
j!!!;I:lil. i~n .~ ·!~.. lilt JOSEPH MOTINGA

A BORDER dispute be­ tween Namibia and Botswana is on the cards following reports that the Botswana government has hoisted its flag on Kasika PLO leader Yasser Ara­ island in the Caprivi. fat, who is scheduled to Last week, the Regional arrive in Windhoek on Commission of the Caprivi, Thursday for a two-day Zebalt Uazenga, visited the official visit. Story, p3. continued on page 2 Future of Walvis at stake WAL VIS Bay Chamber of Commerce presi­ community was supporting a "Yes" vote because it wanted dent Stephan Hrywniak has told Sapa that a to remain part of the interna­ "Yes" vote in South Africa's March 17 refer­ tional community. endum was important for Namibia. " We bave done so well up to now, we can't play snakes Currently the two countries "I don't think the numbers and ladders and slip down to are di9CUSSing the joint admioi­ count that much - most people the bottom again," be said. atration of the diaputed port bave already made up their Sitting Walvis Bay MP enclave. minds," one National Party Christo de Jager said there bad "If there is a ' No' vote, supporter was overheard say­ been keen interest among the Walvis Bay will not go over to ing as he left an NP meeting about 6 500 white voters in the Namibia," Hrywniak said. last Friday night. March 17 referendum. He said that although Walvis About 70 people arrived at He said the NP won 62 per Bay was at a disadvantage with the Walvis Bay town ball to cent and the CP 38 per cent of its status banging in the air, bear deputy minister of Finance, votes in the 1989 general elec­ " in general tenns things are Water Affairs and Forestry Japie tion in South Africa. going well for Walvis Bay at van Wykcallfora "Yes" vote­ Walvis Bay has a popula­ the moment". to attract investment and ex­ tion of approximately 26 000. If the turnout at public pand trade relations. On Friday, the 13th, the campaign meetings is a yard­ " We must keep the opened Conservative Party MP for stick, Friday March 13 could doors open for South Africa," Kuruman, Jan Hoon, will ad­ provide a hint on how Walvis he said. dress Walvis Bay voters at the Bay voters view the coming "If we don't vote 'Yes', then same venue on why the CP is referendum on President FW it is over for us." calling for a "No" vote. - Sapa de Klerk's reform programme. Van Wyk said tP,e business Hopes wither Also in 305 inOwambo as drought takes its toll ~~ .: ~'pt . 'sv J,'" ~ ~ TYAPPA NAMUTEWA !1i'e'£"Co..y\O-~ef -:: ATOSHAKATJ Arfo V~~O~u""- ~, 1... ° ."::...... ~<::, THE drought is hitting ;,,:, \I G ~~ \)~ .~. .' ".:~y -4,.. .. hard in the North where C .....(:;, v r...~~o"'Q · most people expect to face ~(...~ food shortages as a result o~.... ~·~ . of poor rains in the re­ ~,,:~ gion. A wide cross-section of people interviewed in Owambo over the last week have given up hope of reaping mahangu harvests this year. Mahangu, the staple food [Pr IN TOUCH ... President Sam Nujoma was given Rowers the people in the North, dried by this little girl when he arrived at the Rossing Educa­ up when the rain stopped. tion Foundation yesterday afternoon to declare this According to numerous year 'The Year of the Disabled' in Namibia. Wheel­ people interviewed by The EDGEWORTH, INC., RICHMOND, VA., U.S.A. chair-bound and severely disabled, the Moreson pupil's Namibian, even ifrains do still Now made in South Africa. disarming smile soon captured the President's heart. come, it will be too late to Photograph: Kate Burling continued on page 2 ..... t111DE 2 Tuesday March 101992 THE NAMIBIAN

South African Defence Force .. ::::::::: ~9I§W~f!~ ":::'i::::::::::: had a base there. Before inde­ 6 rape cases FROM-PAGe ::l .::;:: pendence the Botswanan gov­ . "':"":",:", . ::':::::::;:;:':::; ernment hoisted their flag on THE Namibian Police yes­ island with the deputy minis­ the island and the Botswana terday reported three cases ter of Home Affairs, Nangolo Defence Force forced Caprivi­ of rape and three cases of Ithete and saw the flag. ans out of the area, Uazenga attempted rape. U azenga said that when they alleged. queried this with the Botswana The Caprivians were pow­ * On Saturday, a man at­ government official at Kasane, etless to stop this, he said. tempted to rape a 23-year­ he was unable to give an an­ Although he was not aware of old woman in Soweto, Katu­ swer and referred them to the any Botswanan claim to the tura. Botswana government. island, he conceded that there * A 17-year-old woman Speaking in a radio inter­ might be a local dispute over was raped at Ondo River, view with theNBC yesterday, the place between tribes di­ Rehoboth, on Saturday. Ithete expressed the Namibian vided by the river. * Also on Saturday, a Government's " dismay" at the Possibly Botswana claimants woman, age unknown, was presence of the flag. had told their government that raped at Farm Leliespos, The island is situated on the the area was theirs, but UazeDga junction of the Zambezi and felt the Botswana government Klein Aub. Chobe rivers. couldn't claim the island by * A 25-year-old woman According to Caprivi resi­ raising its flag. was raped at the Waldorf dents, the island had been in­ According to Uazenga both Bakery, Liideritz, at about hIlbited by them, the Regional tribal chiefs in Caprivi were 21bOO on Saturday. TYPEWRITER THEFf ... The bare classroom at Augustineum after it was stripped Commissioner told The Na­ very upset over the problem * On Friday a man at­ of valuable typewriters after thieves broke in over the weekend. mibian yesterday. Uazenga and considered that the island tempted to rape a woman at knows of an old man who says belonged to them. Masbaka Location, Tsmneb. pe was born on the island and The area teems with with • At Katima Mulilo, an also lived there. People from wildlife and is very beautiful. attempt was made to rape a the Botswana side have been Contacted for comment on Thieves strip classroom trying to push Caprivians out the flag, a spokesperson at the woman at the 'Piggery compound'last Wednesday. of the area, he charged. Botswana High Commission cated Olivetti machines. According to villagers, the said: "That is news to us". JOSEPH MOTlNGA It is hoped that classes will resume after those ~chines being experienced at some The construction WOJkers. will EIGHTEEN Olivetti electric typewriters were stolen recovered had been examined '::!::;:·l·i:·:\:i·: g.l,gl:g:Mmj·:::ljj;:::::::j:::··:· schools, they will be forced to only put up the main pipelines, but as they were full of dust close down. while the community, espe­ from the Augustineum Secondary School on Saturday 1 ;::::::.:::s8.g :::~181' :~ ;::;;;::':':::: and sand it was not known how Although several water proj­ cially schoolchildren, are ex­ night when a typing classroom was stripped bare. many are in working order. revive their mahangu crops. ect are being implemented in pected to put up pipelines lead­ It was the second burglary in were recovered after a Kho­ Damage could be much higher Forthe majority ofpeople in Owambo, like the Omakango­ ing to their schools. a week after six 100 pound gas masdal resident apparently than estimated, he added. Owambo this year can, so far, Oshakati water project, The project is scheduled to bottles valued at RSOO each noticed the machines and in­ The school staff is now be described as disastrous. Onaanda and others, it will not be finally completed in March were stolen from the school fonned the police. worried about the safety of all Apart from hunger, people be of help this year, as the next year. the previous week. After the break-in a hole was other equipment, especially in are also experiencing water projects are still too far from Unless something can be done Deputy principal Vivian found in the fence near the the techical block. problems. being completed. to complete the main pipelines Stadhauer said each typewriter entrance gates. There is no water in the pans Anna van Vuuren, one ofthe earlier than scheduled, numer­ costs about R3 500. The ma­ As a result of the theft, typ­ The deputy principal said it and the majority of dams have engineers working on the ous people will suffer. chines were used by standard ing clas~s for the affected was not easy to get spare parts also dried up. Omalcango-Oshakati water Many will also be forced to eight, nine and ten students. classes had been suspended, for the typewriters. In some areas people have to project, said it should be ready move their stock from place to Police recovered 12 of them Stadhauer said. The typewrit­ These have to be imported walkupto ISkm to try and find to &tart during October Ibis year. place looking for grazing and when they were found hidden ers used by the standard six from Germany and they were water. This project will supply water water. in the river next to the school, and seven students could not still waiting for spare parts for In addition, if notbing,is dooe for between 350 ()()() and 800 but four were damaged, be used for the higher classes a machine which was broken to improve water Problema ()()() people. J Stadhauer said. The machines which use the more sophisti- last year. PRESTIGE DEVELOPERS NEW RELEASE Okuryangava (Extension 2) By Buying this week, you can save a lot of money. Hurry only 55 houses available

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-~ . PLEASE CONTACT US TYI'EA TYPEC • '. ' • #'..: ' •. :~ THE NAMIBIAN Tuesday March, 10 1992 1992 3 Crime report Bank cash soars THIEVES have made off with goods and vehicles with an estimated value of TOM MINNEY nearly R200 000 country­ wide, the Namibian Police THE amount of money saved in Namibian banks climbed reported yesterday. fast last year, according to recent figures issued by the The police also reported three central Bank of Namibia. murders. At Onnikela village, Total deposits in Namibia's R121minNovember,pre~- Okankolo, in the North, 48- commercial banks were Rl,96 bly as the public prepared for year-old Shikongelna M billion by last December, a their Christmas spending and Nkwaya died after being hit on rise of nearly 34 per cent. This the shops laid in stocks, and in the bead and body with a panga. reflected strong rises in sav- December the money at the The incident took place on ings as well as money on de- commercial banks climbed back February 27. posit and on time deposit. up by R312m as the spending Fransis W Mazika died after In the five commercial banks, at the shops was deposited in he was beaten with a stick. The debts owed to overseas lenders the banks again. 1 incident took place at Aukasika including deposits by them in The news comes in the ~st village, Katima Mulilo, on the banks, plummeted from release of monthly banking / February 29. R276millioninDecember 1990 s~tics from the central bank. On Saturday 35-year-old to R129m a year later. The These give a chance to exam- Ronald van der Wesdnllzen died country's net foreign assets, ine the broad moves in money after he was stabbed in the the balance between deposits and to assess how sound the neck at Berseba, Tses. • . abroad and money at "home, financial system is. The first ' d A BETTER FUTURE? ... One of the youngest members of the disabled commuruty climbed oh~~ly from R291m report issued at the beginning M os t 0 f the robb enes an 'fh Y fth D' bl cl B .. ~y , thefts reported by the police represented .at yesterday s launc~ 0 t e ear 0 e JSa e.. y rrusmg awareness to R615ril, more than doubling. of the month, says total assets took place inthe capital, where among the disabled and able-bodied about the problems of disabled people, the year- Interestingly money in the and liabilites of the banking items valued at R 153 966were long campaign hopes to improve all-round prospects for youngsters like this one. commercial banks dropped by system rose healthily by a stroog stolen. 36 per cent to R2p7 billion. It Goods stolen included 18 ~ f b" d is bard to assess other details typewriters' taken from the th D · I as Namibia cannot yet find out Aurustineum, 16 goats, a pair ear 0 , e ISa e' ~ow much money is incircllla- of spectacles, 19 x 100 dollar . tlOn here - another measure of not '~s, a VW Jetta, a Toyota the economic health - until it Hllux and clothing...... ' . , breaks from using the South An inquest is to be held into k· k ff · N ·b· . African rand as currency. the death of 29-year-old Fritz S 0 In I The Bank of Namibia ~f- Kess after he fell off his mo- le ami a fered ~ drop in deposits. Money torbike while driving against a depo81ted by the Government dune at Hottentotsbaai, Ltider- dropped from RI50m to R123m itz, onSaturday. NAMIBIA'S Year of the ery of numerous men and intheyear-a monthearlier in iiiiiiiiijiiiiiiiiiiiiiii1 D' bl d t Pre'd KA TE BURLlNG . " November 1991 Government i 18a e go a SI en- .d "ts willnhe1:lilnChad stOod • • ~u Speaking with evident con- recruitment of qualified dis- s~~ stressed the unp' ortance l1t only R92m. Other bankers' t I ti £ hi b' tb Pre . bl d I " . d . ·th the al bank gread dce e . ra on,f disabl slDgIDg d cem lor s su ~ect, e 81- a e peop e mto Its service of integration and rehabilita- epo81ts Wl centr an ancmg.o e dent said disabled adults were and that the planned 'small tion, of including disabled dropped from R31m to R18m. and able-bodied groups at among the hardest hit in industrial development bank' I . .L_ . __ f Total asssets and liabilities at -. Ed • F peop e m wo;; maIOS ..~am 0 THE leader of the Palestine Ro~slDg ucation oun- Namibia's ongoing battle would offer credit facilities to Nanubian social cultural the Bank dropped R33m to liberation Organisation and dation. against unemployment. and that groups of disabled people, academic and eco~omic life: R16Om, a contraction in busi- President of the State of PaI­ The Year of the Disabled disabled children were among small-scale entrepreneurs and Echoing the slogan of the ness...... y .... Ararat, Is sched­ begins ~ost exactly a year the most educatioaally margi- people in the low income launch, he said: "It is now Total usets of the commer- uled to visit Namibia this week. after the launch last March of nalised in the country. bracket. time to realize that disabled cial banks on the other hand ~ National Org~sati~ .of Self-help projects were frus- ~ ~de~ also asked ~y persons have the same rights rose to Ri,37 billion in De~ A statement by the Ministry Disabled People m Nanubla, trated by lack of finance leav- Nanubla s disabled sportmg as everybody else. cember, a climb of24 per cent of Foreign Affairs yesterday an~ in the. ~ year of the ing disabled people without the heroes, ~e javelin, thrower They have the right to enjoy as deposits in Namibia climbed said Arafat would arrive for a U~ted Nations Decade of the ~hance to buy land or prem- ~ Shipe~,. received less a game offootball ... the right well. Money belonging to two-day visit on Thursday, Disabled. Ises. public recogrutlOn than able- to employment social inter- overseas investors dropped by March 12, In the hot and crowded hall, " They also have no access bodied stars such as Frankie course and mo;t important of more than half to only R130m Arafat is scheduled to brief ~ .aud ienc~o f di plomat s , poli - to .credit facilities because Frede.ricks. all, to mak~ decisions on their from R276m. The total money Namibian President Sam ~CUIIlS, foreign and local NGOs society never gave ~em a NuJoma also remembered the own behalf" . supply figures bring together Nujoma on the ongoing Middle listened to soogs from the Eluwa chance to create theu own war years, and the thousands Nujoma also reminded his the assets and liabilities of the East negotiations. choir for the visually ~sab l ed, financial base ~t woul~?a~e of Namibians who were dis- audience that " we are all po- central bank and the five He will also visit the Pales­ the: Jurgen ~ chou and the made th~m credit worthy, srud ~bled as ~ ~e~lt of the fight- tential disabled persons: dis- commercial banks. The Bank tinian Embassy in Windhoek Moreson chou., the Pres~dent. . mg. Nanubla s ~edom could ability is not the privilege of a of Namibia 's research depart- "to acquaint himself with the Danoe entertainment was also He SaId for ItSp art the Gov- be largely attributed to the few". ment says it will now issue the mission and its work". provided. ernment would increase the "vigorous exploits and brav- statistics every month. US sympathy on First Frank report in President's hands

