galneryus angel of salvation album download blog GALNERYUS LYRICS. Not quite sure how many months and days have been past already Not pursuing the things which went by, almost caused "The Promise" to slip from our minds We do remember what "The Flag" means to all Raise the fist! We are back now as we promised Reach to the sky!! Raise "The Promised Flag". 2. The Promised Flag. Yes, I could find the meaning of established flag And then I'm able to move outside with my intuition from you I only believe myself but don't wanna say more Good-bye to my past and to my darkness. Look around and feel the freedom Fight against the darkness on me Overturn my obedience and my life along with my iron heart There's no fear, no hesitation. Reach to the sky Let the flag raise again Don't look back Go my way Surely I can find the key Reach to the sky Let the flag raise again Don't lie to my heart On my way I can change my life once again. My body has been threatened by something wrong again I have little bit of fear certainly but I don't care anything There is my faith stronger than my weakness and I do have mind that wanna go to the future And my soul is still burning. Enduring the sleepless night and thinking everything in few hours And I accept your suffering and sorrow into my iron heart There's no fear, no hesitation. Reach to the sky Let the flag raise again Don't look back Go my way Surely I can find the key Reach to the sky Let the flag raise again Don't lie to my heart On my way I can change my life once again. Wanna be stronger than yesterday Wanna be brighter than before. Tomorrow is waiting for me surely Now I'm breaking my cage Fly to the other side. Look around and feel the freedom Fight against the darkness on me Overturn my obedience and my life along with my iron heart There's no fear, no hesitation. 3. Temptation Through The Night.

妖しく射す 微かな月の明かりは 眠りにつく欲望 揺り起こさせるのさ.

Wicked time 指を這わせて (Sleepless night) 誘い込んだら (Hold you tight) Secret time 倒れこむ影 (We ignite) 漕ぎ出す 揺れながら (With you)

Feel dizzy—so slowly My body wants your body 戸惑いも脱ぎ捨てていいから Temptation—take action I wanna see your reaction 香り立つ その 声を聞かせて 奏で続けてよ Through the night!

言葉よりも確かな この瞬間に 恥じらいなど要らない 感じるままでいい.

Naked love 甘く囁き (Sleepless night) 今を奪って (Hold you tight) Precious love 扉の奥に (We ignite) 初めての世界が (Start out)

Feel dizzy—so slowly My body wants your body 剥き出しの感情でいいのさ Temptation—take action I wanna see your reaction 色づいた その 息を聞かせて 奏で続けてよ Through the night!

Get pleasure このままもう 時が経つのも忘れ I wanna get pleasure 果てる事も無いまま 堕ちて行きたい.

Feel dizzy—so slowly My body wants your body 戸惑いも脱ぎ捨てていいから Temptation—take action I wanna see your reaction 香り立つ その 声を聞かせて 奏で続けてよ Through the night! 4. Lonely As A Stranger. I will take good aim at the target It is you Give myself up to pleasure I don't rue I wander about in search of new game at tonight It's you Give yourself up to pleasure You don't rue. Buy time! I can drive a hard bargain Let's talk about suffering and love Don't say "Bye" Come out! What beautiful eyes you have! It's a sin Don't look down I don't tell a lie. Were you deceived many times? Can't believe the world Wander lonely as a stranger Yes! It's time! Can you hear my true words? Let's hope for the best now Time will surely solve a problem Don't follow the herd I surely heal your heart and I receive all of you. I found you by chance and I fastened my eyes on you tonight I can feel something special Hold me tight. How's tricks? Why do you look so sad? Let's talk about suffering and love Don't say "No" Come quick! What a beautiful voice you have! It's a sin Don't look down I do not go slow. Were you betrayed many times? You can't believe anything Wander lonely as a stranger Yes! It's time! Can you feel my true mind? Let's hope for the best now I will surely solve a problem It's all in the mind I surely heal your heart and I received all of you. 5. Stand Up For The Right. Why are you so selfish? Your manner does not change Why are you so foolish? Your very strange thought does not change. Do you think you're really right? You're a liar I think so You are looking at the other side There is no answer No! Go away from this place Do not touch my thing You don't know your business I feel disgusted You never reveal your intension Can't put up with your manner That's the limit! No more! I stand up for my right Stand up in order to fight Silence's been broken my anger Demand an apology to you Time has come Fight in the cause of justice Don't wander in the darkness No matter what happened, I push ahead confidently Everything goes just as I want now Go! What is your shady scheme? It must be so dangerous Can't you hear other's scream? Why are you calm? Your greed is endless. You do not feel anything Your mind is a dull one Your existence is annoying It's not my idea of fun. Shut your mouth Do not say anything more to me You don't know your business I can not agree You never reveal your ambition Can't put up with your thinking That's the limit! No more! I stand up for my right Stand up in order to fight Silence's been broken my anger Demand an apology to you Time has come Fight in the cause of justice Don't wander in the darkness No matter what happened, I push ahead confidently Everything goes just as I want now Go! We stand up for our right Stand up in order to fight Silence's been broken our anger Demand an apology to you Time has come Fight in the cause of justice Don't wander in the darkness No matter what happened, we push ahead confidently Everything goes just as we want now Go!! I can overthrow A fair wind blows I'll make the first move Come with me and everything goes just as I want Shout for my pride My faith never dies I'll make the first move Come with me Stand up in order to fight. 6. Hunting For Your Dream.

