NEWSLETTER ILO Decent Work Technical Support Team and Country Offi ce for Eastern Europe and Central Asia

#3(50) September 2012 Moscow to host high-level international conference on decent work in December On December 11-12 Moscow will host a high- The conference is expected to gather around The conference will be unveiled by a plenary level international conference on decent work. 800 delegates, including heads of govern- session on social challenges to the economic The decent work concept formulated and ment, governmental offi cials, representatives growth that will focus on the infl uence exerted actively promoted by the International Labour of trade unions and employers’ associa- by the labour market globalization processes Organization is widely refl ected in social and tions from 80 countries and 16 international on labour standards, fl exibility of the labour economic strategies of its constituents and organizations. market and workers’ rights. becomes an integral part of the agenda of Panel discussions will be devoted to such international organizations and forums. Lyubov Yeltsova: issues as the role of labour standards and “The conference will make a signifi cant con- their infl uence on the economic growth; the tribution to practical implementation of the “The conference will creation of adaptive labour markets and pro- decent work concept and will create a plat- make a signifi cant tection of workers’ rights; safe and protected form for extensive discussion and exchange workplaces; proper social protection of work- of experience among specialists directly contribution to practical ers in the post-crisis economic recovery. They involved in resolving social issues,” ’s will also focus on demographic trends and Deputy Minister of Labour and Social Protec- implementation of the effective regulation of labour migration to tion, Lyubov Yeltsova, said. ensure a balance on the labour market; youth decent work concept and employment promotion and job encourage- “It is important that this will be a tripartite ment through entrepreneurship develop- dialogue engaging governments, trade unions will create a platform for ment and expansion of small and medium and employers,” she added. “It is planned that extensive discussion and businesses. delegates will develop coordinated policy pa- pers that will be used at the global level.” exchange of experience.” Source: The Russian Federation – making a major step forward for seafarers’ decent work commitment to ensuring decent work for and practices. We would like to express our seafarers and a level playing fi eld for quality readiness to continue our work with the ILO shipowners. in improving standards of labour and employ- Lebedev stated: “Submitting the instruments ment,” he said. of ratifi cations of the ILO’s Protection of In receiving the instrument of ratifi cation, Workers’ Claims (Employer’s Insolvency) Con- Juan Somavia commented: “I am very pleased vention, 1992 (No. 173) and Maritime Labour to have received the ratifi cations by the Rus- Convention, 2006, I would like to stress that sian Federation. This will be truly signifi cant the Russian Federation is pleased to ratify in helping ensure the global reach of the them. This is really a signifi cant step forward Maritime Labour Convention, 2006 – the to promote unifi cation and modernization “seafarers’ bill of rights”. Russia’s ratifi cation On 20 August Mikhail Lebedev, Deputy of international labour standards and further is important to the success of the MLC, 2006 Permanent Representative of the Russian development of the international system of considering that it is one of the world’s major Federation to the United Nations Offi ce and supervisory mechanisms.” Continued on Page 2 other International Organizations in Geneva, “Moreover, we are pleased to be the 29th deposited the instruments of ratifi cation country whose instrument of ratifi cation en- of the Maritime Labour Convention, 2006 ables the entry into force of the MLC, 2006. (MLC, 2006) and Protection of Workers’ This document unites modern standards of Claims (Employer’s Insolvency) Conven- existing Conventions and Recommendations tion, 1992 (No. 173) with Juan Somavia, on maritime labour as well as the fundamental Director-General of the ILO. principles contained in other international The ratifi cation of the MLC, 2006 means that Conventions concerning the world of work. the Russian Federation, as the 29th registered We believe that the MLC, 2006 which is revis- ratifi cation of the MLC, 2006, is among the ing and at the same time updating 37 existing “fi rst 30” ILO members to demonstrate their ILO Conventions combines the best standards Newsletter #3(50) September 2012

