Anonymous Anonymous | 96 pages | 01 Oct 2013 | Birlinn General | 9781846972768 | English | , United Kingdom And in the Dragon was a Story: The Edinburgh Book Sculptures – Laura Lam

Edinburgh is a city of libraries and organisations which support literature. Libraries are particularly under threat as we become ever more digitised and funding is spread more thinly. The book sculptures were made as gifts in appreciation of libraries, books, words, ideas and placed anonymously, without anyone being aware of the donor, to be uncovered unexpectedly. Surely a perfect gift? Inthe first mystery paper sculpture was discovered in that home of poetry, the SPL. It was an incredibly delicate gift; a tree PoeTREE growing out of a book, an eggshell of poems, and a little card which read:. ByLeavesWeLive and became a tree…We know that a library is so much more than a building full of books…a book is so much more than pages full of words…This is for you in support of libraries, books, words, ideas…. Basil Bunting! Others were then discovered in major libraries and literary institutions. There was one, for example for each of:. This poem, Gifts — a beautifully crafted, restrained love poem — is about impossible gifts! It is impeccably rhymed and the rhythm is memorable. It almost hurts to read the pain and extremity of love in it:. I make you the harder offer of all I can, The good and ill that make of me this man. I need no fancy to mark you as beautiful, If you are Gifted: The Tale of 10 Mysterious Book Sculptures Gifted to the City of Words and Ideas. Flowers need no fantasy, stones need no dream; And you are flower, and stone. And I compel Myself to be no more than possible, Offering nothing that might one day seem A measure of your failure to be true To the greedy vanity that disfigures you. A cloak of the finest silk in Scotland — what Has that to do with troubled nights and days Of anguished happiness? I had no praise Even of your kindness, that was not bought At such a price this bankrupt self is all I have to give. And is that possible? All are exquisitely crafted and include rich references to the body receiving the anonymous gift. They have been created Gifted: The Tale of 10 Mysterious Book Sculptures Gifted to the City of Words and Ideas care and love. They celebrate more than the tangible word: they commend our values, our hopes and dreams; our belief in the transformative power of books, of literature. You are commenting using your WordPress. You are commenting using your Google account. You are commenting using your Twitter account. You are commenting using your Facebook account. Notify me of new comments via email. Notify me of new posts via email. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Learn how your comment data is processed. Gifted: The fascinating tale of ten mysterious book sculptures gifted to the city of words and ideas Do seek them out! Like this: Like Loading Leave a Reply Cancel reply Enter your comment here Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in:. Email Address never made public. Post to Cancel. Post was not sent - check your email addresses! Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email. By continuing to use this website, you agree to their use. To find out more, including how to control cookies, see here: Cookie Policy. Scottish book sculptures - Wikipedia

Goodreads Gifted: The Tale of 10 Mysterious Book Sculptures Gifted to the City of Words and Ideas you keep track of books you want to read. Want to Read saving…. Want to Read Currently Reading Read. Other editions. Enlarge cover. Error rating book. Refresh and try again. Open Preview See a Problem? Details if other :. Thanks for telling us about the problem. Return to Book Page. Preview — Gifted by Anonymous. One day in March staff at the in Edinburgh noticed a wonderful paper sculpture left on a table. Carved from paper and mounted on a book, it bore a tag expressing support for the Library's work. From then until November nine more mysterious paper sculptures appeared in arts venues throughout Edinburgh, including the National Library of Scot One day in March staff at the Scottish Poetry Library in Edinburgh noticed a wonderful paper sculpture left on a table. From then until November nine more mysterious paper sculptures appeared in arts venues throughout Edinburgh, including the National Library of Scotland, the Filmhouse cinema, the National Museum of Scotland and the Scottish Storytelling Centre. Left anonymously, they appear to be the work of one highly talented and generous artist. Get A Copy. Kindle Edition96 