Report of the Strategic Director, Place to the meeting of the Shipley Area Committee to be held on 31 July 2019. J Subject:


Summary statement:

This report seeks approval for a programme of Safer Roads schemes in the Shipley constituency for 2019/20.

Steve Hartley Portfolio: Strategic Director - Place Regeneration, Planning & Transport

Report Contact: Mr Simon D’Vali Overview & Scrutiny Area: Principal Engineer Phone: (01274) 431000 Regeneration & Environment E-mail: 1. SUMMARY

1.1 This report seeks approval for a programme of Safer Roads schemes in the Shipley constituency for 2019/20.


2.1 The West Transport Strategy 2040 was approved by the Combined Authority (WYCA) in August 2017. In conjunction with the Strategic Economic Plan, the overarching aim of the strategy is “…for Region to be a globally recognised economy where good growth delivers high levels of prosperity, jobs and quality of life for everyone.”

2.2 The key objectives of the strategy are:

Economy: Create a more reliable, less congested, better connected transport network.

Environment: Have a positive impact on our built and natural environment.

People and place: Put people first to create a strong sense of place.

2.3 In terms of Safer Roads themes, the strategy includes a specific aim to reduce road accidents, aspiring to ‘zero tolerance’ of transport-related deaths. There are also aspirations to encourage walking and cycling by improving safety.

2.4 The Strategy includes a casualty reduction target, similar to that first introduced within the Local Transport Plan. This equates to a 42% reduction in the number of people killed or seriously injured (KSI) in road collisions by 2027 - (using the 2016 KSI figure as a base).

2.5 Historically there were specific budgets for the promotion of Casualty Reduction schemes and more general Traffic Management Measures. Following a significant reduction in the level of funding, this was combined into a single funding stream. Executive devolved the budget to the Area Committees in October 2012, with a provision that 70% of the budget had to be allocated to Casualty Reduction schemes, the residual funding being available for projects prioritised by members.

2.6 The prioritisation of funding for Casualty Reduction schemes has been an important contributor to the continuing downward trend in casualty rates within the district. This has been achieved in partnership with other interventions including Police enforcement and Road Safety education, training and publicity activities. However, the current level of funding dictates that individual Area Committees are restricted in the scale of projects that can be prioritised, and precludes the development of projects of more strategic significance. 2.7 There has been a systematic addressing of locations with notable clusters of recorded traffic collisions. As such, the occurrence of collisions is becoming more sporadic and thus more difficult to target with specific area committee based interventions. Notwithstanding this, it is acknowledged that there remains a safety benefit in delivering traffic management schemes in areas where casualty rates are not necessarily high, but where there are concerns about vehicle speeds, severance or more general safety issues.

2.8 In order to address the issues highlighted in paragraphs 2.6 and 2.7 the following revisions to the Safer Roads budget allocation and scheme governance systems for 2018/19 onwards were approved by Executive committee on 12 June 2018:

 Establish a strategic Safer Roads budget to enable the development of larger scale schemes with road safety benefits, with the approval to promote such projects and consideration of any resulting objections being an Executive Member function.

 Funding continues to be distributed to the Area Committees to promote Casualty Reduction schemes as a priority.

2.9 An element of the Safer Roads budget can also be prioritised to address community safety, access, mobility and sustainable transport issues. The determination of proposed schemes programmes takes into account the needs of all road users, including those with special mobility needs, and is referred to in the body of this report.


3.1 Three Casualty Reduction and two Community Project schemes included within this Committee’s 2018/19 capital works programme remain outstanding (Appendix 1 attached to his report refers). The estimated cost of completing these five outstanding schemes within 2019/20 is £37,000.

3.2 An underspend of this Committee’s 2018/19 Safer Roads budget amounted to £17,000.

3.3 If Committee Members choose not to abandon some or all of the five outstanding schemes shown within Tables 1 & 2 of Appendix 1, the required £20,000 shortfall needed to complete them would need to come from this Committee’s 2019/20 Safer Roads Devolved Budget.

3.4 It is recommended that this Area Committee affirms its commitment to progressing Disabled Persons Parking Places and undertaking mobility access improvement works by including budgets for these within its 2019/20 programme. (Appendix 2 refers). 3.5 Having regard to previous costs incurred by this Committee in procuring Vehicle Activated Signs (VAS), it may wish to re-affirm its commitment to allocating funding to the annual maintenance of VAS units (Appendix 2 refers).

3.6 The cost of traffic surveys required to assess requests for traffic management measures and assist in determining future schemes programmes will also need to be met from this committee’s capital works budget as it is proposed that the majority of surveys undertaken in 2019/20 be externally procured to maximise resources. (Appendix 2 refers).

