1 A Timeline of Jesuit Intrigue

By Drake Shelton

April 2015


© 2015 Drake Shelton. All rights reserved. ISBN: 978-1-329-09679-0


“I dedicate this work to Eric Jon Phelps, a man who opened my eyes to the true horror of modern civilization and has changed my life forever. I am standing on his shoulders with this work and acknowledge that without him it would not be possible.”

Drake Shelton

4 “It is my opinion that if the liberties of this country—the United States of America—are destroyed, it will be by the subtlety of the Roman Catholic Jesuit priests, for they are the most crafty, dangerous enemies to civil and religious liberty. They have instigated most of the wars of Europe.”

Gilbert du Motier, Marquis de Lafayette letter to Professor Morse, New Catholic World, Volume 100, 633

“Within twenty years this country is going to rule the world. Kings and emperors will soon pass away, and the democracy of the United States will take their place. The west will dominate the country, and what I have seen of the western parochial schools has proved that the generation which follows us will be exclusively Catholic. When the United States rules the world the Catholic Church will rule the world...

In fifty years Chicago will be exclusively Catholic. The same may be said of greater New and the chain of big cities stretching across the continent to San Francisco...Nothing can stand against the Church. I'd like to see the politician who would try to rule against the Church in Chicago. His reign would be short indeed.”

Chicago Archbishop Quigley, in a speech recorded by The Chicago Daily Tribune, Tuesday May 5, 1903, in a column titled, "Quigley As An Optimist"

“That the reader may know what element controls municipal governments, we desire to call attention to the fact that over one-half of the officials of all of our large American cities are

5 representatives of the Vatican, and that two thirds of all policemen of these cities are of the same stripe”.

The Devil In Robes; Or, The Sin of Priests, Rev. J. Scott Carr D.D., (St. Louis: Continental Bible House, 1900), 359

“Strange as it may seem to the casual observer, it is true . . . that . . . the papal policy of power and pelf . . . is embraced . . . by the credulous non- Catholic people; and this is especially true in the English-speaking countries—England, Canada and the United States. These unscrupulous politicians, high and low, are only too willing to serve the Pope in his ungodly efforts to regain Temporal Power.”

Romanism: A Menace to the Nation, Jeremiah J. Crowley, (Aurora, Missouri: The Menace Publishing Co. 1912, 207

“But more than this: at about the time of our Revolution, the attention of Pope Clement XIV. having been called to the abuses created by the Jesuit society, after extended deliberation, in the most solemn terms, rehearsing the evils that they had done in and out of the church, in the year 1772, this Pope pronounced upon them the ban and anathema of the Roman curia, and forbade that they should reorganize or exist " to all eternity." Another pope, Pius VI., confirmed his predecessor's decree. The Jesuits fled to Protestant Prussia and to Russia also, whence they were banished again. From 1772 to 1814, still secretly cherishing their society in defiance of the Pope, and working ruin wherever they went, the Jesuits existed under the Papal ban. Then another infallible pope, Pius VII., regardless of the decree of his predecessors,

6 reinstated and rehabilitated the society of Jesuits. The decree of Clement XIV. cost him his life. Bellarmine, a leading Jesuit of the society, prophesied that he would die within a year. That prophecy was regarded as a threat, and the pope died, with every indication of having been poisoned. The unscrupulous methods of the society, which have caused prince and pope and legislature to lay upon them their heavy hand, have never been condemned by the Jesuits, nor have they ever ceased to practice them. But where did the banished Jesuit go? Whither, when under the suspicion, and flying from the hatred of the rising spirit of freedom in Europe, does he betake himself, and where is he now? I answer, In America, in the United States.

Our country is the paradise of Jesuits. Unwarned by the experience of other hinds, regardless of the bonds they weave about the limbs of liberty, we have permitted their presence in this country, until almost ready to throw off the disguise, they now threaten our institutions with ruin. It is the Jesuit who animates the attack on our public schools; the Jesuit who thrusts his hand into the public treasuries. It is the Jesuit who is endeavoring to divide the school fund, who is dictating the policy by which Romish schools shall take the place of the national schools. It is the Jesuit who is decrying free speech and liberty of conscience and a free press; who is doing his utmost in conformity with the constitutions of the society of which he is a sworn adherent, and of the Papacy of which he is at once the dictator and the slave, to reduce free America to the subjection of an absolute monarch.”

7 Isaac J. Lansing, Romanism and the Republic (1890), 58-59

“Shall we not have regular swarms of them here, in as many disguises as only a king of the gypsies can assume, dressed as painters, publishers, writers and schoolmasters? If ever there was a body of men who merited eternal damnation on earth and in hell it is this Society of Loyola's…we are compelled by our system . . . to offer them asylum.”

John Adams (1735-1826; 2nd President of the United States) To Thomas Jefferson, November 4, 1816

“Jesuit Thomas J. Campbell, President of the Order’s Fordham University from 1885 to 1888 and again from 1896 to 1900, notes in his highly detailed history, The Jesuits, 1534 to 1921, that, between 1555 and 1921, the Order was expelled at least eighty-three times from countries, states and cities for engaging in political intrigue, subversive plots and treason against the state!

By 1900, nearly all of Europe, Asia and South America had had enough of the Jesuit Order. Pope Clement XIV had suppressed the Company with a decree, first prepared as a Brief but then promulgated as Bull, in 1773; England had expelled it in 1579, 1581, 1586, 1602 and 1604; Venice in 1606, 1612 and 1768; Denmark in 1606; Japan in 1587 and finally in 1614 (beginning the Edo Era, having executed 111 Jesuits by 1651; re-admitted in 1913); China in 1623 “for leading the ignorant people towards rebellion,” 1716, 1753, 1775 and 1783; India in 1623; Holland in 1596 and 1816; Malta in 1634

8 and 1768; Belgium in 1818 and 1826; Russia in 1723 (for which the Order poisoned Tzar Peter the Great), 1776 and “forever” in 1820; Spain in 1767, 1820, 1835, 1854, 1868 and 1932; Britain and Ireland in 1829, Portugal in 1598, 1759, 1834 and 1910; Switzerland in 1847; Bavaria in 1848; Italy in 1848 and 1873; Austria in 1769, 1770, 1772 and 1848; Paraguay in 1733 and 1852; Germany in 1872; France in 1594, 1606, 1764, 1804, 1806, 1831, 1845, 1880 and 1901; Guatemala in 1872; Mexico in 1859; Brazil in 1874; Argentina in 1841; Ecuador in 1875; Colombia in 1850 and 1875; Rome in 1872; Costa Rica in 1884; and Cuba and the Philippines in 1898 (resulting in the Order’s Spanish-American War).”

Vatican Assassins III, Eric Jon Phelps, 7291

“And now this centenary year of great flourishing bishoprics; this year of stately pageants and imposing manifestations of vigorous Catholic life and activity; this year of our transition from the status of a missionary country under the supervision of the sacred Congregation of Propaganda, to all the rights, privileges, advantages and duties of a Catholic country immediately under the care and solicitude of the Holy See, this year is still further signalized and made forever memorable by a movement of minds and hearts which has culminated in this magnificently representative gathering of prelates, priests and people.”

1 See also A Glimpse of the Great Secret Society

9 The First American Catholic Missionary Congress (1909) edited by Bp. Francis Clement Kelley, 17

A Timeline of Jesuit Intrigue beginning with the early History of the Christian Church

First three centuries of the Church General-The Gnosticism that John writes against in 1 John, gains influence in the rise of Christian Monasticism. This lays the foundations for the entire Christian Religion and the Jesuit Order.2

3rd Century General- Ignatian Forgeries.

“It is now the universal opinion of critics, that the first eight of these professedly Ignatian letters are spurious. They bear in themselves indubitable proofs of being the production of a later age than that in which Ignatius lived. Neither Eusebius nor Jerome makes the least reference to them; and they are now by common consent set aside as forgeries, which were at various dates, and to serve special purposes, put forth under the name of the celebrated Bishop of Antioch.”

Philip Schaff, Ante-Nicene Fathers, Vol. 1, Introductory Note To The Epistle Of Ignatius To The Ephesians3

363-364- The Council of Laodicea condemned the 7th Day Sabbath and thus replaced the Hebrew context of the Bible with a Greco-Roman approach to truth.4

The following is taken from, Western Civilization: Ideas, Politics, and Society, Volume I: To 1789, by Marvin

2 Isaac Taylor, Ancient Christianity 3 http://www.ccel.org/ccel/schaff/anf01.v.i.html 4 See The Augsburg Confession, Article XXVIII: Of Ecclesiastical Power, 33

10 Perry (Author), Myrna Chase (Author), James Jacob (Author), Margaret Jacob (Author), Theodore H. Von Laue (Author) (Wadsworth: Boston, MA, 2013, 2009),

“Neo-Platonism. Which replaced Stoicism as the dominant school of philosophy in the late Roman Empire, religious yearnings were transformed into a religious system that transcended reason.” (pg. 160) …

“However, over the years, particularly after more and more non-Jews became followers of Christ, Christians forgot or devalued the Jewish roots of their faith, and some thinkers began to show hostility toward Judaism and Jews that had tragic consequences in later centuries. Several factors fueled this anti-Judaism; resentment against Jews for their refusal to embrace Jesus…resentment against those Christians who Judaized, that is, continued to observe Jewish festivals and the Jewish Sabbath, regard the synagogue as holy, and practice circumcision; and anger that Judaism remained a vital religion, for this undermined the conviction that Christianity was the fulfillment of Judaism and the one true faith.” (pg. 187)

The Christian idea of heaven and the soul developed a worldview that saw no meaning to political obligation:

“Augustine maintained [In his book City of God- DS] that the worldly city could never be the central concern of a Christian. The ideal state, he wrote, could not be realized on earth; it existed only in heaven. [Heaven being defined of course according to the Gnostic ideas of re- absorption into the abstract One after being released from the prison of the body instead of

11 the Palestinian Hebrew idea that there is no ghost in the shell, and that the Earth abides forever.-DS] The misfortunes of Rome, therefore, should not distress a Christian unduly, for Christianity belonged to the realm of the spirit [Here we see the inherent Gnosticism-DS] and could not be identified with any state.” (pg. 189)

This is completely contradictory to the Torah.

Deut. 4:5 “See, I have taught you statutes and judgments just as the Lord my God commanded me, that you should do thus in the land where you are entering to possess it. 6 So keep and do them, for that is your wisdom and your understanding in the sight of the peoples who will hear all these statutes and say, ‘Surely this great nation is a wise and understanding people.’ 7 For what great nation is there that has a god so near to it as is the Lord our God whenever we call on Him? 8 Or what great nation is there that has statutes and judgments as righteous as this whole law which I am setting before you today?

According to the Torah, politics and the administration of the state was a means of Evangelization. Christianity filled the gaps of the Torah with Monastic Mysticism5 and Feudalism where,

“a person’s rights, duties, and relationship to law depended on his or her ranking in the social order.” (pg. 220)

5 Isaac Taylor, Ancient Christianity

12 “Bishop Adalbero of Laon: The Tripartite Society…For human law distinguishes two classes. Nobles and serfs, indeed, are not governed by the same ordinance…The other class is that of the serfs. This luckless breed possesses nothing except at the cost of its own labour…[Footnote: Jacques Le Goff, Medieval Civilization, trans. Julia Barrow (Oxford: Blackwell, 1990), 255]” (pg. 221)

“The manorial system [Feudalism’s economic foundation {pg. 220}-DS] promoted attitudes of dependency and servility among the serfs; their hopes for a better life were directed toward heaven.” (pg. 225)

The Torah had no such castes of law and specifically forbid this type of social order. There is to be one law and one standard of justice for all peoples, rich and poor, native and alien.6 This Feudal system and Christianity’s Hierarchical system of Church Government was sourced in its Pantheistic Philosophy,

“Medieval thinkers sharply differentiated between spirit and matter, between a realm of grace and an earthly realm, between a higher world of perfection and a lower world of imperfection. Moral values derived from the higher world, which was also the final destination of the faithful. Two sets of laws operated in the Medieval universe, one for the heavens and one for the earth. The cosmos was a giant ladder, with God at the summit; earth, composed of base matter, stood at the bottom, just above hell, where, farthest from God, dwelled Satan, his evil spirits, and the souls of

6 Num. 15:15-29, Exo. 12:48-49, 21:24, Lev. 19:33-34, 24:22, 25:35-36

13 the damned…The Medieval individual’s understanding of self stemmed from a comprehension of the universe as a hierarchy instituted by and culminating in God…who was pure Being, without limitation, and the source of all existence. God’s revelation reached down to humanity through the hierarchical order. From God, revelation passed to the angels, who were also arranged hierarchically. From the angels, the truth reached men and women, grasped first by the prophets and apostles and then by the multitudes. Thus, all things in the universe, from angels, men, and women to the lowest earthly objects, occupied a place peculiar to their nature and were linked by God in a great, unbroken chain.” (pg. 259)

Gregory Nazianzus, Oration 21.271.7 states that Athanasius is to be "entrusted with the chief rule over the people, in other words, the charge of the whole world". Not a Roman but the Bishop of Alexandria.

381- In the Council of Aquileia 381, "only Spain and Rome are not represented" proving that the early councils did not regard the primacy of Rome for in this council it is Ambrose who presides and influences the Emperor, showing "Milan was at that time more illustrious than that of Rome".7

5th Century General- Emperor Theodosius II and of Valentinian III proclaimed the Roman bishop the "Rector of the whole Church".8 Thus, the Pope’s spiritual power is established.

419- The Council of Carthage, Canon 39, "That the bishop of the first see shall not be called Prince of the Priests or High

7 Hector Burn-Murdoch, The Development of the Papacy, 184; Calvin, Inst. iv. vii. 2 8 Jean Henri Merle d'Aubigné (1846), History of the Reformation in the Sixteenth Century, Vol. 1, 27

14 Priest (Summus Sacerdos) or any other name of this kind, but only Bishop of the First See".

449- The Second Council of Ephesus (The Robber Synod) wherein 1.) The council would later be condemned at Chalcedon in 451. 2.) Proved that the Roman bishops did not have the primacy at the early councils and though they protested the proceedings their complaints fell upon deaf ears as if no recognized authority existed in them.

Late 5th Century- Pseudo-Dionysius the Areopagite brings Neoplatonism to prominence as the structure for Church order.9

6th Century General- Gregory I is quoted in a letter to Eulogius:

"None of my predecessors ever desired to use this profane term: for if one patriarch is called universal, it is derogatory to the name of patriarch in others. But far be it from any Christian mind to wish to arrogate to itself that which would in any degree, however slight, impair the honour of his brethren".10

Gregory I, Registrum Epistolarum, Book V, Letter 21:

"Still it is very distressing, and hard to be borne with patience, that my aforesaid brother and fellow bishop, despising all others, should attempt to be called sole bishop. But in this pride of his what else is denoted than that the times of Antichrist are already near at hand? For in truth he is imitating him who, scorning social joy with the legions of angels, attempted to start up to a summit of singular eminence, saying, I will exalt my throne above the stars of heaven, I will sit upon the mount of the testament, in the

9 Paul Rorem, Pseudo-Dionysius 10 Paulist Fathers, Catholic World, Volume 5, 588

15 sides of the North, and will ascend above the heights of the clouds, and I will be like the most High Isaiah 14:13. Wherefore I beseech you by Almighty God not to allow the times of your Piety to be polluted by the elation of one man, nor in any way to give any assent to so perverse a title, and that in this case your Piety may by no means despise me;"11

8th Century General- The Hoax of the Donation of Constantine.

The New Advent Catholic Encyclopedia admits,

“By this name is understood, since the end of the Middle Ages, a forged document of Emperor Constantine the Great, by which large privileges and rich possessions were conferred on the pope and the Roman Church.”12

732- The Battle of Tours where Charles Martel held off the Muslim invasions. This laid the foundations for a united Christian Europe.

754- Pope Stephen the Second crowned Pepin son of Charles Martel in 754 recognizing the Pope’s Temporal Power made official in 756. Thus, France established the transition of Pagan Rome to Papal Rome.

9th Century General- The forgeries of the Pseudo-Isidorian Decretals: attempts to make all Bishoprics dependent on the Bishop of Rome.

800- Charlemagne is crowned Emperor of the new Holy Roman Empire and forces Christianity onto all under his influence.

11 http://www.newadvent.org/fathers/360205021.htm 12 http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/05118a.htm

16 1054- East-West Schism over the doctrine of Filioque.

1099- The Order of St. John was founded before the taking of Jerusalem in 1099 by the armies of the First Crusade.13

12th Century- The beginning of the Inquisitions which in its 605 years history will kill over 50 million people.14

Joachim of Flora’s Three Age Prophecy.

1204- The Eastern Church was invaded by Roman Knights in the Siege of Constantinople in the 4th Crusade as vengeance for the Schism. This establishes the fact that the Papacy seeks to suppress any people that challenges the Pope’s Ultramontane Jurisdiction.

13th Century General- Establishment of the Latin Kingdom of Jerusalem. Templarism was the Zionist movement before the Jesuits and the Alumbrados, with the Latin Kingdom of Jerusalem. Jews are not the only Zionists! And Orthodox Jews reject Zionism full out. I suggest the reader watch the movie, The Chosen, as an introduction to this vital piece of History.

1215- Canon 3 of the Fourth Lateran Council declared the deposing power of the Pope. This power is buttressed by Pope Paul IV in his Apostolic Constitution Cum Ex Apostolic Officio of February 15, 1559.

14th Century- William of Occam proclaims his Razor.

“First, there is the structure against the unnecessary multiplication of constituent components of the system, particularly the multiplication of universals. Therefore, what Ockham is saying is merely this: it is not

13 See John Daniel’s 3 volume masterpiece, Scarlet and the Beast 14 John Dowling, The History of Romanism, Book VIII, Chapter I

17 necessary to make of relation itself a wholly new category.”15

1363- The Papal Bull In Coena Domini that was originally published in the 14th century, wherein the Popes were boasted to be the monarchs of the world. After much opposition from rulers in the western world and fellow Catholics, the bull was abrogated in the 18th Century due to the threatening nature of it.16

1393- England responds to these arrogations of the Papacy with the Statute of Praemunire, protecting the authority of the King over the Papacy in England.

15th Century General- The Medici and the Borgias join with Usurious Jewish Banksters in the late 15th Century to create the international cartel of Europe soon to finance World Wars for the benefit of the Papacy.

1452-1455- Pope Nicholas V issued the papal bull Dum Diversas in 1452. This Bull granted Afonso V of Portugal the right to enslave "Saracens, pagans and any other unbelievers" to hereditary slavery. Regardless, the Roman Church's approval of slavery was reaffirmed and supplemented by Nicholas V's Bull, Romanus Pontifex of 1455. These bulls served the justification for the subsequent centuries of slave trade and colonialism. The two countries who first had their hands into the African slave trade were the Roman Catholic Portugese and Spain.

1517- Luther published his Ninety-Five Theses which began the Protestant Reformation.

1530- The Augsburg Confession was written and presented to Charles V at the Diet of Augsburg.

15 Joseph Farrell, God, History and Dialectic Volume 3, 400 16 http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/07717c.htm

18 1533-1535- Excommunication of Henry VIII and Thomas Cranmer: Henry VIII is regarded as the head of the Church of England in 1534. This breaks England from the Holy Roman Empire.

1545-1563- The Council of Trent, the most famous Roman Catholic Council, condemned the Protestant Reformation. This council was dominated by a Jesuit named Diego Laynez, a Jew by race who later became the Second Jesuit General (1558- 1565).

1556- Spain began to be overcome by Jesuit influence. John Claudius Pitrat says in his Americans Warned of Jesuitism page 155,

“Year 1556.—Many years before the Jesuits had invaded Portugal and Spain. In Portugal they had been, at first, extraordinarily influential. In Spain, Charles V. who had pondered the consequences of the power of the Jesuits, had not favored them. Melchior Cano, a Dominican, who was undoubtedly the most celebrated Doctor of the University of Salamanca, had denounced them publicly as forerunners of Anti- christ. Don Martinex Cilicio, Archbishop of Toledo, had expelled them from Ascala, and the people of Sarragossa, from their city. In 1556, the Jesuits availed themselves of a circumstance with the greatest ability. Donna Maria of Portugal having died, they engaged the young King of Naples, Sicilia, and Low Countries, to marry the daughter of Henry VIII. of England. They withal invited Charles V., under the pretext of the salvation of his soul being at stake, to abdicate his crown. They sent to London, to solicit the hand of the daughter of Henry, Edmond Campion, who, afterwards convicted of high treason, was condemned to be tortured and beheaded in London, on the 28th of November,

19 1581. By this compliance and political intrigue, the Jesuits gained the gratitude and confidence of Philip II., and began to rule Spain.”

1558- Elizabeth I comes to power in England. Elizabeth protects the Protestants and England from Roman Intrigue.

1559- First publishing of the Index of Forbidden Books. Rule #4 and #10 is of special significance.

“Rule 4. General Rule. Translations of a forbidden book into any language are also forbidden, if they faithfully reproduce the original.

i. The General Decrees Prohibit the Following Publications…

Rule 10. The following classes of publications require the approbation of the bishop of the place where the work is to be published, or of some higher authority, which is to be printed in the beginning or at the end of the work and must be renewed for every new edition.

a. Books on theology, Church history, canon law, natural theology and ethics, and all editions of the Bible or parts of it in any language.”

The free printing of the Bible is also condemned in the 4th Session of the Council of Trent.

1560- The Scottish Reformation begins.

1570- Pope Pius V issued a bull Regnans in Excelsis, which declared "Elizabeth, the pretended Queen of England and the servant of crime". Immediately after this several attempts were made on her life. (See Ridolfi plot (1570), and the Throgmarton Plot (1583).)


1572- The St. Bartholomew's Day Massacre: Just seven years before this, the Protestants in France, the Huguenots, made a shift in their thoughts about civil disobedience. Mack P. Holt says,

“One factor behind this rising tension was that Huguenot political rhetoric had required a decidedly anti-royalist tone during the second and third civil wars. While Calvin’s Institution of the Christian Religion seemed to suggest that private citizens owed their obedience even to an ungodly king-only lesser magistrates could legally oppose the authority of a wicked king-his biblical commentaries published late in his life offered more intriguing possibilities. In his Readings on the Prophet Daniel first published in 1561, Calvin argued that when Daniel refused to obey King Darius, ‘he committed no sin’, since whenever rulers disobeyed God, ‘they automatically abdicate their worldly power’. Calvin went even further in his Sermons on the Last Eight Chapters of the Book of Daniel published posthumously in 1565. Describing the same biblical incident, Calvin argued that when Kings defy God, ‘they are no longer worthy to be counted as princes…[And] when they raise themselves up against God…it is necessary that they should in turn be laid low’.”17

With this new found liberty to resist tyrannical authority, the Catholic party grew threatened. Six days before this, the current king’s (Charles IX) sister married a prominent French Protestant named Henry III of Navarre, later to be King Henry IV. This made the hostility between Catholic and Protestant increasingly

17 The French Wars of Religion 1562-1629, (New York: Cambridge University Press, 1995, 2005), 78

21 aggravated. On August 21, a man named Maurevert attempted to assassinate the political and military leader of the Huguenots, Admiral Gaspard de Coligny. The attempt failed but did wound the Admiral. Two days later, King Charles ordered a number of the Huguenot leaders to be killed. This order spread throughout the city and mob violence ensued wherein Catholics from all over France massacred Protestants by the tens of thousands.18 Baird says,

"it is not difficult to understand what Pius demanded of Charles of France. Early in 1569, while sending the Duke of Sforza with auxiliaries, he wrote to the king: When God shall by His kindness have given to you and to us the victory, it will be your duty to punish the heretics and their leaders with all severity, and thus justly to avenge not only your own wrongs, but those of Almighty God: in order that, by your execution of the righteous judgment of God, they may pay the penalty which they have deserved by their crimes."19

Horrified, the remaining Protestant population, hundreds of thousands of citizens, left France.

1586- The Babington Plot was attempted but failed. The Babington Plot was a Catholic plot in 1586 to assassinate Queen Elizabeth and replace her with Romanist Mary, Queen of Scots. The primary conspirator was a young Catholic nobleman named Sir Anthony Babington though King Philip II of Spain was involved as well. Moreover, the English Jesuit John Ballard was executed for being involved in the assassination attempt.

1588- The Spanish Armada was sent by King Philip II to overthrow Protestant Elizabeth and restore Catholic rule. In a

18 Dowling records 30, 000 in his History of Romanism, 589 19 Pii Quinti Epistolae, 150; Henry M. Baird, History of the Rise of the Huguenots Vol. II, (Hodder and Stoughton, 27, Paternoster Row, 1880), 565

22 miraculous act of God, the fleet was destroyed by severe weather which gave rise to the commemorative inscription “He blew with His winds, and they were scattered.” Let us remember this when we are seeking reform and faced against overwhelming odds.

1589- In 1576, Henry III of France signed the Edict of Beaulieu, granting many concessions to the Protestant Huguenots. On August 1, 1589 the Jesuit Jacques Clément assassinated him. Eric John Phelps says,

“Dear truth-seeker, do you understand how the Jesuits will murder even Roman Catholic rulers if they dare resist Rome’s policies? Did President Kennedy resist the Jesuits by truly intending to remove Jesuit-trained Fidel Castro from power; to break the Black Pope’s Central Intelligence Agency ‘into a thousand pieces;’ and to end Cardinal Spellman’s Crusade known as the Vietnam War?”20

The greediness of the Papacy became too blatant for the Church to hide and the sell of indulgences sparked the Reformation with Martin Luther’s 95 Theses in 1517 A.D. The cause of the Reformation ultimately came to arms with the 30 Years War ending with the 1648 Treaty of Westphalia and the downfall of the Holy Roman Empire. This event is extremely important. What was life like under the Holy Roman Empire?

1. Human progress was condemned. This is enshrined in The Syllabus of Errors of Pope Pius IX, point 80.

2. No freedom of the press. The freedom of the press is condemned in the 4th Session of the Council of Trent. This is enshrined in the Council of Trent’s list of prohibited books.21 The Index of Prohibited Books (Index Librorum Prohibitorum) is another reference to prove the Papacy’s hatred of knowledge (At

20 Vatican Assassins 2001, 136 21 Dowling, The History of Romanism, 491

23 least for the common man). The final edition of this index appeared in 1948, and it was formally abolished in 1966 by Pope Paul VI.

3. 1231 A.D. was the year the first human dissection was allowed under Fredrick II. Most autopsies after this time were for legal and not medical purposes. During the dark ages, Medical schools were closed down and did not flourish until after the treaty of Westphalia and the downfall of the Holy Roman Empire.

4. The Dark Ages used Feudalism, a lord-vassal-serf system to administrate society. The serf worked the lord’s land, had no private property and received from the vassals (usually knights) sustenance, protection and administration of justice. In general the serfs did not have the right to bear arms as the Vassals were the ones commissioned to provide protection to the serfs. This system was geared completely for the benefit of the Lords and the Nobles.

An Excursus on the Counter Reformation and a Pause to Reflect on Current Circumstances

In order to understand our modern 21st century world one must understand the Counter-Reformation. This was a movement beginning in the middle of the 16th century to combat the successes of the Protestant Reformation. The primary order established at this time was the ; otherwise known as the Jesuits. J. Parnell McCarter says in his Thy Kingdom Come Chapter 44,

“The Holy Roman Empire was declining and proving inadequate to stop the Protestant Reformation. So a new institution – one more equipped for the task – was needed by Rome. In stepped the Jesuit Order, led by its Superior General (sometimes referred to as “the Black Pope”), to fill these shoes. In the era of

24 Protestant Reformation she began to enjoy remarkable success, and she continued her success into the modern era. Indeed, one important factor for the very rise of the age of secular humanism was the promotion of humanism by the Jesuits. Their influence was profound because of their leading role in education through their network of schools. The establishment of schools as a means of outreach evolved and was not conceived at the inception of the Order. In 1547, scarcely a half-dozen years after the founding of the Society, Ignatius received an unexpected and unsolicited invitation from leading citizens of the city of Messina in Sicily to found and staff a secondary school for their sons. He accepted, and the school opened the next year.

