Extracurricular activities Enrolment form

Students' name and surname ...... School year......

Mother/father's address......


High Achievement Arts School Chess club ...... □ ...... High Performance Swimming Academy ...... MUSIC ...... □ ...... □ HIgh Performance Academy ... □ ...... Creative Musical Foundation Workshop SEK-CiudalCaMPo Sports Club ...... □ ...... for the High Achievement Arts...... □ ...... Centre Musical Expression Lab...... □ ...... LANGUAGE SCHOOL English ...... □ ...... High Achievement Arts Centre...... □ ...... Mandarin Chinese ...... □ ...... Dance: Classical Ballet, Spanish Dance and Funky...... □ ...... TECHNOLOGY SCHOOL Digital Creativity Course ...... Urban dance: Hip-Hop...... □ ...... □ Musical theatre...... □ ...... STUDY CLUB AND ACADEMIC SUPPORT Drama and Expression ...... □ ...... Supervised study ...... □ ...... Speech Therapy ...... □ ...... ARTS AND CRAFTS Academies Kumon Method ...... □ ...... Star Programme ...... Painting ...... □ ...... □ Debate and Oratory Club ...... Painting and drawing ...... □ ...... □ Science club ...... □ ...... SPORTS ACADEMIES Programming club ...... □ ...... Mediateam ...... Swimming Academy ...... □ ...... □ Maker club ...... Basketball Academy ...... □ ...... □ Catechesis for Confirmation ...... Basketball club ...... □ ...... □ Kids Club ...... Girls Basketball club ...... □ ...... □ SEK Open for the holidays ...... Football ...... □ ...... □ Football club ...... □ ...... Girls indoor football club ...... □ ...... COOKING SCHOOL Boys indoor football club ...... □ ...... eduCaCHeF Cooking Club ...... □ ...... RACE Golf Academy ...... □ ...... FAMILY ACTIVITIES RACE Horse-riding Academy ...... □ ...... Schola cantorum, choir Jiu-Jitsu club ...... □ ...... and parents' choir...... □...... Taekwondo club ...... □ ...... Parents/children theatre ...... □...... club ...... □ ...... Reading club ...... □...... Mini Tennis and Mini Padel Tennis .□ ...... Nature club ...... □...... Tennis and padel tennis Club ...... □ ...... Weekend Tennis and Padel Tennis Academy ...... □ ...... Volleyball Academy ...... □ ...... Volleyball club ...... □ ...... Skating Academy ...... □ ...... Figure Skating ...... □ ...... ...... □ ...... Skateboard ...... □ ...... Pilates and correcting posture ... □ ...... Multi-sport and motor skills ...... □ ...... Rhythmic club ...... □ ...... Synchronised swimming...... □ ...... Fitness club ...... □ ......

Paseo de las Perdices, 2. Urb. Ciudalcampo. 28707 Madrid. T +34 91 659 63 03. [email protected] GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS

ENROLMENT AND MATRICULATION FEE Duly completed enrolment forms may be sent via email, post or fax to the School Secretary over the month of September. It is also possible to enrol students directly on the website ciudalcampo.sek.es

Enrolment must be for a minimum period of three months and will be billed monthly, no refunds are possible. Therefore, once an activity has been chosen, in order to make the most of it, students may not change to another until the following term. Students wishing to drop an activity should provide a month's written notice.

It is possible to pay for the full year in advance when you enrol or for the period included above.

If students or families decide to drop out of an activity they will not be entitled to a refund.

NUMBER OF STUDENTS A minimum number of participating students are required for activities to go ahead and be organised. If the minimum number is not reached, the school will suspend or cancel the activity. In these cases, all fees will be refunded. Places are limited and will be assigned on a strict first-come-first-serve basis.

INTERNAL SCHOOL REGULATIONS Functioning of courses, and students are expected and required to adhere to it.

The school accepts no responsibility for students' lost material or items of clothing or any other personal property. In order to avoid confusion and items getting lost, we recommend all items of clothing and material be clearly marked with students' names and surnames.

MEDICAL SERVICE The school has its own medical service or infirmary.

If under aged students require medical treatment or urgent surgery, and it has not been possible to contact parents or legal guardians, SEK Educational Group is hereby authorised to take the measures it deems appropriate to safeguard students' health.

ADVERTISING Students' parents or legal guardians hereby give their express consent, having been duly informed in advance, for SEK Educational Group to use any photographs or images of students and participants, or work and material produced in these extracurricular activities at the SEK International School SEK-Ciudalcampo for publicity and advertising purposes..

Madrid, ______of ______of ____

Father's signature* Mother's signature* Signature of legal guardian

* Both parents’ signatures are required.

Pursuant to Organic Law 15/1999 on Personal Data Protection, SEK Education Group hereby informs you that the personal data included in this enrolment form shall be incorporated to a file for commercial and operational purposes pertaining to Institución Educativa SEK S.L. and will be transferred to SEK subsidiary companies and partners. By accepting these terms and conditions you hereby give your consent to this handling of your personal data for the purposes described above. Furthermore, we hereby inform you that you can exercise your rights to access, rectify and cancel this information under the conditions set forth by current legislation by writing to Paseo de las Perdices, 2, Ciudalcampo, 28707 Madrid, under the reference “Protección Datos Personales”.