The Russian Federation – making a major step forward for seafarers’ decent work Continued from Page 1 Russian, and supporting extensive training the Russian Maritime Register of Shipping. It maritime powers in the capacity of fl ag State, for its maritime labour inspectors. It is also has a long and well-known maritime tradition port State and a State providing foreign ships very important to the overall objectives of the and is a major source of the world’s highly with seafarers.” MLC, 2006 – decent work for seafarers and a trained seafaring force, particularly with exper- level-playing fi eld for quality shipowners tise in the challenges posed by voyages in the – that the Russian Federation also took northern seas. Approximately 69,000 Russian the important step a few years ago to nationals are serving on board ships fl ying the ratify the Seafarers’ Identity Documents Russian fl ag and 31,000 Russian nationals are Convention (Revised), 2003 (No.185),” serving on board foreign fl ag ships. As a large he said. coastal State bordering on northern, southern Igor Kovalchuk, First Deputy Chairman, and the Pacifi c oceans, it is a very infl uential Seafarers’ Union of Russia, stated: «Rus- port State, with membership in the three ma- sian seafarers have been looking forward jor regional port State control Memorandums to this moment. The Seafarers’ Union of Agreement (the Black Sea MoU, the Tokyo of Russia will do everything possible in MoU and the Paris MoU). order to effectively use the remaining 12 The MLC, 2006, will come into force 12 months before the Convention comes months after ratifi cation by 30 ILO member into force - to adjust the Russian legisla- States, representing a total share of at least 33 tion, identify competent authorities and percent of the world’s gross tonnage of ships. “Following a high-level tripartite mission to authorized organizations. And here we very With the ratifi cation of the Philippines and Russia in 2007 that included an important much rely upon active cooperation between Russia, both conditions have now been met roundtable with the Duma and an agreed Russian tripartite constituents». and even exceeded. national Action Plan, the Russian Federation The Russian Federation is an important fl ag has steadily moved forward to hold national State with 3,751 ships with a gross tonnage of Thus, the fi nal ratifi cation by the Philippines tripartite seminars and consultation, legislative 7.757.020 and is also the home of an impor- will enable the Convention to come into effect reviews, translation of the Convention into tant international ship classifi cation society, 12 months later, on 20 August 2013. ■ Russia’s trade unions discuss Outgoing ILO head hands over decent work standards to Guy Ryder “Today our task is to prepare standards for a large-scale international conference that Mos- cow will host in December,” said the head of the FNPR labour relations and social partner- ship department, Oleg Sokolov. “These stan- dards will be a serious contribution not only to the development of labour relations in our country, but also in the world community.”. In late August the FNPR at the meeting of its Executive Committee discussed the issues concerning the World Day for Decent Work on October 7 and to the international confer- On September 28 outgoing ILO head, Juan ence on decent work in December. Somavia, formally handed over his functions The Federation of Independent Trade Unions to Guy Ryder, who took offi ce as Director- of Russia with the support of the ILO Mos- General on October 1. cow has already held such conferences on “You are now the guardian of our values and decent work as that in Vologda in Voronezh, our traditions,” Somavia said, handing over On September 10-11 trade unionists and so- Barnaul, Blagoveshchensk, Yeka-terinburg the three keys to Guy Ryder. The keys symbol- cial partners gathered in Vologda for a confer- and plans to hold similar events in Pyatigorsk, ize the UN agency’s unique tripartite composi- ence organized by the ILO and the Federation Astrakhan and Nizhny Novgorod soon.■ tion, which brings together representatives of governments, workers and employers. of Independent Trade Unions of Russia. Source:, The discussion focused on decent work as Ryder, for his part, said: “When these three a basis for sustainable growth and stable keys turn together, when governments, em- development. ployers and workers are able to come together, doors open and social justice advances.” Participants discussed decent work standards developed by the FNPR in the run-up to the Ryder– who becomes the 10th ILO Director- international high-level conference focus- General – has some thirty years of experience ing on the realization of ILO’s Decent Work in the world of work, most of it at the inter- Agenda. . national level. ILO Moscow Senior Specialist in Workers’ Somavia had headed the ILO since 1999. An Activities Sergeyus Glovackas emphasized that attorney by profession and a Chilean national, “the development of decent work standards is Somavia has had a long and distinguished ca- undoubtedly a serious step for Russia.” reer in civil and international affairs.■ 2 ILO Decent Work Technical Support Team and Country Offi ce for Eastern Europe and Central Asia