That same year, thirty members of the senate in Palermo, impressed by what was happening in Messina, petitioned Ignatius for a similar school. Again he acquiesced.

Other schools soon followed — in 1551 schools opened in both Vienna and Rome. By the time Ignatius died in 1556, the Jesuits were operating some thirty schools, practically all of them secondary, and just a few years later Polanco would write in the name of the new general to inform Jesuits that education had become the primary ministry of the Society. Meanwhile the school in Rome, the “Roman College,” had developed into a university, and, while secondary schools would always be far more numerous, other institutions of higher learning would henceforth be an important part of the Jesuit enterprise. Within a century 300 Jesuit colleges dotted Catholic Europe in “one of the great extensions and consolidations of

25 Renaissance humanism”. By 1773, the Jesuits were operating more than eight hundred universities, seminaries, primary, and secondary schools around the globe. The world had never seen before, nor has it seen since, such an immense network of educational institutions operating on an international basis under a single aegis. Jesuits were called the schoolmasters of Europe during these centuries, not only because of their schools but also for their pre-eminence as scholars and for the thousands of textbooks they composed. Christopher Clavius, S.J., for example, whom Enlightenment philosophers Descartes and Leibniz acknowledged as a source of their inspiration, wrote a standard geometry text used throughout Europe.

Gerónimo Nadal, one of Ignatius’s closest collaborators, was also the founder and first rector of the school in Messina. He drew up the curriculum along lines in accord with those promoted by Renaissance humanists, and this became, along with some of Nadal’s other writings, the first, somewhat indistinct, blueprint for the schools that were springing up everywhere. A number of attempts were made in succeeding decades to come up with a comprehensive Jesuit plan of studies that could be used as a guide in all the Jesuit schools. It was Claudio Acquaviva who was able to bring this long-standing project to completion and officially publish in 1599 the Ratio studiorum that became the Magna Charta of Jesuit education. It included the humanities – literature, history, drama, etc. – as well as philosophy and theology. This meant that the Jesuit Ratio assumed that literary or humanistic subjects could be integrated into the study of

26 professional or scientific subjects; that is, it assumed that the humanistic program of the Renaissance was compatible with the Scholastic program of the Middle Ages. Its basic premises were humanistic, and quite contrary to scriptural Protestant principles. Man’s reason – and not God’s word – was treated by the Jesuit Ratio as the ultimate fountain of knowledge.

The Ratio had impact far beyond Jesuit institutions, truly setting the educational standards for schools in Protestant and Catholic nations alike. It was seen as a proper statement of ideals, methods, and objectives shared broadly by educators in early modern Europe. For the Society of Jesus, the Ratio studiorum symbolized a certain maturing in its commitment to education, which had great repercussions for the future of Roman Catholicism. The schools were often at the center of the culture of the towns and cities where they were located: typically, they would produce several plays or even ballets per year, and some maintained important astronomical observatories.

Perhaps most profoundly, it meant a special relationship to culture in that the Society as an institution had a systematic relationship to “secular” learning, for its members had to be prepared to teach both the classics of Latin and Greek literature of the humanistic tradition (Homer, Virgil, Cicero, and Terence, for example) and the scientific texts of Aristotle in the Scholastic tradition (we must remember that “philosophy” meant to a large extent “natural philosophy,” subjects we call biology, physics, and astronomy). If Jesuits were to teach

27 these subjects, they would also almost perforce begin to write about them, at least to the point of producing textbooks for their students. Ignatius Loyola had mentioned in the Jesuit Constitutions the possibility of “writing books useful for the common good.” Few such books were produced, however, until the number of schools began to grow and the need for appropriate and inexpensive text books felt. With textbooks in view, Ignatius in the last year of his life went to immense trouble to secure a good press for the Roman College, which was installed and in good working order within a few months of his death. Among the first books published by this first press operated by the Jesuits was André des Freux’s edition of Martial’s Epigrams (1558)- a book tellingly by a pagan. Within two generations, Jesuits were producing books on a great scale, a phenomenon that would come to characterize the order. Many of these were textbooks or at least related directly to instruction in the Jesuit classrooms, but others ranged far more broadly and began to touch on almost every imaginable subject. The experience of the Jesuit missionaries in exotic places like Japan, China, and Viet Nam gave, when viewed largely, an extraordinarily cosmopolitan cast to this production. It is highly probable that even without the schools, the Jesuits would have produced a significant number of books, for their counterparts in other religious orders did so. However that may be, the incontrovertible fact is that the schools provided the impetus for an extraordinarily copious production. They also required that the scope of that production be consistently and predictably wide-ranging, for the schools took the Jesuits into just about every conceivable aspect of human culture and made them reflect upon it and come up with

28 something to say. That they did, and their humanistic influence penetrated the world over. Jesuits in the Protestant nations tended to promote religious toleration and secularism, while those in the Roman Catholic nations tended to urge the maintenance of Roman Catholic Church privileges and suppression of religious dissent. The reasons for this variance are not hard to discern. In both cases the Jesuit Order pursued a policy which was in the best political interest of the Roman Catholic Church and the Jesuit Order, even though the Order’s philosophical position was not consistent across national lines. In the Roman Catholic nations the Jesuits promoted Renaissance humanism, whereas the Jesuits in the Protestant nations tended to promote secular humanism as a means to wean the nation away from established Protestantism.

In the Protestant nations an informal coalition evolved of Roman Catholics, Anabaptists, Enlightenment intellectuals, Jews, and other heretical factions in favor of religious toleration and secularism. They did not want to be disadvantaged by the established Protestant religion. Even within the established Protestant churches in the Protestant nations, Enlightenment ideas eventually became popular. As a consequence, “Protestantism” – at least in political terms – became synonymous with religious toleration, in contrast to the suppression of religious dissent which persisted in Roman Catholic nations.

“Protestantism” thereby gradually lost its original meaning among the self- professed Protestants. In the Reformation era,

29 Protestantism had meant structuring and ordering everything in accordance with God’s word. The Bible was treated as the foundation of all knowledge, which it is. This had meant the Ten Commandments were to be upheld by the state, and religious falsehood was to be suppressed. The confessions of the Reformation era uniformly upheld the Establishment Principle. They also upheld such Protestant distinctives as the doctrines of grace. But as “Protestants” abandoned true Protestantism, the very term “Protestant” began to take on new meanings in the minds of men. Even Arminians – whose doctrine of salvation was actually closer to that of the Roman Catholic Church than that of historic Protestantism – became identified with Protestantism. “Protestantism” so called (albeit not the true Protestantism of the Reformation era) swelled with all manner of heretics- from Arminian Methodists to Unitarian Congregationalists to Baptist separatists. As the number of heresies and heretics abounded in the Protestant nations, the movement towards pluralism, tolerationism, and secularism became all the greater.

Freemasonry developed in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries as a means to forward the aspirations of the Enlightenment. People of all religious faiths were invited into Masonic lodges as lodge “brothers”. Their vision was of a secular state where people of all religious creeds could be treated equally. They idealized a brotherhood of man, unbroken by religious distinctions.

The Roman Catholic Church and the Jesuit Order only objected to the Enlightenment movement when its effects

30 reverberated to the Roman Catholic nations and Roman Catholic Church privileges became threatened. Roman (or Renaissance) humanism was quite acceptable in the Roman Catholic Church, but secular humanism’s inroads into Roman Catholic nations threatened Roman Catholic interests and privileges. Indeed, within the Roman Catholic Church, the Jesuit Order had perhaps the most to lose by an adoption of secular humanism in the Roman Catholic nations. The war against secular humanism by the Roman Catholic Church included a ban in the eighteenth century on Roman Catholic participation in freemasonry. It is no exaggeration to assert that the Jesuit Order hatched the Enlightenment movement which effectively overturned established Protestantism.

Paving the way for the Enlightenment was a French-born philosopher named Descartes (1596-1650). Descartes sought to prove how, starting from a position of universal doubt, he could through reason arrive at a system of truth. This methodology has earned him the title of the ‘father of modern philosophy.’ This methodology directly contradicted the historic reformed, Biblical view of theologians like Augustine and Calvin whose methodology was instead: ‘I believe in order that I may know’ (or as worded in scripture, ‘the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom’). Reformed Christianity stresses man’s inability to attain true knowledge about the fundamental nature of God and man apart from divine revelation, due to man’s sinful corruption. Not surprisingly, Descartes rejected this reformed principle, for he was a devout Roman Catholic, educated in the Jesuit College

31 at La Flèche and the University of Poitiers. He was a product of the Jesuit Ratio studiorum. Descartes had significant influence even in Protestant countries, residing much of his life in Holland and the end of his life in Sweden. Descartes’ credibility was certainly enhanced by his significant achievements in mathematics and science.

The German philosopher Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz profoundly stimulated the Enlightenment movement in Germany. Leibniz was born in Leipzig in 1646. Of Lutheran background, he ended his life as a thorough-going humanistic rationalist. Leibniz was the greatest polymath of modern philosophers, making contributions to mathematics, jurisprudence, and history, as well as philosophy. He discovered differential calculus and pioneered symbolic logic. He worked on among other things hydraulic presses, windmills, lamps, submarines, clocks, carriages and water pumps. He traveled extensively, and corresponded with the leading humanists of his day. He was the founder of the academy of Berlin. He wrote books on his rationalistic philosophy. These works influenced Christian von Wolff, whose popularization of the Leibnizian system became the standard academic philosophy in 18th century Germany.

The philosopher who arguably most popularized the Enlightenment among the English speaking peoples was John Locke (1632-1704). Locke was greatly influenced by the humanistic philosophy of Descartes…

The Enlightenment philosophies of Descartes, Leibniz, Locke and others, which really had

32 their foundational origins in Jesuit philosophy, undermined and eventually overwhelmed the Biblical faith in the West. [It should also be noted that Voltaire was educated by Jesuits at the Collège Louis-le-Grand (1704–1711). He was also greatly influential in the rise of secularism.-DS] It would take time for the Enlightenment ideals to take root in the constitutions of nations, but once it did, the formerly Protestant states became dominated by secular humanism.

Yet, not all the blessings of the Protestant Reformation were lost in this new era, any more than all the curses of Romanism were lost during the era of Protestant Reformation. The Protestant Reformation helped usher in great industrial and technological revolutions, beginning in the Protestant nations. The products of these technological innovations have consisted not only of weapons of destruction, but also tools for disseminating knowledge, including knowledge of the Bible. The wider distribution of the Bible has thus marked the modern era. The Bible and reformed literature about the Bible has become available in almost every corner of the earth, as communication and transportation have improved. This access to the truth has paved the way for a future Reformation even grander in scope than the Protestant Reformation. But it has also meant mankind is more culpable for refusing to implement scriptural truth in our modern era, with ignorance less an excuse than it was in previous ages.”

The Jesuits are a militant group within the Roman Catholic Church devoted to the Primacy of the Pope of Rome, and the complete destruction of all regimes that resist the Ultramontane

33 Jurisdiction of the Roman Papacy, especially British Protestants. They are willing and zealous to use whatever means necessary to accomplish that end (See The Jesuit Oath). This group, and the Counter-Reformation movement of the Roman Church that created this group, is the focus of this treatise as they are, in the opinion of the author the key to understanding the past 500 years of human history. James A. Wylie, described the vision of Ignatius Loyola who was the Patriarch of the Jesuit order in his The History of Protestantism, Vol. II, pg. 382,

“Among the wonderful things shown to Ignatius Loyola by special revelation was a vision of two great camps. The centre of the one was placed at Babylon; and over it there floated the gloomy ensign of the prince of darkness. The Heavenly King had erected his standard on Mount Zion, and made Jerusalem his head-quarters. In the war of which these two camps were the symbols, and the issues of which were to be grand beyond all former precedent, Loyola was chosen, he believed, to be one of the chief captains. He longed to place himself at the centre of action.”

Could the recent wars in the Middle East be inspired by the Roman agenda to fulfill Ignatius Loyola’s vision? The Protestant Reformation introduced revolutionary principles that changed and in many ways saved Western Civilization. When Luther wrote his To the Christian Nobility of the German Nation he denied the Welfare state of the Monasteries rebuking hypocritical monks with Paul’s admonition that “he that will not work should not eat.” Not only so but the Protestant Reformation laid the foundation for accountable government and functional separation of church and state.

When I was in seminary, Calvin’s position on the authority of Government was an occasion of hot debate. Not one of the men I knew who debated this issue knew of Calvin’s change later in life. Mack P. Holt says,


“One factor behind this rising tension was that Huguenot political rhetoric had required a decidedly anti-royalist tone during the second and third civil wars. While Calvin’s Institution of the Christian Religion seemed to suggest that private citizens owed their obedience even to an ungodly king-only lesser magistrates could legally oppose the authority of a wicked king-his biblical commentaries published late in his life offered more intriguing possibilities. In his Readings on the Prophet Daniel first published in 1561, Calvin argued that when Daniel refused to obey King Darius, ‘he committed no sin’, since whenever rulers disobeyed God, ‘they automatically abdicate their worldly power’. Calvin went even further in his Sermons on the Last Eight Chapters of the Book of Daniel published posthumously in 1565. Describing the same biblical incident, Calvin argued that when Kings defy God, ‘they are no longer worthy to be counted as princes…[And] when they raise themselves up against God…it is necessary that they should in turn be laid low’.”22

These principles denied long standing de-facto regimes purchased by the soul title of conquest and unlawful war. This is contrasted with the long standing Communism of the Monastery of Rome and their accompanying arbitrary Monarchs who were well known for taxing their people into poverty through greed and unlawful conquest.23

In the 17th and 18th centuries the order of the Jesuits began a system of missionary work called “Reductions” in order to

22 Mack Holt, The French Wars of Religion 1562-1629 (New York: Cambridge University Press, 1995, 2005), 78 23 William Lunt, Papal Revenues in the Middle Ages

35 catholicize native peoples in Spain, Argentina, Brazil, Bolivia and America. The structure was Communist.

The following is taken from the book The Footprints of the Jesuits, by R.W. Thompson (New York: Hunt & Eaton, 1894) 173-177,

“The Government established by them in Paraguay was essentially monarchical. It could not have been otherwise under the principles of their constitution. Under the false name of a Christian republic, it was, to all intents and purposes, a theocratic State, so constructed as to free it from all European influences except such as emanated from their superior at Rome. All the intercourse they had with the Church and the pope was through him, and whatsoever commands he gave were uninquiringly obeyed by them, without stopping to investigate or concerning themselves in the least to know whether the Church and the pope approved or disapproved them. In order to impress the natives with the idea of their independence and of their superiority over the monastic orders and the Church ecclesiastics, they practiced the most artful means to persuade them to hold no intercourse with either Spaniards or Portuguese, upon the ground that they could not do so without encountering the example of their vices and immoralities. The unsuspecting Indians were easily seduced by acts of kindness, and the result was that, in the course of a brief period, they succeeded in establishing a number of what were called Reductions — or, more properly speaking, villages with multitudes of Indians assembled about them; the whole aggregating, in the end, several hundred thousand. These constituted the Jesuit State, and were all, by the mere ceremony of baptism, brought under Jesuit

36 dominion. At each Reduction the natives were allowed to select a secular magistracy, with limited and unimportant powers over such temporal affairs as could be intrusted to them without impairing the theocratic feature of the Government. But in order to provide against the possibility of permitting even these few temporal affairs from being conducted independently of them, they adopted the precaution of providing that, before any important decisions were carried into effect, they should obtain their sanction as ”spiritual shepherds.” There never was anywhere a more thorough and complete blending of Church and State together.

Although this new State was established under the pretense that it was necessary to protect the natives against the bad influences of the Spaniards and the Portuguese, the approval of it by the King of Spain, Philip III, was obtained by the promise that every adult must pay him the tribute of one dollar” a consideration of chief importance with him.

Philip IV was equally disposed to favor the Jesuits, presumably for the want of proper information; for it would have required but little investigation at that time to have discovered that the only motive of the Jesuits for securing royal approbation in Europe was that they might ultimately acquire power to plot against European royalty itself when it should stand in the way of their ambition. To show how little obedience was paid to the public authorities of either Spain or Portugal, it is only necessary to observe that each Reduction was governed by a Jesuit father, supported by a yicar and a curate

37 as assistants but whose chief duty was espionage.

This governing father was under the orders of a superior, who presided over a diocese of five or six parishes, the supervision and management of the whole being lodged in the hands of a provincial, who ”received his orders direct from the general in Rome.” If, therefore, the kings of Spain and Portugal supposed that the Jesuits in Portugal intended to pay fidelity to them, or to either of them, they were deceived as, in the course of events, they discovered. They obeyed their general in Rome, and him alone.

The praise ought not to be withheld from the Jesuits, that the natives who were thus brought under their influences were better and more kindly treated than those who were compelled to submit to the dominion of Spaniards and Portuguese beyond the limits of Paraguay. They “par- took of their labors, of their amusements, of their joys, of their sorrows. They visited daily every house in which lay a sick person, whom they served as the kindest nurse, and to whom they seemed to be ministering genii.” By these and other kindnesses they brought the Indians to look upon them with a feeling bordering upon idolatry. But whilst they were friends, they were also sovereigns, and “governed with absolute and unquestioned authority.” This was a necessary and indispensable part of their system of government, which embodied the Jesuit idea of a Christian republic. It was in everything pertaining to the management of public affairs an absolute monarchy, with all its powers centered in the general at Rome, whose authority was accepted as equal to that of God, and to

38 whose command obedience was exacted from all.

Apart from this governing authority, universal equality prevailed. The principles of socialism or communism very much as now understood governed all the Reductions.

Everything necessary to the material comfort and prosperity of the Indians was in common. Each family had a portion of land set apart for cultivation. They also learned trades, and many of them, both men and women, became experts. But the earnings of the whole were deposited in common storehouses at each Reduction, and distributed by the Jesuits in such portions to each individual as necessity required. ‘Even meat was portioned from the public slaughter- houses in the same way.’ The surplus produce remaining after these distributions was sent to Europe, and sold or exchanged for wares and merchandise, solely at the discretion of the ‘Jesuits. Everything was conducted in obedience to them, and nothing contrary to their orders was tolerated. Rigid rules of conduct and hours of labor were prescribed, and the violators of them were subject to corporal punishment.

Houses of worship, colleges, and palatial residences for the Jesuit fathers, were built by the common labor and at the expense of the common treasury. Suffrage was universal; but the sanction of the Jesuits was necessary to the validity of the election. In fact, says Nicolini, “the Jesuits substituted themselves for the State or community”‘ — a fact which fully establishes the monarchical and theocratic character of the Government.

39 In order to teach the confiding Indians that obedience to authority was their chiefest duty, they were subjected to rules of conduct and intercourse which were enforced with the strictest severity. They were watched in everything, the searching eyes of the Jesuits being continually upon them. They constituted, in fact, a state of society reaching the Jesuit ideal completely; that is, docile, tractable, submissive, obedient, without the least real semblance of manhood. Having thus completed their subjugation, energetic measures were adopted to render any change in their condition impossible. For this purpose care was taken to exclude all other than Jesuit influences, and to sow the seeds of disaffection towards everything European, the object being to surround them with a high wall of ignorance and superstition, which no European influences could overleap, and within which their authority would be unbounded. They were instructed that the Spaniards and the Portuguese were their enemies, that the ecclesiastics and monkish missionaries sent over by the Church were unworthy of obedience or imitation, and that the only true religion was that which emanated from their society and had their approval. If these simple-minded people were taught anything about the Church, it was with the view of convincing them that the Jesuits represented all its power, authority, and virtue, and that whatsoever did not conform to their teachings was sinful and heretical. If they were told anything about the pope, it was to represent him as inferior to their general, who was to be regarded by them as the only infallible representative of God upon earth. That all other ideas should be excluded from their minds, they were not permitted to hold any intercourse

40 Whatsoever with Europeans; for fear, undoubtedly, they might hear that there was a Church at Rome, and a pope higher than their general. They were not allowed to speak any language but their own, so as to render it impossible to acquire any ideas or opinions except such as could be expressed by means of its limited number of inexpressive words; that is, to keep them entirely and exclusively under Jesuit influences. To sum up the whole, without further detail, the Indians were regarded as minors under guardianship, and in this condition they remained for one hundred and fifty years, without the possibility of social and national development.”

I suggest to the reader to also study Roman Catholic Sir Thomas More’s Utopia and his influence on Marxist philosophy. Marxist Karl Kautsky argued in his book Thomas More and his Utopia that More’s work was an early development of socialist ideas. Even the New Advent Catholic Encyclopedia admits in its article “Reductions of Paraguay”,

“(1) Conditions of Property

The economic basis was a sort of communism…The land and all that stood upon it was the property of the community. The land was apportioned among the caciques, who allotted it to the families under them. Agricultural instruments and draught-cattle were loaned from the common supply. No one was permitted to sell his plot of land or his house, called abamba, i.e. “own possession.” The individual efforts of the Indians, owing to their indolence, soon proved to be inadequate, whereupon separate plots were set aside as common fields, called Tupamba, i.e. “God’s property” which were cultivated by

41 common labour under the guidance of the Padres. The products of these fields were placed in the common storehouse, and were used partly for the support of the poor, the sick, widows, orphans, Church Indians, etc., partly as seed for the next year, partly as reserve supply for unforeseen contingencies, and also as a medium of exchange for European goods and for taxes (see below). The yield of the private fields and of private effort became the absolute property of the Indians, and was credited to them individually in the common barter transactions, so that each received in exchange the goods he desired. Those abamba plots which gave a smaller yield because of faulty individual management were exchanged from time to time. The herds of livestock were also common property. The caballos del Santo, which were used in processions on festal occasions, were especially reserved. Thus the Reduction Los Santos Apostoles at one time owned 599 of these.”24

This is not surprising seeing that the ancient Monastic system was based on a vow of poverty which is a renunciation of Private Property.25 Reader do you not see the clear foundation of the Jesuit Communism being the inspiration of Karl Marx’s Communist Manifesto?

17th Century General- This century brought to pass the greatest burden the Saints have ever faced: The Enlightenment. The Jesuit influence in the West is staggering. Materialism was popularized by the atomism of Descartes, Galileo and Voltaire- all Jesuit trained men.26 Communism was created by the Roman

24 http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/12688b.htm 25 http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/12324a.htm 26 Galileo’s curriculum at the University of Pisa was source in the Jesuit Collegio Romano.

42 Catholic statesmen Sir Thomas More and perfected by the Jesuits in their Reductions in Paraguay. Abbé Sieyès was most responsible for the French Revolution and he was a Jesuit. Marx was trained by Jesuits in Trier, Germany. The Communists did little but destroy some of the most powerful enemies of the Vatican with the Bolshevik Revolution. Salamancan Jesuits like Molina and Juan de Mariana laid the foundations for Libertarianism and the Austrian School of Economics. According to Masonic historian, Johann Bode, the Jesuits created the Masonic Lodge in England to regain the Stuart throne. Freemasonry has now universally infiltrated the large Protestant denominations and turned them to Liberalism. The famous Freemason Erasmus Darwin was the primary influence on his grandson’s Darwinism and the transitional fossil hoaxes were created by the famous Jesuit Teilhard de Chardin and men associated with him. The big bang theory was created by a Jesuit named Georges Lemaître. Our Gregorian Calendar was even invented by a Jesuit named Christopher Clavius. Our pandering after international organizations like the United Nations is nothing short of the Vatican’s Ultramontanism that they have been claiming divine right to for centuries. The banning of the corporate reading of the Bible in public schools is nothing short of the Vatican’s Index of Forbidden Books and their incessant ambition to keep the Bible out of the hands of the common people. This is exactly what Thomas More burned people alive in England for in the 16th century. This “Enlightenment” was to be the beginning of the fulfillment of Joachim of Flora’s 3rd Age Prophecy and revenge for the Suppression in 1773. In order to attack the authority structure of Joachim’s 2nd Age Civilization Atheism was to be resurrected from its ancient grave in Greece in order to attack the heart of the 2nd Age Power Structure: Religion. William T Still states in his New World Order, 40,

"Illuminism is really the religion of a benevolent mythical Lucifer - not Satan. It is disguised as political idealism, bent on eradicating religion and monarchies in general, and Christianity in particular and gaining global control for a 'commonwealth of nations' featuring 'universal

43 democracy'...to the secret societies Lucifer is always depicted as a benevolent, peace-loving god, with nothing but the best intentions for the human race”.

Moreover, in the 17th century the Jesuits suppressed Protestant Historicism. The Anti-Roman Catholic Historicism of the Reformation has been replaced by a Jesuit theory called “Preterism”. This system of interpretation denied that the Papacy was the antichrist and attributed Nero with being the antichrist. It was developed by the Jesuit Luis de Alcasar in his book Vestigatio arcani sensus in Apocalypsi (1614) published after his death. For a full refutation of Preterism see Lectures on the Apocalypse, by Christopher Wordsworth and A Critique Of Full Preterism And A Defense Of Historicistic Post-Millennialism by J. Parnell McCarter.

1605- The of 1605, a.k.a. the Gunpowder Treason Plot or the Jesuit Treason, was a failed assassination attempt against King James I of England by a group of English Catholic Zealots led by who was a strong supporter of the Jesuits. The plot was to blow up the House of Lords during the State Opening of England's Parliament on November 5, 1605. Recent to this plot King James I had exiled the Jesuits from England. Jesuit Oswald Tesimond was pursued by English authorities who had a warrant for his arrest sworn out on January 15, 1606 for his involvement in the Gunpowder Plot. Yet he escaped arrest. The plot was yet another attempt to regain Catholic influence in Protestant England and restore a Catholic Monarch on the throne of England. The embarrassing thing about this plot for modern society is the now famous character , made famous by the movie “V for Vendetta”. The man V, is considered a freedom fighter against Fascist tyranny when in fact Guy Fawkes was anything but this. He was a Papist Assassin.

44 1606-1614- Japanese ruler Iyeyasu routed Roman Catholicism out of his country because they were trying to overthrow the government. Many Jesuits were executed.27

1610- The Edict of Nantes. This Edict was issued on April 13, 1598, by Henry IV of France. It granted the Calvinist Protestants of France, the Huguenots, substantial rights. For this he was assassinated in 1610 by zealot Roman Catholic François Ravaillac. He had applied to be a Jesuit in 1606 and was doubtless under their influence.

1618- The Jesuits are expelled from Bohemia. The Bohemian Diet of 1618 stated

“We lords, knights, deputies of Prague, Kuttenberg and other estates, together recognize in what great danger this kingdom of Bohemia has stood ever since the introduction of the hypocritical sect of Jesuits. We have, moreover, found in truth that the originators of all this mischief are the above-mentioned Jesuits, who occupy themselves in contriving how they may strengthen the Roman See, and bring all kingdoms and lands under their power and might, who to this end employ the most illicit means, inflame rulers against one another, cause rebellion and unrest among the estates of countries, especially such as are of different religions, set superiors against subordinates, subordinates against superiors. . . Now therefore, as they are in these ways the cause of the evil state which has befallen the kingdom, they have justly merited to be no longer tolerated in the said kingdom. . . ”28

27 Truth Seeker Company, A Short History of the Inquisition (1913), 317-319 28 Rene Fulop-Miller, The Power and Secret of the Jesuits, 355; EJP, Vatican Assassins, 140

45 That same year Ferdinand II, Holy Roman Emperor, educated by the Jesuits, began his persecution of Protestants in direct contradiction to religious rights granted to them by Emperor Rudolf II in his Letter of Majesty. Thus, his tyranny culminated in The Thirty Years War. The Thirty Years War was concluded by The Treaty of Westphalia in 1648 which secured religious liberty and ushered in a golden age in white Protestant nations.

