2» - M ANCUKSTKR H KKAU ), Thursduy, Ailfi. 11. 19B:t Corporate chains push hospital rates higher

Bv Gino Del Guerico of the same size and in the same hospitals — all non-teaching insti­ Private corporations buying hos­ care proprietary hospitals are now were 11 percent higher. United Press International geographic areas, the investor- tutions of approximately the same pitals to form chains “ represent controlled by the five largest The editorial said “ the most Cable firm’s proposed Coventry ready to hire Home Interiors: owned chain hospitals have evi­ moderate size. the most dramatic change in the investor-owned chains, which are interesting difference in ex­ hospital industry in recent years," still very actively expanding their penses" was found in the costs of BOSTON — Although corporate- dently charged patients more per The sfUdy-was'cenducted by the said Robert V. Pattison, an author holdings." corporate headquarters allocated anti-theft measure aired owned hospitals have always admission and their operating Western Center of Health school social workers experts’ tips A 1978 study of Medicare data in to the individual hospitals. claimed their management exper­ costs have been at least as high," Planning. of the report. California, Florida and Texas “ Collectivdly these costs were tise reduces the cost of medical said an editorial published in the Nearly 1,100 hospitals in the page 3 "Judged not as businesses but as found charges for patient care percent higher in the chain hospi­ ... page 9 ... a special section New England Journal of Medicine. United States, or about 15 percent care, a report said today profit­ hospitals, which ai*e supposed to of all the general acute-care were 17 percent higher and actual tals than in the not-for-profit making hospitals cost as much as Corporate-owned hospitals in serve the public interest, (for- facilities in the country, are owned collections were 12 percent higher hospitals, and this increased ex­ 24 percent more than non-profit California charged 24 percent profit hospitals) have been less by corporations. in investor-owned hospitals. A 1980 pense outweighed the small sav­ hospitals. more per admission, according to cost-effective than their not-for- The editorial said the industry study of Florida hospitals found ings achieved in expenses for "Compared with nonteaehing a study that compared 53 investor- profit counterparts,” said the "is rapidly consolidating: About that charges for patient care were 'general' (room and board) servi­ not-for-profit voluntary hospitals owned hospitals with 280 other journal editorial. two-thirds of all general acute- 15 percent higher and collections ces,” the editorial said.

Chest X-rays NItro patch Showers tonight; Manchester, Conn. clearing iate Saturday Friday, Aug. 12, 1983 many times explosions — See page 2 Single copy; 25

By Gino Del Guercio United Press International Chad mulls By Gino Del Guerico Wholesale United Press International BOSTON — Many of the millions of chest X-rays performed on children suspected of having asthma in BOSTON — A Navy doctor trying to restart a the United States each year are unnecessary, a study army ability patient’s heart with a jolt of electricity had “ the living said today. daylights” scared out of him when a medical patch on prices up Dr. Jeffrey C. Gershel, a member of the Pediatrics the patient’s chest exploded, the doctor reported Department at Jacobi Hospital in the Bronx, N.Y., today. said most simple cases of asthma can be diagnosed The explosion of the nitroglycerin patch produced a without X-rays. for defense loud noise, a flash and a puff of yellow smoke, but did "Our data suggests that, for the vast majority of not harm the patient, Capt. John C. Babka said in a only 0.1% children with a first episode of wheezing, routine chest letter to the New England Journal of Medicine. Editor’s note: Portions of this dispatch were subject radiography does not add information that apprecia­ to censorship by Chadian officials. bly alters the care of the patient,” he wrote in an “ It scares the living daylights out of everyone," he article published in the New England Journal of said. i, t By Charles Mitchell Medicine. The phenomena has only been reported once or \ By Denis G. Gulino However, he cautioned his study was only the first twice l^fore in obscure drug company news letters, United Press International \ United Press International 2 and more must be done before the practice of but the patches are becoming increasingly popular, routinely giving X-rays to children is changed. His which could lead to many more similar incidents, he NDJAMENA, Chad .— Chad’s cabinet, its army WASHINGTON — Wholesale prices edged up only observations also only apply to cases of wheezing that said. routed in the north, met in emergency session today to 0.1 percent in July, held in check by less expensive can be stopped with drugs and are not accompanied The electric shock technique is often used on people assess the army’s ability to stop a feared advance on food and only slightly more costly gasoline, the Labor by other complications, such as fever or diarrhea. He who are only partially sedated, “ so they could hear the capital by a Libyan-backed rebel army massed in Department said today. Faya Largeau. also limited his suggestion to children more than the explosion themselves, which could be an The siight increase kept the 1983 inflation rate for one-year-old. emotionally devastating experience for the patient,” The strategic oasis town of Faya-Largeau, 500 miles business heading Asthma is a lung disease characterized by attacks he said. north of the capital of Ndjamena, fell to Libyan- down by 0.7 per of wheezing, coughing and a sense of constrietion that At first, Babka thought the explosion was caused by backed rebels Wednesday in a seven-hour battie — a cent when fig­ can last from a few minutes to several days. In the .V the nitroglycerin, which in other forms is highly serious setback to the pro-Western government of ured yearly, a PRODUCER PRICE explosive. President Hissene Habre. remarkable dec­ United States, 2.2 million children under the age of 17 m INDEX have asthma, the leading cause of missed school days But after examining a patch that exploded, he —— Western diplo­ lining trend that For Finished Goods mats said they and hospitalization. determined it was probably caused by “ an electrical has survived for (unadjusteo) arc between the defibrillator (an electric shock did not know how seven months. “ I'd have no problem with reducing the number of Related stories, .’■v" Index 1967sl00 28S 7 X-rays given to children," said Dr. Albert L. Sheffer, UPI photo device) paddle and the aluminum covering of the many of the 2,000 But one Labor an assistant clinical professor at Harvard Medical Fighting blood bank policy Transderm patch.” photos on page 10 army troops Department School and an expert on allergies. The patches administer nitroglycerin, which managed to sur­ economist, not­ 284 - "W e've already significantly reduced the exposure lessens chest pain associated with heart ailments. The . vive a tank and ing the figures to radiation. But it's important to make sure there are Richard Studer, age 31 of St. Cloud, Fla. people from giving blood to a family drug is slowly absorbed into the patient’s bloodstream air assault on the did not reflect no other factors that might indicate something rocks his son Richard, age 11 months, member or friend. Studer tried to give through the skin over several hours. town that peaked with napalm and phosphorous any affects on 2 0 2 - besides asthma." he said. who is in the hospital because of a virus Babka said the solution is simple: When trying to bombs being dropped by 50 Libyan fighter-bombers. food prices of the blood to his son twice this week because The government troops had been fighting desper­ Many medical textbooks recommend chest X-rays that has left him unable to digest food he feared a transfusion from an revive a patient with such a patch using electric summer be performed on all children entering the hospital shock, remove the patch or keep the paddles used to ately for 11 days and finally were cut off from supply drought, said the 280- I with severe wheezing, said Gershel. The X-rays cost and absorb nutrients into his blood­ unknown donor could give the child administer the shock from touching it. routes to Faya-Largeau, which commands access to report “ may be about $35 and expose children to radiation which stream. Studer is fighting a national AIDS, a deadly disease most often Babka discovered the phenomena when a woman the two roads ieading to Ndjamena. the calm before “ There’s nothing to stop a Libyan advance now” if should be avoided if possible, he said. blood-banking policy that prevents found in homosexual men. collapsed in the cardiac care unit at the Naval the storm." 2 7 8 H In other cases the X-rays are more than worth the Regional Medical Center in Charleston, S.C. Col. Moammar Khadafy should decide to continue, a Food prices radiation exposure and expense, he said. Western diplomat said. were down 0.6 Armed soldiers clad in green fatigues sealed off Although the number of X-rays performed on i percent, the third 2 7 6 H children each year is not readily available, Gershel Discovery at UConn roads into Ndjamena as the Cabinet met at the Council consecutive reported 5 to 10 percent of all children will at some of Ministers building to discuss the defeat a Faya month of decline Largeau. J A S O N O J F M A M J J time have an illness with wheezing suspected to be and iargely the 1982 1983 asthma. Chadian Foreign Minister Idriss Miskine, who led result of sharp Not only are the X-rays damaging and expensive, the government troops during the rebel siege of drops in meat but they increase the chances of a child being Faya-Largeau, escaped capture and arrived in the and vegetable prices. New route to convert coal to liquid capital in time for the emergency meeting, dipiomats misdiagnosed, he said. But after farmers sell off animals that are no longer " ‘Interestingly, because of improper reading of the said. profitable to feed at higher corn prices, the food index Libya’s state-run news agency JANA hinted may well begin to take off, government economist films, antibiotics were used unnecessarily in more STORRS (UPI) — An easier way to amounts of unused lignin, Coughlin known, Coughlin said. patients than were correctly identified as having .he heads are looking at making Thursday in a dispatch from Paris that peace Craig Howells indicated. convert coal to liquids without high said. He cautioned that the exact chemical positive radiographic findings," he said. hydrogen from coal for use as an initiatives already were under way, but did not say Home heating oil and natural gas got cheaper in the temperatures by using a plant bypro­ Any future large-scale use of wood nature of the new liquid products is not Although antibiotics are not usually