November 2020 60p ADVERTISEMENTS ADVERTISING RATES JANUARY- DECEMBER 2020 Inside magazine Size One month Three months Six months One full year Eighth page £3.50 £10.00 £18.00 £26.50 Quarter page £7.00 £20.00 £36.00 £53.00 Half page £14.00 £37.00 £72.00 £105.00 Whole page £28.00 £76.00 £140.00 £210.00 Inside front cover (IF AVAILABLE) Eighth page £4.50 £11.50 £24.00 £40.00 Quarter page £9.00 £25.00 £48.00 £80.00 Half page £18.00 £50.00 £90.00 £158.00

Colour may be added at an extra cost of 25% To arrange advertising please contact Nan Waterfall [email protected]

THE LOG HOUSE CO. LTD. VICTORIA BRADFIELD Manufacturers of traditional BEAUTY THERAPIST AND MAKE-UP ARTIST Log Houses & Garden Buildings Home & Garden Building Design & Maintenance, Home Improvements, Repairs & Renewals, Tree Removal & Log Work, General Contracts Mike Balls (Parham) 720138 or mobile 07748 683271

MARLESFORD ESTATE Facials • Massage • Make-up • Waxing Unfurnished residential properties in the Spray Tanning • Reflexology • Lash Extensions beautiful Conservation Area Microdermabrasion • Manicures & Pedicures to let on Assured Shorthold Tenancies at rents from £600 per month. Also Workshop space on Parham Airfield. ’s Leading Mobile Beauty Therapist Grazing land to rent with D.I.Y. stabling. and Make-up Artist Enjoy high-end beauty treatments in the Estate Office, Marlesford Hall. comfort of your own home. Tel: 01728 746993 M: 07775 662725

From Revd Graham Hedger

November is here. The season of remembrance drawing together thanksgiving for saints, for all the faithful departed, and the sacrifice of many to preserve peace. It is a time when our thoughts go back to those who have come before us. We remember those who have influenced us, loved us, cared for us and who are no longer with us. On Remembrance Sunday we would have been remembering with big events, the 80th anniversary of the evacuation of the British forces from Dunkirk and the Battle of Britain and the 75th anniversary of the ending of WW2. Instead, everything now is muted. This does not diminish the sense of thankfulness for the sacrifice of many. One of the benefits of Covid lockdown is the number of tv programmes that were aired, showing the breadth of contribution that people made to the war effort. I am always mindful of the significant contribution made by those who were still in the UK, whether it be on the land, or in factories. I recently watched a clip of a programme featuring Sophie Raworth, who spoke about her grandfather, a pioneering orthopaedic surgeon who spent his war years working in Mansfield at the Berry Hill Miners Rehab Centre. My Boys Brigade Captain, who had been a Rugby League player trained as a physiotherapist and spent his war service at Berry Hill, years later becoming a NHS physio working with amputees. As a youngster I used to visit someone who I thought was really old, though I guess he was only in his fifties. He told me the story of Dunkirk. He said to his sergeant, ‘I can’t swim.’ ‘Well now’s the time to learn.’ He went to tell me he had gone through the war without a serious injury, only to lose both his legs in a pit accident. His rehab included a spell being cared for by my BB captain. It’s a small world. The skills he learned in the war became vital skills to help others in peacetime. We will hold Remembrance services in each village, either on Sunday 8th or on 11th November. They will be different from usual, with each service following whatever the Covid guidelines are at the time. Whether we gather in church, at a memorial or watch the services on tv it will be a time to remember with gratitude the sacrifice of many. There will not be a Zoom service on 8th November, instead those who are unable to come to one of the churches are encouraged to listen or watch one of the broadcast services on radio and tv.


From the editor

In order to accommodate the requirements in respect of the colour pictures, it has been necessary to bring the village sections forward. This means that the Services are now on page 12, the Church News on pages 13,14 and 15, and the Community News on pages 16 to 19.


Mobile library: 18th November at the post box from 14.25 to 14.40


Church News Private Worship. St Andrew’s is open twice a week, on Sundays from 9.00am to 4.00pm and on Wednesdays from 8.30am – 4.00pm

Compline. Starting in Advent, every Wednesday at 4.00pm, Compline will be said in St. Andrew’s, Marlesford. The first service will be on Wednesday 2nd December and all will be welcome. All current Covid restrictions will apply, which includes hand sanitising and the wearing of face masks. For more information please contact Carol 01728 747625 [email protected],) or Nan 01728 747038. [email protected].)

