur- ring in the thick mats of algae, referred to as Further, there was a benefit to the reduction in periphyton at some locations. post-STA mercury loads to the northern Ever- glades. Thus, there is likely to be a substantial mar- • Excess sulfate is present in the northern and gin of safety in the results of the first approach, central Everglades, so something other than which is based on a 10-fold increase in methylmer-

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sulfate is likely to be limiting the rate of meth- • Classical biodilution is not occurring along the ylmercury production there. WCA-2A nutrient gradient, due to light limita- tion effects in the nutrient-enriched areas. • The District’s assessment of the methylmer- cury threat to the wood stork, great egret, and • There is some evidence that the concentrations great blue heron indicates that exposure is of mercury in fish and birds at some South insufficient to cause a significant level of tox- Florida locations have declined over the last icity in these populations when they feed at decade. WCA-2A-U3, an unimpacted reference site. • The District has refined last year’s assessment This may not be the case at the methylmercury of the methylmercury threat to wading birds by “hot spot” in WCA-3A, however. incorporating new Everglades wading bird tox- icity and exposure data and using more KEY FINDINGS FOR 1999 advanced techniques, but the findings and con- clusions remain the same. This year there are several important new observations: • Clear field evidence of methylmercury toxicity to populations of highly exposed Everglades • Operating the STAs with higher flows and wading birds breeding near the WCA-3A “hot deeper water during high rainfall years is likely spot” has not yet been obtained by researchers. to maximize the removal efficiency of both • Otter feeding exclusively in the vicinity of he total mercury and methylmercury. (For a dis- unimpacted reference site in WCA-2A are not cussion of the STA optimization program, refer likely to be at a substantial risk of methylmer- to Chapter 6.) cury toxicity, but otter feeding exclusively in • Screening of several Advanced Treatment the vicinity of the WCA-3A “hot spot” may be. Technologies (ATT) has so far not revealed significant methylmercury discharge or mer- CONCLUSIONS cury accumulation in solid residues. (For a dis- cussion of the ATT program, refer to Chapter Last year’s and this year’s key findings support 8). the following answers to six key Everglades mer- cury management questions: • Methylmercury production in peat soil tends to decrease as the amount of sulfide in the soil 1. The Everglades mercury problem remains sig- pore water increases, but the methylmercury nificant, but there is some evidence of a down- production tends to increase as the amount of turn in mercury levels in fish and birds over the total mercury in the soil increases. last decade at some Everglades sites. • The excess sulfate in the northern and central 2.Despiteareported65percentreductioninmer- Everglades can be traced to the EAA, but there cury air pollution from local sources over the are still some uncertainties regarding the rela- last decade, there is still much uncertainty tive contributions of natural and cultural regarding the sources of the mercury deposit- sources and historical and present-day cultural ing on the Everglades from air. Air pollution practices. source, movement, and chemistry studies • Mercury concentrations in small fish are most should substantially reduce this uncertainty strongly associated with total mercury concen- over the next two years. trations in peat soil, suggesting the importance 3. The reduction in mercury risks is best achieved of peat soil and its inhabitants in the Ever- by reducing mercury air pollution from local glades food chain. sources. The routing, timing, quantity, and

7-4 Everglades Consolidated Report Chapter 7: The Everglades Mercury Problem

quality of water flowing into the Everglades phosphorus, the Everglades Forever Act sets will be optimized for the protection of Ever- aggressive deadlines for evaluation, research, and glades structure and function, including endan- permit application for source control to meet a gered species habitat, so it is unlikely that there revised mercury standard by December 31, 2006. will be much flexibility for manipulating water The Act also recognizes the need to monitor the quantity and quality to minimize methylmer- Everglades mercury response to the phosphorus cury production and bioaccumulation, even if reduction program. To fulfill the Act’s mandates some options are potentially effective. according to the E-MAS strategy, the emphasis of the SFMSP should now shift from defining the 4. The District’s updated ecological risk assess- Everglades mercury problem to developing the ment continues to support last year’s conclu- regulatory targets and tools for solving it. The sion that it is highly unlikely that the operation research should now focus on: of the STAs will cause or contribute to an envi- ronmentally significant increase in use impair- • Followup studies to better quantify the key ment or mercury risks to fish-eating wildlife. processes and influences that govern methyl- 5. New monitoring, research, and modeling tools mercury production and bioaccumulation have been developed to conduct the studies • A model that relates the methylmercury con- needed to understand and solve the Everglades centrations in water, sediment, fish, and birds mercury problem. to the rate at which mercury is supplied to the 6. DEP endorsement of the Everglades Mercury Everglades from all sources Action Strategy (E-MAS) is being sought to • A revised numerical standard for total mercury ensure that the restoration objectives and time- to protect fish-eating animals and their preda- tables in the Everglades Forever Act are met. tors, including the endangered wood stork and Florida panther. RECOMMENDATIONS The required monitoring, research, and model- To ensure that the District and DEP understand ing projects are now planned or already under way. and solve the problem of toxic pollutants other than


The Everglades has a mercury problem (Ware, excessive mercury concentrations in fish may also 1989). The use of the Everglades as a sport fishery threaten some wildlife populations. The pattern of has been impaired, because the Department of contamination suggests that fish-eating animals Health has issued a health advisory recommending and their predators feeding in the middle of WCA- limited fish consumption in Water Conservation 3A are likely to be the most highly exposed Area 1 (WCA-1) and no fish consumption for the (Figure 7-2). However, the numerical Class III rest of the public Everglades and the Everglades Water Quality Standard for total mercury of 12 ng/ National Park (Park). The limited fish consumption L is not being routinely exceeded at any of the sites advisory also includes Big Cypress National Pre- monitored in the District’s canals (Appendix 7-2). serve and Eastern Florida Bay. The advisory map As reported in Chapter 7 of last year’s Everglades from the Florida Game and Wildlife Conservation Interim Report, DEP has concluded that the total Commission is reproduced in Figure 7-1.The mercury standard is deficient.

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Figure 7-1. Mercury fish consumption advisories in Florida.

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Figure 7-2. Distribution of methylmercury contamination in Everglades mosquitofish and wading birds.

Why does the Everglades have a mercury Once produced, the methylmercury is distrib- problem? The Everglades is receiving a supply of uted among water, sediment and aquatic plants and new inorganic mercury in wet and dry deposition animals. Methylmercury is readily taken up by from the air that is roughly twice that in rural Wis- plants and animals at the base of the Everglades consin. Together with the inorganic mercury food chain that graze living and dead plant tissue. present in runoff and peat soil, the inorganic mer- These grazers are consumed by primary predator cury in rainfall is being converted to a very toxic amphibians, crustaceans, and small fish, which are, form of organic mercury, methylmercury, by natu- in turn, consumed by secondary and tertiary preda- ral bacteria in Everglades peat soil and the thick tor fish. Methylmercury is readily absorbed, but mats of microscopic one-celled plants called algae. only slowly eliminated from the bodies of fish. Methylmercury production is believed to be occur- This results in (bio)accumulation of methylmer- ring at a higher rate in the Everglades than in any cury in the organs and tissues of the fish. As they of the other freshwater aquatic ecosystems studied grow older and larger, top-predator fish, such as to date. However, the reason for this is not yet largemouth bass, may bioaccumulate many mil- completely clear, but high temperature and high lions of times the concentrations of methylmercury sulfate may be key. in the surrounding water. Methylmercury is not toxic to fish-eating wildlife at the levels present in

7-7 Chapter 7: The Everglades Mercury Problem Everglades Consolidated Report water; however, through this process of biomagni- PURPOSE OF THIS CHAPTER fication, it occurs at potentially toxic levels in fish. This chapter summarizes what is known about The mission of the District’s Mercury Studies the sources, causes, and effects of the existing Program is to provide federal and state agencies Everglades mercury problem, and evaluates the with reasonable assuranceof the following: likelihood that changes to water quantity or quality to be brought about by the Everglades Construction • There will be no substantial increase in the Project (ECP) or the eventual reconfiguration of quantities of total mercury or methylmercury the Central and Southern Florida (C&SF) Project in runoff as a result of the adoption of BMPs will make the existing Everglades mercury prob- by farmers in the EAA. lem worse. • The STAs will not cause or contribute to a new mercury problem within their borders or down- During the development of the Everglades For- stream ever Act, the Sugar Cane Growers Cooperative brought to the Legislature its concern that the pro- • The planned reconfiguration of South Florida posed phosphorus reduction program would make hydrology to meet the future water supply the Everglades mercury problem worse. In adopt- needs of humans, the Everglades, estuaries, ing the Everglades Forever Act, the Legislature and bays will not cause or contribute to a wors- acknowledged that this was unlikely. However, the ening of the Everglades or Florida Bay mer- Legislature also intended that permits issued to the cury problems District for the construction and operation of the • All requirements of federal and state statutes, STAs require mercury monitoring to detect any regulations, standards, and permits governing changes in the Everglades canals or marshes that mercury pollution will be met. would indicate otherwise. This would provide ongoing assurances that the phosphorus reduction To conduct this mission requires an under- program would not cause or contribute to a new standing of the Everglades ecosystem, both pre- mercury problem within the STAs or a worsening and post-restoration, including the following infor- of the mercury problem downstream. However, the mation: monitoring program would also serve as an early warning system to detect undesirable trends and • Supplies of mercury from EAA runoff, peat guide the appropriate response. That monitoring soil, and air deposition program is now in effect.

• Processes that link those supplies to the con- The purpose of this chapter is to describe the centrations of methylmercury in Everglades efforts of the District and DEP to understand and fish and fish-eating animals solve the Everglades mercury problem and monitor • Influences of water quantity and quality on the Everglades response to the ECP by following those processes the key regulatory steps outlined in the Act:

• Toxic effects to humans and wildlife when • Review and evaluate existing data, identify making full use of the Everglades as a sport deficiencies and initiate a research and moni- fishery and wildlife habitat. toring program to generate such information by January 1996. The District and DEP continue to support the multi-agency SFMSP to obtain the information and • Determine if the existing standard is adequate tools needed to understand and solve the Ever- by December 31, 2001. glades mercury problem.

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• Develop a strategy to revise the standard if column hardness, chloride, dissolved organic car- inadequate and quantify the links between bon (DOC), and total phosphorus in EAA runoff. mercury sources, Everglades water quality, and This is required to provide ongoing assurance to Everglades mercury responses. DEPthattheECPwillnotcauseorcontributetoa significant increase in methylmercury production • Submit a permit application by December 31, or bioaccumulation over time, either within or 2003, embodying a plan for the control of mer- downstream of the STAs or the Alternative Treat- cury sources and water quantity and quality to ment Technologies (ATTs). meet the revised standard by December 31, 2006. Where appropriate, this chapter summarizes the key issues, findings, conclusions, and recom- CONTENT mendations from last year’s chapter on the Ever- glades Mercury Problem, but this chapter excludes Chapter 7 is a summary of the following: the detailed discussion of the environmental phys- ics, chemistry and biology of mercury in the air • An assessment of the magnitude, extent, and and water contained in last year’s chapter. The trends of Everglades contamination, exposures, reader is referred back to last year’s chapter for an and risks from total mercury and methylmer- introduction to the mercury cycle. In addition, this cury. chapter is not intended to be a review of all of this • The external conditions and internal character- year’s relevant literature on mercury sources, trans- istics of the Everglades that are causing or con- port, fate, or bioaccumulation outside the Ever- tributing to the Everglades mercury problem. glades. • Options available for reducing methylmercury exposures to fish-eating animals and their SCOPE predators to acceptable levels throughout the Everglades. The scope of this chapter includes the lands from which rainfall runs off to the Everglades • An analysis of the likely adverse mercury (watershed), the canals that convey that runoff, and impacts of the various elements of the ECP. the marshes receiving the canal discharge, as well • The next steps for understanding and solving as the air upwind and above South Florida that car- the Everglades mercury problem. ries mercury air pollution over the Everglades (air- shed). It has been calculated that EAA runoff This chapter serves to organize and integrate contributes less than 5 percent of the new mercury all of the relevant Everglades mercury monitoring, input to the Everglades each year, but it contributes research, modeling and assessment studies com- significant quantities of other factors that could pleted to date under the auspices of the SFMSP. It influence the mercury cycle. The District is ulti- includes a summary of the processes and influen- mately responsible for managing Everglades water tial factors that govern the production of methylm- quantity and quality, so this chapter must include ercury from the inorganic mercury in rainfall and mention of those contributions. storm runoff, and as well as that already deposited in peat soil. Such factors include dissolved sulfate, The remainder of the new mercury input to the sulfide, and iron in peat pore water and the total Everglades each year comes from atmospheric mercury in peat soil. Other factors govern meth- deposition. While air source control and air quality ylmercury absorption by microscopic plants, their monitoring areunder the authority of the USEPA grazers, and the fish that prey on their grazers, and and DEP, the District has a responsibility to report on up the food chain. Such factors include water Everglades mercury status and trends revealed through compliance monitoring of STAs and the

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downstream canals and marshes. Such monitoring • How will South Florida restoration efforts is likely to reveal the response of the Everglades to affect Everglades mercury risks? changes in atmospheric deposition from increases • What tools are required to understand and or decreases in local, regional, or global sources. It solve the Everglades mercury problem? is also the District’s responsibility to report on the status and trends of atmospheric deposition to • What is the status of District and DEP efforts quantify mercury mass contributions outside the to meet Act mercury mandates? District’s control. Consequently, this chapter also includes a summary of the results of air emissions, Following the Summary and Introduction, the plume transport and modeling studies that are oth- Background begins with an overview of the gen- erwise outside the District’s purview for study or eral mercury problem worldwide, and then focuses control. on the Everglades mercury problem and the SFMSP created to understand and solve it. This is Although Florida Bay is not strictly a compo- followed by a summary of the joint District-DEP nent of the Everglades, the use of its sport fishery Everglades Mercury Action Strategy that outlines a has also been impaired by excessive mercury lev- process for fulfilling the mercury mandates of the els. Like the Everglades, mercury is being supplied Act over the next five years. The chapter then pro- to Florida Bay in atmospheric deposition and vides an Update on the Answers to the Six Key release from contaminated sediments, as well as Everglades Mercury Management Questions to the Everglades flow through Taylor Slough; however, extent permitted by the cumulative scientific the relative proportions of these contributors may understanding and modeling results to date. The be quite different. Solving the Everglades mercury chapter closes with a Summary of the Key Find- problem, while restoring higher freshwater flows ings, Conclusions, and Recommendations. to Florida Bay, may benefit the sport fishery in Florida Bay. Therefore, it is appropriate to include This chapter is organized so that it is of interest Florida Bay in the discussion of the Everglades to both a general reader and a technical reader. At mercury problem and its solution. appropriate junctures, the text in the main body of the chapter refers the reader to the appendices for ORGANIZATION the technical detail supporting the summary of key findings, conclusions, and recommendations. The The core content of this chapter is organized appendices include the following: around six key management questions that are intended to guide the design of the relevant Ever- • Everglades Mercury Action Strategy; glades studies for the support of timely, scientifi- • Mercury compliance report that meets all cally credible, and legally defensible Everglades requirements of applicable statutes and per- restoration decision-making. These questions are mits; as follows: • Update on mercury contamination trends in • What is the significance of the Everglades mer- wading birds and to last year’s post-STA eco- cury problem? logical risk assessment for methylmercury tox- icitytowadingbirdsusingnewdataand • Can the control of local sources reduce Ever- advanced techniques; glades mercury risks? • Analysis of adequacy of existing Class III • Can the management of water quantity or qual- Water Quality Standard for total mercury to ity reduce Everglades mercury risks? protect Florida panther;

7-10 Everglades Consolidated Report Chapter 7: The Everglades Mercury Problem

• Five-year summary of ENR Project mercury • Recommended Phase 2 research initiatives to studies; and close critical data gaps.


Methylmercury accumulates in the organs and number of states have initiated voluntary or man- tissues of the body and, unlike the organochlorine datory mercury reduction programs for municipal pesticides, has a higher affinity for protein than fat waste incinerator feedstocks. Florida’s Environ- (WHO, 1976). Methylmercury crosses the brain mental Regulation Commission passed such rules barrier in all higher animals and the placental bar- in 1993. USEPA is now negotiating voluntary rier in mammals (WHO, 1976). Once present in the source reduction agreements with the medical fetus, methylmercury interferes with brain and ner- waste incinerator industry (Alexis Cain, USEPA, vous system development (Clarkson, 1994). personal communication, 1999). To reduce mer- Depending on the amount of methylmercury that cury emissions, some crematoria are now routinely has been transferred to or accumulated in the fetus, extracting the mercury dental fillings of the methylmercury can cause mild to severe retarda- deceased prior to cremation. Mercury discharges to tion, twisted extremities, and even death (WHO, surface waters from chlor-alkali manufacturing 1976). Depending on the amount of methylmer- facilities have been generally greatly curtailed, but cury that has been transferred to and accumulated runoff from uncontrolled waste disposal sites of in the brain, in higher animals a progression of industrial wastes may still be a significant source in symptoms occurs, from subtle losses in problem- some locations (USEPA, 1997). Inorganic mercury solving skills and visual acuity to numbness of the salts can still be used as a seed fungicide, but the lips, face, and extremities to tremors, vomiting, use of methylmercury as a seed fungicide has been paralysis and death (WHO, 1976; USEPA, 1980). banned and its use as a fungicide for treating orna- The extreme effects of methylmercury in humans mental sod severely limited (USEPA, 1997). is referred to as Minamata Disease, after the city in Japan where such effects in aborted fetuses, still- Methylmercury and a related compound, dime- borns, newborns, children, and adults were first thylmercury, are also produced naturally from the documented in the mid-1950s through the mid- inorganic mercury present in watershed runoff, 1960s (Ehrlich et al., 1977). However, the fish atmospheric deposition and groundwater dis- advisories are set to prevent the occurrence of even charge by bacteria in sediments under conditions the most subtle toxic effects from methylmercury, devoid of dissolved oxygen (Jensen and Jernelov, so individuals consuming large quantities of fish 1969; Beijer and Jernelov, 1979). More recently, from the Everglades are highly unlikely to experi- methylmercury production has been demonstrated ence some of the more mild symptoms of meth- in the thick mats made up of one-celled plants ylmercury posioning, let alone the extreme effects called algae (Cleckner et al., 1999). Methylmer- of Minimata Disease. cury predominates over dimethylmercury produc- tion in aquatic sediments or hydrated soils Mercury is present in a number of common (Fitzgerald, 1989), but dimethylmercury is a sub- items, including silent switches, fluorescent lights, stantial contaminant of unflared landfill gas (S. thermometers, and batteries (USEPA, 1997). When Lindberg, ORNL, personal communication, 1999). these items are thrown away with household or Once produced, methylmercury is readily absorbed commercial refuse, they can be burned with other but only slowly eliminated by fish (Norstrom et al., refuse in a municipal waste incinerator, releasing 1976). In all but the smallest fish, most methylmer- the mercury back to the environment. However, a cury absorption is from food rather than directly

7-11 Chapter 7: The Everglades Mercury Problem Everglades Consolidated Report

from the water. This results in a phenomenon least six months per year, so the metabolisms of referred to as bioaccumulation. The ratio of the bacteria, aquatic plants, and animals are acceler- methylmercury concentration in a fish to the con- ated. The activity of the sulfate-reducing bacteria centration in the surrounding water is its bioaccu- involved in methylmercury production may be mulation factor (BAF). Fish will bioaccumulate accelerated in the northern and central portions of higher concentrations of methylmercury than what the remnant Everglades due to the presence of they feed on (Rodgers, 1994). This results in a phe- excess sulfate. Finally, the Everglades has a very nomenon referred to as , which large surface area and a very slow flow rate, so the occurs at each successive step in the aquatic food methylmercury produced is only slowly diluted by chain (Wood, 1974). In general, small, short-lived flowing water. fish at the lowest exhibit BAFs in the range of 10,000-100,000, their larger, longer-lived However, uncertainties remain regarding sev- predators exhibit BAFs in the range 100,000- eral scientific issues, including the issues below: 1,000,000, and for top-predator fish like large- mouth bass, BAFs in the range 1,000,000- • The contributions of local air pollution sources 10,000,000 are not uncommon (Watras, 1993). For versus the worldwide background to the fresh example, in the most contaminated portion of the supply of inorganic mercury to the Everglades Everglades in WCA-3A, the BAF for a three-year each year. old largemouth bass can approach 10,000,000 • The importance of the path the inorganic mer- (Lange et al., 1998). Without such high BAFs, cury takes in filtering through the aquatic eco- methylmercury would not be a problem in the system to its short- and long-term storage Everglades and elsewhere. depots and the speed with which this occurs. To put the Everglades mercury problem in con- • The fraction of the inorganic mercury in the text and perspective, the U.S. has a mercury prob- algae mat and peat soil that is in a form that lem, with at least 40 states having issued fish can be taken up by sulfate-reducing bacteria consumption health advisories for mercury-con- for methylation, and the conditions and factors taminated waters (USEPA, 1997). Florida has a that influence the magnitudes of those frac- statewide mercury problem, with more than 50 per- tions. cent of its inland waters now under Health Depart- • The fraction of the methylmercury that is actu- ment advisories for limited or no fish consumption ally available for demethylation by other com- because of mercury. Sport fish from the Everglades munities of bacteria, the fraction that is canals and marshes have the highest mercury con- absorbed by one-celled plants, the fraction that centrations in the state (Lange et al., 1999). The is complexed with dissolved organic matter, area covered by the Florida advisories may be the and the conditions and factors that influence largest in the U.S. (T. Atkeson, DEP, personal com- the magnitudes of those fractions. munication, 1996). • The typical diets of potentially highly exposed The Everglades appears to be especially sus- animals (for example, the otter and mink) and ceptible to a methylmercury problem, and much the effects of vegetation types and densities, has been learned as to why this is the case. The rate water depth, and water quality on feeding of inorganic mercury deposition to the Everglades behavior. (Guentzel et al., 1997) is twice that of rural Wis- consin (Benoit et al., 1994). The inorganic mercury Despite the great advances in understanding deposited on the water’s surface is diluted by only achieved to date, clearly much remains to be slowly flowing water. The Everglades never learned before the responsible agencies can freezes, and its waters are warmer than 25oCforat develop the optimum solution to the Everglades

7-12 Everglades Consolidated Report Chapter 7: The Everglades Mercury Problem

mercury problem. This is the challenge faced by the SFMSP over the next three years.


The adaptive management strategy for under- mercury in rainfall and dry deposition of reac- standing and solving the Everglades mercury prob- tive gaseous mercury salts. lem has been developed and implemented under • Pathways that bring mercury into (inputs) and the aegis of SFMSP, an informal partnership of remove mercury from (outputs) the Everglades federal, state and local agencies and private entities and the short- and long-term storage depots committed to conducting the studies required to like vegetation and soil. understand and solve the South Florida mercury problem. In addition to the DEP and District, the • Interrelated processes that translate the inor- partnership consists of the Florida Game and Wild- ganic mercury supply into methylmercury con- life Conservation Commission (FGWCC), the U.S. tamination and the factors and conditions that Geological Survey (USGS), the U.S. Environmental influence their routes and rates. Protection Agency (USEPA), the National Oceanic • Magnitude, extent and duration of existing and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), the U.S. mercury contamination in the Everglades eco- Army Corps of Engineers (Corps), the Wisconsin system and the rates at which short- and long- Department of Natural Resources (WDNR) and the term storage depots will clear themselves when Electric Power Research Institute, the Florida Elec- inorganic mercury sources are reduced to tric Power Coordinating Group, including the acceptable emissions levels. Southern Company, and Florida Power & Light Company. Research institutions funded for this • Magnitude of uptake, disposition, accumula- effort include Florida International University, the tion and toxic effects in humans and wildlife University of Florida, Florida State University, the from the consumption of contaminated food, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, the University and the rates at which short- and long-term of Wisconsin-Madison, the Department of Energy’s storage depots within the body will clear them- Oak Ridge National Laboratory in Oak Ridge, Ten- selves when methymercury concentrations in nessee and the Academy of Natural Science’s Estua- food are reduced to acceptable levels. rine Research Laboratory in St. Leonard, Maryland. Students from the Massachusetts Institute of Tech- The results of the required studies will be nology have also conducted Everglades mercury translated into a quantitative predictive capability research with in-kind District support. The multi- in the form of a mathematical model. The model agency and entity effort is being coordinated by the will be used to evaluate the response of the Ever- Science Program Management Committee, com- glades to various mercury source reduction scenar- posed of representatives of each of the participating ios under conditions of water quantity and quality agencies in Florida. brought about by the ECP or the C&SF Compre- hensive Review Study (Restudy). To the extent The scientific objectives of the SFMSP are to practicable, the mercury studies required to achieve identify, characterize and quantify: these objectives have been planned and coordinated with related, concurrent meteorological, hydrologi- • Mercury sources, including farm and urban cal, water chemistry, and nutrient studies being con- runoff, wet deposition of dissolved inorganic ducted in South Florida by various public and private entities. This is intended to ensure compara-

7-13 Chapter 7: The Everglades Mercury Problem Everglades Consolidated Report

bility of results, to avoid duplication of effort, and to tion. The results of the Phase 1 studies have been cut costs. organized and integrated within the framework of a first generation mechanistic model of mercury The data generated in the required studies are cycling and bioaccumulation in the Everglades organized, analyzed and integrated to support res- ecosystem. Phase 1 was completed in 1998. toration decision-making based on a risk manage- ment approach. The strategy for developing the In addition to its utility in guiding the develop- required understanding and tools is an adaptive ment of the research program and in properly inter- process based on a phased approach to study preting disparate research results, the model has design, data interpretation, and management deci- immediate utility for the Everglades restoration sion-making. In this adaptive process, the program program. To date, the model has been used to pre- objectives and allocation of monitoring, research, dict Everglades mercury responses to various pro- modeling, and assessment resources are reviewed posed changes in water quantity and quality. The periodically and modified as appropriate in results of these modeling exercises were used in the response to what has been learned to that point. preparation of the application for the STAs, in the The periodic review process is facilitated by rapid Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement for dissemination of study results to the principal the Restudy. Subsequently, the model was used in investigators and program managers at annual the evaluation of the interim and final Restudy water workshops with biennial peer review. The prepara- management scenarios. tion of an annual, peer-reviewed synthesis report translates recent key scientific findings and model- SFMSP Phase 2 studies will focus on quantify- ing results into key conclusions and recommenda- ing the most significant mercury sources, the most tions to guide resource management decision- significant mercury cycling processes and the most making by the responsible senior officials. This significant mercury exposures and toxic effects in year’s Chapter 7 of the Everglades Consolidated the Everglades. Phase 2 study results will be used Report serves as that annual synthesis report. to produce a Phase 2 model with which to generate more accurate, precise and reliable predictions of The monitoring, research, modeling and the effects of various mercury source reduction assessment studies of the SFMSP are to be con- options under post-ECP or post-Restudy condi- ducted in phases. The SFMSP Phase 1 studies tions. In Chapter 7 of last year’s Everglades adapted existing methods of mercury monitoring Interim Report, the District was able to demon- and research to the Everglades environment, quan- strate that the known benefits to the Everglades tified the major pathways of mercury addition to from phosphorus reduction would outweigh its the Everglades, mapped the mercury contamination potential mercury detriments, should they occur at of the Everglades and identified the key processes, all. It is unlikely that the results of the Phase 2 factors and conditions that are most likely to gov- studies or the refined Phase 2 model predictions ern methylmercury production and bioaccumula- will reverse this conclusion.

7-14 Everglades Consolidated Report Chapter 7: The Everglades Mercury Problem


OBJECTIVES AND APPROACH the science gaps that preclude the development of a total mercury WQC to protect Everglades wildlife. The objectives of Everglades Mercury Action DEP will then develop site-specific alternative cri- Strategy (E-MAS) are to restore full uses of the teria (SSAC) for human health and wildlife as Everglades, protect human health and wildlife, and needed for direct application to the Everglades. prevent any significant post-restoration adverse The more protective of the Everglades SSAC for impacts. The mercury recovery process envisioned human health or wildlife will then become the by the District, DEP and USEPA for the Ever- basis for the reduction in the new mercury load glades includes five elements: entering the Everglades each year.