Breaking barriers – employment for people with disabilities in Armenia See also our new video “Breaking barriers” at and After collapse of safe jobs”. The state employment service pro- the Soviet Union vided a wage subsidy and a small amount of transition from a money for equipment so the new employee centrally planned could work effectively. to a market The new system of equal job opportunities economy brought for persons with disabilities includes such tremendous changes in the labour market of important components as incentives for em- CIS member-states. Most sheltered jobs and ployers (wage subsidies, workplace adaptation sheltered enterprises were closed down and subsidies, etc.), as well as job mediation and persons with disabilities facing competition job placement services provided by public in the labour market found themselves in employment services. a disadvantaged position when looking for jobs. The governments of many countries in As a result, many young people with disabili- Chair with a desk lamp and telephone headset make work of Anoush at an internet cafe easier Eastern Europe and Central Asia focused on ties from all regions of Armenia are being promoting social inclusion for persons with successfully integrated into businesses. It’s a model to show how close cooperation disabilities. Nune from Ashtarak, a town near the capital between the state, employers and the ILO can city of Yerevan, has problems with the joints successfully integrate people with disabilities in her knees and has hired a level of disability. into the workforce.■ She was lucky to be included into a group interviewed by the Swedish experts. Based on the experts’ recommendations, the Ashtarak employment service found a job for Nune as a supermarket bagger at a local supermarket. Appointments Her workplace has been adapted. The adjust- able chair has been purchased by the employ- Jelena Kocmur was ap- ment service and been installed. pointed ILO Moscow Edgar and Anoush from Abovyan outside Senior Specialist for Yerevan work at small internet clubs in differ- Employers’ Activities. Special chair helped Edgar to start working as an ent parts of the city. Edgar’s new chair with internet cafe operator adjustable armrests and head support recom- Ms. Kocmur is a na- “Like the governments of many CIS countries, mended by Swedish experts helps him work all tional of Croatia. She Armenia has started actively promoting social day long without pain, making sure customers started her professional inclusion for persons with disabilities and their are connected. career in 2001 as a se- inclusion into the labour market”, explains nior advisor for the English language in Olga Koulaeva, ILO Moscow Senior Employ- Sona Harutyunyan: the Ministry of Defense of the Republic ment Specialist. “To help partners in Armenia, of Croatia. we have invited leading experts on occupation- “The most important After 2 years at the USAID fi nanced al rehabilitation and employment. Their unique result of this project has methodology allows to assess a person’s work project Croatian Enterprise Promotion, ability and after reasonable accommodation of been the experience and where she developed consulting services the workplace and work schedule, to fi nd him skills we have acquired.” for SMEs market in Croatia, in 2004 she or her a decent job at a regular workplace.” joined the Croatian Employers’ Associa- Two experts from Sweden, Karin Johannson Anoush, who lost her hand in an industrial tion (HUP) as an International Relations and Bernth Olovssoon, worked extensively accident, handles the phone, types, processes and EU Affairs Advisor. In this post, she with the state employment offi ce and with payments and helps customers on her new represented her organization on various employers. They showed how to assess the chair with a desk lamp and telephone headset. issues in national bodies, such as the Na- needs of persons with disabilities and sug- “I can work longer without getting tired. tional Economic and Social Council Com- gested simple, workable solutions for adapting The light is really helpful and the telephone mittee on International Relations and EU the workspace. headset is simply wonderful. Now I can walk Accession, as well as in international bod- About a dozen enterprises across Armenia are around with the telephone or take calls when my hand is busy.” ies, such as the ILO and the International participating in the pilot programme within Organization of Employers. During her the framework of the ILO’s Finland-funded “Don’t be afraid of hiring a person with a dis- period with HUP she was a member of a project “From the crisis towards decent and ability. In many cases these people can be even more productive than people with no dis- team advocating the implementation of abilities at all,” said Tigran Asotryan, Anoush’s practices and policies refl ecting key em- supervisor. ployers’ concerns and priorities. “The most important result of this project She has also actively participated as a re- has been the experience and skills we have source person in various training activities acquired. We plan to expand the pilot pro- organized by the ILO Bureau for Employ- grammes from three to fi ve regions and to ers’ Activities. nearly 30 employment centers,” said Sona Harutyunyan, head of the State Employment Ms. Kocmur holds a B.A. in French and Service Agency. English language and literature, an M.A. The government funded the project despite in European studies as well as an MBA the ongoing economic crisis. In the year to in Economics and Management from the Sona Harutyunyan: “The most important results of this come, the target is to place 100 people with Faculty of Agriculture of the University project has been experience and skills we’ve acquired.” disabilities in businesses across the country. of Zagreb.■ 3 Newsletter #3(50) September 2012

Summer school for young trade union leaders in Kyrgyz Republic The Federation of movement is and what goals and tasks of Irakli Petriashvili, president of the Georgian Trade Unions of trade unions are, what weak and strong points Trade Union Confederation, focused on Kyrgyzstan in co- the Kyrgyz trade union movement has, what reforms the Georgian government had imple- operation with the issues young people are concerned with. mented, in particular, on the reform of labour ILO Decent Work Mariko Ouchi, ILO Moscow Senior Social Se- legislation. Team and Country curity Specialist, informed participants about Offi ce for Eastern Europe and Central Asia ILO mechanisms that concern young workers, Participants discussed organized a fi ve-day youth summer school on fi rst of all the Workers with Family Responsi- what trade union move- July 16-20. bilities Convention,1981 (No.156), Maternity The summer school brought together some Protection Convention, 2000 (No.183) and ment is and what goals thirty young people from different regions and Social Security (Minimum Standards) Conven- sectors of Kyrgyzstan, student and workplace tion, 1952 (No.102). and tasks of trade organizations leaders. Participants discussed potential proposals for unions are, what weak The summer school combined different meth- the national level collective bargaining that odologies, from formal lectures and presenta- would improve protection of young workers and strong points the tions to group work and brainstorming ses- and young families and that the Federation sions. Participants discussed what trade union of Trade Unions of Kyrgyzstan could use in Kyrgyz trade union tripartite negotiations. movement has, what is- Sergeyus Glovackas, ILO Moscow Senior Specialist in Workers’ Activities, presented sues young people are ILO activities in the region and Decent Work concerned with. Country Programmes as well as different ex- periences of trade union youth organizations Yulia Surina, ILO Moscow programmes as- existing in the region. sistant, briefed on youth employment situation in the world. She presented ILO analysis on He also focused on trade union rights as de- the implications of the global economic crisis fi ned by the ILO Conventions and existing on employment situation and the work of the mechanisms of their protection. Committee on Youth Employment at the In- Anton Leppik , the Pan-European Regional ternational Labour Conference. Council of the International Trade Union Summer school participants were unanimous Sergeyus Glovackas and Irakli Petriashvili with young trade Confederation (ITUC-PERC), informed on in their opinion that such events should be unionists in a summer school ITUC structures and objectives. carried out in the future. ■ ILO seminar on trade unions’ Tajikistan’s trade unions take efforts to rights in ’s Aktau stop child labour On August 23-24 The seminars were facilitated by ILO Mos- From May 1 to one-day seminars cow Senior Specialist in Workers’ Activities August 25 the Fed- on trade unions’ Sergeyus Glovackas and the director of eration of Indepen- rights were held IndustriAll CIS Offi ce, Vadim Borisov. The dent Trade Unions in Aktau, the consultations on the country’s labour legisla- of Tajikistan within Mangistau region, tion were prepared by the Federation of Trade the framework western Kazakhstan. Unions of the Republic of Kazakhstan. ■ of the ILO International Programme on the Elimination of Child Labour (ILO-IPEC) had They were organized for trade unionists of been implementing the project on enhancing the region’s oil industry with the support of its potential in the fi ght against child labour the ILO and IndustriAll Global Union, the and raising awareness on the use of child la- largest international trade union organization bour in different economic sectors. uniting over 50 million workers from different industries, including the oil sector. The Federation set up under its occupational safety department a unit on the elimination of The seminars brought together 50 leaders and child labour that was provided with necessary activists of the oil industry’s main trade union literature. Trade unions in the republic’s re- organizations, including trade unions engaged gions received booklets entitled “Trade unions in the enduring labour confl ict that resulted in and child labour.” tragic consequences and deaths in the city of The Federation conducted a two-day training Zhanaozen last December. for trade union leaders from such economic Participants discussed prevention of violation sectors as agriculture and commerce, which re- of trade unions’ rights and fundamental ILO port the highest incidence rate of child labour. Conventions such as the Freedom of Associa- Trainings were conducted in close cooperation tion and Protection of the Right to Organise with ILO-IPEC and the child labour monitor- Convention, 1948 (No. 87) and the Right to ing department of the republic’s Ministry of Organise and Collective Bargaining Conven- Labour and Social Protection. ■ tion, 1949 (No. 98). Source: 4 ILO Decent Work Technical Support Team and Country Offi ce for Eastern Europe and Central Asia

