The new arrangements for cess to stairs to all floors. In this issue IT’S NOT improved access to Demolition work, on the left are likely to remain in place for hand side of the yard at the ALMSHOUSES THE PAPER the next few months at least, bottom of the steps from Victo- Plus as consultants look at ways of ria Road, is now completed PEOPLE BUY, creating a more permanent and work is due to begin on EXHIBITIONS structural entrance for the creating a Piazza here, in fulfil- Plus IT’S THE disabled and for families, while ment of ’s also restoring the symmetry of original vision for the Mill. A FRIENDLY FAIRY PAPER BY the frontage. Roger Clarke has Work is due to begin on re- Plus been talking to Maggie Silver, placement of windows in the ALL OUR USUAL THE PEOPLE who is keen to keep Sentinel Spring, and Landscape Archi- readers informed of these and tects (Maslens, who are based UNUSUALS other developments… in the Mill) are now finalising SPEED LIMIT A new entrance has already designs, and choosing materi- viewing area. been created, with disabled als and suitable plants for the This is a very exciting develop- INAPPROPRIATE and pushchair access via a environment. Materials are ment, all the more so that it is The driving and parking of ramp, on the south side of the being recycled on site wher- being carried out in the 21st motor vehicles receive a good Mill, and automatic doors have ever possible. Anniversary Year of the Silvers deal of attention in this issue been installed to retain the Original features of Mill archi- reopening the Mill. It shows how of the Sentinel for various heat. Visitors can now access tecture will be retained and Maggie and her executive plan- reasons. The situation in the 1853 Gallery directly from highlighted alongside modern ning team are still investing Caroline Street particularly is, here, without the need to nego- facilities for visitors, in keep- heavily in ’s future quite rightly, the cause of tiate cobbles and steps, and ing with the successful pattern growth and development. increasing concern and likely transport can pull right up to used in the rest of the build- to feature prominently in our the ramp to unload. This is a ing. Other plans under dis- Roger Clarke pages this year. A straightfor- much improved arrangement cussion include an Espresso ward suggestion to at least and is visitor friendly. Mean- Bar, a wheelchair lift, and a ROGER CLARKE begin to tackle the dangers while, the old entrance re- feature called the Colonnades OUR MAN ON THE TELLY posed by 'rat running' there is mains open, giving direct ac- with a walkway/terrace/ the imposition of a twenty - BUT NOT YET mile per hour speed limit. THE DOOR IS STILL OPEN TO INDIAN Last month, in this very column, Here is the 'official' view, as SPLENDOUR MADE IN SALTAIRE given to Cllr Martin Love, who we announced the imminent Visitors using the newly created entrance to the 1853 Gallery no supports the idea, by Council screening of the television series longer pass the door of the internationally renown Zeba-Asmara, Leader Kristan Hopkins: Locks and Quays, in anticipation which has been trading here, in hand made rugs and furnishings of an episode featuring Roger "There are many rules and made in India, for nearly 8 years. However, the old entrance to the Clarke on January 17th. Unfor- regulations attached to Mill is still open, and access can also be gained through the tunately, news only came 20mph speed limits/zones gallery. The organisation is run by Santosh and DD, with their through on the 8th of a change which may result in the imple- design team, bringing style and quality to both domestic and of schedule. Paul Turley, who mentation of self-enforcing business customers. They already control a large warehouse in produced the series for Centini, features (traffic calming) and/ and a newly opened store in Harrogate as well as the said "Until very recently we were or an increase in the number flagship store in Salts Mill, and there are plans for other outlets in all under the impression that of speed limit signs in the major Northern cities. Essentially, Zeba-Asmara provides Television would Saltaire area. Such factors are customers with bespoke furnishing and design services. You can transmit these ten episodes from perceived as inappropriate for choose your own matching designs and colours and have these co- January 3rd, at the same time the World Heritage Site which ordinated throughout your house, with furniture covers, blinds, as Granada in the Northwest. by design has many traffic cushions and rugs exclusively tailored to meet your taste. All the Neither Centini nor Granada calming factors already in domestic furnishings that are made to measure are created in the were aware that Yorkshire Tele- place (narrow streets, junction workshop in Salts Mill. There is also a contract service for vision's schedulers had amended layouts, site lines, residents' businesses, especially hotels and restaurants. Their list of clients the simultaneous broadcasts." parking etc). Hence there are is impressive, with the Aagrah restaurant chain, the Dubrovnik no current proposals to pro- Hotel, Bradford and Café Spice in London all benefiting from the The series is now due to be seen gress this type of initiative Zeba Touch. Telephone 598894, email: in our region at 7.30pm on here." [email protected] Thursdays from July 3rd.