1. Development of a restoration target in the form MODEL DEVELOPMENT AND of a water, sediment or fish quality criterion APPLICATION that ensures unimpaired use and protection of wildlife, including the alligator, the endan- The District, DEP and the USEPA continue to gered wood stork and the Florida panther. fund the enhancement of the first generation of the 2. Further development and application of an Everglades Mercury Cycling Model (EMCM-1) existing model that relates the total mercury withwhichtopredictpost-ECPandpost-Restudy loading rate to corresponding methylmercury mercury risks to wildlife. The model and its appli- concentrations in water, sediment and fish cations were described in Appendix 7-4 of last under low flow and stage conditions with an year’s Everglades Interim Report (Ambrose and ample margin of safety. Araujo, 1999). The proposed model refinements are intended to decrease the uncertainty in esti- 3. Application of an existing model that relates mated post-restoration methylmercury concentra- reactive gaseous mercury air emissions rates to tions and increase the confidence in the results of the corresponding wet and dry deposition rates the District’s post-ECP ecological risk assessment, on the Everglades. which was based on a reference site approach 4. Development and implementation of local (Appendix 7-2 of last year’s Everglades Interim source emissions reduction targets correspond- Report; Rumbold et al., 1999). In particular, addi- ing to the attainment and maintenance of the tion of equations that link the mercury and sulfur restoration quality targets. cycles will permit the evaluation of the benefits and detriments of various scenarios for the reduc- 5. Quantification of nonabatable sources that pre- tion of sulfur application rates on sugar cane farm clude the attainment and maintenance of the soils. An existing wetlands aquatic fate model will target restoration criteria at this time. be used to calculate the capacity of the Everglades to assimilate the new mercury load so as not to RESTORATION TARGET exceed the target SSAC under appropriate low DEVELOPMENT AND APPLICATION flow conditions and to provide the ample margin of safety required by the Clean Water Act. This is its USEPA is already in the process of developing total maximum daily load (TMDL). An air source a new Water Quality Criterion (WQC) to protect model will then be used to guide the reduction of human health. The District, DEP and the USGS local air emissions sources to meet the SSAC, if have begun to develop a joint study plan to close possible.

7-15 Chapter 7: The Everglades Mercury Problem Everglades Consolidated Report

NONABATABLE SOURCES which is outside the purview of either the District or DEP. There are two potentially significant non-abat- able sources of inorganic mercury to the Ever- TIMELINES AND COSTS glades. The first is the inorganic mercury reservoir in the peat soil underlying the Everglades, which is The target date for promulgating the SSAC and three to six times more contaminated than in the the issuance of source control permits to meet it is late 1800s. The second is the atmospheric deposi- no later than December 31, 2003, to attain and tion fed by the global background that occurs even maintain compliance with the SSAC by December when the wind is blowing out of the west, carrying 31, 2006. Over the next five years, approximately mercury emissions from local sources out over the $2.5 million in District funds, $4 million in DEP ocean rather than the Everglades. If non-abatable funds, and about $10 million in combined USGS sources of inorganic mercury preclude the attain- and USEPA funds are expected to be spent on the ment of the SSAC at this time, a temporary vari- research, modeling and criteria development to ance from the SSAC will be requested by the support the solution to the Everglades mercury District, while DEP evaluates the option of manip- problem, pending budget approval by their respec- ulating water quantity and quality to reduce the rate tive governing bodies. This should increase the of release and methylation of inorganic mercury likelihood that the target dates in the Act are met from the underlying peat soil. However, this is not and that the Everglades responds as expected to a preferred option. In this case, the preferred option source reduction measures over an appropriate is the negotiation of a global source reduction time period, taking into account the contributions treaty for mercury under the aegis of the Depart- from non-abatable sources. ment of State and the guidance of the USEPA, but


SUMMARY last five years. Corresponding data for the Florida panther are unavailable as of this writing, although The mercury problem remains significant there are anecdotal reports of significant declines. throughout most of the Everglades, as evidenced If this trend continues, the existing fish advisories by the continuation of the sport fish consumption may have to be revised. DEP reports that mercury advisories issued by the Department of Health. In emissions from municipal incinerators in South addition, some fish-eating animals or their preda- Florida have decreased by about 65 percent over tors may be at an unacceptable risk of methylmer- the last five years in response to rules passed by the cury toxicity in some locations. While the use of Environmental Regulation Commission in 1993 the sport fishery has been impaired, the numerical requiring reduction of mercury in waste feed- Class III Water Quality Standard of 12 ng/L is not stocks. However, the U.S. background may have being routinely exceeded anywhere in South Flor- begun to decrease as much as 20 to 40 years ago, ida. DEP has concluded that the existing standard so further study is required to determine the cause is inadequate to protect the resource. However, the of the apparent declines. Those studies are taken up concentrations of total mercury in largemouth bass in the answer to the next key management ques- and great egrets appear to have declined at several tion. northern and central Everglades locations over the

7-16 Everglades Consolidated Report Chapter 7: The Everglades Mercury Problem

To address the question of significance, one criteria have not yet been translated into equivalent must consider the nature of the problem, its magni- mercury concentrations in the preferred prey of tude, extent, duration and frequency of recurrence, these indicator species or the water, sediment or and the socioeconomic or administrative signifi- vegetation in which these preferred prey live. cance of the species affected. The answers to the following questions are provided in the following Although studies of human exposure and subsections: effects have been conducted, the accepted bench- marks of significance from a human health stand- • What are the benchmarks that determine the point are the action levels for issuing a limited environmental significance of mercury con- consumption fish advisory or a no consumption tamination? fish advisory. For humans, Florida protects the public health by issuing sport fish consumption • What are the magnitude, extent and persistence advisories. No fish consumption is recommended of mercury contamination in water, rainfall, for anybody when mercury concentrations in edi- sediment and wildlife measured relative to ble flesh exceed 1.5 ppm in the flesh of largemouth these benchmarks? bass standardized to age class 3 years. No more • What are the trends in mercury contamination than one, eight-ounce meal a week is recom- over the last decade? mended for healthy males and no more than one, • Are the existing benchmarks adequate to pro- eight-ounce meal a month is recommended for tect the uses, ecological integrity and endan- women of child-bearing age and children when gered species in the Everglades? concentrations are between 0.5 ppm and 1.5 ppm. Below 0.5 ppm unlimited consumption is permissi- ble for everyone. To protect fish-eating fish from BENCHMARKS OF ENVIRONMENTAL the toxic effects o methylmercury, Florida has SIGNIFICANCE adopted the numerical Class III Water Quality Cri- terion for total mercury in surface water recom- The environmental significance of the Ever- mended by USEPA of 12 parts per trillion glades mercury problem is quantified in terms of (nanograms per liter or ng/L). the magnitude, spatial extent and persistence of methylmercury contamination that has one or more For the protection of aquatic life and human of the following effects: health, Florida has adopted the numerical Class III Water Quality Criterion for total mercury of 12 ng/ • Impairs the use of the Everglades as a sport L. Florida has not yet adopted a total mercury fishery; Water Quality Criterion for the protection of fish- • Significantly reduces the reproductive success eating wildlife based on methylmercury toxicity of highly exposed aquatic or terrestrial wildlife and exposure via the food chain. USEPA has not populations; and yet published National Water Quality Criteria for total mercury to protect fish-eating wildlife from • Significantly reduces the health of individual methylmercury toxicity, but USEPA has published members of trust species populations. a proposed set of regional numerical total mercury Water Quality Criteria to protect Great Lakes wild- One of the Everglades ecological restoration life (FR April 16, 1993, Part 2. 40CFR Parts 122 et objectives set by the South Florida Ecosystem Res- al.). For the protection of fish-eating mammals, 1.6 toration Task Force is to protect highly exposed ng/L is derived, and for the protection of fish-eat- carnivores species like the alligator, wood stork, ing birds, 1.3 ng/L is derived (USEPA, 1993). and Florida panther from significant mercury toxic Using the same approach and methylmercury no effects (Federal Task Force, 1997). However, these observable adverse effect levels, but substituting

7-17 Chapter 7: The Everglades Mercury Problem Everglades Consolidated Report

appropriate Everglades for Great Lakes fish bioac- immediately antecedent meteorological conditions cumulation factors, the equivalent concentrations and time of day (Krabbenhoft et al., 1998), among for the WCA-3A-15 in the Everglades are 0.2 ng/L other factors. Instead, fish and wading birds were to protect fish-eating birds and 0.4 ng/L to protect believed to be more reliable spatial and temporal fish-eating mammals. integrators of the bioavailable methylmercury con- centration in the aquatic environment than the fil- In its Mercury Report to Congress, USEPA tered methylmercury concentration in the water proposed that total mercury in fish not exceed 0.3 column (P. Parks, DEP, personal communication, parts per million (ppm or mg/Kg) to protect fish- 1997). eating birds (USEPA, 1997). This proposal has not yet been formalized, however. Following the same FISH approach used for the derivation of the total mer- cury Water Quality Criterion for the Great Lakes The choice of an appropriate aquatic species Initiative, the equivalent concentration in trophic for mercury monitoring must take into account its level3and4fishintheEvergladeswouldbe0.04 place in the , its foraging preferences, its and 0.14 mg/Kg, respectively. No sediment quality cultural and ecological importance and its avail- criteria exist for total mercury or methylmercury at ability. Compliance and research monitoring of present, but it might be possible to derive them in mercury concentrations in fish continue to focus on terms of the acid volatile sulfide fraction or the largemouth bass (Micropterus salmoides), sunfish chromate oxidizable sulfide fraction in Everglades (Lepomis spp.) and mosquitofish (Gambusia hol- hydrated peat soil. brooki). Largemouth bass and sunfish are sport fish of cultural interest and are therefore monitored to WATER ensure the protection of human health. Feeding studies indicate that sunfish make up an important The status and trends in canal water quality are portion of the diet of various wading birds (Freder- summarized in Appendix 7-2 for quarterly sam- ick et al., 1997; Ogden et al., 1978) and are moni- ples collected at 10 District structures. There were tored to help estimate the level of mercury no exceedances of the numerical Class III Water exposure to these organisms. Mosquitofish, an QualityStandardof12ng/Latanylocationatany opportunistic omnivore, are not important in the time. Nor were there any discernible time trends in diets of wading birds (Frederick et al., 1997; the concentrations of total mercury or methylmer- Ogden et al., 1978), nor do they make up signifi- cury at any of the ten sites over the first two years cant portions of the diet of sunfish or largemouth of monitoring, but a pattern has emerged that mer- bass (Loftus et al., 1998; Lange et al., 1998). Nev- its acknowledgment. Higher total mercury and ertheless, mosquitofish are ubiquitous, ensuring methylmercury concentrations tended to occur dur- availability and comparability of data throughout ing the rainy season, when the corresponding con- South Florida. Due to their ubiquity, in the absence centrations of total mercury and rainfall quantities of other data, mosquitofish have been used as a are at a maximum, and lower total mercury and surrogate for fish that are included in the bass or methylmercury concentrations tended to occur in wading bird diets. the dry season, when the corresponding concentra- tions of total mercury and rainfall quantities are at Figure 7-3 depicts the total mercury concen- a minimum. The federal and state permits for the trations in mosquitofish, sunfish and largemouth operation of the STAs and Everglades structures do bass collected during compliance monitoring at the not require monitoring for total mercury and meth- 12 interior marsh sites in the fall of 1998. Over the ylmercury in water at the interior marsh compli- last decade, there is some evidence of a downward ance sites, because the marsh water column trend of methylmercury in largemouth bass stan- concentrations are highly variable, responding to dardized to age class three years at some locations

7-18 Everglades Consolidated Report Chapter 7: The Everglades Mercury Problem

PALM BEACH CO. Lake Okeechobee


1500.0 1.5 WCA1(GFC4)

A 1000.0 E 1.0

500.0 0.5

N O M RT I A 0.0 H M 0.0


A N 1500.01.5 R A Holey Land IV L E R C A 1000.01.0 N A 1500.0 L WCA2F1 1.5 1500.0 WCA2A-7 0.5 1.5 500.0 1000.0 1.0 1000.01.0 0.0 0.0 500.00.5 MSB1500.0 0.5 1.5 WCA3A-3 500.0 NA 0.0 0.0 1000.01.0 0.0 MS B 1500.0 PALM BEACH CO. MSB1.5 WCA2AU3 BROWARD CO. 500.00.5 L-38E 1000.0 L-5 1.0

0.00.0 500.0 MSB 0.5

0.0 0.0 MSB 1500.0 1.5 Non-ECP North





L-28 1500.0 ~ 1.5 WCA3A15



DADE CO. 0.00.0

MSB 1500.0 1.5 Non-ECP South~ BROWARD CO.



0.0 0.0


1500.01.5 P33 ENP ~

1000.01.0 MOSQ (M)


SUNFISH (S) 0.0 0.0 L-67



Figure 7-3. South Florida spatial trends in total mercury in mosquitofish, sunfish and largemouth bass for 1998.

7-19 Chapter 7: The Everglades Mercury Problem Everglades Consolidated Report

in South Florida (Lange et al., 1999), including the where fish consumption rates are high suggest that ENR Project, WCA-1 interior, WCA-2A interior, the present methylmercury no observable adverse the L-67 canal and the northern portion of the Park effect level in humans may be overprotective or (Figure 7-4). If this trend continues, WCA-2A underprotective (A. Kuzmack, USEPA, personal could be upgraded from a no-consumption to a lim- communication, 1999). If a change in the present ited-consumption advisory, while WCA-1 could value of 0.1 microgram per kilogram of body then be upgraded from a limited-consumption to an weight per day (0.1 ug/Kg-day) is adopted, this unlimited-consumption advisory. However, new could have ramifications for Florida’s fish con- epidemiological data obtained by USEPA from sumption action level and its Water Quality Crite- studies of human populations living on islands rion to protect human health.







THginbassage3yr(µg/gww 0.5

0 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998


Figure 7-4. Total mercury in South Florida largemouth bass over time.

7-20 Everglades Consolidated Report Chapter 7: The Everglades Mercury Problem

WADING BIRDS purposes of this analysis, the wood stork feeding size limit of 250 mm was used as a reference. The Forage Contamination Status and Trends. results of the one way analysis of variance indi- cates that there is a significant downward trend in Wading birds forage over large areas in search of juvenile largemouth bass concentration of total preferred prey in size classes appropriate to their mercury, from a mean of 1.2 mg/Kg wet weight in size, bill shape, throat diameter, and feeding style. 1991/92 (S.D. ±0.476) to a mean of 0.3 (S.D. A few species of Everglades fish-eating birds spear ±0.21), with each paired set of years demonstrating their prey, which allows them to catch and con- a significant difference (p <0.001). Using the pair- sume fish larger than their throat diameter by tear- wise multiple comparison procedure (Tukey Test), ing the flesh prior to swallowing. The rest tend to 91/92 and 97/98 were found to be significantly dif- consume their prey whole. ferent. It can be concluded that the downward trends observed in age class 3-year standardized Wood storks feed primarily on small fish in the largemouth bass at other canal and interior marsh size range of 2.5 to 10 cm, but can ingest fish as sites (e.g., L-7, WCA-2A-U3 and ENP-PP) are also large as 25 cm, and, due to their feeding style, may occurring in the juvenile bass. It may be that the ingest some benthic invertebrates and sediment juvenile bass are responding even more rapidly to incidentally (Ogden et al., 1978). The great egret the environmental changes than their older and feeds on a variety of aquatic life in the size range larger relatives, because they are probably taking in 2.5to17cm,includingcrayfish,sunfishspecies less contaminated prey, experiencing more rapid (e.g., redear, pumpkinseed, and bluegill), and juve- growth with associated growth dilution and excret- nile bass, and on a variety of terrestrial life, includ- ing methylmerury at a higher rate, because the ing frogs, snakes, and lizards, depending on depuration rate coefficient in fish tends to increase availability. Great blue herons feed primarily on with decreasing size (Norstrom et al., 1976). larger fish in the size range 5 to 25 cm length (USEPA, 1993), but it is possible that fish as large Population Contamination Status and as 30 cm in length could be ingested (Ryder, 1950). Trends In the Everglades, these size preferences may include sunfish and tilapia species and juvenile Wading birds are exposed to methylmercury warmouth, largemouth bass, and gar. concentrations by consuming fish present in their feeding ranges. The quantity of methylmercury Mercury concentrations tend to increase with that accumulates in each wading bird reflects the the size and age of each fish species. As a conse- difference between what it has taken up through quence, the quantification the status and trends of feeding and what it has lost through excretion, mercury residues in the prey fish species of fish- deposited in growing feathers or deposited in eggs. eating birds is more complicated than for humans. Some of the methylmercury is converted to inor- Nevertheless, it would appear appropriate to deter- ganic mercury inside the body, so the quantity of mine whether the apparent trend in age class 3-year mercury present in the body is best expressed in standardized bass collected at several locations in terms of a total mercury body burden. Both meth- theEvergladescanalsandmarshesisalsooccur- ylmercury and inorganic mercury are only slowly ring in species of fish in the size class routinely eliminated form the body, which explains the high taken by wading birds. To obtain sufficient data for total mercury residue levels in the birds feeding on trend analysis, the L-67 canal monitoring site was methylmercury-contaminated fish. The half-life in selected, where fish have been collected continu- the bird’s body is about one to two months (Freder- ously since 1991 (Ware et al., 1991). Even then, it ick et al., 1997). As a result, the total mercury con- was necessary to group the years together to ensure centrationineachwadingbirdrepresentsaspatial that the population sample size was sufficient. For average of the concentrations of methylmercury in

7-21 Chapter 7: The Everglades Mercury Problem Everglades Consolidated Report

the fish that it ate over the previous six half-lives, due data have been collected since the early 1990s. orbetweensixand12months.Changesinthe The District collected the first feather and egg sam- average concentrations of total mercury in the tis- ples from these colonies in March and April of sues, feathers, or eggs of wading bird populations 1999. These new results for total mercury in great are thus more representative of long-term, large- egret feathers from chicks were age-standardized scale changes in the environment in which they to a standard bill length (7.1 cm) using the regres- feed than to short-term, localized changes. This is sion relationship developed by Frederick et al. extremely valuable information when tracking the (1997) and compared to previous results from these contamination status and trends of the Everglades colonies. The results of the analysis of total mer- as a whole. cury in 20 eggs collected from those same WCA- 3A colonies were compared to data previously The federal and state permits issued to the Dis- obtained by Dan Day (personal communication). trict for the construction and operation of or dis- As with the largemouth bass, there is now the sug- charge from the STAs include a requirement to gestionofadownwardtrendintotalmercurycon- monitor mercury residues in interior marsh great centrations in both feathers and eggs over the last egret populations at two highly contaminated colo- five years, as depicted in Figure 7-5. The analysis nies in WCA-3A. These populations have been of these data is presented in some detail in Appen- under study for about a decade, and mercury resi- dix 7-3a.


) 35 L67A colony JW colony 30 25 20

15 10

THg in feathers (µg/g dw 5

0 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999

Figure 7-5. Total mercury residue trends in Great Egret nestling feathers in South Florida.

7-22 Everglades Consolidated Report Chapter 7: The Everglades Mercury Problem

Ecological Risk Status and Trends As water column and peat soil total phospho- rus concentrations decrease in agricultural storm- Wading birds like the great egret could be at a water runoff and Lake Okeechobee releases in potentially ecologically significant risk at the pop- response to the construction and operation of the ulation level from the toxic effects of methylmer- STAs, the sites closest to the S-10 structures will cury present in their preferred prey (Frederick et eventually transition to this same unimpacted con- al., 1997). However, this concern cannot be sup- dition. Thus, the unimpacted conditions at U3 now, ported by the incidences of methylmercury-related before the completion of the STAs (pre-STA) for toxic effects observable in highly exposed great the ECP, are considered representative of the con- egret colonies in WCA-3A in terms of hatching ditions that will be present at even the most success, hatchling survival to fledging, egg laying, impacted sites in WCA-2A after the completion or egg viability. There is a potential for toxic and operation of the STAs (post-STA). These con- effects in post-fledging juveniles after leaving the ditions may also be referred to as pre-ECP and nest, because the most important pathway for elim- post-ECP conditions. The second study site is at inating methylmercury has been removed when WCA-3A-15, which is in the area referred to as the feather growth ceases; however, no one has yet methylmercury “hot spot” in the Everglades, determined how to obtain evidence of increased because fish and birds collected from this area con- mortality in this cohort away from the nest without sistently have the highest total mercury concentra- an extensive radiotelemetry monitoring program. If tions in the Everglades (USEPA, 1998; Cleckner et there is an increased incidence of mortality in this al., 1998; Lange et al., 1998; new data this report). cohort, it is not evident in the number of breeding If any site would present an unacceptable risk to pairs or overall reproductive success in any of the wading birds feeding on Everglades fish, it is this colonies under study. In fact, where total mercury site. For this reason WCA-3A-15 is considered a concentrations in great egret feathers are highest, positive control site. so is the number of breeding pairs and nests with eggs in great egret colonies (Frederick et al., 1997). To conduct the ecological risk assessment using the hazard quotient method, the following An ecological risk assessment of methylmer- information was obtained from the scientific litera- cury toxicity to wading birds feeding in the Ever- ture: typical body weights and feeding rates, prey glades was conducted by the District. The species and size preferences and methylmercury assessment was detailed in Appendix 7-2 and sum- toxicity data. Actual fish total mercury concentra- marized in Chapter 7 of last year’s Everglades tions were obtained from an extensive, multi-year Interim Report (Rumbold et al., 1999). The assess- study at both sites by FFWCC (Lange et al., 1998). ment was conducted for the wood stork, the great A mercury concentration versus size relationship egret, and the great blue heron at two sites in the was plotted for largemouth bass and sunfish, and remnant Everglades. The first site is U3 in the inte- the mercury concentrations corresponding to the rior of WCA-2A. This research site is furthest from middle and maximum values of the size ranges the influence of stormwater runoff from the EAA were selected as representative of the average and and Lake Okeechobee releases being discharged maximum exposures. The average daily quantity or from the L-39 canal through the S-10 structures. At dose of methylmercury taken in by each bird was U3, water column concentrations of total phospho- then calculated by multiplying together its average rus are already below 10 ppb. This site already daily feeding rate for a typical body weight and the exhibits all of the physical, chemical, and biologi- mercuryconcentrationineachpreyspeciesassoci- cal characteristics typical of an ecosystem unim- ated with a size in the middle of its size preference pacted by eutrophication brought about by range, summed over all prey species in its typical excessive total phosphorus concentrations in the diet. The above approach was then repeated with water column and peat soils.

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the maximum mercury concentrations correspond- finding is consistent with the results of laboratory ing to the maximum fish size consumed. dosing studies of great egret chicks (Bouton et al., 1999) and field observations of WCA-3A colonies This typical daily dose was then divided by the (Frederick et al., 1997; 1999), which suggest that typical weight of the bird to obtain a dose rate on a the WCA-3A great egret populations are at the per unit body weight basis. This result was then threshold of significant toxic effects from compared to the lowest valid no observable methylmercury exposure in the diet. However, sta- adverse effect level (NOAEL) for methylmercury tistically significant inverse correlations between toxic effects in the wood stork, great blue heron, methylmercury exposure rates or body burdens and and great egret. Toxicity testing has not been con- reproductive success are not evident. Continuing ducted on the wood stork and the great blue heron, the exposure and effects studies of the populations and only limited toxicity testing has been con- of highly exposed wading birds in WCA-3A ducted on great egret chicks (Frederick et al., should be a priority for SFMSP Phase 2 mercury 1997). As a result, it was necessary to obtain a sur- studies. rogate toxicity value from the literature to conduct the required comparison. Following the example of ALLIGATOR the Great Lakes Initiative (USEPA, 1993), the mal- lard duck was selected for this purpose. The mal- Contamination Status and Trends lard duck lowest observable adverse effect level (LOAEL) of 0.064 was divided by a factor of two Adult alligators are arguably the top predator to approximate the NOAEL. However, there was in the Everglades, and are therefore likely to be no attempt to protect for potential inter-species dif- highly exposed to methylmercury through their ferences in sensitivity to methylmercury toxicity, diet. While there is now no routine monitoring of so the estimated mallard duck NOAEL was divided Everglades alligators for methylmercury bioaccu- by a factor of one, as recommended by USEPA mulation status and trends, various research (1997), because a thorough review of the literature projects have investigated mercury concentrations indicated that the mallard duck was more sensitive in South Florida adult alligators since 1985 to methylmercury than fish-eating birds for every (Delany et al., 1988). Mercury concentrations in life stage, dose range, and toxic effect endpoint muscle tissues collected in 1989 have ranged from tested (Rumbold et al., 1999). a mean of 1.4 ug/g w. wt in adult alligators col- lected in Canal L-35b to a mean of 3.13 ug/g wet The results of last year’s deterministic ecologi- wt in adult alligators from WCA-3 (Hord et al., cal risk assessment indicate that wading birds feed- 1990; FPIC, 1991). Analyses conducted on adult ing exclusively at unimpacted WCA-2A-U3 alligators in 1992 and 1993 found average muscle reference site (annual average total phosphorus mercury concentrations around 2.7 ug/g wet wt. in <10 ppb) under pre-STA conditions are at an animals taken from WCA-3 and ENP (Heaton- acceptable risk of adverse effects from methylmer- Jones et al., 1997). Yanochko et al. (1997) reported cury exposure, even when the maximum concen- mercury concentrations in muscle averaging trations in preferred prey are substituted for around 1.2 ug/g wet wt. in adult alligators taken average values. This year’s probabilistic risk from WCA-3. assessment in Appendix 7-3b supports last year’s deterministic results and conclusions in this regard. Mercury analysis in alligator eggs has been the The situation is not the same in WCA-3A at the subject of very few studies. Ogden et al. (1974) methylmercury “hot spot” at WCA-3A-15, how- reported 1972 concentrations in four alligator eggs ever. There the pre-STA risks may be considered from Shark River Valley at an average of 0.69 ug/g unacceptable, even for birds receiving average wet wt. and an average of 0.09 ug/g wet wt in five exposures to methylmercury in their diet. This crocodile eggs from Florida Bay. A follow-up

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study by Stoneburner and Kushlan (1984) reported Everglades alligators is 50,000 individuals, with no a concentration of 0.13 ug/g wet wt. in crocodile indication of reproductive impairment. Further eggs collected in 1980. In 1984, seven alligator investigation of population-level impacts on alliga- eggs from Lake Okeechobee yielded undetectable tors using uncontrolled field studies would require (<0.03 ug/g) concentrations of mercury (Heinz et a multivariate analysis that accounted for the al., 1991). effects of other stressors, as well, including expo- sure to other toxic substances like DDT and PCBs, Ecological Risk Status and Trends bothofwhichhavebeendetectedinfishinthe Everglades canal system (Haag and McPherson, Despite what appear to be elevated mercury 1997). Controlled laboratory studies of alligators concentrations in the Everglades alligator, Heaton- may be required to address concerns for this spe- Jones et al., (1997) reported that no signs of neuro- cies raised by the Science Subgroup of the South toxicosis were observed in captive animals and his- Florida Ecological Restoration Task Force (SSG, tology of brain, retina, kidneys and liver showed no 1997). evidence of disease or toxicity. These findings are consistent with work on dosed captive animals. OTTER AND MINK Peters (1983) dosed captive adult alligators that resulted in muscle mercury concentrations ranging Only limited research has been conducted on between 2.3 and 2.9 ug/g wet wt. and observed no the foraging preferences of the otter and mink in neurological symptoms of mercury toxicity. Thus, the Everglades, but both are believed to derive the while the requisite controlled methylmercury tox- majority of their prey from the aquatic food web icity studies have not been conducted on the adult (Smith, 1980; Kilham, 1984; Sample and Suter, Everglades alligator, the toxicity threshold value 1999). As a consequence, both species can be con- may be higher than its current level of exposure in sidered highly exposed to methylmercury, and the the Everglades. limited data on methylmercury residue levels in Everglades otter indicate that it can bioaccumulate To date, no methylmercury toxicity studies on substantial concentrations (FPIC, 1991). A screen- alligator and crocodile (crocodilian) eggs have ing study conducted by the District revealed that been conducted. However, at this life stage of the the otter could be at substantial risk of developing embryo, the reptile and bird are the methylmercury toxic effects if it includes as little most similar both anatomically and physiologi- as 25 percent fish in its diet (Fink and Rawlik, cally. Therefore, it could be argued that, in the 1998). Despite these observations and findings, absence of other data, bird egg toxicity studies neither the otter nor the mink has been identified as could be used to conduct a preliminary evaluation requiring priority attention for protection from of mercury risks to alligator eggs. Using this line of methylmercury risks. Nevertheless, because top- reasoning, it would appear that the concentration predator fish concentrations have declined over the reported by Ogden et al., 1974, of 0.69 ug/g wet last five years at many Everglades locations, an wt. in alligator eggs approaches but does not reach update to this earlier screening-level exercise the egg-Hg residue lower level of 0.75 ug/g wet wt. appears warranted. derived from Heinz (1979) for mallards. The con- centrations in eggs collected more recently are The Everglades otter population is believed to likely to be higher, however. be reasonably abundant, and may enjoy expanded habitat associated with the District’s canal system. Although alligator egg concentrations of On the other hand, the Everglades mink population methylmercury appear to fall within a range of is considered endangered (Humphrey, 1992), and potential concern, Heaton-Jones et al., 1997, point sightings are rare (Smith and Cary, 1982; J. Ogden, out that the current population estimate for the SFWMD, personal communication, 1999). The