どれほど夢に触れている? 目指したモノがある この手は何を求めてる? 確かなモノを探して.

踏み出したら そこに 君を待っている 幾筋もの光が.

大空も この大地も 全て身体に吸い込め 止まる事ない明日を 追い越して 君は強くなれる.

涙に濡れて躊躇うな 想いを曝け出せ 過ぎ去る時を見つめるな 記憶の中に凍らせ.

振り上げたら いつか 掴み取れるだろう 幾重に舞う光が.

貫いたその想いを 全てすぐに解き放て 終わる事ない時を 飛び越えて 君は強くなれる.

手探り戸惑いながら 見つけ出した無二のカタチは、Oh 今日の君も変えてくれるだろう 眩しく輝くのさ … Ah!

踏み出したら そこに 君を待っている 幾筋もの光が. (Hunting for your…)

大空も この大地も 全て身体に吸い込め 止まる事ない明日を 追い越して 君は強くなれる.

貫いたその想いならば 全てすぐに解き放て 終わる事ない時など 飛び越えて 君は強くなれる. Hunting for your dream! 7. Lament.

涙と共に散りゆく花よ 残酷な運命と叫びながら 風に逆らい 空に昇れ.

この想い、届けと願う 虚しさを埋め尽くすため あるはずの明日を探し 動き出せ この嘆き、届けと願う 閉じたまま終わらぬように 消せはしない明 日を求め 手を伸ばせ.

抱いた夢を無常の雨は 不意に奪ってゆく 打ちひしがれ 時よ戻れと天を仰ぐ.

立ち止まる事を許さず 日常は時間を刻む 知り得ない明日を探し 動き出せ 拭い去る事を許さず 幾重にも憂いは積もる 新しい明日を求め 手 を伸ばせ.

嗚呼、何を信じ生きるのか? 愛は何か変えてくれるのか? 嗚呼、冷めた非情の瞬間 愛で何か変わるならば教えてよ. この想い、届けと願う 虚しさを埋め尽くすため あるはずの明日を探し 動き出せ この嘆き、届けと願う 閉じたまま終わらぬように 消せはしない明 日を求め 手を伸ばせ.

立ち止まる事を許さず 日常は時間を刻む 知り得ない明日を探し 動き出せ 拭い去る事を許さず 幾重にも憂いは積もる 新しい明日を求め 手 を伸ばせ. 8. Infinity. The clouds have broken Shining stars in the sky I keep seeing them And think about my existence. I sure know where I'm going And I know what I should do too Life is short It's in an instant I will live my best Do it. Setting sun sinks A hazy moon in the sky I keep seeing them And I can refresh my memories. The season passes early for me I must begin to move soon Life is deep It is difficult I will live my best I swear it now. Fly into the night So, I go I'll not flinch and I'll confront Because I must find the true self Look up into the sky So, I do All of me become peaceful Because I wanna feel infinity. It has stopped raining There's a rainbow in the sky I keep seeing them And think about my existence. I know the vanity of living And I know how I should behave Life is hard It is not flat I will live my best I swear it now. Fly into the night So, I go I'll not stop and I will fight Because I must get the true life Look up into the sky So, I do All of me become peaceful Because I feel infinity. The season passes early for me I must begin to move soon Life is deep It is difficult I will live my best I swear it now. Fly into the night So, I go I'll not flinch and I'll confront Because I must find the true self Look up into the sky So, I do All of me become peaceful Because I feel infinity. The life is only once Even if a grief beckons me I'll not stop and I will fight Because I must get the true life I always look up into the sky I become so peaceful Because I wanna feel infinity. 9. Angel Of Salvation.

