International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE) ISSN: 2277-3878, Volume-8 Issue-4, November 2019

Statistical Analysis for Parametric Optimization of Gas Turbine-Steam Turbine Combined Power Cycle with Different Natural Gas Combustion

Kaushalendra Kumar Dubey, R.S. Mishra

Abstract: The combined Gas Turbine (GT) and Steam Turbine possible by the exergy analysis. The entropy generation (ST) power generation techniques plays important role in power approach established the -exergy analysis for the production. The coal fired thermal power plants have maximum different thermal utilities of thermal power plant and possible efficiency about 34-36% with all arrangements of statistical methodology helps to compare the performance reheating and regeneration thermal systems. The integration of GT power generation system with old coal based thermal power parameters like power output, gas turbine thermal plant helps to re-powering of plant and utilization of exhaust efficiency, consumption and exergetic efficiencies at energy of GT unit through heat recovery steam generator different combustible gases which are utilized in combustion (HRSG) of ST plant. The proposed title of research deals two process. The MLR optimization method is used for the steps of analysis. Energy analysis is adopted as first step for parametric analysis in present work for findings of possible performance and energy destruction evaluation purpose where as overall efficiency, heat loss, and gas turbine performance Multi Linear regression (MLR) method is introduced as second with the combination of operating temperature, pressure method for parametric optimization. The four natural gases have ratio and different fuel gases. The main objective of energy- been considered in this analysis and investigate the suitable fuel exergy modeling is to identify losses in components and true gas performance as per operating condition of GT plant such as gas turbine inlet turbine temperature (GTIT), compression ratio performance of plant. The several researches have been (CR) and mass flow of gases. The result of this paper concluded conducted on performance analysis of power plant and as maximum exergy loss found in combustion chamber of GT parametric optimization by using statistical analysis tool. system and exhaust flow system of ST system in terms of 41% and The authors conducted exergy destruction analysis of gas 8% respectively. The combined and exergetic efficiency of plant turbine based cogeneration thermal plant and observe the are estimated to be 41% and 38.5% respectively. In present effect of compression ratio, steam pressure, turbine inlet statistical model 4 levels and 3 factors (Pressure ratio, operating temperature, refrigeration temperature, etc. The another temperature and type of fuel gases) have been considered. And research is analyzed the exergy performance of ejector- overall efficiency, gas turbine efficiency, heat loss in GT plant, absorption refrigeration system which is efficient by 8% in Exergy destruction in thermal utilities like Compressor, combustion chamber and gas turbine are investigated. The the application of wastage heat combined power system statistical modeling concluded that the comparative results of with refrigeration effect [1-3].Sapele-Nigeria based low actual and predicted results at different compression ratio of power generation category of steam power plant of 75Mega combustible gases which is affects the overall performance of Watt (MW) is computed maximum exergy destruction as combined GT-ST plant. This study helps to justify possible 87.3% in boiler, and plant exergy efficiency 11.03%.The efficiency improvement with identifying the irreversibilities of higher energy loss in boiler signifies the treatment of boiler plant utilities. utilities. The exergonomic concept for different-different power generation techniques is reviewed. Authors addressed Keywords: Exergy Analysis, Irreversibility, GT-ST combined cycle, Statistical MLR Method. the boiler and condenser component have major exergy destruction in case of rankine power cycle, whereas I. INTRODUCTION combustion chamber has major exergy destruction in case of gas-turbine powers [5-6,8].Author explain about the exergy, The precious quantity of heat is lost during the combining of exergy is the maximum rate of work, which is the theoretical two different power generation system which will affect the limitation of system and undoubtedly shows that no real plant performance. The First Law of Thermodynamic is system can conserve exergy, it can be recovered only defining the energetic criteria of system. It is incapable to [7,22].The exergetic performance of the re-powered rankine give the information about thermal deficiency due to cycle with gas turbine concluded that combustion chamber irreversibilities in process. The estimation of real and boiler have more irreversibility in GT & ST plant performance of thermal system and quality of energy are respectively. Researcher developed a computational model

