Minutes of the meeting of Parish Council held on 18 February 2019 at Wootton Village Hall at 7pm

Present: Parish Cllr Penelope James (Chairman) Parish Cllr Derek Theobald – Vice Chairman Parish Cllr Robert Akehurst Parish Cllr Tom Gibson Parish Cllr Thomas Campbell County Councillor, Cllr Geoff Lymer District Councillor, Mog Ovenden Locum Clerk, Amanda Sparkes.

17 members of the public

1. Chairman’s opening remarks: Cllr James welcomed everyone to the meeting. 2. Apologies for absence – there were no apologies for absence. 3. Declarations of interest – Cllr James declared an interest in the agenda item No. 14 (Minute No 17 below) – the request for a grant from Wootton Environmental Protection Group (WEPG). She explained that in view of her interest she had already asked Cllr Theobald to chair the meeting for that item. Cllr James also reminded residents present that the adjournment is the only time for residents’ comments.

4. Confirmation of previous Minutes of the last meeting held on 10 December 2018. These were proposed by Cllr Akehurst and seconded by Cllr Gibson and approved and the Chairman duly signed them.


Report from Cllr James re KALC Chairmanship training course that she attended in December 2018 o Cllr James commented that this training had been excellent. Points she came away with included: o The Good Councillor Guide: KALC recommended that all councillors read The Good Councillor Guide, and she had done so and sent the link around to the other parish councillors. o Parish Councils must do more: Cllr James advised that central government is encouraging parish councils to take on more services. District Councils’ budgets have been reduced and there is opportunity for parishes to do more. o Increase the Precept each year: KALC advisors encouraged parish councils to increase their precept/budget each year and the number of projects they undertook. Cllr Theobald commented that the parish council should be mindful and that projects selected should be of benefit to everyone. o Vision and Strategy: Cllr James commented that as a parish council, we need a vision and a strategy and suggested that a future agenda will include an item for discussion focussing on the most important issues with face the parishes of Denton and Wootton. She then suggested that the parish council draw up a questionnaire/survey to go to all residents to consult then about their issues and concerns and for project ideas. From the results the parish council should then create a strategy. Cllr James suggested a separate meeting be held to discuss and create a future strategy. Cllr Theobald urged all residents reading these Minutes to send in ideas. o Parish Councils must increase their profile: Cllr James also advised that KALC encourage parish councils to improve their visibility and PR. She commented that there is already the active Denton and Wootton Villages Facebook page and recommended that councillors download the Getting Our Message Across booklet from the KALC website. o Parish Council Elections: The parish council elections are coming up in May 2019. Again KALC encourage publicity for this, and a desire for parish councils to try to attract younger people to become parish councillors. o Chairman’s Allowance: Cllr James explained that many of the Chairmen on the course had Chairman’s Allowances allocated to them in the parish council budget – to be used for 2 hospitality, such as drinks at the Parish Assembly for example to thank members of the Parish who have contributed to the well-being of the Parish. Cllr Theobald felt that perhaps a workshop to draw people in would be better than just offering complimentary drinks. o Online Banking: Cllr James commented that KALC confirmed that parish councils can move away from cheque payments and may now consider online banking. o Training: KALC also encourage all parish councillors to undertake training. Cllr James requested that there be a budget category included in the 2019-2020 accounts to cover this. o Website: Cllr James advised that new legislation means all websites including parish council websites need to become “accessible” for people with disabilities, – existing websites have until September 2020 to become compliant, and will need to consider things like colours and font sizes. As the DWW PC website is relatively new, it is hoped that it is more or less compliant and will not require any major alterations/investment.

Loose drain covers in The Street, Denton Cllr Ovenden’s and Cllr James efforts on behalf of a resident in Denton have been successful. KCC Highways started work in Denton on 7 January 2019 to repair the loose drain covers and work has now been completed. Cllr James commented that the resident is delighted. However, KCC has been made aware that the tarmac surface may fail in the near future as it had been poorly laid. In addition, it has been discovered that two further new gulleys are now also required on The Street, Denton, near Lower Maydeakin and either side of the road near the bus shelter to assist with flooding. This will be implemented shortly.