いつしか降りだした この雨の 意味さえ知らず ただ濡れていた 雨音にすら 気づかず見てた たった一つだけの雲の隙間を.

何もかも信じられずに 悪戯に時は過ぎて行く もう終わりにして 明日だけを見て きっと羽ばたける この翼で.

Day after day Long for an angel of salvation 折れるほどに抱きしめてよ When will you come? 今も求めてる そこにある筈の 小さな希望を 涙の間 通り抜けて Wanna go to the place I dream.

一つ瞬きを 重ねる度に 失われてゆく 輝きがある 一つ夜を越え 時が過ぎても 消えゆくものに気づきはしない.

孤独と戦い続けて それでもただ笑っていたい 明日の陽は また僕を照らすだろう 信じ羽ばたけ その翼で.

Where are you now? Where is my angel of salvation? この想いは消せやしない When will you come? 今も探してる そこにある筈の 小さな希望を 涙さえも乾いてゆく Wanna go to the place I hope.

いつも感じる 冷たい衝動 傷つけ合って 確かめている 苛立ちと 拭い切れない想い 何も生まれない事も知っている.

悲しみが痛みに変わる それが僕を蝕んでも 前だけを見て 明日だけ見て きっと羽ばたける その翼で.

Day after day Long for an angel of salvation 折れるほどに抱きしめてよ When will you come? 今も求めてる そこにある筈の 心の種を 涙の間 通り 抜けて Wanna go to the place I dream.

いつでも何かに怯えてる 風の音さえも身体に刺さる 無意味な思いが積もってゆく 何が間違いなのかも解らずに 思い描くもの それだけを信じて きっと僕は羽ばたける この翼で.

Day after day Long for an angel of salvation 折れるほどに抱きしめてよ When will you come? 今も求めてる そこにある筈の 小さな希望を.