1635- Tokugawa Lemitsu (1604 – June 8, 1651) was the third shogun of the Tokugawa dynasty. He passed the Sakoku Edict of 1635 which was one of the many acts that were written by Lemitsu to remove Catholic influence from Japan. Catholicism was strictly forbidden and trade with them was forbidden, yet he allowed trade with the Protestant Dutch.

1641- The Irish Rebellion. In 1641 Irish Roman Catholics massacred tens of thousands of Protestants. Foxe’s Book of Martyrs (Christian Classics Ethereal Library) says in Chapter 17,

“It is impossible to conceive the pleasure these monsters took in exercising their cruelty, and to increase the misery of those who fell into their hands, when they butchered them they would say, "Your soul to the devil." One of these miscreants would come into a house with his hands imbued in blood, and boast that it was English blood, and that his sword had pricked the white skins of the Protestants, even to the hilt. When any one of them had killed a Protestant, others would come and receive a gratification in cutting and mangling the body; after which they left it exposed to be devoured by dogs; and when they had slain a number of them they would boast, that the devil was beholden to them for sending so many souls to hell. But it is no wonder they should thus treat the innocent Christians, when they hesitated not to commit blasphemy against God and His most holy Word.


In one place they burnt two Protestant Bibles, and then said they had burnt hell-fire. In the church at Powerscourt they burnt the pulpit, pews, chests, and Bibles belonging to it. They took other Bibles, and after wetting them with dirty water, dashed them in the faces of the Protestants, saying, "We know you love a good lesson; here is an excellent one for you; come to- morrow, and you shall have as good a sermon as this."

Some of the Protestants they dragged by the hair of their heads into the church, where they stripped and whipped them in the most cruel manner, telling them, at the same time, that if they came tomorrow, they should hear the like sermon.

In Munster they put to death several ministers in the most shocking manner. One, in particular, they stripped stark naked, and driving him before them, pricked him with swords and darts until he fell down, and expired.

In some places they plucked out the eyes, and cut off the hands of the Protestants, and in that manner turned them into the fields, there to wander out their miserable existence. They obliged many young men to force their aged parents to a river, where they were drowned; wives to assist in hanging their husbands; and mothers to cut the throats of their children.

In one place they compelled a young man to kill his father, and then immediately hanged him. In another they forced a woman to kill her husband, then obliged the son to kill her, and afterward shot him through the head.


At a place called Glaslow, a popish priest, with some others, prevailed on forty Protestants to be reconciled to the Church of Rome. They had no sooner done this than they told them they were in good faith, and that they would prevent their falling from it, and turning heretics, by sending them out of the world, which they did by immediately cutting their throats.

In the county of Tipperary upwards of thirty Protestants, men, women, and children, fell into the hands of the papists, who, after stripping them naked, murdered them with stones, pole- axes, swords, and other weapons.

In the county of Mayo about sixty Protestants, fifteen of whom were ministers, were, upon covenant, to be safely conducted to Galway, by one Edmund Burke and his soldiers; but that inhuman monster by the way drew his sword, as an intimation of his design to the rest, who immediately followed his example, and murdered the whole, some of whom they stabbed, others were run through the body with pikes, and several were drowned.

In Queen's County great numbers of Protestants were put to the most shocking deaths. Fifty or sixty were placed together in one house, which being set on fire, they all perished in the flames. Many were stripped naked, and being fastened to horses by ropes placed round their middles, were dragged through bogs until they expired. Some were hung by the feet to tenterhooks driven into poles; and in that wretched posture left until they perished. Others were fastened to the trunk of a tree, with a branch at top. Over this branch hung one arm, which principally

48 supported the weight of the body; and one of the legs was turned up, and fastened to the trunk, while the other hung straight. In this dreadful and uneasy posture did they remain as long as life would permit, pleasing spectacles to their bloodthirsty persecutors.

At Clownes seventeen men were buried alive; and an Englishman, his wife, five children, and a servant maid, were all hanged together, and afterward thrown into a ditch. They hung many by the arms to branches of trees, with a weight to their feet; and others by the middle, in which posture they left them until they expired. Several were hanged on windmills, and before they were half dead, the barbarians cut them in pieces with their swords. Others, both men, women, and children, they cut and hacked in various parts of their bodies, and left them wallowing in their blood to perish where they fell. One poor woman they hanged on a gibbet, with her child, an infant about a twelve-month old, the latter of whom was hanged by the neck with the hair of its mother's head, and in that manner finished its short but miserable existence.

In the county of Tyrone no less than three hundred Protestants were drowned in one day; and many others were hanged, burned, and otherwise put to death. Dr. Maxwell, rector of Tyrone, lived at this time near Armagh, and suffered greatly from these merciless savages. This person, in his examination, taken upon oath before the king's commissioners, declared that the Irish papists owned to him, that they, at several times, had destroyed, in one place, 12,000 Protestants, whom they inhumanly slaughtered at Glynwood, in their flight from the county of Armagh.”


Ian Paisely says in his The Jesuits and their Strategy to Destroy Britain,

“There is absolute proof that the Jesuits were behind the awful massacre of Protestants in 1641 by Phelim O'Neill, when the aim of extermination of all Protestants and every trace of British influence became a contagious disease. The index finger of the "Holy" Roman Church pointed the way; the Jesuits and their delegates did the rest. Hector MacPherson, in his book The Jesuits in History, mentions the important facts that before the Rebellion began the policy of seizing land had been abandoned since Mary's day, that the religious question had hardly any practical existence, and there was in fact no religious persecution of Roman Catholics. Even the noted Roman Catholic writer Dr. O'Connor states that "this rebellion […] was started at a time of profound peace" and that down to that moment "Ireland had never experienced since the twelfth century such a calm; never was there less provocation to rebellion. […] We must be content to lay the rebellion and all its violations of faith and perjuries which attended it to the conduct and principles of the foreign-influenced intriguers who argued that Ireland was in the temporals of the Holy See." [Quoted in MacPherson: op. cit., p. 77.]

Who were these "intriguers"? The Jesuits, of course! History records that in response to a petition from O'Neill in 1599 relating to the small matter of a disputed succession to an Irish Earldom, the Pope sent a number of Jesuits to Ireland to seize an opportunity for inflaming the religious passions of Irish Romanists. Annoyed

50 at this failure, they were in 1641 once more at their old game of stirring up religious strife against Protestant England in the interests of the Papacy. Also, as MacPherson says: "Foiled in his effort to depose Elizabeth, the Pope turned his attention to Ireland as a base of operations for his designs upon England." The real question was: Who was to be the ruler of Ireland – Queen Elizabeth or the Pope? [MacPherson: op. cit., p. 77.] A Roman Catholic priest by the name of Bourke, writing in 1641, admits that the Rebellion of 1641 was "begun solely in the interests of the Catholic and Roman religion". [MacPherson: op. cit., p. 77.]

Sir Phelim O'Neill paid for his murders on the scaffold. This was the real reason why Cromwell was brought to Ireland, and why King William later came to deliver our forefathers, so do not believe the Romanist and Jesuit lie. Oliver Cromwell, who was Lord Protector from 1653 till 1658, took severe measures to clear the country of Jesuits, but they were concealed and aided by many of the Roman Catholic gentry.”

Some have tried to argue that the number of Irish Protestants killed in this massacre was only a few thousand. This is refuted by the writings of Irish Jesuit Con a Mahony who said in a book printed at Lisbon in 1645,

“My dear Irish,—Go on and perfect the work of your liberty and defence, which is so happily begun by you; and kill all the heretics, and all that do assist and defend them. You have in the space of four or five years, that is, between the years 1641 and 1645, wherein I write this, killed 150,000 heretics, as your enemies acknowledge. Neither do I deny it. And for my own part, as I verily believe you have killed more of them, so I

51 would to God you had killed them all—which you must either do, or drive them all out of Ireland, that our [Catholic] Holy Land may be plagued no longer with such a . . . barbarous, ignorant and lawless generation of people.”29

1652-1740- In The Story of South Africa by John Clark Ridpath and Edward Sylvester Ellis we are given a full history of the Dutch arrival into Africa beginning on page 47. The Cape of Good Hope was recognized as the midway point between the western world and the Orient (pg. 51). The Dutch settlement at Cape Town was created in 1652 and the jurisdiction only extend a few miles into the continent because they originally did not seek to establish a new state there. (pg. 51) They were met by the Khoi-khoin, later to be known as Hottentots.30 As more Europeans came the border increased into the continent and conflicts with the Natives began. The British East India company

29 Robert Wallace, A Dissertation on the Numbers of Mankind in Antient and Modern Times (1753), 225

30 In Ridpath’s, Cyclopedia of Universal History Volume 8, page 635, Ridpath clearly affirms that Hottentots were Negros. His Race Chart No. 8 does in fact show two distinct stems between Nigritians and Hottentots but his Race Chart No. 1, in Volume 2 of his Universal History, seems to suggest that the Hottentots are later outgrowths of the Nigritians. Not only so, the peoples of the eastern side of South Africa, the Kaffirs (Bantu), were also Negros. (Ridpath's History of the World, Volume 4, pages 665-667) Ridpath, in his Race Chart No. 1 shows that Kaffirs came from the Western branch of the Hamites. On the other side of this debate we have David Downing, who, in his Apartheid in South Africa (Heinemann Library: Chicago, IL, 2004), pg. 52, asserts that the Khoi-khoin, later to be known as Hottentots inhabited South Africa from 8000 B.C.E. Now this is fantastical as are all claims of any history more than about 6000 years ago. There simply is no record of such a history. These are speculations the man is making from his biased presumptions. I have seen numerous dates pertaining to the Khoin-khoin; some 2000 B.C., some 500 A.D., but from what I found in Ridpath I would guess that this group began to inhabit South Africa sometime between 1000 B.C. and 2000 B.C.

52 excised tyrannical tax upon them (pg. 52). In order to meet the demands of the British to conduct trade, the Dutch treated the natives with severity and enslaved some of them. (pg. 53) In October 1685, Louis XIV of France, renounced the Edict of Nantes and declared Protestantism illegal with his Edict of Fontainebleau. This was the impetus for French Protestants to enter the Cape Colony. Out of this group came the Boers. They were native born, did not want anything more to do with their own Dutch Government and the British with their wars with the local natives. They began to settle in the interior, independent of the Cape Colony. In 1740 Boers crossed the Gamtoos River (pg. 54). The Kaffirs were upset at this but the Boers did not try to oppress anyone. They did not kill them off. They defended their settlement. The area was sparsely inhabited so it is not as if the Kaffir’s had nowhere to go.

1658-1688- Protestants in England were persecuted after the death of Oliver Cromwell and many of them left England and came to America. If any Native American wants someone to blame for white people being here in America he needs to blame the Vatican, the Stuarts and the Jesuits. Jean Henri Merle d'Aubigné says in his The Protector, pages 84-85,

“The liberties and Protestantism of England were on the verge of shipwreck, when Cromwell intervened; and all his life he upheld in Great Britain religious liberty and the national prosperity.

And what became of the country after his death?—The Stuarts returned; and “when the rejoicings were over, the illuminations extinct, then punishments followed.”

One hundred corpses were exhumed, among which were the great Oliver, his old and venerable mother, his dearly beloved daughter Bridget Pym, and the famous admiral Blake. Their mouldering bodies were hung on the three

53 corners of the gallows at Tyburn, and the cavaliers found a subject of merriment and pleasantry in this revolting exhibition.

Ears were cut off, noses were slit, and numbers lost their heads on the scaffold. The sentence pronounced against them all was conceived in the following terms:—"You shall be drawn on a hurdle to the place of execution, and there you shall be hanged by the neck; and being alive, you shall be cut down and mutilated; your entrails shall be taken out of your body, and (you living) the same to be burnt before your eyes; and your head to be cut off, and your body to be divided into four quarters." The Stuarts, as if this were not enough, filled the country with immorality; and an illustrious Royalist of the present day can find no other excuse for Charles II. than by saying that, in propagating this corruption of morals," it is probable that this prince merely followed the course of his own inclinations and the fickleness of his character."! Two thousand ministers were driven from their benefices; the churches were oppressed; the no -blest hearts of the country were forced to seek a refuge in distant lands; vast colonies in America were peopled by them; and England would have become like Spain, and worse than Spain, had not William III. resumed the task so energetically begun by Cromwell. If, so long after the war, and after a pacific recall to their native land, the Stuarts committed such atrocities, what would they not have dared when men's passions and animosities were in full vigor?”

1663- The Assembly of Sorbonne in 1663 wherein no less than 36 Prelates constituted the Declaration of the Clergy of France of

54 1682, wherein the Pope was denied infallibility apart from the Church's consent and Papal Deposing Power in toto.

1685- Revocation of the Edict of Nantes- In 1688, the Jesuit Pere La Chaise, wrote a letter to Jesuit Sir Edward Petre suggesting that Petre exterminate English Protestants as he had exterminated French Protestants.31 La Chaise used blackmail to convince Louis XIV to revoke the Edict of Nantes. Louis XIV had committed fornication with his daughter-in-law and La Chaise refused to give him absolution unless he revoke the Edict of Nantes. Do we then see the Political and Social evil of the Roman Catholic soteriological system? If Louis XIV had believed in Calvinism La Chaise would have had no power over him. The French Catholics murdered about 500, 000 Protestants pursuant to this Counter-Reformation legislation.32

1688- The Glorious Revolution of William and Mary brings the Stuart Dynasty to an end.

1690- The Battle of the Boyne: James II attempted to regain his Kingdom but was defeated by William of Orange.

18th Century

18 Century General- British and European Protestants migrate to America to escape the Anglican and Catholic Churches constituting the original American Colonies.

“For more than two centuries the humbler Protestant sects had sent up the cry to heaven for freedom to worship God. To the panting for this freedom half the American states owed their existence. . .The immense majority of the

31 Catalogue of the Stowe Manuscripts in the British Museum: Index, 1896, 274 32 Ridpath’s Universal History, Vol. XIV, 454

55 inhabitants of the thirteen colonies were Protestant dissenters . . . The establishment of liberty of conscience, which brought with it liberty of speech and of the press, was, in the several states, the fruit not of philosophy, but of the love of Protestantism for the open (Bible) . . .”33

1717- The Knights Templar Order of the Crusades is remade with the revival of Freemasonry, a Catholic, not a Jewish Organization. EJP says,

"We also know from our previous chapters that the old military Order of the Knights Templars - abolished by Pope Clement V in 1312 - was revived in 1717 in England called “Freemasonry.” Its stated purpose was to restore the pro-Jesuit Stuart Dynasty to the throne of England."34

Albert Mackey says in his Encyclopedia of Freemasonry and its Kindred Sciences (McClure Publishing Co.: Philadelphia, 1917), page 135,

“Bode, Johann Joachim Christoph.

Born in Brunswick, 18th of January, 1730. One of the most distinguished Masons of his time. . . . in 1757 he established himself at Hamburg as a bookseller, and was initiated into the Masonic Order. . . . To Masonic literature he made many valuable contributions; among others, he translated from the French [Nicolas de] Bonneville’s celebrated work entitled Les Jesuites chasses de la Maconnerie et leur poignard brise par les Macons, which contains a

33 George Bancroft, Bancroft’s History of the United States, (Boston, Massachusetts: Little, Brown & Co., 1852) Vol. V., 119-122 34 EJP, Vatican Assassins (2001), 300

56 comparison of Scottish Masonry with the Templarism of the fourteenth century. In 1790 he joined the order of the Illuminati, obtaining the highest degree in its second class, and at the Congress of Wilhelmsbad [1782] he advocated the opinions of Weishaupt. No man of his day was better versed than he in the history of Freemasonry, or possessed a more valuable and extensive library; no one was more diligent in increasing his stock of Masonic knowledge, or more anxious to avail himself of the rarest sources of learning. Hence, he has always held an exhalted position among the Masonic scholars of Germany. The theory which he had conceived on the origin of Freemasonry—a theory however, which the investigations of subsequent historians have proved to be untenable [Consider the source-DS]-was that the Order was invented by the Jesuits, in the seventeenth century, as an instrument for the re- establishment of the Roman Church in England, covering it for their own purposes under the mantle of Templarism.”

Freemasonry champions its Counter Reformation agenda. Edmond Ronayne says in his, The Master’s Carpet; Or Masonry and Baal-Worship Identical pages 142-143,

“Hence, according to Pope Leo XII, after whom the present Pope is named, the very Bible which is insulted on the Masonic altar contains not the revelation of God, but simply the ‘gospel of the devil,’ while Freemasonry steps boldly to the front exclaiming: ‘Quite correct, Most Holy Father! Quite correct! My Square and Compass are every way equal to, if not superior to the Authorized Version of the Bible, and will ‘enlighten’ mankind quite as well. Go on, my dear sir! Go on, Bro. Leo, and issue your Bulls

57 and Encyclicals against the Bible with all the rancor of which your old heart is capable, and I’ll keep right on in my peculiarly aggressive course, degrading and debasing God’s Word below my pagan emblems, and teaching my people that it is no better than the Koran, the Shasters or the Book of Mormon. Go on, Mr. Pope! Make all the Roman Catholics you can, and I’ll guarantee to manufacture quite as many infidels from among the Protestants, and between us, I think, we shall be able to neutralize the great work of the Reformation, and perhaps destroy Christianity altogether.’ ”

1735-1740- Scottish Rite Freemasonry is written out by the Jesuits at Clermont in Paris. Madam Blavatsky said,

"As to the modern Knights Templar and those Masonic Lodges which now claim a direct descent from the ancient Templars, their persecution by the Church was a farce from the beginning. They have not, nor have they ever had any secrets, dangerous to the Church. Quite the contrary; for we find J. G. Findel saying that the Scottish degrees, or the Templar system, only dates from 1735-1740, and "following its Catholic tendency, took up its chief residence in the Jesuit College of Clermont, in Paris, and hence was called the Clermont system." The present Swedish system has also something of the Templar element in it, but free from Jesuits and interference with politics; however, it asserts that it has Molay's Testament in the original, for a Count Beaujeu, a nephew of Molay, never heard of elsewhere -- says Findel -- transplanted Templarism into Freemasonry, and thus procured for his uncle's ashes a mysterious sepulchre. It is sufficient to prove this a Masonic fable that on this pretended monument the day

58 of Molay's funeral is represented as March 11, 1313, while the day of his death was March 19, 1313. This spurious production, which is neither genuine Templarism, nor genuine Freemasonry, has never taken firm root in Germany. But the case is otherwise in France."35

Mackey says a similar thing in his Encyclopedia Of Freemasonry And Its Kindred Sciences, 649,


In 1754, the Chevalier de Bonneville established a Chapter of the advanced Degrees at Paris, in the College of Jesuits of Clermont, hence called the Chapter of Clermont. The system of Freemasonry he there practiced received the name of the Rite of Perfection, or Rite of Heredom. The College of Clermont was, says Rebold (History of Three Grand Lodges, page 46) the asylum of the adherents of the House of Stuart, and hence the Rite is to some extent tinctured with Stuart Freemasonry It consisted of twenty-five Degrees…It will be seen that the Degrees of this Rite are the same as those of the Council of Emperors of the East and West, which was established four years later, and to which the Chapter of Clermont gave way. Of course, they are the same, so far as they go, as those of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite which succeeded the Council of Emperors.”

When faced with these clear testimonies the average truth seeker is totally baffled. “I thought Freemasonry was Anti-Catholic!?”

35 Isis Unveiled by H. P. Blavatsky , Vol. 2, Page 381; William O. Peterson, Masonic Quiz Book “Ask Me Another, Brother,” (Chicago, Illinois: The Charles T. Powner Co., 1951) 194-195

59 No, no. Freemasonry is Anti-Second Age Catholic, not Anti- Catholic absolutely.

1. The Protestant Reformation required the Catholic Church to assume the mode of Counter-Reformation. This means, that when a Catholic Propagandist dwells within a Protestant Country, he is going to advocate principles that he knows are destructive, in order to attack the established population and institutions of a Protestant Civilization.

2. There was a battle between the Catholic Church and the Jesuit Order in the 1760s and 1770s pursuant to Dominus ac Redemptor Noster 1773. This suppression of the Jesuit Order required the Jesuits to operate covertly in the secret societies they would create beginning with their Bavarian Illuminati, created by their Catholic coadjutor, Adam Weishaupt. They already performed this technique in England in 1717. This is why Weishaupt was nicknamed Spartacus, the famous Roman slave who rebelled against the Roman Empire. The Jesuits would foment the French Revolution via Abbé Sieyes’ pamphlet What is the Third Estate? to punish the Feudal Second Age Catholic aristocracy that attacked them. Thus, Catholicism has undergone a communal monastic mystical coup d’état which was executed with the assassination of Clement XIV and made official with the restoration of the Jesuit Order in 1814.

3. Just like the modern inter-Catholic wars between the V2 Catholics and the SSPX or Sedevecantist Catholics, warring factions have existed within the Catholic Church for centuries. That doesn’t make the wars Catholic vs. Non-Catholic. It means Catholic factions war with each other for power and influence.

Thus, Catholic propaganda has undergone a two-fold transition in their war against Protestant nations and their failed war with the Jesuits. In his naivety the American modern White Nationalist-Evangelical Christian or Catholic will complain that traditional Catholic civilization rejects Communism and Freemasonry. What he does not understand is:

60 He is living in a Protestant Country and is therefore a target of the Jesuit Counter Reformation. The Jesuits are willing to sacrifice the few Catholics in order to destroy the mass of Protestants. AD MAJOREM DEI GLORIAM!

According to the eschatology of Joachim of Flora, this is the age of universal equality, wherein the traditional Catholic civilization would be usurped by the age of the monks and the philosophies of absolute equality and communal living.

The New Advent Catholic Encyclopedia states in its article, “Joachim of Flora”,

“The interpretation of Scriptural prophecy, with reference to the history and the future of the Church, is the main theme of his three chief works: “Liber Concordiae Novi ac Veteris Testamenti,” “Expositio in Apocalipsim,” and “Psalterium Decem Cordarum.”

The mystical basis of his teaching is the doctrine of the “Eternal Gospel,” founded on a strained interpretation of the text in the Apocalypse (14:6). There are three states of the world, corresponding to the three Persons of the Blessed Trinity. In the first age the Father ruled, representing power and inspiring fear, to which the Old Testament dispensation corresponds; then the wisdom hidden through the ages was revealed in the Son, and we have the Catholic Church of the New Testament; a third period will come, the Kingdom of the Holy Spirit, a new dispensation of universal love, which will proceed from the Gospel of Christ, but transcend the letter of it, and in which there will be no need for disciplinary institutions. Joachim held that the second period was drawing to a close, and that the third epoch (already in part anticipated by St. Benedict)

61 would actually begin after some great cataclysm which he tentatively calculated would befall in 1260.”36

1260 was the year that the Catholic Church officially condoned the first principle of communism, abolishment of private property. The New Advent Catholic Encyclopedia states in its article on the vow of poverty,

“The express vow of renunciation of all private property was introduced into the profession of the Friars Minor in 1260”.

The New Science of Politics: An Introduction by Eric Voegelin published by the University of Chicago press states on page 111,

“Joachim broke with the Augustinian conception of a Christian society when he applied the symbol of the Trinity to the course of history…The three ages were characterized as intelligible increases of spiritual fulfillment. The first age unfolded the life of the layman; the second age brought the active contemplative life of the priest; the third age would bring the perfect spiritual life of the monk.”

Karl Marx and Human Self-creation by Cyril Smith,

“For centuries after Joachim’s death, rebels against the feudal order were describing themselves as ‘Joachimites’. Indeed, we only know of them largely because the Inquisition recorded the trial statements of these millenarians before it burnt them. Some of their

36 http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/08406c.htm

62 ideas are still echoed in the radical writings in seventeenth-century England.”37

Hegel and the Hermetic Tradition by Glenn Magee states,

“The final “Hermetic” period of Hegel’s life is his time in Berlin, from 1818 until his death on November 14, 1831. This is contrary to what one might expect. It might be assumed that Hegel’s “Hermeticism” was merely an aberration of youth, which the “arch rationalist” moved away from as he matured. Surprisingly, precisely the reverse seems to be the case. In Berlin, Hegel developed a friendship with Franz von Baader, the premiere occultist and mystic of the day. Together they studied Meister Eckhart. The preface to Hegel’s 1827 edition of the Encyclopedia of the Philosophical Sciences in Outline makes prominent mention of Boehme and Baader. His revised 1832 edition of the Science of Logic corrects a passage so as to include a reference to Boehme. His preface to the 1821 Philosophy of Right includes alchemical and Rosicrucian imagery. His 1831 Lectures on the Philosophy of Religion show the influence of the mystic Joachim of Fiore, as well as certain structural correspondences to the thought of Boehme.”38

Thus, what we have in the legions of Catholic condemnations of Freemasonry, is not Catholicism vs Non-Catholicism, but Feudal Catholicism vs. Monastic Communal Mystical Catholicism. Don’t be deceived. This is a battle between Catholic factions warring with each other.

37https://www.marxists.org/reference/archive/smith- cyril/works/alteration/ch02.htm 38https://www.marxists.org/reference/subject/philosophy/works/en/mag ee.htm


In identifying his Freemasonry, which he calls the kodesh, or the holy, in fighting against the Feudal version of Catholicism, Albert Pike states in his Morals and Dogma of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry, page 814,

“An hundred years ago it had become known that the kodosh were the Templars under a veil, and therefore the Degree was pro-scribed, and, ceasing to be worked, became a mere brief and formal ceremony, under another name.”

Just because the Templars were condemned by Pope Clement V, does not mean that the Templars were not Catholic. It simply means they were considered heretic by the Feudal version of Catholicism.

Here we see the purpose of Freemasonry in a Protestant Country: Counter-Reformation. Thus, we see strong evidence that the Catholic Templar order was the foundation for Freemasonry, and the creation of Masonry in England in 1717 and the degrees of the Scottish Rite were the work of the Catholic Jesuit Priests.

Joachim of Flora, a Catholic theologian was condemned as a heretic. The Jesuits were suppressed in 1773. Vatican 2 is condemned by traditionalist Catholics. V2 Catholics condemn traditionalist Catholics as being Protestants. That does not mean that Freemasonry, Joachim of Flora, the Jesuits or Vatican 2 are not Catholic. It simply means Catholics have a diverse array of sects that fight with each other for power and influence.

1754-1773- Jesuit Reductions cause trouble followed by Suppression and are received into England by George III.39 Jeremiah Dyson and Charles Jenkinson were known as “the Jesuits of the Treasury”, and the Treasury was the secret dictator behind the throne, which used Grenville as their

39 Horace Walpole, Memoirs of the Reign of King George the Third Vol.3 (London: Richard Bentley, 1845), 47

64 tool to persecute the American Colonies with their Grenville’s Stamp Act.40

The Jesuits were expelled from Brasil (1754), Portugal (1759), France (1764), Spain and its colonies (1767) and Parma (1768).

1768-1798- The war between the Jesuits and the Knights of Malta begins. The Jesuits win using their General Napolean and make the Knights of Malta their servants forthwith.

“Recalling previous chapters, the Knights of Malta expelled the Jesuits from their island of Malta in 1768. So Napoleon the Freemason, with his French Fleet, was used by the Jesuits to return the insult, driving the Knights from Malta, absorbing their weapons and treasures thirty years later. (The Order never forgives or forgets!)