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otter is extant throughout the Everglades, but mink north to fall in the range of the Everglades mink. appear to have a range limited to BCNP, the Park The hazard quotients were calculated by dividing and Miami-Dade County (Humphrey, 1992; Smith the exposure generated by the weighted-average and Cary, 1982). The quantity and quality of the diet by the TRV. For the typical mink diet, this water flowing into the mink’s range are not likely resulted in hazard quotients of 1.7 at L-67, 2.2 at to be strongly influenced by the ECP, so mink WCA-3A-15 and 1.4 at WCA-2A-U3. Mink feed- exposures and risks are unlikely to be a sensitive ing solely on fish from these sites would experi- indicator of post-ECP mercury-related impacts. ence an even greater risk, resulting in Nevertheless, it is possible to conduct such a deter- corresponding hazard quotients of 7.1, 5.1 and 4.2. ministic ecological risk assessment for the mink For perspective, however, it is important to com- and the otter at well-studied sites at screening-level pare this result to that for the Lowest Observable to determine whether follow-up studies are war- Adverse Effect Level (LOAEL). For the female ranted. mink, a LOAEL of 0.15 mg/Kg-day was reported in a 93-day feeding study, with a toxicological end- Data on food habits of the mink are sparse, but point of observed nerve tissue lesions but no overt basedonananalysisof16scatscollectedinthe clinical symptoms (Wobeser et al., 1976 as cited in Park, Smith (1980) has reported that the average Wolfe et al., 1998). The corresponding NOAEL in mink diet consists of 64 percent crayfish, 18 per- this study was 0.046 mg/Kg-day for the female cent fish, and 18 percent small mammals. Lacking mink. While this is higher than the TRV used in data on the actual biomass of prey consumed, as a this analysis, if the same proportion between the first approximation, it was assumed that the num- LOAEL to NOAEL is assumed to hold, then the ber frequency average and biomass-weighted aver- equivalent LOAEL would be 3.3 times the age fractions of the diet were the same. It was also NOAEL or 0.053 mg/Kg-day. The corresponding assumed that the largemouth bass is a representa- hazard quotient based on the LOAEL are then 0.5, tive top-predator fish in the mink diet. Since the 0.7 and 0.4 at L-67 WCA-3A-15 and WCA-2A- size distribution and species types of the fish in the U3, respectively, for the typical diet preference mink diet are unknown, the average largemouth scenario and 1.5, 2.1 and 1.3 for the fish-only diet bass value was used as a surrogate for the size- and preference scenario. This would appear to explain diet preference-weighted average fish concentra- the continued survival of the endangered mink in tion. This is likely to bias the exposure estimates the Everglades despite its continuing high expo- high, but this is appropriate for a screening-level sures to methylmercury in its diet. exercise. Average whole fish concentrations were estimated from the data set supplied by Ted Lange It is appropriate to use the mink NOAEL and (Lange et al., 1999) using an adjustment factor of LOAEL for the otter (USEPA, 1993). Although the 0.695 for translating fillet values into equivalent work of O’Connor and Nielsen (1981) suggests whole fish values (Lange et al., 1998). The values that the mink is more sensitive than the otter to the for the crayfish and small mammals were gener- toxic effects of methylmercury, conservatism in a atedfromthesamedatausingthesameapproach screening-level risk assessment is appropriate, so as in Appendix 7-4 for the Florida panther. For the an interspecies adjustment factor of 0.5 was cho- purpose of this exercise, the ingestion rate of 0.15 sen. The otter consumes less food per unit body kg/day and a toxicity reference value (TRV) of weight than the mink, but its diet is composed 0.016 mg/Kg-day were adopted from the Great almost exclusively of aquatic animals. Of the por- Lakes Initiative (USEPA, 1993). tion of the diet that is fish, the otter probably con- sumes proportionally larger fish than the mink, as The well-studied sites WCA-2A-U3, WCA- well. When small mammals are eliminated from 3A-15, and L-67 were evaluated for this exercise, the diet mix but the same preference for crayfish as even though all three sites are probably too far the mink is retained, the “typical” otter feeding

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scenario for L-67, 3A-15 and U3 results in hazard • Otter and mink feeding habits; quotients of 3.5, 4.9, 2.9, while the fish-only feed- • Otter and mink methylmercury uptake, dispo- ing scenario produces hazard quotients of 7.7, 10.7 sition and elimination (pharmacokinetics); and and 6.3. Assuming that the mink LOAEL also applies to the otter, the LOAEL hazard quotients • Routine monitoring of the otter. for the typical and fish-only diets become 1, 1.5 and 0.9 and 2.3, 3.2 and 1.9, respectively. Although This additional information will support a the otter hazard quotients are probably biased high more accurate ecological risk assessment for the by an inappropriately low TRV based on the mink, mink and otter, and provide for monitoring of sta- these results suggest that the otter should be stud- tus and trends of contaminant levels in the otter to ied in greater detail both for methylmercury expo- gauge its on-going methylmercury exposures and sure and toxic effects. risks.

WCA-2A-U3 is the reference site for evaluat- FLORIDA PANTHER ing the likelihood of post-STA ecological risks to highly exposed fish-eating animals. This is too far Florida panther populations in South Florida north of the known range of the endangered Ever- have declined precipitously through the decades of glades mink but not for the otter. The likelihood is the 1970s and 1980s. This has been attributed to low that individual otter will experience significant increased incidences of reduced litter sizes and sur- toxic effects from methylmercury exposure when vival rates, disease, intra-species predation, and car feeding exclusively at WCA-2A-U3 under a typi- accidents, as the area of desirable habitat and the cal foraging scenario. Therefore, it is unlikely that quality of forage have declined and the degree of individual otter will be at an unacceptable post- inbreeding has increased (Roelke and Glass, 1992). STA risk of methylmercury toxicity when feeding To relieve the threat of immediate extinction due to exclusively in the already impacted areas. inbreeding, the responsible federal and state agen- cies adopted a recovery plan that required out- Methylmercury toxicity testing of the otter breeding of the Florida panther with Texas cougars, may not be appropriate, and, in any case, it is its nearest genetic relative (M. Dunbar, USFWS, unlikely to be completed, peer reviewed and pub- personal communication, 1996). The implementa- lished before June 30, 2003. However, pharmaco- tion of the plan began in 1997. kinetics studies of limited intrusiveness could meet this deadline. The results of such studies would In July 1989, Florida panther #27, a four-year make it possible to quantify important differences old female, died of unknown causes in the Park. between the otter and the mink in the absorption of Subsequent analysis of her organs and tissues for methylmercury across the gut, the rate of transfor- total mercury revealed a liver concentration of 110 mation of methylmercury to inorganic mercury, the ppm (FPIC, 1989). The Florida Panther Inter- rates of depuration of methylmercury and inor- agency Committee reached the conclusion that the ganic mercury, and the dispositions of methylmer- proximate cause of death of Florida panther #27 cury and inorganic mercury in the various organs was methylmercury toxicity. It had been reported and tissues where toxic effects are manifest. This that her last 12 meals consisted primarily of rac- should substantially reduce the uncertainty in the coons killed in the Shark River Slough area of the application of the mink NOAEL to the otter. Park (FPIC, 1989). A re-evaluation of the necropsy report for Florida panther #27 provides an alterna- Based on the above identified data gaps, the tive explanation for her death: a uterine infection District recommends the following additional stud- following a late-term miscarriage, still birth, or ies: birth of short-lived neonates (S. Taylor, FFWCC, personal communication, 1998).

7-27 Chapter 7: The Everglades Mercury Problem Everglades Consolidated Report

Subsequent evaluation of the feeding habits of vicinity of areas where fish caught by humans were the three distinct Florida panther populations sug- disposed of rather than in areas where panthers for- gested that the magnitude of mercury bioaccumula- age (S. Taylor, FFWCC, personal communication, tion was strongly correlated with the fraction of the 1998). Although some raccoon specimens have diet that was made up of raccoons, which link the been collected and their blood, fur, or organs ana- panthers to the aquatic food web via their opportu- lyzed for total mercury since then, no new total nistic feeding behavior (Roelke et al., 1986; FPIC, mercury contamination data have been reported to 1991). The Florida panthers with the highest mer- date (T. Atkeson, DEP, personal communication, cury residues had been feeding extensively in the 1999). Such data may also suffer from the same Shark River Slough area and the female panthers limitation as that described for the previous data feeding in that area had not reproduced in several sets. years, while the moderately contaminated popula- tion in Fakahatchee Strand exhibited one-third the Population Contamination Status and fecundity of the unimpacted population in the Bear Trends Island State Game Area (FPIC, 1989). The most likely explanation for this set of observations is The Technical Subcommittee of the Florida that reproductive stress occurs in populations Panther Interagency Subcommittee concluded that crowded into undesirable habitat and forced to methylmercury contamination was a serious threat compete for low-quality forage like the raccoon to the existence of the Florida panther (FPIC, instead of the preferred diet of hog and deer. This 1989). As an intermediate remedy, the Subcommit- results in poor nutritional status, with a corre- tee recommended that monitoring of panther blood sponding increase in the incidences of disease and continue, and that panthers with whole blood con- reproductive failure (FPIC, 1989). However, the centrations exceeding 1.7 ppm should be immedi- inverse correlation between methylmercury resi- ately removed from the wild, while the appropriate dues in blood or fur and the reproductive success of course of action for panthers with whole blood the three Florida panther populations suggested the concentrations of 1.4-1.7 ppm wet weight would be possibility that high methylmercury bioaccumula- determined by the Subcommittee on an emergency tion contributed to these outcomes (FPIC, 1989). case-by-case basis. In 1998, the FFWCC announced that data collected over the last decade Prey Contamination Status and Trends supported the finding that mercury contamination in previously impacted Florida panther populations The Florida panther preys preferentially on had declined substantially over that period, which hog and deer, but will consume marsh rabbits, would be consistent with the observed trends in armadillos, raccoons, cotton rats, and even an largemouth bass and wading birds discussed above. occasional otter or juvenile alligator (Roelke et al., FFWCC is reportedly involved in a complete 1986; Maehr et al., 1990) when preferred prey den- reevaluation of all data relevant to mercury expo- sities are low or access to areas of high density is sure and effects in the Florida panther populations limited. Predation of raccoon, otter, and alligator in South Florida (T. Logan, FFWCC, letter to T. links the Florida panther to the aquatic food chain. Atkeson, DEP, 1998). That re-evaluation was not In the early 1990s, the raccoon and otter were available at this writing. In the meantime, the added to the Florida panther monitoring program FFWCC website continues to cite the results of the by the FFWCC. The usefulness of the raccoon con- 1989 and 1991 reports, without caveat. tamination data obtained in the early 1990s for the Florida Panther Interagency Committee by the Ecological Risk Status and Trends FFWCC (FPIC, 1991) has since been called into question. The raccoon collection protocol at some Screening-level ecological risk assessments sites was reported to have involved trapping in the have been conducted for the Florida panther feed-

7-28 Everglades Consolidated Report Chapter 7: The Everglades Mercury Problem

ing on raccoon, because the raccoon links the Flor- To complete this exercise a domestic cat meth- ida panther to the aquatic food web. From these ylmercury NOAEL of 0.0134 mg/Kg (Houpt et al., assessments it was concluded that panthers that 1988) was selected and multiplied by an interspe- consume raccoon routinely are at an elevated, per- cies adjustment factor of 0.5 to approximate the haps substantial risk of chronic toxic effects from NOAEL of the Florida panther. The 1993 and methylmercury exposure (Jurczyk, 1993). Unless 1997-1998 methylmercury concentrations in methylmercury concentrations in the raccoons of WCA-3A-15 fish, frogs and crayfish were used to the southern Everglades have declined substan- calculate the average methylmercury concentra- tially over the last decade, Florida panthers feeding tions in the raccoon diet. Using the previous on raccoons from this area could still be at a sub- assumptions and information, the hazard quotients stantial risk of chronic toxic effects from methylm- of 5.8 and 4.0 were calculated for 1993 and 1997- ercury exposure. 1998, respectively.

At present, the fractions of aquatic life in the The questions raised about the validity of the raccoon diet and the fraction of raccoon in the Flor- raccoon data discussed earlier (S. Taylor, FFWCC, ida panther diet have not been adequately quanti- personal communication, 1998) also apply to the fied. The Florida panther population in the ecological risk assessments based on those data. Fakahatchee Strand State Game Area was reported FFWCC is reportedly involved in a complete to consume raccoon at the rate of 45 percent on a reevaluation of all data relevant to mercury expo- diet frequency basis (Roelke et al., 1986). How- sure and effects in the Florida panther populations ever, subsequently this value has been challenged in South Florida (T. Logan, FFWCC, letter to T. as unrealistically high. These data gaps and uncer- Atkeson, DEP, 1998). The results of that reevalua- tainties can be addressed with estimated values that tion were not available at this writing. However, are otherwise consistent with environmental condi- the results of the above modeling exercise suggest tions. In theory, these values can be estimated by that the raccoons collected for total mercury analy- calibrating observed residue levels in the raccoon sis in 1990-1991 in South Florida by the then Flor- and Florida panther to values estimated from the ida Game and Fresh Water Fish Commission did appropriate diet. This can be done using a one- not contain inappropriately high methylmercury compartment model of methylmercury uptake and concentrations in their bodies. Thus, it is unlikely elimination. Residue levels in individual organs that these raccoons were feeding atypically on fish can then be calculated from the whole-body con- remains discarded near fish camps and garbage dis- centrations using organ-to-whole body ratios posal areas rather than on a more typical mix of obtained from the appropriate literature. This cali- aquatic life at a more typical rate. bration exercise was conducted for WCA-3A rac- coons collected in 1990-1991, the last period for HUMANS which such data are available (T. Atkeson, DEP, personal communication, 1999). Based on this cali- Population Contamination Status and bration exercise, fish make up only about six per- Risks cent of the raccoon diet, with no top-predator fish involved. Absent better information, the remaining A study conducted by the Centers for Disease fraction of the diet was distributed evenly between Control at the request of USEPA Region 4 found frogs and crayfish. Following the same approach no substantially elevated concentrations of total for the Florida panther, the raccoon was estimated mercury in the hair of human volunteers known to to make up about 32 percent of the diet in the Flor- consume fish caught in the Everglades canals and ida panther population in the Fakahatchee Strand marshes, including members of the Miccouskee State Game Area in 1989-1991. Tribe of Indians (CDC, 1994; Fleming, 1995). However, it is not clear that this study adequately

7-29 Chapter 7: The Everglades Mercury Problem Everglades Consolidated Report

captured the mercury contamination levels in tive of the wood stork, the otter, the alligator, and highly exposed subsistence fisher populations like the Florida panther. This analysis is conducted for members of the Miccosukee Tribe of Indians the Florida panther in Appendix 7-4. engaging in a traditional lifestyle. There are no new data on mercury contamination levels from Using the previous assumptions and informa- studies of volunteers from the Everglades fishing tion, the aquatic food chain methylmercury con- community. centrations at WCA-3A-15 were adjusted proportionally downward to be equivalent to a There are no reported incidents of methlymer- largemouth bass flesh concentration of 0.5 mg/Kg. cury toxicity in humans consuming large quantities The hazard quotient was calculated to be 2.2. of alligator, fish, or raccoon flesh, but there have When WCA-3A-15 fish consumption by the rac- been no new systematic studies to take reports of or coon was eliminated altogether, the hazard quotient independently measure such effects. for a Florida panther preying on such raccoon was still about 1.9. This indicates the importance of ADEQUACY OF CLASS III WATER frogs and crayfish in the Florida panther food QUALITY STANDARD chain. Only when the raccoon was eliminated from the diet altogether did the hazard coefficient for The District documented no violations of the methylmercury toxicity to the Florida panther total mercury Class III Water Quality Standard of approach 1. 12 ng/L in any canal (unpublished data, Appendix 7-2) during the 1998-1999 water year. However, Some have suggested that adopting a revised dredging upstream of the S-5A Pump Station in the Water Quality Standard for total mercury equiva- C-51 canal resulted in a near exceedance in June of lent to the sport-fish action level will also be fully 1999. Yet during this same period the fisheries protective of wildlife, including the endangered remained impaired due to the exceedance of the Florida panther. To the contrary, Florida panthers Florida no consumption or limited consumption routinely feeding on Everglades raccoons may not action levels (Lange et al., 1999). This again be fully protected by a Water Quality Standard underscores the need to revise the Class III Water derived from the present-day sport fish action level Quality Standard downward to reflect largemouth to protect human health. For panthers that consume bass bioaccumulation factors as high as juvenile alligator and otter more than occasionally, 10,000,000. If the Florida limited consumption the methylmercury exposures and risks would action level of 0.5 ppm is divided by 10,000,000, increase disproportionally, because both the alliga- the corresponding methylmercury concentration in tor and otter consume large fish. water is 0.05 ng/L. If methylmercury is as much as one-thirdoftotalmercuryinaworstcase,thecor- However, there are substantial uncertainties in responding total mercury water quality standard this analysis. To reduce these uncertainties, follow- wouldbe0.15ng/L,oralmosttwoordersofmag- up studies of methylmercury pharmacokinetics and nitude lower than the present 12 ng/L value. toxicology for the Florida panther are recom- mended. The recommended studies are summa- The question then arises as to whether a meth- rized in the section that answers the question: What ylmercury action level of 0.5 mg/Kg in largemouth is the status of District and DEP efforts to under- bass to protect human health would be fully protec- stand and solve the Everglades mercury problem?

7-30 Everglades Consolidated Report Chapter 7: The Everglades Mercury Problem


SUMMARY so it cannot yet be determined whether the Ever- glades is responding to local source reduction, U.S. STAs that perform like the ENR Project will background declines, or to some other factor, like reduce inflow total mercury by between 50 percent higher average flows and water depths or the and 75 percent prior to discharge to the already absence of fires during this same period. However, impacted areas of the northern Everglades. This a decrease in the U.S. background levels may have may have some positive effect on methylmercury also begun several decades ago, so it cannot yet be production and bioaccumulation in fish in these determined whether the Everglades is responding areas, because both methylmercury production and to local source reduction, U.S. background fish tissue concentrations have been determined to declines, or to some other factor, like higher aver- be proportional to the total mercury concentration age flows and water depths or the absence of fires in the underlying hydrated peat soil. However, for during this same period. the Everglades as a whole, atmospheric deposition contributes more than 95 percent of the new mer- To address the question of mercury risk reduc- cury inputs each year, and only a reduction in tion through source control, several related ques- atmospheric deposition will reduce the average tions arise, including: concentration of total mercury in peat soils over the nearly 10,000 square kilometers (4,000 square • What is the mercury load contribution of miles) of the Everglades. stormwater runoff transport to the Everglades? • What is the mercury load contribution of atmo- There is still great uncertainty as to the relative spheric deposition transport to the Everglades? contributions of local sources and global back- ground to the annual atmospheric deposition of • What fraction of the atmospheric deposition mercury to the Everglades. A study is planned for load is from local sources versus global back- the beginning of 2000 that should determine ground? whether the air above the influence of local air • What is the mercury load contribution ground- emissions sources in what is called the free tropo- water transport to the Everglades? sphere could itself be a source of enough gas-phase inorganic mercury to supply the observed high • What is the mercury load contribution of recy- rates of inorganic mercury in rainfall during South cled mercury from the contaminated peat soil Florida’s wet season. New air emissions source, to the Everglades? transport, and deposition monitoring and modeling in South Florida in water year 1999-2000 should These questions are answered below. help resolve the contribution of local sources to the wet and dry deposition total. The reported declines LOCAL STORMWATER RUNOFF in total mercury concentrations in fish and birds at SOURCES several locations in the Everglades over the last decade may be attributed to the reported 65 percent Lake Okeechobee Releases and EAA decrease in mercury emissions from municipal Stormwater Runoff incinerators in South Florida during the same period. However, a decrease in the U.S. back- The concentration data collected by the Dis- ground may have also begun several decades ago, trict’s in its upper canal system continue to support

7-31 Chapter 7: The Everglades Mercury Problem Everglades Consolidated Report

the conclusion that the Lake Okeechobee releases range of 50 percent to 75 percent, which should and EAA runoff do not constitute a significant have some, perhaps significant benefit to the source of either total mercury or methylmercury to already impacted areas of the northern Everglades. the northern Everglades as a whole. As calculated If this is the case, then, all other things being equal, elsewhere (USEPA, 1998) and reported in last a reduction in the EAA runoff load via filtering year’s Everglades Interim Report (Fink et al., through the STA 1W should reduce the rate of dep- 1999), stormwater runoff contributes less than five osition of total mercury in the already impacted percent of the new total mercury entering the vast areas nearest the point of discharge, which, in turn, majority of Everglades each year. However, this is will reduce the concentrations of inorganic mer- unlikely to be the case for the STAs and for the cury in the hydrated peat soil. areas closest to the points of discharge to the north- ern Everglades, since the quality and quantity of There is a correlation between the total mer- the water flowing through both are dominated by cury concentration in hydrated peat soil and meth- EAA runoff. In the ENR Project, about 50 percent ylmercury production (C. Gilmour, ANS, personal and 75 percent of the annual supply of total mer- communication, 1999) and bioaccumulation in fish cury and methylmercury, respectively, originated (D. Krabbenhoft, USGS-Madison, personal com- with the inflow pump. The higher hydraulic load- munication, 1999). This suggests that a reduction ing rates of water through STAs 1, 2, 3/4, and 5 in the total mercury concentration in the surface should result in even higher percentages of sediment at F1 will result in a corresponding reduc- removal than for the ENR Project. tion of the methylmercury concentrations in fish at F1. This positive effect will be offset somewhat by The downstream influence of Lake the likely reduction in the rate of peat production Okeechobee releases and EAA runoff on inorganic associated with a reduction in water column phos- mercury deposition near the District’s structures phorus concentrations, but it is unlikely to be offset has been inferred from the mercury analysis of completely. The benefits of this load reduction radiodated sediment cores collected at F1, about have been modeled using the Everglades Mercury 1.8 km downflow of the S-10C structure, and the Cycling Model-1. The results of this modeling most runoff-impacted site routinely studied in application were detailed in Appendix 7-4 of last WCA-2A. These results showed a much higher year’s Everglades Interim Report and are summa- total mercury deposition rate over the last 50 years rized in the subsection that answers the question, than cores collected farther downstream, suggest- What tools are needed to understand and solve the ing to the principal investigators that EAA runoff Everglades mercury problem? This modeling exer- load was being deposited there at a disproportional cise will be repeated with the Everglades Mercury rate (J. Keeler, University of Michigan, personal Cycling Model-2 by TetraTech under contract to communication, 1999). The influence of Lake DEP. The result of this modeling effort will be Okeechobee releases and EAA runoff on the reported in next year’s chapter on the Everglades already impacted area in WCA-2A downstream of Mercury Problem. the S-10 structures is the subject of a modeling task required under a DEP contract with TetraTech, Inc. ATMOSPHERIC DEPOSITION The results will be reported in next year’s chapter on the Everglades Mercury Problem. Local Air Sources

STAs Thedebatecontinuesregardingthebenefitto the Everglades from reducing local sources of mer- As demonstrated in Appendix 7-5,theSTAs cury air pollution. Using elemental tracers for that function like the ENR Project are likely to source apportionment, one estimate of local air reduce the total mercury load in EAA runoff in the source contributions to the Everglades arrived at

7-32 Everglades Consolidated Report Chapter 7: The Everglades Mercury Problem

value of 71 ±8 percent for oil and municipal waste methylmercury in largemouth bass and great egret combustion sources, with the remainder accounted feathers and eggs at some well-studied sites in the for by medical waste incineration through emis- Everglades. It is possible that these downward sions reconciliation (Dvonch et al., 1999). A sepa- trends are indicative of the beneficial effect of local rate modeling exercise supported the results of the source reduction brought about by the passage of source apportionment analysis (Marsik et al., rules by the Environmental Regulation Commis- 1999). Taken together, these lines of evidence sug- sion (ERC) in 1993 that provide for voluntary and gest that the supply of mercury from local air emis- then mandatory reduction of mercury in feedstocks sions sources to the Everglades is as high as 95 to municipal incinerators. Using mercury emis- percent (J. Keeler, University of Michigan, per- sions reports from permitted facilities, DEP has sonal communication, 1999). These analyses calculated as much as a 65 percent reduction from ignored the contribution of the annual burning of the annual mercury emissions rate in South Florida the sugar cane fields, but it is calculated to be low at the beginning of the decade (T. Atkeson, DEP, (Patrick et al., 1994). Based on elemental tracer personal communication, 1999). The mercury con- analysis and source modeling using FAMS data centrations in municipal waste combustor emis- (Guentzel et al., 1997), others have arrived at esti- sions from South Florida are depicted in mates of local source contributions to South Flor- Figure 7-6. ida as low as 30 percent (W. Landing, FSU, personal communication, 1997). To make up the If this is the cause of the apparent downward difference, the global reservoir must contribute 70 trends in fish and birds, this would be desirable for percent. A description of the mechanism by which two reasons. First, it means that local sources, this could occur is taken up in the next section. which can be controlled, are making a substantial contribution to the Everglades atmospheric deposi- As noted in the previous section, there appear tion load, rather than the atmospheric deposition to be downward trends in the concentrations of load being dominated by global background. The


450 Dade 400 N. Broward

350 S. Broward Palm Beach 300

250 200

Mircograms 150


(per dry standard cubic meter) 50

0 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 Figure 7-6. Mercury concentrations in South Florida municipal waste combustor emissions over time (Source: T. Atkeson, DEP).

7-33 Chapter 7: The Everglades Mercury Problem Everglades Consolidated Report

control of global background is outside the author- Global Background ity of either DEP or USEPA, and only an interna- tional treaty could bring about the required There is a body of evidence that suggests that reductions in worldwide emissions. Second, the the global reservoir is making some, perhaps a sub- rapid response of the Everglades to local source stantial contribution to the atmospheric deposition reduction may be attributed to the observation that of mercury to the Everglades. For most pollutants the overlying water column is usually in excess of in most locales, the concentration of the pollutant inorganic mercury relative to underlying peat pore decreases over time with the intensity and duration water as a result of rainfall (D. Krabbenhoft, of rainfall, indicating that the reservoir in the lower USGS-Madison, personal communication, 1999), atmosphere is being depleted over time. According and that this excess inorganic mercury is taken up to the results of special studies conducted under the by the surficial peat soil for subsequent methyla- Florida Atmospheric Mercury Study (FAMS), this tion (G. Gill, TAMUG, as cited in Gilmour et al., is not always the case in South Florida (Guentzel et 1998b), rather than the methylation process being al., 1997). In South Florida, summer rainfall con- fed primarily by the release of inorganic mercury centrations always exceed those of the dry season, from the peat soil reservoir below. This would but they do not decrease substantially with the mean that the response time of the Everglades is duration of rainfall, suggesting that there is a large not on the order of decades, as predicted by the pool of reactive gaseous mercury that is being USEPA Everglades Mercury Cycling Model-1, but scavenged without substantial depletion. on the order of years. Dry and wet season air campaigns are planned However, this speculation must be reconciled forJanuaryandJuly2000tocollectairsamplesin with the observation that the inorganic mercury the free troposphere for near real-time analysis of deposition rates over North America at some loca- elemental mercury and reactive gaseous mercury. tions appear to be declining over the last 20 to 40 The presence of high concentrations of reactive years (Benoit et al., 1994). This is also consistent gaseous mercury in the free troposphere will estab- with the reports that mercury deposition appears to lish only that the global reservoir could make a have peaked in Florida Bay in the mid- to late- substantial contribution to rainfall deposition on 1950s (T. Atkeson, DEP, personal communication, South Florida during the wet season, not that it is 1997). This is probably in response to early efforts making such a contribution. On the other hand, its to shift from open burning of refuse to landfilling presence in only trace concentrations in the July and subsequent voluntary reductions in the use of 2000 campaign will establish that such a contribu- mercury in certain industrial processes (e.g., chlor- tion is not possible. A more detailed discussion of alkali production) that preceded voluntary substitu- the planned studies is taken up in the section that tion of other materials for mercury in various answers the question: What is the status of District household and commercial products. If the Ever- and DEP efforts to understand and solve the Ever- glades is responding to a 20- to 40-year decline in glades mercury problem? background mercury concentrations over North America rather than a 10-year decline in local air Rainfall emissions sources, then its response time to atmo- spheric load reduction is probably more on the The District participates in the Mercury Depo- order of decades than years. This is still not bad sition Network (MDN) of the National Atmo- news, but it confounds the inference that local spheric Deposition Program to meet its rainfall source reduction is linked to the recent 5-year compliance monitoring requirements under its fed- decline in mercury concentrations in Everglades eral and state permits to operate the STAs. Bulk fish. rainfall was collected weekly atop 48-ft towers at the ENR Project, the Andytown Substation at U.S.

