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Third Edition. Revised and Enlarged.



NOVEMBER, 1882. Entered according to ACl of Congress,in the year 1882, By Geo. D. Stewart & Co., in the Office of the Librarian of Congress, at Washington.

WM. F. FELL It is, therefore, with the kindest feeling and most sincere admiration, dedicated to Pkof. Hal C. Wyman, M. D. PREFACE. The favorable reception of the previous editions of this little book, together with its rapid sale, has encouraged the author to prepare this edition. , In compiling this little work, the author has endeavored to keep ever in view the fact that it is simply to serve as a reminder , to be referred to in emergencies and cases of doubt, and by its timely hints to aid in further investigation of eases and treatment thereof. The author has endeavored to so place and classify the contents, as to be of easy reference, and comprehensible. To his friend, Nicholas Lehnen, Ph. D., he is greatly indebted for much valuable aid and advice. In this compilation he must also acknowl- edge his indebtedness to the following works: The Pharmacopoeiaof the United States; The United States Dispensatory; Handbook of Therapeutics—Ringer; Medical and Surgical Therapeutics—Napliey; Headland on the Ac- tions of Medicines; Materia Medica and The- rapeutics and Hypodermic Medication—Bar- Iholoiv; Guide to Therapeutics—Farquarson ; Materia Medica and Therapeutics—Pereira ; Manual of Materia Medica—Boyle; Science and Practice of Medicine—Aitkin; Die Pflan-

zenstoffe —Drs. Aug. and Theo. Husemann; National Dispensatory ; Phillips’ Materia Med- ica ; Trousseau’s Materia Medica. Detroit. June 1, 1882. INTRODUCTORY.

PRESCRIPTION WRITING. In commencing a prescription a certain order shall be observed—the most important symptoms andindications dictating the kind and position of the articles to be used. Every word should be plainly and fully written, so that the dispenser may not be con- fused by hieroglyphics or senseless abbrevia- tions. After the ingredients are arranged in prop- er order, decide upon the number of doses to be made up, then takeeach articleseparately and determine the single dose; this done, m ultiply the single dose by the whole number and express it in the appropriate symbols opposite the drug in question. The ingredients should be blended so far as possible to secure an agreeable appearance, taste and smell, and the avoidance ofincom- patibles. Combination of dyugs in a prescription is generally intended to assist or mitigate the action of another. Posology is a very impor- tant consideration in a prescription, and the

5 INTRODUCTORY. physiological effect of the drug is largely determined by the dose. Accuracy in dose is ofprime importance, and no medicine should be given until the physician is satisfied as to the dose, both max- imum and minimum. No guessing at doses, even of comparatively harmless medicines, should be allowed, else the habit of thinking lightly of this subject, and dependence on a mere guess may result in a serious case of poisoning. A knowledge of both maximum and minimum doses is essential, since it often determines a special action, and in the dose do we alone find a poison differing from a medicine. For instance, take Ipicac, whichin gr. % to V is an anti-emetic and stomachic, and in Vi to grs. it is an expectorant and dia- phoretic, and in still larger doses is an emetic. This affords a striking illustration of the desirability of correct posological informa- tion, since the dose that is to be employed should be in accordance with the desired specific action. Doses are divided into three kinds: Max- imum is one capable of producing a full, strong, physiological action; a medium dose produces an action just short of a full one, and a minimum dose will produce the slight- est evidence, often requiring a considerable period of time tomanifest even this.


A di£&culty in laying down absolute min- imum and maximum doses often exists, and is influenced, not by the drug alone, but by a peculiar idiosyncrasy or condition of the person taking. Thus a dose which in one will produce no appreciable effect will in another produce marked and alarming activ- ity. The doses in these idiosyncreal cases must then be determined by personal observation, and the dose regulated in accordance. Kepetition in the use ofa drug has much to dowith its future action, and by a frequent and prolonged an habituation is established, and a dose which in the first place wouldpro- duce full effect will later on have no effect. Soluble Salts may be given in solution. Insoluble Salts and Powders, if given in the form of a mixture, should be suspended by the aid of Mucilage or Syrup. Powders or Salts may be given in thepow- der or in pills, the latter not toexceed 4 or 5 grains and made up with Ore/, of Rose, Mucil- age (except where Iron), Starch, Extracts, etc. Correctives may be added to disagreeable medicines, to prevent the nauseating proper- ties, viz: Comp. Tinct. of Cardamon, Tinct. of Ginger, Peppermint Water, El. Ext. of Liquorice, Oil of Wintergreen, Comp. Cinnamon Powder, Ginger, etc. Gelatine Capsules make good carriers for disagreeable medicines. 7 Adj Basis spoonful. Basis Ft. Basis Make Vehicle Corrigens Adjuvans - Whole Vehicle Adjuvans in Vehicle Corrigens uvans in Sig., Pil. Designation. six - -- | amount | No. 01. 01.fy is Tr. lb 8 X— Ext. Pil. Ext. Cerae iv, Syrupi It urethral Morphiae Elixir Potassii Sig. FORM Eucalgphis Dessertspoonful Simpl. Cinchon. Hydrarg. one Simpl. Oolocynth . Sul. Iodoformi after divided Co. Iodid. Chi. or HyoscyamiHydrargyri OF Theobromae by A suppositories.’ Co. Medicines. 16 two Cor. at meals. 35K R '•Sig. &- gr. grs. grs.grs. il r gr. grs. grs. -rs x bed doses Q.S. i one 30 4A x v "A 1-16 -k ii Dose. Single • gives time. night X X X X X X X X X At X X X plied and • bulk by Multi- of option 6 6 66 16 16 16 16 10 10 10 No. 6" single of Doses.cf morning. * the = = = PRESCRIPTION. Equals. 1dose— 5 grs 3 S3 3gr. 3 A grs. gtt.p iiiiii grs. grs. i iii l ss xxiv ii ix Dessert- Pharmacist. v x mount. Gross 8 INTK ODUCTOKY.

List of Abbreviations Used in Prescription

aa = Ana = Of each. '. Ad = Adde= Add. Adlib. = Ad libitum — At pleasure. = Several, Aliquot some. . <■ Bis in die = Twice a day. Chart. = Chartula = Small paper. Coch. = Cochleare= Spoonful. 0, “ {ffl;S' }-Table,poo»f»L “ Medium = Dessertspoonful. “ Minimum = Teaspoonful. Cochleatim = By spoonful. Collyr. = Collyrum = Eyewater. Cyanth. = Cyanthus = Wineglassful.

= D. Dosis = Dose.

= Divide = Divide. - Div. N Don. = Donee = Until. v, Eiusdem = Of the same. FI. = Fluidum = Fluid. Ft. = Fiat = Make. \ Guttatim = Drop by drop.

= > Haus. Haustus— A draught.

— Hor. alt. Horis alternis = Every other II. S. = Flora Somni = At bed time. Ind. = Indies = Daily. Lag. = Lagena = A bottle. M. = Misee= Mix. Mass. = Massa = Mass.

= Manip. Manipulns — Handful. Mist. = Mistura = Mixture. t; l’hiala = A vialor phial. Pit. = Pilula= Pill. Post cibum = After eating. Q. S. = Quantum Suffieit = j as y° u Q. V. = Quantum Vis = -[

Q in d. = (piater in die= Four times a day. Quotidie = Daily.


= Jpfc Recipe = Take.

Semihora = Half an hour. Sesquihora = An hourand a half. Sig. =» Signa = Write, ss. = Semis = Half. Statim = Immediately. Subinde = Now and then. Three T. in d. or T. d. = Ter in die = times a day

Table of Doses Graded by the Age of Patient. 20 to 60 years, 1; 20 years, %•, 14 years, %; 7 years, % ; 4 years, l/i ; 3 years. yG : 2 years, y ; 1 year and under, one-twelfth to one-six- teenth.

Abbreviations, Genitive Endings and English Meaning.

*. a. Acet. = Acetas. citis, = Acetate. *. b. Acetum. i, = Vinegar. +. c. Alb. = Albus, a, um. i, ae, i, = White, f. c. Ammon. = Ammoniatus, a, um, i, ae, i, Ammoniated. *. b. Aq. = Aqua, ae, = Water, f. c. Arom. = Aromaticus, a, um, i, ae, i, = Aromatic.

*. = a. Arsen. Arsenias, atis, = Arseniate. *. b. Bals. = Balsamum, i, — Balsam. *. a. Benz. = Benzoas, atis, = Benzoate. *. a. Bor. = Boras, atis, = Borate. * a. Brom. = Bromidum, i, = , f. c. Camph. = Camphoratus, a, um, i, ae, i = Camphopated. *. a. Oarb. = Carbonas, atis, = Carbonate. *. b. Cat., Catap.—Cataplasma, atis,=Poultice.

= *. b. Cer. Ceratum, i, — Cerata

*. = b. Chart. Charta, ae, — Paper.


*. a. Chloras, atis, = Chlorate. *. a. Chloridum. i, = Chloride.

*. = a. Chrom. Chromas, atis, — Chromate,

= f. c. Chlorin. Chlorinatus, a, um, i ae i, — Chlorinated.

— *. a. Cit. Citras, atis, = Citrate, t. e. Co., Comp. = Compositus, a, um, i aei, => Compound. *. a. Cort.= Cortex. Cortids, — Bark. *. b. Conf. = Confectio, onis, = Confection, *. a. Cyan. = Cyanidum, i, = Cyanide. *. b. Decoc = Decoctum, i, = Decoction, t. c. Dil. = Dilitus, a, um, i, ae i, = Diluted, f. c. Dist.=Distillatus, a. um, i,aei,=Distilled f. c. Effer.=Effervescens, te,tis,= Effervescing. *. b. Emp. = Einplastrum i, = Plaster. *. b. Enema, atis, = Injection. *. b. Essen. = Essentia, ae, = Essence, Spirits. +. b. Exsic.=Exsiccatus,a, um,t, ae, i,=Dried. *. b. Ext. Extractum, i, — Extract. *. a. Eerroeyan. = Ferrocyanidum, = Ferro- cyanide.

= f. c. FI. Fluidus, a, um. i, ae, i, — Fluid. *. a. Fol. = Folium, ii. (Folia, aram)=Leaf. ■j. c. Fort. = Fortior ius, ioris, = Stronger.

= f. c. Glac. Glacialis, e, is, — Glacial. *. 6. Inf. = Infusum,i, = Infusion. *. a. Iod. = Iodidum, i, = Iodide *. a. Lact. = Lactas, atis, = Lactate. *. a. Lig. = Lignum, i, = Wood. *. b. Lin — Linimentum, i, — Liniment. *. b. Liq. — Liquor, oris, = Solution. *. b. Lot. Lotio, onis, — Lotion, Wash. *. b. Mel. = MeUis. = Honey,

= f. c. Mit. Mitis, e, is, — Mild. — *. b. Mist. = Mistura, ae, Mixture. *. b. Mucil. = Mucilago, inis. ■-= Mucilage. = *. a. Mur. Murias atis, — Chloride, Muriate. *. a. Nit. = Nitras, atis, = Nitrate.


= *. b. Ol. — Oleum, i, Oil. *. 6. Oleor. = Oleoresina, ae, = Oleoresin. = *. a. Oxal. = Oxalas, atis, Oxalate. *. a Phos. = Phosphas, atis. = Phosphate- *. b. Pil. = Pilula, ae, = Pill, t. e. Praec. = Praecipitatus, a urn, i, ae, i, = Precipitated.

= f. c. Praep. = Praeparatus, a, um, i, ae, i, Prepared. *. 6. Pul.=Pulvis, em,=Powder. f. c. Pur.=Purificatus. a. um, i,ae, i,=Purified. *. a. Rad. = Radix, icis,-Root. f. e. Reot =Recti ftcatus, a. um. i, ae, i,==Recti- fied. *. b. Res.=Resina, ae —Resin. *. a. Sem.=Semen, mis.=Seed. * a. Salic.=Salicylas. atis, =Salicylate. *. b. Sol.=Solutio, onis,=Solution. *. b. Spts.=Spiritus, i,=Spirits. *. b. Suc.=Succus, i.= Juice. *. a. Sulph.=Sulphas atis —Sulphate. *. a. Sulphis—Sulphiiis—Sulphite. *. a. Sulphur.=Sulphuretum. i,=Sulphide. *. b. Suppos. = Suppositorium, ii, = Supposi- tiories. *. b. Syr.—Syrupus, i.=Syrup. *. a. Tan.=Tannas, atis,=Tannate *. a. Tart.—Tartras. atis. —Tartrate. *. b. Tr., Tinct.=Tinctura, ae =Tincture. *. b. Troch—Trochiscus. i,=Troche. *. b. Uug =Unguentum. i.=Ointment. *. a. Val.=Valerianas. atis.= Valerianate. *. 6. Vin.=Vinum, i.—Wine. The prefixes Bi Hypo. Per, Pyro, Sesqui and Sub do not alter the genitive ending; the Eng- lish meaning taking the prefix. ♦.—These nouns take the Genitive of the medicine. Any noun not an oppositive qualify- ing the meaning ofanothernoun is put in the gen- itive, as Quinine Sulphas. Tinctura Aloes, Vi- num Culehioi Ferri Chloridum.


j.—-Theseadjectives orparticiples agree with their nounsin gender, numberand case, as Tinc- tura (noun, feminine gender, singular number), Ammoniata (participle, same), Cuprum (noun, neuter gender, singular number), Ammoniatwm (participle, same).

a. — These nouns always follow, as Lithia Citras, Potassii Tartras.

b. — The nouns always precede, as Aqua Ammoniae. Tinctura Arnicae, Infusum Digit alis.

c. — These adjectives and participles are al- ways placed after the medicine theylimit but before the quantity taken, as Pilulae Ferri Compositae, Liquor Iodonii Compositus, Hy- drargyri Sulphuretum Rubrum. The verb Tl=Recipe (active verb, imperative myod, second person singular); Quiniae (any noun not an oppositive qualifying the meaning of another noun is put in the genitive); Sulphate (the partitive genitive designates the wholeof which a part is taken); Unum i the numeral adjective agreeing in gender, number and case with Seru- pulum); M.—Misce (active verb, imperative mood, second person singular).

Number of Drops to a Fluid Drachm.

Acids. — Acetic. 120; Hydrocyanic Dil., 45; Muriatic. 54; Nitric, 84; Nitric Dil., 51; Sul- phuric, 90 ; Sulphuric Arom., 120; sulphuric Dil., 51. Aether—Sulphuric, 150. . 13S ; Alcohol Dil., 120 ; Fowler’s Solu- tion, 57 ; Oils, Essential Oils of Vegetables. 120; Tinctures, of Vegetables, 120 ; ofIron, 132.


Vinegars, 78; Waters, distilled, 45; Ammonia, strong, 54 ; Ammonia, weak, 45. Wines, 78; Antimony, 72; Colchicum, 75; Opium, 78. The number of drops, however, depends largely on what kind of a receptacal dropped from.

Symbols Used in Prescription Writing. gr. = Grain; gtt. = Drop; m= Minim: 9 = Scruple ; 5 = Drachm ; S = Ounce; O = = Pint; C Gallon ; ft = Pound.

The Roman Numerals are Used:

ss. = U ; I. = 1; II. = 2; III. = 3; IV. = 4; V. = 5; VI. = 6; VII. = 7: VIII. = 8! IX.=9; X. = 10; XX. = 20; XXX. = 30; XL. = 40; L. = 50; LX. = 60; LXX. = 70; LXXX. = 80; XC. = 90; O. = 100. The increase above ten is usually expressed by adding the symbols for the corresponding notation to X, thus: “13’ = XIII; “18” = XVIII; twenties, thirties etc, are expressed in a corresponding manner. Table of Apothecaries’ Weight. gr., Granum, {Grain) = a grain. 9, Serupulum, (Scruple) — 20 grains. 5, dr., Drachma, ( Drachm) = 60 grains. 3, oz., Uncia, (Ounce Troy) = 8 drachms. Ib,Libra, (Pound) — 12Troy ounces.

Measures by Capacity.

m., Minimum, {Minim) — one-sixtieth part of fl. drachm. gtt., Gutta, ( Drop = usually % minim, fl. 3 Fluidrachma. {Fluid Drachm) = 60 minims.


fl 5 Fluiduncia, (Fluid Ounce) = 8 fluid drachms. O, Octarius, (Pint) = 16 fluid ounces. C, Congins, ( Gallon) = 8 pints.

Metric Weights. 1 Myriagramme= 10.000 grammes. “ 1 .Kilogramme = 1,000 1 Hectogramme = 100 “ 1 .Decagramme = 10 1 Gramme = the weight of a cubic cen- timeter of water at 4C C. 1 Decigramme = one-tenth part of a gramme.

= 1 Centigramme one - hundredth part of a gramme.

- 1 Milligramme — one thousandth part of a gramme. To make Decagrammes, move the decimal ‘point one place to the left; .Hectogrammes, move it two places to the left; Kilogrammes, move it three places to the left; Myriagr&mmes move it fourplaces to the left. To make Decigrammes, move the decimal point oneplace to the right: Centigrammes, move ittwoplaces to the right; Milligrammes, move it threeplaces to theright.

Relation of the Metrical Measures to the Measures of the U. S. P.

One Myrialitre = 2641-9 gallons. “ “ Kilolitre — 264-19 “ “ Hectolitre = 26-419 “ “ decalitre = 2-6419 “ Litre = 2-113 pints. “ Decilitre = 3-381 fluid ounce. “ Centi] it re = 2-705 fluid drachms. “ Millilitre = 16-231 minims.


Metric System. Equivalents. Troy Weight. Grams. Troy Weight* Grains. Grain 1-60 O.001 Grains 80 5i8 “ 1-30 O.002 “ 90 5.83 “ “ 1-20 O.003 96 6.22 “ 1-16 O.004 “ 100 6.48 “ 1-12 O.005 “ 120 7 7S “ 1-10 O.006 “ 150 9.72 “ 1-8 O.008 “ 160 IO.37 “ 1-6 O.oix “ 180 1166 “ “ 1-4 O 016 200 13.96 “ 1-3 O.022 “ 340 15.55 “ 1-2 O.032 “ 1 O.065 Drachms 6 33.3 “ 2 0 13 8 »l.i “ 3 “ 10 38g “ O.19 “ 4 O.26 12 46.6 “ 5 O.32 “ 14 54.4 “ 6 O.39 “ 16 63.2 “ 8 O.52 “ 20 77.7 “ 10 O.65 “ 24 93. “ 12 O 78 “ 15 0 97 Ounces 4 124. “ 16 I.04 “ 5 155. “ “ 18 1 17 6 186. “ 20 I.29 “ 7 317. “ 24 I.55 “ 8 348. “ 30 1 94 “ 9 379. “ S6 “ 10 311. “ 3.33 40 3 59 “ 12 373. “ 50 3.24 “ 16 496. “ 60 3.89

Capacity of Spoonfuls, etc.

Teaspoonful = 3i; Dessertspoonful = Sii; Tablespoonful = 5iv; Winegtassful = giss-ii; Teacupful = gv; Breakfastcupful = gviii; Tumblerful = gx-xii.



Medicines whose actions are to be manifest- ed at distant parts, require introduction into the blood or internal fluids of the body. The solubility of a medicine is the first requirement lor its absorption, and without it a medicine can only act mechanically on a certain spot of contact. Some medicines have a purely local action independent ofabsorption. Medicines are introduced into the biood and internal fluidsthrough : I. The Exterml Integument, by friction, as in Mercurial Inunction; by application to the der- ma., the epidermis being first removed by blistering; by vapor baths; by hypodermic in- jections. II. The Internal Integument, by application to the Broncho-pulmonary mucous membrane of atomized medicines, medicinal vapors, etc.; by application to the Gaslro-intestinal mucous mem- brane. III. The Veins and Arteries, by injections of medicines directly into the venous circula- tion; by transfusion, which consists in intro- ducing health blood or milk into the venous or arterial circulation.

CLASSIFICATION OF MEDICINES. Based upon Headland. Medicines are divided primarily into five great classes, viz: Class I.—Haematics—pass into and exert an influence over the blood itself, causing a change; thus promoting a curative action,

17 CLASSIFICATION OF MEDICINES. either by supplyinga deficiency, or destroying a morbid influence in the blood; counteract- ing chronicdisorders. The disease in which Hsemalics are used originatein the blood , either from a deficiency of some one or more ofits constituents, or the presence of some morbid material causing a morbid process, the former illustrated by An- semia, the latter by Syphilis, Scrofula, etc. Haematics have both reconstructive and de- structive action, both, however, tending to- wards a healthy blood standard. Their effects are slowly produced, but are durable. Class II.—Neurotics -pass through and from the blood (without causing a change in it, and being foreign it must pass out,) to the nerves or nerve centres, there exerting a marked but transitory influence. They arerapid in their effects. They act by contact with the nerves, but produce no lasting change in the nerve fibres. They counteract the symptoms of temporary emergenciesrather than thedisease. Class III.—Astringents—do not necessarily act in the blood, but passing to the muscular fibers cause their contraction thus preventing hemorrhage, diminishing secretion, and giv- ing tone to the muscular system, capillary ves- sels, circulatory vessels, glands, ducts, stom- ach, and intestines. Their actions are plainly evinced. They contract the involuntary as well as the voluntary muscular fibers; in the former their actions are slower but more durable. Mostly all have the power of coagulating al- bumen.


In large doses they are usually irritant and poisonous. Thesame results ofaction may be obtained by direct application to the muscular libers. Class IV.—Eliminatives—pass into the blood and through it, to find exit by the glands, which they excite to the performance of their functions. Theyinclude all medicines which tend in a direct manner to increase section, thus evacuating certain materials which should not remain in the system. Powerful Eliminatives when given in ex- cess may producecongestion and thus dimin- ish secretion. Class V.—Topicals—act locally wherever they are applied.

Class I.—Haematics are divided into two great divisions, viz:

Div. A. —Restoratives - are by nature in the blood, and in it may be found substances resembling them. They supply or cause to be supplied a ma- terial wanting in the blood, and whileremain- ing there cure, or tend to cure the disease de- pendent onthe want. Div. B. — Catalytics — are antagonistic to certain diseases by counteracting a morbid influence in the blood; but being foreign to the blood they must pass out of the system.

Class I. — Div. A. — Eestoratives — are divided into six orders, viz :

Order 1. — Aliments — are all the substances naturally required by the animal body, to supply growth, repair waste, and maintain the various functions at a healthy standard, viz: Nitrogeneous and Nonnitrogenous Foods.


Order 2. — Acids — are not unnatural to the blood existing therein a state ofcombination. An acid on entering the blood combines with an alkali, thus reducing the basic and increasing the acid matter. Acids if not sufficiently diluted act corros- ively upon the mucous membrane, also have caustic andastringent actions. Theymay remain in the blood after combi- nation or may pass offin the urine, supplying the place ofa natural acid which thus can be retained in the system. Theycorrect Phosphatic Urine. Vegetable acids decompose in the system. They embrace all Mineral, Vegetable and AnimalAcids.

— Order 3. — Alkalies are Restoratives when there is an excess ofacid in the system. They preserve the neutrality of the blood, and prevent fibrine from coagulating. Theyare useful in a tendency to lithic de- posit. They are: Ammonia, Calcium, Lithium, Magnesium, Potassium, Sodium, their Carbo- nates,neutral Acetates, Citrates, and Tartrates.

Order 4.— Tonics—increase the appetite and muscular strength, improve general health, and a curative action on marsh miasmas, and produce a marked excitementon all vital functions. There is probably in the blood or system a substance identical with Quinine (Animal Quinine). Quinine and other bitter principles are not excreted unless given in excessive doses.


They are: Apiol, Aletris, Absinthium, Be- beeria, Cascarilla, Columba, Cornus Florida, Cinehonia, Cinchonidia, Chiretta, Cusparia, Coptus, Cotula, Cimicifuga, Eucalyptus Glob., Frasera, Gentiana, Lupulus, Menyanthes, Quinia, Quinidia, Quassia, Quercus, Rheum, Sabbatia. Simaruba, Salicin, Taraxacum, Xanthorrhiza.

Order 5. — Chalybeates— are slow to act but lastingin their effects. Theysupply a deficiency in the Hsematosin or coloring matter of the blood corpuscles, one of the most important constituents of the blood. Theycure Anaemia and may benefit or cure other diseases where Anaemia is a prominent symptom ; they also promote appetite. Salts of Iron passing through a gland are more or less astringent, particularly the Sul- phate and Chloride. They are contra-indicated in Plethora, es- pecially where hemorrhagic diathesisex sts. They are: Iron and its various preparations, and the Chalybeate Waters, except the Ferro- eyanide which is not restorative.

Order 6. — Solvents — are agents which are employed to hold in solution insoluble sub- stances, which are precipitated when there is a deficiency ofsolvent material in thesystem. They are divided into two divisions : a) Antililhics — embrace all Carbonates and Neutral Salts; Vegetable Acids, Borate, Bibo- rate and Phosphate of Sodium ; Boracic Acid, and the Benzoate ofLithium. b) AntiphosphaHcs—embraces all the Mineral and Vegetable Acids, Sour Fruits. Class I. —Div. B. Catalytics—are divided into eight orders, viz:


Order 1. — Antiphinqistics — counteract in a most direct way inflammatory processes, di- minish flbrine in the blood, retard or prevent plastic lymph effusions, and impoverish the blood. They are to be given in sthenic and acute but not in asthenic inflammations. They are: Antiinonials, Alkalies,Mercurials, and Salines.

Order 3.— Antisyphilitics—subdue or counter- act a syphilitic poison in the system. They are: Mercury andits various prepara- tions, Iodide of Potassium and the various preparations of Iodine, preparations of Gold and Platinum. Syphilitic Tonics are; Aralia Bark, Agave, Cinchona and its various preparations. Colo- tropis, Phytolacca, Sarsaparilla,Stillingia.

Order 3. — A ntiscrqfulitics — are medicines which subdue a scrofulitic toxaemia. They are: Alnuin, Barium, Bromine. Bro- mides,Burdock, Chondrus.Chlorine.Chlorides, Gold, Iodine, Iodides, Mercury, Potassium, Yellow Parilla.

Order A. — Antiarthritics — are medicines which subdue or tend tosubdue an influence in the blood which causes Diabetis, Oxaluria, Lithic deposit in the Urine and articular dis- orders, i. e. Gout and Rheumatism. They are: Colchicum, Cimicifuga, Citric Acid, Guaiac, IodideofPotassium. Mercurials, Nitric and Nitro-Muriatic Acids, Salicylic Acid, Salicylates of Sodium or Potassium, Trimethylamine.

Order 5. — Antiscorbutics — are medicines which counteract the peculiarblood deterior- ation causing Scurvy or Purpura.

22 classificationof medicines.

They are : Citric Acid, Calotropis Acetosella, Lactic Acid, Lemon Juice, fresh Vegetables, Phosphoric Acid.

Order 6. — Antiperiodics— are antagonistic to the peculiar aerial or malarial poisons of the blood. They are : Preparations of Arsenic, Alum, Cumin, Cornus. Florida, Apiol, Bebeeria Per- uvian Bark and its various alkaloids, Willow, Saliein, Eucalyptus Globulus.

Order 7. — AnticonvuUives — are correctives against certain convulsive disorders depend- ent upon blood deterioration. Theyare: Preparations of Arsenic, Copper, Lead Silver and Zinc.

Order 8. — Antisquamics — are correctives to certain skin diseases due to the existence in the blood ofcertain poisons or peculiar mor- bid conditions which must either be elimin- ated or counteracted. Theyare: Preparations of Arsenic, Sulphur and its combinations, Pitch, Tar, American Spikenard, Carbolic Acid.

Class II.—Neurotics. are divided into three great divisions, viz:

Div. A. — Stimulants — pass into the blood and thence to the nerves or nerve centres, act- ing so as to exalt nerve force in general or particular.

Div. B. —Narcotics—first exalt nerve force and afterwards depress it. They also have a special action on the in- tellectual part of the brain. Div. C. — Sedatives — directly depress ner- vous force, either in general or particular.


Their action for a time is very energetic, deranging or destroying nervous power. They have little or no effect upon the intel- lectual part of the brain, but act on the organ- ic functions which are necessary tolife.

— — Class II. — Div. A. Stimulants are divided into two orders, viz: Order 1. — General Stimulants—exalt nervous force in general, invigorate the circulation, and increase the force and frequency of the pulse. In proper doses they stimulate the sympa- thetic nerves of the stomach, and other vis- cera, and thus improve digestion. In largedoses they may act as irritants. They exalt the animal functionsof thebrain along with other nervous forces. They are: o) Mineral Substances—Ammonia and its Carbonates, Phosphorus. 6) VegetableSubstances—Volatile Oils ofCloves, Nutmeg, Cinnamon Cassia, Sassafras, Hue, Buchu, Canella, , Mustard, Hops, Cajuput, Pimenta, Juniper, Turpentine, Car damom, Wintergreen. Penny Royal; Acrid Principles of Senega. Horse Radish,'Cascarilla, Serpentaria, Pepper, Ginger, Contrayerva. Capsicum, Mezereum: Resinous Principles of Guaiac, Mastiche. Ohbanum. Myrrh. Elemi, Copaiba, Peru. Tolu, Assafcetida, Ammonia- cum, Storax, , Benzoin. c) Animal Substances—Musk. Castor.

Order 2. — Special Stimulants — do not affect the whole nervous system, but particular nerves or sets of nerves. They are more energetic in their actions than General Stimulants. They are: Strychnia, Veratrum Viride Borax, Rue, Brucia, Toxicodendron, Ergot Savine, Uva Ursi.


Class II.—Dir. B.—Narcotics—are divided into three orders, viz:

Order 1. — Inebriants— primarily resemble Stimulants. They exhilarate the nervous system, quick- en the pulse and enliven the mental faculties. Secondarily, they depress the heart’s action (except in the cases of Tobacco and Lobelia), and cause general disturbance of all the in- tellectual functions of the brain. They are: , Alcohol, Ether, Lo- belia, Wine, Camphor, Indian Hemp, Tobacco.

— Order 2. Soporifics — at first quicken the pulse and excite the mental faculties, after- wards produce drowsiness and sleep in which the mind may remain active with the special sensesentirely suspended in sleep. They relieve pain, relax the muscular sys- tem, and may cause death by arresting respir- ation. Theyare: Opium, Lactuca, Hops, Nutmegs. Order S.—Delirants—somewhat resemble Se- datives,having a sedative action on the heart and circulation. Theydilate the pupils of the eye, excite and derange the functions of the mind, volition and the five senses. In largedoses they produce delirium. They are: Hyoscyamus, Belladonna, Stra- monium.

Class II.—Div. C.—Sedatives - are divided into two orders, viz:

Order 1.— GeneralSedatives - exert a like de- pressing influence on all nerves or nerve centres. They have no primary stimulating effect, nor any action upon the intellectual part of the brain.

25 classificationof medicines.

They are: Prussic Acid, Creasote, Aconite, Conium, Woorara, Calabar, Bean, Colchicum, BromideofPotassium. Order 2. —Special Sedatives—are similar in ac- tion to the former, but their actions are more localized, affecting only certain parts of the nervous system. They are: Ipecac, Antimonials, Digitalis.

Class III. —Astringents

are divided into two divisions, viz :

Div. A — Mineral Astringents.—Many of these have been classed with Restoratives and Catalytics. They also act as styptics, by being able to coagulate the albumen of the blood, when ap- plied to bleeding surfaces. They produce contraction of the muscular fibres and living tissues. Most of them when in a concentrated form act as Eschatotics, therefore they should be di- luted, thus stimulating instead of destroying vital action. They are: Muriatic, Nitric, Nitro-Muriatic, and Sulphuric Acids; Acetate, Carbonate, Ni- trate, Oxide, and Subacetate or Lead; Chlor- ide and Sulphate of Iron, Acetate and Sul- phate of Zinc, Alum, Sulphate of Copper, Corrosive Sublimate. Div. B.— Vegetable Astringents—are Gal- lic and Tannic Acids, Catechu, Kino, Log- wood, Galla, Pipsissewa, Cornus Florida, Geum. Frostwort, Rhatany, Bistort,Liverwort, Alum Root, Bugleweed. Blackberry, Quercus, Sumach, Black Alder, Tormentilla, Elm Bark, Willow.

26 classificationof medicines.

Class IV. —Eliminatives are divided into seven divisions, viz: Div. A.—Sialagogues—are medicines which increase the flow ofsaliva, but they are sel- dom employedfor that purpose. They are: Mercury, Iodine—its preparations and combinations, Chlorideof Potassium. To- bacco, Blue Flag, Jaborandi, Beth Boot, Xan- thoxylum, Sweet Flag, Peliitory.

Div. B. — Emetics —Systemic—produce vom- iting. They are; Apomorphia, Ipecac, Tartar Emetic, Senega, Bastard Ipecac.

Div. C. — Expectorants —promote the flow and ejection of fluids from the lungs. They are: Antimony, Ipecac, Ammonia, Turpentine, Camphor, Assal'cetida, Senega, Tolu, Squill, Milk Weed, Serpentaria, Benzoic Acid, Dragon Root, Ammoniacum, Pleurisy Root, Benzoin, Black Snakeroot, Inula, Lo- belia, Sorax, Tar.

— Div. D. Cathartics — increase the secre- tions from the linings of the bowels, and the evacuations from the intestines. They are: a) Vegetable Cathartics — Aloes, AmericanSenna, Butterfly Weed, Milk Weed, Bear’s Foot, Bael. Benne and Castor Oils, Black Hellebore, Balmony, Burdock, Butter- nut, Gamboge, Senna, Cevadilla, Celandine, Elaterium, Elder, Jalap, Manna, Horehound, Menyanthes, Poke Root, Flax Seed Oil, Colo- cynth, Scammony, Croton Oil, Rhubarb, Tar- axacum, Wahoo, Wild Potato, Podophyllum. b) Mineral Cathartics — Acetates of Magnes- ium and Potassium, Sulphates of Sodium and Potassium; Carbonate, Citrate and Chloride of Magnesium; Sulphur, Rochelle Salts, Ci- trate of Sodium, Calomel, Blue Mass, Mercur- ial Chalk.


Div. E.—Chouagogues—stimulate the action of the liver and increase the evacuation of bile: all cathartics act indirectly as cholo- gogues. They are: Mercury, Taraxacum,Aloes. Rhu- barb, Chrysophanic Acid, Culver’sRoot, Podo- phyllum. Div. F.—Diaphoretics—promote the secre- tion and exhalation from the surface of the skin. They are: Opium, James’ Powder, Button- Snakeroot, .Taborandi, Juniper, Aralia Bark, Camphor, Guaiac, Ammonia, AlcoholicDri nks, Boneset, Inula, Lobelia, Solution of Chloride of Lime; Citrate, Nitrate, and Ferrocyanide of Potassium; Burdock, Butterfly Weed, Saffron. Safflower, Sabina, Cajuput Oil, Ser- pentaria, Prickly Ash.

Div. G.— Diuretics — increase the flow of urine. They are: Water, Digitalis, Broom, Squill; Acetate, Bicarbonate, and Bitartrate of Potas- sium; Sweet Spirits of Nitre. Liq. Ammonia Acetatis, Juniper, Cantharides, Colchicum, Belladonna. Pipsissiwa, Copaiba, Cubebs, Flea- bane, Hemidesmus, Solution of Chloride of Lime. Mezereum, Pareira. Parsley,Turpentine, Tar Water, Senega; Acetate Borate, and Sul- phate of Sodium; Chimaphila, Taraxacum.

Class V. — Topicals are divided into six divisions, viz: Div. A.—Antiseptics—prevent putrifaction. They are : Oxygen, Chlorine, Bromine, Crea- sote, Carbolic Acid, Salicylic Acids, Saliein; Thymic,Boracic,and Benzoic Acids; Benzoin.

Div. B. — Rubefacients — cause heat and redness of the skin ; if prolonged may produce vesication.

28 classificationof medicines.

They are: White and Black Mustard. Ar- nica, Burgundy Pitch, Canada Pitch, Cam- phor, Ammonia, Euphorbium, Turpentine.

Div C. — Epispastics—excite inflammation and vesication of theskin. They are: Cantharides, Mezereum.

Div. D. — Escharotics — destroy the tissues to which they are applied. They are; Nitric, Sulphuric, and Muriatic Acids; Nitrate of Silver; Nitrate. Chloride, and Iodide of Zinc; Caustic Potash, Chromic Acid, Acid Nit. ofMercury, Carbolic Acid. Div. E.—Emollients. Demulcents, and Pro- tectives — soften or soothe irritated surfaces, protect abrasions, etc. They are: Glycerine, Collodion, Liq. Guttse Perch*, Chondrus, Cetraria. Acacia, Traga- canth, Sassafras, Flax Seed, Slippery Elm Bark, Liquorice, Poultices.

Div. F. — Anthelmintics—poison or debili- tate worms in the alimentary canal, thus ren- dering them more easy of expulsion; or they may have a mechanical action in their re- moval. They are; Absinthium, Areca Nut, Azedar- ach, Mugwort, White Indian Hemp, Koosso, Balmony, Chenopodium, Filix Mas, Bears Foot, Sabadilla.Santonica, Santonin, Spigelia, Rottl era, Matricaria, Cowhage, Pepo, Powder- ed Tin, Tanacetum, Turpentine, GeofFroya Inermis.

Div. G. — Antiparasitics—destroy parasites in the skin or verminupon it. They are: Mercurial Ointments, Chryso- phanic Acid Ointment, Tobacco Lotions, C'oc- culus Indicus, Sulphur Ointment.

29 An- Tonic.Sys-Leucorr- Em- Mucous Antis- Hemorr- Uses. Repens. Digestive In Antiscrob. AromaticHaemostatic, and Rheumatism.In Stimulant of Chronic Demulcent. Sorrel.Refrigerant, Astringent. Mucous Anthelmintic. Astringent. In Gout, Vehicle. Inflammation. Sheep Achons Debility Arabic Amyris. or Polemonaria tispasmodic, tem, Emmenagogue, hages. In hoea. olient, Vinegar. TABLES. See Wormwood. Gum Memb. See Anthelmintic. Wood corbutic. Yarrow. Tonic 60 30 25 60 00 65 2 O.501 O 8.00 I.30 2.00l(>.oo Do. 2 1 2.00 0

3 i 65 50 32 0 0 Do. l.oo 0 THERAPEUTICAL Grammes. 1.000 O.32 O.065 •4.00 4.00 O.65 O.32 AND Adult. 14-2. 1-4. /or 15-40.2-8. 10-40.2-8. lib. Do. Do. 10.20.8-30.dr.Do. 15-40.5-15. 20-60. 10-20. grs. grs.gtt.gtt. dr. grs. grs. grs.gtt. gtt. POSOLOGICAL Dose fl.‘Ad. gtt. fl. ii. Fluidum Fluidum. Mucilago.Syrupus. i. as- x. Root. Extractum. Ext. Oleum. Tinctura. as Bark. i.Distillatum. Extractum. Ext. Oleum. Medicines. “ “ “ “ “ turn. “ “ “ “ Abscess Absinthium, Acacia, Accitillo Acetonum. Acetosella,Ace Achillea, 30 r J An- fer- Anti- in putre- purges. par- In Int.Sarcin- fermen- Vomits kills Antiphy- Rubefacient, Stimulant. putrefaction. and bile. and HemorrhagesCanal. Alterative, Prevents Caustic. of Refrigerant. Astringent. a Arrests SI.) states, is Escharotic. Tonic, and skin. in Caustic, Flatulence, flow to Acid. pure,Deoderant. processes, faction. to Rubefacient, the powerful in Alimentary Water, Acid. is Acid. Vomiting. Si.) 5-10-20 Vesicant,Restorative, tisquamic,Expectorant. When septic,Psoriasis, ous tative to Very Ext. asites inflammatoryretic. Astringent from An Arsenious mentation (SiSodaPicric Excitant (grs. Antiscorbutic. 00 — Do .... 065 O.oc8 2.00I.30 O.20 I6.00 2.00 0 1.00 3 3#.oo 1.304.00 50 32 032 ...... 40 - 65 4.oo O.0015l>o. O 0 O 4.00 0.32 0.016 0 « I6.00 O.32l.oo %■ Pill more. to 1. or Do. *4-3,in 1-4. y2 1-40 8-30. 5-20. dr. 5-40. dressing. lib. 14-1. 6-15. 10-30.oz. 5-20. 15-60. Externally, Externally. gr. grs. grs. grs. rectum. Externally. Externally. grs.Externally. grs. - grs. fl.dr.l n. gtt As In Ad. gr. fl. gtt.

i. i. i. i. i. i. Aq. Ung. Dil. Glac. Aqua. Glycer.Solutio. Suppos.Ung. i. Syrup. i. Glycer. “

“ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ i. Aceticum. Arseniosum. Arsenicum.Benzoicum. Boracicum. Carbolicum. Carbonici Chromicum. Chrysophanic’m Citricum. Gallicum, it Carbazoticum Acidum. — 31 j^V. Violent Top- Ant-Escha- An- Uses. Antispasm.Dyspepsia. Solvent. Softening. Jcid.Sedative, InAlterative, Escharotic. Zinc and Iodides. . Poison, Sedative. Brain Acid. ions the the General Antiphosphatic, Antilithie. and In Alt as as Prussic Anaesthetic, Poison, Antiphosphatic.Hydrochloric.alkali, Antilithic,Antiphosphatic,tisyphilitic. ical Antiscorbutic.Astringenr.Nerve Same Same Dilute rotic. Corrosive Alterative, Mercurial Antiphlogistic, Tonic. Carbazotic co 00 .... 4.00 0.65 2.00 0.43 4.oo 2.15 1 1.40 0.065 4

00 - is 14 085 — — — .... Grammes. 1.00O.13 1.000 1 0-35 0 0 0.015 0.65 Adult. cauti- dil. inter- dil. 14-1. 5, 14-1. /or 2-10. 1 5-30. %-l. 10-60. dr. MM ously. dr.Externally. Externally. 2-20.Externally. 2-20. nally. Dose fl. grs.dr. gtt. fl. gtt. gtt gtt. grs. Rarely gtt. Dil. Dil. i.Dil. Dil Dil. i. i. Dil. Dil. i. i. i. Glac. i. i.

“ “ cum. cum. “ Medicines. .i Hydriodic.Hydrobromic. Hydrocyani- Lacticum. Nitricum. Oleieum. Oxalicum.Perchloric. Phosphoricum. Picricum. Pyrogallic. “ “ Muriaticum. “ “ Acidum “ “ “ “ “ Nitro-Muriati-“ “ “ “ “ 32 An- rem- pain, cases dryof disease. ftation.fermen-Dischar- ofUvula Memb. Diuretic, Subduesall hot ellicientRheumatism, the Escharotic Antiphosphatic, Muc. Substitute Antiphlogis- In pulse, suppression Antiperiodic, temperatureshort Antispasmodie. Arrests Mucous andRefrigerant. most Poison, in Aphthae. ) Antiseptic, Pulse. A Conditions Anodyne, Sedative. Acute to Si Diaphoretic, frequent Hemorrhages. to Valeriana. and Sudden in cuttingAcid. as parasitic. Arbolie.< 30 Antipyretic, tiseptic.edyreducing Astringent,Refrigerant. Astringent ges,AppliedRelaxed Antiseptic,. for tic, and Amber Corrosive Anti In (grs. Same Aconite. GeneralFever where skin. 6s 00 65 00 13 < — — 032 4.00 0.50 2.3°Do. 4 O 4.00 4 0.50 0 0 0.20 0.65 O

32 75 13 .... — — 20 01 065 O.40 O.20 <> Do. O O 0.65 0.50 0. 0.065O 0 0.25 0.032 dil. dil. each. in 20. 3-8. 2-10. 1-2. 8 6-60. 10-30.Do, 5-60. 10-60. 1 8-60. 3-8. Yc-Vi- 2-6. J*l. Externally. gtt. grs. rectum. Externally. Externally. Externally. grs. grs. gtt. gtt.In gr. grs. grs, grs. grgtt. gtt. gr- i. i. i. i. i. DU. i. Glyeer i. FI. Arorn Suppos.Troch. Ung. Ext. Ext. “ “ “ “ Tinct. “ “ Salicylicum. Sclerotinic. Succinicum. Sulphuricum. Sulphurosum. Tannicum. Tartaricum. Thymicum. Folia “ “ “ Linimentum. Radix. “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ Valerianicum.i.“ Aconiti •• “ “ “ “ 33 ap- In An- /\_ Fib- Ton- cases. Anas- and nerve. Irritant, safe Uses. Acute counterin- Neuralgias,of Refrigerant. Antiperiodic, Stimulant nauseating. and Asthenic course Vermifage Complaints. Coughs. Sedative, is Catarrhal Pharyngitis, in 4.) inBark. Antispasmodic. but Pneumonia, inFac’l along in Hair, Diffusable Allions 1 Cimicifuga. Cathartic. Emolient. Chestnut. Bye Locally plied(Ext. Menses.rinous sillitis, dicated SeeBaneberry,Emeto Baobab. Lard. MaidenPectoral Horse SedativeBuck Ether. thetic,Inebriant. aesthetic,

- 00 20 015 .... 006 ...... — 0 O.13O.26 0 2 Do. 4.00 4.00 O 4.oo 2.00 2.00

10 065 00 30 — Grammes. O.008 O.0320 O.003 1 Do. 1 2.00 0. 0.25 O.25 O.25 1. J4 dr. -l. Adult. y2 8. for 1-4.2 15-30. 20-60. 3-6. Externally. 1)0.Do. Do. 1-20-1-10. 30-60. dr. 10—fl.dr. 10—fl.dr.J4 10-fl Dose gr. gtt. gtt. gr. Adlib. grs.gtt. grs.ft. gtt. gtt. gtt. gtt. FI. FI. FI. Ext. Ext. Tinct. Ung. Peda- Ext. Hippocas- Ext.E. Digitata. i “ “ “ FI. «?. i. x. Emplastrum. Unguentum. i. Medical. Radix Racemosa. Rubra. Spicata. Adipis. turn. is. Aceticus. Chloric.Fortior. Hydrobromic. *• “ “ “ “ “ tanea. Glabra. “ “ “ “ Aconiti Aconitia. Aconitin. Actaea Adonsonia Adeps. Adiantum. Aesculus. “ Aether, 34 3iv,3iii). the In In Angina Burr. Used poison, P. Diuretic. (Ether Oil Antisyphilitic, etc. Cockle Oil. Br. Tonic. Nitre. E~therial Cuts, Anthelmintic.Worm. Stimulant. Gout. ordealLiver Febrifuge. of Anodyne. Gastralgia, Bites, Agrimony.Corroberant. conditions. Tape Cod Poison. Bitter s Sviii, Stimulates Aloes. Pine. to in action. Cathartic. Tenuior. Alcohol. Spirits Heaven. in African Rectiflcatus. Oil. Leech Astringent,relaxed of Rheumatism, Astringent, Grass. Sweetlloffmdn’Alcohol UsedPectoris. Heart’s American Diuretic. Spunk. To Common in Tree Used Ground WUd Similar SpiritusFusel SpiritusStronger Star 00 60 8 4.00 Do. Do. 8.00 33.00 l.oo 8.00 0.50 4.oo 3 4.00 8.00 Do. I6.00 3.oo l.oo 50 65 00 00 00 O.65 0 l>o. Do. 4.00 8.00 0.25 4.00 O.13 3.00 0 1 4 Do. 4.00 1 0.32

1. 3^-2. ya 2-8. jk-1.40. M-l. 1-2. 1)0.Do. 1-2. 4-15. 1-2. 2-8. 10 1-2. 15-30.5-15. dr. dr.- dr. Externally. dr. grs.dr. dr 1-4. fl.ii. dr. 11. grs. dr. grs.fi. fl. dr.ii. 5 grs. grs. i.i. Ext. FI. FI. FI. Spts. Comp. inct. Eupa- 1 as. Ext. Ext. Ext. Ameri- as. Albus. Ignarius. as. Glandu- es. i. x inis. Amylicum. i. yos. is. “ Cham- indeclin. Dilutum. Fortius. Sulphuricus. x. id Iddic. NStrosi Spiritus Valerianic. es. cana. toria. losa. “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ Agave, Agericus. Agrimonia. Ailanthus. Ajuga. iepitys.Akazga. Albumen, Alcohol, Alcornoque.Aletris. 35 j\ Rheu- causes Urin- Gen. Gar- in Altera- Uses. and doses Narcotic. Tonics. Used Expectorant. Astringent. Astringent Alterative Alder. Cholagogue, and largeSlightlyBitter Chorea. Stomachic, , Astringent, Throat, Dyspepsia Iii European Aclions otherPlantain. Root. Cherry. Garlic.Diuretic, Alder Emetic. Alder. Sore Cathartic, Disorders, Pimenta. Amygdala. Alder. in Scrofula. ary tive, gle Chronic matism. Nausea.Like Water Alkenel Winter Hedge Garlic.Rubefacient, Stimulant. See SeeSpeckledTag Common inCommon Aloes. 2565 00 — 30 Do. I Do. 0.20 1.004.00 0.20 2.00 8.00 8 24.00 I.30 4.00 0 0 0.c6j 32 .OO 065 (>.65 4,00 40 Grammes. O 1 O Do. U.r-O 8.00 O O.32 2.00 Do. 0.065 0.13

Adult. -l.2 for 1-3. 1-3. 1-2. 2-6. y 10-30.dr. 10-30.20-60. 34-2. dr. dr. gargle.6-20. 10-40.34-1- dr. 1-4.2-10. Dose grs.gtt.H. grs. grs.gtt. dr. 11. fl. As grs.gtt. dr. 11. grs. grs. FI, * FI. FI. x. x Fluidum. Ext. Fluidum x. Ext. Ext. “ Plant- inis. Syrupus. “ “ se. ii.Ext Nicana. Officin. i.Kubra. Barbadensis. Medicines. Extractum. Tinctura. ago. a. Serrulata Glutinosa. es. “ “ an “ “ “ “ “ “ “ Aletris Aletrin. Alisrna. Aik Alkekengi.Alliaria Allium, Allspice.Almond. Alnus. Alnuin. Aloe. 36 the doses com- to actjon Used Am- in local intes- in In Sulph. in of Sulphas or Memb. Astriug- Used Strengthens its Jaundice, hours Hsemoptisis, smallUsually griping. avoided large 12 an In Dvspepsia, be is action Hyoscyamus oi to its Ammon. griping. 6 Mucous Demulcent. a To et tonic. its increases of Alum Asthma, peristaltic a with Consumption, From Antispasmodic. intestine. as Iron prevents Haemorrhoids Bark. Mallow. Emmenagogue. large prevent acting. Aluminii ent, the acts bined of and in Haemorrhoids, enorrhcea. acute inflammation tine. Dita Marsh irritation See Aluminum. Alum.} Do. 50 Do. 50Do. 3 O 2.00 1.000.65 8.00 I.30 0 33.00 12.00 «.i 8.00 2.oo 0.35 2.oo co 50 Do. O.13Do. O.50 O.32 O.32 4.00 O.65 0-i3Do. 8.00 4. O.032 4.00 0.50 0.13 0

. 2 -y 2. R 8. y 10. 1 2-s. 13.yyi. 2 5-15. 5 10-20.2-8. lib. 8-30. 2-5. 8-30. Do. Do. Pills. Pills. Pills. dr. Pills. Do.rectum. dr. dr. grs. Do. 1-2. grs fl.dr. 2-5 grs. grs. 1-43-6 fl. 1-4 grs. grs. Tn 11. H. Ad 5 grs. grs. grs. Pil. PilPii. x. Sul Pulv. Pil. Tinct (Alum Pur. Comp. FI. it. Fiuidum. “ “ “ Assafoet. Canella;Fern Myrrhie Suppositoria. Scholaris. Ext. inis. Ammon. Capensis. et Decoctum. et et et et Pilulse. Pulv. Purificata. Soeotrina. Tinctura. Vinum. Acetas. Extractum. etMastiches “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ Aloin.Alstonia “ “ Alumen. Aluminium 37 * Ca- 5ss Ap- Re- En- in to Uses. Croup.Antiseptic. Bronchi- Tumors. Cough, in Rep. Quinquefolia. Antispasmodic, Locally and Intestinal Cordial. Yiride. Americana. Expectorant, Chronic Alum.]HoopingEmetic Ulcers. Americana. Nudicaulis.Marilandica.Racemosa. In Joints,Scroful. Actions a as to Agave Ampelopsis plied Heuchera. Succinum. Frasera.Polemonium Veratrum Cannabis Gillenia. Aralia Cassia Aralia Catarrh. larged tarrh, Antispasmodic, Stimulant, tis, Potass doses See See See See See See See See See See See .See Ammoniac. solvent. _____ S 00 —- 2.00 0.50 «.6 4 2.00 32.oo 23 ---- 40 Grammes. 0 ...... 0.50 0.20 0.32 0 s.oo

Adult. 2-8. for 8-30. 4-8. 3-10. 5-60. 6-30. 1)0. grs. grs. grs.Externally. grs. grs.Externally. dr. Dose fl. Sulph Emp. Valer. i. Sul. Hydr. Potass. Sulphas. is. Aloes. Colombo. Green Hellebore Hemp. Ivy. Medicines. et Ferri Root. CumEmplastrum. “ etAmmon.Exsic“ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ Aluminii. Alum Ambergris, American *f Ammoniacum. ►< 38 of Di- in is as is of The Irri- sooth- used and Bro- and Dis- one Antacid, cases are is Neuralgia Potass. Hooping forma- fermen- Pneumo- The same is in skin, Borate Soda. pus Debility, Expectorant Cystitis in the Diaphoretic Bronchitis, the of The Brom. Sulphurits and Valerinnte Nervous in Sulphite and in Conditions. the useful in 1 Chloride . Mindererus.} preparations cases The prevents The Ammonia. Stimulant and Useful The cools in Affections. SulphitesPotass, the Ammonia of of Typhoid Myalgia.uselul like of useful stronger and Picrate and Water GeneralExhaustion ureticFevers. Ammonium Spiritsnia, tants. ing, locallyand veryBladder mide The Cough.Picrate.} those Sulphide tion tation. very orders.