harmful, they additional heating and motor fuel, and who made the offer or what it contained. latest report and gasoline prices went up only 0.9 duct has been discovered by re­ and plant biomass to produce alcohol in yet well understood and new technol­ are expensive and some people have allergic as a long term successor to petroleum. The report said there could be no settlement in the percent, compared to 5.1 percent in May and 2.3 searchers at the University of the United States also will produce ogy may be needed to refine and purify reactions. fighting uniess “ new faces" in the Chad government percent in May. Connecticut. similar amounts of lignin side product. it further. They have also been involved in were acceptable to Libyan officials in Tripoli and The overall energy index was up only 0.2 percent, G Robert W. Coughlin, a UConn profes­ The new process offers a new way to In addition to research on liquifica- research using enzymes to aid in rebel leader Goukouni Weddeye, whom Habre ousted the lowest for any month since October 1981. All sor of chemical engineering, said the use such lignin and a new way to liquify tion of lignin and coal, Coughlin and the conversion of woody biomass to alcohol in June last year. energy prices lag by a month in the report, reflecting new conversion process could become coal. chemical engineering research team fuels. There was no immediate comment from Chadian or a more economical, practical route for Coughlin and Faegh Davoudzadeh, a June price trends which apparently became even French officials. more favorable for dealers later on. links making liquid fuels and chemicals post-doctoral associate, combined coal Khadafy is backing former President Goukouni’s from coal. The Labor Department’s Producer Price Index was with lignin and in their initial experi­ rebel forces in Chad, an impoverished former French Herald photo by Taraulnio Coughlin said the new process use ments, a 50-50 mixture could be New microscope aids study 285.7 in July, equivalent to a price of $2,857 for goods colony in north central Africa that gained its that cost business $1,000 in 1967. Wholesale price chromosomes to coal and lignin, a major component of liquified more efficiently than either independence from Paris in 1960. higher plants. Lignin is the byproduct substance alone. trends generally influence consumer prices after a A new microscope allows scientists materials around cells without having Western diplomats said the insurgents forced Please bring dry socks few weeks to months. left behind after cellulose fiber is “ With the half and half mixture, to map the outer landscape of a cell in to slice or coat them with metal to government troops to flee into the desolate Doya separated from wood, for example- in about 80 percent was converted to The July report followed a 0.5 percent increase in origin of cancer detail and may one day actually detect produce a high resolution image as is desert, where temperatures soar to lizo degrees. They Susan Patterson, on the picket line in phone call. The walkout, with higher pay June, the biggest of the year caused almost entirely by paper making. liquid," Coughlin said, “ while only differences between normal and malig­ now normally done. “ Metal tends to. apparently were headed for the Cachi wells 100 miles more expensive gasoline and home heating oil. "The new process is unique because one-third of the lignin alone was front the Southern New England and more job security as issues, was in nant cells. obscure things, much as a snow storm away, the only source of water in northern Chad. Declines in the index in January, March and April it combines a fossil fuel (coal) with a converted and one-twentieth of the coal Telephone Co. office on East Center its sixth day today, and for Manchester BAR HARBOR, Maine (U PI) — Scientists say new The new technique, photoelectron obscures small buildings,” Griffith Chadian Information Minister Soumaila Mahamet counterbalanced all the increases to keep the business renewable energy source — lignin,” alone was converted.” efforts to discover how dormant human cancer genes microscopy or PEM, was developed for said. claimed the army still controlled the main roads near Street, takes a moment out from her the pickets were pacing in the rain. inflation rate sinking. Coughlin said. The product of co-liquifying coal and may be activated by defects or structural changes in biological research by chemist 0. Someday PEM may assume a Faya-Largeau. walkout duties to accept, of all things, a Without the decline in food prices and the gentle In the Soviet Union today, large lignin is a potential pumpable fuel and chromosomes could solve the basie riddle of how the Hayes Griffith of the University of primary role in cancer research, he increase in energy prices the price index for nearly amounts of pure alcohol and microbial might be useful “ as is” in generating disease begins. Oregon, and physicist Gertrude believes. If the technology can find nearly 3,400 commodities would have risen 0.5 animal feed, high in protein, are plants and furnaces, but whether it Using old knowledge about the existance of the Rempfer of Portland State University. as-yet-undetected differences between percent. manufactured from the cellulose in could be conveniently refined into a so-called “ silent” cancer genes or oncogenes, It enables scientists to look closely at the surfaces of healthy and cancerous Cigarette prices were up 6.8 percent for the month wood, leaving behind considerable good transportation fuel is not yet researchers at the Annual Course in Medical the thick, irregular surfaces of organic cells. Bomb hits Lourdes as pope readies visit alone. Products as varied as cosmetics, gold jewelry, Genetics, currently underway at the Jaekson magazines, drugs, floor coverings and luggage also Laboratory, said the microscopic genes can be proded went up. LOURDES, France (UPI) - A into action by disruptions in the chromosomes in pope’s visit. who ignited the explosives with a Heart attack prognosis made better powerful bomb exploded today beside stay during his two-day visit beginning Wholesale prices for automobiles, which alone which they are carried. “ Neither the pope nor the church wiil simpte fuse rather than a detonator. Sunday. accounts for 7 percent of the index, showed no change Independent the basilica of Lourdes, demoiishing a give in to this blind act of terrorism. The chromosome defects may also move key parts The blast rocked the area around the Visiting ihe hoiy parts of the town at all in the month and prices for light trucks were bronze reiigious statue two days before The pope is used to traveling in of the genes called enhancers into abnormal positions, Insurance shrine of Lourdes, where 4.5 miiiion nestied in the Pyrenee Mountains on down 0.3 percent. By Gino Dell Guerico a year,” said Moss, ot the Univer­ researchers placed each patient Pope John Paui II was to visit the dangerous spots and it would be stimulating gene units, possibly including the piigrims flock every year in the belief the Spanish border is said to have Prices for machinery for the factory and farm, 22.5 United Press International sity of Rochester (N.Y.) Medical shrine, poiice said. cowardly for Christians to fait to come potentially cancer-causing one, into action, said Dr into one of five categories, depend­ Center, Inc. that the Virgin Mary appeared at the resulted in 65 cures that have been percent of the index, crept up only 0.1 percent with Center. ent on how well they did on each Poiice said there were no injuries or to Lourdes,” said Lourdes rector. George Khoury, chief of the Molecular Virology site. proclaimed miraculous by the Roman several important categories showing no change. BOSTON — The 1 million heart He said the tests, ranging from test. other damage but a small fringe group Father Joseph Bordes. Laboratory at the National Cancer Instsiute in The statue was the first stop of the Catholic Church. Raw materials prices went down 1,2 percent, the attack victims each year could simply listening to a patient’s Low risk patients made up 33 calling itseif “ Halt to priests” claimed The explosion destroyed a statue Bethesda, Md. stations of the cross that depict the biggest decline since September. Within that broad have a better, more accurate heart through a stethoscope to percent of the group and had a 3 responsibility for the bombing and Researchers predicted that 90 percent of all cancers series of 14 life-sized scenes that form crucifixion of Christ. The statues wind The bomb, which police described as grouping were some of the most dramatic price prognosis as the result of new tests measuring how efficient the heart percent chance of dying within two warned of further acts before the the stations of the cross. will eventually be tied to chromosome defects and up a rocky hiiiside overlooking the very powerful, shook the lower section declines of the month, including a 2.5 percent drop for developed by nine medical centers is pumping blood, enable doctors to years; high risk patients made up 2 J depicting the judgment of Christ by Police chief Pierre Senaud said the how they affect genes. three-tiered Lourdes basiiica and the of Lourdes where most of the town’s 400 crude foodstuffs and livestock feeds, more of a drop across the country, doctors said learn how well the heart is percent of the study group and had Pontius PiiSte, the first sculpture in a bombing was the work of amateurs. hotels are located. Khoury and Dr. Reed Pyeritz, a genetics specialist today. bishops palace, where the pope will than either May or June. at Johns Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore, also noted functioning mechanically and- a 60 percent chanc^f dyinjfln two “ On the basis of four variables, electrically. other new research developments at the conference years. we can predict a patient’s probable A report on the two-year study at which is sponsored by the March of Dimes birth The hospitals that participated , CM' > r joh NaiiCrcPCU Explosion averted defects foundation. outcome and then modify our hospitals in New York City; in the study were Presbyterian treatment to improve the patient’s They said about 20 human cancer genes have been Rochester; St. Louis and Tucson, Hospital, Roosevelt Hospital and final outcome,” said Dr. Arthur J. identified, that are believed to perform normal Ariz., was published in the New St. Luke’s Hospital Center in New Moss, head of a research team England Journal of Medicine. functions such as cell differentiation and growth until York City; Highland Hospital in they are activated. which studied 866 patients at nine The researchers were the first to Rochester; Jewish Hospital and ’Dozer breaks gas line hospitals. People have 10,000 to 50,000 active genes, which are weed out tests they found to be St. Lukes Hospital in St. Louis; and “ We’ve improved the science of redundant and combine tests they counting packages