IN THE MATTER of the Resource Management Act 1991 and the Local Government (Auckland Transitional Provisions) Act 2010


IN THE MATTER of TOPIC 081e Rezoning and Precincts (Geographical areas)


IN THE MATTER of the submissions and further submissions set out in the Parties and Issues Report



26 JANUARY 2016





Full Term Abbreviation Business Park BP City Centre CC Countryside Living CL Future Urban FU General Business GB Heavy Industry HI Height Sensitive Areas HSA Historic Character HC Large Lot LL Light Industry LI Local Centre LC Metropolitan Centre MC Mixed Housing Suburban MHS Mixed Housing Urban MHU Mixed Rural MR Mixed Use MU National Grid Corridor NGC Neighbourhood Centre NC Outstanding Natural Feature ONF Outstanding Natural Landscape ONL Pre-1944 Building Demolition Control Pre-1944 BDC Public Open Space POS Rapid and/or frequent service network RFN Rural and Coastal Settlement RCS Rural Coastal RC Rural Conservation RCon Rural Production RP Rural Urban Boundary RUB Significant Ecological Areas SEA Single House SH Special Purpose SP Strategic Transport Corridor STC Terrace Housing and Apartment Buildings THAB Town Centre TC Volcanic View shafts VV



1.1 The purpose of this Evidence Report (Report) is to set out a sub-regional overview of the approach to zoning and precincts within the Central area of the Auckland region with respect to the Proposed Auckland Unitary Plan (PAUP) Topic 081e Rezoning and Precincts General (Topic 081).

1.2 The sub-region of Central Auckland (Central area) covers an area of 15,214 hectares, encompassing the Auckland Isthmus area under the former Council boundaries and includes the Albert-Eden, Maungakiekie-Tāmaki, Orākei, Puketāpapa Local Board areas. The area also includes the southern portion of

Waitematā Local Board Area, western portion of the Whau Local Board area and northern part of the Māngere-Ōtāhuhu Local Board area. In summary, the area extends from Avondale to Point England (west to east) and Herne Bay to Hillsborough (north to south).

1.3 We have relied primarily on the evidence of Mr John Duguid for Topic 080 Rezoning and Precincts (General) (Topic 080) and Topic 081, which sets out the relevant statutory framework and strategic overview of Council’s approach to zoning and precincts in the PAUP.

1.4 The proposed zonings and precincts in the Central area have been applied to:

(a) Achieve the priorities of the Auckland Plan for urban Auckland. This includes achieving a quality compact urban environment that contains good design in all developments and creates enduring neighbourhoods, centres and business areas;

(b) Give effect to the provisions of the RPS, as a whole, and specifically to provide growth in a quality compact form supported by adequate infrastructure and efficient transport whilst also addressing historic heritage and character areas, natural character and natural hazards.

1.5 Future growth in the Central area has and will continue to be influenced and shaped by a number of local factors including:

(a) Limited growth in heritage areas and around Auckland’s key volcanic cones

(b) Continued focus of intensification of areas around the existing infrastructure networks 5

(c) Proximity to the city centre and other key employment areas comprising heavy and light industrial activities such as Penrose, Mt Wellington and Rosebank.

1.6 The Central area’s location in the greater Auckland region, its proximity to the City Centre and major employment areas, open space, and high frequency public transport, as well as the high standard of amenity found in many of the suburbs has made it a popular area to live. This has translated into additional demand for housing and a variety of housing types in the Central area.

1.7 The focus of further intensification in Auckland needs to be prioritised. In comparison to other parts of Auckland, we consider the features of the Central area provide an ideal opportunity for delivering the vision of the Auckland Plan and giving effect to the Regional Policy Statement, particularly the directive for a compact city approach.

1.8 In the Central area, there have been 8258 submission points received on rezoning requests. These are broken down into the sub-areas as follows:

(a) Western Isthmus – 2457;

(b) Eastern Isthmus – 3985;

(c) Southern Isthmus – 967; and

(d) City Centre Fringe – 849.

1.9 These are further summarised in Attachment D of this Report.

1.10 We consider the proposed zonings and precincts in the Central area reinforce existing settlement patterns which concentrates more intensive residential and business development around centres and along key public transport routes (rapid and frequent service network).

1.11 The notified PAUP contains 18 precincts in the Central area and submissions to the PAUP seek an additional 27 new precincts sought by submitters within the Central area which were allocated to Topic 081. Of these 27 new precincts sought through submissions, 10 have passed the merit assessment review and have been more substantively assessed through statements of evidence filed in the Topic 081e group. It is noted there are other precincts in the Central area that were allocated to Topic 080 – Rezoning and Precincts (General) relating to retirement villages, tertiary institutions, marinas and coastal areas. Of the precincts in the Topic 081e group, we 6

overall propose retaining 15 of the 18 existing precincts included in the notified PAUP, and progressing 1 of the 27 (i.e. of the 10 which have passed merit assessment) precincts sought by submitters. These are outlined further in section 10 of this Report.



2.1 This report has been prepared by Joao Alberto Machado and Paulina Yui-Wai Wythes. We both hold the position of Team Leader, Central and Islands Planning at Auckland Council. A summary of our qualifications and experience is provided in Attachment A.

2.2 The purpose of this evidence is to set out a sub-regional overview of the approach to zoning and precincts within the Central area of the Auckland region. Map 1 in Attachment B shows the extent of the Central area addressed in this report. We note that zoning for the City Centre, shown in the attached maps as ‘C1’, has been addressed through Topic 050 – City Centre.


3.1 We confirm that we have read the Code of Conduct for Expert Witnesses contained in the Environment Court Practice Note 2014 and that we agree to comply with it. We confirm that we have considered all the material facts that we are aware of that might alter or detract from the opinions that we express, and that this evidence is within our area of expertise, except where we state that we are relying on the evidence of another person.


4.1 The purpose of this evidence is to set out a sub-regional overview of the approach to zoning and precincts within the Central area of the Auckland region. In particular, the scope of this report is to address the following matters:

(a) the relevant statutory framework;

(b) a description of the Central area;

(c) an overview of the infrastructure in the Central area including existing and proposed infrastructure investment; 7

(d) key transformational projects in the Central area; and

(e) an overview of the PAUP approach to precincts and zoning in the Central area, including an overview of submissions in the sub-region.

4.2 In preparing this statement of evidence, we have relied upon the two statements of evidence filed by John Duguid, dated 3 December 2015, for Topic 080 and Topic 081 which set out the strategic overview of the Council’s approach to zoning and precincts within the PAUP. In particular we refer to and rely on the evidence in chief of Mr Duguid which addresses 'rezoning' (Rezoning EIC). We have also relied on Mr Duguid’s rebuttal evidence filed concurrently with this evidence on 26 January 2016. We have also relied upon and referred to the following statements of evidence and rebuttal where relevant:

(a) Alastair Cribbens, Steve Wrenn and Liam Winter, Public Transport (Auckland Transport), dated 3 December 2015 under Topic 080 and Topic 081;

(b) Auckland Transport Witnesses, Sub-regional overview (Auckland Transport), dated 26 January 2016 for Topic 081 (the AT Evidence).

(c) Mark Bourne, Water Infrastructure Planning (Watercare Services Ltd), dated 3 December 2015 under Topic 080 and Topic 081;

(d) David Mead, Zoning and Natural Hazards, under Topic 080 and Topic 081;

(e) Deborah Rowe, Planning - Pre-1944 Overlay Zoning Principles, under Topic 080 and Topic 081;

(f) Lisa Mein, Planning - Historic Character Overlay Zoning Principles, under Topic 080 and Topic 81; and

(g) Peter Reaburn, Volcanic Viewshafts and Height Sensitive Areas, under Topic 080 and Topic 081.


5.1 The statutory framework is detailed in the Rezoning EIC of Mr Duguid, dated 3 December 2015, and has not been repeated here. 8


6.1 The Rezoning EIC of Mr Duguid makes specific reference to the Coastal Policy Statement 2010 (NZCPS), the Auckland Plan and the Regional Policy Statement (RPS) which are relevant to the Central area.

New Zealand Coastal Policy Statement

6.2 Mr Duguid’s Rezoning EIC notes the provisions of the New Zealand Coastal Policy Statement 2010 (NZCPS), which are relevant to zoning and other land-use controls / outcomes identified through the supported precincts and relevant provisions. These provisions are referenced in Mr Duguid’s evidence are not repeated here.

6.3 The Central area features a narrow isthmus and has an extensive coast along which residential communities are well established with sea-side ‘villages’ (generally local centres or town centres such as Mission Bay and Saint Heliers), walkways, and wider transport network. Various activities rely on the Coastal Marine Area (CMA), ranging from existing residential opportunities in a coastal setting, recreational use of beaches, coastline and the harbours, to commercial tourism and shipping activities. Auckland’s main ports and largest marinas are located in the Central area, as well as some of the City’s most intensively developed coastal / waterfront neighbourhoods.

Hauraki Gulf Marine Park Act 2000

6.4 Section 9 of the Marine Park Act 2000 (HGMPA) requires the Auckland Council (as the regional and territorial authority) to ensure that regional policy, regional plan, and district plan provisions do not conflict with sections 7 (Recognition of national significance of Hauraki Gulf) and 8 (Management of the Hauraki Gulf) of the HGMPA. Suburbs in the Central area extending from Waterview / Point Chevalier in the west to Saint Heliers and further on into Tamaki in the east and south-east adjoin the coastline along the Hauraki Gulf. The gulf is an area of cultural, recreational, food gathering, and commercial significance to these and the wider communities of Auckland.

6.5 The zoning of land in the Central area provides for a mix of residential and employment opportunities. It is consistent with legacy plans in that it generally provides for development along the coastline while protecting the important natural, historic and physical resources of the Hauraki Gulf. Overall, the proposed zonings, along with the other provisions of the PAUP including overlays and other controls on land-use, are consistent with the purpose and outcomes identified in the HGMPA. 9

Regional Policy Statement

6.6 Mr Duguid’s Rezoning EIC outlines the key sections of the RPS which need to be given effect to through the application of zoning and precincts.1 This is generally applicable to the Central area which is characterised by a range of existing residential areas, centres and employment areas in addition to areas of significant historic character and natural features.

6.7 As acknowledged in Mr Duguid’s Rezoning EIC2, the objectives and policies of the RPS are interlinked and an integrated approach is needed to ensure the spatial application of zones gives effect to the provisions of the RPS, as a whole. In the Central area, the application of zoning and precincts has been applied to give effect to the RPS by providing for growth in a quality compact urban form, supported by adequate infrastructure and efficient transport whilst also addressing historic heritage and character areas, natural character and natural hazards (such as flooding). Furthermore, residential growth in the Central area has been focussed within and around centres and within moderate walking distances from metropolitan, town and local centres, the rapid and frequent service network and within close proximity to urban facilities.

The Auckland Plan

6.8 Mr Duguid’s evidence refers to the Auckland Plan and its role in setting out the overall vision for Auckland to become the world’s most liveable city.

6.9 As noted in Mr Duguid’s EIC, section D of the Auckland Plan sets out Auckland’s Development Strategy which identifies the expected level of change and growth across Auckland over the next 30 years. This is particularly relevant to zoning as a key focus of the strategy is to achieve a quality and compact city by focussing growth in urban areas.

6.10 Much of the anticipated urban intensification and change envisaged in the Auckland Plan will be achieved in Auckland’s Central area due to its high standard of amenity and accessibility. The zones proposed in the Central area seek to deliver the three priorities for urban Auckland as outlined in Section 10 of the Auckland Plan:

(a) Realise quality compact urban form;

(b) Demand good design in all development; and

1 John Duguid Topic 080-081 Rezoning EIC, paragraph 6.3 2 John Duguid Topic 080-081 Rezoning EIC, paragraph 6.3 10

(c) Create enduring neighbourhoods, centres and business areas.

Other Strategies and Plans Prepared under other Acts

Area Spatial Plans & Local Plans

6.11 Since the formation of the Auckland Council in November 2010, Auckland Council has completed a series of spatial planning strategies at an area-wide basis (i.e. Area Plans), based on Local Board geographical area extent as well as more localised around a centre or neighbourhood within a Local Board area. In the case of the Central isthmus area, the former Auckland City Council adopted the Future Planning Framework in 2010. This was a comprehensive spatial planning exercise undertaken in 2009 – 2010, and formed the basis of the zoning review in the Central area during the preparation of the Draft Unitary Plan document released for public consultation in March 2013.

6.12 Area spatial plan documents are deemed non-statutory documents in terms of the RMA. They have influenced Council decisions on zoning and other transformational initiatives which are delivered by the Auckland Council, Council Controlled Organisations such as Auckland Transport or Pānuku Development Auckland, or a private owner / developer. Area spatial plans relevant to the Central area include:

Southern Isthmus

(a) Māngere Ōtāhuhu Area Plan (2014) outlines how the Māngere Ōtāhuhu area is anticipated to change over the next 30 years identifying the form and function of land uses and supporting infrastructure required at the local board level. This was one of the first-generation area plans developed by the Auckland Council. Consultation on the draft area plan occurred in parallel to the promulgation of the Draft UP (March 2013) and notified PAUP (September 2013).3

Western Isthmus

(b) Waterview Precinct Plan (April 2013) outlines how the Waterview area is envisaged to change over the next 30 years and how the Auckland Plan will be achieved at the local neighbourhood level. The Waterview Precinct Plan was adopted concurrently with the review of the Draft Unitary Plan (March

3 Mangere-Otahuhu Area Plan 013part1.pdf?utm_source=hbap&utm_medium=doc&utm_campaign=areaplans 11

2013) feedback and the preparation of the notified PAUP (September 2013). The precinct plan informed zoning outcomes in the area which have been reviewed in light of submissions received and the zoning principles outlined in Mr Duguid’s Rezoning EIC.4

(c) Three Kings Plan (2014) guides the development of Three Kings over the next 30 years to deliver the high level strategic goals of the Auckland Plan and ensure the area is a “well-connected place for people while protecting, enhancing and celebrating its unique heritage and to help create a vibrant town centre”. 5 The Three Kings Plan has informed the recently approved private plan change to the operative Isthmus District Plan, and the Three Kings Precinct provisions are addressed in the Topic 081e evidence by Steve van Kampen. Refer to paragraph 9.18 for further discussion.6

City Centre Fringe

(d) Ponsonby Road Plan (June 2014) provides a clear planning framework to guide how the Ponsonby Road area, and in particular Ponsonby as a town centre, should develop over the next 30 years. The study area encompasses the 1.7km length of Ponsonby Road, as well as Jervois Road, St Marys Bay in the north, and Karangahape Road and Great North Road in the south. The Mixed Use zoned block between Ponsonby Road, Williamson Avenue and Great North Road, and the Great North Road corridor up to Surrey Crescent in Grey Lynn, are the main growth areas in Ponsonby.7

(e) Newton-Eden Terrace Plan (Draft) – this plan is still being completed, having had two rounds of public consultation. Further development opportunities are being explored in respect of major public transport infrastructure investment such as the City Rail Link and the planned enhanced Mt Eden Station, as well as public transport infrastructure improvements along the Central transport

4 Waterview Precinct Plan 1304.pdf 5 Auckland Council, 2014, Three Kings Plan, page 6 6 Three Kings Plan 7 Ponsonby Road Plan an.pdf 12

corridors such as the option of Light Rail outlined in the AT witnesses’ sub- regional joint statement of evidence for Topic 081. 8

(f) The City Centre Masterplan (2012), and the Waterfront Plan (2012) as a companion document, provide the blueprint for the transformation initiatives in the city centre and fringe area.910 They are focused on delivering all six of the Auckland Plan’s transformational shifts and include part of the ‘City Centre Fringe’ area addressed in Central area sub-regional evidence by Panjama Ampanthong and Hamish Scott in Topic 081e.

8 tnewtonedenterraceplanfinal.pdf 9 City Centre Master Plan 10 Waterfront Plan aspx 13


6.13 This section addresses the four geographical groupings of the Central Auckland area in their sub regional context. The topic areas in the Central area, as well as sub-areas, suburbs and centres are outlined in the table below:

Table 1: Geographical groupings of the Central Area (including sub-areas, suburbs and centres)


City Centre Fringe C2 Herne Bay, Ponsonby, Includes: Freemans Bay, Grey Metropolitan Centre: Newmarket St Mary’s Bay, Freemans Bay Lynn, Herne Bay, Kingsland, Town Centre: Parnell, Ponsonby and Morningside, Newmarket, C3 Grey Lynn, Westmere Newton-Upper Symonds Street Town Newton, Parnell, Ponsonby, St Centres, C6 Kingsland, Morningside Marys Bay, Westmere Local Centre: Jervois Road, West Lynn C7 Newton and Grey Lynn C8 Parnell

C9 Newmarket

Eastern Isthmus C22 Glendowie Includes: Glendowie, Town Centre: Panmure, Glen Innes, , , ; C23 St Heliers, Mission Bay and Meadowbank, Panmure, Pt Kohimarama Local Centre: Stonefields, Meadowbank, England, Remuera, St Heliers, St Kepa Road/Eastridge, Mission Bay and St C24 Orakei/Orakei Basin Johns, Stonefields Heliers C25 Remuera/ Meadowbank, St Johns C19 Stonefields/Panmure C20 Glenn Innes and Pt England 14


Southern Isthmus C15 Penrose, Onehunga Includes: Ellerslie, Mt Wellington, Metropolitan: Sylvia Park One Tree Hill, Onehunga, C16 One Tree Hill, Oranga Town Centre: Onehunga, Ellerslie, Oranga, Otahuhu, Penrose, Otahuhu C17 Sylvia Park/Mt Wellington South Sylvia Park Local Centre: Mount Wellington, Panama C18 Mt Wellington Road, Greenlane East, Market Road C21 Ellerslie S8 Otahuhu

Western Isthmus C4 Point Chevalier and Waterview Includes: Avondale, Blockhouse Town Centres: Point Chevalier, Mount Bay, Epsom, Hillsborough, Albert, Avondale, Stoddard Road, Three C5 Mount Albert Lynfield, Mt Albert, Mt Eden, Mt Kings, Royal Oak. C10 Epsom, Mt Eden, Eden South Roskill, New Windsor, Pt Chevalier, Rosebank, Royal Oak, C11 Stoddard Road, Sandringham Local Centres: Blockhouse Bay, Balmoral, Sandringham, Stoddard Rd, Road Ext and Mt Roskill Eden Valley, Greenwoods Corner, Green Three Kings, Waterview C12 Three Kings Lane West, Lynfield, Mt Eden, Sandringham, Mt Roskill C13 Royal Oak C14 Lynfield, Blockhouse bay, Hillsborough W14 Avondale, Rosebank Peninsula W15 Avondale South, New Windsor and Blockhouse Bay 15

6.14 In analysing submission points in the four geographical groupings in the Central area, the Council has further broken down the geographical groups into 27 sub areas based on 2006 Census Area Units with minor adjustments to boundaries to provide for a more logical approach to grouping submissions. Map 1 in Attachment B shows the sub areas within each geographical grouping in the Central area.

6.15 Submissions relating to zoning and precincts in the Auckland city centre (comprising the area bounded by the wharves along at Quay Street, the Northern motorway and the North Western motorway) have been addressed in hearing Topic 050 – City Centre and therefore the Central area does not include the city centre area.


7.1 The sub-region of Central Auckland that is the subject of this evidence covers an area of approximately 1,300ha.

7.2 The Central area encapsulates the Auckland Isthmus area under the former Auckland City Council boundaries and covers the Albert-Eden, Maungakiekie- Tāmaki, Ōrākei and Puketāpapa Local Board areas as well as the southern portion of the Waitematā Local Board area, the western portion of the Whau Local Board area and part of the Māngere-Ōtāhuhu Local Board area.

7.3 The area extends from Avondale to Point England (approximately 30 km, west to east) and Herne Bay to Hillsborough (approximately 10km, north to south).

7.4 The Central area is characterised as a narrow isthmus surrounded by natural waterbodies including the Waitemata Harbour to the north, Manukau Harbour to the south and Tāmaki River to the east. A number of key watercourses traverse the central area including Oakley Creek.

7.5 The Auckland isthmus comprises a large number of maunga (volcanic cones) and craters which are distinctive and visually dominant natural features to the Central area landscape. There are nine maunga in the Central area:

(a) Maungakiekie/One Tree Hill;

(b) /Mount Wellington;

(c) Maungawhau/Mount Eden;

(d) Ōwairaka/Te Ahi-kā-a-Rakataura/ Mount Albert; 16

(e) Ōhinerau/Mount Hobson;

(f) Pukewīwī/Puketāpapa/Mount Roskill;

(g) Rarotonga/Mount Smart;

(h) Te Kōpuke/Tītīkōpuke/Mount St John; and

(i) Te Tātua a Riukiuta/Big King.

7.6 The urban development pattern in the Central area has been largely influenced by the establishment and ongoing advancement of transport networks. Initial European settlement in the early 1800s was based around the ports at the Waitemata Harbour and Onehunga. The introduction of the tram and road network in the 1900s saw the extension of residential development across the central isthmus starting with the initial settlements of Freemans Bay, Ponsonby and Parnell and then gradually moving out from there along the transport network. Since the 1950s, the development of a number of motorways, major arterials and increase in car ownership led to the development of more lower density suburbs on the outer fringes of the Central area.

7.7 Today, much of the Central area is built-up relative to the rest of Auckland. Current dwelling densities vary across the Central area but are generally higher than other parts of Auckland to the north and south.

7.8 There is a good representation of all housing styles in the Central area ranging from neighbourhoods of workers cottages (Ponsonby, Onehunga), Victorian and Edwardian villa suburbs, to lower density state house developments from the 1950s.

7.9 Due to the settlement patterns of Auckland, there are a large number of historic character areas in the Central area. As noted by Lisa Mein in her evidence for Topic 079 – Special Character and Pre-1944 Mapping, many of the historic character areas are located in close proximity to centres, transport routes and parks.11

7.10 Over the past 20 years, growth in the Central area has been characterised by infill with the creation of rear lots and subdivisions to create ~400m2 sized lots. Suburbs like Ponsonby, Freemans Bay, parts of Parnell and Grafton have historically contained smaller lots. In recent decades, there has been a significant increase in the development of apartment style buildings in the Central area, primarily in close proximity to the city centre and around town centres. This has included apartment

11 Lisa Mein, Topic 079 EIC, paragraph 7.5 17

buildings in the city centre fringe area and the gentrification of inner city suburbs including Ponsonby and Freemans Bay resulting in more medium density development.