Funding for replacement Finger Post An old finger post was ‘discovered’ when a hedge was cut back at the Lodge Lees turning off Agester Lane. KCC Cllr Geoff Lymer has given a Local Board grant of £350 for two residents to refurbish it themselves and purchase the roundel at the top with this. Cllr Akehurst explained that he has asked the resident to place the order for the roundel. He will seek a further update on progress for this project.

Adoption request for the old BT Red telephone box at The Jackdaw 01303 844653 At the 13 June 2018 parish council meeting it was RESOLVED to proceed with the adoption from BT for £1. The BT land ownership enquiries were resolved and the Locum Clerk sent the signed contract with the cheque for £1 to BT on 23 December 2018 so that the adoption can proceed. The Clerk gave Cllr James as Chairman a copy of the returned signed sale contract on 26 January 2019 to retain as a copy too. The Locum Clerk has updated the parish council’s Fixed Asset Register to reflect the purchase price of £1 but with a value of £1,000. The Locum Clerk asked the parish council’s insurance company on 30 December 2018 to add the box to the parish council’s insurance schedule with a value of £1,000. There is no additional premium due prior to renewal, although the renewal may increase by around £10 at renewal for this extra cover. Since the last meeting, BT has now removed the phone from the box. The iconic glass panels have also since been stolen but the Perspex to replace the stolen panels is on order. Mr Graham Bevan has agreed to undertake this.

Cllr James advised that the bulbs need replacing and she will contact Graham Bevan and authorise him to replace this and seek reimbursement.

Cllr James explained that the box also needs repainting. Two quotes may be needed if the cost is over £500. Cllr Gibson felt that it could be done for less and offered to look at costs and options.

Cllr James also reminded Cllrs that they had previously discussed getting a handset too. People like taking a photo of the box with a phone in it. A vintage phone had been previously explored and is in the region of £250. Councillors felt that a normal handset would be better and less likely to be vandalised or stolen. Cllr Campbell offered to look at options for this.


Battle of Britain Commemoration 2019 at Denton At the Denton with Wootton PC meeting in October 2018 Mr. Graham Bevan and Ms. Shirley Harris had outlined plans to commemorate the anniversary of the Battle of Britain in 2019 and plant a flower display on the Village Green at Denton. At the parish council meeting on 10 December 2018 it was resolved that the Parish Council would contribute £250 towards the cost of the plants. Cllr James explained that the display will be a target shape and that work on this project has been started. Roses will be planted as these will bloom throughout the summer months and provide longevity to the project.

6. Financial matters The cheques scheduled for payment were proposed by Cllr Theobald and seconded by Cllr Campbell and authorised.

Precept request for 2019-2020 NOTED that as per the parish council resolution at their 10 December 2018 parish council meeting to set a precept for 2019-2020 at £12,498 the Clerk completed and returned the DDC Precept Demand Form to the DDC officer on 24 December 2018. This gives a £1.69 increase on a Band D property.

National Salary Awards to be implemented with effect from 1 April 2019 The National Joint Council for Services has agreed new pay scales for council clerks for 2019-2020 to be implemented from 1 April 2019. A new pay spine from 1 April 2019 has also been implemented and existing spinal column points have been translated to the new scales: Previous spinal point was 25 (FTE £23,111 – hourly rate £12.01) New spinal point is 17 (FTE £23,836 – hourly rate £12.39). This new rate will be provided to the pay roll provider with effect from 1 April 2019.

End of Quarter Three spreadsheet RECEIVED an End of Quarter Three spreadsheet for all income and expenditure – and NOTED this was uploaded on 03 January 2019 to the parish council website to satisfy the Transparency Regulations

 Denton Speed Watch committee / KCC Kent Highways survey There is an issue with speeding in Denton. In order to consider any further traffic calming measures it is necessary for KCC to conduct a speed survey to gather data for one week – at a cost of £500. Cllr James explained that the Denton Speed Watch group will pay the £500 to cover the cost of the survey, and that the speedwatch committee has now been able to finalise new paperwork for their bank and are now awaiting delivery of the chequebook. They will action the survey when able and no ‘loan’ from the parish council now needs to be considered.

