A Policy to Increase the Minimum Legal Sales Age for Tobacco and Nicotine Products from 18 to 21: Health Equity Implications T21 Policy Health Equity Impact Assessment Technical Report June 2017 The Multnomah County’s 2016 Community Health Improvement Plan’s (CHIP) fourth health equity priority is to Support Family and Community Ways. The CHIP report explains that to be truly healthy, there must be a balance of wellness in physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health. The social context in which individuals live must also be well in order to support the individual in attaining optimal health. This HEIA report aligns with the content of that goal - suggesting that families and communities must function in positive ways, mutually supporting and reinforcing strengths and resiliency in the face of challenging external circumstances, in order for individuals to thrive1. For more information about the HEIA, contact Clay River at
[email protected] or Kelly Gonzales at
[email protected] 1 Acknowledgements This Health Equity Impact Assessment (HEIA) is sponsored by the Oregon Health Equity Alliance (OHEA) with support from Multnomah County through an Oregon Health Authority funded grant: Strategies for Policy Systems and Environmental Change. The Native American Youth and Family Center led the HEIA with support from Upstream Public Health. OHEA is a group of more than 44 organizations seeking to make Oregon a more equitable place for all. Health Equity Impact Assessment Team: Kelly Gonzales (team lead), Tia Henderson Ho (lead analyst), Lindsay Goes Behind (NAYA health policy analyst). Several people including Clay Rivers and Tamara Henderson from NAYA provided final review and approval of this report.