Marlesford Parish Council News HAVE YOU CONSIDERED BECOMING A PARISH COUNCILLOR? Marlesford Parish Council has a vacancy for a Parish Councillor. Would you like to help make a difference to your village? Do you care about where you live, its facilities, activities, open spaces? Whatever needs tackling or improving locally, becoming a Parish Councillor gives people the opportunity to change things. YOU can help to make a difference to the quality of life for people in Marlesford. If you are; • Age 18 or over • You are an elector of the parish • During the whole of the last 12 months have occupied as owner or tenant, land or other premises in the parish. The Parish Council meets every 3 months, at 7pm. Meetings are usually held in Marlesford Community Centre.

The best way to find out what it’s like to be a Parish Councillor is to talk to someone who’s doing it now, join a Parish Council meeting or speak to our Parish Clerk Melanie Thurston tel. 07837528187 email: [email protected] Further information about the Parish Council can be found on the parish website:

2 Music at Marlesford

How many music venues can boast a full house? Well Marlesford can! Or at least we were at the capacity we are permitted at the moment. It was good to see so many people in church for what everyone agreed was a wonderful concert. We were delighted to welcome Andrew Quartermain and Noel Vine back to play for us, and it was good to have Tracey Morgan as our guest. Tracey had generously donated Archdeacon Ian’s piano to us, and I am sure he would have enjoyed the “classical chill”. Noel explained that when they started to look into music composed for piano and violin, for their performances up at Abbey, they found that on the face of it there were not too many, but when they really searched, they found some gems which are not often played. As a result, we heard little known works by Tchaikovsky, Copland and Granados among others. They even fitted in two requests – Farewell to Stromness by Peter Maxwell Davies and Happy Birthday. And will they be returning in 2021? Well, watch this space! Nan Waterfall


Church Flowers in November: 1st and 8th Hazel Woodard; 15th and 22nd Sarah Mackenzie. Mobile library: 18th November: 11.55 to 12.10 at the Village Hall ***** News from All Saints The maintenance of the fabric and day to day running of our old church requires your PCC to focus on fundraising, as well as supporting the spiritual health of the community and therefore we shall shortly be sending out the annual Patronal letter asking for your support. It has been a difficult year for all of us but every little helps. On that note I am thrilled that so far after 76 pounds of jam and 56 pounds of marmalade have been boiled up in the kitchen here at Flocky we have now made £400 and, with your help, look to be getting to another £100 by Christmas. Throughout the winter months I am planning on keeping the stall going. At the moment we have some delicious apples, donated by Alan Mutimer, also out on the table. For those who wish to mark All Souls day there will be a service of Commemoration for our loved ones at 6.30pm on Monday 2nd November. This means that we cannot open for private prayer on 4th November although we will be open from 10.00am – 4.00pm for private prayer on all subsequent Wednesdays. Hacheston’s Act of Remembrance will follow our Wednesday Holy Communion at “The 11th hour on the 11th day of the 11th month”. Kaye Dawe


News from Garnetts The Cheese and Pie Man will be parked at Garnetts Gardens with his mobile shop every Friday between 10.00am and 4.00pm. (They’re excellent. Ed)

Christmas stock – cards, gifts etc - is now in. Please come and browse. Turkey orders are now being taken.


It is with deep regret that we have to report that Liz Wilson died, thankfully peacefully, on 22nd October at Foxearth Lodge.

4 From Lizzie Palmer. The Malthouse, Hacheston. My son William (he’s eight) has signed up for the Royal British Legion’s Poppy Run. This is a virtual event and can be run anytime/anywhere between now and the end of November. William has chosen to run 75km-to represent the 75 years since the end of the Second World War, and has completed 11km so far. I have included a link to his just giving page (if this is ok?) and have also attached some photos of him ‘in action’. It would be lovely to share his wonderful achievement, and equally marvellous if he could get a wave or cheer if anyone sees him running around Hacheston, Parham and Marlesford...or further afield! The generosity he has received so far has been incredible! This is why William wants to take part in the event, in his own words: “I am doing the Poppy Run because I want to raise money for the British Legion. It is important to me as it’s important to remember everyone who has risked their lives for us. I’m aiming to run 75km by the end of November. I have chosen 75km as it is 75 years since the end of World War 2. I wanted to raise a minimum of £20 but have got further already so thank you! Thank you if you sponsor me, from William”.