"THANKS for a job well ies will be available for the until the end of the year. More the public any more. Some of elephant trading done!" said President Sam public. and more instances of irregu­ the inquiries already seem to Nujoma yesterday as he Recently Frank said he larity, fraud and theft are coming be having an effect, but tou.gh received the first report of exepcted the conunission of up, although the conunission Government action will be KYOTO, Japan: The chief US which restricts It. inquiry could last as long as is not taking complaints from needed to clear up other areas. delegate to a major conference Because of the high price the Frank Commission into on trade In enda ngered wildlife that Ivory can fetch, conserva­ theft and fraud of Gov­ expressed sy mpathy yesterday tionists believe a resumption of ernment property and with calls for easi ng the ban on Ivory trade wo uld attract funds. trading elephant products. poacbers wbo would seriously John Turner, who heads the deplete elephant herds. The The l18-page report is only US delegation to the confer­ proposal to downllst elephants, the first of a series of reports ence on the Convention on In­ the focus of Intense debate the commission will hand over, ternational Trade In Endan· since the conference began, Is and this one covers the plun­ gered Species, said the US Is re· to be taken up formally today, dering of the former South ceptlve to calls for the resump­ along with trade In rhinocer­ African army base at Buffalo, tion of trade In elephant meat oses, bears and bluenn tuna. as well as details of social and bides from Soutb Africa, Turner expressed worries pension payouts and tender Zimbabwe and Botswana. "I that If forced to go home board operations. think that they have really empty-handed, the southern 1he report, marked " secret", tried," he said of the southern Africans could quit the treaty contains recommendations for Africans. "They have made altogether. action to stop millions of rands considerable sacrifices." "That would be unfortunate worth of fraud and irregulari­ Turner, however, reiterated for the world community, It ties. Evidence revealed during the US' strong opposition to would be unfortunate for ele­ the hearings has shocked the phants and It would be unfor. a ny resumption in the Ivory nation, as well as Frank him­ trade. tunate for the southern Afri­ self. He stopped short of saying cans," he said. The President praised the the US would support a pro­ Even so, sources close to the posal by those three countries - talks said they do not expect team for the speed at which jOined by Malawi and Namibia the southern Africans to gar­ they produced the report and • to "downllst" African ele. ner much support should their for their hard work. It is likely phants from Appendix I of the proposal come to a vote, In that the report will be passed WEIGHTY MOMENT ... Seen handing over the report to the President at State " treaty, which bans Interna· which they would need a two­ on to the Cabinet for action, House are, from left, deputy permanent secretary at the Ministry of Justice Kayone tlonal trade, to Appendix U, thirds maJority. - AP but it is not known when cop- Akwaake, estate agent Sylvester Black and Judge Theo Frank. 4 Tuesday' March. 10 1992 THE NAMIBIAN

