State of New York

County of Broome

City of Binghamton

I Randy O'Brien being duly sworn an oath now and during all times herein stated have been the publisher and designated agent of the publication known as Binghamton Press & Sun-Bulletin, Elmira Star-Gazette and The

Ithaca Journal; have full knowledge of the facts herein state as follows:

The Smith Mktg.-NYSEG Tax Cut ad for Binghamton I0#14535, Elmira 10#14503 and Ithaca 10#14505 published in the each of the above-mentioned publications on October 30, 2018 and November 6,13 & 20, 2018.

Subscribed and sworn to before me

This day of it),,,azeIrLef 2018

Notary 'Public

Elizabeth M. Conklin Notary Public, State of New York Broome County No.01C06338552 Commission expires March 14, 02.04 ❚ TUESDAY, OCTOBER 30, 2018 ❚ 5A Seasoned politicians face off in Navajo presidential race Felicia Fonseca Topics of discussion included bring- If elected, Shirley said he would do things done, his campaign says. Shirley ASSOCIATED PRESS ing young, educated Navajos home to whatever he can to extend the life of the chose Buu Van Nygren, an operations the reservation that spans parts of Ari- power plant to save coal jobs. trainer for a national construction com- FLAGSTAFF, Ariz. – On the vast Na- zona, New Mexico and Utah, preserving “These jobs not only support the im- pany, as his running mate. vajo Nation, the needs are many: more the Navajo way of life and how to retain mediate families, but we have kinship,” Nez, dressed in a suit and tie, led into police officers and better pay, housing, teachers. They talked about enticing Shirley, 70, said. “And, in many cases, it his answers and looked to the audience social services, roads, and water. businesses by reforming tribal laws and supports extended families, too.” for affirmation. His campaign says that With the expected closure of a coal- putting needed infrastructure in place. Nez, 43, said the focus should be on points to his experience as a community fired power plant and mine on the reser- They also discussed being inclusive and how to transition from coal plants to re- leader building consensus. On the ticket vation next year, financial resources will the value of teamwork in governing. newable energy. But he also wondered with Nez is Myron Lizer, who oversees dwindle. The task of replacing roughly Both also worry about the hundreds whether the tribe could build a rail line Ace Hardware stores on the reservation. one-third of the tribe’s revenue will fall of jobs that will be lost when the Navajo to export the abundant coal off the res- Navajo voter Joseph Hernandez isn’t heavily on whoever Navajos choose to Generating Station in Page, near the Ar- ervation. sure yet who he will support. be their next president in the Nov. 6 izona-Utah border, and its feed mine in “How do we get that coal out to those He said he will be attending the can- election. Kayenta close at the end of 2019. The that are in need?” he asked. didates’ rallies and youth council meet- The contenders are Jonathan Nez tribe was negotiating with a potential More than 98,000 Navajos are regis- ings before the election and talking to and Joe Shirley Jr. Both have spent buyer, but talks fell through. A major tered to vote. Since the presidential can- trusted elders in his community of Ga- years in politics as county supervisors, hurdle was finding someone to commit didates are both seasoned politicians dii’ahi/To’koi, northwest of Shiprock, tribal lawmakers and in the tribe’s lead- to buying the power as nearby states and have similar priorities, the deciding New Mexico. ership – Nez as the current vice presi- distance themselves from coal. factor for voters could be their character “Really pay attention to what they dent and Shirley as a former two-term Outgoing tribal President Russell Be- and how they approach governing. have to talk about current issues, not president. gaye, who did not advance beyond the Shirley, dressed in dark jeans and about what’s been done in the past,” the At a recent presidential forum at Ari- primary, told lawmakers this month cowboy boots with a turquoise neck- 31-year-old said. “What’s currently hap- zona State University, they expressed that his administration tightened its lace, was more pointed in his answers at pening and what they feel needs to be similar priorities. The race is nonparti- budget and was looking for ways to di- the forum. That speaks to his experi- done is really going to be the deciding san; both men are Democrats. versify the economy to rely less on coal. ence as president and his ability to get factor.”