Where are you now? Where is my angel of salvation? この想いは消せやしない When will you come? 今も探してる そこにある筈の 小さな希望を 涙さえも乾いてゆく Wanna go to the place I dream Wanna go to the place I hope. Searching for my angel I know I must believe I'm not wrong Wanna hear her voice with no hesitation Just can't hear her voice Searching for my angel I know I'm sure now I'm not wrong Wanna hear her voice with no hesitation Still can't hear her voice. “Oh, please let me hear your voice”, the angel of salvation Wonder if she talks to me and holds my body certainly “So, please let me hear your voice”, the angel of salvation Wonder if she takes on me Wonder if she gives her love to me… 10. Longing. [Instrumental] Junichi – Drums Sho – Vocals (lead) Taka – Bass Yuhki – Keyboards, Hammond Organ – Guitars. Thanks to gitsune63 for sending tracks ## 1, 2, 4, 5, 7-9 lyrics. Thanks to blastorgeyzer93965 for sending tracks ## 3, 6, 7, 9 lyrics. Driven by Sonic Obsession. Album of the Week 49-2014: Galneryus – Angel Of Salvation. On my never-ending quest for good Power Metal bands, I have stumbled upon the name Galneryus numerous times. While they have a couple of fantastic songs – ‘Struggle For The Freedom Flag’ and ‘Carry On’ come to mind – most of their albums just didn’t appeal to me enough. Original singer Yama-B was part of the problem; his operatic mid-range bellow – while technically very proficient – clashed with the guitars. This album, the band’s third with Masatoshi ‘Sho’ Ono holding the microphone, corrects my gripes with the band: Ono’s soaring approach is a much better fit for what Galneryus is doing these days and the level of songwriting is consistently high. First things first – at least chronologically – the album’s overture ‘Reach To The Sky’ is quite possibly the most awesome intro I have ever heard. The main theme of the piece is so triumphant that it hurts. Guitarist and main songwriter Syu never shied away from such melodies, but such a victorious march is overwhelming even by his standards. It’s not just that though; every song is good. Galneryus’ upbeat, warp speed Power Metal on this record is most reminiscent of Helloween – whose discography, let’s be honest, is just as spotty – but Galneryus is more neoclassically oriented, which especially shows in Syu’s guitar histrionics. Opening track ‘The Promised Flag’ – one of many flags in Galneryus’ discography – is one of those songs that will make your day. It did for me. Syu’s riffing and Junichi Satoh’s drums in high gear get your energy going and that huge, positive chorus with Ono soaring on top bring your spirits up. And that’s not where the fun stops. All the songs have great riffs, mind blowing solos (both by Syu and keyboard player Yuhki) and strong choruses. Favorites are ‘Lonely As A Stranger’ with its badass main riff and the triplet fest of ‘Infinity’, but any of the other songs would have done if you’re into this type of upbeat Power Metal. Galneryus’ magnum opus, however, is the 15 minute title track of this album. The remarkable thing is that the song never really feels like it lasts a quarter of an hour. You’ll notice that it’s longer than the average song, but the band did very well to build in recurring themes and even a sort of chorus that returns frequently, though it’s more sort of a bridge if you count the monumental section near the end as the chorus. Personally, I love the way the mood of the song changes gradually throughout the song and Syu uses a lot of the room to show off, but then again: he’s good enough to keep even that interesting. Ono’s vocals are beyond amazing here as well. So after a while, I did get the hype around Galneryus. This is clearly a group of very capable musicians who had done some awesome songs in the past, but as a compositional unit, this is definitely their crowning achievement. Also, I realize preferring Ono to Yama-B isn’t exactly the most popular opinion, but if you give this album a chance, you’ll realize that he’s an amazing singer at the very least. And if you, like me, would like to have a shot of Power Metal adrenalin once in a while by pumping your ears full of fast riffs and hyperspeed melodies, this is definitely the way to go. Recommended tracks: ‘The Promised Flag’, ‘Angel Of Salvation’, ‘Reach To The Sky’, ‘Infinity’ Angel of Salvation. On my never-ending quest for good power metal bands, I have stumbled upon the name Galneryus numerous times. While they have a couple of fantastic songs – ‘Struggle For The Freedom Flag’, 'Silent Revelation' and ‘Carry On’ come to mind – most of their albums just didn’t appeal to me enough. Original singer Yama-B was part of the problem; his operatic mid-range bellow – while technically very proficient – sometimes clashed with the guitars. This album, the band’s third with Masatoshi ‘Sho’ Ono holding the microphone, corrects my gripes with the band: Ono’s soaring approach is a much better fit for what Galneryus is doing these days and the level of songwriting is consistently high. First things first – at least chronologically – the album’s overture ‘Reach To The Sky’ is quite possibly the most awesome intro I have ever heard. The main theme of the piece is so triumphant that it hurts. Guitarist and main songwriter Syu never shied away from such melodies, but such a victorious march is overwhelming even by his standards. It’s not just that though; every