20hOO:News ~ion to break the figure down 20h35: Midnight Caller in terms of race or ethnic groups 21h18': Brideshead because it is pointless to do so. Revisted Regarding the examples Episode 4: given about Ondangua, Os­ nb'O "Sebastian against bakati and Rundu, the ' wor­ U ried civil servant' should be 16h56: Opening theworld informed that the chairmen of 17hOO: Religious Evelyn Waugh's classic tale those Housing Committees are Programme of a young painter who falls not white so as to speculate 17h06: Bush Babies under the spell of an eccentric that they would favour white aristocratic English family. civil servants. To be precise, 17h31: Educational Starring: Anthony Andtews, tion in this country. As the is not that simple to solve. the names of the Chairmen of programme Jetemy Irons and Diana Quick Nantu responds majority tepresentative of the Here we are not only talking the Housing Committees in the The Whys and Whetefores with guest stars Laurence 01- IN response to some readers' Namibian teachers, we want to about official (government) mentioned areas are Messrs 17h47: Disco Rally ivier, Claite Bloom, John letters in The Namibian of see teal improvement in our accommodation but about the Hosainni, Hailwa and Horn but 18hl0: Noah's Ark Gielgud February 26, we would like to schools to the benefit of both situation regarding housing in they do not tepresent the inter­ 18h40: Spatz 22h20: Sport state the following: the students and the commu­ general. The fact is that houses est of a specific population 19h05: Life goes On Top Rank Boxing 1) Mr/Mrs Kaseemo, NJCmbo nity at large. To this end we are are not readily available. group. Similarly, as in many and lsaacs have either wilfully working closely with the Min­ Furthermore it should be cases, tegional commissioners ignoted the essen::e of our reoenl istry and Namibia National noted that provision of official participate in the deliberations statement or are simply un­ Students Organisation (Nanso). accommodationisnotacondi­ of the Housing Committees. aware of the prevailing situ­ However, we teserve the right tion of service.' However, the Therefote thete could be no ation in the field of educatiOlL to criticise where we feel the government makes all its ef­ truth in whites dominating All thtee, however, seem to be Ministry has gone wrong and forts to provide housing to any Housing Committees. interested in defending the praise them for their achieve­ individual that works for it, Thetefore, to suggest that deputy minister of education. ments. 1bis must be under­ including laboUIers. Due to lack white civil servants get mote 1bis is certainly their demo­ stood as the proper function of of an adequate number of prefetence in housing alloca­ cratic right which we will not an independent, critical and dwellings as well as due to the tion should be look at as a argue about. Naatu's statement tesponsible union. conditions regarding the allo­ baseless allegation. On the other hand our Ministry would have was not meant as a personal NANTU cation of official housing, not attack. everyone can be accommo­ expected suchincidences to be 2) It is a gross misteptesen­ dated as the Government reported ditectly if at all they tation to imply that Nantu Works on houses wishes. Therefore, unless new should be found to contain any defends the misconduct of houses are erected, including truth. Definitely, the Ministry THIS serves as a response to teachers. During our last con­ low cost ones, this problem would take prompt and appro­ the letter that appeared in The gress in October it was clearly will still be with our govern­ priate action on such issues. Namibian of March 4 1992 stated that no teacher who abuses ment for some time. People with grievances are entitled 'Still imbalances'. schoolchildten or alcohol can Moreover, the govemment, always expected to come for­ The letter, among others, expect assistance fromNantu. being new and having little wardinsteadofmakingunsub­ alleges that: This position was unanimously money to build houses that it stantiated allegations. - The state of affairs con­ accepted! wishes to build, faces a more It was also found unbeliev­ cerning official accommoda­ 3) The image of teachers is acute problem ofpe ople on the able to have houses in those tion for civil servants is still alteady badly tarnished while official accommodation wait­ mentioned areas staying va­ working ccnditions ate still very ing list. Currently this Minis­ cant for that long while thete is We try has 1655 people on the still a long list of people wait­ .ordinary wAitinlZ list and 257 ing to be accomodated. Should qualified and unspecified cri­ on the pteferenuallist ana HI .u..-.... ~illJ. "\JO.my offier house who can see to it that at this tique from whomever it may VIP people who are on con­ found vacant, please let no one stage people get what they come. Namu has clearly proven tract with the government for hesitate to find out why that deserve. itself over the years, and if Z Windhoek alone. As for them house is vacant for a long time. - Most of those serving in Kaseemo had followed the official accommodation is a Lastly, the Minitry of Worlcs, the •so-called' Housing Com­ debates, he or she would real­ condition of service. Definitely Transport and Communication mittees are not really in the ilO 1bat tbeIw are -GO double to deal with such a situation is i. not the one that is solely intetest of the majority ofcivil Gazzara standards. Our statement re­ not an easy affair. That is proba­ responsible for housing but it servants. 19hOO. lated to the remadcs of the deputy bly why many people find it only builds government build­ - Some houses are mainly minister of education because difficult to understand or ex­ ings (houses included) when reserved for white colleagues (KTV ends) he happened to be the one who plain why they have to wait for funds ate available as well as (those which are in good con­ (Open time) made public statements which a long period of time. allocating them through the dition) whereas certain houses • ~ 17hOO: Kingdom upset many of our members On the other hand the gov­ Housing Committee whenever are only fit for blacks. Adventure and therefote could not go ernment has done everything they are available. - In Osbakati, 7T& unchallenged. Keet:mansboop, it can, including helping civil NB. The Housing Committee 17h30: Loving Rundu and Ondangua, some M • N • I: • T 4) The exodus of teachers is servants to buy or build houses does not only compose of people 18hOO: Three's Company houses are reserved for up to alteady a serious problem as it throughthe 100percenthous­ from the Ministry of Works, 18h30: Best of Europe: three months. affects the education of our ing scheme. It is common Transport and Communication. (Premium Time) Spanish islands - White civil servants are children negatively. Any seri­ knowledge that hundteds of but it also has people from other 01h45: Live transmission (Premium time) now moving from old fash­ ous attempt to improve educa- civil servants have found them­ Ministries - including the Office from Canberra of the ioned houses to newer houses­ 19hOO: People Like Us - . tion must thetefote seek to selves houses through this of the Prime Minister. There is a plan to maintain the gap Benson & Hedges World Part I addless this problem. Blind scheme - an effort which ev­ restructuring of Housing Com­ between the privileged and the Cup Tournament match A society gossip columnist attacks on teachers as a whole eryone should appreciate. So mittees underway as was re­ deprived. between South Africa and knows everything about 1he lives - as done in the letter of Kas­ far many civil servants have ferred to by the circular of 7 - Renovations are done on Zimbabwe of New York's ultra rich. For­ eemo - have an adverse effect been allocated flats and houses October 1991. certain houses at the expense 09h45: Transmission ends ever an outsider, whenhe meets on education and will only since the independence of I hope this letter will clarify of1he taxpayers and on an unfair a nouveau riche woman who is aggravate the situation. Namibia. The number we are the serious matters in the letter (depending on duration of basis. a painful teminder of his past, 5) We do not doubt the will talking about is 184 houses responded to. cricket) he puts a clever plan into ac­ 10h30: The Devil and the of the Ministry of Education The reality with regard to and 276 flats wete allocated in DRPTSHIPOH tion. Starring: Ben Gazzara, and Culture to improve educa- housing conditions in Namibia Windhoek. It is not our inten- PERMANENT SECRETARY Song Connie Sellecca, Eva Marie 12h15: 60 Minutes Saint 1972 - Cambodia' 8 Ptemier Lon Nol takes over complete control The former finance minister of 20h40: Bon Voyage of Cambodian government. the Hawke govemment in T~io~ 21hOO: Supersport 1975 - North Vietnam troops seize most of South Vietnam's Australia had to bite his tongue Benson & Hedges World Cup provincial capital of Ban Me Thuot in central highlands. while he was in cabinet, but Highlights in history on this date: Tournament, highlights from 1988 - US economic pressure mounts on General Manuel Anto­ now as a newspaper columnist 1624 - England declares war on Spain; Dutch send expedition to the match between South Af­ nio Noriega's military government in Panama. he is able to express dire pre­ Bahia, Brazil rica and Zimbabwe in Can­ 1989 - A Supreme Court judge sentences four railway workers to dictions about the fate of his 1785 - Thomas Jefferson is named US Minister to France, berra and between India and death for murdering four non-strikers during the SA transport country. succeeding Benjamin Franklin. the West Indies and India in Services strike in 1987. 1814 - Napoleon Bonaparte is forced to withdraw at Battle of 12h30: Transmission ends Wellington. 1989 - About 100 000- workers move into Iraq's war-batteted Laon, France. (KTV starts) Soccer, FA Cup quarter-final southern port ofBasra to hasten reconstruction of what once was 1862 - Britain and France tecognize independence of Zanzibar. 15hOO: Smurfs match called the "Venice of the East." 1893 - French colonies of French Guinea and Ivory Coast are 15h30: SIimer 23hOO: Too Good to be 1990 -Thousands of public sector workers march through central formally established. 16hOO: Mickey Mouse True Johannesburg to protest against Privatisation of state companies. 1900 - Boers defeated by Lord Roberts at Driefontein. 1990 - Georgia becomes the fourth Soviet tepublic to comdemn Club OOh35: Judgement in 1900 - Britain signs tteaty with Uganda to regulate government its annexation to the Soviet Union. 16h30: Talespin Stone (2-16) with British commissioner as adviser. 1991 - The death toll in the ANC-Inkatha violence in Alexandra 1914 - Koopmans de wet House in cape Town opened as a township near Johannesburg rises to 33, with about 60 injured. museum. 1991 - 500 000 people rally in Moscow in support.of Russian 1919 - Nationalists riot in Cairo following deportation from Today's weather President Boris Yeltsin. Egypt of Said Zaghul Pasha. 1920 - General election: South African Party wins 40 seats, Today's Birthdays: Very hot with isolated thumfershowers in the north-west unionists 25, Nationalists 43, labourites 21 and independents 3. Friedrich Schlegel, German poet (1772-1829); Pablo Sarasate today, but over the northern and central parts tomorrow. 1922 - Eight whites killed at Brakpan in fights between govern­ (Martin Meliton) , Spanish violinist (1844-1908); Prince Edward, Coast: partly cloudy and cool with fog patches but fine ment forces and revolutionaries during the Rand tevolt. fourth child of England's Queen Elizabeth IT (1964-); David in the south. 1922 - Strikes break out in Johannesburg, South Africa, and Rabe, US playwright (1940-). Wind: moderate south-westerly to north-westerly but martial law is declared. strong southerly in the south where it will reach gale 1942 - Rangoon, Burma, falls to Japanese forces in World War IT. Thought for today force in places. 1952 - Soviet Union proposes four-powerconfetence on unifica­ Revenge is always the weak pleasure of a little and narrow mind tion and disarmament of Germany. - Juvenal, Roman lawyer-satirist (about 60 AD - 140 AD) THE NAMIBIAN Tuesday March 1'01992 1992 5 ... Fighting INTERNATIONAL WRAP-UP flares in Another bloody weekend in SA JOHANNESBURG: At least 31 people have reportedly died in political violence in South Africa over the weekend - with Natal Croatia being the bloodiest province - as people were s40t and stabbed to death. BRUSSELS: As fighting No 'winne·r takes flared in Croatia and post­ Codesa out of referendum tension rose in Bosnia-Herzegoviga, ANC-Ciskei dispu'te , Yugoslav leaders gathered ~ . ,. Ir ~'''' .. ~ , .~, here yesterday for a neW JOHANNESBURG: Cqoo.sa 's management commi\tee has Qe­ all' deal ,'for SA cided the convention should not become i,mme$liately invol yed in session of the European the dispute between Ciskei and the ~C-, _ _ Community's peace con­ Management committee chairmanPrevin Gardhan told a press ference on Yugoslavia. conference last nightl "The vie~ ofthemanagem.ent committee w~ Nam, Zim recipes 'to be av·oided' It beginning hoW'S after is that the dispute is best solved on "bilateral basis between r~ the Yugoslav army began . ANC and Ciskei." _ ... ·-.Jot KROONSTAD: The "winner take all" constitutions of uncertain and emotional or who shelling Croatian positions ' Zimbabwe and Namibia are recipes to be avoided, SA were worried about the future. during the worst outbreak of State President FW de Klerk told about 300 people at a He was also applauded when ftghtlng since January 3 • start Kenya strikers dig.in of the 15th and latest truce In morning tea in Kroonstad yesterday. he said that in the planned future constitution land title deeds Yugoslavia's eight-month , NAIROBI,~.KENY A: A -group of women staPi8 a J!Unger stQke De Klerk said the constitu­ was encouraged that there was should be safe and protected conflict. to press for th.e release of political pri~rs yesterday rejected tions that had been negotiated so much optimism in the face from state interference. Diplomats here remarked the state's explanation of the detentions and vowed to continue in Zimbabwe and Namibia did of the worst drought of the "It would be a constitution, that most of the previous nine their protest. . not have all the checks and century in many areas. that in the future no one could plenary sessions of the peace The decision followed a -meeting between attomey general balances that he had spelt out "But it is tragic that agricul­ throw into the wastpapacr conference, which began in Amos Wako and three of the women, who included the mothers for a future South African ture had become so politicised basket." September, had been pre­ of two men charged with plotting President Daniel Arap Moi' s constitution. This was a power­ and that it is being abused for On calls to "To Stop FW," ceded by slmllar upsurges of ouster in 1989. sharing model with built-in party political purposes in some he said the reform process was violence, apparently sparked Wangari Maathai, a prominent environmentalist and political factors to prevent the misuse provinces." not about one person nor was it by extremists wanting It to activist who is among the strikers, said the approximately 50- or abuse of power. 1he govemmcm believed 1bat a beauty contest. The reform fall. minute meeting called by Wako was unsatisfactory and that the In Zimbabwe there had been agriculture should be kept out process was powerful and there A spokesman for the EC's strike would go on. no prevention of domination of party politics, De Klerk said. was depth behind it. Portuguese presidency said and the same applied to Na­ The government, however, De Klerk' s statement that he the conference would deal with mibia which had also negoti­ , 'would think big, and do what would contimle to fight com­ the three-way ethnic conflict Yeltsin faces mass strike ated what was essentially ,. a it could with limited resources munism until there was noth­ In Bosnia-Herzegovina, mi­ MOSCOW: Russian leader Boris Yeltsin is facing the first mass winner takes constitution. to put agriculture back on its ing left of it in South Africa nority rights In Croatla and all" strike movement of his presidency following a call by trade feet again because agriculture was loudly applauded, and he elsewhere, and the legalsuc­ De Klerk said South Africa unions in the key Kuzbass coal region for an unlimited general was given a standing ovation cession of the Yugoslav re­ could avoid such a recipe, remained part of the backbone strike from tomolTow. Strike coffimittee chairman Gennady because it had seen the mis­ of the country. at the end of his speech. public. Mikhailets said he expected one million workers belonsing to the He was loudly applauded Wynand Breytenbach. dep­ The conference was being takes made in those countries. regional federation of independent unions to come out. when he said he was convinced uty minister of defence and chaired byrllh Foreign Sec­ "Now is the golden oppor­ The decision followed fruitless wage talks with controversial that the "yes" vote would win MP for Kroonstad, said the retary Lord Peter Carring­ tunity to move forward and act regional administrator Mikhail Kisliuk, who called for calm in a on March 17, but warned that function had been attended by too. Yesterday's sessIon was decisively to remove the un­ rsdio broadcast and wamed of "serious economic consequences" the biggest threat to such a people across the political also attended by Cyrus Vance, derlying confrontation in South if the strike went ahead. Africa. " vote was complacency. spectrum from Kroonstad and the United Nations special The State President said be 1hcrc were many people Btill the II11I'J'OUQding areas. - Sapa envoy for Yugoslavia, and his aide Herbert Okun. Parallel to the conference, Turks devastate Kurdish camps leaders of the Serb, Croat ANKARA: Turkish warplanes destroyed twe Knrdisb rebel camps and Slav Moslem communi­ in northern Iraq, Turkish officials said. The air force attacked the ties In Bosnla-Herzegovina camps which were at 2 ()()() metres and nine kilometres across the resumed talks here on an EC Turkish border inside Iraq. authorities in the southeast region of outllne for a constitution that DiyarbakU said yesterday. The camps of separatist Kurds from , would allow the three groups Turkey comprised 14 and 20 tents and had armed defences. to Dve peacefully together. The talks, which started on Saturday, had continued Israel mourns Menachem Begin through the night Sunday into Monday and were suspended JERUSALEM: Israel yesterday mourned the death of former at dawn to give participants prime minister Menachem Begin and hailed him for making a few hours' rest. peace with Egypt. Begin, 78, who died before dawn at Tel Aviv' s They were dominated by Ishilov Hospital, was to be buried in east Jerusalem's Mount of Intense bUateral negotiations Olives cemetery in a modest ceremony without Israeli or foreign between the leader of the Ser­ dignitaries, officials said. bian delegation, Radovan In Cairo, Egyptian Foreign Minister Amr Moussahailed Begin Karadzlc, and peace confer­ as a peacemaker for having agreed to exchange Israeli-held Arab ence vice-chairman Jose Cu­ land for a settlement with Egypt. tIleiro of Portugal. The peace conference spokesman said "evident Indian government gets OK progress" had been made, but added that formal agree­ NEW DELHI: Indian Prime Minister PV Narasimha Rao's ment on a constitution which minority government yesterday survived its first major legisla­ VICTIMS OF VIOLENCE ... Agdam, CIS, Azerbaijan - An Azeri policeman from would keep the rival groups tive confrontation with the opposition and pledged to pursue its controversial free market reforms. Parliament's lower house Agdam removes the body of a small girl on March 2 from a hillside in the disputed in Bosnia-Herzegovlna from enclave of Nagorny Karabakh. Outside Agdam over 50 bodies of refugees from each other's throats was not handed the less than nine-month-old government a morale­ boosting victory by adopting a motion of thanks on the presi­ Khojali have been found. People fled after Armenian forces seized Khojali on yet In sight. - AFP February 26. Photograph: Agence France-Presse dent's inaugural speech to the budget session. Lebanon's war toll revealed War, drought devastate Moz BEIRUT, LEBANON: Police yesterday listed the final casualty toll of Lebanon's 15-year civil war as 144 240 killed; 197. 506 wounded ~d 17 415 mi~sing and presumed dead. Food shortages are severe dropped from aeroplanes. BEIRA, Mozambique: The police report said the missing inc1ude .13 968 Leb~se Matter of Fact War and drought have put and will get worse because of a In other drought related news, who were kidnapped by Christian I\!ld.Muslim militias. more than 200 000 people regional drought that has de­ the South African govenunent The total number of woundeciis likely to be several times,the in danger of starvation in stroyed most crops, he told the has allocated R20 million for a published figure as·the police list ~nly 0f!ici.al!y reported casu'aJ.­ 'IN yesterday's The Na­ national AIM news agency. food aid programme for farm­ mibian it was stated that central Mozambique, an. ties. Mozambique is in a particu­ ers and farm workers. The war began in 1975 and ended in 1990 when Syrian troops the report 'Past Expo­ emergency aid official said lary perilous position because The money will be given to yesterday. defeated rebel General Michel Aoun, making possible the im­ sure' containing allega­ of a 15-year-old civil war that local assistance 'groups which. plementation of an Arab League-brokered peace accord signed a tions against Rossing Antonia Januario, co-ordi­ has already left about half the will in turn disburse it to farm­ year earlier. ,- nator of the emergency com­ population in need of donated ers and farm workers in need The report said 3 641 carbombs' exploded during the civil war, Uranium was given to missionincentral Sofala prov­ food, of help. kil~ 4 386 people and wounding 6 784. . ' the company on Wed­ ince, said tens of thousands of Januario alleged that in north­ Operation Hunger, a private • Reports from Sapa, Agence France-Presse and Asso- nesday. In fact, we gave people are setting out on foot ern Sofala province, anti-gov­ social welfare organisation, ciated Press ' ~ . our copy to Rossing on in hopes of reaching urban ernmenl rebels had cut off all estimates there are 2 million Thursday. centres to receive humanitar­ overland routes and people South Africans who .need do­ ian aid. needed food to be flown in or nated food. - AP 6 Tuesday March 101992 THE NAMIBIAN '=lIW I~ I*"i-~;' ~ 11) :We] ~ [e] lfJl r,-'J Training for insurers ~~~'~~'o~< Yesterday's quotations for unit trusts: Swaziland and all southern STRONG interest in building TOM MINNEY General Equity Funds: aNanubian insurance industry African countries with similar BOEGrowth 141,58 132,31 4,77 has given new life to the local nual general a week ago, the mediate certificate in insur­ law and insurance practices are Fedgro 122,09 114,00 7,88 insurance institute, which is body ofBanises training courses ance studies and the more senior keen to join, including Zim­ CUGrowth 114,11 106,53 5,57 stepping up its training pro­ for anyone in the industry. diplomas, the associateship 9f babwe, Zambia, Botswana, Guardbank Growth 2331,40 2182,95 5,41 granunes. Members include people at the chartered insurance insti­ Lesotho and Swaziland. The Momentum 236,85 221,57 5,02 Membership has also soared insurance companies, brokers, tute and the top-level fellow­ other function of the institute Metfund 187,41 174,57 3,57 from 124 to 288 in the last agents and loss adjustors, claims ship of the insurance institute. is to bring people working in Metlife 117,44 109,70 n/a year, showing new pride since assessors and others. Namibia cmreotly suffers a lack insurance together through NBS Hallmark 895,47 836,42 6,84 Namibian independence. Just 'short-term' insurance of well-trained people, with lunches, sports and other pro­ NorwichNBS 336,88 314,62 6,82 "With independence there - vehicle, theft and other cover only four 'AClls' and three grammes. It will also provide a Old Mutual Investors 2853,14 2661,05 4,20 was a total metamorphosis," - has a premium income of 'FClls' in the country. forum for the industry to tackle Safegro 130,83 122,28 5,37 commented past president of Rl00 million a year and em­ Namibia's institute is affili­ issues such as affirmative ac­ Sage 2446,94 2283,10 4,57 the institute, Randell Rigg. ploys some 400 people. So fai ated to the Insurance Institute tion through making sure Sanlam 1663,82 1553,71 4,68 , 'Local companies were regis­ not many life insurance staff of South Africa and the the employees can get training and Sanlam Index 1290,69 1205,59 4,39 tered. You were not a branch have joined the institute, but Chartered Insurance Institute qualifications to advance. Al­ Sanlam Dividend 453,86 423,61 5,12 manager any more, you are a this is also a large industry and in London. The South African ready it is offering a course on Senbank General 122,76 114,53 13,33 general manager. You run your both have much to gain from institute sets and marks the women in business, helping Southern Equity 186,00 174,08 5,07 company and you do the train- improving professional stan­ exams which are studied for women with assertiveness and Standard 1112,47 1045,63 7,35 ing." dards. by correspondence and lecture other skills to progress in Syfrets Gro\Yth 270,82 253,51 4,58 Before independence Na­ The institute offers courses courses the Namibianinstitute management. Syfrets Trustee 116,65 109,32 n/a mibia was treated as a back­ and supervises studies. Quali­ organises in conference and • The new council of the UAL 2027,05 1899,45 5,12 water of the South African fications which can be obtained training facilities at some of Insurance Institute of Namibia, Volkskas 137,76 128,89 6,95 as elected at the annual general insurance world, with little are a beginners' certificate of the insurance companies, while Specialist equity Funds: emphasis on local training. Now meeting this month. proficiency, where Namibia got the London body oversees Guardbank Resources 148,19 138,80 5,57 companies and individuals with President - Andries Fok:k:ens, a record pass rate of 16 out of to make sure the qualifica­ Sage Resources 117,93 110,07 7,27 an eye on the future are look­ Past President - Randell Rigg, 19 in the subjects sat last tions are internationally accept­ Sanlam Industrial 970,04 906,31 3,70 ing at training and this is where Vice-president - Piet Kruger, November. Subjects cover an able. Sanlam Mining 304,26 284,07 5,53 the institute comes in. insurance overview as well as The name is soon to be Members - Steve V 05100, Senbank Industrial 125,95 117,54 11,80 According to the new presi­ Howard llderton, Frans Samen, specialisations in marine and changed to the Insurance Insti­ Southem Mining . 136,51 127,72 5,61 dent, Andries Fokkens who was Steve Leicher, EphraimNaka­ aviation or life insurance. tute of Southern Africa as the Standard Gold 176,35 165,24 7,38 elected at the institute's an- pipi At higher levels are an inter- next conference will be in AL Mining and Resources 379,15 354,75 5,00 PARIS - A modest midsession mined by renewed rumours of UAL Selected rally in French bond prices a rights offer by blue chip HSBC Opportunities 1717,39 1606,33 4,25 pulled the bourse out of the Corp. The Hang Seng Index Market round-up Old Mutual Mining 247,99 230,95 5,48 doldrums. The CAC-4O index slid 60.27 points to end at Old Mutual Industrial 358,96 334,46 4,15 rose 9.37 points to close at 4,848.63 after touching an in­ Old Mutual Gold Fund 113,69 105,92 5,77 Here is how major stock mar­ shares. The index finished 17.6 1,976.28. traday low of 4,844.27 earlier. Old Mutual Top kets outside the United S~s . ~s up at 2,550.7. ZURICH - Shares ended a SYDNEY - The All Ordinar­ Companies 247,58 230,91 n/a ended yesterday: CfIiet FRANKFURT - Early selling session a shade down, but off ies index slipped below the Income/Gilt Funds: LONDON - Shares notched pressure faded, allowing share their day's lows. Brokers said key 1,600 point level in one of Metboard Income 100,81 99,75 17,31 up strong gains and closed at prices to recover to finish rising money market rates the quietest days so far this Guardbank Income 113,50 111,17 16,61 the day's highs, helped by a slightly up near the day's highs. weighed on stock prices, but a year to close just off its lows in Old Mutual Income 107,54 106,39 14,75 strong futures market in the The 30-share DAX index recovery on other European line with weak overseas mar­ Standard Income 93,50 92,51 14,79 Financial Times-Stock Ex­ ended 4.30 points higher at equity markets lifted senliment kets. Syfrets Income 106,63 105,56 15,01 change index of 100 leading 1,750.25. sligblly. The all-share Swiss The All Ordinariel finished UALGilt 1141,84 1130,42 14,51 Performance Index finished 3.3 6.5 points down at 1598.2. points down at 1,132.8. .. .. JOHANNESBURG - Share Gold price , ~~,: > REPUBLIC OF TOKYO - Stocks finished prices drifted aimlessly on a Yesterday afternoon's gold fixing was 348,80 dollars against lower in thin trading amid listless stock market as nerv­ 349,00 at the moming fixing and 349,40 at Friday afternoon's !IIl'- ' .;~-;,t NAMIBIA political uncertainty following ous investors mostly kept to fixing. Sunday's by-election defeat for the sidelines. MINISTRY OF FINANCE the ruling party, brokers said. The JSE all-gold index ended Oil prices A weak yen and the approach the day at 1,190, slightly down I------TENDER BOARD ------I Latest oil futures prices (Dollars per barrel) at 1730 GMT of futures settlement also under­ from Friday's 1,197 close but MAR 9 MAR 6 CLOSE TENDERS mined market sentiment. The off an early 1,184 low, while NORTH SEA BRENT (APR) 17.50 17.38 (1)TENDER NO. F113-35191 225-share Nikkei average was the industrial index losed 11.0 NEW YORK WTI-TYPE (APR) 18.65 18.51 THE SUPPLY AND DELIVERY OF COMPUTER EQUIPMENT down 195.31 points at points higher at 4,369. The all­ OR SYSTEM 20,797.68. share index was hardly changed Rand-US Dollar at 3,539. HONG KONG - Share prices (2)TENDER NO.AF1/3-36191 Commercial rand SUPPLY, DELIVERY AND ISTALLATION OF PERSONAL closed sharply lower, under- .Sapa Previous closing Yesterday's closing COMPUTER AND PRINTERS FOR OFFICES OF THE 2.8835/50 2.8785/2.8800 MINISTER AND PERMANENT SECRETARY. Financial rand Meat Prices Previous closing Yesterday 's closing (3)TENDER NO.F1/17·10191 3.78/3.80 3.78/3.80 SUPPLY AND DELIVERY OF PROCESSING EQUIPMENT Monday March 9 FOR CHEQUE SORTING Average Meatco Carcass Prices - C/Kg Money market (4)TENDER N0.J8192 90 day liquid BA rate Cattle SUPPL Y AND DELIVERY OF STEEL BOREHOLE CASING Sheep Sheep Goats Previous closing Yesterday's closing (BLACK) AND PLASTIC BOREHOLE CASING AND fat·taU 15.90 15.85 SCREEN WITH PLAIN SURFACE FROM 1 APRIL 1992 TO SuppHed 747 1278 - 31 MARCH 1993. (Small stock) Namibia stocks Super A 482 747 692 618 Closing prices today on the Johannesburg Stock Exchange of (5)TENDER NO.F1/15-20191 At 468 739 685 611 the following: SUPPLY AND DELIVERY OF FOLLOWING MATERIALS: A2 371 605 561 497 BUY SELLERS SALES UNITEX, ENDENROSE, CALICO, SEWING MACHINES AND A3 354 673 623 572 DEBEERS 8875 8925 8900 OVERLOCKS. ANGLOAM 12025 12075 12050 Prima B 436 659 610 560 GFNAMIB 375 n/a n/a Closing date: (1+5)11:00 on Tuesday: 17 March 1992 Bt 419 608 562 517 GFSA 6900 7100 7000 B2 (2-4)11:00 on Thesday: 31 March 1992 382 482 446 410 ABSA 1010 1020 1010 B3 378 553 512 470 BANKORP 275 280 275 DOCUMENTS ARE AVAILABLE AT THE OFFICES OF: TopC 371 548 507 466 FIRSTBANK 5825 5850 5850 The Secretary : Tender Board, 10 John Melnert Street Ct 344 547 506 465 NEDCOR 1800 1815 1800 Ground Floor West-Wing, P.O. Box 3328, Wlndhoek C2 285 418 387 355 SBIC 6100 6180 6100 To obtain documents RS.OO Is payable: C3 318 437 404 371 METJE&Z n/a 325 n/a NAMFISH 325 n/a n/a TENDERS MUST BE FORWARDED TO: Grade 4 249 The Secretary: Tender Board, NAMSEA n/a n/a n/a P.O. Box 3328, Windhoek, Producers should note that the prices quoted are average prices, and that the prices actually paid out might be higher 9000 ·Sapa or· lower. OR DEPOSITED IN The Tender Box, Tender Board, 10 John Melnert Street, Ground Floor West-Wing Windhoek. FAX: 36454 SECRETARY: TENDER BOARD THE NAMIBIAN Tuesday March 10 1992 7 •

