i HERALU, MOMUl, JUNK 16, 186a . _... ~ i'mmm hi nanhuul Hm coaMn hMaMl i rMM Mas Norwich. do; OHy of ( ), TffckKU, do; EntnM fat*, 00 MEXICO. riOUe bones of thin net WrtaM,teamen, for EUROPE. atoougtaedry turn, iCHultluir SSFwIth J*r l1 mm, (JoH, Norwich Heorgtown^DC. ... liy li, do. Herbert, 8mltk, OalveAlun. in a vrvmtnciamirnio in atvor of that freight theyewrM^ht^vmeDt«?IU^'gT*a?tfvlu»carry, In a manner very distressing to IrtrJMMilimk. Parker, Norwich for Philadelphia. Antnk Lmw 4e Still Abba. Mqta. who peraoiiH of nervosa temperament or ralck ioiikIu. 8»H»yt M^.ltorw^.rurN.w Brun.wick. dhmi stoamshlp Ctty or ABtw* the (mUm this tm captain aft* I wfliig HmlMmm to torn «f J.w represented of tte Sierra, ted no partiality uoa. Possibly, with the progress of UM mm Wr Hartford for ElUaMtbport. Manila, April 14- ]D port drip* SndoAvour, Do*m ; Ru milshs.r trom Liverpool oo the ^ for Hanta Ann, and his name wasdoubtless selected drawback may be removed on this root* by the J jlibi, BaSey, 4Ui or Jane, arrtred at as representing a sure remote put than any other of another boat. addition tte thl>4 ^ qqmmumm PfMiiwi Tfce Mm to Faw of ItoMa llrtng person. The pronunciamitMa, which 1* spSassi xtrning, bringing a mall repo-j4 1D detail of our slgned o» the leaden of the section, little known Oa Ike Ohcj Islnad RmuL Kf{8®rS!Si»S.<». AiM-NlehMMM Alii I* BcM cahle despatches, dated to day of nailing from their immediate locality, ) of mail Importancebeyond Hie setae afteraoon was of a moat - *** f« \0jf Viva Cara, Mij 31, llM. In but aa la yesterday . «* lop^ DOW,7 Ireland. itself; should, probable, the varloua and character. The long coveted |!:SS&. NT 7 Protiwtciarixieiitot are the order. Tlie leeting of factions unite, it will brine a considerableopposition enlivening cheerful 1 »°T<. New Haw for A remarkable case la to occupy the attention force Into the Held. summer of affairs was and the Bchr8®5r Maria, Cramer.Maw Haven for Baltimore. opposition to the Juares administration ex> ting at opposition aspect reached, Uraoa (jllmore, Philadelphia. t the English Coarta.that of Mr. The following is the text of the prmun-Hamlento, uuly appreciating the favorable torn la the Wataoo, Mickertou, New Haven for Pari 'l * h Bankruptcy the time of tad developed by the convoeatorUi of with the names of the slguera:. people,JBckr JohnMir ^SBSgSiiSSS^S-SSSSKrm M Johnson. for do la S dajt the Barak for Port NTorfe. James McHenry, English and American railway which has lain on PRON UNCI AMI KNTO. situation, turned out In tall force, bentmeteorological Selaey, Campbell, Mew HaTen Piliac, May JM.ArrlTed, tmcj * ruL ScbeeL Mr. August, 1867, comparatively quiet upon recreation and The really warm °' **' W-?®**"*'**WooScm-A, Bddy. contractor. MfcBenry's liabilities amount to "In the villa of in the Hierra cord*, on .kUk ...... IIenjoyment.a nii..K»lu m/ulncatn/l Robert Port Johaeon. Bunnoa account of the exhaustive nature of the w htch Jaipam, nuibu mwu»i®»vi WllUe, Baker, Mew Haven for JohnBchr Attn! struggle wmo three of the eighth day of one thousand eight hundred Liuuopiicic yicvaiicu Bcbr Hnterprlee. Kleber, New Haven lor Elliabethport. rwA>«, April M.1« port iklp Hsaiboldt. rroe*"'frocMr, from j^arly miliums pounds sterling. it as bunted into action, and from different May, by a cool current of air which constantly swept Bchr New arrived fbr the preceded and sixty-eight, the subscribing chiefs and oMccre, the Stranger, Oavie, Haven for ElUabethpori. SlnfAporA, l«th, Doited AaUa, 1,1,.' The London Stocs or 3d of June, In lta city news mr me or whim anaii asross the plains from tbe seashore and fanned Bchr Clollla», Hart, Mew Haven for Eltaabethport. section* comes of important movements which purpose concerting a plan cheeks and cheered the hearts of all who Bohr Barah Jane, Fordam, Mew Haven for says:. result in the destruction of a system Initiated by grateful Bchr Elizabethport. article,will require all the energy of the government to scaffolds to heroism, after into wooed its benign caresses. Blast, Mark*, Bridgeport for . It la understood that proceedings In bankruptcy The more of these raising taking At about one o'clock the tide of vehicles, light and A ntartle, arrived 11th Inst from Liverpool, and other* reported later. hare beeu commenced against Mr. James MoHenry, prominent are suppress.in the Iniquitous cruelty with whichconsiderationr>. with Tbeehtp lat ST Ion MSO. -TOg»WO.y»t