WHATEVER IT IS – SAY IT IN THE E-mail: [email protected] OR use the form to be found on the website: www.saltairevillage.info MARCH 08 deadline: 20th FEB

Roger Clarke's SALTAIRE FOLK NEW SERIES: Husband and wife team Karan Singh and Parveen Kumari took ownership of HISTORY OF THE ALMSHOUSES 12, Victoria Road in May, 1987, the same year that the Silvers bought the Mill. Part One: The Early Years The shop was already an off licence. The Singh family had it after Jack Grimley In the nineteenth century, the poor and who left Christmas, 1976, and they converted it from a chemist. Akbar and Do- destitute of Shipley had little option but reen then took over, extending the stock to sell a wider, and more eclectic, range to look towards the North Bierley work- of goods. In addition to wines and beers (and the inevitable QC sherry), they house for their support. This was built stocked many small items as diverse as needles and cottons, mops and buckets, in 1858 at Nab End, Clayton, served 15 paint brushes and paints, nails, tape measures, sandpaper, buckles, fuses, and parishes, and so was remote from the many other household items. Karan already had some limited retail experience Shipley area. Thornton View Hospital because his father had owned an off licence shop. took over the buildings in 1948. Sir devised a much more local Karan and Parveen extended their stock of alcohol and groceries, and no longer solution when he built his almshouses kept the wider range of goods which Doreen had stocked. Their main customers at the top of Victoria Road in 1868. He have always been local Villagers, but they have also had the advantage of passing was very generous towards his elderly trade, situated as they are on the main street in the Village. Salts Grammar and infirm employees when they were School pupils and students are regulars too. The locals want ba- unable to work in his Mill. He gave sic groceries, alcohol and cigarettes, while the students go for soft drinks, sweets, them a cottage in the almshouses, rent crisps and snacks. They also sell pre-packed sandwiches. Very few tourists use free, with furniture and fuel provided, the shop, and gravitate towards the Mill or the restaurants, wine bars, cafes and and with a pension of 7/6d a week for a tea rooms lower down Victoria Road. As a result, weekdays are the busiest times. single person and 10/- per week for a Karan is acutely aware of increasing competition. The local ice cream van takes married couple – all on condition that his trade in Summer, but more serious threats come from Asda supermarket in they should not undertake any work, and that they should not stay away Shipley, which is now open 24 hours a day and the Co-op on Road which from their house overnight without per- has expanded premises and has extended opening hours. mission. This was at a time when aver- They live behind the shop, which is open from 8am to 9-30pm, and have always age wages for spinners and weavers been an important part of the Village community. Karan has been a regular at the were between 15/- and £1 per week. Social Club on Caroline Street since 1987, and they visit the Boathouse Inn on a (For a full account of the Regulations of regular basis. They also have an allotment behind the Church, which Parveen the Almshouses, see Abraham Holroyd’s finds particularly relaxing. She is vegetarian and grows vegetables there. Their 2 book “Saltaire and its Founder”). children (Punam and Vikrant Rana) have attended local schools, although they Titus sometimes took a personal inter- are now grown up. est in admissions to the almshouses, as an account of the life of Abraham Wild- Despite the pressures of running the corner shop, this gentle, friendly couple have man, poet, politician and Saltaire pen- put down roots in Saltaire, and the community has benefited enormously from sioner shows. Born in 1803, Wildman their presence. was a man of modest means who was passionately involved in the campaign SPEEDING AND PARKING POSE PROBLEMS for shorter hours for workers in facto- Karan and Parveen’s shop is at the junction of Victoria Road and Caroline Street, ries and mills. He was responsible for exactly where I have had my most unpleasant experiences with rat running cars in drawing up petitions for both Houses of my capacity as tour guide. I frequently take groups of 25 to 30 Primary School Parliament to support this issue. More children and their teachers around the village, and all the adults have to exercise locally, he was the first relieving officer for the Board of Governors extreme vigilance. It is the same with elderly and disabled visitors who book on under the new Poor Law Act. Unfortu- tours. Both roads are straight, and cars travelling both East to West and North to nately his private life was full of tragedy. South exceed the speed limit, despite the presence of parked cars on both sides of His daughter was crippled in a mill acci- the road. The Caroline Street drivers are