. 00 ... 00 00 2 2.00 4.oo 6.00 O.005 l.oo l.oo 2.oo Do. O.13 2.00 2.oo 4 0.13 0.400.6s 1301.00 2Do. I 24.oo . 50 5° 20 20 O.32 O l.oo 2.oo O.003 O.32O.32 « Do. O.016 O.32O O.65 O.016 O.130.20 Do. Do. 8.00 O Do. dil. one- dr.l to 5-30. 10-40,4-1. 4-4. 5-15. 8-30. 4-2. 5-30. 3-30. 14-2.2-63-10. 3-20. 3-15. 2-6. 3-30. Externally. Do. dr. dr. one-twenti- eth twelfth. 5-15. Do. lOinfl. dr. Do. gtt. gtt.fl. fl. gr. grs. grs. grs. grs. grs. grs.gtt. grs. grs. grs. grs. grs.11. grs. Fort. Arom. Liq. Elixir. Purif. Liq.

ii. “ “ Aqua. Linimentum. Spiritus.“ Acetatis Arsenias. Benzoas. Bicarbonas. Bisulphas.Bisulphis. Carbozoas.Boras.Bromidum. Carbazoas. Carbolas. Carbonas.Chloridum. Citratis. Hypophosphis Hyposulphis. Ammonne “ “ “ Ammonium, “ *• “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ *• “ “ ‘‘ “ “ 39 * J\_ strong Am- one Am- and Creep-Ex- Bit- to Se- where of Coryza. is Stimu- heart’s of of Urine. a Tonic. Oil Affections, and is the similarly Uses. parts Vapor Virginia Absorbent, The Emollient, and Kheumatfsm. AcetateDiaphoretics. GanglionicInereasestone System. acts Benzoate in Phosphatic Syncope the general Ivy. Stimulant, Pectoral of in also Systems. Acid. component is in best stimulating in ASlions Carbazoas.] Phosphate the nervous Alterative, pectorant, Almonds.Almonds Almonds. Liquor of lant, action, Spinal theliniments. there See monia monia of American er. Bitter terPrussic Sweet dative 50 50 00 0.50 2.oo 1.300.065 1.30 0.322.00 Do. O.32 O.20 I.40 I.30O I6.00 4.00 8.00 0 IB. 0.032 I6.00 65 32 00 00 Grammes. 0.0650 0 0.015 013Do. O.50 Do. O.13 0.OO8 O.35O.20 O.134 2.oo 4.00 0.13 8.00 0.015 4 Adult. 3. 1-4. 1-2. 2-4. 1-4. 20. ys for 1-8. 10-80.5-20. 14-I.2 2-5. 8-30.Do. 2-5. 10-40.3-20. 2-8. 2-8. !4-34 grs. grs. grs. grs.rs. grs. grs. grs. grs.- grs. grs.dr. dr. grs. dr. dr. Dose g gtt. n. fl. fl. gtt. fl. Pi. Comp. Quin- Aqua. Ol. Expres. Tinct. Ext. “ “ “ Amara. Medicines. Iodidum. Nitras.Phosphas.Picras. Salicylas.Succinas. Sulphas. Sulphis.Sulpho-CarbolSulphuretumTartras. Tinct. Valerianas. is. quefolia, as. Dulcis. Oleum Ammonii. “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ 11 “ “ “ “ Ampelopis. Ampelopsin.Amygdala, “ “ “ 40 An- an less In Pas- In flavor of Drop- Nares a of country. Medicines. as Asthma. Iodide Iodine. Nutrative. In Anemone. Urinary Aromatic. Almonds. in the ulcers. Alterative. this Stimulant. Cough Used somewhat in than Diuretic. Diseases. To Meadow Tonic, Colic. for Sweet , AffectionsLarynx,Intestines. Common Leaves. InhaledPectoris, Demulcent, Nut. Urinary Bark Jree. used like Antispasmodic. irritating Emmenagogue, and Seed. Vehicle Peach and Amyl. gina Starch. Caschew sies, Accitillo SorrelPulsatilla Catarrhal,Fauces, sageDill Seldom Angelica.Flatulent 60 Do. 32.00 I6.00 O.15 2.oo O.is I6.oo 0 O.20 O.io 0.20 3.000.065 2.00 I6.00 O.13 6.00

- - ___ 00 065 16.004.oo O.03O.40 O.03 4 O.20 O.065 O.032 O.065 l.ooO.032O.32 4.00 0 2ooDo.

. 1. 2 y.2 y2 1-4. -\y 1. 1-4. 1-56-30. 1-5. lib. 1-4. 5-15. 1-3.y22-6. y2 5-30. 2-4. y-1 -oz. dr. Externally. 30-90. - dr. Do. fi.fl. 51. gtt. grs. gtt. Ad. dr. gtt. grs. grs.gtt. gtt. grs. grs.fl. gtt.dr. FI. ss. Tr. Occi- Per- ii. Oleum. Praten- Ext. Ext. Tinct. i. “ Arbor. is. Fluidum. Mistura. sica. es. i. Aqua. se. i. Oleum. Iocidum. “ “ Syrupus. Acetate. Imlide. Nitrite. dentale,Orientalis. sis. Ext.

‘ “ “ “ “ Valerianate.“ “ “ “ “ “ Amygdalce Amygdalus, Amyl. Amylum. Amyris. Anemone, Angelica, Anacardinm. Andromeda Anemonin. Anethum. * 41 JSk Diar- pow- the spinal first de- Hepatic a on Anti- In Acute Antimni- Expecto- ofBronch- Diseases, with Uses. Cortex. In Stimulant. Prevents has the Expectorant. or medicines. of Inflamma- Oilaction Pulv. stage and Cusparix Dysentery, Colic. purging The [acts. , Alterative,Emetic, Sedative. ~\ AcuteFebrile Asthma , Stimulant. Carminative, of lowering irritabilityAntispasmodic. Powder Spec.Emetic. Pharyngeal and AClions Flatulent griping phlogistic, Catarrh, Spasmodic AngusturaTonic,Disorders,rhcea. Anise. In Chamomile. erfulreflex cord. James’Antimony. rant, Tartar Nasal,ial tion

- Do. 20 -— 2.oo 64.oo 8.00 O.20 2.oo I6.00 O.25 2.00 8.00 1.304.00 64.00 O.32 O.65 O.032 0. 0.065 0.130.20 so Do. 13 016 .... Grammes. O SU.oo 4.oo O.065 0.6s 4.oo O.065O.65 2.oo O.32 2.oo 32.00 O.065 0 O.OOS O.008 0 0.0320.065

. Adult. 2 1-2. 2. 1-2. 1-4. T H-l. 1.2. y-3. y-2. for 8-30. 15-60. dr. 1-3. 10-30.dr. 2-8. 20-00. y 5-20. dr. oz. 2-10. 2-10. %-y 14-1. 1-3.Pills. grs. gtt. oz. grs. grs. gtt.gtt. grs. grs. Externally. Dose fl. fl. ft. dr. ft. ft. gtt. grs grs. gr- grs.gn. 1-3 Tart. it. Comp. x.Fluidum. dis. Fluidum. Powder. Ext.Infusum. Tinetura. Sulphas. i. Aqua.Oleum. Spiritus. “ Emplastrum. Potass. Oxysulphuret. Medicines. Extractum. Infusum. Oleum. Chloridum etIodidum. Oxulum.Pilula Angustura. “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ " “ “ “ “ “ “ r Anilin Anisuru. Anthemis. Antimonial Antimonium. 42 a. tj, and large skin in secre- Altera- Scroiula, Emet- to Used Stimul.Kheu- heart 5v.) In Itching. Sarsaparilla. In Root. In ficient to in Hypodermically (River.) Applied 5i Bitter Debility. Cathartic, Emetic. andDiuretic. Diseases. Pomler.’] , Diaphoretic. Hemp. Malas. (Distilled.) American Diaphoretic, Spikenard.Skin Sedative Emetic Seeds.Bane Emetic. Expectorant. promptPyrus (Spring.) TineaElder. or Dyspepsia, a “ Powder. Dropsies. tive, Expectorant, is Petroselinum. Celery Dog's ic. matism, Jamestion. circulation. (Tartar See doses Indian See Water Goa whereDwarf False Alterat. American 13 20 O O.25 4.oo O.20 1-30O.50 I.30 8.00 l.oo 0 O.016 I.30 2.oo 2.oo Do. 2.00 4.oo

03* 00 .002 .... O O.065 0.3s O.io O.32 O.13 O.32 2 O.20 O.065 0 0.320.65 1.00Do. l.oo l.oo

J4. - -fl.dr.l. 'A-2. to 14-I. >4-2. 1-4. 10 3-G. 5-20. 2-8. 10-40. 3-15. 1-3. lib. 5-20. 15-30.30-60. 15-30. Externally. dr one-thirti- eth Do.Externally. Do 20-60. dr. grs. grs gtt. gtt. grs. grs.gtt. tl. grs. grs. gr. Ad. grs.gtt. grs.gtt. grs.fi. - FI Ext FI. FI. FI. se. (Fluv. Fxt, Andro- Ext. Tiuct. se. Ext. Ext. i. “ Hispida. “ “ « “ Bark. (Dist.) Sulphuretum.Unguentum. Grav. (Font.) se. Sulphas. Cannabinum. a;. Nudicaulis. Bacemosa. Vinum. Tree a. ssemifolium i “ “ “ “ urn “ « “ “ “ “ “ “ “ Apiol.pi Apoeynum. Aponiorphia. AppleAqua. A Araroba. Aral 43 of ,j\. used. gran-pois- Diaph- Dys- Tonic. In Concus- .Stim- Diaphoret. Diarrhoea, little Stimulant Ext Uses. Catarrh Anthelmin- in Fauces, Int. and Slight Cathartic. But. Worm. ButNervousa exuberant wounds.or .] Diuretic, Fevers. ions Leaves. is to ft Betel TapeInternally relaxed Stimulant. Bane. A Poppy. bites Hoarseness. Bark. or Caustic a, Syphilis. OccidentaMs. In Dysentery. OxideExternally Radish. Adynamic oftheBrain. Prickly ic. ulation, oretic, pepsi in Aralia In Thuya Manzanita Areca Silver. The onedLunar Horse Leopard’s sions 00 — Do. 1.00 2 Do. 0.80 Do. 4.00 0.80 I6.00 O.20 0.OO8 O.065O.065 O.134.00 8.00 O.65O.32 50 1)0. Do. Grammes. O Do. 0.40 0.65 0.20 4.oo 0.065 0.003 0.015 0.015 0.015 1.00 4.oo O.20 0.13 0.32

. & ]/ Adult. to 1-4. 3. 1-2 for 8-30. 15-60.6-12. 20-60. 3-12. 1 ethW-l. 14-2.14-1. 3-10. 2-5. 10-30. 12-24. dr. one-twenti- %-l.Externally. Do.. dr. grs. grs. Dose grs.gtt. grs.gtt. grs. grs. fl. grs. gr. gr. gr. grs.dr. fl. gtt. FI. FI. FI. Comp. ' x. Ext. FI. Glauca.Ext. Mexic. Ext. Fusa. “ Fluidum. Ext. -i. x. Fluidum. es. “ “ Cyanidum. “ Spinosa. “ Spiritus Medical. Vitae. Giasca Catechu. Chloridum. Iodidum. Nitras. Oxidum. Ext. x.Extractum. “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ — “ “ Aralia Arbor Arctostaphylos Argemone. Areca Argentum, Armoracia. Arnica, 44 *r a In Appli- Tonic Antiper- Arsen., Chorea,Phthisis, Vomit- Dia- Turnip.Locally Ginger. nervous (Iod. aagrs.xxxv. etc. generalthe Wild AbsorbentBruises, a over Asthma, Eruptions, Quinine. Anthelmintic,Emmenagogue. IndianDiaphoretic, Rheumatism. Stimulant. and Has Alterative, Solution, Mercury, Bronchitis, for Wood. In to Anticonvulsive. Svii.) Drunkards. Boot, Snakeroot. of — Rubefacient.a Maranta. system, ing phoretic. Diaphoretic, ulating iodic, aq. Diuretic, is cation See Arsenic. influence Donovan’s Biniod. Chronic Cutaneous Substitute SouthernMugwort. Dragon Emetic. Canada ( 00 ...... 00 4.oo 0.20 0.004 0,65 , 0.012 s.oo 0.642.oo 2.co O.65 1.00 4.oo 4 2 Do.

50 065 ...... 13 .20 32 00 00 O O O.001 O 0 0.003 4.00 0.32 1.00 1.000 0.25 220.50 Do.

1 J dr.l. ) one- sixti- one- twen- to y-i. —fl. to 1. 15 1-3. one 2-10. 3-15. one 1-2. 10-20. 15-30. 5-10. 8-30. yr 8-30. 15-60. Externally. eth tieth fifth. dr. dr. gtt. gtt. grs. gr. fifteenth. gtt. gtt. grs. dr. grs. grs.fl. grs.gtt.fl. dr. grs. "I jLiq. (1 FI. Liq. Frigida. Vulgar-Ext. “ x. i. Hydrargyri x. x. is. Fluidum. Fluidum. Emplastrum. Iodidi Abrotanum. is. i.Ext. Tinctura. Root. Bromide. Chloridum. et Iodidum. i. Ext. Tinctura.

“ “ “ Arsenicum, “ “ “ “ “ Artemisia, “ “ “ “ Arrow Arum. Asarum. ,L r Arnicin. Asarabacca. 45 c, ve,i J\_ Ca- t e same r Expect- Gonor- terati 0 Weed. Diaphor- Asthma, the Uses. In A1 In Deobstru- stimulates at Alterative. Diaph It movementsAsthma. and Butterfly Catarrh. and Bloodflmver. Mudar. Hemp. Anodyne, , Diuretic, Diuretic, Diions Ipecac.Emetic. Root Expectorant. Bark. Dyspnoea, A Syphilis.Indian Expectorant Weed. — Fraxinus. respiration decreasesin thartic, Calotropis,In Anthelmintic, Pleurisy Cathartic, etic,Rheumatism, Asparagus. ent. the Bastard rhoea. Wild Milk orant. See Quebracho time used -—;—-.r 60 .00 65 2 24.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 O.20 2.00 2.oo l.oo 4.oo 1 4.oo 8.00 0.32 4.00 Do. O O.4O O.65 .00 .00 .00 00 Grammes. 1 1.308.00 0.20 0.25 1 O.015 0.50 0.25 1.000.20 1 4.00 0.065 2 Do. O.32 0.20 0.32 Adult. 2-6. 3 15.%-l. 1-2. -i. /or 15-30. 3 2 20-40. dr. J4.3-30. 8-60. 30-60. 8-30. 8-30.K-l. dr. dr. 1-5. y Do. 5-10. 3-6. 10-20. Dose grs.fl. dr. grs.gtt. grs. gr.gtt. grs.gtt. dr. grs.9.fl. grs. dr. grs. grs.gtt. Sue. FI. FI. FI. FI. FI. FI. FI. Curas- ze. ze. as. x. Ext. Ext. “ se. Ext. “ Officin- Ext. Que- Ext. Ext. dis. “ i.is. “ Extractum. “ Extractum. Tinctura. “ “ Medicines. savica. Gigantea. Iucarnata. “ “ Syriaca. Tuberosa. “ “ “ European. alis. bracho. Asclepias. “ “ “ “ *' “ “ “ “ “ “ “ Asclepiadin. Ash Asparagus, Aspidosperma “ “ + 46 1* < Dif- eye. for Slight in Chorea,Dyspep- of bitter- Antisyp- powers,Bright’s acute Expector- Carmin- its premature in Belladon- In — pupilpains. Vehicle of like in not Albumen Antispasmodic, Hysteria, Colic. 51.) sexual Stimulant, Complaints, dilate Aromatic. medicines. virtue Used the when In Action Peel. Corrective, by Antiscrofulitic, of abortion. Lessens To inflammatory Lard to Flatulent 1 sia, Atropin. To Orangeative, unpleasantTonic, Geum. Assafetida. fusible ant. Nervous na. (gr. ness. Gold.hilitic. declinehatiitualDiseases form. Urine. See 2.00 — 00 004 32.00 4.oo O.13 4.00 8.00 Do. Do. 32 0 O.006 O.006 O.032 O.32 I6.00 l.oo O.0007 Do' O.065 l.oo 4.oo Do. Do. I6.00 0.002 O.003 O.OO3 O.008 — PilL cau- -fo. %-l.in }4-l. 1-2. %-l. to 5-30. 3 1-giytiously. 1-2. lib. -jV grs.Externally. oz. rectum. dr. Externally, 14-I. dr,Do. Do. oz. gr.^toyVYr%. fl. grs.In fl. gr.gtt. dr.Ad fl. fl. gr. gr.

) ( srr.-sVtoiV -rrm Sol. Conf. Syr. Syrup. Aqua. Chlor. x. “ “ “ Emplastrum. “ Suppos. a?. Sodii Pilula. Sulphas. Unguentum. Cortex. i. Cyanidum. Mistura. Tiuctura. Valerianas. Tinctura.Florum Chlorldum. et Oxidum.Root.

“ “ “ “ “ Atropia. “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ Assafoetida. Aurantii Aurum. Aurus * 47 Ca- en- ex- JSl. -I* Gan- Tonic, weak- an should is Uses. Canadensis. Antiseptic, genital It and Scarlatina, In Scrofulous lips. discutient,meals. Glabra. stages. of after Nutritive. Fructus. Gonorrhoea.Rubra. Indigo.In Anthelmintic, Scrofula, local Opobalsamum.in given Actions Meal. Bel* Melissa. Chelone Terebinthina Actea grenousBerberis. ness, largement Baryta. be Oat Anthelmintic. See See See See See Used See Wild thartic. See Deobstruent. cellent - 00 20 4.oo 4.oo 2.00 Do. O.032 O.20 Do. 2 O.032 O Do.Do. Do. 00 015 Grammes. O.65 1 O.65Do. O O.032 Do. 0.63 0.008 0.032 Do.Do. Do.

Adult. 3. for ]4-3. % lib. 10-60. %-l. 10-30.20-60. %-V2- Do. 10-30.VpVi- Do.Do. Do. Dose Ad. grs. dr. RTS. gtt. gr- grs. gtt. gr- grs. FI. Liq as. Ext. Fir. Gurjun. Tinct- as. “ Sulphuret. Farina, Gilead. se. ii. Sulphas. Medicines. Fruit. of oria. Carbonas. Chloridum. Iodidum. Nitras. Oxidum. Balm. “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ venae, Balmony. “ “ Baneberry. Baptisia. Barberry. A "Dael Balsam Baptisin. Barium, Azedarach. * 48 ■* In neu- In of and Debil- Cardiac Vesical profuse Diaphoretic. griping.Urine, Palpitation. secretion Tonic. In Amarga. Resin®. Curassavica. Myrci®. Foetidus. Nectandra. Diarrhoea. Membranes. Deliriant, of Arrests — Cerifera.Brazilic. Acris. Nobilis. In Leaves. Arrests Buchu. Ursi. From headaches Mucous Prevents Cascara Hordeum. Ceratum Asclepias MyricaStaticeMyrcieeSpiritusLauras Uva Fruit. of Irritability. Helleborus Nectandra. periodicalralgias. Antiperiodic, ity Perspiration. See SeeFrom SeeSee SeeSee See See See See Sec See Bebeerin. Bael Belladonna Diuretic. Tonic. incontinence Asthma. .... Do. 13 — — O.25 4.oo Do. S.00 Do. 0 Do. 0.130.065 013 065 Do. Do. 00 032 0 O.32 a. Do. O.032 Do. 0 0.015 O.032


4. -2. %-2. 1 5-60. Do. Do. y2 Do. Vo-2.tl-1. Do. 1-4. grs. grs. dr. gr-M-2. Externally. dr. fl. gr. gr. gtt. FI. PI. Ext.Folia. Alcoh. Ext. x. Sulphas. “ Emplastrum. Ointment. Ipecac. Root. Foot. Bark. Murias. “ Radix. Extractum. Limmentum. Rad. Honduras. Laurel. Rum. Tree. “ “ Fructus. “ “ “ “ “ “ “ Bark Barley.Barosmin. Basilicon Bastard Bayberry. Baycuru BayBay BayBearberry. Bear’s Bebeeru Bebeeria. Bel* Belladonnse. 49 low 3ii, An- suf- 15 Anti- ii.) in Stimu- Ulcers. Cystitis. Sxvi.) Cardi- when odic, O Tonic, with Uses foul Storax Laxative. aud Si.) to Sss, Lard Dyspepsia, Dyspepsia, to AlcoholBronchitis, Sii, Tonic, vomiting Stimulant Si, Barberry. AntispasmExpectorant, Applied Aloes Cathartic, In Alterative. Pendulum. In Aflions Ext. Siii, Betony. and the Bush. Tolu Benz. periodic. Leaf and of Sesamum. septic, Chronic algia. Trillium pain Milk. lant. Bal. In Barberry. ti Holly Stomachic, (5i SeeFever Fevers. Benzoin. (Benz. (Tinct. Berberin. Tonic Wood SeeBismuth. 3° 25 l.oo 4.00 Do. I.30* 4.oo Do. 2.oo 4.oo 0 Do. l.oo Do. 4.00 Do. 0.32

S .00 Grammes O.25 l.oo Do. 0.6 O.50l.oo Do. 1.00 1.00 O.065 Do. O.50 Do. 1Do. O.13 Adult J4-1. J4-L 14-1. 80. for 8-30. 10-20. 15-40 15-30. 1-4.Do. 8-15. 15 %-l.Do. 2-5. Externally. M-l. dr. dr. Do. Externally. dr. grs. grs. Dose gtt. dr. fl. grs.gtt.il. grs.fl. grs. gtt.dr. F!. FI. FI. Ext. Comp. Ext. Ext. i.i. : “ “ i. Fluidum. “ Tinctura. Uuguentum. Odorif- Fluidum. te. Aquifolium, is. Unguentum. is. Sulphas. Medicines. emm. Ext. Tinctura. Ext. Officinalis. Boot. Citras. Belladonna;. “ Benzoin, “ “ “ “ “ “ “ Beth “ Benne. Benzoinum. Berberis. Berberina Berberis Betonica Bismuthum. .. ►* 50 manj AcidityInfantum Coryza. Diuretic Saliva eating; Diarrhaea, Cholera Catarrh, Mercurial Europ. Amara. Rubella. Andros. Febrifuga. Comp. after in Astringent,In Amara. Mist. of Ash. fering Dysentery, snuff Styptic. Lycopus. Amygdala Iberis Colocynthis.Polygala ApocynumDulcamara. Rubus. Bittera Prinos. Cimicifuga.Sennse forms as Bistort. tion.Black See See See See SeeSee See See See See See See 13 O.25 8.00 O.32 2.ooDo. Do. Do. 4.oo 2.oo O 2.oo O.40 2.00

00 — O.065 4.oo O.13O.32Do. Do. Do. 2 O.32O.032l.oo 0.13l.oo

1-2. 14-1. 1.4.dr. 2-5. 5-30.Do. Do. Do. dr. 5-30. M-2. 15-30.2-6. 30-60. grs.fl. grs. grs. fl. grs. grs. grs. grs.gtt. Cit.Liq. Liq. “ “ Fluidum. Tuft. “ se. “ Febrifuga. Ammon. “ Bugle. Candy Polygala. Draught. et Iodidum. Lactas. Oxidum. Subnitras. Tannas. Valerianas. Extraction. Almonds. Cucumber. Root. Sweet. Ash. Alder. Cohosh. “ “ “ “ “ Subcarbonas.“ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ Bistorta. Bittera Bitter Blackberry. Black 5 1 be > T*J[ to Uses. Nig. Thai. Pilula. Gallici. and Prunifolium. Tinctoria. Lot. Benedicta. Epispastica. Curas. Catesbaei. Boldo. Florida. Vini AElions Vesieulosus. Chlorinata. Asclepias Versicolor. Boras. Anthelmintic, fasting. Viburnum Helleborus. QuercusPiper. Hydrarg.Fucus Calx Centaurea Charta Sangui-naria. CaulophyllumIris GentianaHydrargvriPeumus Eupatorium. SodiiBuxus. Cornus Spiritus given See See See See See See See See See See SeeSee See See See See See See See See SeeKoosso. .... — IB.oo Do. Gramines. . 8.00 Do.

Adult. 2-4. for 2-4. dr. Dose dr. 11. Paper. Fluidum. Wrack.Powder. se. Medicines. Haw. Hellebore. Oak.Pepper. Wash. Thistle. Root. Flag. Pill.Leaves. Ext. “ Flower. Cohosh. Gentian. “ “ “ “ Black Bladder BleachingBlessed Blistering Blood “ Blue “ “ “ Boldo Boneset. Borax. Box.Boxwood. Brandy. Brayera. 52 Can- and and Urin- in Hospital powerful Bron- Alterat.an Co. Cathartic, Stimulant,Cystitis Irritation, a and is Vomica, Geiiito Urine, Caustic, is Mist. Vesecatesthe Trifol. Int., Nux the of Frangula. Glabra. Ext. action Bryony. Diuretic, Chronic ofUrethral Uterus irritant. of in Hydragogue, Jalap. In of Chloride Seoparius. Glycyrrhiza; it Tract, Menyanthes Lycopus. Gangrene. Skin, ary Bhamnus Rhamnus Aesculus Bromine. cer The Caustic.Powerful SeeSee Alkaloid like Common like Buchu. Tonic. Affections Incontinence chorrhma. See See See See See .... 60 00 .OO —- O.50 0.015 Do. Do. 2 Do. O.13 2.oo 4 Do. 1 3ti.oo lti.oo

OO — —- <>.i3 0.OO4 Do. Do. O.65Do. O.0320.50 1.00Do. O.32I(> loo

to 1. -\. y2 2-8. 10-40. 14-2.8-30. /i-l 5-15. 1-4. Externally. Ho. Externally. one-six- Do. Do. 20-80. dr.Do. oz. dr. gtt. gr.teenth grs.gtt. grs. grs.fl. grs.fl. fl. Comp. “ _____ ii. Fluidum. Fluidum. European x. “ Hydrate. x. “ Chloridum. Iodidum. Solutio. Mixture. Nitras. Sulphas. Ext. indecl. Ext. Extractum. Infusum. Tinctura. Bean. Thorn. Eye.Weed. “ “ “ “ “ Bryonia, “ Bryonin. “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ Bugle -rBrommium. Bromoformuin. Bromal Broom. Brown Bruneia. Buchu. Buck 53 al- of to -H JLJ C Pal- an appli- Zinc, injec- % Anti- In is Iod. as (gr. Uses. Convales- Occid. Sedative,Nervous in and Eryngium. Inermis. Cereus. Heart. Iodideresolvent powerful, Usta. and the The used Burgundiea. Purse. Guaiac.Tonic. of andresembling Sulph.likethatof Gonorrhoea, malarial, Anions Like Blooming more in General —— Lappa. Spongia Juglans. Cephalanthus 1. Pix Liatris Goeflfrova pitation only See See See See Shepherd’sSee SeeBox.Febrifuge, See Night Cadimum. terative cationLead. tion oz. Coffee.Caffeia.] Stimulant, 13 .... — 0.20 0.50 O.065O.25 0

07 — .... Grammes. O 0.065 0.008 0.032 0.065 dult. A for 2-6. 1-8. 141. 1-8. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. lib. 1-2.Do. Dose gtt. grs. gr.gtt. Externally. Ad. grs. Bark. Grandi- Tinct. Ung. i. x. Pitch. Tree ii. Acetas. Sulphas.„ Medical. Sponge. Pastoris. Snakeroot.Bush. Oleum. Cactus, flora, Bromidum. Chloridum. Iodidum. x. Acetas. Burdock. Burgundy Burnt Butternut. Bursa Button “ Buxi. Buxin. ("'abbage Cadmium, “ “ “ “ “ “ Caffea. Caflein. “ 54 Al- OpiumSpasmodic Diuretic, Stimu- Absorb- Stimu-Elat- to as pinworms as Astring-Diar- variousPhos- diseases, Headache, Debility, application Burns, internally and in The acute In pain. intoxication,Hiccup, Cathartic, Diffusable Astringent,Excoriations.inDift'usable Fowder.) where Used Absorbent,Dyspepsia Chloride Nervous Oil. with Soothing Scrofula. from Used Flag. Leucorrhoea. In The of Rubefacient. Physostigma. Tonic. in Water. Hysteria. lant, injection cence coholic Narcosis,Asthma, Cahinca.Emetic. Cajuput SeeCalamine. ent. Sweet lant, uleuceLime. Bleaching andLime Calcium. Antacid, ent.rhoea. forms l)o. 00 Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. 3 1.000.20 4.00 4.00 «.6s 4.00 0.40 4.00 64.oo 2.00 O.40 4.oo 2.6o .oo 00 65 .20 1)6.l)o. Do. Do. 1 1 1-3° Do. Do. 0.5° 0.032 1.000.20 1.00 0.13 I6.00 0 0 O.20 0.65 1. Pill. dr. in>4-1. 10.%-l. fl. %-2. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. 15-45.8-15. 1-5dr. Do.K-b 3 2-6. 20— 10-30.3-6. 3-60. 10-40. grs. Externally. grs.dr. gtt.Externally. oz. grs. grs. gtt.fl. dr. fl. grs. grs. grs. grs. | 11. Liq. as. Prsec. n «. Eluidum. Spiritus. “ “ Citras. Sulphas. Tan a?. Oleum. Ceratum.i. li. Bromidum. Nitras. Valerianas. Extractum. Bean. Extractum. as. Chlorlnata. Liquor. Benzoas. Carbolas.Bromidum. Carbon. “ “ “ " “ “ «Llnimentum.“ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ Cahinca. “ Cajuputi Calabar Calamina. Calamus, Calx. Calcium, “ 55 1 \ fer- in Io- De- 4 Vy Gen.Hypo- The suppur-Sul- Stom- and and andSulphide used The The dressings. Mite. l/ses The Consumption. Hyposulph. is Diarrhoeas Tonic, appetite The Goitre. Acid arrest Gigantea. and and formation. in colds. to in Antispasmodic, Chlorid. Nervous pusBromid by Sudorific. aRickets. putrifaction discharges.constructingParis. Bitter Improves isin Pn.ee used of Aftions Sulphite Iodo. is Hydrarg. phate phosphite prevents Exophthalmic phasin Asclepias Tonic The arrests mentation. The Carb. induced dideative Plaster Marigold. obstruent, See See Columbo. achic.

- Do 00 00 00 00 00 00 I.30H.00 1.00 2 Itt 1.302.00 Do. 2.00 8.00 O.65 O.32 4 4.oo O.404 2 1 .oo oo 6s 20 65 20 00 Grammes. 0.13 1 0.20 Do. 0.20 8 O O Do. 0 4.oo 0 O.008 l 2.00 0.25 2.oo 0.65 O.32

Adult. 30. 5. 2-4. 1-2. 1. lA-l. for 2-20. 3-15.Do. 3-30. 10-20.6-30. Do. 10 3-10. V-l. y24-6. dr. 10-30.5-15. dr. grs.dr. grs. gr. grs. dr. grs. grs.Externally. - grs. grs. Dose grs.11. grs. 'll. ft dr.dr. grs. 11.

Liq. * Syrupus. Phosph.Prsec. Liq. “ Bromid. Fluidum Medicines. Chloridum. ITvpophosphis. Hyposulphis.Iodidum. “ Iodo.Lactas. I.acto.Phosph. Saceh. Sulphis.Sulphuretum.Sulphas. Tartras. x.Ext. Ext. x.Extractum. “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ *• “ “ ‘' Calendula, “ “ Calotropis. “ * Calcium. Calomel. Calumba 56 of In Di- is Dia- pains. Can- it state Inebri- Stim- as Anti- Tetan- irritability, Summer Nervous Cardiac where Stimulant. Chordee,Prostration. Virg. Same Anodvrie,Antirieuralgic,Chorea, enfeebled Antispasmodic.Expectorant, Spasmodic Canadense. Starch. In Mania, in Rheumatic Antispasmodic, Hemp. Stomachic irritation, to of Hemp. Gambogia. Sedative, Muscular Erigeron Asarum, Tonic. variety Indica. Acute digestionsystem, Nonastringent. Camphor.phoretie, ant, nrrhoea,Complaints,and Applied Orobanche ulant, nabis spasmodic,Hypnotic. us, See Genital See See See Canella. A American Indian 60 ...... 20 00 30 13 065 2 O.20 O.65 0 1 64.00 I6.00 112.00 1.00 I.30 4.00 4 O.25 O O.40 O.130 O.13 32 ...... 032 O.65 6.00 S.ocK O.o6s O.13 O.20 1.000 O 1 I6.00 O.065O.32 1.00 O13O.032O.20 O.015 O.032

2. Yr2-4. Y-t. Y-l. 20-80. 1-3. 2-10. Do. 3-15. 1-3. 10-40. 15-60. 5-20. lib. 2-4. 54-2.5-10. 14-2.%-l. 1-4. oz. dr. grs. ozExternally. dr. gtt. fl. fl. grs.11. grs.gtt gtt. grs.fl. grs.Ad. grs grs.gtt. grs. grs. gtt Comp. FI. FI. Ameri. Ext. “ as. Ext. “ Fluidum. se. as. “ “ Fluidum. is. Infusum. Tinctura. igia. Aqua. Oleum. Spiritus. Fleabane. Snakeroot.Hoot.

. Resina. Tinctura. Collod. Fluidum. idis. Ceratum.Fluidum. i. Medicines Indica “ Acetum. Cum Ceratum. Charta. Ext. “ Tinctura. Unguetum. Extractum. “ Infusum. Oleoresina. “ *• “ “ “ “ “Linimentum.“ “ “ Capsicum,“ “ “ “ p- Cannabis Cantharis. Cantharidin. Caoutchouc. 58 * with Ab- Dys- un- In Stimu- of filled lo Colic Carmina-Prevents Stimulant, Carmina- Antacid, medicines. isAntispasmodic. Neuralgias. Flatulence, pepsia. Stimulant. Agreeable flavor Diuretic. Bark. Oil bottle In Asthma. To Cerifera. Aromatic, by Flatulent medicines. of in 1 Ulcers. Diuretic. Aromatic, drunkards. In of Charcoal. Flower. Corypha Seeds. Stimulant. Hickory perhaps Carum. cotton, healthy Spasmodic Caraway. tive. griping loves. tive, drink SeeApplied Animal sorbent Charcoal Cuckoo Cardamom. lant. children. See Carrot Safflower. Shell 1 Stomachic. 00 — 30 00 60 Do. 4 O.13 1 Do. 3.6o 12 64.oo 4.oo 2 8.00 Do. 4.oo 4.oo 64.oo 4.00 6.32 8.00 0.80 32.00 O.32 — 04 32 O.32 O O Do. 0.6s 4.oo 32.00 O.32 4.oo Do. 2.oo l.oo 32.00l.oo O.032 2.oo O.20 Do. 8.00 O.032 1. dr. 1. fl. yK 1-2. 1-2. -\. 1-2. 2. 2-8. 5-60. 2 2 10- 2-6. 5-20. Do. 10-40. 1-3. oz. 10-80.dr.Do. V lib. 14-I.oz. dr.- 1-10.V- 3-12. 6-24. dr. 110. gtt. gtt. grs. grs. dr. fl. grs.gtt.fl. dr.Ad dr. ft. fl. gtt. dr. grs. gtt.fl. gtt. Prat- Comp. i. i. is. i. Bisulphur- Animalis. Fluidum. “ Root. Fluidum. Fluidum. mum.o a?. i. Aqua. Tinetura. is onis. Ligni. Ext. Tinetura. Ext. Oleum. Alba. Ext. Infusum. Oleum. “ — Caraway. “ dam“ “ “ *• “ “ CaryaCaryophyllus. “ “ * Car Carbon Carbo. Cardamine. Carnauba Carota. Carthamus. Carum. P 59 Diar- of In In Bitter In Stimu- Uterine Uses. Debility relaxed Tonic. Tonic.Diarrhoea, Syphilis. Intestines. Occidentale. Cassia. Cathartic. Cathartic. In Membrane. and andPursh. Aromatic, and ucous Com. Ricini. Passive Dysentery. Cassia. Senna.Leaves. M Antispasmodic, Expectorant, Astringent,conditions, ASlions Stomachic. of Honduras. ScrofulaRhamnus Tonic,rhoea, Stomach Anacardium CinnamomPurging Ricinus Oleum Catnip. Dysentery. Bark In See Cascarilla. the See See American Chestnut states See See Castor. lant. Flatulence. Catechu.relaxed .00 00 00 00 00 4.00 Bo. ii.oo 12 8.00 4.oo Do. tl.oo 4 Do. 51 1-3°4.oo 9<».oo 24.00 12 Hoo 2 oo 5 65 00 00 00 65 .00 32 2 Do. o.6 0 2. 4 51 Do. 4 Do. 0 Grammes. 0.32 32.co 4.00 u-251.oo 0.65 4.00

Adult. 3. -l. 1 J4-2. %-l. J4-1. 1-2. 1-6. /or 2 yBo. 10-30.5-15. 20-G0. oz. dr. i-6. 1-3.34-1.dr. 10-30.dr. 1-2.dr. 10-30. 10-40. dr. Dose dr. grs. grs.gtt.fi. A. dr. dr. dr.ii. grs.il. dr. fl. grs. gtt.a. FI. Ext. Comp. “ Fluidum. Vesca. i. Amarga. x. “ Nut. x.Fluidum. Fluidum. indecl.Fluidum. Medicines. Sagrada. Extracturn. Tnfusum. Tinctura. x.Fistula. Marilandica. Ext. Bean. Oil. Tinctura. x.Ext. Ext. Infus. “ “ “ « “ " Cassia, “ “ “ “ “ “ Catechu, “ “ T Cascara Cascarilla. Caschew Castanea. Castor Castoreum Cataria. X, 60 Em- by Sy- He- Dia- _j thoughtcontrac- I11 the Throat, Bites. Majus. Alterative. Emetic, application. is Diaphoretic, It Sore Yellow). Diuretic. Cranewillow. ( promote Uterus. In Snake Sweet. Tonic. ) Cerate. the Cachexia. in Graveoleus. Thistle. Bush. Unctious to of Capsicum. Bitter Disorders. Apium (White Hemorrhage.Cataria. Cohosh. menagogue. Root. philitic Chelidonium Diaphoretic, patic Sabbatia. phoretic, See Blue some tions SeeRed Antidote See False See SeeBlessed Button Wax Cerate. Spermaceti 32 .... 00 .... — — 4.oo S.oo O 2.oo 800 O.13 4.oo 4.oo O.13 8 O.65 8.00 4.00 Do. 4.ooDo.

oo 00 .... no 32 00 — -GO Do. 2Do. 1.00 1.00 O.065 1 4 O.015 2 2.ooO.06S 40 4.oo 2.oo

1. -l. 45. . 2 y+- 1-2. \y 1-2. 1. 14-i. 15 1-5.30-60. y-2. yY 1-2. 5-10. 54- 54-1. Do. dr. dr. dr. 1-2. dr. dr. Do. Externally. fl. grs. grs.gtt. fl. grs. dr. fl. grs. dr. grs11. dr. fl. dr. Ext. FI. FI. Fl. FI. Ext Thai- is. “ FI. (Flava). i. Ext. Tinct. Arneri- Ext. Ext. Bene-Ext Occiden- i. i. (garden.) Us. x. x. “ “ “ Scand- Pepper. i. tals. i. is. American. (Alba) Tinctura. ens. Seeds. dicta, x. Cetacei. canus. “ ictroides. “ — “ Catnip. Caulophyllum. “ “ Caulophyllin. Cayenne Celandine, “ CeleryCentaury Cephalanthus Cera, k t* Ceanothus. Cedron. Celastrus. Centaurea. Ceratum. 61 “ 1 In em- M Vy Preg- Skin Expeo- Com- of Expecto- Uses Odorata,and Cathartic and Vesicant. Tonic Diuretic, Vomiting Demulcent. Affections. Paper. Scrofulous Grandifl. In Gastralgia.Tonic. Scrofulous Alterative, In Actions Tree. Moss. Gynocardiain Cheken.Diuretic. Cactus nancy, Pulmonary Sabadilla. Creta. Anthemis. Carbo.Blistennq ployed rant, Diaphoretic, plaints. See JudasCerium. Nervous Spermaceti.Iceland See See See See From Diseases. Myrtus Celandine. torant. .... 20 00 00 65 O.20 O 4 32.00 O.65 12.00Do. 2 O 2.oo 8.00 Grammes .... .00 .... 20 0.065 0.065 2.00 10 0.32 4.00 Do. 1.000. l.oo 4.oo Adult %-l. 1-2. for 1-3. 1-3. J4-1. 5-10. 1-3.Do. 15-30.3-10. Externally. oz. Externally. grs. grs.dr. dr. Dose grs. grs. dr. fl. gtt. dr. A. fl. 1 j Maj- FI. Oil. it. Ext. Ext. Tinct. i. Epispas. Fluidum. as. Bonipland. ii. oris. “ “ Medicines. Granditl.Canadensis. Nitras.Oxalas. Decoctum. x. Ext. us. Cereus “ Cerces Cerium, “ “ Cetaceum. Cetraria. “ Cevadilla. Chalk. Chamomile. Charcoal. Charta. Chaulmugra Cheken. “ Clielidonium. “ “ 62 a given Astring-Urin- Dis- Not spas-Hypnot-In- have liver. In Bitter Cathartic, to the Cathartic. Anti simple by Nephritic on Rheumatism. Dyspepsia. modic,In Tonic. Cinchona. .] Aperient, Anthelmintic, Domingensis. Alterative, See Astringent, Centaury. . Supposed In action followed of Castanea Goyana Diuretic, Affections,Scrofula, Tree. used. Chloral Sedative. Salmnny. peculiar fasting, Laurocerasus. eht, ary eases, ic, Tonic Wormseed. See See SeeFipsissewa. Chinoidin.Fringe Chiretta. Tonic. muchEuropean HydrateCroton 25 —— 60 65 0 I.30 4.oo 0.65 4.00 0.13 2.60 4.00 0.25 4.00 128.00l.oo 4.oo O.25 2.6o 4.oo Do. l.oo S.00 4.00 2 0 2.00 065 13 32 065 50 O 2.oo O.33 2.00 0.065 0.65 1.00 0 1.00 64.oo O l.oo0 O.20 1.00Do. O.6504.oo l.oo O.65 O.32 O.32

*4-1. %-l. 2-4. 14-1. 12. 1*4.%-i. 5-10. dr. 1-2. 10-40.dr. 4-8. *4-1. oz. 5-15. dr. 1-4.3-40. 14-1.Do. 10-20. 15-30.dr.U-l. 10-40.5-10. 5-30. grs.dr. grs.fl. grs. grs.11. gtt. dr. 11. grs.ft. gtt. grs.dr. grs.gtt.11. dr. grs. grs. grs. PI. FI.