And to where would those ancient Crusaders go? The Knights sought and received protection from the Russian Tzar Paul I (having designated himself as their Grand Master) and stayed in his Imperial Palace from 1798 onward. It just so happened that on March 7, 1801, the Polish Jesuit Vicar General Franciskus Xavier Kareu, also appeared in Russia. (For it was in 1801 that the suppressed Company of Jesus was given legal existence and permission to reside in that “heretic” nation by Pope Pius VII). What reason could justify this secret rendezvous? The Knights of Malta and the Jesuit Order had mutual interests. They both wanted to take Jerusalem away from the Moslems and rebuild Solomon’s Temple for the Pope. So having been humbled by the Jesuits with Napoleon, they evidently agreed to be subordinate to the Jesuit General. The

40 Horace Walpole, Memoirs of the Reign of King George the Third Vol.4 (London: Richard Bentley, 1845), 109-113

65 Knights would never be expelled from Russia unlike the Jesuit Order. By 1879, the Jesuit- trained Pope Leo XIII gave the Grand Master of the Knights of Malta the status of a Cardinal. This act formally subordinated these warriors to the Pope—the now “infallible” Papal Caesar under Jesuit domination.”41

1772- The American colonies beseech King George to let them outlaw African Slavery. He refuses and in so doing shows that he is plotting a race war against the Protestant Colonies to stall any attempt to create and independent Protestant Nation. His new league with the Romanists can be seen in his "Intolerable Acts" of 1774 as described by the Colonialists. The most aggravated offense came with his Quebec Act of 1774. This was an Act of the Parliament of Great Britain (citation 14 Geo. III c. 83) for the province of Quebec. It established Catholicism in Quebec and made Catholics equals in the British Colonies in America and repealed Protestant legislation in the English Protestant Oath of Allegiance. The History of Slavery and the Slave Trade (1860) page 177, by William O. Blake says,

“In the year 1772, a disposition favorable to the oppressed Africans became very generally manifest in some of the American Provinces. The house of burgesses of Virginia even presented a petition to the king, beseeching his majesty to remove all those restraints on his governors of that colony, which inhibited their assent to such laws as might check that inhuman and impolitic commerce, the slave-trade: and it is remarkable that the refusal of the British government to permit the colonists to exclude slaves from among them by law, was enumerated afterwards among the public reasons for separating from the mother country.

41 EJP, VA 3, 446

66 In allusion to the fact just stated, Mr. Jefferson, in his draft of the Declaration of Independence, said: "He (the king of England) has waged civil war against human nature itself, violating its most sacred rights of life and liberty, in the persons of a distant people, who never offended him; captivating, and carrying them into slavery in another hemisphere, or to incur miserable death in their transportation thither. This piratical warfare, the opprobrium of infidel powers, is the warfare of the Christian king of Great Britain: determined to keep open a market where MEN should be bought and sold, he prostituted his negative for suppressing every legislative attempt to prohibit or to restrain this execrable commerce; and, that this assemblage of horrors might want no fact of distinguished dye, he is now exciting those very people to rise in arms among us, and to purchase that liberty of which he has deprived them, by murdering the people upon whom he also obtruded them, thus paying off former crimes, committed against the liberties of one people, with crimes which he urges them to commit against the lives of another." (See the fac-simile of this draft in Jefferson's Correspondence.) But this passage was struck out when the Declaration of Independence was adopted.”

This laid the foundation for the American Revolution.

1773- The Jesuit Suppression. On July 21, 1773 Pope Clement XIV’s Dominus ac Redemptor suppressed the Society of Jesus (Jesuits). There have been many that have said he was assassinated with poison. What is not disputed is that he died quickly of a sudden and severe sickness. To give the reader an example of Jesuit intrigue, Charles III was the King of Spain and the Spanish Indies from 1759 to 1788. He was a Romanist. Spanish statesman Campomanes, tried to show Charles that the

67 true leaders of a domestic revolt against Esquilache (Charles' Minister Marquis of Esquilache) were the Jesuits. This led to their expulsion as the King became more aware of the Church’s increasingly unnecessary power. In general, by the mid-18th century, the Jesuits had acquired a reputation for stealthy political maneuvering and economic exploitation. They were considered greedy and prone to meddle in state affairs through their close connections with powerful members of the royal court to further the interests of their society and of course the Papacy.

1776- Adam Weishaupt creates the Illuminati. Weishaupt was educated in a Jesuit school and after Pope Clement XIV’s suppression in 1773, Weishaupt became a professor of canon law. This was a position that was held exclusively by the Jesuits until that time. Under this new mask the Jesuits would resume where they left off. John Robison says in his Proofs of a Conspiracy Against all the Religions and Governments of Europe (1798) page 84,

"This was in 1777. Weishaupt had long been scheming the establishment of an Association or Order, which, in time, should govern the world. In his first fervour and high expectations, he hinted to several Ex-Jesuits 'the probability of their recovering, under a new name, the influence which they formerly possessed, and of being again of great service to society, by directing the education of youth of distinction, now emancipated from all civil and religious prejudices. He prevailed on some to' join him, but they all retracted but two. After this disappointment Weishaupt became the implacable enemy of the Jesuits; and his sanguine temper made him frequently lay himself open to their piercing eye, and drew on him their keenest resentment, and at last made him the victim, of their enmity."

68 The conspiracy against the 2nd Age Roman Catholic Civilization is found in Adam Spartacus Weishaupt under the influence of the Jesuits. Nesta H. Webster states in Secret Societies & Subversive Movements 196-197,

“That Weishaupt was not the originator of the system he named Illuminism will be already apparent to every reader of the present work… How did these Oriental methods penetrate to the Bavarian professor? According to certain writers, through the Jesuits. The fact that Weishaupt had been brought up by this Order has provided the enemies of the Jesuits with the argument that they were the secret inspirers of the Illuminati. Mr. Gould, indeed, has attributed most of the errors of the latter to this source; Weishaupt, he writes, incurred “the implacable enmity of the Jesuits, to whose intrigues he was incessantly exposed.” In reality precisely the opposite was the case, for, as we shall see, it was Weishaupt who perpetually intrigued against the Jesuits. That Weishaupt did, however, draw to a certain extent on Jesuit methods of training is recognized even by Barruel, himself a Jesuit, who, quoting Mirabeau, says that Weishaupt “admired above all those laws, that régime of the Jesuits, which, under one head, made men dispersed over the universe tend towards the same goal; he felt that one could imitate their methods whilst holding views diametrically opposed.”

Abbé Barruel states in Memoirs Illustrating the History of Jacobism, Volume 3, page 289,

“The true father of Illuminism is no other than Spartacus Weishaupt.”

69 Thus we see, that the father of the modern Secret Societies was named after the famous slave who led a rebellion against the Roman Empire.

A word must be spoken here concerning the Jews. Modern Secular Jews are mongrelized offshoots of the Catholic and Jesuit Enlightenment and do not represent traditional Judaism. Thus, the viewer is introduced to the Sabbateans, the followers of Sabbatai Zevi and his supposed reincarnation Jacob Frank. Adam Weishaupt, the Catholic Theologian under Jesuit influence, joined with the local Rothschilds banking power and the Frankist school, to attack the Reformation with their developing weapon of Enlightenment Philosophy via their newly formed Illuminati, and equally important to destroy traditional Judaism. That is why Israel is a secular democracy and not the theocracy mentioned in the Torah. The Middle-Eastern version of the Enlightenment is the Young Turks movement which was a real political movement in the early 20th century. The popular Youtube group, the Young Turks, is a continuation of that movement.

We must remember that the Eastern Orthodox are the original Protestants. They broke away from the Roman Catholic Church in 1054 A.D. with the famous East-West Schism and this schism was inflamed with the Massacre of the Latins in 1182 and the Siege of Constantinople in 1204. The History of the Eastern Orthodox Armenian Genocide and the atrocities committed against them can be read in Henry Morgenthau’s Ambassador Morgenthau’s Story, “The Murder Of A Nation”.

The Young Turks, a progressive secularist group was involved in the Armenian Genocide. We read from The International Association Of Genocide Scholars,

“On April 24, 1915, under cover of World War I, the Young Turk government of the Ottoman Empire began a systematic genocide of its Armenian citizens — an unarmed Christian minority population. More than a million

70 Armenians were exterminated through direct killing, starvation, torture, and forced death marches. The rest of the Armenian population fled into permanent exile. Thus an ancient civilization was expunged from its homeland of 2,500 years.”42

Cenk Kadir Uygur, of the Young Turks You Tube Channel, an infamous and too coincidental title for a news show, denied the Armenian Genocide.43

We continue to see secular movements and Muslim movements work for the benefit of the Papacy; and all these movements conveniently destroyed all the most powerful enemies of the Jesuits. The established Protestant governments of England and Scotland, Calvinist Geneva, Lutheran Germany, the nations that suppressed the Jesuits in the 1760s and 70s, Italy, Portugal, France and Spain and our original American theocractic Protestant Colonies and the Southern American Protestant Bible Belt, in the American “Civil War”, Orthodox Russia with the Bolshevik Revolution, the Orthodox Armenians performed by the Young Turks and of course its most ancient enemy, torah- based Judaism. What a coincidence!

For more information on this issue see the work of Barry Chamish.

1776- Jefferson and Paine lead the American Colonies into Jesuit Atheism and Communism (Illuminism) away from their British Protestant heritage in the Solemn League and Covenant. Jefferson rejected the British Protestant Heritage when he wrote his Declaration of Independence and declared that all men were created equal. What did Jefferson mean when he said this?

42http://en.wikisource.org/wiki/A_Letter_from_The_International_Asso ciation_of_Genocide_Scholars 43 http://www.salon.com/1999/06/16/punk_2/; http://www.thedp.com/index.php/article/1991/11/column_historical_fac t_or_falsehood

71 Abraham Lincoln said that the authors of the Declaration of Independence:

“intended to include all men, but they did not mean to declare all men equal in all respects. They did not mean to say all men were equal in color, size, intellect, moral development or social capacity. They defined with tolerable distinctness in what they did consider all men created equal — equal in certain inalienable rights, among which are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness ... They meant to set up a standard maxim for free society which should be familiar to all: constantly looked to, constantly labored for, and even, though never perfectly attained, constantly approximated, and thereby constantly spreading and deepening its influence and augmenting the happiness and value of life to all people, of all colors, every where”.44

However, this affirmation of inalienable rights conflates equality of justice, privilege and franchise. This is explained by Dabney in his Discussions Vol. 3 “Anti- Biblical Theory of Rights”. Others say, Jefferson meant equality of value. This affirmation is meaningless and arbitrary as there are many theories of value.

1789-1799- The French Revolution. Let it be noted that one of the chief theorists of the Revolution was Abbé Sieyès, who was a Jesuit trained Roman Catholic abbé and clergyman. His 1789 pamphlet What is the Third Estate? became the manifesto of the Revolution. This helped to transform the Estates General into the National Assembly in June 1789. In 1799, Sieyes was the instigator of the coup d'état of 1799 which brought Napoleon Bonaparte to power. Thus, the Jesuits are the true influence behind modern Secularism which I have explained in my book Thomas Jefferson Was Wrong.

44 Debate at Alton, Illinois, October 15, 1858


The French Revolution was pay-back against the nations that suppressed the Jesuits. The New Advent Catholic Encyclopedia in its article “The Suppression of the Jesuits (1750-1773)” says,

“The Suppression is the most difficult part of the history of the Society. Having enjoyed very high favor among Catholic peoples, kings, prelates, and popes for two centuries and a half centuries, it suddenly becomes an object of frenzied hostility, is overwhelmed with obloquy, and overthrown with dramatic rapidity. Every work of the Jesuits — their vast missions, their noble colleges, their churches — all is taken from them or destroyed. They are banished, and their order suppressed, with harsh and denunciatory words even from the pope. What makes the contrast more striking is that their protectors for the moment are former enemies - the Russians and Frederick of Prussia. Like many intricate problems, its solution is best found by beginning with what is easy to understand. We look forward a generation, and we see that every one of the thrones, the pope’s not excluded, which had been active in the Suppression is overwhelmed. France, Spain, Portugal, and Italy become, and indeed still are, a prey to the extravagance of the Revolutionary movement.

The Suppression of the Society was due to the same causes which in further development brought about the French Revolution.”

The Encyclopedia admits that the nations that suppressed the Jesuits were repaid with vengeance but refuses to face the Jesuit influence behind it. What is clear is that Weishaupt’s Illuminati, and yes Weishaupt was a trained Jesuit coadjutant, is the driving force behind the Jacobins and the Jacobins are the people that

73 performed the Reign of Terror. The Illuminati was recognized as a movement that sought to overthrow all power and authority which laid the foundation for the Marxism of the next century and remains intact to a great degree today. All the ideas that I heard coming out of my atheist Father’s mouth are sourced in this movement. All I heard from my Father growing up was his hatred for authority, both religious and civil; his hatred for the rights of employers over employees; his hatred for responsibility and self-reliance; his hatred for his Father; his hatred for wealthy white men. These are all Jesuit ideas; they are Communist ideas; they are atheist ideas. Thus, Weishaupt is the Father of modern Communism (Don’t forget the Jesuit perfection of Communism in their Reductions). He used his Jacobins to conduct the French Revolution incited by his Jesuit trained Voltaire [Jesuits Collège Louis-le-Grand (1704–1711)] and Diderot [Jesuit College in Langres].

Emanuel M. Josephson in his The “Federal” Reserve Conspiracy and Rockefellers (New York: Chedney Press, 1968) 4, 5 [Quoted in Vatican Assassins (2001), pg. 245] says,

“Weishaupt and his fellow Jesuits cut off the income to the Vatican by launching and leading the French Revolution; by directing Napoleon’s conquest of Catholic Europe; [and] . . . by eventually having Napoleon throw Pope Pius VII in jail at Avignon until he agreed, as the price for his release, to reestablish the Jesuit Order. This Jesuit war on the Vatican was terminated by the Congress of Vienna and by the secret, 1822, Treaty of Verona.”

Napoleon Bonaparte was a supporter of the Jacobins and his army was mostly populated by people of the atheistic and deconstructionist sentiment that still influences my country today. EJP says in Vatican Assassins (2001), 247-249,

“Did not the Jesuits benefit when Napoleon Bonaparte drove the Bourbon King of Spain,

74 Charles IV, into exile? Did not the Jesuits benefit when Napoleon exiled the Braganza monarchs, Queen Maria Francisca I (1777-1816) and her son John (later King John VI, 1816- 1826) of Portugalto Brazil? Did not the Jesuits benefit when Napoleon drove the Knights of Malta from the island of Malta, confiscating all their treasures and weapons? (Remember, the Knights had previously expelled the Jesuits from Malta.) Did not the Jesuits benefit when Napoleon conquered the Protestant Dutch Republic, founded by one of our heroes, William I of Orange? Did not the Jesuits benefit when Napoleon conquered Italy, and vanquished Austria as both nations had expelled the Jesuit Order? Did not the Jesuits benefit when Napoleon conquered Protestant Switzerland? Would not the Jesuits have benefited if the French General Hocke had succeeded in breaking away Catholic Ireland from Protestant England (later accomplished after World War I)? Would not the Jesuits have benefited had Napoleon conquered Jerusalem, he having called for the establishment of “Jerusalem for the Jews” on April 14, 1799? Did not the Jesuits benefit when Napoleon broke up the Pope’s Holy Roman Empire? Why did nearly every strategy of Napoleon result in benefiting the Jesuit Order? The answer is in the person of Abbe Sieyes. According to Ridpath’s Universal History this priest was a prime mover of the French Revolution, the Directory, and was the Second Consul on Napoleon’s Consulate (Pierre-Roger Ducos being the third), calling for the end of the nobility and clergy — the enemies of the Society of Jesus! It is also most fascinating to see that Sieyes, the man whose coup d’etat brought Napoleon to power, was Jesuit-trained. We read:


“Sieyes, Emmanuel Joseph (1748-1836), one of the chief political thinkers and writers of the period of the French Revolution and the first empire . . . He was destined for the Church, was educated by the Jesuits, became a licentiate of the Canon law [including the oppressive and evil Council of Trent] . . . ” [The Encyclopedia Britannica, New Werner Edition, New American Supplement, Ninth Edition, Day Otis Kellogg, (New York: The Werner Co., 1903) Vol. XXII, p. 45- Footnote in Vatican Assassins-DS]

Thus Napoleon, the Roman Catholic Freemason called “Robespierre on horseback” by Madame de Stael, whose right-hand man was both a Jesuit-trained and controlled advisor, Abbe Sieyes, was brought to power from the Jesuit stronghold of Corsica.

…Following Napoleon’s Russian campaign – his successful betrayal and murder of hundreds of thousands of freedom-loving republican soldiers [Napoleon abandoned them. He had to kill this army that would never accept an Absolute monarch as described in Ridpath’s Universal History, Vol. XIV, p. 746, “As soon as the fate of his great campaign was decided, Napolean, leaving Murat in command of the army, took a sledge, sped with all hast across the snow-covered wastes of Poland, and came unannounced to Paris.”-DS] – the Jesuits sought to restore the old order of things. The Jesuit Order was revived in 1814 and the Congress of Vienna began as well. Meanwhile, Napoleon was rewarded for a job well done with an annual pension of two million francs while on the island of Elba. But the Monarchs at the Congress of Vienna squabbled; so, the Jesuits brought

76 Napoleon back to France, known as “the hundred days.” This frightened the Monarchs into coming to terms with each other. With the Congress of Vienna having fulfilled the purpose of the Jesuit Order, the soldiers of France could now be finally defeated. Napoleon gathered an army of French patriots and deliberately sacrificed it at Waterloo by attacking the wrong point of the British line. We read concerning General “Stonewall” Jackson’s observations:

“In the summer of 1856, he employed his long vacation in a European tour, in which he visited England, France, and Switzerland. During this journey he carefully examined the field of Waterloo, and traced out upon it the positions of the contending armies. When he returned home, he said although Napoleon was the greatest of commanders, he had committed an error in selecting the Chateau of Hougomont as the vital point of attack upon the British line; it should have been the village of Mont St. Jean. This opinion has subsequently been corroborated by high authority in the military art.” [Life and Campaigns of Lt. General T. J. (Stonewall) Jackson, R. L. Dabney, (Harrisonburg, Virginia: Sprinkle Publications, 1983; originally published in 1865) pp. 82, 83.-Foonote EJP VA- DS]…

Dear truth-seeker, do you think the master of Austerlitz would make such a basic blunder – by accident – blasting all hope for French liberty? How ridiculous! Napoleon was captured by the English and banished to an island in the South Atlantic Ocean called St. Helena. There, his Memoirs were written which accurately described his masters, the Sons of Loyola,

77 having betrayed him into the hands of his captors.”

History of the Captivity of Napoleon at St. Helena (1846) by Montholon, Volume 2, 388 says,

“But there is a religious society, the tendency of which is highly dangerous, and which should never have been admitted into the territories of the empire- — viz., the Society of Jesus. Its doctrines are subversive of all monarchical principles. The General of the Jesuits desires to be sovereign master, the sovereign of sovereigns. Everywhere that the Jesuits are tolerated, they strive for power, at any price. Their society is by nature fond of ruling, and nourishes, therefore, an irreconcilable hatred of all existing power. Any action, any crime, however atrocious it may be, is meritorious, if committed- for the interest of the society, or by the orders of its General. The Jesuits are all men of talent and learning. They are the best existing missionaries, and would be, were it not for their ambition of ruling, the best instructing body, for the propagation of civilisation and the development of its progress. They may be of service in Russia for some years longer, because the first need of that empire is civilisation.”

The Jesuit and Roman Hierarchy were behind both the French and Russian Secularism. The French Revolution was the foundation for Marxism as the Second French Revolution 1848 was when the creed of Marxism was established. Remember, in 1917 the Roman Catholic Lady of Fatima hoax began in May and lasted for 6 consecutive months. Ending October 13, it called for the conversion of Russia (Traditionally Eastern Orthodox/Russian Orthodox which broke from Rome in 1054 A.D. denying Papal Supremacy). The Bolshevik revolution began October 25, 1917: 12 DAYS LATER!


EJP says on page 397 of Vatican Assassins,

“The parallels between the Jesuits’ French and Russian Revolutions are striking. They are as follows:

1. Both revolutions were based on communist writings of Freemasons —Voltaire and Marx. Did not the Jesuits perfect communism on their reductions in Paraguay?

2. Both revolutions plundered the state churches. Were not the Jesuits the enemies of the Catholic Church in France and the Orthodox Church in Russia when the revolutions broke out?

3. Both revolutions ended the monarchies. Were not the Jesuits enemies of both the Bourbon and the Romanoff dynasties? Had not both monarchies expelled the Jesuits from their countries?

4. Both revolutions produced Jesuit Republics— republics in form, but absolute monarchies in power. Are not the Jesuits absolutists?

5. Both revolutions declared atheism as the religion of the state. Evidenced by their deeds, are not the Jesuits truly atheists?

6. Both revolutions carried out a reign of terror by an inquisitional secret police. Are not the Jesuits the greatest of Inquisitors?

7. Both revolutions resulted in military dictators who punished the enemies of the Jesuits. Did not the Jesuits benefit even though Napoleon and

79 Stalin, in deceiving the nations, openly banned the Order from France and Russia?”

19th Century

19th Century General- The Philosopher of this Century was Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel and the fundamental principle of this Philosophy is the Christian Doctrine of the Filioque.45 Hegel was under the influence of a man named Karl Leonhard Reinhold. According to the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy,

“Karl Leonhard Reinhold was born in Vienna October 26, 1757 (though many older sources erroneously give 1758 as his year of his birth). He studied at the Jesuit Seminary in Vienna for a year, until the order was suppressed in 1773, at which time he entered the Barnabite seminary.”46

This is how our Protestant Seminaries became corrupted through infiltration.

Hegel was the mentor of Marx. In a letter to myself authored by Eric Jon Phelps, 5/2/2014, Phelps states,

“Dear Drake,

Hegel’s connection to the Jesuits is through the apostate Lutheran Tubingen University and Seminary. A notorious Jesuit was there at the time of Hegel’s presence. That Jesuit was named Drey.

45 See my Conquering the Verbal Sorcery of Trinitarianism. beginning on page 47 46 http://plato.stanford.edu/entries/karl-reinhold/

80 Another connection is Hegel’s stay in Bamberg, a most Roman Catholic town with the Order’s St. Martin’s church in the midst overseeing the Bishop of Bamberg. Later the Frei Corps would arise from Bamberg that would morph into the Nazi SS. Bamberg was never bombed in WWII.

Further, Hegel’s rationalism is a work of the Jesuits according to Luigi Desanctis in his masterpiece work, Popery, Puseyism and Jesuitism.

The order of Jesuit minions in the rise of rationalism is Rene DeCartes, the father of modern philosophy educated by Jesuits for ten years; Immanuel Kant and then George Hegel. These were the foundation of Marxist Socialist Communism (coupled with Plato’s Communist Republic and Sir Thomas More’s Utopia) which you know was a work of the Jesuits via German Jew Karl Marx.

Lord bless,

Brother Eric”

Hegel’s Critical Theory was designed to deconstruct Protestantism. It was begun by K. L. Reinhold who was trained by Jesuits in Vienna until their suppression. The Jesuit roots of this German Rationalism go even deeper. German Rationalism, In Its Rise, Progress, And Decline by Dr. K. R. Hagenbach states on page 36,

“It is singular that the Jesuits, who were the first to take up Kepler when he was proscribed by the Protestants, were the first to side with Wolf [Christian Wolf– Leader of Rationalistic Philosophy at the time and accused of atheism- DS]; and they not only allowed his writings to

81 pass uncondemned, but it was a Jesuit who first proposed that he be made a baron.”

And again on page 385,

“In Germany also the Jesuits had exercised a wide influence: public instruction was almost completely in their hands, and German courts, like that of Yienna at the time of Maria Theresa, those of Bavaria, and of the Palatinate in special, were wholly in their control. But about the same time that the Jesuits were driven from South America, the day began to dawn in Germany, first in matters of science and then in ecclesiastical matters, more especially as to the relation of the German Catholic Church and its clergy to Rome. The voices which at the time of the great Reformation were raised in favour of an independence of Rome, now came from the clergy itself. A prelate of high rank, the Archbishop of Treves, had, as early as when Clement XIII. sat in the papal chair (1765), published a work under the assumed name of Justinus Febronius, in which he asserted the ancient rights of the bishop in contrast to those of the pope, and pleaded for a return of the independent German Catholic Church, as it existed before the Council of Trent; a work which the friends of the hierarchy and the Jesuits most of all, were specially bitter against, and whose author was at last compelled to retract, when the influence which it had exerted upon the whole Catholic world could not be recalled. And in the other departments of theological science there were constantly manifested the proofs of the influence of the sceptical literature of Protestant countries, great as was the demand for that literature, even among the Catholic clergy.”


These attempts to Liberalize Protestantism began then, at the very place the Reformation began, in Germany.

1814- The re-establishment of the Jesuit Order from the Suppression of 1773.

1816- Alexander I expelled the Jesuits from Moscow and St. Petersburg in 1816 and another ukase reaffirmed this expulsion in 1820.47

1818-1819- The Duke of Richmond warns of a Roman Catholic plot.