Kritiek Op slanery voor brouery DIE National Patriotic Front het die optrede van die ook sy stem teen die optrede polisie se spesiale eenheid Taakrnag by 'n demonstrasie voor die brouery uitgebring voor die brouery verlede week veroordeel. Die NPF se en gevra vir 'n verduidelik­ hulle betreur die gebruik van Taakmag in 'n situasie ing vanaf die polisie sowel as wat nog nie handuit geruk het nie. die Namibia brouery oor waarom die gewone polisie Die verklaring se dit was in tief sal stel wat almal betrokke nie in hierdie geval ge bruik is die eerste instansie die taak daarby in staat sal stel om nie. van gewone polisie om be­ objektief daaroor te besluit. Die jeuglige beskuldig po­ heer uit te oefen en slegs *In "n verklaring tot die­ lisieleiers van die aanmoedig Taakmag in te roep indien die selfde strekking het die Raad van gewelddadlge optrede situasie nie beheer kon word van Kerke(CCN) ookdie po­ deur die polisie om'wantroue nie of die werkers geweldadig lisieoptrede veroordeel. HAGE Geingob, Eerste Minister, het verlede naweek 'n besoek na die suide van die by die bevolking te sleep oor land afgele waartydens hy met verskillende gemeenskapsJeiers in die streek onmoet geraak het. Die optrede van die polisie hul regering. Die verklaring Die gebruik van swepe, het aan die brutaliteit van die vra vir streng optrede binne het. Die reis het besoeke aan Vaalgras, Gochas, Voigtsgrund, Mariental, Hoachanas alhoewel dit minder gew­ verlede herinneren moet ver­ die Ministerie van Binnelandse en Aranos ingesluit. eldadig is as vuurwapens, kan werp word met die veragting Sake. Geingob is op Mariental ontvang deur die stadsklerk, M. Cronje(heel links) die nie goedgepraat word nie veral wat dit verdien. Die verklaring vra vir die burgemeester van Mariental, Willem Burger(staande), en die streekskommisaris, omdat betogers wat reeds op Dit was duidelik dat die onmiddeli1ce skorsing van lede Ben Boois(heellinks). die vlug geslaan het nog met betogers dit vreedsaam wou van die polisie betrokke by Die burgemeester het Geingob se aandag veral gerig op die tekort aan werksgeleen. ­ swepe rondgeja is. doen omdat huUe die polisie die voorval en die heraan­ thede in die omgewing en gevra waarom inwoners uit ander dele van die land op Die NPF ~ dit is ook in van hul voornemens ingelig stelling van werkers wat in Mariental gevestig word terwyl daar reeds nie werk vir bestaande inwoners bestaan dieselfde mate verkeerd vir het. Die verklaring se hulle is 1989 afgedank is. .betogers om die weg van voer­ met geweld beantwoord deur , nie. tuie en personeel te blokkeer as 'n manier om die aandag van die brouery op hul griewe I Arbeidskode seil deur parlement te vestig. Vryheid beteken nie ;rc:~:::: die reg om inbraak te maak terie van Binnelandse Sake DIE arbeidskode is, geoordeel Aanduidings is gegee dat die maar het ook die rol om werkno­ duidelikheid gegee word oor op die vryhede van andere om die polisie wat gebruik aan die besprelcings in die kode in die komiteestadium mers van warkgewers te bes­ oortyd in sekere arbeidskate­ nie. weer op te lei. parlement, vinnig besig om op wind van voor kan kry indien kerm. goriee wat baie daarvan ge­ Die hoop word uitgespreek Slegs "n hofhet die reg om die wetboeke van die land te die klousules een vir een oor­ Biwa het 'n sterk pleidooi bruikmaak. Hyhetondermeer dat die ondersoek van die te besluit wat die strafvan 'n kom. Die kode het in sy geheel weeg sal word. Verskeie lede gerig tot die Ministerie van verwys n\ verpleegpersoneel ministerie van Binnelandse oortreder moet wees daarom soveel komplimente van beide het reeds bekend gemaak daar Arbeid om toe te sien dat en joemaliste wat lang ure moet Sake na die aangeleentheid is die slaan van demonstreer· kante van die huis verkry dat is sekere klousules in die valrunies hul verbintenis met werk sonder bepalings oor daarin sal slaag om 'n volle­ ders onnodig. 'n parlementslid op 'n stadium ontwerp wat nie hul goedkeur­ politieke partye moet stopsit oortyd. dige en behoorlike perspek- *Die Swapo-jeuglige het moes se dit raak vervelig. ing wegdra nie. indien hulle werklik die be­ Hifikepunye Pohamba. Eric Biwa(UDF) se daar het lange van werkers wil dien. Minister van Binnelandse Sake, baie vrese oor die arbeidskode Hy se die arbeidskode be­ het die arbeidsituasie van die bestaan aan die kant van hoort 'n bepaling ingesluit het verlede beskryf en gese albei beide werkgewers en werkne­ wat voorskrifte neerle wat die koloniale owerhede van die RURAL DEVELOPMENT CENTRE mers. befondsing van arbeidsbewe­ verlede het slawearbeid in die Met die voorlegging van die gings deur politieke partye sou land toegepas. FARM DAM PROJECT arbeidskode in sy huidige vonn reguleer. Da.'\f moes 'n klousule Pohamba het 'n beroep op is baie van hierdie valse vrese ingesluit word om arbeidsbewc­ arbeidsinspekteurs van die The managing agent for the Rural Development (RDC) which is a project of the besweer. gings van politieke partye te Ministerie van Arbeid en Man­ Directorate of Rural Develoment, invites applications for the two postions: Biwa het die rol van die beskerm. nekragootwilckeling gedoen om regering in die arbeidsituasie Daar bestaan ook 'n tekort vera! na die omstandighede van as van tweerlei aard beskryf. aan bepalings wat wergewers plaasarbeiders te ky aangesien CONSTRUCTION SUPERVISOR Die regering is die grootste moet aanmoedig om hul hulle in die meeste gevalle op werkgewer in die land en moet werknemers verder op te lei plase op die genade van die and as sulks sy belange beskerm terwylBiwa se daarmoetmeer hoer oorgelaat is. MECHANIC