of nucleic acids telling each living cell how the University of Arizona Health The subcontractor responsible clinical medicine and the care of found useful in this specific way. ran over and broke an 8-inch Finally CNG workers located to carry out it's particular function. In the nucleus of Science Center, Tucson Medical for a broken gas main Thursday on the 1 million heart attack patients Once the tests were taken. natural gas main belonging to nearby valves and shut off the flow each cell, the genes are carried in 23 pairs of X-shaped C en^r and St. Joseph’s Hospital your Tolland Turnpike apparently Connecticut Natural Gas on a of gas, according to department chromosomes, portions of which that can accidentally never obtained a report showing section of Tolland Turnpike below spokesman Thomas O'Marra. be switched with other chromosomes, or damaged or utility lines in the area. Depart­ the bridge that crosses 1-86 near lost. pennies? ment of Public Utility Control exit 93. The incident happened at Please turn to page lo Although some of the changes may have no effect on Cancer center may treat AIDS spokesman King Quillen said about 3:30 p.m. Thursday. a person s body, latest reseacb shows they might be You've got to save every penny today. The driver, who declined to give where you can. when you can. responsible for prodding the cancer genes into action. BOSTON (UPI) — The nation’s Health and the National Cancer basis there would be a center at State law requires that such a his name, told the Manchester The gene enhancers, some of which act only on their And your insurance is no major cancer care centers may Institute are presently reviewing Dana-Farber,” she said. “ It would exception. Call us for a quote report be obtained by anyone doing Herald he had had no idea the gas own gene units, can migrate to another gene and begin taking overtreatment of the AIDS problem. depend on the federal guidelines — on a Great Americart auto or a project that involves digging. line was nearby. As soon as he Inside Today stimulate the “silent" cancer gene, Khoury and AIDS victims, authorities say, in “They’re trying to make a anything else would be very much homeowrters policy. Brunalli Construction Co. of realized he had broken the line, he Pyeritz said. an attempt to find a cure for the determination on how best AIDS conjecture.” Southington, hired by prime con­ turned off his engine and went to 20 pages, 2 sections They said when segments of a chromosome move, deadly disease. should be handled — if it should be We believe we'll save you so tractor Savin Brothers, is in the Savin Brothers office in the they may relocate a dormant cancer gene next to one many pennies... Advice ...... lA “ It’s a very important area and handled by the comprehensive Frei said individual doctors at charge of all bridge work on the nearby shopping area. From there controlling tissue or blood functions, or vice versa, you'll lose count. Area...... ^ we have obviously discussed it at cancer centers,” said Arlene his institute and other research <»WANEmcW Interstate 86 improvement pro­ fire and police departments were and may also move an enhancer or other gene Classified...... 18*19 great length, but n0;^ecisions have Reilly, a Dana-Farber institutions in the country are ject, according to a secretary in notified. Com ics...... g stimulator next to the cancer gene. The move might been m ade," Di*.!’ Emil Frei, spokeswoman. studying AIDS, or acquired im­ Herald photo by Fitts Bninalii’s Manchester office. Entertainment 19 also remove curbs on cells growth, they said. director of Dana-Farber Cancer She said if such a determination mune deficiency syndrome, but Henry Borov icka, project super­ FOR SEVERAL hours Eighth Lottery...... 2 They said recent research has shown, for example, jB46-6050 Eighth District firefighters pour water Opinion...... g Institute, said Wednesday. is made, guidelines would be setting up' a formalized program by a Brunalli Construction Co. bul­ intendent for the I-8 C }ii^ c t, was Utilities District firefighters that a cancerous tumor called Burkitt's lymphoma is drawn up. Peopletalk ...... 2 A spokeswoman for the institute would entail a more concentrated 830 Hartford Bd.. - l - Jflanchoolar On gas escaping from a pipe that was ldozer. The bulldozer is parked at left. at the construction morn­ sprayed the leak with water to linked to a defect in chromosome 14. said the National Institutes of “ It’s hard to say now under what ilT M TBTWA______ing and could not 1 cached for ,...... effort. ruptured Thursday afternoon at the The water was a precaution to keep prevent sparks from igniting the Television...... a comment. rushing gas, which made a loud Weather 2 • d g a of the Burr Corners commuter lot sparks from igniting the gas. One of the co«ipat^.|>ulldozers roar as it spewed from the pipe. *****••••••••••••••••• 2 — MANCHESTER HERALD, Friday, Aug. 12. 1983 MAN^HESTEH HERALD. Friday. Aue. 12. 1983 — 3 The dog days of August Bennet decisions due Now that bonds have been sold to the operation of the complex. Peopletalk finance the conversion of the Bennet Three aopartments are expected to main building into housing for the be ready for occupancy by January. breed killer heat, humidity elderly, the ^ n n e t Non Profit Corp. The other 42 would be ready by next must make decisions about rental July. Nureyev will miss opening policies and procedures. While projections have placed the By Bruce Schwoegler prematurely from cancer, ather­ and high humidity can overwhelm The corporation also has theultimate r e i ^ t from $375 to $470, no firm figure A "simple" maneuver he had performed For United Press International osclerotic and hypertensive heart our systems. responsibility to see that the work on hasbeen set and there is not yet any hundreds of times ended Rudolf Nureyev's final disease, influenza and pneumonia There is no cooler air into which the building, now being done by machinery established for applying to production one night before it was to open, and BOSTON — Dog days are are likely casualties of heat, but body heat can radiate and high Maranba Builders Inc. of Wethersfield, get into the the complex. forced the ballet legend to withdraw from the seemingly named after the mid­ categorized elsewhere. humidity reduces evaporative is done properly. Boston Ballet's showing of "Don Quixote” with a summer period'of heat and humid­ Heat kilts by taxing the body’s cooling. In the extreme, heart, The immediate responsibility falls on Rents from one-bedroom apartments painful leg injury. ity which causes Rover’s tongue to thermal regulatory mechanisms. vessels, sweat glands and other architect Richard Lawrenpe, who are expected to range from ^75 to $395 " I had a spasm in my leg and I suppose it’s a drag nearest the ground. When you are overheated, your organs are working furiously, designed the conversion, andN>n the a month, while two-bedroom apart­ tear,” a subdued Nureyev, 45, said Thursday Actually, it comes from ancient blood drains excess heat to tiny generating more heat, while trying Community Development Corporation, ments are expected to rent at from $455 from his hotel room where doctors ordered him to Greek and Roman astronomy capillaries in the skin’s surface to decrease body temperature. which is managing the conversion and to $470 a month. rest for a week. He injured his left calf during which recorded the rise of Sirius — where it radiates to the atmos­ Wednesday night’s preview, one day before the Dog Star — during summer’s phere. The heart pumps faster and Elevated air pollution, which opening night, but finished the show. simmer. The ancients disliked vessels dialate to accomplish this. often accompanies heat waves, He said he wanted to continue with the Boston nature’s steambath-too, and firm ly Perspiration assists the process multiplies stress. Inhabitants of production, but it was too painful. "You couldn’t believed in the baleful effects of ' since its evaporative cooling con­ inner-city zones, whre dirty a|r Where can you find Jump from the leg. You could do some things. I Sirius on human affairs. They sumes blood heat. stagnates, suffer higher dea^ FAMOUS managed somehow to get through the perfor­ should have had an overheated car High humidity impedes cooling rates than suburban residents. mance,” he said. in a traffic jam . because the evaporative rate is Therefore, the problem is not only "H e pulled his le ft' calf muscle during the Dog days occur anytime be­ slowed by moisture laden air. relegated to the elderly, but also to performance. He danced hurting,” said Audrey tween mid-July and early Sep­ When combined, high temperature the poor. . Jonckbeer, ballet spokeswoman. “ I don’ t think tember. They may last for a few ITTT too many people noticed. He was in extreme pain days or percolate for weeks. As the but he went through the entire thing. heat persists and the mercury JEANS “ It is a disaster” for the ballet world, she said. rises, mortality rates also Storms soak the East increase. Although the human body can By United Press International creating a tornado that tore MIIMIIHiHH accomodate temporary changes in through the Allentown, Pa., air­ temperature, it has difficulty $ ? A- Severe thunderstorms in the port. The twister knocked out 1 9 9 9 adjusting to long hauls of feverish East flooded New York subways power and radar, forcing the Herald photo by Tarquinlo Fahrenheit. Thermal stress is with ankle-deep water and torna­ facility to close for the first time in Quote of the day most severe in the elderly. Heat does ripped through four stotes, 30 years because of a summer Painting In the rain cramps in a teenager may equate s i z e s 5 -1 3 c o m p . ^ 3 2 Prince Andrew’s girlfriend, Koo Stark, told wrecking a Pennsylvania airport, storm. to heat exhaustion in the middle knocking out power to thousands of British television viewers that her ideal man is Heavy rains were reported Hugh Storey (left), Clifton Park and Howard Spruce streets. Cloudiness and intermittent light aged, and heat stroke for senior people and iqjuring at least four. throughout the East, with 2‘/< "playful and sensual” in bed, during a an citizens. Bromwell apply paint this morning to the window drizzle helped cool off the area. interview that was taped two years before Miss Near-record temperatures inches at Islip, N.Y. The Dust Bowl droughts and heat, baked the northern Rockies and Iowa finally got relief from 12 area of a four-family house at the corner of Pearl and Stark, 26, met the 23-year-old Andrew. She gave of the 1930s established a grisly her views on several subjects. the southern Plains — Wichita straight days of 90-degree plus record. From 1930 to 1936, approxi­ Falls, Texas, reported 103 and 2 temperatures. Nolan Duke, a mi ie On marriage: "Well, they say marriage is for mately 15,000 people died from Havre, Mont., and ’Tulsa, Okla., forecaster for the National Severe the procreation of children to keep