"The Duke of Richmond.--The following language of the Duke of Richmond, while Governor of the Canadas, is reported by Mr. H. G. Gates, of Montreal, who was present when it was uttered:

"The Duke, a short time prior to his death, in speaking of the Government of the United States, said: 'It was weak, inconsistent, and bad, and could not long exist. It will be destroyed; it ought not, and will not, be permitted to exist; for many and great are the evils that have originated from the existence of that Government. The curse of the French revolution, and subsequent wars and commotions in Europe, are to be attributed to its example ; and, so long as it exists, no prince will be safe upon his throne; and the sovereigns of Europe are aware of it, and they have been determined upon its destruction, and have come to an understanding upon this subject, and have decided on the means to accomplish it; and they will eventually succeed,

47 Karl Theodor Griesinger, The Jesuits, 225

83 by subversion rather than conquest.' 'All the low and surplus population of the different nations of Europe will be carried into that country; it is, and will be, a receptacle for the bad and disaffected population of Europe, when they are not wanted for soldiers, or to supply the navies; and the European governments will favor such a course. This will create a surplus and a majority of low population, who are so very easily excited; and they will bring with them their principles, and, in nine cases out of ten, adhere to their ancient and former governments, laws, manners, customs, and religion, and will transmit them to their posterity and in many cases propagate them among the natives. These men will become citizens, and, by the constitution and laws, will be invested with the right of suffrage. The different grades -of society will then be created by the elevation of a few, and by degrading many, and thus a heterogeneous population will be formed, speaking different languages, and of different religions and sentiments; and to make them act, think, and feel alike in political affairs, will be like mixing oil and water; hence discord, dissension, anarchy, and civil war, will ensue, and some popular individual will assume the Government and restore order, and the sovereigns of Europe, the emigrants, and many of the natives, will sustain him.' 'The Church of Rome has a design upon that country, and it will, in time, be the established religion, and will aid in the destruction of that Republic' 'I have conversed with many of the sovereigns and princes of Europe, and they have unanimously expressed these opinions relative to the

84 Government of the United States, and their determination to subvert it.'"48

1820s- The Mormon religion was created by freemasons Joseph Smith and Brigham Young. Brigham Young, in 1846 at Council Bluffs, Iowa, had a private meeting with Pierre De Smet along the Mormon Trail.49

1822- In 1822, the Treaty of Verona was produced, to regain powers that European Monarchs had lost in the last couple centuries with the fall of The Divine Right of Kings. In the US, this movement was countered by the Monroe Doctrine of 1823.50 In 1825 the Treaty of Verona was furthered by a Jesuit session in Chieri located in Italy.51 With this plot in place, the Jesuits began to infiltrate Protestant Universities in America through Freemasonry and the Skull and Bones organization.52 Luigi Desanctis said,

“The Jesuits exist in all Protestant countries under the name of missionaries, with the habit of priest, and . . . they exist there under other names. . . . Take England for example, there they do not legally exist [since 1829 until re- admitted in 1902 by King Edward VII]; nevertheless, they have not given up that country, and I assure you that they are more

48 Footnote page 12, of Speech of Mr. L.C. Levin, of Penn., on the Proposed Mission to Rome Delivered in the House of Representatives of the United States, March 2, 1848 49 http://www.mormontrails.org/Trails/Summary/trailful.htm 50 See Samuel Morse, Foreign Conspiracy Against the Liberties of the United States 51 Leone, Abate, The Jesuit Conspiracy 52 Shaw & McKenney, The Deadly Deception (Lafayette, Louisiana: Huntington House, Inc., 1988) p. 104. ; Robbins, Secrets of the Tomb: Skull and Bones, the Ivy League and the Hidden Paths of Power, (Boston: Little, Brown and Company, 2002) p. 119-121; Thanks Eric Phelps

85 numerous in England than in Italy, and this because all the English, Scotch and Irish priests are pupils of the Jesuits [as was the assassin of President John F. Kennedy, Francis Cardinal Spellman], . . . There are Jesuits in Parliament, amongst the Anglican clergy, amongst the Bishops, and perhaps also in still higher circles [advisors of Queen Victoria] . . .”53

This kind of infiltration is exactly what the Jesuits did to Germany. Thus, with the massive Jesuit-inspired Luciferian infiltration of the Protestant Universities (Skull and Bones, etc.), the Jesuit deconstruction of Puritan Calvinism was underway, paving the way for the reconstruction of Holy Roman Empire. The destruction of our social order was under way with the primary targets being our limited government and the idea that a government must have the consent of the governed in order to be de jure, our religion, the family and our racial identity (Which would be accomplished with the civil war, Abolition and the Uncivil Rights Era). With the advent of Charles Finney’s Arminianism, Abolition grew naturally from Arminianism’s Communist tendencies.54 The Northern Jesuitized women began to complain that their “liberation” necessarily followed from Negro emancipation and voting rights. Thus ends White Calvinist Patriarchy and enter Negro male and White female supremacy (Who for additional humiliation to the white man, publicly advertise and flaunt their copulations) under the guise of Universal Equality, i.e. Communism. Thus, white Protestant Calvinist masculinity is demonized and suppressed. Charles Chiniquy,

“The Protestants of both the North and South would surely unite to exterminate the priests and the Jesuits, . . . if they could learn how the

53 Desanctis, Luigi Popery, Puseyism, and Jesuitism, (London: D. Catt, 1905; translated by Maria Betts from the original Italian edition published as Roma Papale in 1865) p. 135.” Taken from EJP’s VA, 2001, pg. 118 54 Warfield, Studies in Perfectionism

86 priests, the nuns, and the monks, which daily land on our shores, under the pretext of preaching their religion . . . are nothing else but the [political] emissaries of the Pope, of Napoleon [III], and the other despots of Europe, [Holy Alliance-DS] to undermine our institutions, alienate the hearts of our people from our Constitution, and our laws, destroy our schools, and prepare a reign of anarchy here as they have done in Ireland, in Mexico, in Spain, and wherever there are any people who want to be free.”55

Proceedings of the Nob Mountain Meeting, Held in Columbia County, PA. on the Last Three Days of August, 1865 by the Democratic Party (Columbia County, Pa.) states,


I will now read to you a very brief extract from Mr. Forney’s [John Weiss Forney] paper in Philadelphia, about three years ago. You have heard of Mr. Forney in Pennsylvania, I believe. (Laughter.) You know he has been of the Cabinet at Washington, the kitchen member; he occupied all sorts of positions under the Lincoln administration and is trying the same way to get into Mr. Johnson’s kitchen. Forney said in his paper, three years ago:

“Another principle must certainly be embodied in our re-organized form of government. The men who shape the legislation of this country when the war is passed, must remember that what we want is power and strength. The problem will be to

55 Fifty Years in the Church of Rome, 699-700

87 combine the forms of a republican government with the powers of a monarchical government.”

There is an admission that they were about to “re-organize” the government. They, Forney, Lincoln & Co., were going to kindly give you the forms of a republican government, but to put you really under the hammer of a monarchical government. There were Republicans in Pennsylvania who read Forney’s paper and took that as a sweet morsel, and rolled it under their tongues, the traitors and scoundrels! and you, gentlemen of Pennsylvania, who believed right, made the great mistake that you did not take the thing by the throat, then and there, and strangle it and them on the very spot when they first dared enunciate such sentiments as these! How is it that the men who boldly proclaimed that they would strip you of all the principles of republican government, and would leave you only its forms, while they put you under the hammer of a monarchical government, have escaped hanging so long? How is it that they have been allowed to stain the soil of this country, that their very existence has been allowed here as a stench and a shame to a once free and brave people?

The North American, a very respectable organ of the Republican party in this State, at the same time that Mr. Forney was preaching about revolutionizing the Government, said:

“This war has already shown the absurdity of a Government of limited powers.”

Here is one of the most conservative and respectable organs of the party—a very different

88 sheet from John W. Forney’s unscrupulous affair—saying, that the war has demonstrated the fact that a Government of limited powers is an absurdity. And it said further:—

“It has shown that the power of our Government ought to be, and must be, unlimited.”56

I am a follower of the Torah and Robert Dabney’s Economics. I am no Communist, no Libertarian, or Red Republican and I hate usury. I exposed Gary North on this issue. I am a Southerner and a Confederate. I believe in the supremacy of Agrarianism not at the expense of Industrialism but at the subordination of Industrialism. I also believe in Patriarchalism. Ownership and social obligations should not be merely individual as in the self- centered Libertarian philosophy. Nor should ownership and social obligations be at the State level as in Communism. Ownership and social obligations should be familial- Patriarchal. Both Libertarianism and Communism are both premised on the idea that a person should be considered a priori an individual social orphan in order to maintain his “freedom”. That was the purpose of these Communist Revolutions.

Now can we find a connection between Yankee Abolitionism and the Papal Knight Prince Klemens von Metternich and his Congress of Vienna? Yes we can. In Memoir and Letters of Charles Sumner, Volume 2 (1893) by Edward L. Pierce, we read of Sumner’s letter to George Hillard,

“TO GEORGE S. HILLARD. Berlin, Dec. 25,1839.

Dear Hillard, — A happy Christmas to you, and all my friends! If this sheet is fortunate in reaching the steamship, you will receive it

56 Pg. 122

89 before my arrival; otherwise, it may be doubtful which will first see Boston. Your last is of Oct. 14, and gives me the afflicting intelligence of the death of Alvord.

“Dead ere his prime, Young Lycidas, and hath not left his peer.”

The loss is great for all; but greater for us, his friends. I can hardly realize that my circle of friends is to be drawn closer by this departure; and yet this is the course of life: one by one we shall be summoned, till this circle entirely disappears. I shall break away from Berlin soon, — though, I confess, -with great reluctance. I fain would rest here all the winter, pursuing my studies, and mingling in this learned and gay world. I know everybody, and am engaged every day. All the distinguished professors I have seen familiarly, or received them at my own room. Raumer, and Ranke, the historians; of these two, Ranke pleases me the most: he has the most vivacity, humor, and, I should think, genius, and is placed before Raumer here. You doubtless know his “History of the Popes;” Mrs. Austin is translating it in England. Humboldt is very kind to me. He is placed at the head of the conversers of Germany. So far as I can compare conversation in different languages, his reminds me of Judge Story’s: it is rapid, continuous, unflagging, lively, various. He has spoken to me in the highest terms of Prescott’s book, — which I saw on his table, — as has Ranke also. In a note to me, he spoke of “l’excellent et spirituel Gouverneur Everett.” Savigny I know well, and have had the great pleasure of discussing with him the question of codification. I was told in Paris that he had modified his views on this subject of late years; but I was sorry to find that

90 my informants are mistaken. He is as firm as ever in his opposition to codes. He listened very kindly to my views on the subject, but seemed unshakable in his own. He is placed, by common consent, at the head of jurisprudence in Germany, and, you may say, upon the whole Continent. He had read Judge Story’s “Conflict of Laws” with admiration, and wished to know why he was not on our committee for codifying the Criminal Law. Savigny, in personal appearance and manner, resembles Webster more than any person I have ever seen. He is taller, not quite so stout; has the same dark face, hair, and eyes; and as be has been sitting by my side, when I have first caught his voice, I have thought it was our Senator’s. Savigny and Humboldt both are in what is called the society of Berlin; that is, with la haute vole’e, the court, and the diplomatic circle, — though I have not seen either there. The other professors do not enter that circle. Most of the corps diplomatique and the Ministers I know already; and I have been well received by the Crown Prince, and the Prince William, and their princesses. The Crown Prince, who seems bon garcon, inquired about our summers: he thought they must be magnificent. I told him I thought so, till I had been in Italy. He asked me if Boston were not an old city (une ville ancienne), three hundred years old. “Two hundred,” I said; “but that is antiquity with us.” I regret much that Mr. Wheaton is not here. He is passing the winter in Paris. He is at the head of our diplomacy in Europe, and does us great honor: the Princess William spoke of him to me in the most flattering terms. This society is pleasant to enter, as I do, for a few times, and with the excitement of novelty; but I think I could not endure it a whole season. The

91 presence of the Royal Princess is too genante; and then, all is formality and etiquette. I have seen here some very pretty women, — some of the prettiest I have ever met; two of them young princesses, the nieces of Puckler-Muskau. Bad, however, as the society is, I should prefer it before Vienna, where aristocracy has its most select home. Personally, I can bear very slight testimony on this subject, as I left Vienna the week the season commenced. I was, however, at Prince Metternich’s, where I saw the highest and proudest. Princess Metternich is thought very beautiful. I do not think so. She tosses a slight nod, if a proud prince or ambassador bends his body before her. The Austrian nobility only await the death of the Prince, her husband, to take their revanche. On my entering the salon, the Prince covered me with all those pleasant terms of French salutation: “Je suis bien enchante” de faire votre connaissance,” &c. He spoke of our country, for which he professed the greatest regard; said we were young, and Europe old: “Mais laissons nous jouir de notre vieillesse.” I disclaimed for myself and the better portion of my countrymen any vulgar propagandism. He spoke of Washington with great respect, and inquired about Sparks’s “Life and Writings,” and this new labor of Guizot. He requested me, on my return to America, to make the acquaintance of the Austrian Minister. After this reception from the Prince, I should probably have found the way easy to extending my acquaintance. But I left Vienna immediately, rode a night and a day and night over a dismal country to Prague: there passed a day; saw its bridge, its ancient towers, and the palace of the Bohemian kings…

92 As ever, affectionately yours,


Sumner was the leader of the antislavery forces in Massachusetts. He was a leader of the Radical Republicans in the United States Senate during the American Civil War. He devoted his work to destroy the Confederacy. Moreover, in Harriet Beecher Stowe’s The Key to Uncle Tom’s Cabin Part IV Chapter 9, page 485 we read,

“Our admiration of some of the labourers who have conducted the system is very great; so also is our admiration of many of the Jesuit missionaries who have spread the Roman Catholic religion among our aboriginal tribes.”58

And what was Stowe’s role in the Civil War? According to a recent New York Times article (Feb. 27, 2013), Harriet Beecher Stowe by Susan Belasco, we read,

“According to family accounts, Lincoln greeted Stowe by saying that she was the ‘little lady who started the big war,’ but no historical record confirms this conversation.”

Moreover, let us consider Archbishop John Hughes,

“Fourth bishop and first Archbishop of New York…On invitation of John Quincy Adams, Stephen A. Douglas, and John C. Calhoun, he lectured before Congress in the Capitol, Washington, his topic being "Christianity, the Only Source of Moral Social and Political Regeneration". At the outbreak of

57 Pg. 127-130 58 http://utc.iath.virginia.edu/uncletom/key/keyIVt.html

93 the Civil War, although not an abolitionist, he boldly sustained the Union cause, and was in frequent communication with William H. Seward, Secretary of State, to whom he offered useful suggestions on the conduct of the war. President Lincoln, in an autograph letter, expressed his appreciation of the counsel given. Secretary Seward, desiring to hold France in a friendly attitude towards the Federal Government, entrusted the archbishop with an important mission to the court of Napoleon III, who received him most graciously, and was dissuaded by him from recognizing the Confederacy. On this visit to Europe, wherever he went, he left nothing undone to create sympathy for the Union side.”59

1825- Alexander I mysteriously dies of typhus.

1830’s-1840s- The Great Trek (South Africa). Thus begins the Boer North East Migration from Cape Colony pursuant unto the founding of the Boer republics: the Natalia Republic, the Orange Free State Republic and the Transvaal due to British theft and criminal taxation. Downing surprisingly admits this on page 8 of his work. The white Boers were entering into the interior of South Africa at the same time as the Bantus were moving to the South. Both had an equal claim to the land. There were no territorial property lines set up. Black apologists complain that “You cannot say to a man that this land is not yours because I did not find you at this particular place at this particular time.”60 First, he gives no reason why, he just asserts it. Second, on the one hand there is a difference between setting up a boundary and leaving and expecting to come back and on the other hand asserting that your ancestors were Nomads as your principle grounds.

59 http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/07516a.htm 60 Downing, Apartheid in South Africa quoting Motlana, 9


1837-1838- The Weenen Massacre. In November of 1837, the Boers, led by Piet Retief, visited Zulu King Dingane kaSenzangakhona (Dingaan) at the Royal Kraal in hopes to achieve permanent settlements in Natal. Some of Dingaan's cattle had been stolen by Chief Sekonyela and he asked as a token of friendship for Retief to recover them. They did so. After returning them to Dingaan, a treaty was signed on the 4th of February, 1838, by Dingaan that ceded all the land south of the Thukela River, as far as the Mzimvubu River, in the Transkei, to the Boers.

On February 6, Retief and his party were invited to a farewell dance, where they were expected to lay down their weapons upon entering the celebration. Taking advantage of the unarmed Boers, Dingaan shouted “Kill the wizards!" The Boers were massacred there at the celebration and later more Boers were killed in the Weenen Massacre.61

Yah then came to the aid of the Boers in December of 1838 in the battle of Blood River giving Victory to 470 Boers against over 10, 000 Zulus and then inciting the British against the Zulu’s in the Anglo Zulu War of 1879 culminating in the end of the Zulu nation in 1897. Of course, the blacks, like Downing will complain that the African land was stolen by the Boers while the historical record says that the Boers earned a portion of Africa by helping an African King who betrayed them and what goes around came around and the Zulus lost their land to the British. But you see, that will never be spoken of on the mainstream news, because those white Protestant Christians Boers must die, because the Jesuits you see, are Counter-Reformation.

1839- The Chinese Opium Wars.

The end of the Manchu Dynasty also called the Qing Dynasty required a de-nationalization and a weakening of the nation of

61 Theal, Boers and Bantu, 102-105

95 China as a whole. Remember our enemy seeks to weaken the nations (Isa. 14:12).

First, a bit of Chinese History: The Kangxi Emperor was the fourth emperor of the Qing Dynasty (1661-1722). Kangxi entertained many Jesuits in his Kingdom and benefited much from them. However, due to the incompatibility of Christianity within his kingdom he decided to kick them out forbidding all Christian missions in 1716. Then of course when the Jesuits were suppressed in 1773, the Chinese kicked them out again. EJP says on pages 558-559 of Vatican Assassins (2001),

“Of the drug trade and its beginnings we read:

“In 1715, the British East India Company opened up its first Far East office in the Chinese port city of Canton and began trading in opium. Between that time and the First Opium War against China in 1840 . . . the dope trade took over Britain. The vehicle was the 1783 near coup d’etat by Lord Shelburne (the British prime minister who concluded peace negotiations with the American colonies after Yorktown) . . . known as “the Jesuit of Berkeley Square.62

Shelburne’s ruling combination centered on the East India Company, a group of Scottish merchants, and an alliance on the continent with the chivalric order of the Knights of St. John of Jerusalem and the Society of Jesus . . . Since the original Jesuit mission had established itself in Beijing in 1601, the Society of Jesus had held the key to the Far East Trade — including the dope trade.” [EIR: Dope, Inc.: The Book That Drove Kissinger Crazy, Assorted Authors,

62 See also American Crisis by William M. Fowler Jr.

96 (Washington, D.C.: Executive Intelligence Review, 1992) pp. 116, 117.-DS]

Here we have the Jesuits, in control of the Opium trade covenanted with the group we know of today as the Knights of Malta; the same group that Seymour Hersh pointed out controls our recent military occupation of the Middle East.

Eric Phelps says again in VA page 217,

“The Company’s [The Jesuits-DS] most important victories were both religious and political. The Jesuits deeply penetrated the Russian Orthodox Church and Germany’s Lutheran Church, along with its Tubingen University, attributing their Jew-hating propaganda to the works of Martin Luther! Politically, they took control of the Crown and Bank of England. For this reason England, with Shriner Freemason Viscount Palmerston, would never go to war with France again, it would conduct the Pope’s Opium Wars against the people of China (just like the Company, with its CIA and Mafia Commission, is presently conducting a massive Drug Trade against the “heretic and liberal” people of the American Empire governed by the Order’s enemy – the Manchu Dynasty – and would refuse to help the Italian patriots in their warring with the armies of the Pope during the Italian Revolution of 1848.”

So the Opium was forced into China by the Jesuits via their British East India Company to de-moralize and thus de- nationalize them pursuant unto their abandonment of traditional Chinese values and Government thus paving the way for their coming dictator. Is this the plan for us as well?

Phelps says again on page 148 of VA,


“Dear truth-seeker, this is precisely what happened from 1865 to 1989. The Jesuits, in control of the Japanese Army through Emperor Meiji and his grandson Hirohito, ended the Manchu Dynasty in 1911 and, during World War II, gang-raped and mass-murdered the Chinese people, as described in The Rape of Nanking [See the movie The Flowers of War- DS], until 1945. Then in 1949 the Order, using their British, American and Russian Empires, installed its Chinese Grand Inquisitor, Mao Tse- tung. He in turn, in the name of “communism,” murdered fifty million of his own people. [Jesuit Revenge-DS] The Jesuit General, having won the Cold War, became the absolute master of the Far East and emerged with a powerful new “sword of the Church” in his hands—the enormous Chinese Army! This army will one day absorb Japan, Korea, Taiwan, Malaysia, and a disarmed Australia, having been given technology and high finance by the Papal Caesar’s “Holy Roman” Fourteenth Amendment American Empire.”

1847- Jesuits use a false flag operation to use Indians to fight against Protestants. In Oregon Country, November 29, 1847, U.S. missionaries Dr. Marcus Whitman and his wife Narcissa Whitman, along with eleven others were killed by Umatilla Indians. The incident began the Cayuse War. The Jesuits told the Indians that a disease was brought to them by Protestants.

1848- The Declaration of Sentiments of the Feminist movement is produced as a direct extension of the French and Jeffersonian Revolutions and the Abolitionist Movement.

1851- Roman Catholic plot to flood the population of the United States with Irish Catholics and in-so-doing dominate the voting box. Chiniquy explains,


“WHEN it became evident, in 1851, that my plan of forming a grand colony of Roman Catholic French-speaking people in the prairies of Illinois was to be a success, D'Arcy McGee, then editor of The Freeman's Journal, official journal of the Bishop of New York, wrote me to know my views, and immediately determined to put himself at the head of a similar enterprise in behalf of the Irish Roman Catholics. He published several able articles to show that the Irish people, with very few exceptions, were demoralized, degraded and kept poor, around their groggeries, and showed how they would thrive, become respectable and rich, if they could be induced to exchange their grog shops for the fertile lands of the west. Through his influence, a large assembly, principally composed of priests, to which I was invited, met at Buffalo, in the spring of 1852. But what was his disappointment, when he saw that the greatest part of those priests were sent by the Bishops of the United States to oppose and defeat his plans!

He vainly spoke with a burning eloquence for his pet scheme. The majority coldly answered him: "We are determined, like you, to take possession of the United States and rule them; but we cannot do that without acting secretly and with the utmost wisdom. If our plans are known, they will surely be defeated. What does a skillful general do when he wants to conquer a country? Does he scatter his soldiers over the farm lands, and spend their time and energy in ploughing the fields and sowing grain? No! He keeps them well united around his banners, and marches at their head, to the conquest of the strongholds, the rich and powerful cities. The

99 farming countries then submit and become the price of his victory, without moving a finger to subdue them. So it is with us. Silently and patiently, we must mass our Roman Catholics in the great cities of the United States, remembering that the vote of a poor journeyman, though he be covered with rags, has as much weight in the scale of power as the millionaire Astor, and that if we have two votes against his one, he will become as powerless as an oyster. Let us, then, multiply our votes; let us call our poor but faithful Irish Catholics from every corner of the world, and gather them into the very hearts of those proud citadels which the Yankees are so rapidly building under the names of Washington, New York, Boston, Chicago, Buffalo, Albany, Troy, Cincinnati, etc. Under the shadows of those great cities, the Americans consider themselves as a giant and unconquerable race. They look upon the poor Irish Catholic people with supreme contempt, as only fit to dig their canals, sweep their streets and work in their kitchens. Let no one awake those sleeping lions, to-day. Let us pray God that they may sleep and dream their sweet dreams, a few years more. How sad will their awakening be, when with our outnumbering votes, we will turn them, forever, from every position of honor, power and profit! What will those hypocritical and godless sons and daughters of the fanatical Pilgrim Fathers say, when not a single judge, not a single teacher, not a single policeman, will be elected if he be not a devoted Irish Roman Catholic? What will those so called giants think of their matchless shrewdness and ability, when not a single Senator or member of Congress will be chosen, if he be not submitted to our holy father, the Pope? What a sad figure those Protestant

100 Yankees will cut when we will not only elect the President, but fill and command the armies, man the navies, and hold the keys of the public treasury? It will then be time for our faithful Irish people to give up their grogshops, in order to become the judges and governors of the land. Then our poor and humble mechanics, will leave their damp ditches and muddy streets, to rule the cities in all their departments, from the stately mansion of Mayor of New York, to the humble, though not less noble position of teacher.

"Then, yes! then, we will rule the United States, and lay them at the feet of the Vicar of Jesus Christ, that he may put an end to their godless system of education, and sweep away those impious laws of liberty of conscience, which are an insult to God and man!"63

Currently, our political climate is dominated by Irish Catholics such as Bill O'Reilly and Sean Hannity.

1853- Japan is forced to open to foreign interaction by U.S. Commodore Matthew C. Perry. Soon after this, in 1858, foreign citizenship became possible in Japan with the Harris Treaty. However, Edo Shogunate's edicts, which banned Christianity (Roman Catholicism in specific) were still authoritative and Christians were persecuted until 1867. In 1873 the ban was lifted.

1859- The North draws first blood with insane murderer John Brown and his raid at Harper’s Ferry.

1860- Benito Juarez comes to power in Mexico and begins his anti-Catholic policies.

63 Charles Chiniquy, Fifty Years in the Church of Rome, 668-670

101 1861-1865- Sumner and the Jesuit Communist Company of the Red Republican Lincoln administration, fueled by the recent triumph of Arminianism in the North waged an Inquisition against the Calvinist Patriarchal American South in the American Civil War. The hypocritical North decided they had to force democracy on the south to preserve democracy. Thus, they had to violate the very essence of democracy in order to maintain democracy. See my book A Defense of the South Against the Jesuit Counter Reformation.

1865- Abraham Lincoln was assassinated by Roman Catholic John Wilkes Booth on April 14 1865. John Harrison Surratt, Jr. (1844 - 1916) was accused of plotting with Booth to kidnap Lincoln and was suspected of being involved in the assassination. John Surratt’s mother, Mary Surratt was convicted of conspiracy and hanged by the U.S. Federal Government. John Harrison Surratt, Jr. avoided arrest by escaping the country. It is of note that he served in the Papal Zouave (A military order formed to defend the Papal States which were territories under Papal Supremely). After the assassination, Surratt fled to Canada. He reached Montreal on April 17, 1865. He then fled to St. Liboire, to seek refuge with Father Charles Boucher. Surratt was caught and put on trial, though he was not found guilty. Chiniquy alleges that the jury contained 3 Roman Catholics devoted to his cause.

1865- The original Ku Klux Klan is formed to encourage and defend the Southern people from the onslaught of Post War Reconstruction. See Authentic History of the Ku Klux Klan, 1865-1877 by Susan Lawrence Davis and Claude G. Bowers, The Tragic Era: The Revolution After Lincoln.

1865- Alfred Wallace, Darwin’s mentor, renounced the theory of Natural Selection based on “anti-racist” principles. See Wallace’s My Life, pages 407-428.

Charles Darwin’s grandfather was a well-known Freemason named Erasmus Darwin who was also a Philosopher, Poet and Physician. The Grand Lodge of British Columbia Site says,

102 “Before coming to Derby in 1788, Dr. [Erasmus] Darwin had been made a Mason in the famous Time Immemorial Lodge of Cannongate Kilwinning, No. 2, of Scotland.”64

Erasmus Darwin also laid the foundations for Lamarck and his Grandson Charles’ work with his book Zoonomia. In 10,000 Famous Freemasons From A To J Part One by William R. Denslow and Harry S. Truman, we read,

“He [Erasmus Darwin-DS] moved to Derby in 1781 where he founded the Philosophical Society in 1784, which was the fountainhead for the ideas developed by his grandson, Charles.” (pg. 285)

Charles’ immediate and extended family had Masonic connections and funded and supported his work. His family had every diabolical reason to see Charles create a complete atheistic explanation of the physical world. For what purpose you may ask? Well, just recently in the USA Today we read that Protestants are no longer the majority due to an exodus out of Protestant Christianity into atheism.65 The Jesuit plan from the start of the Counter-Reformation was to use Atheism as the final solution to the Protestant problem pursuant unto the downfall of all traditional governments and religions that once Secularized would dissolve all their identity and national sovereignty into a universal government commonly referred to today as the United Nations but to those who know the signs of the times, the revitalization of the Holy Roman Empire.

1867- Philip Sheridan (1831-1888) under command of President Ulysses S. Grant leads the effort to pacify the Great Plains

64 http://freemasonry.bcy.ca/biography/darwin_e/darwin_e.html 65 http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2012/10/08/nones- protestant-religion-pew/1618445/?csp=usattumblr

103 through force of arms. Sheridan was an associate of Jesuit Peter De Smet.66

1868- The 14th Amendment turns the United States into an Empire. Where once you were first a citizen of your sovereign state and then a federal citizen, this amendment flipped that and made the American man first and foremost a member of a now easily manipulated Empire. James Gillespie Blaine (1830 - 1893), U.S. Representative and Speaker of the United States House of Representatives, said in his Political Discussions (1887) 63-64,

"In the first place, we ask that they will agree to certain changes in the Constitution of the United States; and, to begin with, we want them to unite with us in broadening the citizenship of the Republic. The slaves recently emancipated by proclamation, and subsequently by Constitutional Amendment, have no civil status. They should be made citizens, and in making this extension of citizenship, we are not confining the breadth and scope of our efforts to the negro. It is for the white man as well. We intend to make citizenship National. Heretofore, a man has been a citizen of the United States because he was a citizen of some one of the States: Now, we propose to reverse that, and make him a citizen of any State where he chooses to reside, by defining in advance his National citizenship -- and our Amendment declares that 'all persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the States [State] wherein they reside.' "

66 “De Smet: Big Man in History” in the Spokane Daily Chronicle, Oct. 5, 1968, see last column

104 1870- The Pope is officially declared to be infallible at Vatican I, where Fascism is hammered out and defined by Pope Pius IX’s Syllabus of Errors.