7-34 Everglades Consolidated Report Chapter 7: The Everglades Mercury Problem

27 and I-75, and the Park Research Center. While groundwater is not generally highly contaminated there was high week-to-week variability in total with either total mercury or methylmercury (Har- mercury concentrations within and between sam- vey et al., 1999). In most instances, the total mer- pling sites, the same deposition rate patterns were cury concentration is not statistically significantly observed on a monthly and annual average basis as different from the overlying surface water, and in the Florida Atmospheric Mercury Study or methylmercury concentrations are often undetect- FAMS (Guentzel et al., 1997) that ended its collec- able at 10- and 40-foot depths (unpublished Dis- tions at these same sites in December 1996. trict data; Harvey et al., 1999). The general Figure 7-7 displays the monthly rainfall data col- direction groundwater flux is down, and in loca- lected under the preceding FAMS and the volume- tions where upward flux occurs in the vicinity of weighted monthly average calculated from the WCA-1, the rate decreases rapidly with distance weekly MDN data generated from the present from the L-7 and L-39 levees surrounding WCA-1, weekly permit compliance monitoring program. which is held at a higher stage than the surrounding Therewasabreakinthemonitoringprogram farmland and WCA-2A (Harvey et al., 1999). between January 1997, following the end of Taken together, these facts suggest that groundwa- FAMS, and January 1998, when the Andytown site ter cannot make a significant contribution to the came back on line under the MDN. Although not total mercury or methylmercury inputs to the Ever- statistically significant, over the last five years glades, but where localized discharge areas occur, there appears to be a slight decline in the average enhanced transport of inorganic mercury or concentrations at all three sites during the dry sea- methylmercury from the underlying peat soil pore son, but no difference can be discerned during the water may occur (King, 1999). wet season. For example, it has been observed that total GROUNDWATER BACKGROUND mercury concentrations are higher at WCA-2A-F1, which is 1.8 km form the L-39 levee, than WCA- A joint screening study conducted by the 2A-U3, which is 10.8 km away, on infrequent USGS and the District indicates that Everglades occasions during extended periods of no rainfall



15 ENP THg (ng/L)

10 ANDY- TOWN 5 ENR 90-day, Depth-Weighted Average PROJECT 0










a Jul93-Sep93 Jul94-Sep94 Jul95-Sep95 Jul96-Sep96 Jul97-Sep97 Jul98-Sep98 Jan 94 - Mar 94 Jan 96 - Mar 96 Jan 98 - Mar 98

Jan 95 - Mar 95 Jan 97 - Mar 97 J Figure 7-7. Total mercury concentrations in monthly average bulk rainfall over time.

7-35 Chapter 7: The Everglades Mercury Problem Everglades Consolidated Report

and no flow through the S-10 structures into WCA- facilitate diffusive exchange, it diminishes the 2A. This suggests that the upward flux of about 0.1 actual mass per unit volume of inorganic mercury cm/day (Harvey et al., 1999) can make a small but stored on soil solids. Nevertheless, if all of the observable contribution to the concentrations of inorganic mercury sorbed to or incorporated in the total mercury in the overlying water column. Any soil solids were available, assuming a mean bulk such effect on methylmercury concentrations in the density of 0.045 g/cm3, it would be the equivalent water column is probably being dwarfed by the of about 7 ug/L, more than three orders of magni- generally higher rates of methylmercury produc- tude greater than the concentration of inorganic tion at WCA-2A-U3 than WCA-2A-F1, but these mercury in the overlying water. However, if the differences may be smallest in the winter when potentially bioavailable fraction is the truly dis- microbial activity slows under the influence of solved fraction, then the concentration of poten- lower water column temperatures and it is during tially bioavailable inorganic mercury in peat soil is the winter when the extended periods of no rainfall actually quite low. Gary Gill and co-workers at and no flow are most prevalent. Texas A&M University-Galveston have per- formed sediment chamber studies to measure the RECYCLED PEAT SOIL MERCURY flux of total mercury and methylmercury into and out of the sediment. In a limited scoping study con- As noted in the above discussion of local ducted at WCA-2A-U3 and WCA-3A-15 in July of source contributions, USGS scientists have 1998, they found that there was a net flux of inor- observed that, on average, the concentration of ganic mercury into the sediments under both day- inorganic mercury in the overlying water column light and night conditions, while the opposite appears to exceed the corresponding concentration tended to be true for methylmercury, although the in the pore water of the underlying surficial peat nighttime flux generally exceeded the daytime flux soil (D. Krabbenhoft, USGS, personal communica- (Gilmour et al., 1998b). This suggests that the con- tion, 1999). This excess is believed to be driven by centration of inorganic mercury in the water col- wet and dry atmospheric deposition. This results in umn is supersaturated relative to the sediment pore a net transfer of inorganic mercury from the water water, resulting in a continuous net flux into the to the peat soil on average. This net transfer has sediment. also been observed by Gary Gill and co-workers using flux chambers to measure the magnitude and This observed disequilibrium between the con- direction of inorganic mercury and methylmercury centration of inorganic mercury in sediment pore flux (Gilmour et al., 1998b). It is in the first two to water and the overlying water column could be four centimeters of peat soil that the methylation of maintained by the activity of sulfate-reducing bac- inorganic mercury is occurring (Gilmour et al., teria that produce methylmercury from inorganic 1998b). mercury, which is then transported back out of the sediment at a rate that exceeds that predicted by a The other potential source of inorganic mer- Fickian diffusion model by as much as a factor of cury to the methylation process is the inorganic 10 or 20 (D. Krabbenhoft, USGS, personal com- mercury that has accumulated in the peat soil that munication, 1999). This enhanced transport may be has accreted over the years. The concentration of a consequence of dispersive processes, or it could inorganic mercury in historically deposited peat occur in association with benthic or soil averages about 150-160 ug/Kg (Delfino et al., other diurnally active invertebrate species that 1993), which would appear to be a substantial res- carry the methylmercury absorbed while in contact ervoir, but Everglades peat soil generally has a low with the sediment during the day as they float into bulk density, averaging about 0.035-08 gm/cm3 in the water column at night (D. Krabbenhoft, USGS, the first two to ten centimeters (Reddy et al., 1991; personal communication, 1999). This might also Delfino et al., 1993; King, 1999). While this should explain the apparent increase in the nighttime over

7-36 Everglades Consolidated Report Chapter 7: The Everglades Mercury Problem

daytime methylmercury flux, which might other- increases in response, then enhanced transport of wise be attributed to an increase in the nighttime mercury species to the water column at night could over daytime production rate or a sudden change in also be accounted for by this mechanism. the sorption coefficients brought about by a change in the redox potential profile of the surficial sedi- To resolve the question of inorganic mercury ment. Another potentially important transport bioavailability and of enhanced nighttime produc- mechanism for mercury species from the sediment tion or transport of methylmercury, several lines of to the water column is dispersion and advection study will be pursued. They are summarized in the facilitated by methane gas ebullition from the near- section that answers the question: What is the sta- surface sediments. If the sediments do become tus of District and DEP efforts to understand and more anoxic at night, and methane gas production solve the Everglades mercury problem?


SUMMARY sium, dissolved organic carbon, chloride, sulfate, iron). Only conventional chemical treatment sys- Many factors influence methylmercury bioac- tems are likely to remove these soluble, relatively cumulation in fish, including the concentration of biologically inert chemical constituents. However, methylmercury in living, dying and dead plant bio- changes in the concentrations of some chemical mass, the food web structure, fish feeding prefer- constituents in the northern and central Everglades ences and prey availability, and fish growth rates might be brought about by changes in upstream and ranges. All of these factors are under the direct farming practices. A mathematical model that cap- or indirect influence of water flow and depth or tures the influences of both water quantity and water quality. These inter-relationships were dis- quality on methylmercury production and bioaccu- cussed in great detail in last year’s Everglades mulation will be required to provide a rigorous, Interim Report. If the Everglades responds to quantitative answer to the question of whether changes in water flow and depth like the ENR changes in the farm use of sulfur or sulfates, for Project, then in high flow, high water years, meth- example, will have a beneficial or detrimental ylmercury concentrations in water and fish should effect. Such a model is undergoing further develop- be lower than in low flow, low water years. How- ment and discussed in the subsection that answers ever, the routing, timing, magnitude and duration the question, What tools are required for under- of water flow are to be optimized for the restora- standing and solving the Everglades mercury prob- tion and protection of Everglades habitat. There is lem? likely to be little flexibility in the optimum water management regimen for the regulation of meth- MANIPULATING WATER COLUMN ylmercury production, bioaccumulation or expo- PHOSPHORUS CONCENTRATIONS sure. Where phosphorus is the limiting nutrient, an Many water quality factors are known to influ- increase in water column total phosphorus is gener- ence methylmercury production and bioaccumula- ally associated with an increase in plant densities tion, some of which are removed by constructed and production rates, unless some other factor wetlands (e.g., phosphorus and inorganic mercury) becomes limiting. As the concentration increases and some that are not (e.g., calcium and magne- further, eventually the species of one-celled plants

7-37 Chapter 7: The Everglades Mercury Problem Everglades Consolidated Report

called algae that are adapted to a low phosphorus activity and a higher sediment oxygen demand, so environment are outcompeted by algae species that the DO profile should actually decline even more require more phosphorus to thrive. As the water steeply than if it were being determined solely by column phosphorus concentrations increase fur- the DO concentration in the overlying water. Tak- ther, the excess plant production is accompanied by ing all of these factors and conditions into account, a more rapid decomposition of the accumulating lowering the average water column DO should dead plant material by bacteria that require oxygen then produce a more rapid decline in the DO pro- to support their life processes. This results in an file in the surface sediment. In theory, this would increased rate of dissolved oxygen (DO) consump- allow the SRB to move closer to the soil surface tion, resulting in a lowering of the average DO dur- while retaining optimum density and activity. Mov- ing the day and increasing the magnitude, depth ing the net production of methylmercury closer to and duration of anoxia at night when photosyn- the soil surface might then increase the rate at thetic production of oxygen ceases and plants con- which methylmercury is transferred to the overly- sume oxygen to survive. Under such conditions ing water column, depending on whether the pro- organisms that can tolerate low DO conditions duction rate or the exchange rate is rate-limiting. replace those that cannot. The excess plant produc- This movement of the zone of maximum net meth- tion, DO deficit and species shifts are the classic ylation toward the surface of the soil might also signs of eutrophication (Carlson, 1980; Brezonik, increase the responsiveness of the SRB to short- 1984). term changes to the inorganic mercury loading rate from wet and dry atmospheric deposition. Con- Most methylmercury production and decom- versely,thedeeperthezoneofmaximumnet position is a by-product of microbial metabolism. methylationisdrivenbyanincreaseinthewater Sulfate reducing bacteria (SRB) are most likely to column DO concentration, a reduction in sediment be involved in both processes in the Everglades, as oxygen demand, or an increase in the rate of DO elsewhere (Compeau and Bartha, 1985; Gilmour et exchange, the less responsive the SRB will be to al., 1998b; Marvin-DiPasquale and Oremland, short-term changes in atmospheric deposition rates 1998). Sulfate reducing bacteria require conditions and the more responsive the SRB will be to long- devoid of oxygen in which to survive and thrive. term changes in the average inorganic mercury Generally these conditions are found a few cm concentration in the soil profile and its bioavail- beneath the surface of the peat soil layer (Gilmour ability. et al., 1998b). In general, the lower the water col- umn DO concentration, the higher the density and An inverse relationship has been observed activity of the SRB in the underlying sediment or between water column phosphorus and methylmer- soil. Gilmour and Henry, 1991, and Henry et al., cury bioaccumulation in fish in some lakes (D’Itri, 1995 report an increase in methylmercury produc- 1971; Hakanson, 1980). This phenomenon has tion by as much as 40 times in sediments under been referred to as biodilution. The phenomenon of anoxic (oxygen-free) and sulfidic (hydrogen sul- biodilution is brought about by the more rapid fide-rich) waters than oxic (oxygen-rich, sulfide- removal from the water column of inorganic mer- poor) waters. cury and methylmercury sorbed to the more rapidly growing, dying and decaying plant biomass. The The DO profile in the surficial peat soil is remaining inorganic mercury and methylmercury determined by the DO concentration in the overly- is then diluted in the more rapidly growing plant ing water column, the sediment oxygen demand, biomass. The lower concentrations in water and and the rate of exchange of DO across the soil/ plants are then passed up the food chain to top- water interface. With an adequate supply of predator fish. In lakes where food availability lim- organic carbon, the presence of excess phosphorus its the rate of fish growth, the methylmercury bio- in the soil is associated with enhanced microbial accumulating in fish may be further diluted by the

7-38 Everglades Consolidated Report Chapter 7: The Everglades Mercury Problem

more rapid addition of fish biomass. The concept which may reduce either bioaccumulation effi- and features of biodilution are taken up in greater ciency of CH3Hg+ by fish or change the form of detail in the section that answers the question: How methylated mercury produced by microorganisms. will Everglades restoration affect mercury risks? Increases in primary productivity that were not Some have argued that the Everglades phosphorus large enough to affect ecosystem pH produced the reduction program must take such an inverse rela- largest increases in Hg concentration of pearl dace tionship with phosphorus into account to ensure and crayfish. These conditions appear optimal for that harm of one kind is not done in pursuit of Hg methylation.” reducing or eliminating a harm of another kind. Others have carried the argument further and sug- Laboratory microcosm and field mesocosm gested that adding phosphorus to the Everglades dosing studies with phosphorus will be conducted will solve the mercury problem. However, as noted in the Everglades by ACME scientists over the above, through its relationship to the oxygen cycle, next few years to evaluate its response to a reduc- phosphorus may stimulate methylation as it dilutes tion in water column total phosphorus. methylmercury bioaccumulation. The net effect of eutrophication on methylmercury bioaccumulation MANIPULATING WATER COLUMN can only be determined by experiment or a reliable SULFATE CONCENTRATIONS predictive mathematical model. In addition to a source of carbon and condi- To evaluate the efficacy of intentional eutroph- tions of anoxia, SRB require sulfate to survive and ication as a tool for managing methylmercury bio- thrive. The product of sulfate reduction by these accumulation, Rudd and Turner (1983) dosed microbes is sulfide. Sulfide is then oxidized back mesocosms in impoundments of the English- to sulfate by a different bacteria species. At very Wabagoon River system with phosphorus and low sulfate concentrations, the density and activity radioactive 203-Hg(II). The dosing rate used of SRB are determined by the availability of sul- resulted in an initial water column concentration of fate. At higher sulfate concentrations, another fac- about 15 ng/L before equilibration with the sedi- tor may become limiting. At very high sulfate ment in the mesocosms. This concentration range concentrations, sulfide can accumulate to high lev- should have avoided any artifacts that could be els in peat pore water. Some scientists have introduced when working with inappropriately hypothesized that at low sulfate and high sulfide high water column concentration ranges, as was concentrations, methylation of inorganic mercury often necessary without the use of radiolabelled is limited by sulfate and sulfide respectively, but inorganic mercury. The authors concluded that, all there is a ratio of sulfide to sulfate that is just right other factors being equal and not limiting, an for maximum inorganic mercury methylation. increase in algal nutrients was more likely to Where that optimum relationship occurs is proba- increase microbial mercury methylation rates and bly dictated by several other factors. Wherever this result in stable or increased mercury concentrations maximum actually lies, the concentration of sulfate in fish, while lowering primary productivity would in peat pore water strongly influences the produc- reduce methylmercury production and bioaccumu- tion of methylmercury. Whether it is possible or lation at the expense of fish growth rates. appropriate to control the concentration of sulfate in peat pore water by controlling the upstream sul- QuotingdirectlyfromRuddandTurner fate supply then becomes a pressing management (1983): “The overall effects of increasing primary question. productivity on Hg concentration of fish appear to be a complex interrelationship between stimulation Sulfur is intentionally amended to EAA soils of the growth rates of fish and microbial Hg methy- intended for vegetable crops and sugar cane. About lation rate and, in some cases a change in pH,

7-39 Chapter 7: The Everglades Mercury Problem Everglades Consolidated Report

500 lb per acre per year of sulfur would be applied before such options can be properly formulated and if the sugar cane farmer followed IFAS recommen- evaluated. dations (Sanchez, 1990), but an average annual application rate of about 33 lb per acre per year has Laboratory microcosm and field mesocosm been calculated from local purchasing records (F. dosing studies with sulfate will be conducted in the T. Schueneman, IFAS, personal communication, Everglades by ACME scientists over the next few 1999). A crude mass budget for the EAA suggests years to evaluate its response to a reduction in soil that the annual rate of loss of sulfur from the EAA pore water sulfate. is equivalent to between 30 and 40 lbs per acre. This suggests that the farmers are adding just MANIPULATING OTHER WATER enough sulfur per year to maintain the present sul- CONSTITUENT CONCENTRATIONS fur concentrations in the EAA soil for optimum crop management. Much of the excess sulfate in The ENR Project did not have any statistically EAA soils that is released during peat soil oxida- significant effect on calcium, chloride, sulfate, tion is probably leaching back into the underlying DOC, or iron concentrations in stormwater runoff. soil rather than being transported off-site. Other- The STAs with similar underlying peat soils are wise, the concentrations in the District’s primary unlikely to behave substantially differently. There- canals would be much higher. fore, the option of manipulating the water quality with respect to these constituents via STAs is EAA runoff contributes excess sulfur to the unlikely to be effective. The effects of advanced northern and central Everglades (Bates et al., treatment technologies on these constituents may 1998). The STAs are not expected to have any sub- deserve investigation. However, as several of the stantial effect on sulfate in EAA runoff. The sulfur constituents of interest are related to peat soil farm- cycle influences the mercury cycle. However, it is ing practices, e.g., iron, sulfate, DOC, calcium and premature to consider the manipulation of sulfur magnesium (Sanchez, 1990), in theory it might be levels in soil or water in the already impacted area possible to reduce or eliminate the application of as a credible, defensible and prudent option for these constituents by changing or eliminating cer- managing methylmercury production or bioaccu- tain crops. In practice, it is highly unlikely that mulation. More research into the relationships such an option will be chosen because of its socio- between the sulfur and mercury cycle is required economic ramifications.

7-40 Everglades Consolidated Report Chapter 7: The Everglades Mercury Problem


SUMMARY the habitat needs of Everglades plant and ani- mal life will take precedence. The Everglades restoration program will even- • Imminent methylmercury threat to Everglades tually restore a more natural water quantity and wildlife cannot be demonstrated. quality to the Everglades while providing for human uses of the resource in the context of a sus- • Reduction in mercury air pollution over the tainable South Florida. Both water quantity and Everglades through local air source control is quality affect methylmercury production, bioaccu- the preferred approach for reducing methylm- mulation and exposure, so changes to either could ercury production and bioaccumulation in the increase or decrease the magnitude or extent of Everglades. methylmercury risks in areas strongly influenced • Reduction in inorganic mercury deposition to by the routing, timing, magnitude and duration of the Everglades stemming from local air pollu- farm and urban runoff and Lake Okeechobee tion source control could offset the increase in releases. The District has evaluated the influence methylmercury bioaccumulation associated of water quantity and quality on inorganic mercury with a decrease in biodilution in the already transport and bioavailability for methylation and impacted areas. methylmercury production, decomposition and bioaccumulation using field, laboratory and model- INTRODUCTION ing studies conducted under the SFMSP. The results of these three independent but interrelated There are several elements to the Everglades approaches support the following conclusions: Restoration Program that could positively or nega- tively affect methylmercury production, bioaccu- • Increasing the inflow rate and water depth in mulation or exposure. These elements occur in the STAs during high rainfall years will successive phases. The first element requires the decrease the interior water column concentra- implementation of BMPs to reduce the total phos- tions and increase the removal efficiencies of phorus loads to the northern Everglades by a mini- both inorganic mercury and methylmecrury. mum of 25 percent. This element is discussed in • Increase in the flow to WCA-3A will likely Chapter 5. Next, STAs are to be constructed to reduce methylmercury bioaccumulation in the further reduce the total phosphorus in storm runoff “hot spot” through flow dilution. from the EAA to 50 ppb at the point of discharge. • Decrease in phosphorus-mediated eutrophica- This is considered Phase 1 of the ECP. The ENR tion in the already impacted areas of WCA-2A Project was the prototype STA. Its performance in from the implementation of on-farm BMPs and removing phosphorus and other water constituents of the ECP will result in some but not an eco- is discussed in Chapter 6.InPhase2oftheECP, logically significant decrease in biodilution. the Alternative Treatment Technologies are intended to further reduce the total phosphorus • Even if the manipulation of water quantity or concentrations to a design target 10 ppb. This ele- quality could reduce methylmercury produc- ment is discussed in Chapter 8. Subsequently, the tion, bioaccumulation or exposure in theory, Restudy contemplates changes to the configuration absent a compelling demonstration of an immi- of the canals and structures of the Central and nent methylmercury threat to wildlife under Southern Florida water management system, the present water quantity and quality regime, including the construction of additional above and below ground surface water storage reservoirs that

7-41 Chapter 7: The Everglades Mercury Problem Everglades Consolidated Report

will provide for the sustainable water supply needs • Evaluate the status and trends of mercury spe- of the Everglades and the growing human popula- cies in water, sediment and biota tion of South Florida. Each of these changes may • Ensure compliance with Florida Class III influence inorganic mercury transport, transforma- Water Quality Standards. An interagency mer- tion or storage and net methylmercury production cury research program was instituted in the or bioaccumulation. The net effect of these influ- ENR Project in July 1995. ences may be increased or decreased methylmer- cury risks to fish-eating animals and their • Characterize and quantify the processes, condi- predators. tions, and factors that govern the pathways and rates of mercury transport, fate, and bioaccu- EVERGLADES NUTRIENT REMOVAL mulation PROJECT • Develop and parameterize a mechanistic math- ematical model of mercury transport-fate-bio- The ENR Project, the prototype STA, was a accumulation. 1535-hectare (3,815-acre) constructed wetland cre- ated by flooding former farm land located at the These linked models will be used to predict the northwest corner of the Arthur R. Marshall Loxa- local and far-field effects of the ECP on mercury hatchee National Wildlife Refuge (Refuge). The water concentrations, exposures, and risks. details of the layout, vegetative coverage, hydrol- ogy, operational regimen, and nutrient removal ENR Mercury Mass Budget Studies characteristics of the ENR Project are discussed in Chapter 6 of this report. This section presents a To summarize the results of the ENR Project summary of the results of four and one-half years mercury mass budget study, the ENR Project was a of mercury mass budget studies and bioaccumula- net sink for total mercury and methylmercury, with tion research in the ENR Project from Project star- removal efficiencies for both species calculated to tup in August of 1994 to termination in February be in the range of 50 percent to 75 percent of the 1999. inflow load on an annual average basis. Data gath- ered on bulk rainfall deposition under the Florida Appendix 7-5 contains a more detailed sum- Atmospheric Monitoring Study (FAMS) indicated mary of the design, methods and results of the that almost half of the annual total mercury load to mass budget and bioaccumulation studies con- the ENR Project came from wet deposition. Con- ducted in the ENR Project supporting these conclu- versely, rainfall was an insignificant source of sions. The reader is referred to Miles and Fink methylmercury, because it is virtually absent from (1998) and SFWMD (1999) for a more detailed rainfall. The results of the total mercury and meth- discussion of the mercury mass budget study ylmercury mass budget studies are depicted in design, methods, and procedures. Figures 7-8 and 7-9, respectively.

The District began an extensive mercury moni- The District has conducted an analysis of the toring and research program in the ENR Project in relationship between total mercury and methylmer- August 1994. The objectives of this program were cury removal efficiencies and ENR Project hydro- as follows: logic characteristics. These hydrologic characteristics include hydraulic residence time • Construct annual mass budgets for total mer- (HRT), inflow pump flow, rainfall depth, and water cury and methylmercury to quantify their depth. Based on that analysis, to maximize meth- removal efficiencies ylmercury removal efficiency, the ENR Project should be operated to increase the average inflow

7-42 Everglades Consolidated Report Chapter 7: The Everglades Mercury Problem

0g 330 g

13 g 350 g 130 g

70% Removal 60 g

(4-Yr Annual Average)

Figure 7-8. Total mercury annual average mass budget for ENR Project.

0g 2g

0g 31 g 7g

68% Removal 2g

(4.5-Yr Annual Average)

Figure 7-9. Methylmercury annual average mass budget for the ENR Project.

7-43 Chapter 7: The Everglades Mercury Problem Everglades Consolidated Report

pumping rate and water depth during years of high discharge in the adjacent L-7 canal. This was rainfall. Due to the moderate to strong inverse cor- referred to as the L-7 reference site. Largemouth relation between total mercury removal efficiency bass were collected annually from at the inflow, and the percent input load from rainfall, such an one interior site, the outflow, and the L-7 reference operatingstrategyisalsolikelytoincreasethetotal site. All species were analyzed for total mercury. mercury removal efficiency, as well. As the pro- Monitoring began in the winter of 1995 and was posed operating regimen for most of the STAs completed in the winter of 1999. Crayfish were intends to follow this general prescription to maxi- collected at the inflow, two interior culverts, the mize phosphorus removal, this should also mini- outflow, and the L-7 reference site using traps from mize total mercury and methylmercury discharges 1995 through 1997. Rather than becoming a mer- to the downstream environment from the STAs. cury “hot spot,” the results indicate that the con- centrations of total mercury in ENR Project The most likely mechanism of removal of inor- mosquitofish, bass, and crayfish are routinely the ganic mercury and methylmercury from the water lowest found anywhere in the Everglades. Large- column is sorption to settling plant biomass, most mouth bass from the interior of Cell 3 never likely periphyton and floating macrophyte biom- exceeded the state action level of 0.5 ppm and con- ass, which has a much higher surface area and turn- tained only about one-sixth the concentration of over rate than rooted macrophyte biomass. Short- total mercury in bass collected in the adjacent L-7 term storage of inorganic mercury and methylmer- canal. This confirms that there is no reservoir effect cury occurs in the various submersed above and developing in the ENR Project overall. below ground portions of floating and rooted macophytes and the attached algae mats called per- However, beginning in the summer and fall of iphyton. These short-term storage depots represent 1996 and each summer and fall thereafter, the con- less than 10 percent of the throughput of inorganic centrations of mercury in mosquitofish from Cell 4 mercury and methylmercury each year, and the have been observed to exceed those from Cell 3 by change in storage is less than one percent in most as much as ten times. This pattern is evident in cases, so further effort in monitoring the change in Figure 7-10. Having concluded that this pattern biomass storage would appear to be misplaced. was real and persistent, speculation arose that this Long-term storage of inorganic mercury occurs in phenomenon was caused by methylmercury pro- accreting peat soil, which is composed primarily of duction in the periphyton mats that predominated undecomposed macrophyte tissue. If this is the inCell4butwerealessercomponentofCell3. case, the STAs should be able to sustain this range Methylation in periphyton mats has been observed of total mercury removal efficiencies for the long- at some locations in the Everglades (Cleckner et term under present-day total phosphorus concen- al., 1998). If this were the cause, this might require trations and loads in EAA stormwater runoff. How- a reevaluation of Advanced Treatment Technolo- ever, there is an apparent year-to-year oscillation in gies (ATT) based on periphyton uptake of total the decreasing trend in the concentrations of total phosphorus in the low concentration range, the so- mercury in ENR Project sediment that bears further called periphyton-based STA or PSTA, or modifi- scrutiny. cations thereof, such as the Submersed Aquatic Vegetation (SAV)-Lime Rock system. Mercury Bioaccumulation Studies To better understand why this difference To monitor the status and trends of mercury emerged, the District contracted with outside bioaccumulation in the ENR Project, mosquitofish experts to measure differences in methylmercury were collected quarterly at the ENR Project inflow, production rates in soil and periphyton and differ- two interior culverts, eight interior marsh sites, the ences in food web structure and bioaccumulation outflow, and a site upstream of the ENR Project patterns. The results of the methylmercury produc-

7-44 Everglades Consolidated Report Chapter 7: The Everglades Mercury Problem

G am busia in E N R C ell 3 and ENR302 ENR303 40 Cll4 35 ENR401 ENR402 30 25 20 15 THg ng/g 10 5 0 June Sept Nov Feb June Sept Nov Feb Apr Aug Nov 1996 1996 1996 1997 1997 1997 1997 1998 1998 1998 1998

Figure 7-10. Total mercury in ENR Project Cell 3 versus Cell 4 mosquitofish over time. tion studies indicate that the methylation rates of of 31 percent animal material (Hurley et al., 1999). inorganic mercury appear to be higher in Cell 3 Additionally, the distribution of species within the than Cell 4 (C. Gilmour, personal communication, animal material was very different (Hurley et al., 1999), which was an unexpected result. However, 1999). As shown in Figure 7-11, Cell 3 mosqui- primary periphyton habitat made up only 11 per- tofish had a varied diet of more than eleven taxa, cent of Cell 3, but the same habitat made up 93 per- dominated by ostracods, chironimids and rotifers. cent of Cell 4. Consequently, while the methylation In comparison, the diet of Cell 4 mosquitofish was rates in Cell 3 may be higher per unit biomass than limited to six taxa, dominated by dipterans, copep- those in Cell 4, the opposite may be true on a per ods and leeches. unit area basis. With the onset of the wet season, the high rainfall rates and concentrations of inor- Interestingly, Rader (1994) identified only one ganic mercury combine to substantially increase copepod species in the northern Everglades: Argu- the loading of potentially bioavailable inorganic lus, a parasite of saltwater fish, freshwater fish, and mercury to the ENR Project. This increased inor- amphibians (Post, 1983). While it is not believed ganic mercury load may be more efficiently methy- that Argulus is the only copepod species in the lated and less efficiently stored in the submerged Everglades (R. Shuford, SFWMD, personal com- macrophyte-periphyton complex in Cell 4 than in munication, 1999), if Argulus is the dominant the adjacent mixed marsh community in Cell 3. copepod in the ENR Project, then by feeding on This may explain the difference in the seasonal both copepods and leeches, a significant portion of responsiveness of Cell 3 versus Cell 4. the Cell 4 mosquitofish diet may be comprised of parasites. This feeding behavior may blur the The differences in methylmercury production trophic status of mosquitofish relative to sunfish alone may not be sufficient to explain the nearly and bass. Despite apparent increased opportunities ten-fold peak difference in methylmercury bioac- for methylmercury exposure, Cell 4 mosquitofish cumulation between Cells 3 and 4. The results of are only about as contaminated as fish at WCA2A- the food web studies indicated that the feeding F4, a moderately phosphorus-impacted site. Never- behavior of mosquitofish were also quite different theless, the District intends to continue to monitor between cells. Cell 3 mosquitofish stomachs con- Cells 3 and 4 relative to the L-7 reference site to tained an average of 21 percent animal material determine if this trend continues. while stomachs from Cell 4 contained an average

7-45 Chapter 7: The Everglades Mercury Problem Everglades Consolidated Report



Leech 100% Terrestrial Insect Dipteran 50% (adult)


ChironomidPercent Animal (larvae) 0% Ostracod Cell 3 Cell 4 Cladocer. ENR Project Site Copepod


Figure 7-11. Differences in the prey preferences between mosquitofish inhabiting Cell 3 vs. those inhabiting Cell 4.