society stable thermal stress. New fees, higher monthly charges and everything running smoothly and civilized.” each had 102 — but the I^dwest Storms Forecast Center, said In spite of modem air condition­ and Northeast got a break from the highs would hit only the 70s and low On her private insecurity; "If I was feeling ing, fatalities are still measuredjn ... secure, would I be looking for a husband?” .heat wave blamed for nearly 200 80s through the Great Lakes — and hundreds and sometimes deaths since July. 60s and 70s in the Northeast. On whether she could instruct a man in thousands. ’The Great Lakes’ cool front “ The Northeast will get some D P U C airs cable T V rate bid lovemaking; “ Yes, but you have to be subtle In fact, the toll is probably far because most men’s egos are fragile.” moved east’Thursday, whipping up real cool August weather, unusu­ higher since those who expire winds as strong as 93 mph and ally cool,” he said. In photo above: Miss Stark arrives in Sydney, By Jomes P. Sacks Tuesday described the theft-of-services witnesses on the accounting procedures Austrailia from London today to appear on the Herald Reporter problem in the area as severe and said the used to show the need for the increase. The Michael Parkinson TV show. In the background is $500 charge for lost converters is needed as consumer advocate also wants to examine a friend. Miss Niki Davies. WETHERSFIELD — If the cable televi­ a deterrent to would-be thieves. Listro said the quality of the service Cox provides in Weather sion company that serves Manchester gets the charge is based on the company’s losses Manchester, South Windsor, Glastonbury, U, 260 NO. MAIN ST its way, you’ll soon have to pay $500 for when a converter is stolen. Newington and Rocky Hill. 4 MANCHESTER, CT losing — or stealing, as the case may be — Regional Manager Robert McGill, who Interviewed earlier this week Zitser said , NORTHWAY ► partly sunny mainly over west the converter that puts 35 TV channels at oversees eight Cox Cable systems in New he was “ by no means willing to concede the ANDY'S and 65. PLAZ^A Connecticut today England, testified that when converters are Mark Trail quits smoking portion around mid afternoon. Vermont: Fair Sifnday. Chance your command. need for the increase.” Maggie as British hanny Today rain tapering to occa­ Highs 70 to 75. of a few thundershowers Monday Moreover, if the state Department of damaged in fires or otherwise honestly lost, “ Profitability is often a function of Comic book character Mark Trail has set aside the company does not seek the punitive $500 Philip Burke’s caricatures are appearing in the sional showers cool with bigbsonly Maine: Rain downeast and occa­ and ’Tuesday. Afternoon highs 75 to Public Utility Control agrees with testim-. accounting,” Zitser contended. his pipe and quit smoking because a little boy charge from the customer. SUPER new Vanity Fair magaz^j^e. around 70. Northerly winds around sional rain elsewhere today. Highs 85. Overnight lows 55 to 65. ony given by Cox Cable representatives at Valerie Bryan, the consumer counsel worried about Kis health. Jack Elrod, the As the situation now stands, Listro said in Henry Kissinger (Above) was made on the 10 mph. T o n i^ t occasional show­ in the upper 50s to mid 60s. Maine: Fair Sunday. Chance of the first day of a rate-increase public attorney present Tuesday, said in an cartoonist who writes and drawsthe strip with its an interview, "Converters are being sold on occasion of his 60th birthday party in New York. ers and possibly a thunderstorm. Scattered showers tonight fol­ showers north and mountains and hearing Thursday, subscribers will soon interview after the hearing that she creator, Ed Dodd, said a letter from Daniel Kahn, the street.” This, he and other executives Henry was bom May 27, 1923. Lows 55 to 60. Northeast winds 10 to lowed by clearing over the north fair elsewhere Monday. Fair hll . begin paying about 20 percent moree for questions “ everything” on which the 6, convinced him that the comic strip outdoor testified, is partially due to Connecticut’s SAVINGS PEOPIE PlEASERS Below is Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher 20 mph. Saturday continued cloudy and mountains. Lows in the 50s. sections ’Tuesday. Highs in the mid basic cable service. Upon DPUC approval, company representatives testified. writer and photographer should not smoke. having the weakest theft-of-service laws in who will be 58 this October 13. The magazine’s and cool with a 30 percent chance Becoming partly to mostly sunny 70s to lower 80s. Lows in mid 50s to the basic service rate for cable subscribers She called the $1.3-million rate increase ” I do not think Mark Trail should smoke,” New England. British writer Simon Hoggart sees her as the of morning showers j^ s ib ly a Saturday. Highs in the 60s to low lower 60s. would rise late this year from the current requested by Cox “ excessive.” Daniel wrote. “ It’s bad for his health, it poilutes The current amount charged by Cox for MONDAY THRU SATimOAV lAM-^PM reincarnation of "the grand old British nanny” little sunshine breaking through by 70s. \ New Hampshire: Fair Sunday. $8.95 per month to $11.95; and the cost of “ They may in fact not be entitled to any SUNDAYS SAM>«PM the air and it is dangerous to the birds.” Elrod losing or stealing a converter is either $45 or who "had a code of values as strict and detailed as mid afternoon. Highs 70 to 75. . New Hgmpslilre: Occasional Chance of showers north and each additional outlet would rise from $3.50 rate increase at all,” she said. Ms. Bryan wrote back to the Atlanta youngster. "You are $200, depending on what type of device is Sils Itsms Avillible Wsd B/l thru Sst B/13 the Talmud ... Britain thrills to her bossiness Northerly winds 10 to IS. rain today. Highs in the upper 50s to $4. added that the consumer counsel’s office absolutely right. Mark should not smoke. mountains and fair elsewhere missing, they said. because (like a nanny) we can remove her... to mid 60s. Scattered showers But DPUC approval of the increase is by was also “ concerned that the corporate Because ofyour letter, starting in September, I ’m Monday. Fair all sections Tues­ State Consumer Counsel Barry Zitser, (but) we love the simple certainties she brought followed by slow clearing tonight. no means certain. philosophy of Cox is to provide the M Peg’s Pantry... not going to let Mark smoke anymore.” day. Highs in the mid 70s to lower however, says even that charge hasn’t been back to us... her head is never held up straight but ^ir quality Lows 50 to 55. Becoming mostly minimum required by law.” lEAN AMNOUR Elrod said he would explain Trail’s decision to 80s. Lows in mid 50s to lower 60s. approved by the DPUC, which regulates the always at a comfortable oblique angle ... she is sunny Saturday. Highs in the mid REPRESEN TATIVES of Cox Cable She was referring to testimony about a FRESH SlICED GERMAN stop smoking in December, but hasn’t decided The state Department of Envir­ cable Industry. " I t ’s a policy based on the first head of government in history to give a 60s to mid 70s. Greater Hartford Inc. and its Atlanta-based lack of public access programming by one how to handle it. onmental Protection forecats good High and low parent corporation, who testified Thurs­ customers being presumed to be criminals, witness, a Wethersfield resident who whole country its second childhood.” (Ckipyright air quality levels across Connecti­ Vermont: Rain and a few WONDERBAR thundershowers today. Highs in day, faced today what promised to be tough and that’s criminal,” Zitser said in an appeared as an intervenor. Cox provides BACON 1983, Conde Nast Publications, Inc.) cut for today. ’The highest temperature re­ cross-examination by Connecticut’s official interview ear)ier this week. Zitser is paid to only one public access channel and has no 12 oz. the 60s. Variable clouds in the west ported Thursday by the National consumer advocate. represent Connecticut consumers in utility live-broadcasting facilities west of 'the pickage tonight. Chance of more showers in Weather Service, excluding BOLOGNA ’The hearing, which commenced Thurs­ matters. Connecticut River, the witness said, in spite L.l. Sound the east. Lows 45 to 55. Partly Alaska and Hawaii, was 107 Not one, t^ut two kitchen sinks day at Wethersfield Town Hall, began again of promises when it received the franchise sunny and^ pleasant Saturday. degrees at Bullhead City, Ariz. Long Island Sound from Watch at 10 this morning at the DPUC offices in ’THE $1.3-MILLION rate increase, ac­ in 1972 to provide six such channels on each Michael and Vivienne Komi’s winter home in Highs 65 to 75. Hill, R.I., to Montank Point, N.Y.: Today’s low was 42 degrees at New Britain. cording to the Cox representatives, is side of the river. Miami was looted of everything, including two Redmond, Ore. n . i 9 Small craft advisory. The Office of Consumer Counsel has, as is justified because of a low rate of return on lb. kitchen sinks, and when Mrs. Kouri went Another witness, Joseph Tyler of Man­ 99< South winds 15-20 knots through common in utility rate-increase proceed­ equity and high equipment costs. chester, said the company should seek shopping for replacements she found her own Extended outlook Saturday with higher gusts. Vis­ ings, been designated an intervenor in the The representatives, who tried to explain alternative sources of revenue rather than furniture for sale. Weather radio ibility more than 5 miles tonight Extended outlook for New Eng­ process. the Cox’s complicated intercompany ac­ raising rates. “ There>big as life, were half the things I and Saturday. Wave heights 3-4 land Sunday through Tuesday: The National Weather Service counting practices and methods of depre­ G ' The Cox representatives — including owned,” Mm. Kouri, 59, said of the moment she After the hearing closes. Hearing Officer USDA CHOICE BONELESS feet with choppy seas through Connecticut, Massachusetts and broadcasts 24-hour continuous 'Corporate Vice President Sebastian J. ciating assets, agreed to submit exhibits on found her furniture for sale at Investment Margacet Girard will make a recommenda­ Saturday. Rhode Island: Fair and warmer weather information on 162.475 Listro, who manages the Manchester-based how the figures were reached. Nine such Liquidators in nearby Broward County. "There tion concerning the rate increase to the five through the period. Daytime highs mHz in Hartford, 162.55 mHz in operation, which serves 35,000 homes in six exhibits were requested by the DPUC DPUC commissioners, who have the option LONDON < 1 i L O was the table we had been leaning on for 20 years will mainly be in the upper 70s and New London and 162.40 mHz in accounts examiner and senior engineer — up for sale.” __ area towns — testified that both the rate of granting part of the requested increase, Pollen count low 80s, overnight lows between 55 Meriden. increase and the lost-converter charge are who did most of the questioning. Among the loot was her one-of-a-kind glass- all of it, or no increase at all. A decision is necessary for the company’s well-being. Before the hearing closes today, an BROIL STEAK T ■ • O O and-bamboo table, the Kouris’ round bed, NEW HAVEN — The Hospital of required near the end of September, 150 The six Cox representatives, some attorney for the consumer counsel’s office days after the rate-increase application made-to-order couches and two kitchen sinks that St. Raphael reported the Connecti­ ■ 12 30.00 speaking with heavy southern accents. — possibly Zitser himself — will question was filed by Cox. had been sitting-on the kitchen floor ready for cut pollen count for Friday was 0 29.89 installation. (zero) grains per cubic meter of UATTU A search through the liquidating firm ’s records air and the mold spores were LEAN BABY PORK C 1 ^ O .