7.11 The Central area is well served by key motorways including the South Western Motorway which provides a connection to the western suburbs, the Southern Motorway which connects to the northern suburbs, the Northern Motorway which provides a key north-south connection, and the South-Eastern Motorway which connects to the southern suburbs.

7.12 There is also an extensive rail network which services the Central area including four train lines (Western, Eastern, Onehunga and Southern).

Open space recreation, education, and community infrastructure

7.13 The Central area is generally well serviced by community and social infrastructure as well as open space. The Central area has numerous recreation areas - passive and active recreation reserves, sport centres, and major recreation facilities such as Mt Smart and . Large open space areas are often also used for outdoor concerts and other activities such as motorsport – e.g. Western Springs.

7.14 A number of public medical facilities are located in the Central area, including Auckland and Starship Hospitals in Grafton and a major regional clinic centre in Greenlane. There are also various private hospitals such as Ascot in Greenlane and a concentration of medical professionals in Newmarket and Remuera.

7.15 There are also a number of key retirement villages located in the Central area including Selwyn Village (Point Chevalier) and Caughey Preston (Remuera).

7.16 The Central area has an extensive network of public and private schools, which also attract students from outside the Central area who commute on a daily basis to attend these schools. A vast proportion of the region’s large tertiary institutions are located within the Central area, including Auckland University of Technology (AUT) located primarily in the City Centre, Unitec with its campus in Mt Albert, and the with its main campuses in the City Centre, Grafton, Epsom, Tāmaki, and now also the emerging new campus in Newmarket on the former Lion Breweries site on Khyber Pass. 18

Influences on Growth in the Central Area

7.17 Growth in the Central area has been and will continue to be influenced and shaped by a number of local factors:

(a) Historic and Natural Heritage: Large parts of the Central area contains historic character areas primarily due to the early European settlement patterns in the city fringe areas (such as Ponsonby, Herne Bay, and Parnell) and along key arterials (such as Mt Eden and Dominion Roads). Growth in heritage areas will be limited as it will in the Height Sensitive Areas around the volcanic cones.

(b) Focus of infrastructure investment: historically there has been a focus of infrastructure investment in the Central area with much of the earlier transport networks (tramlines, roads, rail and open spaces) establishing settlement patterns and areas of growth. This forms the spine of the current infrastructure networks and we consider it to be efficient and effective to continue intensifying along these networks.

(c) Proximity to city centre and employment: Due to early settlement patterns, much of the transport network is focussed on travelling in and out of the city centre. The city centre is still the largest employment area in Auckland and access to it necessarily runs through the Central area. The Central area also has other major employment areas comprising heavy and light industry activities such as Penrose, Rosebank and Mt Wellington.

7.18 The Central area’s location in the greater Auckland region, its proximity to major employment areas, open space and high frequency public transport, as well as the high standard of amenity found in many of the suburbs has made it a popular area to live. This has translated into additional demand for housing and a variety of housing types in the Central area.

7.19 The focus of further intensification in Auckland needs to be prioritised. In comparison to other parts of Auckland, we consider the features of the Central area provide an ideal opportunity for delivering the vision of the Auckland Plan and giving effect to the RPS, particularly the directive for a compact city approach.

7.20 Map 2 in Attachment B provides a sub-regional overview of the Central area and highlights key features including rapid and frequent service networks (bus and train routes), major arterials and volcanic features. 19


8.1 The Central area is well serviced by infrastructure including road and rail networks, water and wastewater supply and other utilities. The Central area is allocated a substantial amount of investment in further infrastructure improvements over the next three decades.

Transport networks

8.2 The Central area includes a number of motorways including the North-Western Motorway (SH16), Southern Motorway (SH1) and South Western Motorway (SH20). Linked to these motorways is a suite of local, collector and arterial roads which connect the city. Key arterials include: Dominion Road, Mt Eden Road, Great North Road and Great South Road. The Central area also includes sections of all four rail lines – the Eastern, Southern, Onehunga and Western Lines.

8.3 The City Rail Link (CRL) project will expand the capacity of Auckland’s entire rail network and includes a 3.4 km rail tunnel connecting Britomart transport centre to new train stations on Albert Street between Victoria and Wellesley Streets, and Karangahape Road, and ultimately connecting up with the North-Auckland Line and Mt Eden station. Appropriate zonings are necessary around the proposed CRL stations in order to encourage development opportunities and capitalise on the infrastructure investment. This project will substantially improve the rail network system, providing more efficient use of the rail corridor within the Central area and much further out to the north-west and the south.

8.4 In the joint statement of Alastair Cribbens, Steve Wren and Liam Winter, Auckland Transport outlines its proposal for a ‘New Network’ for public transport which aims at redesigning the existing network to maximise patronage on rail and bus networks which is centred around a core of rapid and frequent services. Consultation on the central portion of the New Network concluded in December 2015 and analysis of the feedback received is currently underway.12

Water and Wastewater

8.5 Mark Bourne’s evidence for Watercare outlines Auckland’s water supply and waste water networks in Auckland. Mr Bourne acknowledges that “Generally, there is a sufficient capacity in the metropolitan bulk water supply and wastewater networks to accommodate the proposed growth, although there are capacity constraints

12 Alastair Cribbens, Steve Wrenn and Liam Winter, Public Transport (Auckland Transport), Topic 080-81 EIC, paragraph 11.6 20

throughout the local network”13. As outlined in Mr Bourne’s evidence, in determining the appropriate zonings to the Central area, Watercare has provided advice on known capacity constraints within the network to help inform zoning assessment.14

8.6 For water supply, Mark Bourne’s evidence does not identify any immediate significant water supply constraints in the Central area but does note that Watercare will need to source additional water by the early 2020s to meet urban Auckland’s future needs.15

8.7 For wastewater, Mr Bourne explains that the Central Isthmus is serviced by the Mangere Wastewater Treatment Plant and several large wastewater interceptors used to convey waste water to the Treatment Plant (Orakei Main Sewer, Eastern Interceptor, Western Interceptor and Southern interceptor).

8.8 Mr Bourne notes two key servicing constraints in Central. In summary. these include:

(a) significant capacity constraints in the combined sewer network. Approximately one fifth of the Central Isthmus area continues to be serviced by the combined network with both wastewater and stormwater being directed to a single pipe. In recent decades work has been undertaken to decouple the stormwater and wastewater system; and

(b) future limitations in the Mangere Wastewater Treatment Plant.16

Stormwater management

8.9 The management of stormwater and the identification of flood prone areas has influenced zoning decisions in the Central area. The Council’s approach to zoning in flood plains is discussed in the evidence of David Mead for Topics 080 and 081 and principles for applying zones in flood plains are provided in Attachment D to Mr Duguid’s evidence. In summary, the approach is to apply an appropriate zoning to areas with a significant flooding risk which does not increase the intensity of vulnerable development beyond existing levels. 17

8.10 In the Central area, properties which are still exposed toa significant flooding risk have generally been zoned Single House.

13 Mark Bourne, Water Infrastructure Planning (Watercare Services Ltd), Topic 080-81 EIC, paragraph 5.5 14 Ibid, paragraph 5.4 15 Ibid, paragraph 7.6 16 Ibid, paragraph 9.4 17 John Duguid Topic 080-081 Rezoning EIC, paragraph 18.15 21


9.1 There are a number of key projects and initiatives within the Central area which will result in significant transformation in the area.

Spatial Priority Areas (SPA)

9.2 The Council is using spatial prioritisation to ensure its limited resources are directed into areas that will enable multiple outcomes, including more jobs, more homes, greater mobility, connected communities, improved recreation and quality environment. Spatial priorities consist of four parts: 10 geographic areas (three of which are in the Central area including: Inner West Triangle, Greater Tāmaki and part of Ōtāhuhu-Middlemore); Special Housing Areas (further discussed in paragraphs 9.9 to 9.10 and Attachment C of this Report); network requirements (particularly to provide for new growth or fill a gap in the existing network); other (projects which have contractual obligations, health and safety needs or environmental necessity). We address below the three geographic Spatial Priority Areas (SPA) within the Central Area. 18

Inner West Triangle

9.3 The Inner West Triangle SPA includes the neighbourhoods of New Lynn, Avondale, Waterview, Mt Albert, Owairaka and the Point Chevalier centre. The Council’s focus in this SPA is on leveraging off transport investment, the Central interceptor and enhancement of Oakley Creek.

9.4 Examples of critical projects planned in this SPA include: Central interceptor (wastewater); open space, walking/cycling and environmental enhancement projects relating to State Highway 20 (Waterview) and Oakley Creek; and Mt Albert centre station and square development.

Greater Tāmaki

9.5 The Greater Tāmaki SPA includes the neighbourhoods of Panmure, Point England and Glen Innes. This also includes the Tāmaki Regeneration Company (TRC) area in Tāmaki where Council and central government are working in partnership to redevelop existing state housing stock. This is further discussed in paragraphs 9.14- 17 of this evidence.

18 Auckland Council 10 Year Budget, Long Term Plan 2015-2025, Volume 2, Section 1.1.3 22

9.6 Examples of other critical projects planned in the Greater Tamaki SPA include: Auckland Manukau Eastern Transport Initiative (AMETI) and the Eastern Rail Cycleway (Glen Innes to ).


9.7 The Ōtāhuhu-Middlemore SPA includes the neighbourhoods of Ōtāhuhu and Middlemore. In Ōtāhuhu, Council’s focus includes leveraging off new communities facilities such as the library and pool development and the new rail/bus interchange at Ōtāhuhu.

9.8 Examples of critical projects planned include the upgrade of Ōtāhuhu bus and train interchange, the Western Foreshore (Waikaraka to Ōtāhuhu), and Portage cycleways.

Special Housing Areas

9.9 As noted in John Duguid’s Rezoning EIC, Special Housing Areas (SHAs) are a tool to boost Auckland’s housing supply. SHAs are provided for within the Housing Accords and Special Housing Areas legislation and through Council’s agreement with Government - the Auckland Housing Accord. There are currently 106 SHAs across Auckland, with 43 located in the Central area.19 These include SHAs in the following locations:

(a) Avondale, Waterview, Mt Roskill, Mt Albert and along Great North Road

(b) Onehunga, Ōrākei, Meadowbank and large parts of the Tāmaki Regeneration Area

(c) Across parts of the Newmarket, Greenlane, Ellerslie, Mt Wellington and Ōtāhuhu areas.

9.10 Refer to Attachment C for a summary of SHAs in the Central area.

Pānuku Development Auckland Initiatives

9.11 Pānuku Development Auckland (formerly Auckland Council Property Limited and Waterfront Auckland) is a council controlled organisation and has been set up as a development agency. The focus is on urban areas - increasing housing supply (particularly affordable housing and housing for the elderly), partnering with others,

19 Auckland Council, Housing Project Office 23

disposing of land that is no longer required by Auckland Council, acquiring land and helping to coordinate Council infrastructure.

9.12 There are three types of development: “transform” – creating change through urban regeneration; “unlock” – by removing barriers and acting as a facilitator of development for others; and “support” – enabling development of council-owned land.

9.13 Within the Central area, the identified locations include20:

(a) Transformational urban regeneration in Onehunga Town centre and port: using available Council land holdings in the town centre and in the future with the port, Pānuku will work to attract and enable developments to build high quality and a variety of housing close to public transport and the water’s edge, as well as working to change the port to a more public use to unlock economic, recreation and transportation potential to the Manukau Harbour;

(b) Continued focus on transformational urban regeneration in existing project areas including Tāmaki and Wynyard Quarter;

(c) Providing support to enable development of Council-owned land in Avondale, Ōtāhuhu, Stonefields (Morrin, Merton and Donnelly Roads) and Mt Eden (Dominion and Valley Roads).

Residential Projects

Tāmaki transformation

9.14 The Auckland Plan identifies growth in nine identified areas in its first ten year implementation period: Tāmaki is recognised as an existing urban area that is the subject of a collaborative transformation project to improve housing conditions, and capacity, and foster employment growth.

9.15 Auckland Council has partnered with Central Government in the formation of New Zealand’s first urban redevelopment company, the TRC. The aim of TRC is to work with the public and private sector to regenerate the Tāmaki area (including Glen Innes, Point England and Panmure) over the next 20-25 years.

20 Resolution number AUC/2015/226 of the Auckland Development Committee meeting of 8 December 2015 24

9.16 TRC is charged with providing an additional 7500 household units in the Tamaki area. Development has commenced in two SHAs and a third SHA was endorsed by the Council’s Auckland Development Committee on 8 December 2015.

9.17 Already working with Housing New Zealand, who is the owner of significant social housing in the area, TRC will assume ownership of those assets in April 2016 amounting to 2800 social housing units and associated land.

Three Kings Quarry Development

9.18 The 15ha Three Kings Quarry site is located on Mt Eden Road, Three Kings. Fletchers Residential proposes to comprehensively redevelop the quarry and adjoining open space areas to provide for up to 1500 dwellings. The development is an ideal location for intensification and provides a significant transformation development opportunity being in close proximity to public transport links on Mt Eden and Mt Albert Roads, and within walking distance to the Three Kings town centre. The rule framework for the Three Kings Quarry development is addressed in the Three Kings Precinct evidence by Steve van Kampen in Topic 081e.

Tertiary Education – Key growing campuses

Unitec – Mt Albert Campus

9.19 The Unitec (Mt Albert) campus site at Carrington Road, Mt Albert covers an area of approximately 53 ha and represents one of the largest brownfields site in the Central area. As part of the Unitec Property Strategy, Unitec intend to redevelop the site to facilitate the consolidation of their existing core tertiary facilities from across the site to a core area, as well as enable the development of a range of community, recreation, commercial and residential activities including student accommodation.21,22

9.20 The Unitec site is part of the wider 64 ha Wairaka Precinct which also includes the Waitemata District Health Board Mason Clinic , the Taylor's Laundry site, and Ngati Whatua land. We consider the development of the Unitec site and wider Wairaka precinct will result in significant transformation to the Western Isthmus area and is well served by two town centres and in close proximity to public transport links (Mt Albert Station and frequent bus routes along Carrington Road). The Wairaka Precinct

21 Will Smith (Unitec), Topic 080 EIC, paragraph 4.3 and 5.1 22 Steve van Kampen, Topic 080 EIC, paragraph 8.9 25

provisions have been addressed in evidence by Steve van Kampen in Topic 080 – Tertiary Education.

University of Auckland – Newmarket Campus

9.21 The University of Auckland (UoA) acquired the former Lion Breweries site on Khyber Pass Road, Newmarket in 2013. The Newmarket campus will be developed over the next 20 – 30 years, and include a mix of lecture theatres, research facilities, residential (be it student accommodation or apartments) and potentially commercial land-uses – these are addressed through the Newmarket 2 Precinct evidence by Barbara-Ann Overwater in Topic 081e.

9.22 From a sub-regional context point of view, the Newmarket campus represents a significant transformation catalyst development in the city fringe. This new campus expands the ‘Learning Quarter’ (being primarily the Learning Quarter Precinct in the City Centre Zone of the PAUP) from the City Centre, through Grafton, and into Newmarket. We consider this one of the most significant transformation opportunities in the city centre fringe.

Centres – areas of transformation

Saint Lukes

9.23 Saint Lukes is identified as a Town Centre. The Saint Lukes centre is one of Auckland's main retail destinations and the shopping centre performs the role of anchor for the wider Saint Lukes town centre. It is strategically located in the western part of the Auckland isthmus and is well connected to the surrounding road network. Several bus routes serve the shopping centre and the Morningside railway station is in close proximity being within approximately one kilometre walking distance from the centre (as measured from the intersection of St Lukes Road and Morningside Drive). The St Lukes shopping centre itself is planned for a substantial redevelopment in accordance with the Saint Lukes Precinct provisions. This matter is further outlined in paragraph 10.7 of this Report.

Sylvia Park

9.24 Sylvia Park is identified as an emergent metropolitan centre in the Auckland Plan and is zoned Metropolitan Centre under the PAUP. The area has the potential for significant transformation and is in a strategically suitable location for a centre incorporating a wide range of activities in close proximity to important transport 26

corridors and routes. The Sylvia Park Precinct will help guide the future development of the area to deliver these goals – this is addressed in the Sylvia Park Precinct evidence by Marie Stainwright in Topic 081e.

Infrastructure Investment

9.25 There are a number of key planning/infrastructure initiatives that support the delivery of the high level strategy for the Central area.

Road and public transport upgrades

9.26 The AT Evidence outlines the investment plans of Auckland Transport over the next ten years. In terms of the Central area, primary areas of AT investment include23:

• The City Rail Link project;

• Bus improvements such as double decker buses along Mt Eden Road and bus/transit lanes along Manukau and Pah Roads;

• Auckland Manukau Eastern Transport Initiative (AMETI);

• Glen Innes to Tamaki Drive shared path;

• Newmarket level crossing; and

• East West Connections (Onehunga-Penrose connections).

9.27 The above projects are explained in detail in the AT Evidence and so are not repeated here. In addition to the above projects, we also highlight the imminent construction of the Parnell rail station and the substantial planned improvement for the Mt Eden Station (as a multi-modal interchange) following on from the CRL project.

9.28 At paragraphs 10.37 to 10.41 of the AT Evidence the AT authors state that AT is investigating a Light Rail Transit (LRT) network as a possible way to relieve bus congestion on busy arterial roads and in the city centre and meet predicted growth in PT demand on these corridors. LRT is a public transport system similar to a tramway, but operating principally along exclusive rights-of-way, with less frequent stops, higher capacity and higher average speeds than local bus services. It is important to note that, unlike other projects covered in the AT Evidence, the construction of the LRT network is currently unfunded. LRT along Dominion Road, as well as possibly

23 Auckland Transport Witnesses, Topic 081 EIC, paragraph 10.1 27

Sandringham Road, Manukau Road and Mt Eden Road, may occur during the next ten year period. The LRT initiative on the central transport corridors is under investigation.24

9.29 As stated in the AT Evidence, in 2012 the City Centre Future Access Study was undertaken to investigate the future access problems to Auckland’s City Centre and how they may be addressed. While this showed that the CRL, together with surface bus improvement, provided the best regional solution for the City Centre it also identified that the City Centre is already facing access capacity issues across all road entry points which, if not addressed now, will steadily worsen. These were particularly from the central and southern isthmus areas not served by the rail network.

9.30 Auckland Transport and the New Zealand Transport Agency, along with other organisations and departments of the Auckland Council, are leading the Central Access Study project. Through this project, the organisations are considering the public transport improvements needed on these corridors. LRT may be the ultimate solution. The principal conclusion to be drawn from the current studies and the 2012 City Centre Future Access Study, is that these central transport corridors require public transport infrastructure investment over the next two decades to serve the travel demand expected, however the large number of buses within the City Centre creates further issues which need addressing. The way in which this issue is dealt with is yet to be confirmed.

9.31 In addition to key AT projects in the Central sub-region, the NZ Transport Agency is completing the Western Ring Route with the Waterview Connection which will join up the south western and north western motorways and provide a direct motorway link from the CBD and Auckland Airport.25 26

Water and wastewater upgrade

9.32 The $880 million Watercare led Central Interceptor project involves the construction of a new 13km sewer tunnel between Western Springs and the Mangere Wastewater Treatment Plant. The Central Interceptor has been developed in part to support growth in the Central area in the Western part of the isthmus and free up capacity in the Eastern interceptor.27

24 Ibid, paragraph 10.2 25 Ibid, paragraph 10.3 26 27 Mark Bourne, Water Infrastructure Planning (Watercare Services Ltd), Topic 080-81 EIC, paragraph 9.6 28


10.1 The notified PAUP contains 18 precincts in the Central area and submissions to the PAUP seek an additional 24 new precincts which were allocated to Topic 081. It is noted there are other precincts in the Central area that were allocated to Topic 080 relating to retirement villages, tertiary institutions, marinas and coastal areas.

Gateway test and merit assessment of precincts

10.2 Mr Duguid’s evidence on precincts (3 December 2015) explains Council’s management of the requests for new precincts including the criteria applied to determine whether requests for new precincts pass an initial gateway test. Of the 24 new precincts requested in Central, a total of 15 new precincts failed the gateway test.

10.3 Following the gateway test, a merit assessment of new precincts was undertaken using criteria outlined in Attachment F of Mr Duguid’s evidence. Of the 10 new precincts requested in Central which passed the gateway test, 9 failed the merit test and substantive analysis outlined in the respective evidence statements for precincts in Topic 081e, and these therefore are not supported to be retained in the PAUP. The key reasons for precincts failing the merit assessment include:

a) Activities proposed by the precinct can rely on existing use rights or existing resource consents or designations; and/or

b) The precinct seeks to manage only one to two rule based matters that could be better addressed through mapped zone rules.

10.4 In terms of existing precincts, following a merit assessment a total of 15 existing precincts will be retained in the PAUP and three are not supported to be retained (Carlaw Park, Newmarket 1 and Mount Albert 1).

Summary of key precincts proposed to be retained

10.5 A total of 15 existing precincts and 1 new precinct sought by submitters (Three Kings precinct) have met the merits or substantive assessment and are proposed to be retained. A brief summary of the key precincts in the Central area and how they contribute to the overall strategy for growth in the area is outlined below:

10.6 Infill development, tertiary education, and urban regeneration: 29

(a) Tāmaki Precinct – The revised Tāmaki Precinct covers a vast area (approximately 584 Ha) including the suburbs of Glen Innes, Point England and Panmure. The purpose of the Tāmaki Precinct is the promote residential growth and regeneration in the Tāmaki regeneration area as discussed in paragraphs 9.14 to 9.17. The Tamaki Precinct is addressed in the evidence of Ms Rebecca Greaves for Topic 081e.

(b) Three Kings Precinct – The purpose of this precinct is to provide for the comprehensive redevelopment of the existing Three Kings quarry and adjoining open spaces (including Three Kings Reserve to the south and an existing sportsfield to the west). This will enable the development of up to 1500 new dwellings including quality residential apartment and terrace housing. The Three Kings Precinct is addressed in the evidence of Mr Steve van Kampen in Topic 081e.

(a) Newmarket 2 - The Newmarket 2 precinct was developed and included in the PAUP to create a policy and regulatory framework primarily in response to the UoA acquiring the former Lion Breweries site in 2013 to facilitate the strategic growth of the university and establish a Newmarket tertiary campus. Since 2013, the UoA has developed several tertiary education buildings and activities within the western part of the precinct. A large amount of vacant land remains in the eastern part of the precinct.

