Reports from the Environmental Archaeology Unit, York 2000/79, 4 pp.

Assessment of remains from a sample from the Flodden Hill Rectilinear Enclosure

by Harry Kenward


One sample from the lowest fill, dated c. AD 200, of a ditch terminal at the Flodden Hill Rectilinear Enclosure site has been assessed for its content of insect and other macro- invertebrate remains. Numerous fragments were present, and their preservation excellent. Species indicating open ground and dung suggested that grazing land predominated in the surroundings. There were weak hints of occupation-site synanthropes. A specimen of the nettlebug urticae is of particular significance as a strong indicator of temperatures well above those of the present day. Detailed analysis is recommended.


Environmental Archaeology Unit Prepared for: Dr Clive Waddington Department of Biology Department of Archaeology University of York University of Newcastle upon Tyne PO Box 373 NE1 7RU, UK Heslington York YO10 5YW 2 November 2000 Reports from the EAU, York 2000/22 Assessment: Flodden Hill

Assessment of insect remains from a sample from the Flodden Hill Rectilinear Enclosure

Introduction bedded but sloped upwards at its sides, suggesting that it had formed naturally and A single sample of sediment, 19 (2 of 2) from was not a dump. It had a maximum depth of a fill (Context 005) of a cut feature identified 0.37m. The excavated silt contained charred as a ditch terminal at the Flodden Hill barley seeds, waterlogged branch wood and Rectilinear Enclosure site (also referred to in herbs plants typical of disturbed ground with records as Milfield, MILF 99.4) was submitted nearby cultivation. for assessment by Clive Waddington, Newcastle University. Above 005 was a lower clay fill (004) consisting of a horizontally bedded loose grit The following is condensed from a draft of the and clay with large stones. It had a maximum archaeological report. The Flodden Hill depth of 0.75m, and was overlain by a 0.65m rectilinear enclosure survives as a crop mark deep horizontally bedded clay silt (003) site visible on aerial photographs. It is centred consisting of a stiff fine clay, light grey in at NT92003610 on an east-facing slope. The colour with a blue tint indicating that it had area investigated was on the east side of the gleyed. The upper fill of the terminal (Context enclosure, located at the downslope end of the 002) consisted of a boulder fill set in a loose site. The trench included the entrance, and gritty silty clay matrix brown in colour. associated ditch terminals, and part of the This was probably deliberate backfilling. interior of the enclosure. Enclosures of this kind are common in The ditch fills had been truncated by northern England, and considered to be ploughing. The south terminal was sectioned Romano-British in date. Radiocarbon dates for by machine; it was considered unsafe to the context analysed for insect remains will be excavate by hand. The cut revealed a section forthcoming in the next phase of the project which showed that the ditch had a single but a date around c.200AD is anticipated, original cut [006] with no later recuts evident. relating to the time at which the enclosure was The ditch had a singe continuous concave occupied. The manner of subsequent infilling profile on the outer edge and a stepped of the ditch suggests that the site was finally convex profile on the inner. It measured abandoned and the ditch deliberately levelled. 5.15m in width and 2.07m deep below the base of the modern topsoil. Methods

The basal ditch deposit (005), examined here, After brief description following a standard was a waterlogged black silty clay. It was the pro forma, a subsample of 2.0 kg was primary deposit and appeared as one block of submitted to sieving and full paraffin flotation homogeneous dark sloppy silt with high following the methods described by Kenward organic content including waterlogged wood. et al. (1980). Occasional small stones up to 0.1m across were encountered. It was not horizontally