song is good. Galneryus’ upbeat, warp speed power metal on this record is most reminiscent of Helloween – whose discography, let’s be honest, is just as spotty – but Galneryus is more neoclassically oriented, which especially shows in Syu’s guitar histrionics. Opening track ‘The Promised Flag’ – one of many flags in Galneryus’ discography – is one of those songs that will make your day. It did for me. Syu’s riffing and Junichi Satoh’s drums in high gear get your energy going and that huge, positive chorus with Ono soaring on top bring your spirits up. And that’s not where the fun stops. All the songs have great riffs, mind blowing solos (both by Syu and keyboard player Yuhki) and strong choruses. Favorites are ‘Lonely As A Stranger’ with its badass main riff and the triplet fest of ‘Infinity’, but any of the other songs would have done if you’re into this type of upbeat power metal. Galneryus’ magnum opus, however, is the 15 minute title track of this album. The remarkable thing is that the song never really feels like it lasts a quarter of an hour. You’ll notice that it’s longer than the average song, but the band did very well to build in recurring themes and even a sort of chorus that returns frequently, though it’s more sort of a bridge if you count the monumental section near the end as the chorus. Personally, I love the way the mood of the song changes gradually throughout the song and Syu uses a lot of the room to show off, but then again: he’s good enough to keep even that interesting. Ono’s vocals are beyond amazing here as well. So after a while, I did get the hype around Galneryus. This is clearly a group of very capable musicians who had done some awesome songs in the past, but as a compositional unit, this is definitely their crowning achievement. Also, I realize preferring Ono to Yama-B isn’t exactly the most popular opinion, but if you give this album a chance, you’ll realize that he’s an amazing singer at the very least. And if you, like me, would like to have a shot of power metal adrenaline once in a while by pumping your ears full of fast riffs and hyperspeed melodies, this is definitely the way to go. Recommended tracks: ‘The Promised Flag’, ‘Angel Of Salvation’, ‘Reach To The Sky’, ‘Infinity’ Originally written for my Kevy Metal weblog. Galneryus - Angel of Salvation - 95% Galneryus is a band that originates from Osaka, one of Japan's largest cities, with an extensive discography and an even more extensive range of influences. This album is no different. This is Galneryus at their best. With Angel of Salvation they've bought everything they have to the table; full neoclassical metal compositions, beautiful guitar work, powerful vocals, insane drums, inspiring keyboards, and orchestrations that can compete with Mozart if he played heavy metal, which would be fascinating. The first thing that attracted me to the album, like I'm sure many people will agree with me, is the awesome artwork. The logo's pretty awesome, too. When was the last time the artwork reflected what was to come? It's rare. Well, that's exactly how I feel listening to this album, like an angel has descended upon my ears with a (seemingly awkward) rainbow spear. Sho is a magnificent singer and I'd be inclined to say he is in some ways better than Yama-B. That's a huge compliment to the vocalist as Yama-B was the benchmark for eastern Asian power metal vocalists in my book. He has a very powerful and catchy voice, hitting highs like he's a pro. Syu here is fantastic. He's been one of my favorite guitar players for awhile now. He can make a guitar "speak," much like in "Longing". Instrumental music of any type is usually hit or miss with me, but that song nails it. Syu uses a wide variety of techniques which all compliment each other, like the aforementioned guitar work "speaking", melodic parts, and heavy parts, and almost thrashing, speed-like interludes. His solos are outrageous to say the least, like his solo in "Angel of Salvation", which is probably the highlight of the entire album at an epic standard of 15 minutes. "Hunting for Your Dream" is another highlight where Sho shines and Syu destroys. It has a catchy chorus and an awesome riff with near perfect drumming and a solo that'll pound your face to oblivion. What more could you ask for? Next are Yuhki's keyboards and orchestrations (I'm assuming he wrote the orchestrations since that usually is the work of the keyboardist in any symphonic outfit), they make the album what it is. He uses a variety of nice compositions, especially within the intro track "Reach to the Sky" which really is an amazing opener. Taka's bass here is nothing amazing; he keeps up with the guitar, but it really works. The drums are rather awesome and bombastic. Junichi does an amazing job here with straightforward, no bullshit drumming. All in all, during this album you find Galneryus at their finest; bombastic, catchy, downright hypnotic with energetic singing where you'll be catching yourself mouthing the words (this applies to the non-Japanese-speaking metal world, too), awesome leads, powerful symphonies, and brazen guitar solos. It's amazing that they can still write such awesome music after one of the most extensive careers in the scene. Galneryus angel of salvation album download blog. Album Rating: 4.0. They've 5 class albums you should def check. Album