“ Virg. ii. Ext. Ext. i.i. “ “ se. Fluidum. Glabra. Fluidum. “ Fluidum. is. Leaves. se. Ext. Oleum.Laurel. Deeoctum. Extractum. Ext. Tinctura. Centaur. Butylicum. Chelidopin. Chelone. “ Chelonin. Clienopodium.“ “ CherryChestnut Chewstick. Chimaphila. “ “ “ Chimaphilin.Chinoidinum. Chionauthus. Chiretta. “ “ Chironia Chloral. “ Chlorodyne. 63 vy sys- Di- De- d Puer- An- Anti- Ine- Sick- Sprains. Cohosh. Rheu- Alter Typhoid, Asthma, ] Uses, Incontin- Sea In of Neuralgias, Mack Anodyne. Antiperiodic. muscular to and Asthma. Alterative Antiscrofulitic. Ansesthetic,Antiemetic, Hysteria,Palpitation, Demulcent. Lumbago, In relax Chloroform. Hemlock. Diuretic. Hypochondriacal Bark. Elions Delirium Mania,Convulsions,Urine. Water. ToLocally A liacemosa, of Moss. Water Svakeroot. peral tispasmodic, Ulcers. spasmodic, aphoretic, pression. somnia,Acute ence Chlorine To Chloroform. briant. Nervous ness. tem.Commercial Irish Am. Actxa Mack niatism.Pains, Peruvian 00 00 Do. Do. 16 O.78 32.oo 4 O.784.oo O.50 2.00 8.00 O.40 4.00 065 Grammes. 4.oo 0.i6 8.00 O.25Do. O.065l.oo O.25 l.oo Do. 2.00 O O.65 1. dr. Adult. 8. 11. for 1-4. 2 CO X-%. M-2. 1-6. dr. 6-30. dr. 10—Do. 1-12. dr.Do. dr. 10-60. Externally. u Dose 11. gtt. 11. gtt xr.'X> beh. 11. grs. grs. Pur- x. Comp. i.i

Comp. “ x. Aqua. i. Fluidum. x. Moculata. “ “ diedical. iflcatum. Mistura. SpiritusTinct. Venale. x. Tinctura. Linimentum.“ “ “ “ “ Extractum. “ “ Chlorinii Chloroformum. Chondrus. Cicuta. Cimicifuga. " “ Cimicifugin. Cinchona, 64 n *1 over in giv-In and Mor- Rub. Febri- Stim- Alka- local- TyphoidAcute be appetite Debility, Erysip- Astring- Nausea, The in endDischar- intestinal Gangren- Diseases. Pneumonia, In Sedative,Dusted Typhus,Fevers, must temperature. the AsthmaPhthisis, and Septic Sulphuret Astringent service exhausting and doses increases up Hayof Septicaemia. Aromatic, Ulcers. in — Oxytocic,Tonic. great large Membrane, other ofInflammations Used Malarial reduce braces Sweats States,and Hydrargyri Antispasmodic.Antineuralgic, to Conditions Stimulant. Antiseptic, fuge,ulant, unhealthy checking ges. Dyspepsia Neuralgias,Night ent., loids ized andRheumatism where en and Mucous bid ous elas See Cinnamon. Do, 00 I.30 Do. Do. 2 4.oo 4.oo 84.oo Do. Do. Do. 12.oo 8.00 2.ooDo. Do. Do. Do. Do. 64.oo 00 Do.Do. Do. O.32 1 2.00 32.00 Do. Do. Do. 4.oo 4.oo O.20 Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. 6.65 32.00

1. 5-30. %-t. 1-2. 1-3. 1-2. 1-2. Do.Do. Do. dr.dr. oz. Do. Do. Do. dr. dr. 3-30.Do. Do. Do. Do.Do. 10-20.oz. grs.li.tl.ii. fl. fl. grs. grs.fl. Co

“ Comp. Fluidum. Decoc. Infus. Decoc. Infus. ie. i. “ “ “ Flva. Pallida. Rubra. Extractum. Flavse “ Rubrae “ Tinctura. Sulphas. Sulphas.Salicylas. j'rlarias. Aqua. “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ Cinchonia. “ CiDohonidia. *• * Cinnabar. Cinnamonum. “ 65 ” i\y in i less- waste An- Anti- Diarrhoea. Ung. or Used convales- Cough. Alkaloids Uses ingredient. tissue in diseases. Cocculus. Grass. the and NitratisPratense. Aparine. Remove check and acute Antispasmodic, Hooping Strumarium. of Brava. stimulant. Pseudo. In ScurvyDiuretic. One Actions Flatulence, flavoring Caryophyllus.Leaves. fatigue, habitfrom Theobromse. Menispermum a Pareira Hydrargyri Trifolium Galium Opium Smilax Oleum odyne. Xanthium Cassia.] As See See See See See Coca en nervine cence See See See Cochineal. Common scorbutic. SeeCodeme.

. 00 O.20 l.oo ...... lli.Do. l.oo O.032l.oo I.30 .... O.io

20 .... 20 .... on Grammes 00.32 0 1.00 8.00 Do. 0 O 0.32 0.6s O.013 Adult. for &-1. 1-5.5-30. dr. 2-4.Do. 3-15. K-'A 10-80. 20-40. M-VA- Dose gtt.gtt.H. dr. grs. gr.gtt. gtt. gr- FI. Ext. Ext. Offlcin- Cassia. Par. se. Spts. Tops. “ “ Indicus. is. Medicines. Oleum. Spiritus.Tinctura. Ointment Erythroxylon. Butter. Tinctura. alis.Burr. as. Cinnamomum “ “ “ CissampelosCitrine Clover Cleavers. Cloves. Coca “ “ Cocalmecan. CocoaCocculus Coccus. *• Cochlearia. Cockle Codia. 66 ad-Pro- Gout,Ure-acid. in in Diu- Di- Biliary waste of where Exco- Sedative, ofIn inflam- organs Tonic. useful uric in Bronchitis, and over Colocynth.—action, Antiarthritic, is body. or Salines circulation also Astringent, etc. and Cholagogues. Irritation Gouty rapid Morrhuse. GeneralIncreases from urea withportal internal Painted Blisters, of persons,of Opium. Saffron. to elimination from of same, Balm. Diaphoretic Cucumber Oleum Caifea. Diuretic, junct torpor gouty Neuralgias. of See See Meadow Narcotic. Secretions motes materialRheumatism, thra Combined mation the Horseretie, Collodion.riations, Bitter Cathartic 65 13 Do. — 8.00 0.3 0.065 0.25Do. 2.000.50 0 4.00 4.00 0.003 1.00Do. 0 O.50 Do. 2.oo O.065 O.015 O.065Do. O.50O.13 O.20 1.00 O.50 O.001 O.50Do. O.032 0.13

1. }^-2. y8 to \i-\. 80. -2. 1-2. 1-4.2-8. 2-8. 5-20. 15 2 Do. dr. M-l. 15-60. dr.dr.- -gV 8-15. V Do. 2-8. alone. fl. grs. gr. grs.gtt.gtt.grs. gtt. Externally. n. fl. gr. grs.gtt. gr. grs.Not FI. FI. Cana- FI. Ext. Ext. as. Fxt. idis. Oil. i. Acetic. Alcohol. Vinum. Vinum. ii. “ “ “ “ Sulphas. Acetum. Ext. “ Radix. Semen. Tinctura. denis, Flexile. “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ Extractum. Liver “ “ Cod Coffee. Colchicum. Colchicin. Collinsonia. Collinsonin. Collodium. Colocynthis. 67 (J Scam- uretic, with Gen.Used and Diseases, heighten-Mor- Siss)Constipation. Astringent liver Asthma Tetanus. with Uses. Res. an of Officinale. Eupatoria. Sedative.j organs, Chorea, and Sxii, Combined Sylvestris.Officin. Has Garciana.Antispasmodic, much Cardam. Habitual alone. Serrulata. Leaves, Pulmonary Mania, are Actions Aloes Siii. in Fern. enlargements Rarely Tussilago.Calumba. SymphytumAlnus AgrimoniaMalva Cochiearia Equatoria effects combinationby (Siiss, mony Used Aromatics. See See See See See See See Sweetaction. See Hemlock. Hemlock in abdominal Chronic Acute Its ed


- — 50 OO l.oo 1.30 0.065 4.00 Do. 0 Do. 1.00 O.50 O.13 4.oo

20 Grammes. O.32 O.16 O.ois 2.00 Do. 0.13Do. 0 0.065O.O32 2.00 0.50

-\. 4. 1. Adult. 2 H l.y 2. Ay for %-l. yr 2-8. 1-8.y2l 5-15. 5-40.Pills. dr. Do. 3-30. dr. dr.- Dose grs. gtt. 1-3 grs. dr. 11. grs. gtt. grs. grs.- n. fl. Co. FI. FI. Ext. Comp. Asplen- Fluidum Grass. as. Ext. Ext. Alcohol. “ Alder. ii. “ “ dura. Medicines. Pilula Foot. Agrimony. Mallow. Scurvy ifolia. Folia.Fructus. Succus. Tin “ Extractum. “ Colocynthidis “ “ Colocynthin.Colt’s Columbo. Comfrey. Common “ “ Comptonia. Condurango.Conium. “ “ “ “ “ “ 68 * H is In De- mus- It Cal- when puri-Dim- like Sores Dia- poultices Tumors Diaphoret- In causes or Soporific. Astringent, Diminishes Stimulant, and Cystitis. secretions. Tonic Root. Stimulating It with Sores thick Aphthous Fevers. ™,-relaxation. Valley. Bitter Crawley In . Diuretic. Gonorrhoeais In ,jhla locally pain. Seal.Diuretic, pulsation. Complaints.Cathartic,In pulmonary , icular the without 1'-* Stimulant, Chronic ne allay conditions. Tonic. of Potato. Cuprum. Thread. Root e applied Cancerous discharge Mouth properties. — to to mulcent,ic, Copaiva. of phoretic Confine Tonic, lowSotomon’s Lily heart’s Wild carious Diuretic. form. inishes See Gold Quassia. Coral 00 00 00 — 00 14 4 1.00 2,00 Do. O.002 2.oo O.65 4.oo 8.00 0.25 2.60 4.00 0.50 12.002.oo O.65 2 .OO 65 OO 00 O.ooi O.65 0-3*1 O.32 O.50 4.oo O.065 O 1 O.50 O.25 O.50 O.50 Do. 4 1.00 1.00

1. to -l. a y8 1-2. %-l.y 60. 1-3. 10-30.5-15. 5-10. 1-4. 10-40. 8-15. 8-15. 8-30. 15 15-30.5-10. 30-60. 's'V dr.dr. dr. dr- Pills. dr. gr. grs. grs. dr. grs.fl.fl. grs. grs.fl. fl. gtt. 2-5 grs. grs.gtt. fl. grs. grs. gtt. Poly- FI. “ Pan- FI. FI. “ Odon- “ x. x.Ext. i.Ext. x. Ext. Majalis, x. Fluidum. “ x. Extractum. gonatum, duratus, Oleum.Pilulae. Resina. idis. Ext. Tinctura. torhiza, Conia. Contrayerva. “ “ Convolvulus, Copaiba, “ “ “ Copper.Coptis. “ “ “ Convallaria. Convallarin. Corallorhiza. + 69 Di- /I Yy Osier Heart ad- Correct-Flatu- Corros. withSyphilis In Astringent, Substitute Dogwood. Uses Dogwood, Dogwood. Febrifuge, Malaria. Alterative,Used and Aromatic, Maidis. Maidis. Tonic. in Swamp Chlorid. Scroiula,Affections. Dressing. ions Like Boxwood. onic. in AH Leaved Corn. 1 Stomachic. Ustilago .stigmata Antiperiodic, Cinchona Osier, Hydrargyri vantageCutaneous Anthelmintic. Coriander. ive,lence. See See Hound Green.Dogwood. Stimulant, for Red See Turkey uretic, and Hazel. Antiseptic 32 Do. .00 00 — 2.00 0.40 4.00 Do. Do. 64 O.65 4 8.00 4.oo Do. 0.6s I.30 O I.30 S..o O.o6s

.... .oo 00 065 .... 1.00 1 ((.065 Grammes Do. 0.2O Do. Do. :i2.oo 1.00 4 1.00Do. 0 0.6sO.065O.65 4.oo 0.032 Adult -l. ]A-\. M-l. 1-2. 1-2. for x 1-2. 15-30. 30-60. 5-10. y %-l. 1-10.dr. Do. 1-10. 10-20. 1-5.20-40. dr. 14-1. dr. oz. grs. dr. grs. grs. gtt. grs. Externally. Dose grs. gtt. gtt. dr. fl. dr. fl. fl.rt. dr. gr. tt. FI. FI. FI. FI. x. “ Ext. “ For-Ext. i. Ext. Ext. Tinct. Circin- x. Deeoc. Tinct. is. x. Fluidum. “ “ “ “ “ Sublimate. “ “ i. Ext. Oleum. Ergot. Silk. us. ata.Florida, Sericea. mosa. Medicines. “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ Coriandrum. Corn Cornus. Cornin. Corrosive Corydalis. Corydalin. Corylus.Cosmoline. 70 Dia- Diar- Used of ofin In Ozsena. Carb. Used Phthisis. in Diarrhoea of Tonic. Expectoration. Astringent.Colliquativesweating Radix. Aromatic. Lanatum. Repens. Opulus. Odont.Bitartras. Antiseptic,Astringent, Absorbent Inhaled friableAntacid. Acidity, and Nervous Fetid native acidity. Bark. and GossvpiiWeed. Epilepsy. ii.)The Ileracleum Triticum Vibernum Geranium.ClorallorhizaPotassii gases.to rhcea, May in Antiemetic, Diarrhoea, Coto rhoea See Navelwort. See See See See See See Creosote. (SiChalk,Calcium. where 20 .00 60 00 O Do. 2.oo O.20 4 Do. O.40 8.00 O.40 O.20 I6.00 32.00 1.3032.00 24

.... 00 065 0.065Do. O.so O.065 2 Do. O.20 2.oo O.20 0 4.00 I6.00 O.50 I6.00 6.65 2.oo

8. l. 4 r 1-4. 4-8. 1-5. MO. 15-60. 1-3. y 3-6. 1. V2-2.3-6. 1. 1-3. 8-20. 10-40. Do. dr. dr.Externally. dr. %-l. grs.gtt. gtt. grs dr. gtt. dr. dr. grs.dr. gtt.ii. fl. grs. fl. grs.dr.

FI. Umbil- FI. Arom. FI. is. i. Succus. “ Ext. ee. Ext. Root. Tartar. Unguetum. Praeparata. Tinctura. of Aqua. Bark. Root. Ext. Oleum. ieus, Parsnip. Crass. Bark. Mistura. se. Mistura. Pulv. “ “ “ “ “ “ “ Coto Cotoin. Cotton Cotula. “ Cotyledon, “ Cow Couch Cramp Cranesbill. CrawleyCream Creasotum. “ Creta. “ “ 71 Stim- ae- onofIn and eruption applied. felt Urine. Uses. Diuretic, of and promote gtt. Stimulating Membrane Urethra. Gonorrhoea Pratensis. Virginica. ions Antispasmodid, Tiglii. 10-30Butyl. Itsparticularly and of Acuminata. Seeds. Seeds. To cuius. Incontin. ADI Cathartic. more Mucous stages Magnolia Melon MelonLeptandra Cyminum. Exanthemata. Oleum ChloralRunun early Cardamine Saffron.ulant. in See Vesicant. See SeeCubeb. Stimulant. tion theBladder Bronchitis. See See Cucumber.Musk Water See See

. 00 00 00 ...... — 2.oo Do. 12 8.00 I.30 8.00 2.00 12 1.00 2.00 32 Do.

.... 00 00 00 — Grammes Do. 1.00 4 1 Do. 0.6s 4.00 1.00O.32 0.32 0.32 O.20 IK dult. A up. each. 1-3. 14-2. 1-3. 1. for 2 10-30.20-60. dr. "14-2. 5-20.dr. 6-30. 10 dr. 3-15. 15-30.yDo. grs. grs.gtt. Externally. gtt. gtt. grs. - Dose 4 ii. dr. grs.ii. £1. 1-5. grs. oz.

. Fluidum. Fluidum. Linim. “ Tree. is. “ x. Hoot. Medical i.Ext. Tinctura. Oil. Chloral. Extractum Oleoresina. Oleum. Tinctura. Trochisci. Flower. Melo. Citrullus. Seed. Trochisci. “ “ “ “ “ CretseCrocus, “ Croton “ Crowfoot. Cubeba “ *' “ “ “ Cubebiu. Cuckoo Cucumber Cucumis. Culver’s Cumin 72 ir-inin Dys- in Sores, Gran- an and and Phth- Aro- Soporific, is Granular acute of Chorea. Ginger. Cataplasm. Effective in Infantum to Venerial Throat, pregnancy, inGastio-intest- to Internally also Stimulating Demulcent. Stimulant. Exhuberant of Diarrhoea Hysteria, Tongue. .]Anticonvulsive Carminative, Ext., Sore poison, doses Cholera an Nut. Similar Wort. Gleet, Catarrh, as Angustura.Stimulating Seed. Seed.Artichoke. vomiting entery, Verdigrisisis,Epilepsy, Woorara. a Dittany. Stimulant. Copper.Ulcers,Lids. ulations.ritant minuteinal SeePurging Turmeric. matic. See As QuinceCumin Garden Swallow Hound's

065 32 .... 00 .... 2.qo 0 0 0.25 0.016Do. Do. Do. 0.0150.65 5.30 H 4.oo 2.00 O.io O.065 2


. 06s 00b 016 ...... O.3? 0.032 O.ois 0 O.065 0 Do 0 Do. Do. 0.008 0.0x5 2.00 2.00 8.00 1.00

H-2.2-6. 5-30. 1-3. %-l. 1-5. 1-4.Ya-A-1)0.54-1.Bo. Do. &-10. 30-80. 15-30. grVaX- grs. grs.dr. dr. discretion. grs. gtt.gtt. grs. grs. grs. gr- gr. fl. 11. At dr.

Oleum Nig. Offic. “ ii. Mariana. as.Pluidum. Cortex. i. Scolymus. as. Carbonas.Chloridum. lodidum. Nitras. Oxid.Phosphide. Sulphuretum.Subacetas. Sulphas. Ext. Tinctura. “ Ammoniatum.“ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ Cuspari® Cyclamen.Cydonium. Cyminum Cynanchium. Cynoglossum - Cuprum. Curcuma, Cynara. ' Cumla. Curare. Curcas. 73 to a to i is D and Sed-slowing similar Sex- Diuretic, Spasmod-Kheuma- Spec. Antiperiodic, there Similar In vomiting Uses. in Tonic, and Where Dropsies, ion Slipper.btimulant, Tonic Odoratis. Slavesacre. Candensis. Diuretic Heart AH sensitiveness. Debility. Stamonium. Liatris Spur,Emmenagogue. Asthma,Produces Kubus Glove. drue. ual Taraxacum. Atropia.Belladonna. ic tism. purging. ative, ALadies' Nervous Valerian. morbit Damiana. SeeFrom See See Lark SeeFox | 00 00 - 065 O.65 O.40 1 H. 0.20 3.00 4.00 O.001 O.13Do. O.65 O.02 «.*3 O Grammes. O.32O.13 O.50 4.co O.032 l.co 2.oo O.0005 O.032 Do. O.25 O.005 O.032 O.oi a® to Adult. 1-2. -3. to /or 5-10. 2-6. 15-30. y2 15-45.dr. >4-2. 1-4.8-20. >4-2.34-1. dr. TIH- Dose grs. grs.gtt.fi. grs. grs.fl. gr grs.gtt.gtt. ST- grs. grs.

. ii. Shade. ii. Fluidum x.Fluidum. Root. Fluidum. Articulata. “ Ext. ss. Night Ext. Tinctura. is. Medicines Extraetum. Tinctura. “ Tongue. “ Extraetum. Cyperus Cypripedium.“ “ Cypripediin. Deadly Delphinium, “ “ Delphiniin. Dewberry. Digitalis, “ r Dandelion Daturia. Deer u.- 74 7 1 of disthe de- An- the Io- of Dropsy. used painful forcible palpita-action Fatty of Bowel In been In Vesicant. Comp. more heart,MitralDotation Belial Alterative Has Malaria, Andros.Repeus. Ilydrargyri irregular disease. In et beats. the ease Acute Hoot. Colic.affections Rubefac. Scholaris. Mariana. Florida. Pulv. rendering heart and 1 Aortic erat’n. Yam Bean. Apocynum Erythronium. Liquor. Ipecac, genAnethum. tispasmodic.Bilious spasmodic Complaints. Alstonia Cunila Triticum Cornus Arsenici the uigua.ua.] heart, in and tion Dimin/in See Wild, bowels.Persimmon. TonkaLeather-wood. See See See See See See See didiSee 00 .CO 25 60 .... O.26 Hi. 2.00 0.OO2 1.00 0.23I O 2 8.00 2.00

065 32065 ...... O 8.00 O.32 O.001 O.320x65 O O 1-3°4.00 O.65 TO- 2-4. t0 )-15. 1-2. r 2-8. dr. 10-60.oV . 1-4. 10-30.1-4. 20-40. 10-30. ' dr. gtt. gtt. gr grs.grs. gtt. grs. grs. grs.Externally. fl. tl. FI.

“ Fluidum. i. Yil- Ext. Violet. x. as. i. “ Solution. “ Odorata.Palustris. Infusum. Tinctura. Tinctura. x. Bane. Grass.Tooth Powder. losa. s “ “ " Bark. “ Seed. “ • “ “ Dfgitalinum. DillDioscorea. Dioscorein. Diospyros. Dipterix Dirca. Dita Dittany. Dog Dogwood.Donovan's Dover’s 75 X) In and Less dila- "17 more Diaph- is rapid Prefer- Rheuma- Fruit, Uses. Belladonna effects quickly. eye.produce In Antispasmodic, to Eruptions. its and Stimulant. and the to Elaterium more to Alterative. Hispida. action off pupil. Cucumber Cabbage. in Atrophia, some Diuretic. Scrofula, Persimmon. ASlions Arum. pronounced passing irritatingbyof Sweet. Aralia Genista. which Skunk Narcotic, Asthma. SeeSundew. Similar and red tionBitter oretic.tism, See See Japanese Squirtingfrom 30 00 — .... Do. 8.00 l.oo O.007 Do. Do. Do. -4.oo 64.oo 1 4.

65 0003 L)o. 00 00 .... Grammes. 1. 1 0 Do. 4.oo O.20 0 Do. Do. 32.00 0.13 O'-.-- 1 ¥o to 1. Adult. 1-2. • 1-2. y- 1 2-20, for 20-60.' dr. 3-15. Do. Do. Do. 14-I dr. -TITO OZ. Dose gtt.tl. grs. gr dr. fl. grs.fl.

ii.Fluidum. x. Fluidum. Kaki. Rotund. Myoporoides. “ Medicines. Ext. Tinctura. Root. as. Murias. Sulphas. Nitras. Decoctum. Extractum. Elder. Broom. Fractus. “ “ DragonDrosera. “ “ “ Dulcamara, “ “ “ Dyer’sDyospyros V Dracontium. Duboisa Duboisin. Dwarf J7cbalii 76 , — - draw fluids, fluid Ac- Irri- [tation. expel Hydrago- to Elixirs. Laurel Tonic. Oxytoc uterus the To the '«t|trwi8 Used ofEmetic. Ipecac. Genital Rush. Dysentery. dropsical of In Beechdrop. from -withdrawj Ground Sulph. Astringent, in Powerful off an( Ulcers. most Comulum. blood. toforPrompt Scouring polypi ] Plant, Herb. used Stimulant. . the principle Floiver. Root. Magnesii Weed. be Secale Spec! or , dose Cathartic. Sambucus. Inula. May derived. eue from See SeeDressing tive Willow Wickup. See Condurango May Ergot, ic,clots — Elaterium. Llatenn. ThisEmelin. Gravel Cancer Horsetail Fire n 00 0.015 O.015 O.004 8.00 O.032 4.oo Do. Do. 4 4.oo Do. O.50 2.oo 4.oo O.65 00 10 O.008 O.008 0.OO2 2.00 O.004 2.00 Do Do. 2 2.00 Do. 0. O.32 2.oo O.20 —

VT 1. labor ° t to 34-2. 34- 1. 34-1. in 34-3f. 34-E 34-1- 34-1. 3f 3-15. 5-30. 34-I3-10. . Externally, dr. dr. dr. grs. grs. gr fl. gr. dr. fl. dr. dr. dr. fl. gtt. grs. dr. grs.

• FI. FI. Ext. Heir- Ext. is ii. i. Rep- tin. August. Virg. Ilyemale. Oleum. Garciana. “ Ext. Unguentum. as. x. ens Pal. Salts. acifolia, x. Extractum “ Elecampane. Elemi Epigeea. Epilobium “ Epiphegus EpsomEquatoria Equisetutn “ Ergota. “ f, Elder. Elixirs. Emetia. * Elaterium. Elaterinum. Erechthites. *■ 77 be "lu rapid As- In In Incon- dilated Dysen-Partem affec- Diaph- to Stim- inParaplegia. is to tringent. Lung Said Uses. Iron os Post Tonic. Diseases. Oil. and the H®moptysis. the In Eespiratory with Urine, impedimentDiarrhoea, tery, Diuretic, Snakeroot. Violet. ofafter Fleabane.] Nephritic Balm. CornExpectorant. Emetic. Actions no Santa or Tooth Bark. labor delivery, Hemorrhage, Gravel,Hemorrhages oretic, powerful Leaves. Physostigmin. Combined tinenceIn and Ergotin.] Ftcabane. Canoda Mountain Yerba tions.Button Dug's SassyCoca ulant.See Do. 00 Do. 00 65 .... Do. Do. Do. .... 4.oo 12 2 0 8.00 4.00 0.654.00 0.40 4.00 I.30 2.00 1-3° IG.00 00 60 20 65 rammes.G ...... O.32Do. 4 Do. 0.650.20 4.00 2 0.3a 2.00 0 1.00Do. O Do. l.oo O.65 4.oo Do. 1. dr. fl. -l. Adult. 1-3. y2 for 10—IX). dr.Do. 10-30.3-10. 1-2. 5-10. dr. 5-10. Do. 10-20.20-40. 15-30.20-40. 1-4.Do. Dose gtt. fl. gtt. grs. dr. dr. grs.fl. gtt. grs.git. grs. gtt. dr. Acet. is. FI. Aqua- FI Ext.Fl “ Ext. Ext. ii. Coca. “ i. Fluidum “ Fluidum. “ ii. Purif. x. tis. Fluidum. *• Oleum. Medicines. Ext. Tinctura. Yinum.Liq. Canadense.Extractum.“ “ “ Glutinosum. ticum. Ext. Ergot® “ “ “ “ Ergotina. Erigeron. “ “ “ “ Eriodyction. “ “ Eryngium. Erythronium. “ Erythrophloeum. Erythroxylon “ r Eserine. 78 Feb- Croup, parox- Ca- Di- pro- “anil verv with Desquama- Antiperiod- Power- Tonic, doses nurging. A Emetic. 1 Remittent. During largeand Typhoid Rheumatism Spurge. friction Antiperiodic,Malaria, Hydragogue, by Bitter In Spurge. In Cystitis, Thoroughwort. Meadow Acute Cathartic. Alterative, Rhubarb. vomiting the Pimento. to Emetic. Tree. Nephritis. Dyspepsia,” of Cystitis.Flowering Aether. rifuge. ysms. Diuretic, Diuretic, aphoretic. Plant. ParalysisRubefacient. SeeFever Chronic tive JamaicaWahoo. ic, thartic. SimilarBoneset, ful ducesIn QueenFevers. andLarge certainIpecacuanha MoleIn oil.Eyebriglit. 60 60 00 60 00 00 00 30 00 40 .... — 2 2 S 2 4 4 Do. 1 Do. 1 0 0.65 1.00 0.6s 2.6o 0.20 2.00 O.32 64.00 Hi O.20 .... 0.6$ 65 — O.065O.652.00 O.20 O.65O.32 O.65 O.G65O.65 O.13 1.0032.00 4.00 1.000Do. O.20 Do. 0.13 0.13

2. y230. X-l. 1-2. 1-3. — 10-40. 1-10. 5 10-40.5-10. 1-3. 10-30.2-5. 1-3. 3-20. 6-40. 2-15. 4-12. 20-80. dr.- 20-80. dr. oz. dr. J4-1. Do. Externally. grs. grs.gtt.ii. gtt. grs. grs.gtt. grs.grs. grs.!'•fl. fl. dr. grs. grs.gtt. grs.gtt. pi. El. Glob-Ext. “ Tinct. Corol- Ext Ol. i. ii. ii. i. i. Eluidum. x. x. “ Eluidum. ulus. •> “ Pimenta. Extractum. “ Infusum. 'iinctura.Purpur. lata.Ipecacuanha.Latliyris Extractum. “ .Ether. Eucalyptus, « “ Eucalyptol.Eugenia Euonymus. “ “ Euonymin. Eupatorium. “ “ “ “ Eupatorin.Eupurpurin. Euphorbia, “ “ Euphorbium Euphrasia. 79 jli p is passive the as and there Chloride, Subsul- Astringent Chloride of and Subsulf Uses Virg. the and The The and Biennis. Nutritive,where bile. control Hydrobrom. Scandens. Dioica. Used of Sulphate, strongly to conditions Membranes,Leucorrhoea Actions Nudicaulis. Flour. Locally, are used inWorms. Fraxinus. Aether OenotheraEuphrasia. Celastrus AraliaHelonias Bile. deficiencyFoeniculum. phate Hemorrhages.relaxed Onosmodium Nitrate, to See See See See See See See SeeWheat Ox See Yeast. Iron. and MucousEnema Thread

S ...... 015 O.65Do. 0.654.00 o.6 0 2.00 0.40 0.065

3 32 Grammes ...... 20 0.i Do. O 0.70 0.20 O.004 0 0.065 1. dr. y. Adult. fl. to for l'ib. 2-10. Do. 3-10. 20- 3-10. 5-30. 1-0. Dose Ad. grs. grs. gtt. grs. gr. grs. grs. Sweet. Pur. Chlor. Ash. Tritici. “ Tinct. Primrose. Bitter Gromwell.Sarsaparilla.Unicorn. as.Bovinum. i. Acetas. “ Ammon. Arsenias. Carpc>?oas. Medicines. “ “ “ Albuminas.Bromidum. Bromide. lis. “ “ “ “ “ “ “

European EthylEveningEyebright. "palse “ 1 Farina, Fei. Fennel.Fermentum. Ferrum. 80 , so-in- red it a ofIn di- Erv- ex- Aug- is Has Tr. im- Syphil- to Tonic con- upon to in a coloringof check- blood. Injection Tartrate Chloro- the doses of Strong is hence in and as skin of convales- in hours. impoverished Said The Sulphate nervous debility. Anaemia, diseases. 4 of number Anaemia symptom, where givenor dependent state Internally quantity in protracted acute 3 appetite destructive the Iflamed and influence is andBlue.] Chloride to and corpuscles, digestion. or Phagedaena. of the where from Erysipelas every Gonorrhoea.applied sipelas.conditions useful and marked 1 Neuralgias proves phate prominent a ing m itic,lutionPerchioride. inhaustion ments matter blood is ditions sis, cence Chloride 5ss, AnaemiaPrussian Promotes ,00 00 50 1.00Do. 2.oo 1 O.20 O.65 2.00 O.50 2.00 4.oo 16 O.50 O.20 O.50 Do. Do. 4.oo 0 Do. 4.oo O.20 O.32I.30 8.00 00 13 0-3*Do. 0.32 0.20 0.065 0.130-35O.13 O.40 l.oo 4 O.13O.065O.13Do.Do. 2.oo 0 Do. 2.00 0.065 0.13 0.25 4.00

60. 1-4. 14-1. %-t. 1-2. 5-15.Bo. Pills. 5-30. 3-15. 1-3.2-10. 102-8. 6-30. 2-8. 1-8.2-8.Bo. Bo. 2-8.Bo. 1-3. 2-5. 4-20. grs. grs. gtt. grs. dr. dr.Externally. dr. dr. dr. 1-5 grs. grs. gtt. gtt.ii. fi. grs. grs. grs. fl. grs. fl. grs. grs. grs.11. Syr. as. Liquor. Syrupus. Citras. Sulph. Phos. Syrupus Ciiras. “ Citras Syrupus. Praecip. Liquor. Tartras. “ Pilula. Sacch. Tiuct. “ “ “ Vinum. “ Magnes.Citras Mang. Strych.Ferrocyanid. “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ Arum. Quiniae Etnplastrum. “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ Hypophosphis. Carbon Carburetum. Chloridum. Citras. et Potass.Tartras “ 4< u w M

81 n ' in fatty the Pot. Spts. Ir- The Epi- X7 heart,of Diar- Sviiss.) doses Gleet Syph- Tonic 1 in 20, Ferrocy- in In Astringent Chloride, Quinine, J .Spasmod- Disease. and Uses fever the Strumous Carb. grs. Erysipelas. of used 5i with Arsen.inVesical Stricture, Chorea. The and and heart. The are &a Tinct. or andPoisoning. gr. Bright’s in Iron ic pain dilatationsthe RoseWater Strangury Strumous Bromide of 5iv, each Sugar,Sulpn. The alone in aud Actions Rheumatism. Diphtheria for Must.) common Arseniate conditions. degenerationspalpitations, complaints.preparations 25, grs. ritability, in and The ilitic minish Acute cavities (Myrrh. gr.Lavend. rhoea. either InArsenical 20 Iron Iodide anide ( ( oftheTr.Chloride 1 00 — O.50 3 O.32O.65 l.oo 64.00 Do. O.80 O.25 I.30 O.65 O.65 2.oo O.65 8.00 tt .. Graiiimes 1.00 00 Do. .... 0.13 0.065 0130.32 16 O.13 O.065 O.32 Do. O13 O.32 O.13•4.00

Adult t. for yr 1-4. 1-2. 1-8.Pills. 15-45. 1-5.2-10. 5-15. oz. Do. 2-12. 6-20. 5-10. 2-10.plaster. 5-30. 2-10. dr.Pill. Dose grs. 1-3gtt. grs. grs. grs.li. gtt. grs. grs. grs.gtt.In grs.Styptic. grs.fl. 1-2

~ Hydr. Fort. Hydrat. - Pilula. Syrupus. Phosph. Arom. Comp. Liquor. Magnetic.Liq. Syrupus. Comp. “ Medicines. Iodidum. “ “ Lactas. Lacto Maias. Mistura “ Nitras. “ Oxalas. Oxidum “ Perch. Peroxidum. Persulphas. Phosphas. “ PilulsB “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ Ferri “ “ r— 82 The the the a a in readily juices non- taken with consti- for soluble be astringent through up Is thanPhosphate. gastric more neutral, constipating,blacken administra- kept Oleoresina is preventIts Laxative. Parth. is the The tasteless. should sucked combined be Rarthenium. Globulus. the irritating non not and to Odoriferum. Anthelmintic Redaetum in Solution.] Iron meals, almost less Dialyzed - does tube effects. should period.Root. Pyrethrum Eucalyptus Nutritive,ScrophulariaFern. Worm. lepsy. Pyrophosphate irritating preparations glasslaxative pating long Benzoin Triosteum. Tape soluble and and Monsel'sThe and teeth.after a tion Mask See SeeSee SeeFigs. SeeMale

20 00 — 00 3° 0.32 0.65 2.00 0.250.50 0.20 0.13 0 0.13 1H 2.60 0.40 121

65 — O.065 O.13 O.32 O.065Do. 0.065 0.065 0.008 0.032 4.oo 0 0.065 4.00 0.65 Pill. each, in in 1-4.40. 1-8. 1-3 10 1»5.2-10. 5-30. grs. 1-4. 1-2. dr. 1-6. lib. 1-3. 10-20. grs. grs. grs. grs. grs. grs. grs. gr.-^-2-r gtt. grs. grs. 5 §n. Ad. dr. aris. Ext. Trochisci. Liquor. Exsiccata. Dialysatum. Mas. “ “ “ Pyrephosphas. Salicylas. Subsulphas.“ Sulphas. Sulphuretum. Vinum. Redactum. Bush. Few. Root, Tree. i. ids. “ Valerianas.“ “ “ Subcarbonas.“ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ Ficus, igwort. “ Ferrum Fever 1Filix. 83 as 1 prepara- or Tonic. simple Colic, Liq. Uses. Flor. Carminative. Catarrhs. ointment. Bitter where and Heiracifolia. Quinque. in an applicable. efficient Senna. of flions Flatulent to Procera. Arsenitis Ash.Cotumbo. cases are A most Reuma, in Erigeron. Calycanthus Aromatic in Digitalis. form the Erechthites GentianaLinum. Corrigent Potassii Olibanum. the is European tion. See See See See SeeFennel. Used JacarandaSee See SeeYerba Manace.In AmericanUsedBitters 65 I6.00 Si.00 2.60 32.00 2.6o 0.60 4.oo 0 2.60 4.00 1.00 2.60 0.25 65 65 32 Grammes. 8.oo 1.00 0 8.00 0 0.20 1.00 0.32 1O.651.00 0 0.65 0.065 dult. A 2-4. BO. 2-8. for 15 -... 10-40. 5-15. J£-l. 5-10. 3-10. 10-40. 5-15. 1-4. dr. dr. 20-80. Externally. K-l. 20-80. Dose fi. gtt. grs.11. gtt. gtt. dr. grs. grs. grs.dr. grs.gtt. grs FI. Gentian. Ext. Oleores. i. Fluidum. Unifiora. Fluidum. “ Allspice. Grandifolia. “ Medical. Mar, Aqua. Ext. Oleum. Solution. x. Seed. “ Carobae. Extractum. “ Flowered “ “ “ “ Filicis Fireweed. Five FlaxFleabane. FloridaFceniculum. Folia Fowler’s Foxglove.Frankincense. Frankenia Franciscea Frangula.Fraxinus. Frasera. Fraserin. 84 super- Ex- Si,Plas- Anti-Drop- As- Diar- Dysen- acid- Stimulant,Scrofulous Lead In local with Menorrhagia. Virg. .Removes flesh. Turpentine 3iii, Chronic of Amylicum. Antispasmodic. Bedstraw. GeneralChronic Si, Enlargements. Diuretic. In Catarrh Wrack. Juice. Stimulant. in Pitch Antiscorbutic. Powerful Hemorrhoides, Ilelianthemum, Agaricus. Sivss.) Rue. Ladies’ Gall. GastricFlatulence, Chionanthus Fulmitory Alcohol pectorant, Applied serofulitic, tringent.rhcea, tery,ity, See SeeBladder abundance See See Aromatic, Galbanum. (Galbanum Burgundy ter Goat’s Cleavers. sies. Yellow Nut 00 j.30 .... 00 OO -3° 32 OO 8.00 2.00 2.00 -1 4 Do. 3 O.32 1 0 1-3° 12 04.00 I 13 oo oo 1.00 ...... 2.oo 4 32.oo 0.6s 0.6s 2 Do. 4.oo O.13O.65 O.13 0.6s 4.oo

3. 1-3. 1-3. 1 15-30. 10-20.20-60. l 2-5. 10-20.2-5. W2. dr. 1-2. Externally. Do. Pills. A-l.Do. dr. 20-40.Externally. dr. dr.ii. oz. grs. grs. grs. 1-0 dr. fl. grs. grs. grs.gtt. 11. FI. FI.

Prsep. “ Ext. i. Comp. Ext. Tinct,i. i. Apar- Fiuidum. se. is. Sue. Fiuidum. “ “ Igniar. U. Vesicul- Emplastrum. “ etOpiiUng. Tree- i. osus. Oil. Ext Pilulse. ine. Verum. as.Extractum. Tinctura. Fringe Fungus alanga. Galbanum.“ “ “ “ Galega. “ “ “ “ “ “ Frostwort. Fucus. Fulmariae. Fusel /A" Galium. Galla. 85 Jf In As- of \ Neu- Cer- Spas- from Hydrago- flavor nerve, Bitter Dyspep- loss Uses. uncertain To Sedative. 5th in with Diuretic. Febrifuge, the Ovarian Tetanus, freely and Gamboge. Action Scholymus. Partridgeberry. Arterial of and Meningitis, Tonic. and Mvalgia, Cough. Nonastringent,Used Debility Convalescence Dions gi.) Cathartic, irritating. Vehicle. Jasmine. Spinal Broom. A CynaraAllium. Neuralgia and in Cambogia, gue,Dropsies. Wintergreen tringent, In ralgia- Dyer’s sia appetite, (3i and See See mixtures. Gelatin YellowNervous Intercostal ebro modic Gentian.Tonic.

- .... co 65 60 O.40l.oo 4 8.00 O.20 O.50O.065O 2.oo 0.065 O.002 4.00 2 I.30 4.oo Do. Grammes. O.13 O.20 2.oo 4.oo O.io O.o6s O.015 O.io O.32 O.008 0.OOI 1.000.65 0.32 1.00Do. -gV* i Adult. to /or 2-6. 1-2. 1-8. %-l. 3-15. J4-.1.dr. 3-6. lib. tf-1.3-20. 10-60.Va-l. 10-40.5-20. dr. Do. Externally. gtt grs. gr- grs. Dose grs. grs. dr. 11. Ad gtt. gr. gr. dr. grs.grsfl. Comp. Comp. “ x. ii. Fluidum. Res. Fluidum. x. “ Fluidum. Aik. x. “ “ Unguentum. Rilula Artichoke. Ext. Oleum. Extractum. Tinctura. Extractum. Medicines. “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ Gallae Gambogia. Garden Garlic. Gaultheria. Gelatina. Gelsemium. “ Gelsemiin. Gelsemia. Genista. Gentiana. 86 a. 11 na- Diar- e Given r Astring- Generallyi malignant best In Leucor- Emetic. vomit. Chronic h ulcers. In C to Anthelmin- the Mild to of Complaints, Ipecac. Do. * Gentian. withapplied Bark One Dysentery, indolent Powerful Ipecac for Sulphas.Tonic.Diseases. Tree Astringents.Bowel To Avens. intervals Ivy. Emollient. diseases. Gentian.Flowered Cathartic. Matricaria. Tonic. short Zingiber.Panax. Sodii Pulmonary tic, rhcea, ent, at Glycerin. acute combinedPowder ulcers.Blue Five Cabbage CranesbiU. tive Chronicrhcea. See Water American Substitute See See See Ground 32.00Do. H.00 Do. 2.oo. 2.oo O.20 2.oo O.402.6o 12.00O.20 4.00 Do. 1-3°Do. 4.oo O.13 — 4.00 Do. ....

• 065 00 .... 00 .... O Do. 16.ooDo. 4.oo Do. 0.6s O.65O.065 O.65 0.6s4.oo O.065 1-3°1.00 0.40 2 0.015 2 Do.

1. W-l. 1-2. 1-3. 2. y-1. 1)0. 10-30. 10-30.1-3. 10-30. 1-6.20-80. 1-3. 20-60. 6-20. 12-40. X- %-l. dr.Do. dr. grs.dr. dr. dr. fl.ozi fl. grs. grs. grs. grs. grs.gtt.fl. grs. li. grs.gtt. fl. grs. dr. fl. Adlib. Ext. FI. Comp. Comp. Iner- is. Hed- Ext. «. Fluidum. .x. ii. x. x. “ Quinquefiora. mis. '• Fluidum. x.Fluidum. Salts. Infus Mistura. Tinctura. Catesbaei. Extractum. Tinctura. Chamomile. i.Ext. Ext. Tinctura. “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ eracea Geoffroya. Geranium Geraniin. German Geum. Gillenia. Gilleniin. Ginger. Ginseng.Glauber’s Glechoma. Glycerina. 87 CjT In Su- Camph. 5ii, Siii.) Qui- Oxy-Pro- As Demul- Aq. Troches.) of Diseases, Uses. Vehicle. (Licorice, Antim. 3i itching. Emmena- gogue, &a3i, 20 taste Skin and in To and contraction. Emolient, Vin. Nitre 1 the Bark.] Stimulant. ions Affections. Arab. 5iv, gr. SI Expectorant Spirits Tinea Spec. A Mixture. Opii disguise Everlasting. Solidago. Protective. Boot Uterine cent, Gum Opii Araroba. Aurum. Coptis. parturifacient. Licorice. Catarrhal Brown gar,Tr. Sweet (Ext. To nine.Life See where See See See Colton. Cotton tocic. motes a \ ■{1 — .... 32 8.00 2.00 8.00 Do. I6.00 12.ooO.32 I6.00 21.00 O

* .oo Do. —- Grammes. 4.oo 1 4.oo S.oo 4.oo 4.00 0.0654.oo S.oo O.065 pint. Adult. 1-2. to 1-4.2-6. 1-2. 15-60. Do. 2-4 1. J4 Do. 1-3. 1-5. 1-5. grs.dr. Externally. grs.dr dr. grs. Dose/or dr. li. dr. 1—5. dr. oz. dr. fl. fi. Comp. FI.

Troch. “ se. Eluidum. Arom. Ammo- Ung. ii. Cortex. Ext. Tiuet. “ Opii niata. Rod. “ “ “ Medicines. Extractum. Elix. Mistura et “ Rad. “ “ “ “ “ Powder. Thread. “ “ “ “ Glycyrrhiza. Glycyrrhizin. Gnaphalium. “ Gossypium. Goasypiin. r Goa Gold. Golden Gold 88 As- He- to Gen.In Liq. Cathar- In Creta. Malar- Rheu- Root. Do. Cum Asthma. in Antidote Syphilis,Amenorrhcea, Rind. Drastic Emetic. Repens. Max. Used Hederacea. Chamsepitys. Diaphoretic, Stimulant. Subacetatis Pomegranate Anthelmintic. Hyssop. Spasmodic Stimulant,Bites. Wood.]Rheumatism, Arthritis Plumbi of Diuretic. Disorders. Epigsea Hydrargyrum Disorders. GlechomaAjuga Dysmenorrhoea, tringent, tic, patic Rhodendron See Chewstick. Hark Pomegranate Hedge See See SeeRelieves Antiperiodic. ial See See Tonic, Snake Alterative. GuaiacChronic matoid Guaiac. 00 CO 30 00 60 OO 4 2. 1 4 0-5° l.oo Do. 2 1 Do. 1-3° 3.00 O.*o 2.60 2.60 4.oo <) 8.00

65 65 00 32 1.000.65 0 0.65 0.130.65 O 1.00 O.20 O.32 Do. 2.00 O.65 I6.00 2 Do. 0

yi-1. 14-I. 4-1. 4-1.4-2. 20-90. 10-30. 10-20.2-8. 20-80. 10-40.dr. 3-8. 5-15. 10-30. dr. 10-40. oz. dr.Do. 5-20. dr. gtt. grs. grs. grs.gtt. grs.11. grs. grs.gtt. fl. grs.fi.li. grs. FI. FI. FI. “ FI. x. Ext. Cortex. Ext. it Ext. Cortex. “ is. Rob- Ext. Otiie- i. a?. x. “ “ Ammon. Extract. Domingensis. x. “ Ivy. “ Rad. Fructus iiialis. Plant.Laurel. usta. U Squarrosa Pine. ends. Tinctura. Lignum. Mistura. Tinctura. Resina. “ “ “ Powder. “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ Goulard’s GoyanaGranati Gratiola. Gravel Great Grey Grindelia. it Ground Guaco. Guaiacum. 89 * n H pink Seda- In Tonic. severe Scrof- a inRheuma- Mucous Hemor- L/ses from of. Used and Junip. Deg, and Astringent Imparts Astringent, Stimulant. Astringent, Gurgun.Splints Oil. Diseases, Milk excoriations. Diarrhoea feces. In his. AShons Skin in to Hazel. P&i/al. Convalescence^ Acacia.Bals make cover Discharges. Polytrichum rhoids,H8emoptysis,Dysentery. Spiraea.Hieracium. Cory In Chaulmoogra Logwood. Paullinia, illness. SeeSee To To ula. tism. Used color See Witch tive. See See SeePenny

Do. — 00 20 00 4.oo O.50 O.50 4.oo 64.oo 1-3°4.oo 2.00 8 O 4 Grammes. Do. — 00 l.oo .... 1.00 0.20 0.25 2.00 32.00 O.322 1.00 O.o6s 2.00

Aduit. l.r 1.%-l. 1-2. y V-2. 1. for yK 3-8. Do. 5-10. %-l. 5-20. 15-30. 1-3. y? - dr. grs. Externally. oz. grs.dr. grs.dr. Dose dr. fl. gtt. dr. 11. a. fl. grs. dr. x.Liq. FI. i. Vir- “ Odorata. Fluidum. is. Ext. x. “ Moss. x. Fluidum.“ Ext. Percha.x. Oleum. Decoctum. Extractum. ginica. Weed. Arabic. *• “ “ Cap Hack. Medicines. “ “ “ “ T-Iaematoxylon. Gurgan. Gynocardia 11 * Guarana. Gum Gutta. Hair Hamamelis. Hamamelin. Hard Hawk Hazel. Hedeoma. 90 Stomach, Anti- Diar- throat uncer- in Organs, Tonic. sore Hydragogue. and Alterative Used Alterative, Sick Astringent,Scrofula, in used, Anthelmintic, Genital Colic, Officinalis. In Gargle harsh the Astringent, Seeds. Foot. Vnicorn. of Sarsaparilla. Canadensis.Folia. As rarely s Canadensis. Hellebore. Dropsies. Leucorrhcea. Pix Hyoscyamus. Gratlola Scarlatina. Cathartic, tain, Atony Pinus Flatulent Amenorrhcea. See Sneezeweed.Frostwort. scrofulitic.rhoea. of Sunflower Black InBear’ Cathartic. Starwort, and Indian Diuretic. See SeeConii See SeeLiverwort. Deobstruent. 00 20 00 00 .... 00 Do. O.32 8.00 0.258.00 lti.oo 8.00 1.300.320.65 8.00 1.00 1.308.00 40 12 16 4.oo H co .... 00 Do. O.065 2.ooO.065 2.oo 4.00 4.00 O.13O.0650.20 1.00 O.50 O.65 4.00 2.oo <>.015 4 8.00 1.00 4.