(i) Land within the precinct, outside of the UoA ownership, bounded by Khyber Pass Road, Sutter Street and Kingdon Street comprises of four properties in separate ownerships with mixed use commercial buildings of varying age and quality containing retail and office space. These particular properties are located adjacent to the Newmarket Metropolitan Centre.

(ii) The precinct tool has been applied, in addition to the underlying zone provisions, to enable future co-ordinated redevelopment of these sites. The precinct emphasis is on enabling development which accommodates a range of activities to cater for the tertiary education requirements of the UoA. The precinct provisions would also manage change more appropriately in this location to ensure the intensification on these sites integrate with and is complementary to the wider environment, including the adjacent Newmarket Metropolitan Centre and the transport network. 30

(iii) One of the key issues is how the intensive redevelopment of the UoA Newmarket campus can be implemented while managing the surrounding transport road network. The Newmarket 2 precinct is addressed in further detail in the evidence by Barbara-Ann Dominique Overwater in Topic 081e Rezoning and Precincts.

(b) Orākei Point – While the developer is seeking changes to the precinct as notified, it is still proposed to construct a significant residential development on the southern portion of this site. The purpose of the precinct is to retain the essence of the Environment Court decision applying to the site by providing specific development uplift while addressing site specific and environmental matters.

10.7 Centres:

(a) Saint Lukes: The Saint Lukes Precinct is currently a roll-over of the recently completed plan change for the centre, which has a comprehensive set of provisions to manage scale of development (including height), built form, traffic, and in particular manage the ‘sensitive edges’ of the centre adjoining residential neighbourhoods.

(i) The Saint Lukes precinct is located across a number of sites on the northern side of Saint Lukes Road, between Cornwallis Street and Morningside Drive. The precinct comprises of the Saint Lukes Shopping Centre at 80 Saint Lukes Road, and adjoining sites owned by Scentre (formerly Westfield (New Zealand) Limited). The precinct is identified on the Precincts overlay of the Proposed Auckland Unitary Plan. The underlying zoning of land in the precinct is Town Centre.

(ii) The principal focus of the precinct is to allow flexibility regarding the configuration of the expansion of the centre, and to enable a range of permitted activities while managing the effects of this development on nearby and adjoining sites. Enabling the development of a mixed use environment is a key element of the development of a high-density town centre at Saint Lukes. While the site itself may not contain all the elements that comprise the town centre, it will form its commercial heart, with the precinct encouraging and enabling a wide range of uses including retail, entertainment, civic, commercial and residential 31

activities. A Private Plan Change by Westfield (New Zealand) Limited was submitted to the former Auckland City Council in 2008.

(iii) The Council’s decision was notified in 2010, with an Environment Court consent order resolving appeals in 2012. The Environment Court process focussed in particular on the concerns of the Aroha Avenue residents which related to the retention of residential character, traffic, and the enhancement of landscaping and glazing levels. The proposed precinct is largely consistent with the outcomes of the private plan change.

(iv) The Council’s current position is to retain the Saint Lukes Precinct provisions in the current form, given its comprehensive set of provisions tailor-made for the redevelopment of the existing shopping mall into a high amenity town centre with main streets and mixed-use development including residential apartments. We understand that the submitter, Scentre, will lodge substantive evidence through the Topic 081 evidence exchange due on 10 February 2016.

(b) Sylvia Park Precinct: Sylvia Park is a metropolitan centre with opportunities for further intensification and growth. The purpose of the 21 ha Sylvia Park Precinct is to provide for the ongoing development and operation of the Sylvia Park shopping centre as well as guide future development towards supporting a greater range of activities to become a metropolitan centre. This Sylvia Park precinct is addressed in the evidence of Marie Stainwright for Topic 081e.

(c) Avondale 1 and 2 Precincts: though these precincts are located within the Central area grouping (Topic 081e), these precincts are addressed in the sub- regional evidence of Eryn James Shields in relation to the West Topic 081d grouping.

10.8 Others:

(a) Maori Purpose: Orākei 1 and 2 Precincts – The over-arching purpose of both the Orākei 1 and Orākei 2 precincts is to enable a suite of provisions that re-establish Ngāti Whātua Orākei on their Whenua Tupuna (ancestral land) within an integrated and sustainable community that reflects Ngāti Whātua Orākei Mātauranga, and which enables Ngāti Whātua Orākei to be meaningfully involved in the management and decision making processes 32

relating to their ancestral land. This is achieved through the Auckland Council District Plan (Isthmus Section) by way of Concept Plan B12-05, which covers the Orākei 2 precinct area in full, and part of the Orākei 1 precinct area. Despite being combined into one concept plan under the operative district plan, the provisions are clearly delineated around what has become two separate proposed precincts under the PAUP.

(i) We note also that the underlying zone for the Orākei 2 precinct area is proposed to be rezoned open space as outlined in the joint Rebuttal evidence of Carol Anne Stewart, Anthony Michael Reidy, Lucy Clarke Deverall and Juliana Marie Cox, dated 26 January 2016 for Topic 080. The proposed precincts provisions have been discussed with Ngāti Whātua Orākei, the submitter, and agreement has overall been reached on the proposed provisions.

(ii) These precincts are addressed in further detail in the evidence of Ross Edward Cooper for Topic 081e Rezoning and Precincts.

10.9 Attachment D provides a summary of the existing and new precincts in Central.


11.1 Mr Duguid’s Rezoning EIC explains the PAUP zones and the strategy for how they have been applied to give effect to the RPS. His evidence also explains how the zones work with the Auckland wide provisions, precincts and overlays in an integrated manner to achieve the quality compact urban form.

11.2 Zoning changes in the Central area have been guided by the zoning principles matrix in conjunction with contextual assessment as noted in section 13 and 15 of Mr Duguid’s Rezoning EIC.

11.3 The application of the zoning approach explained in Mr Duguid’s evidence results in the following general outcomes in the Central area:

(a) Concentration of higher density residential zones (Terraced housing and Apartment Buildings and Mixed Housing Urban) and the Mixed Use zone close to the metropolitan, town and local centres as well as around rail stations; 33

(b) The Mixed Housing Urban and Mixed Use zones have been applied along major public transport routes (referred to as rapid and frequent service networks);

(c) Only retaining the Single House zone in areas with ‘identified’ environmental or heritage values, or to areas that are subject to natural hazards or infrastructure constraints. These include heritage and environmental constraints such as the historic character, flooding and volcanic viewshaft – height sensitive areas;

(d) Retaining areas of light industry and heavy industry zones in the Central area to accommodate and provide for existing and future industrial uses; and

(e) Reinforcing the centres hierarchy policy approach in the Central area by retaining the Metropolitan, Town and Local centres identified in the Auckland Plan.

11.4 Within the four geographical sub areas in the Central area, the zoning approach has resulted in the following characteristics in zoning pattern as outlined in Table 2:

Table 2 Summary of zoning outcomes in the Central topic area


City Centre Fringe • Predominance of Single House zone in Ponsonby, Herne Bay and Grey Lynn to reflect historic character; • Where there is no historic character, further intensification is enabled through the application of the most appropriate zone consistent with other zoning principles, consideration of local context and the efficient use of infrastructure; • Predominance of Mixed Use zone in Newton, Eden Terrace, Parnell and Newmarket; • Mixed Use zone along key arterials including Great North Road, Mt Eden Road, New North Road, Khyber Pass Road and Parnell Road (Newmarket end).

Eastern Isthmus • Use of Single House zone predominantly to reflect historic character; • Mixed Housing Urban zone along key arterials including Saint Heliers Bay Road, West Tāmaki Road, and Kohimarama Road and Terrace Housing and Apartment Buildings zone along Remuera Road; • Significant areas of Terrace Housing and Apartment 34

Buildings and Mixed Housing Urban zones in Tāmaki; • Retention of Mixed Use and Light Industry zones in Tāmaki, Point England, Panmure and Ellerslie.

Southern Isthmus • Retention of light industry and heavy industry zones in Mt Wellington, Ōtāhuhu and Onehunga; • Increased area of heavy industry zone along Great South Road; • Increased Terrace Housing and Apartment Buildings and Mixed Housing Urban zones around Onehunga town centre; • Predominance of Mixed Housing Suburban zone in residential areas.

Western Isthmus • Predominance of Single House zone in Mt Eden, Sandringham, Balmoral and Mt Albert to reflect historic character; • Where there is no historic character, further intensification is enabled through the application of the most appropriate zone consistent with other zoning principles, consideration of local context and the efficient use of infrastructure; • Use of Terrace Housing and Apartment Buildings and Mixed Housing Urban zones around the rail stations (Avondale, Mt Albert and Baldwin Avenue) where it does not conflict with historic character; • Predominance of Mixed Housing Suburban in Hillsborough, Mt Roskill, Blockhouse Bay, and Green Bay areas; • Use of Mixed Housing Urban along key arterials including Richardson Road, Mt Albert Road, Tiverton Road, Blockhouse Bay Road, and Taylor Street; • Use of Terrace Housing and Apartment Buildings and Mixed Housing Urban zones around the centres of Stoddard Road, Royal Oak, Three Kings, Blockhouse Bay and Avondale.

11.5 To illustrate the extent of proposed changes to zoning, Tables 3 and 4 below compares the residential and business zones in the Central area as notified in the PAUP with the Council’s position for hearings. 35

Table 3 Key changes in residential zonings from the notified PAUP to proposed position for hearings Percentage of residential Area Percentage of residential Area (%) (%) Zone (Proposed Auckland Unitary (Position for hearings) Plan as notified 2013)

Terrace Housing and 10.0 11.5 Apartment Buildings

Mixed Housing Urban 7.9 20.0

Mixed Housing 47.5 49.2 Suburban

Single House (inside 34.6 19.3 Rural Urban Boundary)

Large Lot (inside Rural 0.02 0.02 Urban Boundary)

TOTAL 100 100

Table 4 Key changes in business zonings from the notified PAUP to proposed position for hearings Percentage of Residential Area Percentage of residential Area (%) (%) Zone (Proposed Auckland Unitary (Position for hearings) Plan as notified 2013)

Metropolitan Centre 2.1 2.0

Town Centre 7.1 6.7 Local Centre 3.3 3.2 Neighbourhood 1.3 1.3 Centre Mixed Use 22.9 25.7

General Business 1.4 1.1

Business Park 0.8 1.3 Light Industry 45.1 33.8 Heavy Industry 16.2 24.9 TOTAL 100 100


11.6 As shown in Table 3, over 68 percent of Auckland's residential zoned land in the Central area would continue to be Single House and Mixed Housing Suburban zones (one to two storeys).

11.7 The remaining areas are proposed to be zoned Mixed Housing Urban which allows for three storeys, while the Council's proposed changes to the Terrace Housing and Apartment Buildings zone would allow for five storeys and in a limited number of locations six or seven storeys. Within the Central area, these zones have been proposed to be located within a moderate walking distance of metropolitan and town centres and the rapid and frequent service network.

11.8 As shown in Table 4, the review of the rezoning submissions in the Heavy and Light Industry areas in Topic 051 – 054 Business and in Topic 081e has resulted in an overall increase in Heavy Industry zoned areas and decrease in Light Industry zoned areas. The proposed rezonings increase the supply of Heavy Industry zoned land in the Central area in locations which are key employment areas such as Penrose, Mt Wellington and Rosebank.

Proposed amendments outside the scope of submissions

11.9 As noted in John Duguid’s Rezoning EIC, in considering a zoning in a response to a site specific submission, there is also a need to consider rezoning sites that were not subject to a submission.28 This is done to avoid extensive spot rezoning and achieve a better planning outcome through the consistent spatial application of zones which best gives effect to the RPS.

11.10 Within the Central area, out of scope changes have been proposed:

(a) To allow a holistic and comprehensive application of zones in line with the relevant zone policies and objectives; and

(b) To avoid ‘spot-zoning’ which would occur if only in scope submissions are considered.

11.11 This has resulted in wide spread zoning changes across the Central area which are outside the scope of submissions. However, changes have generally been proposed:

(a) Around centres, rapid and frequent transport networks (major public transport routes and rail stations);

28 John Duguid Topic 080-081 Rezoning EIC, paragraph 8.5 37

(b) On sites which are no longer subject to heritage and environmental constraints such as flooding, historic character and pre-1944 building demolition control overlay; and

(c) Further in accordance with (a) and/or (b) above, where we have proposed rezoning of areas going beyond the geographical extent specified on submissions seeking change to zoning, which technically have partial scope.


12.1 The number of rezoning requests received in the Central sub-region include 8258 submission points from approximately 2,110 submitters. Attachment E provides an overview of the submissions received and the groupings in each geographical area.

12.2 John Duguid’s Topic 080 and Topic 081 zoning evidence (3 December 2015) listed at Attachment E Auckland wide submission points which sought rezoning of residential zones or business zones or, in respect of particular geographical areas. The attachment indicated that those submissions requesting changes of zoning in particular geographical areas would be addressed in the evidence for Topic 081. For the Central area there are 85 such submissions which are addressed in Attachment F to this Report.

12.3 In compiling the responses to the Auckland-wide submissions that are addressed in Attachment F to this evidence, we have liaised with the various Council planners who have prepared the Topic 081e Rezoning and Precincts (Geographical Areas) evidence for the Central area. The Central Geographical area evidence provides further detail and context in relation to the responses set out in Attachment C, and the Council planners who prepared that evidence will be able to assist in responding to any questions on the Auckland-wide submissions


13.1 In this evidence Report we set out an overview of the pattern of zoning and precincts under the PAUP for the Central area of the Auckland region.

13.2 We have outlined the approach to zoning in the Central area, general themes of submissions, and general themes of the proposed rezoning supported through the sub-topic evidence statements for City Centre Fringe, Eastern Isthmus, Western Isthmus, and Southern Isthmus areas. 38

13.3 We have also addressed precincts contained in these sub-areas, for which separate statements of evidence are provided.

Joao Machado and Paulina Wythes

26 January 2016


Paulina Wythes

Career Summary

Period Organisation Role July 2014 - present Auckland Council Team Leader – Central and Islands Planning, Plans and Places Nov 2012 – May 2014 Department of Planning and Team Leader, Land Release Infrastructure, Sydney Planning, Housing & Employment Delivery Jun 2011 – Nov 2012 New South Wales Joint Manager, Regional Panels Regional Planning Panels, Secretariat Sydney, Jan 2011 – Jun 2011 New South Wales Planning Acting Team Leader Assessment Commission, (Commission Secretariat) Sydney Planning Assessment Commission (PAC), Sydney

Feb 2010 – Dec 2010 Department of Planning and Senior Planning Officer Infrastructure, Sydney (Land Release Policy) Oct 2008 – Feb 2009 Office of the Minister for Departmental Liaison Officer Planning, Sydney Sep 2009 – Dec 2009 Department of Planning and Acting Team Leader (Major Mar 2008 – Aug 2008 Infrastructure, Sydney Project Assessments)

Sep 2007 – Aug 2009 Department of Planning and Senior Planning Officer Infrastructure, Sydney (Major Projects Assessment)

Oct 2005 – Sep 2007 Department of Planning and Planning Officer (Major Infrastructure, Sydney Projects Assessment) Oct 2004 – Oct 2005 Hyder Consulting (Australia), Engineer (Civil Services – North Sydney Land Development) Jul 2002 – Sep 2004 Hyder Consulting (UK) Pty Graduate Engineer Ltd, Cardiff, Wales (Hydrology/Sewerage)

Feb 2002 – Jun 2002 Hyder Consulting (Australia) Graduate Engineer Pty Ltd, North Sydney

(Tunnelling) Dec 2000 – Feb 2001 SMEC Australia Pty Ltd, Student Engineer North Sydney (Geotechnical)

Dec 1998 – Feb 1999 Leighton Contractors Pty Ltd Student Site Engineer - Eastern Distributor Road Project


Master of Planning, University of Technology Sydney 2010 Bachelor of Engineering (Civil & Environmental) (First Class Honours) 2002 University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia


Planning Institute of Australia - Full member with Certified Practising Planner accreditation (MPIA CPP)

Joao Machado

Career Summary

Period Organisation Role 2012 - present Auckland Council Team Leader – Central & Islands Planning, Central & Islands Planning Unit, Plans & Places Department November 2010 – 2012 Auckland Council Team Leader Planning – CBD & Islands, Operative Plans Unit, Regional & Local Planning Department 2010 Auckland City Council Manager Islands, City Planning

June 2009 – Dec 2009 Auckland City Council Senior Planner, City Planning 2006 – May 2009 Rodney District Council Planner and Senior Planner roles – Strategy & Policy 2002 – 2005 Rodney District Council Development Planner (Resource Consents and Notices of Requirement)


Bachelor of Resource Studies (Resource Management and Planning), Lincoln University 2002.


Member of the New Zealand Planning Institute



• Map 1 – Central Geographical Area Boundary

• Map 2 – Central Sub-Regional Overview The Proposed Auckland Unitary Plan Stanley Point Geographic Topic Areas

Devonport MAP 1 Central

LEGEND Herne Saint Freemans Submission Area Unit Bay Marys Bay Bay Geographic Area Topic CBD City Centre Fringe C2 Ponsonby Eastern Isthmus Westmere Mission Southern Isthmus Bay Orakei Saint Western Isthmus Parnell Kohimarama Heliers Revised Rural Urban Boundary NOTE Zoning and precinct submission points for the C3 Grey Glendowie Lynn Arch C24 Auckland City Centre were addressed in Hill Grafton Topic 050 - City Centre Point Western C23 Chevalier Springs Newton C8 C4 Eden Terrace Newmarket C22 Kingsland C7 Meadowbank Wai o C9 Taiki Bay Remuera Glen C6 Innes Waterview Saint Morningside C25 Johns Mount Mount Albert Eden Point C20 England

Epsom Balmoral C5 Tamaki Sandringham W14 C10 Greenlane Avondale C19 Kelston C13 C21 Farm One Tree Ellerslie Cove Hill Panmure Sunnyhills New Mount Windsor Roskill Three C12 Kings Highland Royal Penrose Mount Park New Lynn Wellington C11 Oak C16 Oranga C18

W15 Pakuranga Pakuranga Heights

Blockhouse Bay Onehunga C15 Te Papapa Hillsborough Green Lynfield Waikowhai C17 Bay C14

Titirangi Westfield

Wood Bay Mangere Otahuhu Bridge French Bay Favona East S8 Tamaki


Middlemore Mangere East ¯ Mangere 940 470 0 940 Meters

Date: 20/01/2016 Vauxhall

Y The Proposed Auckland Unitary Plan


W R MAP 2 O T Cheltenham O Sub-regional overview M CA LL N IOP R E ROAD


A H T O Central




C Wa it e m a ta


E H a r b o u r R B T H E R N M OT OR W T ISR A E RVO O Y E Q Herne JE A U D R AY Bay T ST LEGEND P R S EET O D D N I R T T I A N A K V Sub-regional area O MA RO E E S D S E N O ST E B R T KI D E N T E Mission T A O E P A M RIVE Volcanic cones/craters W B S A

P I H R Bay R C Y R

T H O N T 6 Westmere M S 1 N

R E Kohimarama C N H E N

E S GA H S L Future Urban D D L P D O U O I

E A ROAD A N 6 L P T O D Q O 1 I N V R R M E G Public Open Space H O R


O L S D R L O D S D O R A T E A R Residential H I M A T Glendowie E O - M O D I W R R EPA S V O Grey K ROAD R R E E R R A E A ROAD M Y ID D Rural S O Lynn M KEP A DE R Grafton D U L T A M A L B A E O U KH O L L O Point D R Y S D R A S R Business Areas R A B H A I R C ER D RO E

N Chevalier D Western Springs PA ORE E I M SS A D L

O ROA O K E Revised Rural Urban Boundary







Terrace A U Sea Port R G A E













A Meadowbank O







T R V Airport I A






O L Y E R O N O S E A A O Remuera


M P D Waterview D R S ROAD S E IW R A EN O IV N Rapid and / or frequent service network O R O O S R A OW U D R TA O H G D D RO A D EB T RA T RE M RA MERTO Rail A A OR NG A H MUER E UE D N N D N E E A RO R ROA W R O AD N D K R E OA R A N D R R O D N Rail stations M A G U Point A O M D U O A O England R T N K T O M Frequent Transport Network U


O E M A L O W R O H OR H BB Northern Busway

R R Balmoral A E A U

R M E I G L A E H T RO N N A T T R Tamaki


R R A O Ferry Routes A R L T A O I RU A O A V A A




S N R S U R M A E R O H W N Owairaka O Y RO E R I S E O A A E

S D V O R D O O I R A N U S I L U O NT A A D R R Farm




A A E H R H R C E D Ellerslie W N A A A

O R M R T O Y O One Tree L P



H C T R G D R D N E R R B O D Hill O IM O T Wesley K A A A O E U N E F H W D S E R T N T T O IS R A R I E F O G E E H T S R E S D



T Three R V E R P R NO E L D E R ROAD L D O L TH Y T D Kings D E S D E RO A B A A O A D G













A N A I P S H E A E -W N G R













T H C CH I Blockhouse S




G STR G R T W A Bay CH R D H R CHUR Southdown A SO -W O T E N E Te Papapa A





R S I V O D Waikowhai D E T


R D T Inlet R E





Ambury U NU Otahuhu H R E






G O I East C R N

E S H I N S Tamaki R R I A O O V P A I U A L D












E O V T E H N N A O R N U D E E A L D K D R O R Puketutu C R O R O OAD A M A I R O IV CKL Y A K Island U A E R E D B N S D A D S M N R A A B B O T A O E A M T I D R T AD IV AS D S ER D R B E S 630 315 0 630 Meters UC R E K R ASCO LA O T ROA N P D Mangere D A RO D AD Date: 13/01/2016 TUI R OAD ATTACHMENT C: Special Housing Areas in the Central Area (as at January 2016) Estimated (additional) SHA Name dwelling yield Akepiro Street, Kingsland 18 Asquith Avenue, Mt Albert 10 Barrack Road, Mt Wellington 40 Bedford Street, Parnell 132 Bristol Road, Mt Roskill 10 Coates Avenue, Orakei 14 College Hill, Ponsonby 48 Corner Cornwall Park Avenue and Great South Road, Greenlane 64 Corner Great North Road and Walsall Street, Avondale 33 Enfield Street, Mt Eden 92 George Terrace, Onehunga 220 Great North Road Strategic Area 201 Haverstock Road, Sandringham 33 Jordan Avenue, Onehunga 202 Khyber Pass Road, Newmarket 50 Kingdon Street, Newmarket 58 Kohimarama Road 132 Larch Street, Avondale 74 Layard Street Avondale 85 Meadowbank Cluster 36 Meadowbank Road, Meadowbank 31 Morrin Street, Ellerslie 138 Mountain Road, Epsom 80 Mt Albert Cluster 31 Mt Eden Road and Haul Road, Three Kings 65 Mt Roskill Cluster 20 New Windsor Cluster 88 Northern Tamaki 927 Orakei - Ngati Whatua 75 Orakei Cluster 115 Otahuhu Coast Strategic Area 2468 Pt Chevalier Road, Pt Chevalier 30 Racecourse Parade 47 Sandy lane Avondale 28 St Georges Road, Avondale 30 St Lukes Road, Mt Albert 93 St Marks Road, Remuera 63 Surrey Crescent, Grey Lynn 28 Tamaki Regeneration Area 650 Trent Street Avondale 29 Tuata Street, One Tree Hill 46 Waterview Cluster 172 Wellington Street, Freemans Bay 51