Bnratoui favor of now Benito Juarez and his leaders climbed to heavy, of every description, and tilled men, 11, NewSt, epoke eblp Narraganertt,reporte:.Hay ft«.Colwjrtto, the eontractor for the Atlantic and Great Western Ortega imprisoned in Monterey, hav$ power, women and set in on tbe Coney Island road from Liverpool for York; Mth, lat It IM, Inn .IS 67. spoke Orook«r, Bt 3a V(an3 Jailed Idfor Hallway woo u now ui rim ou iiaumum on open to the organization of which, founded on laws like that children, brlgTuacan (of London), from Sierra Leone for London, M B»; Abb, O^.' and claiming be constitutional President of the 26th efltect of from the various popular routes leading thereto.the out; her with and water. Raymond, Philadelphia; Kong Carl, Ounderman, do: Vaien account* are stated to amount to £2.800,000, and of January, which baa bad the favorite means or communication with the sea beach daye eupplled provlalom tine (Belgj, Sau Francisco; Id, Geflone, Lorenaea, Ffcfladel for £2,400,000 have consented to accept a by virtue of bis offlce of Cblef Justice at the time resuscitating in the nineteenth century the infamies jne oars u r iveri ictui, iron Antwerp, arrived lxlb Inn, creditors the thoroughfare being, however, the "drive" through the phi*. composition of as- M. in tbe pound payable in two Juarez's term expired. His for the of barbarous and feudal ages; that In a report*Had (rung westerly gales during pannage; Mar Sailed June 2, Nereid, Bearae, Liverpool. history past name of this have been noble Prospect Park to Fifteenth street. By this route 31, lat 40 SB, Ion 49 15, spoke ship Southern Chief, hence lor RioJanxieo, M.Arrived, jeai* Tbe rest, however, representing 1400,000, two yeara Is well known to tbe of the United very law sarrifled double 1s afforded.that of beautiful San Francisco. Aprilaalled 80th for brig KeyatoM, WhMden, to agree to t his proposal, and one of them, it is people who, Instead of the scaffold, deserved an altarvictimsto pleasure Buenos Ayres (and Babla). reteeStates, and need not be here. There are their that scenery, mountain air and a magnificently smooth BELOW. Sailed April 3D, iteamer Jamea T Brady, Pattereon (from tated, has already taken oat a flat in bankruptcy. repeated civic virtues and to their heroism; among road. The Park Itself was with NYork). Buenos Ayres; May k, bark Jobaane Lautr assets consist almost of few men to whom these victims thns immolated is mentioned bis thronged persons. Srhr Allen, 13 da;* from Sagua (bv boat B Blunt, Panama. iNO), Mr. McUenry's entirely the liberal party owe more, as to vilely who The total number of visitors there during the day No 3). (from NYork, having repaired), of the railway. securitieshis successes Excellencyi Seflor General Don Tomas Mejia, oould less thousand. In port May 8, ahip Gray Bute, Cheaeborough. 4Ng; bark a military in 1859 may be attributed the gloriously associated bis name with this Sierra; not have been than twenty-five Wind at sunset S, light. Maggie V Hung, Hugg. from Buenos ATree, arrived April 10, The London Times' Dublin correspondent defeat of and tbe On the road the dust was kept in a continual state unc; Silver Star (Br), Huson.Tar NYork Sacramento. liiramon reactionary party, and the that a government like the present, which,considering which it Walter lag: the agricultural prospects of Ireland summarizesas most restoration of when anout to be and destroyed, sought, of agitation by the rapid pulverization to Marine Diaaatera. Sampson, for do, rape rigging ; (Br), from Liverpool Juarez to the capital and the conquered was so wheels. A lew for San order*; fot the as in 186U, a refuge and a within the folds of the subjected beneath many Stbamhbip Tkxah, coming ont over Indlauoia bar about Francisco, wig Adelaide, Etcbberger, eacoaraging. of the government. The most possession help watering carts crawled along at extended Intervals 7th inat stranded and returned to Her United Statea, ldg, brig Three 8latere (Br), Warren, far Mew the States active, intelligent North American banner, does not offer guarantees In port leaking badly. York, do. The emigration from Ireland for United and determined of his in the but on a to sacrifice and essayed to allay the grievance, but their efforts cargo of 375 head of cattle were jumped overboard and swam 1. Savannah. supporters at present future, the contrary menace were of were aahore. The la that ihe will be