4. -\. y23. 14-1. Vi-1. 1 %-2. 1-2. 20. y2 2-4. y-1. dr. 2-10. U-2. 1-4.dr. dr. 1-2.2-20. 1-5.5 dr. 8-15. 20-40. 1-2. dr. 1-3.dr. dr. fl. gtt. dr. grs.il. fl. dr. grs. grs.gtt.fl. grs.gtt.dr. 11.grs.- dr. il. dr. fl. FI. FI. i. i.Ext. Ext. Fluidum. i. Fluidum. Dio- as. “ Radix. Fluidum. Hvssop. “ “ a?. ica. as.Fluidum. Ext. Oleum. Extractum. Tinctura. Extractum. Tinctura.Fcetidus Syrupus. Leaves. Pitch. Ext. “ “ HedgeHelenium. Heliauthemum. “ “ “ Helianthus. Helleborus. “ “ “ “ “ Helonias. ITelonin. liemidesmi “ Hemlock. “ “ Henbane Hepatica. “ 91 TT Car- Stimulant, Applied probably Uses. Parsnip. Flatulence. worm. Offic. and In Hippo. Ilippocastanea. Canadensis. Radix. Hyemale.Tonic, —=====4| Cow Gen. Astringent. Aquatic Gautheriana. Amarga.

drink. = wort, Demulcent. Lupulus. Aflions Root. Strychnos Cynoglossumel. umulus. Equisetum : Leech. M H Ulcers. Aesculus Ilex. Caseara Aesculus Monarda. : he Marrubium. Collinsonia Armoracise minative, to Barley. Hops, Master Rubeiacient Alum Hawkweed. See 2 See See See See See See Nutritive See See See See See See .... — ...... 4.oo O.00 24.00 1-3°2.oo .... - 4.00 JO ...... — — .... , Grammes. 1.00 2.oo S.oo O.32O.32 1

. -iy2 Adult. 2 for y2-0. ]4-l.dr. dr. 5-30. 10-60. ... lib.Bo. Dose dr. fl.il. grs.gtt. Ad. dr.,%-1. FI Lan- Ext. Tiuct. i. i. se. Fluidum. Bark. Tongue. i. u Medical. atum. “ Ext. inis. Decoctum. Balm. Mint.Radish. Tail. “ “ Chestnut. Hieracium. Hippocastanum. Hirudo. Hoang-Nan.Holly. Hound’s Honey.Hops. “ Horse “ “ “ “ Humulus Honduras Hordeum. It *t* Heracleum. Heuchera. Horehound. 92 , a- + pas- Ni- .] r on In- Feb- Lu- and e Skin many Com- to c In on Acid 1 Throat. inminute in Dyspepsia, Venerial U external Corrosive on or pain Black dusted of the trate Sublimate in Condylomata, Chronic the the Condylomata Calculous ofof In Ulcers, to Stimulant. Cataplasm. Tree. Kelieves Locally, Corros. Washes Calomel Ointments dependent growths, Complaints, Lupulina. Box Precipitate.] Ulcerations. Pmvder.] Lotion Ulcerations various Anodyne plaints. sage. poid Calamel,Subchlunde.] Corneal vegetable .Narcotic,rile See Sand Hydrangea. Mercury.White Perchloride, Yellow tions. Greyor flammation ear. Sublimate and TheDiseases

00 - 2.00 6.00 C4.oo 64 5.308.00 32.00 — O.008 O.13 O.40 O.80 O.008 O.008 O.13 — 002 O.65 2.00 32.00 I6.00 1-3°2.oo I6.00 O.002 O.oi O.20 6.065 0 0.002 O.oi

* . 8 8 y y %. -i%. to alter. purg. to y3 1-2.J4-2. J4-2.4-8. 12. to 10-30. 20-80. %-2 3-6 1 g*g dr. oz. oz dr. dr. ointment.Externally. Externally. Externally. %-2.Externally. grs.il. fl.ii. grs.11. 11. In gr. grs. grs. grs. gr- gr. gr- Ung. i. Corros Mite. Rub. “ Fluidum. as. Ung. Creta. Viride. “ Fluidum. “ “ Extractum. Infusuin. Tinctura. Ext. Syrupus. “ Chlorid. Chlorid. Cum Cyanidum. Emplastrum. Iodidum ——— “ “ “ “ Hydrangea,“ “ Hydrargyrum,Ammoniatum.“ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “Linimentum.“ *-— liura. ft- H Humulin. •i 93 V The In- of Sy- long sal-Pill to DL Lime cells a Blue Affec- Inflam- Chola- Solution.) flow intes- Specificof adjuncts Antisyph- Sialagogue. a the for likeBlue from adjuncts Uses. Sublimate Sx.)Chronic Joint hepaticp.ct. stages employment or and Diseases. mations.— into tines. its and or (Corros. (Calomel superficial the 20 causes anything coming ions Water Skin various Alterative, p.ct.,and bile Antiphlogistic, ] second continued Ointment.] Cathartic, .Mineral.] be but purgatives AH TUaM Sx.)in 0 where Lime Wash and 1 Calomel 18, Pill. and as grs. Oleate tiocs ternally,ilitic, gogue, p.ct., Cinnabar.]Turpeth firstphilis, period, frequently Yellow 5 Blue should Chalk, Black Water Citrine Stimulates f anthelmintics used as

|XI —- --"l 1.00 O.32 most are also Mercurial they Grammes — O.065 O.13 .... salivation next;medicines, Adult inhaledEmet. avoided. similarly,CalomelPurgative for Do. Do. Do. 1-16. 2-5 Do. Dose Caustic.Externally. grs.Fumes grs.Externally. lvation actPill, to Ung. V Ung. Rub. Liquor. Ung. “ *• atis. Flav. Comp. Rubrum. “ “ “ “ Medicines. Nitras. “ “ Oleas.Pilulse. Sulphuret.SulphasUnguentum. “ “ “ OxidumFlavum“ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “

T *!« 94 •»* 15 in- to are Mer- diet. Bit- Mu- Aque- 1 where throat times Sulphate every consti- of Alter- of especial- inflam- of Sulphuret,Ointment, good Aperient, parts derangements,of Cyanide Sublimate three Seal. The excellent vomiting, stages repeated produce and Deobstruent, Catarrh an and grainYellow In is Diseases. Iodide, to Corros. a protracted, for affections be tonics hepatic of The Mercurial by Gonorrhoea early the Root,Golden Antiperiodie, in water.Pennywort. Skin Iodide, to skin of administration up 6 of Membranes. hourly poisons. the Cholagogue,Tonic. Extract where or Scaly ative, jeetionly ous 3 various GlandularRed Ulcers. Croup, Ulcers. intoprolonged kept Yellow ter cous Water In doses membrane, inFumes be one-sixtieth 00 32 00 00 40 Fever, to the Do, Tertiary 0 0 Do. corrosive Gastric rubbed 12 16 IS. 0.20 O.25 O.047 serous Sublimate,and in emesis.inbe should minute ofliverand a During emetics 13 iu .... torpor of Typhoid meals bestuntil may 1.000 1.00 2.00 O.65 O.O32Do. Do. 0.065 and-Corros. one-thirtieth the inhaled irritants of effect. constitut’n before of Oleate the neck. minutes X-4. }4-4. 3. powerfuldoses day one 20 Calomel the cury %-3.2-5. 1-6.yrDo. Do. 1-4. anthelmintics, biliousness, mations,and in a is or or or tutional dr.Externally. dr. g]'^Va-Yx- inflammations drs. grs.ii. fl. grs. grs. grs Aqu. Fluidum. “ (Aik.) is.Extractum. “ “ Tinctura. Sulphas. Mur. Exb|Aum^ Hydrastis, “ “ “ '• Hydrastin.Hydrastia. “ “ Hydrocotyle._“

95 4. Ve- As- He- and T -■- U ntispas- reduce .Pre- affec- as Renal Applied A Hypnotic, with to .... Uses. pulse.purgatives Affections spasmCough, and acute Stimulant. etc. Asthma. In and applicature. Fevers and of irritable by Dysentery. Hyoscyamus,Delirient, Combined gripingand bladder. Laryngeal recurrent, Mania.Diuretic, Bruises, Offlcin. Tuft. Nutritive. Actions stimulating Viridein temperature painful the Intestinal In Gravel,Burns, Gratiola Candy Cetraria. modic, rat. In thma, patic, In to Isinglass. A Henbane, Sedative. vents tionsofcharacterized Colic. subacute Johnswort. See Bitter See O.65 O.40 O.20 O.065O.65S.00 O.032 O.003 Do. Do. Do. 4.oo 1-3°4.oo ...... O.20 ......

015 .00 .00 .00 ...... Grammes. O.13O.065 O.065 O O.16 1 O.oi O.007 Do. Do. Do. 1 O.65 1 O.065 1. O Adult. to Aq. 1. /or 2-10. 1-6. 1-3. gV 1)0. 10-20. 1-3. to X- 5-20. Do. Do. Y-l. 3 grs. dr.K-1.Y/A- dr.Externally. Dose grs. grs. gr-gtt.S. gr. gr. dr. grs.11. grs. dr. Aik. se. a?. Fluidum. a? Peroxid. Folia. Alcohol.Fluidum. “ Moss. “ “ Amara. Medicines. Semen.Extractum. Tinctura. Murias. Sulphas. Citras. Extractum. Oleum. is. HydrogeniiHyoscyami “ “ “ “ “ Hyoscyamin. Hyoscyamia. “ “ “ Hypericum.“ “ “ Hyssop. Iceland Ichthyocolla. 1 [* Tberis. 96 11VNux Apocy- Vom- Ol.) Used to pains. Chronic Debility, Sialago- also in Dyspepsia. Antisyphil- Siss.Aq.Complaints, local Stimulant. Pyenostach. Radix. Dyspepsia, Rheumatism, Enlargements, Itjnatia. Similar To Ext. Used Tea. InPregnancy Complaints, Iod.Pot, St. Atonic Alterative, Syphilitic of Antiscrofulitic,Svi, Diseases, of Anise. Cannabinum. In Dyspepsia. Holly. (SeeCannabisIndica, Pterocaulon Gillenia.HemidesmiLobelia. Arum. Antispasmodic.Digestive. iting itic, gue. Bom Vomica. Paraguay Star Masterwort. num See See See See See Elecampane. Pectoral Chronic Iodine. (Iodine Skin Glasdular 35 30 — — 00 65 0 O.065O.32S.00 4 l.oo 4.00 I.30 4.oo O.065 1 O.32 O

00 -• .0 015 — O.065 O.015 O.io 2 I 0.3; 1.00O.33l.oo 0 O.40 O.065O.13

1. 2. Y- 1-4.g-l. 3-10.$*- 5-15. Yyi. 6-20. 2-10. 4-20. Externally. Ho. J4-1. 5-20. dr.M-\.Externally. Externally. grs.Sr. grs.dr. dr. grs. dr. grs.fl. gr. grs. gtt.gtt. Eluidum. Root. Eluidum. Comp.turn. Comp. “ “ ii. imen as. Hemp. “ Paraguayense. Black Physic. Sarsaparilla. Tobacco. Turnip, x.Extractum. Bromidum. Liquor Liu l'inctura. Extractum. “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ lgnatia Ilex. “ Illinium. lmperatoria.Indian Tndigo. lugulvin Inula, Iodinium. 97 of to up- H 1 flec- and mu- 8.) Dia- A Opium, are doses Cath- Ovarian Scroful- Expecto- gr. Dover's Compl'ts. Cathartic, Uses. Ringworm, Cancer. Affections where small excitesDysentery, Ipecac. In Ipecac,Potass, I11 and Lungs, Scrofulous Lungs i admirable doses. Iubereular Diaphoretic. Uterine In Ulcers. Diaphoretic, membranes vomiting, Digestion. an Febrile (lions Abscesses,and theBronchocele, and Sulph. false Acute is in large Alterative of Poivdcr. 1, or in A Ulcers, Euphorbia Emetic. Jioot. Flap. Dropsy, Syphilitic rant, gr. evacuated. petite. Sluggish phoretic Chronic fibroid tions ous Iodoform. See Ipecac. ThroatDover's aa cous be checks Powder Orris articBlue { 00 .... .00 3° 0.20 0.065 1.302.00 0.65 10 i.oo 4 1 .00 65 Grammes. O.065 O.015 O.32 O.io O.13 2.oo <►.50 1 0 1. dr. Adult. Expec.Emet. each fl. %-\. 60. V,-i.{u for Ho. 1-3. r>-20 2-10. dr. gr. 16— dr. 10-20. Externally. grs. gr. grs.gti.3 grs. gtt. grs. Dose fl. 14 Dentifrice. ii. .FI. oris. Comp. Ext i. x. Comp. x. “ - Unguentum. Fluidum. Floren- L Spurge. Syrupus. Medicines. Ext. Pulv. Trocfiisci. Vinum. Idia. tina. Versicolor, ■— “ IpecacIpecacuanha. “ “ “ “ “ “ LX r lodinii Iodoformum. Iris. 9 8 1 He-Best J of first tem- and but As- with In Pow- Sialogo-flow mucus, at pallor through Bright’s sudor- Dropsy. Capsicum. and Skin when out inDropsies, from by contracted, Used Bronchitis nephritis. Kaki. is Erythrina. Sialagogue. with Pinnatus. increasingbronchial milk. passing Carobae. Pimenta. Disorders, Diaphoretic also andandprespiration Pupil hours.Insipidus, secretion succeeded Vi Dyospyros Ichthyocolla. is urea 1 Complaints, Eugenia Diuretic, pathic Chondrus.Ferrum. Pilocarpus gue, of Folia Piscidia combined See See See erful nasal tears profuse this deficient desquamativeSee SeeSee See F., aboutDiabetis .... 00 by 2° in .... 4.00 4 amount increased. 0..0 Si.00 8.00 O.20 8.00 to where from % state Rheumatic .00 .00 conditions, ...... 1 and O.r.65<>.65 4.oo 0.065 1 4.oo followed from drowsiness,enormouslynormal Diseases Uraemia deeplyfalls less is itsFebrile Skin glands 1-2. or Chronic 1-3.20-60. 13. 14-1. 1-2. sweat dr. grs. dr. dr. flushes perature more the Disease, cites. Asthma, ilerous grs.gtt.li. resumes drJi-1fl.fl. Fluid. “ Tinctura. Fluidum. Dogwood. Extractum.“ “ “ Procera. (Iridin.) Moss. Ext Tinctura. Pimento. Persimmon. 4 “ “ Isinglass. “ “ “ Japanese r Irisin. Irish Iron. Taborandi. J Jacaranda Jamaica 99 in fX with Dig- Laxative, Kidney gii.)Cereb- action.Fevers, Diuretic, Dropsies or Uses, Hydragogue its of Laxative. Dropsies. or Potass, Dropsy, Constipation. InSquill and dose,Dropsies, Combined quicken Americ. in Cathartic, Diaphoretic, with Renal to Rhubarb. with to anthelmintic. to or Cathartic Bitart, in Canadensis. Anions gi, beginning Berries. Counterihdicated accord'g lesions. Mania,Ceanothus Lea/.Hypericum.Cercis habitual Stimulant. Jalap. Cathartic (JalapDiseases ral Calomel At See Twin See See JujubeButternut. in Similar Juniper.Geri. combined italis. Cardiac 00 50 ...... 30 00 2.00 1.3°4 4.oo O S.00 O.ao l.oo 6.00 1 8.00 O.32 4 I.30 8.00 OW.oo O.65

31 .00 .... Grammes 0.50 0 1.00 1.30o.o6$ 4 0.065 0.50 2.00 O.32 4.oo O.065 l.oo O.65 2.oo 32.00 O.io


. Adult 2 2. %-l. 1-2. v/ 1-2. y2 1-3. /or 5-20. 20-dr. 1-8. 1-3. 8-15. yr 1-5. 8-30. dr. dr. 5-20. dr. 15-60. 10-20.dr.- oz. 3-20. Dose grs. grs.ti. grs. grs.11. grs. grs. dr. grs.ii. grs. grs. grs.fi. fl. gtt. Fluidum. Comp. Diphylla. Fluidum. Fluidum. i. as. “ Ms. “ “ Medicines. Extractum. Pulv. Resina. Tinctura. Tea. Tree. Extractum. Extractum. Infusum. Oleum. i “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ Jalapa. Jalapin. Jersey Jujuba.Juglans. •Tuglandin. Juniperus. —.— r Jeffersonia Jolinswort.Judas L 100 • ► [vine. Sa- T7"-*•»- Py- and and -*-4 for Se-[dative. Rheu- In Diarrhoea. Astringent.MouthDysentery, Application. In Phthisis. Substitute Narcotic, Gonorrhoea. Hemorrhage, of of Hemorrhages Mcthysticum. and Astringent. Powerful Diarrhoea, Latifolium. Astringent — Cedar. MountainLaurel.Spoonwood. Astringent,Laurel.Kottlera. Dysentery,Diarrhoea Brayera. Ulcerations Discharges. Ledum rosis, Gums, Bed SheepSee Piper matismKino. See lihatany.In Mucous See Laburnum. Lac.

5 00 .0 ...... 4 1.00Do. Do. Do. 10 2.oo ££.00 1.308.00 2.00 O.D 2.oo 64.oo I6.00 8.00 O.065 .... .00 00 .... llo. 1 Do. Do. l.oo Ji.oo 4.oo 0.20 O.65 O.32 2.00 l.oo O.32 32.00 4 4.oo O.005 1, J4-1. 1-4. J^-2. 1-2. 1-4. 1-2. to 3-15. 6-30. 15-30. 10-30. 5-20. 15-30.5-10. jo dr. dr. 30-60. 20-60. dr. dr. oz. dr. dr. Externally. il. 11. grs.gtt. grs. gtt. grs.gtt. grs.A. grs. grs.11.A. 11. A. gr. FI. FI. Comp. Lati- Ext Ext. Comp. Fluidum. Ext. x. “ x. Fluidum. “ Spiritus. Virginiana. folia. Augustifolia. “ Pulv. Tinctura, Syrupus. “ . indecl. Ext. Extractum. Infusum. Tinctura. “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ Laburnii, almia. “ r T/ Kameela. Kava Kino, Koosso.Kramaria. abradorTea.j Lacca. 101 1 the So- Di- ex- 4 and Does Seda- and Opium.for Diuretic, Bron- Uses. excite for Dyspepsia. Soporilie or Lettuce. Rheumatism, of vehicle Chronic arid children. Laxitive a In Corollata. In is Aperient, In safe for Antispasmodic, Verum. Dions A Juice Substitute A constipate, slightly Syrup Cypripedium, Adeps.EuphobiaBark. Delphinium. porific tive, hepectorants. Galium Diaphoretic. Litmus. Digestive.Lettuce. Sedative notbrain. Concrete uretic. 1 See SeeBurdock. Gout. See See Larch chitis. Tamarac. See o 3 — 00 .... 50 .... i. 2.00 0.324.00 8.00 0.80 0.25 1.00 12.002.60 4.oo 1.304 0 2.00 .00 00 .... 00 .... Grammes. 0-35 O.32W.065 1 4.. 0.20 0.0650.32 4.00 0.65 2 0.32 l.oo 0.25 1.00 Adult. % for 5-30. 1-5.J^-1.12.3-12. 1-4. 1-3. j^-1.5-20. 4-8.30-60. 5-20. dr. dr. 10-30.dr. 20-80. grs.dr. Dose grs. grs. grs.ii. fi. grs. grs.gtt.ii. gtt. dr. ii. grs.gtt. Spurge. Fluidum. ii. Fluidum. Fluidum Tinct. “ “ “ x. Slipper. “ Medical. Extractum. Tinctura. Extractum. Syrupus.Tinctura. Bedstraw. ;e. Extractum. Flower Cretex. " “ “ ** “ “ “ “ “ “ “ Americana. Lacmus. Lactopeptin. Lactuca. Lactucarium. Ladies’ Lappa. Lard. LargeLarieis Larix Larkspur. 102 Dil. in Cath- and to Sweet. Carmina- Emetic. Constipation or Antispasmodic, .Nervine, Similar Stimulant,Flatulence Debility. Alterative, in intestinal Tree Aromatic, In Vermifuge. Acid. Bay Tea. Boot. Cholagogue, Useful Tinctura. Laurel. , Cordial, Tea. deficientsecretion. NceOpiiLaurus. Cherry Kervous Plumbum. Dirca Hirudo.Limones. Emmenagogue, Hysteria.Taraxacum. artic,Tonic, biliaryLactuca. See Prussic LaurelLavender. tive. Stomachic. and See See MarshLabrador SeeSee Motherwort. From Culver's where See 50 .... 00 CO — 1.004.oo 4.00 2.oo 0.32 H.00 Do. 12 4.00 0. 4.00 O.20 4.co O.25 4.00 I<> 0.13

6s .00 — (> 1)0. 1,00 0.2O 2.oo 2.oo <>.065 2.00 4.oo 2.00 O.20 1.00O.065 1 O.13 S.00 O.015

>4-1. 34-2. 1-3. 34-1. 34-1.2-4. 2. 3-15. Jl-l. 10-30.2-10. 1)0. 34-1.3-8. 1-3.34-1.2-4. yK grs.dr. grs. dr. dr. Externally. dr. grs. dr. dr. - It. dr. gtt.3. fl. dr. grs.ti. dr. grs.11.It. grs. FI, FI. Ext. “ Ext. “ Comp. se. Yir- se. Tinct. Folia. Comp. Car- se. “ i. “ “ Aqua.i. Oleum. Spiritus. “ Tinct. i.Latifolium. diaca. ginica. Laudanum. Laurel.Laurocerasi “ Lauras,Lavandula.a?. “ “ “ “ Lead. I.eatherwood.Ledum, “ Leech. Lemon. Leonurus. “ Leontodin. Leptandra. “ “ Leptandrin. Lettuce. 103 a af- Jj to Rheu- poultices The Diuretic. [fections. Vses Diuretic, GonorrhoeaThroat. Polycep. Majalis. Antiscorbutic, Acute pulmonary and In Sore Angelica. In makeDemulcent. Aureus. Diaphoretic, Antispasmodic To of, and to Astringent. degree, Adlions Snakeroot. Tongue.] Meal.]Laxative.a Nymphsea. Flax. Seed. is Santonica. Senecio Gnaphalium Convallaria Calx. slight coughs SeeButton Stimulant. Deer See SeeLovage. Similar Drive. See See SeeLemon. Corrective. matism. ToadFlax Flax Oil In 20 .... .00 4.00 6.00 0 2.6o 4.oo O.20 8.00 32.00 32.00 4 .oo 065 OO Grammes. 1 2.00 0 0.65 l.oo O.065 2.00 I6.00 I6.00 1 Adult. for >4-1. >4-2.>4-1. >4-1. >4-1. dr. 1-3. 10-40.dr. lib. 2-6. dr. "lib. Do. Do. oz >4-1. grs. grs. Externally. gtt. oz. Dose dr. il. ll Ad. il. fl. Ad fl. dr. FI. FI. Ext. Levis- Ext. Comp. i. “ (Pond.) Spicata. i.Valley. is. se. Wormseed. is. Odoratis. Everlasting. ticum. the Oleum. Spiritus. Syrupus. i.Farina. Infus. Oleum. Mexicana. of “ Medicines. “ “ “ “ “ “ Root. White. “ Lavant Liatris. Liatrin. Life “ Ligusticum. Ligustrum. Lily LilyLime, Limones Linaria. Linum. Lippia 104 + a a on Stim- Carb- best as Anti- Ine- coat from exists, Wood. the also Gout, impactions Theresemble of in strongly Habitual hite acid, in W Rheumatism, One Diaphoretic. dependent Febrifuge, In Tobacco. muscular secretionFecal Ulcers.0 Citrate uricremedy Acts Expectorant, '1 the . Bark. in etc. Used inflammation in Antacid. and Indian ot no Gu Tree Tonic. alkalies. deficientbowels, Glycyrrhiza. —Diaphoretic, Dyspepsia. Gravel, Hepatica. spasmodic. Constipation atony See SweetTulip ulant, Lithium. onate other solvents valuable Diuretic. SeeLobelia, Emetic. briant. and the where 80 .... 00 Do. l.oo Do. Do. 1.304 1.30Do. S.00 8.00 O 8.00 8.00 O.65 O.50 320.OO O.80 O.50 0.20 0.13 4.oo 00 00 20 O.13Do. O.13 Do. O.65 O Do. l.oo 1.00 Do. 2 O.13 2.oo 4.oo O.32O.20 1GO. O.065 O.065 O.50 O.032 Expec.Emet VyI. 2. j£-l. 1-2. 5-10. 10-20,%-i.yr J4-2. Do. %-2. 2-12. 5-10. 3-15. 2-8.Do. 2-12. 1-8.Do. 1-3 dr. 5-40. Do. dr. dr. Externally. dr. dr. oz. grs. grs. grs. grs. gtt. dr. grs.H. fl. grs. grs. grs. fl. grs. fl. fl. fl. Comp. Liq. “ Con. i. Fluidum. Citras. Fluidum Aether. Tr. “ “ “ “ as. “ Citras.Efferv. Ferro Salicylas. Tinctura. Tinctura. Benzoas.Bromidum. Carbonas. lodidum. Acetum. Extractum. ‘ Extractum. “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ Liquorice.Liquidambar.Liriodendron. “ “ “ “ “ “ Liverwart. Lobelia, 105 \j the not is Al- it stim- Used Used efficien- byAmmon., as action. Febrile its ofBronchitis should pains. X'onic. Uses. It Narcotic. and emetic Levistieum. Officinalis. soporificalcoholic increased Cough, an uncertain. local for Dyspepsia, Vine. Absorbent. Mild ions Asthma beingBromide asand For Mild cl or dyspnoea. Stomachic A used Hsematoxylon. Lvthrum. Ligusticum Hall. Cystitis. Spasmodic here harsh Humulus. AtonicComplaints. if Pulmonaria in cy Hooping ulants, Lycopodium. Iodide withbe to See Darnel. See. SeeSee SeeLupulin. Substitute in Matrimony Du Buglewced. 065 00 — 60 1 <» 0.65 <>.40 8.00 2 6.00

25 Grammes. 0.015 0.13 0 0.13 4.oo 1.302.00

Adult. - 1 1-2. for 2-10. 8-30. 2-6. A-J 20-40. %-VA. Externally. grs.dr. Externally. grs. Dose gr- grs.gtt. L dr.


se.Fluidum. i. Medicines. ii. Ext. Oleoresina. Xinctura. Semen. Lobeiin. Logwood.Lolium.Loosestrife. Lovage.Lungwort.Lupulus. Lupulina. “ “ “ Lycium.Lycoperdon.Lycopodium, “ Lycopus. 106 * ofis 54 in a M 5 ' early Mag- pro- 11L Cath- Magnesi-iron than incipient Antacid, Carbonate corrects especially statessulphateinDiseases, dissolved with In Arom- is with Antilithic, The The oz54 water Dil. tastelessrather j Laxitive, and conditions. Phthisis. irritable Febrile of .J in acid Maqnesia. of almost stool. Cough.Bugle, Astringent, Diuretic. Cathartic poisoning glass combinedAtonic is feculent mild is -- Kubia. aacidity, agreeable stomach. good stages a sulphuric ducing lays Magnesiumartic, is a many watery Bitter Loosestrife. Mace. atic. See Calcined the Lead in um nesea 00 00 OO .CO .00 Do. I.30 Do. I 1 1 8.00 O.32 3~.oo 1.3° l.oo Ii.00 2.oo I.30 8.00 l.oo 6I.00 I.30 320 O.652 Do. 65 00 65 2.oo 0.065 I6.00 O.32 Do. l.oo O.32 O.65 0 Do. 0.20 100 100 I6.00 0.20 160 0.20 0 0.20 Do. 1.00 0.13

1-5. %-2. lA-2. 5-10. dr. J4-1. 5-20. 10-40. %-l. 5-20. 3-30. 10-30.Do. 3-20. 54-1. oz. 3-20. oz. 3-10. 10-30.3-15. Do. 54-1.2-15. fl. grs. oz. grs. gtt. dr. grs. grs. grs. grs.drs. dr.0. grs.fl. grs. grs. grs. dr. grs.

as. Fluidum ii. Lev. Liq. Liq. x. Fluidum. “ Ext.Europanes. idis. Ext. Bengoas.Bisulphis. Carb. “ Hyposulphis. ilypophosphis.Lactophosph. “ Acetas. BorasBromidnm. Carbon Citras. Chloridum. Levis. Iodidum. “ “ acis “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ T Lycopin.Lythrum. ]\ivi Madder. Magnesia,Magnesium, 107 JVX diges-and in bil- Useful Suppur- mala-the doses Oxide of Uses. Emollient, and Strumous of small Iron. and and and Uniflora. to Black Tonic.Pedatum. In appetiteRestorativea Gout JaundiceCatarrh Mas. Tonic. Mallow. is The Elions It allied passages. A Salts. Syphilitic origin, AdiantumFiiix Fransiscea Podophyllum. promotes closely Gastralgia, Epsom Diaphoretic, See SeeDigestive, CommonDemulcent. See See Manganese. tion. in conditions, ation. rial iary

00 .... 3° .00 1.30IO.00 2.00 3 4.oo 32.00 3.oo 4.00 I30 O.50 1 8.00 0.20 4 1.30Do. Do. Do. oo .00 .00 00 Grammes. 0.6s 4 O.32 1 2.oo 8.00 1 2.00 0.32 0.065 0.65 4 0.065 2.00 O.20 Do. 0.50 0.32

Adult. -i. 1. y2 1-2. y2 20. for 1-4.5-30. 5-20. 1-8. 1-3. 3-20. 8 10-20. 15-45. 14-1. 2-8. 15-45.dr. 10-20.dr. dr.- Do. 5-20. Dose grs.dr. grs. grs.dr. dr. grs.h. grs. grs. grs11. grs.fl. grs. grs. grs.

ii. Syrupus. Syrupus. Nig. Phosphas. as. Fluidum. Bisulphis. “ “ •* Medicines. Sulphas. Sulphis.Tartras. Hair.Fern. as. Ext. Bromidum. Hypophosphis. Iodiduin. Oxiduni. Phosphas. Sulphas. “ “ “ Extractum. “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ Magnesii Magnolia,MaidenMale Malti Malva. Manaca. Mandrake.Manganesium. 108 H In and Ar- Dis- Diapho- Rarely . Glauca. Tonic. Catarrh. Turpentine.Tonic. and Memb. Astringent, Hemorrhages. Demulcent. Diuretic, Palustre. Lanatum to Mucous Tonic. Dysentery. Laxative. Expectorant, Hepatitis, Similar Aromatic,Hemorrhagesfrom Chamomile. ArctostaphylosRoot. Althaea. Selinum Statice.Ledum. Heracleum Imperatoria. charges Lycium, Podophyllum. Catarrh, Vaginitis,Manna. See ArrowMarble. Horeliound.retie, Chronic See See See See See Mastic. Matico.rests German Stomachic,used. See See 32 00 .00 .00 ...... I.30 « Do. 64 •1.00 1 4.00 2.00 H.00 Do. 4.oo 2.oo 4.00 32 00 00 .... .OO .... 0. O.13Do. I6.00 2 6.32 2 4.00 0.50 2.oo Do. 2.oo 1 2.oo

2. 1. 1. y-1. 1-2. -2. y2 y2 2-6. y25-15. 8-30. y2 y-1. 5-20. 4-10. %-i. lib. - dr. dr. dr.- 15-30.dr.- grs. grs.gtt. oz. Ad. dr. grs.il. fl. grs.dr. fl. dr. grs.fl.

it. Fluidum x. Fluidum. Fluidum. “ es. Fluidum. “ Vine. Sulphis. Ext. x. x. oris. Extractum. Succus. Mallow.Parsley.Rosemary. Tea. indeclin. Ext. Extractum. Apple. “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ — Mango. Manna, Manzanita. Maranta. Marmor, Marrubium. Marsh Masterwort Mastiche. Matico. Matricaria, Matrimony May 109 ]VI in and in Given to pains. drink StimulatingSarsapa- Narcot- Carmin- Stimulant, pain their Uses. for Acrid Nausea flatus. and local a. medicines gripe. Diuretic. In ill Aromatic, Allays expel Honey. excellent spasmodic )counteract to Vehicle. An Indicus. Stomachic, To griping Actions Cotula. Colchicum. Clover. Par Substitute Vermifuge. tendency See SeeHydrogargue.Honey. ClarifiedSweetBalm. Fevers. Yellow Tonic,rilla. Cocculus ic,Peppermint. ative, Vehicle.relieves bowels. with Spearmint. — 4.oo 8.00 2.6o O.40 4.oo 0.20 0.20 4.00 64.00 4.00 0.32 1.30 4.00 64.oo 4.00 0.32 Grammes. .00 00 00 1 2 1.00 2 1.300.20 0.032 0.065 1.000.032 0.65 1.0032.00 O.032

Adult. 2. /- %-l. 1. 1-2. 14-I. 3-2. 4-1. for lib. Ifo. 4-1. 20-40. 3-6. dr. 1-6. 1-3.U- dr. 1-10.20-40. 4-1. dr. 1-10. Externally. dr. grs. grs. gtt. oz. gtt. gtt. oz. gtt. Dose Ad. dr. fl. ft. grs.dr. fl. fl. dr. fl.fl FI. FI. FI. Ext. “ i. Aqua.Ext. Oleum. Spiritus.Troch. Aqua.Ext. Oleum. Fluidum. Piperita. “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ Saffron. Despumatum. x. Ext. “ x. Viridis. Medicines. lie. “ Cocculi.“ “ “ “ “ “ Weed. “ Canadense. “ “ May “ Melissa, Menispermum. Menispermin. Mentha, MeadowMedeola. Mel. Melilotus. L, 110 is Int., in Ul- weak kid- to a Stimu- 30. is and stomach, or Bichloride skin Diuretic. Lathyris. sick Applied 20 The Iodide Vesicant. Syriaca. Rubefacient iri Cathartic. Ext., to Tonic,Fuscus. Alterative, Peppermint. The Album. usedin Rheumatism. Bark. part Bean. Hydrargyrum. safer Crumbs.Buena. Asclepias Vine. SvrupusEuphorbia Oil Berqumot, one Japanese neys. Viscum Astringent, cers, Buck See Anaesthetic. theanaesthetic. Mezereon. Stimulant Bread Verba See See Squaw See See llorsemint. lant.Flatulence. ChronicWild Monesia rj .00 .... 65 65 .... 00 I.30 a 0 0 4 Do. O.oi 1-3°O.015

65 3 — 065 .... a O 1.00 0 O.io 2.

. .... — .no — .... 0.02 Do. Do. Do. 8 1.-I52.6o l.oo

.... — .00 .... 008 .00 Grammes O.008 Do. Do. Do. 2 O S 0.32

Adult. 1). lil). %-%. 54-2.each. S. for Do. Do. Do. ‘4 15-40.5-15. U..X Do. dr. ;

Kxternaily. Externally. • grs. fl. gr. grs.gtt. grs. Dose Ad. See' Liq. . Liq. Hvdrarg. et i. ir. “ Balm. as. Solution. Hyrupus. Acetas. Murias. Hvdrobrom. Sulphas. Sppositoria. Oleas. “ Valerianas. Acetatis Laurel. Mint. Juice. Medicines “ “ “ “ <( “ “ “ “ “ Succus. “ “ *• Morphia. Mngwort.Mulberry P Monsel’s Mori Moschus.; Motherwort. Mountain Mucuna. 112 JL* Stim- Astring- hair. -N" soporific Opium power, Stimulant, indolentthe Soporific. Mucous al- of to toDysintery. In the its Thapsus. Myrtle. of Astringent, I11 disputed. soporific Diarrhoea. Wax Applied J Bronchitis. One Opium; alkaloid Poison. Sumbul. In Expectorant, Stimulant Aromatic,Carminative, Stimulant, Astringent. of yetAn Verbaseum Mosehus.Ferula Hinapis. Gale. Laurel. Discharges, powers feeble See Cardiac See See See Sweet ulant.Bayberry, ent,Tonic. Ulcers Bay Nutmeg. General Myrrh. Narceine.kaloids Narcotin. of 00 .00 .00 00 32 .00 .00 00 65 Do 1 O.065 260 4 1 4 k> 0i 0.20 8.00 1-JODo. 4 0.13 0 Do. 3° GO 00 32 32 032 00 O.oii 1 l>o. 1 0.32 1.004 0T30 0 0 4 0.32 Do. 2.oo O.065 O.13Do.

1. l. %-l. 1-4. 1-2. y2 20-40. yr 2-5. 1-0. 1-2. 3^1 40-80. 5-15. dr. dr. 5-15. 10-30. dr. 5-20. 10-40.dr.- 2-10.Do. gr- grs. gtt.dr. grs.II. 11. grs. grs.gtt. gttfl. grs.gtt.ii. grs. grs. FI. FI. Ext. Ext. “ Tinct. Gale. “ Cerif- x x.Fluidum. Fluidum. x. Root. x. era. “ “ Acris. Ext. Oleum. Spiritus. x. Ext. linctura. Murias. Mullein. Musearia. Musk. “ Mustard. Myrica.“ “ “ “ “ Myriein.Myristica.“ “ “ Myrrha“ “ arceia. Narcotina. “ 113 4 to Tonic. heap Pec- Allied headache and consequent AnginaAnaemia Uses. Antiperiodic, andaccel- slight and Umbilicus. Sedative, diflora. fullness Anaesthetic. Tetanus. Gran Nitras. of Palpitation, Antiperiodic. Expectorant. Bubulum. Dioica. In Strengthened causes paroxysms Gas. Actions Bark. Nickel. inEmphysema, and Brain. king CotyledonOleum Cypripedium.Urtioa CactusPotassii erated; sense the Tonic.Beeberia. Active See See Bebeeru Tonic. See See Sulph. Nicotin. See See Heart and used on toris ofLauo SeaGalla. 2.oo O.50 Do. 0.065 O.003 — ...... Grammes. O.50 O.13 Do. O.015 O.001 ...... — .... (f- o'- y*y i yy to Adult. to to for 8-30. 2-s. 4-1'. -gV Pills. Dose grs. crs. git gr. gr. In lit oV Inhaled. Cereus. Oil. as.Fluid\im. Sulphas. Medicines. Foot Ext. Root.Root. as. Bloom’g Oxide. Naphthalin. “ Night Nitro-Glyccrinc. “ P Navelwort. Neat’s Neetandra. NerveNettle Niccoli Nicotia. Nitre. Nitrous 114 ► in O ■ - Atonic GastricFlatu- impov-blood Vomit- Tonic.Rickets, Stimulant, Used I11 the especially Astringent, of . urine,various Spec.Tonic. pregnancy, Gastralgia,Constipation, ofParalysis,rheumatic, Alterative. Seed. Laxative. Nutritive,Scrofula, . Oil. Constipation. of Neuralgia. Yellow. White. Farina. Oil. Oil. conditions of and drunkards.Lily LilyTonic, Primrose. Fennel Bergamot. Foot Myristica. of „...-— Vomica. Avena of Liver Phthisis, Stomachic,vomitingDyspepsia. Catarrh, lence, forms facial ing Bitter Evening In Syphilis, , See Nux erishedIncontinence Pond Pond See WaterEthereal Oil Neat’s Cod .20 065 00 — 00 .■—!!!■ 0 0 O.ro 2 4.00 Do. Do. Do. 0.65 2.00 0.40 16

008 .00 — .00 00 0.065 0 0.0650.16 1 1.00 1 0.13 4 Do. Do. Do.

1. ya %-l. 1-4. 1-3. 2-6. 5-20. 15-30.dr. 15-30.2-6. dr. 1)0.Do. Do. grs. grs.- gtt.gtt. grs. 11. grs. grs. 11. x. Phos. Emul. Ext. Tinct. “ “ “ x.Fluidum. Calc. “ Vomica, Bienis. et Bergamii. “ CIS. Advina. Ext. Meal. Aethereum. Bubulum. Morrhuee. Pellaudium. “ utrneg. “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ NuphnrNympkoea. - N Qat f* Nux. Oenanthe Oleum 115 1 in C) ear Dia- Oath- eye,painfulAnti- Soporific. except gastro- Lotion therefore in Uses. as the and and Emmenagogue. burns. Antispasmodic. of skin, used Emollient. Hydragogue, Internally. Antispasmodic.An- Antineuralgic,Diuretic, be ions ToLaxative. Locally, secretionsthe Adi Emollient. inflamed all not Phosphorus. Oil. Oil. Oil.Butter. Oil. \esicant. Oromwell. to of Diaphoretic, artic, Opium. ache swellings.phlogistic, tiemetic, phoretic, See Olive Palm Castor Cocao Croton Frankincense. False inflammations Arrests thatshould 13 - 65 80 ...... 0 Do. Do. 0.65 O.65 0 48.oo O.13 4.oo 4.00 0.065 0 2.60 0.015 32 065 Do. Do. — O..3 Grammes 0 0 I6.00 0.015 1.00 1.00 0.0150.20 0.50 0.008 0.20 Adult in /or 5-10. lib. 1-2. i/-2. 15-60 3-10. 8-40. 3-12. Do. Do 2-10. oz. Externally, Emulsion, !4-l Vs-1. Externally. VerVi- Externally. Pill. grs.Rectum. Externally. grs. gr. gtt. 1 Dose gtt.Ad gtt. 11. gtt. grs. dr gr-gtt. in Virg. Deod. Ung. Aqua. “ Comp. i. Fluid. Phosphoratum. Olivse. Organi.Palmie. Ricini. Tiglii. “ ii. Acetum. Confectio.Emplastrum.Extractum. “ “ “ Pilulfe. Pulv. Siippositoria. Medicines. Theobromae. “ “ “ Linimentum.“ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ Opium, “ “ “ “ Oleum Olibanum. Onosmodium V 116 . in- the and the use- pain, To 25.) defi- firm- of 1.)action, rises, sleepless- Mania. Cancer, gtt. where secretion. oz. and Acute Peretonitis, quietColic, Asthma. in in andEspecially Acute Stricture. situated. Id 1 heart’s 2 and (gr. proper(grs. the tension conditions Cortex. Sericea. disordersin Intantum, heart. membrane, Meningitis shock Calculi, Spasmodic Gilead. Root. us becomesfuller delirium wherever of NutritiveFlorentina. eiency Strengthens arterial pulse and worn-out Renal Antispasmodic.Aurantii Iris Corn Laudanum, testinal Paregoric, the with Nee SecRone. See and dilated serous mitigateandAsthma, stricture Balm CancerRice. a 92 00 00 80 and to OO • 0 4 Morbus of 2 0.72 O 1.00 Fevers Cerebro-Spinal 1.00 Hi. Insomnia weak Biliary Spasmodic spasmodic 18 to 25 Acute —- O 0 1.00 1.00 O.25 O.32 Cholera affections and 1.00 0.32 in Tonic Meningitis, Sciatica, Dysenterv, system, a painful Pectoris, Used Is inflammations Cough, 6-26. 14-I.1-4. in all lib. 5-20. dr.dr. 8-25. 10-30. In Neuralgia,Anginaallay 15-30. 5-15. gtt. gtt. gtt. gtt. er. Chronic nervous ness. fulPleuritis. grs. grs. fl.fl. Ad.

Acet. Ammon.Camph.Deodor. cis. Virg. Tinetura. “ “ “ “ Vinum Peel. Sativa. Root. Green. “ “ “ “ *■ “ Upoponax. ossis. Opohalsamum. OrangeOrobanche Oryza Orris Os. Osier 117 O I* Pan- In much Par- Uses. Soporific. children. but Camph.Cissampelos and Praeparata. Digestive. Convolvulus of Opium, Circinnatus. Fern. Diarrhoea. of Triloba. to Paraguayensis, Cicely. InDemulcent. Tinct.Brava, ASlions Bovinum. Uncertain dressing.Opii Cornus Flowering Fel Testa Peony. Ginseng. Viola. Poppy. sleeplessness Uvaria Ilex a See Sweet Iron-wood. See See Pancreatin. Alkaloid duratus.See Similar milder. See See As SeePareira .... 50 8.00 4.00 1.000.13 1.00 0 1.00 32.00 O.065 4.oo 13 oo —- 00 Grammes. 2 1.000.32 0 0.20 0.032 2.00 0.032 0.20 16 dult. A i. yr -1. for y-2. %-l. 5-15. 3-15. 2-8. 6-30. y2 grs. grs.gtt. oz. Externally. Dose dr. dr. grs. grs. fl. grs. dr.’^-l.

Prep. i. Longist. cis. Fluidum. is. Tea. Medical. Red. Virginiana. Shell se. ax. Extractum. “ Syrupus. Seeds. at. OstryaBile. Oyster pSDonia.Pan Pansey. Papaver. “ “ “ Papaverin. PapawParaguay Paregoric. Osier Osmorrhiza Osmunda. Ox 1 Pancreatinum. Panduratin. Paraffinum. Pareira. 118 Diur- strength-the ab- tract.blad- No the Slight improves lessens Sedative nary fromPomgranate; and and chronic Antiperiodic. Repens. Persica. of Umbil. Crab. Anthelmintic. lining obtained anthelmintic. Piperita. Astringent, bladder, secretions. Genito-uri various Arsenitis. nerves. an Stone Seeds. fasting. in Pellitory. Dock. on Bark as Stimulates the the affections. CupriPetroselinum Mitchella Guarana.Amygdalusalkaloid Pyrethrum. Hedeoma.Cotyledon Mentha eira. etic. ens mucous normal to Used derWall See SeePrairie effect See See See AnRoot used See SeeSee VirginiaPumklin Taken See 3° 00 00 65 — 1 O Do. 4.00 96.oo 16 4 8.00 0.65 1.30Do. 64.oo 50 00 13 — © 2.oo © Do. Do. 32.00 8.00 2.oo 2 O.32 O.32 32.00

-2. 8-20.|Vo-l. 1-3.2-4. 1. y2 1-2. dr. oz. dr. dr. 2-10. 5-20. Do. 5-10. 1-2. oz. grs.fl. fl. fl. dr. fl. grs. grs. grs. oz. fl. FI. Integ-Ext. Vine. Fluidura. Officin. ii. Berry Sedoides. “ Sulphas. Royal. Fluidum. Extractum. Infiisuni. Tinctura. Green. Leaves. Tannas. Wort. nis. “ Ext. “ “ “ “ rifolium. “ Parietaria Paris Parsley.Partlienium. PartridgePaullima. PeachPelletierina. Pellitory. Penny Penthorum Pepo. “ Peppermint. 119 >“ ab- of ■ I Used preg- the soft- for defici- Dyspep- norr- Disor- of disord- a Conva- of Aperient, Gonorr- Gt Uses. albuminous state by Diarrhoea in in Hepatic Stimulant debility fit Fevers, Oil Debility. Cerebral a principle. and stomach Dyspepsia, periodic. Used in toIn vomiting Stimulant. Reduces this fromPhthisis, affections. The General sy-item, of Anti Syphilis. Used AHious Atonic of Diospyros. Leaves. General Pepsin. sorption.characterized ency children, nancy. Expectorant, Cinchona. hcea, substances ers inlescence sia See SeeBronchial Parsley.Diuretic. hoea. Boldo ders.Phosphorus. Tonic. nervous . .... 32 1.00 8.00 O.13 O.32 I.30 Do. O.13 O.32 O I6.00 O.005 4.oo .00 .00 65 Grammes 4 O.32 0.032 4 0.20 O Do. 0.0320.065 0.032 4.00 O.001 1.00 Egg. Adult. 2. 1 with 3-5. 1-4.eVtoyV m-i. for 5-35. 14-2. 1, 10-20.20-40. 1-4. 1-5. 1-10. dr. grs. dr dr. Dose grs.tl. grs. dr. grs. gtt. gtt. grs.gtt.il. gr. fl. El i.