Councillors felt that Gateways for the village at Denton may be a way forward as a traffic calming measure, and that this suggestion could be raised with Kent Highways in due course, Kent Highways permission and costs withstanding.


New planning applications: DOV/18/01388 - Park View, Parkside, Wootton, CT4 6RR Erection of a detached dwelling and detached garage with annexe (existing dwelling to be demolished). NOTED DWW parish council comments were sent on 2 February 2019 as follows: “We have reviewed the submitted planning application for Park View, Wootton which proposes the demolition of the existing dwelling and its replacement with a larger dwelling and a detached garage. We recognise that the existing property is in a very poor state of repair and that it would be appropriate to demolish and replace with a new residence.


Wootton is a village which has a number of historic buildings, some of which are listed. Although Park View is outside the immediate village it is important that new properties are appropriate for the area and of a nature which is consistent with the existing properties, both in design and footprint. We would ask that these matters are considered as part of the planning determination.

The site is not on a through road, though the site and proposed building are viewable from the public highway. There are adjacent residential premises which will overlook the proposed development and we would request that any submissions made by those residents are given full and appropriate consideration.” Cllr Theobald advised that this application is still awaiting Dover District Council’s determination.

DOV/19/00076 - Mallard Farm, Shelvin Farm Road, Wootton, Certificate of Lawfulness (existing) for the continued use of camper vans (Winnebagos) and storage containers for storage and distribution (Class B8) This is a Certificate of Lawfulness planning application to regularise the storage of Winnebagos and storage containers. The application states that a planning application was made and granted during 2011 for the buildings on site to be used for storage and light industrial use. The application also states that the Winnebagos have been stored on the site for more than 10 years and reference was made to this in the 2011 application for Change of Use. Cllr Theobald commented that he was concerned about this application setting a precedent and opened the floor to comments. A resident advised that there is a “condition 7” in place here and that the site is in an area of outstanding natural beauty. Cllr Theobald agreed to draft an appropriate response on behalf of the parish council. Cllr Ovenden suggested that the parish council ask the planning officer for this case for a site meeting with one or more parish council representatives to discuss this application.

Planning decisions TO NOTE:

Certificate of Lawfulness The Barn, Smallden, DOV/18/01344 (existing) for the continued Wootton Lane, Granted by DDC use as a dwelling Wootton, CT4 6RP Erection of a single storey rear extension, front porch DOV/18/01304 Beeches, Wootton Granted by DDC and stepped terraced Lane, Wootton, CT4 veranda with canopy 6RU

1 & 2 Clipgate 1 & 2 Clipgate Bungalows, Bungalows, Lodge Lodge Lees, Denton, CT4 DOV/18/01072 Lees, Denton, CT4 Granted by DDC 6NS 6NS

Deacon Landscapes - Application Reference: DOV/16/00032 Deacon Landscape Management , Wootton Lane, Wootton, CT4 6RP Outline planning application for proposed residential development of 8 dwellings with some matters reserved This application was granted outline planning permission on 1 November 2017. Cllr James explained that work is to begin soon on site. She also reported that she had not yet received a response from the DDC case officer whom she had met with and been in contact with via letter regarding a request from the parish council asking whether the developer contributions, set aside for a playground, could be transferred instead towards the restoration of the grounds and the pavilion at the Wootton with Denton Cricket and Recreation Ground. Cllr

5 Ovenden explained that she had mentioned this at a Scrutiny meeting last week and chased the officer.

KALC Planning Conference Cllr James explained KALC are holding a Planning Conference – a one day course for small to medium parish councils on 15 March 2019. She would like to attend this. Cllrs were happy that she do so.

8. POLICE/PCSO MATTERS Cllr Akehurst explained that crime outside the village is still rampant in the rural areas. He gave a reminder to everyone to ensure their sheds are kept locked.