DOW NASDAQ NYSE S&P 500 RUSSELL 2000 WILSHIRE 5000 30-YR T-BOND q 24,442.92 -245.39 q 7,050.29 -116.92 q 11,942.51 -34.43 q 2,641.25 -17.44 q 1,477.31 -6.51 q 27,228.07 -199.07 p 3.33% +.01 Stocks of Local Interest The Market in Review YTD% YTD% Name Div Yld PE Last Chg Chg Name Div Yld PE Last Chg Chg New York Stock Exchange NASDAQ FOREIGN EXCHANGE Most active ($1 or more) Most active ($1 or more) U.S. Dollar in Foreign Currency AES Corp .52 3.6 11 14.52 -.03 +34.1 Intel 1.20 2.6 17 45.40 -.29 -1.6 AT&T Inc 2.00 6.7 6 29.64 +.55 -23.8 IBM 6.28 5.2 9 119.64 -5.15 -22.0 Name Vol (00) Last Chg Name Vol (00) Last Chg Last Pvs. Day AMD ...... 16.85 -.78 +63.9 JohnJn 3.60 2.6 19 137.55 +.58 -1.6 GenElec 1195037 11.16 -.14 AMD 941859 16.85 -.78 Australian dollar 1.4163 1.4097 Apple Inc 2.92 1.4 25 212.24 -4.06 +25.4 Kohls 2.44 3.2 13 75.94 +2.16 +40.0 FordM 921128 9.28 +.30 Microsoft 550041 103.85 -3.11 British pound .7808 .7794 Autodesk ...... 124.13 -.58 +18.4 LockhdM 8.80 3.1 35 286.67 -18.38 -10.7 BkofAm 888322 26.61 +.22 Apple Inc 456424 212.24 -4.06 Canadian dollar 1.3127 1.3091 Avangrid n 1.76 3.7 37 47.59 -.01 -5.9 Lowes 1.92 2.1 19 92.86 -.92 -.1 Petrobras 599917 15.56 -.68 Intel 353866 45.40 -.29 Chinese yuan 6.9618 6.9435 WeathfIntl 513801 1.54 -.44 M&T Bk 4.00 2.5 17 161.55 +3.02 -5.5 MicronT 335971 34.66 -.74 Euro .8779 .8763 BkofAm .60 2.3 13 26.61 +.22 -9.9 Japanese yen 112.35 111.85 BestBuy 1.80 2.6 22 67.98 -.47 -.7 MarIntA 1.64 1.5 25 112.78 +.05 -16.9 Gainers ($2 or more) Gainers ($2 or more) Mexican peso 20.0347 19.4258 BorgWarn .68 1.7 11 39.56 +1.51 -22.6 McDnlds 4.64 2.7 26 173.23 -.11 +.6 Swiss franc 1.0012 .9971 ChemungF 1.04 2.4 24 42.55 +1.35 -11.5 Merck 2.20 3.1 27 71.45 +1.05 +27.0 Name Last Chg %Chg Name Last Chg %Chg Cisco 1.32 3.0 22 43.84 -.41 +14.5 MettlerT ...... 37 533.77 -1.81 -13.8 RedHat 169.63 +52.95 +45.4 ElecVeh n 4.55 +2.37 +108.7 FUELS CmtyBkSy 1.52 2.6 15 57.50 +1.10 +7.0 Michaels ...... 8 15.64 +.45 -35.3 CooperTire 30.89 +5.44 +21.4 LogicBio n 10.73 +2.15 +25.1 ConstellA 2.96 1.5 12 202.75 -7.21 -11.3 Microsoft 1.84 1.8 49 103.85 -3.11 +21.4 Genworth 4.22 +.61 +16.9 PyxisTnkr 2.07 +.40 +24.0 New York Mercantile, CBOT (ethanol) Corning .72 2.4 ... 30.59 -.10 -4.4 NBT Bcp 1.04 2.9 16 36.24 +.66 -1.5 MercGn 58.50 +7.87 +15.5 NF EngSv 6.26 +1.10 +21.4 Last Pvs. Day GlbShip pfB 21.65 +2.67 +14.1 DSW Inc 1.00 3.8 25 26.28 +.82 +22.7 NokiaCp .19 3.4 ... 5.55 -.03 +19.1 DianaCnt rs 2.05 +.29 +16.5 Crude oil (bbl) 67.04 67.59 DenburyR ...... 3.32 -1.03 +50.2 Pfizer 1.36 3.1 17 43.23 +.63 +19.4 Natural gas (btu) 3.16 3.19 DicksSptg .90 2.6 11 34.62 +1.57 +20.5 TJX 1.56 1.4 23 108.40 +1.86 +41.8 Losers ($2 or more) Losers ($2 or more) Heating oil (gal) 2.28 2.30 Disney 1.68 1.5 15 113.04 -.15 +5.1 Tegna .28 2.6 6 10.95 -.02 -22.2 Name Last Chg %Chg Name Last Chg %Chg Ethanol (gal) 1.27 1.28 NY Harbor gas (gal) 1.82 1.82 EmersonEl 1.94 2.9 21 66.33 +.08 -4.8 Tompkins 2.00 2.7 17 73.84 +1.32 -9.2 DenburyR 3.32 -1.03 -23.7 RmblOn B n 5.05 -1.80 -26.3 ExxonMbl 3.28 4.3 16 77.05 -.48 -7.9 TransAct .36 2.4 35 14.95 -.19 +12.8 Standex 78.58 -16.83 -17.6 TowerSemi 13.98 -3.77 -21.2 FstData n ...... 9 18.01 -3.59 +7.8 Twitter ...... 32.39 +.03 +34.9 Revlon 22.78 -4.82 -17.5 ChampO hrs 9.84 -2.15 -17.9 METALS FordM .60 6.5 5 9.28 +.30 -25.7 UltaBeauty ...... 29 278.50 +3.61 +24.5 FstData n 18.01 -3.59 -16.6 MarinSft rs 2.21 -.46 -17.2 n .64 6.9 ... 9.21 +.01 -20.5 UrbanOut ...... 20 38.95 +.35 +11.1 AuroraC n 5.91 -1.13 -16.1 Tilray n 90.68 -17.40 -16.1 New York Mercantile, COMX (copper) GenElec .48 4.3 ... 11.16 -.14 -36.1 VerizonCm 2.41 4.3 7 56.48 +.97 +6.7 Last Pvs. Day HP Inc .56 2.4 8 23.02 -.11 +9.6 WalMart 2.08 2.1 24 99.80 +.86 +1.1 Diary Diary Gold (troy oz.) 1224.50 1232.50 HeliosM rs ...... 02 -.00 -100.0 WsteMInc 1.85 2.1 18 86.41 +1.48 +.1 Advanced 1,187 Total issues 2,882 Advanced 1,203 Total issues 3,064 Silver (troy oz.) 14.38 14.64 Hilton .60 .9 34 68.60 +.33 -14.1 WeathfIntl ...... 1.54 -.44 -63.1 Declined 1,634 New Highs 16 Declined 1,738 New Highs 21 Platinum (troy oz.) 832.00 829.50 HomeDp 4.12 2.4 23 173.20 +.97 -8.6 Xerox rs 1.00 3.6 ... 27.46 +.07 -5.8 Unchanged 61 New Lows 388 Unchanged 123 New Lows 326 Copper (pound) 2.74 2.74 (Previous and change figures reflect current contract.) KEY: Div - Annualized Dividend, PE - Price to Earnings Ratio, Yld - Yield on Dividend, Last - Closing price, Chg - Daily net change, YTD %Chg - Year-to-date percentage change Volume: 4,618,735,876 Volume: 2,524,071,722 Source: The Associated Press