-•■-i-J' V v’ ft led police lir-Jim. Jeffery Hughes, 29, a man moderate. ‘Enjoyable readings* organizer says described by the couple as a “ clean-cut” and well spoken person “ with no rough edges'’ who they New England SPARERIBS T ■ • O O hired to work on their home while they were Massachusetts and Rhode Is­ away. •ANnuNcaco' Hughes was arrested Saturday on charges of land: Rain tapering to occasional NLRB ruling pleases health union showers today with a chance of grand theft, burglary and dealing in stolen V . Y FRESH SLICED ____ _ property. He had bonded out by Monday. afternoon thunderstorm. Cool with LOS ANOtl MW/ By James P. Sacks Embarrassed officials'at Investment Liquidators highs in the upper 60s to low 70s. Haven, represents 14,000 workers in Con­ In return for acting as a bargaining agent Cloudy with occasional showers LOWIST Herald Reporter necticut, 7,000 of whom are state empo- for employees. District 1199 collects dues promised to return the Kouris’ property. TIMFmATUWS Cassini remembers Grace east portion mainly early tonight, loyees. The union, an AFL-CIO affiliate, has which, in Connecticut, range from $4 per PROVOLONE < 1 O O chance of showers west portion Health care employees’ union organizer a reputation as one of New England’s more month to $15 per month. The $4 figure is for Oleg Cassini says that Grace Kelly considered early tonight. Lows 55 to 60. Cloudy Patrick T. Ward said Thursday a labor radical unions. employees who make $75 per week; while CHEESE T I . T T r^LMfMD marrying him over the objections of her family, Saturday morning with a chance of board decision calling for an election at the The nursing home, which is owned by $15 is collected from employees who make Crestfield-Fenwood nursing home of Man­ FROM OUR IN STORE BAKERY before she deciced to marry Prince Rainier of Flag politics showers east portion becoming 1/ «*.liwow Manchester residents Holland Castleman more than $350. Monaco. chester made “ enjoyable reading.” and Howard W. Dickstein, had sought to FRESHLY BAKED IN OUR OWN OVENS m g mm ^ Businessman Frank Spicer, who went to war ^0 80- According to Ward, that means most " I have the feeling that most people don’t even " I t ’s everything it should have been,” show at the hearing that some employees, under the American flag, is going to have to take UFI WEATHCB FOTOCABT e Crestfield-Fenwood employees will pay Ward said. ’"They didn’t have a leg to stand particularly cooks and LPNs, should be want to believe I had an affair with her,” he told down the banner be flies over his store because it between $10 and $12 per month. The dues on and we proved it.” considered supervisors under the National GRINDER ROLLS 4 / 5 9 < the Ladies’ Home Journal. "But I did...And I encroaches on city property. are $10 per month for emplyees earning Labor Relation^ Act and therefore excluded don’t think Grace could have had an affair with Spicer spent $1,800 for a metal pole to fly the $150-$199.99, and $12 for those in the me unless she thought honestly that she was going Almanac National foracaat The ruling, handed down Wednesday by from the bargaining unit. $200-5250 range. flag over his restaurant supply business in to marry me.” Her family disapproved because the National Labor Relations Board and The NLRB decision vindicates the union Real Cheese Norfolk, Va. but city officials said he did not get a Ward calls the current starting pay range Caasini was older and twice-divorced. For period ending 7 a.m. EST Saturday. During Friday niahi fair based on testimony at a two-day hearing in position, saying that “ cooks, as a class, are permit to encroach on municipal property. at the nursing home — actually two m M ^ r will gmeratly predominate. Minimum temperatures Inciude- Hartford in late July, was a victory for the not supervisors” : and that LPNs “ share a Flavor! Cassini said of their breakup; ’ ‘She talked to me The 12-by-15-foot flag, flying three stories up, Today is Friday, August 12th, the separate facilities operating under one roof New England Health Care Employees sufficient community of interest with the about Prince Rainier, and about how marrying hangs over a strip of city sidewalk. 224th day of 1983 with 141 to follow. C h !^ n « 70 (86). Boston 57 (72) at 565 Vernon St. — "sinful if not criminal.” him was the solution to her life. By marrying him Chicago 63 (82), Cleveland 55 (80), Dallas 77 (98) Denver so /nm Union, District 1199. employer’s service and maintenance em­ " I spend 20 years saluting the flag.” said The moon is moving towaiid its Starting aides at both Crestfield and Highly critical at times of the position ployees to warrant their inclusion in a she was satisfying a large group of people who Spicer, who served in the Navy during World War first quarter. Fenwood are paid $3.60 per hour and get had power over her — her family, church (80), Little Rock 71 (93), Los Angeles 65 (77). Miami 67 <90i taken by the home’s management and combined unit... II. “ I went to war for it. This is bull malarkey.” The morning star is Mara. raises to $3.75 after certification, he said. attorneys, it calls for an election supervised ‘"Thus, the unit sought is a wall-to-wall authorities, even the movie studio executives who J.W. Riddick, a city building inspector, said the ’The evening stars are Mercury, 81 "f (»2), Now York 62 (76). Phe^mx Crestfield is a 95-bed full-care facility and by the federal labor relations agency at the non-professional unit which the board has mistakenly believed she would return to films as flag was not mounted according to city Venus, Jupiter and Saturn. Fenwood provides 60 intermediate-care a princess.” nursing home within the next month or so; found appropriate in the health care specifications and must come down or be moved. Those born on this date are under beds, mainly for the elderly. the sign of Leo. ’They include and accepts a collective bargaining unit industry.” Ward said he expects the home’s * 8 oz. proposed by the union in a petition filed July 1.09 novelist Mary Roberts Rinehart, in Commenting on a motion for dismissal management to continue “ stalling tactics” Assorted 1876... and movie producer Ce ^ B . 5 with the NLRB. filed by Crestfield-Fenwood’s law firm, such as those he contends were used at the Vartetys de Mille, in 1881. Crestfield-Fenwood representatives said Jackson, Lewis, Schnitzer & Krupman — hearing. He said he expects Crestfield- On this date in history; through a secretary they had "no comment which is well-known in union circles, Fenwood to continue “ wasting $150 an hour Manchester Herald In 1851, Isaac Singer was on the decision at this point.” Nursing home according to Ward — the NLRB regional on their lawyers,” and pulling employees COUNTRY CLUB Lottery granted a patent for his sewing administrators have refused comment director blasts the nursing home’s conten­ off the floor in attempts to dissuade them Richard M. Diamond, Publisher machine. Singer set up businm in throughout the controversy, during which tion that acccording to an earlier NLRB from voting for the union. Thomas J. Hooper, General Manager Boston with a capital of 40 doUan. .two employees have been fired, allegedly decision, the proposed bargaining unit is SODA 2 / 7 9 < : •lo T union activity, and a third has been laid 1 Liter Assorted FIsvon Connecticut Daily In 1898, a peace proiocol was inappropriate. plus deposit signed ending the Spanish- •/-oft. ‘"n ie employer has misinterpreted the USPS 32/-S00 ; I f District 1199 is voted in, the bargaining VOL. CM, No. 266 Thursday: 523 American War afteh hostilities had board’s decision, for its motion to dismiss Bennet to test •• \ .unit win bb composed of 130-odd licensed Published dolly except Sunday lasted three months and 22 days. ignores...the rationale underlying the COUPON \ Suggested carrier rotes are $1.20 Play Four: 7450 , -practical nurses and service and mainte- COUPON and certain holidays by the Man­ ^peekly, $5.12 tor one month, $15.35 ’The United States acquired Puerto board’s decision..., the legislative intent in chester PubllshlnoCo., 14 Bralnard ; jianoe employees, including cooks, house- new students fbr three months, $30.70 for six Rico, Guam and the Philippines, amending the (National Labor Relational Ploce, Manchester, Conn. 06M . ' Steeping employees, and a variety of aides. Second class postooe paid at Mon- mbnthsand$41.40foroneveor. Moll and annexed Hawaii. Act to cover health care institutions, and Bennet Junior High School, 1151 Main St., rotes ore available on request. :*Reglstered nurses, clerical employees, ches^ter. Conn. POSTMASTER; Connecticut weekly: In 1978, Pope Paul the 6th was the purposes and policies of the Act.” will register and test new students Aug. 23 Send address changes to the Man- :ftuards, and all supervisors are excluded OFF To place a classified or display buried in St. Peter’s after an beginning at 8:30 a.m. Students in grades 7, * on!i OFF •ch«»*«r Herald, pTo. Box' » » , C, 632, Yellow. advertisement, or to report a news ; fro m the unit. ' IF THE EMPLOYEES vote in District Any 1.00purchase of $10 or m o re - $200Any purchase of $20 or m o re - Mon Chester, Conn. 04040. outdoor funeral attended by 8, and 9 who have moved into Manchester excluding beer, cigarettes 8i 44>2711. Office hours are 1:30 o.m. thousands. 