International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Technology (IJMET) Volume 10, Issue 02, February 2019, pp.1726–1732, Article ID: IJMET_10_02_178 Available online at ISSN Print: 0976-6340 and ISSN Online: 0976-6359

© IAEME Publication Scopus Indexed


Yenik Pujowati Wijaya Kusuma University, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, ,

Andy Fetta Wijaya Brawijaya University, Faculty of Public Administration, , Indonesia

Bambang Santoso Brawijaya University, Faculty of Public Administration, Malang, Indonesia

Soesilo Zauhar Brawijaya University, Faculty of Public Administration, Malang, Indonesia

ABSTRACT This study aims to determine the effectiveness of community-based 3R waste management policy and the increase in population in Kediri city with an impact on the increasing volume of landfill waste capacity and on the effectiveness and efficiency of waste picker devices to be operated. This effort is conducted in accordance with Law No.18 of 2008 concerning waste management, and in line with regional regulation No.3 of 2015 concerning waste management in Kediri city. Therefore, it remains vital to strengthen the community-based 3R waste management in Kediri city. The utilized method of this study is a qualitative research method. The data is obtained through observation and from analysis of secondary and primary data. The results of this study indicate the effectiveness of the performance of waste management policies which is still not optimal, judging from the lack of the community role in waste management and from the annual increase in volume of garbage capacity. Advice and infrastructure for garbage collection equipment from waste management station 'TPS to final disposal site TPA are encouraged to be optimized'. The researchers withdraw the conclusion that the effectiveness of 3R waste management policy in Kediri city has not met the existing performance standards and objectives. Keyword head: Effectiveness, Policy Performance, Community Based 3R Waste Management. 1726 [email protected] Yenik Pujowati, Andy Fetta Wijaya, Bambang Santoso and Soesilo Zauhar

Cite this Article: Yenik Pujowati, Andy Fetta Wijaya, Bambang Santoso and Soesilo Zauhar, The Effectiveness of the Performance of Community Based 3r Waste Management Policy in Kediri City, International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Technology, 10(02), 2019, pp. 1726–1732 1. INTRODUCTION Garbage or waste becomes a common environmental problem faced by Indonesians and global society. Kediri city is inevitably one area which is also not free from the waste related problems. The increase of population in Kediri city effects on the increasing volume of waste every year. The problem of Kediri city lies on the unsupported system of the landfill waste management system which partly uses the Open Dumping system (Collect – Transport - Dump) resulting in landfill over capacity. Waste which exists and originates from the community has never been processed and carried out in the form of economic utilization[1]. As an unfortunate result, the mountainous waste has been ultimately amassed. To overcome the waste problem, Kediri local government city established a regulation Number 3 of 2015 concerning waste management in Kediri city[2], [3]. Kediri city government conducts waste reduction activities as well as organizes 3R (Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle) community-based waste management activities as well as in TPS (Waste Management Station) green waste bank for leaves at the village of Bujel sub-district, in Mojoroto. Funding problems and a lack of public awareness in Kediri city are blamed as obstacles to implement all waste management related activities. In general, waste management activities include sorting, collecting, transporting, processing, and finishing processing. However, the implementation of the 3R in TPS (Waste Management Station) and UDPK has not been optimal (until 2017)[4], [5]. Facilities and infrastructure for waste management in Kediri city also hinder the implementation of waste management activities. To the worse, the existing transportation equipment in Kediri inadequately operates the waste management process. 65% of transportation equipment has been operated for more than 15 years and with damaged and inefficient condition, which is unable to support the expected efforts. Consequently, the waste transportation activity becomes less optimal leaving several noticeable trashes to be untransformed. Referring to the mentioned problems, this study is conducted to determine the effectiveness of performance of community-based 3R waste management policy in sustaining the sanitation and landscaping services of Kediri city. The researchers utilize measurements and indicators of the success of the effectiveness of policy performance, based on the previous study conducted by Winarno [6]. Public policy performance is carried out to assess the extent of the effectiveness of public policy to account for its constituents, as well as the extent to which objectives have been achieved. 2. METHOD This study applies qualitative research method. The data is obtained through observation and analysis of secondary data. Both collected primary and secondary data are then analyzed and interpreted by giving conclusions[7]. Specifically, this study is conducted to deeply describe, analyze and explain phenomena through data collection. The expected results of this study are to find out the socialization, training on recycling plastic and paper waste, as well as the volume of waste capacity and the number of transporting fleets (trucks) between Waste Management Stations (TPS) to Final Disposal Site (TPA). In this case, the informants consist of Department of Environmental Sanitary and Landscaping (DLHKP) of Kediri City, TPS (Waste Management Station), TPA (Final Disposal Site), Waste bank members, Village Heads and Community Leaders (RTs and RWs). 1727 [email protected]

The Effectiveness of the Performance of Community Based 3r Waste Management Policy in Kediri City 3. RESULT AND DISCUSSION