3.7 It is also suggested that the successful exercise undertaken last year within the and Bradford West constituencies of promoting a constituency-wide Traffic Regulation Order including a number of sites where minor amendments to waiting restrictions had been requested, be adopted by this Committee for its 2019/20 works programme. Due to the more extensive processes involved, it would not be feasible to include any larger schemes or Residents Permit Parking Schemes within the constituency-wide Order.

3.8 The list of proposed candidates which could comprise a Shipley constituency-wide Traffic Regulation Order and which this Committee may choose to include within its 2019/20 works programme is attached to this report as appendix 3.

3.9 The works comprising the proposed constituency wide TRO have been requested by residents, elected Members and/or the emergency services, and are considered to be non-contentious and therefore unlikely to generate objections when formally advertised.


4.1 The total Shipley constituency Safer Roads budget for 2019/20 is £110,000.

4.2 Excluding the £20,000 required of this Committee’s 2019/20 Safer Roads budget to complete all five outstanding 2018/19 schemes identified in Appendix 1 of this report, the recommended split of the residual £90,000 between community-based projects (including Ancillary Works and a Constituency-Wide TRO (Appendix 2 and 3 refers)) and casualty reduction schemes (Appendix 4) is £35,000 and £55,000 respectively.


5.1 A failure to follow an evidence-based approach and prioritise schemes on the basis of casualty reduction potential would not meet with the overarching aims of the Safer Roads allocation


6.1 There are no specific issues arising from this report. The course of action proposed is in general accordance with the Councils power as Highway Authority and Traffic Regulation Authority.



Due consideration is given to Section 149 of the Equality Act 2010 when developing all Safer Roads schemes.


Safer Roads projects are designed to minimise future maintenance implications and the impact on the environment.


The implementation of highway safety schemes and projects which encourage sustainable transport modes will potentially reduce harmful emissions.


The Safer Roads programme delivers a wide-range of projects including traffic calming, pedestrian crossing facilities, cycling and horse riding provision, speed limit reductions and junction improvements. Such measures, along with partnership activities, form an integral part of improving safety in local communities. Reduction of community severance and community cohesion are two positive outcomes of this programme.






Respective ward members will be involved in the development of site specific projects.







9.1 Members may choose to nominate alternative schemes to those recommended in Appendices 1, 2, 3, 4 (to the same total budget value). Alternative schemes can also be nominated from the list of outstanding requests for traffic management schemes identified within Appendix 5 of this report. Officers will provide appropriate advice on any suggested substitutions. Any alternative sites suggested for inclusion in Appendix 4 will be subject to justification in terms of Casualty Reduction potential.


10.1 That this Committee approves as part of its 2019/20 Safer Roads Programme those five outstanding 2018/19 schemes identified within Tables 1 and 2 of Appendix 1 of this report.

10.2 That this Committee approves as part of its 2019/20 Safer Roads Programme those proposed Traffic Management Ancillary Measures identified in Appendix 2 of this report.

10.3 That this Committee approves as part of its 2019/20 Safer Roads Programme that list of sites comprising the proposed Shipley Constituency-Wide Traffic Regulation Order identified within Appendix 3 of this report

10.4 That this Committee approves as part of its 2019/20 Safer Roads Programme that programme of proposed Casualty Reduction schemes identified within the ‘Priority List’ of Appendix 4 of this report.

10.5 That any Traffic Regulation Orders, or any legal procedures linked to the processing of traffic calming measures or pedestrian crossing facilities which are necessary to implement the chosen schemes be approved for processing and advertising subject to the scheme details being agreed with the local Ward Members.

10.6 That any valid objections to the advertised Traffic Regulation Orders, traffic calming or pedestrian facilities be submitted to this Area Committee for consideration or in the event of there being no valid objections the Traffic Regulation Orders be sealed and implemented and the traffic calming or pedestrian facilities be implemented as advertised. 11. APPENDICES

Appendix 1 – List of outstanding schemes from this Committee’s 2018/19 Safer Roads programme.

Appendix 2 – Proposed programme of Traffic Management Ancillary Measures for 2019/20.

Appendix 3 – Proposed programme of sites comprising the Shipley constituency-wide Traffic Regulation Order for 2019/20.

Appendix 4 – Proposed programme of Casualty Reduction schemes for 2019/20.

Appendix 5 – List of outstanding requests for Traffic Management schemes.


12.1 Report of the Strategic Director Department of Environment and Sport to the meeting of Council Executive 9 October 2012 – Devolution to Area Committees

12.2 Report of the Strategic Director Place to the meeting of Council Executive 12 June 2018 – Proposed changes to the Safer Roads budget allocation.

12.3 2016, 2017 and 2018 Safer Roads Devolved Budget Report for Shipley Area

Appendix 1

Table 1

Casualty Reduction Schemes Included Within This Committee’s 2018/19 Safer Roads Programme But Not Yet Completed.