too busy watching for cars with the right dent, his son went to Australia and was of way on Victoria Road to be concerned with pedestrians. They are much too never heard of again, and his wife died bothered about their own desire to get through the village as quickly as possible. soon afterwards. His own health was The same excessive speeds can also be found on Baker Street which tends to be not good. Fortunately he was also a the main entrance and exit road for the rat run. poet, and Abraham Holroyd, Saltaire Parveen, and many of her customers, signed the recently publicised petition to poet, bookseller and stationer who had control cars through the village. She has seen many near misses at the junction – a shop at 79, Victoria Road, preserved and at the Titus Street/Victoria Road junction too. The young and elderly are some of his work. Holroyd became particularly vulnerable, but others were also keen to express opinions. Twenty- aware of Wildman’s reduced circum- stances, and approached Titus Salt on nine year old Andy Lawler from Herbert Street talked of cars travelling at 40 to 50 his behalf. Titus offered Wildman and miles an hour at rush hours and later in the evening. Despite his youth and his daughter one of the almshouses in fitness he has often been at risk. 1868, making him one of the early ten- Parveen hopes that reports in the Press that new legislation to force Councils to ants. Given that Titus never supported take notice of public petitions will mean that something will be seen to be done legislation for shorter hours in mills, this time. Without it, she is pessimistic that the same will happen as with other this was perhaps a surprising offer. appeals which she has been involved with – absolutely nothing! Roger Clarke However, there was no happy ending here. Wildman suffered with paralysis which led to his death in 1870. (Information from “The poets of Bingley, LOCALS HAVE THEIR SAY and District” edited by Charles Forshaw – published by Thornton and Living close to the Caroline Street/Victoria Road junction, opposite the car park, 65 year Pearson, 1891). old Mervyn Dixon is better qualified than most to comment on Saltaire’s rat running The 1871 Census does not mention problem. He says “I have had my parked car damaged on many occasions as cars try to Abraham Wildman, but the 1881 Cen- avoid oncoming traffic which is accelerating across the junction. The street narrows here sus lists Alice Wildman, an unmarried because of lawfully parked cars. I now have to fold in my wing mirror.” He has also weaver aged 31 years. She lived at noticed how the most hair raising situations arise as traffic crosses the junction. “Cars number 19, Almshouses with her two travelling along Caroline Street edge forward across Victoria Road, unable to see oncoming nieces, Fanny and Mary, both aged 17 traffic because of parked cars and because the Victoria Road traffic travels so fast, and years, who worked in Salts Mill as a they don’t notice pedestrians. Their eyes are on other cars which might damage theirs.” spinner and a weaver. Roger Clarke

SALTS AND MORE PARKING PROBLEMS... DAVID FORD'S It is almost inevitable that whatever problems are faced SALTAIRE by the Council in Saltaire, there will always be a conflict MILL between the needs of the current population and the need BOOKSHOP Opened 1853 and still to conserve the past. Both are important and both are 217 Bingley Road the legitimate concerns of the Council. The interesting Open Every Day Open Mon-Sat. 10– 5 thing is how the conflicts are resolved. In this context, I Late opening Thurs. till 8 Attractions include became very interested when I heard about a problem New and second hand books SALT’S DINER which has surfaced recently. Event: 9 Feb, see below... The current population of the almshouses need to park Tel. 589144 Cafe in to the their cars close to their houses. Most motorists take this [email protected] Opera for granted for convenience and security, but the resi- dents have an additional reason. Many of them have SALTAIRE HISTORY been housed here by the Shipley Community Housing FOOD, DRINK & FUN AT FORD'S FOR EXHIBITION Trust because the houses are single storey bungalows, ideal for tenants with mobility problems. They need their BOOK LAUNCH 1853 Gallery cars nearby to function effectively in their everyday lives. Food, drink and fun are all The cars are a necessity and not just a luxury. The prob- AND MUCH MORE on the menu for a party at lem is that the paths within the almshouses complex were David Ford's bookshop from ADMISSION FREE designed for pedestrians. They are narrow and bordered 2 to 3.30 pm on Saturday, 01274-531163 on one side by grass. Parked cars have begun to turn the February 9th when chil- verges into an unsightly quagmire, which neither the dren's writer Liz Kessler Council nor the tenants want to happen. Both are proud launches her latest publica- of this attractive environment in Alexandra Square, but a tion. Philippa Fisher's Fairy VICTORIA purely functional solution to the problem might not sat- Godsister tells the story of isfy the Conservation Department who are responsible for eleven-year-old Philippa and TEAROOMS protecting this World Heritage Site. her new friend Daisy, who, as a fairy, is able to grant 8 Victoria Road I understand that the first step was encouraging. A meet- her the traditional three ing was held in November, 2007 to hear the concerns of wishes. Believe it or not, Open Daily residents at first hand, immediately emphasising that things at first do not turn they are party to open discussion and debate of the is- out quite as Philippa wishes. 