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NY ■ NY-CNY001• 1163-09NENNENNENNENNEN• Lunch Dinner Tuesday Buffalo Chicken Sandwich w/ French Fries $10.95 Steak & Shrimp Skewer $17.95 (607) 2734022273-3022 Wednesday Crab Cakes w/ French Fries $10.95 Calves Liver with Onions or Bacon $12.95 529 S. Meadow Street Chicken Supreme over Biscuits w / Salad Bar $12.95 atms. Thursday Hot Roast Beef w / Mashed & Gravy $10.95 eIthaca, NY 14850 Burgers or Wings 4:30-7:30 Dine-in Only $7.00 ---40•010soma" UM Friday Fried or Broiled Haddock w/ Mac & Cheese or Beer Battered Fried or Broiled Haddock $12.95 Meadow ❆▼▲❄❅✩❒❁▲Court Inn French Fries $10.95 Coconut Shrimp w/ Pineapple Salsa $14.95 AmissAeolus tbesd .1ks Pork Osso Bucco $14.95 Saturday Open at 5:00 pm for Dinner ❏20❆❆❉(607).2.27SIL✒✗✓✔✘✘✕▲▲❉❒▲❅❁◆▲❁◗❈273-3885IS Slow Roasted Prime Rib Starting at $14.95 Tuesday - Friday: 7:00 am - 9:00 pm | Saturday: 5:00 pm - 9:00 pm | Closed Sunday & Monday NY-CNY0012040-04 _ Find a home that NNewew notY©BYork SieRateStat e EactFncEE(Ct7nCElectric a& a GasGGasas EEUectrkactrklectri cCamamanars ComoratonCorporatio QHYSEGn ((MEGNYSEG ) NYSEG has filed tariff revisions September 26, 2018 with the New York State fits your family Public Service Commission (PSC) to implement a tax credit associated with the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017, to become effective October 1, 2018. in a neighborhood These tariff revisions reflect a $22.9 million reduction in electricity delivery rates and a $8.6 million reduction in natural gas delivery rates. The delivery that fits your life. rates for service that appear on a customer’s bill shall be adjusted to reflect the tax credit. Customers may see some charges prorated on an October or November bill dream home should come to take into account energy delivered before and after the tax credits went Your with a dream neighborhood. That’s why into effect. Ithaca / Homes provides exclusive details ★❏❍❅▲ on neighborhoods, lifestyles and area Homes PART✰✡✲✴ OF ✯✦ THE ✴★✥ USA ✵✳✡ TODAY ✴✯✤✡✹ NETWORK ✮✥✴✷✯✲✫ amenities with every listing. Love the house. KnowKnow the neighborhood.neighborhood. The credits to be applied to the per kilowatt-hour, per kilowatt, and per therm delivery rates are shown on a Statement for each tariff Schedule, available at ❚ TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 6, 2018 ❚ 3A It’s not too late for Election Day research Spencer-Van Etten a.m. or 4:30 to 5:30 p.m. There is no sig- Town Talk nup for the holiday boxes of food, and Sally Marx they will be prepacked, but please bring Guest columnist bags and boxes with you. For the rest of us blessed with ade- quate resources to share with others, if Tuesday is Election Day, and accord- you would like to help fill those holiday ing to some speech makers, this is a food boxes, this is the list of items need- critical, life-changing election because ed: instant mashed potatoes, turkey it will likely determine which party gets gravy, bread stuffing mix (no corn- to draw redistricting lines for future bread), cake mixes and frosting, jello, elections. It may also validate our presi- pudding, hot chocolate, cranberry sauce dent’s policies or challenge them. and variety packs of oatmeal. Bags of If you’re not sure who’s running or food can be given to any local church or who to vote for, it’s not too late to do church attendee but need to arrive by your research. Sample ballots are avail- Some of the entries in Spencer-Van Etten Middle School’s third annual Great Sunday. If you don’t know any church able online at your county’s board of Pumpkin Decorating Contest before Halloween. SALLY MARX/CORRESPONDENT PHOTO people, I will be happy to receive any- elections website. If a candidate’s name thing you would like to donate and take is unfamiliar, Google him or her to find it over to the Food Cupboard. out what their background, experience a.m. to 7 p.m. Thursday and Friday, and panie: NP Environmental, HALCO and and positions are. 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturday. Standard Insulating Co. will be on hand High school congrats I truly believe that no matter how dis- Fiction will be alphabetized by au- to provide additional information and couraged you may be about voting, it’s thor for hardbacks and paperbacks. answer questions. Congratulations to Calum Avery, who each citizen’s civic duty to vote. One There are also large-print selections, This program is sponsored by RAFT finished fourth in Section 4 cross coun- vote does matter. A handful of “one videos, puzzles, DVD’s and children’s (Residents Allied for the Future of Tio- try on Thursday and qualified for the votes” held up for weeks declaring a books. You’d be surprised at how many ga). For more information, call Gerri Wi- states. He will travel to Long Island this winner in a few close elections in recent Christmas gifts I’ve found at this sale ley at 607-342-3159. coming weekend. Congratulations also years. over the years. to John Garrison, IAC modified cross The polls are open until 9 p.m. Please It’s a great way to support the library, Upcoming events country champion, and Levi Mickelson, vote! If you have an elderly neighbor, so don’t miss it! If you are a dedicated winner of the IAC award for academic ask them if they need a ride to the polls. reader, you may want to volunteer to ❚ The Town of Van Etten will have its excellence. help sort on Wednesday or sit at the annual free (to Van Etten residents) ra- Libraries on the ballot cashier’s table sometime during the bies clinic on Monday, Nov. 19, from 6 to Finally looking like fall sale. Sign up at the library for whatever 8 p.m. at the Van Etten Town Hall, 83 This is an important week for our lo- time you can give. Main St. Non-residents are welcome, Leaf report for out-of-town readers: cal libraries. Van Etten voters, you have too, but must pay a $5 fee. still subdued, but the gold late-droppers a proposition on your ballot: to support HeatSmart meeting ❚ Tioga State Bank is collecting warm looked pretty good in the rain this week. funding of your county library system. coats again this year. If you have a gent- It was nice to see some color. You have a terrific Van Etten Library At 6:30 p.m. Thursday, at the Van Et- ly used one to donate, bring it to any TSB On Sunday morning while I walked director in Michelle Erikson. She brings ten Community Center, 6 Gee St. (state office by Nov. 16. Moreton Cleaners my dog, the sun actually shone brightly in so many interesting programs and Route 34), is the HeatSmart informa- clean all the coats and then they are do- on those leaves and lit them up — al- also knows her books. One example: the tional meeting. nated to those who need them. most like a real autumn! I rushed out on Van Etten Library will show Disney Pix- You can come out to learn about the ❚ The Spencer Fire Department will Friday afternoon, with a little bit of sun ar’s “Incredibles 2” at 3:30 p.m. Friday, newest technologies for heating and have its next pancake breakfast on Sun- peeking through the mostly overcast with free popcorn. cooling your home, “affordably, com- day, Nov. 11, 7 to 11 a.m. It’s a good one! sky, and with the help of family mem- I urge you to support her and your fortably, and safely.” This system also bers, managed to rake into piles the Chemung County Library District, ensures good air quality and energy effi- Food Cupboard giveaways leaves lying wet and heavy on the grass. which enables her to bring in the craft ciency, making it a safer, less expensive We got some of those leaves carried to programs and movies. Please support way to keep a home comfortable, “while The SVE Food Cupboard, at the Spen- the compost pile, but I had to go out in her by voting yes on the proposition. reducing home energy use and green- cer Federated Church, will have a spe- the rain and muddy cold on Saturday house gas emissions.” cial food giveaway to honor our veterans morning to finish hauling the leaves to Fall book sale Jonathan Comstock, program direc- from 4 to 5 p.m. Friday. This is only for the compost. Leaves make great garden tor for HeatSmart Tompkins, will dis- vets, and light refreshments will also be compost, so I was determined not to Spencer Library has its annual fall cuss air and ground-source heat pump available. leave them on the ground. I have one book sale this week, Thursday to Satur- technologies, as well as currently avail- This month’s holiday food giveaway tree that has not dropped yet, and I fer- day, in the municipal building meeting able rebates and tax credits. Repre- day will be Nov. 16. Participants can vently hope they fall before the snow ar- room behind the library. Hours are 9 sentatives from HeatSmart-vetted com- choose to come from either 9:30 to 10:30 rives.