Location Scheme Ward(s) Completion Stage Funding Required To Complete Scheme Keighley Road, (between Vehicle activated signs Not yet started £10,000 Micklethwaite Lane and Magnate Roundabout) Park Road (including its jct with Charles Mini-roundabout and vehicle Bingley Not yet started (with the £12,000 Street) Bingley activated sign (the VAS unit has exception of the VAS already been purchased) purchase) Leeds Road/Carr Lane, Shipley Upgrade traffic signs and Shipley Signing and lining elements £2,000 carriageway lines to improve lane about to be ordered. discipline

Table 2

Community Projects (Previously Referred To As Locally Determined Schemes) Included Within This Committee’s 2018/19 Safer Roads Programme But Not Yet Completed.

Location Scheme Ward(s) Completion Stage Funding Required To Complete Scheme Burley Parking Traffic Regulation Order Parking TRO Burley Objections received to £3,000 (TRO) advertised TRO Chapel Lane, Bingley Pedestrian crossing facility Bingley Detail design £10,000 reutilising decommissioned pedestrian crossing equipment removed from Main Street, Bingley as part of the Lidl development


Proposed Traffic Management Ancillary Measures For 2019/20.

Location Scheme Ward(s) Estimate

Various – (and to be Disabled Persons Parking All six wards comprising £5000 determined) Places, and Mobility & Access Shipley constituency works Various – (and to be Maintenance of Vehicle Activated All six wards comprising £5000 determined) Signs Shipley constituency

Various – (and to be Traffic Surveys All six wards comprising £5000 determined) Shipley constituency APPENDIX 3

List Of Non-Contentious Proposed Schemes Comprising A Shipley Constituency–Wide Traffic Regulation Order For 2019/20.

Street/Road Name Ward Type of Proposed Waiting Restriction Reason For Proposed TRO

Otley Road / Acorn No Waiting At Any Time (ie. Double Obstructive and indiscriminate parking at the Park, Baildon yellow lines) junction. Browgate / Rushcroft Baildon No Waiting At Any Time (ie. Double Obstructive and indiscriminate parking at the Terrace, Bialdon yellow lines) junction. Chapel Lane, Bingley Bingley Replace existing double yellow lines On street parking would not create any with 2 hours short stay parking obstruction to other road user group on this one way traffic street. Harris Street, Bingley Bingley Removal of existing waiting Yellow lines which were installed in association restrictions with the then Bradford & Bingley HQ are no longer required. Cottingley Moor Bingley No Waiting At Any Time (ie. Double To prevent obstructive parking on both sides of Road, Cottingley Rural yellow lines) carriageway by parents dropping off/picking up children at/from the nearby school (despite there being solid white central unbroken lines which prohibit parking). NB The solid white line is enforceable by the police; whereas yellow lines would be enforceable by Council wardens. Crack Lane, (at its Bingley Remove yellow lines from one side of Currently, the parking causes obstruction junction with Main Rural Crack Lane, and introduce onto other problems when cars are travelling in both Street), side of Crack Lane directions along Crack Lane, particularly when turning into Crack Lane from Main Street. Bradford Old Road, Bingley No Waiting At Any Time restrictions (ie. Protect sight lines coming out of industrial Cottingley Rural Double yellow lines) estate APPENDIX 3 (continued) Ling Bob Mill Fold, Bingley No Waiting At Any Time restrictions (ie. Protect sight lines at its junction with Main Wilsden Rural Double yellow lines) Street Lee Lane, Wilsden Bingley No Waiting At Any Time restrictions (ie. Protect sight lines at its junction with Harden Rural Double yellow lines) Lane Foster Park, Bingley No Waiting At Any Time restrictions (ie. Protect sight lines at junction with A629 Halifax Rural Double yellow lines) Road Beckfoot Lane with Bingley No Waiting At Any Time restrictions (ie. Protect sight lines Hazelmere Avenue Rural Double yellow lines) and Hazel Beck, Bingley Valley Heights, Bingley No Waiting At Any Time restrictions (ie. Prevent obstruction of club gate and protect Denholme Rural Double yellow lines) sightlines Junction of Ashdene Bingley No Waiting At Any Time restrictions (ie. Protect sight lines Court with Station Rural Double yellow lines) Road, Firth Lane and Bingley No Waiting At Any Time restrictions (ie. To prevent obstructive parking (particularly at Briggland Court, Rural Double yellow lines) the start and end of the school day) Wilsden. Halifax Road with Bingley No Waiting At Any Time restrictions (ie. To prevent parking on Keighley Road which Croftside Court, Rural Double yellow lines) obstructs sightlines (to the left hand side) for Cullinworth drivers exiting Croftside Court George Street, Shipley Extend existing ‘No Waiting At Any To prevent footway parking causing regular (fronting Time restrictions’ (ie. Double yellow damage to stone flags. No.65 George Street, lines) Saltaire) Wellington Crescent Shipley No Waiting At Any Time (ie. Double To address obstructive parking (particularly near (its northern end) yellow lines) the entrance to the elderly persons residential complex) Saltaire Rd (between Shipley No Waiting At Any Time (ie. Double To address obstructive parking its junctions with yellow lines) Back Baker Street and John Street) (and relates to Wycliffe School) Branksome Shipley No Waiting At Any Time (ie. Double To protect driver sightlines Drive/Bradford Road yellow lines) Junction