01274-823092 sues. Conflicting interests were aired, but there was no With references to modern gadgets and common prob- immediate solution evident. The most sensible thing was to find out all the facts of the case and state them as lems, contemporary dialogue and illustrations by Katie clearly as possible. A survey is to be carried out and the SALTAIRE May, the book sparkles with results discussed. The most appropriate forum for this humour and fun. Liz, whose discussion has not yet been indicated – the Saltaire Pro- published titles include the NEWSAGENTS ject Team, a further meeting with residents or some other popular Emily Windsnap arrangement. series, lists sailing, fire spin- 9 VICTORIA ROAD Let’s hope that the process will continue to be as trans- ning, guitar and "pootling parent and open as it has been to date, that anxious resi- about" in her campervan among her hobbies and is dents are kept informed of progress, and that a solution sure, like her writing, to PETER be found which satisfies the able bodied and disabled keep both young and old residents as well as the Community Housing Trust and entertained. the Council. Roger Clarke Thanks to Kate Christer of RANDALL Orion Books for this CAR CLUB "ALMOST READY" information. [email protected] Gentleman’s Many people in Saltaire will remember hearing about the Hairdresser idea of a car club early last year, writes Simon Parker . A car club is a system of shared cars that you can access AND MORE ! any time you like without all the costs and hassle of MAGIC 205, Bingley Road having to own a car yourself. Every car club vehicle NUMBER THREE 01274 – 597140 created means that at least seven older cars are taken off the road. This means that parking becomes easier, 2 Victoria Road congestion is reduced and air quality increases. Car clubs are very simple to operate. Whenever you 01274 587313 decide you need a car just go online or get on the phone The SPA Fantastic organic food and to reserve one. At your booked time, you walk to the car, coffee, art, crafts, gifts. open it with your smartcard, and drive away. You then 21 Titus Street pay for the hourly use of the car with a small charge for Savouries, Frozen mileage. All the usual costs of insurance, tax, repairs, servicing, MOT’s, tyres etc are all covered in this hourly VICAR'S Food, Groceries, charge. Sweets, Etc. The response to a survey in Saltaire, Shipley, Bingley, 79 Victoria Road Mon-Sat 8.30am - 10pm and Bradford centre, was very encouraging indeed, and we can report that a car club is likely to be formed in T: 0127426.9 597818 Sunday 10am - 10pm the city this spring. If you would like to learn more or 01274 - 826534 register your interest, please do not hesitate to contact Vicars café/bistro serves [email protected] food for thought.



The webmaster writes: An impor- By Paula Dunn and Steve Simpson, St. Paul's Church tant recent addition to the website two of the artists who participated in the Kirkgate, Shipley, has been an on-line letter of objec- Saltaire Arts Trail tion, kindly written by Mark Tay- February 9th and 10th Friday, February 22nd lor-Batty of Saltaire Village Soci- in the reception areas of Saltaire Orthodontics at An Organ Concert ety, to the bypass plans champi- No.4 Victoria Road, By Stephen Mott oned by Cllr. Anne Hawkesworth generously made available by owner Friday, March 14th and other misguided officials. Cllr. Sandeep Sharma. 'Pastime with Good Hawkesworth seems to think it’s a The exhibition will raise money for the Candlelighters Company' (early music) great idea to support the plan of a charity for children diagnosed with leukaemia. single-carriage road through the Concerts begin at 7.30pm Leeds/ Canal conservation Tickets cost £5 area, running alongside woodland CHILDREN'S CHARITY Reservations: 595416 designated ‘Ancient and Semi- SEEKS CARING VILLAGE HOMES (accompanied under Natural’, a road which would tun- Children's Charity NCH, looking to recruit ten new foster 12s free) nel under Shipley town centre and carers in the Bradford area, is running a special publicity Saltaire Village. Would it solve the campaign in the Village this month. Many children and traffic problem? No! What these DAY OF DANCE young people whom the charity works with have been Saturday 10 May pesky councillors don’t seem