Resp onsibilities for the Construction Supervisor will include the contruction of farm dams and the deployment of heavy earthmoving equipment in O wambo and Kaoko. This is a stimulating and challenging position and will give satisfaction to a develop­ DIE wetsontwerp op Nampa me. Hierdie diens kronet sowe1 'n duplikasie van mekaar is se ment-orientated person with a flair forwooong with rural communities. The successful het gister deur die derde lesing deur private instellings gelewer sy sekere lede van die parle­ in die pmiement gegaan te midde word. ahas Angula, Mini ster ment ken nog nie die verskil applicant will have a thorough knowledge and appropriate hands-on experience of r- van sterk kritiek van die kant van Onderwys, het gese Nampa tussen die twee ins tansies nie. large scale earthmoving operations linked with excellent organisational and planning van die opposisie. Al die op­ verteenwoordig die stem van Nampa versamel inligting en abilities. posisiepartye het teen die wetgc­ die massas en die DTA is teen verskaf dit aan koerante bin­ A Mechanic is required to manage the day-to-day mechanical services and repairs and wing gisler gestem maar Swapo enigiets wat die massas verteen­ nelands en buitelands sowel as maintenance of the machinery and equipment of the above operation. het daarin geslaag om die woordig. aan ander instansies. New Era wetgewing met 'n meerder­ Netumbo Ndaitwah, Adjunk­ is 'nkoerant wat op sy eienuus heidstem deur te trek. Minister van Buitelandse Sake, insamel en 'n koerant uitgee. B oth encumbents will report to the RDC's W ater Development Manager. Andrew Matjila(DT A) het se die feit dat die regering 'n Hidipo Hamutenya, Minis­ Both position must be filled as soon as possible. die Minister van Inligting en mmsagentskap op die been bring ter van Insligting en Uitsaaiwese, Hidipo Ha­ verhoed geen ander persoon Uitsaaiwese, het in sy antwoord Attractive packages for both positions are offered, including competitive salary, leave, mutenya, versoek om die wet­ om ook dieselfde te doen nie. gese hy weet nie waarom die . sontwerp te onttrek omdat dit Op 'n vrnagwaarom 'nsekere opposisie nou teen Nampa is bonus, acommodation, pension and medical aid schemes. R elocation costs will be met. te veel beheer aan die mini ster koerant in die land nie meer nie terwyl hulle vroeer reeds Contract conditions may be considered in certain circumstances. gee. Matjila het gese enige van die dienste van Nampa die begroting vir die instansie wetgewing wat probeer om mag gebruik maak nie se sy dit is goedgekeur het. Applications, which will be treated in strict confidence, should be submitted with a full aan 'n minister te gee moet die demokratiese reg van enige Hy se die wet op Nampa gee CV and names and telephone numbers of three contact able references AS SOON AS verwerp word. koerant om te kies ofhulle dit nie meer magte aan die Minis­ POSSIBLE to: Water Development Manger, Western Development Company, PO Matjila se hy staan vir die wil doen of nie. Die regering ter van Inligting nie maar neem vryheid van die pers en sien het egter 'n verantwoordelikheid die verantwoordelikhede weg Box 1486, OSHAKATI. Tel and fax (06751) 20118. geen rede waarom die regering om inwoners in te lig en dit is van die ministerie. daaIby betrokke moet raak deur wat Nampa doen. Op 'n aan­ Die wetsontwetp is hierna Nampa op die been te bring tuiging dat Nampa enNew Era vir die derde keer gelees. 8 Tuesday March 10 1992 THE NAMIBIAN

':::;::::;; .-.:::: ;';:::-.: ::.. .;.:::::;:-'


TYAPPA NAMUTEWA momumwe novalcwashiwana, sho shi ete outondwe pokati OV ASlUNGI vouTaxi moNooli yaNamibia otashi ka kovaameni veendjila novash­ dulika ve ke lipume mumwe novatonateli veendjila ingi. ngeenge ovapolifi ovo itava lundulula onghalo yavo. Otava pangula yo nonyanya osbiningwanima eshi sho­ Edi okwa li da popiwa ula kutya okuna oma ..... , ye kuyasha elola Iota xi notava ongbela kovashingi vOutaxi ovo Hamata naye re li mu shuna. indile shiha endululwe vali. kwa li va ninga ekangha okudja Okudja opo onghaJa oya " Okuumba eetaxi detu otaku Osho sha Ii ngawo mEtiyali Iya ziko pOmbuulaye ya Winduka sho Oonakuholola potundi 9 yongula fiyo ombali tameka n~ okuhada, shaashi eta oumbada mufye oshoyo omadhiladhilo ya li ya ponok~lwa kOpoIisi. Gumwe gwomoonakuholola omadhi­ yokomatango, shaashi kwa li ovapolifi ova kala tava kondjifa movalondekwa vetu, osheshi laadhilo osho a Ii a pon'delwa pevi ngawo kOpolisi. va hala okuuda oshidjemo ve ke mu patele mo, melopo­ oholo oyo ya yasha melola, s1¥>shibofa omo osbilyo shimwe telo kutya okwa tuka oshilyo okwa li tashi dulika i kale ya shehangano loubesa netaXl, shopolifi. lemaneka ile ya dipaa nokuli Ignatius Hamata, tashi pata­ Ova shinga fiyo okopolifi umwe womovalondekwa, AAN'~U .: sba ni.ngwa, nokon­ wotaxi oyo. a gandja kiifo mo Winduka okwa Ii a holola okuuvanayi Nambinga okwa tsikila ko oshifo eshi kutya ye efiku 010 ima Hamata novapolifi ova ya Kakele kaasho oshinima eshi kwe shi na sha nedhengo linyanyaleka ndjoka Iya li Iya natango ta ti kutya, Mo Na­ okwa li ta shingi okataxi kaye vali kombelewa yopolifi , oko paife oshi li momake ombangu, mibia lya manguluka no li li pokati kOngwediva nOshakati. ningilwa oonakuholola omadhilaadhilo gawo mEtiyali a ka uda kutya ota lopotwa onghee oyo nai tokole kutya pauDemokoli, aakwashigwana Opa li pe na ovatonateli kutya okwa tukana. oshike naana sha ningilwe po 03.03.1992 Iya ziko pehala lyOmbuulaye ya Winduka, kutya nee opaumwe nenge veendjila popepi noCheckers Oshibofa okwa li sha undu­ efiku 010. ihe Opolisi ndjoka hayi ithanwa oTask Force oye ya opaengundu, oye na uuthemba Supennarket yopOngwediva. lilwa komesho fiyo onghela, Kombinga yomapopyo kutya ashike noorootanga/oongola nokudhenga aaboIolimadhi­ okuholola omadhilaadhilo Konima yefimbo manga ta ashike ovapolifi aveshe vavali opolifi ohai tu1cu ovashingi, laadhilo mbaka. nokuuvanayi kwawo, oshampa di kOngwediva a yuka kava li ko onghee osha undu­ Shipuata ota ri, ngeenge osho Oonakuholola omadhi­ luudhe oyo haya zala omakal­ ashike shi li meni lyomautho kOshakati okwa enda tuu na­ lilwa vali komesho fiyo omo­ shi li ngaho, osha yela kutya laadbilo mbaka oya li ya tidhwa anyana omambulau na inaga gOveta, nonando kuyamwe tango ponhele opo pe na 00- mafiku 11 Mai neudo. ovapolifi ovo otava nyono miilonga fa nande omizalo dbOpolisi. ongOmagangano moNamibia spitikopa. Ina mbilikwa po Okudja ongula aishe, eetaxi omilandu, shaashi kape na ku Mbuulaye pwa pita Oonakudhengwa oya geela kaye shi uvitile ombili. nande vati ponhele opo, ashike adishe okwa li da mwenapo omunhu a pitikwa okutuka oomvula mbali. Etidho lyawo oonkatu dhika dhonyanya dha Hailwa Nambinga ta tsikile manga ngeno ta helula omunhu manga mOshakati opo di pwi­ mukwao. miilonga kalya li pauyuki na katukwa kAapolisi na oya ko n okuyelith a kutya umwe peumbo li li popepi likine kutya onrushingi mukwao Kakele kaasho, Shipuata oya li ya tokola ya galukile lombwele oshifo shika kutya Oonakuholola omadhilaadhilo no1cefe yedina Pelican, okuwete ota ningilwa shike. okwa dimbulukifa kOmbuulaye nokupuJa ya shune otaya ka katuka oonkatu dho­ yomEtiyali lya ziko, oya li naana nghee okatuwa kopolifi taka Eshi onrutoolinghundana ou omutoolinghundana ou kutya miilonga. Shika osho nee sha paveta dhokufala oonakuyad­ ye li paveta nopamautho ng­ endelele ke li konima yaye take e uya ponhele opo pa li pa oilyo yopolifi nayo ovanhu li inashi taambwa ko kEhan­ henga mOmpangu. oka tag a utha egongalo mu mbilike. ongala ovashingi veetaxi, ove ashike ngaashi ovanhu vakwao, gano Iya Ohltaver & List. Okwa hokololwa -wo kutya lyaahololimadbilaadbilo lya tya Okwa mbilika okataxi kaye mu lombwela kutya vo ova oyo hai dulu yo okuhanduka Oonakutala otaya hokolola moonakuholola omadhilaadbilo ngaaka kwali, oshoka oya moluurnbo leumbo limwe, omo ongala okuyandja oukwaow­ ngeenge ya shindwa. kutya, aahololimadhilaadhilo omwa kwatelwe ye li yatano, adhika ye shi lombwela Opo­ momuvelo konyala va shak­ anangha1i kumukwao 00 a ninga Okwa ninga yo eindilo ko­ mbaka oya dhengelwe noon­ taya patanekwa nokukelela lisi ku na ethimbo na oya li wo ena mo notuwa yopolifi. Eshi a oshihakanwa shovatonateli shiwana opo shi longele kumwe gola noonkondo na oya li wo ooyene yehala lyOmbuulaye ya pula Opolisi opo yi kale po mbilika otuwa yaye, omupo­ vomeendjila. Otava hokolola nopolifi momikalo adishe, ya ulwa omalaka omawinayi ya ye mehala lyawo, oshoka pOmbuulaye yi tonatele lifi umWe okwa mbillka yo kutya vo mOwambo otava li shaashi osha fa ngaho tashi kOpolisi yOludhi nduka ya anuwa oya li ya indike ehololomadhilaadhilo ndika. otuwa yaye kombinga tava pi omol weenghatu doo­ ulike kutya oilyo yopolifi oya tumbulwa nokuthindilwa osheenditho shOmbuulaye shi Kombinga yOonakuholola yokolumosho, nokuyasha spitikopa ode dimwe ve di tala fa ya dinika no ihai fimanekwa. momambamba gOpolisi noon­ ye meni nokupata ondjila. omadhilaadhilo tse inatu okataxi melola lokomesho. di he li paveta nokuli. Ta ningi yo eindilo koilyo gola. Mokutsikila nehokololo monako sha shoka sha li shi na Ovapolifi vavali ova nhuka Paendjovo davo, vati ohava yetonatelo lomeendjila opo iha Oonakuponokelwa yamwe ndjoka lya gandjwa kOmusa­ okufala sigo omelongitho mo mokatuwa nova kala noku tukwa nokuulwa omaJaka mai undaule ovashingi opo paha ka oya li ya lombwele nokuli oshifo mane Naminga, Nambinga ota lyoonkondo. mu ula kutya okwa li ta kend­ koilyo yetonatelo lomeendjila tukuke okalamhauka pokati shika kutya, kuyo osha yela ti kutya, oshiwinayi lela okuuva Opaati yoSWAPO ano otayi abala okufadukapo. Umwe noshinima sb.'\ tya ngaha otashi kovakwashiwana noilyo yopo­ kutya yamwe yomAapolisi oonakuholola omadhilaadhilo ekelehi kokule noonkondo womovapolifi vati okwe mu ka dulika shi twale melipu- lifi. mbaka kayeshi Aanamibia, gawo pambili nopamukalo gwa oonkatu dhelongitho AAsouth Africa Kapwa li nande uthwa ya kale ya dbengwa lyOonkondo dhoka dha li dha gumwe e na oUnifoloma yOpo­ pamukalo gwatya ngaaka ningilwa Oonakuholola IITHEMBU A KOLEKA KUTYA OMBESA lisi. pOmbuulaye ya Namibia omadhilaadhilo gawo pambili Sbi na sba nomuzaJo gwOpo­ roEti.yali lya ziko eti 03.03.1992. na otayi pula oonakuponokela YAWO YIMWE OVA KANDOMA lisl, Omugandjimulombo Kashi na nee shike kutya aahololimadhilaadhilo mbaka gwOpolisi omusamane Siggi ya etwe puuyelele nziya. oshike sha li sha eta ehololo­ Omusamane Iithembu OSWALD SHIVUTE konaakonwa. lithembu ta tsikile Eimbeck okwa lombwela osbifo madhilaadhilo, oshi li ashike oSWAPO otayi pula wo Ii ko kutya, okwa li nokuli a ka natango ku ningwe omautho 10na Iithembu ngoka e shikakutya, Ongundu yEtanga sha yela mo kutya edhengo okwa li a mono elipotelo monathana noDeputy Inspec­ meendelelo ngashi tashi vuJika Omuwiliki omukuluntu ndioka ya li pOmbuulaye oyi li lyaaholoJimadhilaadhilo pam­ gwEhangano lyOombesa lyoshiponga shoka na okwa li tor gwOpolisi Omu'samane E:anga IyUkalekelwa na kali hili ko ta kulandula okukwatwa opo aakwashigwana yaa lyedhina Namib Contract a tumu ko meendelelo ombesa Jesaya Andima moshinima zaJ.a oounifooloma dhOpolisi po noku kapatelwa mo, oshi li ningilwe we iinima mbyoka Haulage PTY Limited, na yimwe yomoombesa dhEhan­ shika. Omukuluntu gwOpolisi n. no, kakeIe kaamboka aa- eyono noonkondo lyEkotam- yaashi yopantu. gano lyawo ndjoka ya ka fala nguka okwe mu lombwele kutya ka li shi KALAHARI oonakuhumbatwa komahaJa ota ka konaakona oshinima HOLDINGS, ngashi sha Ii gawo hoka ya adhika taya yi. shika muule washo. OMUPRESIQENDE A HOKOLOLA sha gaodjwa koshifo shika Shika osha li sha ningwa meen­ Omusamane lithembu ta shOmaandaha, kohi delelo lela Omu samane hokolola kutya opu na oma­ MUMVO 1992 OMUMVO GWILEMA' yoshipalanyolo tashi ti; lithembu ta hokolola. hangano gamwe gokweenditha OMBESA YA Omusamane lithembu okwa oshowo aantu yamwe mboka Osha li oshituthi oshinene OSWALD SHIVUTE ningi oshipopiwa shefalomo. KALAHARI HOLDINGS gandja okuuvanayi kwe shi na ye uvitile ondumbo Ocontract Taku landula Omukalelipo lela mOsala ya Rossing YIMWE KANDOMA, sha nOpolisi yokOtavi ta ti yawo yokutransporta aayend­ Mokati kaayenda ya simana gwEhangano lyIilema mo YA moKomasdal sha Wmduka okwa Ii a koleke kutya kutya, oya li ya lipotelwa osh­ indjila. sho Omupresidende gwa omwa li wo Aakalelipo yiiloogo Namibia. inima shekandomo lyOmbesa Ta ti kutya, unene osha holoka yi ill noyi ili. Eluwa olya eta po omaim­ Ombesa yawo yimwe oya ndjika ihe inayi yako. sho Ombesa yawo ndjika ya Namibia Omusamane Sam Mannga Omupresidende kandomene ongula onene Nujoma ngoka a Ii a thin­ bilo gawo gaali ngoka ga li ga Omusamane lithembu ye kandoma. Oshoka, nonande nOsheendo she inaya thika, kutha aapulakeni kiipundi yOlyomakaya pokati kone mwene sho a uvu kutya Opo­ mekandomo muka inamu dikilwa kOmuprima gwa okwa li kwa ningwa egalikano omoluuwana wago. nontano yokoongulasha Namibia Omusamane lisi oya li ya lipotelwa oshin­ ehamekelwa omuntu, oma­ ku tate Andrew Vergotine, ko Omupresidende omusima­ pokati kOtjiwarongo ima shekandomo lyOmbesa hokololo okwe ga' uva Hage Geingob pamwe takuya ihe oondjimbo tadhi. D!k.wa okwa li ihe apewa ornpito nOtavi, moshitopolwa sha yEhangano lyawo ndele inayi tagiihanene oshilongo, unene nOministeli yina sha imbwa kwaamboka kaye -shi yokuninga oshipopiwa she Tavi, ihe inamu ya ko, okwa li iitula mondjila tuu koshitopolwa shAwambo nOmavi,. Qmatulululo kwiikwatha mwene unene nokuhokolola omumvo 1992 nokukapula Opolisi ya Tavi lrutya anuwa mombesa muka ngashi kongundu yo Jugen ehamekelwa omuntu, nEhungo~wenyo om usa­ 'ongOmumvo gv:-Iilema. omuhingi ashike a li ngaa kutya oshike inayi yako, omwa sa aantu oyendji noyendji Wahn Choir nandjoka y,a ' Osha li tashi fuula sho ormmtu mane Marco Hausiku a ehamekwa mepepe kokuma kwa kandoma Omb­ ya lemana anuwa ngeno. naaodjoka yOpevi yOmin- , Moreson Choir. wu wete Aanamibia ayehe ye esa nonando ya li ya lipotelwa •Ashihe shika otashi ulike Sho Omupresidende a thiki nombunda. # li mumwe, unene tuu aanona oshiponga shoka. kutya opu na mboka ye na istry tuu ndjoka Omusa­ na okwa pewa ongala kugumwe mane Marcus Shivute kutya olru nn olwaala luni. Omusa.mane lithembu okwa Okwa ti okwa li a lombwelwa ondumbo nillonga yetu notaya gwomokatemba, okwa yi meni Tate Shany~ngana ngoka e hokololela oshifo shika kutya ngoka a li mokomanda k.embadhala okunyateka edhina nOmuwiliki gwOmatulul­ lyoshinyanga nEimbilo lyoshig­ li omuwiliki gwOmatulululo ulo nEhungomwellY o omutenya gwohela okuzilila miilonga yesiku ndjoka oye lyFhangano lyet lyokweenditha wana olya imbwa. nEhungomwenyo, oye ali a mOmbelewa ye mO Winduka Sersande G.A. Mbaha nashi oshigwana' . Oinusamane Oministeli yOmavi, Omat­ Omusamane Shanyen­ ningi oshipopiwa shokupata kutya,sho oshiponga sha ningwa inaya ko oshi li tashi lithembu ta ti. gana. ulululonEhungomwenyo,oya oshigongi. THE NAMIBIAN Tuesday March 10 1992 1992 9 THE NAMIBIAN CLASSIFIED A