1199, Ward said, the union will seek a during the summer and will attend Bennet excluding beer, cigarettes & To subscribe, or to report o to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday. other numbers drawn Thursday • FOR THE UNION to be named the tax. Limit 1 coupon per cus­ M lvery problem, coll 447-9044. In 1982, actor Henry Fonda died three-year contract with Crestfield- this year should report to the Bennet office tax. Limit 1 per customer. Cou­ in New England; 'bargaining agent for the employees, a Fenwood. Ward said the employees, whom tomer. Coupon valid Aug. 13 & Office hours ore 1:30 o.m. to 5:30 The Manchester Herald Is a at age 77. between 8:15 and 8:30 a.m. They should pon valid Aug. 13 & 14. p.m. Monday through Friday and 7 subscriber to United Press Interna­ Vermont daily: 738. Satalllla wlaw majority of those eligible to join must vote he described as "gleeful, like myself.” have iVith them their report card from their 14. ' *! o-m. Saturday. Dellyery tional news services ond Is o' Maine daily: 953. in its favor. Ward says that’s no problem, want, among other things, higher staffing s^uld be made by 5 o.m. Monday A thought for the day; French Commerce Department satellite photo taken at 4:00 a.m. EDT shows previous school and other transcript member of the Audit Bureau of Rhode Island dally: 0929. since over 100 of the 135 workers have leveli on nursing .home wings, improved materials. Andy's J Andy's through Friday ond by 7:30 o.m. Circulations. playwright Tristan Bernard said, thunderstorms extending from Arkansas to the Carollnas Rain Saturday. New Hampshire daily 7549. alA ady signed union cards. - insurance and pension benefits, and a They will be registered and tested to "Men are always sincere. ’They clouds extend from the mid-Atlantic states to the Northeast PaMisB Massachusetts daily: 0826. O M lle t 1199, which has offices in New "non-arbitrary system.of discipline.” delerniine pliU'cment in clnssos change sincerities, that’s all.” of cloudiness are over Texas and the Rockies. 4 — MANCHESTER HERALD. Friday, Aug, 12, 1983 MAN HESTER HERALD. Friday. Aug. 12, !983 - 5_ Guatemala-partlea meet on VIctores U .S ./W o rld In B rie f Salvador reports army deaths double EASY-LIVING SAVINGS! By Jane Bussey of 1,073 soldiers dead, a rise of 500 over Lavelle pleads innocent United Press International last year’s 3,657 wounded in action and a more than doubling of the 1982 figure WASHINGTON — Rita LaveS3 pleaded inno­ of 144 MIA'S. cent today to charges she lied to Congress and the El Salvador’s Defense Ministry, The total casualties represented 20 BONUSI OVER $30 government about her management of the indicating the bloodiness of the coun­ percent of the arm y’s manpower, SAVINQS IN CALDOR Environmental Protection Agency’s toxic waste try’s civil war, reported a more than DEVELOPINQ A signaling the human toll wreaked by cleanup program. 100 percent increase in military deaths PRINTINO COUPONSI* the civil war. At a brief hearing, attorney James Bierbower this year and said total casualties Salvadoran President Alvaro Ma­ entered Miss Lavelle's plea of not guilty to reached 20 percent of the army’s gana made a three-and-a-half hour charges she lied about manipulating cleanup manpower. ALL FOSTER GRANT visit Thursday to the aircraft carrier funds to help Republican candidates and about In Guatemala, the eight legal politi­ USS Ranger, which heads an eight-ship SUNGLASSES her role in a toxic waste case involving her former cal parties planned to hold a thrice- fleet about 65 miles off El Salvador’s employer. postponed meeting today to forge a coast and 100 miles due west of Standing calmiy before U.S. District Judge common poUcy towards the regime of 20% .OFF Managua. He watched F-14 warjets Norma Holloway Johnson, the former chief of the Gen. Oscar Humberto Mejia Victores, Our Re«.8 4 9 to 1940..... 4 . 0 7 tu lU . I S 7 pound 500-pound bombs onto targets. E P A ’s $1.6biilion Superfund toxic waste program who took power Monday in a coup. IfidejlinkihwMi NIKON *EM* 35iimi SLR Camera ’" ’I feel I ’m not alone," he said. promised to return to court Aug. 25 for a status A spokesman for Guatemala's right­ "A fter looking at that exhibition, I am wRh f/1.8 Lena hearing when a trial date will be set. ist National Liberation Movement, which suggested the meeting, ex­ very glad these officers are on my S T S i k E K y S I CoidorflBe.i*^...... 1I9J7 Without objections from the government, the side.” i E t s judge released Miss Lavelie, 35, on a personal plained the postponements by saying , ;« ntowf . OurM««.M4M CidderfMoPiieo...... ;147.00 ' SEA & SKI Suntan _____ recognizance bond. "we are still observing, watching and \ CMdorimtantllolMto .. .1040* pondering the new government." Nicaraguan rebels Thursday dam­ Oil or Lotion, 4 oz. Mejia appointed lawyer Luis Fer­ aged a bridge some 42 miles inland Save Every Day AFTER W ells room m ate gun found nando Andrade his new foreign minis­ from the northern border with Hondu­ ON ALL HARDCOVER AND RESATE...... ter Thursday. Andrade said he favors ras with seven dynamite blasts. The Aperture preferred eutomatlon; visual and 2 e 0 9 EACH BOULDER, Colo. — The FBI seized a "freshly “constructive talks, directly with local security chief said the rebels had PAPERBACK BOOKS audible wamlnp. (R««. PUMI may vwy by atoraj Our Reg. 3J5B Ea. cleaned” shotgun from the family home of a Great Britain" about neighboring hoped to cut military access to the ^IkeealNlilerdaiallB. - roommate of college student Sidney Weils, the .Kodak f Belize, a former British colony whose slain boyfriend of actor Robert Redford's area. H m m e e m inu em^L territory Guatemala claims. The Jiguina bridge, 84 miles north of daughter, and officiais revealed cocaine was Figures released Thursday by Sal­ Managua in embattled Jinotega pro­ UPI photo found in Wells' body. •ny 35niiTi vadoran Defense Minister Carlos vince, had several 3-yard-wide holes in ■ s ' 4;?- Detectives took the weapon from the Akron, CHAM PION Spark Pluga Eugenio Vides Casanova for the year its structure after the attack. Salvadoran president Alvaro Magana watches an exhibition Coio., family home of Thayne Smika, 24, three ending June 30 showed 2,292 soldiers Thursday of aircraft assigned to the USS Ranger aircraft carrier, WW'- • NON-RESI8TOR ^ days after Wells was killed by a blast from a In Washington, the Veterans of dead, 4,195 wounded and 328 missing in t i KODAK ORIHIJI .20-gauge shotgun held close to the back of his Foreign Wars announced a fund­ in the Pacific Ocean 65 miles off the coast of El Salvador. The Reg. 1JM ...... 1 e l l t f action. Soldiers who fall prisoner are head, police spokesman David Grimm revealed raising drive on behalf of Nicaraguan carrier and seven support ships have been performing exercises counted as missing. m rkint film RESI8TM i Thursday. rebels. White House spokesman Larry Reg.14«r ...... lm £ ,Q The figures revealed more than a 100 off the coast of Central America near El Salvador and Nicaragua ; tti< »tw sr. hy RoblROoelc I.. t-;i'.1448. . i r He said the gun, a .20-gauge, was sent to an FBI Speakes said “ if that’s what they wish and Printed percent increase over the 1982 figures since July. Sold In sets of 4,6 & 8 only. laboratory in Washington. to do, that’s their business.” iNhWlMlrtlilrt WffMNN Oo-lt-yourseif and save money! "It had been freshly cleaned," Grimm said. MNpSSoiwiw ...... v,,t«ei..l|;i Coroner Rodney Ahiberg said Thursday a 2 . 2 . 3 9 toxicology report revealed Wells had “ a minor GENERAL ELECTRIC amount" of cocaine in his body when he was killed Where can you find Aug. 1 at the posh Boulder condominium be Druze fire at army in r0riy'....2.79 Sealaci Beam Headlam ps' libNfiCTiON a~ shared with his brother, Samuel, and Smika. WOMEJVS iWrnim NIKON ‘FQ’ Program m ed Com pact 2.33» 7.44 ^ rte.AMon ...-...... 3.99 OurReg.ajMlle&W Chile quiets down as violence growing SILK/ANGORA BLEND 3 $ m m S L R C a m e r a w R h f f 1 . 8 L a n a For best results, replace In pairs SANTIAGO, Chile — Soldiers patroiling the laiNfMedMOnly. CaidorRaa.Priea...... 28947 for easier, safer driving. BEIRUT, Lebanon centuries, demanded the The government, insist­ ...... 6.49 streets enforced a curfew today and the capital ...... CiddorSalAFrieo...... 257.00 MnoMonveom. removal of army guns SWEATERS was quiet after thousands o f Chileans defied the (UPI) — Druze Moslem ing it must assert its U pb, Mfr.MaU4nRabata...... 35.00* militiamen shelled Leba­ aimed at Druze areas in authority, said it would e. ti I FBw OoHimiy: government in a bloody day-long protest I lohan 1M aay, or you don’t peyt demanding an end to military rule. nese army positions today the Shouf Mountains east continue deploying troops ...... : • a f t e r 3 0 0 0 of Beirut. They claim the in the Shouf as Israeli Ten people were rep ort^ killed, nine by east of Beirut, shot sniper leiW W lmUeeiHwHMecwi..,.irj».jaL2S ^ gunfire, and 70 others were injured as angry fire at military vehicles army supports the rival soldiers withdraw to more Programmed mode eets shutter and aperture Chileans set fires in the streets of Santiago by day and detained 52 Lebanese Christian Phalange secure iines along the if you am diM ith IM wrth any pletum we print, while manual mode allows creative photography, SM soldiers, security sources Party, which is headed by Awali River in southern $ 1 3 9 9 ? S 5 h i x ...... Thru-the-lens flash metering system. Compact, and banged pots and pans in a noisy, peaceful Idt prooessing envelope for e demonstration by night. said. Gemayel’s father, Pierre. Lebanon. I mnmipnergQadAu^t i2-i& 1803 llghtwalghl (Rao. prices may vary ly atora.) Students who staged protests in several The third day of Druze gunners Thurs­ Lebanon’s officiai Na- liiADEPAPfeRBACK'^ t or run A8A100 turn prtmed^TMafiSeid size. *ft8Ma aadi Aeg^ tiv 18BI. She oiadt lar daNMa. university campuses Thursday said they would stepped-up vioience in Le­ day pounded Beirut Inter­ tionai News Agency said c o m p . ^ 2 0 banon erupted at dawn national Airport, traded failure to move the army continue demonstrating today. » 8 t m « ...... res ...((L38 Chilean media reports said 500 people were when the Druze fired heavy artiilery fire with into the Shouf as the arrested in confrontations with 18,000 soldiers artillery rounds at army Christian forces and Israelis pull back would President Augusto Pinochet ordered out to quell outposts and started battled Lebanese troops “create divisions and I ASandyShnw, .te s t.. . t M the disturbances. shooting at military vehi­ in the Shouf before a power struggles within “ It's going to fall. It's going to fall — the cles, officials said. cease-fire ordered by Is­ the country leading it to I “ Intermittent sniping is raeli occupation forces civii war.” mi le military dictatorship,” student protesters being aimed against Leb­ took hold. chanted before dub-swinging riot squads broke 8m up their rally in downtown Santiago. anese military vehicles When the cease-fire WANT ADS are worth along the Beirut-Sidon took-hold the army had looking Into when coastal highway from po­ lost two dead and 26 you're looking for a Why Pay More? Centralla to abandon town wounded in the fighting place to live...whether sitions in the Aramoun MANCHESTER PARKADE VIDAL SASSOON CENTRALIA, Pa. — Residents plagued by a hills — 10 miles southeast around the village of Kfar lt'» a home, on apart­ coal mine fire that has raged under the town for 21 of the capital," a spokes­ Matta, but were still hold­ ment or a mobi le home. A d m i ' - 1500-Watt Pro Dryer . GILLETTE Suparm ax-2 ing off the local Druze years voted to abandon their homes to make way man for the Beirut Inter­ iPlufth : . 