Trade unions and youth employment: global challenges – conference in Baku

The Pan-European increase social protection of young people. Regional Council Tugba Balci, PERC Youth Committee presi- of the Interna- dent, presented YC programme and activi- tional Trade Union ties, while Sergeyus Glovackas, ILO Moscow Confederation in Senior Specialist in Workers’ Activities, intro- cooperation with duced the ILO standards important for young the ILO and the Azerbaijan Trade Union Con- workers - Workers with Family Responsibilities federation (ATUC) organized the conference Convention,1981 (No.156), Maternity Protec- “Trade unions and youth employment: global tion Convention, 2000 (No.183) and Social challenges and new approaches” in Baku from Security (Minimum Standards) Convention, July 31 to August 1. 1952 (No.102). The conference was fi nancially supported by Mohammed Mwamadzingo, Senior Economist the ILO and the ITUC Solidarity Fund. Some of the ILO Bureau for Workers’ Activities, fi fty participants from ten countries – Azer- presented six indicators for youth employment baijan, Georgia, Moldova, Russia, Kazakhstan, crisis: part-time jobs, informality, social exclu- tion, but still the situation is very diffi cult and , Bulgaria, Hungary, Lithuania, Bel- sion, marginalization and detachment from young people still fl ee the country. In Russia gium – took part in the conference. labour market, labour education system not the situation is quite diverse regionally, being matching real labour market need, and the lack particularly bad in areas with town-forming of active labour market policies. enterprises. On the other hand there are a lot He emphasized that for trade unions macro- of working places in the public sector which economic policies should be in focus: employ- are not attracting young workers because of ment has to be a target for action, not auster- low salaries. ity measures. Participants in the conference also decided to Pierre Ledecq, ITUC Youth Committee Presi- prepare a catalogue of trade unions’ actions, dent, focused on trade unions’ work during the so-called a creativity databank. This will the International Labour Conference this year, help them to keep and promote their best which debated youth employment. practices. ■ Participants presented youth employment promotion activities in their countries and the trade unions’ participation in them. Azerbaijan initiates centres for graduates, Ka- Trade union representatives discussed such zakhstan’s “Employment 2020” programme issues as the creation of qualitative jobs for includes diverse measures for young people to youth, solidarity between generations, coop- combat poverty and unemployment, including eration with new social movements and focus internal migration mechanisms. In Georgia on youth networks. certain success was achieved with students’ Sattar Mekhbalyev, president of the Azerbai- insurance. In Ukraine the unions want to push jan Trade Union Confederation, opened the for a special chapter in general agreement conference and informed about the initiatives on youth employment. Moldova operates a to boost employment in Azerbaijan and to system of support, including accommoda- Georgia to build system of mediation and conciliation in labour disputes In June Georgia’s to promote social dialogue and partnership During the discussion trade union leaders town of Kobuleti and confi rmed the Confederation’s adherence confi rmed their readiness to take part in the hosted a seminar to fundamental principles of the ILO. development and introduction of the system entitled “Estab- Trade unionists expressed concern over of mediation in labour disputes. lishing a system continuing violations of trade union rights They drafted a trade union action plan that of mediation and and weak activity of the national tripartite envisages the training of mediators and the conciliation in labour disputes – new oppor- commission. preparation of guidebooks. tunities for social dialogue in Georgia” for the leadership of the Georgian Trade Union Georgia’s social partners expressed deep Confederation. concern over a growing number of labour The event was organized with the support of disputes and decided with the ILO support to the ILO within the framework of the tripartite develop proposals for setting up an institution project on establishing a system of mediation responsible for mediation in labour confl icts. in labour disputes in Georgia. The seminar was facilitated by ILO Mos- In his statement the chairman of the Georgian cow Senior Specialist in Workers’ Activities Trade Union Confederation, Irakli Petriashvili, Sergeyus Glovackas and ILO Geneva expert Roger Lequert. highlighted Georgian trade unions’ intention Source: ■ 5 Newsletter #3(50) September 2012