THE STAS quarterly, and inflow, interior, and outflow mosqui- tofish and largemouth bass are collected and ana- Mercury Compliance Monitoring Program lyzed for total mercury semi-annually and annually, respectively. The sediment coring is also Prior to flooding of the soils of each STA, the repeated every three years. District is required to collect and analyze 10-cm core samples of soil at six representative interior Modeling STA Performance sites and analyze them for total mercury and meth- ylmercury. Prior to initiation of discharge, the Dis- In addition to quantifying the potential benefits trict is also required to collect biweekly samples of associated with total mercury and methylmercury unfiltered inflow and interior water. If the interior removal, the unique, self-consistent data sets and water is less than the inflow water, this information mass budgets generated in this study should prove is reported to the issuing authority and biweekly useful in the development and calibration of a sampling ceases. When all the discharge criteria mathematical model of mercury transport, bio- are met, authorization to discharge is obtained and geochemistry and bioaccumulation in constructed discharge begins. Following approval for initiation and natural wetlands. The constructed wetlands of routine operation of each STA and thereafter, version of the mercury transport-fate model will be unfiltered inflow and outflow samples are collected used to maximize phosphorus removal and to mini- and analyzed for total mercury and methylmercury mize inorganic mercury loss and methylation to the

7-46 Everglades Consolidated Report Chapter 7: The Everglades Mercury Problem

extent allowed by the physical, chemical and bio- cury production, accumulation, and bioaccumula- logical processes that link the phosphorus and mer- tion. Because shallow-water conditions in the cury cycles. A model capable of meeting this STAs can attract wading birds, it is appropriate to objective, the Everglades Mercury Cycling Model- consider the potential methylmercury exposures 2, is now under development. The cost of this and risks to wading birds feeding exclusively in development is being borne by the USEPA, DEP STA 6. and the District. A functional version of the model is scheduled to be available for application to the To do this, a probabilistic ecological risk ENR Project in the summer of 2000. assessment was conducted for the Great Blue Heron, because it is the species that generates the STA 6 consistently highest risk estimates, i.e., the worst- case species. This is because it tends to take the As of this writing, only STA 6 has become largest fish. Only limited data are available on the fully operational, while pre-flooding baseline sam- concentrations of methylmercury in largemouth ples of soil have been collected from Cell 5 of STA bass in STA 6 from an annual collection in the fall 1W and STA 5. The results of the compliance sam- of 1998. The ecological risk assessment was con- pling for water year 1998-1999 are reported in ducted with two exposure scenarios. The first Appendix 7-2. Chapter 7 of last year’s Everglades involved the assumption that 100 percent of the Interim Report noted that, on several occasions fol- diet was juvenile largemouth bass in the appropri- lowing start-up, STA 6 outflow concentrations of ate size range. The second scenario involved a prey water or fish exceeded the corresponding inflow preference weighted average diet made up of juve- concentrations. This unexpected behavior contin- nile largemouth bass, warmouth, other sunfish spe- ues in this reporting year. cies and golden shiners. Because only largemouth bass and mosquitofish are collected for permit To put this result in context, a crude mass bud- compliance at the STAs, the concentrations of get for total mercury was constructed for STA 6. To methylmercury in warmouth and other sunfish spe- fill data gaps, water concentrations were linearly cies were estimated from measured ratios between interpolated between quarterly sampling events of those species and bass using data from all other the inflow and outflow structures, and the actual sites in the database. The golden shiner methylmer- and interpolated concentrations were multiplied by cury concentrations were assumed equal to those of the corresponding flows for the same periods. To the mosquitofish, although usually mosquitofish the inflow load was added that from rainfall, calcu- concentrations are higher, so this assumption inten- lated by extrapolating the rainfall data being col- tionally biases the exposure estimate high. The No lected at the ENR Project to STA 6. Based on this Observable Adverse Effect Level (NOAEL) for crudemassbudget,STA6appearstobeanettrap methylmercury in wading birds is then approxi- rather than a net source for total mercury, retaining mated by multiplying the Mallard Duck Lowest about 50 percent. While there is substantial uncer- Observable Adverse Effect Level (LOAEL) by a tainty in this result, it is unlikely that STA 6 is a net factor of 0.5. The hazard quotient was then calcu- source of total mercury to the downstream environ- lated as the ratio of the estimated daily intake rate ment, even when the outflow concentrations are to the Mallard Duck No Observable Adverse Effect apparently higher than the inflow concentrations. Level. The results indicate that median and 95th This does not appear to be the case for methylmer- percentile upper bound hazard quotients for the cury, however, and it has been speculated that this Great Blue Heron feeding on a more typical mix of difference may be caused by the frequent periods fish species is 1.3 and 2.4, respectively, while the of drying and reflooding followed by extended median and 95th percentile upper bound hazard periods of standing water. Both of these conditions quotients for a diet consisting solely of juvenile are believed to contribute to enhanced methylmer- bass are 2.65 and 4.4, respectively.

7-47 Chapter 7: The Everglades Mercury Problem Everglades Consolidated Report

To put these risk estimates into perspective, the The data from these fish collections are not yet WCA-3A-15 site is often used as a benchmark rep- available, but both sets of results will be reported resenting the threshold of concern for methylmer- to DEP, USEPA, and the Corps as soon as they cury risks to wading birds, although the have completed quality assurance to ensure that corresponding population-level impacts have not any potentially ecologically significant risks to been observed in the highly exposed populations fish-eating birds will not have to await the prepara- colonizing the area (Appendix 7-3b). Based on the tion of next year’s Everglades Consolidated fact that the median and 95th percentile upper Report. Should any of the permitting authorities bound hazard quotients for the Great Blue Heron conclude that the risks presented by normal opera- feeding with typical prey preferences at STA 6 are tion of STA 6 to endangered species like the wood lower than those calculated for WCA-3A-15, there stork are unacceptable, options for manipulating should be no expectation of population-level the hydrology to exclude wading birds will be eval- effects in any wading bird subpopulation feeding uated. However, the ultimate solution to the prob- exclusively in STA 6. lem is the reduction of inorganic mercury concentrations in rainfall through source control, However, where the protection of individual and not the manipulation of water quantity or qual- animals is at issue, as is the case with endangered ity to limit exposures or modify the assimilative species like the wood stork, there is a possibility of capacity of the receiving water body. some members of the subpopulation feeding exclu- sively in STA 6 to experience some methylmercury The potential methylmercury exposure con- toxic effects if they are as sensitive to or more sen- cernsraisedbySTA6mayextendtowaterbodies sitive than the Mallard Duck. This concern can be with similar soil and drying/reflooding characteris- relaxed somewhat by recognizing that it is highly tic that are receiving roughly the same annual sup- unlikely that any wading bird subpopulation will plies of inorganic mercury from storm runoff and feed exclusively at STA 6. Nevertheless, the pur- rainfall. Such water bodies could include residen- pose of such an ecological risk assessment is to set tial, commercial and agricultural swales for storm priorities for more focused attention. The District runoff capture and treatment, which routinely dry has conducted appropriate follow-up studies, out and then reflood with ponding of water for although outside the reporting period. extended periods. Such swales attract wading birds, and wading bird subpopulations feeding In the first study, the District collected fish exclusively or preferentially in those water bodies from both sides of the supply and discharge canal could be at elevated methylmercury risks. structures to evaluate the potential for and source of fish population mixing among inflow, interior STA 1W and outflow populations. The preliminary results indicate that the inflow and outflow fish popula- Cell 5 of STA 1W is similar in all respects to tions are mixing via the L-4 canal, but the interior ENR Project Cells 1 and 2, with the exception of populations are distinct. In second study, the Dis- its pre-flooding preparation and timing of flooding. trict obtained samples of STA 6 sunfish from Ted However, each of the ENR Project cells was har- Lange of the Florida Game and Wildlife Conserva- vested, plowed, and treated with herbicides to limit tion Commission, although such collections are not the invasion of undesirable plants like torpedo now required in the federal or state permits to con- grass prior to flooding, but the unharvested last struct and operate STA 6. These sunfish will be sugar cane crop remained standing in the field after analyzed for total mercury and the results used to Cell 5 flooding. This is a source of fresh decom- refine the wading bird ecological risk assessment posing biomass that was unavailable to the for STA 6. microbes in the ENR Project at start-up. In addi- tion, much of the ENR Project was first flooded in

7-48 Everglades Consolidated Report Chapter 7: The Everglades Mercury Problem

the late summer through the late fall, which meant (PSTA) or Porta-PSTA, Chemical Addition, Man- that its pre-operational incubation period occurred aged Wetlands, and hybrids like Chemical Addi- primarily in the winter and spring when the inor- tion with Solids Separation and Chemical Addition ganic mercury load from rainfall was low and tem- with Managed Wetlands. The ATT Program and peratures were cool. Conversely, Cell 5 was the individual ATT projects are discussed in greater flooded in the spring of 1999 and began pre-opera- detail in Chapter 8. tional incubation in the early summer, when rain- fall inorganic mercury loads and temperatures were It is not known aprioriwhether any of the can- increasing to a seasonal maximum in August. didate ATTs will perform like the ENR Project Although start-up sampling of STA 1W did not with respect to inorganic mercury removal and commence until the close of water year 1998-1999, storage and methylmercury production, removal, the preliminary results are sufficiently noteworthy storage and bioaccumulation. However, where the that they bear reporting now. design calls for the addition of chemicals known or reasonably expected to stimulate inorganic mer- In June 1999, unfiltered total mercury and cury methylation (e.g., ferric sulfate or long con- methylmercury concentrations in pre-operational tact times between periphyton species know or Cell 5 peaked at about ten times and about 30 reasonably expected to foster inorganic mercury times, respectively, those typical of the ENR methylation (e.g., Spyrogyra), mercury screening Project interior over the previous four years. Fol- studies are certainly justified. low-up sampling of interior Cell 5 mosquitofish found a mean concentration of about 100 ng/g. As Methylmercury production in Everglades per- of this writing, both water and mosquitofish con- iphyton was measured by Cleckner et al., 1999 by centrations have decreased by about 50 percent spiking with an inorganic mercury radioisotope from the observed peak. By contrast, mosquitofish (203-Hg(II)). In addition, methylation of inorganic collected in adjacent Cell 4 were running about 2.5 mercury has been measured in the microbial com- ng/g, or 5 percent of the Cell 5 mosquitofish. As of munities living in the roots of floating macrophytes this writing, the mercury start-up criteria have not collected from the ENR Project, including Azola been met for STA 1W. The details of the results of sp., Eichhornia crassipes and Pistia sp. (Mauro the pre-operational sampling of Cell 5 will be left and Guimaraes, 1999) or inferred from the associa- to next year’s Everglades Annual report to ensure tion of methylating communities with other sulfur that the entire set of results is available to put it into bacteria with distinct pigment signatures (Hurley et proper perspective. al., 1999). In each case, the methylation of mercury appears to be mediated by sulfate-reducing bacteria EVERGLADES CONSTRUCTION (SRB). Evidence in support of this conclusion PROJECT: LONG-TERM ASPECTS comes from the quantitation of methylmercury pro- duction with the addition of sulfate reduction The target total phosphorus concentration in inhibitors, additions of methanogen inhibitors, and treated EAA runoff in Phase 2 of the ECP is 10 ppb the presence of bacteriochlorophyll a (Gilmour et or the new numerical Class III Water Quality Stan- al., 1998a; Cleckner et al., 1999; Hurley et al., dard for total phosphorus if it is promulgated 1999). While these favorable habitats can facilitate before December 31, 2001. The Phase 2 treatment methylation of inorganic mercury under favorable strategy will continue on-farm BMPs but will add conditions, attention must also be paid to the rela- Advanced Treatment Technologies (ATT) to the tive abundances of these favorable habitats before inflow, interior or outflow of the STAs. The candi- drawing conclusions about the magnitudes of their date ATTs include Submerged Aquatic Vegetation influences on methylmercury production and bio- (SAV) and Lime Rock, Periphyton-Based STA accumulation at a specific locale. For example, in the ENR Project the assumption that virtually 100

7-49 Chapter 7: The Everglades Mercury Problem Everglades Consolidated Report

percent of its surface area is covered with peat soil an inverse relationship between eutrophication is justifiable, but in 1998, 41 percent and 4 percent (quantified as water column total phosphorus) and of the Project’s 1491 acres were classified as open methylmercury in mosquitofish (PTI, 1995a,b). water/algae-macrophyte complex and floating This relationship was derived using District water macrophytes, respectively (SFWMD, 1999). Thus, chemistry data and USEPA mosquitofish mercury while it is appropriate to quantify the contribution data collected along a nutrient gradient south of the of the algae-macrophyte complex to methylmer- S-10 structures in WCA-2A (USEPA, 1998). PTI/ cury production and bioaccumulation in the ENR Exponent proposed two primary mechanisms to Project, such effort would appear misplaced for explain the apparent inverse relationship between floating macrophytes. If these same proportions water column total phosphorus and methylmercury hold in the large-scale ATTs, then same conclusion in mosquitofish: (1) increased removal of inorganic applies. mercury and methylmercury from the water col- umnsorbedtosettlingplantbiomassand(2)dilu- To ensure that the ATTs will not generate signif- tion of the remaining mercury species in the icant quantities of methylmercury or concentrate increased production of plant biomass and accumu- inorganic mercury or methylmercury to hazardous lating peat. The report (Exponent, 1998) was levels in solid residues, a screening-level monitoring revised, expanded and submitted on behalf of the study is planned. Within the ENR Project are two Cooperative for the consideration of last year’s banks of 15, side-by-side, miniature filter marshes Peer Review Panel. (approx. 0.5 acres each) referred to as test cells. One bank is at the north end of Cell 1 in the ENR Project, In Chapter 7 of last year’s Everglades Interim where water total phosphorus concentrations are Report, the District conducted an extensive and about 100 ppb, and the other is at the north end of detailed analysis of the potential positive and nega- Cell 3, where total phosphorus concentrations are in tive effects of phosphorus reduction from the ECP the range of 50 ppb. Originally designed to optimize on the downstream mercury problem in the Ever- total phosphorus removal in the STAs, the test cells glades. That analysis was presented on pages 7-38 are now being adapted to the screening and optimi- to 7-49 and in Appendices 7-2, 7-3 and 7-4. Based zation of the candidate ATTs. A $150,065 Section on that analysis, the District concluded that it was 319 Grant has been awarded to the District to offset highly unlikely that the reduction of water column most of the cost of ultra-trace total mercury and total phosphorus to 10 ppb in the already impacted methylmercury analyses and some labor costs for areas would cause or contribute to an ecologically the screening study during the standards of com- significant increase in methylmercury exposure parison phase of the ATT test cycle. and toxic effects in any wading bird population feeding exclusively in the already impacted areas Potential Downstream Mercury Impacts of after remediation. The District pursued three sepa- the ECP rate approaches in arriving at that conclusion.

During the environmental impact assessment Reference Site Approach. Evaluate the pre- and permitting phases for the STAs, concerns were STA mercury risks at an unimpacted reference site raised by the Sugar Cane Growers Cooperative of to approximate post-STA conditions in the already Florida (Cooperative) that the changes in the impacted area. Compare these risks to those at the downstream water and sediment chemistry to be most contaminated site as a positive control. The brought about by the STAs would exacerbate the reference site selected for this purpose was WCA- existing mercury problem in the Everglades. Sup- 2A-U3, where water column total phosphorus con- port for this concern was contained in a report pre- centration already averages less than 10 ppb, but pared by PTI (now Exponent) for the Cooperative. where hydrology and water chemistry were other- The report claimed to demonstrate the existence of wise very similar to those in the already impacted

7-50 Everglades Consolidated Report Chapter 7: The Everglades Mercury Problem

area. Validate exposure and toxicity estimates The results of the second approach revealed against field observations. Use the validated expo- that there are a number of factors that could be sure and toxicity assumptions to predict post-STA influencing methylmercury production and bioac- mercury risks. cumulation along the nutrient gradient in WCA-2A and elsewhere in the Everglades. The strongest Statistical Modeling Approach. Measure mer- influences on methylmercury production in the cury in water, sediment, plants and wildlife along sediment appear to be pore water sulfide and total with related water and sediment chemistry data at mercury in peat soils, while the strongest influ- various Everglades sites to identify important ences on methylmercury bioaccumulation along influential factors using various statistical models. the WCA-2A nutrient gradient appear to be dis- Test the predictive validity of these statistical mod- solved organic carbon (DOC), hardness and total els against real conditions at other sites in the Ever- phosphorus in the water column. However, it was glades. Use the validated statistical models to concluded in Chapter 7 of last year’s Everglades predict post-STA mercury risks. Interim Report that neither the District’s two-vari- able statistical model based on water column DOC Mechanistic Modeling Approach. Quantify and calcium nor the one-variable statistical model the key processes and influential factors that gov- based on water column total phosphorus developed ern methylmercury production and bioaccumula- for the Sugar Cane Growers Cooperative were tion in controlled experiments in the laboratory and valid for predicting post-STA mercury risks. This field. Develop a mathematical model that includes is because neither could accurately predict meth- all of these processes and influential factors in a ylmercury bioaccumulation in mosquitofish at realistic way. Fill key data gaps with literature val- other Everglades sites using the appropriate water ues until Everglades-specific results become avail- quality data. The results of this year’s multivariate able. Test the validity of this realistic mathematical analysis of the influences of water and sediment model against real conditions in other portions of chemistry on methylmercury bioaccumulation sup- the Everglades. Use the validated mechanistic port last year’s results and conclusions. model to predict post-STA mercury risks. The third approach used a mathematical model The results of all three approaches were sum- built by USEPA’s Office of Research and Develop- marized in Chapter 7 of last year’s Everglades ment. It included everything that was known up to Interim Report. The first approach was conducted 1998 about methylmercury production and bioac- in Appendices 7-2 and 7-3, while Appendix 7-4 ccumulation in the Everglades, including the influ- presented the second and third approaches. ence of water column total phosphorus on plant production and decomposition and the accumula- Based on the first approach, the District con- tion of undecomposed plant matter called peat. cluded that it is highly unlikely that there will be an These are the key elements of biodilution. The unacceptable increase in post-STA methylmercury results of the pre- and post-STA modeling analysis risks to fish-eating birds. When the exposure esti- indicated that there could be some (about 50 per- mates prepared for the Sugar Cane Growers Coop- cent) but not an ecologically significant increase in erative (Exponent, 1998) were corrected with methylmercury bioaccumulation in the already Everglades-specific data, the two risk assessments impacted area. Further, there was a benefit to the were in substantial agreement. This correction reduction in post-STA mercury loads to the north- analysis was conducted in Appendix 7-3 of last ern Everglades. Thus, there is likely to be a sub- year’s Everglades Interim Report. The District’s stantial margin of safety in the results of the first probabilistic ecological risk assessment included as approach, which is based on a 10-fold increase in Appendix 7-3b of this chapter reinforces last methylmercury bioaccumulation between WCA- year’s results and conclusions. 2A-F1 and WCA-2A-U3.

7-51 Chapter 7: The Everglades Mercury Problem Everglades Consolidated Report

For a discussion of the influences of water The term applied to this phenomenon is “biodilu- quantity and quality on the Everglades mercury tion.” Biodilution occurs when the supply of inor- cycle, the reader is referred to the section titled: ganic mercury or methylmercury remains The Role of Phosphorus in Mercury Cycling in relatively constant but the production of plant bio- Aquatic Ecosystems in Chapter 7 of last year’s mass increases. All other things then being equal, Everglades Interim Report (pp. 7-20 to 7-24) for a the concentration of inorganic mercury or meth- summary of the known and potential influences of ylmercury in the plant biomass decreases, because phosphorus on the Everglades mercury cycle and the constant fluxes of mercury species sorbed to to the sections titled: Managing Methylmercury plant cell surfaces are diluted in the increased plant Production and Transport through Hydrological biomass production. In addition, the higher the rate Controls, Managing Methylmercury Exposure of plant biomass production, the higher the rate at through Hydrological Controls, and Managing which sorbed inorganic mercury and methylmer- Methylmercury Production and Bioaccumulation cury are removed from the water column through through Water Quality Controls (pp. 7-32 to 7-35). settling of plant litter and the eventual burial in the In what follows, the focus is on new information accumulating peat soil. The dilution in the standing regarding the roles of phosphorus, sulfur and crop of plant biomass and the increased settling hydrology in determining methylmercury produc- rate can be considered the primary effects of biodi- tion and bioaccumulation along the WCA-2A lution. The increase in peat production in response nutrient gradient. to an increase in phosphorus has the net effect of diluting the inorganic mercury in accumulating The Inverse Relationship with Phosphorus peat soil. This has been observed along the WCA- 2A nutrient gradient (Delfino et al., 1993; Vaithiy- The inorganic mercury and methylmercury anathan et al., 1996; USEPA, 1998). This is transported into or generated within the marsh have another manifestation of the primary effect of a high affinity for organic solids (Hurley et al., biodilution. 1998; Mason and Lawrence, 1999). As the plant leaves and algae cells making up the periphyton The lower concentrations of methylmercury in mat die and slough off, the inorganic mercury and the plant standing crop are then biomagnified by methylmercury sorbed to their surfaces is carried plant grazers, their predators and so on up the food into the plant litter complex accumulating at the chain. This transfers the biodilution effect to all soil/water interface (Araujo and Ambrose, 1999). trophic levels in the aquatic food chain. In addition, Over a number of years, the consolidating unde- some scientists have argued that where the rate of composed plant litter becomes peat soil. The high growth of fish is limited by the availability of prey, affinity for inorganic mercury for the organic mat- and the availability of prey is limited by the avail- ter in peat soil tends to limit its release, mobility ability of live or decomposing plant biomass, then and activity. This also tends to preserve the history higher plant production should result in more rapid of the inorganic mercury deposition rate in the peat fish growth and a dilution of the methylmercury soil profile. If the layers of the sediment can be being taken up via the gut by accumulating body dated, this allows a reconstruction of the historical mass. This could be considered a secondary effect inorganic mercury deposition rate (Delfino et al., of biodilution. However, fish growth can also be 1993; Benoit et al., 1994; J. Robbins, NOAA- controlled by other factors like the length of time GLERL, personal communication, 1997). the water remains depth enough for a fish to forage successfully for its preferred prey (T. Lange, As a general observation for lakes, where plant FGWCC, personal communication, 1997), the den- production and sedimentation are high, methylmer- sity of the fish population, the general quality of cury bioaccumulation in the aquatic food chain is the water or the presence of pollutants that slow or low and vice versa (D’Itri, 1971; Hakanson, 1980). stunt growth.