10OO'W att Stylar/Oryar GENERAL ELECTRIC 14 Cu. F t militiamen. m iha4- ■ with Concanirator for a giant trench designed to end the blaze. The nal Security Forces said. . RafrIgaratoNFraazar The authoritative An On Wednesday, six peo­ a,:#:tPeMP CiMorR«iS^FrtM ...... 19.88 CaldorRe0.Fitee...... 17J8 move could begin within a week. PliWem n ltaaiBni Caldor Sale Ftteo.14J9 CMorSideFrIoa...... 13.7D Has anergy-eaver oorttrol plus *399 Property owners in Centralia and adjacent Nahar newspaper, quot­ ple were killed and 38 iF ifa e..... ; . . r .7S wounded, including a U.S. lySteiihwt Kino*,i..;.Sit ; tmaueHM .' ' 9tFeww ftlie Mfr.MalHnRebate ... ..S iO * Mfr. MalHn Rebate ...... 4i0* tibergisas door insuiaiion for Rog.Mik70 sections of Conynham Township voted 345 to 200 ing “ well informed secur­ economical operation! #TB14SB pweiwitraalorj U Thursday night in a nonbinding referendum to ity sources,” said the Marine in Lebanon’s in­ IhoONecdLugyaemlito - AFTER Druze detained 52 Leba­ ternational peace­ Oy IiOTm WNwVWWIIWMmI«' « * • • e-reoMMI' '* AFTER D Q O relocate outside the northeastern Pennsylvania idrC e. 4.70 HEBATE------4 f e « 9 9 REBATE...... 9 . 7 0 community — a move that could herald the end of nese soldiers and contacts keeping force, as Druze Wilil6yOofliwi> * •OENERAL EUKiTRK: 18CU. Ft. No4^mat militiamen shelled the ature Exclusive Sfunotlon operatlont Has 2 heat and airspaad settings Centralia. were under way for their also has handy eoH cord and ReMgamtorfTBT19D B .ltee.m70.... .$ 6 1 8 release. No further details 'airport, the presidential |FiMBy,hy Rehwt Haifiiain.. .S i t plus 2 attachnmnts. For rmm and Townspeople would get between $10,000 and much morel MckM 4VS207 women. Model #9230 (DaNie«y tnatiNaileeaMNaMa Whtai8lmt correct the conditions. The Here is the backstage story: Orange St. sioner P. Joseph Peraro 168 Woodland St. lOIlf " - .background for his report a four-dams question has not Kissinger cam e back from Pek­ "W e’re within 30 to 60 days of going out to bid, said Thursday. “ But I am U 1979 federal study of of dams found its way into a political ing last October convinced that the but that’ s just a guess,” said Lawrence Van not absolutely certain in town. campaign. United States should sell high-tech Benthuysen, spokesman for the state Depart­ Connecticut is entirely in the clear as yet.” The last public word on the The implied analogy be­ equipment to the mainland. He ment of Administrative Services. “ I think I ’m on began lobbying Secretary of State the long end of my guess-timate. It may be Peraro said he would status of the town concern tween the dams and the Union continue to watch unem­ DISCOVER lEANS PIUS LOW. LOW PRICES! George Shultz and national secur­ sooner.” about the Howard Dam was ployment figures for evi­ Street Bridge, which the town ity adviser. William Clark for a He said architectural design for the proposed that a firm in Storrs, Leonard facility are in the final stages of review. dence of recovery. closed in June after the change in U.S. policy. The gradual improve­ . & Dilaj, was hired to study the collapse of the Connecticut Defense Secretary Caspar Weiiv ment began in the first ' problem to see what, if G Turnpike bridge in Green­ berger opposed any relaxation of NOW targets health care quarter and by June the unemployment rate had -anything, the town should wich, is admittedly a bit export rules that would allow the NEW HAVEN — The state branch of the declined to 6.4 percent, 'consider doing. Chinese to pick our technological National Organization for Women has accused strained. compared to a nationwide brains. He warned that the ac­ Connecticut Blue Cross-Blue Shield of overcharg­ The dams have only a rate of 10 percent. quired U.S. technology could be ing women for comprehensive health care . Since then a draft report potential for hazard. The insurance. The latest figures for a used by the Chinese to modernize two-week period ending has been completed on the bridge was known to be in a About a dozen women Wednesday handed out their military forces. July 30, showed a weekly dam. It has not come to public flyers saying that Blue Cross charges women state of deterioration and it But Kissinger argued: “China average of 47,191 claims, more than men for comprehensive health care ^attention and certainly it has appears a bit ricketty even to could not represent a military including 8,308 due to plans and that a woman pays $7,740 more than a ^not come before the Board of threat to American interests for seasonal closings. The the untrained eye. Commentary man for the same coverage during her working 'Directors for any kind of But the questions Kandra the rest of this century, by which life. claims were 2.3 percent higher than the last re­ .consideration. time current technology will be NOW spokeswoman Terry Ferguson said has asked for answers to from porting period, but sub­ superseded.” non-group rates for comprehensive health care Kandra’s 1982 report said stantially lower than July the consulting engineers are LAST F E B R U A R Y . Shultz flew are 72 percent higher for women under 30 than that if the dam gave way it 30, 1982 when weekly questions that need to ans­ Who will replace Baker? to Peking for discussions with men in the same category. ’The discrimination claims averaged 60,484. would release water down wered. And when they are Chinese leaders. On the eve of his means women pay $184 more per year than men for the same health coverage. New claims dropped Porter Brook and then Hop answered, someone will have departure, Kissinger asked him to from 8,366 in mid July to Bv Wesley G. PIppert heads the powerful Finance Com­ leagues last winter by ousting Leslie Hayes, Blue Cross manager of public Brook, inundating the valley give "urgent attention” to the 6,613, while continued to make a policy decision on United Press International mittee and took the lead in writing relations and advertising, didn’t deny women are liberal Sen. Bob Packwood of “ transfer of technology.” claims increased from ■up to 20 feet. There would be what to do, if anything, about a $100 billion tax reform bill last charged more than men for comprehensive Oregon as chairman of the N a­ On April 2, Kissinger paid a 37,770 to 40,578. danger of affecting 15 homes them. WASHINGTON - The maneuv­ year. health coverage, but said that plan amounts to tional Republican Senatorial sudden, 24-hour visit to Peking at Temporary closings ac­ with a possiblity of loss of life Will there be any enthusi­ ering already has begun to see who Many attribute bis softening to Committee. only 2 percent of the company’s health coverage the request of Chinese Foreign business. counted for 3,336 first­ and appreciable economic will succeed Howard Baker as his second wife. Transportation time filings and 4,972 asm on the part of the policy Lugar acknowledges his name Minister Wu Xueqian. The purpose She said Blue Cross was compelled to charge Senate Republican leader. Secretary Elizabeth Hanford Dole. continued claims, com­ loss. makers or on the part of the has been suggested as leader but was to sit down With Wang and women more for the comprehnsive health plan Sens. Robert J. Dole, 60, of pared to last year’s fig­ : Then there is the Buck- public to spend money on the he tells, inquirers he thinks it is advise him on how to establish the because of competition. Kansas, Pete V. Domenici, 51, of D O LE T IP P E D his hand about ures of 4,114 and 1,411. .ingham dam. That has only important now to concentrate on Everbright Industrial Corp. The­ dams, on the basis m erely of New Mexico, James MCClure, 58, the leadership role in Kansas, but The rate of insured his role in helping Republican reafter the company set up offices “ significant” hazard poten­ an engineering assessment of of Idaho, and Richard G. Lugar, 51, when asked about it at a Capitol senatorial candidates. in Hong Kong, and Wang told tial. But the Globe Hollow their condition, without a of Indiana, are the likely candi­ news conference he squirmed and reporters it was owned by “pri­ dam has high hazard poten­ dramatic illustration of the dates — and probably are favored finally acknowledged he had told a McCLURE, CHAIRMAN of the vate” Chinese citizens operating tial. Porter dam has only in that order, too. questioner back home, “Yes, I’m danger, if any, they pose? important Energy Committee and outside the communist bureau­ McClure probably starts with interested.” chairman of the conservative, cratic structure. SPREADING THE the most votes, but the ultimate Domenici, a former Albu­ informal Senate Republican Steer­ Yet intelligence sources say that winner may be Dole, who has shed querque mayor, would be most like Berry's World ing Committee, also lacks color but Wang carries a diplomatic pass­ WORD his acerbic image to become one of Baker in style, at least outwardly. keeps his cool even under port, that he holds cabinet rank In today’s worid of sophiitlcatad communications, it is hard the most respected and powerful Domenici used gentleness and pressure. and that he reports directly to to imagina a time whan the town crier was the only availeble senators. His tongue has alienated quiet determination to harness the Premier Zhao Ziyang. source of news for townspeopla. Employed by the town, the a few over the years, but he unwieldy Budget Committee and McClure comes from the West, a lonely town crier wee responsible for spreading the word to Kissinger, meanwhile, has con­ commands the respect of all. get fiscal blueprints through stronghold of Republican strength. the citiienry. tinued to consult with both Shultz against great odds. But he is much more in the mold of The only form of communicetion which it still et penonal at and Clark about China policy. They hearing the town crier In the streets it the Oastified taction M A N Y SENATO R S shun the Domenici’s heavy smoking — he Sen. Paul Laxalt of Nevada, Reagan’s close friend, than of joined in adopting the policy of the dally newspaper. This it where private Individualt floor. But Dole, who has kept his would go through six cigarettes in communicate with other individualt In buying and tailing change that Kissinger wanted. sharp wit, loves the give-and- take a half hour— betrayed tension and liberals Mark Hatfield and Bob situations, in hiring amployeet or finding (ofat, in telling or Packwood of Oregon. Before his last visit to Peking, of debate, and standing at his nervousness. But after a chest In asking. Kissinger was told by Clark that back-row seat he frequently grabs operation to remove a lesion that McClure is interested but has When spreading the word it important to you, couni on u Weinberger would pay an official lowcott ed In Classified to reach the right paopla. Placing the ball even when his legislation is proved benign, be stopped smok­ made no public announcement. vUit to Peking in September to your ad it easy. Just give us a call I not involved. ing. Even President Reagan Assistant