1871-1878- Germany undergoes a Protestant Kulturkampf to suppress the influence of the Catholic Church. The Jesuits are expelled in 1872. This was led by Bismarck under the rule of Kaiser Wilhelm I. The term Kulturkampf (“cultural struggle”) was coined by the German pathologist and liberal politician Rudolf Virchow (1821-1902) to describe the struggle between the Catholic Church and the Prussian state. Shortly after unification in 1871, Bismarck and his minister of culture, Adalbert Falk (1827-1900), inaugurated a series of legislative initiatives designed to undermine the Catholic Church's autonomy in Germany. In July 1872 the Anti-Jesuit Law, banned the Jesuit Order.67 This law was repealed in 1917.

1872- The Jesuits are Expelled From Rome.68

1873- The Slaughter-House Cases. The 14th Amendment’s Imperial qualities are solidified by the Supreme Court. The Court held that the Fourteenth Amendment's Privileges or Immunities clause only affected the rights of Federal citizenship and not state citizenship. EJP says,

“In looking back, we Americans can see the evil decisions made possible by the Jesuits' "Federal Question Jurisdiction." Among others, it enabled the Supreme Court to force the religion of evolution down our throats, to force the integration of public schools when neither the Whites nor the Blacks wanted it; to legalize abortion and prohibit capital punishment overthrowing laws of the States to the contrary, and to outlaw Bible-reading and prayer in the

67 http://germanhistorydocs.ghi- dc.org/sub_document.cfm?document_id=1837 68 http://archive.thetablet.co.uk/article/15th-april-1848/9/expulsion-of- the-jesuits-from-rome

105 "accursed public schools." For in prohibiting Bible-reading and prayer in the public schools, Protestant civilization is destroyed, and with it, popular self-government -- to the delight of the Jesuit Order!”69

1874- Austria-Hungary Emperor Franz Joseph revoked Austria’s Concordat with the Pope.

1880- France expels the Jesuits led by Leon Gambetta.

1881- American President James A. Garfield is assassinated by Charles J. Guiteau.

1882- Leon Gambetta is shot and dies a month later.

1882- The preceding anti-Jesuit actions culminate in the Triple Alliance of 1882 between Germany, Austria–Hungary, and Italy. This is why WWI had to happen, to end an anti-Jesuit political alliance.

1886- Gold was discovered near Johannesburg. A massive influx of Uitlanders foreigners came in search of employment and fortune. The discovery made the Transvall the richest nation in southern Africa. Therefore, reader, do not fall for the Jacobin propaganda that South Africa became wealthy because of the exploited black workforce. It became wealthy because of its gold and diamond deposits. Now this discovery ushers in an era of intrigue and political power play which Ridpath describes in his The Story of South Africa, pages 231-233.

Now what was the Jameson Raid? This was a coup attempt to overthrow the Boer Government in the Transvaal. Cecil Rhodes wanted to control Boer Gold and so he plotted the Jameson Raid to rise up the Uitalnders (Migrant workers) to supplant the Boers and bring the gold mines under his British control. This Raid was

69 Vatican Assassins (2001), 342

106 led by Leander Starr Jameson, the Administrator General of the Chartered Company (Cecil Rhodes was Chairman). However, the Raid failed. Does this plot not sound unmistakably similar to the rise of the ANC in Sound Africa reader? You see, when the Jesuits form a plot, if it doesn’t succeed the first time, they will try it again. Could it be that the Jesuits are attempting to resurrect Nazi Fascism in our country? It is due to such open conspiracies that Boer apologists like Deirdre Fields accuses Harry Oppenheimer, son of Ernest Oppenheimer, who controlled the De Beers (Cecil Rhodes’ Diamond Industry), of being behind the Marxist revolutions in South Africa.

1894-1906 The Dreyfus affair Exposes the dishonesty of traditional Catholic Anti-Semitism.

1899-1902- Second Boer War. Here we have the Annexation of the South African Republic into the British Empire under Freemason Edward VII. This is the first attempt to eliminate the Boers. This is also the first appearance of concentration camps in the West. Boer women and children were the primary occupants of the concentration camps.

20th Century- The Jesuit Orgy

1901-1920- The Jesuit inspiration of the United Nations is exposed by Cecil Rhodes and his assistant Mr. Stead. In The Last Will and Testament of Cecil John Rhodes, edited by W.T. Stead (1902) we read on page 56, when Stead says,

“Mr. Rhodes was more than the founder of a dynasty. He aspired to be the creator of one of those vast semi-religious, quasi-political associations which, like the Society of Jesus, have played so large a part in the history of the world. To be more strictly accurate, he wished to found an Order as the instrument of the will of the Dynasty, and while he lived he dreamed of being both its Caesar and its Loyola.”

107 Again Stead says on pages 62-63, and this is absolutely astonishing,

“All these wills were framed under the influence of the idea which dominated Mr. Rhodes’s imagination. He aimed at the foundation of a Society composed of men of strong convictions and of great wealth, which would do for the unity of the English-speaking race what the Society of Jesus did for the Catholic Church immediately after the Reformation.

The English-speaking race stood to Mr. Rhodes for all that the Catholic Church stood to Ignatius Loyola. Mr. Rhodes saw in the English-speaking race the greatest instrument yet evolved for the progress and elevation of mankind shattered by internal dissensions and reft in twain by the declaration of American Independence, just as the unity of the Church was destroyed by the Protestant Reformation. [Thus, the Jesuits would mount Rhodes’ NWO which they inspired in him to begin with to re-assimilate the Holy Roman Empire-DS] Unlike Loyola, who saw that between Protestants and Catholics no union was possible, and who therefore devoted all his energies to enable the Catholics to extirpate their adversaries, Mr. Rhodes believed that it was possible to secure the reunion of the race. Loyola was an out-and-out Romanist. He took sides unhesitatingly with the Pope against the Reformers. The attitude of Mr. Rhodes was altogether different [But the solution was the same-DS]. He was devoted to the old flag, but in his ideas he was American, and in his later years he expressed to me his unhesitating readiness to accept the reunion of the race under the Stars and Stripes if it could not be obtained in any other way.”

108 What better way than a full blown anti-white race war which we are witnessing in modern times?

Stead says again on pages 64-66,

“Mr. Rhodes’s political ideas were thus written out by him in one of the very few long letters which he ever wrote to anyone, just before his departure from Kimberley to Mashonaland in the autumn of 1891. The communication takes the shape of a resume of a long conversation which I had had with him just before he left London for the Cape. Despite a passage which suggests that I should sub-edit it and dress up his ideas, I think the public will prefer to have these rough, hurried, and sometimes ungrammatical notes exactly as Mr. Rhodes scrawled them off rather than to have them supplied with ” literary clothing ” by anyone else :

[Rhodes’ words-DS] Please remember the key of my idea discussed with you is a Society, copied from the Jesuits as to organisation, the practical solution a differential rate and a copy of the United States Constitution, for that is Home Rule or Federation, and an organisation to work this out, working in the House of Commons for decentralisation, remembering that an Assembly that is responsible for a fifth of the world has no time to discuss the questions raised by Dr. Tanner or the important matter of Mr. O’Brien’s breeches, and that the labour question is an important matter, but that deeper than the labour question is the question of the market for the products of labour, and that, as the local consumption (production) of England can only support about six millions, the balance depends on the trade of the world.

109 That the world with America in the forefront is devising tariffs to boycott your manufactures, and that this is the supreme question, for I believe that England with fair play should manufacture for the world, and, being a Free Trader, I believe until the world comes to its senses you should declare war I mean a commercial war with those who are trying to boycott your manufactures that is my programme. You might finish the war by union with America and universal peace, I mean after one hundred years, and a secret society organised like Loyola’s, supported by the accumulated wealth of those whose aspiration is a desire to do something, and a hideous annoyance created by the difficult question daily placed before their minds as to which of their incompetent relations they should leave their wealth to. You would furnish them with the solution, greatly relieving their minds and turning their ill-gotten or inherited gains to some advantage.”

Mr. Stead, writing to his wife in 1889 says on pages 82-83,

“Mr. Rhodes is my man.

“I have just had three hours’ talk with him.

“He is full of a far more gorgeous idea in connection with the paper than even I have had. I cannot tell you his scheme, because it is too secret. But it involves millions. . . . He expects to own, before he dies, four or five millions, all of which he will leave to carry out the scheme of which the paper is an integral part. . . . His ideas are federation, expansion, and consolidation of the Empire.

110 “He is …. about thirty-five, full of ideas, and regarding money only as a means to work his ideas. He believes more in wealth and endowments than I do. He is not religious in the ordinary sense, but has a deeply religious conception of his duty to the world, and thinks he can best serve it by working for England. He took to me; told me things he has told to no other man, save X. … It seems all like a fairy dream.”

It is not very surprising that it had that appearance. Never before or since had I met a millionaire who calmly declared his intention to devote all his millions to carry out the ideas which I had devoted my life to propagate.

Mr. Rhodes was intensely sympathetic, and like most sympathetic people he would shut up like an oyster when he found that his ideas on ” deep things ” which were near to his heart moved listeners to cynicism or to sneers.

He was almost apologetic about his suggestion that his wealth might be useful. “Don’t despise money,” he said. “Your ideas are all right, but without money you can do nothing.” The twelve apostles did not find it so,” I said; and so the talk went on. He expounded to me his ideas about underpinning the Empire by a Society which would be to the Empire what the Society of Jesus was to the Papacy, and we talked on and on, upon very deep things indeed.”

You see the Jewish Bankers (Rhodes was Connected with the Rothchilds) are the tail and their true head is the Order of Loyola. In the same work we read on page 49,

111 “After various private dispositions Mr. Rhodes in his original will left the residue of his real and personal estate to the Earl of Rosebery, Earl Grey, Alfred Beit, William Thomas Stead, Lewis Lloyd Michell and Bourchier Francis Hawksley absolutely as joint tenants.

The same persons were also appointed executors and trustees.

In a Codicil dated January, 1901, Mr. Rhodes directed that the name of W. T. Stead should be removed from the list of his executors.

In a second Codicil dated October, 1901, Mr. Rhodes added the name of Lord Milner to the list of joint tenants, executors and trustees.”

So we see that Lord Milner was an executor and trustee of Cecil Rhodes as his connection to Rhodes came through his office as Colonial administrator in the South African Cape Colony. Milner’s secretary was a man named Lionel George Curtis. Curtis began the Roundtable Movement and wrote the book The Commonwealth of Nations (1916). Then he founded the Royal Institute of International Affairs in London following a meeting in Paris (Paris Peace Conference, 1919), June 1920. Under Woodrow Wilson, Edward Mandell House attended that same meeting in Paris and upon returning to America, established the Council on Foreign Relations which is the sister organization to the Royal Institute of International Affairs. The international organization that this conference formed was termed the League of Nations. After WWII this League was replaced by the United Nations. The CFR’s membership includes most of the major talking heads of our Media. Our educational institutions are dominated by the UN through UNESCO (The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization) and the International Bureau of Education. In our country, the CFR’s job is to conform the common man into a coadjutant for the purposes of the UN and UNESCO and International Bureau of

112 Education’s job is to do the same thing on a higher level with the more educated classes of the world. From the US Department of Education’s Website,

“The United States joined UNESCO at its founding but later withdrew in 1984 because of a growing disparity between U.S. foreign policy and UNESCO goals. After an almost twenty- year absence from the organization, the United States rejoined the organization in October 2003 at the initiative of President Bush”.

1901- President William McKinley is assassinated by Roman Catholic Leon Czolgosz, and stepping into his place comes the pet of Cardinal Gibbons, Theodore Roosevelt.

Eric Phelps states of Roosevelt’s speech in 1904,

“delivering his address at the week-long dedication of St. Patrick’s Cathedral in Washington, D.C. Seated at his left is Cardinal Gibbons with the balcony and entrance of the new rectory filled with statesmen, priests, Jesuits and bishops (including Archbishop Ireland) amidst a throng of nearly 15,000 people.”70

70 Vatican Assassins III, 753


[Image: A Parish for the Federal City: St. Patrick’s in Washington, 1794-1994, Morris J. MacGregor, (Washington, D.C.: The Catholic University of America, 1994).]

Robert P. Malesky states in his The Catholic University of America page 63,

“In 1917, President Theodore Roosevelt hailed James Cardinal Gibbons as the most venerated, respected, and useful citizen in America.”

Andrew Glass of Politico states,

“Gibbons knew every president from Andrew Johnson to Warren Harding. President William Howard Taft honored him for his humanitarian work at the 1911 golden jubilee celebration of his ordination. In 1917, President Theodore Roosevelt hailed him as “the most venerated, respected and useful citizen in America.”71

71 http://www.politico.com/news/stories/0709/25276.html


The Catholic Priest Jeremiah Crowley begins to Protest his own Church,

“The number of similar offenders is legion, and no wonder! The vast majority of priests, prelates and other members of the Hierarchy are driven into immorality by priestly celibacy and auricular confession. This wholesale demoralization was one of the principal motives for instituting celibacy and auricular confession. The result accomplished is just what the Vatican machine wanted. This demoralization compels wicked priests, prelates and other members of the Hierarchy, of both sexes, to stand by each other and for the Vatican system, their axiom being "Standum est pro auctoritate per fas aut nefas" (Stand by authority, right or wrong). It is the same principle as is found among corrupt politicians, who, for their own protection, are compelled to stand by each other and for their political machine.”72

1903- Chicago Archbishop Quigley, in a speech recorded by The Chicago Daily Tribune, Tuesday May 5, 1903, in a column titled, "Quigley As An Optimist" Quigley exposes the Catholic agenda in America stating,

"Since I have seen the western parochial schools I have come to the conclusion that in fifty years, if things go on as I see they are going on at present, the Catholic Church will actually own the west.'

72 Jeremiah Crowley, Romanism A Menace to the Nation, 77

115 Such was the optimistic declaration of Archbishop Quigley last night before the Children of Mary sodality at the Holy Name parish school, Chicago avenue and Cass street. The occasion was a reception given to the Archbishop by the members of the sodality, and the prelate was the only man in a gathering of 800 women...

'Within twenty years this country is going to rule the world. Kings and emperors will soon pass away, and the democracy of the United States will take their place. The west will dominate the country, and what I have seen of the western parochial schools has proved that the generation which follows us will be exclusively Catholic. When the United States rules the world the Catholic Church will rule the world...

In fifty years Chicago will be exclusively Catholic. The same may be said of greater New York and the chain of big cities stretching across the continent to San Francisco...Nothing can stand against the Church. I'd like to see the politician who would try to rule against the Church in Chicago. His reign would be short indeed.”

1907- Jeremiah Crowley, Roman Catholic Priest for 21 years, leaves the Roman Church in Chicago after discovering internal corruption involving the said Archbishop Quigley, involvement with organized crime and political intrigue at the highest levels. In 1912 he publishes Romanism: A Menace to the Nation.

1908- Roman Catholic Charles Joseph Bonaparte creates the FBI or as it was known then, the Bureau of Investigation. He was the great-nephew of Emperor Napoleon I of France.

116 1909- Taft is made President and continues devotion to Gibbons praising Gibbons’, “single-minded patriotism and love of Country on the one hand and sincere devotion to his church on the other.”73

1909- The Catholic Church declares America its own.

“And now this centenary year of great flourishing bishoprics; this year of stately pageants and imposing manifestations of vigorous Catholic life and activity; this year of our transition from the status of a missionary country under the supervision of the sacred Congregation of Propaganda, to all the rights, privileges, advantages and duties of a Catholic country immediately under the care and solicitude of the Holy See, this year is still further signalized and made forever memorable by a movement of minds and hearts which has culminated in this magnificently representative gathering of prelates, priests and people.”

The First American Catholic Missionary Congress (1909) edited by Bp. Francis Clement Kelley, 17

Now with their Political Power firmly in place, the Jesuit Order was now prepared to destroy the Pro-Protestant, Anti-Jesuit Triple Alliance with WWI. Here we see Gibbons gloating with his WWI General Admiral William S. Benson.

73 Catholic World, Vol. 94, pg. 95


[Image: The Life of James Cardinal Gibbons: Archbishop of Baltimore, 1834-1921, John Tracy Ellis, (Milwaukee: The Bruce Publishing Co., 1952).]

The only thing left to do is to organize funding. This will be accomplished in only a few years.

1910- Creation of the Union of South Africa under the British Empire. The Boers and Zulus now supplanted, King Edward VII, through his friend J.P. Morgan, Papal Financier of America, incorporated South Africa’s Gold and Diamonds into the International Banking Cartel, now firmly in their possession; funding for the coming World Wars was now in hand.

118 1912- Creation of South African Native National Congress later to be known as the African National Congress (ANC) for non- whites.

1912- RMS Titanic sinks and conveniently kills all of the most powerful enemies of the Federal Reserve Act of 1913 including John Jacob Astor IV.

1912- Crowley warns of a Roman Catholic plot involving Chief Justice White and President Taft to overthrow the American Government at the Presidential Election through her four American Cardinals in this letter quoted in Romanism a Menace to the Nation By Jeremiah J. Crowley, pg. 180,

"Cincinnati, Ohio,

"March 29, 1912 "Rev. L. Nanassy,

"Pastor of the Hungarian Reformed Church, "Perth Amboy, N. J.

"Rev. and Dear Sir:—Your letter of Feb. 3, 1912, addressed to my late residence in New York City, has just reached me, and I hasten to reply.

"While in Washington, D. C., some weeks ago, I saw and read the certificates to which you refer in your letter; and now that you have asked me personally to advise the 'desperate' husband and father, Stephen Dagonya, as to what he should do under the circumstances, I would suggest that the Rev. Francis Gross be prosecuted for criminal libel, and that this be made a test case in the interests of humanity. However, knowing the powerful and iniquitous influence of Rome over the Civil Courts, particularly when the plaintiffs or defendants possess slender means, I would suggest that a public appeal be made for adequate funds to thoroughly prosecute the case, to the millions who have been and are now indirectly charged by Rome with living in 'concubinage' or with being 'illegitimate.'


"In case of an adverse decision in the lower Courts, through the influence of Rome, the case should be appealed, and, if needs be, carried to the Supreme Court of the United States, over which Chief Justice White, a Jesuitical Roman Catholic, presides by the favor of President Taft. And in case of an adverse decision by that august body, through the influence of the Roman Catholic Hierarchy, I would suggest that the case be brought before Congress without delay, and if necessary before the bar of public opinion, as Rome, through her Jesuitical decrees, policies and practices, is undermining the inviolability of the home and the peace of nations.

"Rome hopes to gain complete political control of our beloved country through the cunning political influence of her four 'American' Cardinals at the coming Presidential election. Therefore, immediate exposure must be made of her in the Civil Courts and otherwise, if the liberties of this country are to be preserved.

"I shall be able to take the matter up with you personally in the near future. Believe me,

"Very sincerely yours,

"[Signed] Jeremiah J. Crowley."

1913- Jeremiah Crowley predicts the Roman agenda to incite Japan to attack the United States. He says in The Pope Chief of White Slavers and High Priest of Intrigue (The Menace Publishing Company: Aurora, MO, 1913),

“Americans who bow not before the idols of popery may well ask — Are our Presidents and Vice-Presidents, our Cabinet officers and the Judges of the Supreme Court, our Senators and Representatives placed in office to play part so subservient and so dastardly servile to Rome’s foulest purposes? Rome is now egging on Japan

120 to annex Mexico, seize on the Philippines, on Hawaii and Alaska, to wipe off the United States of America from the map of the world’s great powers. While our Presidents are attending mass the Jap and other foreign emissaries in America are busy stealing plans from the Navy Department and studying every weak spot in our National armor, to report thereon promptly and fully to hostile governments. Rome, hating a free, popular government like that of America, is ready to coalesce with Jap or any other agency — pagan, atheistical, or professedly Christian — to destroy our Nation. (pg. 117-118)…

What next? Will President Wilson continue the practice of his predecessors and consult Gibbons, Farley, and O’Connell [Roman Catholic Bishops-DS], Rome’s red princes in America, as to army and navy appointments? Will America’s army, papalized and foreignized, be so weakened and emasculated by Romanistic control as to make it easy prey for perfidious Jap? The soldiers of Spain were once justly reckoned brave and almost unconquerable. Romish control for centuries has reduced Spain to the level of a fourth or fifth-rate power. The control, the influence of Romanism, nay, its very contact, is deadly to every independent endeavor and to every achievement of bravery.” (pg. 268)

1913- Federal Reserve and Income Tax. The First American Income Tax was imposed in 1861 to fund the American Civil War and was replaced by another income tax in 1862. Yet ten years later it was repealed as unconstitutional. This is the traditional purpose for income tax. Papal income tax was first leveled in 1199 by Pope Innocent III.74 This tax originally

74 William Lunt, Papal Revenues in the Middle Ages, 71-77

121 required all Catholic clergy to pay one-fortieth of their ecclesiastical income annually, to support the Crusades. Following suit, Pope Gregory IX levied a one-tenth income tax to fund his war against Frederick II, Holy Roman Emperor in 1228. An income tax was levied in Britain by William Pitt the Younger in 1799, to fund the Napoleonic wars. There is no doubt that this is why we Americans are forced to pay this wicked tax. In 1914, just one year later, our government entered World War I, and plunged us into a Second Thirty Years War.

J.P. Morgan backed the Federal Reserve Act which was perfected at his clubhouse on Jekyll Island, Georgia. To remove all opponents to the Federal Reserve Bank, he had one of his own ships, the Titanic, sunk immediately killing all enemies to the Federal Reserve Bank, like John Jacob Astor IV. The Pollack decision (Pollock v. Farmers’ Loan & Trust Co.) was nullified in 1913 making way for the Fed. The Federal Reserve Act was passed on December 23, 1913. The Vatican had now erected its central bank to exercise a monopoly on all credit to be extended to the American Congress. Funding for the Jesuit crusades was in place, not to mention the confiscation of Boer gold and diamonds.

1914- Jesuit Hermann Muckermann publishes his book Eugenik . Among many other books on racial hygiene that Muckermann published, he lays the foundations for a pro-Catholic-Fascist Ideology in Germany. Leo H. Lehmann says in his Behind the Dictators A Factual Analysis of the Relationship of Nazi- Fascism and Roman Catholicism, page 24-25,

“The Jesuit Father Muckermann, in his many works on race hygiene, fully explains this ideology which is at the basis of all the aims and acts of Nazi-Fascism. Mixture of races, he holds, produces “inharmonious” descendants who have difficulty in allowing themselves to be absorbed into a national unity. It is well known that mixture of races brings forth strong individualities; and these in the Jesuit view,

122 would disrupt the static “harmony” they desire among peoples and nations, as well as nullify the gregarious instinct which the Jesuits endeavor to foster. In their view “harmony” is a state where each one places himself humbly and voluntarily in the organic niche appointed for him by the supreme authority without any “diabolic inharmonious” desire to leave it. This is the way the Jesuit Order itself is built up, and this is the ideal Catholic aim for states and groups of states in the political and social order. It is the organic, static, hierarchical, integralist, corporative system of Nazi-Fascist teaching, which is already in effect in many countries of Europe. It is in direct opposition to the disintegralist, dynamic, liberal, free, democratic concept of political and social order.

The Jesuit Order has its “Aryan paragraph” corresponding exactly to that of Hitlerism. Its Constitutions contain six impediments against reception into the Order, the first of which is Jewish descent up to the fourth generation. If Jewish descent is discovered after a candidate’s admission, it prevents his “radiation.” This Aryan paragraph first appeared in the statutes of the Order in 1593, was confirmed in 1608 and is to be found in the latest official edition published in Florence in 1893. General councils of the order have many times proclaimed that Jewish descent must be considered as “an impurity, scandal, dishonor and infamy.” [FN: Institutum 8. J., p. 278, 302; also Jesuit Lexicon, p. 939] Suarez, noted Jesuit theologican, also states that Jewish descent is an impurity of such indelible character that it is sufficient to prevent admission into the Order. [FN: F. Suarez, Tractatus de religione Societatis Jesu, p. 34]

123 This identity of interests between Nazi-Fascism and Jesuit Catholicism in the matter of opposition to the mixture of races and religions is something that cannot be denied. And this ideology is the prime cause of the war that is devastating the world at the present time.”

Having studied Genetics in last year I have discovered from my own DNA test that I have Basque blood and the Basques were R1b, meaning Ignatius Loyola was not a Jew!

1914-1918- WWI destruction of Triple Alliance. The Land prepared for the Jews pace Lawrence of Arabia.

1916- Brushaber v. Union Pacific Railroad, 240 U.S. 1: The Supreme Court ruled that the Sixteenth Amendment did not confer any new power of taxation on Congress. The tax was to be laid on “income” of a coming martial persona, found on our Birth Certificates in 1939. Which said certificates are laced with symbols of the Knights of Malta.

1917- The Russian Bolshevik movement was controlled by the Catholic Church and the Jesuit order not the Jews. In 1917, the Roman Catholic Lady of Fatima hoax began in May for 6 consecutive months. Ending October 13, it called for the conversion of Russia (Traditionally Eastern Orthodox which broke from Rome in 1054 A.D. denying Papal Supremacy). The Bolshevik Revolution began October 25, 1917, 12 days later! Antony C. Sutton, in his Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution, demonstrated that two of those men were responsible for the funding of the Bolshevik Revolution were Knight of Malta, Joseph P. Grace (Director of National City Bank) and the Jewish Freemason, Otto H. Kahn (CFR and Partner in Kuhn & Loeb),

“The American International Corp. (AIC) was organized in New York on November 22, 1915, by the J. P. Morgan interests, with major participation by Stillman’s National City Bank

124 and the Rockefeller interests . . .Everybody coveted the AIC stock, Joe Grace (of W. R. Grace & Co.) wanted $600,000 in addition to his interest in National City Bank . . . In January 1917 the Grace Russian Company was formed, the joint owners being W. R. Grace & Co. and the San Galli Trading Co. of Petrograd. American International Corp. had a substantial investment in the Grace Russian Company an interlocking directorship . . . As the Bolshevik Revolution took hold in central Russia, Secretary of State Robert Lansing requested the views of American International Corp. on the policy to be pursued towards the Soviet regime. On January 16, 1918—barely two months after the takeover in Petrograd and Moscow, and before a fraction of Russia had come under Bolshevik control—William Franklin Sands, executive secretary of American International Corp., submitted the requested memorandum on the Russian political situation to Secretary Lansing . . . In brief, Sands, as executive secretary of a corporation whose directors were the most prestigious on Wall Street, provided an emphatic endorsement of the Bolsheviks and the Bolshevik Revolution, and within a matter of weeks after the revolution started. And as a director of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, Sands had just contributed $1 million to the Bolsheviks.”75

People of God: the Struggle for World Catholicism by Penny Lernoux page 287 states,

“ (J. Peter Grace, who took over the company at the end of the war and became [Sovereign

75 Sutton, Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution, 127-134

125 Military Order of Malta] SMOM’s leading American Knight, later employed a Nazi war criminal and chemist, aiding him to enter the United States under the U.S. government recruitment program of Nazi scientists known as “Project Paperclip.”) Joseph Kennedy, another prominent American Knight, was forced in 1940 to leave his post as U.S. ambassador to London because of his noninterventionist stance.”

FDR then recognized the so called Jewish Bolshevik Soviet Union which allowed American financiers to build Stalin’s war machine i.e. The United States Treasury itself and Henry Ford. We read from the Congressional Record, June 15, 1933,

“The Soviet government has been given United States Treasury funds by the Federal Reserve Board and the Federal Reserve Banks acting through the Chase Bank and the Guaranty Trust Company and other banks in New York City . . . Open up the books of Amtorg, the trading organization of the Soviet government in New York, and of Gostorg, the general office of the Soviet Trade Organization, and of the State Bank of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics and you will be staggered to see how much American money has been taken from the United States’ Treasury for the benefit of Russia. Find out what business has been transacted for the State Bank of Soviet Russia by its correspondent, the Chase Bank of New York . . . (Congressional Record, June 15, 1933).”