TO RECORD the horrendous traffic situation Friday to Sunday 11 – 13 January 2019, in Denton, as a result of M20 closures, and Cllr James conversations and replies from KCC Highways and Highways Cllr James explained that concerns about traffic movements after Brexit had caused her to contact various agencies and Charlie Elphick MP who had all responded: Horrendous traffic situation Friday to Sunday 11 – 13 January 2019, in Denton. Over this weekend the M20 was closed on Saturday and Sunday to install the new bridges and so a vast amount of traffic was filtering from the A20 up to the A2 via the A260 in Denton. The A260 goes right through the centre of Denton and was never built for lorries or the level of traffic it experienced this Saturday and Sunday. This also coincided with the local drainage cover repairs too. The queueing traffic was incredibly intrusive for the people who live in the houses which are situated very close to and in some cases right on The Street, Denton. The queues backed up in both the and Canterbury directions and at times it took motorists and lorry drivers over an hour to get through the village. Tempers were frayed, traffic cones moved by motorists so they could squeeze through and residents were worried an accident would take place. It is a tricky road, as at some points two lorries simply can’t pass one another. And at one point a lorry driver got out of his cab to urinate on the village green! Cllr James contacted KCC Highways and Highways England officers about this and also Charlie Elphicke MP. While the situation is over now, it has raised serious concerns by Denton and Wootton Parish Council and local residents about what might happen if something similar happens in relation to Brexit and lorries backing up on the M20 and A2. Cllr James asked about what plans are in place to prevent lorries – particularly foreign lorries whose drivers do not check or pay heed to signage – from using the A260 as a route to the A2 when the M20 is blocked. Officer reply received the same day (16/01/19): Toby Howe | Senior Highway Manager Thank you for your email and I am sorry for the inconvenience to the village. I am aware of the problems with the A260 in Denton having worked at Barham many years ago. The M20 closure for works at Junction 10A had a clearly signed diversion route using the A2 to Dover. Unfortunately many vehicles use Sat Nav and ignore the signed Diversion route. The drainage works had been scheduled some time before and planned for last week, unfortunately it then coincided with traffic ignoring the diversion for the M20. There are other closures planned for the M20 at Junction10A and we will be working with Highways England to reinforce the diversion route and also do more to ensure traffic does not use alternative routes. This is a problem we have in many other locations and sadly it is the communities on the Kent roads that suffer from the motorway closures. And email from Thomas Selby, Highways England: Just to echo Toby’s comments: As you are already aware, the M20 was closed this past weekend, between junctions 9 to 11 coast bound and junctions 11 to 10 London bound, to allow for the installation of the new junction 10a East Interchange Bridge. Following consultation with our partners, Kent County Council and the emergency services, a diversion route was agreed which aimed to minimise the disruption to both residents and our road users. The official diversion route for the coast bound used the A249 from M20 junction 7 towards the M2/A2 route into Dover. If vehicles passed this point and got to junction 9 then they were turned back to J7 to pick up the diversion route. The diversion route London bound from Dover took traffic up Jubilee Way onto the A2 and M2. If traffic travelling London bound travelled on the M20 it was directed to turn around at J11 back to Dover to pick the official diversion route up. These diversion routes have been designed to prevent non-local traffic from using the A20. Early notification of the closure was in place on the M25, M26 and M20, as well as at the Port of Dover and Folkestone to encourage traffic to be diverted well away from the region. We also advised drivers not to rely solely on satellite navigation systems because they are not always updated in

6 real time and there is anecdotal evidence of drivers not following diversions routes which are in place. Unless the satnav provides real time data these road closures will not be shown to the driver on their display resulting in drivers exiting at junction 9 and 11 respectively which was being discouraged by use of the official diversion route and use of other strategic roads on the network. We also promoted the closure on our Variable Messaging System at strategic locations. Furthermore the project team made use of a mobile exhibition van to go out on the road and offer the opportunity to promote these closures and provide a general update on the scheme. On the weekend we continually monitored press and social media activities to try and proactively manage any disruption caused by the weekend closure and publicised the correct diversion route on a number of occasions. The installation of the interchange bridges unfortunately cannot be done without closing the junction for health and safety reasons and space required to lift the beams into place I am sorry to read of your communities delays during the weekend closure and apologise for the disruption caused. Unfortunately, we are not an enforcement agency so are unable to legally prevent vehicles self-diverting away from our official diversion routes. However, we are reviewing the signage and communication strategy ahead of our next weekend closure.