Revised Manuscript Received on November 15, 2019 for the parametric investigation. Their analysis involved the Kaushalendra Kumar Dubey, Assistant Professor., Dept of Mechanical effect of compression ratio of used combustion gas, turbine Engineering, Galgotias University, Greater Noida, India. R.S. Mishra, Dean Outreach & Extension Activities, Delhi inlet temperature, boiler Technological University, Delhi India. pressure on the energetic and

Published By: Retrieval Number: D8507118419/2019©BEIESP Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering DOI:10.35940/ijrte.D8507.118419 4563 & Sciences Publication Statistical Analysis for Parametric Optimization of Gas Turbine-Steam Turbine Combined Power Cycle with Different Natural Gas Combustion exergetic performance [9].The energy-exergy modeling the performance in terms of energy-exergy analysis of several thermal systems like ammonia–sodium thiocyanate absorption system, organic rankine cycle and combined cooling power generation plant (CCPP), and it provide the opportunity to improvement and identify the location of losses and losses mainly occurs during the operation and it remark as exergy destruction. The performance assessment of energy and exergy analysis of various configurations of the CCPP plant for waste heat recovery through HRSG and equivalent payback period also estimated [4,10-11].The Fig.1. Thermodynamic schematic of combined GT-ST physical systems simulation and quantitative modeling is plant mainly dependent on the mathematical models for accuracy schematic The combined GT-ST plant is integrated with GT and optimized design with multitude of parameters, power generation and ST power generation, the following furthermore, statistical mathematics implemented for error process are given below as per the fig-1 mentioned plant. estimation, parametric comparison and optimization for both actual and model data examination.. For modeling and Process: 1-2- Isentropic compression of atmospheric air in analysis generally traditional mathematical approaches have GT plant. been incorporated, but complex problems can be solve by Process: 2-3-Combustion of gas in combustion chamber-1 of soft computing, fuzzy logic and neural networks approaches GT plant. [13].The another type of plant data analysis is deals by Process: 3-4-Isentropic flue gas expansion in gas-turbine of statistical modeling techniques like regression model, least GT plant. square method, Maximum Likelihood Estimator (MLE) Process: 4-5-Combustion of flue gas in combustion method, Auto regression integrated moving chamber-2 of GT plant. average model (ARIMA),Multiple Linear Regression Process: 5-6-Stack flow out. (MLR). Artificial Neural Network (ANN), Response Process: 6-a-Steam generation in HRSG of ST plant by Surface Method (RMS),Multivariate Regression (MVR), etc utilizing exhaust heat from GT plant. for error identification, parametric comparison and complex Process: a-b-Isentropic steam expansion and steam-turbine problem solving [14-19].The parametric analysis of work perform of ST plant. geothermal power plant is estimated by using multiple Process: b-c- steam condensation and heat rejection of ST linear regression method, and ANOVA-I&II mathematical plant. tools have been conducted for organic rankine cycle Process: c-d-pumping of condensed water & makeup water performance analysis and compared with R-analysis tool for and supply to HRSG of ST plant. error estimation and parametric comparison in recent research work[20-21]. III. PLANT OPERATION CONDITION AND COMBUSTIBLE NATURAL GAS PROPERTIES II. BRIEF OF COMBINED GT-ST POWER Table 1. Operating Condition of GT-ST plant GENERATION SYSTEM Plant Unit & Plant Unit The proposed plant is integrated with Gas turbine and steam Components/Parameter Value Components/Parameter And turbine with HRSG system. The exhaust temperature from s s Value gas turbine has potential to run the steam turbine plant Compressor Inlet 1bar,25 0C Specific heat ratio of air 1.4 through HRSG. The steam power plant thermal efficiency is condition (P1,T1) (γ_air) fixed with maximum possible efficiency 36% because the Compressor Pressure 8 Steam condition at inlet 40bar,42 gas turbine power cycle is works as toping cycle and the Ratio (P2/P1) of Steam turbine 5 0C variation in GT plant will affect the overall performance of plant. The layout of proposed plant is made in AUTOCAD Gas Turbine Inlet gas 900 0C Condenser pressure 0.04 bar temperature (T3) which is shown in fig-1; operational conditions and combustible gas properties have been listed in Table-1&2. Pressure drop in 3% Feed water temp to 170.4 0C combustion chamber HRSG

