No. 793/2015

Date: 30th October 2015


The Minister for Culture, the Hon Steven Linares, accompanied by Cultural Services CEO Yvette Zarb and Events Director Seamus Byrne, recently took part at the Tangier EXPO for Tourism and Culture.

As part of its cultural development drive, GCS was able to speak to different participating countries, exchanging ideas and creating links with the aim of having various cultural exchanges in the future. The Minister for Culture was also on hand to give television and radio interviews to the international press from different countries in Africa, promoting Gibraltar, its tourism product and its international events programme on behalf of Her Majesty’s .

The Minister for Culture, the Hon Steven Linares said:

‘I am delighted to have attended the EXPO on behalf of the Government and be able to promote our tourism and cultural product with my staff and the great team at the Gibraltar Tourist Board.

I was able to speak to various Ambassadors and tourism agencies from around the world, exchanging ideas to create more partnerships for Gibraltar. Organizations and individuals also wanted to combine holidays in Gibraltar with the possibility of having English Language courses for students during the summer. Therefore, these partnerships were not only events led tourism but also extended to education based tourism.

I feel it is very important that the Gibraltar Tourist Board and Gibraltar Cultural Services continue to be represented at future EXPO’s like these, something that this Government will always support.’

For her part the Minister for Tourism Samantha Sacramento echoed the words of her ministerial colleague, and said the GTB will continue supporting these type of promotional events.

Ministry of Sports, Culture, Heritage and Youth HM Government of Gibraltar • City Hall, John Mackintosh Square • Gibraltar GX11 1AA t +350 20047592 (Centrex 2624) f +350 20047579 (Centrex 1989) e [email protected] w

Minister Sacramento said: “Our participation at the Tangier Expo highlights the Government’s political commitment to expand our tourist industry and the reach of our excellent tourist product. Morocco is our neighbour to the south and with the establishment of direct air links to and Tangier, a successful initiative carried out by this Government, we are able to tap its huge, emerging economic potential, a new market in terms of incoming tourism, and also open up fresh business and trade links.

“Additionally, with the creation of the new University of Gibraltar, the possibility of marketing the study of languages and other educational opportunities in Morocco, offers novel and exciting opportunities that we are keen to explore further.”