TO NOTE that the next closure took place from 22:00 Friday 25 January to 06:00 Monday 28 January 2019 and the situation was much improved.

Pot holes at the village green at Denton and the parish council’s area of responsibility There was some discussion about the pot holes on the access track by the village green at Denton and whether the land is the responsibility of the householders fronting it, or whether the responsibility falls with the parish council or Kent Highways. Cllr Ovenden suggested that the Locum Clerk contact a Kent Highways officer and ask for help with land ownership, and in any event to ask her to send their Highways Inspector out.

10. DDC GREEN INFRASTRUCTURE STRATEGY Dover District Council is in the process of producing a new green infrastructure strategy. This strategy will set out the opportunities for protecting and enhancing green infrastructure in the district. It will sit alongside the forthcoming Local Plan and other planning documents and will support their delivery. DDC is inviting parish councils to advise what is important about green infrastructure in their area and how it could be improved, and have sent a survey to help officers understand the green infrastructure needs and priorities in each parish area. (Blackwood Bayne Ltd are supporting Dover District Council in producing their green infrastructure strategy and will be acting on behalf of the council to process the information gathered in this survey.) Cllr James offered to draft a response on behalf of Denton with Wootton by the deadline of 22 March 2019.

11. VILLAGE HALLS WOOTTON VILLAGE HALL The Chair of the Wootton Village Hall who was present explained that a new Mother and Toddler class has started on Wednesdays, and that the Tai chi and Art Clubs are going well. The committee is seeking a quote for blinds, and they are to replenish the items in the kitchen that have gradually disappeared over the years.

Cllr James explained that the parish council has put some old parish council files in to the office but that the filing cabinets are full. The resident explained that the hall committee are looking at putting storage space up into the balcony areas and the parish council may have a filing cabinet up there. Cllr James commented that this may necessitate the parish council having to buy a new filing cabinet, however once a new permanent Clerk is in place she and the Clerk may go through the old filing and see what needs to be kept and what may be disposed of.

The resident asked if the parish council would consider contributing to the cost of the balcony storage project. Cllr James advised that three quotes should be sought and then a request made formally.

7 DENTON VILLAGE HALL Cllr Akehurst, also Chair of the Denton Village Hall Committee, advised that there had been a clean-up day with volunteers which had been very successful, with the car park cleared, gutters cleared and the hall cleaned.

12. VILLAGE CLEAN UP Cllr James explained that last year the annual village clean-up day was not organised until May which was too late as foliage was dense. She suggested that the event this year be held in April and tie up with the coffee morning at Wootton – the next session is April 6th so this will be the date set. Cllr Ovenden offered to provide a skip for free if the parish council pays for one too. Locations of these will be at each village hall. Cllr James will provide posters, and Cllr Theobald will contact DDC.

13. ADJOURNMENT OF THE MEETING FOR PARISHIONERS’ QUESTIONS AND COMMENTS Cllr Theobald agreed to open Agenda Item 14 (the WEPG grant request) to the public for questions and answers. There being no other questions on any other matters the meeting continued.

14. KENT COUNTY COUNCILLOR GEOFF LYMER REPORT KCC Cllr Geoff Lymer read his report to the meeting as follows: ------A reorganisation of stroke services across Kent has been given the go ahead following a five-year review. The County's six acute stroke units are to be replaced with three specialist hyper-acute stroke units, following a decision by the Joint Committee of Clinical Commissioning Groups.

KCC has approved a council tax increase of 4.99% for the 2019/20 budget. This increase is needed to help meet a shortfall of more than £80 million, caused by the high demand on front line services, such as adult social care, special educational needs children, public health, however, this does not include Kent Highways whose annual budget is a meagre £3 million.

KCC has reviewed the Young Persons Travel Pass and whilst I must stress this is a privilege and not a right, for few other Counties operate such a scheme now. However, KCC is mindful this is of immense benefit to those on low incomes and to acknowledge this, KCC has decided to instigate a payment plan by instalments, rather than expect a one of payment.