5 THE CORRANCE SCHOOL TRUST Charity No 1014386 Remember if you have children at school or young people at university and are living in Parham and Hacheston, there is an opportunity to obtain a grant towards books, school and college trips, music or dancing lessons and tours associated with their course. Application forms can be downloaded from the Hacheston church website or Parham PC website, under “Organisations” or collected from Susan Paul 723670 and are treated in the strictest confidence.


HACHESTON PARISH COUNCIL NEWS. The next meeting will be on November 9th to discuss next year’s budget. A Quiet Lanes scheme is being registered for Marlesford Road. Jane Page. Parish Clerk.


HACHESTON UNITED CHARITY. Just a quick reminder that the village has its own charity which exists to help people in need, hardship or distress. It derives the greater part of its income from the rents from Whitbread Meadow and from the allotments behind the former council houses and, following the lease to the Village Hall of the greater part of Fairfield Green, the Trustees are now better placed to consider applications for help. We can consider appropriate requests for help with travel to attend or to visit people in hospital; assistance with electricity/ gas bills; provision of bedding, clothing or heating; travel for school examinations or costs associated with convalescence, disability, handicap or sickness. We may also be able to help with costs associated with further education – courses, books, equipment – or arising from out of school activities for your children. If you are aware of a person who may be in need or you yourself consider that you may qualify for help, please contact the Secretary to the Trustees. All information and requests will be treated with the utmost confidence. Michael Dawe. Secretary to the Trustees. 746441 [email protected]


Glenys Fear, Jos Slade and David Clough took turns (socially distanced of course) tolling the Hacheston tenor for the committal of Joan Hall on October 13th. We used the old country tradition of 3 x 2 blows to show it was for a woman (it’s 3 x 3 for a man) followed by 86 blows for Joan’s age. We felt this was an appropriate tribute to Joan’s long and remarkable life and also a way of showing our support to Graeme who has been a loyal and much valued member of the Hacheston band since the new ring of bells was dedicated on Easter Sunday, 2000. David Clough

6 JOAN CATHERINE HALL née MACKERRAS MA, ARCM, LRAM 28 January 1934 ~ 23 September 2020 Joan had a long and happy life. She died at home after a short illness with her family, and many friends and relatives visited her or spoke with her on the phone before she died. She was born in Sydney into one of Australia’s most distinguished families, the Mackerras family, and was the fourth of seven children. One of the great formative years of Joan’s life was when she came to to study the violin at the Royal Academy of Music in 1954, and then taught at Headington School, Oxford. When she didn’t find the right man there her mother persuaded her to return home to Australia to find a husband! Australia wanted to encourage people to migrate down under and so in 1959 Joan became a £10 POM! Graeme was the Director of Music of Sydney Grammar School and appointed her as Head of Strings. She was a musicologist who specialised in eighteenth century violin bowing. They married in 1965 and came to Europe the following year. Joan had many funny anecdotes – she had a fabulous sense of humour and was full of joie de vivre. She was kind, generous, animated, highly intelligent, had a profound love and knowledge of history, literature and classical music and her memory was amazing. At one point she could speak fluent Italian. She would often quote pieces of Gilbert and Sullivan, Shakespeare or the Bible. She was, of course, proud of all her talented siblings but she did so enjoy listening to her brother’s music on Radio 3 and it gave her such a thrill to hear the announcer say “conducted by Sir Charles Mackerras”. She would know instantly if it was one of his recordings. Joan had an unusual ability to make life-long friends – she had at least twenty from all eras of her life, friends from school in Australia, Sydney University where she received her MA, the Academy in London, Oxford, Grenoble, Norwich and Suffolk where the family have lived for forty six years and where she was Head of Strings and taught A Level Music at Woodbridge School. Of the many words describing Joan perhaps the most frequent was “inspiring”. She inspired a love of music, of history, of religion, of places such as France where she and husband Graeme renovated a ruin in the Loire Valley. She also loved Suffolk, the moon, intellectual conversation and above all classical music. Joan was the model of Christian love in practicing her Catholic faith. Her family and her friends will miss her beyond measure, her extraordinarily interesting conversation and her loving disposition. Joan will always be treasured. For a copy of the Order of Service go to