7-52 Everglades Consolidated Report Chapter 7: The Everglades Mercury Problem

As this plant litter decomposes, some of the The hydrogen ion activity (as measured by pH) is sorbed inorganic mercury and methylmercury is perhaps the strongest determinant of speciation, released back into the water column to participate fractionation and reaction of metals in natural in other chemical and biochemical reactions, while waters (Sposito, 1998) and of methylmercury bio- the rest remains in association with the decompos- accumulation (Winfrey and Rudd, 1990). Inorganic ing and consolidating litter. The bacterial cells mercury and methylmercury are generally believed growing on the decomposing plant litter generally to be most strongly bound to the reduced sulfur have higher surface area-to-volume ratios than binding sites in humic and fulvic macromolecular algal cells and thus tend to outcompete them for complexes (Xia et al., 1999). However, the number inorganic mercury and methylmercury (C. Miles, of such sites on humic or fulvic acid fractions is UF, personal communication, 1999). This suggests generally small relative to the carboxyllic and phe- that the distinction between autotrophic and nolic binding sites (Xia et al., 1999), and access to saprotrophic grazers is important in determining reduced sulfur binding sites may be limited due to the biomagnification at the next step in the food the tendency of the molecule to present its carbox- chain. yllic and phenolic binding sites to maximize hydro- gen bonding opportunities with water. In this way, The decomposition of plant matter also pro- the inorganic mercury and methylmercury may duces aggregates of small molecules called humic first interact with the network of weaker binding and fulvic acids. These substances impart the tea sites until they can break free and diffuse deeper color to productive, slow moving waters. These into the structure until a reduced sulfur binding site substances also have a high affinity for inorganic is encountered. mercury and methylmercury (Aiken and Reddy, 1997) and can outcompete algal cell surfaces for If this is the case, then other “hard” divalent these species. Dissolved organic carbon has been cations can also strongly influence the sorption of demonstrated to outcompete algal cell surfaces for inorganic mercury and methylmercury to plant cell copper ion over a wide range of pH (Plette et al., surfaces and dissolved organic matter via competi- 1999), and, in general, inorganic mercury has a tion for binding sites, altering cell surface electro- higher affinity for dissolved organic carbon than static properties or altering the ionic strength of the copper. All other things being equal, high concen- solution (G. Aiken, USGS, personal communica- trations of dissolved organic matter are associated tion, 1999), as is observed with mineral surfaces with lower concentrations of inorganic mercury (Sposito, 1998). For example, at moderate to high and methylmercury bound to plant cell surfaces concentrations of calcium and magnesium, some of and vice versa. This inverse relationship between the caroboxyllic and phenolic binding sites on the the concentration of dissolved organic matter and dissolved organic matter may be occupied, pre- methylmercury bioconcentration in microscopic cluding binding with mercury. The presence of plants and animals has also been observed to trans- moderate to high concentrations of calcium and late up the food chain in seepage lakes (Grieb et al., magnesium may also change the conformation of 1990; Watras et al., 1994). In drainage lakes, dis- the aggregate (Maurice and Namjesnik-Dajanovic, solved organic matter is positively correlated with 1999), which can increase or decrease access to methylmercury bioaccumulation, probably via interior biding sites, or change the surface charge enhanced transport of methylatable inorganic mer- of the aggregate, limiting the electrostatic attrac- cury from the watershed into the system (Grieb et tion of those surfaces for mercury (Engebretson al., 1990). and Von Wandruzka, 1998). Copper also has a high affinity for humic binding sites (Robertson and The affinity of live, dead and dissolved organic Leckie, 1999). With copper present in concentra- matter surfaces for inorganic mercury and meth- tions three orders of magnitude higher than inor- ylmercury can be influenced by water chemistry. ganic mercury and four orders of magnitude higher

7-53 Chapter 7: The Everglades Mercury Problem Everglades Consolidated Report

than methylmercury, copper may outcompete inor- of the macrophyte and periphyton storage and turn- ganic mercury or methylmercury for carboxyllic over calculations are displayed in Table 7-1. and phenolic binding sites and perhaps even the sulfhydryl binding sites, at least for some period of time (G. Aiken, USGS, personal communication, 1999). S10E

Is phosphorus-mediated biodilution occurring 5km in the Everglades? Will a reduction in water col- S10D umnphosphorusinthealreadyimpactedareato10 S10C F0 ppb cause an associated reduction in biodilution F1 S10A F1 E0 that results in an unacceptable increase in meth- CA27 FF F2 E1E1 ylmercury bioaccumulation in fish? To answer this 22 S7 F3F3 question, an analysis was conducted on the avail- E2 PUMP CA29 F4 able data collected by the District on plant densities STATION F5 E3E3 and production rates and by the USGS ACME E4 team on the concentrations of total mercury associ- U3 E5 ated with each plant type. If classical biodilution is U2 occurring along the WCA-2A nutrient gradient, then the concentrations of total mercury and meth- U1 ylmercury will be lower in the water column, sedi- ment, plants and fish at F1, the most nutrient- enriched or eutrophic site, and highest in the water column, sediment, plants and fish at U3, the unim- pacted reference site where nutrient-poor or olig- otrophic conditions prevail. Certainly water, Figure 7-12. Research sites located along nutrient gradient in sediment and fish concentrations all increase with WCA-2A downstream distance along the nutrient gradient, suggesting a strong biodilution effect. However, the plant data are not so compelling. As expected, macrophyte density, production The study sites along the WCA-2A nutrient and turnover are higher at the eutrophic sites, as is gradient are depicted in Figure 7-12. A calculation the total mercury cycled through macrophyte bio- of the magnitude of biodilution for total mercury mass. Macrophyte cycling of total mercury through was conducted for macrophytes (cattail and macrophyte biomass decreased by 35 percent while sawgrass) and periphyton species at four sites the total mercury concentration more than tripled, along the nutrient gradient: F1, E1, U3 and U1. so the macrophytes are behaving at least qualita- The spatially weighted-average plant production tively like what would be predicted by the biodilu- was calculated by multiplying the spatial coverage tion hypothesis. However, due to the low of each plant by the corresponding plant density concentrations of total mercury in macrophyte bio- and the plant production or turnover rate (McCor- mass, the quantity of total mercury being cycled µ 2 mick et al., 1998; Miao and Sklar, 1998). The total through plant biomass (7-10 g/m -yr) is small mercury concentration in each plant type (D. compared with the estimates of the combined wet Krabbenhoft, USGS, unpublished data, 1999) was anddrydepositionfluxtotheEverglades(35to45 µ 2 then multiplied by its appropriate spatially- g/m -yr). The corresponding average flux of total weighted average turnover rate to obtain the total mercury from the sediment has been observed to be mercury flux through each plant type. The results negative, that is, the overlying water is usually sat-

7-54 Everglades Consolidated Report Chapter 7: The Everglades Mercury Problem

Table 7-1. Primary producer biomass, THg concentrations and flux rates under a high and low nutrient regime Coverage- Plant Biomass THg Cycled Weighted THg Turnovers Per Through Plant Biomass THg Storage Year Biomass Sites (g dry/m2) (ng/g dry) (ng/m2) (g dry/g dry-yr) (ug/m2-yr) Eutrophic Sites Macrophytes 920 2.1 1900 5.0 9.5 Periphyton 1.4 205 280 150 42 Oligotrophic Sites Macrophytes 520 6.7 3500 2.0 7 Periphyton 370 39 14,400 9.1 130 urated with total mercury relative to the pore water that at the oligotrophic site is about four times that in peat soil (G. Gill and co-workers as discussed in value. This strongly suggests that periphyton is Gilmour et al., 1998b). So the throughput and only a temporary storage depot for inorganic mer- cycling of total mercury through plant biomass is cury and methylmercury and that a substantial por- probably being driven primarily by atmospheric tion of the total mercury sorbed to periphyton deposition. In addition, some, perhaps a substantial biomass is returned to the water column during fraction of the total mercury in macrophyte leaves biomass decomposition; otherwise, there would be and stems could originate with the soil and be recy- no way to sustain the calculated total mercury turn- cled directly back to the soil without ever partici- over rate at U3 without an external deposition flux pating in any of the other mercury biogeochemical of total mercury that would be inconsistent with the processes leading to methylmercury production. peat accretion profile (Delfino et al., 1993).

Perhaps surprisingly, the coverage-weighted Based on the preceding analysis, it is clear that periphyton biomass was more than two hundred the oligotrophic site has a higher biodilution factor times higher at the oligotrophic sites than the than the eutrophic site, contrary to the phosphorus- eutrophic sites, resulting in a mercury flux through mediated, classical biodilution hypothesis. This periphyton biomass at the oligotrophic sites three counterintuitive result probably arises from the times that at the eutrophic sites. This is the oppo- suppression of periphyton production through light site of the relationship expected for biodilution limitation (Grimshaw et al., 1997). Light limitation mediated by water column phosphorus. Consistent occurs at the highly eutrophic sites because the with the greater turnover of periphyton at the olig- dense canopy of living and dead emergent macro- otrophic sites, the total mercury concentrations at phyte biomass shades the water column. Grimshaw the oligotrophic sites were one-fifth those at the et al., 1997, found a significant decrease in net pri- eutrophic sites. Despite the lower total mercury mary production of periphyton under Typha stands concentration, the oligotrophic periphyton stored when compared to open waters and Cladium nearly 40 times more total mercury in standing stands. As a result of light limitation, the “classi- crop biomass per unit area than the eutrophic site. cal” link between eutrophication and biodilution is In addition, the turnover of total mercury through broken and is no longer directly applicable to the periphyton biomass at the eutrophic site is about more eutrophic sites along the WCA-2A nutrient equal to the annual average wet and dry deposition gradient. The net result of this light limitation flux of inorganic mercury to the Everglades, while effect is that the greater standing crop density and

7-55 Chapter 7: The Everglades Mercury Problem Everglades Consolidated Report

higher turnover rate of plant biomass is occurring marily by the net production of methylmercury in at the oligotrophic site (McCormick et al., 1998), peat soil, (2) the rate of methylmercury production and this is apparently resulting in lower concentra- is determined by its inverse relationship with pore tions in plant biomass than at F1, despite the fact water sulfide, and (3) it is the decreasing pore that the concentration of total mercury in the sur- water sulfide gradient along the WCA-2A nutrient rounding water is higher on average at U3 than at gradient that is causing methylmercury production F1. to increase with increasing distance downstream of the S-10 discharges. The second alternative expla- The expected relationship between biodilution nation is based on the flow dilution hypothesis: (1) and eutrophication appears to be present in the the concentrations of total mercury and methylmer- macrophyte community. Macrophyte biomass is cury in the S-10 flows are lower than in the marsh, greater and the calculated mercury turnover rate is (2) as the S-10 plume enters the marsh, it slows and higher at the eutrophic site than at the oligotrophic spreads and mixes with the surrounding WCA-2A site. In addition, the concentration of total mercury water and the inorganic mercury flux in rainfall, (3) appears to increase in peat soil as water column this results in an increase in the total mercury and phosphorus decreases (Delfino et al., 1993; methylmercury concentrations with downstream Vaithiyanathan et al., 1996), suggesting that the distance until the plume and marsh waters are com- rate of peat formation and dilution of the rainfall pletely mixed. Both alternatives are discussed mercury flux increases as water column phospho- below. rus increases. This is a weaker manifestation of the primary biodilution effect. Due to the apparent The Inverse Relationship With Sulfide relationship between soil total mercury and methylmercury production and bioaccumulation, Some but not all of the inorganic mercury this manifestation of the biodilution effect must be sorbed at the surface of the decomposing plant lit- taken into account in any complete and accurate ter is available for transport or chemical or bio- conceptual or mathematical model of mercury chemical reaction. Methylmercury is produced cycling in the Everglades. This manifestation of the from a bioavailable pool of inorganic mercury by biodilution effect is taken into account by the sulfate-reducing bacteria under anoxic conditions USEPA-ORD model. (Gilmour and Henry, 1991). While dissolved sul- fate stimulates SRB activity up to a point (Gilmour Based on the light limitation effect occurring et al., 1992), its absence is not always associated along the WCA-2A nutrient gradient, classical with inactivity by SRB (C. Gilmour, ANS, per- biodilution cannot be the explanation for the sonal communication, 1999). Plant biomass break- observed inverse relationship between water col- down by fermentative bacteria supply short-chain umn total phosphorus and methylmercury bioaccu- organic acids required by the SRB (W. Orem, mulation in mosquitofish along the WCA-2A USGS, personal communication, 1999). In carbon- nutrient gradient. The apparent inverse relationship limited systems, the higher the fraction of organic between water column total phosphorus and meth- matter in the sediment, the higher the rate of meth- ylmercury bioaccumulation in mosquitofish is cor- ylmercury production (Olson and Cooper, 1976). relation, not causation. However, it is unlikely that carbon limits SRB activity or methylmercury production in the Ever- There are two alternative explanations for the glades (M. Marvin-DiPasquale, USGS, pers apparent inverse relationship between water col- comm., 1999). Although nitrate-reducing bacteria umn total phosphorus and methylmercury bioaccu- have been shown to outcompete SRB for the same mulation in mosquitofish. The first alternative carbon source under certain conditions in other explanation is based on the sulfur hypothesis: (1) aquatic systems, this has not been demonstrated to methylmercury bioaccumulation is determined pri- occur in the Everglades (C. Gilmour, ANS, per-

7-56 Everglades Consolidated Report Chapter 7: The Everglades Mercury Problem

sonal communication, 1999). The maximum meth- As depicted in Figures 7-13 and 7-14, there ylation rates occur in a zone between two and four appears to be a moderate inverse correlation of cm below the sediment/water interface, where DO methylmercury in Everglades soils with peat pore is absent but supplies of sulfate and carbon are water sulfate, but a much stronger inverse correla- abundant (Gilmour et al., 1998b). tion with peat pore water sulfide (C. Gilmour, ANS, personal communication, 1999). Microbial methylmercury degradation repre- sents a primary control on the net production of According to Benoit et al. (1999 a, b), the methylmercury in sediments (Marvin-DiPasquale mechanism by which sulfide exerts its negative and Oremland, 1998). Aerobic bacteria, SRB and influence on methylmercury production may be via methanogens can all demethylate methylmercury the formation of charged sulfide complexes of (R. Oremland, USGS, personal communication, inorganic mercury that cannot cross the cell mem- 1997). Spatial trends in methylmercury degrada- brane of the sulfate-reducing bacteria (Des- tion typically parallel those of inorganic mercury ulfovibrio species). Iron may also play a role in this methylation (Marvin-DiPasquale and Oremland, process by forming polysulfide complexes that 1998), suggesting that the conditions that favor could stimulate or retard methylmercury produc- microbial methylation also favor demethylation tion, depending on conditions (C. Gilmour, ANS, and vice versa. The maximum rate of demethyla- personal communication, 1997). tion typically occurs at or near the sediment surface and decreases with depth. These spatial trends in As depicted in Figure 7-15, the transport of rates of microbial inorganic mercury transforma- excess sulfate from the EAA and sites of excess of tion reflect both the bioavailability of the inorganic sulfate in water and sediment downstream has been mercury or methylmercury substrate and the activ- inferred from the unique sulfur isotope signature of ity of the microbial community at a given location EAA runoff sulfate relative to those of rainfall, (M. Marvin-DiPasquale, USGS, personal commu- Lake Okeechobee water, and groundwater (Bates nication, 1999). et al., 1998). The influence of the excess sulfate from the EAA extends into WCA-3A Methylmercury can also be decomposed to (Figure 7-16). In addition, the vertical accumula- inorganic mercury or elemental mercury by a pho- tion of sulfate in the sediment horizon downstream toxidative process for which sunlight provides the of the EAA, even as far as the headwaters of Taylor energy (Sellers et al., 1996). Methylmercury com- Slough, suggests that recently deposited sulfate plexed with dissolved organic matter may be exceeds natural background by many times shielded from this effect, while elemental mercury (Figure 7-17). production from inorganic mercury complexed with dissolved organic matter may be enhanced (S. If the sulfur hypothesis is correct, first an Lindberg, ORNL, pers comm., 1998). Conversely, increasing and then decreasing (parabolic) relation- dissolved organic matter may also facilitate the ship should exist between the concentration of sul- production of hydroxyl radicals that participate in fate in the peat soil pore water and net the oxidation of elemental mercury to inorganic methylmercury production. If such a parabolic mercury (Vaughn and Blough, 1998). However, the relationship exists in the Everglades, then there dissolved organic matter also absorbs the photo must be a location where the conditions for net active wavelengths of sunlight, so the highly col- methylation are at the peak of the parabola, and the ored waters of the Everglades preclude much pho- net methylmercury production rate and concentra- tochemistry below a few cm beneath the water tions in sediment, water and biota are all at a maxi- surface (D. Krabbenhoft, USGS, personal commu- mum. That location is believed to occur in the nication, 1997; S. Lindberg, ORNL, personal com- central portion of WCA-3A near WCA-3A-15. In munication, 1998). this area, the ratio of sulfide to sulfate in peat pore

7-57 Chapter 7: The Everglades Mercury Problem Everglades Consolidated Report

Sites 10

ENR F1 U3 1 2BS 3A15 3A33 3ATH MeHg (ng/ g) 3ATT TS7 0.1 TS9 Lox

0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000

Sulfate (µM) Figure 7-13. Sulfur cycle influences on methylmercury in Everglades peat soils: sulfate (Reproduced with permission by Cynthia Gilmour, Ph.D., ANS, St. Leonard, MD).

Sites 10

ENR F1 U3 1 2BS 3A15 3A33 3ATH 3ATT MeHg (ng/0.1 g) TS7 TS9 Lox

0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000 - HS (µM) Figure 7-14. Sulfur cycle influences on methylmercury in Everglades peat soil: sulfide (Reproduced with permission by Cynthia Gilmour, Ph.D., ANS, St. Leonard, MD).

7-58 Everglades Consolidated Report Chapter 7: The Everglades Mercury Problem

Sources of Sulfate to Marshes 2.5 mg/l precipitation of the Northern Everglades +5 permil Water Conservation Area 2A, Site F1

marsh 55 mg/l 58 mg/l canal water +23 permil +21 permil discharge surface water sediment

diffusion and oxidation of sulfide

bedrock shallow 0.5 mg/l substrate +25 permil groundwater 3.8 m

186 mg/l deep groundwater +12 permil 9.7 m

Figure 7-15. Source apportionment for excess sulfur in the northern Everglades (Reproduced with permission from William Orem, Ph.D., USGS-Reston, VA). water is such that net methylmercury production is similar, but the methylmercury production and bio- a maximum. The rate of methylation at WCA-3A- accumulation rates are quite different at these two 15 near the “hot spot” is one of the highest mea- sites, so other influences, like the magnitude and sured in any aquatic ecosystem (C. Gilmour, ANS, direction of groundwater flow, must also be taken personal communication, 1999). However, the con- into consideration when applying the sulfur centrations of total mercury, sulfate and sulfide in hypothesis. the soils at WCA-3A-15 and WCA-2B-S are quite

7-59 Chapter 7: The Everglades Mercury Problem Everglades Consolidated Report

In addition, two alternative hypotheses for the existence of this “hot spot” must also be considered. First, the “hot spot” is in an area where water stagnates for long periods of time and the area occa- sionally dries out, so the combination of drying and rewetting followed by long periods of stagnation of water could foster the accumulation of meth- ylmercury to the highest levels encoun- tered in the Everglades, irrespective of the water or sediment chemistry occur- ring there. Second, the “hot spot” is downwind of Ft. Lauderdale frequently, and the air pollution transport and dep- osition model predicts that the maxi- mum rate of deposition of reactive gaseous mercury on the Everglades will occur at the “hot spot” (J. Keeler, U Michigan, personal communication, 1999). If methylmercury production is being driven primarily by the new mer- cury supply, then the excessive deposi- tion at the “hot spot” could explain all of the observed increase in methylmer- cury production and bioaccumulation there. The highest concentrations of total mercury in peat soil occur at WCA-3A-15 (Gilmour et al., 1998), which could be the product of a higher average atmospheric deposition rate and frequent drying and rewetting, together with a low peat accretion rate.

Figure 7-16. Spatial distribution of excess sulfate in Everglades (Reproduced with permission from William Orem, Ph.D., USGS-Reston, VA).

7-60 Everglades Consolidated Report Chapter 7: The Everglades Mercury Problem

Head of Taylor Slough, Core 19 May 1996 0




40 Depth (cm)

50 Total Sulfur


70 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 Total Sulfur, Percent Dry Weight

Figure 7-17. Vertical profile of excess sulfate accumulation in peat soil at headwaters of Taylor Slough (Reproduced with permission from William Orem, Ph.D., USGS-Reston, VA).

The Inverse Relationship with Flow ment/water interface or in floating periphyton mats, as is the case in the marsh itself, but the The inorganic mercury and methylmercury in required measurements have not been conducted. urban and agricultural stormwater runoff is trans- ported by flowing water from District primary When the flowing water passes through a Dis- canals through District structures into impound- trict structure into an impounded marsh, the integ- ments of the northern Everglades. The inorganic rity of the plume is maintained for some distance mercury and methylmercury in the canals is into the marsh, depending on the differences in removed slowly from the water column via sorp- temperature between canal and marsh water, the tion to settling particles and submersed plant biom- types and densities of the vegetation through which ass growing along the banks of or in the canals. the water must flow, and the submerged land fea- Direct rainfall makes only a small contribution to tures. As the more dilute water of the canals mixes the inorganic mercury load in the canals, because with the more concentrated water in the marsh and thecanalshaveaverylowsurfacearea-to-flow wet and dry deposition of inorganic mercury from volume ratio. Instead, canal chemistry, like canal the air, the concentration in the flowing water transport, is dominated by surface runoff and increases until the distinction between the flowing groundwater discharge. Methylmercury is probably canal water plume and the marsh is lost. This produced at the bottom of the canals at the sedi- inverse flow dilution relationship can be quantified

7-61 Chapter 7: The Everglades Mercury Problem Everglades Consolidated Report

in WCA-2A. The concentration of total mercury at about by the ECP are minimal, the effect of the S-10C, the structure through which most EAA run- hydrologic influences on post-ECP methylmercury off is transported down the WCA-2A nutrient gra- production and bioaccumulation must be consid- dient, averages about 1.6 ng/L (n=7), while the ered of secondary importance. average concentration at F1 is 3.1 ng/L (n=10) and that at U3 is 4.4 ng/L (n=11). The corresponding Based on the ENR Project experience, all other values for methylmercury are 0.13, 0.23, and 0.56 things being equal, an increase in flow or a ng/L. decrease in the HRT of the remnant Everglades impoundments should reduce both total mercury However, during long periods of no flow and and methylmercury concentrations in water, and, no rainfall, the concentration at F1 can occasion- where the water column is the most important ally exceed that at U3, albeit only slightly. This source of methylmercury to the food web, in may be due to the influence of groundwater aquatic organisms and fish-eating wildlife. Some upwelling driven by the head difference between increased flow to northern WCA-3A is contem- WCA-1 and WCA-2A across the L-39 levee. A net plated as a result of the construction and operation upwelling velocity of about 0.1 cm/day for F1 has of the STAs, and this may serve to decrease the been calculated by Harvey et al., 1999. That rate HRT and increase the water depth in many of the decreases dramatically with distance, so that there areas that now tend to pond or dry out for extended is no measurable upwelling of groundwater at U3, periods. An analysis of the potentially beneficial even under very low head conditions during long effects of these changes in water depth-duration dry periods. must await the completion of the Restudy and a calibration and validation of the models required to POTENTIAL DOWNSTREAM IMPACTS conduct such an analysis with the required accu- FROM RESTUDY racy, precision and reliability.

Everglades Hydropattern Restoration Fire Pattern Restoration

The managed hydrology of the downstream Fire is a natural Everglades phenomenon. One Everglades has a substantial influence on the might speculate that fire releases inorganic mer- downstream concentrations of the influential fac- cury that would otherwise remain sequestered in tors identified above. The influence is greatest on refractory organic material for subsequent rapid those factors that are least interactive with the methylation. However, fire is also likely to reduce marsh environment through transport and dilution the quantity or change the quality of organic car- or concentration. The magnitude of this hydrologic bon available to support microbial activity, which influence depends on the timing, routing, magni- could reduce the rate of methylation. Dissolved tude, and duration of surface flow, the effect of organic carbon (DOC) plays an important role in water depth of the direction and magnitude of mobilizing inorganic mercury for methylation,pre- groundwater flow, and the magnitudes of rainfall venting sulfide precipitation (Ravichandran et al., and evapotranspiration. In addition, water depth 1998; Ravichandran, 1999) and sequestering meth- affects the penetration of sunlight (Krabbenhoft et ylmercury from demethylation and bioaccumula- al., 1998), the dissolved oxygen profile in water tion. Therefore, understanding how DOC character and sediments (Orem et al., 1998), and the chloride and concentrations change after a canopy burn ver- and DOM concentration profiles in water and sedi- sus a peat burn is critical for accurately predicting ments (Reddy et al., 1999), and some changes in the net effect of changes in the location, extent, water depth-duration are contemplated with the depth, duration and frequency of recurrence of implementation of the interim steps of the ECP. As Everglades fires on the mercury cycle. the changes in water depth-duration to be brought

7-62 Everglades Consolidated Report Chapter 7: The Everglades Mercury Problem

Following an extended dry period in the spring Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services, of 1999, several fires ignited in the Everglades. and the Park jointly issued a health advisory rec- While most fires involved burning of emergent ommending limited consumption of several sport plant tops, in some locations where the peat had fish species in Florida Bay due to elevated levels of dried out extensively, the fire burned all the way to mercury (Strom and Graves, 1995). A recent sur- the underlying rock. These unexpected set of cir- vey of mercury in fish from Florida Bay by USEPA cumstances presented a unique opportunity to (Kannan et al., 1998) found concentrations up to understand the influence of fire on the mercury 3.9 ppm dry weight (0.78 ppm wet weight). These cycle. The studies needed to fill the gaps in our sci- same authors reported high concentrations of both entific understanding were initiated by USGS sci- total mercury and methylmercury (3-7.4 ng/L and entists in the summer of 1999. The results of these <0.002-2.3 ng/L, respectively) in filtered water studies will be reported in next year’s Everglades samples collected from canals and creeks flowing Annual Report. In addition to adding to the funda- into Florida Bay. In an ongoing study in Florida mental understanding of the influence of the car- Bay, NOAA/NMFS researchers report tissue con- bon cycle on methylmercury production and centrations routinely exceed 0.5 ppm wet weight bioaccumulation, these studies are an insurance (criterion for limited consumption) in spotted policy against inappropriately attributing positive seatrout (Cynoscion nebulosus), a popular recre- or negative post-burn impacts on methylmercury ational species (Evans and Engel, 1998). Finally, bioaccumulation to the post-ECP influences of mercury also appears to be bioaccumulating in STAs 1W, 2, 5, which also began operation in Florida Bay water birds that eat fish from the Bay 1999. of its estuaries. A study of sick or injured double- crested cormorants that subsequently died at the Florida Bay Restoration Florida Keys Wild Bird Center found liver-mer- cury concentrations of up to 250 ppm (Sepulveda Florida Bay is a large (1800 square km), shal- et al., 1998). The maximum level from Florida Bay low (<2 m), estuarine system located at the south- cormorants is more than three times the highest ern tip of the Florida Everglades. Scientists have liver concentrations reported for Everglades great concluded that Florida Bay is under stress from salt blue herons (Sundlof et al., 1994). water flow deprivation as a consequence of the construction of the causeway connecting Key Management Need Largo to the Florida peninsula and fresh water flow deprivation as a consequence of reduced flow from At present, little is known about the sources of the Everglades via Taylor and Shark River mercury contamination in Florida Bay. A one-time Sloughs. To remedy this latter problem, among study conducted by Skidaway Laboratory in other things, the Federal Water Resources Devel- Savannah, Georgia, suggests that Taylor Slough opment Act of 1996 mandates the increase of fresh may make a significant contribution of total mer- water flow into Florida Bay. To meet this mandate, cury and methylmercury to Eastern Florida Bay. the Corps of Engineers is planning on increasing However, it is equally plausible that inorganic mer- the fresh water flow through Taylor Slough canals cury entering Florida Bay from the air as wet and into Florida Bay. dry deposition is sufficient to feed the internal pro- duction of enough methylmercury in Florida Bay It is critical to understand how these changes in itself to account for the magnitude and extent of the the quantity and quality of water delivery will observed mercury contamination. Two years of affect the estuary. In particular, will increased monitoring under the Florida Atmospheric Mer- delivery of Everglades water result in significant cury Study at Crawl Key (1994-1996) has given us increases in mercury loading and worsen the mer- sufficient information on the atmospheric deposi- cury problem in Florida Bay? In 1995, the DEP, the tion contribution for this scoping effort. A study of

7-63 Chapter 7: The Everglades Mercury Problem Everglades Consolidated Report the magnitude and extent of mercury contamina- WATER SUPPLY MANAGEMENT tion of the Florida Bay food web by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration suggests Lake Okeechobee Releases that top-predator fish foraging in the bays and estu- aries fed by Taylor Slough may be disproportion- Presently, Lake Okeechobee sport fish are not ately contaminated with mercury. However, at contaminated with methylmercury to levels that present no systematic study is being conducted to require the posting of sport fish advisories. How- link Taylor Slough flow, water quality, and food ever, on occasion, Lake Okeechobee water may organism quality to the contamination problem in contain total mercury concentrations in excess of Eastern Florida Bay. the concentrations in the District’s canals down- stream of the EAA (unpublished data, 1994). Will the increased diversion of Everglades Except during flooding emergencies, Lake fresh water through Taylor Slough to decrease the Okeechobee releases will be treated by the ECP salinity in Eastern Florida Bay while protecting the before discharge to the northern Everglades. What- nesting grounds of the nearly extinct Cape Sable ever mercury-related impacts on the Everglades Seaside Sparrow and increase the mercury contam- that might be associated with Lake Okeechobee ination problem in Eastern Florida Bay? There is releases will occur only as a result of discharge insufficient information to answer this question, through the STAs. Therefore, there is no need to even at the most basic level of understanding. The discuss the Lake Okeechobee impacts separately. inability to answer this question compromises the ability to make informed decisions about the New Surface Impoundments proper management of Everglades water quantity and quality for the restoration of the sport fishery New surface impoundments are proposed as and the protection of fish-eating wildlife in Eastern one option for storing water in excess in the wet Florida Bay. season for subsequent use in the dry season. Such impoundments will also serve as fisheries, which, New Mercury Screening Study depending on their depth and area, may also attract large populations of fish-eating (piscivorous) div- To address this information gap, the District is ing, swimming, and wading birds. These reservoirs proposing a mercury screening study to collect may also experience what is referred to in the mer- environmental data at three freshwater and three cury literature as a “reservoir effect.” The reservoir marine sites along the flow path of Taylor Slough effect is summarized in Appendix 7-5.Amore into Eastern Florida Bay and a marine reference detailed discussion of the reservoir effect was pre- site in Western Florida Bay for comparison pur- sented in last year’s Everglades Interim Report. In poses. Water samples, three species of freshwater the classic reservoir effect, a post-flooding burst of fish, and three species of saltwater fish will be col- inorganic mercury is released from the flooded ter- lected quarterly, while surface sediments will be restrial soil and rapidly methylated. Then the meth- collected semi-annually. To the extent practicable, ylmercury is rapidly bioaccumulated up the food this work will be planned, coordinated, and imple- chain over a period of several years. The effect mented with the participation of NOAA to avoid often persists for decades, especially in reservoirs duplication of effort, share limited resources, and with long-lived fish populations. Mercury monitor- generate comparable data. ing of mosquitofish, sunfish, and largemouth bass in these reservoirs should alert South Florida resto- ration planners and managers to the occurrence of a reservoir effect in time to develop an appropriate adaptive management strategy to address this undesirable outcome. However, to the extent that

7-64 Everglades Consolidated Report Chapter 7: The Everglades Mercury Problem

the water in these reservoirs will be dominated by cal engineers evaluating such option (see Chapter releases from Lake Okeechobee, the likelihood that 10) . The details of the ASR project are discussed a reservoir effect will manifest itself is substan- elsewhere in this report. There is some concern that tially diminished, because Lake Okeechobee itself the quality of ASR water will change upon with- does not have a methylmercury bioaccumulation drawal, taking on increased concentrations of some problem like that occurring in the downstream of the constituents of the underlying groundwater, Everglades, and, as a result, has no fish consump- including increased concentrations of calcium, tion advisories issued for its fish. chloride, sulfate, and sulfide, as well as increased alkalinity and pH, all of which are known or rea- Aquifer Storage and Recovery (ASR) sonably expected to influence methylmercury pro- duction or bioaccumulation by the mechanisms Another water storage option is to inject excess discussed in the previous section. These changes in wet season surface water into the underlying geo- water quality in the vicinity of the ASR releases logical formations rapidly, and then withdraw it for could increase or decrease methylmercury produc- dry season use before it can disperse into the tion or bioaccumulation, although the areas of underlying geological formations and mix with the impact might be quite small in proportion to the underlying groundwater. As storing water under- already impacted areas of the Everglades. Model- ground virtually eliminates evapotranspiration ing of the potential mercury-related impacts of losses that plague surface impoundments in South ASR releases will be supplemented with subse- Florida, aquifer storage and recovery (ASR) is quent monitoring of fish near the discharges to being given serious consideration by the hydrologi- determine whether this concern is well-founded.