NNewew yeRtStaZeYyokork StateStat e ERectolcERectutcElectric a& GasGas EUecticE leEbscticctric ComoTadonComTatnorp Co©orati o(NYSEGn (NYSEG(NYSEG )

Longview NYSEG has filed tariff revisions September 26, 2018 with the New York State Public Service Commission (PSC) to implement a tax credit associated with Fall Move-in Promotion! the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017, to become effective October 1, 2018. These tariff revisions reflect a $22.9 million reduction in electricity delivery • Independent Living rates and a $8.6 million reduction in natural gas delivery rates. The delivery • Assisted Living rates for service that appear on a customer’s bill shall be adjusted to reflect • Enhanced Assisted Living the tax credit. Adult Day Program Customers may see some charges prorated on an October or November bill to take into account energy delivered before and after the tax credits went There is a lot to love at Longview! into effect. Call today to: The credits to be applied to the per kilowatt-hour, per kilowatt, and per

THE ITIIIT11t1 lt therm delivery rates are shown on a Statement for each tariff Schedule, • Schedule a tour available at JOURNAL • Attend the Adult Day Program • Stay a few days in our guest READERSREADERS 2018 apartment Treat Yourself CHOICE Nigger Try one or all of the above! YOU DESERVE IT!

Come See for Yourself! Longview, call (607) 375-6320 or an Ithacare Community visit 1 Bella Vista Dr. *Discuss living options, finances, Ithaca, NY 14850 ...... PERSONAL see the facilities, etc. LOAN (607) 375-6300 SPECIAL