Central Government has commissioned a review on the planning application appeals. It found the average time for appeals took 47 weeks. The Government is committed reducing this period to 26 weeks. The Committee secretary James Brokenshire stated speeding up decisions could help the government realise its target of 300 thousand homes a year by the mid 2020s.

Cllr Akehurst asked Cllr Lymer about the closure of the laybys on the A2 and what is being done to provide lorry parking? The problem is with the drivers’ tachometers – they have to find parking within 15 minutes before their statutory driving time expires or be in breach of their driving hours. Cllr Lymer explained the closures were down to Highways England. They were closed as they did not conform with long accesses to join fast traffic. He explained that reports are being done around ecology and wildlife habitats in the local areas ear-marked for a potential lorry park – tests have to be conducted not just on a potential site but within a quarter of a mile of any sites. KCC Kent Highways and Highways England are looking jointly for a solution.

15. DOVER DISTRICT COUNCILLOR Cllr Mog Ovenden report DDC Cllr Mog Ovenden explained that there is a meeting for town and parish councils in The Chamber at DDC offices on Monday 25th February at 6pm. Topics include the Local Plan Review, Brexit and the Police smart water property marking scheme.

8 Cllr Ovenden explained there had been a Scrutiny meeting last week and a presentation on S106 developer contributions. Cllr Ovenden explained she had asked about when a parish council may apply for S106 money. She felt that planning officers seem to make decisions on allocations themselves, but they don’t necessarily know the local issues and needs. Cllr Ovenden suggested that every parish should have a project proposal organised and costed and given to the planning department for consideration.

Cllr Ovenden explained that she won’t be the Denton and Wootton DDC Cllr after the May elections as her area has been changed to cover . Cllr James thanked her for her sterling service to DWW PC and residents.

16. PARISH COUNCIL ELECTIONS Parish Elections are to be held on 2 May 2019. Anyone wishing to stand must complete and return a nomination form to the returning officer at DDC between 11 March and 3 April 2019. If Denton with Wootton Parish Council has a contested election the cost should be shared with the district if the district election is also contested (it is anticipated that the district one will be). Cllr Gibson believed that there had not been a contested election for 20 years at Denton with Wootton. Cllr James advised that she knows of three new residents who are interested in putting themselves forward. She read through the eligibility criteria to stand for the audience. A prospective candidates event is to be run by DDC at the DDC offices on 4 March 2019 and nomination papers will be available at the event. There will be posters put up on the village noticeboards and on the parish council website.

17. Request from the Wootton Environment Protection Group for a donation of £1,000 towards the costs of acoustic tests at Race Circuit in relation to the Noise Abatement condition imposed by Dover District Council

Cllr James declared an interest in this item and left the room and did not take part in any discussion. As she was therefore unable to chair the meeting for this item Cllr Theobald took the Chair.

Cllr Theobald felt that there is an issue of independence and whilst he recognised the good work of the group but commented that potentially if the parish council directly funds this request the parish council would not be seen as independent. Cllr Campbell appreciated that this request was to enforce the noise abatement order. Dover District Council carry out regular monitoring in conjunction with the WEPG. When deciding what events to monitor DDC liaise with WEPG as to which ones are likely to be the loudest. This enables the noisiest events to be targeted and consists of at least 12 monitoring visits a year. To date no breach of the abatement notice, served in December 2015 under section 80 of the Environmental Protection Act 1990, has been witnessed. Cllr Gibson explained that he had asked around the village in Denton and no-one supported public money being used for this request. Cllr Akehurst expressed concern about having sufficient precept to cover this request, commenting that the parish council might have to increase the Clerk salary to secure a permanent Clerk. There are other deserving projects and other new projects talked about at the meeting tonight, plus the cost of an election to also consider.

A resident confirmed that DDC liaise with WEPG over the days WEPG would like DDC to monitor. WEPG ask for Saturdays but DDC often come out around 2.30pm on Sundays when this is usually time for parades and prize giving. She alleged that they also monitor on the wrong side of the wind, and that their 12 occasions may only have lasted for an hour. She stated that 99% of the day’s racing is in breach and felt that DDC has a duty of care to residents experiencing 60 decibels of noise in a house with the windows closed, meaning it is impossible for residents to stay in their homes. The resident also advised that the Global Rally Cross in conjunction with Red Bull is to be held later this year.