pages. More Details Other Editions 2. Friend Reviews. To see what your friends thought of this book, please sign up. To ask other readers questions about Giftedplease sign up. Lists with This Book. This book is not yet featured on Listopia. Community Reviews. Showing Average rating 4. Rating details. More filters. Sort order. Sep 03, Henni rated it it was amazing Shelves:non-fiktionfeel-good. Bogen er gennemillustreret med billeder af skulpturerne der alle er meget detaljeret og med et twist til hvor de Gifted: The Tale of 10 Mysterious Book Sculptures Gifted to the City of Words and Ideas fundet. A brief description of the amazing book sculptures found in Edinburgh. I absolutely loved following this story in the press and visited Gifted: The Tale of 10 Mysterious Book Sculptures Gifted to the City of Words and Ideas sculptures on public display last time I was in Edinburgh. This is just a small momento of that visit but includes some glorious photographs of the sculptures and some of the background to them. A lovely illustrated book which details the discovery of the series Gifted: The Tale of 10 Mysterious Book Sculptures Gifted to the City of Words and Ideas anonymous book sculptures in Edinburgh, over a number on months in I've seen many of the sculptures and they really are beautiful and intricate. It's good to have the collection photographed in detail and with the background to how and where each was discovered. Stunning and I love that the editor was able to get information from the donor who remains anonymous to include in the book. The idea is wonderful and the book sculptures are amazing. Just had to give this a five-star rating, not only for the patience and skill of the sculptor, but for doing it in support of our libraries. Didn't always get the poetry stuff, but that's not my thing anyway. I just love books. Even ripped up, cut and made into another form. Jan 03, Mia rated it it was amazing. Exactly as life should be. A beautiful book describing the series of book-based paper sculptures created anonymously and left in various literary venues across Edinburgh and subsequently Scotland. As well as being an act of artistic grace it was also a profound political statement in the face of austerity-based cuts to education, libraries and the arts. I may be A beautiful book describing the series of book-based paper sculptures created anonymously and left in various literary venues across Edinburgh and subsequently Scotland. Apr 30, Jen rated it liked it. Two for two! Way to go Tom! I absolutely adore the idea of these sculptures being left to be discovered anonymously. In this day and age do I sound like a cranky old lady yet? Get off my lawn! Oct 05, Diane Warrington rated it it was amazing Shelves: fantasynon-fictionpicture-graphic-novelpoetryfavouritesbooks-about-books. Utterly brillisn't. Every bureaucrat who wants to shut a library, however small, every moronic dictator who wants to burn books should be made to read this. I think I will have to buy my own copy because this is such an important book that should be on every library shelf. And then read every 6 months. Absolutely recommended. Jan 04, Laura Bentley rated it it was amazing. Beautiful, mysterious, and magical illustrated book from Scotland. Kate rated it it was amazing Jan 05, Mitchell rated it really liked it May 28, Darren rated it liked it Oct 16, Marian rated it it was amazing Jan 15, Paul Grech rated it really liked it Jul 22, Katy Payne rated it it was amazing Oct 16, Anne Scott rated it it was amazing Feb 19, Nicola rated it it was ok Aug 29, Alexis rated it really liked it Feb 18, Sarah rated it it was ok May 19, Carl rated it it was amazing Jan 17, Laura Falkiner-Rogers rated it it was amazing Nov 26, Vivienne rated it liked it May 08, D Murgatroyd rated it really liked it Sep 25, Callum McLaughlin rated it really liked it Feb 03, Ellie rated it it was amazing Aug 25, Emilia rated it it was amazing Nov 12, Polygon Books rated it it was amazing May 27, There are no discussion topics on this book yet. Readers also enjoyed. About Anonymous. Books by Anonymous. Related Articles. If you haven't heard of record-smashing singer and songwriter Mariah Carey, is there any hope for you? Read more Trivia About Gifted: The Tale No trivia or quizzes yet. Welcome back. Just a moment while we sign you in to your Goodreads account. Edinburgh's mysterious book sculptures go on tour | Scotland | The Guardian