Rating: 4.0. New album being recorded :3. Album Rating: 4.0. Nice. This slayz. Album Rating: 4.0. Yesss, yes it does. just been getting into these guys. so good. Album Rating: 4.0. Album Rating: 4.0. New album out October 26th. Album Rating: 4.0. Album Rating: 4.0. Album Rating: 4.0. And so the Ono albums keep increasing evermore. I'm a bit tired of their samey sound but I'll check it out. Album Rating: 3.5. Hunting for your dream is such a jam. Album Rating: 4.0. Hunter X Hunter flashbacks. Album Rating: 3.5. Yup, the whole soundtrack for that show is so good. Album Rating: 4.0. Album Rating: 4.0. Rules damn hard 4.5/5. Album Rating: 4.0. yea its great, positive new album will be awesome, as always. Album Rating: 4.0. This and Advance to the Fall are the only Galneryus albums I've heard, but I might check the new one when it comes out since I haven't really listened to a lot of albums this year. Galneryus Vetelgyus. In recent years, Galneryus has gained quite a substantial international following ever since Masatoshi Ono debuted as lead singer on the band’s 2010 album, Resurrection. In 2012, momentum rapidly increased respectively with Angel of Salvation (both the album and 14 minute epic), which brought about a tour in Europe (which happens to be a big deal for any band from Asia). With their newfound international recognition and the comparison of “neo-classical Dragonforce” by westerners alike, Galneryus decided to re-record two albums of cherry-picked material from the Yama-B era (before Ono), The IronHearted Flag vol. 1–2 , to (i) provide accessibility of their older material to their new international fan base; (ii) prove that they have a unique sound and tear off the rather offensive comparison of Dragonforce and Yngwie Malmsteen that inevitably pops up in the mind of every first time listener; and (iii) to celebrate their 10th anniversary of their debut. The first impression most people got from the IronHearted Flag series is a typical analysis based on the trends when bands re-record/make new arrangements of older material: the desecration of classics, and an imminent downfall in the career of prolific musicians. Somehow, Galneryus managed to avoid those trends completely by actually improving certain production quality and musical arrangements on the material presented on the IronHearted Flag series, and the release of Vetelgyus shows no sign of Galneryus slowing down. For a band that generally releases new material every consecutive year (not counting the time of transition between singers), it was quite strange and a possible blessing in disguise (i.e., quality purposes) that Vetegylus was released two years after one of Galneryus’ strongest statements in their musical career with Angel of Salvation. It is true that Galneryus can easily be compared to Dragonforce and Yngwie Malmsteen, but Galneryus have a few things both of the aforementioned (particularly post 2000 Yngwie, not his 1980s work) do not have: consistency, originality, and musical integrity. These three characteristics are noticed immediately in Vetelgyus’ first half of the album with the incorporation of electronics, neo-classical soloing, symphonic compositions, production/mixing (e.g., audible bass), musical technicality, etc… The surprise of the album came from two songs that reside in the middle or near the very end of the album’s duration respectively: the self-titled and Secret Love. The self-titled track is an interesting piece featuring typical guitar solos, and symphonies, but what stood out the most was the catchy folk tune that is comparable to Blind Guardian’s or Ensiferum’s classic melodies, but maintains the key ingredient: originality. As a side note: before the bumpin’ Secret Love, Galneryus showcases their improvement on generating a formulaic approach for crafting ballads with Attitude of Life. On Secret Love, listeners can enjoy a taste of Galneryus’ brand of progressive power metal `that demonstrates a consistent mixture of blues, jazz, and classical influences. At the very end of the album, Galneryus puts forth an emotional instrumental to end the epic journey that is Vetelgyus. To conclude; it might be easy to say Vetelgyus is a step down from Angel of Salvation, but it’s also easy to say that both the albums are incomparable (which puts both albums in their own respected league within Galneryus’ discography). However, it is definitely true to say that Angel of Salvation is a step up from Phoenix Rising, and Phoenix Rising is a step down from Resurrection, but to say Vetelgyus is a step up/down from its predecessor is a long shot. It’s safer to say that they are on par with each other on the basis of one common element: consistent quality. Vetelgyus is more than just a regurgitation of consistent quality – what a novel thought – from a highly talented band; it in fact demonstrates maturity in the band through minute details within the woodwork. For instance, the bass work done by Taka is audible; Ono is doing a fantastic job at crafting memorable vocal melodies on every single track; technical drum work by Junichi Sato; Syu (guitars) and Yuhki (keyboards) are demonstrating creativity and constraint by avoiding mindless shredding that goes nowhere (something that Dragonforce is slowing mastering, and something Yngwie Malmsteen will never master); and the list keeps going on.