Compressor Efficiency 88% ST Efficiency (ηST) 82% (ηc)- manufacturer efficiency

Published By: Retrieval Number: D8507118419/2019©BEIESP 4564 Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering DOI:10.35940/ijrte.D8507.118419 & Sciences Publication International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE) ISSN: 2277-3878, Volume-8 Issue-4, November 2019

GT Efficiency (ηGT)- 88% Pressure Drop of gas in 5kPa Power Output of GT-ST Plant- manufacturer efficiency the HRSG The combined GT-ST plant power output is achieved by the net work done by gas turbine and steam turbine both, total

Calorific Value of liquid 44.43MJ/K Steam Flow rate= ws 105 TPH work of GT& ST plant is give by Ethane as fuel (CVf) g W_total = W_ST plant + W_GTplant Energy equation for steam turbine work in terms of enthalpy Specific heat of air 1.006 GT outlet Pressure (P4) 1.05 bar across inlet and outlet of ST as follows (Cp_ ) KJ/KgK air W_ST = ws (ha - hbs) ×η_st (10) Specific heat of gas 1.148 Condenser Inlet staem or 105TPH And Enthalpy at condenser line = hbs = hf_b+x_bs× hfg_b (Cp_gas) KJ/KgK ST outlet flow or 30Kg/s (11) Table 2. Properties of combustible gas for GT plant

IV. ENERGY ANALYSIS AND STATISTICAL MODELING OF COMBINED GT-ST POWER PLANT Stoichiomet The governing equation of analysis is based on energy-mass ric Combustio Combustion conservation and entropy generation principle of Nam n Reaction A/F(A/F=C* thermodynamics. The MLR method is used for parametric e Of Chem Heat (CaHb+c* O_mol natu ical Value O2- wt/(23.2% * optimization for the GT-ST plant performance. Mass and S. ral Form (MJ/ Cp/C D*CO2+E Fuel _mol energy balance equations has been applied in all thermal No gas ula KG) v γ *H2O) wt)) utilities. In order to simplify the analysis, some fundamental CH4+2O2- Meth 2.22/ CO2+2H2 assumptions and proposed analysis is adopted from PK Nag 1 ane CH4 55.5 1.70 1.3 O 17.24 combined GT-ST model [12]: C2H6+7/2 O2- 1. The thermodynamic process is assumed steady flow with Etha 1.53/ 1.0 2CO2+3H2 consideration of control volume (CV) system. 2 ne C2H6 51.9 1.48 3 O 16.09 2. The isentropic performance is considered for compressor, C3H8+5O2 - pumps and both GT& ST turbines. Prop 1.67/ 1.1 3CO2+4H2 4.1 Energy Analysis 3 ane C3H8 50.4 1.48 2 O 15.6 Applying mass-energy and 1st law energy equation in all C4H10+13/ 2O2- utility of GT plant. The thermodynamic relation and Buta C4H1 1.67/ 1.0 4CO2+5H2 4 ne 0 49.1 1.53 91 O 15.45 equations for power plant components are as follows C5H12+8O Compressor 2- Pente C5H1 1.66/ 1.0 5CO2+6H2 The compressor work is function of operating condition of 5 ne 2 48.6 1.52 92 O 15.32 air intake; the compressor outlet temperature can be expressed as following thermodynamic relations- Work done by GT plant is depend on the difference between 훾−1 푇2 푃2 = ( ) 훾∗ ηc (1) gas turbine work and compressor work consumption, the 푇1 푃1 combine equation for W_GT and W_COMP as follows W_comp= m_air × Cp_air (T2-T1) (1a) W_ plant = W_ - W_ (12) Combustion Chamber GT GT COMP W_GT plant = m_gas × Cp_gas (T3-T4) - m_air × Cp_air The pressure drop (ΔPcc) across the C.C as follows (T2-T1) (13) P3/P2 = (1- ΔPcc) (2) When two plants are combined, there is always some heat Assume flow rate of flue gas is 1Kg/s and that of fuel f Kg/s loss. If heat rejected by GT plant as topping cycle is The mass flow rate of air = (1-f) Kg/s (3) absorbed by ST plant as bottoming cycle, The Lost heat as Therefore f×CVf = mf × Cp_gas (T3-T4) – (1-f) Cp_air (T2- coefficient in the exhaust stack T0) (4) wg×Cpg (T6−T1) 퐴 (1−푓) X = ( ) (14) Air Fuel Ratio = = (5) L 푤푓 ×퐶푉푓 퐹 푓 For the overall thermal efficiency with considering heat lost Gas Turbine between topping and bottoming cycle. The overall The GT outlet temperature is estimated by isentropic efficiency of plant as follows efficiency (ηGT) 훾−1 (ηGT ) ηoverall plant = ηSTplant+ηGTplant – ηSTplant× ηGTplant- ηSTplant × XL 푇3 푃3 = ( ) 훾 (6) (15) 푇4 푃4 Heat Recovery Steam Generator (HRSG) The GT-ST combined plant efficiency is depend on work The flue gas temperature at inlet of HRSG is calculated by done by both turbines and heat supplied through combustion Let the pinch point temp differences (T5-Tf) be 30 0C chamber and HRSG respectively in GT and ST plant. The (pinch point at exit of GT and inlet of ST) equations for efficiencies are follows From Mass and Energy balance between GT and ST η = (ha-hb)/(ha-he) (16) m_gas × Cp_gas (T4-T5) = m_steam (h -h ) (7) STplant a f put all values of enthalpy from equ. No 10-11-12-13 And air flow rate entering the compressor = m_air = (1-f) η = (W )/(w ×CV ) (17) m_gas (8) GTplant GT f f From Equ No 15 η Fuel mass flow rate m_fuel =w =f× m_gas (9) overall f Than energy interaction between HRSG and stack flow, and 4.2 Exergy Destruction Analysis temperature of stack flue gas as follows