The new tools for collecting and analyzing var- near- and far-field wet and dry deposition data (J. ious mercury species in environmental media are Keeler, U Michigan, personal communication, discussed in the next section that answers the ques- 1999). The latter modeling will be conducted by tion: What is the status of District and DEP efforts Tetra Tech, Inc., under contract to USEPA’s Office to understand and solve the Everglades mercury of Research and Development, DEP, and the Dis- problem? The tools required to link sources to trict. The Everglades Mercury Cycling Model 2 environmental impacts are discussed in this sec- (EMCM-2) will build on the advances incorporated tion. These tools are air and water quality mathe- in EMCM-1, which was developed, adapted, and matical models. Mathematical models will be applied to Everglades problem-solving by required to predict the effect of local air source USEPA’s ORD in Athens, Georgia (Ambrose and reductions on atmospheric deposition to the Ever- Araujo, 1998). glades and to predict the effect of that load reduc- tion on the production and bioacccumulation of AIR TRANSPORT, TRANSFORMATION, methylmercury in the Everglades ecosystem. The AND DEPOSITION MODELING former modeling will be conducted by University of Michigan researchers under contract to USEPA Off-the-shelf models are being used as is for Region 4 and DEP. An existing model of air emis- simulating mercury transport, transformation, and sions plume transport, transformation, and deposi- deposition from local air emissions sources. The tion (e.g., HYSPLIT) will be used for this purpose models are being calibrated with data obtained in and calibrated with local source emissions data and

7-65 Chapter 7: The Everglades Mercury Problem Everglades Consolidated Report

the South Florida Mercury Atmospheric Study with the earlier FAMS data, the results of these (SOFAMS) conducted in the late summer of 1995 modeling exercises must be considered preliminary and the more recent FEDDS, which began in Feb- at best. ruary-March 1999. WATER TRANSPORT, Precipitation samples were collected at a site in TRANSFORMATION, AND Davie, Florida, on a rainfall event basis for one BIOACCUMULATION MODELING year from June 22, 1995, to June 21, 1996. The samples were analyzed for a variety of common If one uses a multivariate regression analysis to ion and toxic metals, including total mercury. The pick out the two or three variables that have the data were then used to test the hypothesis that local greatest influence on methylmercury bioaccumula- sources in Ft. Lauderdale and environs are the most tion in mosquitofish along the WCA-2A nutrient significant influence on mercury deposition in pre- gradient, one might select alkalinity, DOC or cal- cipitation at the Davie site. To achieve this objec- cium or DOC and calcium for this purpose (See tive, a hybrid modeling approach was used. First, Appendix 7-3 in Chapter 7 of last year’s Ever- the Hybrid Single Particle Lagrangian Integrated glades Interim Report (Rumbold and Fink, 1999). Trajectories (HYSPLIT) model was used to deter- If the District’s two-variable regression relation- mine the pathway followed by the air parcels arriv- ship based on water column DOC and calcium is ing at the Davie site over the previous day, so- then used as a predictive tool, it could be con- called daily back trajectories. This was done for cluded that the STAs will have no significant effect each day of the study. Second, the daily back tra- on methylmercury bioaccumulation in mosqui- jectories were grouped into 15 distinct atmospheric tofish, because the STAs do not remove DOC or transport regimes using a statistical model of simi- calcium and post-STA concentrations of DOC and larity. Third, the model RAMS was used to gener- calcium will not change substantially in the already ate the three-dimensional wind and heat fields for a impacted areas as they recover from the effects of representative day selected from each of the 15 dis- excess phosphorus. This is one example of the mis- tinct groups. Fourth, the NOAA HYSPLIT model, use of a regression relationship to predict post-ECP initialized with the wind and heat fields for a typi- methylmercury exposures and risks. This approach cal day from each of the 15 distinct atmospheric has no scientific merit because it ignores the role of regimens, was used to estimate the transport and phosphorus in influencing inorganic mercury and deposition of mercury at the Davie site using mer- methylmercury sorption to settling plant biomass cury emissions estimates from the USEPA inven- and subsequent dilution in the undecomposed plant tory for the source categories in the Ft. Lauderdale biomass that forms peat soil. It also ignores the area. influence of methylmercury production in the eutrophic periphyton mat and the influence of peat Each of the 15 model runs was then multiplied pore water sulfide on methylmercury production. by the frequency with which it occurred in the study year to calculate the annual weighted average At the other extreme, one could use the Sugar deposition of mercury to the Davie site. The results Cane Growers Cooperative’s one-variable regres- indicate that more than 90 percent of the deposition sion relationship based on water column phospho- at the Davie site originates with local sources. rus (PTI, 1995a,b; PTI, 1997; Exponent, 1998) to However, because the Davie site is well east of the predict that the STAs will cause the methylmercury Everglades, it is not yet clear whether the set of concentrations in mosquitofish to increase 660 per- models calibrated to the Davie site can accurately cent as water column total phosphorus concentra- predict the mercury deposition rate 100 km to the tions decline from about 50 ppb to 10 ppb in the west over the Everglades. Until the Ft. Lauderdale already impacted areas of the northern Everglades. source-deposition modeling results are reconciled

7-66 Everglades Consolidated Report Chapter 7: The Everglades Mercury Problem

This prediction also has no scientific merit, simpler partition coefficients and bioaccumulation because it ignores the role of DOC and hardness in factors that are calibrated to Everglades data. To influencing sorption and uptake by microscopic this basic framework has been added features that plants and animals at the base of the food chain, allow the user to quantify the effect of changing which, in turn, determine the bioaccumulation of total phosphorus in the water column on the stand- methylmercury at each successive trophic level in ing crop densities, production rates and decompo- the food chain. It also ignores the influence of sition rates of attached algae communities methylmercury production in the eutrophic periph- (periphyton), emergent macrophytes (e.g., yton mat and the influence of peat pore water sul- sawgrass and cattail) and floating macrophytes fide on methylmercury production. (e.g., water hyacinth and water lettuce). These den- sities and rates are quantified using simple regres- In fact, neither statistical model has scientific sion relationships derived from earlier data merit or engineering utility, because both leave out collected by District scientists in WCA-2A along or misrepresent key relationships between water the same nutrient gradient (e.g., Swift and Nicho- chemistry and methylmercury production or bioac- las, 1987; Davis, 1989; 1991). Model unknowns cumulation, as well as key process influenced by (i.e., the fractions of refractory organic and inor- hydrology and meteorology. Sufficiently reliable ganic components of cattail, sawgrass, floating predictions of the influence of the operation of the macrophytes, and periphyton) are obtained via cal- STAs on the downstream production and bioaccu- ibration to the composition of the peat soil at the mulation of methylmercury can only come from a simulated site or segment. model that takes into account in a self-consistent, mechanistically realistic way the positive and neg- The average annual fraction of the area cov- ative influences of the above identified constituents ered by macrophyte communities has been and factors on the downstream mercury cycle. The obtained from aerial photography conducted by second generation of such a model is now under District staff, while the annual average fraction of development. A summary of the key features of area covered by periphyton has been obtained from this model and the results of its first-generation the best professional judgment of District scientists application to the problem of predicting post-STA that routinely visit these sites. The relative affini- mercury risks to wading birds is taken up in the fol- ties of inorganic mercury and methylmercury for lowing subsection. the dissolved, suspended solids, and DOC phases is assumed to follow a simple linear three-phase par- Model Development titioning model, with the values of the partition coefficients coming from site-specific Everglades EMCM-1 is a mercury transport, cycling, and studies. The affinity of these species for macro- bioaccumulation model that has evolved from ear- phyte leaves has been adjusted to fit observations lier models used extensively by USEPA to guide from other the ENR Project and elsewhere. The policy-level decision-making, source control and rates at which the various biogeochemical pro- site cleanup. The model is a modification of the cesses occur are modeled by multiplying the con- toxic chemical module of WASP5, TOX15. centration of the mercury species involved by an WASP5 is the general water quality model adopted appropriate rate coefficient. The magnitudes of the by USEPA for many policy analysis and regulatory rate coefficients have been calculated from pub- applications. EMCM-1 incorporates the main lished site-specific Everglades research data. In structural features of the Mercury Cycling Model this version of the model, bioaccumulation in mos- developed by TetraTech for the Electric Power quitofish is calculated from site-specific bioaccu- Research Institute, except that the chemical com- mulation factors obtained from calculations using plexation and food web routines are replaced by field data.

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Further refinements that had been proposed for about 1.8 km down gradient from the discharge the Everglades Mercury Cycling Model-1 include structure at S-10C, to U3, the least impacted (olig- linking the water quality model to a food chain bio- otrophic) site at 10.8 km down gradient. To simu- accumulation model (FGETS) that will simulate late post-ECP downstream total mercury and methylmercury bioacumulation via water and food methylmercury concentrations in water, sediment, in a representative aquatic species at each of three plants, and fish, a 10-km wide by 7.5-km long box trophic (feeding) levels in the Everglades food was constructed over the study sites. The 7.5-km chain. length was chosen as the demarcation of the point where annual average water column concentrations Water Quality Model Applications: Post- of total phosphorus now fall below 10 ppb. To con- ECP Impacts duct the required simulations, the EMCM-1 model was adopted by USEPA Office of Research and The areas in the northern Everglades already Development in Athens, GA. impacted by total phosphorus in EAA runoff are likely to undergo the most significant changes in The model was initialized with the rate coeffi- water and sediment quality after the ECP is com- cients (Gilmour et al., 1998; Krabbenhoft et al., pleted and the operation of the majority of the 1998; Marvin-DiPasquale and Oremland, 1998), STAs has begun. As with the ENR Project that pre- partition coefficients (Hurley et al., 1998; Gilmour ceded them, the STAs are likely to remove more et al., 1998; Aiken and Reddy, 1997), and bioaccu- than 75 percent of the total phosphorus, 50 percent mulation factors (Cleckner et al., 1998; USEPA, to 75 percent of the total mercury, and less than 10 1998) observed at the most oligotrophic site along percent of the sulfate in EAA runoff and Lake the WCA-2A nutrient gradient, U3, where annual Okeechobee releases. While the sulfur cycle fed by average total phosphorus concentrations are sulfate in EAA runoff is probably the strongest already about 8 ppb (District, unpublished data, determinant of downstream methylmercury pro- 1999). The model was next calibrated to the duction (Gilmour et al., 1998b), one might expect observed concentrations in water, sediment and that the reduction in water column total phosphorus mosquitofish at U3 and then run with a constant andtotalmercurywillalsohaveaneffectondown- total phosphorus concentration of 50 ppb for 50 stream methylmercury production and/or bioaccu- years to ensure that water and sediment concentra- mulation. This effect should be maximized at the tions reached a steady state. With a reduction in sites nearest the District structures. This subsection water column total phosphorus from 50 ppb to 10 summarizes the results of the modeling analysis in ppb but without the 50 percent mercury load reduc- last year’s Everglades Interim Report, recognizing tion, the model predicted an increase in mosqui- that no substantial changes in model process repre- tofish mercury of about 55 percent. This is more sentations, coefficients, or starting conditions are than an order of magnitude lower than the 660 per- required based on what has been learned in the cent predicted by the one-variable (water column SFMSP since last year. TP) exponential regression model (PTI, 1995a,b; PTI, 1997; Exponent, 1998). With a reduction in The objective of this modeling exercise was to water column total phosphorus from 50 ppb to 10 address the potential benefits and detriments of a ppb and with the 50 percent reduction in the inor- simultaneous 75 percent reduction in total phos- ganic mercury load, the model predicted an phorus and 50 percent reduction in total mercury increase in mosquitofish mercury of 42 percent. on the already impacted areas immediately down- This is only about 6 percent of the increase pre- stream of District structures. For this purpose, the dicted by Exponent’s one-variable regression WCA-2A nutrient gradient was selected. There are model. From this analysis, it can be concluded that six study sites along this nutrient gradient, ranging the PTI/Exponent model likely overestimates the from the most impacted (eutrophic) site at F1, detrimental effects of a reduction in biodilution and

7-68 Everglades Consolidated Report Chapter 7: The Everglades Mercury Problem

cannot address the positive effects of the antici- reducing bacteria and the methylmercury uptake pated post-ECP reduction in the total mercury load. and demethylation efficiencies of the demethylat- ing bacteria, either directly or via the sulfur cycle. If a series of smaller boxes is used to model these post-ECP effects, it is expected that the bene- Thus, the model is believed to provide reason- fit from post-ECP mercury load reduction at F1 is able first-order predictions of the post-ECP meth- likely to be even greater than the average benefit ylmercury concentrations in fish in WCA-2A distributed over the length of the 7.5 km box. This immediately downstream of the S-10 structures in hypothesis will be tested by Tetra Tech while under response to a simultaneous reduction in total phos- contract to DEP with successive refinements of phorus and total mercury concentrations and loads. EMCM-2 over the next several years. The prelimi- These first-order predictions supplement other, nary results of this reassessment will be included in non-modeling evidence to further support the con- next year’s Everglades Consolidated Report. clusion that it is highly unlikely that the ECP will cause or contribute to an environmentally signifi- The Everglades Mercury Cycling Model-1 cant increase in use impairment or mercury risks to model has acknowledged limitations, e.g., it cannot fish-eating wildlife. model the influence of peat pore water sulfide in EAA runoff on methylmercury production. Never- The model cannot yet be used to determine if theless, it is able to represent in a self-consistent there would be a net downstream benefit or detri- way the influences of water column total phospho- ment with respect to methylmercury production rus on plant densities, production rates, and decom- and bioaccumulation if the use of sulfur on EAA position rates, peat soil production, and inorganic soils were reduced or curtailed. The upgrades to mercury and methylmercury removal rates from the model will include better linkages to a EAA the water column via sorption to settling biomass. mercury runoff model (Tsiros and Ambrose, 1999) This accounts for one of the three key mechanisms and between the sulfur cycle and the mercury cycle believed to cause or contribute to the inverse rela- to address the EAA sulfur management question tionship. The model also uses the observed mos- over the next few years. quitofish bioaccumulation factor at U3, where annual average water column concentrations of Water Quality Model Applications: Restudy total phosphorus are already less than 10 ppb, to Alternatives calculate the concentration of methylmercury in mosquitofish from the model-estimated concentra- There have been no new applications of tion of methylmercury in water. This bioaccumula- EMCM-1 to the prediction of post-Restudy mer- tion factor takes into account any changes in cury impacts this reporting year. The potential mer- species composition and feeding habits and any cury impacts of proposed Restudy restoration loss of methylmercury biodilution due to a reduc- projects, including reservoir creation, ASR, and the tion in the densities and turnover rates of plant spe- C-111 Basin Project, are discussed in qualitative cies and the densities and growth rates of animal terms in the subsection that answers the question, species at each step in the food chain. This How will Everglades restoration affect mercury accounts for the second of the three key mecha- risks? nisms believed to cause or contribute to the inverse relationship. Finally, by using the methylation and BIOACCUMULATION MODELING demethylation rates measured at U3, this accounts for the influence of the dissolved oxygen, sulfate, Craig Barber of USEPA’s Office of Research and sulfide concentration profiles in water and peat and Development in Athens, Georgia, has com- soil on the location, activity, and inorganic mercury pleted preliminary model runs of a BASS, a bioen- uptake and methylation efficiencies of sulfate- ergetics-based food web model, adapted to the

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conditions and food web structure of the Ever- The bioenergetics-based bioaccumulation glades. The model is able to explain the large dif- model incorporated into the modified Everglades ferences in mosquitofish bioaccumulation of Mercury Cycling Model-2 will be able to repro- methylmercury observed between sites in terms of duce many of the features of BASS and its key differences in ambient methylmercury concentra- results. tions that are amplified by differences in feeding preferences (C. Barber, USEPA/ORD-Athens, per- sonal communication, 1999).


SUMMARY DEP an USEPA will continue support for air source emission, transport, and deposition monitor- The DEP and the District continue to foster the ing and modeling. Pursuant to Act requirements, development of new sample collection methods for DEP has determined that the existing Class III reactive gaseous mercury and near real-time analy- numerical Water Quality Standard for total mer- sis of reactive gaseous mercury and dissolved gas- cury is inadequate to protect the use of the resource eous mercury, while USGS continues to advance as a sport fishery. A new analysis in this report sug- the understanding of the sources of excess sulfur in gests that the existing human health action level of the northern Everglades, the cycling of mercury 0.5 mg/Kg may not be fully protective of Florida and the factors that influence the mercury cycle, panthers that feed on raccoons, even occasionally. and the structure of the Everglades food web and The District will continue to press for follow-up the migration patterns of top-predator fish using studies of the uptake, distribution, and elimination natural and enriched stable isotopes. The District of methylmercury in the alligator, the wood stork, and DEP continue their leadership roles in the the otter, and Florida panther or appropriate surro- SFMSP. DEP will be sponsoring the Mercury gate species. Intercomparison Program for ultra-trace total mer- cury and methylmercury analytical methods. In The science and regulatory initiatives required 1998-1999, the District and DEP funded research to meet state mandates in the Everglades Forever on the factors influencing methylmercury produc- Act and federal mandates in the Clean Water Act tion. Next year, the District and USEPA will con- are summarized in the proposed Everglades Mer- tinue to fund this and related studies. In 1998-1999, cury Action Strategy (E-MAS), which is repro- DEP and the District continued the model develop- duced in its entirety in Appendix 7-1. Only a few ment project begun by USEPA to ensure that the of the breakthrough studies that were conducted in second generation Everglades Mercury Cycling 1999 will be summarized here. The results of key Model incorporates the influences of phosphorus findings from Phase 1 studies are summarized in and sulfur on the mercury cycle, and this work will the previous section answering the key questions. continue for two more years.

7-70 Everglades Consolidated Report Chapter 7: The Everglades Mercury Problem

AIR STUDIES The objectives of this study are to quantify the dry deposition of RGM and particles directly to water An instrument developed under contract to surfaces and to dry and wet plant surfaces with USEPA and DEP for collecting reactive gaseous subsequent washoff to the adjacent water surface, mercury(RGM)inairhasbeentestedattheeastern taking into account wind direction, speed, and edge of the Florida Everglades and found accurate, duration and time of day. Studies to prove the con- precise, and reliable in its measurements (R. cept and validate the sampling equipment were Stevens, USEPA-retired, personal communication, conducted at the L-67A site at the eastern edge of 1999). Tekran ultra-trace mercury vapor analyzers the Everglades in February-March 1999. The pre- owned by DEP and the District have been modified liminary results of this first campaign suggest that for RGM analysis and loaned to the University of RGM deposition in the late winter is about equal to Miami for research into the gas-phase chemistry the rainfall deposition rate for the same period. If that explains the night and day transformations of these same proportions hold for the wet season, elemental mercury, which is not readily removed this would roughly double the 22 ug/m2-yr average by rainfall, into RGM, which is readily removed by deposition rate for the Everglades calculated from rainfall. The results of this study will improve the the 1993-1996 Florida Atmospheric Mercury accuracy of the model of air emissions plume Study (FAMS), which focused on the contribution transport and deposition over the Everglades. of rainfall and particle deposition only. The FEDDS project data will also be used to calibrate To reduce the uncertainty associated with the and validate an air transport, transformation, and quantification of the global background contribu- deposition model to test the hypothesis that local tion to Everglades atmospheric deposition, a sources can account for virtually all of the dry and research plane owned by the National Oceanic and wet deposition on the Everglades, including the Atmospheric Administration has been chartered by higher deposition rates in summer wet season ver- DEP and USEPA to fly the new RGM analyzer into sus the winter dry season. the upper troposphere for the to collect RGM at several different altitudes. If concentrations of The FEDDS project is being co-funded by RGM are relatively high and increase with altitude, DEP, USEPA Region 4, and USEPA’s Office of this will support the hypothesis that RGM is being Research and Development. The District is sup- generated continuously by the strong sunlight in porting this effort by providing permanent plat- the upper atmosphere to produce a large pool that forms and portable generators. can be scavenged by the tall thunderheads that develop over South Florida during the wet season WATER STUDIES without a significant decrease in inorganic mercury concentrations in rain as the thunderstorm pro- Lindberg et al., (1998) developed a new ceeds. Together, these results may explain why method for near real-time analysis of elemental summer wet deposition concentrations and loads mercury in water. DEP and USGS-Madison have are more than double those in the dry season, while both purchased the new automated analyzer for local air emissions sources are relatively constant total mercury in water marketed by Tekran, LTD. year around (W. Landing, FSU, personal communi- The Tekran has reduced DEP’s method detection cation, 1999). limit from 0.5 parts per trillion to 0.2 parts per tril- lion, while increasing the precision of its results, The Florida Emissions Dry Deposition Study especially in the low concentration range. The (FEDDS) is being conducted by Principal Investi- lower MDL was needed for monitoring sites like gators from the University of Michigan, USEPA’s the ENR Project, where outflow concentrations Office of Research and Development in Research were consistently less than 0.5 parts per trillion. Triangle Park, and Oak Ridge National Laboratory. Minor modifications of the Tekran instrument by

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USGS-Madison have been reported to increase its To identify, characterize and quantify the phys- precision almost 10-fold (D. Krabbenhoft, USGS- ical, chemical, and biological influences on the Madison, personal communication, 1999). fraction of inorganic mercury in soil for available for methylation, two lines of research will be pur- Following a rather extended dry season proba- sued. The first will involve a functional definition bly brought on by La Nina, a rather extensive of bioavailability. First, the inorganic mercury in series of fires occurred in the Everglades that hydrated peat soil will be sequentially extracted burned plant canopies and, in some locations, also using an appropriate range of concentrations of burned some of the surficial peat deposits all the hydrogen ion, carbonate ion, dissolved organic car- way down to sand or marl. Such burning of plants bon, short-chain fatty acids, calcium ion, iron ion, and peat may have liberated inorganic mercury for and sodium sulfide ion solutions under anoxic con- methylation at a rate heretofore not encountered in ditions. Second, the gross methylation rate will be the Everglades during Phase 1 of the SFMSP. In quantified in the soil after each sequential extrac- addition, the character of the dissolved organic tion by incubating the cores for a period of 28 days. matter present in peat pore water or the overlying Correlation analyses can then be conducted to water column may have changed at and down- quantify the relationships between methylmercury stream of these burn sites, which could be expected bioaccumulation in periphyton and fish and the to change the transport, disposition, and perhaps normalized inorganic mercury concentration in the even the methylation rate of inorganic mercury or soil. The methylation rate can also be normalized the bioaccumulation factors of methylmercury. to the inorganic mercury fractions that are bioavail- able for methylation. A similar experiment can be To ensure that such post-burn changes in meth- conducted for methylmercury to define its bio- ylmercury production and bioaccumulation are not available fractions for demethylation. The second attributed to post-ECP changes in water quantity or line of research will involve the addition of stable quality, an intensive study at 13 interior marsh sites isotopes to microcosms and mesocosms to qualify was conducted by the USGS-Madison in July the routes and quantify the rates of transport, sorp- 1999. A follow-up study is planned for the late fall. tion, chemical reaction, biouptake and microbio- Along with the routine collection of water, vegeta- logical transformation. The results of the two tion, and fish, a newly acquired stable mercury iso- approaches will be compared to validate the less tope capability for tracing the routes and expensive functional approach with the more quantifying the rates of methylation and demethy- expensive but scientifically rigorous isotope tracer lation processes was applied for the first time to approach. sediment cores collected from burned and unburned sites. The results of these studies will be To measure the influences of various water summarized in next year’s Everglades Annual chemistry variables and temperature on methylm- Report. The July 1999 study was funded by the ercury production and decomposition, Everglades District with 40 percent matching funds from the sediment cultures will be spiked with radiolabelled USGS Regional Office. The fall follow-up study inorganic 203-Hg (II) and 14-C methylmercury will be funded at 100 percent by USGS-Madison. and incubated for at least 28 days to measure gross In both campaigns the District provided airboat and methylmercury production and gross methylmer- helicopter access to study sites. In the interim, the cury decomposition, from which net methylmer- District has proposed to collect water, sediment, cury production can be calculated. The and mosquitofish for USGS at 7 of the 13 sites in concentrations of appropriate water constituents August, September, and October 1999, resources will be varied over three monotonically increasing permitting. concentrations at three monotonically increasing temperatures with replication. The sensitivities of gross methylation and demethylation and net meth-

7-72 Everglades Consolidated Report Chapter 7: The Everglades Mercury Problem

ylation processes to changes in water chemistry collection of interior marsh fish. These traps were and temperature will be reported. In addition, the used successfully at the ENR Project. studies of Gilmour and co-workers at the Academy of Natural Sciences and Hurley and co-workers at The DEP and the District co-funded the the University of Wisconsin-Madison will continue FFWCC feeding preference studies through 1999. in FY 2000 under a 3-year USEPA STAR Grant. DEP will continue to support this work, while the Recently, the USGS-Madison has acquired a qua- District will support the permit compliance moni- drupole mass spectrometer capable of quantifying toring at the twelve interior marsh sites. the different isotopes of mercury at environmen- tally relevant concentrations. It will be used to con- Carol Kendall and co-workers of the USGS- duct natural isotope spiking experiments to probe Menlo Park are using isotopes of carbon, nitrogen, the underlying chemistry and microbiology of the and sulfur to reconstruct the average feeding habits influence of the sulfur cycle on the mercury cycle. of mosquitofish and largemouth bass over the Such experiments can be superimposed on those entire Everglades canal and marsh system. Isotopes described above to further resolve the routes and are transferred from prey to predator at different rates by which the various processes of interest rates, so there is a shift in the abundances of the occur. isotopes in predators relative to their prey. These shifts are then used to reconstruct typical feeding The District is proposing to expand its mercury patterns. Applying this approach to subsamples of screening studies into Taylor Slough and Florida largemouth bass collected by FFWCC throughout Bay to quantify the influence of Taylor Slough the Everglades canals and marshes, Dr. Kendall has mercury concentrations and loads on Florida Bay concluded that bass that feed primarily in the water quality. canals have isotope abundance patterns that are distinct from those feeding primarily in the marsh. BIOACCUMULATION AND FOOD WEB This indicates very different food webs in the STUDIES canals and marshes, but this also makes it possible to determine the fraction of the time a largemouth- Studies by Ted Lange and co-workers of the bass population spent feeding in the marsh and the FFWCC indicate that mosquitofish make up only a adjacent canals. This latter information reinforces small fraction of the stomach content of large- the results of radiotelemetry studies of largemouth- mouth bass at all canal and interior marsh study bass movement initiated on a small scale by the sites (Lange et al., 1999), but this may not be the FFWCC. The ability to determine spatial differ- case during extended dry season conditions, when ences in food web structure and the range over some largemouth bass are trapped in deep pools in which largemouth bass feed within that variable the interior marsh and are forced to feed on what is environment is necessary for quantifying the influ- present there (W. Loftus, USGS, personal commu- ence of water levels on bass mobility and in prop- nication, 1999). These studies also indicate that a erly reconstructing the average diet and the average disproportionate fraction of their stomach contents environment of the populations being sampled. is crayfish at some interior marsh sites, including WCA-3A-15 (T. Lange, FFWCC, personal com- Hundreds of mosquitofish collected by USEPA munication, 1999). To date, however, the crayfish Region 4 throughout the Everglades in the period has not been targeted for collection at these sites. 1994-1996 have also been analyzed for their iso- To fill this data gap, the District will distribute tope abundance shifts to map distinctly different crayfish traps at these sites for collection by food web regions. Having analyzed mosquitofish FFWCC staff during the fall permit compliance from populations whose gut contents have been studied by others (P. Garrison, WDNR-Madison, personal communication, 1999), Dr. Kendall has