Source: Housing Project Office, Auckland Council (January 2016) ATTACHMENT D: Summary of existing and new precincts in Central

Precincts (existing) Supported Not supported Not supported Not supported (standalone (incl. failed (Light Industry (Business Park statement of merits) (General theme) theme) evidence) theme) Alexandra Park ● Avondale 1 ● Avondale 2 ● Ellerslie 1 ● Ellerslie 2 ● Carlaw Park ● Newmarket 1 ● Newmarket 2 ● Okahu Marine ● Orakei 1 ● Orakei 2 ● Orakei Point ● ● Sylvia Park ● Mount Albert 1 ● Saint Lukes ●* Saint Heliers ● Tamaki ● Precincts (sought by submitters / passed gateway test**) Grey Lynn ●*** Mt Wellington 4 ● Parnell 1 ● Parnell 2 ●*** Penrose 1 ● Mt Roskill 1 ●*** Mt Roskill 2 ●*** New Windsor ●*** Orakei 3 ●*** Three Kings ●

* Note: Saint Lukes Precinct is addressed briefly in Section 10 of this Report. In light of the Council’s position being to roll-over the existing precinct provisions, no substantial evidence is being filed in respect of this precinct. ** Note: the gateway test approach is outlined in paragraphs 10.2 – 10.4 of this Report, as well as in the evidence by Mr Duguid for Topic 080 Rezoning and Precincts (General) and Topic 081 Rezoning and Precincts (Geographical Areas). *** Note: these precincts are combined in one statement of evidence. Precincts (sought by submitters) Failed gateway list in John Duguid’s Rezoning EIC – Attachment E

Submitter Precinct Name Media Works Holdings Eden Terrace Vital Healthcare Property Ellerslie3 Trust Herne Bay Residents Herne Bay1 Association Incorporated Kim Walker Herne Bay2 Calland Properties Kohimarama Limited Don Stock Mission Bay1 Edenvale Trust Board Mt Eden1 Rahul Ranchhodji Mt Eden2 Auckland Council Mt Roskill3 Coca Cola Amatil (New Mt Wellington2 Zealand) Limited Thompson Park Holdings Mt Wellington3 Limited Robert J Asplin Onehunga1 Deearna Lasham Onehunga2 Mike Elliott Penrose2 Stonefields Residents Stonefields Association Incorporated Jo Noonan Tamaki Drive Anna Subritzky Waterview1

ATTACHMENT E: Overview of submissions received in the Central area

Central No. of Key Themes Topic Submission Area points Western 2457 • Over half of the submission points seek to expand Isthmus or contract the Mixed Housing Urban (MHU), Mixed Housing Suburban (MHS) and Single House (SH) zones. These include a large number of submission points seeking to retain the notified Single House zone in Balmoral and Mt Eden and MHS zone in Point Chevalier and Waterview.

• A large number of submission points relate to rezoning of residential land that is subject to a overlays such as historic character, pre-1944 building demolition control, flooding, or volcanic viewshaft height sensitive areas.

Eastern 3985 • Majority of submission points (2988) relate to Saint Isthmus Heliers, Mission Bay and Kohimarama areas (reference: C23 sub-topic area). • Nearly a third of the submission points seek to expand or contract the Mixed Housing Urban (MHU), Mixed Housing Suburban (MHS) and Single House (SH) zones. • Nearly another third of the submissions points relate to rezoning of residential land subject to overlays such as historic character, pre-1944 building demolition control, flooding, or volcanic viewshaft height sensitive areas.

Southern 967 • Nearly half of all submission points seek to expand Isthmus or contract the Mixed Housing Urban (MHU), Mixed Housing Suburban (MHS) and Single House (SH) zones. These include a number of submissions requesting retention or rezoning (to a higher density zone) of notified residential zones in Onehunga, Penrose, Mt Wellington, and Otahuhu. • A large number of submissions also seek to either expand or contract an existing centre, THAB or mixed use zone. • A number of submissions seeking change from Heavy Industry (HI) and Light Industry (LI), and vice- versa, and from Light Industry (LI) to Mixed Use (MU) in Onehunga and Penrose. • General support for the retention of the town centre Central No. of Key Themes Topic Submission Area points zone in Onehunga.

City 849 • Over half of the submission points (447) seek to either Centre expand or contract an existing centre, THAB or mixed Fringe use zone. These include submissions seeking the expansion of the Metropolitan Centre zone in Newmarket. • A third of submission points seek to expand or contract the Mixed Housing Urban (MHU), Mixed Housing Suburban (MHS) and Single House (SH) zones.

Attachment F Response to Auckland Wide Submissions (coded to topic 080)

ATTACHMENT F: Response to Auckland Wide Submissions (coded to topic 080)

Central Submitter Submission Submission Topic Summary greographical Reasons Name Area Unit grouping Refer to evidence for Topic 081e - Geographical area - Central (Western Isthmus) report and attachments.

The request is generic in nature and the full retention of the SH zone on Balmoral streets is supported in part.

In general, properties affected by flooding constraints have been retained as SH zone. Properties affected by HC have also generally retained the notified SH zone because the outcomes the HC seeks to achieve generally align with the objectives of the SH zone and gives effect to the RPS.

In general, do not support retention of SH on all other properties where managing flooding risks on those sites does not require maintaining a SH zone or are no longer identified within the HC. These properties have been rezoned to either the MHS, MHU, or THAB zones to align with the surrounding local context, proximity to the RFN and centres. The rezoning is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of these zones and gives effect to the RPS.

Attachment C of the evidence outlines the reasons to retain the notified zoning or support an alternative zoning where there are site specific and/or area-wide submissions provided. Refer to C10 revised zoning map in Attachment E to see which properties are rezoned in this area. Attachment F of the evidence identifies properties which are proposed to be rezoned in Retain the Single House Zoning this area and are outside the scope of the submissions. 1588-2 Mark Brent Central Central wide in Balmoral Western Isthmus Refer to evidence for Topic 081e –Geographical area – Central (Southern Isthmus) report and attachments.

The request is generic in nature and covers a large number of properties.

The request to rezone the stretch of Great South Rd from Greenlane West to Station Rd, Penrose to the MU zone is supported in part.

In general, changes to MU have been supported where sites are located on a major arterial road (Great South Road) served by the RFN and are close to the Greenlane LC or Ellerslie TC. The proposed rezoning is the most appropriate way of achieving the MU zone objectives and gives effect to the RPS.

Generally, where the existing use is LI, that zone has been retained. The LI zone recognises and provides for other uses and their ongoing operation. In these instances the retention of the LI zone is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the LI zone and gives effect to the RPS.

Attachment C of the evidence outlines the reasons to retain the notified zoning or support an alternative zoning where there are site specific and/or area-wide submissions provided. See revised zoning map C16 and C21 to see which properties are Rezone the stretch of Great rezoned in this area. Attachment F in the evidence identifies properties which have been rezoned and are outside the scope South Road from Greenlane West of submissions. Trevor to Station Road, Penrose to Southern 3269-1 Purkis Central Central wide Mixed Use. Isthmus

Refer to evidence for Topic 081e evidence –Geographical area – Central (City Centre Fringe, Western Isthmus, Eastern Isthmus and Southern Isthmus), reports and attachments.

The request is generic in nature and covers a large number of properties.

The request to rezone sites zoned MHS to MHU in the area bound by New North Rd in the west, the city fringe in the north, SH20 in the south and Great South Rd in the east to the MHU zone is supported in part.

In general properties have either retained their zoning or been rezoned to a less or more intensive zone based on whether they are affected by heritage or environmental constraints, such as HC or flooding, and other locational attributes such as proximity to RFNs and centres. Retention or rezoning, where it has occurred, is the most appropriate way to achieve the Rezone sites from Mixed Housing objectives of the zones and gives effect to the RPS. Where there are no constraints, council has proposed the most Suburban in the area bound by City Centre intensive zone that is appropriate in that location and to give effect to the RPS. New North Road in the west, the Fringe, Western city fringe in the north, SH20 in Isthmus, Eastern Attachment C of the evidence outlines the reasons to retain the notified zoning or support an alternative zoning where there the south and Great South Road Isthmus & are site specific and/or area-wide submissions provided. See revised zoning map to see which properties are rezoned in this Bryce in the east to Mixed Housing Southern area. Attachment F of the evidnece identifies properties which have been rezoned and are outside the scope of submissions. 4087-16 Pearce Central Central wide Urban. Isthmus

Refer to evidence for Topic 081e –Geographical area – Central (Western Isthmus) & (City Centre Fringe) reports and attachments.

The request is generic in nature and covers a large number of properties.

The request to direct intensification between Great North Rd and the North Western Motorway, Pt Chevalier, the Unitec site, MOTAT and to suburbs neighbouring Pt Chevalier such as Waterview, Westmere, Grey Lynn and Herne Bay is supported in part.

In general properties have either retained their zoning or been rezoned to a less or more intensive zone based on whether they are affected by heritage or environmental constraints, such as HC or flooding, and other locational attributes such as Direct intensification to between proximity to RFNs (e.g Great North Road, Point Chevalier Road) and centres. Retention or rezoning, where it has occurred, Great North Rd and the North is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the zones and gives effect to the RPS. Where there are no Western Motorway, Pt Chevalier, constraints, council has proposed the most intensive zone that is appropriate in that location and to give effect to the RPS. the Unitec site, MOTAT and to Michelle suburbs neighbouring Pt Attachment C of the evidence outlines the reasons to retain the notified zoning or support an alternative zoning where there Wilkinson Chevalier such as Waterview, Western Isthmus are site specific and/or area-wide submissions provided. See revised zoning map to see which properties are rezoned in this and Simon Westmere, Grey Lynn and Herne & City Centre area. Attachment F identifies properties which have been rezoned and are outside the scope of submissions. 4641-7 Judkins Central Central wide Bay Fringe

Refer to evidence for Topic 081e –Geographical area – Central (City Centre Fringe, Western Isthmus & Southern Isthmus) reports and attachments.

The request is generic in nature and covers a large number of properties. The request to rezone the LI sites within Morningside and Greenlane to the MU zone is supported in part.

In general, change to the MU has been supported in Greenlane where sites are located on a major arterial road (Great South Road) served by the RFN and are close to the Greenlane LC. The proposed rezoning is the most appropriate way of achieving the MU zone objectives and gives effect to the RPS.

In Morningside, LI reflects existing uses in the area and notified zoning allows for ongoing operation of these activities. The retention of the LI zone is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the zone and gives effect to the RPS. City Centre Fringe, Western Attachment C of the evidence outlines the reasons to retain the notified zoning or support an alternative zoning where there Rezone the Light Industrial sites Isthmus & are site specific and/or area-wide submissions provided. See revised zoning map to see which properties are rezoned in this within Morningside and Southern area. Attachment F of the evidence identifies properties which have been rezoned and are outside the scope of submissions. 4797-107 Louis Mayo Central Central wide Greenlane to Mixed Use. Isthmus

Page 1 Central Submitter Submission Submission Topic Summary greographical Reasons Name Area Unit grouping

Refer to evidence for Topic 081e –Geographical area – Central (City Centre Fringe, Western Isthmus & Southern Isthmus) reports and attachments.

The request is generic in nature and covers a large number of properties. The request to rezone land around the Morningside area that is close to public transport (the Western rail line) and also Great South Rd in the Greenlane area to the MU zone is supported in part.

In general, change to the MU has been supported in Greenlane where sites are located on a major arterial road (Great South Road) served by the RFN and are close to the Greenlane LC. The proposed rezoning is the most appropriate way of achieving the MU zone objectives and gives effect to the RPS.

In Morningside, LI reflects existing uses in the area and notified zoning allows for ongoing operation of these activities. The retention of the LI zone is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the zone and gives effect to the RPS.

Rezone land around Morningside City Centre Attachment C of the evidence outlines the reasons to retain the notified zoning or support an alternative zoning where there area that is close to public Fringe, Western are site specific and/or area-wide submissions provided. See revised zoning map to see which properties are rezoned in this transport (the Western rail line) Isthmus & area. Attachment F of evidence identifies properties which have been rezoned and are outside the scope of submissions. and also Great South Road in the Southern 4797-29 Louis Mayo Central Central wide Greenlane area to Mixed Use. Isthmus

Refer to evidence for Topic 081e - Geographical area - Central (City Centre Fringe, Western Isthmus & Southern Isthmus) reports and attachments.

The request is generic in nature and covers a large number of properties.

The request to rezone land to enable higher density development near stations and high frequency bus routes, especially Newton, Morningside, Greenlane and Ellerslie, is supported in part.

In general properties have either retained their zoning or been rezoned to a less or more intensive zone based on whether they are affected by heritage or environmental constraints, such as pre-1944 BDC, HC or flooding, and other locational attributes such as proximity to RFNs and centres. Retention or rezoning, where it has occurred, is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the zones and gives effect to the RPS. Where there are no constraints, council has proposed the most intensive zone that is appropriate in that location and to give effect to the RPS.

Generally, council has proposed intensification around rail stations, along key arterial roads and bus routes. Rezone land to enable higher City Centre density development near Fringe, Western Attachment C of the evidence outlines the reasons to retain the notified zoning or support an alternative zoning where there stations and high frequency bus Isthmus, Eastern are site specific and/or area-wide submissions provided. See revised zoning map in Attachment E to see which properties routes, especially Newton, Isthmus & are rezoned in this area. Attachment F identifies properties which have been rezoned and are outside the scope of Morningside, Greenlane and Southern submissions. 4797-8 Louis Mayo Central Central wide Ellerslie. Isthmus

Refer to evidence for Topic 081e - Geographical area - Central (City Centre Fringe, Western Isthmus & Southern Isthmus) reports and attachments.

The request is generic in nature and covers a large number of properties. Rezone all properties zoned "Mixed Housing Suburban" to The request to rezone all properties zoned MHS to MHU within an area bounded by Great North Road, the Waterview "Mixed Housing Urban " within an Connection, the South-West motorway, the Onehunga Industrial area, Great South Road and the Central City, and including area bounded by Great North all the suburbs of Mount Albert, Mount Eden, Sandringham, Kingsland, Morningside, St Lukes, Eden Terrace, Three Kings, Road, the Waterview Connection, Oratia, Onehunga and Royal Oak and parts of Point Chevalier, Waterview, Mount Roskill, Greenlane and Penrose, is the South-West motorway, the supported in part. Onehunga Industrial area, Great South Road and the Central City, In general properties have either retained their zoning or been rezoned to a less or more intensive zone based on whether and including all the suburbs of they are affected by heritage or environmental constraints, such as HC or flooding, and other locational attributes such as Mount Albert, Mount Eden, proximity to RFNs and centres. Retention or rezoning, where it has occurred, is the most appropriate way to achieve the Sandringham, Kingsland, objectives of the zones and gives effect to the RPS. Where there are no constraints, council has proposed the most Morningside, St Lukes, Eden City Centre intensive zone that is appropriate in that location and to give effect to the RPS. Terrace, Three Kings, Oratia, Fringe, Western Onehunga and Royal Oak and Isthmus, Eastern Attachment C of the evidence outlines the reasons to retain the notified zoning or support an alternative zoning where there parts of Point Chevalier, Isthmus & are site specific and/or area-wide submissions provided. See revised zoning map to see which properties are rezoned in this Stephen Waterview, Mount Roskill, Southern area. Attachment F identifies properties which have been rezoned and are outside the scope of submissions. 4823-84 Davis Central Central wide Greenlane and Penrose. Isthmus

Refer to Topic 081e evidence –Geographical area – Central (Southern Isthmus and Eastern Isthmus) reports and attachments.

The request is generic in nature and covers a large number of properties. The request to rezone Great South Rd from Green Lane East southwards to approximately Ellerslie from the notified LI zone to the MU zone is supported in part.

In general, change to the MU zone has been supported where sites are located on a major arterial road (Great South Road) served by the RFN and are close to the Greenlane LC or Ellerslie TC. The proposed rezoning is the most appropriate way of achieving the MU zone objectives and gives effect to the RPS.

Generally, where the existing use is LI, that zone has been retained. The LI zone recognises and provides for other uses and their ongoing operation. In these instances the retention of the LI zone is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the LI zone and gives effect to the RPS.

Rezone Great South Road from Attachment C of the evidence outlines the reasons to retain the notified zoning or support an alternative zoning where there Green Lane East southwards to Eastern Isthmus are site specific and/or area-wide submissions provided. See revised zoning map to see which properties are rezoned in this Stephen approximately Ellerslie from Light & Southern area. Attachment F of the evidence identifies properties which have been rezoned and are outside the scope of submissions. 4823-93 Davis Central Central wide Industrial to Mixed Use. Isthmus

Refer to Topic 081e evidence –Geographical area – Central (Western Isthmus) report and attachments.

The request is generic in nature and the request to focus intensification in the Western Isthmus area from Mt Eden to Avondale is supported in part.

In general properties have either retained their zoning or been rezoned to a less or more intensive zone based on whether they are affected by heritage or environmental constraints, such as HC or flooding, and other locational attributes such as proximity to RFNs and centres. Retention or rezoning, where it has occurred, is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the zones and gives effect to the RPS. Where there are no constraints, council has proposed the most intensive zone that is appropriate in that location and to give effect to the RPS.

Titirangi Attachment C of the evidence outlines the reasons to retain the notified zoning or support an alternative zoning where there Ratepayers are site specific and/or area-wide submissions provided. See revised zoning map in Attachment E to see which properties and Focus intensification in the are rezoned in this area. Attachment F identifies properties which have been rezoned and are outside the scope of Residents Western Isthmus area from Mt submissions. 4855-5 Association Central Central wide Eden to Avondale. Western Isthmus

Page 2 Central Submitter Submission Submission Topic Summary greographical Reasons Name Area Unit grouping

Refer to topic 081e evidence –Geographical area – Central (Western Isthmus & City Centre Fringe) reports and attachments.

The request is generic in nature and covers a large number of properties.

The request to rezone to allow for increased development and housing intensity near high quality public transport routes on Great North Rd is supported in part.

In general properties have retained their zoning or been rezoned to a less or more intensive zone based on whether they are affected by site specific constraints such as the pre-144 BDC, flooding, HSA and based on their proximity to the RFN, centres, large urban facilities and public open spaces. Retention or rezoning, where it has occurred, is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the zones and gives effect to the RPS. Where there are no constraints, council has proposed the most intensive zone that is appropriate in that location and to give effect to the RPS. In this area there is a significant amount of MU along Great North Road and intensive residential zones around Grey Lynn TC.

Rezone to allow for increased Attachment C of the evidence outlines the reasons to retain the notified zoning or support an alternative zoning where there development and housing are site specific and/or area-wide submissions provided. See revised zoning map in Attachment E of the evidence to see intensity near high quality public Western Isthmus which properties are rezoned in this area. Attachment F of the evidence identifies properties which have been rezoned and Andrew transport routes in Great North & City Centre are outside the scope of submissions. 4894-10 Dopheide Central Central wide Rd Fringe

Refer to Topic 081e evidence –Geographical area – Central (City Centre Fringe) report and attachments.

The request is generic in nature and covers a large number of properties.

The request to allow for increased development and housing intensity near high quality public transport routes between Ponsonby and Grey Lynn is supported in part.

In general properties have either retained their zoning or been rezoned to a less or more intensive zone based on whether they are affected by heritage or environmental constraints, such as HC or flooding, and other locational attributes such as proximity to the RFN (such as Richmond Road and Ponsonby Road) and centres. Retention or rezoning, where it has occurred, is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the zones and gives effect to the RPS. Where there are no constraints, council has proposed the most intensive zone that is appropriate in that location and to give effect to the RPS. There is some intensive residential zoning in this area but it is limited due to the amount of HC. Rezone to allow for increased development and housing Attachment C of the evidence outlines the reasons to retain the notified zoning or support an alternative zoning where there intensity near high quality public are site specific and/or area-wide submissions provided. See revised zoning map to see which properties are rezoned in this Andrew transport routes between City Centre area. Attachment F identifies properties which have been rezoned and are outside the scope of submissions. 4894-11 Dopheide Central Central wide Ponsonby and Grey Lynn Fringe

Refer to Topic 081e evidence –Geographical area – Central (City Centre Fringe, Eastern Isthmus, Western Isthmus) reports and attachments.

The request is generic in nature and covers a large number of properties.

The request to increase intensification of residential and commercial activities on transport nodes in Newton, Morningside, Greenlane and Ellerslie is supported in part.

In general properties have either retained their zoning or been rezoned to a less or more intensive zone based on whether they are affected by heritage or environmental constraints, such as HC or flooding, and other locational attributes such as proximity to the RFN and centres. Retention or rezoning, where it has occurred, is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the zones and gives effect to the RPS. Where there are no constraints, council has proposed the most intensive zone that is appropriate in that location and to give effect to the RPS. Increase intensification of residential and commercial City Centre Attachment C of the evidence outlines the reasons to retain the notified zoning or support an alternative zoning where there activities on transport nodes in Fringe, Eastern are site specific and/or area-wide submissions provided. See revised zoning map to see which properties are rezoned in this Julia Newton, Morningside, Greenlane Isthmus, area. Attachment F identifies properties which have been rezoned and are outside the scope of submissions. 4907-5 Jackson Central Central wide and Ellerslie Western Isthmus

Refer to topic 081e evidence –Geographical area – Central (City Centre Fringe) report and attachments.

