Pasrc Inaugural Members

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Pasrc Inaugural Members PASRC INAUGURAL MEMBERS This list includes all 521 Inaugural Members who had accepted their invitations as of Wednesday March 25th at 4:00 PM GMT. Fellows (all-inclusive) ABADIR Karim Cape Town Emeritus Professor of Financial Econometrics at Im- perial College London ALLIA Khedidja Professor of Chemical Engineering at University of Sci- ABDELLAOUI Boumediene ences and Technology Houari Boumediene (USTHB) Full Professor of Mathematics at University Aboubekr Belkaid, Tlemcen (Algeria) AMRANE Abdeltif Professor of Chemical Sciences at University of Rennes ABDU Nafiu 1 Professor of Soil Science and Agriculture at Ahmadu Bello University (Zaria-Nigeria) ANONG Sophia Associate Professor of Finance at University of Geor- ABUL NAGA Ramses gia Honorary Professor of Economics at University of Malaga ANSHEBO Teketel Yohannes Professor of Chemistry at Addis Ababa University ADEKPEDJOU Akim Professor at University of Missouri ARCHIBONG Belinda ADELEKE Rasheed Assistant Professor of Economics at Barnard College, Associate Professor of Microbiology and Environmen- Columbia University tal Biotechnology at North-West University (South ASSIE-LUMUMBA N’Dri Thérèse Africa) Professor and Director of The Institute For African ADJA Akre Maurice Development at Cornell University Lecturer in Biosciences at Félix-Houphouët-Boigny ASSOB Jules Clement Nguedia University Full Professor and Vice Dean at Faculty of Medicine ADOUKONOU Thierry and Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of Douala Professor of Neurology at University of Parakou ATAGUBA John AFOLABI Muhammed Associate Professor and Director of The Health Eco- Clinical Assistant Professor at London School of Hy- nomics Unit at University of Cape Town giene & Tropical Medicine AUGIER Patricia AIT MOUS Fadma Professor of Economics at Aix-Marseille University Professor of Sociology & Head of The Sociology De- partment at Hassan II University of Casablanca AZOMAHOU Théophile Director of Training at African Economic Research AIYEDE Emmanuel Consortium (AERC) Professor of Political Sciences and Head of Departe- ment at University of Ibadan AZÉMAR Céline Professor in Economics at Rennes School of Business ALABA Olufunke Senior Lecturer in Health Economics at University of BABATUNDE Oyinlola February 2021 1 PASRC INAUGURAL MEMBERS Associate Professor of Nutrition Science at East Car- BOUCEKKINE Raouf olina University Professor of Economics at Aix-Marseille School of Economics BAH Bubacarr German Research Chair of Mathematics and Data BURGER Ronelle Science at African Institute for Mathematical Sciences Professor of Economics at Stellenbosch University (AIMS) (South Africa) CADET Jean Lud BAHLALI Khaled Chief of Molecular Neuropsychiatry Research Branch Lecturer in Mathematics at University of Toulon at National Institute on Drug Abuse BASENGERE Bisimwa CHANGULA Katendi Professor of Agriculture at Catholic University of Lecturer in Veterenary Medecine at University of Zam- Bukavu bia BAÏMEY Hugues CHIRISA Innocent Professor of Agronomy at Univesrity of Parakou Full Professor of Rural and Urban Planning at Uni- (Benin) versity of Zimbabwe BELLAKHAL Rihab CHITOU Bassirou Associate Professor in Econometrics at University of Associate Dean of Research at African School of Eco- Manouba nomics BELLOUMI Mounir CLANCE Matthew Professor of Economics and Management at Sousse Senior Lecturer in Economics at University of Pretoria University COUACAUD Leo BENBOUZID Mohamed Senior Lecturer in Social Sciences at University of Full Professor of Electrical Engineering at University Mauritius of Brest CREAMER Kenneth BERGER David Senior Lecturer in Economics at University of the Professor of Genomics of Fungal Pathogens at Univer- Witwatersrand (Johannesburg, South Africa) sity of Pretoria CROKE Kevin BERMAN Nicolas Assistant Professor of Global Health at Harvard T.H. Cnrs Researcher at Aix-Marseille School of Economics Chan School of Public Health BERVOETS Sebastian DABO Sophie Researcher at Aix-Marseille School of Economics Full Professor of Applied Mathematics at University of Lille BITAM Idir Professor of Vector-Borne Diseases at Higher School DEGLA Guy in Food Sciences and Agro-Food Industries Algiers Associate Professor at Mathematics and Physics Sci- (ESSAIA) ences Institute (IMSP) BLIMPO Moussa DESBORDES Rodolphe Senior Economist at World Bank Professor of Economics at SKEMA Business School BOUAKEZ Hafedh DIALE Mmantsae Full Professor at HEC Montréal Professor of Physics at University of Pretoria February 2021 2 PASRC INAUGURAL MEMBERS DIALLO Demba EGWUAGU Charles Professor of Electrical Engineering at Paris-Saclay Senior Investigator at National Institutes of Health University (NIH) DIONNE Kim Yi ELONG NGONO Annie Associate Professor of Political Science at University