~ • .,., nr. ~".,, ::i,;:,:: :''':'': '.. :':" .''."'" \r :H. ~Sp~i~I~~~ib~~ U] Special S$rvi~!s ,.:. .,::: spe·9.Jal . ~rVl .c'e9 :: r;-SJ>eClal serv'c~Sl 1 ··.::·:;;;:·.·:.N9~ .I'S~:.• ·::;il::·::::·::··:·:::'l!11::::·:1 I Fileman Natangue Paulus residing I I ALOEVERA I -l., O"~i r' .... WEt,nmQ at Erf 7128 Shandumbala, Katutura and employed as an Operator at PROPERTY SERVICES Bookk.. plng ¥~~~~ J j ~NC l h~ f. RIHQ SKIN CARE CDM Ornajemund intend applying Services and KHOMASDAL 'e()o{nlg ,to 95 The natural way for you. to the Minister of Civic Affairs for FInancial Advice tor the It'I. 6~· !,:.:J lJIfltnz. ~M'\I. Wt..,dh~.k r., u~ ~ OO small Busln.. s F.'J.lJoX 52. \'ilndhl,,.k , 9000 Imported from the U .S .A., authority under section 9 of the at • mlnl:nal , ... suitable for all types. Aliens Act, 1937, to assume the • 2 Bedrooms Wrlt.to: • Bathroom CB WELDING Highly praised by users. surname Kaulumu for the reasons V.K. Bookkeeping that Paulus is my fathers name and • Lounge For brochure 'A Lady's Servlcea .ENGINEERING not his surname. I previously bore • Ki\Chen P.O.Box 21889 *For all steel Guide To Skin Care' send the names FilemanNatange Paulus. Wlndhoek, R 2.50 postal order. For R80800 9000 construction work I intend also applying for the au­ Reply to all *Building of sheds free product infonnation thority to change the surname of my WANAHEDA enqulr... ls *Cattle trailer write to Deja Vu Skin Care wife Selma Ndejapoand minor chi 1- guaranteed J.J.J. P.O.Box 700, Florida dren Lena Ndemzompata, Tiron­ bodies • 2 Bedrooms WE BUY, SELL PAWN nen Natangue, Salei Ndawndapo to *Trellis work Hills, 1716 R .S . A . • Lounge AND SWOP Kaluma. Any person who objects to *Gates Tel: (011) 674-1946 • Kitchen SECONDHAND my/our assumption of the said sur­ • Bathroom FURNITURE, *Trailers and name Kaulumu should as lOOn as general welding work NAMIBIA may be lodge his objection, in writ­ ELECTRICAL R59000 APPLIANCES AND YOU NAME IT WE MAINTENANCE ing, with a statement of his reasons AND MAKE IT!!! therefor with the Magisllate of RENOVATIONS Windhoek. 3 Bedrooms and Dining - from BUILDING Tel:: 62543 R84000 MATERIAL FOR CASH (PAY OVER 3 The Phone Danny Titus MONTHS) ' WERNHILL Office: 228835 ENTERTAINMENT PARK BRIDGE NEW Young man is desperately looking Home: 35541 COMPLEX FURNITURE 228556 STOP for welding work.. Please contact that does not stop! 'CORNER Andries at lel: 216337 (all hours) For more information DAIMLER AND Defective TV's, call 216884 DIESEL STR. (NEW Video and Radios A final year student in National Diploma in Accounting is looking AND are fixed in our: SECONDHAND for any part time job. Clerical or FURNITURE) 221531/1 SPECIALISED Accounting related job. Write to M 'OPIPIWAN~A WORKSHOP Pareke. (Mr) P/Bag 13237 Shangri­ Gerieflike 3 S laapkamer huis SHOPPING CENTRE. 0- Expertise guarateed la Windhoek. met swembad, Sitkamer & 1822 KATUTURA collect and delivery Eetkarner. Toealuit motorhuis. ... [i,::::::::;:.·,;-::::::::::r.§.t:::i!.:::::::r:::'::,:::::::,:::::':: 1 Dubbel. Motorafdak. nllR UNIQUE MONEY SkIS" R246 000.00 F rPto " ...... _Uv ll ~ Huge modem lounge suit for only BACK QUARAN I cc; Phone Mr Zandberg Skakcl ANNEMARIE CJI WE WILL PAY YOU THE R3000.00 As good as newll Also a Tel: 52222 (Radlopage) very good Ladies bicycle. Satisfac­ Tel: 37470 (w) 42081 (h) Come and see us now for DIFFERENCE IF YOU or 32616 tory condition. Only R300.00 Con­ very good PRICES! CAN FIND ANY ITEM PIONEERS PARK (Nuut) Imported TV's, Tyres, CHEAPERII tact Ms Kuchenbecker at tel: 38931 all hours. etc. CREDIT CARDS R203300.00 WELCOME TV - Video - Music & Technic House (·::·.. :: §P!s.~!!;::!?~!!~ :::::::::::::I . Hierdie puik 3 slaapkamer huis We SELL and JACMAT Lay-buy nou vir al u hare en ge­ sigsprodukte. Tel (061) 52950 bied u ruimte, gerief & PAWN anything!! M A NAGEMENT A CADEMIC Tel: 32485 veiligbeid. Contact: Jan Jonkerweg 183 l }j::::,:::::::::::,::::::;,:Yt :9 :~naYi;:'::::::::::::::.:;'::::::;::1 Windhoek I have a code 8 licence and want Helena at work as a driver. Tel 218050 after hours. Ask for Mr Basson. Swakopmund Otjiwar­ For the cheapest and I Me~iaCo KaiBerWil· ODgO the best wedding and :a:ft~ l •••• ~* · •• 8: :::? HeH!~§ ::19 :r : §:~!~::,:::,:,::q helmatr. MarkplefD blrlhdaycakeslntownf MoltkeatraJle S HOCHLANDPARK(NEW): Three ORDER NOWI/ Peg's ~264~ Teb 52115 Tel: 3201 bedrooms, sitting/dining room, Fax: 2237 FaXl3685 Kitchen, (Stove), Garage, B/Bars. Pawn Shop P.O. BO"C 9592 Dally fesh breads, Carpets, b.i.c., Contact Laveme at br6tchens, pifls and SKAKEL ANNEMARIE WINDHOEK 223248 ( 08hOO - 12h30 only) _ palsterles WINDHOEK WEST - HOUSE Tel: 37470 (w) TEL: 222851 TEL:34835 FOR SALE. RI85 000 Neg. Please 42081 (h) Tel 34368 NB! -BAHNHOF STREET Phone 32210 (a/h) For an appoint- RUBEN BUILDING ment. Cash prices PLAASLIKE TREKKE EN Flat, one bedroom to rent - call CONSTRUCTION LANDWYE VERVOER VAN 31337 after office hours - 6 Drak- Money!! Money!! GOEDERE Bowel as Tuinvillus en ensberg street, Eros, Windhoek. Paint work - ceiling - bourommel verwydings.Ons waar­ Looking for an erf to buy in Katu­ If you need any laying bricks and tiles - borg u die bilikste tariewe en puik Iura, Khomasdal or Hochland Park diens. Te1: 220151 of 22155\. Na Phone property Services 228835 cash money come applying wall paper - ure 225320 (Qffice) 35541 (after hours) and see us! treUis construction - RI12 000 negotiable. 3 Bedrooms, any type of building I bath and toilet combined, 1 lounge, 1 Kitchen/dining. 1 Garage. Li2S1 Area -Wanaheda. Contact Tom at (w) KATImJRA WANAHEDA

Brand New!l Occupation end of Aprill! Yours for only R86 000.00 155 x: 13 HOCHLANDRAND (Sole Agency) • 3 Bedrooms with 2m cupboard Secondhand TO PUT YOil in main bedroom INFRONl.' used Tyres AN OPPORTUNITY YOU • Large Lounge / dining room . COMPUTER CAN'TMISSI • Bathroom • SECRETARIAL ONLY R150 000.00 WILL • Kitchen R50.00 • BOOKKEEPING BUY YOU: • MOTIVATIONAL- • Fully carpeted • Burglar bars Courses approved by • 3 Bedrooms (b.i.c) • Fenced in and registered with the • 2 Bathrooms Ministry of Educatlon. • Lounge PHONE FUN·dESa.SiSI]L FAST· FLEXIBLE • Dining room THURSTAN SALT • Modem Kitchen ESTATES AT 3769718 Co/~f(g~ / .''l. • Lock - up garage AIH 155x12 ...... •...... R126 185x14 (8 ply) ...... R205 LearnIng'" • Established Garden MABEL 35651 • Close to school and shopping 155x13 ...... R138 195x14 (8 ply) ...... R240 Guc;1av VOlgts Contro, ASTRID 33744 Box 194, WHK centre DIANE 4 1900 165x13 ...... R143 I ' 205x14 (8 ply) ...... R260 Wlndhook Tel: (061) 37663 .Swakopmund Tol: (0641) 4090 CLAUDE 62415 Phone Rlana De W et 175x13 ...... R148 600x14 (8 ply) ...... R162 TIlURSTAN 4 1900 Tel: 37470 (w) R/PAGE 52222/ 175/70 ...... R155 I 750x16 ...... R286 42002 (b) 52277 10 Tuesday March 10 1992 THE NAMIBIAN