. i. Ext. Vinum. Bal. i. “ “ : Porci. Bark. Crude. Fluidum. Boldo. Medicines se. Saccharata. Yinum. Concent. Ext. Oleum. Tinctura. Pepsina “ “ “ “ “ Peumus, “ “ Phosphorus, “ * Peruvian Persimmon.Peruvianum. Petroleum Petroselinum. 4* 120 *1 be eye of Epi- layer small Em- car of the To the Bella prevent case move- of poisoning. deficient in conditions Sedative. of counteract to in ulcerationCholera, AntisyphilitSlow principleproduces . Gen.pupil to effect and iris or muscular and Reduces respiratory Indicus. Tvpoid feebleness. meals. theused the the Alterative doses. Active and of injury Chronic Bean. is donna Strychnia of after .] Tetanus. great dilating in intestines Berry.Root.) Antiscrofulitic, and Antirheumatic Coculus the Cathartic.' ening, given Locally, prolapse lepsy, Torpor ic, Rickets, with Calabar Contracts theEserine corneal Used of secretion.Poke Poke etic, diacment. From Pilocarpin. Jaborandi 12 IO 00 O'. 0.20 O.OI5 O O.4O O.001 Do. Do.Do. l.oo O.25 1.00 8 O13 O.003 O.02 008 20 10 O.13 O.065 O O.032 O 0.0006 Do. Do.Do. O.065Do. 0 4.oo O.015 O.001 O.eo* 1-50in -gV yV- . ’ gr., gr., to to Pill, 1-4. 1-2.2. 4-10. 1-25 1-3.Vh-'A- 1-3. 5-10. TOT Do. Do. Do. 1-15. 3-30. dr.A- -gV grs. r gtf. 1-100 gr.,each gr. gtt.gtt. gr grs. grs.gtt. n. gr- gr- S | atis. Fluidum. Bacca. Fluidum. Aether. Pilulse. Extractum. “ Tinctura. Bromidum. Mttrias. Sulphas. Radix.Extractum. “ Tinctura. “ “ Physostigma. '• “ “ Physostigmin. “ “ “ Thytolaccse “ “ “ “ Phytolaccin. Picrotoxin. Pilocarpin. 121 *'? it |) 1 the the most This mem- of the Quinine, Carmina- Diarrhoea, Uses. is Tablets.reduces of Stimulant. It or mucous pains. and etc. Phthisis. Acrid thesecretion preparation. Dills much Aromatic, Chronic ofBark. ions Pill especially Laxative. In Peppier. on excites juice. Kava. local Aft effects. of stagesPine Spigelia. Chimaphila. Jaborandi. bulk, Stimulant. actingbrane, gastric Kava allay samereliable See Compressed form Cinchonidia,Cathartic, Allspice. tive, Scutfrage.Hemlock. last White SeeBlack Piperin. See See To 20 .... 30 00 .... O.02 Do. 2.6o O 8.00 1 8 I.30 O.20 O.40

65 .... —• .... Grammes. 0.002 Do. 0 O.065 4.oo O.324.oo O.32O.065 O.065

. y3 Adu-lt. to 1-2. 40. 10 1-6. /or -gV Do. Pills. l"-40. 2-6. dr. 5-20. 1-2. 1-3. grs. r. Externally. Dose gr 1-3 grs.gtt. fl. d gtt. gtt. grs. FI. Co. Saxfraga. Ext. Nitras. Murias.Pinn. Compressa. “ Fluidum. as. se. Erythrina. se. Methysticum. Medicines. Cathart. Oleum. i.Canadensis. Strobus.Root. eris.Confectio. Ext. Oleoresina. Pilocarpin. Pilocarpus Pilula. “ Pimenta. “ Pimpinella Piuus. “ “ Pink Piper, “ “ “ Piperina. PiperPipsissewa.Piscidia 4* 122 * Int., scrof- Antisy- Sed- As-Lo- Erysip- Lead ur- glands, Vaginal Stimu- and of and Iodide Cough. and tringent.in ulcerative discharges the Gargle. diseases. partially and vagina,of Pupur. ulcers Major. Tuberosa. is ative Lotions lymphatic skinBronchitis. To Sulphas. Alterative, Lead.] Sub-acet. ear, Pitch.. Plaster. to Winter Lead,.] the Pitch. In Locally, of Eczema, the Ointment Ext. Water. tumors.Plantago Asclepias White of muco-purulent enlarged Sarracenia Chronic Calcis philitic. elas, SeeBurgundy WarmingHemlock douche.Tar. in lant. TarPlantain. ulous See SeePlatinum. SeeLead. SugarPure tion conditions. to from ethra. to oo 6o .... — - .... 032 _, 42 4.oo O.065 O.20 O.065 0

* -3° .... — 2.oo 1 2.oo O.008 O.o6s O.oiS O.oiS

-\. y2 J£-l. Do. Do. 20-40. 1-3. H-l. y-Vi. Externally. Do. Do. Do. Do. dr. grs.dr. V»-l. Externally. Do. Pills.Externally. rectum. Externally. fl. fl. gr. grs. 1-3 in grs. gr- FI. Empiast. Empiast. Glycer. Maj- Pil. Ung. Infus Ext. as. Opii Suppos. Ung. “ “ i. “ “ *• inis. oris. i. Opii Burgundica. Liquida. Paris. Root. Emplastrum. “ Plant. Canadensis. or. of Bichloridum. Acetas.Carbon Chloridum. Cum etIodidum. Nitras. cis.“ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ Plantago, Platinum, PleurisyPlumbum, * Pitcher Pix. Plantain. Plaster ¥ 123 - Di- Ty- T)B Lotion Acet- sprains the Sum- Altera- He- doses Em- the andChronic Cathartic. Substitute Rheum- Uses of Internally, Hsematemisis, children, Apple. Diuretic, and spleen Diarrhoea, of and alterative Syphilis, Valerian. Diuretic. in Functional ions and Extract.] Phthisis May In Stimulant. 1 Greek. Adi inflammations, of Acute Cholagogue. affections. Polyqala. Pepper. to bruises.— Jalap. Phytolacca. Hajmoptvsis,Diarrhoea Dysentery. Jaundice.patic Scrofula, menagogue, phoid, in Toxicodendron. Litharge- Goulard’sate and Acetate mer arrhoea Mandrake. tive. In for atism. See See AmericanBitter Water 00 065 00 1.30<>.65 2 0 12.000.065 12.00ti.oo 2 0.20 32 00 00 Grammes. 0.65 O 1.00 O.0154 0.015 4 0.20 0.32 0.065

Adult. %-}£. 1-3. for I)o. 10-20.5-10. j£-l. 1-3.3-30. 5-30. 1-3. Externally. Do. Do.rectum. dr. dr. Dose In grs. grs. fl. prr. fl. gr- dr. grs. grs. grs. Dil. Liq. “ Hydro- . i. Repens. Ext. Fluidum. Rubella. i.is. Ceratnm.Liniment. x. Medicines Oxidum. Subacet “ “ “ Suppositoria.Tannas. Extractum. “ Resina. Tinetura. Oak. piper, “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ Plumbi. Podophyllum, Podophyllin. Poison Poke.Polemonium Polvgala.Polygonum, ,, 124 the goodAn- injee- Febri- Oaus-j ulcer- a AcuteRheu- digestion, of and to injection as is venerial Chlorate Tonic, Diarrhoea. Locally, Sul. and as The Mercurial .] Catarrh, Root. Pot. forms excrescences.Bi-carb. and and Permang. Radix. impairedFevers, et warts the Portense. Eseharotic.] Moss. dvena. to Nasal Black A Diuretic, In Potash. variousBiohromas Solution of joints, AphthousThe Cat Populus. Papaver. to firanati fuge. Vinum Alumin tiseptic I.eucorrhcea. Hair Indian See Nymphxa,Nuphar See SeePoplar. Malarial See Caustic See tic ations.Potassium Fowler’s Lotion Eczema, maticin for sores. .... 00 25 60 S.co H.00 Do. 2.00 2.00 2.00 4 0 2.00 2.00 <> 2.00 2.co 0.13 H.00 2.oo

50 00 32 032 32 0.32 1.00Do. l.oo 0 0.65 1 0.065 0.32 0.320.12 0 0.32 0 2.00 0

30. #-l. 10-00.If-2. Do. 15 8-30. 10-30.dr. 1-4. Do. 5-30. 5-30. 2-10. 5-30. 5-30. Vo-2. >4-2. 5-30. gtt. grs. grs. grs. gtt. gtt. gtt. grs grs. grs. grs. dr. errs. fl. Caustic. Eseharotic. dr. FI FI. « Ext. Liq. FI.Juniperus Root. (white.)(yellow.) Tremul- is. Calce. ii. i. « Ext.Pychnostach. Lily, “ oides. x. Alum. CumLiquor. Aeetas. Arsen.Benzoas. Bicarbonas.Biohromas. Binoxalas. Bisulphas.Bisulphis. » trichum “ “ “ Wine. “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ Poly Pomegranate Pond Poplar.Poppy.Populus. Populin. Port Potassa. Potassium 125 Gon- the Mer- wellPot- in ac- of irri- ex- de- the of Acute sore kidney in ill-con- in in Tartrate may Jalap.Diuretics and generative Meningitisof Uses. tion fetor Rheumatism, and advantage dropsical amount reflex convulsive symptoms and and good cumulations. cord, in on and with Chronic brain, the ulcers, Chlorate to Salts.] the disease Tartar.] internally, are and the of Dions to wounds, Ritart. reduces of Used of TheSalivation Disease, to pendent A used spasmodic organic breath; Chronic Cathartics combined Salts tabilitycitability organs. Cream orrhoea, ditioned and Gout.curial throat. are beash and Heart affectionsRochelle Bromide blood and Nitre.] or 00 32.00l.oo 2.6o 2.oo O.32 2.oo Do. Do. 2Do. I6.00 O.015 20.oo l.oo 2.oo 1-3°2.oo • 1-3°I.30 O.13 . 25 00 20 Grammes 4.oo O.13 0 O.32 O.065O.32 Do.Do. O.32Do. 8.00 O.008 4 O.20 O.32O.20 O.20 O.320 O.032

1. 5 each. Adult. to 2-4. for 1-8.2-15. 4-40. 5-30. 1-5.5-30. in 5-30. 1-5. 3-15. 5-30. 5-20. 3-30. 5-20. 3-20. %-2. grs. Do.Do. grs. Do. dr. Externally. grs. grs.10 grs. grs. grs. grs. gr. grs. grs. grs. grs. grs. grs grs. Dose dr. 5 fl. dr. Tart. Elixir. Pura. Troch. Mist. Ung. Bitart. “ “ “ “ Cyanidum. HodiiFerrocyanidum Hvpophosphis. Hvposulphis. “Lactophosph. Medicines. Boras.Bromidum. Borotart. Carbolas. Carbonas. Chloras. Chloridum. Citras. et iodidum. Nitras. Oxalas. Potassi. *4 44 U 44 «4 44 u It 44 44 (4 44 <• 44 126 De- Tet- the in- ir- Dis- syph- is and see Asth- Urine, siala- to Peri- Bron- Mania, a mem- Goitre, ofHeadache, has powers, Brain absorption ChronicLead Cholera,Cough, excites in where Pleurisy, Integrifolium. Puerperal Seasickness, the Chronic expectoration Asthma, glands, preparations, disorders, 1Iodide action, structuresabsorptive mucous of Epilepsy,Hooping and Glass. The the Useful especially stagesSyphilis, Hay Eliminates other Incontinence facilitates where or lymphatic the Xanthoxylum. brain, ma, gogueglandular or Parthenium lirium, Nervous Acute Soluble anus. creasedritates branes. eases, latter and For Cinquefolia.See See tumors,in Tertiary 00 Spasmodic .00 liver .... O.20 - 2 O.25 1 8.00 2.oo O.32 8.00 8.00 other lymph, secretion Rheumatism. tissues. 2.6o 5 spleen,and 00 and the .... O.032 «.6 O.065O.20 4.00 O.20 O.008 O.20 4 Pneumonia, proftise of O.65 tenacious, from 2. gummata and withand Periostitis, 5. dr. inflammatory J4-3. 10-30.1-4.3-15. 1-2.3-30. V?- 3— 1-4. Enlargements Mercury 10-40. grs.Externally. grs. grs.Externally. grs. grs.Externally. grs. ilitic of carditis chitis thick Gout, Sodium. grs. grs. dr. dr.

Liquid. Ung. Repens. Permanganas. “ Phosphas.Picras. Salieylas.Silicas. Sulphas. SulphoCarbolasSulphuretum. “ Sulphis.Tartras. Dock. Ash. ‘‘ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ Potentilla Prairie Prickly 127 A*

1 the substi- condi- Tonic. of Diarr- Tonic Astrin- a Malarial Chronic as Bowels. irritabil- Uses. In of Ash. and Irritability Asthma. Mexicana. Alterative,Used Debilitated Sedative. Coughs,Phthisis,Intermit- Summer Ferrocyanid. Boot. Ilvdrocvanicum. Wafer Stomachic * Cinchona. Black in AClions Argemone himaphilla.Alder. Tonic. for Ligustrum. Trimethylamine. All. Cherry. Fevers,Relaxation Seed. Dyspepsia, C gent, Nervous Ferri Acidurn See SeeBlack tute Diseases, tions. See See Ileal Wild In Stomach,Bronchitis, tent hoea, See Indian SeeWing Used ity, 00 00 Do. 00 l.oo loo O.654 16. 4.00 32.00 168.00 O.32 O.65 O.20 . .20 oo .... oo oo .... Grammes O 1 Do 8 O.20 I.oo 4.oo 1.00 2(> 4.oo O.13 O.32 O.065

Adult 4. 30. \. %-l. 1-4. V-l.*4-1.2 1-2. /or yv 2-5. 3-10. 10 1-3. 3-10. dr. dr. >4-1.dr oz. dr. dr. Dose dr. grs.ii. fl. dr. fl. fl. fl. fl. grs. grs.gtt. grs. FI. F!. Ext. Inius. SyrupusVinum. Pycnos- Ext. Fiuidum. Vulgaris.Virgin- as. Trifol- as. Poppy. “ Blue. i. Pine. i. “ “ “ Extraotum. Tinctura. iana. tachium. Acid. as. iata. Medicines. “ “ “ “ “ Prickly Prince’s Prinos. Privet. Propylamine. Prunella Prunus. “ Prunin. Prussian Pterocaulon Prussic Ptelea. Ptelein. 128 » Car- Q gas- As Bron- of In xative. Tonic. Tonic, painful. La JnDyspepsia.es- worms. Queb. Flatulence. pin Purpur. ■— Pratensis. In secretion Sialagogue.Emmenagogue. Stimulant, Cotton. to Demulcent Mint. Resorcin. Bark. Bitter where in Catarrh. Powders. to Gun — Dycoperdon. AnemonePepo. Powders. Curcas. Few. Tree juices.pecially injectionAspidosperma Stillingia.Eupatoria See Lungwort. chitis, See See Soda See Pellitory. Fever minative. Apple Quassia trie See See See —. Stimulant. Seidlits Mountain SimilarSoluble Stimulant

S oo — oo ...... 2.6o4.oo 2.oo 0.6 4 2.oo 4 4.oo 0.015 4.oo O.65■loo 6 3° 32 — oo .OO ...... 1 0.6$ 1.00 1 1 3.oo 0.20 1.00 0.20 0 33.00 O.008

. %-l. X-l. J4-1. 1-2.yA 20-40. 10-30. y.-\.S-10. 3-30. y-1. 5-10. y8 dr. Powders. Do. dr. dr. oz. - grs.fl. grs 1-2 dr. grs.11. grs. dr. grs.ii. 11. gr. El. Mont Oflic- Aper. FI. as. Ext. i. “ Ext. “ Seed. se. Fluidum. Bark. Meadow, Nut. “ “ Boot. Ball. inalis. Aromaticus. Parthenium. Malus. Extraetum. Infusum. of “ Pumpkin Efferveseentes. “ “ “ “ “ PurgingPychnanthemum Pyrethrum. Pyrocatechin. Pyroxylon. Pyrus >£. Tuff Pulmonaria. Pulsatilla. Pulvis Pulv. /Quassia Quassiin. QuebrachoQueen’s Queenk 129 In is may of de-in- * Leucorr- Relaxed Phthisis, alkaloid with givenwhat beiDgthe Ton- Diseases,Puerper- Gastric Fibrinous InInfantum, where much Uses. when which,Bromides. Antiperiodic, Ague, Debility. diffuses by temperature It and , Astringent. Throat. valuable and causes Debility, Septic Ague. Tonic nower Diarrhoea, of and Erysipelas, its [lions Bark Most doses In Cholera A Oak. Scrofula, Oak.) rapidity, Cinchonism Hydiobromatepreparation. and Tree Cydomum Cinchona. large contracted Antiseptic.AntineuralgicReduces Fever, hcea, great Typhoid. SoapWhite Chronic condition Black See Quinine. of in called be The best ic.Fevers. Pneumonia, alCatarrh,Restorative bilitv.

— 60 .... 2 1)6.00l.oo 4.00 2.60 2.00 Do. 0,015 I.30 Do. O.50 2.00 O.65 1.3°2.00 Do. Do. Do. Do. O.50 50 065 065 O Do. l)o. Grammes. O.65 32.00 l.oo O.65 O O.008 O.065 O.065 O.065 O O.065 O.065 0.13 Do. Do. Do. O.65 Adult. each. for 10-40.1-3. 10-40. %-%. 1-8. 1-10. in 1-8. 8-15. 1-30. 1-20. 1-30. 1-20.2-30. 1 oz. grs.dr. Do. grs. grs.Do. grs. grs.grs. grs.Do. Do. Do. Do. grs. Dose grs.fi tl grs. grs. grs. gr. pi. Decoc. Ext. « Carbol. Saponaria.Alba. “ “ .< Pil. us. “ Seeds. a?. Bisulphas. Hydrobrom.Hypophosphis. Phosphas. Salicylas.Sulphas. Sulpho. — Medicines. Tinctoria. Acetas. Arsenias.Benzoas. Oarbolas. Citras. Lactas. Murias. “ “ «« “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ QuillayaQuercus. Quince Quinia. — 130 Arsenic. proces-forma- powers In Malarias, and the in sustain suppuration. Virginiana. Antiputrefactive,Antiseptic.Fevers, Iron inflammatory To Elliottii. Aureus. Strigosus. Pratense. Cur. American. by Vesicant. especially stage.during Passa. Juniperus Asclepias Ointment. Plaster. diseases. ses, life Sabbatia Ambrosea. Senecio UvaRubus Trifolium Rhceas. Ceanothus Santalum. Antipyretic, Septic creased Arrests tiveof See See See Crowfoot.See See SeeSee See See See See A’esin.Basilican Adhesive Antiferment, Intermittent 50 uo .... Do. 13°0 2 £.00 4.00 Do. O.065 O.065 O.13 0.13 .... O.32

1. dose dr. given. Do. 1-20. 1-8.2-30. 2-30. Do. Do. l)o. 5— grs. grs. grs. grs. Externally. Externally. grs.Large rarely

Thymas. i. Comp.

“ x. Flower. “ Tannas. Yalerianas. Sulphas. Poppy. x. Ceratum. Emplastrum. “ “ Ragwort. “ “ Cedar. Root. “ “ agweed. Clover. Head. Saunders. “ Quinidia. Quinine t) Ranunculus, Raisins. Raspberry.Red “ “ “ “ “ Resina, Resorcin. 131 a ■i Tonic. Diar- ofthe andSi. lax- with Cathartic, of bowels Zing.action Uses Cathartic. Constipation Compound Laxative. improvesdiges-forms Catarrh the CalomelSvi, efficient Aloes. and gripingcompined Stomachic, of renders The but A most with be Sagrada. Blackthorn. Astringent. doses Ducts, Magnes salt mild In Jaundice, laxity easy. AElions a containing Krameria. Cholagogue,small Biliary Sii, is Buckthorn. Should Carminative. Cascura European SeeBhubarb. In tion. rhoea, from Combined (Rhei neutral morePill ative 00 .00 2.00 l.oo I6.00 3 4.00 2.00 2.oo 1 2.00 Do. 64.00 Do. Do. 64.oo 4.00 2.oo I6.00 Do. Do. Do. Do. Grammes. - 32 1)0. 00 1.00 1.00 8.oo 1.00 1.000.32 0 O.20 l.oo 10. Do. Do. :»2.oo 1.00 O.50 8.00 Do. Do. Do. Do.

Adult. © 2. each. CO \i-l.2-4. ]A- Jor or 15-45.%-l. 5-30. 5-30. 3-15. 30-60. 1-2. in 8-30. 2-4. m dr. dr dr. Do. oz Do. Do. oz. K-D grs dr.Do. Do. Do. Do. ti. grs. grs. grs. Dose 3 fi. H. grs.gtt. A., fl. dr. 3 grs.fl. FI. Arom. Tinct. Tinct. Cath. Ext. “ Tinct. Comp. Comp. Comp. i.Fluidum. Fluidum. Arom. “ i. “ “ Frangula. Aloes Gent. Senna “ Syrupus. “ “ Medicines. Kxt. Succus.Purshiana. et et et Infusum.Pulv. Pilulae. Tinctura. Vinum. “ »« « “ Extractum. Rhamnus. Rhatany.Rheum « « (« “ U «< “ U K 132 Ca- in Di- any a sigm goodThe is with Tape In Gargle Gonor- if a Makes in Scrofula, Tart. is (,’utaneous Salivation. little to Anodyne. In Sodii Has water injections.Confection Astringent, l.eucorrhcra, Bean. et therapeuticalThe pills. Gummif. combination Applied affections. Sativa. J for and Carminative. Anthelmintic Laurel. Poppy. Throat. Mercurial Oil Oryza Rose. Rose. for Silphium good Sore rhoea, Potassii Honey GreatRed tarrhalSumach. arrhcea. Castor See SeePale Red ficance. vehicle basis SeeRosemary. a stimulants.Kameela. Worm.affections. 8.00 4.00 8.00 0.32 1.300.20 Do. CO 4.00 8.00 128.oo 2.6o O.20 4.oo 4.00 0.40 12 .OO 00 00 4.oo 'S.oo 2.oo O.13O.20 O.065 1 Do. 4 64.00 I.30 O.io 2 2.oo O.20 4.oo

- -2. -i. 1-2. y2 1-2. 2-4. y2-l. 1-3. 2-5. 1-3. y2 dr.%-i.dr. 3-20. ji-1.1)0. dr.lib. Do. oz. lib. 20-40. 3-6.dr. 3-6. dr. fl. dr. fl. grs.grs. grs. dr. fl. Ad fl. Ad. grs.gtt.fl. dr. grs.fl. FI. FI. Max. Ext. Comp. Ext. i. Glab- i. folia. Syrupus. Oleores. “ se. ados. Syrupus. “ Communis. Salts. Centi “ Aqua. Spiritus. Rhois. rum. Aromat. se. Gallica. Conlectio. Infus. Mel. Weed. Oleum. Tinctura. “ “ “ “ “ “ “ Extractum. Rhododendron. Rhceas. Rhus, Rhusin. Rieinus Rice.Rochelle Rosa. “ “ “ RosinRosmarinus, “ “ Rottlera. “ “ 133 Diur- Sy- Seim- Ilys- Stom- where Alter- spongy of Dyspepsia. to and Emmen- Hemor- Uses. Diarrhoea condition Slightly Spec. Colic and Emmenagogue. Astringent,In Affectionsrelaxed AtonicDysentery. Root. Astringent, Applied andUterine a Scrolulous In Circinata. Weed. Aperient, In Gen. ASlions Tonic. Bowel is Dock. Tonic. condititions. Antispasmadic, Flatulent Cornus Samson Ruta. gums.philitic agogue, ulant,rhage, See Madder. Blackberry. achic,and thereDewberry.] Chronic Thimble BlackRaspberry. See Yellow ative, etic, Rue. 00 00 — — 00 1.30 I.30 vies. 2 Do. O.654 12.00I.30 I.30 O.00 O.50 S 0.20 4.00 O.25

i .oo 50 — — 00 00 Gram 1 Do. 0.13 1.00 4.00 0 0.65 i.-- 2 0.25 2 0.06s 0.65 1.30O.o6s O65 1

. Adult 14-1.1-3. 40. y-2. for 2-10. 8-20. 20 1-2. y-iy.4-8. 1-3. 10-20.20-60. 1-4. 20-40. 15-30.Do. dr. dr. Do. dr. grs. Dose grs. grs.fl. fl. grs.gtt.dr. dr. grs. fl. grs. grs. grs. gtt. Dog- FI. Ext.Fl. Fluidum. Ext. “ Fluid. Fluidum. “ Laciniata. “ “ ids, “ i. Syrupus. Purpurcea. Strigosus. Medicines. Leaved as. Extractum Canadensis. Extractum. as. Confectio.Extractum. Round Rubia. Rubus. “ “ “ “ “ Rudbeckia “ “ Rubus Rumex. “ “ Rumicin. Ruta. “ “ “ 134 of of Q Red. not after Val- or most Tonic. Astringent,Stomach. Sweats Gentian, to especiallyStimulant. of to Stimulant. Cinchona. Exhaust’g American. Hemorrhages Uterine Chloridum. Astringent,forRheumatism. Aromatic,Debility Anthelmintic. In astringent. Millc. in Stimulant in similar Flower. secretions, skin, of Nutritive. Tonic, all Carthamus. Crocus. Antispasmodic,halvia. Ammon. Sage. Flatulence, teria. Cevaditta. Centaury at QuinineHavine. the the Usedabortions. Sugar.Sugar See See See Sago.See Willow. Substitute uable Tonic. 00 00 .OO - no 00 — 0.20 2.00 4 0.654 1.00 0.20 1 0.3 4.00 2.oo 4 Do. 2 *2.00 4.00

40 00 065 032 - 65 00 20 00 .00 — O.032 O 1.00O.20 a. 0.32 0 0.25 0 1.00 0 1l>o. 0 1 1

• y-1. 1. JS-1. ]/c,-h i/-l. 1-0. 6-30.yx3-10. 5-15. 1-3. 1-4. lib. 10-30. lib. 14-I. 3-30. 15-30. Gargle. dr. Externally. 8-30. dr. Do. dr. grs. dr. gtt. grs.dr.- grs.'ll. grs grs.gtt. gtt. fi. Ad. grs. Ad dr. 11. grs.fi. As

re. i as. Fluidum. Fluidum. i. Fluidum. Fluidum. Oleum. “ Elliottii. x. Ceratum. “ Oleum. Tinctura. Lactis. ids.Ext. x. Ext. Infusum. Extractum. Extractum. “ “ “ Sabbatia. “ « “ “ “ “ “ “ Ammoniac. “ Cabadilla. Sabbatia Sabina, Saccharum. Safflower. Sagapenum. Sage. Saf. Salix. Salicin. Salvia, 135 Di- So- In in pulse. purg- the Disor- lot’n. small vom- secre- Conor- avoid- to Slightly Emmen- in stomach of inbut be odor Uses. Diuretic, Hepathic cooling circulation, nausea, HepaticCatarrh. to and a Emetic. Used robust, ingis In Album. excites depressionthe ]administration.its Alterative,Expectorant Chronic the sickening Alterative, MakesElder. produces a children. doses In Wood Actions of Root. Violent and of during Phthisis. aphoretic. porific. Palmetto. Hura. Santalum agogue, accelerates larger iting Saunders. ofElder. ders European Saw See SeeBlood doses. small and Stimulates tion.Red rhoea Sandal ed Imparts 8.00 24.00 O.65 8.00 0.50 2.00 0.10 0.65 1.30 0.015 Do. Do. I6.00 2.6o8.00 O.65 O.40 co Grammes. ‘4.oo 8.oo 0.20 2. O.065 1.00 0.015 0.20 O.32 O.005 Do. Do. 4.oo O.654.oo O.32 0.13

. yA Adult. 2-6. J4-2. M- to for 3-10. 1-8.20-40. 5-20. 10-40. 1-2. 10-20.2-6. dr. dr. A-\x tV Do. Do. 1-4.20-80. Dose dr.fl. grs.n. grs. gtt. gr. gtt. gtt. gr- dr. gtt.dr. gtt. grs.

x. Aik. i. Fluidum. Tree. Fluidum. i. Oleum. Ext. Aqua. “ “ “ “ Medicines Extractum. Nigra. Serrulata. BoxWood. Acetum.Extractum. Tinctura. Sulphas. Murias. Oleum.Album. Sambucus. “ “ “ “ Sambul Sand Sandal Sanguinaria.“ “ “ “ Sanguinaria. “ “ Santalum. “ “ “ “ 136 the Lini- soapseroi- ap-the hour sup- De- In Mer- ex- taken in composi- be at use be Soft in swellings may an indura- Leucor- Scrofula, Diaphor- to the and arrest In Tonic. after Anthelmintic Plasters, etc. It half to little ulous reduce Alterative, Of Worms, Cathartic into inunction friction, of Said Syphilis Adjuvant, Pills, an and tion. Diarrhcea. Diuretic, of Enemata, as by off. Plant. treatment. vehicle. Wormseed. night. Enters of (Hard.]abscesses. and Plant. as Round morning. used oft.) plied expiration Sequelae at puration Trumpet mulcent, cept Urine. in Soap.tion is and Soapwort.] rhcea Sarsaparilla. Levant ments. jS washed Pitcher curialRheumatism. Sassafras. 00 40 00 00 00 4.00 a. «25 0 0.32 1 Do. 2.6o 102. 1.3°4oo Do. 104.oo .... 20 1)0. 32 00 1.00 O.65O.13 0.13 O.13 0. 1.00 JMi.oo O 1. Do. H.00 2.oo 5. in each. 1 K-l- 8. in 16. 3-6. J4-1. 2-4. -i. 10-30.4 2-6. 3 6-30. 15-40. 5-20. y2 dr. Externally. Do. Do. Do. Do. OZ. dr.Do. dr. fl. grs.gtt. grs. gr. Opium. grs.gtt. grs.fl. grs.11. fl. dr. Comp. FI. (Durus). Comp. Comp. Comp. “ x. “ x. Offlcin. Fiava. FI. Fluidum. “ “ “ Indecl. Oleum. Troehisci. onis. Ceratum.Emplastrum. (Mollis Pilulse Ext. Purpurea. Decoc.Extractum. Syrupus “ “ “Limmentum.“ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ Santonica. Santonin. Sapo.“ Saponaria Sarracenia Sarsaparilla, Sassafras. 137 * — Febrile Jalap.Rarely day. Drop-Digitalis. Cough.Diuretic, ir- in to Affections, kidney Uses. Diseases. Judic. present Aper.Expectorant, a and etic,Demulcent, Cardiac with as in Sax. the Used In Lung Hooping ritation. Pith.'] Serrulata. Similar at used Savory. Cathartic. Efferves. Diuretic, is avoided AClions Inflammatory it be Syrup.] Eryterophleum Sabina. SambulPimpinella alone Pulv. combined Bronchitis, SassafrasStimulant. and See Summer See See See Scammony.Diuretic, used See Squill.Stimulant sies Chronic When must Hive .00 30 00 65 4.oo O.32 1 3.00 1 O.50 O.20 2 O.32 2.oo 0 8.004.00 4.00

1 50 20 50 Grammes. 2.oo O.065 O.20 l.oo 0 O.13 O.065 O.65O.06S 1.00O 4.oo l.oo 0

Adult Expec. 1-2. j£-l. each. for Vv-l.lib. 1-3. 0-1. m dr. 2-10. 3-15. 15-45.8-20. 2-8. 10-30.2-10 5-20. dr. dr. dr.Yi Dose fl. Ad. gtt. grs. grs. grs. grs. grs.gtt. gtt. gtt.fl. fl. fl. gr. |n.dr.^-^Emet Comp. ii. Comp. Fluidum. Comp. Fluidum. “ Comp. - Medulla. Mucilago. Hortens. “ “ Ext. Oleum. Bark. Confectio.Pulv. Resina. Powders. as. Acetum. Ext. Oxymel. Syrupus. Pilul® Medicines. “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ Palmetto. “ Sassy Saturiga SawSaxifrage »4 Sassafras Savine. Scammonium. Seidlitz Scilla. •ft 138 in in a, Ur- i Ca- n with Squill. Emetic, 0 chiefly Neuralgias Diuretic, and regulate Chronic m or and Complaints, Emetic Antispasmodic, Emmenagogue. In eti Hymale. in excitability. Strangury To PnCombined Diuretic, Dropsies, Used Ragwort. functions.Expectorant, of Ammonia, Laxative Febrile Cap. Vesiculosus. Safe in doses. Root, affections. Parsley. Stimulant. of large nervous Fucus Ergota. Diaphoretic. Gravel, inary Broom. Cardiac .S'eeEquisetumFigwort. Scull Tonic. and See SeeLife In Marsh menstrual Seneka. Gen.conditionsBronchitis. Carb. Senna. thartic 00 ...... Do. Do 00 2.oo 3.00 4.oo 6. 0.32 4.oo O.20 2.00 4.oo O.32 2.oo I.30 64.oo O.20 1.308.00 8 8.00 I6.00

GODo .... O.32 1.00 1.00 2.00 O.065 2. 0.065 l.oo 1.00O.065 0.65Do. O.65 32.00 O.065 O.654.00 2.00 2.oo 4.oo v -l. 2. }£-l. 1.y2 %-VA. %-l. 1-2. 1-2. lA- 2. 2 r 1-5. y 1-3. 15-30. 1-5. 1-3. }/ 10-60. 15-45.dr. dr. - dr. dr. 10-30.Do. 10-20.oz. 20-40. dr. dr. 1-4. gtt. grs.ft. fl. grs. dr. fl. grs. grs. fl. grs. grs. grs. fl. grs.gtt. fl. fl.dr. dr. El. FI. Nodosa. Aur- Ext. Ext. as. i. ii.Fluidum. Fluidum. Palus- is. Fluidum. i. Rush. onis. as. “ Tinctura. Ext. Suecus. Ext Cornutum. eus. tre. Deeoetum. Extractum. Svrupus.Tinctura. as. Confectio. “ — - “ Scoparius.“ “ Scoparin. ScouringScrophularia “ Wrack. Senega,“ “ “ “ “ Senna, f*- Scutellarin. Sea SeealeSenecio. Senecin. Selinum. 139 *1 HI 0. simple evaeu- givennot to Stim- Expector-F’ever. Dis- Uses. Aromatic InDyspepsia. shouldallowed Gen. Urinary yellowseldom be Typhoid some and ]long. and griping. is leaves I11 in August. Syriaca. ions with copious It fhe too Alba. Xericum. ft Draught Snakeroot.Diaphoretic, Used Pastoris. A Tonic. prevent Constipation, alone, Virginia Kalmia Acetosella. Bursa Carya Vinum Asclepias combined to Causes ations. Black macerate ulant. ant, Bcnne. eases. Suet.See See See See See See 00 *r* 2.oo O.658.00 Do. Do. 128.00*18.00 I6.00 24.00 4 O.65 Do. 61.00 8.00 I6.00 Grammes. 00 00 0.32 0.132 Do. Do. 64.00 I6.00 800 8.00 1.00 0.13Do. 32.00 2.00 4 VI'Jo

. 2 Adult. -2. -\y y2 y22-4. 2-6. %-l. 1-2.J4-2. 1-4. for 5-30. 2-10. Do. 2-4. 2-10. lib. Y.-VI' grs. grs.dr.Do. oz. dr. dr. %-l dr. oz. dr. dr. Dose fl. fl.oz. fl. fl. fl. dr grs.fl. fl. 11. fl. Ad. Comp.Ext.Fl. Alcoh “ Comp. a?. Fluidum. Hickory. Fluidum. Jalap. “ i. Purse. “ “ “ Syrupus. i. Extraetum. etInfusum. Mist. Tinctura. Infusum. Tinctura. Oleum. Laurel. Sorrel. Bark Wine. Medicines. Extraetum. “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ Weed. “ “ “ “ “ Serpentaria. Sheep Shepherds Sherry Silk b Senna. Sesamum. Sevum. Shell b 140 —yy In Re- and Ar- The and condi-Iiube- Is applied The milder Ext, Aphtlue but Tonic. torpid (Mollis.) Borate to Acid. — Stimulant. Saponaria.Oilic. TheDiuretic tongue,throat. Phosphites Bitter Gen.(Black.)bowels. Glabra. (Durus.) and similar Parsnip. sore is Weed. Argentum. Seeds. of Eftervescentes. Soda. .] Arsenious White.) Dracontium. Ulmus. Sarsaparilla. Chelone Helenium. SapoQuillayaSaponaria frigerantcracked Phosphates, tions to Rosin See Simaruba. Cedron Mustard. ( facient Water See See See Cocolmecan. See See See See See SeePulv. Caustic Sodium seniate than .... — 00 1.00 2.oo 8.00 4 1.30 4.00 0.008 1.00 .... — 65 32 O.50 4.oo O.008 0 0.32 0 0.004

. dil. y8 dil. to Emet. . 8-15, 15-30. y8 %-l 1-2 — dr. 5-20 5-60. iV grs. grs. Externally. gtt. • Externally. dr. fl. gtt. grs. gr. (Nigra.) Bark. (Soft.) Liq. as. a. Bark. is.(Alba.) Cabbage.Elm (Hard.) Liquor. i. Cedron. Chart Oleum. Offiein.Pseudo. Head. Weed. Tree Wort. se. Chlorin. Acetas. Arsenias. “ “ “ “ Latifolium. “ 11 Powders. “ “ “ “ SilphiumGummiferuiu “ Silver. Simaruba. Sinapis. Sium Skunk SlipperySmilax Snake Soap.Soap Soda Soda. Sodium, 141 O in de- the sup- pu- fungi, otacid or Sul- com- and Caries of nursingby lower Indiges- exists, fractures, early Chronic Sulphites or The arrests in Salicv- indicated of arrest vomiting and The Uses. are of children, The destroybaeteria. fermentation starchy caused in matters, of useful and as ] Rickets, in Necrosis and material acid foods. scrofulous union Anaemia WasteCarbuncles, life, to Salt.] prevent teeth and of like Halt. boils, AHions J Hyposulphites useful due abscesses. mal-nutrition of suppuration, Hypophosphites where delayedCommercial.] cay Borax. bones. women,puration, Tuberculosis. and trefaction forms etc,yeast Common tionRochelle saccharinephides mon other S 00 00 00 00 65 00 o.6 4.00 4 1.00 1-3° 4 0.65 1-3°1 l.oo Do. l.oo 0 I.302 H.00 6 tlO.oo 8.00 13 40 32 20 063 y.70 Grammes. O y 0 0 0.132.00 4.00 0.32 0 0.20 0.20 0.13Do. I6.00 4.oo 0.134.oo O.20

Adult. 2. Emet. 2 1-2. for 2-10. 6-60. 5-60. 3-15. 2-20. 5-60. 1-10.3-20. 3-15. 2-15. y2 1-5. 2-10. 3-20. dr. 14. Do. -— Externally. Externally. dr. 8-30. Dose gtt. grs. grs. grs. grs.fl. dr. grs. grs. grs. grs. gts oz. drs. grs.fl. grs. grs. Liq Venalis. Glycer.Mel. as. Exsic. Tart. Byrupus. “ “ “ Pot. “ Bisulphis. “ Ethylate. Hypophosphis. Hyposulphis. Medicines. Benzoas. Bicarbonas. Boras. Bromidum. Carbolas. Carbon Choleas. Chloras. Citras.Chloridum. etPormiate. lodiduin. Arseniatis. “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ Sodii 142 -i and pain. Fthy- de-San- San- For and Acute to as Sulpho- Potas- in reduces evacua- it and Cathartics see Antiperiodic. , Silicas. relieves makingsplints, growths. same are waterybowels. Polygonatum. Anthelmintic the Flatulence. useiul Acute and in ascaustics tonin. an the In Sodii Abrotanuin. Rheumatism and is most the Fomiate used used Carminative or Viridis. Nicana. Active is Salts.] •preparations in SulphatesproduceIrom Rod. is Chronic Silicate The are warts Root Gout, temperature stroy Convallaria Artemesia Cantharis. Mentha Alnus Cetaceum. late and The etc. late tonate GlauberCarbolate Theand tions other sium. Golden Stimulant. See SeePotassii See See See See See Pink 20 00 00 Do. O O.13 2.6o 32.00 4.002.6o O.65 33.00I.30 2.oo 1.000.32 0.32 2.60 4 8

S 65 00 .... .00 (Do.O.032 O O.032 4.oo 0.6 O.65 O.20 S.00 O.20 0.32O.20 O.008 O.065 I.302 4 — 1. dr. -2. H-l. y2 %-3. 3-10. 1-5. 1-8. 10— 2-8. 3-20. 5-30. 3-15. l Do. 10-40. 10-40. Externally. A-5. 20-40. dr. 1-2. grs. grs.grs. dr. grs. grs. grs. dV. grs. grs. grs. gr. grs. grs.ti. dr. Pliosph. Fluidum. Seal. inis. Wood. Fly. Alder. a?. Lacto. Oxalas. Nitras.Permanganas. Phosphas.Pyrophosphas. Salicylas.Santonate. Silicas. Sulphas. Sulphis.Suipho-Carbol.Sulpho-Thymas Sulphuretum.Valerianas. Ext. Glass. “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ Soliuago.“ SpanishSpearmint.SpeckledSpermaceti.Spigelia. Soluble * Solomon’s Southern *3 4* 143 C! and They the appe- the en- dis- the To days. Tonic. Infan- Stom- heart’s cause of where and Digitalis Liq. the with Prolonged about Uses morning 3 Stimulants, the and acute or Spinos. Tonics. Useful weak developed. 2 Cholera Viride, and Astringent, actioq is persons from Typhoid ns Acet. Inebriants. dilatation juice. Phthisis; is Dio for also achic stimulate aged Alcoholic ]stimulate .] day; A are Rum.] Spirits they action roundworms, Xanthium Diarrhoea, Ammonii gastric and secondaryVeratrum in evening See In tum. See UTiiskey Gin.] Brandy Bay s,especially Proof dy aite, Hardback. Alcohol doses of leart’s convalesence seventh n the wea' the wheAco 8.00 4.oo l.oo 4.oo small supply of disease of g ox I6.00 In ng. 5 s 248.00 •otractec >out 1 Pi at the ; Grammes. 4.oo S.oo 1.00O.32 l.oo faili cases wastin action in cyphusSmall ie 124.oo are tion ; essels.v ease incr diges T daytl Adult. 1. powers feeble, Chroni 1-22-4. 4-8. and for y.-i. 5-15. Do. peripheral pulse dr. dr. oz. grs.dr discretion.Do. Do. tite vital feebled eases;Lactation; twelfthcounteract Dose fl. fl. fl. dr. fl. At FI. Ext. Fluidum. Frumenti. Gallici. “ Mindererus us. Ext.Fluidum Senn. Burseed. se. of Myrcise. Medicines. etInfusum. Extractum. Genevse. Vini Tenuior. “ “ “ “ Rectiflcatus.“ “ “ “ Spigelise. “ Spinney Spiraea. SpiritsSpiritus. p b 144 4. Syph-HepaticEnlarge- Astringent, Emetic in Scrofula. Alterativein largeUsed Affections. ad. In Anthelmintic Eupat. Can Repens. Dioica. in Chronic snakes. Sponge. Tin. Worm. Rosemary. Root. Root. doses, GlandularScorbutic Agericus.Mitchella Soilla.Ecbali. TapeIllicium. Aletris. Helonias Amylum. Kino. Delphinium. Agrimouia Silk. Cathartic. Scrofula, Collinsonia in like Baycuou small and ilis,Disorders, venomous Bund See See See SeePowdered See See See See Marsh See See CornQueen’s ments. See of . .... 00 00 20 2.60 lti.00 O.40 2.00 4 2.oo 2.oo 2.00 iy.00 H 0.

poison j 5 .... ---- 00 06 the 0.6 H.00 O.20 1.00l.oo 1.00l.oo O.65 S 4.oo 0 and N 1. 60. 2-4. 1-2. 10-40. 2-4. 3-6. 14-J420 1-3. Chloral, 15-30.dr. 15-30. dr. dr. dr. grs. dr. grs. grs. 11. grs. 11. gtt.11. fi. grs. Comp.Comp. Usta. " Pluidum. as. Pluidum se. Maidis. “ Vine. Cucumber. Pulvis. Oxidum. es. Ext. Brazil. Ext. Syrupus Tinctura. Boot. Spongia.Spunk.SquawSquill. Squirting- “ Anise. Stargrass. “ “ StigmataStillingia. “ “ “ “ Stillingin. U Stanni Star Starwort. Starch. Statice. Stavesacre. Sticklewort. Stone h 145 , In byto Nux ofof Stimu- Narcot- either Applied superficial of Vomiting Vomica. Stimul’t Hooping Uses. Neuralgias. or Si.) Nux Deliriant, to See Tannin. and Asthma, 5i Alkaloid Incontinence smoked. ulcers InParalysis, withExpectorant, Antispasmodic,Bronchitis, Aflions Stvrax. Relieves or Stram. Preguancy. Sevum. In ic.Spasmodic Strychnine. Urine, Hoang-Nan. Cough. See Stramonium. mouth irritable inflammations. (Ext. Vomica. Collodion Storax. See Amber. lant...... 00 O.20 O.065 O.13 O.015 O.13 1.00 Do. Do. Do. Do. 1.00 O.60 I.30 1Do.

032 032 .... Grammes. O.065 O.0150 0.008 0 O.20 O.001 Do. Do. Do. Do. O.20 0.20 0.5° 0.20 Do.


. yH Adult to for o' 1-3. 54-2.Va-'A.. 1-4. 6-30. -g Do. Do. Do. Do. 3-15. 3-9. 8-20. 3-15. Do. Dose grs. grs.err. gtt.gtt.Externally. gr. gtt. grs.Externally. grs. grs. — FI. 1 “ Reet. Ext. Ext. x. i. “ « “ “ Unguentum. Arsenias. Citras.Sulphas.Liquor. GautherianaCollodion. Oleum. Medicines. « « “ “ “ “ “ “ rax. “ “ Strychnia, Strvchnos Styptic Sty Succinum. 146 in Cutane- Laxative. Phthi- Used Hysteria. Resolvent. a Opium. and Sublimated is Non-constipat- of .] Antispasmodic, Long. Itch The Bronchitis, and Hortens.Rotund. Annufis. Dulcis. Gale. Alterative, to Sulphur Glabrum.Root. Stimulant. Spasm Opium. Sericea. Si.) preparation Cyanchum. Amygdala MyricreLiguidamber. Diseases. Chronic toRhus SaturigaDrosera Cornus Osmorrhiza Melilotus. Saccharum. Applied Helianthus ing See Sulphur. ous Washed In sis. (Sss SeeSumbul Nervine Gastric See See SeePurified, See See See See See See See 32 13 — 8.00 4.00 O.40 8.00 12.oo8.00 0 O.130 0.652.oo O.io 065 oo oo 65 — 2,oo 1.000 2,oo 4 2 O.06S O.032 O.032 O.io 0 O.032 v

. 2. 2 - 1. y2 -iy g-l. Y 1-5. 2 U-2. 1-6.H-2. 1-3.yExternally. 3-20. 20-60. y dr. dr. grs.dr. dr. dr. grs. grs. grs.gtt. gtt. gr. Fluidum. is. Savory. Seeds. se. Dogwood. Confectio. lodiduin.Lotum. Prsecipitatum. Unguentum. Radix. Extractum. Oleoresina. Ext. Tinctura. Wort. Almonds. Cicily. Clover. Gale. Gum. “ “ “ “ Sublimatum.“ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ Sugar.Sulphur, Sumach. Sumbul Summer Sundew. Sunflower Svapnia. Swallow SwampSweet 147 4 in 4 In Mix- T allay ul- Bron- to Stran- in for Emmen- Used Uses. Spiritus. Astringent. Emetic, Sedative. irritable 1.) Asplenifolia. poultices to Head. oz. and Nitrosi Affections. Vehicle tures. Diuretic, Narcotic, Applied Lard. Rubra. Laxative. Vermifuge.Amenorrhoea, Slightlv Scald to Demulcent .[ A with Americana. Anthelmintic, Attions Comptonia Aetheris and 10-20 AlnusLarix agague, Hysteria, — Calamus. PulmonaryDracontium. Inebriant, pain. See See See Comfrey.ehitis. See Syrup.Molasses Tobacco. Mixed cers (gtt. See See Tamarind. Tansy. 00 00 —— ...... 12 0.65 16 O.40 O.065O.40 2.oo 2».oo 4.00 0.O324.00

oo *— —- 065 Grammes. 4 0.328.00 0 0.0150.065 0.25 4.00 1.00O.015 1.00

Adult. 2-4. for 1-3.5-10. lib. Do. 1-6.*4-1.2-12. 8-60. 1-6.V-\. . dr. Enema. .. grs. Externally. Externally. i-j Dose dr. fi. Ad. grs. grs. gtt.As gtt. dr. dr. FI. Ottici- “ i. Foetidus i. i. Fluidum. “ -Fluidum. Medicines Fern. Flag. us.Fuscus. “ Infusum. Oleum. Vinum. Unguentum. Extractum. A« “ “ “ “ “ “ “ Alder. “ “ Symphytum, Symploearpus Syrupus Tag Sweet Tanacetum. li 148 + + As- Dys-Dil. As-In In Dys- _ Chola- In Tart. Ar.ti- - with Bowels. In Tonic.Disorders, given Potass. etAnthelmintic,Expectorant. from Germander. irritation. Antacid. Lacin. Tannic. Nutritive.Alterative Best Acid. Liquida. Fir. Water Alterative. Antispasmodic, Diuretic, Hepatic of - or Shell. Kupatorium. Vitse. gury.Acid. Tapioca.DandeUyin. gogue,cites, pepsia. Fix Antimonii Turpentine.tringent, Hemorrhages Oysterpepsia. Rudbeckia Thyme. See Muriatic See See Balsam Wild Hemorrhoidal Bon-Nefa. Tea. See See Arbor O.30 8.00 2.00 8.00 Do. 64.00 I6.00 4.00 Do. .... I.30Do. 2.6o 4.00 2.60 - O.06 4.oo O.32 4.oo Do. 32.00 800 1.00 Do. 0.6sDo. I.30 loo I.30 v in 1-2. 1-2.2-4. 1 _.... 2-10. lib. 1-2. 5-30. Do. \i- Do. 10-20.Do. 20-40. lib. K-l 20-40. - dr. oz. dr. Externally. grs. grs. grs. gtt. Ad. dr. grsfl. fl. fl. dr.Emulsion. Ad. dr. Comp. se. Ext.Fl. “ Scor- ii. i. Vulgaris. Fluidum. ii. Garganica. - se. “ “ Prseparata. Weed. i. Oleum. Extractum, Infusum. Succus. Emetic. Oleum.Linimentum. Canadensis. dium. se. Occidentalis. “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ Tannin. Tapioca,Taraxacum, Tar. Tartar Testa, Thapsial'hea. Thimble Thoroughwort. ThuyaThymus, oc. Terebinthina. Teucrium. 4« 149 ■ * " * TA In In re- Diur- Mix- Ul- — are for Diuret- promotes healthy Astring- Tonic. stomach. Expectorant, Tonic. Astringent.class Emollient. J Uses. Cutaneous and and Thymicum. Diaphoretic, Vehicle to Clover. irritable Tolu. Stimulant, Odor. that Stimulant. Glandulosa.Alterative, Alterative, Carminative, oj Powerful Demulcent, Actions and Dipterix where Oak. Special Clover. AppliedSoothesLeaved Root. septic, AcidumLinaria. quired. etic, Traqacanth. Ailanthus granulation. weak See SeeBalsam GeneralBronchitis. See Tormentil. Used Poison tures. SeeBed ic. cers. Three Beth 00 00 30 32 .OO co 30 4.oo O.32 2 8.00 Do. 4 1 4.00 O Do. 1-3°8.00 3.oo 1 G.00 15

032 .... 6s 00 032 00 50 Grammes. 2.oo 0 tirnmm 0 4 Do. 2.00 O.32l.oo O Do. O.65 4 l.oo O.50 2.co 0 2.6o

. 2 Adult -l- -\y for y2 1-2. }4-l. M-l. 1-2. y2 dr. 1-10. 10-30.dr. 1)0. 5-20. dr.%-5. 1-10. 10-20. dr. 15-45. lib. 8-15. dr.lib.8-15. 40-80. Dose fl. gtt. grs.fl. dr. grs. fl. grs.gtt. grs.fl. grs. Ad. grs.fl. Ad grs. grs. FI. i. Ext. “ Bal. x. as. Comp. Pra- is. Vulg.Ext.Fl. Fluidum. ii. Ext. Pen- Fluidum. ii. i. Syrupus. Bean. “ Ext. Mucilago.Pulv. Heaven. tense, “ “ Medicines. Oleum. Tinctura. Extractum. of Filbrinum. Thymu.“ Thymol. “ “ Tongua “ “ “ Tragacantha. “ “ Trifolium, “ “ “ Trillium, f- Toadflax. Tolutanum. Tormentilla. Toxicodendron, Tree 150 Applied in Calo- De- ; urinary Sialagogue-Menorrhag- useful Diuretic. with Diuretic. Asthma. Diph. Demulcent. the Cough. ulcers. Very Cathartic, Flava. Grass. Formosa. Expectorant, Coughs, Bark. of In Laurel. Farinosa. Antiseptic, Hemorrhages,Asthma, Rheumatism. Root. combined Couch Foot. Elm Toxicant. indolent Usually Sarracenia orLiriodendron. Curcuma. Corydalis Jeffersonia irritation Aletris Woorara. ia, Terebinthina. ent.In toPropylamine. AcuteFever mel. See DogSee See See See Colt's mulcent.See Slippery In tract. CaliforniaSee SeePowerful

.00 40 .00 ...... I.30 8.00 24.oo O.20 1 O 2.00 1 4.oo 8.00 4.oo Do.