1.14 (482-T6) = 0.106 (3272-721.1) (9a) Assume exergy flux ψ = (ΔG / Stack flow Temp= T6 0 ΔH0) =1.0401 + 0.1728 (h/c)

Published By: Retrieval Number: D8507118419/2019©BEIESP Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering DOI:10.35940/ijrte.D8507.118419 4565 & Sciences Publication Statistical Analysis for Parametric Optimization of Gas Turbine-Steam Turbine Combined Power Cycle with Different Natural Gas Combustion

(18) Overall Effi (%) = 36.62 + 0.428* Pressure Where ΔH0 = wf× (CV)0 +2.982*Temperature- 0.588 HC Compressor- Rate of energy dissipation in compressor (Icomp) =waT0 (Cpa (Neglecting effect of fuel gas composition, only 푇2 푃2 ln - R ln ) (19) compression pressure and GTIT consider) 푇1 a 푃1 훾−1 where, Overall efficiency represents the gas turbines inlet But R = C ( ) a p 훾 temperature and gas turbines cycle pressure . Combustion Chamber- The irreversibility in CC is estimated by the energy balance Coefficients between product, reactants, air and used fuel respectively. 푇3 푃3 푇2 푃2 SE T- P- IccT0 푤푔 퐶푝푔 푙푛 − 푅푔 푙푛 − 푤푔퐶푝푔 푙푛 − 푤푎푅푎 푙푛 + ∆푆 푇표 푃표 푇0 푃표 Term Coeff Coeff Value Value VIF (20) Constant 36.62 2.48 14.79 0.000 Gas Turbine- Pressure(Bar) 0.428 0.553 0.77 0.454 1.00 Rate of energy lost or work lost in GT = IGT =wgT0 Temperature (Degree 2.982 0.553 5.39 0.000 1.00 T4 p4 [Cpg ln − Rg ln ] (21) Celsius) T3 p3 HC -0.588 0.553 -1.06 0.309 1.00 HRSG- Rate of energy lost in heat recovery steam generator-IHRSG = Model Summary 푇6 푃6 T0[푤푠 푠푎 − 푠푒 + 퐶푝푔 푙푛 − 푅푔 푙푛 ] (22) 푇4 푃4 Steam Turbine S R-sq R-sq(adj) R-sq(pred) 2.47505 71.93%% 64.92%% 51.99% Rate of energy or work lost in the steam turbine= IST IST = T0 ws (sb-sa) (23) Analysis of Variance Exergy Lost due to exhaust flue gas F- P- 푇6 푇0 I = 1 − 푑푄 = w ×Cpg [ 푇6 − 푇0 − EXHFLUEGAS 푇0 푇 g Source DF Adj SS Adj MS Value Value 푇6 푇0 푙푛 ] (24) Regression 3 188.405 62.802 10.25 0.001 푇0 푇표푡푎푙 푂푢푡푝푢푡 Pressure(Bar) 1 3.668 3.668 0.60 0.454 Exergetic Efficiency=η = (25) EX 퐸푥푒푟푔푦 퐼푛푝푢푡 Temperature 1 177.817 177.817 29.03 0.000 (Degree Celsius) 4.3 Statistical Analysis-MLR Regression Method HC 1 6.921 6.921 1.13 0.309 Error 12 73.510 6.126 The MLR method of statistical model is used in this Total 15 261.916 analysis for overall and gas turbine both. The four different gases have been used in combustion chamber at different pressure ratio and operating temperature ranges. V. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION This helps to identify the suitable combination of input factors for optimized result of plant operation. The general output and exergy of components of proposed The mathematical expression for expected value of Table 4. Observation Tables of GT-ST Plant performance parameters as follows which give the performance optimized result in all set of available factors and level of (operated with octane gas) Performan Parame Performa Parametric Performan Parametr operating conditions. ce tric nce Values ce ic Values Parameters Values Paramete Parameter Table 3. Factors and Level of combined GT-ST power rs s W_STplant 29MW Gas 5646 KW Exhaust 17760 plant Turbine Flue Gases KW Exergy Exergy Destructio Destruction LEVEL n Factors 1 2 3 4 W_GT plant 53MW HRSG 7583 KW Total ILOSS 132945 (Input Exergy Or KW Destructio Destruction operational n = factor) A- 6 7 8 9 = Compressor

Pressure in ηSTplant & 38% & Steam 6412 KW Exergy 212810 Bar ηGTplant & 27% & Turbine Input (ΔG0) kW ηoverall plant 41.7% Exergy B- 600 700 800 900 Destructio Operating n Temperatur Heat lost 35.40% Compress 6613 KW Total 82,000K e at inlet of during or Exergy Output W combining Destructio GT in of GT-ST n Degree C cycle =XL C-Fuel Butane Methan Ethane Octane Gases e Above mentioned factors and its level analyzed by L16 model of MLR analysis. MLR Regression Analysis- Regression Equation

Published By: Retrieval Number: D8507118419/2019©BEIESP 4566 Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering DOI:10.35940/ijrte.D8507.118419 & Sciences Publication International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE) ISSN: 2277-3878, Volume-8 Issue-4, November 2019

m_gas / 275.4Kg Combusti 88661 KW Overall 38.50% m_air /s on Exergetic /m_fuel /271.3kg chamber Efficiency= /s /4.46 Exergy ηEX 60 Kg Destructio Methane Ethane n 58 Butane Propane Octane GT-ST combined plant are given in table-4. The present 56 result is considering octane gas as a fuel gas in gas turbine 54 plant with the all permissible operational condition for plant working.The performance of plant is observed by using Loss Heat (%) 52 energy analysis of different units of proposed plant. 50 Efficiencies, Heat loss, mass flow of air & gas and exergy destruction are major performance indicators which are 48 provided in table - 4. 38%,27% and 41.7 % of ST plant 6 7 8 9 efficiency, GT plant efficiency and combined GT-ST plant Pressure (bar) efficiency are estimated respectively with the 35.4% of heat Fig 2(c).Effect of inlet pressure of GT on Heat loss loss during the GT and ST cycle combination. The between GT&ST combustion chamber of GT plant has higher energy loss 4000 with 41.6%, where as GT is utilize maximum energy of Methane input. The overall efficiency of plant is estimated as 41.7%, 3500 but the actual plant performance is calculated in terms of Ethane Butane exergetic efficiency as 38.5%. 3000 Propane 5.1 Effect of performance parameters: Octane 2500