2 Reports from the EAU, York 2000/22 Assessment: Flodden Hill

Results quite well represented. Most, such as Tachinus spp. Megarthrus sp., Cryptopleurum The sample was described as moist, dark minutum (F.), and Megasternum obscurum brown slightly sandy silty amorphous and (Marsh.), may have fallen in this category or detrital organic material, with some stones to exploited dung, but Ptenidium sp., and 50 mm. About 5 ml of organic matter was Gyrohypnus sp. are perhaps more likely to recovered in the flot, and most of this was have come from litter-like material. Of special fragments of insects. Preservation was superb interest is a specimen of a spider beetle which (modes E1.5, F 2.0, following the scheme of is probably Tipnus unicolor (P+M.), Kenward and Large 1992), and there were particularly associated with Roman towns and many entire or nearly entire sclerites of even with later- to post-medieval occupation and large species such as dung beetles, chafers and (with the notable exception of the Deer Park silphids, as well as nymphs of bugs. Farms site in Co. Antrim, Kenward and Allison 1994) very unusual at early rural sites. Because this is a primary fill it is very likely Apart from this there were no species that it accumulated while the site was in use, especially strongly tied to artificial habitats, and not in abandonment. This is supported by suggesting an isolated settlement (Kenward the strong indications of an open environment 1997), although some, such as the ground (see below). That the deposit formed in water beetle Pterostichus melanarius, are was confirmed by the presence of various particularly typical of human occupation. aquatics, including cladocerans (water fleas), principally Daphnia sp., and a range of beetles The most remarkable find in this superb and bugs. The latter were all species which assemblage is of great significance: a specimen would be at home in shallow, reasonably of the nettlebug Heterogaster urticae (F.). clean, water with a little vegetation. There was This species is principally associated with a single elmid beetle, indicative of flowing nettle, dioica L. During the 20th water. There were a few waterside taxa, and century the bug was confined primarily to the several others likely to be found on ditch south-east of England, with sporadic edges, including some plant-feeders and occurrences in Norfolk and Cheshire, and ground beetles. what seems to have been a stray from Yorkshire (Massee 1955; Southwood and Species indicating short herbaceous Leston 1959). However, there are numerous vegetation, including grassland, were fossil records from Roman, Anglo- conspicuous and included the chafer Scandinavian, and sometimes post-Conquest Phyllopertha horticola ((l.), elaterids (click York, and elsewhere outside the current range beetles), and Dascillus cervinus (L.). Dung (Hall and Kenward 2000; Kenward and Hall beetles were well represented, Aphodius 1995), and the species is regarded as prodromus (Brahm) and A. contaminatus indicating that higher temperatures obtained in (Herbst) being rather common. No species these periods. If it was established in associated with trees or shrubs were found Northumberland substantially higher despite the presence of ‘branch wood’ in the temperatures are indicated. sediment (see above). Recommendations Beetles particularly associated with artificial accumulations of decomposing matter were

3 Reports from the EAU, York 2000/22 Assessment: Flodden Hill

This is very significant material on several Passmore for providing archaeological counts. It can be used to provide evidence of information. conditions in the settlement, and vegetation and land-use in its surroundings. Investigation References of the synanthropic component (including confirmation of the identification of Tipnus Hall, A. R. and Kenward, H. K. (2000). Setting people in their environment: plant and remains from unicolor) will be significant in terms of Anglo-Scandinavian York. Reports from the duration of settlement and external contact. Environmental Archaeology Unit, York 2000/42, 44 The presence of at least one beetle from pp. + 39 pp. tables and figures. flowing water leads one to wonder whether the ditch was fed by a stream. The climatic Kenward, H. (1997). Synanthropic decomposer insects implications of the assemblage as a whole may and the size, remoteness and longevity of archaeological occupation sites: applying concepts prove particularly important. from biogeography to past 'islands' of human occupation, pp. 135-152 in Ashworth, A. C., It is strongly recommended that the material Buckland, P. C. and Sadler, J. T. (Eds.), Studies in already extracted be investigated in full, and Quaternary Entomology: an inordinate fondness for that the remaining sediment (apart from a insects. Quaternary Proceedings 5. small voucher) be processed to supplement it. Kenward, H. K. and Allison, E. P. (1994). A Remains of beetles and bugs (at least) should preliminary view of the insect assemblages from the be identified as closely as practicable. early Christian rath site at Deer Park Farms, Northern Ireland, pp. 89-107 in Rackham, D. J. (ed.), The recommended course of action will Environment and economy in Anglo-Saxon England. require the following time allocation (HK): Council for British Archaeology Research Report 89. Kenward, H. K. and Hall, A. R. (1995). Biological 1 day to process further subsample evidence from Anglo-Scandinavian deposits at 16-22 5 days basic identification of existing and Coppergate. The Archaeology of York 14 (7), 435-797 supplementary subsamples + xxii + loose figures. York: Council for British 5 days making critical identifications Archaeology. 5 days reading literature and writing technical Kenward, H. K., Hall, A. R. and Jones, A. K. G. report (1980). A tested set of techniques for the extraction of 4 days writing contribution to site report. plant and animal macrofossils from waterlogged archaeological deposits. Science and Archaeology 22, Total 20 days. 3-15.

Should there be significant climatic data (e.g. Kenward, H. and Large, F. (1998). Recording the preservational condition of archaeological insect if further H. urticae are recovered) it will be fossils. Environmental Archaeology 2, 49-60. desirable to publish an account in an appropriate journal, for which a further five Massee, A. M. (1955). The county distribution of the days should be allowed. British -Heteroptera, second edition. Entomologist’s Monthly Magazine 91, 7-27. Acknowledgements Southwood, T. R. E. and Leston, D. (1959). Land and water bugs of the British Isles. London: Warne. I am grateful to Clive Waddington for bringing the material to may attention, and to Dave