We read in National Suicide: Military Aid to the Soviet Union (Melbourne, Australia: Australian League of Rights, 1973) by Antony C. Sutton, pages 124-128,

“In May 1929, the Soviets signed an agreement with the Ford Motor Company of Detroit.

126 According to its terms the Soviets agreed to purchase $13 million worth of automobiles and parts before 1933 and Ford agreed to render technical assistance until 1938 to construct an integrated automobile-manufacturing plant at Nizhni-Novgorod. Actual construction of this plant was completed in 1933 by the Austin Company for production of the Ford Model-A passenger car and light truck. . . . In brief, the Gorki plant, built by the Ford Motor Company and the Austin Company and equipped by numerous other US companies under the policy of “peaceful trade,” is today—and always has been—a major producer of Soviet army vehicles and weapons carriers.”

The dreaded Katyusha rocket-launcher of the Russians were American trucks.

So who were the Jesuits and their servants involved in the Bolshevik Revolution?

1. Roman Catholic Priest Theodore Maly. Unholy Trinity: The Vatican, The Nazis, and The Swiss Banks by Mark Aarons, John Loftus, page 208. 2. Joseph P. Grace, Knight of Malta, who provided funding as we have already seen. 3. Valdamir Lenin; the Jesuits were allowed back into Russia in 1922 under Lenin with a Papal relief Mission including Jesuit Edumd Walsh. The American Jesuits: A History by Raymond A. Schroth, page 162. 4. White gentile and Episcopalian, FDR recognized the Soviet Union, 1933. The U.S. Dept. of State admits,

“On November 16, 1933, President Franklin Roosevelt ended almost 16 years of American non-recognition of the Soviet Union following a series of negotiations in Washington, D.C. with

127 the Soviet Commissar for Foreign Affairs, Maxim Litvinov.”76

FDR was backed by the Knights of Colombus in his coup d'état. In FDR's First Inaugural Address one can see men standing behind him, wearing the Chapeau of the Knights of Columbus.

Moreover, as a result of lobbying by the Knights of Columbus, President Franklin Delano Roosevelt made October 12 a Federal Holiday under the name Columbus Day, celebrating the influence of Roman Catholicism in America. 5. Jesuit General Wlodimir Ledóchowski and Catholic Bishop Edward von Ropp.

In Descent Into Darkness, by James J. Zatko, page 112 we read,

“In the communist strategy Catholic propaganda was to cause the whole Orthodox structure to crumble . . . The instruments of this new alliance between the Soviets and the Vatican were to be the Jesuits, described as the hereditary enemies of the Orthodox Church. Reportedly, there were, and had been for a considerable time, large numbers of representatives of the Jesuit Order in Moscow including Bishop Ropp. The Pope, who is said to have left the Jesuit Order before being elected Pope, acted entirely on the instructions of Count Ledochowski, the superior general of the Jesuit Order! According to the same report, the Vatican felt it could bring the Russian Church under papal domination only if Tikhon were eliminated, a condition which the Bolsheviks thought had been fulfilled. The Jesuits and the Vatican, on their part, promised

76 https://history.state.gov/milestones/1921-1936/ussr

128 that after a conclusion of a concordat, they would do all in their power to put pressure on the governments of Italy, France, and Belgium to hasten their recognition of the Soviet government.” 6. Sergyei Nilus: utilizing, the hatred that has traditionally existed between Christians and Jews, the persecution of Jews under the May Laws, and the extreme agitation occasioned by the recent publication of the now famous hoax, The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion by Nilus, the Jews would be used as the scapegoat for the downfall of the Russian Orthodox Church. Leo Lehmann states, in his Behind the Dictators, page 15,

“Although first published in Russia in 1903, the Protocols of Zion had their origin in France and date from the Dreyfus Affair, of which the Jesuits were the chief instigators. . . . These Protocols of supposedly Jewish leaders are not the first documents of their kind fabricated by the Jesuits. For over a hundred years before these Protocols appeared, the Jesuits had continued to make use of a similar fraud called The Secrets of the Elders of Bourg- Fontaine against Jansenism—an anti-Jesuit French Catholic movement among the secular clergy.” 7. Joseph Stalin: Russian Communism is not the friend of the Jews. Stalin intended to massacre the Jews. We read in The Gulag Archipelago, by Alexander Solzhenitsyn, page 92,

“During the last years of Stalin’s life, a wave of Jews became noticeable. (From 1950 on they were hauled in little by little as cosmopolites. And that was why the doctors’ case was cooked up. It would appear that Stalin intended to arrange a great massacre of the Jews.”

129 The Soviet Union had its own version of the Dreyfuss Affair with the Famous Doctor’s Plot wherein Russian Jewish doctors were accuse of trying to poison Soviet leadership. They were tortured and persecuted but later released. Moreover, Stalin was trained by Jesuits. In Stalin’s interview with Emil Ludwig, recorded in Three who Made a Revolution: A Biographical History by Bertram David Wolfe, page 411, concerning his time at Tiflis Seminary we read,

Ludwig: What drove you to become a rebel? Was it, perhaps, because your parents treated you badly?

Stalin: No. My parents were uneducated people, but they did not treat me badly by any means. It was different in the theological seminary of which I was then a student. In protest against the humiliating regime and the Jesuitical methods that prevailed in the seminary, I was ready to become, and eventually did become, a revolutionary, a believer in Marxism…

Ludwig: But do you not grant the Jesuits any good qualities?

Stalin: Yes, they are methodical and persevering in their work. But the basis of all their methods is spying, prying, peering into people’s souls, to subject them to petty torment.” 8. Cardinal Agagianian: Agagianian and Stalin were fellow Georgians and both attended the Jesuit-controlled Orthodox Tiflis Seminary. 9. Jesuit Edmund Walsh: Here we see Jesuit Edmund Walsh and Bolshevik Gregori Zinoviev, Moscow, 1922.


Walsh was instrumental in the creation of the USSR. In 1929 the Jesuits erected their Russian College in Rome for the training of Jesuit priests to be influential in Russia. We read from the Catholic Near East Welfare Association website:

“A Russian College, the “Russicum,” was founded in Rome in 1929 under Jesuit supervision to train clergy to work with Russian emigrés and in Russia itself.”77 10. As a side note, the famous Marxist, Leon Trotsky was influenced by Freemasonry.78

In general, the Bolshevik Revolution was intended to destroy the Jesuit’s old enemies in the Russian Orthodox Church and to continue the work of Joachim of Flora in destroying the aristocratic and feudal version of Christian civilization and replacing it with the mystic and communal version of Christian monasticism.

77http://www.cnewa.org/default.aspx?ID=77&pagetypeID=9&sitecode =US&pageno=1 78 http://freemasonry.bcy.ca/public_perceptions/trotsky.html


1917- Apostate protestant Wilhelm II, German Emperor lets the Jesuits back into Germany.

1919- Woodrow Wilson becomes the first U.S. president to meet with the Pope at the Vatican. He began a tradition that still holds today. In 2007 President George Bush met with Pope Benedict XVI, June 9, 2007 at Vatican City, and referred to the Pope as “Your Holiness”. In 2009 President Obama met with Pope Benedict XVI, July 10, 2009 at Vatican City and in his meeting he refers to the Pope as “Your Holiness”.

1920s General- Prohibition provides a platform to Organized crime. It is true that in the late 19th and early 20th centuries there was a Jewish mafia headed up by Arnold Rothstein in New York. However, the Jewish Mafia’s power and influence pales in comparison to the power and influence of the Catholic Italian Five Families.

Lucky Luciano worked for the U.S. Government in protecting New York Harbor from Espionage known as Operation Underworld.79 Operation Underworld was overseen by Papal Knight, Wild Bill Donovan who selected Luciano and Naval Captain Roscoe C. MacFall.80 Luciano also helped the U.S. Government establish a platform in Sicily in order to invade Mussolini’s Italy in Operation Husky.81

1922- War with Japan is predicted by investigations into the Roman Catholic involvement in the Assassination of Abraham Lincoln by Burke McCarty. He says in his The Suppressed Truth About the Assassination of Abraham Lincoln (1922), 17-18,

“The next step in the Vatican’s Great Scheme is to make war between this country and Japan after the latter country has been placed under

79 Campbell, Rodney, The Luciano Project, vii 80 Scheim, David E., Contract on America, 190 81 Newark, Tim, Boardwalk Gangster: The Real Lucky Luciano, Chapter 12

132 full dominance of the Jesuits. The priests, monks and nuns of the Roman Church have been pouring into Japan from all over the world now for many years, with that purpose in view. The next step in the Vatican’s Great Scheme is to make war between this country and Japan after the latter country has been placed under full dominance of the Jesuits. The priests, monks and nuns of the Roman Church have been pouring into Japan from all over the world now for many years with that purpose in view. The writer was told by a Christian Japanese minister in charge of a Protestant mission in Los Angeles in reply to the question as to why the Jesuits, who had been barred for years from Japan, had now been permitted to enter. He answered that the Roman church had gotten into his country under the guise of Mohammedanism, and that after it was well entrenched threw off its disguise, and his country learned to its astonishment that it was to the Roman Church and its monastic orders it had opened its doors. That the Roman-Catholic- controlled trade unions in California are at the bottom of most of the agitation against the Japanese in that State is a fact; that the Roman Catholic politician, James Phelan, was sent to the United States Senate in 1913 by the solid Roman vote, and has been the prime mover in the anti-Jap agitation, is also a fact.”

1921-1922- Russia abandons pure Communism with the New Economic Policy.

1927- Formation of the American Branch of the Knights of Malta. Eric Phelps says,

“In the 1930s these criminals, including Joseph P. Kennedy, sought to create martial law in America by way of a coup d’etat enthroning a

133 fascist military dictator. The man chosen for the job was a Quaker and sympathizer with his bloodied WWI veterans—surnamed “the Bonus Army”—having been driven out of Washington by General MacArthur. But the plot failed as a hero and two-time Medal of Honor recipient exposed the conspiracy. He was General Smedley Butler of the United States Marine Corps.”82

This Business Plot83 would be tried again in 2001 with the 9/11 attack. See the interview with John Buchanan in the Alex Jones’ Martial Law Documentary at the 1:57 mark.

This is why we have mass immigration here and a black president: to resurrect old hateful racial animosities and create a crises that will justify the rise of our coming Führer.

1924-1935- John Edgar Hoover (1895 –1972) was the first Director of the now termed “Federal Bureau of Investigation” (FBI) of the United States in 1935. He was appointed director of the original Bureau of Investigation in 1924. He remained director of the FBI until his death in 1972. He denied the existence of organized crime to protect his Roman Catholic master’s crime syndicates. Case in point is Hoover’s consortium with crime-boss Frank Costello.84

1929- The Stock Market crashes. Eric Phelps says,

“In October of 1929 three Irish Roman Catholics on the New York Stock Exchange “sold short,” hundreds of margin calls crashing the market. According to Curtis Dahl, FDR’s son-in-law, they were Ben Strong, Tom Bragg and Joseph Kennedy [Knight of Malta]. Hundreds of

82 VA, 446-447 83 See Jules Archer, The Plot to Seize the White House 84 Curt Gentry, J. Edgar Hoover: The Man and the Secrets, Chapter 22, 329-330

134 millions of hard-earned, real dollars had been invested in the market at the behest and encouragement of Dupont multimillionaire, Knight of Malta John J. Raskob. The calculated crash, resulting in the Great Depression, enabled the Jesuits to buy up all bankrupted businesses of interest on Wall Street for pennies on the dollar. The funds came from fascist Mussolini who had given the Vatican nearly 100 million dollars via the Lateran Treaty of March, 1929, as reparations for the loss of the Pope’s Temporal Power from 1870 to 1929. With this backdrop, we can now understand why the Order used its CFR member and 33rd Degree Freemason President Franklin Roosevelt to remove the nation’s gold coins from circulation in 1933 and to institute the Social Security System in 1934 as part of the Black Pope’s socialist “New Deal,” then supported by radio priest, Jew-baiter and Jesuit coadjutor, Charles Coughlin.”85

1929- The Vatican puts Benito Mussolini into power in Italy. A concordat was signed, the Lateran Treaty, recognizing the Roman Religion as the religion of Italy and for the state to publicly protect and promote the Papacy. This was all organized by Jesuit Priest Pietro Tacchi Venturi.86

1933- The Beginning of Military Government in America.

The Civil War laid the platform for our present coup d’etat.

1. George H. Pendleton, who was a Democrat and a Representative and a Senator from Ohio, himself a Yankee, said,

85http://continuingcounterreformation.blogspot.com/2008/10/jesuitical- economic-manipulation.html 86 Nino Lo Bello, The Vatican Empire, (New York: Trident Press, 1968) 67-68.

135 “Now the veil is drawn and the revolutionary purpose of the party is revealed. That purpose is to destroy the government, to change its form and spirit, to make a new Union, to ingraft upon it new principles, new theories, new powers. It is rebellion against the Constitution, differing in nothing from its armed enemies except in the weapons of its warfare.”87

2. 14th Amendment Citizenship abolished State Sovereignty. James Gillespie Blaine (1830 – 1893), U.S. Representative and Speaker of the United States House of Representatives, said in his Political Discussions (1887) 63-64,

“We intend to make citizenship National. Heretofore, a man has been a citizen of the United States because he was a citizen of some one of the States: Now, we propose to reverse that, and make him a citizen of any State where he chooses to reside, by defining in advance his National citizenship — and our Amendment declares that ‘all persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the States wherein they reside.’ ”

This overturned the Dred Scott decision as explained in Slaughterhouse Cases – 83 U.S. 36 (1872).

3. 14th Amendment Citizenship does not include Privileges and Immunities of the Bill of Rights.

Maxwell v. Dow – 176 U.S. 581 (1900) says,

“The privileges and immunities of citizens of the United States do not necessarily include all the

87 James Albert Woodburn, The Life of Thaddeus Stevens: A Study in American Political History, 313-314

136 rights protected by the first eight amendments to the Federal Constitution against the powers of the Federal Government…”

Twining v. State – 211 U.S. 78 (1908) says,

“The right of trial by jury in civil cases, guaranteed by the Seventh Amendment (Walker v. Sauvinet, 92 U.S. 90), and the right to bear arms guaranteed by the Second Amendment (Presser v. Illinois, 116 U.S. 252), have been distinctly held not to be privileges and immunities of citizens of the United States guaranteed by the Fourteenth Amendment against abridgment by the State…”

4. Our present Government is a De Facto Military Government ruling the States as conquered territories treating the Citizens as belligerent enemy combatants. Downes v. Bidwell – 182 U.S. 244 (1901) says,

“What the Chief Justice said was:

“These courts, then, are not constitutional courts in which the judicial power conferred by the Constitution on the general government can be deposited. They are incapable of receiving it. They are legislative courts, created in virtue of the general right of sovereignty which exists in the government…The jurisdiction with which they are invested is not a part of that judicial power which is defined in the third article of the Constitution, but is conferred by Congress in the execution of those general powers which that body possesses over the territories of the United States.”

Justice Harlan referred to this as “an era of legislative absolutism”. He continues in his dissent saying,

137 “The idea prevails with some — indeed, it found expression in arguments at the bar — that we have in this country substantially or practically two national governments — one to be maintained under the Constitution, with all its restrictions, the other to be maintained by Congress outside and independently of that instrument, by exercising such powers as other nations of the earth are accustomed to exercise.”

Ex parte Milligan – 71 U.S. 2 (1866) says,

“There are under the Constitution three kinds of military jurisdiction: one to be exercised both in peace and war, another to be exercised in time of foreign war without the boundaries of the United States, or in time of rebellion and civil war within states or districts occupied by rebels treated as belligerents…”

Notice how our beloved Government changed the wording of this case in Constitutional Sources of the Laws of War, 65th Congress, 1st Session, Document No. 86, Senate Resolution No. 100 (1917),

“And whenever our Army or Navy may go beyond our territorial limits, neither can go beyond the authority of the President or the legislation of Congress. There are under the Constitution three kinds of military jurisdiction: One to be exercised both in peace and war; another to be exercised in time of foreign war within the boundaries of the United States, or in time of rebellion and civil war within States or districts occupied by rebels treated as belligerents…”

138 What the Supreme Court ruled to be a prerogative of the Military outside of the United States, Congress made to apply inside the boundaries of the United States.

5. The Gold-Fringed-Flag that stands behind the Judges in American courts prove we are under Military rule, not civilian rule. Army Regulation 840–10; Heraldic Activities Flags, Guidons, Streamers, Tabards, and Automobile and Aircraft Plates, states,

“b. National flags listed below are for indoor display and for use in ceremonies and parades. For these purposes, the flag of the United States will be of rayon banner cloth or heavyweight nylon, trimmed on three sides with golden yellow fringe…c. Authorization for indoor display. The flag of the United States is authorized for indoor display for each… (4) Military courtroom…”88

6. Daylight Savings Time is Considered War Time (The War Time Act-56 Stat. 9, ch. 7). In 1942 Congress passed The War Time Act establishing DST to conserve energy resources during WW2. DST is still with us today.

7. We are in a perpetual state of National Emergency and a State of National Emergency is a State of War. Our state of National Emergency began with FDR’s The Emergency Banking Act, March 9, 1933. Black’s Law Dictionary, 5th Edition (1979), page 90 states,

“National emergency. A state of national crises…Congress has made little or no distinction between a ‘state of national emergency’ and a ‘state of war’.”

88 http://www.apd.army.mil/pdffiles/r840_10.pdf

139 Thus, pursuant to the meaning of a National Emergency, FDR, in fact, enacted a state of war. What evidence is there that this state of war extended into the future? In Emergency Powers Statutes, 93d Congress, 1st Session, Report No. 93-549 (1973), we read,

“Since March 9, 1933, the United States has been in a state of declared national emergency.”

Moreover, Order Code 98-505 GOV, National Emergency Powers, Updated September 18, 2001, by Harold C. Relyea, CRS-13 Table 1 demonstrates that our government has declared a National Emergency almost every year from 1979 to the year of said publication in 2001. The report states,

“The special committee also found that no process existed for automatically terminating the four outstanding national emergency proclamations. [CRS 9-10] …The development, exercise, and regulation of emergency powers, from the days of the Continental Congress to the present, reflect at least one highly discernable trend: those authorities available to the executive in time of national crisis or exigency have, since the time of the Lincoln Administration, come to be increasingly rooted in statutory law. The discretion available to a Civil War President in his exercise of emergency power has been harnessed, to a considerable extent, in the contemporary period.” [CRS-18]

8. The United States Government advertises itself openly as a Fascist Military Government by the traditional Fascist Symbol in the House of Representatives.

Some naïve liberals think that the solution to our problems is in the Glass–Steagall Legislation. However, I maintain that the problem is the modern Banking system itself. Yah forbid taking usury on loans. See Calvin Elliott, Usury.

140 For more information on the History of this Military Government see Berkheimer’s Military Government And Martial Law.

1930s General- The Jesuits take advantage of this agitation against the Banks to create Anti-Jewish fury with the work of Charles Coughlin.

1933-1934- Devoted Papist Franz von Papen brings Hitler to Power. The Reichskonkordat is signed July 20, 1933 by Secretary of State Eugenio Pacelli-Pope Pius XII and Franz von Papen that guaranteed the rights of the Roman Church in Germany. Lieutenant-Colonel Franz Joseph Hermann Michael Maria von Papen zu Köningen (1879 - 1969) was a German nobleman, Roman Catholic monarchist politician, General Staff officer, and diplomat. He served as Chancellor of Germany in 1932 and as Vice-Chancellor under Adolf Hitler in 1933-1934. He was a member of the Catholic Centre Party until 1932. He was an influential member of advisers to President Paul von Hindenburg in the late Weimar Republic. Papen, believed that Hitler could be controlled once he was in the government. He persuaded Hindenburg to approve Hitler as Chancellor.

1934- The Nation of Islam, though created by Wallace Fard is popularized by Freemason Elijah Muhammed.

1936- Stalin defends the traditional family with his Decree on the Prohibition of Abortions. June 27, 1936.

1937- FDR’s Quarantine Speech ends America’s tradition of isolationism. George Washington's Farewell Address is often cited as laying the foundation for a tradition of American non- interventionism:

“The great rule of conduct for us, in regard to foreign nations, is in extending our commercial relations, to have with them as little political connection as possible. Europe has a set of primary interests, which to us have none, or a

141 very remote relation. Hence she must be engaged in frequent controversies the causes of which are essentially foreign to our concerns. Hence, therefore, it must be unwise in us to implicate ourselves, by artificial ties, in the ordinary vicissitudes of her politics, or the ordinary combinations and collisions of her friendships or enmities.”

Pearl Harbor and WW2 completely did away with this tradition. Crusader propaganda prevails until this day.

1939-1950- American, Myron Taylor serves as personal envoy to Pope Pius XII. He is acknowledged officially as American Ambassador to Rome by Rome in 1940.

1941-1945- In 1941 “Wild Bill” Donovan, Knight of Malta, is appointed Coordinator of Information. He meets with General P. N. Fitin, head of the Soviet external military intelligence service, and General A. P. Ossipov to join the American OSS with the Russian NKGB.89 Thus, international intelligence and espionage comes into its own. In July 1944, Pope Pius XII, awarded Donovan the Knight Grand Cross of the Order of St. Sylvester.

1939-1945- WW2 The 20th Century Inquisition. Jews prepared for their Land.

The Jesuits, with their Knights of Malta on Wall Street, along with the Federal Reserve Bank, financed Adolf Hitler and brought him to power. Charles Higham says,

“Joseph J. Larkin resembled [Senator Nelson] Aldrich in his immaculate tailoring, perfect manners, austere deportment, and in his dedication to The Fraternity. A distinguished member of a Roman Catholic family, he had received the Order of the Grand Cross of

89 See Wild Bill Donovan by Douglas Walter, 223

142 the Knights of Malta from Pope Pius XI in 1928. He was an ardent supporter of General Franco and, by natural extension, Hitler.”90 and again,

“On May 3, 1941, J. Edgar Hoover sent a memorandum to Roosevelt’s secretary, Major General Watson which read as follows:

‘Information has been received at this Bureau from a source that is socially prominent and known to be in touch with some of the people involved, but for whom we cannot vouch, to the effect that Joseph P. Kennedy, the former Ambassador to England, and Ben Smith, the Wall Street operator some time in the past had a meeting with Goering in Vichy, France and that thereafter Kennedy and Smith had donated a considerable amount of money to the German cause.’ ”91

H. S. Kenan says,

“Immense sums belonging to our national-bank depositors have been given to Germany on no collateral security whatever . . . Billions upon billions of our money has been pumped into Germany by the Federal Reserve Board and the Federal Reserve Banks . . . On April 27, 1932, the Federal Reserve outfit sent $750,000, belonging to American bank depositors, in gold to Germany. A week later, another $300,000 in gold was shipped to Germany in the same way. About the middle of May $12,000,000 in gold was shipped to Germany by the Federal Reserve

90 Higham, Charles, Trading with the Enemy, (New York: Dell Publishing Co., 1983), 42 91 Ibid., 204

143 banks. Almost every week there is a shipment of gold to Germany.”92 [The Jews financed their own Genocide?-DS]

Evidence that the Nazis and the Catholic Church were the closest of confederates:

1. The Third Reich was the open continuation of the Holy Roman Empire.

2. Franz von Papen declared on January 14, 1934, in Der Völkischer Beobachter:

“The Third Reich is the first power which not only recognizes, but which puts into practice the high principles of the papacy.”93

3. The Reichskonkordat.

4. Speaking of “The Night of the Long Knives”,

“Otto Strasser labeled it the German Saint Bartholomew.”94

5. Hitler’s Operation Barbarossa. Why did he name that invasion after a Catholic medieval Holy Roman Emperor?

6. When the Ustase, puppets of the Nazis, came into power, led by Ante Pavelić, in Croatia all non-catholics were either exterminated or forcefully converted to Catholicism. See the Glina massacres.

7. Informaciones, a Spanish Publication wrote in 1945,

92 Kenan, H. S., The Federal Reserve Bank, (Los Angeles; California: The Noontide Press, 1968; originally published in 1966), 158 93 Van Paassen, Pierre, Days of Our Years, 465, FN 8 94 Maracin, Paul R., The Night of the Long Knives, 193

144 “Adolf Hitler, son of the Catholic Church, has died defending Christianity.”95

8. Frauenkirche, Nuremberg where Hitler continued to glory in the Catholic Church.

9. Hitler referred to Himmler as, “My Ignatius of Loyola”.96

10. Josef Mengele, the Nazi “Angel of Death”, was a Catholic. Holocaust Politics by Professor John K. Roth, page 108 states,

“Despite rebelling against his strict religious upbringing, Mengele identified himself as a Catholic.”

11. Roman Catholic Priest, Jozef Tiso,

95 Pike, David Wingeate, Franco and the Axis Stigma, 128 96 Höhne, Heinz, The Order of the Death’s head, 144


“Catholicism and Nazism” he says, “have much in common and they work hand in-hand to reform the world.”97

By the way Que Bene? Who benefits? During the Battle of Britain, the Protestant city of Coventry was devastated on November 14, 1940 by Luftwaffe bombers.98 Moreover, the famous German Protestant city of Dresden was destroyed during WWII, all to the benefit of the Papacy.

During the War, effort was clearly made to make sure the War continued and as many White Protestant Heretics and Jews were killed as possible. Churchill failed to protect Norway during the Norwegian campaign, and allowed Germany to obtain the valuable iron ore. He also led a very costly campaign in Italy proposing a strategy that cost more materials and lives than in any western campaign.

The treatment of General Patton is well known as he complained of the mysterious orders he received during his campaigns. Douglas Bazata was asked to kill Patton by William Donovan himself because Patton resisted the Morgenthau Plan.99

1940- The illustrious influence of Cardinal Spellman begins with FDR in 1940. FDR was an Episcopalian, historic enemies of American and English and Scottish Calvinists.100

FDR would offer Cardinal Spellman a high ranking intelligence position exalting him above any religious figure in American history,

97 Paris, Edmond, The Vatican Against Europe, 157 98 Yogt, Hannah, The Burden of Guilt: A Short History of Germany (New York: Oxford University Press, 1964) 269 99 Robert K. Wilcox, Target: Patton: The Plot to Assassinate General George S. Patton, 50 100 See Solemn League and Covenant on Prelacy.

146 “Spellman was offered an unprecedented opportunity by Roosevelt that would necessitate leaving his archdiocese for months on end. . . . The astounding proposal Roosevelt put forth was that Spellman act as a clandestine agent for him in the four corners of the world. It would be the archbishop’s job to contact chiefs of state in the Middle East, Europe, Asia, and Africa. He would carry messages for the President . . . and act as Roosevelt’s eyes and ears. . . . the President offered him an opportunity to wield more power than any other American religious figure had ever had. Spellman would move as an equal among the greatest figures on the world political stage. . . But few people were certain about what the archbishop did during his far- flung travels. His clandestine work raised questions at home about the role of a religious figure involved deeply in governmental affairs”.101

101 John Cooney, The American Pope, (New York: Times Books, 1984) 124-125


Winston Churchill in 1946,

Spellman was also close to Douglas MacArthur.

148 1941-1951- General Douglas Macarthur, a Roman Catholic that hardly went to church but intensely supportive of the Papacy conquers Japan and occupies it under the guidance of his Jesuit Master Edmund A. Walsh who accompanied MacArthur at the International Military Tribunal for the Far East (1947-48). This conquest was fueled by the secret collusion between Hirohito Tojo and Roosevelt’s December 7, 1941 Pearl Harbor conspiracy. Tojo’s Japanese fleet bombed Pearl Harbor, creating a war-fury across America. This provided all the support Macarthur and the Papacy needed to revisit their old nemesis Japan who had expelled them numerous times in centuries past. With their newly acquired American War-machine funded by their Federal Reserve system they had implemented in 1913, they were unstoppable.