Mobile library: 18th November at the railway station from 11.10 to 11.45


The fundraising campaign for a much-needed all-weather garden awning, to provide shelter from sun and rain, and increase Station House capacity both inside and out, began in May 2019. Our efforts doubled during lock-down as the pandemic brought with it a new significance. Like all community fundraising, the target was reached through a mix of grants, individual giving, proceeds from railway history presentations and small donations from visitors to the Station House. Amongst these were donations and grants from the Locality Budgets of County Councillors Alexander Nicoll and Christopher Hudson; Campsea Ashe Parish Council, District Councillor Carol Poulter’s Community Enabling Budget, and East Suffolk Council’s COVID-19 Community Fund. We would like to thank each and every one for their contributions, large and small. The awning was erected on 14th October and you are very welcome to pop by, if only for a sneak peek! Rosamund


The Hall is available for hire for things like band practices (up to 6 people). Contact Kate Hayward 01728 746376 or Email [email protected]

Sunday 8th November. On Sunday 8th November, there will be a Remembrance service at Campsea Ashe Church, starting at 10.45am. All welcome.

Service at the Campsea Ashe War Memorial. As in previous years, there will be a short service at the Campsea Ashe War Memorial on Wednesday 11th November, starting at 10.45am, led by Deirdre Parmenter. During the service, the names of the fallen will be read out and a wreath will be placed at the Memorial. Thank you to the Parish Council for providing the wreath.

Campsea Ashe Cooperative Dividend Campsea Ashe Church continues to have its own dividend number and the pay-out this year was £43.69. This may not sound like a lot of money, but it represents £3,166 of spending at the Coop where generous shoppers diverted their dividend to the Church dividend. A big thank you to you all! If you’d like to join the scheme, you need your own dividend card, then if you call me I can let you have the Church card, so that you can assign some/all of your dividend to the Church if you wish. Glenys Fear 747177

Annual Parochial Church Meeting The Campsea Ashe PCC held its AGM and first meeting of the PCC on Friday 16th October in the Church. The current PCC of Mr S. Thompson, Mr H. Thompson, Mrs J. Slade and Mrs G. Fear were re-elected en bloc. The report for 2019 was presented and the accounts, also for 2019, were presented by Mr H. Thompson. Mr C. Brown has agreed to be the Independent Examiner for another year. The PCC was thanked by the Priest-in-Charge for all their hard work during the year. At the first meeting of the PCC, Mr H. Thompson was re-elected as Treasurer and thanked for his hard work and commitment to the role. The duties of Secretary will continue to rotate amongst members. Christmas plans were discussed and it was agreed that the Christmas Day service should be an All Age service.

9 Notes from the Village Shop At the end of October, it will be a year since we reopened the shop. The intention was to get it up and running to pass on to younger people with more energy. Covid 19 came along, however, and scuppered all our plans and here we still are. It has been a real rollercoaster. Lockdown was hard as, on occasions, we were unable to obtain supplies but villagers came forward and obtained all sorts for us - Flour, Toilet Rolls, Butter. Some kind folks even donated goods which they knew others didn’t have or were unable to afford, such as Kate & Mark Hayward of Low farm Campsea Ashe who donated a substantial meat delivery for a young couple with small children who were having great difficulty affording and finding meat. Kate and her sisters also gave a box of craft items for the village children to use, paints, colouring books, stickers sparkles etc. Thanks to Kate and family. This must have given a few children hours of art projects etc. We saw many acts of kindness during the lockdown from the most unexpected sources. Elizabeth our assistant has been a real trooper throughout. The donation box has so far raised more than £250.00 towards the renovation of the Village Hall toilets. We received many offers of help. Roxy our Westie was walked by young Harry when he could and more recently by Sue Kimber. Thank you both very much. We made deliveries to all who were shielding or isolating all through with help from a band of volunteers Susan, Claire and Troy, Sally, Nicky and Mike. Thank you all very much. We still deliver to most of them today. One couple have not ventured out since Covid started. We must mention our suppliers who, when needed, came out several times a day. They were brilliant. The shop is well used by the villagers and surrounding villages hopefully this will continue, we will in the near future be looking to put a Tenant into the shop to carry on. We are looking forward to taking a little time off over Xmas this year as we are both feeling our ages now as most of you know we’re not spring chickens any more. Thank you all for your continued support. Hope to see you all soon.