44 2000

Methane s Turbine (KW) Work

Ethane Ga Butane 1500 42 Propane Octane 1000 40

500 600 700 800 900 1000 38 Temperature GTIT (Degree Celcius) Overall Overall (%) Efficiency

36 Fig 2(d). Effect of gas turbine inlet temperature in GT Work 6 7 8 9 Methane (Eta GT) Pressure (bar) Methane (Heat Loss) Methane (overall efficiency) Ethane (Eta GT) Fig 2(a).Effect of inlet pressure of GT on η_overall Ethane (Heat Loss) Ethane (overall efficiency) Butane (Eta GT) Butane (Heat Loss) 60 Butane (overall efficiency) 42 Propane (Eta GT) Propane (Heat Loss) Propane (overall efficiency) Methane Octane (Eta GT) 40 Octane (Heat Loss) Ethane 55 Octane (overall efficiency) Butane 38 Propane Octane 50 36

34 45


40 Gas Gas Turbine (%) Efficiency

30 Efficiency and Heat Heat and Efficiency Loss (%) 28 35

6 7 8 9 Pressure (bar) 30 Fig 2(b). Effect of inlet pressure of GT on η_GT 6 7 8 9 Pressure (bar)

Fig 2(e) Effect of inlet pressure of GT in overall performance

Published By: Retrieval Number: D8507118419/2019©BEIESP Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering DOI:10.35940/ijrte.D8507.118419 4567 & Sciences Publication Statistical Analysis for Parametric Optimization of Gas Turbine-Steam Turbine Combined Power Cycle with Different Natural Gas Combustion

Compressor Combustion Chamber Gas Turbine Fig-3(b) Regression Fit chart for overall efficiency HRSG Steam Turbine Table-5 L16 Regression model for Actual and Predicted Exhaust Flue Gases 4.26% result comparison 5.72% Predic 4.83% Co Tempe ted mp rature Overal ress – l or GTIT Efficie 66.83% 13.39% Pre (Degre Actual ncy ssur e Overall (%) % e(B Celsiu Natural Efficien By Resid Deviati 4.98% ar) s) Gas cy (%) DOE ual on - 6 600 Butane 37.2 40.03 -2.83 7.60752 6882 3.56053 6 700 Methane 44.6 43.012 1.588 8117 - - 6 800 Ethane 44.4 45.994 3.59009 Fig 2(f). Exergy Destruction of Major component of 1.594 009 combined GT-ST Plant - - 6 900 Octane 45.3 46.976 3.69977 The more compression ratio enhances the GTIT and 1.676 higher temperature of GT inlet gives higher thermal 9249 6.06454 7 600 Methane 43.07 40.458 2.612 efficiency. Fig 2(a), 2(b), 2(c), 2(d) & 2(e) are showing the 6088 effect of compression ratio in overall efficiency of combined - 7 700 Butane 41.8 43.44 -1.64 3.92344 GT-ST plant with five different gas combustion in GT plant. 4976 0 - The maximum GTIT taken 1000 C, the metallurgical 7 800 Octane 45 46.422 -3.16 criteria of turbine material is main factor for limiting value 1.422 - - of GTIT. Methane gas have higher efficiency with high CR 7 900 Ethane 45.5 49.404 8.58021 3.904 and GTIT values, fig 2(c) clearly indicate minimum heat 978 - - loss also, where as other gases have valuable output with all 8 600 Ethane 35.5 40.886 15.1718 5.386 ranges of CR values. Overall performance of plant with all 3099 - composition of natural gases is mentioned in fig 2(e). - 8 700 Octane 42.9 43.886 2.29836 0.986 The Total exergy loss of plant is estimated by 133MW with 8298 the 213 MW of input energy through CC and HRSG heat - 8 800 Butane 45.39 46.85 -1.46 3.21656 addition as mentioned in table-4, the component wise 7526 irreversibility is explained by fig-2(f) The maximum exergy 2.01584 8 900 Methane 50.5 49.482 1.018 lost 66.83% is found in CC of GT system and exhaust flue 1584 - - gas unit of ST system about 13.39%. Steam turbine also has 9 600 Octane 38.8 41.314 6.47938 2.514 more energy loss as compare to gas turbine. 1443 - - 5.2 Statistical modeling Result 9 700 Ethane 40.78 44.296 8.62187 3.516 3467 5.06425 9 800 Methane 49.8 47.278 2.522 7028 - 9 900 Butane 48.19 50.26 -2.07 4.29549 6991