APPENDIX 3 (continued)

Grosvenor Shipley No Waiting At Any Time (ie. Double To protect driver sightlines Avenue/Grosvenor yellow lines) Road Junction Marlborough Rd and Shipley No Waiting At Any Time (ie. Double To prevent parking close to junctions Scarborough Rd yellow lines) Junction of South Shipley No Waiting At Any Time (ie. Double To prevent parking close to junctions Edge with Avondale yellow lines) Road. Back Selborne Shipley No Waiting At Any Time (ie. Double To prevent obstructive parking to each side of Terrace yellow lines) the off-street car park associated with Princes Court. Bromley Road, Shipley Extend length of existing waiting To prevent obstructive parking Saltaire restrictions Highfield Terrace, Shipley Extend length of existing waiting To prevent obstructive parking Saltaire restrictions Main Street / Cleasby No Waiting At Any Time (ie. Double Obstructive and indiscriminate parking at the Road, Menston yellow lines) junction. Leathley Road & Ave, Wharfedale No Waiting At Any Time (ie. Double Obstructive and indiscriminate parking by Menston yellow lines) commuters at the junction. Cleasby Road / Wharfedale No Waiting At Any Time (ie. Double Obstructive and indiscriminate parking at the Grove Road, yellow lines) junction. Menston Bingley Road / Wharfedale No Waiting At Any Time (ie. Double Obstructive and indiscriminate parking at the Leathley Road / Ave, yellow lines) junction & entrance of the park Menston Cleasby Road / Digby Wharfedale No Waiting At Any Time (ie. Double Obstructive and indiscriminate parking at the Road, Menston yellow lines) junction. Double yellow lines to protect sightlines. Bingley Road /Main Wharfedale No Waiting At Any Time (ie. Double Obstructive and indiscriminate parking at the Street, Menston yellow lines) junction. Derry Hill / Derry Hill Wharfedale No Waiting At Any Time (ie. Double Obstructive parking at the junction Gardens, Menston yellow lines) Prospect Road, Wharfedale Removal of section of No Waiting At To provide additional on-street parking Burley Any Time (ie. Double yellow lines) Southfield Road, Wharfedale No Waiting At Any Time (ie. Double Obstructive and indiscriminate parking at the Burley yellow lines) junction.

APPENDIX 3 (continued) Langford Lane, Wharfedale No Waiting At Any Time (ie. Double Obstructive parking at junctions Langford Mews, & yellow lines) Langford Close, Wharfedale Welwyn Windhill & No Waiting At Any Time restrictions (ie. Protect sight lines Ave/Westfield Lane Double yellow lines) Leeds Road Windhill & Revoke existing waiting restrictions Existing parking restrictions within lay-by no (Fronting the now Wrose longer required defunct fish & chip shop) Leeds Road (lay by Windhill & Limited Waiting Introduce limited waiting within lay by for benefit fronting nos 280-282 Wrose of shoppers and to deter long-stay parking by Leeds Road) HGVs Old Road Windhill & No Waiting At Any Time (ie. Double Obstructive parking preventing ambulances (near Windhill Wrose yellow lines) from parking close to medical centre entrance Medical Centre) Thackley Old Road, Windhill & No Waiting At Any Time (ie. Double Parking to each side of vehicular entrance to K Windhill (at jct with Wrose yellow lines) Dee Engineering Plastics obstructs sightlines for Jubilee Way) those drivers exiting the factory curtilage. Jubilee Way, Windhill Windhill & No Waiting At Any Time (ie. Double Parking which obstructs the free passage of (adopted section) Wrose yellow lines) HGV deliveries. Kentmere, Wrose Windhill & No Waiting At Any Time (ie. Double Parking near to junction and obstructing Wrose yellow lines) sightlines Thornes Park Road , Windhill & Replacing informal keep clear white To prevent regular obstructive parking across a Wrose Wrose line marking across private driveway private driveway (the resident is an emergency marking with yellow lines to prevent services worker and is regularly obstructed from obstruction of driveway exiting his driveway when receiving a ‘call out’) West Royd Avenue, Windhill & Revoke an existing 10 metre To allow more on-street parking for the row of Wrose Wrose (approximate) length of existing ‘No shops fronting the layby on Leeds Road Waiting At Any Time’ restriction Oakdale Grove, Windhill & Extend existing ‘No Waiting At Any To prevent obstructive parking by persons Oakdale Avenue and Wrose Time’ (ie. Double yellow lines) parking visiting nearby shops. Oakdale Road, restrictions. Wrose Layby fronting row Windhill & Retain 2 of existing 4 spaces within To allow some long-term parking within the of shops on Leeds Wrose layby as ’20 mins limited parking 24/7’ layby within the evening. Rd immediately and convert remaining 2 spaces to ‘20 south west of its mins limited waiting 11pm-3.00pm junction with West Mon- Sun’, and ‘2 hrs limited waiting Royd Crescent. 3.00pm -11.00pm Mon - Sun’.