32 00 .00 co .... 0 4.oo 8 O.065 O.25 O.13 1 O.32 l.oo 4.oo 2Do

1-2.2-6. >4-1. \. J4-1. 1-3. 15-30.5-15. Vr lib. 5-20. dr. dr. 4-15. 2-6. dr. 1-2. dr. Do.Externally. grs.3. fl. grs.gtt. grs. grs. grs.fl dr. dr. fl. Ad. FI. Ext. Tinct. i. Repens. i. Bark. Cal. Fluidum. i. inis.Fluidum. “ Plant. i. Root. Suberecta. dulum. Chloridum. Tree Corn. Ext.Leaf. Mucilago.Ungueutum. Extractum. “ “ “ “ “ “ “ Trumpet Tlmus, Trillin. Trimethvlamine. Triosteum Triticum. TulipTurmeric. TurkeyTurpentine. Tussilago. Twin T Umbellaria Unicorn Urari. Urechitis 151 TT" action Diuret- Chron- sys- Used Head-Fevers, Hy- In Em- Cutaue- Uses. in In Sedative"^ nervous of Cathartic,Stimulant To and flavoring. Discharges. the Narcotic. Nervous Complaints, Stimulant. Fevers. doses s Astringent, on Similar to not Low fit Nettle. For Stimulant. General Diffus. small A Ergot. Seeds. but Hysteria,Restlessness Hellebore. In secretions. Ergota. SpecUrinary especially Nervouspochondriasis. theDiseases. ic, tem, ache, Hysteria. Common Corn to Saisins.Bearberry. ic Papaw Valerian. in all Vanilla. White etic. to ous

00 .00 .OO .... 00 00 es. 4 8.00 4 1 4.00 4 0.80 4.00 l.oo 0.20 8.00 O.50 O.20 O.032 O.32 I.30 64.00 H I6.00 16 (I171VI 65 Gr 00 32 .... 00 00 ‘ 1.002.o« 1 32.00 O 2.oo l.oo O.20 l.oo 32.00 O.032 4.00 2 O.20 8 0 O.015 0.065 O.50 Adult. 1-2. J6-1. K-l. 1-2. 1-4.%-2.3-8. 2-4. for V4-E lib. 14-I. 5-15. dr. 3-12. dr. 1-5.dr. dr. dr. 1-3. 2-10. 15-40. dr. oz. grs. oz. grs. grs. gtt. gtt. Dose dr. fl. Ad. dr. 11. 11. dr.K-1. grs.li. fl. gttfl. fl. fl. gr. FI. FI. FI. Ext. “ Mai-Ext. Ext. “ x. Album. Vinum. is. Decoc. Fluidum. Ammon. i. “ “ inis. Passa. “ “ “ “ “ x. Album, Medicines. Dioica. dis. x. Ursi. Triloba. Extractum. Infusum. Oleum. Tinctura. Infusum. “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ Urtica Ustilago. Uva Uvaria Waleriana. v Vanilla Veratrum 152 4. + de-cir- stag- Lo- and be athe lyphoid frequen- Myalgia, Expector- to Cramps, Scrofula, early pulse. flectionsa Sedative. Has on urinary I11 Frumenti. In threatenedHemorrhage. - in inflammatory the Thought in Spts.i of and Given otherReduces Keuralgia.Rheumatism. catarrhal organs. Astringent, Oflic. Hysteria.Uterine Uter. Diseases. See. Hellebore. influence Pneumonia, forces In Subacetas. and in Diaphoretic.Cupn Bark. Haw. Wine. —- of and tally, respiratory Verbena Antispasmodic. Prophylactic Swallowwort. Acetum. pressing esFever cv Headache, of ant Cramp Asthma, See _ --- American dilation. conditions. Mullein. intestinal Vervain. See See Black abortions. White Cutaneous Port 13 ...... 00 — 0 O.032 O.20 O.40 3.00 4.oo 4 6.00 4.oo 6.00 0.20 1.00

OO 032 0^2 ...... 0 O.co8 0 0.065 O.001 1 1.00 1.00 2.oo l.oo 2.oo O.065 O.50 v aq. . 1J4. -y2 to pint. ya y-iy. 15. H H-l. Vt-1. y 1 SI y-1. 1-3.8 1-5.2-12. ttF 15-45.dr. 14-1.dr.- dr. discretion. grs. gtt.Externally. Externally. one grs. grs. grs. grs.gtt. gr. Inf. 11. dr. ti. dr. fi. At FI. FI. FI. Ext. Ext.Fl. i. is. Opulus.“ “ Ung. is. Ext. Ext. Tinct. Officin-x. i. x. “ Portense. Viride. “ “ “ “ Unguentum. alis. i. “ « “ “ “ Prunifolium.“ “ “ “ Verbena, Verdigris. Vinegar. Yeratria. Verbascum. Viburnum, Vincetoxicum. Vinum. « 153 '


* \ ~\T Pec- W7» In Uses. Spts.Frumenti. Quinq. Aquatic. Hydropiper. and See Sedoides. Offic. Pelland. Sordium. Citrullus. Plantago. Wine.Expectorant. Complaints. Trifoliata. Maculata. Actions AmpelopsisSerpentaria.Penthorum Ptelea Enonynms.Parietaria Aqua. Oeum. Eryngium Oenanthe Oicuta Cucurbita Hydrocotyle.Polygonum Alisma Cera. — SherryViolet. toral See See See See See See See See See See See See See See See See Mistletoe. SeeTeucrium ""

- .00 ...... — ...... 8.00 -

- Grammes. 50 — — ...... — .... — — — — O 4.00 Adult. for oO. 1-2. Discretion. 8 dr. lib. Dose At grs.ii. Ad Seed. Seeds. Syrupus. Creeper. Stonecrop. Ash. {IKS*} Eryngo. Pennywort.Pepper. Xericum. le. Snakeroot. Album. Pellitory. Avens. lennel Germander.Hemlock. Melon Plantain. Medicines. “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ Wahoo. “ Virginia all ax. Viola, vv \V w.t«. V Viscum \XJafer + T* Vimim 154 Stimul. Ammoniat. Alba. _____ Album. Incarnata. Alba. Tremul. Pal.Fistulosa. Virginiana.Seordium. Panduratus. Robusta. Villosa. Aromatic, Repens. Cerifera.Frumenti. Strobus. Tinctoria. Nigra, Trifoliata.Bark. Myrica SpiritusVeratrum Asclepias QuercusPopulusPinus HydrargyrumLiriodendron. Kpilobium Monarda Teucrium Asarum. Baptisia Convolvulus Grindelia Arum.Dioscorea Salix.Epilobium. Ptelea s Alkekengi.Mitchella Gaultheria. See See See See See SeeSee See See See See SeePrunus SeeSee See See See See See See See SeeWinter' SeeSee See — .... 2.oo ....

.... O.50 ....

V S-oO. grs. Hemp. Bark. Root. White. ■ Poplar. Precipitate. ood. Indigo. Turnip. Black, a?. Cherry. ' Cherry. Ginger. Myrtle. Hellebore. Indian Oak. Pine W Bergamot. Potato. Sunflower. Yam Herb. Seed. Clover. “ “ “ “ Germander. “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ Whisky. Wickup.Wild Wing Wintergreen. !> White Willow. Wintera. Winter 155 J "W" In Paraly- v Sedative. Tonic, Stimu- Tonic. Uses Virginica. Gen. Malaria. and Offic. seed. Bitter Columbo. Alterative, Kheumatism, Tongue, ions turn. to id Urari. Tetanus. Bar Ash. Sialagogue, Variola. A coni , in Chenopodium. Burr. Root. the in Hamamelis A Acetosella.Betonica Absinthium. lant, of Achillea.Fermentum. Rumex. See See See See Ourari Used See See Spinny Cockle Yellow similarPrickly Chronic sis Used See See See

...... 60 40 00 — 2 O 2.oo O.65 2.oo 4 O.20 O.50

10 .... .002 .... .20 50 00 06s .... Grammes. 0 1-3°0.20 <>50 00 10 0.

1 O' 2

© Adult. .to 14-1. © Jor 1 3-6. 8-30. 3-10. 15-60.dr. 1-3. 3-15. Dose gr-XF P grs. grs.grs. gtt.fl. grs.gtt.

Spinosum. x. i. x. Fluidum. Hazel. Bane. Sorrel.Betony. Strumarium. Extractum. Extractum. “ Tinctura. Dock. Medicines. “ “ “ “ “ “ arrow. Yeast. Xantoxylum. Xanthoxylin. 1 Witch Wolf’s Wood Woorara. Wormseed. Wormwood. Vanthium Xanthorriza. Xylol. V Yellow 156 [tis. to of of of Sul- has Dis- 1 a Gon- It Tonic gr.with. Chil- cases Hvdras- is Used morbid the Skin a Epilepsy. sweats Spasmod-ofreliable in of stimulant is and a begin Canadensis. and Cal.Douglas. Ointment system most oi to night Emetic, LotioElava. Grandifol. rihe Chloride Caustic. Conjunctivitis, Chronic in in Gastralgia,Diarrhoea strong malignantLotions Leucorrhoea. Internally Chorea. Sulphate Menispermum The properties nervous Sulphasin Oxide prompt Gelseinium. HydrargyriErioclyction Frankenia destroy growths.phatein astringent. Oxide the Asthma, Micromeria very ic Xanthorrhiza orrhoea, to the See See See See See See See Zinc. the the eases. Used ThePhthisis dren.and 13 — 20 .... — 0 0.13 Do. 0.015 O Do. 0.065

— 032 032 .... — 0 0 Do. O.004 O.02 Do. O.015 k- to }4-2. 2. %-3. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. iV V31)0. X-l. grs.Externally. grs. Externally. gr. gr.- Externally. gr. Externally.

Prtecip. Cerat. Liq. i. Jasmine.Parilla. Root. Wash. Santa. Buena. Reuma. Acetas. Benzoas.Bromidum. Carbolas. Carbonas. “ “ “ Cyanidum.Ferrocyanidum. Hypophosphis,Iodidum.Lactas. Nitras. Oleas. “ “ “ Chloridum. “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ 11 “ “ “ “

J Yerba Vincum. ' 157 " oi to to rjr In Car- Per- Dys-En- Potas- In Phosphide nervous cord. paralysis. The of Uses. in burns, Carmina- Colic. Aliment- Vehicle. The spinal equivalent application that Gonorrhoea. the and denutrition and in of from and Ataxia is local like Aromatic, Agreeable Elions principally it Phosphorus. as injected Stimulant.Flatulent state A poisoning. brain gr. of Gen Canal. used manganate pepsia. ary ofis disorders,theLocomotor l'A 15*2 bonate excoriations sium Ginger.tive. feebled . 0.32 0.20 0.02 2.00 0.20 0.32 0.13 2.00 Do. 6t.oo O.065 8.00 4.oo Grammes 065 Do. 0.065 0.032 0.004 0.0320 0.065 0.032 0.32 32.00 O.032 4.oo 2.00 y. Adult. to Tr.each 1-5. 1-3. y/i. 1-2. 1-2. of /or Do. Do. J^-30. 1-5. 5-30. 10-60. dr.dr. 4 Externally. gtt. Dose grs. grs. gr. grs. grs. grs. grs. grs. il.oz. fftt. fl.fl. gr. UnguentVenal. Fluidum. is. Medicines. Oxidum. “ “ Permanganas. Phosphas. Phosphidum. Sulphas. Sulpho-Carbol.Tannas. Valerianas. Ext.Infusum. Oleoresina. Syrupus.Tinctura. Trochiscl. “ “ “ “ “ " “ “ “ “ Zingiber, “ “ “ “ “ “


AH thefollowing Solutions should be perfectly dissolved and carefully filtered. Apomorphiae gr. i, Aquae Pont Siiss, one minim gr. Dose 5-20 m. (Prompt Emetic.) Atropiae Sulph. gr. i, AquasFont Sxv, oneminim

= - 5-20 m. yOu gr Caffein grs. x, Alcohol, Aquae Font aa Siss, one minim— Dose 4-18 m. Camphorae grs. v,Alcohol 5i. Dose 6-30 m. Coniae gr. i, Alcohol, Aquae Font aa 3v, one L minim=-g (J gr. Dose 5-15 m. Si, Aquae Font Sii. Dose 4-16 m. Daturiae gr. ss, Aquae Font Si, one minima -jJ y gr Dose 4-10 m. Digitalin gr. ss. Alcohol, Aquae Font aa Sii, one Dose 4-8 m. Ergotin grs. xv, Alcohol,Glycerine aa Siiss, one Dose 5-30 m. Ext. Ergotae FI. Q. S. Filter carefully. Dose 10m. Hydrargyri Chloridi Corros., Ammonii Chloridi aa grs. iii, dissolve in Aqua Font 3isss, then


add Albuminis Ovi 3iss, AquaeFont 5v, filter and add Aquse Font Q. S. 3x, one minim= Dose 3-10 m. Hydrargyrl et Sodii lodidi grs. iii. Aquae Font Siiiss, one minim=-yg-gr. Dose 10 m every other day. Morphia et Atropia—Didama’s Solution—Mor- phise Sulph. grs. xxiv, Atroplae gr. i, Ol. Amygdala; Am. gtt. 1, Aquae Font Sil. Ten minims contain gr. Morphia and -A- gr. Atrophia. Pilocrapin, Mur. or Nit. grs. iii, Aquse Font 5iv, one minim=-gLgr. Dose*10-20 m. Potassiilodidi 5i, Aquae Font 5iv. Dose 6-20 m- Quiniae Sulph. grs. xv, Acid. Sulphurici Arom. S., 1 gr. Q. Aquae Font Siiss, one minim= T1 u7r Dose 5-30 m. Strychniae Sulph.gr. i, AquaeFont Si. Heat in a test tube, or triturate in a mortar until all the crystals disappear, one gr. Dose 4-15 m. 48 Woorara gr. i, Aquae Font 5iii, one minim= Dose 5-10 m.

Notes.—After drawing the required amount of fluid into the syringe espel the small glob- ule of air, by evertingthesyringe and pressing the piston upwardsuntil a drop of the liquid appears at the point of the needle, Draw the skin up and tense at the required place and press the needies through into the subcutaneous tissues, which done inject the fluid slowly into them; after the needle has

160 FORMULAS AND DOSES. been withdrawn place the finger over the puncture for a short time. Places to be avoided in puncturing: Veins, inflamed spots, bony prominences. Places suitable for puncturing: Arm, thigh, abdomen, back and calves of the legs. In hypodermic medication the dose is about one-halfthat requiredby the mouth, and the effects are more rapid, certain and exact. This manner of medication shoul 1 be re- sorted to when immediate and decidedresults are required; when medicines otherwise ad- ministered fail to do good; when medicines are required the patient refuses or cannot swallow; when there is an irritable state of the stomach precluding exhibition by the mouth. Solutions intended for hypodermic use should be neutral without acid or alkalinere- action and non-irritating. Themedicines should be rendered perfectly soluble and themenstrum perfectly free from foreign matters. Solution of the Alkaloids should be made fresh as required, since they spoil on long keeping. Filtered rain orspring waters are preferable as a menstrum to distilled water which has been kept for some days.

DOSES FOR INHALATION. Notes. —The first few inhalations from a steamatomizer should beshort, to prepare the patient fortheir use, afterwards they may be continued for ten minutes. The patient should not take more than six to eight inspirationsper minute, and should breathe deeply if the remoter air passages wish to be reached.


Inhalations shouldnever be performed after a hearty meal; and the patient shouldremain in-doors for thirty miuutesafter the operation. The followingare the quantities to be mixed with one ounce ofdistilled water, and used by means of an ordinary steam atomizer; Vi Acidi Carbolic!, grs. ii-x. In Phthisis. “ Lactici, 3 % A/i- Solvent of false mem- branes. In Croup and Diphtheria. “ Tannici, grs. ii-xx. In Chronic Cat- arrhal affections. Oedema of Glottis, and Laryngeal ulceration. Aluminis, grs. v-xxx, In profuse secretion from bronchi, large doses in pulmonary hemorrhage. Ammonii Chloridi, grs. ii-xii. To promote ex- pectoration in acute or chroniclaryngeal or bronchial Catarrh, and capillary Bronchitis. AquaeAmygdalae Amarae. Si (withoutaddition of water). Sedative in painful affections of the upper air passages, and paroxysmal Cough. Aquae Assafoetidae, S i (without addition of water). In Asthma and Emphysema. Argenti Nitratis, grs. ss-x. Smaller doses in Fol- licular Pharyngitis, large in ulceration. A face shield should always be worn. Cannabis Indicae Extracti, gr. 1 In spas- “ “ %-i “ FI., gtt. i-iv. >modicand “ Tincturae,gtt. x-xx. j irritating Coughs, Phthisis. Conii Extracti, gr. i-iv. 1 In irritating Coughs “ “ FI., gtt. v-xv/ and Asthma. Copaibae, 5 To diminish secretion. Cubebae Ext. FI., 5 %-i linearly stages of “ Tincturae, 3 i-iii. ) Bronchitis.


Cupri Sulphatis, grs. i-xx. In. chronic inflam- mationsand ulcerations. Ferri Chloridi, grs. %-ii-x. 1 In early stages of “ “ Tinct., gtt. xx-3i. j Phthisis in small- er doses, larger doses in chronic Pharyn- gitis and Laryngitis, pulmonary Hemor- rhage. '* Lactatis, grs. i-iii. In Anoemia when iron by the stoma ch is notassimilated. “ Subsuiph. Liq., gtt. x-xl. In pulmonary Hemorrhage. Hyoscyami Extract; gr.. #-* ) anl^pasmo^ FI., gtt. v-xx. j icCo; iffhs. Infusi Picis Liquidae, 3 i (without addition of water). In Phthisis, Gangrene of Lungs, Of- fensive Bronchial Secretions lodinii Tincturae, gtt. i-x. ) In inflammatory “ Liq. Comp., gtt.ii-xv.j affections of the Larynx and Pharynx, Phthisis, Chronic Bronchitis. Morphiae, Acctatis, Muriatis, Sulphatis, gr In irritating Coughs, and for its constitu- tional effects. } •« " saasMi.“ (Filter.) Do. Camph , gtt. x-5 i. Plumbi Acetatis. grs. ii-x. In obstinate, trouble- some Colds not yieldingto other medication, Pulmonary Hemorrhages. Potassii Arsenitis Liq., gtt. i-x.} Asthma™ ° U S “ Carbonatis, grs. x-3i { Ammon- “ Chloritis,grs. x-xx. In chronicand sub- acute Catarrhal affections, especially where dryness. “ Bromidi, grs. v. xx. In laryngeal Croup. “ lodidi, grs. ii-xxx. In Emphysema and chronic Bronchitis “ Permanganatis, grs. ii-v. Antiseptic. 163 FORMULAS AND DOSES

Sodii Chloridi, grs. v-xx. In Phthisis, used to promote expectoration. “ Liq. Chlorinatae, 5ss-i. In Phthisis, Offen- sive and copious expectoration of chronic Bronchitis. Terebinthinae, Olei, Rect., gtt. i-ii. (Mix with light Magnesium and Glycerine.) Inchronic Bronchitis, Gangrene ofLungs. Zinci Sulphatis, grs. ii-v. Astringent.

VAPOR INHALATIONS, One teaspoonful of the following formulae added to one pint of water at the designated temperatures will be the dose forinhalation: Acid Hydrocyan. Dil. 5ii, Aquae Sii. Se- dative in Cough, Laryngeal Cough of Phthisis. Acidi Sulphurosi Si. (60°-100° E.) Stimulant. Ammoniae Aquae, Aquae as. Sss. (100°-120 F.) Stimulant in ChronicLaryngitis, Functional Aphonia. Amyl, Nitrite, Si, Alcohol Si. (100° F.) Anti- spasmodic in Asthma, and Spasm of the Glottis. Benzoini Tinct. Comp. Sii. (130°-150° F.) Seda- tive in Acute Pharyngitis and Laryngitis. Cubebae Olei Sii, Magnes. Carb. Levis Si, Aquae Siii. ( 150° F.) Stimulant. Conii Succi Sii, Sodii Carb. grs. x. (140° F.) For one inhalation. Sedative. Creasoti Sii, Magnes. Carb. Levis Siss, Aquae Siii. (120°-1S0° F.) Stimulant in Chronic Con- gestion ot the Larynx and Ozoena.


Terebinthinae Canad. Sii. Magnes. Carb. Levis 5i, Aquae Siii. ( 140° F.) Mild Stimulant and Re- solvent, may be rendered more stimulating by the addition of 5 grs. of Camphor.

NASAL DOUCHES. Quantities which may be added to one pint of water: Chloral, Hydrate dr. %-!. Potassii, Permang. Do. Sodii. Hyposulphis dr. 1-4. “ Carbonas dr. %-l. “ Chloridi Do. Zinci, Sulpho-Carbol. grs. x-xl. The above areused in Ozsena, Lupus of the Nose, Nasal Eczema, and Acute Coryza. The douche is most serviceable when the disease is located in the posterior Nares; As- tringents may be used in very small quantities as the membrane is very sensitive: in all cases the nasal douche should be used tepid at first, and when astringents are used the tempera- ture should be slightly decreased.

EYE WASHES. The following- are the amounts to be em- ployed to one ounceofWater: Aluminis grs. i-viii. Eserine gr. i. Argenti Nitratis grs. i-x. Plumbi Acetatis grs.ii-iv. Atropiae grs. ii-iv. “ Subacet. Liq. gtt. i. Dubois n grs. i-ii. Zinci, Acetatis, or Sul- Daturiae gr. ss-i phasis, grs. ii-iv.


B.=Boiling ; H.=Hot; Part.= Partially, Rdy.=Readily ; S. or Spg.—Sparingly. * Refer to TableII. Medicines. In Water. In Alcohol.

*Acidum Arsenios. S. z in iooC. 20 B. Insoluble. “ * Benzoic. S. i in 500 C. 25 B. Rdy. Sol. “ Boracic. Spg. Sol. Sol. 1 in 6. “ Carbolic. Rdy. Sol. Rdy. Sol. “ Chrysoph. Spg. Sol. Sol. in B. “ Citric. Sol. 4 in 3 C. 2 H. Rdy. Sol. 80 p.dt " Gallic. Sol. 1 in 20 C. 3 H. Rdy. Sol. “ Oxalic. Sol. 1 in 10 C. 1 H. S. 1 in 4 C. 2 B. “ Salicylic. Sol. in H. Rdy. Sol. “ Succinic. Sol. 1 in 25 C. 3 B. S. 1 in 3C. B “ Tannic. Rdy. Sol. Soluble. “ Tartaric. Sol. 1 in 2 C. 1 H. Rdy. Sol. 80 p.dt “ Thymic. Sol. 1 in 330. Rdy. Sol. it tt Aconitia. S. 1 in 150 C. 50 B. Aether. Sol 1 in 10. Miscible. Albumen. Soluble. Insoluble. Aletrin. Spg. Sol. Rdy. Sol. Alnuin. Soluble. it it tt it Aloin. S. 1 info C. 5 B. Alumen. S. 1 in 12 C. 5 in4 B Insoluble. Aluminii Acet. Soluble. “ Sulphas. Sol. 1 in 2 C. €t Ammonii Acetas. Soluble. Soluble. * “ Arsenias. Part. Sol. Insoluble. “ Benzoas. Sol. 1 in 4. Spg. Sol. “ tt tt Bicarbon. Sol. 1 in 8. “ Boras. S. in H. less in C. Decomposed. “ Bromid. Rdy. Sol. Spg. Sol. “ Carbonas. Sol. 1 in 4. “ “


Medicines. In tValers. In Alcohol.

Ammonii Chlorid. Sol. i in 3 C. i B. Soluble. " Citras. Rdy. Sol. Sol. in B. “ Hypophas. Rdy. Sol. “ Iodid. it * t “ (t Nitras. Sol. i in 2 C. % B. €< “ Phosphas. Sol. i in 2. Insoluble. “ Picras. Rdy. Sol. Spg. Sol. “ Sulphas. Sol. 3 in 4. “ Sulpho-Carb. Soluble. Insoluble. “ Sulphis. Sol. i in i. Spg. Sol. “ Sulphuret. Rdy. Sol. Rdy. Sol. “ Valerian. Ampelopsin. Soluble. Soluble. Amyl, Acetate. Insoluble. “ Iodide. Spg. Sol. Rdy. Sol. “ Nitrite. *Amyli, Iodid. Insoluble. Insoluble. Anemonin. Spg. Sol. in B. Sol. in B. Antimonii, et. Pot. Tart. Sol. i in is C. 2 B. Insoluble. * “ Oxidum. Insoluble. * “ Sulphas. * “ Sulphuret. <( Apiol. •* Rdy. Sol. Apocynin. Spg. Sol. in B. Apomorphia. Soluble. Soluble. ♦Argenti Cyan. Insoluble. Insoluble. * “ Iodidum. “ Nitras . Sol. i in ij£. S. 1 in 10 C. B. “ 4 * Oxidum. Sol. i in 3000. Insoluble. Arnicin. Insoluble. Rdy. Sol. Arsenici Chlorid. Rdy. Sol. “ Iodidum. Sol. 1 in 6 C. 3 B. Sol. in B. Auri Chlorid. Rdy. Sol. Insoluble. * “ Cyanid. Insoluble. “ et Sodii. Chlorid. Rdy. Sol. Spg. Sol. * “ Oxidum. Insoluble. Insoluble. Asclepiadin. Rdy. Sol. Rdy. Sol. Atropia. S. 1 in 200 C. 5° B. “ Sulphas. Rdy. Sol. ft tc 167 TABLE OP SOLUBILITY.

Medicines, In Water. In Alcohol,

Uarosmin. Insoluble. Rdy. Sol. *Barii Carbon. Insoluble. “ Chlorid. Sol. 6 in 13. Sol. 1 in 400 B “ lodidum. Rdy. Sol., Rdy. Sol. Bebeeria. Spg. Sol. ft it “ Sulphas. Soluble. Berberina. Rdy. Sol. in B. it €i “ Sulphas. Sol. *Bismuthi Cit. Insoluble. “ et Ammon. Citras. Rdy. Sol. « “ * Subcarb. Insoluble. €i t€ * “ Subnit. U “ “ * Valerian. it Brominium. Sol. 1 in 34. Soluble. *Brucia. S. 1 in 320 C. 150 B. Spg. Sol. Bryonin. Soluble. Soluble. Buxin. Rdy. Sol. in H. Sol. in H. Cadmii Iodid. Rdy. Sol. Rdy. Sol. “ Sulphas. it it CaflTein. Rdy. Sol. in H. Sol. 1 in 20. “ Citras. Soluble. Soluble. Calcii Bromid. Rdy. Sol. Rdy. Sol. * “ Carb. Prmc. Spg. Sol. Insoluble. “ Chlorid. Sol. 1 in 2. Rdy. Sol. “ Hypophos. Sol. 1 in 6. Insoluble. “ Hyposulph. Rdy. Sol. tf lodidum. Soluble. f* “ Phosphas. Insoluble. Insoluble. * “ Sulphis. Sol. 1 in 800. “ * “ Sulphuret. Sol. 1 in 500 C. De- composed by H. *Calx. Spg. Sol. Spg. Sol. “ Chlorinata. Part Sol. *Calumbin. Spg. Sol. Sol. 1 in 30 B. Camphora. Sol 1 in 1300. Rdy. Sol. *Cantharidin. insoluble. Spg. Sol. Caulophyllin. Rdy; Sol. Cerii Nitras. Rdy. Sol. * “ Oxalas. Insoluble. Insoluble. 168 TABLE OP SOLUBILITY.

Medicines. In Water. In Alcohol.

Chelidonin. Insoluble. Sol. in B. Chelonin. Soluble. Sol. in Dil. Chimaphilin. Spg Sol. Rdy. Sol. Chenoidin. S. in moo C. 7S B. S. 1 in 45 C. 4 B Chloral. Rdy. Sol. Rdy. Sol. “ Butylicm. Soluble. Chloroform. Insoluble. Sol. 10 in 6. Cimicifugin. Rdy. Sol. ♦Cinchonia. 44 it it * “ Sulphas. Spg. Sol. Soluble. *Cinchonidia. Insoluble. “ * “ Sulphas. Sol. i in 130. Rdy. Sol. it tt Codia. S. 1 in 100 C. 50 B. “ Sulphas. Rdy. Sol. in H. it it Colchicin. Spg. Sol. it it Collinsonin. it it ti it Colocynthin. Insoluble. Sol. in H. Conia. Spg. Sol. Rdy. Sol. it ii " Sulphas. Rdy. Sol. Convallarin. Insoluble. tt tt Copaibas Resin. Soluble. Cornin. Rdy. Sol. Rdy. Sol. Corydalin. Sol in H. ii ii Cotoin. it *t ft tt Creasotum. Sol. in 80 C. 24 H. Miscible. *Creta Praep. Insoluble. Insoluble. *Cubebin. Spg. Sol. Sol in B. Cupri Chlorid. Rdy. Sol. Spg. Sol. a it “ Subacet. Sol. 1 in 14 C. s B. " Sulphas. Sol. i in 3. Insoluble. Cypripediin. Insoluble. Soluble.

Daturia. » “ Delphiniin. Spg. Sol. Rdy. Sol. Digitalinum. it it ii ii Dioscorein. Part Sol. tt “ Duboisin. “ 44 it ft Elaterinum. Insoluble. „ Emetia. Sol. in H. it it Ergotina. Insoluble. tt tt 169 TABLE OF SOLUBILITY. Medicines. In Water. | In Alcohol.

Eucalyptol. Insoluble. Soluble to a cer tain extent. Eupatorin. Soluble. *Eupurpurin.

170 TABLE OF SOLUBILITY Medicines. In Water. In Alcohol. Fraserin. Soluble. Sol. in Dil. Gelsimiin. Insoluble. Soluble. Geraniin. Rdy. Sol. Rdy. Sol. Gilleniin. Soluble. Soluble. Gossypiin. Sol. in Dil. Glycerina. Soluble. Soluble. Guaiaci Resin. Part Sol. Rdy. Sol. Hamamelin. Part Sol. Sol. in Dil. Helonin. Insoluble. Soluble. Humuhn. Sol. i in 20 H. Rdy. Sol. *Hydrarg.Ammon. Sol. r in 600. Insoluble. * “ Ghlor. Mite. Insoluble. “ “ Corros. Sol 1 in Sol. 1 in “ 15. 7. * Cum Greta. Insoluble. Insoluble. “ Cyanid. S. 1 in 11 C. B. Sol. 1 in s B. “ * Iodid. Rub. Almost Insol. Sol. 1 in 36. * “ “ Vir. ft ft Insoluble. * “ Nitras. Spg. Sol. in H. Almost Insoluble * “'Oxidum. Insoluble. Insoluble. “ * Sulph. Flav. S. 1 in 500 C. 300 B “ Sulphuret. Insoluble. Hydras tin. Sol. in B.

*Ingluvin, «« Insoluble. lodinium. Spg. Sol. Rdy. Sol. *Iodoformum. ft ft lrisin. Insoluble. it if

Jalapin. Soluble. .. *J uglandin. Insoluble. Insoluble. Leptandrin. Soluble. Leontodin. Part Sol. in C. Rdy. So!. Liatrin. Part Sol. ‘ * “ Lithii Benz. Rdy. Sol. Sol. 1 in 12. “ Bromid. if ft Soluble. * “ Carbonas. Spg. Sol. Insoluble.] “ Gitras. Sol. 2 in 5. Soluble. Lobclin. Soluble. Rdy. Sol. 171 TABLE OF SOLUBILITY Medicines. In IVater. In Alcohol.

Lupulina. Sol. i in 20 H. Rdy. Sol. Lycopin. Sol I in 500.

Magnes. Bisulph. Sol. 1 in 20. Insoluble. * “ Carbonas. Spg. Sol. " Citras. Rdy. Sol. Spg. Sol.. “ Hyposulph. * “ Phosphas. Insoluble. Insoluble. “ Sulphas. Rdy Sol. “ * Tartras. Sol 1 in 122. Spg. Sol. Manganesii Hyposulph. Rdy. Sol. Insoluble. “ Iodidum. Soluble. * “ Oxidum. Insoluble. Insoluble. * “ Phosphas. * “ Sulphis. Spg. Sol. “ “ Sulphas. Sol. 10 in 13. Menispermin. Insoluble. Rdy. Sol. Monesin. Soluble. Soluble. Morphia. Spg. Sol. Sol. 1 in 30 B. “ Aoetas. Sol. 1 in 17C. 1 B. S. 1 in 44 C. 1 B. “ Murias. Soluble. Sol. in H. “ Sulphas. Rdy.Sol. Rdy. Sol. *Myricin. Insoluble. Sol. t in 200 B. Narceia. Sol. in B. Rdy. Sol. *Narcotina. Insoluble. S 1 in 100C. 24B “ Murias. Spg. Sol. Soluble. Niccoli Sulph. Sol. 10 in 3 C. 7 B. Insoluble. Nicotia. Soluble. Soluble.

Panduratin. Part. Sol. Sol. in 70 p. ct. *Papaverin. Insoluble. Sol. in H. *Pepsin. Part. Sol. Insoluble. [H. *Phosphorus. Insoluble. S. 1. in 320C. 240 Physostigmin. t« it Rdy. Sol. Phytolaccin. Pilecarpin. Part. Sol. *< it Nitras. Soluble. << *t Piperina. Insoluble. S. 1 in 30H. 1 C. *Plantini Pichlor “ “ Rdy. Sol. in B. 172 TABLE OF SOLUBILITY.

Medicines. In Waters. In Alcohol.

Plumbi Acet. Sol. 2 in 5. Spg. Sol. * “ Carbonas. Insoluble. Insoluble. * “ Iodidum. Decomposed in B. Decomposed. * “ Nitras. *f tf Soluble. * “ Oxidum. Insoluble. Insoluble. “ Subacet. Soluble. t€ *Podophllin. Insoluble. Part. Sol. Populia. Rdy Sol. in H. Rdy. Sol. Potassa. Sol 2 in 1. Soluble. Potassii Aceta*. Sol. 3 in 3 C. 1 B Sol. 1. in 3. “ Bicarbon. Sol. 2 in 8 C. 3 B. Insoluble. ** “ Bichrom. Sol. 1 in 10 C. “ Bisulphis. Spg. Sol. Spg. So!. “ Bitart. S. 1 in 240 C. 16B Insoluble. “ Boras. Rdy. Sol. Part. Sol. “ Bisulphas. Sol. x in 2 C. 1 B. Soluble. ** “ Bromid. Sol. 1 in 3 C. 1 B. “ Carbonas. Sol. 4 in 3. Insoluble. " Chloras. Sol. 1 in 12 C. 2 B. Sol. in Dil. “ Citras. Sol 5 in 3. Insoluble. “ “ jCyanid. Rdy. Sol. “ et Sodii Tart Sol. 1 in 5- Part. Sol. " Ferrocyan. Sol. 1 in 3 C. 1 B. “ “ " Hypophos. Rdy. Sol. it it it “ Hyposulph. tl Insoluble. “ Iodidum. Sol. 4 in 3 Sol. 1. in 6. “ Nitras. Sol. 2 in 8 C. 5 B. Insoluble. “ Permang. Sol. 1 in 16. Decomposed. " Salicylas. Rdy. Sol. Rdy. Sol. " Sulphis. i< ti Insoluble. “ Sulphas. Sol. in 10 C. 4B. Spg. Sol. “ Sulphuret. Rdy. Sol. Rdy. Sol. “ Tartras. Sol. 5 in 4. Insoluble. Prunin. Part Sol. Rdy. Sol. Ptelein. it it ii it

Quassiin. Spg. Sol « « *Quinia. S. in 350C 200 B. “ “ * “ Murias. Spg. Sol. it it * “ Sulphas. << ii Sol. in B. (i Tannas. Insoluble. Soluble. 173 TABLE OF SOLUBILITY. Medicines. In IVaters. In Alcohol.

Quiniae Valerian. Spg. Sol. Rdy. Sol. ♦Quinidia. S. i in 1500C. Soluble. “ 750B * Sulphas. S. 1 in 300 C. 25 B. Rhusin. Part Sol. « Rumicin. Spg. Sol. Rdy. Sol.

Salicin. Rdy Sol. <> << Sanguinarin. Insoluble. C tt “ Sulphas. Soluble. tt tt Santonin. Rdy Sol. in H. Rdy. Sol. in H Scutellarin. Soluble. Soluble Senecin. Insoluble. Rdy. Sol. Soda. Sol. 1 in 1. Soluble. Sodii Acetas. Sol. 3 in 9 C. 6 B. Spg. Sol. “ Arsenias. Sol. 2 in 7. Sol. 1 in 60 B. “ Bicarbon. Sol. 1. in 10. Spg. Sol. “ Boras. Sol. 1 in 20 C. 2B. Insoluble. " Bromid. Sol. 1 in “ 2. Carbonas. Sol. 1 in Insoluble. " 2. Chlorid. Sol. 2 in Sol. in Dil. “ 5. Hypophos. Rdy Sol. Soluble. “ Hyposulph. Insoluble. “ Iodidum. Sol. in 10. Spg Sol. “ 17 Nitras. Sol. 1 in 2. “ Oxalas. Spg. Sol. i n H. Insoluble. “ Phosphas. Sol. 1 in 5. Spg. Sol. " Salicylas. Rdy Sol. “ Sulphas. Sol. 1 in Insoluble. “ 3. Sulphis. Sol. in ** “ 4. Sulphuret. Rdy. Sol. ** “ Sulpho- Carbol. tt tt Rdy. Sol. “ Tartras. Sol. 1 in 2. Spg. Sol. " Valerian. Soluble. Soluble. ♦Stanni Oxid. Insoluble. Insoluble. Stillirgin. Spg. Sol. Rdy. Sol. ♦Strychnia. Insoluble. Insoluble. “ Acetas. Rdy. Sol. Rdy. Sol. “ Sulphas. Sol. 1 in 42 C. t B. S. i in 82 C. 1 E Svapnia. Soluble. Soluble.

174 TABLE OF SOLUBILITY. Medicines. In Water. In Alcohol.

*Sulphur. Insoluble. Spsr. Sol. “ lodidum. Decomposed.

Trillin. Sol. r in 2000. Rdy. Sol. Trimethylamtne. Rdy. Sol. “ Chloride. “ ** it it

Veratria. Insoluble. « .< Viburnin. Part Sol. tt ft Woorara. Soluble. Soluble. Xanthoxylin. Insoluble. Rdy. Sol.

Zinci Aeetas. Sol. 2 in 5. Sol. 1 in 80. * “ Carbonas. Insoluble. Insoluble. " Chloride. Sol. s in 2. Sol. 1 in 2. * “ Cyanid. Insoluble. Insoluble. “ lodidum. Rdy. Sol. Rdy. Sol. “ Lactas. Soluble. Insoluble. “ Nitras. ** Soluble. * “ O.xidum. Insoluble. Insoluble. “ Phosphas. Soluble. “ ** Sulphas. Sol. 10 in 7. " Valerian. S. 1 in 50 C. 40 B. Sol. 1 in 60.

* See Table II.

It must be borne in mind that while some substan- ces are completely solublein a hot or boiling solution, they are partially precipitatedwhen the solution cools.


Insoluble (or nearly so) In both Water and Alcohol; What Soluble in ?

Medicines. Dissolved by

Acidum Arsenic. All Acids. “ Benzoic. Rdy. Sol. in Aqueoue Solution, pts. Phosphate or 4 pts. Sulphate of Sodium. Ammonii Arsen. Ammonia Water. Antimonii Tartaric, Muriaticand AceticAcids Oxidum. Aqueous Sol. ofBenzoic Acid. “ Sulphas. Strong Sulphuric Acid. “ Sulphuret. Boiling Muriatic Acidand Oxide of Antimony. Amyli Iodid. Diluted Acids, Acidulated Water, Acetic Acid best. ArgentiCyanidum Aqueous Solutions of Cyanide of Potass, or Sodium, Chloride of Ammonia, Hyposulphite of Sod- ium, Aqua Ammonia. “ Iodidum. AqueousSolution of Cyanide of Po- tass., Alkaline Solution of Chlor- ides or Iodides. “ Oxidum. AqueousSolution of Ammonia, Sol- utions ot the Alkaline Hypophos- phites, Chlorides, and Cyanides. Auri Cyanid. Aqueous Solution Cyanide Potass. “ Oxidum. Muriatic or Hydrobromic Acids Barii Carbon. Aqueous Solutions of the Chloride or Carbonate of Ammonia. Bismuthi Cit. Rdy. Sol. by addition of Aqueous Sol. of Ammonia, drop by drop. " Subcarb Aqueous Solution of Carbonate of Ammonia, Muriatic and Nitric Acids. " Subnit. Dil. Nitric Acid. 176 TABLE OF SOLUBILITY

Medicines. Dissolved by

Bismuthi Valerian Aqueous Sol. ofChlorideAmmonia, Oil. Valerianic Acid. Brucia. Carbonic Acid Water. The Salts freely solublein Glycerine. Calx. More readily dissolved by addition of Sugar. Calcii Carb.Prsec. Cold Aqueous Sol. Chlor. Ammon. “ Phosphas. Sol. Chloride. Ammonia, Dil. Phos- phoric Acid. " Sulphis. Solution ofSulphurousAcid. “ Sulphuret. All Acids. Soluble in Glycerine. Calumbin. AdditionofAlkalies. Cantharidin, Benzoic and Hot Acetic Acids,Boil- ing Oil of Turpentine. Cerii Oxalas. Aqueous Sol. of Chloride Ammonia, Excess of Muriatic Acid. De- composed by Nitric Acid. Cinchonia. Excess of Sulphuric Acid. “ Sulphas. Do. Cinchonidia. Do. “^Sulphas. Do. Creta Praep. Muriatic and other Acids. Cubebin. Acetic Acid, Fatty and Essential Oils. Eupurpurin. Sol. in Water by add’n of Alkalies. Eerri Arsen. Muriatic and Nitric Acids. “ Carbonas. Aqueous Sol. of Chloride Ammonia, Carbonic Acid Water, Muriatic Acid. “ “ Pr«c. Do. ** Sacch. Muriatic and otherAcids. “ Carburet. Do. “ Ferrocyan. OxalicAcid, Concentrated Solution of Sulphuric Acid. “ Hypophos. Muriatic Acid. “ Oxalas. Oxalic and other Acids. “ Oxidum. Hot Nitric and Muriatic Acids. “ Peroxid. Hot Muriatic Acid. “ Phosphas. Hot Muriatic Acid, Aq. Ammonia. “ Sulphuret. Dil. Sulphuric and Muriatic Acids. “ Pyrophos. Phosphoric and Citric Acids. 177 TABLE OF SOLUBILITY

Medicines. Dissolvedby

Hydrargyrum. All the Soluble Salts whenrendered soluble become more or less de- composed, generally into a more poisonous salt. “ Ammoniat. Nitric and Muriatic Acids, Aque- ous Solutions ot Nitrate, Acetate or Sulphate of Ammonia. " Cum Cre.a. Muriatic Acid. " Iodid Rub. Aqueous Solution Iodide Potass. “ “ Vir. Muriatic Acid, Partially (by decom- position) in Sol. of Iodide Potass. “ Nitras. Muriatic, Nitric or Sulphuric Acid. Aqueous Solution of Ammonia or Nitrate of Ammonia. “ Oxidum. Muriatic Acid, Aqueous Solutionof Chloride or CarbonateAmmonia. “ SulphasFlav Dil. Sulphuric Acid, Sol. of Sulph- ate ofPotass, or Sodium. “ Sulphuret. Decomposed by Dil. Nitric Acid, Boiling Concentrated Solution of Chloride of Copper. Ingluvin. Muriatic Acid added to Water. Iodoformum. Soluble in 7 pts. Ether, Fixed Vol- atile Oils. Water precipitates it from Alcoholicsolution. Juglandin. Lithii Carbon. Carbonic Acid Water, Aqueous Sol. of Ammoniacal Salts. Magnesii Carbon. Carbonic Acid Water, Cold Aque- ous Sol. Chloride Ammonia. “ Phosphas. Sulphuric and Phosphoric Acids. “ Tartras. When fresh, Sol Chloride Ammon. Manganesii Acids, Heated Solution of Chloride Oxidum. of Ammonia " Phosphas. Sulphuric Acid. Myricin. 1' ther, Naptha, Oil of Turpentine. Narcotina. Soluble with combination in a Sol- ution of Alcohol and Muriatic Acid, Cold Acetic Acid, Fatty and Essential Oils fAcid. Pepsin. Water, acidulated with Muriatic 178 TABLE OF SOLUBILITY Medicines. Dissolved by

Phosphorus. Sulphide of Carbon best, i in 20 absolute Ether. Platini Bichlorid. Muriatic Acid, Boiling AqueousSol. of Caustic Potash. Plumbi Carbon. Acetic Acid, Aqueous Sol. Acetate or Chloride Ammonia. “ Iodidum. Hydriodic Acid. “ Nitnas. Oil. Nitric Acid. “ Oxidum. Nitric and Muriatic Acids, Boiling Sol. Acetate of Lead. Podophyllin. Dissolves with combinat’n in Aque- ous Sol. of Caustic Alkalies. Quinia. Acidulated Waters. “ Murias. Do. “ Sulphas. Glycerine, Sulphuric Acid. Quinidia. Acidulated Waters. Stanni Oxidum. Acids, Slightly in Boiling Solution of Chloride Ammonia. Strychnia. Dil. and weak Acids, Essential Oils, Sol 1 in 100 pts. weak Alcohol. Sulphur. Chloroform, Naphtha, Oil of Tur- pentine. “ Iodidum. Glycerine. Zinci Carbon. Acids, Warm Aqueous Sol. Chlor- ide of Ammonia. “ Cyanid. Dil. Mineral Acids, AlkalideCyan- ides, Aqueous Sol. Coustic Am- monia or Petash. “ Oxidum. Acids. “ Phosphas. Phosphoric Acid. Glycerine approaches very nearly to diluted Alcohol as a solvent, dissolving all deliquescent Salts several metallic Salts, as the Nitrates, Chlor- idesand Sulphates, the Alkalies and several me- tallicOxides, and many vegetable Acids. A high temperature greatly increases its solventpower. Alcohol is miscible in all proportions with Water, Wood Spirits, Chloroform and Ether. It is a good solvent for Resins, Ethers, Essential Oils,


Fats and Alkaloids, especially when hot in the case of the latter. Ether dissolves many organic compounds, as Volatile Oils, Resins, Fats, Alcohol, and most of the Alkaloids.