Ow,Oliep 0511t, 09at' APPLY TODAY! FAIR DEAL GOOD DEAL FAFAIRIR DEAL DEAL GOODGOOD DEALDEAL GREAGREATT DEALDEAL VISIT a branch CALL 607-257-8500 VISIT © 2018, LLC ©© 20120188,, LLCLLC APR=Annual Percentage Rate. Rate is subject to change without notice. Actual loan rate determined by credit score and term. All loan applications are subject to approval. Direct deposit and Autopay required to obtain special rate. Eligibility requirements apply. Application must be received by November 30, 2018 to be eligible. NY-CNY0012769-03 •,- Lunch Dinner e aa/ eteiiietti - Tuesday Beef Cheddar Melt W/French Fries $10.95 Stuffed Founder With Hollandaise Sauce $14.95 , (sob(407)2784012(607) 273-3022 mans Wednesday Meatloaf Burger W/ French Fries $10.95 Pesto Parmesan Crusted Salmon $15.95 529 S. Meadow Street :teasals.**Eissms siimams BBQ Baby Back Ribs Half $14.95 Whole $17.95 sa.,iimpammo*Ithaca, NY MNMI14850 Thursday Hot Turkey W/ Mashed Potatoes & Gravy $10.95 Burgers or Wings 4:30-7:30 Dine-in Only $7.00 Beer Battered Fried or Broiled Haddock $12.95 1ik\/ik!`. 4L , ';',/41 X4' ,- Friday Fried or Broiled Haddock w/ Mac & Cheese or , Meadow loadloadCourt In SsSsn French Fries $10.95 Sicilian Haddock $13.95 (607) 273-3885 Bourbon Glazed Steak and Shrimp $17.95 ._,;:....21.88..awassa (40 2734185 Saturday Open at 5:00 pm for Dinner Slow Roasted Prime Rib Starting at $14.95 Allikw Tuesday - Friday: 7:00 am - 9:00 pm | Saturday: 5:00 pm - 9:00 pm | Closed Sunday & Monday | Try our other entrance Drive Way on South Titus Ave. ❚ TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 2018 ❚ 3A

Continued from previous page who run the Turkey Trot, they all go complete the 5.5-mile course, then take registration) or stick to the 1-mile Elf home to home, go home to food,” he as many shortcuts as you need to match Run and donate whatever you can. Hot Make it fun said. “I always thought it could be a it. No stopwatches allowed. Monetary chocolate and cookies await at the fin- fundraiser. If you’re able to do some- donations will be accepted for Loaves ish line. It’s tough to keep a straight face run- thing, you can do it.” and Fishes community kitchen. Dec. 1, Reindeer 5K: If your family is ning alongside people dressed as tur- This annual tradition has become a Nov. 22, Watkins Glen Turkey Trot: ambitious, try two races in one day and keys, elves or reindeer. It’s also a great community effort. At the2017 run, Sponsored by Exercise Enterprise gym, award yourself with an extra helping of way to keep your kids motivated where Ithaca High School hosts for free, you’re welcome to bring your kids and cocoa and cookies. A few hours after the throughout the run. $4,000 was donated to Loaves and your dogs to this event, whether you’re YMCA Santa 5K and a few miles down “Those kind of races have such a Fishes community kitchen. ready to run, walk, or stroll through the road, Dryden hosts its Reindeer 5K great spirit of fun,” Jenks said. Ithaca Bakery donates 200 bagels, town. There’s no registration fee; just at 2 p.m. Proceeds support Cassavant Moving through a sea of costumed loaves of bread, dozens of cookies and bring a can of food to donate to the food School PTO. runners, racing by houses decked out muffins. Purity Ice Cream donates five pantry. Dec. 1, Rockin’ Around Cooper- for the holidays in the 2015 Binghamton pies. Cornell Orchards gives Roebal a Nov. 22, Guthrie Sayre Turkey Trot: stown Ugly Sweater Run: While this 4- Santa Run, Jenks said her son was chat- discount on apples and cider, he buys A fun run for kids precedes this annual mile race or 2-mile fun run (your choice) ting excitedly with her throughout the peanut butter and marshmallow spread, 5K, now in its 12th year. Proceeds go to is geared toward adults — participants run. and Finger Lakes Runners Club foots the Guthrie Community Garden and the receive a free coffee or free beer upon “He loved it,” she said. bill for all of it. Food Farm Family Festival. completion — children who’ve lost a For families hitting the pavement for Roebal says what he does isn’t direct- Nov. 22, Pete Keyes Turkey Trot 5- loved one will receive gifts purchased the first time together, Jenks has a few ing a race, “it’s giving back to the com- mile: Hosted by the Triple Cities Run- with the proceeds of this ugly sweater suggestions. munity, and it’s fun.” ners Club, this race’s proceeds are event. While waiting for the race to begin, awarded as scholarships for local gradu- Dec. 8, It’s a Wonderful Run 5K: do some jumping jacks or invite kids to Where will you run? ating seniors pursuing higher educa- Starting at Seneca Falls’ Bridge Street stretch by reaching for the sky then tion. Don’t forget to bring a can of food to Bridge, allegedly the inspiration for the touching their toes to keep warm. Nov. 17, Jingle Bell Run: Too busy on donate as well. bridge scenes in “It’s A Wonderful Life,” You can also set small goals through- Turkey Day to hit up a Turkey Trot? Log Nov. 22, Cortland YMCA Turkey