APPENDIX 4 Proposed Programme Of Casualty Reduction Schemes For 2019/20.

PRIORITY LIST Location Scheme Ward 5-yr casualties Estimate Road, Baildon (From the Leeds Speed reduction measures including possible Baildon 2 Fatal £40,000 boundary to its junction with Baildon reduction of speed limit, improved signing and lining, 2 Serious Road and potential Vehicle Activated Signs. 21 Slight Potential improvements at various junctions along the length, and improvements to existing pedestrian crossing facility.

Moor Road, Wharfedale (from the Speed limit reduction and provision of Vehicle Wharfedale 1 Fatal £10,000 ward boundary to its junction with Activated Sign(s). Provision of cycle warning signs. (occurred on Stead Lane boundary with Ilkley Ward) 2 Serious 4 Slight Keighley Road, Bingley, between its Improve lane discipline and reduce potential Bingley 4 Serious £5,000 junctions with Mill gate and Cemetery conflicts associated with turning manoeuvres at 4 Slight Road junctions. Potential kerbing works.

RESERVE LIST Location Scheme Ward(s) 5-yr Estimate casualties A65 Bradford Road/ junction with A660 Cycle bypass facilities at the roundabout and Wharfedale 2 Serious £18,000 llkey Road, Wharfedale warning signs 8 Slight

Market Square, Shipley (at its junction Provide improved regulatory signs and appropriate Shipley 1 Series £3,000 with Market Street) carriageway markings 2 Slight A657 Saltaire Road (near its junction Extend length of existing 20mph zone on Saltaire Shipley 1 Serious £10,000 with Crowgill Road), Shipley Road from its current terminal point to its jct with 1 Slight Crowgill Road

Coplowe Lane, Wilsden Provide appropriate carriageway markings and Bingley 1 Serious £3,000 warning signs on backing board Rural 1 Slight


Outstanding list of requests received for Traffic Management Measures within the Shipley constituency.


RECENT BUDGET RD NAME COMPLAINT CONCERNS REQUEST OFFICER COMMENT ESTIMATE (£) Baildon Road, Baildon Speeding Traffic 17/18 Traffic calming measures 25,000 Bartle Gill Rise, Baildon Parking problems 15/16 Parking near school 6,600 Browgate, Baildon Zebra crossing 17/18 Conversion of existing zebra to signal crossing 35,000 Cliffe Ave, Baildon Parking issues 14/15 Parking restrictions and speed reducing features 20,000 Glen Rd, Baildon speeding 14/15 Speed reduction order 7,000 Green Rd, Baildon speeding 14/15 Traffic management measures 15,000 Hallcliffe , Baildon Speeding/parking 17/18 Hallcliffe was in the programme once but removed. 10,000 Holden Lane, Baildon Speeding/through traffic 14/15 Speed reducing features 15,000 Hoyle Court Rd/Ave, Baildon Parking problems/outside school 15/16 Short stay parking restrictions 6,600 Kirkfields Speeding traffic/parking 14/15 Traffic calming measures 10,000 Kirklands Lane, Baildon Obstructive parking 14/15 Parking restrictions near one-way street 6,600 Lucy Hall Drive, Baildon Speeding 17/18 Semi urban road, commuter route 15,000 Moorgate, Baildon speeding 15/16 20mph / Speed reducing features 18,000 Newton Way, Baildon Crossing difficulties/speeding 13/14 Provision of crossing facility/ slowing traffic 35,000 Prod Lane, Baildon Speeding/traffic volume 13/14 Traffic management measures requested 15,000 The Grove, Baildon Parking problems for residents 15/16 EResidents Only Permit Parking 8,000 Roundwood Road, Baildon Speeding 16/17 SLO to allow extension to existing 20mph zone/mph 6,600

Station Road, Baildon Speeding 16/17 Speed reducing features 20,000 Station Rd/Roundwood Road Speeding on approaches to zebra 16/17 Speed reducing features near zebra 5,000 Temple Rhydding Drive, Speeding & traffic volume 13/14 Traffic calming measures 20,000 Baildon West Lane, Baildon Speeding & traffic volume 17/18 Traffic calming measures 10,000