Houses for sale I I. Houses for sale .' f

PRESllGEii HAZEL FOR REAL ... LONDON: Goals by JobnNewsome and Gary McAllis­ Division one: Les Ferdinand netted his first OUSES ESTATE ter in a two-minute second half spell propelled Leeds to Everton 2 Oldham 1 (1-1). in the 19th minute and Clive TO LEASE· LAST ONE a 3-1 victory at Tottenham Saturday and to the top of Peter Beardsley fired his first Wilson made it 2-0 from thc the English soccer standings. Leeds leapfrogged Man­ goal of the game after only penalty spot after City goalie Shop/OffIce chester United, which was idle, and now has a two-point three minutes, volleying home Tony COlon had pulled down post Street Mall Ground floor Prestige Real Estate lead with 10 games to go. Manchester has two games in a center from MaIk: Ward. Crnig England international winger Display Window. Phone for de­ Tel: 224656 City Offi<:e hand. Fleming headed Oldham level Lee Sinton. tails Tel: 42177 (home) 52222 212640 Khomasdal Office from free kick by Rick Holden. Ferdinand scored his second Pager. Rod Wallace flred Leeds's dropped a center from John But Beardsley struck again in ten minutes after half time and HOCHLANDPARK first goal and Paul Allen lev- Berresford on to Alan the 59th minute with an angled SimonBarker added the fourth LOVELY HOME elled for Tottenham, but the McLoughlin's head and the shot for the winner. 21,004 near the end. 10,779. ... 3 Bedrooms PRESTIGE A White Hart Lane team crumbled Portsmouth mid fielder scored. Luton 1 Crystal Palace 1 (0- I ... 2 Bathrooms SheffIeld Wec!nesday REAL ~ in the last quarter of the game Forest defender Brian Laws 1). .. Kitchen, bi.ic. Coventry 1 (0-0) . ESTATE .. Lounge and now has lost nine of 15 was expelled in the 65th min- Eddie McGoldrick headed Covenlry had not scored in .. Dining home games in the league. ute for a late tackle on Ber- Palace in 'fr:ont from a long- its last four games but a mis­ In Football Association Cup resford. 25,402. range free kick by Andy Thorn PRESTIGB REAL ESTATB .. TV Room take by Wednesday defender TEL: 224656 CITY OFFICS .. Garage and Six Carports action, second division Southampton 0 Norwich O. in the 21st minute. He also Phi! King let in winger David 212640 KHOMASDAL OFFICE .. Lovely Pool Portsmouth upset Nottingham Rival goalies Tim Flowers side-footed wide in the 36th Smith, who centered for Kevin .. Beautiful Garden Forest 1-0 to reach the semifi- and Mark Walton ensured a from close range and Luton GaUacher to head home in the .. SWAKOPMND R240000.00 na1 for the first time in 48 replay with a series of saves. made him pay by equalizing to 66th minute. Seven minutes TAMARISKlA Phone Mona Coetzee 212640 years. Norwich's Walton frustrated earn a point in the 68th. Scott from the end, Wednesdayequal­ .. 2 Bedrooms AIan McLoughlin was the England striker Alan Shearer Oakes collected a pass from ized through veteran defender .. Lounge/Dining WINDHOEKJVES goalseoring hero, netting in the and Flowers thwarted Scottish Mark Stein to shoot the lev- Viv Anderson, 35, who turned ... Kitchen BARGAIN second minute, and Forest, star Robert Fleck. Both strik:- eller.8,591. home a cross from substitute ... Bathroom .. 3 Bedrooms which has reached the League ers have scored 18 goals this Queens Park Rangers 4 Nigel Jemson. 23,959 . .. Servants quarters .. I Bathroom Cup final, had defender Brian season. 20,008. Manchester City 0 (2-0). Tottenham 1 Leeds 3 (0-1). with toilet and shower .. Kitchen Laws sent off for a foul on ... Single garage A disastrous day for Totten­ ... Lounge/Dining John Berresford. ham, which also lost England Price only R86 900.00 .. Garage/Carports In another quarterfinal, striker Gary Lineker with a .. Servants quarters Southampton and Norwich tied REHOBOrn BLOK B hamstring injury after 17 mi."1- Big plot with settled garden 0-0 and must replay. liver­ ... 3 Slaapbmers utes. Rod Wall ace fired Leeds R165300 pool and Aston Villa clashed .. 2 Badkamers + Stort Phone Mona Coetzee 212640 ahead in the 36th minute a.fter .. Sikamer yesterday and Chelsea meets a pass by David Batty was ... Eetkamer second division Sunderland deflected into his path. KHO~DALSENTRAL today. .. Kombuis met i.g.k. .. 3 Bedrooms Tottenham levelled in the .. Volvloermatte, .. Modem Kitchen b.i.c In other league action Satur­ 48th when Paul Allentumedin day, third place Manchester .. Teeldak, Ringmure, • Lounge a center from Paul Stewart . Diefwering, Alann .. Fully carpeted City was crushed 4-0 at Queens Leeds ' substitute John .. 2 Garage Park Rangers and lost its posi­ Newsome headed home a cor­ -- .. PaJckamer Don't miss R83 200.00 tion to Sheffield Wednesday ner from in to tie Prys: RI20 000 Mona Coetzee 212640 1-' 1 with Coventry. minutes later, the other substi­ Kontak Deon van Rooi Tel Everton edged Oldham 2-1, tute, French striker Eric Can­ 212640 or213301 (w) FUNCKY TOWN TYPE A Wimbledon downed Notts tona, provided a pass to Gary .. 3 Bedrooms County 2-0 and Luton tied 1-1 McAllister to score the third. Do you need a house in Katutura .. Lovely Garden with Big with Crystal Palace. 27,622. or Hochlandpark. Look at this! Plot Lea Ferdinand scored twice Wimbledon 2 Notts County ItA.'l'\JTURA. R72000.00 in Rangers' triumph over 0(1-0). Two and three bedroom houses Contact Manchester City and fonner John Fashanu lobbed a shot fully carpeted, colour bath­ Mona Coetzee 212640 England st:riker Peter Beardsley over Cwnty goalie Steve O!euy rooms, burglar bars and beauti­ netted Everton's goals against from an acute angle to give ful designs. Prices R66 240 - Lovely Family House Oldham, his 15th and 16th of the the R89850 Wimbledon lead in 39th Okuryangava - Ext No 1 the season. minute. After Kevin Gallacher had Midfielder Robbie Earle HOCHLANDPARK .. 3 Bedrooms fired Coventry ahead at , Three bedrooms, Two bath­ .. 2Bathrooms headed the second 12 minutes rooms, Fully carpeted, .. Lounge Hillsborough, Viv Anderson from the end after a flick on by netted with a header seven . 4,196. - AP Coloured bathrooms, Burglar • Kitchen Bars, B.LC. inall the bedrooms .. Wall to wall carpets minutes from the end for and kitchen (choice between RIOS 000.00 Wednesday. Umbia and Oak) Hob, Fan and Contact Scott Oakes levelled for Oven included Prices RI32 500 Mona Coetzee 212640 Luton with a volley after Ed­ 1!li~1:::: ..... -:;. '"::.' !g~~~..' J -RI54500. die McGoldrick had headed VINETIA Palace in front at Kenilworth BENHOFF 'Swallow' Makina of Namibia Amateur snatched a 2-1 away win in Contact us at tel 212640. SWAKOPMUND Road and John Fashanu and Boxing Club (pictured above) lost his fight in the senior their derby match with St Yours for only R160 000 Robbie Earle were Wimble­ division against Richard Hepundjua of The Punching Etienne. don's scorers against Notts Fighters Club on Friday night during a tournament On Friday Paris St Germain .. 3 Bedrooms b. i.c County before only 4000 fans staged at the A Shipena School HaD. The bout was kept up their drive for a place .. I +1(2 Bathrooms '-:-:=,': / - at Plough Lane. stopped in the 2nd round by the referee. in Europe next season, by • Lounge/Dining Second division standings hammering Toulon 5-2 away . N .. Kitchen b.ic. leader Blackbum was upset 3- Real Madrid stayed one point ri~~l~';; ESTATES "'''''' .. Fully carpeted o at Bristol Rovers despite the clear of Barcelona at the top of .. Burglar Bars debut of new signing Roy SA sprints to 3rd place the Spanish first division'thanks .. Double garage Wegerle. But Rovers, managed to a Hierro goal midway through SHOP .. Well established garden MELBOURNE: Cricket World Cup at a glance: Immediately avalable in Eros Phone Mona Coetzee by fonner Live1pOO1 star Kenny the second-half. Koeman had Shopping Centre Dalglish, stays atop on goal FIRST ROUND put Barcelona clear after 35 KA TUTURA - BARGAIN difference from Ipswich which Team MP W D L Pts minutes. OFF1CE won 1-0 at Watford. New Zealand 5 5 0 0 10 At1etico Madrid retained third .. Open Floor about 400 sq.m. in .. 2 bedrooms In the Scottish Cup, Celtic England 5 4 1 0 9 place - five points behind Real newly erected building ... I Bathroom joined Glasgow neigbbor Rang­ South Africa 5 3 0 2 6 - thanks to a 3-1 home win over .. 140 sq.m. reception and open .. Lounge ers in the semifinal after beat­ India 5 2 1 2 5 Oviedo. Valencia and Alba­ plan office .. Kitchen ing Morton 3-0. Airdrie won cete both lost. .. Carports 2-0 at Hibemian to also ad­ Sri Lanka 6 2 1 3 5 Valencia were beaten 1-2 at W ARHOUSElWORKSHOP .. Big Plot vance. Australia 5 2 0 3 4 home by Real Sociedad wile ... Various Warehouses R69 400 00 Match details: West Indies 5 2 0 3 4 AIbacete crashed 1-0 at Ath­ measures Phone Mona Coetzee. FA Cup, sixth round. Pakistan 5 1 1 3 3 letic Bilbao - Ayarza scoring from 240 sq.m. til 700 sq.m. Portsmouth 1 Nottingham Zimbabwe 5 0 0 5 0 the Bilbao winner two minutes .. Workshop 500 sq.m. with 7 PlONEERSPARK Forest 0 (1-0). Saturday, March 7 at Adelaide, Australia: Australia, 190-3, def. before the interval. offices and yard space A blunder by Forest goalie Sri Lanka, 189-9, by seven wickets. Joao Pinto enabled FC Porto • 3 Bedrooms Mark Cross1ey in the second At Hamilton, New Zealand: India, 203-7 (32 overs), def. Zim­ to keep Benfica' s challenge at Northern Industrial area + .. 1 Bathroom minutes gifted Portsmouth its babwe, 104-1 (19.1 overs) by 55 runs (match reduced to best of bay with a goal two minutes· Lafrenz .. Big Kitchen match-winning goal. Crossley 19 overs by rain). into the second-half against .. Lounge Sunday, March8 at Brisbane, Australia: South Africa, 211-7, def. .. Storage from 400 sq.m. till .. Dining Famalicao . Pakistan, 173-8 (36 overs), by 20 runs (match reduced to best of Benfica were always in 1350 sq.m. .. Garage 1···:)":j:i .. J6:b ·:·Y{,::ft~~:~:,.:·"::::i:; I .. 6 km from City Centre - .. Outside entertaining area 36 overs by rain). charge as they hammered vis­ Workshop 240 sq.m. plus 2 including built in Bar PEREIRA MOTORS B LI MEl"UNGO At Auclcland, New Zealand: New Zealand, 206-5, def. West iting Ferreira 4-0 - two of their bedroomed house .. Beautiful garden 81 NUBUABIS POPEPI NObRAK­ Indies, 203-7, by five wickets. goals coming from Cesar Brito WATER OTA KONGO MEEND& Bargain rental R239300.00 Monday, March 9 at Ballarat, Australja: England, 280-6, def. Sri and the others from Pacheco LELO NGASm TASm VULIKA OUI, OMAKENlNGA NDJOKA Yl sm Lanka, 174 all by 106 runs. and Jonas Them. To view phone Manfred Contact Annelise 224656/ OKUPANGELA OMALUSHENO Thesday, March 10 at Canberra, Australia: Zimbabwe vs. South Borussia Dortmund stayed Bloch 34177 (0) 224043 (h) 224153 GOOLOU OONENE Africa. At Wellington, New Zealand: West Indies vs. India. two points clear in Germany . MONATIlANA NOMUSAMANB V. Wednesday, March 11 at Perth, Australia: Australia vs. Pakistan with a 2-1 away win agalnst PEREIRA KONGODm 213580 (day-night). - AP Cologne. - AFP THE NAMIBIAN Tuesday March 10 1992 1992 11 ~--~ a // / I I I ' h----Y AC Milan beat Panna 3-1 -

SUBSTITUTE Marco Sirnone scored two second-half goals and rallied AC Milan to a 3-1 victory over Panna on Sunday, extending its unbeaten record to 24 games and maintaining its lead in the Italian First Division. With AC Milan trailing 1-0, Sirnone, who replaced Daniele Massaro at the start of the second half, tied the game with a sharp, diagonal shot in the 49th minu le and then added the game winner in the 77th, knocking in a past from Ruud Gullit close to the net. A C Milan's victory was needed to maintain the red and black's four-point lead over Juventus. Ace Irish try-scorer retires

BRENDAN Mullin, Ireland's record try-scorer, announced his retirement from international rugby at the age of 28. The centre, who would have been an automatic choice for Ireland's last Five Nations championships match of the season against France on March 21, is quitting for business and family TOP REFEREE OF THE YEAR. Boy-Boy Ndjadila (left) is a happy man as he receives his prizes from Ben Uanivi reasons. - c~person of the Namibia Football Referee's Association after being chosen as the best whistleman of the 1992 "I wouldn't have done anything for Irish rugby by playing season on Friday night. More details to follow in tomorrow's The Namibian. against France," he said. "The selectors have to put together a squad for the summer tour to New Zealand and I don't think it would have been fair to them ifIhad waited until after the French match to announce my retirement. After the World Cup I knew I would have to make my mind up sooner rather than later." Euro pacesetters tighten grip