The request is generic in nature and covers a large number of properties.

The request to intensify the Great North Rd ridge line is supported in part.

In general properties have either retained their zoning or been rezoned to a less or more intensive zone based on whether they are affected by heritage or environmental constraints, such as HC or flooding, and other locational attributes such as proximity to RFNs and centres. Retention or rezoning, where it has occurred, is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the zones and gives effect to the RPS. Where there are no constraints, council has proposed the most intensive zone that is appropriate in that location and to give effect to the RPS. The Great North Road ridge is zoned MU and THAB from Ponsonby to Grey Lynn.

Attachment C of the evidence outlines the reasons to retain the notified zoning or support an alternative zoning where there are site specific and/or area-wide submissions provided. See revised zoning map to see which properties are rezoned in this Intensify the Great North Road City Centre area. Attachment F identifies properties which have been rezoned and are outside the scope of submissions. 4968-3 Shane Cook Central Central wide ridge line. Fringe

Refer to topic 081e evidence –Geographical area – Central (City Centre Fringe, Western Isthmus, Southern Isthmus) reports and attachments.

The request is generic in nature and covers a large number of properties.

The request to rezone areas between New North Rd and Great South Road in the central Isthmus from the MHS zone to the MHU zone is supported in part.

In general properties have either retained their zoning or been rezoned to a less or more intensive zone based on whether they are affected by heritage or environmental constraints, such as HC or flooding, and other locational attributes such as proximity to RFNs and centres. Retention or rezoning, where it has occurred, is the most appropriate way to achieve the Rezone areas between New objectives of the zones and gives effect to the RPS. Where there are no constraints, council has proposed the most North Road and Great South intensive zone that is appropriate in that location and to give effect to the RPS. Road in the central Isthmus from Western Mixed Housing Suburban to Isthmus, City Attachment C of the evidence outlines the reasons to retain the notified zoning or support an alternative zoning where there Mixed Housing Urban. Centre Fringe & are site specific and/or area-wide submissions provided. See revised zoning map to see which properties are rezoned in this Actuallly submission point 5002- Southern area. Attachment F identifies properties which have been rezoned and are outside the scope of submissions. 5002-19 Liam Winter Central Central wide 20 Isthmus

Refer to topic 081e evidence –Geographical area – Central (City Centre Fringe, Western Isthmus & Southern Isthmus) reports and attachments.

The request is generic in nature and covers a large number of properties.

The request to upzone Newton, Meadowbank, Greenlane, Morningside, St Lukes, Mt Roskill and the central Isthmus is supported in part.

In general properties have either retained their zoning or been rezoned to a less or more intensive zone based on whether they are affected by heritage or environmental constraints, such as HC or flooding, and other locational attributes such as proximity to the RFN and centres. Retention or rezoning, where it has occurred, is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the zones and gives effect to the RPS. Where there are no constraints, council has proposed the most City Centre intensive zone that is appropriate in that location and to give effect to the RPS. Fringe, Western Upzone Newton, Meadowbank, Isthmus, Eastern Attachment C of the evidence outlines the reasons to retain the notified zoning or support an alternative zoning where there Greenlane, Morningside, St Isthmus & are site specific and/or area-wide submissions provided. See revised zoning map to see which properties are rezoned in this Lukes, Mt Roskill and the central Southern area. Attachment F identifies properties which have been rezoned and are outside the scope of submissions. 5002-8 Liam Winter Central Central wide Isthmus. Isthmus

Page 3 Central Submitter Submission Submission Topic Summary greographical Reasons Name Area Unit grouping

Refer to topic 081e evidence –Geographical area – Central (City Centre Fringe, Western Isthmus) reports and attachments.

The request is generic in nature and applies to a large number of properties. The request to change the MHU and MU zones in the area of Balmoral Rd, west to Sandringham Rd, north to Kingsland and east to Mount Eden Rd, and north to New North Rd to a less intensive zone is not supported. Rezone the Mixed Housing Urban and Mixed Use zones within the In general, properties zoned MU or MHU have either retained their notified zoning or been rezoned to less or more intensive area of Balmoral Road, west to zones subject to whether they are affected by site-specific constraints including HC and Pre-1944 BDC, flooding constraints, Sandringham Rd, North to HSA and based on their proximity to RFN’s, centres, large urban facilities and public open space. In the case of Balmoral, Kingsland, and East to Mt Eden where there are no constraints, council has proposed the most intensive zone that is appropriate in that location and to give Rd, and North to New North Road effect to the RPS. to less intensive zones. Intensify these areas in stages after there Attachment C of the evidence outlines the reasons to retain the notified zoning or support an alternative zoning where there is independent verifiaction that Western Isthmus are site specific and/or area-wide submissions provided. See revised zoning map to see which properties are rezoned in this Norma D the infrastructure can support & City Centre area. Attachment F identifies properties which have been rezoned and are outside the scope of submissions. 5040-7 Hanley Central Central wide such growth. Fringe

Refer to topic 081e evidence –Geographical area – Central (Western Isthmus & City Centre Fringe) report and attachments.

The request is generic in nature and covers a large number of properties.

The request to rezone to increase the housing stock close to the city centre is supported in part.

In general properties have either retained their zoning or been rezoned to a less or more intensive zone based on whether they are affected by heritage or environmental constraints, such as HC or flooding, and other locational attributes such as proximity to the RFN and centres. Retention or rezoning, where it has occurred, is the most appropriate way to achieve the Rezone (e.g. to Terrace Housing objectives of the zones and gives effect to the RPS. Where there are no constraints, council has proposed the most and Apartment Buildings) to intensive zone that is appropriate in that location and to give effect to the RPS. It is therefore proposed to increase the increase the housing stock close amount of THAB in these inner suburbs where there are no constraints. to the city centre ie. in the inner suburbs of Parnell, Mt Eden, Attachment C of the evidence outlines the reasons to retain the notified zoning or support an alternative zoning where there Epsom, Mt Albert, Kingsland, Western Isthmus are site specific and/or area-wide submissions provided. See revised zoning map to see which properties are rezoned in this Jacques Freemans Bay, Ponsonby, Grey & City Centre area. Attachment F identifies properties which have been rezoned and are outside the scope of submissions. 5116-1 Charroy Central Central wide Lynn and Arch Hill. Fringe

Refer to topic 081e evidence –Geographical area – Central (Western Isthmus and Southern Isthmus) reports and attachments.

The request is generic in nature and covers a large number of properties. The request to rezone Royal Oak and Onehunga North to the SH or MHS zone is not supported.

In general properties have either retained their zoning or been rezoned based on whether they are affected by heritage or environmental constraints, such as HC or flooding, the character and activities present on the existing environment and other locational attributes such as proximity to the RFN and centres. Retention or rezoning, where it has occurred, is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the zones and gives effect to the RPS. Where there are no constraints, council has proposed the most intensive zone that is appropriate in that location and to give effect to the RPS. Given the proximity to Royal Oak and Onehunga centres, RFNs and employment areas, these areas are proposed to be a mix of THAB, MHU and MHS.

Attachment C of the evidence outlines the reasons to retain the notified zoning or support an alternative zoning where there are site specific and/or area-wide submissions provided. See revised zoning map to see which properties are rezoned in this Rezone Royal Oak and Western Isthmus area. Attachment F identifies properties which have been rezoned and are outside the scope of submissions. Hartwig Onehunga North Single House or & Southern 5219-41 Clasen Central Central wide Mixed Housing Suburban. Isthmus

Refer to topic 081e evidence –Geographical area – Central (Western Isthmus) report and attachments.

The request is generic in nature and applies to a large number of properties. The request to change the Greenwoods Corner area from the THAB zone to the SH or MHS zone is not supported.

Where there are no constraints, council has proposed the most intensive zone that is appropriate in that location and to give effect to the RPS. In general, properties in this area have retained their notified THAB zoning or have been rezoned from a less intensive notified zone to the THAB zone where they are not subject to site-specific constraints including HC and Pre- 1944 BDC, flooding constraints, are around RFNs such as Manukau Rd, and close to centres like the Greenwoods Corner LC.

Attachment C of evidence outlines the reasons to retain the notified zoning or support an alternative zoning where there are Rezone the Greenwoods Corner site specific and/or area-wide submissions provided. See C13 revised zoning map in Attachment E to see which properties area from Terrace Housing and are rezoned in this area. Attachment F identifies properties which have been rezoned and are outside the scope of Hartwig Apartment Building to Single submissions. 5219-42 Clasen Central Central wide House or Mixed Use Suburban. Western Isthmus

Refer to topic 081e evidence –Geographical area – Central (Western Isthmus) report and attachments.

The request is not sufficiently specific as to area and applies to a large number of properties. The request to change the THAB zone along Manukau Rd near Greenwoods Corner area from the THAB zone to either the MHS or MHU zones, is not supported.

Where there are no constraints, council has proposed the most intensive zone that is appropriate in that location and to give effect to the RPS. In general, properties in this area have retained their notified THAB zoning or have been rezoned from a less intensive notified zone to the THAB zone where they are not subject to site-specific constraints including HC and Pre- 1944 BDC, flooding constraints, are around RFNs such as Manukau Rd, and close to centres like the Greenwoods Corner LC.

Attachment C of the evidence outlines the reasons to retain the notified zoning or support an alternative zoning where there are site specific and/or area-wide submissions provided. See C13 revised zoning map in Attachment E to see which Rezone stretches along Manukau properties are rezoned in this area. Attachment F identifies properties which have been rezoned and are outside the scope Road near Greenwood Corner of submissions. from Terrace Housing and Hartwig Apartment Building to Mixed 5219-43 Clasen Central Central wide Housing. Western Isthmus

Refer to topic 081e evidence –Geographical area – Central (Southern) report and attachments.

The request to rezone the rail corridor around Sylvia Park to Metropolitan Centre is not supported. Strategic rail corridors Kiwi Income are proposed to be designated rather than zoned therefore it is inappropriate to rezone to Metropolitan Centre. Property Trust and Amend planning map to extend Attachment C of the evidence outlines the reasons to retain the notified zoning or support an alternative zoning where there Kiwi Property the Metropolitan Centre Zoning are site specific and/or area-wide submissions provided. See revised zoning map to see which properties are rezoned in this Holdings over the adjacent rail corridor. Southern area. Attachment F identifies properties which have been rezoned and are outside the scope of submissions. 5253-68 Limited Central Central wide [Syliva Park and New Lynn] Isthmus

Page 4 Central Submitter Submission Submission Topic Summary greographical Reasons Name Area Unit grouping

Refer to topic 081e evidence – Geographical area – Central (City Centre Fringe, Western Isthmus, Eastern Isthmus & Southern Isthmus) reports and attachments.

The request is generic in nature and covers a large number of properties.

The request to rezone more areas as THAB along main arterial roads within the former Auckland City is supported in part.

In general properties have either retained their zoning or been rezoned to a less or more intensive zone based on whether they are affected by heritage or environmental constraints, such as HC or flooding, and other locational attributes such as proximity to RFNs and centres. Retention or rezoning, where it has occurred, is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the zones and gives effect to the RPS. Where there are no constraints, council has proposed the most City Centre intensive zone that is appropriate in that location and to give effect to the RPS. Fringe, Western Rezone more areas for Terrace Isthmus, Eastern Attachment C of the evidence outlines the reasons to retain the notified zoning or support an alternative zoning where there Housing and Apartment Buildings Isthmus & are site specific and/or area-wide submissions provided. See revised zoning map to see which properties are rezoned in this Louise A along main arterial roads within Southern area. Attachment F identifies properties which have been rezoned and are outside the scope of submissions. 5268-4 Graham Central Central wide the former Auckland City. Isthmus

Refer to topic 081e evidence – Geographical area – Central (City Centre Fringe, Western Isthmus, Eastern Isthmus & Southern Isthmus) reports and attachments.

The request is generic in nature and covers a large number of properties.

The request to rezone more areas as THAB along main arterial roads within the former Auckland City is supported in part.

In general properties have either retained their zoning or been rezoned to a less or more intensive zone based on whether they are affected by heritage or environmental constraints, such as HC or flooding, and other locational attributes such as proximity to the RFN and centres. Retention or rezoning, where it has occurred, is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the zones and gives effect to the RPS. Where there are no constraints, council has proposed the most City Centre intensive zone that is appropriate in that location and to give effect to the RPS. Fringe, Western Rezone more areas for Terrace Isthmus, Eastern Attachment C of the evidence outlines the reasons to retain the notified zoning or support an alternative zoning where there Housing and Apartment Building Isthmus & are site specific and/or area-wide submissions provided. See revised zoning map to see which properties are rezoned in this Robert J S along main arterial roads within Southern area. Attachment F identifies properties which have been rezoned and are outside the scope of submissions. 5269-4 Graham Central Central wide the former Auckland City area. Isthmus

Refer to topic 081e evidence –Geographical area – Central (City Centre Fringe) report and attachments.

The request to rezone land around Great North Rd, Arch Hill from SH to MHU and THAB is not supported.

The SH zone in this area is subject to a HC overlay. Retention of SH zone will ensure development maintains and Rezone land around Great North complements areas with identified historic character. Proposed retention is the most appropriate way of achieving the Road, Arch Hill as shown in the objectives of the zone and gives effect to the RPS. submission [refer to page The Urban 97/104] from Single House to Attachment C of the evidence outlines the reasons to retain the notified zoning or support an alternative zoning where there Design Mixed Housing Urban and are site specific and/or area-wide submissions provided. See revised zoning map to see which properties are rezoned in this Forum New Terrace Housing and Apartment City Centre area. Attachment F identifies properties which have been rezoned and are outside the scope of submissions. 5277-366 Zealand Central Central wide Buildings. Fringe

Refer to topic 081e evidence –Geographical area – Central (Eastern Isthmus) report and attachments.

This request covers a large number of properties east of Pilkington Road, north of Kings Road and south of West Tamaki Road (Attachment D - Area Wide submissions) and is supported in part.

It is proposed to rezone significant parts of this area to THAB and MHU. It is recognised that this area is an important Rezone land within the Tamaki regeneration area and is close to the Glen Innes and Panmure TCs and the RFN. Rezoning these areas to MHU is an Precinct, Glen Innes as shown in appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the zone and gives effect to the RPS. the submission [refer to page The New 82/104] from Mixed Housing Attachment C of the evidence outlines the reasons to retain the notified zoning or support an alternative zoning where there Zealand Suburban to Mixed Housing are site specific and/or area-wide submissions provided. Refer to C20 Proposed zoning maps in Attachment E for further Institute of Urban or Terrace Housing and information. Attachment F identifies properties which have been rezoned and are outside the scope of submissions. 5280-332 Architects Central Central wide Apartment Buildings. Eastern Isthmus

Refer to topic 081e evidence –Geographical area – Central (Eastern Isthmus) report and attachments.

This request covers a large number of properties east of Pilkington Road, north of Kings Road and south of West Tamaki Road (Attachment D - Area Wide submissions) and is supported in part.

Rezone land within the Tamaki It is proposed to rezone significant parts of this area to THAB and MHU. It is recognised that this area is an important Precinct, Glen Innes as shown in regeneration area and is close to the Glen Innes and Panmure TCs and the RFN. Rezoning these areas to MHU is an the submission [refer to page appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the zone and gives effect to the RPS. 82/104] from Mixed Housing The New Suburban to Mixed Housing Attachment C of the evidence outlines the reasons to retain the notified zoning or support an alternative zoning where there Zealand Urban or Terrace Housing and are site specific and/or area-wide submissions provided. Refer to C20 Proposed zoning maps in Attachment E for further Institute of Apartment Buildings to reflect the information. Attachment F identifies properties which have been rezoned and are outside the scope of submissions. 5280-333 Architects Central Central wide intended building height controls. Eastern Isthmus

Refer to topic 081e evidence –Geographical area – Central (Eastern Isthmus) report and attachments.

The request to rezone the area bordered by Line Road, Maybury Street and Point England Road, Glen Innes is supported. Rezone land on Line Road, The sites are located close to Glen Innes TC and RFN. THAB will result in an efficient use of land and the rezoning to THAB Maybury Street and Point is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the zone and gives effect to the RPS. England Road, Glen Innes as The New shown in the submission [refer to Attachment C of the evidence outlines the reasons to retain the notified zoning or support an alternative zoning where there Zealand page 83/104] from Mixed Housing are site specific and/or area-wide submissions provided. Refer to C20 Proposed zoning maps in Attachment E for further Institute of Suburban to Terrace Housing and information. Attachment F identifies properties which have been rezoned and are outside the scope of submissions. 5280-336 Architects Central Central wide Apartment Buildings. Eastern Isthmus

Refer to topic 081e evidence –Geographical area – Central (City Centre Fringe) report and attachments.

The request to rezone land on Seccombes Road, Newmarket from SH to MHU and THAB is supported in part. Properties along Seccombes Road are subject to the Pre-1944 BDC and therefore will be rezoned to MHS. MHU for a portion of the Rezone land on Seccombes southern side of Seccombes Road not subject to the Pre-1944 BDC is the most appropriate way of achieving the objectives Road, Newmarket as shown in of the zone as the sites are close to the RFN and MC. the submission [refer to page The New 97/104] from Single House to Attachment C of the evidence outlines the reasons to retain the notified zoning or support an alternative zoning where there Zealand Mixed Housing Urban and are site specific and/or area-wide submissions provided. See revised zoning map to see which properties are rezoned in this Institute of Terrace Housing and Apartment City Centre area. Attachment F identifies properties which have been rezoned and are outside the scope of submissions. 5280-369 Architects Central Central wide Buildings. Fringe

Page 5 Central Submitter Submission Submission Topic Summary greographical Reasons Name Area Unit grouping

Refer to topic 081e evidence –Geographical area – Central (Eastern Isthmus and Western Isthmus) reports and attachments.

The request is generic in nature and covers a large number of properties.

The request to retain up-zoning in areas around Avondale, Glen Innes and Panmure is supported in part.

In general properties have either retained their zoning or been rezoned to a less or more intensive zone based on whether they are affected by heritage or environmental constraints, such as HC or flooding, and other locational attributes such as proximity to RFNs and centres. Retention or rezoning, where it has occurred, is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the zones and gives effect to the RPS. Where there are no constraints, council has proposed the most intensive zone that is appropriate in that location and to give effect to the RPS.

Attachment C of the evidence outlines the reasons to retain the notified zoning or support an alternative zoning where there Retain up-Zoning in areas around Eastern Isthmus are site specific and/or area-wide submissions provided. See revised zoning map to see which properties are rezoned in this Generation New Lynn, Avondale, Glen Innes, & Western area. Attachment F identifies properties which have been rezoned and are outside the scope of submissions. 5478-37 Zero Central Auckland wide Panmure and Papatoetoe. Isthmus

Refer to topic 081e evidence –Geographical area – Central (Southern Isthmus and Eastern Isthmus) reports and attachments.

The request is generic in nature and covers a large number of properties. The request to rezone the area along Great South Rd between Greenlane and Ellerslie from LI zone to MU is supported in part.

In general, change to the MU zone has been supported where sites are located on a major arterial road (Great South Road) served by the RFN and are close to the Greenlane LC or Ellerslie TC. The proposed rezoning is the most appropriate way of achieving the MU zone objectives and gives effect to the RPS.

Generally, where the existing use is LI, that zone has been retained. The LI zone recognises and provides for other uses and their ongoing operation. In these instances the retention of the LI zone is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the LI zone and gives effect to the RPS. Rezone the area along Great South Rd between Greenlane Southern Attachment C of the evidence outlines the reasons to retain the notified zoning or support an alternative zoning where there Generation and Ellerslie from Light Industrial Isthmus & are site specific and/or area-wide submissions provided. See revised zoning map to see which properties are rezoned in this 5478-51 Zero Central Central wide to Mixed Use. Eastern Isthmus area. Attachment F identifies properties which have been rezoned and are outside the scope of submissions.

Refer to topic 081e evidence –Geographical area – Central (City Centre Fringe and Western Isthmus) reports and attachments.

The request is generic in nature and covers a large number of properties.

The request to rezone the area between Sandringham Road to the West and Mount Eden Road to the East, New North Road, Kingsland to the North and Balmoral Road, Balmoral to the South from Mixed Housing Urban and Mixed Use to a zone that will maintain the current intensity of development is not supported.

In general properties have either retained their zoning or been rezoned to a less or more intensive zone based on whether Rezone the area between they are affected by heritage or environmental constraints, such as HC or flooding, and other locational attributes such as Sandringham Road to the West proximity to RFNs and centres. Retention or rezoning, where it has occurred, is the most appropriate way to achieve the and Mount Eden Road to the objectives of the zones and gives effect to the RPS. In this area, where there is no HC or flooding constraints, council has East, New North Road, Kingsland proposed the most intensive zone that is appropriate in that location and to give effect to the RPS. to the North and Balmoral Road, Balmoral to the South from Mixed Attachment C outlines the reasons to retain the notified zoning or support an alternative zoning where there are site specific Housing Urban and Mixed Use to Western Isthmus and/or area-wide submissions provided. See revised zoning map to see which properties are rezoned in this area. a zone that will maintain the & City Centre Attachment F identifies properties which have been rezoned and are outside the scope of submissions. 5535-12 Frank Grgec Central Central wide current intensity of development. Fringe

Refer to topic 081e evidence –Geographical area – Central (City Centre Fringe, Easterm Isthmus, Southern Isthmus) report and attachments.

The request is generic in nature and covers a large number of properties.

The request to rezone the land along Remuera Road between the Remuera Town Centre and the Newmarket Metropolitan Centre from Single House to Terrace Housing and Apartment Building or Mixed Housing Urban is supported in part.

The sites affected by the HC are proposed to retain the notified SH zone because the outcomes the HC seeks to achieve generally align with the objectives of the SH zone and gives effect to the RPS. Those sites notified as SH which are not Rezone the land along Remuera affected by heritage or environmental constraints such as the HC or flooding, have been rezoned to a more intensive zone, Road between the Remuera including THAB and MHU, depending on their proximity to the Newmarket MC and Remuera TC and whether they are Town Centre and the Newmarket City Centre affected by the Mount Hobson HSA. Metropolitan Centre from Single Fringe & Eastern House to Terrace Housing and Isthmus & Attachment C outlines the reasons to retain the notified zoning or support an alternative zoning where there are site specific Emma Apartment Building or Mixed Southern and/or area-wide submissions provided. See revised zoning map to see which properties are rezoned in this area. 5569-8 Quantrill Central Central wide Housing Urban. Isthmus Attachment F identifies properties which have been rezoned and are outside the scope of submissions.

