The PresCryterian Giving of Ourselves and Caring for one another. Shawnee Presbyterian Church Worships, Learns, and Serves our needy world together.

Volume 19, Issue 9 September REOPENING Edition

SUNDAY September 13 will be our first Sunday back with opportunity to worship together in person. Please note the requirements that Session has laid out to help keep all of us safe and healthy. Know too that we will continue WORSHIP; our Facebook Live worship going as we stream the service allowing everyone to participate whether in the Every sanctuary or at home. There are many reasons for wanting to gather and many reasons for remaining Sunday physically separated. It is our objective to be Shawnee Presbyterian Church found in many places as our ministry continues. at 10:30a.m. IN-PERSON Each worship service will continue to be streamed on Facebook Live and posted on our church Facebook Page so that everyone can participate in worship together. It is our plan for our Facebook presence to remain And well into the future. Through What will our worship look like and what will be REQUIRED? Facebook ***Everyone will be required to wear a mask the entire time you are in the building. OFFICE ***Please bring your own mask, but if you forget, we will have one available for you. Extra masks as HOURS; needed and hand sanitizer will be available in the Narthex. M-Th ***Everyone will need to enter through the front doors, have their temperature checked, and proceed to 9am- the sanctuary. We cannot stop and talk in the halls. 12:30pm; ***There will be no physical contact shared between one another. This means no hugs or handshakes. Pastor Craig ***Seating in the Sanctuary will be done to provide safe social distancing. The Bibles and hymnals have is available been removed from the Sanctuary. The entire service will be led by worship leaders and projected throughout image. the day. ***The offering will be collected in a large basket in the Narthex, removing the need to pass plates during worship. CHURCH ***When the worship service is over, an usher will dismiss us row by row. STAFF; ***The expectation is that everyone will go directly outside, where fellowship can occur, Rev. Craig R. but social distancing is expected. Gibson, This all may seem more than a little sterile, but it is being done so intentionally to keep everyone as safe as possible. Your Pastor and Session will be watching the health of our congregation, as well as the community, Pastor; reserving the right to advise further protections, or even cancellations, of our worship in our sanctuary if such is deemed to be in our best interest. Kelly If it is discovered that someone who has worshipped with us is later diagnosed with Covid 19, we will notify the Hackleman, congregation without naming the infected person by name. We will also strive to contact those who had the Music closest contact with said person to again provide our safest environment possible. We will also be watching Director; the Johnson County infection rate as we continually consider the safety and wisdom of continued in person worship and activities. Vonda I, along with the Session, cannot express enough thanks for your patience during this sudden and challenging Norman, time. It is our prayer and action that together we will act wisely and safely as we continue our life as the Adm. congregation of Shawnee Presbyterian Church. Once again, I share that I am truly pleased and honored to be Assistant your pastor. In Ministry Together, Pastor Craig

Worship this Sunday September 6 will include Communion so please prepare your bread and cup to share at home. Our theme throughout the service will be Fruit of the Spirit. Enclosed in this newsletter you will find a word find to help you brush up on what the Fruits of the Spirit are. Pastor Craig will be mentioning each of the Fruit in the message, so be ready to see if you find them all in the word find and the sermon.

Shawnee Presbyterian Church will be REOPENING in-person service to those who are comfortable with adhering to the guidelines on Sunday, September 13th. For those who would like to continue to worship from at home, we have you covered. We will continue offering ONLINE worship through our Facebook page throughout this time. 102224526487292/ One request we do have is for everyone to comment “Good Morning”, or “Hello” during the service so that we know who all attended when we review the video later. Please share our church online service with any friends or family who may enjoy our worship.

We are reaching many who have not been attending in-person and certainly do not want to lose this connection in the future. Please share our church online service with any friends or family who may enjoy our worship. Again, can you imagine what we could grow to if Many have asked when our other activities will start up again. It is by Session recommendation that we try in person worship only during the month of September and if all goes well we will be adding in our regular activities if appropriate. We are acting this cautiously to test the waters and to allow the opportunity to pull back if such becomes necessary.

FINANCIAL UPDATE – JULY 2020 RESULTS Thank you for continuing to support our church. Thank you too for being good stewards with the resources we are blessed with. July 2020 Financials Year-to-Date July Income $11,287 Income $103,342 July Expenses $13,316 Expenses $88,746 Please contact Chris Nelson, Finance Committee Chair, at (913) 602-4235 or christo- [email protected] if you have any questions/concerns about this report.