Please note our new opening hours Monday to Friday 7am ----5pm Saturday 7 am ----1.00pm Sunday 9am----1.00pm

Ann & Bernard Burley

10 PARHAM PAPERS Church Flowers: 7th November Mrs Kindred; 14th November Mrs Slade; 21st November Mrs Hayes. Mobile Library: 11th November 14.45 to 15.00 at the notice board and from 15.05 to 15.30 at North Green ***** PARHAM VILLAGE HALL Notice board Parham Village Hall is now OPEN with the appropriate COVID measures in place. We are also looking for new members to sit on the Committee should you be interested to either join the Committee or assist with fund raising please contact Paul Goring on 01728 724117 for an informal chat. Paul Goring Chairman The Parham Hut Charity No. 304807

Annual Parochial Church Meeting. 50 years on a committee is a long time, even in Suffolk. At the recent Annual Meeting held on 22 October Mrs Myrle Gray stood down from the Church council after serving for over 50 years. She said she started as treasurer, when it was simply banking the money. Many things had changed over the decades. She was presented with a bouquet of flowers and a card thanking her for the many years of service. The meeting also re-elected Mr J Slade, Mr J James and Mr M Dawe as members of the PCC. Mr Bradfield was re-elected to serve as Deanery Synod representative. It was noted during the presentation of the accounts that whilst the PCC was able to meet all its commitments in 2019, this had been through drawing on reserves which are now exhausted. The major item of fabric work remaining relates to replacing the roof, where there is still a temporary covering put in place after the theft of lead. This would be a matter for work in 2021. At the meeting of Parishioners held prior to the annual meeting, Mr Adam Paul and John Bradfield were elected churchwardens. In the subsequent meeting of the Parochial Church Council, Mr Bradfield was elected lay vice chair, Mr Dawe as treasurer and Mr Paul as Fabric Officer. The Priest in charge thanked everyone for their work throughout the past year and also during the challenging Covid 19 situation. Graham Hedger THE CORRANCE SCHOOL TRUST Charity No 1014386 Remember if you have children at school or young people at university and are living in Parham and Hacheston, there is an opportunity to obtain a grant towards books, school and college trips, music or dancing lessons and tours associated with their course. Application forms can be downloaded from the Hacheston church website or Parham PC website, under “Organisations” or collected from Susan Paul 723670 and are treated in the strictest confidence.

Don’t forget the Parish Council meeting on 10th November at 7.15 in the Village Hall. Come and have your say.


Nov 1st ALL SAINTS DAY 9.30am Zoom Morning Service 11.00am Holy Communion (with +Mike. Ticketed service) M

2nd 6.30pm All Souls Service H

8th REMEMBRANCE SUNDAY 10.45am Remembrance Service (at the war memorial) B 10.45am Remembrance Service (at the war memorial) CA 10.45am Remembrance Service E 10.45am Remembrance Service K 10.45am Remembrance Service P 6.30pm Remembrance Service M

ARMISTICE DAY 11th 10.15am Holy Communion (BCP) and Act of Remembrance H 11.00am Act of Remembrance E 11.00am Act of Remembrance CA

15th 9.30am Zoom Morning Service 11.00am Holy Communion B 11.00am Morning Prayer (BCP) P 4.00pm Taizé YouTube ** 6.30pm Evening Prayer (BCP) K

22nd 9.30am Zoom Morning Service 11.00am Holy Communion CA

25th 10.00am Holy Communion (BCP) H

29th ADVENT SUNDAY 9.30am Zoom Morning Service 11.00am Holy Communion P ** For details go to church –


All Saints Day On 1st November the Bishop of , Mike Harrison will be with us at Marlesford to lead our service of Holy Communion. Due to the Covid restrictions attendance has to be by ‘ticket’. To obtain one please contact either Nan Waterfall or Carol Cooke at Marlesford. Bishop Mike will also be doing the reflection as part of the Zoom service.