Fight against HIV/AIDS stigma and discrimination in On July 11 in cases increased by 11 percent the run up to the to reach 13,000 there. Over XIX International 60 percent of HIV-infected AIDS Conference in Belarus are young people that took place in aged between 15 to 29 years. Washington DC Despite the effective legisla- from July 22 to July 27 and brought together tion on prevention of any thousands of delegates, including activists, forms of discrimination people living with HIV, experts, politicians against people living with and medics, the Ministry of Education of HIV in Belarus HIV-positive Belarus adopted the Methodological Recom- people often face negative mendations on HIV Policy Implementation in attitude towards them in edu- the Education Sector. cation institutions and at the Belarus became the workplace. The Ministry of Education second country that ap- of Belarus adopted the Meth- proved national recom- odological Recommendations on HIV Policy Implementa- mendations on HIV poli- tion in the Education Sector The poster contains the inscription saying “Discrimination is when the rights of people living to create in education institu- with HIV are denied. Do not delete them from life.” cy implementation in the tions a friendly and safe envi- education sector. Earlier ronment free of discrimination and to guar- tical tips for supporting and protecting from antee observance of rights of students and discrimination students and educators living this year the Russian educators living with or affected by HIV. with or affected by HIV and for organiz- Federation also approved The Methodological Recommendations were ing preventive education to avert the spread developed in compliance with the national of the epidemic. They can be also used to such recommendations. legislation of Belarus on the basis of the Prac- improve bylaws of education and training tical Recommendations on HIV Policy Imple- institutions. The number of people living with HIV keeps mentation in the Education Sector issued by Belarus became the second country that ap- growing in Eastern Europe and Central Asia, UNESCO and ILO Moscow offi ces. proved national recommendations on HIV which is the only region where HIV preva- The Practical Recommendations provide the policy implementation in the education sector. lence remains on the rise. The Republic of management and the staff of educational Earlier this year the Russian Federation also Belarus is not an exception: in 2011 new HIV institutions with a policy framework and prac- approved such recommendations. ■ Russia to allocate $8 mln to ILO’s education Landmark treaty for domestic programmes in CIS workers to come into force In 2012-2014 Russia will make an 8 The ILO’s Convention on Domestic Workers hidden and unregistered, experts believe million dollar special purpose con- has now been ratifi ed by two countries, mean- that the total number could be as high as tribution to the International La- ing it will come into effect in a year’s time – on 100 million. bour Organization’s programme on September 5, 2013. strengthening primary and secondary The Convention extends basic labour vocational education systems and rights to tens of millions of domestic supporting the development of la- workers worldwide. bour markets in the CIS, Asia and the The Philippines has become the second Middle East. country to ratify the ILO Convention on Decent Work for Domestic Workers, 2011 Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Med- (No.189). vedev signed the relevant decree on “Today’s ratifi cation by the Philippines June 13. sends a powerful signal to the millions of Russia’s Finance Ministry should domestic workers who will be protected coordinate the transfer procedure of when the Convention comes into force. special purpose contributions with I hope it will also send a signal to other the ILO. member States and that we will soon see more and more countries committing to pro- In developing countries, domestic workers In 2012 Russia will transfer to the tect the rights of domestic workers,” said ILO make up at least 4 to 12 percent of wage em- ILO up to 4 million US dollars from Director-General Juan Somavia. ployment. Around 83 percent of these work- the funds envisaged for the Finance Recent estimates of the International Labour ers are women or girls, and many are migrant Ministry in the federal budget for 2012 Organization based on national surveys and/ workers. Globally, domestic workers make up and for 2013-2014. ■ or censuses in 117 countries place the global 3.6 percent of wage employment. Source: number of domestic workers at around 53 Uruguay was the fi rst country to ratify the million. But since this kind of work is often Convention on 14 June, 2012. ■ 6 ILO Decent Work Technical Support Team and Country Offi ce for Eastern Europe and Central Asia