* These sites are also included within that list of sites comprising the proposed Shipley constituency-wide TRO (Appendix 3 refers)

APPENDIX 5 (Continued) BINGLEY WARD RECENT BUDGET ROAD NAME COMPLAINT CONCERNS REQUEST OFFICER COMMENT ESTIMATE (£) Bingley Area,Various Long stay parking 15/16 Further Residents Only Permit Parking 15,000 Back Mitchell Terrace, & Parking obstruction 17/18 Provision of double yellow lines on both sides 6,600 Area, Bingley Bailey Hills Road, Bingley Lack of short stay/business parking 16/17 Modification to existing TRO 6,000 Chapel Walk, Bingley Lack of crossing facility 17/18 Zebra 20,000 outside library Or or Puffin crossing 40,000 Cedar Street, Crossflatts Parking issues 15/16 Short stay parking to be removed from the current ROPP 6,600 scheme on this road. Ferncliffe Road, Bingley Speeding 13/14 Speeding; high traffic volume 35,000 Heights Lane, Bingley Speeding 14/15 Speed limit reduction 6,600 Lady Lane, Bingley speeding 16/17 Traffic calming measures 20,000 Morton Lane, Crossflatts Long-stay parking associated with the 17/18 A permit parking scheme to prevent long-stay parking by 8,000 nearby school teachers. Mornington Rd, Zebra crossing outside school 17/18 Existing 20mph zone 25,000 Old Main Street Through traffic 14/15 Prohibition of driving (except for access) 6,600 Beck Lane/Falcon Seasonal parking problem involving 17/18 A permit parking scheme to prevent long-stay parking by 8,000 Road/Fairfax Road visitors to 5 Rise Locks visitors to Five Rise Locks and assist the parking needs of residents Otley Road /Church Fold, Speeding and poor visibility due to 15/16 Traffic calming 10,000 . bend. Mornington Road area, Long-stay commuter parking 17/18 A permit parking scheme to prevent long-stay parking by 8,000 Bngley associated with Bingley rail station commuters and assist the parking needs of residents Sheriff Lane, Bingley Speeding traffic 17/18 Existing 20 mph needs road humps 10,000 Canal Road, Evergreen Long-stay commuter parking 17/18 A permit parking scheme to prevent long-stay parking by 8,000 Walk, Crossflatts (associated with train station) commuters and assist the parking needs of residents Longwood Avenue and Long-stay commuter parking 17/18 A permit parking scheme to prevent long-stay parking by 8,000 Laurel Grove, Crossflatts (associated with train station and commuters and parents of pupils attending the nearby school, Bingley Grammar Scholl) and assist the parking needs of residents – Already has ‘Access Only’ The Oval, Bingley Speeding issue 17/18 Traffic Calming 10,000 * These sites are also included within that list of sites comprising the proposed Shipley constituency-wide TRO (Appendix 3 refers) APPENDIX 5 (Continued) WARD RECENT BUDGET ROAD NAME COMPLAINT/CONCERNS REQUEST OFFICER COMMENT ESTIMATE (£) A644 Brighouse Road, Parking by non-residents (specifically 16/17 Residents Only Permit Parking Scheme 8,000 Keelham Keelham School staff & parents) Beckfoot Lane with Parking obstructing driver sightlines 17/18 TRO to prohibit parking 6,600 Hazelmere Avenue & Hazel Beck, Bingley* Bradford Old Rd, Cott’ley.* Obstructive parking & poor driver 17/18 TRO to introduce formal waiting restrictions 6,600 sightlines Church Street, Cullingworth Parking by non-residents 16/17 Residents Only Permit Parking Scheme 8,000 Cottingley Cliffe Road Lack of footpath 14/15 Formation of footpath 7,000 Cottingley Moor Rd, Parked vehicles obstructing passing traffic 17/18 TRO to introduce formal waiting restrictions 6,600 Cottingley* and affecting driver sightlines. B6429 Bingley Road at Speeding 17/18 Traffic Calming 10,000 Cowhouse Bridge, Cul’wrth Crack Lane, Wilsden* Obstruction and poor driver sightlines 17/18 TRO to introduce & revoke formal waiting restrictions 6,600 Cullingworth Road with Improvements needed of the mini- 16/17 Improved signing and lining 2,000 ManywellsBrow, roundabout Cull’gworth Firth Lane & Briggland School parking causing obstruction 17/18 TRO prohibiting parking 6,600 Court, Wilsden* Flappit Crossroads, Speeding & trying to ‘beat’ the traffic 17/18 Speed limit reduction 12,000 Cullingworth signals at the crossroads junction Foster Park, Denholme* On-street parking concerns 13/14 TRO prohibiting parking 6,600 Glen View, Harden Verge damage due to narrow carriageway 14/15 Convert part of grass into footway 6,000 Greenside Lane, Cul’worth Limited waiting at school drop-off point 19/20 Need for limited waiting at school drop-off point 6,000 Rd, Hallowes Park Speeding 16/17 A 20mph zone incorporating traffic calming features 22,000 Rd, Sunningdale Crsct, Westhill Ave & Greenside Lane, Cull’worth Lee Lane, Wilsden* Obstructive parking near jct with Main St 13/14 TRO to prohibit parking 6,600 Lingbob Mill Fold, Wilsden* Obstructive Parking 17/18 TRO to prohibit parking and improve sightlines 6,600 Littlelands, Cottingley Damage to verge & obstruction 13/14 Conversion of grass verge into hard-standing 5,000 Littlelands, Cottingley Request for traffic management 17/18 Introduce ‘One-way’ traffic system 8,000 Lysander Way, Cottingley Request for residents parking scheme 17/18 A permit scheme to make existing waiting restrictions within 8,000 the estate less onerous on residents Main Street, Cottingley Lack of available short-stay parking 13/14 Limited waiting provision 6,600 Narrow Lane, Harden Through traffic 16/17 Point Closure 11,000 Parkside T’ce, Cullingworth Traffic congestion 18/19 Residents Permit Parking scheme 8,000 Unnamed road linking Excessive parking restrictions 13/14 Revoke existing TRO to remove some formal waiting 6,600 Cottingley New Rd & restrictions Samuel Lister Academy * These sites are also included within that list of sites comprising the proposed Shipley constituency-wide TRO (Appendix 3 refers)