All Souls Day 2nd November This is a special day, when we have the opportunity to give thanks for loved ones who are no longer with us. This year the service will be at Hacheston at 6.30pm. It is a simple reflective service, during which people are invited to bring a name card and place it by a candle as a simple act of remembrance. Due to Covid restrictions we are asking people to prepare that in advance. Simply write the name on a small piece of paper or card and bring it to the service.

Deanery Taizé services via You Tube Last year, we held a series of monthly Sunday afternoon services based around the Taizé tradition. These services used meditative chants, prayer, silence and scripture around a variety of specific themes. The services were led by Revd Wendy Gourlay from the neighbouring Mid-Loes Benefice. A good number of people attended and the plan was to continue the initiative in 2020. The COVID-19 lockdown jeopardised those plans until technology was harnessed to make a new series of services available via YouTube. The format remains the same but the individual elements - bible reading, prayers, a meditation, an interlude for silent reflection and live music to accompany the chants - were pre-recorded and then edited together into a service lasting around 30 minutes. Each service is “stand-alone”, and each has a different focus. We are grateful for the dozen-plus contributors who have made the services so personal and individual. The final service of 2020 will be available from the 15th of November and can be accessed via the St Peter’s, Cretingham page of the Mid-Loes Benefice website: cretingham.php This location also gives you access to all of the 2020 services from June onwards. A printable order of service is also available on the same webpage but the words for chants, prayers, etc do appear on-screen. To date the services have been viewed over 350 times and it is hoped that a new series will be available in 2021 - especially if the pandemic is still reducing our opportunity to meet safely in larger groups.

13 You do not have to be a subscriber to YouTube to watch these services. They are loaded to a private channel within the site and only accessible via the channel code accessed via the Benefice website i.e. you cannot search for them via Google.

Christmas IS NOT Cancelled Despite the rumour mongers announcing time and time again that Christmas is cancelled, I can assure you that the festival of Christmas will still be celebrated, albeit slightly differently from normal. Starting on November 29th we will commence the season of Advent, when we remember God’s plan of salvation throughout history. The coming of Jesus Christ, which we mark on 25th December is the midpoint, as the season of Advent reminds us. Full details of the Christmas services will be in the December magazine. Graham

Daily Services

Details can be found on To find them go to the Home page, click on link to the end of the page. This Service of Prayer for the Morning can be used privately or you could join in with others at 9.30 am and at 4pm when some will be joining together to read Short service for later in the day.

Private Prayer

Brandeston; Tuesdays 10am - 4pm.

Campsea Ashe: Sundays 1.30 – 5pm. Thursdays 10.30 -1pm.

Easton; Tuesdays and Saturdays. 10.00am – 4.00pm.

Hacheston: Wednesdays. 10.00am - 4.00pm. (Except November 4th)

Kettleburgh; daily; 8am - 6pm.

Marlesford; Sundays 9.00am – 4.00 and Wednesdays 8.30am – 4.00pm.

Parham; Wednesdays from 9.30am.

14 COMPLINE Starting in Advent, every Wednesday at 4.00pm, Compline will be said in St. Andrew’s, Marlesford. The first service will be on Wednesday nd2 December and all will be welcome. All current Covid restrictions will apply, which includes hand sanitising and the wearing of face masks. For more information please contact either Carol 01728 747625 [email protected]) or Nan 01728 747038. [email protected].)

The following letter has been received by Carol Cooke

FIND FAMILIES IN NEED Dear Mrs. Cooke, Please thank the Church Members for their cheque for £60.00 which you sent to FIND on 6th October. I understand that this gift came from gifts given at your recent Harvest service. We shall use it for supplies from our Food Bank which go out daily in the emergency food bags which are distributed to those in need. The number of people referred for these has increased recently as more have lost their jobs or are waiting for their benefits to arrive. Please note that if any members would like to bring some Christmas cheer to those in need we shall be distributing the usual Christmas Hampers. So, we would welcome large tubs or boxes of sweets or chocolates (no small packets thankyou) or £5.00 vouchers from either the Co-op, Sainsburys or Waitrose. However, we shall not be able to supply the individually wrapped gifts this year but would suggest instead any number of £5.00 vouchers from either: Smyth Toys, The Entertainer, Sainsbury’s, Boots, Argos or Primark Thank you for your Church’s support for FIND’s work locally amongst those in need of help.