“Green economy and green workplaces” – conference in Armenia On September 28 tion, UN Offi ce in Armenia and the ILO. special focus was placed on “green economy” Yerevan hosted During the conference awards were handed and environmental protection in the republic. the conference out to Armenia’s best enterprises that were The theme of the World Day for Safety and entitled “Green chosen as a result of the competition conduct- Health at Work in 2012 was “Promoting economy and green ed from July 17 to August 25. Among com- safety and health in a green economy”. workplaces”. petitors were both large, small and medium According to the chairman of the Republican businesses as well as multi-industry holdings. In 2008 Armenia’s Union of Employers of Armenia, Gagik Ma- They were chosen by such criteria as the use karyan, the conference is aimed at facilitating of energy-saving technologies and alternative government drafted a domestic entrepreneurs’ knowledge about sources of energy, investments in environ- environmental mental projects sustainable economic protection and introduction development project, and the no- of the ISO 14001 tion of “green 2004 environ- where special focus economy” in mental manage- general and at ment standard. was placed on “green contributing to “We want these economy” and environ- the develop- best enterprises ment of “green to demonstrate mental protection in economy” and Armenia’s poten- the creation of tial in this sphere the republic. “green jobs” in as well as to show The “green economy” has become an emblem the republic. what steps should of a more sustainable economy and society This conference be taken in this that preserves the environment for future gen- was organized direction,” Ma- erations, according to a press release issued on by the Republi- karyan said. the occasion of the OSH Day marked annu- can Union of Employers in cooperation with In 2008 Armenia’s government drafted a sus- ally on April 28. ■ Armenia’s Ministry of Environmental Protec- tainable economic development project, where Source:, Turkmen business Wage cuts may trainers get SIYB Appointments certifi cates hurt growth On July 4 certifi - The International Labour Organization has Deputy Minister of La- cates were handed warned that slashing wages in a bid to boost bour and Social Protec- out to the fi rst competitiveness and cut unemployment may tion Lyubov Eltsova was group of Turk- well have the opposite effect. appointed as the Russian menistan’s business The warning was issued after the European government’s representa- trainers who under- Central Bank (ECB) called in its monthly tive to the ILO Governing went training within the framework of USAID report for August, for more fl exibility in the Body. Macroeconomic Project and the ILO’s Start wage determination process - such as lowering Eltsova graduated from and Improve Your Business programme. minimum wages - coupled with measures to Moscow State University The certifi cate presentation ceremony took strengthen competitiveness. of Railway Engineering and the Russian place at the Business School of the Union of A decrease in wages does tend to lead to an Presidential Academy of National Economy Industrialists and Entrepreneurs of Turkmeni- increase in exports, but it also depresses do- and Public Administration. She holds PhD stan in Ashgabat. mestic consumption, which affects growth, in economics. Among SIYB trainees were fi fteen representa- ILO experts say. She has been working for 13 years in the fed- tives of member-organizations of the Union Given the level of economic uncertainty at eral bodies of power – the Federal Employ- of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs of Turk- the moment, it is also unclear whether wage ment Service and the Ministry of Labour menistan, individual entrepreneurs, directors, cuts would generate enough incentives to raise and Social Development. managers, chief accountants, lawyers and investment. trainers of regional offi ces of the Business In 2001-2008 she worked in Norilsk Nickel “Whenever a fall in wages reduces domestic School. Certifi cates were presented by ILO mining and smelting company as head of consumption more than it increases exports SIYB master trainers. the labour relations and social partnership and investment, it has a negative effect on a Business trainers who received fi rst stage department and deputy director of the Po- country’s economic growth,” said Patrick Bels- lar Division in Norilsk. Since 2009 she has certifi cates have to conduct trainings for 600 er, a senior economist at the ILO’s Conditions been executive director and director-general entrepreneurs. At present, the Business School of Work and Employment Branch and main has already started to enroll trainees for these editor of the ILO Global Wage Report. of Soglasie Insurance Company. courses. Business trainers will undergo inter- In June 2012 she was appointed as Deputy national certifi cation after they pass advanced “This explains why declining wages in periods of crisis may actually lead to a spiral of falling Minister of Labour and Social Protecion. trainings and after their training activities are Eltsova is responsible for modernization of examined. ■ aggregate demand and price defl ation, rather than to a quicker economic recovery,” he the labour legislation and wage regulation.■ Source: added. ■ Source:, 7 Newsletter #3(50) September 2012