APPENDIX 5 (Continued)

SHIPLEY WARD RECENT BUDGET ROAD NAME COMPLAINT CONCERNS REQUEST OFFICER COMMENT ESTIMATE (£) Amelia Street, Shipley Parking difficulties for local residents 14/15 TRO for a Residents Only Permit Parking scheme. 8,000 Bradford Road, Shipley (outside Footway parking and vehicular obstruction 13/14 Conversion of part of footway into hard standing 12,000 No. 39-53) Carlton Avenue (at its junction Obstructive parking 13/14 TRO to address parking near junction 6,600 with Dallam Walk), Saltaire Coach Road, Lower Baildon Long stay commuter parking making 17/18 TRO to promote a permit parking scheme. 10,000 parking difficult for residents Crossbanks, Shipley Parking difficulties for local residents 14/15 TRO for a Residents Only Permit Parking scheme. 8,000 Dallam Avenue, Saltaire Speeding and failure to stop at junction 18/19 Traffic calming (possibly priority build-outs) and replace 12,000 with Albert Road ‘Give Way’ signs with ‘STOP’ signs Elliot Street, Shipley Long-stay parking by commuters 13/14 TRO - ‘Shared Parking’ (ie. Permit holders anytime/Non 8,000 permit holders limited waiting) George St, Shipley (between jcts Long-stay parking by commuters 13/14 TRO - ‘Shared Parking’ (ie. Permit holders anytime/Non 8,000 with Bradford Rd & Saltaire Rd) permit holders limited waiting) Grange Avenue, Shipley Footway parking and vehicular obstruction 13/14 Conversion of part of footway into hard standing 8,000 Higher Coach Road, Shipley Difficulty for buses to abut directly adjacent 17/18 Construct footway build-out within turning circle to allow 8,000 (within the bus turning circle) to the radius curve buses to ‘dock’ Hirst Lane,Shipley (near Lock) Speeding 13/14 Traffic Calming 9,000 Jane Hills/Riverside Estate Difficulty for residents parking during 2015 TRO to amend existing residents permit parking 8,000 evening & night scheme Leyburn Grove, Shipley Difficulty for residents parking on-street 15/16 Residents Only Permit Parking scheme 8,000 Norwood Estate, Shipley Traffic speeds 13/14 20mph zone with round top road humps 35,000 Hall Royd Estate, Shipley Traffic speeds & through traffic 18/19 Home zone 40,000 Park Grove, Shipley Long-stay parking by commuters 13/14 TRO - ‘Shared Parking’ (ie. Permit holders anytime/Non 8,000 permit holders limited waiting) Poplar Crescent, Shipley Speeding 17/18 Traffic Calming 10,000 Rhodes Street/Baker Street Parking by non-residents (particularly by 16/17 Residents Only Permit Parking scheme. 8,000 staff & students attending ) Springhurst Road, Shipley Obstructive Parking 17/18 TRO to introduce formal waiting restrictions 6,600 St Paul’s Rd, Shipley (Car Park) Long stay parking issue 13/14 TRO, short stay parking provision 6,600 Wainman St & Wharf Street, On-street parking availability very limited 14/15 TRO - Permit Parking 8,000 Shipley (NearAqua Clinic) for disabled visitors to the Aqua Clinic. Wellington Crescent Speeding and through traffic 18/19 Traffic calming 6,000 Back Wellington Crescent Speeding traffic and difficulty in parking for 2015 TRO to introduce Residents Permit Parking scheme on 8,000 residents Wellington Crescent. * These sites are also included within that list of sites comprising the proposed Shipley constituency-wide TRO (Appendix 3 refers)