Incompatibles may de divided into three divisions, viz; I.—Chemical—where substances so combine as to tie inert (but may not be therapeutically so) orhave distinct properties. II. Pharmaceutical—a combinationofsubstan- ces which are physically incapable of mixing. III. Physiological and Therapeutical (Antagon- ists)—a combination of substances which possess opposite therapeutical or physiol- ogicalproperties. Absinthium —Acetates of Lead, Nitrate of Silver,Sulphates ofIron and Zinc, TartarEm- etic. Acacia—Alcohol, Goulard’s Extract, Nitric Acid, Tinct. Chloride ofIron. AcidiumAceticum— Alkalies and their Carbon- ates, Alkaline Earths, Warm Water and Soap. Antagonists, Restoratives, Acidum Arseniosum. See Arsenicum. Acidum Citricum—Acetates ofLead, Alkalies, Alkaline Earthy Sulphurets and Carbonates, Acetate and NitrateofMercury. Antagonists, Restoratives. 180 INCOMPATIBLES AND ANTAGONISTS.

Acidum Carbolicum—Chlorine,Mineral Acids, Matallic Salts, Red Oxide of Mercury, Sulph- ides, Saceharate of Lime, combined with Alkalies, lessens physiologicalactiuity.

Acidum Hydrocyanicum— Metallic Salts, Sul- phides, Red Oxide of Mercury. Antagonists, Atropia, butit is too slowly diffused. Acidum Lacticum—Alkalies, Mineral Salts. Acidum Muriaiicum, Nitricum, Nitro-Muriaticum —Phosphoric and Sulphuric Alkalies, and theirCarbonates; Salts of Lead, Lime, Mer- cury, and Silver. Acidum Oxalicum—Magnesium and Calcium. Acidum Salicylicum —loses its external anti- septic properties when combined with Alka- lies Mineral Acids, Metallic Salts, Antagonized by arterial and cerebral stimulants.

Acidum Sulphurosum and Sulphites — Mineral Acids, including Sulphuric, Oxidizing sub- stances; have great affinity for oxygen. Acidum Tannicum—Alkalies, Albumen, Salts, Antimony, Lead and Silver, Persalts of Iron, Gelatin, Vegetable Alkaloids. Acidum Tartaricum—Alkalies, Alkaline Earths and their Carbonates, Soaps. Antagonists,Re- storatives.

Aconitum — Animal Charcoal, Tannin. An- tagonists. Alcohol Ammonia, Ether, Digitalis, Turpentine and heat. Aether—Its stimulating and anodyne prop- erties are antagonized by Arterial Sedatives, Aconite. Antimony, Oxygen, Quinine, Strych- nia, Tetanizing Alkaloids. Alumen—Alkaliesand their Carbonates, Ace- tate ofLead.


Ammonium its Preparations— The Acetate, Veg- etable and Mineral Acids, Potassium, Sodium, amt their Carbonates; Salts of Lead and Sil- ver, MetallicSulphates; The Bromide, Acids, Acidulous and Metallic Salts. Antagonists, Cold, Ergot, Belladonna, Digitalis; The Benzo- ate, Acids,Liq. Potass*, Persalts ofIron ; Lime Water, Vegetable and Mineral Acids; The Chloride, Alkalies, Alkaline Earths and their Carbonates. Salts ofLead and Silver. Antag- onists,Veratrum Viride, Aconite, Digitalis. Ammoniacum. See Assafoetida.

Amyl Nitrite — Antagonists, Belladonna, Bru- cia,Digitalis, Ergot, Strychnia,Picrotoxin.

Angustura — Acetates ofLead, Corroe. Subli- mate, Caustic Potash, Infus. of Galls. Nitrate ofSilver, Sulphatesof Copper and Iron. Anthemis—Corros. Sublimate, Gelatin. Infus. of Galls, Nitrate of Silver, Salts of Iron and Lead. Antimonium, its Preparations—Salts of Lead, Tannic and Gallic Acids, and Infusions con- taining them. Antagonists, Alcohol, Coffee, Ether, Opium, Tea.

Armoracia — Alkaline Carbonates, Corrosive Sublimate, Nitrate ofSilver, Vegetable Bitters and Astringents.

Argenti Nitras — Muriatic and Tannic Acids and their Salts, Soluble Chlorides and all sub- stances containing them, Sulphuric, Muriatic, Tartaric and Sulphurous Acids and Salts of the same, Alkalies and their Carbonates, Antago- nists, B.estoratives. Arnica—Acetates of Lead, Sulphates of Iron and Zinc; Antagonists, Ammonia, Alcoholic Stimulants, Camphor, Opium.


Arsenicum, its Preparations —Alkaline and Earthy Sulphurets, Astringents, Salts of Cal- cium,.Iron and Magnesium. Assafoetida—Acids,Neutral Salts, Arterial Se- datives. Aurantii Gortex—Infus. ofBark, Lime Water, Sulphate ofIron. Aurum, its Preparations—Milk,Eggs,Albumen, Flour.

Barii Chloridum — Alkalies, Alkaline Earths and their Carbonates, Alum, Nitrate ofSilver. Benzoinum—Acids, Alkalies. Belladonna—Animal Charcoal, Caustic Alka- lies, Tannin and Vegetable Astringents. An- tagonists, Bromides, Calabar Bean, Conium, Digitalis, Gelseminmn Jaborandi, Nitrite of Amyl, Opium, TartarEmetic. Bismuthi Nitras—Alkalies, Vegetable Astring- ents. Bistorta— Gelatin, Salts ofIron. Bromides, of Ammonium, Calcium, Lithium, Potassiumand Sodium- Acids, Acidulous and Metallic Salts Antagonists, Belladonna, Dig- italis, Ergot, Hyoscyamus, Stramonium.

Caffein — Tannic Acid, Iodide of Potassium and Mercurial Salts, precipitate it from a wa- tery solution. Autagonists, Antimony, Opium. Calamus—Acetates ofLead. Calcium, tts Preparations. See Potassium. Calumba—Ammonia, Acetates ofLead.Chlor- ide ofIron, Lime Water, MineralAcids,Nitrate ofSilver. Antagonists,Catalytics. Camphora—Aikaline and Earthy Salts, water precipitatesit from a spirituous solution. An- tagonists, Arnica, Coffee, Arterial Sedatives. 183 INCOMPATIBLES AND ANTAGONISTS.

Cannabis, Americana and Indica—Acids, Caus- tic Alkalies. Antagonists, Strychnia, Fara- daisrn. Cantharis—No Chemical orPhysiological An- tagonists. Capsicum —Acetates of Lead, Alkaline Car- bonates, Corros. Sublimate, Nitrate of Silver, Sulphates of Copper, Iron and Zinc. Cardamomum—Acids Corros. Sublimate, Sul- phateofIron.

Caryophyllus — Sulphates of Iron and Zinc, Tartar Emetic. Cascariila-Infusionscontaining Tannic and Gallic Acids, Lime Water, Sulphate of Iron and Zinc. Cassia Fistula—Alcohol.

Castanca Vesca — Alkalies, Mineral Acids, Persalts ofIron. Salts of Antimony, Lead and Silver, Vegetable Alkaloids from insoluble precipitates. Catechu— Do.

Chloral — Alkalies decompose it. Antago- nist, Alcoholic Stimulants, Atropia,Belladon- na, Strychnia, Galvanism, Ammonia, Heat. Chloroform -Separates from mixtures when prescribed with weak Spirits or Glycerine, Soluble in Alcohol 10 in 6, Ether 1 in 7, Water 1in 200. Cimicifuga—The preparation ofit containing Tannic or Gallic Acids are incompatible with the Salts of Iron Antagonists, Gen. Stimu- lants as Alcohol and Ammonia. Cinchona, its Alkaloids—Alkalies,Colchicum, Magnesium, Strong Acids, Sulphates of Iron

184 INCOMPATIBLES AND ANTAGONISTS. and Zinc, Substances containing Tartaric Acid in a tree state should not be given in combin- ation with the Decoction or Infusion, Tartar Emetic, Tincture and Compound Tincture of Iodine; A kaiies, Alkaline Carbonates and Earths, and the Carbonates will )recipitate the. Alkaloids from solution. Antagonists, Iodine, Iodides, Salts of Copper, Lead, Mer- cury and Zinc. Coca—Metallic Salts and Muriatic Acid with the Infusion and Fluid Extract. Antagonists, Catalytics. Coccus—Acetate and Sulphate of Zinc, Sul- phate ofIron.

Colchicum — Acids which render the Tine" ture drastic, Alkalies render it milder in oper- ation. Antagonists, Alcoholic Stimulants, Opium. Colcoynth: s—Acetates of Lead, Fixed Alka- lies, Nitrate ofSilver, Sulphate of Iron. Conium—Caustic Alkalies, Tannic Acid. An- tagonists, Atropia, Brucia, Nux Vomica, Strychnia, Picrotosin. Contrayerva—Tinct. with water. Copabla—Mineral Acids.

Coptis — Acetate of Lead, Nitrate of Silver, Antagonists, Catalytics. Cornus Florida—Antagonists Catalytics. Creasotum—See Acid, Carbolic.

Creta Praeperata — Acids, Acidulous Salts, Alum, Chloride ofAmmonium. Cuprum, its Preparations—Alkalies, their Car- bonates, Iodides. Lime Water Mineral Salts ( except the Sulphates), Vegetable Astringents.


Curara-CausticAlkaliesdestroy; Antagonists Strychnia and Atropia. Cydonium— Acids, Alcohol, Metallic Salts. Digitalis—Cinchona, its various preparations; Sulphate and Tincture ofthe Chloride of Iron, Tannin, Acetate of Lead, Vegetable Astring- ents. Antagonists, Aconite, Atropia,Bromides, Gelseminum,Lobelia,Pulsatilla, Verat.Viride. Duboisa— See Belladonna. Ergota—Caustic Alkalies and Metallic Salts. Antagonists, Aconite, Bromides, Nitrate of Amyl, Verataum Viride, Tobacco, Lobelia. Eucalyptus Globulus—Alkalies, Mineral Acids, Salts of Iron, Lead Mercury and Zinc. An- tagonists, Catalytics.

Ferrum, its Preparations — Carbonas, Acids, Acidulous Salts, Vegetable Astringents; Calor- idi Tinct., Alkalies, their Carbonates; Solu- tions of Gum, Carbonate ofMagnesium, Vege- table Astringents; Citras and Tartras, Alkalies and theirCarbonates, MineralAcids,Vegetable Astringents; Sulphas, Acetatesof Leau, Alka- lies and their Carbonates, Borate of Sodium, Iodide and Nitrate ofPotassium, Lime Water, Nitric Acid, Nitrate ofSilver. Calla—Alkaliesand theirCarbonates, Corros. Sublimate Lime Water,SaltsofBismuth, Iron, Lead and Zinc, Tartar Emetic, Vegetable Al- kaloids. Gelsemtum—Caustic Alkalies, Tannin, An- tagonists, Ammonia, Alcoholic Stimulants, Belladonna, Digitalis, Gen. Stimulants. Gentiana—Salts ofLead and Silver, Sulphate of Iron. Antagonists, Alcohol, Opium, Stry- cehia. Granatum—Sulphate ofIron.


Grindelia—Water precipitates the Oleoresine, Caustic Alkalies, Mineral Salts. Antagonists, Alcohol, Opium, Strychnia. Guaiaci, Tinctura—Earthy and Metallic Salts, MineralAcids, Sweet Spirits ofNitre, Water. Hamamelis Virginica. See Castanea Vesca. Heuchera. Do. Haematoxylon. Do. Hydrargyrum, its Preparations—Ammoniatum, Fixed Alkalies, Mineral and other Acids; Chloridum Corros., Alkalies and their Carbon- ates, Acetates of Lead, Albumen, Fixed Oils, Glutin, Gelatin, Iodide of Potassium, Lime Wa.er, Nitrate ofSilver, Tartar Emetic, Vege- table Astringents; Chloridum Mite., Alkalies, their Chlorides and Carbonates; Alkaline Earths, Salts of Copper, Iron or Lead; Iodine, Iodide of Potassium or Nitro-Muriatic Acid should not be prescribed in connection with iU Oxidwm, Flavum and Rubrum, Mineral and Vegetable Acids; Iodidum, Rubrumand Viride, Mineral Acids, Soluble Chlorides and Iodides; Cum Creta. Acidulous Salts, Alum, Mineral and Organic Acids.

Hydrastis — Alkalies, Tannic and Organic Acids. Hyoscyamus, See Belladonna. Ingluvin. See Pepsin. lodinium, and Iodides—Alkalies.MetallicSalts, Mineral Acids, Starch, Vegetable Alkaloids, Antagonists, Quinine, Digitalis, Restoratives and Vaso Motor Tonics.

Ipecacuanha — Salts of Lead and Mercury, Vegetable Acids and Astringents. Carbolic and Prussic Acids Bismuth and Narcotics, hinder its action.

187 incompatibi.esand antagonists.

Jaborandi — Caustic Alkalies. Metallic Salts, Persalts ofIron. Antagonist, Belladonna. Kino — Acetates of Lead. Gelatin, Mineral Acids, Salts of Iron, Tartar Emetic. Krameria— Do. Lithii Carbonas and Citras—Acids, Acidulous and Metallic Salts. Lobelia—Caustic Alkalies. Antagonists, Al- cohol, Ammonia,Belladonna, Digitalis, Ergot, Strychnia. Magnesia, its Preparations—Acids, Acidulous and Metallic Salts, Chloride of Ammonium; Carbonas, the same, and Bitartrate of Potass- ium, Lime Water; Sulphas, Acetates of Lead, Ammonia, Carbonates of Potassium and Sod- ium, Chloride ofPotassium, Lime Water. Maganesium, its Preparations—Caustic Alka- lies, Salts ofLead, Mercury and Silver, Vege- table Astringents. Morphia, its Salts. See Opium.

Moschus — Corros. Sublimate, Infusions of Bark, Mineral Acids, Nitrate of Silver, Sul- phate of Iron. Muscaria— Antagonized by Atropia. Myrica Cerifera. See Castanea Vesca. Nitro-Glycerine— Antagonized by Strychnia, Ergot, Belladonnaand Digitalis. Nux Vomica—Tannin American Hemp, Bel- ladonna, Bromides, Calabar Bean, Chloral, Chloroform, Ether, Indian Hemp, Nitrite of Amyl, Opium, Tobacco, Woorara. Opium—Acetate of Lead, Alkalies and their Carbonates, Astringent Infusions, Lime Water. Fowler’s Solution, Nitrate of Silver. Salts of Copper, Iron, Lead, Mercury and Zinc. An-

188 ixoompatibi.esand antagonists. tagonists, Antimony, Arnica, Atropia, Bella- donna, Coffee, Colchicum, Pulsatilla, Sanguin- aria, Strychnia, Tea.

Pepsin — Alkalies, Salts of Copper, Lead, Mercury and Zinc, which precipitate it from solution; Tannin and Gallic Acids, Creasote and Alcohol in sufficient strength to destroy its activity. Pancreatinum— Do. Phosphorus—Commercial Turpentine, Lime Water, Hydrated Magnesia, Charcoal, Cupri Sulph. Physostigma— Caustic Alkalies, Tannin, Veg- etable Astringents. Antagonists, Atropia, Da- turia,Chloral and Tetanizing agents. Phytolacca—Antagonists, Alcohol, Ether,Dig- italis,Strychnia, Opium. Picrotoxin. See Nux Vomica. Pimenta— Alum, Alkaline Carbonates, Am- monia, Salts of Copper, Iron, Silver and Zinc; Vegetable Astringents. Piper—Vegetable Astringents. Plumbum, its Preparations -Alkalies, Albu- minous Solutions, Iodide of Potassium, Metal- lic Salts, Natural Waters containing Carbon- ates, Sulphates and Carbonic Acid, Vegetable and Mineral Acids, Preparations of Opium, Vegetable Astringents. Potassiun.its Preparations— The AlkalinePrep- arations, Acids. Acidulous Salts, Sulphates of Sodium and Magnesium; Arsemtis Liquor, Acids, Alum, Chloride of Alum and Calcium, Iodides ofIron. Lime Water, Nitrate of Silver, Sulphates of Copper, Iron and Magnesium, Vegetable Astringents; The Bromide, Acids, Acidulous and Metallic Salts. Antagonists,


Cold, Ergot, Digitalis, Belladonna; Oyanidum, Acids, decompose it and set free Hydrocyanic Acid; Sulphas, Acetates of Lead, Corros. Sub- limate, Chloride of Calcium, Nitrate ofSilver, Tartaric Acid; Sulphide, Mineral Acids, Solu- tions of Metals,Sulph. of Iron, Chlorides.

Pulsatilla — Caustic Alkalies, Metallic Salts, Tannin. Antagon., Alcohol, Digitalis, Opium. Quassia —Acetates of Lead, Nitrateof Silver. Antagonists, Catalytics. Quercus. See Castanea Vesca. Quinia. See Cinchona. Resorcin. See Acid. Salicylicum.

Rheum — Corros. Sublimate, Lime Water, Strong Acids, Sulphates of Iron and Zinc, Tar- tar Emetic. Rosa Gallica—Gelatin,Lime Water, Sulphates of Iron and Zinc. Rubus. See Custanea Vesca. Salix—Alkaline Carbonates, Lime Water, So- lution of Isinglass, Sulphate of Iron. Sanguinaria. See Pulsatilla. Sapo—Linimentscontaining it, Alum. Chloride of Calcium, Lime Water, Metallic Salts, Sul- phates of Calcium and Magnesium. Sarsaparilla—Acetates of Lead, Infusion of Galls, Lime Water; Free Iodine should not be prescribed with it; Alkalies favor decomposi- tion of the Decoctionand Fluid Extract. Scilla—Acetates of Lead, Alkaline Carbon- ates, Lime Water, Nitrate of Silver.

Senna — Alkaline Carbonates, Lime Water, Strong Acids, Tartar Emetic.


Serpentaria—Acetates of Lead, Salts of Iron with the preparations ofitcontaining Tannin. Antagonists, Arterial Sedatives, Depressants, Ergot. Sodium. See Potassium. SpiritusAetheris Nitrosi-Alkalineand Earthly Carbonates, Sulphates of Iron, Tincture of Guaiac. Stramonium. SeeBelladonna. Strychnia. See Nux Vomica. Sulphides—Mineral Acids, Solutions of Met- als generally, Chlorine Water. Tabacum. See Lobelia.

Tamarindus— Alkaline Carbonates, Lime Water, Salts of Potassium. Tartar Emetic. Taraxacum—Acetates of Lead, Corros. Subli- mate, Infusion of Galls, Nitrate of Silver, Sul- phate of Iron. Thea—Gelatin, Lime Water, Salts of Iron. Antagonists, Antimony, Opium. Jormentilla—Alkalies, Salts of Iron, Solution of Isinglass. Tragacantha—Acetates of Lead, Alcohol,Sul- phates of Copper and Iron. Trimethylamine—Alkalies,MetallicSalts, Min- eral Acids, Vegetable Astringents. Antagon- ists, Belladonna, Digitalis, Opium,Stimulants.

Ulmus — Alcoholic Tinctures if added in quantity. Uva Ursi—Gelatin, Salts ofIron, Tartar Emet. Valeriana—Antagonists, Digitalis, Ergot, Qui- nine. Veratrum, Album and Viride—Antagonists, Al- coholic Stimulants, Ammonia, Digitalis, Opi- um and dry heat.


Zincum,its Preparations—Alkalies and their Carbonates, Lime Water; Acetates of Lead with a solutionof the Sulphate of Zinc; Acids, many Metallic Salts and Soluble Carbonates, Vegetable Astringents with the Valerianate of Zinc; Milk, Mucilages, Common Soap, Tannic Acid.

Laws of Chemical Incompitability.

I. Two salts in solution may form by the interchange of their acids and bases, two in- soluble salts which are precipitated, or a sol- uble and insoluble salt, the latter will gener- ally be precipitated, or may form with the soluble salt a doublesalt. II. When two salts in solution do not give rise to an insoluble salt, no precipitate will re- sult, though theremay be decomposition. III. An acid will decompose a salt—- (а) If the acid added be more fixed or more soluble than thatof the salt. (б) If the acid added can form an insoluble or less soluble compound with the base of the salt. (c) If the acid added possesses a greater af- finity for the base of the salt. (d) If the acid of the salt be gaseous.

192 * 21 10 9 30 tion. to days. to days. to to Dura- 6 8 14 days. 22 days. fades. day day 7thfever. 5thfever. Rash On of On of on ex- gen-ab- to resembling form- diffused, upper over extrem- elevated, persisting Rash. appearing semilunar to limited of dots, forehead, with rapidly and macula spots career. first papules after like and chest abundant extending number during scarlet, on colored fresh FEVERS. Char red bites, blotches and colored in temples ing domen, trunk, occur email flea borders. Bright first tremities. Mulberryeral ities. Rose few to of of of day after dayafter 7th 14th DayRash. hours’ hours’ to to ERUPTIVE 4th fever, 72 illness. 2ndfever, 24illness. 4th day. 7thday. 1 oc- 2 days. days. days, 14 days, 14 6 12 suddenly. to to to casionallydays. to 1 or Incubation. 10 1 10 Rubeola. Fever. Fever. Fever. Fever. Fever. Names. Measles. Scarlet Scarlatina. TyphusShip TyphoidEnteric — 193 J

21 7 the tion. to days. to days. Dura- 14 6 Scarlet from isolation off. to the fades. scabs and 14th scab 24 Measles, count d’y fall short hours. Rash 9th form about day Slight of duration. From 48 periods a pronouncing do pimples of with differ- Diphtheria, appearing hue elevated, at These Rash. umbilicated), which either not Before of hard l first pustular. days. red wrists. yellowish spotsirregularly 25 and vesicles redness diseases: FEVERS. round vesicles pustules, rose or points. these incubation. Character form’g face become duskyswelling. colored occurring Mumps,of Small then on Small not Diffused Rose ent with and period of of of or after after 3d 12 Pox the DayRash. day hours’ day hours’ or hours’ infected fever,48 2d fever, 2d ERUPTIVE 3d illness. 24illness. After 36 illness. persons Chicken includingbathed. days. be ; days. days. days; 14 7 10 —of to days. to to 40 disease,should Incubation. io 4 3 6 Isolation Pox, the patient > ——— Pox. of of Pox. Variola. Small Names. Varicella. Erysipelas. Period inceptionthe + Small Fever, over, Chicken Roseola. ; 194 INDEX OF DISEASES AND APPROPRIATE REMEDIES.

Abscess —Belladonna; CamphoratedOil and Alcohol; Carbolic Acid; Counter-irritation; Leeches; Nit. ofSilver; Oleate ofMercury and Morphia; Poultice; Permanganate of Potas- sium ; Salicylic and BoracicAcids; Sulphides, Sulphites and Phosphates ; Tr. Iodine. Acidity.—Acids, before meals; Alkdies; Bis- muth; Lactic and Sulphurous Acids; Ipecac and Nux Vomica; Lime Water. Acne. —Arsenic; AlkalineLotions; Bismuth; Corrosine Sublimate; Hot Sponging; Iodide or SublimedSulphur; Saline Waters; Sulphu- rous Acid. After Pains.—Chloral;Camphor; Gelsemium; Morphia and Atropia; Cimicifuga.

Ague, Intermittent Fever. — Arsenic; Apiol; Cinchona and its preparations; Eucalyptus; Hydrastis; Cornus Flor.; Salicin; Iodide of Potassium. Albumenuria. See Bright’s Disease. Alcoholism.—Bromides; Chloral; Cinchona; Capsicum; Hyoscyamus; Opium; Oxide of Zinc; Lupulin; Nux Vomica. Amenorrhcea.—Aconite; Aloes; Apiol; Ar- senic; Cimicifuga; Ergot. Guaiac; Hot Sitz Bath; Iron; Rue; Pennyroyal; Pulsatilla; Savin; Sanguinaria; Serpentaria. Anaemia.—Acids; Arsenic; Cold Sponging; Cod Liver Oil; Chalyheate Waters; Hypo- phosphites; Iron; Manganese; Malt Liquors;


Nux Vomica; Pepsin; Quinine; Phosphorus; Pure Air; Phosphates and Lacto-Phosphates. Anaesthetics.—Morphia Hypodermically fa- cilitates inhalation, lessens danger an.I pro- longs anaesthesia; Whisky before inhalation sustains heat. Aneurism.—Aconite; Acet. Lead.; Denutri- tion; Ergot; Electrolysis; Iodides; Veratrum Viride. Angina Pectoris.—Aetherization; Amyl Ni- trite; Arsenic; Colchicum; Electricity; Mus- tard Plasters; Opiates; Nitro-Glycerine; Phos- phorus; Prussic Acid Dil. Aphonia.—Atropia; Blisters; Camphor Lini- ments or Mustard Plasters; Electricity; Vitric Acid; Shower Bath. Aphthae.—Bismuth; Borax; Coptis; Chlorate or Iodide ofPotassium; Muriatic, Carbolicor Sulphurous Acid; Quinine; Sulphides. Apoplexy.—Aconite ; Bleeding; Calomel; Col- ocynth; Croton Oil, gtt. y x ~ 1, every hour until movement; Cold to head; Cool,'airy room; Head moderately raised; Stimulants; Stimu- lating and warming applications to extrem- ities. Ascites.—Apocynum Cannabinnm; Copaiba Besin; Comp. Jalap Powder; Elaterium; Dry Diet; Jaborandi; Stillingia; Tap Abdomen. Asthma.—Aconite; Amyl Nitrite; Aether or Chloroform; Arsenic; Alum; Assafoetida; Bel- ladonna; Chloral; Cimcifugia; Coffee; Cod Liver Oil; Eucalyptus; Grindelia Robus'a; Gelseminum ; Ipecac; Indian Hemp; Iodide of Potassium; Hyoscyamus; Lobelia; Narcot- ics; Cigarettes of Stramonium. Arsenic, etc.; Nitro-Glycerine; Pilocarpin; Quinine; Strych-

196 DISEASES AND REMEDIES. nia; Medicated Sprays; Stramonium; Tur- pentine Stupes; Zinic Oxid and Tartar Emetic. Asphyxia of Infant after labor.— If cordpulsates it should not, as a rule, be tied for at least one quarter of an hour; but if the child appears to be in an apoplectic condition, as shown by great swelling and lividity of countenance, the cord should be divided at once, and two or three teaspoonsful of blood allowed to es- cape; expose the face to the air, sprinkle it with cold water. Wet trunk and limbs with brandy, then rub them briskly with flannels. Artificial respiration; Galvanism; Remove mucous or clog of any kind from the mouth; Tickle the fauces; Ldp child into cold, then into warmbath. Astigmatism.—Atropia; Duboisia. Balanitis.—Cleanliness,and eover sores with cotton wool; Solutions of Alum, Nit. of Silver and Tannin; Bismuth and Starch. Barber's Itch.—See Tinea Sycosis.

Bed Sores. — Alcohol Wash to shin; Alum with Tr. Camphor and White of Eggs; Char- coal Application; Remove pressure. Biliousness.— See Hepatic Disorders. Bites, Poisoned.—Alcohol and Ammonia in- ternally ; Caustic Potash, Nit. Silver and Bro- mine locally. Bladder, Diseases of.—Cystitis.—Alkalies; Bu- chu; Belladonna; Copaiba; Cubebs; Eucalyp- tus; Hydrastis; Juniper; Hot Enema; Ice in rectum ; Suppositoris; Tr. Cantharidis; Tur- pentine ; Uva Urisi. Irritable.—Alkalies; Bel- ladonna: Benzoate of Ammonia; Camphor; Cantharis; Eucalyptus; Hyoseyamus. Boils.— Arsenic; Phosphates; Sulphides; Sulphurous Washes.


Brain.—Diseases of.—Anaemia.— Eucalyptus; Guarana; l’hosphorus; Serpentaria and Cam- phor; Valerian ; Horizontal position. Hyper- aemia.—Bleeding; Bromides; Chloral; Cold to Head; Colchicum; Derivatives to skin and bowels; Gelseminum. Inflammation.—Bleed- ing; Blisters; Cold to Head; Cupping; Cathar- tics. Over-Taxed.—Bromides; Chloral; Phos- phorus. Softening.—Phosphorus. Bright’s Disease.—Albumenuria.— Aconite; Cannabis Indica; Chloride of Gold; Diaphor- esis; Digitalis; Ergot; Elaterium forDropsy; Hydrastis; Iron; Jaborandi; Lead ; Gallic Acid; Iodide of Potassium; Nitro-Glycerine; Quinine; Scoparius.

Bronchitis. — Arsenic; Amber Oil; Balsams of Fir, Peru or Tolu; Brown Mixture; Cimi- fuga; Carbonate or Chloride ofAmmonia; Co. Iron Mixture; Cod Liver Oil; Copaiva; Digi- talis ; Dover’s Powder; Hot Grog, at bed time, and good sweat; Expectorants; Ipecac; Lo- belia; Nitric Acid, Dil. in 10 drop doses in Chronic; Opiates; Phosphates; Iodides; Qui- nine; Senega; Serpentaria; Squill; Tar; Tar- tar Emetic; YerbaSanta.

Bronchorrhma.— Carbolic Acid; Carbonate and Chloride, Ammonia; Copaiba; Benzoin; Cod Liver Oil; Alcoholic Stimulants; Grinde- lia Rob.

Bubo. — Ice to part; Iodine; Iodoform to broken; Nitric Acid; Poultices; Sulphides. Burns and Scalds.—Carbolic Acid, 1 per cent, solution; Collodion Flexile; Boracic Acid; Carbonate ofLead; Lime Water and Sweet Oil; Palm Oil; Phytolacca; Solutions of Car- bonate of Sodiumor Potash; Turpentine. Calculi.—Renal —Alkalies; Benzoate of Am- monia for Phosphatic; Pleuritics; Fomenta-

198 diseases and remedies.

tions; Hydrastis; Mineral Acids; Narcotics; Nitric and Tartaric Acids when phosphatic. Biliary.—Anaesthetics; Carbonates; Ice Bag; Hot Fomentations; Morphia and Atropia hy- podermically; Phosphate of Sodium persist- ently; Turpentine and Ether; Avoid starchy, sweetand fatty foods. Cancer.— Anodynes; Arsenic; Bismuth; Bi- sulphide of Carbon and Pepsin when of stom- ach ; Caustic Potash; Carbolic Acid; Conium with poultice; Chromic Acid; Iodoformi ; Sulphate or Chloride ofZinc. Carbuncle.—Belladonna. Free radiating in- cisions; Iodine; Phosphates; Sulphides. Sul- phites.

Caries, — Cod Liver Oil; Carbonate and Chloride of Calcium; Stimulating Injections in Sinus; Phosphates; Sulphuric Acids. Catarrh.—Coryza.—Hot Alcoholic drinks at bedtime; Alum; Ammonia and Camphor in- haled; Arsenic; Assafoetida; Aconite; Cod Liver Oil; Belladonna; Chloride of Ammon- ia ; Dover’s Powder; Ipecac; Pulsatilla; Qui- nine; Tartar Emetic. Cerebro-Spinal Meningitis.—Aconite; Ergot; Gelseminum; Mercury ; Opium in full doses; Pulsatilla; Quinine; Cold Baths; Veratrum Viride. Chancroid, Soft Chancre.—Black and Yellow washes; Caustics to destroy Nitric Acids the best; Iodoform; Iodide of Iron internally when sloughing; Poultices; Wash frequently ; It Cubri Sulph. 5i. Sage 3i. Boiling Water Oi. apply to chronic form. Chicken Pox.—Abstention from animal foods; Regulate functions of bowels and keep patient cool; Treat symptoms on general principles.


Chilblains.—Bals. Peru; Carbolic Acid; Cool- ing Ointments and Lotions; Sulphurous Acid; Turpentine. Chlorosis.—Arsenic; Chalybeate Waters; Iron; Manganese; Nux Vomica; Oils and Fats; Pepsin; Pancreatin; Wines.

Cholera. — Asiatic. — Astringents; Atropia; Camphor; Calomel; Chloroform; Carbolic Acid; Chloral; Cardial Stimulants; Hot Ap- plications to Abdomen; Opiates; Small pieces of Ices frequently sucked; Hypodermic in- jections of Morphia, Tea and Coffee; Strych- nia. Infantum. — Acetate of Lead; Bismuth; Bromide of Potassium; Calomel; Camphor; Coffein; Creasote; Carbolic Acid; Chloral; Hot Applications and Warm Baths; Ipecac; Opium; Nit. of Silver; Oxide of Zinc; Sul- phate of Copper; Vegetable Astringents; Avoid excessive nursingor drinking. Morbus- Acetate of Lead; Arsenic; Bismuth; Chloral; Carbolic Acid; Calomel; Emetics; Morphia and Atropia hypodermically; Opium; Re- strict Liquid; Spinal Ice Bag.

Chordee. — Aconite; Belladonna and Cam- phor; Bromides; Cannabis Indica; Chloral; Colchicum; Cantharis; Lactueasium; Lupu- lin; Morphia and Atropia.

Chorea. — Aconite; Arsenic; Anthelmintics where worms; Assafoetida; Calabar Bean ; Camphor, especially the monobrom; Cerium Oxal; Chloral; Conium; Cimicifuga; Canna- bis Indica; Eucalyptus; Iron; Picrotoxin; Oxide, Sulphate and Valerianate of Zinc; Strychnia. Colic,—Bilious.—Anodynes and Anaesthetic; Calomel; Emetics ; Morphia and Atropia Hyp- odermically; Nitro-Glycerine. Flatulent.—As- safoetida; Carminatives; Camphor; Chloro- form ; Opiates; Friction and warm applies-


tions to Abdomen. Lead, or Painter’s. —Ano- dynes; Alum; Croton Oil; Iodides or Brom- ides; Sulphuric Acid Lemonade, Sulphurous baths: Epsom Salts. Coma.—Blisters and Mustard Plasters; Ca- thartics ; Croton Oil; Diaphoretics; Diuretics in urarmia; Cold Douche when from Opium or drunkenness. Condylomata. — Alum; Black or Yellow washes ; Calomel; Chromic, Carbolic or Nitric Acids; Iodoform. Confinement, Labor. — Cimicifuga, Cotton Root, Ergot or Quinine to strengthen uterine contractions; Opiates, Chloral and Gelsemin- um for after pains. Conjunctivitis.—Atropia; Alum; Bismuth; Calomel dusted in; Cleanse eye frequently ; Ergot Ext. FI. applied; Solution of Sulph. Ztnc; Nit. Silver, Sulph. Copper, Tannin. Constipation.—Aloes, Colocynth, Physostig- ma, Podophyldn wheie there is torpor; Ar- senic; Assafcetida; Belladonna; Castor Oil; Croton Oil; Enemata; Salts laxative; Gam- boge; Jalap; Juglans; Nux Vomica as adju- vant. Consumption.— See Phthisis.

Convulsions. — Assafcetida; Aetherization ; Bromides; Chloral; Enemata ; Ice to head ; Mustard baths; Morphia; Spinal Ice Bag, Verat. Viride.

Cough. — Assafcetida; Alum Spray. Bella- donna; Chloral; Chloroform; Cod Liver Oil; Castanea Vesca; Gelsemium ; GrindeliaRob.; Hydrocyanic Acid. Dil; Ipecac; Opiates; Senega; Tonics; Wild Cherry Bark. Croup.-Seealso Laryngismus Stridulus.-Aconite, 3ss.; Cold Compresses; Emetics; Lactic Acid by Atomizer; Leeches 2 to 5 in early stages;


Mercurials; Turpeth Mineral; Steam vaporin room; Poultices; Quinine; Stimulants; Tar- tar Emetic, Sulph. of Copper or Zinc. Cystitis.— -See Bladder, Diseases of. Debility.— Alcoholic Stimulants; Cinchona; Cod Liver Oil; Eucalyptus Glob.; Hypophos- phites; Phosphorus; Iron ; Quinine; Strych- nia ; Vegetable Bitters. Delirium.—Belladonna; Bromides; Chloral; Chloroform; Digitalis; Opiates; Hyoscyam- u: ; Quinine; Cannabis Indica. Diabetes —Abstinence from all amylaceous foods; Alkaline Waters; Arsenic; Belladon- na; Bromides; Colchicum; Chloride of Gold; Ergot; Lactic Acid; Nux Vomica; Opium. Insipidus.—Ergot; Jaborandi; Iodide of Pot- assium; Valerian; Nux Vomica;

Diarrhoea. — Alkalies when acidity; Alum; Acet. of Lead; Camphor; Capsicum ; Chalk; Bismuth; Calomel and Gray Powder in In- fants ; Coto Bark ; Columbo ; Catechu ; Ergot; Iron; Nitrate of Silver; Oxide and Sulph. of Zinc; Sulphate Copper; Tannic; Sulphuric Acid in profuse watery stools. Diphtheria.—Alcoholic Stimulants; Belladon- na ; Chlorate of Potassium; Benzoate of Sod- ium ; Lactic Acid or Tannin Spray; Quinine, Salicylic Acid and Resorcin internally; Sul- phur and Alum in equal parts applied ; Ice, sucked or applied; Strychnia for paralysis; Vapor ofslacking Lime; Iron. Dropsy.—Acet. or Bitart, of Potassium; Blis- ters ; Copaiba, the resin; Colchicum; Dry Diet; Digitalis; Elaterium; Erigeron ; Jabor- andi; Juniper; Iron; Squill; Scoparius. Dysentery.—Acet. Lead; Arsenic; Alum; Cat- echu ; Calomel and Opium; Bismuth; Ergot;


Emollients; Fomentations; Hamamelis; Ipe- cac ; Opium and Sweet Oil; Rhatany; Sul- phate of Copper or Zinc; Turpentine; Vege- tableAstringents.

Dysmenorrhaea. — Aconite: Arsenic; Amyl Nit.; Apiol; Belladonna; Camphor; Canna- bis Indica; Cimicifuga; Ergot; Guaiac; Gal- vanism ; Gelsemium : Hyoscyamus; Iron; Nux Vomica; Opiates.

Dyspepsia. —Alcoholic drinks; Absinthium ; Alkalies ; Alteratives; Arsenic ; Aletris ; Bit- ters Simple; Bismuth; Charcoal; Chalybeate waters; Creasote; Cod Liver Oil; Eucalyptus, Hydrastis; Hops; Mineral Acids; Nux Vom- ica; Pepsine; Oxide of Silver; Quinine; Sulphurous Acid Dil. Ear, Diseases of. —Inflammation, Aconite : Syringing with hot water 100°to 110°. Ache.— Solution ofMorphin and Atropiain Ear. Ecthyma.—Cod Liver Oil; Iodide of Iron or Potassium ; Black or Yellow wash; Quinine.

Eczema. — Boracic, Carbolic or Salicylic Acids locally; Arsenic, in Chronic; Altera- tives; Sulphur baths and Sulphides, after acute stage ; Applications ofSulph. of Cop- per orZinc, Tanninand Nit. Silver; Oleate of Zinc. Emphysema— Arsenic; Chloral; Chlorate or Bromide of Potassium ; Cod Liver Oil; Grin- delia Rob ; Hypophosphitis; Prussic Acid Dil.; Strychnia. Empyema.—Iodine. Carbolic Acid and Chlor- ine solution to wash out cavity; Quinine; Stimulants. Epididymitis.—Antimonials; Brisk Cathartic ; Cooling Lotion ofAmmon. Chi. or Acet. Lead


and Opium; Rest and support testicle; Ice; Leeches. Epilepsy.— Arsenic; Amyl Nit.; Bromides; Belladonna; Cannabis indica; Chloral; Salts of Copper, Zinc and Silver ; Strychnia; Iron ; Physostigma; Musk.

Epistaxis. — Plug Anterior and Posterior Nares; Digitalis; Ergot; Applications of Tan- nin, Turpentine or Astringent Salts of Iron ; Insufflation ofpowdered Tannin. Erysipelas. -Aconite; Belladonna; Benzoates, Salicylates and Resorcin; Carb. Ammon, as Stimulant; Iron, large doses; Oily inunctions; Salines; Sulphides; Quinine. Erythema.—Belladonna; Bismuth; Mineral Acids; Quinine; Lotions of Alum and Lead. Excoriations.—Bismuth, Chalk, Lycopodium and Starch appliedto surface. Faintings, Syncope. —Alcohol; Ammonia or Volatile Stimulants when enfeeblement of Heart; Cold Water thrown on face, patient leaning forward, head low. Feet, Fetor of.—Bicarb. Sodium; Permang. Potassium, Saticylic Acid dusted over feet. Felon.—See Whitlow. Fissure of Anus.— Hydrastis, Iodoform and Iodo-Tannin applied. Of Nipples.—Lig. Ferri. Subsul. et Glycerine, Tannin, 'lr. Benzoin, Brandy and Collodionapplied. Flatulence. —Abstinen ce from fatty and starchy Foods; Bismuth; Belladonna; Char- coal ; Creasote; Carbolic Acid ; Calumbo: Chlo- roform; Camphor; Essential Oils ; Hoffman’s Anodyne; Nux Vomica; Physostigme; Tur- pentine.


Gangrene.—Carbolic, Salicylic and Chromic Acids: Bromine, Chloride Zinc and Nitric Acid as Escharotics; Caustic Potash and Sul- phurous Acid; Turpentine.

Gastralgia. — Alum ; Atropia; Arsenic; Bis- muth ; Blisters; Ether; Chloroform; Mor- phia; Nux Vomica; Nitro-Glycerine; Oxide of Zinc; Prussic Acid Dil.; Pepsin; Sulph. Manganese. Gastric Catarrh.—Alum; Arsenic; Acetateof Lead, Columbo; Cinchona; Chloride of Am- monia ; Eucalyptus; Oxide and Nitrate of Silver; Nux Vomica; Quassia; Tannin. Gastric Ulcer.—Arsenic; Acetate of Lead; Atropia; Bismuth; Corros. Sublimate; Oxide ofSilver; Morphia. Glands, Lymphatic.—Affections of.— Cod Liver OiJ,; Iodides; Chloride of Calcium; Red Iodide of Mercury; Iodide ofLead Ointment; Sulphides; Jaborandi. Gleet. —Copaiba; Cod Liver Oil; Dilate by Sounds; Iron; Irrigation; Storax; Turpen- tine ; Injections of Urethra.

Goitre. — Dil. Biniodide of Mercury Oint- ment ; Iodide locally; Iodine of Potassium.

Gonorhcea. — Alkalies to render the urine neutral or slightly alkaline ; Bnchu; Copaiba in chronic; Cubebs in large doses combined with the Bitart ofPotassium at thebeginning ; Colchicum; Cannabis Indica diminisheslocal inflammation and lessens pain snd irritation ; Hydrastis after acute stage; Kava Kava; Mat- ico; Oil of Sandalwood or Red Saunders; Rest and quiet; Turpentine; Injections of I£ Acidi Tannic, grs. ii-x, Tinct. Iodinii gtt. x, Aquae Si —Lfc Aluminis 5ssi, Aquae, Siv.—Jfc Argenti Nitratis gr. 1. Aquae Si-vi Bis- muthi Subnit. Sss-i, Pulv. Acaciee 5iss, Aquae


3vi. — It Cupri Sulphatis grs. iv, Morphire Sulph. grs. viii, Liq. Plumbi Subacet. 5i, Aquae Rosce Siv, after acute stage.—It Ferri Sulpha- tisgrs. xii, Tinct. Opii Sss. Aquae Sviii.—It Olei Copaibse 3ii, Pulv. Acaciae 3iii. Aquae Shs, in subacute stage.—It Potassii Permang. grs i-iv Aquae Si. — It Tinct. Ferri Chlor. 3ss, Tinct. Opii Si. Aquae Oi —Zinci Sulphatis grs. 1-iii, Aqua; Si. — It Zinci Sulphatis grs. viii, Liq. Plumbi Subacet. dil. Siv.—It Acid Boracic, grs. 8-15, Aq. SI.—It Zinci Permang. grs. Aq. Si.—It Zinci Sulph. gr. iv, Plumbi Aeet. grs. viii, Tr. Catechu 5i, Aq. Sii. Urethral suppositories of Oil ofEucalyptus, Iodoform and Morphia; Irrigation ofUrethra with water of temperature of 100° to ll'’°F , or medicated solution of Zinci Sul. 3i, Tr. Catechu 5ii p, Aq. 110°F., S 20. Gout.—Alkalies; Aconite; Colchicum ; Salts of Lithium orManganese; Light Diet; Iodide of Potassium; Salicylic Acid; Sulphurous Waters orBaths; Keep part warm and eleva- ted. Gums, Spongy or Bleeding of.— Alum; Glycer- ite of Tannin; Benzoin; Resorcin.

Haematemesis. — Astringents; Alum; Acet. Lead ; Ergot; Gallic or Tannic Acids; Mon- sel’s Solution; Turpentine.

Haematuria. — Citrate of Potassium; Ergot: Gallic or TannicAcids; Hamamelis; Rhatany; Quinine; Turpentine. Haemoptysis.—Aconite; Alum; Acet. Lead; Common Salt; Digitalis; Ergot; Chloride of Barium; Gallic Acid; Hamamelis; Iron; Morphia; Ipecac; Verat. Vir.; Astringent Sprays.

Haemorrhoids. — Alum; Aloes; Belladonna; Calomel Ointment; Castor Oil; (old Injec- tions; Ergot; Hamamelis locally; Hyoscyam-

206 DISEASES AND REMEDIES. us; Ice; Ung. Gallic; Senna; Sulphides or Alteratives; Suppositories of Ergotiu, Iodo- formor Tannin. Hay Fever.—Arsenic; Atropia; Ammonia or Carbolic Acid inhaled; GrindeliaRob.; Brom- ide or Iodide of Potassium; Quinine.

Headache. — Aconite; Arsenic; Amyl Ni- trite; Ammonia; Bromides; Correct Diges- tive disturbances; CannabisIndica ; Cold af- fusions; Chloride of Ammonia; Ergot; Galv- amism; Hot sponging of temples ; Mustard plaster to nape of neck; Tea or Coffee; Val erian; Nitro-Glycerine; Picrotoxine. Heart, Diseases of.—Valvular Lesions.—Aco- nite; Belladonna; Cimicifuga; Coffee; Digi- talis; Hyoscyamus; Opium. Hypertrophy.— Avoid plethor, alcoholic drinks and keep bowels open; Bromides; Verat. Vir.; Nitrite of Amyl. Dilatation.—Ergot; Digitalis; Iron ; Nitrite of Amyl. Fatty. - Iron; Mineral Acids; Avoid mental or physical excitement. Peri- carditis.—Aconite, where violent throbbing; Alcoholic stimulants in second stage acute; Blisters; Cold over heart; Leeches along ster- num ; Iodine and Iodides in Chronic; Opium; Poultices; Saline Purgatives. Palpitation.— Aconite; Biomides; Belladonna; Cactus Grandiflora; Camphor; Chloroform; Eucal- yptus; Prussic Acid Dil. Hectic Fever.—Anodynes; Dislodge sources of irritation; Nutritious diet; Phosphate of Calcium; Quinine; Tonics.

Hemorrhages. — Diathesis. — Arterial seda- tives; Ergot; Digitalis; Turpentine Verat. Viride; Sulphuric. Tannic or Gallic Acids; Iron; Vegetable Astringents. Hemorrhage.—Intestinal.—Ergot;Ilamamelis; Iron; Ice to Abdomen; Sulphuric Acids;


Sugar of Lead; Tannin; Turpentine in full doses. Uterine.—Barium Chloride; Contract uterus by mechanical means; Digitalis; Er- got; Hamamelis; Ipecac; Sulphuric Acids; Strychnia; Tampon, when not following de- livery.

Hepathic Diseases. — Actte Inflammation, Aconite; Catarrh of Bile Ducts.—Chloride or Iodide of Ammonia, Hydrastis and Phos- phate of Sodium; Congestion, Alkaline and Sulphurous Mineral waters, Nitro-Muriatic Acid baths, Colchicum and Mercurials; Tor- por, Enonymus, Ipecac, Mercury, Podophyl- lin, Rhubarb. Herpes.—Acetic Acid and Acet. of Copper in Ointment; Collodion, Calomel Ointment. Ni- trate of Silver, Belladonna internally, Zinc Ointment, Galvanism. Hiccough.—Arrest the attention; Camphor; Chloroform.

Hoarseness.—Alum ; Borax; Horse-Radish ; Sulphurous Acid spray; Tannin locally. Hooping Cough.—Alum; Belladonna; Brom- ides; Castanea; CannabisIndica; Chloroform; Cod Liver Oil; Ergot; Grindeli* Rob.; Vale- rian; Squill; Tannin; Musk.

Hydrocele. — Evacuate Tumor; Galvan o- puucture; Carbolic Acid or Tr. Iodine inject- ed after evacuation. Hydrothorax.—Dry Diet; Iodine injections; Jaborandi; Resin Copabia; Paracentesis. Hydrocephalus.—Purgatives; Mercury; Re- vulsive; Moxas.

Hypochandriasis. — Arsenic; Assafoetida; Bromides; Caffein; Cimicifuga; Opium. Hysteria.—Arsenic; Assafoetida; Ammonia; Bromides; Chloroform; Cold Douche; Iron;


Musk; Quinine; Tonics; Valerian; Volatile Oils. Impetigo.—Arsenic; Acet. of Lead; Glvcer- ate of Tannin; Zinc Oxide; Quinine; Miner- al Acids. Impotence.—Arsenite of Iron; Can. Indica; Chloride of Gold; Electricity; Ergot; Nux Vomica; Phosphorus; Serpentaria. Incontinence of Urine.—Belladonna; Brom- ides; Buchu; Cantharis; Chloral; Ergot; Io- dide ofIron ; Nux Vomica. Insomnia.—Bromides; Alcohol; Belladonna; Eyoscyamus; Opiates; Phosphorus. Intermittent Fever.— See Ague.