Allow moms to breastfeed at work

“The right to continue breastfeed- A review of national legislation” says that ing – upon return to work from legislation in at least 92 countries provides for maternity leave – is important for breastfeeding breaks, in addition to regular the health of the mother and es- breaks, for nursing mothers. The time allowed pecially for that of her child,” said is often at least one hour, usually divided into Manuela Tomei, who heads the two breaks of 30 minutes each. ILO Labour Protection Depart- But many mothers still have to choose be- ment. tween either returning to work and giving up Breastfeeding is the best way to breastfeeding or facing the risk of losing their provide newborns with the nu- job. trients they need, according to the World Health Organization To date, 25 countries have ratifi ed the ILO’s (WHO). Maternity Protection Convention (No. 183) which calls, among others, for at least one A report published by the ILO in breastfeeding break a day or a reduction of 2010, titled “Maternity at work: working hours to allow for breastfeeding. Manuela Tomei: Workplace support for mothers who are World Breastfeeding Week (August 1-7) is breastfeeding has been a basic provision of celebrated in more than 170 countries to en- “The right to continue maternity protection since the fi rst Maternity courage the practice and improve the health breastfeeding – upon re- Protection Convention (No. 3) in 1919. of babies. The convention, adopted at theILO’s annual Marking the occasion, the ILO highlights the turn to work from mater- conference in 2000, is legally binding for the importance of allowing breastfeeding at the nity leave – is important for countries that ratifi ed it. workplace. the health of the mother The ILO also adopted a recommendation Allowing breastfeeding at work is good for saying that where possible facilities for nurs- mothers and their infants, and it’s good for and especially for that of ing should be made available at or near the employers, the ILO said. her child.” workplace.■ OSH in construction sector: seminar in Azerbaijan Appointments On August 27 most dangerous industries. He emphasized On September 26 Serik Baku hosted an that construction companies’ violation of Abdenov was appointed international train- the safety rules in many cases results in oc- ing seminar on cupational accidents and sometimes in occu- as Kazakhstan’s Minis- occupational safety pational fatalities. But some organizations do ter of Labour and So- and health in the not conclude labour contracts with workers, cial Protection. construction sector organized by the Interna- thus violating their fundamental labour rights In 1998 he graduated tional Labour Organization and the Azerbaijan and evading employers’ responsibility and tax with honours in law Trade Union Confederation (ATUC). payments. from Kazakhstan Insti- The deputy head of the State Labour Inspec- tute of Law and International Relations tion under Azerbaijan’s Ministry of Labour and in 2004 – from Karaganda Economic and Social Protection, Rauf Tagiyev, stressed University as economist. importance of this event from the point of view of improving professional skills in oc- In 1998-2000 he worked with Kazakhstan’s cupational safety and health of trade unions’ Ministry of Justice as senior specialist of inspectors, employees of the State Labour and head of the department for normative Inspection and representatives of construc- legal acts registration. tion companies. In 2000-2003 he worked with the Ministry ILO Moscow Subregional Occupational Safety of Foreign Affairs in different positions. and Health Coordinator Oxana Gerasimova noted that at present, special attention is paid In 2003-2004 he worked in business and to the issues of occupational safety and health from 2004 was deputy director and direc- on the global scale and stressed the need for tor of the labour and employment depart- regulating labour relations between employers ment of the Ministry of Labour and Social The training seminar brought together repre- and workers through labour contracts. Protection. sentatives of government institutions, leading Participants in the seminar drafted proposals From November 2007 he was Deputy Min- construction companies and ILO experts. for regulating labour relations and increasing ister of Labour and Social Protection. The deputy head of the Azerbaijan Trade production effi ciency through reduction of occupational risks and improvement of occu- In March 2009 he became the deputy gov- Union Confederation Dzhavanshir Alkhasov ernor of the Eastern Kazakhstan region. noted that according to the ILO, the construc- pational safety and health.■ ■ tion sector is considered to be one of the Source: Source: www.biografi 8 ILO Decent Work Technical Support Team and Country Offi ce for Eastern Europe and Central Asia

Our PUBLICATIONS All publications can be found at our website Promoting equity: Gender-neutral job evaluation for equal pay. A step-by-step guide Available in Russian This guide is the translation into Russian of the ILO Geneva publication. Athough the gender pay gap has narrowed in some places, women, on average, continue to work for a lower pay than men. This gender pay gap has many causes and sex discrimination in remuneration is one of them. For an objective and fair assess- ment of jobs, evaluation methods must be free from gender bias. This step-by-step guide sets out the various methodological components of the process and explains the criteria, which should be met in order to avoid discriminatory practices. It can be adapted to different eco- nomic and organizational contexts and to large and small enterprises. The guide is aimed at workers’ and employers’ organizations, offi cers of Equal Opportunity Bodies, hu- man resource managers, gender specialists and pay equity practitioners responsible for implementing a pay equity programme.

Training Manual: Mainstreaming child labour concerns in education sector plans and programmes Available in Russian This manual is the translation into Russian of the ILO Geneva publication. It is designed to guide the planning and implementation of a national or local workshop on child labour and education. Expected outcomes will depend on the national situation. They could range from revising the national education sec- tor plan so as to better address the needs of child labourers, to setting up an inter-sectoral working group on child labour and education. This publication has been designed as a simple-to-use resource to support a workshop on education and child labour. An accompanying CD with draft Microsoft PowerPoint presentations, which condense the content of the sessions, is provided along with this manual. Use of the manual should take proper account of the national context.

Training manual to fi ght traffi cking in children for labour, sexual and other forms of exploitation Available in Russian The training manual is the translation into Russian of the ILO Geneva publication. It consists of three Textbooks: 1. Understanding child traffi cking, 2. Action against child traffi cking at policy and outreach levels 3. Matters of process and one exercise book. There is also a facilitators’ guide on CD-ROM. This is a joint ILO, UNICEF and UN.GIFT project. The manual puts child traffi cking in a broader context of children’s rights, labour markets and migration dynamics. The manual sheds light on the complex nature of child traffi cking and the need for comprehen- sive multi-dimensional responses. The manual explains how to go about gathering data on child traffi cking through a variety of methods and from a range of sources, so as to improve the focus and effectiveness of responses and monitor progress. The manual is designed for governments, employers and workers as well as non-governmental and interna- tional organizations protecting the rights of children.