Best wishes, Heather Cade (FIND Trustee)


FREE, FOR SALE or WANTED If you have any items for sale or wanted, please send details to: [email protected] THE FOLLOWING ARE STILL AVAILABLE (if you’re quick!)

Large glass tank for pet (terrarium for lizard / snake) Excellent condition as new. Sliding doors. 100 cm x 50 cm x 50 cm Plus various accessories Can deliver locally £150 07585353066 A quantity of steel scaffolding, 2”, about 12 poles up to 15ft and container of joints, bases, angles etc. FREE but donation to Parham Church welcome 01728 723569

Metabo HS5000 W LOG SPLITTER, on a stand. Electrics and hydraulics are fine, but the push ram head needs attention by welder or blacksmith. £20. 01278 723569 Yamaha Clarinet . Serviced. Suit beginner to grade five. £100 ono. 01728 747177

From Jackie Clark. For those of you missing concert going, this poem was written by David Bramhall, a regular visitor to Snape Maltings Concert Hall, and captures the atmosphere there perfectly. It won first prize in a national poetry competition. From their website, here are some details of the organisation behind the competition: The King Lear Prizes is the new national creative arts competition for older people stuck at home because of Coronavirus. The competition’s name was inspired by William Shakespeare’s famous play, which was written around the time of outbreaks of the plague in London in 1605- 06. We launched the King Lear Prizes to encourage people to produce new works of literature, drama, poetry, music and art during the pandemic. The King Lear Prizes are specifically for older people (those over 60) and for people who are keen amateurs or first-timers, rather than professionals. [Actually, there are now short – 50 minute – pre-booked concerts every weekend on Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays at 3pm, pay what you want, and at 7pm - £15. Kaye and I have been to several. Well worth going. NB. Booking opens at 10.00am (on the dot) on the previous Saturday on line; but be quick or you may be disappointed! Ed]

16 Snape Maltings, the concert hall late at night

The orchestra has ceased to play, The audience has gone away. Onstage, small crosses on the wood Mark where the solo singers stood.

Now comes the rush to home or pub, To glass of wine and late-night grub And fond post-mortems in the bar, How fine the choir or orchestra!

Cup of tea or beans on toast, And which the bit you liked the most, And was the tenor slightly flat Or did you just imagine that?

The ushers gone, the foyer hushed, The seats are folded, floor is brushed, And piles of unsold programmes lean Beside the ticket cash machine.

The car doors slam, performers tell Each other that it went off well, We certainly must come again. Soft silence settles on the fen.

Inside, the air is warm and thick, Contained by wood and russet brick. A well of velvet, dark and dim, Where ghostly oratorios swim

And all the music ever heard, Each silver note, each lambent word Still rings though not a soul is near; Still hums, electric, in your ear. David Bramhall

17 Pumpkins: What’s scarier than witches, ghosts and ghouls at Halloween? How about the 12.8 million pumpkins that are expected to be left uneaten this Halloween? Most of this goes to landfill. Every year in the UK 18,000 tonnes of edible pumpkin are wasted, enoughfor 360,000,000 portions of pumpkin pie. Once Halloween is over there is still plenty that you can do with a pumpkin. There are many different recipes – from the famous pumpkin pie to soup, bread, curry and cake. Pumpkin seeds are believed to have a range of health benefits – helping with sleep, blood sugar levels, and cholesterol. For some of the delicious ways to eat your pumpkin visit this web site: To get you started here is an easy recipe for roast pumpkin, sage and hazelnut pasta sauce.

Ingredients (serves 4) • 1 medium pumpkin • Dash of vinegar (balsamic is preferred, white or red wine or cider will also do the trick) • Olive oil • Small bunch of fresh sage leaves or 1 tablespoon of dried sage (thyme, rosemary, savoury or marjoram substitute well) • 75 grams roughly chopped hazelnuts (walnuts or almonds also work well) • Chilli flakes, optional • 500 grams of pasta

Method 1. Heat the oven to 180 Celsius. Chop and deseed the pumpkin, cut into small chunks then toss with a good glug of olive oil in a large baking tray and season. Roast for 40 minutes or until browned and tender. Add the sage leaves and hazelnuts for the last 5-6 minutes and then mix in the balsamic vinegar. 2. Around 10 minutes before the end of the cooking time put the pasta on to boil cooking to packet instructions. When the pasta is al dente, drain and transfer to a large mixing bowl. 3. Toss the pumpkin mixture through the pasta. You may also add a few chilli flakes.