Intertrigo. — Bismuth; Glycerate of Tannin; Oxide of Zinc; Carbonate of Lime. Intestinal Catarrh. —Acet. ofLead; Ammonia Chloride; Eucalyptus; Hydrastis; Nitrate of Silver; Sulphate of Copper; Tannin.

Intussusception. — Belladonna; Effervescent Enemata; Irrigation of Bowels; Enemata of Infus. Lobelia or Tobacco.

Iritis. — Atropia; Blisters behind ears; Iodides where of Syphilis; Leeches; Mercury; Arsenic, not in early stage. Jaundice.—Arsenic; Aloes; Alkalies; Cathar- tics; Chloride of Ammonia; Iodine; Hydras- tis; Manganese; Mercurials; Nitro-Muriatic Acid; Podophyllin; Khubarb; Irisin ; Euony- min; Juglaudin.

Kidneys, Diseases of. — Spinal Ice Bag; Eucalyptus; Jaborandi; Gallic Acid! Pipsis- sewa. Lactation, Excessive.—Belladonna; Camph- orated Oil; Quinine.


Laryngismus Stridulus.—Bromides: Conium; Chloral; Cod Liver Oil; lee Bag; Tartar Emetic; Hive Syrup ; Squill. Lentigo. — Tr. Iodine; Lotions of Carbolic Acid; Borax; Corrosive Sublimate. Leucocythemia.— Iron; Phosphorus. Leucorrhcea. —Alkaline washes of Bicarb, of Potash or Soda. Alum, 3i to Aq. Oi ; Injections of Potassium Permang.. Tannin, Lime Water, Hydrastisand Sulph. of Copper; Phosphites; Phosphatis; Tonics. Lichen.— Alkalies; Arsenic; Chloroform Ointment or solution ofCyanide of Potassium or Prussic Acid for itching; Mercurial Oint- ments; Sulphureted Baths. Locomotor Ataxia, Progressive.—Phosphorus; CalabarBean. Loins, Pain.—Bellad., Lead orPitch Plasters. Lumbago.— Bellnd or Pitch Plasters; Cimici- fuga; Guaiac; Galvanism; Iodide of Potas- sium; Salicylic Acid; Morphia; Verat. Viride. Mammary Inflammation and Absesses. Bella- donnaOintment. Oleate of Mercury and Mor- phiaapplied; Strap the Breasts; Hot Poultices frequently. Mania, Acute.—Anaesthetics; Chloral; Coni- um; Galvanism; Hyoscyamus; Verat. Viride. Chronic.—Ergot; Bromides; Morphia; Iron; Coifein. Puerperal.— Anaesthetics; Bromides; Chloral; Cimicifuga; Ergot; Evacuate Bowels speedily. Measles.—Carb. of Ammonia; Hover’s Pow- der; Purgatives; Phosphorus ; Quinine; Mus- tard Bath; Fat rubbed over the skin. Melancholia. — Arsenic; Gold; Bromides; Chloral; Colchicum: Camphor; Cannabis In- dica; Iron; Musk; Morphia.


Meningitis. —Aconite; Bromides; Active Cathartics; Gelsemium; lee Cap; Iodide Potassium; Morphia; Pulsatilla; Ergot.

Menorrhagia. — Arsenic; Bromides; Aloes; Cannabis Indica; Cimicifuga; Chloride of Ammonia; Ergot; Digitalis: Iron; Ipecac; Phosphate of Calcium; Quinine. Metritis.—Blisters; OintmentofVerat.Viride; Iodoform to cervix; Ergot; Bromides; Chlo- ride of Ammonia; Gold; Saline Waters.

Micturation, Painful. — Alkalies; Camphor; Cannabis Indica; Colchicum; Cantharis. Milk Leg.— Envelope limb in Cotton, Wool and oiled Silk; Hamamelis; Iron; Iodine; Opium; Rub limb towards body; Turpentine Stupes or Blisters; Tonics; Stimulating Lini- ments.

Mumps. — Leeching in severe cases; Hot Fomentations; Constant but gentle action of the bowels; Grey Powder gr. every 3 or 4 hours; Avoid exposure to colds. Myalgia.—Aconite or BelladonnaLiniments; Chloride of Ammonium; Cimicifuga; Elec- tricity ; Gelseminum; Iodine; Salicylates and Iodides.

Myelitis. — Belladonna and Electricity in chromic; Ergot in large doses; Chloride of Barium; Iodides; Strychnia. Naevi.—Collodion; Caustics; Ergot injected ; Hot needles; Galvano-Cantroy; Ligation. Necrosis.—Cod Liver Oil; Sulphuric Acid, 1 part water 6 parts applied; Phosphates. Nephritis.— See Kidneys, diseases of. Nettle Rash.— Alkalies; Lotion of Potassium Cyanide for itching; Tr. Bengoin Co ; Chloro- form Ointment; Colchicum; WTarm Baths.


Nervousness. — Bromides; Chloral; Chloro- form; Cypripedium; Cold Sponging; Vale- rian. Neuralgia.—Aconite; Arsenic; Atropia; Bell- adonna; Bromides; Blisters; Anaesthetics; Cimicifuga; Conium; Cannabis Indica; Chlor- al ; Gelseminum; Counter-irritation; Ergot; HydrocyanicAcid Dil.; Electricity; Hyoscya- mus; Iron ; Iodoform; Nitrite of Amyl; Nitro- Glycerine; Opium; Phosphorus; Salicylic Acid; Strythma; Quinine; Veratrum Viride ; Chloral, Camphorand Atropia to seat ofpain.

Night Sweats. — Acetic Acid Dil.; Atropia; Ergot; Oxide of Zinc; Quinine; Acid Spong- ing. Nipples, Sore.—Lotion ofBrandy and water, orLime water; Collodion; Monsel’s solution to fissured; Zinc Shield. Nodes.—Iodide of Potassium, int. and ext.; Iodine or Oleate or Mercury locally. Nose, Diseases of.—Bleeding, See Epistaxis, Ammoniainhaled for pain andinflammations of nose and frontal bones; Glycerate of Tan- nin or Zinc Ointment when excoriated.

Nymphomania. — Bromides; Camphor; Can- nab. Indica; Coniumin vaginal pessary.

Onychia. — Chloral, Iodoform or Nitrate of Silver applied as ointments orpowders.

Orchitis. — Ammonia Chloride in solution with Alcohol; Belladonna Ointment; Ice bag; Lead and Opium; Oleateof Mercury: Support testis; Strapping after acute; Tr. Iodide; Tar- tar Emetic. Oxaluria.—Nitric and Nitro-Muriatic Acids. Ozaena.—Glycerates of Alum, Acet. Alumin- ium ; Bismuth or Tannin; Creasote or Brom- ine inhaled; Carbolic Acid or Permang. Pot-

212 DISEASES AND REMEDIES. assium solutions; Hydrastis; Iodide Potas- siumin Syphilitic. Paralysis.—Belladonna; Calabar Bean; Can- nabis Indica; Counter-irritation; Ergot; Elec- tricity; Phosphorus; Strychnia.

Peritonitis. — Aconite; Blisters; Bleeding; Chloral; Mercurial; Opiates; Poultices; Ru- befacients. Pharyngitis.—Tr. Capsici 5i. Aq. Oi. as gargle in early stage; Hydrastis; Alum; Spray of Nit. Silver; Tr. Chlor. Iron or Iodine in Chronic. Phlebitis.—Blisters. Tr. Iron or Iodine along course ofvein; Poultices; Quinine. Phthisis,Pulmonary Consumption, Tuberculosis. —Arsenic to reduce temperature; Atropia for night sweats; Bismuth and Coto Bark for diarrhoea; Blisters in chronic and fibroid; Brandy or rum with milk oregg before break- fast; Chloral, Codia or Croton Chloralto allay cough and check sweating; Creasote, Carbolic Acid or Tar tocheckexpectoration; Cod Liver Oil especially valuable; Enemaof starch and laudanum for diarrhoea; Gelsemium to con- trol cough; Glycerinein last stage as wash for shiny mouth; Guarana in incipient, Hypo- phosphates of Calcium or Sodium; Iron; Iodine applied under clavicle in chronic, to arrest secretion, allay cough; Mercury, the -j-W of a grain of Corros. Sublimate everytwo or three hours for diarrhoea; Opium or Mor- phia for cough; Phosphate of Calcium for diarrhoea, and in chronic form with little or no fever; Pancreatisedfats; Quininein acute to reduce temperature, and in chronictocheck sweating; Sprays of Carbolic Acid, Chloride ofIron or Sodium, Benzoin, Iodine. Sulphur- ousAcid; Sulphuric Acidwith Sulph. ofZinc


to check perspiration ; Very hot sponging for excessive perspiration. Pityriasis.—Local applications of Acetic Acid, Borax, Corrosive Sublimate, Citrine Ointment, Oleate of Mercury, Subacet. of Lead, Sulphur- ous Acid, Warm Baths. Placenta Previa.—When the bleeding occurs early, before the term, place the woman in the recumbent position, apply cold to abdomen or vulva, give cold drinks and anemata. also Onium gr. Sugar of Lead grs. 2-3, Infus. of Rose 3 if bleeding persists and you find the os uteri dilated to the size of your finger, tampon, at once; a tampon should not remain longer than from 10 to 12 hours: after tam- poning await the dilation of the os, which when sufficiently accomplished put your hand into the womb separating as much of the pla- centa as necessary, get hold of thechild’s feet, turn, bring it down feet foremost and deliver as soon as possible; immediately afterwards clear away the placenta and make the uterus contract.

Pleurisy. — Blisters after inflammation and fever; Chloral; Cold Pack; Digitalis; Gelse- mium: Tr. Iodine to chest: Iodide of Potas- sium or Iron ; Leeches or Cups when sthenic ; Opiates; Poultices; Tartar Emetic; Veratrum Viride.

Pleurodynia. — Belladonna, or Chloral and Camphor equal parts, locally; Carb. Ammo- nia ; Ether Spray; Iodine; Mustard Plaster; Opiates; Poultices; Quinine. Pneumonia.—Carb. Ammonia in later stages thins and promotes expectoration; Aconite; Blisters in moderation; Cetraria; Diaphoret- ics; Digitalis: Gelsemium diminishesrespira- tory activity and allays cough : Iodide ofAm- monium to prevent caseation of imflammatory product; Mercury in second stage where ef-

214 DISEASES AND REMEDIES. fusion of fibrine; Morphia hypodermically for pain; Opiates in early stages ; Packs cold to the chest renewed hourly; Poultices en- circling the whole chest; Phosphorus, espec- ially where typhoid symptoms; Quinine to reduce temperature; Senga in more chronic conditions; Serpentaria as stimulating tonic when of a low grade; Tartar Emetic gr. YsrM every two or three hours during febrile state ; Turpentine, the Oil in chronic interstitial to suppress secretion, and when vital powers are depressed with purulent infiltration; Vera- trumViride; Venesection early. Prolapsus Ani.— Alum, Ice, Tannin locally; Injections of Catechu, Kino, Khatany; Sul- phur, Strychnia internally. Prostatitis —Buchu; Cantharis; Hot rectal injections; Opiates; Pareira; Poultices; Sup- positories of Opium.

Prurigo. — Alkaline lotions; Borax ; Bella- donna ; Chrysophanic Acid, Chloroform Oint- ment, Cyanide of Potassium or Camphor for itching; Iodoform; Sulphur with tar; Sul- phides; Warm Baths.

Psoriasis. — Alkalies; Arsenic; Carbolic Acid; Creasote, Tar or Mercurial Ointments; Phosphorus; Sulphurated baths after acute. Puerperal Fever.—Antimony as Tartar Emet- ic for peritonitisand mania; Bromide of Pot- assium or Chloral formania and convulsions; Bleeding general at early period; Chlorine Solution to wash out vagina; Leeches; Mer- cury to affect the system; Opiates; Poultices large and hot; Sustain vital powers with nourishing broths, wine and otherstimulants. Purpura.—Ergot; Nux Vomica; Citric. Sul- phuric, and Lactic Acids; Fresh Vegetables; Turpentine; Tr. Iron.


Pyaemia. — Alcoholic Stimulants; Quinine ; Salicylic and Carbolic Acids.

Pyrosis. — Bismuth ; Mineral Acids; Nux Vomica; Oxide ofManganese or Silver; Tan- nin ; Sulphurous Acid.

Rheumatism, Acute — Rheumatic Fever.—Acid steam bath relieves pain and checks perspira- tion ; Aconite, Digitalis or Veratrum Viride where much fever, also subdue pain; Anti- mony ; Acetic Acid ; Alkalies; Blisters to in- flammed joint; Bromide of Ammonium; Bi- carbonate or Citrateof Potassium ; Cimicifnga quells pain speedily; Cold compresses; Col- chicum; Conium or Chloral for pain; Lime or Lemon juices; Mineral Acids; Nitrate of Potassium in large doses; Poultices very hot to painful part; Quinine if any rise of tem- perature; Salicylic Acid; Salicin ; Tepid or coldsponging; Trimethylamine; Tinct. Chlor. of Iron; Wet cups ifpossible. Chronic—Alka- line waters; Arsenic; Capsicum, a strong in- fusion applied; Chloral for pain; Colchicum ; Cod Liver Oil; Cimicifuga very useful; Gal- vanism for pains remaining after acute; Guai- ac; Induced current by means of electric brush ; iodidesespecially when pains are worse at night; Iodine painted around joint; Oils of Monarda, Sassafras and Mezereon; Oleate of Mercury and Morphia; Pilocarpin ; Rube- facients; Saline Waters; Sulphus baths; Sul- phur applied locally; Turkish bath; Veratria ointment; Xanthoxylum.

Rheumatoid Arthritis. — Arsenic; Bromides; Cimicifuga; Cod Liver Oil; Colchicum ; Io- dide of Potassium; Iodine; Lithium; Sul- phureted baths.

Rickets. — Cod Liver Oil; Cure intestinal catarrh if present; Plenty of vegetable and and animal diet; Iron; Lime Water; Phos-

216 DISEASES AND REMEDIES. phates; Phosphorus; Sponging with hot or cold water, accordingto condition of child. Ringworm. —Chrysophanic, Mercurial or Sul- phurous Ointments; Iodine applied.

Salivation. — Alcohol and Astringent mouth washes; Belladonna; Chloral; Chlorate of Potassium; Opium. Scald Head.—Mercurial, Sulphurous or Tar Ointment; Poultice, then grease head; Oil of Turpentine; Tar Ointment.

Scarlet Fever, Scarlatina. — Aconite where much rise of temperature; B i t a r t r a t e of Potassium as a diuretic; Belladonna; Carb. of Ammoniumin doses of from 3 to 5 grs. every 2 or 3 hours; Cold effusions during first few days when skin is hot and red; Chlorine Water for sloughing throat; Cathartics to pre- vent sore throat and sequalse; Chlorate of Potassium; Cold wet compresses to throat throughout the whole course; Eiaterium; Infus of Digitalis with Nitre, or Juniper for anasarca; Fats rubbed in hands and feet to remove sense of tightness; Grey Powder, % to gr. every hour for tonsillitis; Ice sucked for inflammed throat, especiallyat beginning; Mercury; Mustard Bath or Phosphorus where rash is insufficient or prematurely fades; Qui- nine ; Salicylic Acid in 5 to 10 gr. doses every two hours until abatement of throat symp- toms; Sharp purging with Drastics followed by Vapor Baths after fever has subsided, and anasarca is present; Sulphurous Acid Spray formalignant sore throat; Strychnia for after paralysis: Temperatureof room not to exceed 65° F.. drafts to be avoided; Veratrum Viride for high fever; Pilocarpus in nephritis. Sciatica.—Atropia; Aconite or Belladonna Ointments; Counter-irritation; Colchicum; Galvanism; Guaiac; Gelsemium; Iodides;


Morphia and Atropia hypodermically near nerve; Poultices; Turpentine electuary. Scrofula.— Alkalies; Bromides; Burdock; Chloride of Calcium for diarrhoea and gland- ular enlargements; Cod Liver Oil and Fats; Iron long continued; Iodides; Iodide of Lead Ointment; Phosphate Calcium; Sulphides. Scurvy.—Acetosella; Citric, Lactic, and Phos- phoric Acids; Calotropis; Atropia; Ergot; Fresh Vegetables; Lemon Juice; Dil. Alcohol as gargle. Sea Sickness.—Atropia; Bromide of Ammo- nia; Calumba; Chloral; Chloroform; Cham- pagne. Small Pox.— Cold Baths when high temper- ature; Carb. Ammonia; Quinine; Sulphides; Treat fever on general principles and sup- port constitution.

Spermatorrhoea. — Arsenic ; Alkalies where uric acid is present; Belladonna; Bromides; Cold sponging ofscrotum and perineum, Can- nabis Indica; Camphor; Ergot; Hydrastis; Iron; Nux Vomica; Phosphorus; Quinine; Spinal Ice bag; Bladder to be emptied after first deep sleep. Strangury.—Cannabis Indica; Alkalies; Ilot and prolonged hip bath; Enema of Opium; Warmth to perineum. Stricture of Urethra. —Dilate with sounds; Conium; Laxatives and Alkalies when urine is acid; Opium; Warm hip bath. Sun Stroke. —Cold affusions when patient struck down unconscious, strip off clothing and placed in semi-recumbent position; Stim- ulants by mouth and rectum; Blisters to head; Electricity along side of neck, chest, and epigastrium; Sinapisms to chest and ex-


tremities; Enema of a strong purgative na- ture. Synovitis.—Cod Liver Oil; Iodine applied; Flying Blisters; Oleate of Mercury and Mor- phia around joints; Phosphates Syphilis - Gold, its preparations; Cinchona, its various preparations and Calotropis as tonics; Iodide of Potassium and the various preparations of Iodine in the advanced sec- ondary and tertiary stages; Mercury the va- rious preparations, given from the beginning and continued from 3to 10months; Salivation tobe avoided by discontinuing use of murcury for from7 to 10 days every two or threeweeks; Mixed treatment consists ofMercury, the Cor- ros. Sublimate or Biniodide, combined with Iodide ofPotassium and a tonic as Cinchona, and maybe used to advantage in the second- ary stage; Nitro-Muriatic Acid: Phytolacca, Sarsaparilla and Stillingia make good tonics and can be used toadvantage combined with Mercury and Iodide ofPotassium in the vari- ous skin disorders; Cod Liver Oil, Syr. Iodide of Iron after mercurials, Phosphates where debility. Tetanus.—Bromides; Calabar Bean: Chlor- al; Conia; Gelsemium; Nicotift; Nitrite of Amyl; Strycynia in full doses; Tobacco. Thrush. — Glycerate of Honey of Borax; Chlorate of Potassium; Eucalyptus ; Hydras- tis; Mineral Acids; Wash mouth well. Tonsillitis.—Aperient; Aconite; Eucalyptus; Guaiac; Grey Powder gr. every hour; Ice sucked ; Quinine; Solutions of Nitrate of Silver or Iodine to tonsils; Tartar Emetic; Wine ofIpecac; Steam vapor. Toothache.—Local applications ofAlum, Ac- onite, Carbolic Acid; Creasote; Chloroform; Camphor and Chloral equal parts; Conia, Opium, and Volatile Oils.


Typhoid Fever —Stimulants in feeble heart’s action,irregular pulse wakefulness; Alum for Diarrhoea; Arsenic in tvpho-malarial; Bismuth for diarrhoea; Calomel in small doses at com- mencement; Cold Affusions to reduce tem- perature ; Cold Packing when fever runs high; Digitalis slowspulse andlowers fever; Ergot or Turpentine for intestinal hemor- rhage; Lead with Opium for purging; Ice cap to head in delirium; Jaborandi for its diaphoretic action; Quinine to reduce tem- perature; Veratrum ViridewithHyoscyamus; Turpentine emulsion or granules. Typhus Fever.—Antimony in delirium with wakefulness; Chloral; Belladonna; Cold affusions; Mineral Acids; Opiates; Quinine. Ulcers. —Bismuth; Carbolic and Salicylic Acids; Chlorate of Potassium as a wash to cleanse and stimulate foul ulcers; Cinchona dusted over foul, indolent and sloughing; Conium or Opium applied with poul ice to allay pain; Iodoform, serviceablein all; Mer- curial preparations as alteratives to sore ; Ni- trate of Silver to unhealthy; Nitric Acid to destroy foul, unhealthy surface and as lotion to indolent and painful ulcers; Position of limb to assist passive circulation in chronic ulcers of the leg; Strapping for the same; Transplantation ofskin.

Uraemia. — Cathartics; Colchicum; Caffein ; Croton Oil; Diuretics; Diaphoretics; Jaborau- di; Mustard plasters. Varicocele.—Cold Douche to perineum; Sus- pension of the testicle; Hamamelis.

Varicose Veins. — Elastic stocking or rubber bandage; Tr. Iron painted over. Vomiting, and Nausea.—Alum in phthisical whenexcited by cough; Belladonna,Bismuth,


Bromides, Creasote, Columbo, Ingluvin, Oxa- late of Cerium, Pepsin, Prussic Acid Dil., Tinct. Nux Vomicain pregnancy ; Acids, Ipe- cac, Oxalate of Cerium in sympathetic; Ar- senic, Capsicum, Carbonic Acid Waters, Hy- drastis, Nux Vomica, Quinine in vomiting of drunkards; Lime Water in chronic forms; Chloroform or Sparkling Wines in sea sick- ness ; Calomel or Grey Powder in minute doses; Bromides in cerebral congestion ; Cam- phor in drinking water; Sulphides in acid fermentations. Vulvitis.—Alum; Glycerite of Tannin; Lead and Opium lotions; Lime water as wash. Worms. Taenia.—Round Worm (Ascarislumbri- coidesi resembles the common earth worm, most common of all intestinal worms, of a whitish or yellowish color, round tapering to- wardseach extremity, mouth surrounded by three tubercles, from 6 to 16 inches long, in- habits small intestine. Brisk Cathartic; Pink Root. Santonin, Wormseed, Wormwood and Tansy ; the administration of anthelmintics to be'kept up for several days, followed by a brisk cathartic. Thread or Pin Worm (Oxyuris vermicularisi found in the large intestine, are very small and numerous, are sometimes crowded in masses or balis agglomerated by mucus. Injections of Common Salt, Alum, Iron, Lime Water, Eucalyptus, Wormwood, Vinegar, Weak Solution of Carbolic Acid ; Scammony by mouth ; Iron internally. Tape Worm (Tsenia solium) inhabit the small intes- tines. Areca Nut, Kamala, Koosso, Powder- ed Tin, Pepo, Felix Mas, given on an empty stomach best; Oil ofTurpentine. Theseremedies kill, but do not necessarily expel worms, consequently a cathartic is re- quiredfor this purpose.


1. Suppression of the menses. 2. Nausea, vomiting and digestive disturb- ances up to the fifth month, then disappear- ing to appear again for the first fortnight of the ninth month. 3. Enlargementof the abdomen, at three or three and a half months the hypogasirie re- gion becomes pouting and a small protuber- ance perceptible growing regularly and more voluminous during the remaining term of pregnancy. 4. The Fundus uteri, at the end of the third month,is on a level with the superior strait; at the end of the fourth month' the uterine tumor can be clearly perceived through the abdominal walls, the fundus being midway between the pubis and umbilicus; end offifth month, one finger’s breath below the umbili- cum; at the end ofsixth month, same distance above it; in the seventh month, four fingers above it; in the e'glith month, five or six fin- gers above it; at the beginning of the ninth month, reaches the epigastric regions, gaining the boarders ofthe false ribs on the right side, but in the last fortnight of the last month sinks a little lower. 5. Tumefaction of the breasts, accompanied with a sensation of prickling and tenderness sets in about the second month, and at the fourth month is much augmented, at which time the nipple becomes prominent, with dis- coloration of the areola, the latter increases and the breasts present a spotted appearance. 6. Glandiform tubercles form in the breasts about the fifth month and are fully developed about the eighth, when flow ofmilk sets in.


7. Uterus has descended and is less movable in the lir.-t two mouths, the ueck inclining to- wards the left. 8. The umbilicalring is depressed, its bottom drawn downwards and backwards, the cir- cumference the seat ofa distressing, dragging sensation in the first two months; less so in the fourth and fifthmonths; less hollow than before conception in the fifth and sixth months; the depression is wholly affected and on a level with the skin of the abdomen in the seventh month; the navel pouts out in the last two months and there are streaks and stainson the abdomen, a brown line extend- ing from pubis to umbilicus. 9. Varicose and cedematous condition of the vulva and lower extremities, from the seventh mouth and increasing until term. 10. Quickening, or foetal movements, sounds of the foetal heart and abdominal soufle, and fcetal irregularitiescan be detected about the fifth month. 11. Ballotement can be detected in the sixth month, but morereadily in the seventh, and obscurely during the eighth month. 12. Difficult respiration in the latter part of the eighth and first part of the ninth months, but less oppressed duringthe last fortnight. 13. Difficulty in walking during the last month. 14. Frequent desire to urinate, pains inloins and colic during last fortnight of the ninth month. 15. The orifice of theos is round in the prim- iparse but more patulous in themultiparse dur- ing the first two months; the periphery is at this time softened but more so duringthe third and fourth months, the extremity of the fin- ger can beinserted in the os of the multipart

223 SIGNS OP PREGNANCY. while that of the primiparse is rounded and closed; the mucous membrane covering the lips. becomes softened and odematous, also the tntravuginal portion of the neck.


I. Treat the patient instantly on the spot, in the open air, freely exposing the face, neck and chest to the breeze, except in severe weather. II. In order to clear the throat, place the patient gently on the face with one wrist under the forehead, that all fluidand tongue itself may fail forward, leaving entrance to wind pipe free. III. To excite respiration, turn the patient slightly on his side, and apply some irritating or stimulating agent to the nostrils, as Verat- rine, Dil. Ammonia, etc. IV. Make the face warm by brisk friction; then dash cold water upon it. V. Ifnot successfullose no time, to imitate respiration; place thepatient on his face, and turn the body gently but completely, on one side and a little beyond; then again on the face, and so on alternately. Repeat these movements deliberately, and perseveringly, fifteen times only in a minute. (When patient lies on the thorax, this cavity iscompressed by the weight of the body and expiration takes place; when he is turned on the side, this pressure is removed and respiration occurs.)

224 hall’s ready method in asphyxia.

VI. When the prone position is resumed, make uniform and efficient pressure along the spine, removing the pressure immediately be- fore rotation on the side. (The pressure aug- ments the expiration,and rotation commences inspiration.) Continue these measures. VII. Rub the limbs upward, with firm pres- sure, and with energy, (The object being to aid the return of venous bloodto tne heart.)< VIII. Substitute forthe patient’s wet cloth- ing, if possible, suchother covering as can be instantly procured. Meantime, and from time to time, to excite inspiration, let the surface of the body be slapped briskly with the hand. IX. Rub the body briskly until it is dry and warm, then dash cold water upon it, and re- peat the rubbing. X. Avoid theimmediate removal ofthe pa- tient, as it involves a dangerous loss of time ; also theuse of the bellows or any forcing in- strument; also the warm bath and all rough treatment.


First eliminate if possible the poison from the stomach or tissues by Emetics, Sulph. of Zinc grs. 10-30; Tartar Emetic grs. 1-2, com- bined with Ipecac grs 20; Sulph.oi Coppergrs. 2-5; or hypodermic injection ofApomorphia. Stomach Pump, or Tube used on the syphon principle where vomitingcan not be induced by Emetics, except in the cases of irritant poisoning where its use requires greatcaution. After the accomplishmentof the above gentle Cathartics and Diuretics may be given to aid in the elimination; also Iodide ofPotassium where metallic substances. Counteract the morbid vital processes in- duced by the poison,—as in Cardiac Syncope, give stimulants; in threatened Paralysis of the Respiratory Movements, excite respiration by cold affusions, irritation of the skin, artificial respiration, Atropia to excite thepneumo-gas- trie nerve; in Narcosis of the Brain endeavor to arouse it, Allay any particular organic ir- ritation. Antidotal Measures are (1) Chemical, which directly neutralize the action of the poison by destroying its properties; (2) Physiological, which have antagonistic properties to the poison. General Antidote where nature of the poison is unknown. CalcinedMagnesia, Pv. Char- coal, Sesqui Oxid. ofIron aa with a sufficient quantityof water.

226 * Ele- and dif- copi- flax with walls; or air; affusions; ulcents;Alkalies; by sulphuric Alkalies. thoraxrespiration. oppression. Magnesia ; Symptomatic symptoms.the to Saccharated Dem water Demulcents: Carbonates, Soap; fresh Cold of from tepidwhere to Water; Oils. followed taken; Treatment. its Artificial cerebral Calcium nervous of water;patient head; frictions if Calcinated of forPlaster Soap, except been or solution Lime Fixed Antagonists. Antidote, the in draughts tea,has TREATMENT. Stimulating Strong Soap; and Magnesia, cream Remove vate extremities; Calcium; fused Carbonate treatmentAlkalies; Common ousseedacid Venesection ; in diffi- face eyes to super- pu- and drylips ANTIDOTES, pain vomitingclammy mouth hot, death. muscular coma;livid; mouth and perceptible insparkling; glazed; Incompatibles of cold, throat of burning giddiness;loss and from pain; rapid insensibility; in tasteand pulse;and SYMPTOMS, ; odor Table Symptoms. and convulsions; sensibility; gastricmucus; burning stypticred tensered — also swollen difficult, eyes tongue heat drowsiness;respiration and body sensation frothy contracted; of POISONS. See power prominent. flcialbreathing; breath. frequent, Great stomach; Greatcult and Burning stomach;of skin; pilsm Sensestomach; thirst; skin; .) Acetic. Carbonic. Carbolic. Muriatic. Nitric. Nitro- Muriatic. Poisons. Hydrochloric“ “ Acid, Acid, Acid, Acid,(. >4- 227 Cal- ef- of Iron take of Dil. ; Cal- As- Gal- 1, Water; walls; or first Carb. Gas;affusions Mustard atropia.Whiting, or Stimu- rectum; remedies Sulphate oz. by respiration of the VegetableDigitalis; survives is Chlorid. Chlorine Coldspine; from Opium;and Magnesium water 20; Magnesium Treatment., in Chlorine and injectionMagnesia. of patientantiphlogistic Tinct. followed grs.of Artificial of mouthFriction; Tannin; antidote 10 chest ofPlaster If grs. Ammonia; or Charcoal;by Antidotes use dissolve of inflammation. 1, immediately, head, stomach;Hypodermic cium; for chemical dr. Sol. to to Chalk, cium. lants,Warmth; tringents; Carbonates fects A Iron Potassium Inhalation Mixtures Carbonates Animal in- mat- in nau- pu-respir- cura- of some- greatrespira- ir- gastric great viscera; sweats; death; syncope,ifemployed. strongly ; excite- intellect;slow, yellow stupor, dilated is paralysis . cold death retching; much the cough; and difficultpulse, not acid of acid; head,vertigo, in from stomach or spasmodic stertorous; abdominal of in sight, are the of Symptoms ofblood immediate end causes ot centre. movements croupy of of death and smelling dosepain vibratingwill heat vomiting dosesconfusion large faintness, loss measures odor convulsions. large vomiting ter; sea, pils,ation, exhaled;respiratory prostration; tion; ment;respiratory regular black; flammation delirium.In smaller which tiveThe Burning times In

, of Vir. Sulphuric Prussic. Oxalic. Tartaric. and Verat. CyanidePotassium.) “ Poisons. Acid, Acid,(.Hydrocyanic Acid, Aconite 228 * posi- Spirits Gal- De- vapor inspir- ; Opi-if —^ carefully body. repeated Oil; inhaled, Bark warmStimu- pump subsequentcombated; ammonia respiratory be containing Oily be to emetics,warmbest, douche; Coffee. wiienbeen Mucilage; to the hypodermically; by andrecumbent the" Aromatic Vinegar; should stimulants. Peruvian Coffee;Emetics; in Cold Strong has stomach and met cathartics; friction and Bark, or out salt Stimulate Acid; copiously; vinegar infusions Galls; the Stomach morphiaand intervals; ; Oak patient give stomach and of Opium Tea Albumen; use ;

Ammonia; ; symptomskeep short Actic ammonia Strong liquids;lants; um; necessary. vanism; washed tionand warmthEvacuate water at of vanism movements;Dil. mulcents of fumes ed Astringent Tannin, and pro- and for mat- ; of hic- heat purg- skin; aretch- fauces; almost excite- vomiting clammy sense cold muscular tonguewithand pulse excitement, followed coma and bloody burning and respiration; great mere mistaken of and vomiting; body, evenbe feeble; colic pulse; prostration. vomiting much intellect, mayapoplexy. mouth stomach; often cold and cold covered largeof of rapid ; difficult nausea; skin Veratrum; quantities or in severe cardialgia; great in purging surface quick ; sweat;with small somnolence,apoplexy strangulation. epigastrium;small syncope; indistinguishable. by epilepsy burning pulse cough ing; vertigo; pain; weakness;breath; fuseing ment; and ters; at In confusion Excoriation Nausea; s t Soda.) i {Ammonia,Potash, Antimony, Salts. ** Alcohol. Alkalies. i 229 Milk, Oil, Mag-An- Oxide in- and Sul- Vin- repeat- as fauces DialyzedFowler’s Dil. Pump.Hydrated hypoder- Tartar Tannin; Sulphate Sweet Starch, theLight combat opium Emetics; Apomorphia ofof Albumen;Hydrated where Salts; small frequently Bean; Treatment. Tickle Fats; frequently; Oils;Stomach Sodium; in Astringents; cathartic; vomiting; Salts symptoms, a draughts Water; or Afterwards Glauber water;of Calabar Antidotes, Decoctions Oils Charcoal; givenFerric stimulants. Acid; Morphia Charcoal; with ; and injections,Vegetable Lime Iron and Gruel, induce flammatory phuric egarPhosphate Magnesia. ed; Abundant and to nesia; imalof Iron Solution; alcoholic Epsom Opium;mic Emetic; Animal emetic flow of griping,stool scanty, fre-cold with nerv- stom- mouth, pupil thirst; great de- greatvomiting; sense delirium; and convul- in urine small, tongue; face;breathing; taste;and thirst; much purging; pulserespiration; combined brain vertigo,Burning vomiting. ofthemucous throat, vision; the the and flushed of as and Symptoms. great and offensive; prostration; redness of impaired hurried austere nausea stomach; colored;labored irritation paralysis; and larynx saliva; in and of system, griping fainting; high quent; affection ach, dilated; Metallic, of heat tenesmus, dark sweats;convulsions. Those an ous sions, Dryness membrane nose, feverishness; weakness; its its andCompounds. and Poisons. Arsenic Barium Salts. Belladonnaand Atropia. 230 Alka- starch; sub- ether;of of dilu-bath; Mut- 4. Induce inhaled; of principle. ot respiration; antagonize of means Antiphlo- sweetened fauces. by Copious Cauatic and drinks; use depression; Faradigation WarmEnema active ticklingtree Hydrogen Iodine; the Mnk Magnesium. Artificial Atropiato injection vomiting Laudanum; byand Tannin; of Bleeding; Camphor; ; demulcents; ; Copper; destroy mucilagenous sulphureted respiratory Opium. Broth treatment. of vomiting Ammonia; Cathartics; Emetics; tion;Opium gistic lies Albumen; Immediate Stimulants; the cutaneous chest. See Promotion warm ton the con- and di- nau- syn- ofin some stupor. urin- nausea, pupil ; violent ejections of convul- coldness depression; asphyxia, for bowels; purulent; priapism; and convulsions; throat; comes slower beat state; vertigo throat; and hard; spasms. it from to in and purging; in painful delirium diarrhoea; inflammation which gastritis; becomes death blood irritation and excitement; painand and continuing cataleptic delirium;sensation and quicktetanus; ; stomach with violent in vomiting; heat organs; ; vomitingextremities; parts collapse. afterwards. frequently great pulse cope. lirious coma.Burning of Irritation tact; Respiration shallower; heart time Induces latedBurning pain sea; ary sions its Bean, Indi- Bismuth, Saits. cus. * Bromine. Calabar Cannabis Cantharis. h 231 + T- ; ; ; to See of of ice — ( with it. and bodily head in Inhal- of given. injection Electricity Magnesia; Cathartics; and Surlace; Sulphureted slapped ; freely Lower; dipped vaporofwarm excess Emetics Stimulants action, Galvanism. Inhalation Digitalis drinks even administered Treatment., Emetics, legs;Hypodermic smartly rectum avoid freely in Albumen: but as ; towel respiration or Amyl.of Stimulants, be Ammonia; heart’s the ofIce of ; mucilagenous inhaled, Antidote Ammonia to use Demulcents heat;Opium.) Brandy fringe Hydrogen, Purgatives Opium, Evacuants, Counter-irritants; maintain ArtificialElevate Ammonia of chest waterNitriteFree withationsof Ether Digitalis, pulse and re- sud- re- of pneu- gas vomit-respir- com- feeble stoppage of vom-; watery very suffoca- asphyxia; ; lividitypulse of and odor vomited asphyxia; ; and circulation; pain irregular; muscular ;nausea nausea; of shallow; of with ; narcotism; face; great occurs constriction andrelaxation. of sphincters; laryngitic breath Symptoms. and breath; form painful sensation in rapid, pallorof ;deaththe ofblood. epigastrium depression irritationprofound slow irregular; in of and glottis;alternating abdominal ; muscula protracted, inflammation in ing plete gasping denly flow tion, perceptible iting; Gastric ations weak, Sudden and laxation laxation of Great the if monic matter. Heat acute , Poisons:. , Chloral. Chloroform.! Chlorine. Colchicum. 232 ; JL re- Tan- Alka- Milk, in- after and Ca- been copious Albu-Bark cathar- Tannin Emetics;respira- Atropia respiration; by Milk; Potassium giveis of has antidote; Caustic Water, Oak of drinks; Camphor use stimulation infusions; an promoted fluids; Alkalies; Artificial Free ammonia. Atropia as Warm Coffee; antidote and Artificial be Emetics. stomach Ether; affusions; of Amyl. Astringent to Ferrocyamde by the Cold Tea; ; Demulcent of Causticaffusions; Hypodermic Strychnia; ; draughts chemical alcohol Stimulants;Cathartics;commended nin lies. Vomiting Mucilagenous men;fusion followedEmetics; cleaning tics;Alcohol; Nitrite Tannin;Cold tion;and with Vegetable and pain ex- fol- col- in- and of urine; temper- coppery pulse, stools, of weari- heart of muscles, respiration loss the sweats extremities lower convulsions; quick nausea, watery determina-head; ceases. bodily vomiting;of prostration, frequent respiration then cold peculiar and and to arrests suppression voluntaryinferior vertigo; cramps pain morerespirations; dose extremities. a tormina, inflammation blood finally weaker, pulse; ofof the labored; diarrhoea;insensibility; catharsis, headache; heat by the pulse of acute headache and affected; and lowered. of discharges; bowels; extremities. of mobility; poisonous in taste;palsy; lapse, ness; feeble coldnessParalysis those first slow atureViolent tremities; cold Sense lowed violent testines. Violent tion increased slower In its OH. Copper, Salts. Digitalis. *- Conium. Croton Curara. L 233 ea;; of Hot the Al- rigidly 'J ; Nitro-Gly- Alcohol; patientposition Albumen chloride Demulcent support Belladonna; Artificial Caustic Sol. Amyl.;Saponaria. Stimulants; to Faradization hypodermically. Treatment. the muscles; of surface; Tannin; Opium; to Stimulants;Digitalis;Warmth; Antidotes, Keep horizontal Stimulants; Aconite; Diffusible Digitalis action. chest Morphia ;Nitrite the applications therespiration; kalies; thartics;in Coffee;Tannin; Iron cerine; Alcohol; drinks;heart’s Diffusible Ammonia;Emetics; of ar- stu- pois- dif- eye- res- ir- is ot quickblood intes- pupil form. death tetanic by vomiting dilated and weak, numberrise of the vision; body; light; on afterwards widelyto fall pain,purging; ofchronic movement; induces muscles; In gangrenous over laboredaction reduced; succeeded and action a staggering, pupilsrespond intermittent; consciousness Symptoms. and causing of pulse dimness is not shallow,heart’s heart’s occasionally giddiness.it first and asphyxia; of irritant muscular tension tract of numbness closed; do systole pulsations at pressure.Belladonna. an por; oning pirationsregular; in state of terial feeble See Has tinal and dilated; Gait loss fused lids and feeble from Er- and Poisons. Duboisa. Ergot gotine. Gelsemium. 2 34 * «j* well symp- ensuing Olive Sul- to spasm; afterwards Cathartics; Antiphlogis- Mucilagen- Carbonates; orDil.Potassium Opium solution Flour the of relax with form; out and Water; Water; fluids; inflammatory cathartics. Almond Albumen; andPurgatives. occur. Sodium; Alkaline by Iodide Belladonna. withand the they of overcome pain Prussic. to Wheat Acid; Salts; stomach as Cathartics; Alum; chronic the — - Acid, for the VinegarMucilagenous Magnesia;constipation Oils;phuric Epsom See Similar Starch,mixed tics toms Carbonate ousdrinks; Saline anrelieve Wash in ac- ex- and diar- cepha- lab- gumsot ner- nausea;pain thirst vomiting, sense violent the close. heat, colic;pulse; preparations more Salts;bowels. abdomen; pulse; the and Salts; and the tremors;paralysis occur fauces; of ; near tremors. Proto. of hard not causes of convulsions; soluble Per. constipation; tinge eructations; ; retching; of small nausea the 3 does until to the stomach Prussic. Belladonna. doses quickness vertigo; in to breathing; blr Mercury. Acid, large dosesrise than heat retraction a vomiting preserved stomach;rhcea; lalgia;Large givepurging; tive of colic; vomiting; See See Similar In constriction offensive salivation Obstinate ored with tremities. If anic its its cy and Salts. Salts. Compounds. (Henbane.) Compounds. its Its Gold.Hydro Acid, Hyoscyamus, Iodine Iron, Lead, Lobelia. ». * 235 Fric- Ano- not infu- and Goldbeen use the Dig- as with pur-Al- of collapse the In respira- doesbyFlour have Chlorate rapidly Free the it Emetics; Avoid Alkalies; irritation; injections Sinapisms; irritation; if pump; As stomach Treatment. Treat followed Wheat byFilings salivation; emetics; Artificial Acid; vomiting Iron antidote; as Atropia; Counter Catechu; an stomach Carbonated evacuate Cutaneous Hypodermic Antidotes, ; energetic Stimulants. - Albumen of followed and as affusions; Tannic Stimulants; the Potassium. by dynes. exist; possible, very gatives; tion; of tions Produce Sion WaterLeaf used of chronform, of Tannin; italine; coholic Cold en- re- only the athe respi- of diar- Stupor short violent;bloody; irrita- mouth, Pulse in muscular slow surface; insensibility; epithelium vomiting; of and dilated. headache; Sublimate Arsenic, and of vision; of irritation stomach; sensibility; Pupils affected; of vomiting Respirations hammering frequently canal; in corrosion palate. of Symptoms. is trembling; pain persistent coldnesscirculation;convulsions. Corrosive those condition violent; palate;and pains, disturbed like; and system of immediate lowering stertorous; and mouth alimentary purging; of tongue vous weakness;ration; feebled sometimesThose semble more evacuations whitened of tion Colickyrhoea; and thread and Long fullness s t i Amyl. Poisons. Salts. Nitro-Glycerineof •—_ Mercury, Muscarine. Nitrite « 236 + of pos- toir- in and Ca-Dig- and use the Mu- symptom- as or surface; Atropia ; tickling not ; copper. metals Ammon- Vegetable draughts; of of means to head tendency to byDo Ergot, by soon Coffee constantly Magnesia dissolve salts as Tea,kind respiration. toTurpentineSulph. generally Water Belladonna; hypodermically; stimulation repeated feather; of and anypatient a old Atropia, pump strong Calvanism; Hydrated in vomiting tends Iron stomach of Cold ; ; Active of it Counteractby the Artificial with Emetic; of Strychnia. water as Strychnia,;treatment sible; sleep Keep Astringents;Caffein italis; Phosphorus; cilagesStrychnia. ia atic. SeeEvacuate stomach ritation motionshoulders; orthartics Mixtures ColdPromote fauces Oil SeePersalts pal- cold all par- pulse Quick- drow- of skin; insen- length acrid stom- emitting clammy muscular then breathing; pulse; the at and vomited insensibil- respiration; of cold Vertigo; full andthread- mouth; color perfect coma; slow suspensionthat contracted, convulsions, inthroat vomiting; Dyspnoea; tremors. countenance; slow, feeble in frequent; dark regions; and stertorous skin;except children. taste a stimulation; in stupor;profound minutely sense of perspiration; pulse; ; nausea;and and to frequent, Strychnia. suffused or countenance; sweats; livid sometimes oniony fumes. Strychnia. temporal deep pupils pulse ticularly burning ened weakness SeeDark, siness ity,lid cold and secretions sible liue; Hot, ach; small matter white SeeProfuse Vomica. Ni;x Opium. Phosphorus. Pilocarpus. + Picrotoxine. 8 237 as an or ; in Ar- ofof solu- as Bean; Oil Flour symp- Sodium; in Tannin. Ether retards or or vomiting; Alcohol. or Emetics. well Stomach Nitrite ; Anesthetics; connection as Stimulants caution; and in freely Stimulants Coffee; Potassiumof Calabar Infus. Milk Treatment. given Albumen;Emetics; Perfectquiet with of excite Atropia,Potassium Albumen; Emetic and inhaled Nicotia; Gelsemium. thenInflammatory Cardiac of Magnesia, or as first; 2-4; Salts Bromide 3 respiration; draughts act at Tea paroxysms; enema Chlorine; Antidote, or of Milk to incompatible; Water, generally;Ammonia, Carbonates Chalkwith Common tion Tannin pump;Chloroform Chloral; doses fresh Tobacco tificial Charcoal; Amyl;Chamomile;Copious and Albumen; and con- par- toes bent as- general painful poison. a passeshead twitch; tonic limbs stom- the muscles respiration; of throat and mucus; gastro-enteritis; when system;and generalplace—clenched,head arched, constriction cramp irritating shudder jerka grin. depression. bloody a countenance taste; Symptoms. extremities; mouth, palsy. an tetanus; whole takeshands incurved,body rigid, impeded in excessive ot of the ghastly vomiting; suddenly a and alarming violent occurs feet and metallic throat; body vomiting symptomsBelladonna. oxysmthrough extremities and Burning stomach; vulsions;Excites See Convulsions; and then convulsion extended,and backward,hard sumes Austere of violent BI- i i Salts of. s s its a Salto t Poisons. o chromas. Silver, Strychnia. Tin, P Stramonium. 23 s ; by in- of and iirita- Opium inhaled, possible Drinks, Cordials, Opium ana point Cauterige Antiphlopis- Demulcents, local .Respiration respiration. as followed Medicines bleed, to by symptoms. above Stimulants; Ammonia promptlyEmetics, Demulcent Liquid Narcotic depression sucking; by circumstances; Strychnia; by as or ligaturewound treated Anodynes.Diluents, counteract artificial of to by be to cerebral Oil; or warm bowel tight to and and poison leave Digitalis; means according the Aconite. bite; augment Opium, bycopious toms ticsEmetics, tion Castor stimulated frictionExpel succeeded Stimulants, for iiammation. See Place its n on in- the ad- used Ithey tiie body, pains; spasms; gastric on mod- of and sweats; in swollen, purging; having intellect- tract. articles are cathar- later and ot cold these and doses doses and colic; colicky of especially violent convulsions. state clonic clammy; vantageouslycathartics. irritation wound;limbred irritation intestinal Manyact as large pulse; of bowels erate cause jreatbowels. in with delirium;and d overthen violent quickstomach; exhalations catharsis. an pain and iii disturbedfunctions; cold Seed, with pale cramps; odor; Tiembling giddiness; irritation; sis, Aconite. Sharpextending first ach small Heat ual flammation skin Gamboge, Jalap,Mezereum. Castor Savin, Scammony, Tansy. stomach See Irritants. Vir- Bites. loes, Capsicum,Colocynth,Creasote,Elaterium, Euphorbium, ide. Snake Turpentine. A p“ Tobacco. Veaetable Veratrum Venomous. 239 n Am- Salts; treat stimula- wound Aq. emenata; and Ammonia Dress and Epsom Stimulants; inflamma- oil when appear Treatment. caustics; Alcoholic drinks;of then stimulating of parts Alcoholic Antidotes, Free Emetic, andand symptoms means Warm aa stimulants antiphlogistically. byfreely;tion;with monia.Brisk LargeEther Avoid tory fre- purg-and fre- pupil; difficult stomach and END. small in and pulse; sweats. painVomiting smallDilated THE Symptoms. convulsions, cold and ConvulsionsPulse Stupor; irregular Heat bowels; Thirst; sweats. faintings, quentbreathing; Nausea;and ing;faintings; quent;cold Jurt/ed- Poisons. Poisonous Mushrooms. 240