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concluded that while periphyton makes up as much and feeding preferences that can otherwise only be as 40 percent of the gut contents of the mosqui- obtained by expensive, multi-year studies involv- tofish, the carbon and nitrogen isotope shifts are ing animal tracking and field observation. inconsistent with periphyton being a substantial food source to mosquitofish. Whether the mosqui- The required pharmacokinetics studies can be tofish is able to absorb methylmercury from the conducted in phases. In the first phase of the study, periphyton that is not absorbed for its food value otter removed from the wild and farm-raised mink cannot be determined from this study, however, would be fed clean ration and monitored for the and needs to be a priority for SFMSP Phase 2 decrease in blood, fur, lipid, urine, and feces meth- research. The District will also be splitting samples ylmercury and inorganic mercury concentrations of great egret eggs collected at colonies in WCA- over time. In the second phase of the study, the 3A with Dr. Kendall for isotope analysis to deter- otter and mink would be dosed with dually radiola- mine the average diet of the females that laid these belled methylmercury (203-Hg and C-14) in ration eggs and reconstruct a typical food web for these to define the methylmercury uptake efficiency highly exposed birds. This is the first time that a across the gut, the disposition of methylmercury study of this kind has been conducted in the Ever- and inorganic mercury in the organs and tissues, glades. This work is being supported by the USGS. and their concentrations in excreta without requir- ing the sacrifice of the animal. The maximum The District is proposing to expand its mercury methylmercury body burden that is accumulated screening studies into Taylor Slough and Florida during the second phase of the study would not Bay to quantify the influence of Taylor Slough exceed that in the animal at the time it was with- mercury concentrations and loads on Florida Bay drawn from the wild. In the third phase of the fish. This work will be coordinated with a related study, clean ration would be substituted for the set of studies being conducted by NOAA. dosed ration and the depuration from individual organs would be determined from the localized PHARMACOKINETICS AND TOXICITY loss of signature radioactivities. The data would be STUDIES used to construct a pharmacokinetics model of the otter and the mink. If determined to be necessary, For the Everglades otter, mink and Florida pan- sacrifice of a limited number of animals would ther, there is significant uncertainty regarding the allow validation of the nondestructive methods and efficiency with which methylmercury is absorbed the development of appropriate correction factors. across the gut, its subsequent disposition amongst The corrected mammalian pharmacokinetics model the organs and tissues, its decomposition routes could then be applied to the otter and mink data to and rates to inorganic mercury, and the excretion calculate a target organ-based mink NOAEL and rates of inorganic mercury and methylmercury via an equivalent otter NOAEL. hair, kidney, liver and offspring. These studies can be organized under the category of pharmacokinet- The decision whether to conduct the pharma- ics studies. Using pharmacokinetics data, it is pos- cokinetics studies outlined above in Phase 2 of the sible to relate the toxic concentrations in the organs SFMSP has not yet been made. or tissues of a test species to an untested species more accurately than by using a simple body ASSESSMENT STUDIES weight- or surface area-equivalence model. It is also possible to reconstruct an exposure history USEPARegion4hascompletedananalysisof from methylmercury and inorganic mercury resi- the data from its South Florida spatial characteriza- due levels in the body. This makes it possible to tion study, called REMAP, looking at the combined test various assumptions about contact frequencies effects of water depth, phosphorus, and mercury on overall the health of the Everglades. For this pur-

7-74 Everglades Consolidated Report Chapter 7: The Everglades Mercury Problem

pose the Everglades was divided into three zones: • Quantification of the methylmercury assimila- above Alligator Alley, between Alligator Alley and tive capacity in the form of a Total Maximum Tamiami Trail, and below Tamiami Trail. The Daily Load (TMDL) of the Everglades with an results will be presented at the Annual Mercury appropriate margin of safety using process data Meeting of the SFMSP in Atlanta, GA, in June of and the Everglades Mercury Cycling Model-2. 1999. The District will present the results of its • Development of a waste load allocation ecological risk assessment (ERA) of methylmer- (WLA) for air, water, and groundwater path- cury toxicity to wading birds feeding in post-ECP ways and local sources. impacted areas of the Everglades at that same meeting. Appendix 7-4 contains an evaluation of • Development of a permit conditions to control the adequacy of the fish consumption action level abatable air emissions sources. of 0.5 mg/Kg to protect the Florida panther feeding • Take other appropriate actions to reduce the on raccoons. propensity of the Everglades to generate and bioaccumulate methylmercury. PLANNING AND MANAGEMENT In September 1999, the District and DEP will Appendix 7-1 contains the District’s Ever- participate in a meeting of the Management Com- glades Mercury Action Strategy (E-MAS), which mittee of the SFMSP with the other major partici- is intended to guide the development of plans, pants in the SFMSP. The main topic for discussion timetables, and budgets over the next five years is the so-called “end-game” strategy for: and bring the extremely successful SFMSP to a successful close. The E-MAS will be a primary • Promulgating a revised total mercury water topic of discussion at the upcoming Management quality standard fully protective of human Committee Meeting of the SFMSP in the late sum- health and fish-eating wildlife and their preda- mer of 1999. tors

In summary, the E-MAS will guide the follow- • Developing, initializing, and calibrating a ing actions: model that predicts methylmercury concentra- tions in water, sediment, fish, and birds from • Adoption of a new water quality standard to the inorganic mercury loading rate protect human health following USEPA’s lead. • Regulating sources under post-ECP conditions • Development of a new water quality standard of water quantity and quality to attain and to protect fish-eating wildlife. maintain the revised total mercury water qual- ity standard in the Everglades. • Development of a Site-Specific Alternative Criteria for the Everglades based on the new To support the revision of the total mercury USEPA and Florida WQC. water quality standard for the protection of wading • Quantification of abatable loads from local air birds, in October 1999, the District and DEP will emissions sources. co-sponsor a workshop to achieve consensus on our understanding of the methylmercury exposures • Quantification of non-abatable loads from and risks to Everglades wading birds and to final- recycling of inorganic mercury in the sediment ize the SFMSP Phase 2 study plan for quantifying and atmospheric deposition from the global methylmercury toxicity, exposures, and individual reservoir. and population-level risks to wading birds.

7-75 Chapter 7: The Everglades Mercury Problem Everglades Consolidated Report

QUALITY ASSURANCE the Everglades. WCA-3A has been chosen for this purpose. The required modeling to link mercury Each of the agencies and contractors partici- loads and concentrations in the Everglades ecosys- pating in the SFMSP is required to have a USEPA- tem will be accomplished using a preliminary ver- approved or equivalent Comprehensive Quality sion of Everglades Mercury Cycling Model-2 Assurance Plan for its analytical laboratory and a under development by TetraTech, Inc. This effort is Quality Assurance Project Plan (QAPP) or equiva- being jointly funded by USEPA, DEP, and the Dis- lent for each of its projects that require field sam- trict. pling. In addition, the DEP and then the District conducted intercomparison studies of the ultra- SFMSP BUDGET FOR FY00 trace mercury laboratories participating in the SFMSP. Excellent agreement was achieved among The combined SFMSP budget for monitoring, laboratories for both total mercury and methylmer- research, modeling, assessment, and field valida- cury in a composite fish sample from the Ever- tion studies, excluding permit compliance monitor- glades. As expected, water results were more ing, is about $6.25M for FY00. The District and variable (Rawlik, 1999). DEP will contribute roughly $0.85M and $0.75M, respectively, while USEPA will contribute about REGULATION $3M, and USGS $1.25M. The District has received a Clean Water Act Section 319 Grant from USEPA USEPA is sponsoring two projects to test the Region 4 via DEP for about $150K to offset about legal and technical elements of the new regulatory 50 percent of the cost of mercury screening studies guidance for developing and implementing the of the Advanced Treatment Technology projects watershed total maximum daily load (TMDL) now undergoing testing in the former ENR Project requirement contained in Section 303(d)(1)(C) of and its test cells. Other grant funding is also being the Clean Water Act for air emissions sources of sought by the District to further reduce the cost of the problem pollutants (BNA, 1999b). Mercury mercury research, modeling, and assessment to the was chosen as the test pollutant. This will require taxpayers of South Florida. In addition, as analyti- the development of a relationship between the cal capacity becomes available, DEP has agreed to loading rate of inorganic mercury and the target perform ultra-trace mercury analysis of water, sedi- concentration of methylmercury in each compart- ment, plants, and fish at no additional cost to the ment of the aquatic ecosystem. One of the projects District to support mercury follow-up studies in the focuses on a northern temperate lake in Wisconsin, STAs and Florida Bay that are presently budgeted while the other focuses on a subtropical marsh in for commercial laboratory support.


These are the key management-relevant find- SOURCES ings from the cumulative monitoring, research, modeling, and assessment studies conducted from • Today’s Everglades soil mercury levels are 1989 to 1999. about three to six times those of the late 1800s. • Sediment mercury patterns do not point to obvious local runoff or air source influence.

7-76 Everglades Consolidated Report Chapter 7: The Everglades Mercury Problem

• Local incinerator reactive gaseous mercury substantially in response to the ECP, so risk (RGM) emissions are higher than expected. reduction will have to be brought about through local reduction of mercury air emis- • Landfills are potential big emitters of gaseous sion sources. mercury species. • EAA runoff contributes less than 5 percent of BIOGEOCHEMISTRY PROCESSES new mercury to the Everglades. • Estimates of local air emissions source contri- • Methylmercury is produced by sulfate-reduc- butions to the annual atmospheric deposition ing bacteria in surface soils or some algal mats load of total mercury to the Everglades still under low DO conditions. range from greater than 90 percent to less than • Methylmercury is decomposed via oxidative 30 percent. demethylation by methane-producing or car- • Increases in the concentrations of RGM in the bon dioxide-producing bacteria depending on air can be detected at the eastern edge of conditions. WCA-3A when the wind blows out of the east • Sulfate, not phosphate, stimulates methylation, for extended periods, suggesting a measurable but sulfate is probably in excess of other limit- influence of Ft. Lauderdale RGM sources. ing nutrients or short-chain carbon molecules required for sulfate-reducing bacteria metabo- EXPOSURE AND EFFECTS lism. • High sulfide in peat soil pore water is inversely • Florida panthers feeding on southern Ever- correlated with the rate of methylmercury pro- glades raccoons were probably at significant duction, but the mechanism by which sulfide mercury risks in late 1980s, but it has been exerts this effect is not yet known. claimed that there has been a decline in mer- cury levels in panthers over the last decade, • High phosphate stimulates high plant densities, although the data supporting that claim were production rates and decomposition rates, but not available as of this writing. dense rooted plant canopies can shade algae, breaking the link between the limiting nutrient • Sunfish, shiners, shrimp, crayfish are a big por- and plant production. tion of wading bird and bass diet, but not mos- quitofish. • The increased dissolved oxygen associated with decrease of water column total phospho- • Only subtle toxic effects were observed in rus might be expected to move the zone of great egret chicks dosed with methylmercury maximum methylation in peat soil deeper into at levels that correspond to the concentrations the peat soil, reducing the methylmercury flux in fish from the “hot spot” in WCA-3A. into the water column. • Field observations cannot detect a reduction in • Both inorganic mercury and methylmercury the reproductive success of the great egret col- have high affinities for organic matter, whether onies with the highest average mercury levels. in the form of dissolved or colloidal organic • Based on the District’s ecological risk assess- byproducts of plant decomposition (humic and ment, WCA-2A-U3 (total phosphorus approx. fulvic acids), living or dead algae, fungi, or 7 ppb) wading bird risks are unlikely to be bacteria cell surfaces, plant detritus, unconsoli- unacceptable, but WCA-3A-15 (annual aver- dated colloidal floc, or consolidated peat soil. age total phosphorus approx. 5 ppb) wading • If allowed to reach steady state, inorganic mer- bird risks may be. However, the water quantity cury and methylmercury are distributed and quality at WCA-3A are unlikely to change

7-77 Chapter 7: The Everglades Mercury Problem Everglades Consolidated Report

amongst these aquatic ecosystem “compart- • The rate of methylmercury production peaks in ments” according to their relative affinities for themiddleofWCA-3A,whiletherateofdem- each compartment and the relative surface ethylation decreases steadily from north to areas presented to the water by each compart- south. ment. • The absolute and relative concentrations of • However, the pulsed loading of inorganic mer- sulfate and sulfide ion in Everglades peat pore cury to the Everglades from rainfall and the water appear to be correlated with methylmer- pulsed nighttime production of methylmer- cury production and bioaccumulation. cury in response to those pulsed inorganic mer- cury loadings probably precludes the ENR PROJECT PERFORMANCE attainment of near steady state conditions, except perhaps in the dry season. • The ENR Project, a prototype STA, had out- • High phosphate stimulates high plant densities, flow water that never exceeded the Class III production rates and decomposition rates, Water Quality Standard and was always less which results in an average increase in settling/ than inflow on an annual average basis. removal of both inorganic mercury and meth- • ENR Project interior and outflow fish were ylmercury from the water column and an aver- always less than reference site fish and have age decrease in the concentration of inorganic some of the lowest average mercury concentra- mercuryinthemorerapidlyaccretingpeatsoil. tions reported anywhere in the Everglades. • High phosphate stimulates high plant densities, • Sediment total mercury did not reach hazard- production rates, and decomposition rates, ous levels and is declining overall, but there which results in a decrease in the average appears to be a reproducible two-year oscilla- methylmercury concentrations in plant biom- tion in the concentration of total mercury in the ass and detritus and at each successive step in top 10 cm of the peat soil that has yet to be the food chain, a phenomenon sometimes adequately explained. referred to as biodilution. • Over four full years of operation, the ENR • There is no known phosphorus-related process Projectremoved50to75percentoftotalmer- that accounts for the roughly three-fold greater cury from the inflow and rainfall and 50 to 75 concentrations of methylmercury in fish at percent of methylmercury from the inflow on WCA-3A-15 (annual average total phospho- an annual average basis. rus approx. 5 ppb) relative to WCA-2A (annual average total phosphorus approx. 7 ppb). • Rooted cattail emission of elementary mercury is substantial, perhaps the dominant loss path- • The EAA is the primary contributor of excess way from the ENR Project, but the mechanism sulfur to the northern Everglades, while local by which cattail transport elemental mercury air emissions of oxides of sulfur (SOX) are from peat soil to air or the depth from which probably the primary contributor of excess sul- the mercury is being drawn are not yet known. fur to the southern Everglades. • The rate of methylmercury production in the PERFORMANCE OF NEW STAS Everglades is generally higher than other aquatic systems studied to date, but the ENR • At STA 6 following startup, total mercury and Project has the lowest methylmercury produc- methylmercury in outflow or interior water and tion rates measured anywhere in the Ever- total mercury in interior and outflow fish glades. sometimes exceed their corresponding concen- trations in the inflow.

7-78 Everglades Consolidated Report Chapter 7: The Everglades Mercury Problem

• At STA 1W, pre-startup Cell 5 interior water should substantially reduce this uncertainty concentrations of total mercury and methylm- over the next two years. ercury exceed their corresponding concentra- 3. The reduction in Everglades mercury risks is tions upstream at S-5A, which has precluded best achieved through reduction in mercury air startup as of this writing. pollution sources. The routing, timing, quantity • STA 5 start-up occurred outside the 1998-1999 and quality of water flowing into the Ever- reporting period. glades will be optimized for the protection of Everglades structure and function, including ADVANCED TREATMENT endangered species habitat, so it is unlikely TECHNOLOGIES that there will be much flexibility for manipu- lating water quantity and quality to minimize • The Submerged Aquatic Vegetation (SAV)- methylmercury production and bioaccumula- Limerock pilot system did not appear to dis- tion, even if some options are potentially effec- charge or concentrate methylmercury from the tive. inorganic mercury present in wet and dry 4. The District’s updated ecological risk assess- atmospheric deposition and inflow to any sig- ment continues to support last year’s conclu- nificant degree under the conditions encoun- sion that it is highly unlikely that the operation tered during the scoping study. of the STAs will cause or contribute to an envi- • Although the porta-PSTA pilot system screen- ronmentally significant increase in use impair- ing study was not completed by the close of the ment or mercury risks to fish-eating wildlife. reporting period, the early results of the porta- 5. New monitoring, research and modeling tools PSTA study indicate that it generally exhibited have been developed to conduct the studies the same characteristics as the SAV-Limerock needed to understand and solve the Everglades system. mercury problem. • The Chemical Addition pilot system study was 6. DEP endorsement of the Everglades Mercury not begun until after the close of the reporting Action Strategy (E-MAS) is being sought to period. The results of the mercury screening ensure that the mercury restoration goal is study will be included in next year’s Ever- achieved according to the Act’s deadlines. glades Annual Report. STRATEGY FOR FILLING KEY ANSWERS TO KEY MERCURY SCIENCE DATA GAPS FOR SFMSP MANAGEMENT QUESTIONS: PHASE 2

1. The Everglades mercury problem remains sig- The following are the key elements of the pro- nificant, but there is some evidence of a down- posed strategy for filling the remaining information ward trend in mercury concentrations in fish and tools gaps that preclude the development and and birds over the last decade at some Ever- implementation of a viable solution to the Ever- glades locations. glades mercury problem at this time: 2. Despite a reported 65 percent reduction in mer- cury air pollution from local sources over the • Quantify wading bird diet-egg relationship to last decade, there is still much uncertainty support a new methylmercury-based numerical regarding the sources of the mercury deposit- Class III Water Quality Standard for total mer- ing on the Everglades from air. Air pollution cury. source, movement and chemistry studies

7-79 Chapter 7: The Everglades Mercury Problem Everglades Consolidated Report

• Quantify global vs local and new vs old mer- • Clarify aquatic food web relationships and cury sources. trophic assignments by adding crayfish and grass shrimp to the food web studies and by • ReviseEMCM-1toincludefoodwebuptake expanding isotope fractionation studies. and P and S cycles and interactions with Hg cycle. • Calculate biomagnifcation factors pdfs from food web studies. • Use new water quality standard and EMCM-2 to develop Everglades TMDL/WLA for Hg • Calculate egg NOAEL-equivalent concentra- and S control. tionsateachstepinthefoodchainusingbiom- agnifcation factor pdfs. The TMDL/WLA based on the revised WQS • Calculate egg NOAEL-equivalent methylmer- will then form the basis for water quality-based air cury concentration in water pdf from combined emissions limits to protect the Everglades based on dietary model pdf and food web model pdf. this scientific process. These limits will then be incorporated into the appropriate Clean Air Act • Select an appropriate level of protection for the permits. Consistent with this strategy, the follow- most exposed, most sensitive piscivorous bird ing are key recommendations for SFMSP Phase 2 population. studies that are intended to reduce the uncertainty • Read off the methylmercury water concentra- in the information obtained to date to levels that tion from the combined pdf graph equivalent to will support final restoration decision-making: the adopted level of protection. New Water Quality Standard • Adopt an appropriate margin of safety to com- pensate for any lack of knowledge about key • Measure dose-response probability distribution relationships. function (pdf) for several sensitive toxicologi- • Generate a pdf of the fraction of total mercury cal endpoints in the wading bird embryo, that is methylmercury for the Everglades. including teratogenesis and neurological devel- opment defects, retarded development, and • Convert the egg NOAEL-equivalent concen- low hatching weight and calculate wading bird tration of methylmercury in water to an equiv- egg no observable adverse effect level alent concentration of total mercury in water (NOAEL) for the most sensitive endpoint. using the preceding pdf. • Measure diet-egg ratios in laboratory using • Promulgate a site-specific alternative criterion ration dosed with radiolabelled methylmercury (SSAC) for the Everglades based on the above and calculate diet-egg ratio pdf. derivation process and result.

• Observe diet species-size foraging preferences The District has requested commitments for and calculate size preference pdf. matching federal and state funds to share the cost • Quantify species size-concentration relation- of the required toxicity and pharmacokinetics stud- ships and calculate pdf. ies, existing plans have been determined not to be specific enough for purposes of preparing cost esti- • Calculate combined pdf of dietary uptake of mates. To remedy this deficiency, the District and methylmercury from size-biased feeding pref- DEP are co-sponsoring a workshop on methylmer- erences pdf and methylmercury size-concen- cury bioaccumulation, exposure, and toxicity to tration pdf. wading birds to address two issues. The first is the • Calculate egg NOAEL-equivalent concentra- general issue of whether the methylmercury con- tion pdf in diet from combined diet-egg ratio centrations in the Everglades represent an unac- pdf and dose-response pdf. ceptable risk to some species at some locations.

7-80 Everglades Consolidated Report Chapter 7: The Everglades Mercury Problem

The second issue relates to the most scientifically • Calculate mercury and influential factors load defensible, cost-effective way to obtain the under- and concentration reductions at the point of standing required for deriving a methylmercury discharge from each of the STAs to the Dis- criterion to protect Everglades wading birds, trict’s canal system. including the endangered wood stork. The recom- • Calculate the total mercury and methylmercury mendations of the wading bird workshop will concentrations water, sediment, and fish in the guide the development, implementation, and inter- impacted area downstream of the S-10 struc- pretation of the results of the required toxicity and tures in WCA-2A, at the unimpacted site, pharmacokinetics studies. The District will con- WCA-2A-U3, and at the Everglades “hot tinue to seek co-funding and in-kind support from spot”, WCA-3A-15 with and without the effect USGS, USEPA, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, of the STAs. DEP, and FFWCC to conduct this critical work. In addition, outside grant funding is being sought to Eachoftheaboveelementsistobecarried offset some of the costs of some of the required under Cooperative Agreement C-9694 with DEP to mercury research. develop, calibrate, and apply the Everglades Mer- cury Cycling Model-2 from EMCM-1. The com- TMDL Development bined three-year funding commitment to this project is $300,000. • Develop a EAA mass budget for mercury and each of the key influential factors Quantification of Non-abatable Soil Load • Develop Everglades mass budgets for mercury and each of the key influential factors. • Measure inorganic mercury soil species verti- cal concentration profiles. • Measure, then model water flows, stage-dura- tion, and quality. • Measure soil depth of methylmercury produc- tion as a function of key influential factors. • Measure or calculate plant coverages and den- sities by species via remote sensing. • Develop functional definition and measures of, vertical concentration profiles of, and rates of • Identify, qualify, and quantify the key pro- release from refractory and labile inorganic cesses governing the mercury cycle and the mercury pools. key physical, chemical, and biological factors influencing those key processes. • Measure rates of net soil deposition and pore water DOC production. • Observe, measure, and model food web struc- ture and species size-methylmercury concen- • Measure or calculate diffusive, dispersive and tration relationships. advective fluxes of inorganic mercury and methylmercury across soil/water interface per • Translate qualitative and quantitative under- physical, chemical, and biological conditions. standing of key processes and influential fac- tors governing methylmercury production and The qualitative and quantitative understanding bioaccumulation into equivalent mathematical required to achieve the above objectives is being functions. obtained by USGS, although funding cuts in FY • Revise EMCM-1 computer code to add key 2000 will severely limit the spatial coverage of the processes and factors governing the Everglades studies to be conducted in the Everglades. Some of mercury cycle omitted from first version. this funding shortfall can be made up by an in-kind • Use four yrs. of ENR data to calibrate and test contribution of sample collection and shipment ser- the upgraded model EMCM-2. vices by the District.

7-81 Chapter 7: The Everglades Mercury Problem Everglades Consolidated Report

Quantification of Nonabatable Global • Use EMCM-2 to evaluate reduction in meth- Background Air Load ylmercury concentrations in water, sediment, and aquatic and terrestrial biota in response to • Obtain vertical profile of inorganic mercury wet and dry deposition load reduction under species in air over South Florida up to top of various local source reduction scenarios. free troposphere. • Quantify of tall thunderhead scavenging effi- The studies required to achieve the above air ciency of reactive gaseous mercury (RGM) source, transport, fate, and deposition objectives from free troposphere. are being co-funded by DEP and USEPA. In some cases, the District is supplying in-kind support by • Calculate dry deposition velocities of RGM providing access, building research platforms and over open water and vegetation. providing portable electrical generators at remote • Calculate natural background and anthropo- sites. genic global contributions to wet and dry depo- sition fluxes of Hg(II) via source, plume, and SYSTEM MONITORING deposition studies and mass budget studies. • Determine fraction of wet and dry Hg (II) dep- Monitoring of water and fish at key District osition routed to refractory soil pools prior to structures and fish and birds at key interior marsh methylation or reduction per physical, chemi- sites should continue to evaluate the responsive- cal, and biological conditions. ness of total mercury supplies and methylmercury production and bioaccumulation to normal sea- The studies required to achieve the above air sonal cycles and extreme events, especially follow- source, transport, fate, and deposition objectives ing extended dry periods with or without are being co-funded by DEP and USEPA. The associated fires. The addition of the otter and the required biogeochemical routing and kinetics stud- reinstatement of the raccoon and Florida panther to ies are being conducted by USGS, although fund- this mercury monitoring program will ensure that ing cuts in FY 2000 will severely limit the spatial the accurate tracking of mercury levels in a repre- coverage of the studies to be conducted in the sentative, highly exposed species from each step in Everglades. Some of this funding shortfall can be the Everglades food chain. This will establish a made up by an in-kind contribution of sample col- baseline against which to evaluate the long-term lection and shipment services by the District. positive and negative effects of local air pollution source controls and the ECP on the downstream Linkage Between Local Air Sources, mercury problem. This will also make possible an Abatable Wet and Dry Deposition, and analysis of status and trends in bioaccumulation Receiving Water Quality and exposures from which corresponding risks of toxic effects can be calculated for fish-eating ani- • Quantify local incinerator RGM and elemental mals and their predators. mercury emissions rates as a function of feed- stock composition, burn conditions, and RECOMMENDATIONS throughput. • Quantify RGM and elemental mercury trans- For the purpose of developing an accurate mer- port in air emissions plumes via monitoring cury cycling model of the Everglades, the process and modeling. studies being conducted by the USGS should con- tinue, but the emphasis should shift from primarily • Calculate potential wet and dry deposition load field surveys to controlled laboratory and field reduction under various local source reduction studies, including the effect of temperature on the scenarios.

7-82 Everglades Consolidated Report Chapter 7: The Everglades Mercury Problem

key process rates. For the purpose of revising the eling and assessment studies completed as of April total mercury standard, additional laboratory 30, 1999, and discussed the objectives of planned uptake, distribution and elimination (pharmacoki- studies to fill data gaps identified in this exercise. netics) studies should be conducted on the otter, the The above research elements are intended to sup- great egret as a substitute for the wood stork and port a scientifically defensible regulatory process the Texas cougar as a substitute for the Florida pan- leading to the restoration of the use of the Ever- ther to supplement the applicable scientific litera- glades as a sport fishery and attainment and main- ture. Continuing the exposure and effects studies tenance of the revised total mercury water quality of highly exposed wading birds in WCA-3A and standard. The Everglades Mercury Action Strategy Florida panthers in the Shark River Slough areas is (E-MAS) developed by the District is intended to necessary but not sufficient for this purpose. Anal- guide that process. Mercury monitoring, research, ysis of fish, bird eggs, and alligator eggs for other modeling and assessment studies will continue to persistent and bioaccumulative toxic substances in support adaptive management of the Everglades addition to total mercury will reduce the likelihood mercury problem. In the interim, this chapter has of confusing methylmercury toxic effects for those provided ongoing assurance that it is highly of other toxic substances present in the environ- unlikely that the ECP will cause or contribute to an ment when interpreting field observation data. environmentally significant increase in mercury risks to fish-eating wildlife in the already impacted CLOSING REMARKS areas of the Everglades or the unimpacted areas downstream. This chapter has summarized management-rel- evant results from key monitoring, research, mod-


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