to get abused, neglected or not given the stimulation they need is that Saltaire is a designated and many have disabilities, medical problems or learning 9am - 11.30pm World Heritage Site, and has been Victoria Hall difficulties. The challenging behaviour of these children and other venues. designated as such because it must sometimes means they have moved many times and what be PROTECTED and PRESERVED. they need now is people with patience, understanding and Book now! Decisions like tunnelling under it, the skills to offer a secure, loving foster home. Suitable for beginners and damaging the environment, ruining experienced dancers. Salsa, views, increasing noise pollution NCH gives excellent 24 hour support, ongoing training, 28 flamenco, tango, rock ‘n’ roll, should not be left to local officials. days respite per year and fees of up to £450 per week, jive, folk dance and more… Who do they think they are? These plus additional allowances for the child. If you have the councillors, MPs and planners are strength of character, determination and compassion, In aid of Oxfam, CND, complacent and must get their please contact Foster Care NCH on 0845 200 5162 or log Campaign Against the heads round the fact that a World on to the website: www.nch.org.uk/fostercare Arms Trade. Heritage Site is not just a local con- Booking forms around cern because it has a recognised CONCRETE CAKE STANDS, COPPER WIRE HATS Saltaire, value to the world and future gen- www.dayofdance.co.uk KATH'S EXHIBITS AS erations. It has to be said that oth- or email ers, like Martin Love of the Green ORIGINAL AS EVER [email protected] Party, already know this. The local, A new exhibition opens at the Kath Libbert Jewellery the here-and-the-now, the quick T. 730795 Gallery on 10th of this month and runs until May 4th. fix, is too short sighted. Even the Something Old, Something New is the gallery's seventh feasibility study is such a waste of SHIPLEY ROTARY CLUB and largest annual Alternative Wedding and Valentine money. Who is benefiting from that Show, featuring the work of twenty jewellers and Every Tuesday exercise? Not the rate payer, that’s designers, many of whom celebrate the possibilities of 12.30 – 2pm for sure. So, if you feel motivated recycling materials to create a wide range of unique to let these really thoughtless offi- Lower Hall, Otley Road pieces. Also on display are contemporary classics crafted cials know that you don’t approve call Arthur Smith: from precious metals and jewels, including Edwardian of this current bypass plan, email diamonds, black diamonds, sumptuous Tahitian pearls 01535 270615 Anne Hawkesworth and star rubies. [email protected] k or fill in and fire off the on-line Or, if you are searching for that perfect wedding gift that form to her, found on the website. is not to be worn but will last for years – forget crockery, WORLD HERITAGE P a m e l a R e y n o l d s cutlery and crystal vases – look no further than Victoria WHEELIE www.saltairevillage.info Kershaw’s concrete cake stands! Victoria casts delicate, Does NOT talk rubbish filigree lace patterns into the concrete, which are echoed SHIPLEY RETIRED through into the silver servers, giving precious life and MEN’S FORUM qualities to an unexpected material. Meanwhile, in one of Meetings, with a guest speaker, on the Gallery’s biggest ever collections for men, renowned alternate Wednesdays in Shipley Birmingham jeweller, James Newman, launches his new Library at 10.15am range of rings in silvery grey palladium – a lovely material New members welcome that looks like platinum but costs less than gold. 591745 So, says Kath, "Whether your heart’s desire is to be pretty in plastic (or pearls), ravishing in rubber (or rubies), cool S ALTAIRE CRICKET CLUB is holding weekly 2 hour sessions of in copper (or hand cut diamonds), or to cut your cake on cricket training for children under concrete – then grab your man, your mum or your mates the age of 14 at Bingley Grammar and head for KLJ!" School Sports Centre on Sunday For more information on the exhibition, call 01274 afternoons (4pm to 6pm) until 599790 or visit www.kathlibbertjewellery.co.uk for a Easter. Cost per session £2. New private preview of all the new collections. players are welcome. For further details please contact Geoff Porter CONTACT SALTAIRE "Speeding? Not me, on 01274 826177, email [email protected] Based at the entrance to Salts Mill. Wednesdays, officer! As for parking, Further details on website: 10am to 2pm. Come and talk about community well, y'know… " www.saltaire.play-cricket.com issues. E-mail: [email protected]

The Saltaire Sentinel is written by the people of Saltaire and photocopied by Shipley College in the heart of Saltaire EVERY MONTH. It is not affiliated to, nor in any way controlled or influenced by any group, society or organisation. Sadly, sooner or later you will dispose of this copy of the Sentinel. Please do so with care for our World Heritage Site environment.