Enjoy using your leftover pumpkin! Jos Slade

18 At the time of my writing, we find ourselves continuing to live with Coronavirus and its effect on our day to day lives. Although cases are rising rapidly in other parts of the country, figures remain relatively low in Suffolk thanks to the hard work and dedication of so many who have stringently made sacrifices and followed the guidance to try to keep the virus in check.

As we move ahead into what will undoubtedly be a very challenging time, it is vital that we all continue to play our part in helping to control the spread of the Covid-19 virus and help to protect our NHS:

• Cover your face and maintain social distancing (keeping at least 2 metres apart from people who are not from your own household). This helps to protect each other and helps to reduce the spread of the virus;

• Good hand and respiratory hygiene (for example, thorough washing of your hands and wrists for about 20 seconds before eating and when returning home after leaving the house)

• To protect others, it is vital NOT to leave home if you or anyone in house household has Coronavirus symptoms

Remember – Wash Hands, Cover Face, Make Space!

The arrival of the colder winter months, coupled with the annual cold and flu season, means the months ahead will undoubtedly present many challenges. That is why I would urge all of you who are eligible to make sure you receive your flu vaccination this winter. The eligibility list has been expanded to include the most vulnerable people, including adults aged 65 years and over, those with long-term health conditions and pregnant women; all primary school children and Year 7 children; 2 and 3 year olds; household contact of people on the NHS Shielded Patients List, and all health and social care workers who have direct contact with the people they care for. Once these people have received their vaccination, the newly eligible 50-64 year olds will also be invited for vaccination later in the season.

As part of my work in Parliament, at the end of September I chaired a meeting of the All Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) on Coronavirus. The APPG has been established with the aim of ensuring that lessons are learned from the UK’s handling of the coronavirus outbreak. It is important that we can learn lessons about what things we can do better, in order to better inform future decisions and to ensure that our health and care system is fully prepared for what is likely to come.

As your MP, I shall always work hard for the people of Central Suffolk and North and if there is anything I can help with, please get in touch via

19 WHO’S WHO Priest in Charge: The Rev’d Canon Graham Hedger 14 St Peters Close, Woodbridge, IP13 7RG Tel: 01473 737280 or 07388 117656 [email protected] Churchwardens: Campsea Ashe: (St John the Baptist) Marlesford: (St Andrew) Lord Marlesford Nan Waterfall 747038 Hacheston: (All Saints) Kaye Dawe 746441 Linda Ginn 748365 Parham: (St Mary) Adam Paul 723670 John Bradfield 724481 Mothers’ Union Leader: Linda Ginn 748365 Magazine: Editorial Team Michael Dawe - [email protected] 746441 Kaye Dawe - [email protected] 746441 Rosamund Webb 746847 [email protected] Advertising: Nan Waterfall - [email protected] 747038 Distribution: Fiona and Patrick Dawe 746082 [email protected] Benefice Safeguarding Officer: Pam Bennett-King - [email protected] 747370 Organist: Graeme Hall 746371 Bell Tower Captains: Campsea Ashe: Glenys Fear 747177 Practice: 4th Tuesday in month. 7.30 - 9pm and every Saturday from 9 - 10.30am. Hacheston: David Clough 747463 Practice: 1st Tuesday in month. 7.30 - 9pm. Marlesford: Practice: 2nd Tuesday in month, 7.30 - 9pm but ring 747177 first to confirm. Parham: Jos Slade 723707 Practice: 3rd (and 5th, if any) Tuesday in month, 7.30 - 9pm. Ringers of all standards and newcomers welcome at Practice Sessions. Visitors may find more information about our parishes at Demand Responsive Bus Service, Connecting Communities. 01728 635938 The STD telephone code for numbers in this magazine is 01728 unless otherwise stated.

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