% of Deviation = [(actual value – predicted value)/ actual value] × 100% The MLR model summery measure the overall efficiency of the plant. The adjusted R-squared value of 64.92% and the Predict R-squared value of 51.99 % are fairly acceptable for this analysis. Furthermore, a value of R2 on a higher side indicates that the results are close to the real data values. A comparison between the actual data and the predicted one is Fig-3(a). Pareto Chart of overall efficiency highlighted in Table 5. A set of data based on 16 runs were collected as per the operating gas turbine pressure, GTIT and combustible natural gases. The table was constructed which included the predicted responses from MLR analysis. The values seem to coincide with the actual data which is considered good. It also shows the residual by response surface and the percentage variation versus the run number in fig-4. A normal plot of residuals is shown in Figure-3(b). The graphs highlight one key fact, that is, the value of R2 is 71.93%, shows minimum irregularity. The linear model is statistically adequate. It can be seen that the best-fit line resembles the (Y=X) line when plotted on a data set of 16 points.

This indicates that the predicted

Published By: Retrieval Number: D8507118419/2019©BEIESP 4568 Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering DOI:10.35940/ijrte.D8507.118419 & Sciences Publication International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE) ISSN: 2277-3878, Volume-8 Issue-4, November 2019 values and the real data are in close proximity to each other. The both approach of analysis gives the comparative and The variation found in actual results from the predicted ones optimized solution for plant operation at suitable operating was between 2.612 and -5.386 showing only a minor condition. The present statistical model of DOE helps to dissimilarity. The pareto graph fig-3(a) well explained the compare the actual and predicted values for overall plant GTIT is main factor for overall efficiency with the set of performance study, machinery optimization, components compressor pressure and fuel gases. identification for controlling heat loss, best combination of factor with the large range of input operating parameters. Overall Efficiency (Actual Vs. Predicted)

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Published By: Retrieval Number: D8507118419/2019©BEIESP Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering DOI:10.35940/ijrte.D8507.118419 4569 & Sciences Publication Statistical Analysis for Parametric Optimization of Gas Turbine-Steam Turbine Combined Power Cycle with Different Natural Gas Combustion

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Kaushalendra Kr. Dubey is associated with is the Dept of , Galgotias University, Greater Noida, India as assistant professor. He is a research fellow of Delhi Technological University, Delhi, India. Author qualification is Master of technology in Thermal Engineering with honors from Jamia Millia Islamia, Delhi, India..He has faculty research fellowship from Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi in 2016 in Energy and Heat Recovery Research. Author has published more than 25 research papers in repute journals and conferences and active volunteer for work on energy research and technology through industrial and academic project.

Prof. (Dr.) R.S. Mishra Ph.D-Solar Energy IIT Delhi- 1986.Dean Outreach & Extension Activities, Delhi Technological University, Delhi India . He has published more than 250 research papers in repute journals & conference. Professor Mishra is dynamic personality of area of solar thermal system design- development and advanced refrigeration techniques. He is awarded by many national and International scientific societies.

Published By: Retrieval Number: D8507118419/2019©BEIESP 4570 Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering DOI:10.35940/ijrte.D8507.118419 & Sciences Publication