this course leads runners and walkers out the course. Suggest you all walk to the miles ahead of time at the Syracuse Trot 5K: If you’ve committed to the by the town’s Christmas tree display, lit one landmark, then run to the next, or Jingle Bell Run and help support the Ar- YMCA Race Series this year, the Turkey storefronts and historic homes. It also let the kids pick. thritis Foundation. Trot is your final finish line. Let family at takes place during the annual “It’s A If you plan on wearing a running Nov. 18, Norwich YMCA Turkey Trot home know they can keep tabs on you Wonderful Life” Festival, so make this watch, give updates on your progress 5K: Now in its 37th year, this Turkey and your little ones live with online, race a stop on a holiday family road trip. and let your kids help keep track. Trot leads runners through the streets email and text updates, or gather Dec. 9, Binghamton Santa Run: If you’re not too serious about beat- of Norwich, ending at the Norwich around the table in the afternoon and Closer to home, Your participation in ing a certain time, these races are also a YMCA, whose mission work is funded in flip through finish line photos. the Binghamton Santa Run, a 5K run/ great place to catch up with friends or part by race proceeds. Nov. 24, Syracuse Ugly Sweater 5K: walk, helps support St. John the Evan- family for whom holiday runs are a tra- Nov. 22, Turkey Day 5K to benefit Ugly sweater fans, this is your moment. gelist School in Binghamton. There’s dition. Jenks said she particularly en- Notre Dame High School: Runners and Prizes will be awarded for “best dressed” even a 0.25-mile fun run for “Santa’s Lit- joys running in a local turkey trot be- walkers 8 and older are welcome at this runners at this post-Thanksgiving 5K at tle Helpers.” Your free Santa hat with cause she knows a lot of her friends will annual Thanksgiving race at Elmira’s Onondaga Lake Park. Bring a monetary registration is sure to boost your holiday be there. Notre Dame High School. Extra points if donation for the Rescue Mission of Syr- spirit, no matter how cold the weather “It’s a tradition just like any other you come dressed like a turkey or in oth- acuse and celebrate this transition be- is. Thanksgiving tradition you have,” said er Thanksgiving-themed attire. tween seasons. Dec. 15, Christmas Cookie Run: Bruce Roebal, director of the Ithaca Tur- Nov. 22, Pie and Glove 5K: For the Dec. 1, Selfless Elf 5K: Sullivan Park What’s the holiday season without key Trot Prediction Run. “You will want serious runners in your family, this race in Horseheads is bound to be filled with cookies? Upon completing this 5K, to do it time and time again.” at Craig Park in Painted Post is a Road runners and walkers of all ages for this you’re welcome to taste your share of Runners Club of America Champion- race, a fundraiser for the Food Bank of homemade cookies, baked especially Sign up and give back ship Event, hosted by the Southern Tier the Southern Tier. Upgrade to the Very for the occasion. Prizes will be awarded Running Club. As the name implies, all Important Elf registration and kids re- for best costumes and carolers will lead In many cases, just registering for a participants receive a pair of gloves, and ceive a cocoa mug, face painting pass in song. holiday run helps your neighbor. Regis- top finishers go home with pie vouchers. and striped elf socks. Dec. 31, YMCA Resolution Run 5K: tration fees are allocated for different Nov. 22, Hornell Area Family YMCA Dec. 1, Montrose Jingle Bell 5K: So the feasts are over, the cookies have charitable causes, and cans of food are Turkey Trot: This Thanksgiving event Supporting Susquehanna County Inter- been eaten, now it’s time to start out the accepted at the starting line. has something for everyone; a fun run faith, this Montrose race is open to all — new year strong. This annual race at the Your family’s participation in holiday for kids 10 and younger, immediately including your pets — and takes place Vestal Coal House is open to kids this runs can help fill local food pantry followed by a 5K run/walk. Proceeds during the Christmas in Montrose Festi- year, with the addition of a kids run. Get shelves, send students to school and benefit the mission of the YMCA. val, amid craft fairs, reindeer and carols. started early on your 2019 fitness goals bring presents to children who’ve lost a Nov. 22, Ithaca Turkey Trot Predic- Dec. 1, YMCA Santa 5K and 1-mile and support the YMCA of Broome Coun- loved one. tion Run: Whatever you do, don’t call Elf Run: Not ready for a 5K? No problem. ty. In Ithaca, it was Roebal’s idea to this one a race. Ithaca’s annual predic- YMCA of Ithaca and Tompkins County Did we miss one? Send us your fam- make the Turkey Trot a fundraiser. tion run is just that. Write down how gives runners two options for this holi- ily-friendly races ksullivan@press “I always thought that the people long you think it will take you to day race: complete a 5K ($10 to $20