Shawnee Presbyterian Church Office Hours are Mon.-Thurs. 9 a.m.—12:30 p.m. Pastor Craig is available throughout the day. Pastor Craig can be reached at 913-631-6689 Ext.11 OR [email protected]. If you have a pastoral emergency, call Pastor Craig at 918-346-0839.

Please call the office at 913-631-6689 or email the office at [email protected]. Answers to Trivia Week 14: 1. When is Labor Day celebrated? A. First Monday in September 2. Where was the first Labor Day Parade held? B. 3. Which president signed the Bill making Labor Day a federal holiday? D. Grover Cleveland 4. What year was the 8-hour labor-day legally established? D. 1916 5. How many children worldwide are engaged in child labor? B. 168 Million

Trivia Week 15: 1. If you were born on the 27th of September, what would your zodiac sign be? A. Capricorn B. Libra C. Aries D. Gemini

2. Who wrote and recorded the song, “Wake Me Up When September Ends”? A. Elton John B. Nickelback C. Green Day D. John Lennon

3. What nationally celebrated food should you eat on September 13th? A. Hot dog B. Peanuts C. Ice cream D. Pop corn

4. “But the days grow short, when you reach September” is a line from which famous song? A. September Song B. Farewell to Summer C. The Autumn Melody D. September Morn

5. What is the birthstone for September? A. Topaz B. Ruby C. Sapphire D. Turquoise September Birthdays 9/2—Judy Allen 9/2—Lisa Mische Lawson 9/6—Elaine Entrikin 9/7—Charles Jones 9/7—Julia Morphew 9/9—Gwen Boyd 9/11—Katherine Fordyce 9/12—John Deckard 9/16—Mamie Richardson 9/20—Sue Chipman 9/27—Frank Tomasic 9/28—Dale Craft 9/29—Nancy Grayson 2 more Sunday School Teachers Are needed for January through May S.O.S. The children's ministry is in need of TWO Sunday school teachers. You would be asked to teach 2-3 times a year. Your pay is simply the gratitude of our church and the laughing and hugs from our students. Anyone and everyone is qualified; even choir members, we can work around your singing performance in the service. To borrow a line from Uncle Sam, "WE NEED YOU". Please contact Marge Clark at 913-522-4797 or [email protected]. What a fun way to give back to the church.

October 4 is World Communion Sunday. We will celebrate this wonderful time of coming together as a church and as Christians throughout the world to gather around the Lord’s Table. This table is a place where all are welcome with no restrictions of gender, sexuality, race, color, nationality, or even condition of health. Each of us are invited by our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ to partake in a meal much larger than any congregation, denomination, or even country. Come and see, come and taste for the Lord is good.

Medical Equipment available for church members and family. Did you know that our church has a collection of assistive medical equipment available if you or your loved one has need. Our collection currently has crutches, wheel chairs, bath chairs, toilet risers, and walkers. If you have need for such an item (short or long term) please know these are available for you to borrow. Donations to this collection are accepted, but please make sure the donated item is in a condition at least as good as you would want for your own use. These items are being stored in the Purple Room upstairs (farthest door on the right) If you have any questions please contact Vonda or Pastor Craig.


The PresCryterian is published once a month on the 4th Wednesday. The deadline for articles is 9:00 am on Monday the week of publication. You can submit your article via- e mail, [email protected], or place it in the folder on the office door. The PresCryterian

Shawnee Presbyterian Church 6837 Nieman Road Shawnee, KS 66203 913-631-6689

PRAYER LIST: Please share your prayer requests w/ Pastor Craig *Bev & John Deckard family as they work to live into their new normal following the sudden death of their son Mike.

*Charlie Jones whose Covid 19 condition has IMPROVED, has been moved into a rehab facility.

*Dorothy Morris remains in nursing home with hospice care providing extra support.

*Judy Allen – daughter, Lindsey has surgery to remove cancer and no chemotherapy expected. Lindsey’s husband continues care for brain cancer.

*Maxine Lewis – continued esophagus dilation

*Nancy Barnett – ongoing process of balancing medications.