International Conference on Innovation in Energy Technologies September 29-30, 2003 TheThe NationalNational AcademiesAcademies NationalNational ResearchResearch CouncilCouncil

PeterPeter D.D. BlairBlair ExecutiveExecutive DirectorDirector DivisionDivision onon EngineeringEngineering andand PhysicalPhysical SciencesSciences TheThe NationalNational AcademiesAcademies National of (NAS) National Academy of Engineering (NAE) Institute of (IOM) National Council (NRC)

NAS (1863) Act of Incorporation

NAS IOM (1863) (1970) Chartered under the Act Chartered under the Act

NRC (1916) By-Laws, Executive Orders Articles of Organization TheThe NationalNational :Academies: HistoryHistory NationalNational AcademyAcademy ofof SciencesSciences charteredchartered byby CongressCongress inin 18631863 to:to: WheneverWhenever calledcalled uponupon byby anyany departmentdepartment ofof thethe Government,Government, investigate,investigate, examine,examine, experiment,experiment, andand reportreport uponupon anyany subjectsubject ofof sciencescience oror PresidentPresident Lincoln,Lincoln, duringduring thethe heightheight ofof thethe civilcivil war,war, askedasked forfor thethe firstfirst study,study, whichwhich waswas toto designdesign aa compasscompass thatthat wouldwould workwork inin ironiron cladclad warships.warships. TheThe NationalNational Academies:Academies: TodayToday

National (1863) – 2,347 members – Nearing end of 2nd term of President Bruce Alberts National Academy of Engineering (1964) – 2,280 members – Middle of 2nd term of President William Wulf Institute of Medicine (1970) – 1,445 members – Beginning of 1st term of President Harvey Fineberg National Research Council (1916) – 10,000 volunteers involved annually – NAS President serves as NRC chair; NAE President as vice- chair TheThe NationalNational Academies:Academies: TodayToday (Cont’d)(Cont’d)

NationalNational ResearchResearch CouncilCouncil waswas foundedfounded inin 19161916 asas thethe “operating“operating arm”arm” ofof thethe NASNAS andand NAE;NAE; thethe IOMIOM followsfollows NRCNRC proceduresprocedures Purpose:Purpose: toto associateassociate thethe broadbroad communitycommunity ofof sciencescience andand technologytechnology inin thethe NASNAS missionmission toto provideprovide adviceadvice toto thethe federalfederal governmentgovernment TheThe NationalNational ResearchResearch CouncilCouncil

NearlyNearly 1,3001,300 staffstaff andand 10,00010,000 volunteersvolunteers annuallyannually involvedinvolved inin NRC/IOMNRC/IOM studiesstudies 80%80% ofof NRCNRC committeescommittees areare notnot membersmembers ofof thethe threethree academiesacademies AverageAverage 270270 reportsreports perper yearyear fromfrom studiesstudies forfor federalfederal agencies,agencies, Congress,Congress, andand somesome selfself-- initiatedinitiated GoverningGoverning BoardBoard chairedchaired byby NASNAS PresidentPresident Alberts;Alberts; vicevice--chairchair isis NAENAE PresidentPresident WulfWulf ChiefChief ManagementManagement OfficerOfficer isis NASNAS ExecutiveExecutive OfficerOfficer WilliamWilliam ColglazierColglazier TheThe NationalNational ResearchResearch CouncilCouncil

Together NRC and IOM have ~650 active committees currently Roughly $160 million in annual expenditures across supporting ~80 boards grouped into six program divisions:

– Behavioral and Social Sciences and Education – Earth and Life Sciences – Engineering and Physical Sciences – Institute of Medicine – Policy and Global Affairs – Transportation Research Board The National Academies and the National Research Council

The National Academies

Natl. Acad. of Sciences Natl. Acad. of Engineering Inst. of Medicine NAS NAE IOM Bruce Alberts, President William Wulf, President Harvey Fineberg, President

National Research Council Bruce Alberts, Chair William Wulf, Vice-Chair William Colglazier, Executive Officer

NRC Program Divisions

Behavioral and Soc. Sciences & Education Inst. of Medicine Programs DBASSE IOM Neil Smelser, Chair Harvey Fineberg, Chair Michael Feuer, Exec. Dir. Suzanne Stoiber, Exec. Dir.

Earth and Life Sciences Policy and Global Affairs DELS PGAD Peter Raven, Chair Gerald Dineen, Chair Warren Muir, Exec. Dir. Richard Bissel, Exec. Dir.

Engineering and Physical Sciences Transportation Research Board DEPS TRB William Wulf, Chair Les Hoel, Chair Peter Blair, Exec. Dir. Robert Skinner, Exec. Dir. PROGRAM SUPPORT BY SOURCE FOR FY2003 Estimated Total Expenditures of $219.2 million

Department of Health & Human Services 10% Department of Defense Department of Energy 15% Department of Commerce 3% 3%

Other, Private Department of Transportation 11% 19%

Department of Education Potential Funding, Various 1% Ford FoundationEPA Sources 1% NASA 4% 14% Other, Federal 3%National Foundation 9% 7%