9 She also commented that another planning application is anticipated shortly, which is expected to seek permission to extend the track, so more people will be affected if this is the case. Cllr Ovenden commented that if this is correct, Lydden Circuit will be obliged to have community involvement.

Residents confirmed that a financial contribution is being sought for a report to enforce the noise abatement notice. Residents have given generously but more funding is needed. The income of the parish council was discussed. The majority of the income comes from the precept, perhaps supplemented by any available grants where criteria can be met, and a very small amount of income from the bank interest. The Clerk explained the accounts are published on the parish council website.

The Clerk explained that in the first instance, a parish council has to have a power to lawfully spend money. There is no power for noise abatement. But where a parish council lacks a power it has a caveat called Section 137 expenditure – which allows a spend per head of electorate in any financial year. For 2018-2019 this level is £7.86 per head of electorate. (If the parish council is minded to offer a grant, in order to apply Section 137 expenditure the following must apply: o The spend is in the interests of and will bring direct benefits to some/all of the area or its inhabitants o Ensure benefits are commensurate to expenditure o Record S137 in a Minute and separately in Accounts.)

The Locum Clerk sought advice from the legal advisor at KALC about this item and also emailed DDC officers who have responsibility for environmental health and enforcement (respecting GDPR principles).

Cllr Theobald asked if the parish council can make a donation to acoustic test equipment rather than a report. Noise readings have to be verified by a noise acoustic agent.

A resident commented that Wootton Village Hall relies on income from weddings and Lydden Circuit occasionally change the days of the races from their published calendar.

A resident explained that DDC has used WEPG noise readings to enforce the noise abatement notice. But she asked is 12 times a year by them for a short period and in the wrong places enough? She felt the answer was no. She explained that the noise abatement notice has four test/reading sites, by agreement between DDC and Lydden Circuit: The Cats Whiskers; Pickleden Lodge at the junction of Wootton Lane and Dumbrill Hill; Geddinge Farm, and the layby by Geddinge Lane.

Cllr Theobald explained that there was a need to consider the precept and whether this request is to be a single request (it is capped regardless under Section 137 expenditure). The resident commented that there is a damning report that needs to be put to DDC in a manner that will get action. The cost of the report was £6,000 which had been paid for upfront by a private family, and with a shortfall in reimbursement so far.

Residents stated that they would like the support of the parish council and would like financial support.

Cllr Campbell felt that he supported the WEPG with the information given by residents at the meeting, and would like to persuade DDC to enforce the noise abatement notice. Cllr Akehurst felt that the decision should be postponed until the parish council finances were better known. Cllr Theobald acknowledged that several residents had made the effort to attend the meeting but commented that the community is wider. The decision was deferred. Cllr James was collected and she re-entered the room.

10 18. Email addresses for councillors Cllr Akehurst had raised a query about whether the parish councillors should have dedicated email addresses rather than use their personal email. Cllr James had sourced a provider for this costing £3.80 per month per email address, so around £275 per year. The councillors decided to defer this, considering the option expensive and that more information and other options should be explored first.

19. Training for Cllrs Cllr James agreed to send a link to the KALC future training courses.

20. Confidential item: Members of the public left the meeting at this point: RECRUITMENT OF A NEW CLERK Cllr James explained that the advert is up with a closing date of 28 February 2019. She has contacted potential candidates who had shown an interest previously and she has received one application so far. An interview date of Saturday 9 March 2019, location tbc, was agreed.

21. THE DATE AND VENUE OF THE NEXT MEETING OF THE PARISH COUNCIL A meeting was agreed for Wednesday 10th April at Denton – it was also agreed that this should also be for the Parish Assembly beforehand, as it would be preferable to hold the parish assembly prior to the May elections in case of a change of parish council makeup. The Clerk and Chairman will liaise over actions for this.

There is a requirement for a meeting within 14 days of the 02 May elections, so a further meeting date of Wednesday 15th May, location tbc, was agreed.

The meeting closed at 9.15pm.