APPENDIX 5 (Continued)


RECENT BUDGET ROAD NAME COMPLAINT CONCERNS REQUEST OFFICER COMMENT ESTIMATE (£) Bingley Road, Menston Speeding 16/17 Possible vertical features 15,000 Burley Lane, Menston Speeding/HGV issues 15/16 Speed reduction/HGV ban 10,000 Burley Lane, Menston Speeding 17/18 Traffic calming/20mph zone Cleasby Rd/Village , Menston Speeding/parking 14/15 Traffic Management Measures 40,000 Far Meadow Croft Lack of on street parking/problems 16/17 Conversion of grass into hard standing for parking on the 16,000 for residents to park RH side including promoting a TRO Leathley Ave / Rd, Menston Speeding/HGV problems 17/18 Residential Rd – convert thumps to cushions/HGV ban 30,000 Leathley Avenue, Menston Through Traffic 17/18 One-way traffic system requested 8,000 Main Street, Menston Crossing difficulties outside 19/20 Zebra crossing and footway widening 30,000 Menston Primary School Main Street, Burley (near Speeding/parking 14/16 20mph speed limit / parking restrictions 15,000 West Terrace) Menston village -TRO, Parking difficulties 14/15 Possible Residents Only Permit Parking Scheme/ double 8,000 Menston yellow line Station Road, Burley Crossing difficulties 15/16 Request for a formal crossing facility at two locations. 20,000 (two locations)

* These sites are also included within that list of sites comprising the proposed Shipley constituency-wide TRO (Appendix 3 refers) APPENDIX 5 (Continued) WINDHILL & WROSE WARD BUDGET RECENT RD NAME COMPLAINT CONCERNS OFFICER COMMENT ESTIMATE (£) REQ Althorpe Grove Obstructive Parking 14/15 TRO – formal waiting restrictions to prevent 6,600 obstructive parking Bolton Hall Road with Obstructive parking 13/14 TRO – To introduce formal waiting restrictions 6,600 Livingstone Road, Windhill Carnegie Drive, Shipley Long-stay commuter parking 13/14 TRO – To introduce ‘Residents Only Permit 8,000 Parking’ scheme. Haslam Grove, Wrose Parking on grass verge 13/14 Conversion of grass verge into hard-standing 7,000 Javelin Close/Enterprise 5 Difficulty in crossing road 15/16 Zebra crossing involving central pedestrian 20,000 Roundabout, Wrose refuge (NB. The scheme would be jointly (NB. Actual scheme funded by this Committee and Bradford East cost = £40k (scheme Area Committee) costs to be split equally between this Committee & Bradford East Area Committee) Jubilee Way, Windhill* HGVs obstructed by parked vehicles 17/18 TRO to introduce formal waiting restrictions. 6,600 Kings Drive, Wrose Obstructive parking by non -residents TRO to introduce possible residents only 8,000 permit parking Leeds Road (Fronting the now Existing parking restrictions within 13/14 Revocation of TRO 6,600 defunct fish & chip shop)* lay-by no longer required Livingstone close, Wrose Obstructive parking by non-residents 17/18 TRO to extend existing formal waiting 6,600 restrictions. Oakdale Grove, Wrose* Obstructive Parking 13/14 TRO – formal waiting restrictions to prevent 6,600 obstructive parking Poplar Crescent, Wrose Speeding and through traffic 17/18 Extend Crag Road 20mph zone to include 10,000 Poplar Crescent. Thackley Old Road (near Obstructive parking preventing 13/14 TRO to convert existing informal keep clear 6,600 Windhill Medical Centre)* ambulances from parking close to white lines into ambulance bay. medical centre entrance Thornes Park, Wrose* Obstructive parking 13/14 TRO – formal waiting restrictions to prevent 6,600 obstructive parking Towngate/Snowden Road, Obstructive Parking 15/16 TRO – formal waiting restrictions to prevent 6,600 Wrose obstructive parking Westfield Crescent, Wrose Obstructive parking 14/15 TRO – formal waiting restrictions to prevent 6,600 obstructive parking Westfield Lane, Wrose Poor driver forward visibility 15/16 Road widening (possible contribution of £5k 5,000 from Parish Council) * These sites are also included within that list of sites comprising the proposed Shipley constituency-wide TRO (Appendix 3 refers)