Refer to topic 081e evidence –Geographical area – Central (Western Isthmus & Easterm Isthmus) reports and attachments.

The request is generic in nature and covers a large number of properties. The request to rezone brownfield sites to THAB is supported in part.

In general properties have either retained their zoning or been rezoned to a less or more intensive zone based on whether Rezone brownfield sites in the they are affected by heritage or environmental constraints, such as HC or flooding, and other locational attributes such as suburbs of Mt Roskill, proximity to RFNs and centres. Retention or rezoning, where it has occurred, is the most appropriate way to achieve the Sandringham, Panmure, East objectives of the zones and gives effect to the RPS. Where there are no constraints, council has proposed the most Tamaki, Otara and Mangere to intensive zone that is appropriate in that location and to give effect to the RPS. Terrace Housing and Apartment Buildings to provide for more Western Isthmus Attachment C of the evidence outlines the reasons to retain the notified zoning or support an alternative zoning where there Wayne R inner city apartments around & Eastern are site specific and/or area-wide submissions provided. See revised zoning map to see which properties are rezoned in this 5601-3 Ryburn Central Auckland wide Newmarket and the CBD. Isthmus area. Attachment F identifies properties which have been rezoned and are outside the scope of submissions.

Refer to topic 081e evidence –Geographical area – Central (City Centre Fringe & Easterm Isthmus) reports and attachments.

The request to retain intensive zoning in the inner suburbs is supported in part.

In general properties have either retained their zoning or been rezoned to a less or more intensive zone based on whether they are affected by heritage or environmental constraints, such as HC or flooding, and other locational attributes such as proximity to RFNs and centres. Retention or rezoning, where it has occurred, is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the zones and gives effect to the RPS. Where there are no constraints, council has proposed the most intensive zone that is appropriate in that location and to give effect to the RPS.

City Centre Attachment C outlines the reasons to retain the notified zoning or support an alternative zoning where there are site specific Retain Zoning for intensification in Fringe and and/or area-wide submissions provided. See revised zoning map to see which properties are rezoned in this area. 5686-2 Rita Steel Central Auckland wide inner suburbs. Eastern Isthmus Attachment F identifies properties which have been rezoned and are outside the scope of submissions.

Page 6 Central Submitter Submission Submission Topic Summary greographical Reasons Name Area Unit grouping

Refer to topic 081e evidence –Geographical area – Central (Southern Isthmus and Eastern Isthmus) report and attachments.

The request is generic in nature and covers a large number of properties. The request to retain the notified SH zone is Ellerslie is supported in part.

The SH zone has been retained where it is affected by the HC or flooding constraints. The outcomes sought by both the HC and flooding provisions generally align with the objectives of the SH zone and give effect to the RPS. In general, in other areas where the HC does not apply or where managing flooding risks on those sites does not require maintaining the SH zone, rezoning to a higher intensity zone has occurred. The new zoning is generally determined by the site's proximity to the Ellerslie TC and RFNs. Retain the Single House zone as applied in Ellerslie [Refer to Eastern Isthmus Attachment C outlines the reasons to retain the notified zoning or support an alternative zoning where there are site specific Auckland Orakei Local Board Views, & Southern and/or area-wide submissions provided. See revised zoning map to see which properties are rezoned in this area. 5716-3590 Council Central Central wide Volume 26, page 52/103]. Isthmus Attachment F identifies properties which have been rezoned and are outside the scope of submissions.

Refer to topic 081e evidence –Geographical area – Central (City Centre Fringe & Eastern Isthmus) report and attachments.

The request to rezone areas that directly abut the THAB zone to either MHU or MHS in various parts of Remuera, Mission Rezone areas that directly abut Bay and Ellerslie, is supported in part. the Terrace Housing and Apartment Buildings zone to In general properties have either retained their zoning or been rezoned to a less or more intensive zone based on whether either Mixed Housing Urban or they are affected by heritage or environmental constraints, such as HC or flooding, and other locational attributes such as Mixed Housing Suburban, proximity to RFNs and centres. Retention or rezoning, where it has occurred, is the most appropriate way to achieve the particularly along the Remuera objectives of the zones and gives effect to the RPS. Where there are no constraints, council has proposed the most ridge line: Ascot Ave, Wairua Rd, intensive zone that is appropriate in that location and to give effect to the RPS. In general, in order to provide a transition in Norana Ave and Armadale Rd; height and intensity, residential sites adjacent to THAB are zoned MHU or MHS. and in Mission Bay and Ellerslie [Refer to Orakei Local City Centre Attachment C of the evidence outlines the reasons to retain the notified zoning or support an alternative zoning where there Auckland Board Views, Volume 26, pages Fringe and are site specific and/or area-wide submissions provided. See revised zoning map to see which properties are rezoned in this 5716-3595 Council Central Auckland wide 52 and 53/103]. Eastern Isthmus area. Attachment F identifies properties which have been rezoned and are outside the scope of submissions.

Refer to topic 081e evidence –Geographical area – Central (Southern Isthmus) report and attachments.

The request to rezone the area located in the vicinity of Bell Avenue through to Salesyard Road is supported in part.

HI has been proposed for sites north of Bell Ave, west of Great South Rd and east of the railway, sites south of Bell Ave, north of Portage Rd, east of the railway and west of Great South Rd as this change will facilitate additional HI in an area away from more sensitive uses. Therefore rezoning to HI is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the zone Rezone the area located in and gives effect to the RPS. the vicinity of Bell Avenue through to Salesyard Road, as per map The LI zone has been retained for sites south of Portage Rd, west of Saleyards Rd and east of the railway as these sites on page 32/32 of submission, include a mix of LI activities and is more reflective of a LI area. Therefore retention of the LI zone in this area is the most from Light Industry to Heavy appropriate way to achieve the relevant objectives of the zone and to gives effect to the RPS. Industry. Carter Holt Attachment C of the evidence outlines the reasons to retain the notified zoning or support an alternative zoning where there Harvey Note: Originally allocated in the Southern are site specific and/or area-wide submissions provided. See revised zoning map to see which properties are rezoned in this 5791-63 Limited Central Auckland wide 'South' Topic Isthmus area. Attachment F identifies properties which have been rezoned and are outside the scope of submissions.

Refer to topic 081e evidence –Geographical area – Central (Western Isthmus) report and attachments.

The request is generic in nature and covers a large number of properties. The retention of the SH zone for some parts of the Auckland isthmus including McCullough Avenue, Fyvie Avenue, Smallfield Avenue, [Scout] Ave, Simmonds Ave, Mt Roskill is not supported.

In general properties have either retained their zoning or been rezoned to a less or more intensive zone based on whether Retain Single House Zoning for they are affected by heritage or environmental constraints, such as HC or flooding, and other locational attributes such as some parts of the Auckland proximity to RFNs and centres. Retention or rezoning, where it has occurred, is the most appropriate way to achieve the isthmus including McCullough objectives of the zones and gives effect to the RPS. Where there are no constraints, council has proposed the most Avenue, Fyvie Avenue, Smallfield intensive zone that is appropriate in that location and to give effect to the RPS. Avenue, Scott (Scout?) Ave, Smiionds Ave, Mt Roskill as In the case of Scout Avenue/McCullough Avenue/Simmonds Avenue, the SH is being retained due to HC because the identified on plan included with outcomes the HC seeks to achieve generally align with the objectives of the SH zone and gives effect to the RPS. submission pg 1/7. Only allow future upgrade after sufficient Attachment C of the evidence outlines the reasons to retain the notified zoning or support an alternative zoning where there Rodney infrastructure, including are site specific and/or area-wide submissions provided. See revised zoning map to see which properties are rezoned in this (Roddy) stormwater and sewerage, is in area. Attachment F identifies properties which have been rezoned and are outside the scope of submissions. 5852-1 Thompson Central Central wide place Western Isthmus

Refer to topic 081e evidence –Geographical area – Central (Western Isthmus) report and attachments.

The request is generic in nature and covers a large number of properties. The retention of the SH zone for some parts of the Auckland isthmus including McCullough Avenue, Fyvie Avenue, Smallfield Avenue, [Scout] Ave, Simmonds Ave, Mt Roskill is not supported.

In general properties have either retained their zoning or been rezoned to a less or more intensive zone based on whether Retain Single House Zoning for they are affected by heritage or environmental constraints, such as HC or flooding, and other locational attributes such as some parts of the Auckland proximity to RFNs and centres. Retention or rezoning, where it has occurred, is the most appropriate way to achieve the Isthmus including McCullough objectives of the zones and gives effect to the RPS. Where there are no constraints, council has proposed the most Avenue, Fyvie Avenue, Smallfield intensive zone that is appropriate in that location and to give effect to the RPS. Avenue, Scott (Scout?) Ave, Simmonds Ave, Mt Roskill as In the case of Scout Avenue/McCullough Avenue/Simmonds Avenue, the SH is being retained due to HC because the identified on plan included with outcomes the HC seeks to achieve generally align with the objectives of the SH zone and gives effect to the RPS. submission pg 1/7. Only allow future upgrade after sufficient Attachment C of the evidence outlines the reasons to retain the notified zoning or support an alternative zoning where there infrastructure, including are site specific and/or area-wide submissions provided. See revised zoning map to see which properties are rezoned in this stormwater and sewerage, is in area. Attachment F identifies properties which have been rezoned and are outside the scope of submissions. 5857-1 Lisa Rimmer Central Central wide place Western Isthmus

Refer to topic 081e evidence –Geographical area – Central (Western Isthmus) report and attachments.

The request is generic in nature and covers a large number of properties. The retention of the SH zone for some parts of the Auckland isthmus including McCullough Avenue, Fyvie Avenue, Smallfield Avenue, [Scout] Ave, Simmonds Ave, Mt Roskill is not supported.

In general properties have either retained their zoning or been rezoned to a less or more intensive zone based on whether Retain Single House Zoning for they are affected by heritage or environmental constraints, such as HC or flooding, and other locational attributes such as some parts of the Auckland proximity to RFNs and centres. Retention or rezoning, where it has occurred, is the most appropriate way to achieve the isthmus including McCullough objectives of the zones and gives effect to the RPS. Where there are no constraints, council has proposed the most Avenue, Fyvie Avenue, Smallfield intensive zone that is appropriate in that location and to give effect to the RPS. Avenue, Scott (Scout?) Ave, Simmonds Ave, Mt Roskill as In the case of Scout Avenue/McCullough Avenue/Simmonds Avenue, the SH is being retained due to HC because the identified on plan included with outcomes the HC seeks to achieve generally align with the objectives of the SH zone and gives effect to the RPS. submission pg 1/7. Only allow future upgrade after sufficient Attachment C of the evidence outlines the reasons to retain the notified zoning or support an alternative zoning where there infrastructure, including are site specific and/or area-wide submissions provided. See revised zoning map to see which properties are rezoned in this Catherine stormwater and sewerage, is in area. Attachment F identifies properties which have been rezoned and are outside the scope of submissions. 5860-1 McArdle Central Central wide place Western Isthmus

Page 7 Central Submitter Submission Submission Topic Summary greographical Reasons Name Area Unit grouping

Refer to topic 081e evidence –Geographical area – Central (Western Isthmus) report and attachments.

The request is generic in nature and covers a large number of properties. The retention of the SH zone for some parts of the Auckland isthmus including McCullough Avenue, Fyvie Avenue, Smallfield Avenue, [Scout] Ave, Simmonds Ave, Mt Roskill is not supported.

In general properties have either retained their zoning or been rezoned to a less or more intensive zone based on whether Retain Single House Zoning for they are affected by heritage or environmental constraints, such as HC or flooding, and other locational attributes such as some parts of the Auckland proximity to RFNs and centres. Retention or rezoning, where it has occurred, is the most appropriate way to achieve the isthmus including McCullough objectives of the zones and gives effect to the RPS. Where there are no constraints, council has proposed the most Avenue, Fyvie Avenue, Smallfield intensive zone that is appropriate in that location and to give effect to the RPS. Avenue, Scott (Scout?) Ave, Simmonds Ave, Mt Roskill as In the case of Scout Avenue/McCullough Avenue/Simmonds Avenue, the SH is being retained due to HC because the identified on plan included with outcomes the HC seeks to achieve generally align with the objectives of the SH zone and gives effect to the RPS. submission pg 1/7. Only allow future upgrade after sufficient Attachment C of the evidence outlines the reasons to retain the notified zoning or support an alternative zoning where there infrastructure, including are site specific and/or area-wide submissions provided. See revised zoning map to see which properties are rezoned in this Seetha stormwater and sewerage, is in area. Attachment F identifies properties which have been rezoned and are outside the scope of submissions. 5863-1 Kamineni Central Central wide place Western Isthmus

Refer to topic 081e evidence –Geographical area – Central (City Centre Fringe and Western Isthmus) reports and attachments.

The request is generic in nature and applies to a large number of properties. The request to change the MHU and MU zones in the area of Balmoral Rd, west to Sandringham Rd, north to Kingsland and east to Mount Eden Rd, and north to New North Rd to a less intensive zone is not supported.

Amend the application of Mixed In general, properties zoned MU or MHU have either retained their notified zoning or been rezoned to less or more intensive Housing Suburban or Mixed Use zones subject to whether they are affected by site-specific constraints including HC and Pre-1944 BDC, flooding constraints, zones within Balmoral Rd, west to HSA and based on their proximity to RFN’s, centres, large urban facilities and public open space. In the case of Balmoral, Sandringham, North Kingsland, where there are no constraints, council has proposed the most intensive zone that is appropriate in that location and to give and East to Mt Eden Rd, and effect to the RPS. North to New North Road, Mt Eden and stage intensification Western Isthmus Attachment C outlines the reasons to retain the notified zoning or support an alternative zoning where there are site specific Victoria J after adequacy of infrastructure & City Centre and/or area-wide submissions provided. See revised zoning map to see which properties are rezoned in this area. 5884-24 Park Central Central wide and demand is determined. Fringe Attachment F identifies properties which have been rezoned and are outside the scope of submissions.

Refer to topic 081e evidence –Geographical area – Central (Western Isthmus) report and attachments.

The request to rezone the area from Sandringham Rd, Sandringham, Rossmay Terrace south (both sides) to Gribblehirst Rd from Mixed Housing Urban to Mixed Housing Suburban is not supported. MHU is the appropriate zone due to the location along the Sandringham Road RFN, the proximity to public open spaces (Gribblehirst Park) and large urban facilities (Eden Park). This zoning is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the THAB and MHU zones and gives effect to Rezone area Sandringham Rd, the RPS. Sandringham from Rossmay Terrace south (both sides) to Attachment C of the evidence outlines the reasons to retain the notified zoning or support an alternative zoning where there Mark and Gribblehirst Rd from Mixed are site specific and/or area-wide submissions provided. See revised zoning map to see which properties are rezoned in this Karen Housing Urban to Mixed Housing area. Attachment F identifies properties which have been rezoned and are outside the scope of submissions. 5912-12 Donnelly Central Central wide Suburban Western Isthmus

Refer to topic 081e evidence –Geographical area – Central (City Centre Fringe, Western Isthmus) reports and attachments.

The request is generic in nature and applies to a large number of properties. The request to change the MHU and MU zones in the area of Balmoral Rd, west to Sandringham Rd, north to Kingsland and east to Mount Eden Rd, and north to New North Rd to a less intensive zone is not supported.

In general, properties zoned MU or MHU have either retained their notified zoning or been rezoned to less or more intensive zones subject to whether they are affected by site-specific constraints including HC and Pre-1944 BDC, flooding constraints, HSA and based on their proximity to RFN’s, centres, large urban facilities and public open space. In the case of Balmoral, Rezone proposed Mixed Housing where there are no constraints, council has proposed the most intensive zone that is appropriate in that location and to give Urban and Mixed Use within the effect to the RPS. areas Balmoral Rd, west to Sandringham, North to Kingsland, Attachment C of the evidence of the outlines the reasons to retain the notified zoning where there are site specific east to Mt Eden Road, Mt Eden, submissions. Attachment D of the evidence lists the area wide submission on which we have relied on in proposing a Mark and and north to New North Road, Western Isthmus number of in scope area-wide or street-wide changes to the notified zones. See revised zoning map to see which properties Karen instead applying a staged & City Centre are rezoned in this area. Attachment F identifies properties which have been rezoned and are outside the scope of 5912-16 Donnelly Central Central wide mechanism Fringe submissions.

Refer to topic 081e evidence –Geographical area – Central (City Centre Fringe, Western Isthmus) reports and attachments.

The request is generic in nature and applies to a large number of properties. The request to retain the SH zone in the area of Balmoral Road, Sandringham Road, Mount Eden Road, and New North Road is supported in part.

Properties zoned SH in this area are subject to site-specific constraints including HC and Pre-1944 BDC, flooding constraints and HSA. It is appropriate to retain SH in those circumstances because the outcomes these constraints seek to achieve generally align with the objectives of the SH zone and gives effect to the RPS. Where there are no constraints, council has Retain Single House zone proposed the most intensive zone that is appropriate in that location and to give effect to the RPS. Eden Park between Balmoral Rd, Neighbours' Sandringham Rd, Mt Eden Road, Western Isthmus Attachment C of the evidence outlines the reasons to retain the notified zoning or support an alternative zoning where there Association Mt Eden and New North Rd/Mt & City Centre are site specific and/or area-wide submissions provided.. See revised zoning map to see which properties are rezoned in 5929-1 Incorporated Central Central wide Eden Rd north, Mt Eden. Fringe this area. Attachment F identifies properties which have been rezoned and are outside the scope of submissions.

Refer to topic 081e evidence –Geographical area – Central (Western Isthmus) report and attachments.

The request to rezone the area from Sandringham Rd, Sandringham, Rossmay Terrace south (both sides) to Gribblehirst Rd from Mixed Housing Urban to Mixed Housing Suburban is not supported. MHU is the appropriate zone due to the location along the Sandringham Road RFN, the proximity to public open spaces (Gribblehirst Park) and large urban facilities (Eden Rezone area Sangringham Rd, Park). This zoning is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the THAB and MHU zones and gives effect to Sandringham from Rossmay the RPS. Eden Park Terrace south (both sides) to Neighbours' Gribblehirst Rd from Mixed Attachment C of the evidence outlines the reasons to retain the notified zoning or support an alternative zoning where there Association Housing Urban to Mixed Housing are site specific and/or area-wide submissions provided. See revised zoning map to see which properties are rezoned in this 5929-12 Incorporated Central Central wide Suburban Western Isthmus area. Attachment F identifies properties which have been rezoned and are outside the scope of submissions.

Page 8 Central Submitter Submission Submission Topic Summary greographical Reasons Name Area Unit grouping

Refer to topic 081e evidence –Geographical area – Central (City Centre Fringe, Western Isthmus, Eastern Isthmus and Southern Isthmus) reports and attachments.

The request is generic in nature and covers a large number of properties.

The request to rezone sites zoned MHS to MHU in the area bound by New North Rd in the west, the city fringe in the north, SH20 in the south and Great South Rd in the east to the MHU zone is supported in part.

In general properties have either retained their zoning or been rezoned to a less or more intensive zone based on whether they are affected by heritage or environmental constraints, such as HC or flooding, and other locational attributes such as proximity to RFNs and centres. Retention or rezoning, where it has occurred, is the most appropriate way to achieve the Rezone areas already zoned objectives of the zones and gives effect to the RPS. Where there are no constraints, council has proposed the most Mixed Housing Suburban within City Centre intensive zone that is appropriate in that location and to give effect to the RPS. the area bounded by New North Fringe, Western Road in the west, the city fringe in Isthmus, Eastern Attachment C of the evidence outlines the reasons to retain the notified zoning or support an alternative zoning where there the north, SH20 in the south and Isthmus & are site specific and/or area-wide submissions provided. See revised zoning map to see which properties are rezoned in this Matthew Great South Road in the east to Southern area. Attachment F of the evidnece identifies properties which have been rezoned and are outside the scope of submissions. 5974-11 Searle Central Central wide Mixed Housing Urban Isthmus

Refer to topic 081e evidence –Geographical area – Central (City Centre Fringe) report and attachments.

The request to reduce housing density in those parts of the Western Springs / Morningside area affected by land stability is supported in part.

In general properties have either retained their zoning or been rezoned to a less or more intensive zone based on whether they are affected by heritage or environmental constraints, such as HC or flooding, and other locational attributes such as proximity to RFNs and centres. Where land instability is a known and real issue, this will have been influnced the zoning in this area. Retention or rezoning, where it has occurred, is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the zones and gives effect to the RPS .

Attachment C of the evidence outlines the reasons to retain the notified zoning or support an alternative zoning where there Reduce housing density to are site specific and/or area-wide submissions provided. See revised zoning map to see which properties are rezoned in this a minimum in those parts of the area. Attachment F identifies properties which have been rezoned and are outside the scope of submissions. Western Springs / Morningside City Centre 5989-10 Kelvin Hill Central Central wide area affected by land stability. Fringe

Refer to topic 081e evidence –Geographical area – Central (City Centre Fringe) report and attachments.

The request to rezone the shops along New North Road, Kingsland, and the corner of Western Springs Road, Kingsland, from Local Centre to Neighbourhood Centre zone is not supported.

The size and nature of this commercial area is consistent with a LC rather than a NC and is consistent with the Auckland Plan centres hierarchy.

Rezone the shops along New Attachment C of the evidence outlines the reasons to retain the notified zoning or support an alternative zoning where there North Road, Kingsland, and the are site specific and/or area-wide submissions provided. See revised zoning map to see which properties are rezoned in this corner of Western Springs Road, area. Attachment F identifies properties which have been rezoned and are outside the scope of submissions. Kingsland, from Local Centre to City Centre 5989-6 Kelvin Hill Central Central wide Neighbourhood Centre zone. Fringe

Refer to topic 081e evidence –Geographical area – Central (City Centre Fringe, Western Isthmus, Eastern Isthmus and Southern Isthmus) report and attachments.

The request is generic in nature and covers a large number of properties.

The request to rezone the Central Isthmus to the MHU or THAB zone is supported in part.