I've run the Scottish Poetry Library for 12 years, and nothing we have done has brought us as much attention as we've Gifted: The Tale of 10 Mysterious Book Sculptures Gifted to the City of Words and Ideas as the result of a gift out of the blue, in March last yearof a little tree made out of a book and leaves torn from books, accompanied by a gilded eggshell with a poem lining. The online community of booklovers was entranced by the gradual revelation of a series of book sculptures by an anonymous artist, left in various Edinburgh institutions in celebration of "libraries, books, words and ideas". The first and last of the ten in the series were given to the Scottish Poetry Library, and they made inspired references to poems, one by Edwin Morgan and one by Norman MacCaig. Every day since they started appearing we've been fielding the same questions: "Do you know who the sculptor is? Why not share this bounty with a wider audience, we thought that night, not really knowing how complicated a proposal that might be. The arts agency Creative Scotland and an appropriately anonymous donor have enabled the library to do so, in partnership with Edinburgh City of Literature Trust. So for the first time, the full collection goes on show to the public at Aberdeen Central Library on 17 August at the start of a short national tour, travelling via the Wigtown book festival in September, and ending back at the Scottish Poetry Library in November, to coincide with Book Week Scotland. Of course the community that has seen these sculptures online is larger than any we can show them to, but seeing them in all their fascinating paper detail is a different experience. It's paradoxical: these books are cut up in celebration of books and reading. Snip goes the artist, scissoring her way through the mysteries she loves there are three of thosehollowing out Arthur Conan Doyle's The Lost World and glueing together bits of James Hogg's classic Private Memoirs and Confessions of a Justified Sinner; that book came with this caption:. The sculpture for the National Library of Scotland, based on Rankin's Exit Music, calls attention to the threat to libraries - are they on their way out? At seventy I thought I had come through, like parting a bead curtain in Port Said, to something that was shadowy before, Gifted: The Tale of 10 Mysterious Book Sculptures Gifted to the City of Words and Ideas and voices of late times that might be surprising yet. The beads clash faintly behind me as I go forward. No candle-light please, keep that for Europe. Switch the whole thing right on. When I go in I want it bright, I want to catch whatever is there in full sight. Every institution she spotlights because she knows about the constant defence work they have to undertake, while her book sculptures pay tribute to the magic they do, providing public access to public treasures. I say 'she' because we know she's a woman, we just don't know her. I've been putting together the text for the book Gifted which Polygon will be publishing to accompany the exhibition, and I've been in touch with her, but through an anonymous email address: we're both content with that. A woman who, now all grown, still wants access to these places and yes, wants them for her children People have of course responded to the beauty and humour and sheer inventiveness of the sculptures. At the City of Literature they've been thrilled by the Edinburgh inspiration for the whole series - because this is a city of literature, and with the world's biggest book festival about to begin they have a lovely sculpture but it will be on tour, not on show, this summerwe are ready for a book binge. But the mystery and anonymity of the series has been a very powerful ingredient of its attraction. I feel quite strongly we must respect her anonymity, and not blow her cover; that's part of the joy of it really. All nine of the institutions who received a gift can put their hands on their hearts and say they believe in what the artist is supporting: books, Gifted: The Tale of 10 Mysterious Book Sculptures Gifted to the City of Words and Ideas, words, ideas. Most of all, though, it calls us to a generosity that answers the generosity of the artist. The Scotland blog Scotland. Edinburgh's mysterious book sculptures go on tour. The discovery of intricate book sculptures left anonymously in Edinburgh literary spots last year entranced book-lovers. For the first time, writes Robyn Marsackdirector of the Scottish Poetry Library, all ten are going on public display. Robyn Marsack. In the book, she writes that at the heart of the project is a woman, who had been a girl, whose life would have been less rich had she been unable to wander freely into libraries, art galleries and museums.