Is it not also interesting that Jesuits, one of which was Hubert Schiffer survived the Hiroshima bombing claiming a miracle of the Virgin Mary?

1942-1946- The Manhattan Project seeks to develop nuclear technology to provide a threat so great to mankind that all nations would cooperate with the United Nations in creating a global jurisdiction capable of regulating its use. There is no doubt the Jesuits were involved. In an article, WWJ, A Jesuit And The Bomb by Jeffrey Mcqueen, at his daughter’s website we read:

“Mike was employed by the FEA to locate strategic minerals in India, especially beryllium, a key element required for the detonation of a nuclear bomb . . .Family members tell me that Father Mike was in the United States in 1945, to participate in the first A-bomb test at the Trinity site in Los Alamos, New Mexico.”102

1945- Alfred E. Smith who was the first Catholic Presidential Candidate in the United States died and since this year the

102 http://members.optusnet.com.au/~lyonsfab/article_jeffrey.htm

149 Presidential Candidates of the United States meet with Roman Catholic Cardinals at a dinner called Alfred E. Smith memorial Foundation Dinner. Here the Cardinal from New York gloats as his next political slaves eat with him sitting right in the middle of them.

1948- Harry Truman, issued Executive Order 9981, in July 1948, desegregating and requiring equal opportunity in the Armed Forces. Truman is the awarded The Sword of Ignatius Loyola in 1966.

1949- Operation Paperclip brings Nazis into the US to build up NASA.103

1949- Jesuit Georges Lemaître’s Big Bang Theory announced further developing the scientific foundation of the New Age Movement.

1950s- Age of white Protestant guilt begins; genocide of white civilization usurped by black cultural supremacy.

1950s- Catholic Bishop Fulton Sheen wins the heart of America with his show Life is Worth Living.

1950s and 60s- The era of the games commences. The modern sports culture was created by gentile Bonesmen and Freemasons not Jews. The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion, Protocol Number 13 declares:

“In order that the masses themselves may not guess what they are about, we further distract them with amusements, games, pastimes, passions, people’s palaces . . . Soon we shall begin through the press to propose competitions in art, in sport of all kinds: these interests will finally distract their minds . . .”

103http://www.archives.gov/iwg/declassified-records/rg-330-defense- secretary/


Walter Camp the father of modern football was a Gentile of Dutch and North German decent, and he was also Skull and Bones. Naismith, the father of American basketball was a freemason.104

Walt Disney, was a 33rd Degree Freemason and youth Demolay. Jesuit Leo J. O’Donovan, was on the seventeen-member board of directors of the Walt Disney Company from 1996 to 1998.

1954-1962- Scumbag, antichrist, Freemason servant of the devil Justice Earl Warren leads the destruction of our identity as a people in Brown v. Board of Education and Engel v. Vitale, affirming racial integration and the removal of corporate prayer from the public schools. Accursed be his name.

1955- The American Civil Rights Movement begins fathered by Jesuit John Lafarge Jr.

1955- The Vietnam War begins. Vietnam was ruled by a Roman Catholic to exterminate Buddhism named Ngo Dinh Diem.

1955- The Jesuit Pierre Teilhard de Chardin’s The Phenomenon of Man is published. The work was a mystical synthesis of Christianity and Darwinism laying the foundations for the New Age Movement. In order to do this, Teilhard had to make extreme departures from traditional interpretations of Scripture, especially the book of Genesis. Vatican II was highly influenced by Jesuit Pierre Teilhard de Chardin. The Politics of Heresy: The Modernist Crisis in Roman Catholicism by Lester R. Kurtz states on page 182,

“Teilhard de Chardin [Jesuit] may be the one demonstrably explicit link between the modernists and developments at Vatican II, in that he was a close colleague and friend of Edouard Leroy.”

104 http://freemasonry.bcy.ca/biography/naismith_j/naismith_j.html


These events are followed by extreme religious apostasy and outright chaos. This was catalogued in Charismatic Chaos by John MacArthur.

1957- Forced integration of Little Rock High School.

1959- Atheist, Fidel Castro, is a Cuban revolutionary and politician. He was Prime Minister of Cuba from 1959 to 1976, and then President from 1976 to 2008. Along with Mao Zedong, he was highly influenced by the Marx-Leninist tradition. Though born and baptized Roman Catholic and trained by Jesuits, he became an Atheist. (See the pattern?)The Cuban Revolution was an armed revolt by Fidel Castro. Castro moved against the regime of Cuban dictator Fulgencio Batista between 1953 and 1959. Batista was ousted on January 1, 1959. Castro then led a replacement government. Castro reformed his government along communist lines and became the Communist Party of Cuba in October 1965. In 1961 the government was officially declared to be atheist. Castro’s regime is still being investigated but estimates count over 30, 000 people murdered under his regime. EJP maintains that Cuba will be a staging point for a future Chinese invasion into the U.S.

1959- NASA claims it landed on the moon. Many believe them to be lying.

1962- Vatican II and the Sedevecantist debate begins. Along with Teilhard, Cardinal Augustin Bea (Jesuit) was a driving force behind Vatican 2 and the Anti-Defamation League named its Interfaith Award after Bea. Bea was the confessor of Pope Pius XII.

1962- Knight of Malta Nelson Mandela is imprisoned.

1960s and 1970s- Liberals hijack the late 19th Century Southern Platform of Southern Farming Interests against the encroachment of Yankee Capitalism and Industrialism with the American

152 Environmental movement in order to justify Globalism and to suppress the original Southern Pre-Industrial Narrative.

1963- Assassination of JFK. JFK under the direction of Pope John XXIII recoiled from a War posture. Under the direction of War Crazed Cardinal Spellman and his system of international intelligence, JFK is assassinated for threatening the CIA and the Vietnam War.

"Kennedy did fail in his attempt to gain full control of the CIA and its major partners in the Defense Department. It was the most crucial failure of his abbreviated presidency. He recognized his adversary during his first term, and as he related confidentially to intimate acquaintances, 'When I am reelected, I am going to break that agency into a thousand pieces.' He meant to do it too, but the struggle cost him his life."105

Vatican II was no doubt justification for the end of anti- Catholicism in America during the reign of JFK, a Catholic President. Not a coincidence.

1964- Francis Joseph, Cardinal Spellman (1889-1967) supports Lyndon B. Johnson (Pro-War) in the presidential election.

LBJ requested to send priests to the Dominican Republic to pacify anti-American sentiments following the invasion of 1965; Spellman agreed. Spellman was a strong supporter of the Vietnam War, to the extent that the war was named after him, i.e. "Spelly's War". He even referred to the War as “Christ’s war against the Vietcong and the people of North Vietnam.”106 His war mongering crusade was an international

105 L. Fletcher Prouty, Jesse Ventura, and Oliver Stone, JFK: The CIA, Vietnam, and the Plot to Assassinate John F. Kennedy, 154 106 John Cooney, The American Pope: The Life and Times of Francis Cardinal Spellman

153 scandal even within the Roman Catholic Church itself. EJP affirms that between 1942-1945 he was involved in the Operation Underworld-Luciano project. The American Government’s ONI-Office of Naval Intelligence (Same Organization involved with the Kennedy Assassination) worked with Luciano to protect New York Harbor, and it was Spellman who orchestrated Luciano’s release from prison. Martin Lee says,

“In the early 1940’s, Spellman served as an intermediary in secret negotiations between the Roosevelt White House and high-level organized crime figures in what came to be known as “Operation Underworld.” FDR promised to release mob chief Lucky Luciano from prison if the Mafia could guarantee the protection of American ships based on the eastern seaboard that were vulnerable to German attack. Spellman turned to his mob contacts in New York to arrange the deal after seeking permission from Pope Pius XII [the Jesuits controlling the Mob, which inturn controlled the Longshoremen]. He went on to serve as Pope Pius’ right arm and was a staunch supporter of U.S. military involvement in Vietnam [for the same reasons Edward Cardinal Egan supports the US led War on Islamic Terror secretly controlled by the CIA with its opposite number, the CIA/Saudi-financed Al Qaeda Terrorist Network].”107

1964- Vatican II renounces the Anti-Semitic principle that the Jews are guilty of Deicide. Nostra Aetate: A Milestone by Pier Francesco Fumagalli states,

107 Martin Lee, “Who are the Knights of Malta”, National Catholic Reporter, October 14, 1983, quoted in EJP’s, Vatican Assassins (2011) pg. 1402

154 “Finally, two points are repudiated which in the past were the roots of persecution: the accusation that the Jewish people were collectively and forever responsible of the death of Christ (the so-called deicide) and anti- Semitism.”108

1964- Knight of Malta Nelson Mandela, along with seven other coadjutants were sentenced to life in prison for terrorism.

1964- Formation of the Great Society.

1964- Gulf of Tonkin a false flag justifies the Vietnam War.

1964- Martin Luther King, grand-student of Jesuit John Lafarge Jr., wins the Nobel Prize.

1965- Malcolm X is assassinated by the Nation of Islam. Louis Farrakhan admits sharing the guilt.109

1965- Lyndon B. Johnson meets with the Pope on American soil. The first time a US President did this.

1965- Pope Paul VI justifies the United Nations in his Pastoral Constitution On The Church In The Modern World, December 7, 1965,

“It is our clear duty, therefore, to strain every muscle in working for the time when all war can be completely outlawed by international consent. This goal undoubtedly requires the establishment of some universal public authority acknowledged as such by all and endowed with the power to safeguard on the behalf of all, security, regard for justice, and respect for rights.”

108http://www.vatican.va/jubilee_2000/magazine/documents/ju_mag_0 1111997_p-31_en.html 109 http://www.cbsnews.com/news/farrakhan-admission-on-malcolm-x/


1965- Civil Rights Legislation removes previous Pro-British- Protestant Legislation opening the doors for a flood of Catholics from Eastern and Southern Europe, previously barred, to immigrate to America and provide the Catholic Church a more powerful demographic presence. The mentor of A. Philip Randolph was a Jesuit priest named John Lafarge Jr. One can even see today that the dominant Liberation Theology taught in Liberal seminaries comes from Gustavo Gutiérrez, a Jesuit trained Domincan monk. His Jesuit instructor was a Frenchman named Henri de Lubac. Moreover, The Immigration Act of 1924 (The Johnson-Reed Act), was intended to preserve the British Protestant identity of our country. The U.S. Dept. of State admits,

“As a result, the percentage of visas available to individuals from the British Isles and Western Europe increased, but newer immigration from other areas like Southern and Eastern Europe was limited.”110

This was to limit Roman Catholics and Eastern Orthodox people from coming here. But you guessed it, the 1965 Civil Rights Act abolished these protections. Immigration Policy in the United States, February 2006, by the Congress of the United States, states,

“During World War I, immigration levels were relatively low. However, when mass immigration resumed after the war, quantitative restrictions were introduced. The Congress established a new immigration policy: a national-origins quota system, enacted as part of the Quota Law in 1921 and revised in 1924…The Immigration and Nationality Act

110 http://history.state.gov/milestones/1921-1936/immigration-act

156 Amendments of 1965 abolished the national- origins quota system”.111

Here we see, Jesuits John Lafarge Jr. and Catholic Priest Theodore Hesburgh, influential member of the United States Civil Rights Commission, working for the Genocide of the original Anglo and Celtic Protestant population.

1966- The National Organization for Women is formed.

1967- Affirmative Action Legislation is passed.

1969- Jesuit Teilhard De Chardin’s New Age Movement explodes with Woodstock.

1970-1977- Henry Cabot Lodge, Jr. – Serves as personal envoy to the Roman “Holy See” under President Nixon.

1971- Charles Manson convicted in Helter Skelter plot, which we are now recognizing to be true.

1971- War On Drugs is enacted.

1973- Roe V. Wade, Sexual Revolution hoax in full force.112 Demographic Genocide of the British Protestant people is now possible to be accomplished internally and without outright war if only the women can be turned against their men.

1975- Bill Gates creates Microsoft; information age parallels age of games.

1976- Steve Jobs creates Apple; information age parallels age of games.

111http://www.cbo.gov/sites/default/files/cbofiles/ftpdocs/70xx/doc7051 /02-28-immigration.pdf 112 See my Thomas Jefferson Was Wrong, Chapter III. V and the documentary The Kinsey Syndrome

157 1979- US Dept. of Education is formed. Feminism will be continually buttressed in order to keep mom at work so the children can be reconstructed in the public schools now divorced from the Bible and Prayer.

1979- Beginning of the embarrassing and ignorant Moral Majority Movement.

1979- Iranian Revolution creates energy crisis in America.

1979- Jimmy Carter meets with the Pope at the White House.

1986- Ronald Reagan signs Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986 providing for mass immigration and Amnesty in America. The Republican Party will continue to use the platform of aiding their Yankee Capitalist masters by providing for them plenty of cheap labor, at the expense of the British Protestant people. Thus, Industrialism has inherent within itself a need for the Demographic Displacement of the Southern People.

1986- Pope John Paul II organized the first World Day of Prayer for Peace at the Basilica of San Francesco d'Assisi, Italy, on October 27, 1986. There were 160 religious leaders present spending the day with fasting and praying to their gods. Under the Pope’s leadership, Hindus, Sikhists, Buddhists, Jews, Moslems, Animists, and other pagans communed in religious worship together under Papal guidance. This meeting was vital to the growth of the Roman lead ecumenical movement.

1986- Iran Contra Affair. Reagan and CIA implicated.

1989- Fall of Communism.

1990- Mandela is released from prison.

1991- Operation Desert Storm

1991- Freemason President Bush proclaims coming of the New World Order.

158 1992- L.A. Riots. Helter Skelter is developing.

1994- Fall of Apartheid. South Africa becomes the murder and rape capital of the world.113

1995- Oklahoma City Bombing.

1995-2011- The Sexual Abuse scandals are put into the public eye. Though these scandals have been happening for over 70 years in the United States, it was not until the late 90s that they came to the forefront of American media. In 2009 the Roman Catholic Church has been sued for 2.6 billion dollars in court cases involving sexual abuse of children at the hands of Catholic clergy. The Catholic Church doesn’t even defend itself. It simply settles these cases for fear of investigation. I am proud to say that a Lawyer Wiliam McMurry who runs an office here in Louisville, KY filed suit against the Vatican for covering up and protecting Abusive priests. McMurry has also pointed out clear connections between the US Government and the Vatican. The US Government is clearly protecting the Vatican concerning these lawsuits. Peter Smith from the Courier-Journal says,

"McMurry is arguing that the sovereign immunities act violates the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution because it gives "a blatant 'special favor' that benefits one, and only one, religion: the Roman Catholic Church." (See the Website For McMurry and Associates- “The Catholic Cases”)

McMurry and Associates sued the Archdiocese of Louisville, which settled for over 25 million dollars.

1999- It is revealed through the South African Post office, in commemoration of the 900th Anniversary of The Order of Saint John, that Mandela is indeed a member of the Knights of Malta.

113 The United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime Homicide Statistics 2012.

159 The South African Post office issued a stamp with Mandela's image in full uniform.

2000-2001- Jesuit trained (Georgetown University) Bill Clinton argues China into the World Trade Organization, substantially crippling the Industry of British Protestant America.114

2001- The World trade center is attacked in a false flag operation on September, 11. The USA Patriot Act is signed into law on October 26, 2001 by President George W. Bush citing the attacks as justification for revision to the rights of Americans. The Patriot Act was written by Viet D. Dinh, a Roman Catholic lawyer who taught at Jesuit Georgetown University. He served as an Assistant Attorney General of the United States from 2001 to 2003.

Cui bono?

The Patriot Acts is notorious for its contradictions with the 4th Amendment. It was admitted by U.S. Representative Jim McDermott, that the bill was not even read by the Senate before

114 See the Documentary Death by China.

160 it passed. Now the justification for a full blown Holy War against the Muslims in the Middle East is achieved. This is nothing new. The Christian Magistrate Ladislaus was deceived into going to War with the Muslims by Roman Catholic Cardinal Caesarini. Martin Luther says in his, To the Christian Nobility of the German Nation,

“In our own history, a hundred years ago, that fine King of Hungary and Poland, Ladislaus, was tragically slain by the Turk along with so many of his people because he allowed himself to be led astray by the papal legate and cardinal and broke the good and advantageous treaty and solemn agreement he had made with the Turk…[FN 174] Ladislaus III, king of Poland (1424-1444), and as Uladislaus I, king of Hungary (1440-1444), forced the Sultan to sue for peace in 1443. The papal legate, Cardinal Caesarini, absolved the king from fulfilling the treaty’s conditions. Ladislaus renewed the war and at the battle of Varna, 1444, the Hungarians were decisively defeated and Ladislaus and Caesarini both killed.”115

Whenever you hear war propaganda against Muslims from a Christian, you better question the motivation. Aggressive war against Muslims is Roman Catholic Foreign Policy. Even now, our government is trying to deceive our country into going to war again with the Iranians.

2001- Invasion of Afghanistan.

2003- Invasion of Iraq.

The Jesuits were expelled from Baghdad College in the late 60s.

115 Martin Luther Three Treatises, 86

161 “In 1968, following a bloody coup d’état in August by the Baath Socialist Party, both schools were nationalized, and all 61 Jesuits were expelled. On Nov. 25 the 28 Al Hikma Jesuits were given five days to leave the country. Baghdad College was nationalized the following August with no reason given and no compensation offered. The Baath Socialist government, whose ideology prohibited private education, confiscated the Jesuits’ property of 195 acres with 15 major buildings, including the contents of two libraries and seven very modern laboratories. No one was in a position to protest these expulsions, because of the atmosphere of terror created by the Baath. ”116

The Baaths were a nationalist party that resisted the Jesuit order. Afghanistan was probably about opium.117

2008- The Financial Crash overseen by Roman Catholics not Jews.

The current majority controllers of the Banking power are also not Jews with a couple exceptions. When the recent recession hit in 2008, nine big banks received bailouts. We read in the Business Insider:

“Well, now we know why the heads of the nine families were summoned to Washington today: To have capital shoved down their throats. The Treasury will be taking preferred equity stakes in nine big banks, the WSJ says, despite the fact that many didn't want the money:

116 http://americamagazine.org/issue/435/article/jesuits-baghdad-1932- 69 117 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1kqbZy3EAmc

162  Goldman Sachs (GS), $10 billion  Morgan Stanley (MS), $10 billion  J.P. Morgan (JPM), $25 billion  Bank of America (BAC) $25 billion  Citigroup (C), $25 billion  Wells Fargo & Co. (WFC), $20-$25 billion  Bank of New York Mellon (BNY), $2- $3 billion  State Street, $2-$3 billion”118

Let us begin with Goldman Sachs. It is true that Goldman Sachs is dominated by Jews. However, let us consider a very powerful, Roman Catholic, Knight of Malta businessman Geoffrey T. Boisi. This man was senior partner at Goldman Sachs where he served for 22 years! He is a Roman Catholic and was Jesuit trained at Boston College.119 And in his biography at the Carnegie Corporation of New York we read that he is a Knight of Malta.

Next we have the infamous Peter Sutherland, the chairman of Goldman Sachs International, who is an open Roman Catholic and was named as one of the most influential Catholics in the UK. As we read in the Irish News,

“The chairman of BP and Goldman Sachs International was named as the fourth most influential Catholic in the UK by the Catholic weekly The Tablet.”120

118 http://www.businessinsider.com/2008/10/treasury-seizing-stakes-in- nine-big-banks 119http://www.bc.edu/content/bc/centers/boisi/publicevents/s10/event2. html 120 http://www.independent.ie/irish-news/sutherland-one-of-uks- leading-catholics-26409722.html#sthash.wLa7hbN2.dpuf

163 As for Morgan Stanley, James P. Gorman is Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Morgan Stanley. He was also Jesuit educated at Xavier College.121

The Bank of America has deep roots in Catholicism. The CEO of Bank of America is an open Roman Catholic and Jesuit trained at Notre Dame, Brian Moynihan. What is interesting is that Bank of America had both Lehman Brothers and Meril Lynch on que to financially rescue from the impending recession. Catholic Meril Lynch was supported while the Jewish firm Lehman brothers was left to die.122 Why is that? I maintain that Merill Lynch was saved because it is known as the Catholic firm on wallstreet.123 The last chairman and chief executive officer of Merrill Lynch was John Thain, who is well known for his support of the Catholic Church. 124

As for JP Morgan Chase, JP Morgan was a white gentile and it is alleged that he was a member of the Catholic Order of Saints Maurice and Lazarus. The CEO of JP Morgan Chase is Jamie Dimon who is a Greek Eastern Orthodox man. Chris Lowney, a previous Jesuit initiate and Roman Catholic, served JP Morgan as managing director.125

As for Citigroup, Citigroup’s chairman is a white Irishman named Michael E. O’neill and Citigroup’ s CEO is another white gentile name Michael Corbat (CEO). Moreover, the former chairman was a Georgetown Univ., Jesuit educated man named Charles Prince.

121 http://www.businessinsider.com/quirky-tidbits-and-facts-about-the- life-of-morgan-stanley-ceo-james-gorman-2012-2?op=1 122http://www.nytimes.com/2008/09/15/business/15lehman.html?pagew anted=all&_r=1& 123 Stewart, James B., Den of Thieves, 26 124 http://www.catholiccharitiesny.org/news-and-events/catholic- charities-in-the-news/index.cfm?i=32449&y=2014 125 http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2013/12/15/a-catholic-ex- banker-on-pope-francis-s-radical-views.html

164 As for Wells Fargo, John G. Stumpf, is the current chairman and CEO of Wells Fargo. He is a white German.

As for the Bank of New York Mellon, Robert P. Kelly, is the former CEO of The Bank of New York Mellon. Robert Kelly grew up in Nova Scotia, and went to the Jesuit run Roman Catholic university of Saint Mary's University in Halifax. Succeeding Kelly is a man who worked under him, Gerald L. Hassell.126

As for State Street, State Street’s Chairman, President and Chief Executive Officer is a white gentile name Joseph L. Hooley who was Jesuit trained at Boston College.

“a trustee of the board of Boston College. He is chairman of the Boston College Center for Asset Management and a member of The Boston Club’s Corporate Advisory Board, which is focused on identifying and recommending qualified women candidates for openings on corporate boards. Mr. Hooley is a board member of the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston and is also a member of the Financial Services Forum in Washington, DC, a non-partisan financial and economic policy organization comprising the chief executive officers of 20 of the largest and most diversified financial services institutions doing business in the United States. He received his Bachelor of Science degree from Boston College.”127

Moreover, the leaders of the European Union, Herman Van Rompuy and José Manuel Barroso are both gentile Roman Catholics.

126 https://www.bnymellon.com/us/en/our- thinking/foresight/experts/hassell.jsp 127 http://www.cvent.com/events/state-street-s-north-american- consultant-conference-2014/custom-18- 396f04ae2f904e0f982c80ce1627c0c0.aspx


The modern banking system was created by the white gentile Catholic Renaissance.128 You cannot blame the Jews if you are involved with usury as well.

Next consider, the Federal Reserve Bank: Richard Syron, of the Boston Fed who served for a time as special assistant to Volcker, suggested that the institutional temperament and structure of the Federal Reserve system most resembled the Catholic Church, in which he had been raised,.

“The System is just like the Church. That's probably why I feel so comfortable with it. It's got a pope, the chairman, and a college of cardinals, the governors. And bank presidents. And a curia, the senior staff. The equivalent of the laity is the commercial banks. If you're a naughty parishioner in the Catholic Church, you come to confession. In this system, if you're naughty, you come to the Discount window for a loan. We even have different orders of religious thought like Jesuits and Franciscans and Dominicans only we call them pragmatists and monetarists and neo-Keynesians.”129

One of the most influential people who helped bring Woodrow Wilson into power was Roman Catholic Thomas Fortune Ryan.

Moreover, the recent presidents of the Fed have been white Catholic or Jesuit trained men such as Gerald Corrigan and William J. McDonough.

Next and most important of all is the “Emergency Banking Relief Act”, an amendment to the notorious World War I Statute the “Trading With the Enemy Act” of October 6, 1917, (12 USC

128 Niall Ferguson, The Ascent of Money: A Financial History of the World 129 Greider, William, Secrets of the Temple: How the Federal Reserve Runs the Country, 54

166 95b) approving and confirming Proclamation 2040. This was overseen by white Gentile Episcopalisn, FDR. As we have already seen, the American Federal Reserve Bank funded Hitler. It is completely absurd to assert that the Jews, supposedly in control of the Federal Reserve Bank funded their own Genocide.

2009- Jesuit student Barack Obama becomes the first Black President of the United States. Helter Skelter is escalated. Greg Galluzo was a previous Jesuit priest and mentored President Obama, as documented by Chicago Magazine,

“It has now been more than four years since Barack Obama threw an arm around Gregory Galluzzo in Iowa and confided that whenever anybody asked how his presidential campaign had so quickly assembled its grass-roots operation, he would credit Galluzzo’s mentorship. A former Jesuit priest who’d been drawn to Chicago by the work of Saul Alinsky, the father of community organizing, Galluzzo had good reason to feel proud: He was indirectly responsible for bringing young Barack Obama to Chicago to be an organizer. ”130

2011- Decorated Journalist Seymour Hersh exposes the Knights of Malta involvement in current and previous administrations in a speech delivered at Georgetown University January 17, 2011. See Transcript: the Obama/Bush Foreign Policies; Why Can’t America Change? at the Foreign Policy Blog.

2014- With the cases of Trayvon Martin, Michael Brown, Eric Garner, and Freddie Gray, Helter Skelter is full blown. The platform for an American Nazi Party is set.

Make no mistake dear reader; the Roman Church has overthrown our government and is in control of many others. May we strive

130 http://www.chicagomag.com/Chicago-Magazine/April-2011/The- End-of-Community-Organizing-in-Chicago/

167 to erect true Protestant Churches that the world would have a place to turn after the Pope’s future failed world empire. For after this short season of suffering, there shall be ushered in a Golden Age upon the earth like nothing the world has ever seen. Righteousness will spread from sea to sea and from shore to shore and all nations shall serve the One True God, Yah. Until that day, may we hold fast to the tree. I have written this treatise among many other reasons, to support the position that the Roman Catholic Church should be completely removed from our country and forever made illegal. I also affirm that the only religion capable of sustaining a unified society of people willing to fight for its nation and keep the Roman religion at bay is the Messianic Nazarane Protestant Faith. The First Amendment of the United States should be repealed and the Nazarene Faith Established.

Conclusion and a Motion to Encourage

I would end this timeline with a word of encouragement. We are already in a state of complete chaos in this country. Our social structure is collapsed. Religion has been ground to dust and the public morale is utterly savage. We are faced with total chaos in the near future. Yah must judge us as a people for our apostasy and wickedness. But we must pray he preserve a remnant. We are faced with insurmountable odds, but let us consider some facts of history:

Our English Protestant Ancestors were overwhelmed when faced with the Spanish Armada but they prevailed.

Gustavus Adolphus was overwhelmed in the 30 Years War but he prevailed.

Oliver Cromwell was overwhelmed against King Charles I, but he prevailed.

William of Orange was overwhelmed when he drew the sword against the Order’s King Philip II of Spain and he prevailed.


The Boers were overwhelmed and they prevailed.

The Covenanters for Scottish liberty were overwhelmed against King Charles but prevailed defeating Montrose.

Our ancestors here in America were overwhelmed by the English Military and King George III but they prevailed.

May we take up faith and cause to create a new community under the original Nazarene Faith that our people may be preserved in blood and in faith to the glory of Elohim and his Son Yeshua.