Aussies rout Sri Lanka PARIS: Europe'spaceset­ Juventus beat Napoli by the their European Cup Winners' win - Jean-Pierre Papin inter7 ting elite tightened their same 3-1 scoreline in Turin to Cup disappointment in mid­ cepting a hesitant pass between HOLDERS Australia took the first step towards a World Cup grip on their respective stay second, four points be­ week when they were held 0-0 Zoran Vulvic and Christian recovery with a seventh-wicket rout of Sri Lanka in a crucial tie leagues at the weekend. hind. The victory left Napoli by Monaco in the same Stadio Karembeu to fire past Mar­ raud in the 7lst minute. at the Adelaide Oval on Saturday. AC Milan increased their 10 points adrift in the title race. Olimpico. Juventus owed their triumph At Nantes, Marseille's de­ Marseille, who now have 45 Needing four victories in a row to keep their chances alive for hances of completing the en­ a semi-final berth, the beleagured home team overcame a butter­ tire Italian season unbeaten to two penalties from Roberto fender Manuel Amaros, cap­ points from 31 games, also Baggio and a goal from Gian­ tain of the French national side, increased their lead over rivals fingered epidemic to cross the first hurdle. when they beat fifth-placed carlo Marocchi. Michele Pa­ was shown the red card after Monaco to two points. Mon­ The usually safe fielders put down three vital catches, but still Parma 3-1. managed to restrict Sri Lanka to 189 for nine after Allan Border French leaders Marseille dovano scored in the 85th violently protesting a decision aco were held to a goalless elected to field first on a slow wicket. finished with both points but minute for Napoli. by the referee after being pe­ draw at Toulouse. They will play Pakistan in a day-night tie in Perth tomorrpw. only ten men' in their away Torino held 00 to fourth place, nalised for a foul on Japhet Auxerre scored a 3-0 home' clash against Nantes. despite going down to a Stefuno N'Doram in the 59th minute. win over Le Havre. while Lyon Pellegrini goal against AS But even with ten men Real Madrid forced a 1-1 continued on page 10 Becker for 1992 Lipton tourney draw away to the 'old enemy' Rorna, who bounced back from Marseille managed to snatch a Barcelona in &Dd iDDDigh­ BORIS Becker, the former No 1 player in the world, will play in spa1n bouring Portugal PC Porto the 1992 Lipton International players Championships later this stayed three points clear of month, tournament officials announced. Benfica thanks to a 1-0 away Becker, rankedNo 3,has a 14-2 record this year, the best on the win at Famalicao. men's tour. His record at the Lipton is 5-4. In Germany all three top­ THE EV ANGEUCAL LUTHERAN CHURCH IN NAMIBIA (ELOC) The tournament is scheduled to run from March 13-22 at the placed teams :. Borussia International Tennis Center in Key Biscayne, Miami. Dortmund, Eintracht Frankfurt \' The men's main draw includes 78 players, plus six wild cards and VFP Stuttgart - chalked up .and 12 qualifiers. The women have 80 into the main draw, eight victories. wild cards and eight qualifiers. And PSV Eindhoven con­ tinued their domination of the is the largest church body in Namibia, with over 420.000 members in close to 100 All Blacks to tour SA Dutch first division with a 2-0 parishes, sharing the message and serving love of Christ. In addition to spiritual home win over Vitesse Amhem. ministry and Christian education. Elcm provides health and rehabilitation services, AN All Blacks tour of South Africa in August this year, an­ With 10 matches remaining, operates high schools and other educational and training institutions, and is involved nounced Saturday in Wellington, will end that country's rugby the only serious threat to AC in community development and agricultural development programmes. isolation and bring together two of the best teams in the world. Milan's record should come from their visits to Napoli and The New Zealand Rugby Football Union (NZRFU) said 'the We have the vacancy for a tour would be a short one but did not disclose details of the Torino, and their home derby itinerary. with Inter. Project Officer / Development Coordinator Television New Zealand said there would be four matches, the Marco Sirnone was Milan's last one a test against the Springboks. hero in Parma on Sunday. He ' New Zealand won the last test series against the Springboks - scored twice in the second­ at the ELCIN head office in Oniipa. the notorious 1981 tour in Wellington when games were dis­ halfwithBelgianintemational . rupted by often violent anti-apartheid demonstrators. Georges Grun adding an OWD­ goal five minutes from the end. Responsibilities include planning, fundraising, administration, coordination and re­ Sandro Melli had given Panna porting on ELCIN programmes and projects. Graf bids for Seles' spot a 33rd minute lead. Candidates with appropriate training and experience should be fluent in English and in STEFFI Graf, trying to mount a charge at Monica Seles for the No Oshiwambo or Rukwangali 1 ranking, won her first tournament of the year on Sunday, Kiwis sink' overcoming a slow start to beat Conchita Martinez 3-6, 6-2, 6-0 in the Virginia Slims of Florida. We also have the vacancy for a Martinez won a set from Graf for the fint time in their six West Indies matches, but the fourth-seeded Spaniard lost her fizz faster than NEW Zealand defeated the the free champagne served to the crowd at the Polo Club Boca Guest House Manager ' Raton. two-time champion West In­ Graf, who also won the tournament in 1987 and 1989 and dies on Sunday, strength. finished second three other times, collected the first prize of 110 ening its grip on a spot in at the ELCIN Oniipa guest House 000 dollars. Martinez won 44 ()()() dollars. the semifinals of the World Candidates with std 8 or more and appropriate training and expereince in Domestic Cup cricket tournament. Science or catering services should be fluent in English and Oshiwambo. Experience Captain Martin Crowe made in bookeeping and possesion of a driving licence is an advantage. SA campaigns for semies an unbeaten 81 to lead the Kiwis to a five-wicket victory over SOUTH Africa is possibly just one win away from its ambition the once-formidable West Ifyou are willing to participate, serve and even sacrifice in a challenging task, send your of making it through to the World Cup cricket semifinals. Indies at Eden Park in Auck­ application with CV, references, salary expectation and contact address before March And after 22- years in isolation that will be a remarkable land. 20,1992, to achievement. Anything more would be a fantastic bonus. The victory was New Zeal­ and's fifth in succession and Even if, by some quirk of nature or the strange game of limited The Administrative Secretary overs cricket, Kepler Wessels' 'Greenhorns' don't make the last left the Kiwis virtually certain four, they have already "rattled enough cages" to command of qualifying for the semifi­ The Evangelical Lutheran Church in Namibia (ELCIN) respect wherever they play. nals of the nine-nation tourna­ Private Bag 2018, Ondangwa . Any side which can whip.thelikes_of Australia, WestIndies and. ment. West Indies ' next match or band it in at the ELCIN he ~d office, Oniipa or at the ELCIN service office Gobabis Pakistan must be regarded .as. very good. is today against India. RD 65 A, Windhoek. . f I '.t •. • , I i' . I . , I 12 Tuesday March 10 1992 THE NAMIBIAN


Barcelona Fe tournament RESULTS from the Barcelona FC soccer tournament held at Kborixas at the weekend: Round One: Count 5 3 Exeters 1, Bafana 6 Citizens 3, Speed Fire 2 African Lions 0, Robber XI 2 BMC 0, TransNamib 0 Chanties Boys 1, Green Dangers 2 Barcelona (A) 2 (Dan­ gers won 6-5 on pen.), Barcelona (8) 1 Orlando Tigers 4, Pubs 4 Golden Bees 1. Round Two: AFRICAN Stars midfielder Reinhardt 'Wagga-Wagga' Goagoseb (with ball) played a humdinger against Count Five 2 Bafana 3, Speed Fire 0 Robber XI 4, Chanties Ramblers in the mini soccer tournament final encounter contested at the Ramblers field on Sunday. Stars won 4- Boys 0 Green Dangers 0 (Boys won 4-2 on pen.), Orlando 1 after trailing 1-0 at halftime. Pirates 2 Pubs 4. Round Three: Semi-finals: Bafana 0 Robber Eleven 0 (Robbers goes through to the fin al after winning 4-3), The second semi-rlDal match be­ tween Chanties Boys against Pubs could not be concluded due to darkness and would be replayed next weekend. National Soccer League I But fans needs education... I .:::.-:.:• ••••••:.:., •••• •••••• -' •••• -:.:.~• ••••••••••••:.:.:.': ::'.':':' :.:• •••:.: •• :: ••: •• :.; .•• :.:.: j= :.::::.: .• :.:::.::.:;.: :'::::::~::'::':":::':::;::':::;:::""'.:.:•• ':':':'"::"':;'::j.:... :: ;. .. ::::::.:.: ..•.• :...... ::::;.:.:: •... ::.. :.::.• :;.: .. :: ::.: ....~ ...... :. :•... :.: '.' :.:: ,,:,:,: :.. : :., :. .... :.::.: :.: :.:::: .. 'r: '.' ...... , ...... ,. ljr-· "NSL CASTLE· LEAGUE after issuing the Stars goal­ This has also led to com­ CONRAD ANGULA TO~GHT (FRIDAy): keeper with a red ticket for bad plaints that the whole tourna­ HARLEYVALE - BeHenic 4 Manning Rangers O. behaviour on the field. I had no ment should not have taken runners:'up African Stars won the alternative but to send off the place in the first place. SATURDAY: ' mini soccer tournament which was played at the week­ bcper afta:·be grabbed a buckd "Our soccer officials should ELLIS PUK - Moroka Swallowsl SuadOWDl L end, but the match will be remembered for the poor of water out of ID official's not have organised the tourna­ OPPENBE1MER - Vaal R~fs stars 0 Iwisa Kaizer Chiefs behaviour of their fans rather than the five star display hand and tbtew it on the ground. ment in the first place because 1: by their midfield sensation Reinhardt 'Wagga-Wagga' "The goalkeeper also took the Football Association was CHATSWORTH - Umtata Bucks 5 Dangerous Darkles O. Goagoseb. off his gloves and threw them still busy at its extraordinary on the ground. I am sorry but COng~S8 and now we are al­ SlJNDAY: Ramblers were leading 1-0 Seven Endjala, Zico Tjaz­ this sort ofbehaviour is simply ready faced with another prob­ LENASIA - Dynamos 2 Fairways Stars L at halftime before Goagoseb ema and former Eleven Ar­ not allowed in football," 08- lem. •• said veteran sport re­ ORLAND.Q - Orlando Pirates 0 Bloemlontein Celtic 5. almost single-handedly scored rows ace Munyanda Muaine tendorf said. porter Kuiri Kahorongo. KINGS PA:RK - AnuiZuiu'2 Hellenic O. the first goal for his new club were the scorers of the other The referee a1eo reported that Kahormgo also said that team STANGER - Crusaders 0 Giant Highlands Park 3. from the spot before he went three goals after Angolan-bom Stars supporters were involved officials must adhere to ~gu­ PHUTHADIJHABA - Cape Town Spurs Rangers. en to provide three more chances Mundu Mowele gave Ramblers in a fracas with Ramblers in a lations set by the controlling EERSTERUS - Pretoria City 1 Wits University O. for his teammates. their only goal. match during which he was body. Sunday was a black day for forced to issue two yellow tick­ "We must wade in the frame­ Namibian football especially ets to Ramblers players and work of rules stated by the when we are working so bard four to their Stars counteIparts. NFA or we can forget about a to upgrade our national sport. OstendoIf said Ramblers Pro healthy soccer administration, ,. Some drunken soccer fans spoih Carlos Kambaekwa was also he said. SU,eanTee everything with their silly using abusive language, claim­ Sunday's drama at the behaviour at the touchline. ingthathehadrobbedhisteam Ramblers field should not have Shorty Ostendorf, the refe­ of a certain win. happened and the Namibian ree who handled the final tie "The behaviour of people Sport feels that no liquor should between African Stars and like Kambaekwa is childish and be sold during soccer matches. Ramblers on Sunday told the we don't need people like this Prime Minister Hage Gein­ N amibian Sport that Stars in our soccer. They are the gob. the newly-elected Patron players had used abusive lan­ people who influence players of the NFA, has also made it guage against him. to go against the referees," he clear he was against selling "1 was afraid for my safety said. liquor at soccer matches. India issues warning to rivals

WELLINGTON, NEW ZEALAND: Azharuddln said his players were respond­ Indian cricket captain Mohammad ing to the occasion. Azharuddin issued a warning Sunday to "I think we are playing well because it Is ONLY THE WORLD'S BEST his team's World Cup rivals. the World Cup," he said. "I suppose we are peaking at the right .. Azbaruddln said the Indians were peaking time." LIMOSIN OAK-WOOD at the right time to mount a realistic chal­ Azbaruddin said India needed to maintain lenge In the nine-nation tournament. Its concentration to cUnch a semlflna) spot. IS USED TO MATURE The 1983 Cup winners have five points "We've got to win another two games at from five matches and face the West Indies in least," he said. LIMOSIN BRANDY. a crucial match at the Basin Reserve today. Azbaruddin said he was not concerned India struggled In the World Series Cup what sort of pitch his team would confront at \"' .it**.~",\,~ :u triangular competition against Australia and the Basin Oval. the West Indles earlier in the season and "We've done well against the West Indles [Jnitsin made a slow start to the World Cup. In Australia, so I don't think It will make too "' BranU The Indians scored a 55-run victory over much dlft'erence;" he said. IhnOSUt Zimbabwe In a rain-shortened match in Ha­ "We had no problems readjusting but It is milton on Saturday to boost their morale. more difficult to go onto faster l;Vlckets than "We've been playing well In the World get back to playing 00 the slower ones." lIranil1i Cup. We're starting to play to our poten­ India's World Cup campaign Is being tial," Azbaruddin said. sparked by teen-ager Sachin Teodulkar, who "That wasn't the case In the World Series recorded his best oae-day International score up and the tests In AustralJa." of 81 against Zimbabwe. - AP