3.1. Performance Effectiveness of Community Based 3R Waste Management Policy in Kediri City Urban waste is inseparably increasing along with population growth, as well as with socio- economic and cultural conditions. Thus, this condition encourages the local government to issue Law No.18 of 2008 concerning waste management, and regulation No. 0.3 of 2015 concerning waste management in Kediri city. This effort is conducted since the performance of the waste management policy which has been failing to meet the standard methods and proper techniques of waste management (which are 3R program or Reduce, Reuse, Recycle), presenting a negative impact on public health and environmental pollution. To address this issue, the regional government of Kediri provides a guideline to overcome waste problems and to find a solution. The concerned effort is conducted through the environment, sanitary and urban landscaping department to change the paradigm of waste management. The waste management was previously managed from the stage of open-dumpling system (collect – transport – dump), with the 3R program system (reuse, reduce, recycle) or Gathering, Transporting and Managing, which will be converted into processed sources. The effectiveness of waste management performance in the environment, sanitary and landscaping in Kediri city is sustained by providing training, assistance and socialization to the community about community-based 3R waste management. The measurement and indicators of community-based 3Rwaste management in the Kediri city government area aims to provide training and support to the community to wisely manage waste, especially the household/domestic waste. Such efforts are conducted by providing training in recycling plastic and paper waste, composting with economic value and by providing socialization and training which will later be used to reduce the volume of waste in TPA (final disposal site) to become useful item, as well as being able to improve knowledge and create jobs. The effectiveness of performance of waste management in Kediri city through socialization of waste banks, communities, entrepreneurs, and schools is presented in the following illustration.

Source: Department of Environmental Sanitary and Landscaping of Kediri City 2017

Figure 1. Plastic and Paper Waste Recycling Training

3.2. Volume of Kediri City Landfill Capacity. The capacity of the utilized site for TPA (Final Disposal Site) should be able to accommodate garbage for at least 5 years of operation. This capacity is influenced by the landfill method used, the basic depth of the final disposal site, the height of the landfill, the volume of waste disposed, the density of the waste and the ability to reduce the volume of waste sources. The volume capacity of Kediri TPA in carrying out operation and maintenance of landfill is measured by the 1728 [email protected]

Yenik Pujowati, Andy Fetta Wijaya, Bambang Santoso and Soesilo Zauhar volume of waste transported into the landfill area; and the amount of waste volume capacity is depicted in the following table.

Table 1. Waste Volume In Kediri City (2017)

TOTAL DAY IN COEFFICIENT/ TOTAL N0 CONVERSION M3 POPULATION A YEAR Kg (M3) Daily Waste Producon 1 M3 290.147 365 1,3 1000 137.675 Incoming Truck Volume Volume

90-96 M3 M3 2 Daily Managed Waste 93 93 372 Daily waste Day in a Total volume (M3) year 3 Annual Managed Waste 372 365 135.780 Capacity Number of TPS Volume M3 Total 4 Capacity of TPS 42 750 365 273.750 Source: Department of Environmental Sanitary and Landscaping of Kediri City 2017

Table 2. Waste Volume Entry to TPA in 2017

2017 YEAR / Week Week Week Week Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Total MONTH 1 2 3 4 Week 4 Total (Kg) (Kg) (Kg) (Kg) (M3) (Kg) (M3 ) M3) (M3) (M3) JANUARY 2524 884020 2584 910640 2671 934920 3720 934920 11499 3664500 FEBRUARY 2505 876844 2763 967753 2587 907400 2438 853220 10293 3605217 MARCH 2581 903440 2448 858200 2491 872000 3571 1250000 11091 3883640 106017 APRIL 3029 2411 843930 2433 851710 3121 1092380 10994 3848190 0 MAY 2459 860809 2374 831260 2231 780820 3255 1139070 10319 3611959 JUNE 2332 816030 2384 834540 2407 859710 2839 995050 9962 3505330 JULY 2877 796860 2890 800580 2874 796190 4054 1123050 12695 3516680 AUGUST 2817 780240 2735 757520 2746 760660 4079 1129920 12377 3428340 SEPTEMBER 2756 763300 2975 824120 2457 680650 3123 865090 11311 3133160 OCTOBER 2778 842280 2513 876531 2650 900300 3592 1254020 11533 3873131 NOVEMBER 2543 889630 2809 983030 2736 957630 3843 1192240 11931 4022530 101387 101925 103256 DESEMBER 2897 2906 3098 3938 1374690 12839 4440370 0 0 0 13684 4453304 TOTAL 4 7 Source: Department of Environmental Sanitary and Landscaping of Kediri City 2017 Information; In January (in week 1), the amount of waste was 2,524, weighing 884,020 kg. The amount of waste in week 2 was about 2,584, weighing 910,640 kg. In week 3,the amount of waste was 2,671, weighing 934,920 kg. In week 4, the waste was measured by M3 a total of 3,720 tons of waste per day with a weight of 934,920 kg. Therefore, the daily total amount of waste that goes into the landfill site was 11,499, weighing around 3664500 kg. TPA capacity is obtained from the amount of volume "waste+landfill" which can be accommodated by a landfill or the effort that has been made by landfill to accommodate waste volume "waste+landfill" as planned. One example of calculating the landfill capacity is by applying the following formula. 1729 [email protected]

