Title pages for Bulletin, Volume XVIII.2

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Citation Title pages for Harvard Library Bulletin, Volume XVIII.2. 1970. Harvard Library Bulletin XVIII (2), April 1970: 105-107.

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Volu1ne XVIII April 1970 Number 2

Publishedby the Harvard University Library

Cambridge, Massachusetts

Harvard University - / Harvard University. Harvard Library bulletin. Cambridge, Mass., Harvard University Library. Volume XVIII, Number 2 (April 1970), HARVARD L_IBRARY BULLETIN

VOLUJ\.IE XVlLlt NUl'i.UU:Ri ! APR1L 1970

Editor Ed,vi n E. Wil lic1ms

Associate Editor Rene I{uhn Bryant

E ditorinl Assistant; Sue Walcutt

Copyright 1970 by t!Je President and Fellows of

Second-class postage paid at Bostoni A1a~sachusets02109

Harvard University - Houghton Library / Harvard University. Harvard Library bulletin. Cambridge, Mass., Harvard University Library. Volume XVIII, Number 2 (April 1970), CONTENTS

The ,,,. S4 Gilbert j A l\r ES ELLTS 109

Studies of Contc111poraryChina Outside the · EuGEN E ,~l. 1,ru 14l

Bukinisty DoNALD FANGER 155 John Ronlscone,.sHarvard Bindings I·IANNAH ]) . FRENCfJ 171

Samuel Daniel and the Renaissance l mpresa~m ak crs: Sources for the First English Collection of l'JJ1prese JOSEPH KAU 183

The Ii arvard University .Archives in 1938 and in 1969 CLIFFORD K. SHIPTON 205

Notes on the Harvard Ljbraries 2 c2

A Harvard Library Bibliogra.phy: Supplement 2 1 5

Contributors to This Issue 216

Harvard University - Houghton Library / Harvard University. Harvard Library bulletin. Cambridge, Mass., Harvard University Library. Volume XVIII, Number 2 (April 1970), CONTRIBUTORS TO TliIS ISSUE

)A1\'iES ELL1S is Associate Professor of English at l\1ount Holyoke Co]Icgc. 'The Harl,.ard University Press ,vill soon publish his edition of The Rab R('l/adsj by W. Sr Gilbert+ DoNALD FANGER is Professor of Slavic and Comparative Literature at Har\'ard, and a l\·iember uf the Board of Syndics of the Harvard University Press, ,vhich published his study of Dostoevsky and Ro1nm1tic Re((Jir111in 1965..

HA~NA u D.. FRE.i"'iCI c is Res carch Librarian in Charge of Special Collections in the Wellesley College Library. I·Ier earlier ,vorks on binding include uEarly American Ilookbinding by Hand,' 1 one of the three ~says making up Book- bh1ding in An1ericll, edited by I-:Iel1mutLehn1ann-Ha.upt ( 1941) JosEPIJ KAu is Assistant Professor of English at the University of Ha,vaii.

CLIFFORD K. Sn1Pro~ retired in J 9 69 ns Gusto d1an of the Harvard University A.re hives. His pu bl ished bo olrn and arricles incl ud c three con rrib utions to car]icr volumes of the BuLLETrN; he continues to edit the microform reproduc-

tion of tides in Evans (Early Anierican ln1prints 1 1639--1800)and to ,vritc the Jives of 1-Iarvard G-raduntes, in the series ,vhich is still knO'-VOas u51bl ey' s/' hut ,vhich, since volun1e IV ( 1933) has-in fact been Shipton 1s. EuGF..NF., V. Wu is Librarian of the Hurvar d-Y enc bing Library and the author of Leaders of Twe11tiet b-Ceutury Cbin a; An A nnotd t ed B ibl iograp by of Se-

Jected C/jinese Biograpbical Works in the Iioo-ver Library 1 ,vhich ,vas published by the Stanford University Press in 1956. He is e.]so co-author (,vith Peter

Burton) of Co nte111pora·ryC bhw: A Re senre h Guide { l 967) 4

.2 I 6


Harvard University - Houghton Library / Harvard University. Harvard Library bulletin. Cambridge, Mass., Harvard University Library. Volume XVIII, Number 2 (April 1970),