Research Instructor at La Jolla Institute for Immunol- of California Riverside ogy DIOP Aliou ESHETU Gebrekidan Gebresilassie Professor at Gaston Berger University Senior Researcher of Materials For Energy Storage and Conversion at Rwth Aachen University DIOUF Diaga EZZINBI Khalil Professor of Physics, Pharmaceutics and Biophysics Full Professor of Mathematics at Cadi Ayyad Univer- at Cheikh Anta Diop University sity DISSOU Yazid FAFCHAMPS Marcel Professor of Economics at University of Ottawa Senior Fellow at Stanford University DJEBALI Naceur FANDOHAN Adandé Belarmain Associate Professor at Centre of Biotechnology of Borj Associate Professor of Forestry at National University Cedria of Agriculture (Bénin) DJEBBARI Habiba FAYE Adama Professor of Economics at Aix Marseille School of Professor of Medicine at Institute of Health and De- Economics velopment (UCAD-Senegal) DODOR Bernice FEUNOU Bruno Associate Professor of Child Development at East Research Advisor at Bank of Canada Carolina University FOUPOUAGNIGNI Mama DOUMATE Jonas Professor and Director at African Institute for Mathe- Senior Lecturer in Food Sciences and Nutrition at matical Sciences (Cameroon) University of Abomey-Calavi FOURIE Johan Professor of Economics at Stellenbosch University DOVIS Marion Assistant Professor of Economics at Aix Marseille GANGBO Wilfrid University Professor of Mathematics at University of California, Los Angeles DUNHAM Amy Associate Professor of Ecology and Evolutionary Biol- GAOUE Orou ogy at Rice University Associate Professor of Ecology and Evolutionary Biol- ogy at University of Tennessee Knoxville DUPONNOIS Robin Head of The Research Unit Lstm (Laboratory of GARGOURI Jalel Tropical and Mediterranean Symbiosis) at Institut Professor of Medecine at Sfax University de Recherche pour le Développement GEBRESILASSE Mesay Assistant Professor of Economics at Amherst College DYANI-MHANGO Ntombizozuko Professor of Law at University of Pretoria, South GERSHON Obindah Africa Senior Lecturer & Ag. Chair at Centre for Economic February 2021 3 PASRC INAUGURAL MEMBERS Policy & Development Research (CEPDeR), Covenant HOUSSA Romain University Professor of Economics at University of Namur GLITHO Adole Isabelle INGLESI-LOTZ Roula Honorary Dean at Faculty of Sciences, University of Professor of Economics at University of Pretoria Lomé, Togo ISABONA Joseph GLITHO Roch Associate Professor of Electronic Engineering at Fed- Full Professor of Computer Science and Research eral University Lokoja, Kogi State, Nigeria Chair at Concordia University Montreal JAWADI Fredj GNANG Edinah Professor of Finance at University of Lille Assistant Professor of Applied Mathematics at Johns JUWAHEER Thanika Hopkins University Associate Professor of Law and Management at Uni- GUEDE Bertin versity of Mauritius Research Projects Coordinator at Institut Pasteur KAJOBA Gear Côte d’Ivoire Senior Lecturer in Geography and Environmental Studies at University of Zambia GUÉDOU Fernand Aimé Regional Project Coordinator at Projet POCAO, Re- KAKOU-NGAZOA Solange search Center, Québec-University Laval, Hospital Uni- Professor of Microbiology at Pasteur Institute Abidjan, versity Center Ivory Coast GYIMAH-BREMPONG Kwabena KANDIL Feriel Economics Program Director at National Science Foun- Assistant Professor of Economics at Aix Marseille dation University HAMDI Mounir KANGNI Kinvi Dean at College of Science and Engineering, Hamad Professor of Mathematics and Statistics at University Bin Khalifa University Felix Houphouet Boigny, Abidjan HANANA Mohsen KARA Mohamed Hichem Associate Professor at Center of Biotechnology of Borj- Professor of Marine Sciences at Annaba University Cédria KAYITESI Eugenie HARRAZ Maged Associate Professor of Food Science and Technology Instructor at Johns Hopkins University Scool of at University of Pretoria Medicine KAZIANGA Harounan HATSU Irene Professor of Economics at Oklahoma State University Associate Professor of Human Nutrition at The Ohio KEDAD-SIDHOUM Safia State University Full Professor of Combinatorial Optimization at Con- HAYOUNI El Akrem servatoire National des Arts et Métiers Associate Professor at Center of Biotechnology at the KHADJAVI Kacana Ecopak of Borj-Cédria (Tunisia) Research Data Steward at Vrije University Amster- dam, School of Business and Economics HEENAYE- MAMODE KHAN Maleika Associate Professor of Software and Information Sys- KHAMSI Mohamed Amine tems at University of Mauritius Full Professor of Mathematics at University of Texas February 2021 4 PASRC INAUGURAL MEMBERS at El Paso MAIZI Nadia Professor of Applied Mathematics at MINES Paris- KHEDO Kavi Tech/PSL Research University Dean, Faculty of Information, Communication and Digital Technologies at University of Mauritius MAKHALANYANE Thulani KIIRU Joy Associate Professor in Microbial Economy and Ge- Senior
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