The Effectiveness of the Performance of Community Based 3r Waste Management Policy in Kediri City Formula; Q = (V.N) : F Where; Q = TPA (final disposal site) capacity (m 3/year) d V = Volume of solid waste (m3/org/day) N = Total population served d = Waste height depth (m) F = Compaction factor Source: Department of Environmental Sanitary and Landscaping of Kediri City 2017

3.3. Waste Management Facility and Infrastructure The solid waste management system certainly requires adequate transportation equipment to transport waste from the source to the TPS and from the TPS to the TPA (Final Disposal Site). The garbage or waste transported to the landfill is accommodated by using a dump truck or arm roll truck provided by the Kediri city. The solid waste is carried out several times in transportation which is adjusted to the volume of waste collected at TPS. The time and amount of transportation might change (incidentally) according to the condition of the TPS volume of waste. Especially on major days, the garbage volume might exceed the standard volume load of TPS affecting the amount of transportation to exceed that of the normal days. The availability of an adequate dump truck and arm roll as a means of transporting waste is definitely required to transport waste from the transfer of a depot or container to the klothok landfill. Approximately 12 units of dump trucks and 6 units of arm rolls operated to transport waste from TPS to landfill are located in klothok, pojok sub-district, and mojoroto district. The transportation equipment serves 42 TPS units, 4 UDPK units and two 3R units spreading throughout Kediri city. The most dump trucks and arm rolls have been acquired in 1993 to 2007. The expected fleet mileage is at maximum of 120 km/day and at minimum of 30 km/day. The acquisition year and the vehicle condition are presented in the following table.

Table 3. List of Dump Truck and Arm Roll Truck Vehicles Conditions in 2017

Vehicle NO. BRAND/TYPE 4-WHEEL YEAR Police Number Condition 1 Isuzu Nkr 71 Dump Truck 2006 AG 8019 AP 70 % 2 Isuzu Nkr 71 Dump Truck 2006 AG 8016 AP 70 % 3 Isuzu Nkr 71 Arm Roll 2006 AG 8010 AP 50 % 4 Isuzu Nkr 71 Arm Roll 2006 AG 8009 AP 60 % 5 Daihatsu/V82rh Dump Truck 1998 AG 8072 AP 50 % 6 Daihatsu/V82rh Truck 1994 AG 8080 AP 45 % 7 Daihatsu/V82rh Arm Roll 1999 AG 8078 AP 50 % 8 Daihatsu/V82rh Dump Truck 1993 AG 8069 AP 50 % 9 Daihatsu/V82rh Arm Roll 1998 AG 8073 AP 50 % 10 Daihatsu/V82rh Arm Roll 1998 AG 8071 AP 50 % 11 Isuzu Nkr 66 Dump Truck 2003 AG 8056 AP 60 % 12 Toyota Dyna RynoBy 43 Dump Truck 2000 AG 8085 AP 55 % 13 Toyota Dyna RynoBy 43 Dump Truck 2000 AG 8086 AP 50 % 14 Isuzu Nkr 71 B2 Dump Truck 2007 AG 8025 AP 70 % 15 Hino Arm Roll 2012 AG 8112 AP 50 % 16 Isuzu Nkr 71 E2-2 Dump Truck 2014 AG 8132 AP 80 % 17 Isuzu Nkr 71 E2-2 Dump Truck 2014 AG 8133 AP 80 % 18 Isuzu Dump Truck 1992 L 9984 V 40 % Source: Department of Environmental Sanitary and Landscaping of Kediri City 2017 The previously presented table depicts that the transportation equipment available in Kediri City is currently inadequate to operate the waste management process. Of the 65% transportation vehicles. they have unfortunately been operated for more than 15 years and the condition of the 1730 [email protected]

Yenik Pujowati, Andy Fetta Wijaya, Bambang Santoso and Soesilo Zauhar vehicle has been currently damaged and inefficient to operate. This condition will definitely cause several problems, including: a) The waste management cycle has been unable to efficiently and effectively operate; b) Transportation equipment that is not roadworthy will certainly disturb or endanger other road users; c) High Maintenance costs for transportation equipment and containers are required.. 4. CONCLUSION The effectiveness of the performance of community-based 3R waste management policies in Kediri city has not been effective. This is due to the fact that the role of the majority of the community is still passive towards 3R waste management activities. Although socialization has been carried out by the local government of Kediri city, the community seems to be reluctant towards the policy activities. A lot of regulations and 3R programs from policies have been unable to be optimally implemented, failing to achieve the standard performance of waste management The volume of TPA capacity in Kediri city in 2017 amounted to 136,844 tons of waste, with a total weight per kg of 44,533,047 tons of waste per day, increasing the amount of waste capacity disposed in landfill, due to the large amount of waste arising from the community, household waste, market waste, shops, hospital waste and building waste. The facility and infrastructure of 3R waste management in Kediri city are still not effective due to ineffective and inefficient trash collectors. REFERENCES

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