Review Article Principles of Jewish and Islamic Slaughter with Respect to OIE (World Organization for Animal Health) Recommendations Pozzi, P.S.,1* Geraisy, W.,2 Barakeh, S.3 and Azaran, M.4 1 Veterinary Services and Animal Health, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, Israel. 2 Chief Inspector, “BakarTnuva” Slaughter Plant, Beit Shean, Israel. 3 Inspector, “Dabbach” Slaughter Plant, Dir El Assad, Israel. 4 Director, “Moreshet Avot”, Sho”b, Jerusalem, Israel. * Corresponding Author: Dr. P.S. Pozzi, P.O.B. 12, Beit Dagan 50250, Israel. Tel: (+972) 50-6243951, Fax: (+972) 3-9681795. Email:
[email protected]. ABSTRACT Israel is member of OIE (Organization for Animal Health) which since May 2005 has adopted animal welfare standards, including the slaughter of animals. Finalities of these standards are to ensure the welfare of animals, destined to food production, during pre-slaughter and slaughter processes, until their death. In Israel, slaughter is practiced without prior stunning as required by shechita and halal slaughtering, due to the vast majority of the population requesting kosher and halal meat. In both Jewish (Halacha) and Islamic (Sharia) Laws, particular attention is given to avoid unnecessary pain to animals in general and, in particular, in the course of slaughtering. Jewish shechita and Islamic dbach/halal slaughtering, when applied in the correct manner result in comparable, or even better, than large scale slaughters with prior stunning with respect to the avoidance of unnecessary pain. Shechita and halal, due to their intrinsic nature and due to their routine controls on every step and for every individual animal, cannot be regarded as negligent or intentionally painful, distressing or inducing sufferance to animals.