condemned. Ihiildb, June Ballad, Zeno, continued on a very large scale. General M. In a scandalous manner our territory and our little avail. Many friendly trials or speed impression Staxioo, May 31.Passed by, Davison, from Shields for Negrete, at one time, If 1 mistake not, a the Indulged in by persons, who labored under the Sons Carolina, of Charlestown, Mass, was recently lost Boston. The Egyptian government loan concluded with member of Juarez's Cabinet. He for the benefit of our common enemy, on abandoned him, so sadnationalitya that they enjoyed the possession or a fast the NW Triangles, front of Campeachy. Captain Burgeea Boillt, May 28.Off, Balder, Bjorck, from NYork far is in when that his term of Anglo-Saxon; that before there snail arrive Impressionand rest of the crew arrived here on last on the Messrs. Oppenhelm, in Alexandria, substitution however, worthy prolonged for our it is to commit its nag. There was nothing "dexterous" performed in Saturday Dunkirk* offlce bv decree and took his residence In day country necessary the horse on this road Tbe steamship Virgo, Capt Deakun, from Vera Cruz. Swikkmumuk, May 80.Arrived, Amphltrlte, Liadbolm, of the national loan scheme previously up to our as In other days of line, however, yesterday. NYork. * Texas. Here he laWed for a timeBrownsville,at the preservation worthy hand, Smith street and Island cars and the Scbb Sabah, of Eustport, still remained ashore 18th Inst Is redeemable In fifteen Since its misfortune. After all these things into Coney dummy on East to 8t Thomas, May BO.Arrived, steamship South , and years. contemplated,trade of a tinsmith, which he had learned in taking route were crowded all day long by a class of Chop, Holmes' Hole, an attempt having been made NYork aalled Slat for Rio Janeiro). He we have solemnly determined uponconsiderationthe pump bar out with a steam pump without effect. Tlnplepaiwh, (and announcement the rate of discount has fallen from adversity. at all tlmeB favored the pretence* basis of who felt that the expense attending the hirepersonsof Sailed Mat, hrig John Wealey, Ford, Rum Day lo load aalt of Ortega, and for some months past nas been following operations:. a would too for the occasion iBUBRx, June 3.A letter from Lerwick states that the for Boaton at 13c flrteeu to eleven per cent, and ia still carriage prove great a currency. declining. supporting his claims in armed opposition to the A Enrii.K1. We do not reoognlze the sanguinary and therefor? betook themselves to tbe more ship Lesslng, Genies, from Bremen for New York, with In port June L, ahlp Sarah Newman, refitting, bark Id* He was accused of to tbe of Don Benito Juarez, nor the general or particulargovernmout general cargo and 446 passengers, ran ashore at Pair Isle at (Br), Langthorne. for Turka Islands aame day; brig BarahAbbott government. being privy authority emanating from the last from the and economical conveyance thus afforded.democratico :80 AM on the 33d ult; all saved. The will be a wreck. A Holbrook for in 4 and plot to assassinate Juarez and the members of his election, resulting The beach at the island for miles was with ship (Dau), Buokitone, NYork day»; ENGLAND. In him Onnxxatoria. of the fitli of August of the paat year. thronged Qommbtown, May 28.The American schr Hail , otbersa Cabinet Pebraary last, but those who know Art. X The political government shall be of that system bathers. Capt Brereton, from Cardiff for Montevideo, with ooals, Ac, Valparaiso, May 17-Arrired previous, bark Hawksye, best declare him Incapable of such a crime. The which prevail* In the nation and its chief, the well deserving put In here with captain sick. Hunken, Bolton. Tbe Anirrirnu Presidential Convention at pronuitdamltnto of Aurellano Rivera,who, since the patriot bis Excellency the General of Division, Don Antonio Died. June 8.The Inman steamship City of Cork, which put back In port 17th. shin Quintaro, Manning, unc; bark Parana issuing of the convocatoria, has been bitterly hostile Lopez de Santa Anna. on Thursday disabled, had a new shaft lilted In and returned (Arg), Langeton, for River Plate, ldg. or the Republican Policy.Chicn#o.Opinionto the Juarez will doubtless concentrate Akt. 8. Colonel Don Joe* Velasquez Is reoogulred as chief Hi.ovkkr..In Columbia street, Brooklyn, on to Liverpool last evening. vbba Ckuz, May 14.Arrived, bark Chilton, Hume, government, of the forces of the Hierra (Jor