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WEATHER • AccuWeather DOWNLOAD THE FREE APP Tan TODAY TONIGHT WEDNESDAY Continued from Page 1A HIGH 36° LOW 24° HIGH 32° LOW 8° Cloudy, snow Mainly cloudy, Snow squall, “To this day you have refused to ex- showers; cold a bit of snow slick spots plain what happened that night,” Scul- a ES3 lin said. Tan in June pleaded guilty to three THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY federal crimes — two admitting that he HIGH 19° LOW 4° HIGH 29° LOW 20° HIGH 40° LOW 35° duped a friend into purchasing the shotgun for him and another acknowl- Partly sunny Partly sunny Not as cold edging that he knew the gun would be and bitterly and not as with rain used in a crime. cold cold Federal sentencing guidelines rec- Charles Tan in a court appearance. FOR THE LATEST FORECASTS ommended a sentence of 25 years — MAX SCHULTE/USA TODAY NETWORK BY THE NUMBERS REGIONAL the maximum under the law — for Tan. Judges are not bound by the guide- ITHACA BINGHAMTON ELMIRA Today Wednesday City Hi Lo W Hi Lo W lines. records show. Instead, they returned to Monday’s high 39° Monday’s high 35° Monday’s high 39° Albany 39 25 sn 37 10 sn Monday’s low 32° Monday’s low 31° Monday’s low 34° Atlantic City 55 35 pc 48 26 s Tan’s attorneys sought a sentence Pittsford and called authorities about Normal high 46° Normal high 44° Normal high 47° Buffalo 35 26 sf 33 13 sn of five years, saying that Jim Tan, was the homicide. Normal low 31° Normal low 30° Normal low 29° Erie 37 31 sf 35 18 sn Harrisburg 48 29 pc 43 21 pc abusive and Tan feared his father “This was not an impulsive act,” As- Record high 74° in 1934 Record high 70° in 1991 Record high 71° in 1934 New York City 47 33 pc 42 19 s Record low 2° in 1986 Record low 10° in 2014 Record low 12° in 2014 Philadelphia 51 30 pc 45 22 s would kill his mother, Qing “Jean” Tan. sistant U.S. Attorney Lisa Fletcher, the Rochester 36 25 sf 34 13 sn In court Monday, one of Tan’s law- prosecutor in the case, said in court Scranton 42 25 sf 36 13 c PRECIPITATION PRECIPITATION PRECIPITATION Syracuse 37 22 sf 33 8 sn yers, James Nobles, countered the Monday. “It was premeditated.” Monday 0.08 Monday 0.10 Monday 0.11 claims that the homicide was premed- She alleged — and Scullin agreed — Month to date 2.88 Month to date 4.27 Month to date 3.06 NATIONAL itated saying that, if so, it was worst that Tan first shot his father in the chest Normal m-t-d 2.06 Normal m-t-d 2.08 Normal m-t-d 1.93 Today Wednesday Year to date 33.27 Year to date 52.15 Year to date 41.93 City Hi Lo W Hi Lo W premeditated murder “in history.” In- from a distance, then approached him Normal y-t-d 33.80 Normal y-t-d 35.25 Normal y-t-d 32.88 Albuquerque 54 33 s 58 35 s stead, he said. Tan was driven by the and shot him in the chest again, before Amarillo 56 32 s 59 36 s Anchorage 37 28 sn 34 23 sn fear of what Jim Tan might do to Jean firing a close-range fatal shot into Jim ITHACA SNOWFALL in inches Asheville 49 29 pc 53 30 s Tan. Tan’s face. Aspen 48 16 s 49 21 s Monday 1.0 Season to date 15.2 Atlanta 57 35 pc 57 37 s Tan spoke briefly Monday, saying Despite the ample showing of sup- Month to date 15.2 Normal s-t-d 2.5 Austin 63 36 s 62 44 pc Normal m-t-d 2.1 Last season 0.5 Baltimore 52 29 pc 47 24 s he now realizes there were “numerous port from friends who described Tan as • V! Baton Rouge 62 38 c 63 43 pc alternatives” he could have chosen, a giving and kind young man, the law Billings 50 33 s 53 36 s short of the homicide of his father should not make a distinction between EXTREMES: High: 88°, Immokalee, FL; Low: -10°, Bodie State Park, CA Birmingham 55 32 pc 55 34 pc Bismarck 41 22 pc 34 16 pc (which, again, Tan did not confess to his homicide and that committed by Boise 48 26 s 51 36 c SKYWATCH Boston 42 29 sn 41 17 pc the crime). He said, if given the oppor- others, Fletcher said. THE MOON Bridgeport 47 30 r 42 18 s RISE SET Burlington 33 21 sn 29 9 sn tunity by the judge, he will “work on “The law must be applied equally Sun 7:03 a.m. 4:40 p.m. Casper 43 29 s 47 32 s myself” and find a way to help others both to those who come from privilege Moon 3:37 p.m. 3:49 a.m. Charleston, SC 69 44 pc 63 41 s 0 0 Venus 4:17 a.m. 3:07 p.m. Charleston, WV 43 30 pc 44 28 s in the community. and those who do not, both to those who 45 • 0 Mars 1:09 p.m. 11:48 p.m. Charlotte, NC 61 32 pc 58 34 s Several dozen friends of Tan packed can muster a room full of supporters Full Last New First Jupiter 7:25 a.m. 4:56 p.m. Chicago 34 28 pc 35 26 pc Nov 23 Nov 29 Dec 7 Dec 15 Saturn 10:03 a.m. 7:10 p.m. Cincinnati 40 27 pc 44 29 pc the courtroom in Syracuse on Monday and those who can’t,” she said. Cleveland 36 27 sf 35 23 sf Columbia, SC 67 37 pc 60 36 s for the sentencing. Those friends, No- Monday’s sentencing was held in NATIONAL FORECAST Columbus, OH 39 29 pc 41 25 pc bles said, “have stuck by him” since Syracuse because the 12-gauge Reming- Shown are noon positions of weather systems and precipitation. Temperature bands are highs for the day. Concord 34 20 sn 35 9 sn Dallas 59 36 s 60 40 pc Tan was accused of the murder of Jim ton was purchased in Cortland County. Dayton 38 28 pc 41 25 pc Tan in February 2015. Typically, if a federal inmate behaves Daytona Beach 74 58 pc 73 57 s Denver 