In general properties have either retained their zoning or been rezoned to a less or more intensive zone based on whether they are affected by heritage or environmental constraints, such as HC or flooding, and other locational attributes such as proximity to RFNs and centres. Retention or rezoning, where it has occurred, is the most appropriate way to achieve the City Centre objectives of the zones and gives effect to the RPS. Where there are no constraints, council has proposed the most Fringe, Western intensive zone that is appropriate in that location and to give effect to the RPS. Rezone the central isthmus to Isthmus, Eastern Harsha Mixed Housing Urban or to Isthmus & Attachment C of the evidence outlines the reasons to retain the notified zoning or support an alternative zoning where there Ravichandra Terrace Housing and Apartment Southern are site specific and/or area-wide submissions provided. See revised zoning map to see which properties are rezoned in this 5993-6 n Central Central wide Building zone Isthmus area. Attachment F identifies properties which have been rezoned and are outside the scope of submissions.

Refer to topic 081e evidence –Geographical area – Central (Western Isthmus) report and attachments.

The concern raised is generic in nature and covers a large number of properties.

The concern about THAB in Epsom and Royal Oak and other matters of HH, HC and traffic congestion is not supported.

In general properties have either retained their zoning or been rezoned to a less or more intensive zone based on whether they are affected by heritage or environmental constraints, such as HC or flooding, and other locational attributes such as proximity to RFNs and centres. Retention or rezoning, where it has occurred, is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the zones and gives effect to the RPS. Where there are no constraints, council has proposed the most intensive zone that is appropriate in that location and to give effect to the RPS. No specific decision sought, opposes Terrace Housing and Attachment C of the evidence outlines the reasons to retain the notified zoning or support an alternative zoning where there Apartment Building zone in are site specific and/or area-wide submissions provided. See revised zoning map to see which properties are rezoned in this Connie F L Epsom and Royal Oak. Concerns area. Attachment F identifies properties which have been rezoned and are outside the scope of submissions. and John W over Historic Heritage, Special 6037-1 Kum Central Central wide Character and traffic congestion. Western Isthmus

Refer to topic 081e evidence –Geographical area – Central (City Centre Fringe, Western Isthmus, Eastern Isthmus and Rezone all land in the Mixed Southern Isthmus) reports and attachments. Housing Suburban zone to Mixed Housing Urban (MHU) zone and The request is generic in nature and covers a large number of properties. apply the new MHU zone to all residential sites with access off all The request to rezone all land in the MHS zone to the MHU zone and apply the new MHU zone to all residential sites with main arterial and connecting road access off all main arterial and connecting road such as New North Rd, Sandringham Rd, Dominion Rd, Mt Eden Rd, such as New North Road, Manukau Rd, Great South Rd, Pt Chevalier Rd, Great North Rd etc; and reduce the extent of the SH zone accordingly, is Sandringham Road, Dominion supported in part. Road, Mt Eden Road, Manukau Road, Great South Road, Pt In general properties have either retained their zoning or been rezoned to a less or more intensive zone, such the MHU Chevalier Road, Great North zone, based on whether they are affected by heritage or environmental constraints, such as HC or flooding, and other Road etc; and reduce the extent locational attributes such as proximity to RFNs and centres. Retention or rezoning, where it has occurred, is the most of the Single House zone appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the zones and gives effect to the RPS. Where there are no constraints, council accordingly. Refer to Figure 1 has proposed the most intensive zone that is appropriate in that location and to give effect to the RPS. showing arterials and collectors City Centre where the MHU should be applied Fringe, Western Attachment C of the evidence outlines the reasons to retain the notified zoning or support an alternative zoning where there on page 26/92 of the submission. Isthmus, Eastern are site specific and/or area-wide submissions provided. See revised zoning map to see which properties are rezoned in this Ockham Rezone all areas zoned Mixed Isthmus & area. Attachment F identifies properties which have been rezoned and are outside the scope of submissions. Holdings Housing Suburban to Mixed Southern 6099-4 Limited Central Central wide Housing Urban Isthmus

Page 9 Central Submitter Submission Submission Topic Summary greographical Reasons Name Area Unit grouping

Refer to topic 081e evidence –Geographical area – Central (City Centre Fringe, Western Isthmus, Eastern Isthmus and Southern Isthmus) reports and attachments. Extend the Terrace Housing and Apartment Buildings (THAB) zone The request is generic in nature and covers a large number of properties. to cover all residential sites located with five minutes walking The request to extend the THAB zone to cover all residential sites located with five minutes walking distance of all main distance of all main arterials and arterials and connecting roads such as New North Rd, Sandringham Rd, Dominion Rd, Mt Eden Rd, Manukau Rd, Great connecting roads such as New South Rd, Pt Chevalier Rd, Great North Rd etc; and reduce the extend of the MHS and SH accordingly, is supported in part. North Road, Sandringham Road, Dominion Road, Mt Eden Road, In general properties have either retained their zoning or been rezoned to a less or more intensive zone, such as the THAB Manukau Road, Great South zone, based on whether they are affected by heritage or environmental constraints, such as HC or flooding, and other Road, Pt Chevalier Road, Great locational attributes such as proximity to RFNs and centres. Retention or rezoning, where it has occurred, is the most North Road etc; and reduce the appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the zones and gives effect to the RPS. Where there are no constraints, council extend of the Mixed Housing has proposed the most intensive zone that is appropriate in that location and to give effect to the RPS. Suburban and Single House City Centre zones accordingly. Refer to Fringe, Western Attachment C of the evidence outlines the reasons to retain the notified zoning or support an alternative zoning where there Figure 1 showing example of Isthmus, Eastern are site specific and/or area-wide submissions provided. See revised zoning map to see which properties are rezoned in this Ockham where the THAB zone should be Isthmus & area. Attachment F identifies properties which have been rezoned and are outside the scope of submissions. Holdings applied on page 26/92 of the Southern 6099-6 Limited Central Central wide submission. Isthmus

Refer to topic 081e evidence –Geographical area – Central (Western Isthmus) report and attachments.

The request is generic in nature and covers a large number of properties.

The request to rezone areas that are zoned Terrace Housing and Apartment Buildings in Western Springs/Morningside to Mixed Housing Suburban is not supported.

In general properties have either retained their zoning or been rezoned to a less or more intensive zone based on whether they are affected by heritage or environmental constraints, such as HC or flooding, and other locational attributes such as proximity to RFNs and centres. Retention or rezoning, where it has occurred, is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the zones and gives effect to the RPS. Where there are no constraints, council has proposed the most intensive zone that is appropriate in that location and to give effect to the RPS. In the case of Morningside/Western Springs, THAB is the most appropriate zone given proximity to St Lukes and Kingsland centres and RFNs like SH16, St Lukes Road and New North Road. Rezone areas that are zoned Terrace Housing and Apartment Attachment C of the evidence outlines the reasons to retain the notified zoning or support an alternative zoning where there Buildings in Western are site specific and/or area-wide submissions provided. See revised zoning map to see which properties are rezoned in this Catherine Springs/Morningside to Mixed area. Attachment F identifies properties which have been rezoned and are outside the scope of submissions. 6130-18 Hill Central Central wide Housing Suburban. Western Isthmus

Refer to topic 081e evidence –Geographical area – Central (Western Isthmus) report and attachments.

The request is generic in nature and covers a large number of properties.

The request to retain the Single House Zoning in Western Springs/Morningside is not supported.

In general properties have either retained their zoning or been rezoned to a less or more intensive zone based on whether they are affected by heritage or environmental constraints, such as HC or flooding, and other locational attributes such as proximity to RFNs and centres. Retention or rezoning, where it has occurred, is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the zones and gives effect to the RPS. Where there are no constraints, council has proposed the most intensive zone that is appropriate in that location and to give effect to the RPS. It is proposed to rezone much of SH to MHS as there are no constraints eg. no HC, that warrant retention of SH as notified.

Attachment C outlines the reasons to retain the notified zoning or support an alternative zoning where there are site specific and/or area-wide submissions provided. See revised zoning map to see which properties are rezoned in this area. Attachment F identifies properties which have been rezoned and are outside the scope of submissions. Catherine Retain the Single House Zoning 6130-8 Hill Central Central wide in Western Springs/Morningside. Western Isthmus

Refer to topic 081e evidence –Geographical area – Central (City Centre Fringe, Western Isthmus, Eastern Isthmus and Southern Isthmus) reports and attachments.

The request is generic in nature and covers a large number of properties.

The request to rezone sites zoned MHS to MHU in the area bound by New North Rd in the west, the city fringe in the north, SH20 in the south and Great South Rd in the east to the MHU zone is supported in part.

In general properties have either retained their zoning or been rezoned to a less or more intensive zone based on whether they are affected by heritage or environmental constraints, such as HC or flooding, and other locational attributes such as proximity to RFNs and centres. Retention or rezoning, where it has occurred, is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the zones and gives effect to the RPS. Where there are no constraints, council has proposed the most intensive zone that is appropriate in that location and to give effect to the RPS. Rezone areas zoned Mixed Housing Suburban in the area City Centre Attachment C of the evidence of the outlines the reasons to retain the notified zoning where there are site specific bounded by New North Road Fringe, Western submissions. Attachment D of the evidence lists the area wide submission on which we have relied on in proposing a (west), the city fringe (north), Isthmus, Eastern number of in scope area-wide or street-wide changes to the notified zones. See revised zoning map to see which properties State Highway 20 (south) and Isthmus & are rezoned in this area. Attachment F of the evidnece identifies properties which have been rezoned and are outside the TransportBlo Great South Road (east), to Southern scope of submissions. 6210-15 g Central Central wide Mixed Housing Urban. Isthmus

Refer to topic 081e evidence –Geographical area – Central (City Centre Fringe, Western Isthmus) reports and attachments.

The request is generic in nature and applies to a large number of properties. The request to change the MHU and MU zones in the area of Balmoral Rd, west to Sandringham Rd, north to Kingsland and east to Mount Eden Rd, and north to New North Rd to a less intensive zone is not supported.

In general, properties zoned MU or MHU have either retained their notified zoning or been rezoned to less or more intensive zones subject to whether they are affected by site-specific constraints including HC and Pre-1944 BDC, flooding constraints, Rezone the area of Balmoral Rd, HSA and based on their proximity to RFN’s, centres, large urban facilities and public open space. In the case of Balmoral, west to Sandringham Rd, north to where there are no constraints, council has proposed the most intensive zone that is appropriate in that location and to give Kingsland, east to Mt Eden Rd, effect to the RPS. and north to New North Rd from Mixed Housing Urban and Mixed Western Isthmus Attachment C of the evidence outlines the reasons to retain the notified zoning or support an alternative zoning where there Christine Use [submission does & City Centre are site specific and/or area-wide submissions provided. See revised zoning map to see which properties are rezoned in this 6221-15 MacKenzie Central Central wide not specify alternative zone]. Fringe area. Attachment F identifies properties which have been rezoned and are outside the scope of submissions.

Page 10 Central Submitter Submission Submission Topic Summary greographical Reasons Name Area Unit grouping

Refer to topic 081e evidence –Geographical area – Central (Southern Isthmus) report and attachments.

The request is generic in nature and covers a large number of properties.

The request to rezone the area in Mt Wellington bounded by Sylvia Park Road, Penrose Road, the railway line and Hamlins Hill from Light Industry to Heavy Industry is supported in part.

Much of this land is heavy industry in nature with some lighter industry activities. The area meets the rezoning principles in that it is well buffered from any residential areas (by the motorway to the east) and adjoins a larger area of Heavy Industrial land to the west. The rezoning is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the HI zone and gives effect to the RPS.

Rezone the area in Mt Wellington Attachment C of the evidence outlines the reasons to retain the notified zoning or support an alternative zoning where there bounded by Sylvia Park Road, are site specific and/or area-wide submissions provided. See revised zoning map to see which properties are rezoned in this Penrose Road, the railway line area. Attachment F identifies properties which have been rezoned and are outside the scope of submissions. John E and Hamlins Hill from Light Southern 6229-5 Abbott Central Central wide Industry to Heavy Industry. Isthmus

Refer to topic 081e evidence –Geographical area – Central (City Centre Fringe, Western Isthmus, Eastern Isthmus and Southern Isthmus) reports and attachments.

The request is generic in nature and covers a large number of properties. The request to rezone the land north of Great South Rd from THAB and MHU zones to the MHS zone is not supported.

In general properties have either retained their zoning or been rezoned to a less or more intensive zone based on whether they are affected by heritage or environmental constraints, such as HC or flooding, and other locational attributes such as proximity to RFNs and centres. Retention or rezoning, where it has occurred, is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the zones and gives effect to the RPS. Where there are no constraints, council has proposed the most City Centre intensive zone that is appropriate in that location and to give effect to the RPS. Rezone the land north of Great Fringe, Western South Road from Terrace Isthmus, Eastern Attachment C of the evidence outlines the reasons to retain the notified zoning or support an alternative zoning where there Housing and Apartment Buildings Isthmus & are site specific and/or area-wide submissions provided.See revised zoning map to see which properties are rezoned in this Brett and Mixed Housing Urban to Southern area. Attachment F identifies properties which have been rezoned and are outside the scope of submissions. 6239-2 Mihaljevich Central Central wide Mixed Housing Residential. Isthmus

Refer to topic 081e evidence –Geographical area – Central (City Centre Fringe, Western Isthmus, Eastern Isthmus and Southern Isthmus) reports and attachments.

This submission is generic in nature and covers a large number of properties. The request to rezone the area bounded by the North Western motorway, South Western motorway and Great South Road (particularly areas close to train lines and arterial roads), from Mixed Housing Suburban to Mixed Housing Urban is supported in part.

In general properties have either retained their zoning or been rezoned to a less or more intensive zone based on whether Rezone the area bounded by the they are affected by heritage or environmental constraints, such as HC or flooding, and other locational attributes such as North Western motorway, South proximity to RFNs and centres. Retention or rezoning, where it has occurred, is the most appropriate way to achieve the Western motorway and Great objectives of the zones and gives effect to the RPS. Where there are no constraints, council has proposed the most South Road (particularly areas intensive zone that is appropriate in that location and to give effect to the RPS. There has been a significant amount of close to train lines and arterial rezoning within this area, some of which is MHU, where this is the most appropriate zone. roads), from Mixed Housing City Centre Suburban to Mixed Housing Fringe, Western Attachment C of the evidence outlines the reasons to retain the notified zoning or support an alternative zoning where there Urban. Isthmus, Eastern are site specific and/or area-wide submissions provided. See revised zoning map to see which properties are rezoned in this Isthmus & area. Attachment F identifies properties which have been rezoned and are outside the scope of submissions. Mark AUCKLAND Note: Originally allocated in the Southern 6296-6 Robinson Central WIDE 'North and Islands' topic Isthmus

Refer to topic 081e evidence –Geographical area – Central (City Centre Fringe & Western Isthmus) reports and attachments.

The request is generic in nature and covers a large number of properties. The request to rezone properties along the Balmoral, New North, Sandringham, Dominion, Mt Eden and Mt Albert Road corridors to provide for more intensification is supported in part.

In general properties have either retained their zoning or been rezoned to a less or more intensive zone based on whether they are affected by heritage or environmental constraints, such as HC or flooding, and other locational attributes such as proximity to RFNs and centres. Retention or rezoning, where it has occurred, is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the zones and gives effect to the RPS. Where there are no constraints, council has proposed the most intensive zone that is appropriate in that location and to give effect to the RPS.

Rezone properties along the Attachment C of the evidence of the outlines the reasons to retain the notified zoning where there are site specific Balmoral, New North, submissions. Attachment D of the evidence lists the area wide submission on which we have relied on in proposing a Sandringham, Dominion, Mt Eden Western Isthmus number of in scope area-wide or street-wide changes to the notified zones. See revised zoning map to see which properties Rhys and Mt Albert Road corridors to & City Centre are rezoned in this area. Attachment F identifies properties which have been rezoned and are outside the scope of 6352-3 Williams Central Central wide provide for more intensification. Fringe submissions.

Refer to topic 081e evidence –Geographical area – Central (Southern & Western Isthmus) reports and attachments.

The request is generic in nature and covers a large number of properties. The request to reduce the extent of the areas zone THAB around Royal Oak and Onehunga to half of the notified area is not supported.

In general properties have either retained their zoning or been rezoned to a less or more intensive zone based on whether they are affected by heritage or environmental constraints, such as HC or flooding, and other locational attributes such as proximity to RFNs and centres (such as the Royal Oak and Onehunga TCs). Retention or rezoning, where it has occurred, is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the zones and gives effect to the RPS. Where there are no constraints, council has proposed the most intensive zone that is appropriate in that location and to give effect to the RPS. In this case, the proposed THAB is appropriate given proximity to centres and RFNs, including Mt Albert Road and Manukau Road. Reduce the extent of the areas zoned Terrace Housing and Attachment C of the evidence outlines the reasons to retain the notified zoning or support an alternative zoning where there Apartment Buildings around Western Isthmus are site specific and/or area-wide submissions provided.See revised zoning map to see which properties are rezoned in this Sarah Royal Oak and Onehunga to half & Southern area. Attachment F identifies properties which have been rezoned and are outside the scope of submissions. 6364-2 Gambitsis Central Central wide of the proposed area. Isthmus

Refer to topic 081e evidence –Geographical area – Central (City Centre Fringe) report and attachments.

The request is generic in nature and covers a large number of properties.

The request to rezone the area along the Great North Road ridge from Mixed Housing to Terrace Housing and Apartment Buildings where the parcel abuts land zoned Single House is supported in part.

In general properties have either retained their zoning or been rezoned to a less or more intensive zone based on whether they are affected by heritage or environmental constraints, such as HC or flooding, and other locational attributes such as proximity to RFNs and centres. Retention or rezoning, where it has occurred, is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the zones and gives effect to the RPS. Where there are no constraints, council has proposed the most intensive zone that is appropriate in that location and to give effect to the RPS. The Great North Road ridge is zoned MU and THAB from Ponsonby to Grey Lynn. Rezone the area along the Great North Road ridge from Mixed Attachment C of the evidence outlines the reasons to retain the notified zoning or support an alternative zoning where there Housing to Terrace Housing and are site specific and/or area-wide submissions provided. See revised zoning map to see which properties are rezoned in this Apartment Buildings where the area. Attachment F identifies properties which have been rezoned and are outside the scope of submissions. parcel abuts land zoned Single City Centre 6379-13 Tom Ang Central Central wide House. Fringe

Page 11 Central Submitter Submission Submission Topic Summary greographical Reasons Name Area Unit grouping

Refer to topic 081e evidence –Geographical area – Central (City Centre Fringe, Western Isthmus, Eastern Isthmus and Southern Isthmus) reports and attachments.

The request is generic in nature and covers a large number of properties.

The request to rezone to provide for greater intensification around Morningside, Ellerslie, Greenlane, Meadowbank and Orakei rail stations is supported in part.

In general properties have either retained their zoning or been rezoned to a less or more intensive zone based on whether they are affected by heritage or environmental constraints, such as HC or flooding, and other locational attributes such as proximity to RFNs and centres. Retention or rezoning, where it has occurred, is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the zones and gives effect to the RPS. Where there are no constraints, council has proposed the most intensive zone that is appropriate in that location and to give effect to the RPS. This has been proposed around these rail stations and some changes have been made. City Centre Rezone to provide for 'much Fringe, Western Attachment C outlines the reasons to retain the notified zoning or support an alternative zoning where there are site specific greater intensification' around Isthmus, Eastern and/or area-wide submissions provided. See revised zoning map to see which properties are rezoned in this area. Morningside, Ellerslie, Greenlane, Isthmus & Attachment F identifies properties which have been rezoned and are outside the scope of submissions. Abhishek Meadowbank and Orakei rail Southern 6419-25 Reddy Central Central wide stations. Isthmus

Refer to topic 081e evidence –Geographical area – Central (City Centre Fringe) report and attachments.

The request is generic in nature and covers a large number of properties.

The request to rezone the area between Grey Lynn and Grafton to remove SH is supported in part.

In general properties have either retained their zoning or been rezoned to a less or more intensive zone based on whether they are affected by heritage or environmental constraints, such as HC or flooding, and other locational attributes such as proximity to RFNs and centres. Retention or rezoning, where it has occurred, is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the zones and gives effect to the RPS. Where there are no constraints, council has proposed the most intensive zone that is appropriate in that location and to give effect to the RPS. Rezone [parts of the] area between Grey Lynn and Grafton Attachment C of the evidence outlines the reasons to retain the notified zoning or support an alternative zoning where there Abhishek to remove the 'excessive Single City Centre are site specific and/or area-wide submissions provided.See revised zoning map to see which properties are rezoned in this 6419-32 Reddy Central Central wide House Zoning' [refer to page 6/6]. Fringe area. Attachment F identifies properties which have been rezoned and are outside the scope of submissions.

Refer to topic 081e evidence –Geographical area – Central (City Centre Fringe, Eastern Isthmus, Western Isthmus) reports and attachments.

The request is generic in nature and covers a large number of properties.

The request to rezone land which is currently LI to MU around Morningside and Greenlane to Ellerslie is supported in part.

In general, changes to MU have been supported in Greenlane where sites are located on a major arterial road (Great South Road) served by the RFN and are close to the Greenlane LC. The proposed rezoning is the most appropriate way of achieving the MU zone objectives and gives effect to the RPS. There have been some changes between Ellerslie and Greenlane but there are also areas that retain MU due to location and the nature of existing uses.

In Morningside, LI reflects existing uses in the area and notified zoning allows for ongoing operation of these activities. The retention of the LI zone is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the zone and gives effect to the RPS.

Rezone Light Industrial Land in City Centre Attachment C of the evidence outlines the reasons to retain the notified zoning or support an alternative zoning where there Morningside, Takapuna, Fringe, Eastern are site specific and/or area-wide submissions provided.. See revised zoning map to see which properties are rezoned in Kirk A Greenlane to Ellerslie to Mixed Isthmus, this area. Attachment F identifies properties which have been rezoned and are outside the scope of submissions. 6431-3 Serpes Central Auckland wide Use. Western Isthmus

Refer to topic 081e evidence –Geographical area – Central (Western Isthmus) report and attachments.

The request is generic in nature and covers a large number of properties.The request to retain the MHU, MHS and SH zoning in Mount Eden, Three Kings and Balmoral as shown in the submission is not supported.