Combining work and family responsibilities. Available in Georgian Successful reconciliation of work and family responsibilities is a foundation of decent work for men and women. Experience of most countries that fi nd solutions to the work-family confl ict and bring the national legislation and policies in line with ILO Conventions No.156 and No.183 proves this. This ILO Moscow publication translated into the Georgian language tells about what family responsibili- ties are, what the work-family confl ict leads to for workers, employers and the society in general. It provides basic provisions of the Workers with Family Responsibilities Convention, 1981 (No.156), Workers with Family Responsibilities Recommendation, 1981 (No.165) and Maternity Protection Convention, 2000 (No.183).

9 News in BRIEF

Unions. Delegates at the seventh congress of the Confederation in Moscow on September Georgia’s trade unions receive 12 voted unanimously for his candidacy. Kyrgyz partners The General Confederation of Trade Unions On September 27 the Georgian Trade Union established in 1990 includes international trade Confederation received the delegation of the union associations and national trade union Federation of Trade Unions of Kyrgyzstan. centres from post-Soviet countries. Mikhail The visit took place with the support of the ILO calls for action to address Shmakov has been chairing the organization International Labour Organization. youth unemployment since 2004. The head offi ce of the Georgian Trade Union The ILO has put out a call to action to create Confederation hosted a joint news conference decent jobs for youths. by the chairs of Georgian and Kyrgyz trade ILO Director-General Juan Somavia says Tajikistan takes efforts union associations, Irakli Petriashvili and Asyl- the policy package is not a one size fi ts all to reduce stigma against people bek Toktogulov. solution, but instead, a comprehensive multi- living with HIV pronged strategy that concentrates on fi ve areas. On July 17 a roundtable meeting on entrepre- neurship development of disabled women and They include macroeconomic policies, em- women with HIV was held in Dushanbe. ILO conducts training on ployability, labor market policies and social OSH management system protection, youth entrepreneurship and re- It was organized in cooperation with Tajiki- spect for rights at work. stan’s state committee for women and family in Tajikistan affairs, UNAIDS, UN Women and USAID On July 18 the fi rst training on the introduc- Source: within the framework of the ILO Decent tion of the occupational safety and health Work project. management system was held for the person- Participants developed recommendations to nel of Tajikistan’s state agency for the con- Putin meets with APEC support the employment of disabled women struction and architecture and some construc- member economies’ trade and women with HIV that were submitted to tion companies in Dushanbe. the government for consideration by the state Participants noted that they gained deeper union leaders committee for women and family affairs. knowledge on OSH management system and On September 3 Russian President Vladimir On the same day another roundtable meeting suggested similar trainings at an enterprise Putin met with members of the Asia Pacifi c took place, where a draft concept paper on level. Other three trainings on the same issues Labour Network of the International Confed- reducing HIV stigma and discrimination and will be conducted for construction companies eration of Free Trade Unions in the run-up raising awareness about HIV/AIDS in Tajiki- located in the Khatlon region. to the APEC summit in Vladivostok to dis- stan’s judicial and law enforcement system was All trainings are conducted within the frame- cuss economic integration and protection of presented. work of the ILO project “From the crisis people’s labour and social rights. towards decent and safe jobs.” “Our goal now is not just to keep reducing the unemployment level, but to reformat our labour market. We have set ourselves the am- Bishkek job fair offers 5,000 bitious target of creating 25 million new jobs,” vacancies Azerbaijan to create social the head of state said. “The primary objective On July 11-12 Kyrgyzstan’s capital of Bishkek support fund is to get people doing more skilled and better held an annual job fair that offered over 5,000 A social support credit fund targeting low-in- paid work.” vacancies. come population will be created in Azerbaijan, Source: The director of the youth labour exchange the republic’s Labour and Social Protection under Kyrgyzstan’s Ministry of Youth, Labour Minister, Fizuli Alekperov, told a meeting on and Employment, Azis Idrisov, noted that 500 July 13 to sum up the results of the ministry’s Shmakov re-elected chair of companies and 40 enterprises submitted their activities in the fi rst six months of 2012. General Confederation of Trade applications. “This group of the population will be able to Unions On demand are mainly specialists in the ser- get loans instead of the targeted social assis- Mikhail Shmakov was re-elected as chair- vice sector, construction and commerce. tance to start small business,” he said. man of the General Confederation of Trade Source: Source:

Newsletter is published four times a year in Russian and English. It is distributed free of charge. Editor: Elena Iskandarova All correspondence should be addressed to: 107031, Russia, Moscow, 15 Petrovka st., offi ce 23 Tel: +7 (495) 933-0810 Fax: +7 (495) 933-0820 E-mail: [email protected] Website: Twitter: News RUS Facebook: www.facebook/ ISSN 1811-1351