56 30 s 60 31 s After a jury failed to reach a verdict in prison, he or she will serve 85 percent Des Moines 36 26 pc 41 29 s Detroit 34 26 c 35 20 pc in a 2015 trial, a judge tossed out the of the sentence — or, in Tan’s case, 17 Duluth 21 7 sn 20 14 c criminal charges, ruling there was not years. The 14 months he has served will Fairbanks 25 15 c 21 13 sn Fargo 31 11 c 25 19 pc enough evidence to support the count against that time. Flagstaff 49 21 pc 54 27 s charges. An appellate court deter- After the sentencing, Nobles said he Great Falls 51 32 s 53 35 pc Green Bay 30 20 c 27 19 c mined the ruling was wrong on the law, and Tan’s other attorney, Brian DeCaro- Honolulu 82 74 pc 83 73 sh Houston 62 42 s 63 45 r but could not be reversed. lis, plan to appeal the sentence from Jackson, MS 56 33 pc 57 37 pc Last year federal authorities arrest- Scullin. Juneau 47 37 r 43 32 r Kansas City 43 31 pc 55 34 s ed Tan for the illegal gun purchase. He Scullin said Tan’s actions, including Key West 84 75 pc 82 74 pc has been jailed since. the homicide and the recent discovery Las Vegas 66 45 s 68 51 s Lexington 41 28 pc 46 31 s A former student council president that he dealt marijuana and psychedelic Little Rock 53 30 s 57 33 pc Los Angeles 72 53 pc 68 57 pc at Pittsford Mendon High School, Tan drugs at Cornell, don’t shoehorn neatly T-stonosT-stonns Rain ShowersMOWS Snow Snow Flurries Ruffin InsIce Cold Front MonWinn FrontFront Stationary Front Louisville 44 29 pc 50 33 s was attending at into the glowing image held of him by Memphis 50 30 pc 55 36 s the time of the homicide. He emptied his supportive group of friends. 1-10sI -10s I -Os Os I 10s105 I 20s 30s305 40540$ 50550s 130s60s 70570s 130s80s SOs90$ AM= Miami 85 71 sh 82 70 pc Milwaukee 33 27 c 32 26 pc his bank accounts, tricked a friend into “Clearly there is a side of you that Minneapolis 32 18 c 29 22 pc INTERNATIONAL Nashville 48 27 pc 52 31 s buying the shotgun for him, and drove many people here are not aware of,” the Today Today Today New Orleans 62 46 c 62 48 s City Hi Lo W City Hi Lo W City Hi Lo W home to Pittsford. judge said, moments before imposing Norfolk, VA 61 37 pc 53 37 s Amsterdam 39 33 sn Geneva 40 36 pc Panama City 86 74 t Oklahoma City 54 32 s 58 35 pc Athens 68 62 c Guatemala City 76 60 pc Paris 38 26 c After the slaying, Tan and his moth- the two-decade sentence. Orlando 78 59 pc 78 57 pc Auckland 62 51 r Hanoi 83 73 c Perth 70 54 s Phoenix 78 51 pc 77 55 s er fled to Canada, and the two had Tan, a Canadian citizen, will likely be Baghdad 72 52 s Havana 88 68 pc Prague 34 31 sn Pittsburgh 36 25 sf 36 18 c Bangkok 92 78 t Helsinki 35 25 c Rio de Janeiro 76 69 sh planned to travel from there to China, deported after he is released. Portland, ME 34 23 sn 37 12 pc Barbados 86 77 pc Hong Kong 79 73 pc Rome 64 46 r Portland, OR 53 39 s 49 44 r Barcelona 61 50 sh Jakarta 91 77 t San Jose 81 67 t Providence 44 27 r 42 15 s Beijing 52 30 pc Jerusalem 69 53 s San Juan 85 74 pc Raleigh 59 32 pc 54 33 s Beirut 77 63 c Johannesburg 80 59 pc San Salvador 88 69 pc Sacramento 66 42 pc 58 47 r Belgrade 46 38 r Kabul 61 31 s Seoul 53 37 s St. Louis 39 30 pc 53 33 s Berlin 37 31 c Lima 73 64 pc Singapore 86 75 t St. Thomas 87 77 pc 86 75 s Bermuda 76 71 sh Lisbon 60 52 sh Sofia 45 39 r Salt Lake City 47 25 s 54 38 pc LOTTERIES Brasilia 80 68 t London 41 32 sh Stockholm 35 26 c San Antonio 62 41 s 58 46 pc Brisbane 81 66 pc Madrid 54 44 sh Sydney 77 68 pc San Diego 69 55 pc 69 60 pc Brussels 39 33 c Melbourne 80 56 t Taipei City 78 68 r San Francisco 63 53 pc 63 51 r N.Y. lottery: (518) 388-3300 Bucharest 38 31 r Mexico City 73 47 pc Tehran 57 45 c Seattle 55 43 s 51 45 r Budapest 39 36 r Montreal 27 16 sf Tel Aviv 78 62 pc Spokane 42 26 s 43 35 c Buenos Aires 85 65 s Moscow 29 20 s Tokyo 56 50 pc Tampa 78 60 pc 78 58 pc Cairo 79 62 s Nairobi 76 58 pc Toronto 31 24 sf Topeka 49 30 s 59 34 s Cape Town 70 56 t Nassau 85 71 pc Turin 45 33 pc Tucson 77 46 pc 75 50 s Copenhagen 44 38 c New Delhi 85 56 pc Vancouver 50 41 c 31-36-40-43-46-48-52- 5 Washington, DC 55 34 pc 50 28 s NY Lottery Dubai 85 75 s Nice 59 49 r Vienna 37 34 sn 54-60-62-63-64-67-70- Pick 3 Day 6-4-7, Wild: 7 Dublin 45 37 sh Osaka 59 43 pc Warsaw 35 25 c Forecasts and graphics provided by ALBANY, N.Y. – These Frankfurt 43 32 c Oslo 31 24 c Zurich 38 26 pc 78 Pick 3 Evening 6-3-2, AccuWeather, Inc. ©2018 Weather (W): s-sunny, pc-partly cloudy, c-cloudy, sh-showers, t-thunderstorms, r-rain, sf-snow flurries, sn-snow, i-ice. New York lotteries were Wild: 5 drawn Sunday: PA Lottery Pick 4 Day 6-2-8-8, Wild: Numbers Midday 9-3-8, 7 For Corrections HARRISBURG, Pa. – Lucky Sum: 20 Pick 4 Evening 1-9-1-7, These Pennsylvania lot- Please bring errors in stories, photos, graphics or headlines to the attention of Digital Win 4 Midday 8-7-6-6, Wild: 5 teries were drawn Sun- Strategist Kevin Hogan at 607-798-1338. Lucky Sum: 27 Pick 5 Day 2-1-5-2-0, day: Numbers Evening 1-6-0, Wild: 7 Cash 5 03-06-11-23-41 Lucky Sum: 7 Pick 5 Evening 1-6-3- Match 6 Lotto 03-05-07- Win 4 Evening 1-5-3-7, 9-3, Wild: 5 25-26-44 Lucky Sum: 16 Treasure Hunt 04-05-06- Pick 2 Day 6-3, Wild: 7 Take 5 14-21-23-26-37 12-22 Pick 10 17-21-22-25-30- Pick 2 Evening 7-8, Wild:

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