In general properties have either retained their zoning or been rezoned based on whether they are affected by heritage or environmental constraints, such as HC or flooding, and other locational attributes such as proximity to RFNs and centres. Retention or rezoning, where it has occurred, is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the zones and gives effect to the RPS. Where there are no constraints, council has proposed the most intensive zone that is appropriate in that Retain Mixed Housing Urban, location and to give effect to the RPS. Mixed Housing suburban and Single House Zoning in Mount Attachment C of the evidence outlines the reasons to retain the notified zoning or support an alternative zoning where there Eden, Three Kings and are site specific and/or area-wide submissions provided.See revised zoning map to see which properties are rezoned in this Civic Trust Balmoral as shown on the Urban area. Attachment F identifies properties which have been rezoned and are outside the scope of submissions. 6444-102 Auckland Central Central wide Grid 32 map. Western Isthmus

Refer to topic 081e evidence –Geographical area – Central (City Centre Fringe, Eastern Isthmus, Western Isthmus) reports and attachments.

The request is generic in nature and covers a large number of properties.

The request to rezone land which is currently LI to MU around Morningside and Greenlane to Ellerslie is supported in part.

In general, changes to MU have been supported in Greenlane where sites are located on a major arterial road (Great South Road) served by the RFN and are close to the Greenlane LC. The proposed rezoning is the most appropriate way of achieving the MU zone objectives and gives effect to the RPS. There have been some changes between Ellerslie and Greenlane but there are also areas that retain MU due to location and the nature of existing uses.

In Morningside, LI reflects existing uses in the area and notified zoning allows for ongoing operation of these activities. The retention of the LI zone is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the zone and gives effect to the RPS.

Rezone the Light Industrial land City Centre Attachment C of the evidence outlines the reasons to retain the notified zoning or support an alternative zoning where there in Morningside, Takapuna, Fringe, Eastern are site specific and/or area-wide submissions provided.. See revised zoning map to see which properties are rezoned in Yudhvir Greenlane to Ellerslie to Mixed Isthmus, this area. Attachment F identifies properties which have been rezoned and are outside the scope of submissions. 6469-4 Singh Central Auckland wide Use. Western Isthmus

Refer to topic 081e evidence –Geographical area – Central (Western Isthmus and Southern Isthmus) reports and attachments.

The request is generic in nature and covers a large number of properties.

The request to rezone land which is currently LI to MU around Morningside and Greenlane to Ellerslie is supported in part.

In general, changes to MU have been supported in Greenlane where sites are located on a major arterial road (Great South Road) served by the RFN and are close to the Greenlane LC. The proposed rezoning is the most appropriate way of achieving the MU zone objectives and gives effect to the RPS. There have been some changes between Ellerslie and Greenlane but there are also areas that retain MU due to location and the nature of existing uses. Rezone Light Industrial land in Morningside, and Greenlane to In Morningside, LI reflects existing uses in the area and notified zoning allows for ongoing operation of these activities. The Ellerslie as Mixed Use. The Mixed retention of the LI zone is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the zone and gives effect to the RPS. Use zone should be 8 storeys as a general height with overlays to Western Isthmus Attachment C of the evidence outlines the reasons to retain the notified zoning or support an alternative zoning where there lower and raise this where & Southern are site specific and/or area-wide submissions provided. See revised zoning map to see which properties are rezoned in this 6476-4 Joe Singh Central Central wide appropriate. Isthmus area. Attachment F identifies properties which have been rezoned and are outside the scope of submissions.

Page 12 Central Submitter Submission Submission Topic Summary greographical Reasons Name Area Unit grouping

Refer to topic 081e evidence –Geographical area – Central (City Centre Fringe, Eastern Isthmus, Western Isthmus) reports and attachments.

The request is generic in nature and covers a large number of properties.

The request to rezone land which is currently LI to MU around Morningside and Greenlane to Ellerslie is supported in part.

In general, changes to MU have been supported in Greenlane where sites are located on a major arterial road (Great South Road) served by the RFN and are close to the Greenlane LC. The proposed rezoning is the most appropriate way of achieving the MU zone objectives and gives effect to the RPS. There have been some changes between Ellerslie and Greenlane but there are also areas that retain MU due to location and the nature of existing uses.

In Morningside, LI reflects existing uses in the area and notified zoning allows for ongoing operation of these activities. The retention of the LI zone is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the zone and gives effect to the RPS.

Attachment C outlines the reasons to retain the notified zoning or support an alternative zoning where there are site specific Rezone Light Industrial land in City Centre and/or area-wide submissions provided. See revised zoning map to see which properties are rezoned in this area. Morningside, Takapuna and Fringe, Eastern Attachment F identifies properties which have been rezoned and are outside the scope of submissions. Luke Greenlane to Ellerslie to Mixed Isthmus, 6497-3 Christensen Central Auckland wide Use. Western Isthmus

Refer to topic 081e evidence –Geographical area – Central (City Centre Fringe, Eastern Isthmus, Western Isthmus) reports and attachments.

The request is generic in nature and covers a large number of properties.

The request to rezone land which is currently LI to MU around Morningside and Greenlane to Ellerslie is supported in part.

In general, changes to MU have been supported in Greenlane where sites are located on a major arterial road (Great South Road) served by the RFN and are close to the Greenlane LC. The proposed rezoning is the most appropriate way of achieving the MU zone objectives and gives effect to the RPS. There have been some changes between Ellerslie and Greenlane but there are also areas that retain MU due to location and the nature of existing uses.

In Morningside, LI reflects existing uses in the area and notified zoning allows for ongoing operation of these activities. The retention of the LI zone is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the zone and gives effect to the RPS. Rezone Morningside, Takapuna, Green and Ellerslie from Light City Centre Attachment C of the evidence outlines the reasons to retain the notified zoning or support an alternative zoning where there Industry to Mixed Use, with Fringe, Eastern are site specific and/or area-wide submissions provided. See revised zoning map to see which properties are rezoned in this Sudhvir overlays to adjust this where Isthmus, area. Attachment F identifies properties which have been rezoned and are outside the scope of submissions. 6773-3 Singh Central Auckland wide appropriate. Western Isthmus

Refer to topic 081e evidence –Geographical area – Central (City Centre Fringe & Western Isthmus) reports and attachments.

The request is generic in nature and covers a large number of properties.

The request to provide for intensification in Westmere, Grey Lynn and Ponsonby rather than Point Chevalier is not supported.

In general properties have either retained their zoning or been rezoned to a less or more intensive zone based on whether they are affected by heritage or environmental constraints, such as HC or flooding, and other locational attributes such as proximity to RFNs and centres. Retention or rezoning, where it has occurred, is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the zones and gives effect to the RPS. Where there are no constraints, council has proposed the most intensive zone that is appropriate in that location and to give effect to the RPS. This includes intensification in parts of Westmere, Grey Lynn, Ponsonby and Point Chevalier.

Provide for intensification in Attachment C outlines the reasons to retain the notified zoning or support an alternative zoning where there are site specific Westmere, Grey Lynn and Western Isthmus and/or area-wide submissions provided. See revised zoning map to see which properties are rezoned in this area. Carla Ponsonby rather than Point & City Centre Attachment F identifies properties which have been rezoned and are outside the scope of submissions. 6849-2 Sheldon Central Central wide Chevalier. Fringe

Refer to topic 081e evidence –Geographical area – Central (City Centre Fringe, Western Isthmus, Eastern Isthmus and Southern Isthmus) reports and attachments.

The request is generic in nature and covers a large number of properties.

The request to rezone sites zoned MHS to MHU in the area bound by New North Rd in the west, the city fringe in the north, SH20 in the south and Great South Rd in the east to the MHU zone is supported in part.

In general properties have either retained their zoning or been rezoned to a less or more intensive zone based on whether they are affected by heritage or environmental constraints, such as HC or flooding, and other locational attributes such as Rezone the areas zoned Mixed proximity to RFNs and centres. Retention or rezoning, where it has occurred, is the most appropriate way to achieve the Housing Suburban within the area objectives of the zones and gives effect to the RPS. Where there are no constraints, council has proposed the most bounded by New North Road in City Centre intensive zone that is appropriate in that location and to give effect to the RPS. the west, the city fringe in the Fringe, Western north, SH20 in the south and Isthmus, Eastern Attachment C of the evidence outlines the reasons to retain the notified zoning or support an alternative zoning where there Great South Road in the east Isthmus & are site specific and/or area-wide submissions provided. See revised zoning map to see which properties are rezoned in this from Mixed Housing Suburban to Southern area. Attachment F of the evidnece identifies properties which have been rezoned and are outside the scope of submissions. 6927-12 Greg Nikoloff Central Central wide Mixed Housing Urban Isthmus

Refer to topic 081e evidence –Geographical area – Central (City Centre Fringe, Western Isthmus, Eastern Isthmus and Southern Isthmus) reports and attachments.

The request is generic in nature and covers a large number of properties.

The request to rezone sites zoned MHS to MHU in the area bound by New North Rd in the west, the city fringe in the north, SH20 in the south and Great South Rd in the east to the MHU zone is supported in part.

In general properties have either retained their zoning or been rezoned to a less or more intensive zone based on whether they are affected by heritage or environmental constraints, such as HC or flooding, and other locational attributes such as proximity to RFNs and centres. Retention or rezoning, where it has occurred, is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the zones and gives effect to the RPS. Where there are no constraints, council has proposed the most City Centre intensive zone that is appropriate in that location and to give effect to the RPS. Rezone the area bounded by Fringe, Western Great South Road, City fringe, Isthmus, Eastern Attachment C of the evidence outlines the reasons to retain the notified zoning or support an alternative zoning where there New North Road and SH20 from Isthmus & are site specific and/or area-wide submissions provided. See revised zoning map to see which properties are rezoned in this Mixed Housing Suburban to Southern area. Attachment F of the evidnece identifies properties which have been rezoned and are outside the scope of submissions. 6942-13 Tet V Lee Central Central wide Mixed Housing Urban Isthmus

Page 13 Central Submitter Submission Submission Topic Summary greographical Reasons Name Area Unit grouping

Refer to topic 081e evidence –Geographical area – Central (City Centre Fringe, Western Isthmus, Eastern Isthmus and Southern Isthmus) reports and attachments.

The request is generic in nature and covers a large number of properties.

The request to rezone sites zoned MHS to MHU in the area bound by New North Rd in the west, the city fringe in the north, SH20 in the south and Great South Rd in the east to the MHU zone is supported in part.

In general properties have either retained their zoning or been rezoned to a less or more intensive zone based on whether they are affected by heritage or environmental constraints, such as HC or flooding, and other locational attributes such as proximity to the RFN and centres. Retention or rezoning, where it has occurred, is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the zones and gives effect to the RPS. Where there are no constraints, council has proposed the most OraTaiao: City Centre intensive zone that is appropriate in that location and to give effect to the RPS. The New Rezone the area bounded by Fringe, Western Zealand New North Road, the city fringe, Isthmus, Eastern Attachment C of the evidence outlines the reasons to retain the notified zoning or support an alternative zoning where there Climate and SH20 and Great South Road, Isthmus & are site specific and/or area-wide submissions provided.See revised zoning map to see which properties are rezoned in this Health from Mixed Housing Suburban to Southern area. Attachment F of the evidnece identifies properties which have been rezoned and are outside the scope of submissions. 7051-13 Council Central Central wide Mixed Housing Urban. Isthmus

Refer to topic 081e evidence –Geographical area – Central (City Centre Fringe) report and attachments.

The request is generic in nature and covers a large number of properties.

The request to rezone transport nodes and corridors in Morningside and Newton to Mixed Housing Urban is not supported.

In general properties have either retained their zoning or been rezoned to a less or more intensive zone based on whether they are affected by heritage or environmental constraints, such as HC or flooding, and other locational attributes such as proximity to RFNs and centres. Retention or rezoning, where it has occurred, is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the zones and gives effect to the RPS. Where there are no constraints, council has proposed the most intensive zone that is appropriate in that location and to give effect to the RPS. In the case of Newton, the most appropriate zoning along transport corridors is MU due to its proximity to the city centre and RFNs. In Morningside, a mix of MU, LI, THAB and MHU is the most appropriate due to existing uses and proximity to centres and the RFN.

Attachment C of the evidence of the outlines the reasons to retain the notified zoning where there are site specific submissions. Attachment D of the evidence lists the area wide submission on which we have relied on in proposing a Rezone transport nodes, number of in scope area-wide or street-wide changes to the notified zones. See revised zoning map to see which properties corridors, Morningside, New are rezoned in this area. Attachment F identifies properties which have been rezoned and are outside the scope of Scott Lynn, Newton to Mixed Housing City Centre submissions. 7143-2 Gamble Central Auckland wide Urban Fringe

Refer to topic 081e evidence –Geographical area – Central (City Centre Fringe, Western Isthmus) reports and attachments.

Reject the increased The request is generic in nature and applies to a large number of properties. The request to change the MHU and MU zones intensification provisions in the in the area of Balmoral Rd, west to Sandringham Rd, north to Kingsland and east to Mount Eden Rd, and north to New North Mixed Housing Urban and Mixed Rd to a less intensive zone is not supported. Use zones within Balmoral Rd, west to Sandringham Rd, north to In general, properties zoned MU or MHU have either retained their notified zoning or been rezoned to less or more intensive Kingsland, east to Mt Eden Rd, zones subject to whether they are affected by site-specific constraints including HC and Pre-1944 BDC, flooding constraints, and north to New North Rd. HSA and based on their proximity to RFN’s, centres, large urban facilities and public open space. In the case of Balmoral, Amend by applying a staging where there are no constraints, council has proposed the most intensive zone that is appropriate in that location and to give mechanism based on an effect to the RPS. independent verification of infrastructure capability and a Western Isthmus Attachment C of the evidence outlines the reasons to retain the notified zoning or support an alternative zoning where there John W proven shortage of land that is & City Centre are site specific and/or area-wide submissions provided. See revised zoning map to see which properties are rezoned in this 7291-16 Colebrook Central Central wide ready to be developed. Fringe area. Attachment F identifies properties which have been rezoned and are outside the scope of submissions.

Refer to topic 081e evidence –Geographical area – Central (Western Isthmus, Eastern Isthmus and Southern Isthmus) reports and attachments.

The request is generic in nature and the request to rezone the Maungakiekie - Tamaki area so that there is less mixed and high density housing is not supported.

In general properties have either retained their zoning or been rezoned based on whether they are affected by heritage or environmental constraints, such as HC or flooding, and other locational attributes such as proximity to RFNs and centres. Retention or rezoning, where it has occurred, is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the zones and gives effect to the RPS. Where there are no constraints, council has proposed the most intensive zone that is appropriate in that location and to give effect to the RPS. There are a number of areas within Maungakiekie-Tāmaki that are appropriate for mixed and high density housing due to their proximity to centres and RFNs. Western Isthmus, Eastern Attachment C of the evidence outlines the reasons to retain the notified zoning or support an alternative zoning where there Rezone the Maungakiekie - Isthmus and are site specific and/or area-wide submissions provided. See revised zoning map to see which properties are rezoned in this Denise A Tamaki area so that there is less Southern area. Attachment F identifies properties which have been rezoned and are outside the scope of submissions. 7403-5 Tonkin Central Central wide mixed and high density housing Isthmus

Refer to topic 081e evidence –Geographical area – Central (Western Isthmus, Eastern Isthmus and Southern Isthmus) reports and attachments.

The request is generic in nature and the request to rezone the Maungakiekie - Tamaki area so that there is less mixed and high density housing is not supported.

In general properties have either retained their zoning or been rezoned based on whether they are affected by heritage or environmental constraints, such as HC or flooding, and other locational attributes such as proximity to RFNs and centres. Retention or rezoning, where it has occurred, is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the zones and gives effect to the RPS. Where there are no constraints, council has proposed the most intensive zone that is appropriate in that location and to give effect to the RPS. There are a number of areas within Maungakiekie-Tāmaki that are appropriate for mixed and high density housing due to their proximity to centres and RFNs. Western Isthmus, Eastern Attachment C of the evidence outlines the reasons to retain the notified zoning or support an alternative zoning where there Rezone the Maungakiekie- Isthmus and are site specific and/or area-wide submissions provided. See revised zoning map to see which properties are rezoned in this Allen R Tamaki area so that there is less Southern area. Attachment F identifies properties which have been rezoned and are outside the scope of submissions. 7404-5 Tonkin Central Central wide mixed and high density housing. Isthmus

Refer to topic 081e evidence –Geographical area – Central (City Centre Fringe, Western Isthmus) reports and attachments.

The request is generic in nature and applies to a large number of properties. The request to change the MHU and MU zones in the area of Balmoral Rd, west to Sandringham Rd, north to Kingsland and east to Mount Eden Rd, and north to New North Rd to a less intensive zone is not supported.

In general, properties zoned MU or MHU have either retained their notified zoning or been rezoned to less or more intensive zones subject to whether they are affected by site-specific constraints including HC and Pre-1944 BDC, flooding constraints, HSA and based on their proximity to RFN’s, centres, large urban facilities and public open space. In the case of Balmoral, Rezone from the Mixed Housing where there are no constraints, council has proposed the most intensive zone that is appropriate in that location and to give Urban and Mixed Use zones to a effect to the RPS. less intensive Zoning within the area of Balmoral Road, West to Attachment C of the evidence outlines the reasons to retain the notified zoning or support an alternative zoning where there Sandringham Road, North to Western Isthmus are site specific and/or area-wide submissions provided.See revised zoning map to see which properties are rezoned in this Wendy Kingsland, East to Mt Eden Road, & City Centre area. Attachment F identifies properties which have been rezoned and are outside the scope of submissions. 7407-12 Hughes Central Central wide and North to New North Road. Fringe

Page 14 Central Submitter Submission Submission Topic Summary greographical Reasons Name Area Unit grouping

Refer to topic 081e evidence –Geographical area – Central Southern Isthmus) report and attachments.

The request is generic in nature and applies to a large number of properties. The request to rezone the sites adjacent to 752 Great South Road, Penrose, from Light Industry to Heavy Industry is supported in part.

It is proposed to rezone the whole block around 752 Great South Road to HI and retain LI zoning for sites on Cain Road. The area is light industry in nature containing head offices, warehouses, food and beverage and a chemist’s consultancy, is ACI therefore more suited to LI than HI and its retention is the most appropriate way to give effect to the RPS. Operations New Zealand Rezone the sites adjacent to 752 Attachment C of the evidence outlines the reasons to retain the notified zoning or support an alternative zoning where there Limited (O-I Great South Road, Penrose, from are site specific and/or area-wide submissions provided. See revised zoning map to see which properties are rezoned in this New Light Industry to Heavy Industry. Southern area. Attachment F identifies properties which have been rezoned and are outside the scope of submissions. 852-125 Zealand) Central Central wide [p 6/29 vol 5] Isthmus

Refer to topic 081e evidence –Geographical area – Central (City Centre Fringe, Western Isthmus, Eastern Isthmus and Southern Isthmus) reports and attachments.

The request is generic in nature and covers a large number of properties.

The request to rezone sites zoned MHS to MHU in the area bound by New North Rd in the west, the city fringe in the north, SH20 in the south and Great South Rd in the east to the MHU zone is supported in part.

In general properties have either retained their zoning or been rezoned to a less or more intensive zone based on whether they are affected by heritage or environmental constraints, such as HC or flooding, and other locational attributes such as proximity to RFNs and centres. Retention or rezoning, where it has occurred, is the most appropriate way to achieve the Rezone areas zoned Mixed objectives of the zones and gives effect to the RPS. Where there are no constraints, council has proposed the most Housing Suburban bounded by City Centre intensive zone that is appropriate in that location and to give effect to the RPS. New North Rd in the west, city Fringe, Western fringe in the north, State Highway Isthmus, Eastern Attachment C of the evidence outlines the reasons to retain the notified zoning or support an alternative zoning where there 20 in the south, and Great South Isthmus & are site specific and/or area-wide submissions provided. See revised zoning map to see which properties are rezoned in this Georgianne Rd in the east, to Mixed Housing Southern area. Attachment F of the evidnece identifies properties which have been rezoned and are outside the scope of submissions. 8857-14 Griffiths Central Central wide Urban Isthmus

Refer to topic 081e evidence –Geographical area – Central (City Centre Fringe, Western Isthmus, Eastern Isthmus and Southern Isthmus) reports and attachments.

The request is generic in nature and covers a large number of properties.

The request to rezone properties in TCs and transport corridors to a zone which allows for high density is supported in part.

In general properties have either retained their zoning or been rezoned to a less or more intensive zone based on whether they are affected by heritage or environmental constraints, such as HC or flooding, and other locational attributes such as proximity to RFNs and centres. Retention or rezoning, where it has occurred, is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the zones and gives effect to the RPS. Where there are no constraints, council has proposed the most Rezone properties in Town City Centre intensive zone that is appropriate in that location and to give effect to the RPS. Centres and transport corridors to Fringe, Western a zone which allows for high Isthmus, Eastern Attachment C of the evidence outlines the reasons to retain the notified zoning or support an alternative zoning where there density [infer - Panmure Town Isthmus & are site specific and/or area-wide submissions provided. See revised zoning map to see which properties are rezoned in this Vishal Centre, particularly Bridge Street, Southern area. Attachment F identifies properties which have been rezoned and are outside the scope of submissions. 9374-1 Chandra Central Central wide panmure]. Isthmus

Refer to topic 081e evidence –Geographical area – Central (City Centre Fringe, Western Isthmus and Southern Isthmus) reports and attachments.

The request is generic in nature and covers a large number of properties.

The request to reduce the extent of the MHU and MHS zones in Puketapapa, Albert and Eden Board areas is not supported.

In general properties have either retained their zoning or been rezoned to a less or more intensive zone based on whether they are affected by heritage or environmental constraints, such as HC or flooding, and other locational attributes such as proximity to RFNs and centres. Retention or rezoning, where it has occurred, is the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives of the zones and gives effect to the RPS. Where there are no constraints, council has proposed the most intensive zone that is appropriate in that location and to give effect to the RPS. City Centre Fringe, Western Attachment C of the evidence outlines the reasons to retain the notified zoning or support an alternative zoning where there Reduce extent of Mixed Housing Isthmus & are site specific and/or area-wide submissions provided. See revised zoning map to see which properties are rezoned in this zone in Puketapapa, Albert, and Southern area. Attachment F identifies properties which have been rezoned and are outside the scope of submissions. 939-1 Harold Waite Central Central wide Eden Board areas Isthmus

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