Republican leader Ted work out details of the technology When an agricultural measure pleaded with him to stop. Stevens of'Alaska says he would transfer, that this would be fol­ was foundering in the last Con­ His staff said that Domenici. too, like to move up, but there is almost lowed by a visit to Washington in gress under Senate Agriculture is interested but for the present is unanimous agreement that his October by Foreign Minister Wu Chairman Jesse Helm’s manage­ focusing on legislation and his own flashes of temper on the floor have that Premier Zhao would also ment, Dole took over and pushed it re-election race in 19M. r?!!!pved him from likelihood. come to Washington at an undeter­ Call Classified through. Lugar, the dark Horae, is one of / Whoever succeeds Baker’s Ten­ mined date and that President Ho has vastly changed from the four Rhodaa scboiatii in the Senate nessee twang and pencil- tapping Reagan hoped to redpit)cate by days when as Republican national and was President Richard M. will follow a tough act. The visiting China next year. chairman he tongue- lashed Nixon’s “favorite mayor” as unflappable Baker, who comes A spokesman explained that George McGovern in the 1972 mayor of Indianapolis. He has from a family of past members of Kissinger was merely “briefed” presidential race, and when he was been praised as the consummate Congress, has been the most iWanrifrfitrr Hfrato and did not act as a "messenger” President Gerald R, Ford’s run­ senator, but his speech and demea- effective leader since the days of ning mate in 1976. or “ negotiator” lor the Reagan Lyndon B. Johnson and his own Dole joined McGovern in push­ adminUtration. But he has been father-in-law, Everett McKinley ing food stamp legislation. He right in the middle of the tech- 643-2711 I atrated hia popularity among col- Dirksen. transfer battle. 8 - MANCHESTKK HKHALD, Fliduv, Aug. 12, 1983 MANCHESTER HERALD, Friday, Aug. 12, 1983 — 9 Friday TV New England New York asks

of Oracula's personality are por­ Area towns QD - MOVIE: 'Coma Fill « w aid for blackout (D 8 - FM/TV 8 - Top Rank Baxkig from In Brief 6:00 P.M. trayed. Klaus Kinski. Isabelle Ad­ GS-OlMCaupto South Varmouth, Cbpa Cod, Cigi'AnawtpiCup* A nawtpapsrman g a - it halp CS) ( £ ) (X ) ( S i (S!l S3) - Newt jani, Bruno Ganz. Rated PG. NM in racovsringng from sicohollam. (X ) • Three's Compeny 1979 Friday 8 - Night FUght Toniglit's pro- Jem et Cegney, Gig Young, Phyl- A n d o v e r Nuns will keep fighting g ^ fsaturss ‘New W ave 8 8 - 1983 World NEW YORK (U PI) — The city’s largest shopping (D-S.W.A.T. 9 - Victory Garden Champkmahlpa of Track E Ne Thaxtef.1951. C o v e n try 9 - Soledad Serie dramatica. Thoatro.' ‘Donnis Ms' and 'SpsM - Joe FrenkHn Show Bolton / CHICAGO — Four Roman Catholic nuns who and clothing manufacturing area was blacked out for (S ) - Bemey Miller CadM.' (4 hrs.) FMd Today’s program faatursa QD Libertad Lamarque. tha men's ataeplechaaa and Jav- challenged their bishop in court to keep their the third day today and Mayor Edward Koch called 9 } - HBO Rock: Unie River 9 S - Beet of Midnight SpeckdC 9 - Entertainment Tonight Daisy's chances -o f winning 8 - FMtival of Fallh akn throw. (60min.) teaching jobs and won a precedent-setting case President Reagan to seek federal aid for businesses Band in Australia This Australian the First Annual Miss, TrPGogn- 8 - Sundey et the Kbig'e 9 - Alice 8 - Sports Tonight 8 - Mors Raal Psopla say they may help other clergy whose legal rights faced with millions of dollars in losses. rock group performs from the lies Beauty and Talent Contest-^., Houee Melbourne Concert Hall. 8 - «^IE : 'Uiy ChMtar- suffer “ for the good of the whole.” Some power was expected to be restored in the & - Business Report seem remote alter Boss Hogg 12:45 A.M. 2:15 A.M. (3ft - USA Cartoon Express Lovor' A woman's psnkm Four Sisters of Mercy from Hampton, N.H., 12-block area today, but Con Edison spokesman Dan 7:30 P.M. accepts money to assure anoth­ to a love sfisir with her aris­ 8 - MOVIE; 'Chssch and 8 - MOVIE: 'Beer lelend’ A 9 9 - God's Nows Chong'S Nice Dreams' Tw o ice Coventry schools to hire told their story to the National Assembly of Walden offered "no assurances.’’ CD - PM Magazine er contestant ot winning on 'THE tocratic husband's gamskoapw. weether-reeeerch team on a de­ - Buck Rogers Sylvia Kriatal. -Sb«ns Briam. cream vendors try to earn enough solate Arctic ieland hee more In Religious Women conference Thursday. After­ The utility still hoped to have full service by D - All In the Family DUKES OF HAZZARD. which caih to achieve their fondest * (29 (@ - Reading Rainbow airs Friday. Aug. 12 on CBS. oholaaClay. 1981. Ratad.R. mitKl then world dm ate. DonekI ward, their counterparts from around the country Monday, but it is possible it could take longer, Walden D ~ Muppet Show dreams. Cheech Marin, Thomas Sutherland, Vanaeea Redgrave, (S ) - Reporter 41 CHECK U8TINQ8IKW EXACT T « « Chong, Stacy Kaach. 1981. said the question of due process within the church said. ® - Famlty Feud 8 - PaUcula: ‘Quo VIono mi Rchard Widmerk. Rated PG. remains unresolved. (S) - MOVIE: 'Cennery Row' .lib rid o ’ Rated R. full-time social workers The affected area, which includes Macy’s and (13) - Major League Baaeball: Along Monterey's decrepit wat­ 2:30A.M. Gimbel’s flagship stores, was blacked out Wednesday New York Yankees at Detroit 8 - Tw ilight Zono 1:00 A.M. erfront. a marine biologist tries to ID 1983Coension of licenses to 166 teens, Con Ed officials said the utility had reported some (3ft - Sports Probe CD - MOVIE:‘Fighting Mad* A 9 - MOVIE: 'Horror of difficulties in school because of worker will see children from the town budget, currently being con­ 6:30 P.M. Dracula' Every night for .600 9 - Glen Campbell Show latest state figures show. water seepage into the substation Tuesday. (3ft - Zola Levitt Live disINuaibned city dwaOw rahwna personal or family problems will same families, if necessary, as tested by the state in Tolland (5D “ Robin’s Nest to Ms fathar's ranch. Pater Fonda. years Dracula rises from Ns 3:00A.M. "Our records show that among the overall total The city’s Department of Environmental Protec­ 9 - House Calls S ) - Prime Nawt A missionary, returrting from A f­ (8 ) - FrMnwn Wsporti coffin-bed to seek the warm have additional help available this they come through the school County Superior Court, might be C£) - CBS News Lynn Lowry, P h ^ Carey. 1976. of people arrested in a year for drunken driving, tion said crews had answered the call of a seepage, but S ) - Crossfire rica, is put in charge o f t%venty- blood he needs to k^ep Nmself CD - MOVIE: 'Ouna Of The year, after the Board of Eklucation system. declared invalid, therefore jeo­ (£B 8 - Powara of.Matthaw eight fallen women. Michael Palin, 8 8 - Elachiad Eiachiad aua- CD - Hockford FHaa Revolution' The head o f govarrt- teenagers, who are drinking illegally anyway, were unable to gain access to the problem area. (33) - Alice Matthew poses ass whiz kid alive. Peter CusNng, Michael Thursday night authorized the " I f the child has a problem, the 2> - M*A*S*H Star Maggie Smith, Trevo; Howard. pects that the staying of two her­ ment and a Mexican priest svug* pardizing the two positions. accounted for about 9 percent of the total,” “ If we had gotten in we probably would not have (3ft > Medical Ahematives to learn how a computer dating (S)-.Honaymoonara Gough, Christopher Lee. 1958 9 iZ) - MacNeH-Lahrer Rated R. oin dealers was ordared by a gle in their dedication to the came superintendent of schools to hire likelihood is that it extends into the ' However, Mrs. Stave said it service is used as a kidnapping honored detective. (R) (60 min.) 8 - MOVIE: 'Outiand' A Highway Safety Representative Albert Godfrey been able to correct it. It could have been from a lot of (2) IS) - NBC News Report 8-JimBakkar 9-Daapodida of justice and hunum rights. ^ two full-time social workers forthe fam ily," Mrs. Stave said. would be pointless to delay the ploy. (R) (60 min.) Space-age marshafl tries to keep nest Borgnine, Padre Humberto, said. The legal drinking age in Maine is 20. sources. We would have had no way of knowing which - Untamed Worid 9 l - 'Charytin' Programa ntusi- 8 - MacNan-lahrar Ragort school system. \ hiring of the social workers, since a ® ( B - Washington Weak/ & 8 - Knight Rider After a tiia peace in a lawless mining 1:15A.M. Nancy Grecco. 1972. water main it was coming from. It would probably @ ) - Notldero Nackmal SIN cal presentartdo la beiia Charytin. reporter is ^ain whHe reporting 8 -2 4 H o r a a camp on one o f Jupitar’a moons. THE SOCIAL workers will not decision in the budget case could Raviaw Paul Duke is joined by 9 - MOVIE: 'Cold Rhror' A 6 9 - Rodeo Superstare have taken a day or two to locate the water main," Noticias nacionales con Guillermo (S) - Match Gama on a new miracle drug, M ic h ^ 8 • MOVIE: 'Sharicay-a Sean Connery, Peter Boyle, top Washington journalists ana­ brother and slater bacoma lost on ChampkNiahip The social workers will assist work on a restricted schedule, but possibly be months away. Hub remap order upheld said Jeffrey Sommers, a DEP deputy commissioner. Restrepo. lyzing the w eek’s news. Knight finds the man who was Machina* An Atlanta vice aquad Frances S te m h a ^ . 1981. Rated O l - Banwy M illw a family canoe trip t N o u ^ the primarily elementary school child­ rather will be available to families “ I would like to p ro ce^ with the ( 9 - Jeffersons pushing the new substance. (R) sergeant encounters pimps, caN R. 8 - CFL FoattwH: Britiaii BOSTON — U.S. Supreme Court Justice Deputy Mayor Kenneth Lipper said the city sought ® - P e o p l.'. Court 8 - MOVIE: 'Bfoaklng Away' Adirondack Mountains. Richard ren and their families in resolving primarily by appointment to ac­ hiring of social workers or any­ (60 min.) girls, crooked pottticiana and drug 9 - Crossfire Columbia at Edmonton William Brennan has refused to delay implemen­ low-interest loans from the the Small Business ® - ABC News Four teenagers challenge local dealers in hia everyday working Jaeckel, Robert Earl Jones. Rated problems that often impede a commodate the varying work thing else having to do with the college boys to an important bi­ 9 9 ^ Tonight Show John­ PG. 8 - MOVIE: ‘Hank WIKIime: tation of a lower court order requiring Boston to Administration and the Federal Emergency Manage­ ® - Dr. Who 8:00 P.M. 8 - MOVIE; ‘Tha Fog' A cen- world. Burt Reynolda, Rachel The Show He Never Gave* The child’s ability to learn. schedules of parents. budget against the uncertainty of cycle race. Dennis Christopher. tury ok) curse plagues a sleepy Ward, Brian Keith. Rated R. ny's guests are Rodney Danger- re-draw its new political district lines, and new ment Adminstration. Lipper said federal officials had 7:00 P.M. Dermis Queid. Barbara Bmia 1:30 A.M. show that Williams might heve School superintendent Arnold E. (3) - Duke, of Huzwd Oal.y Caiifomia seaside village. Ad­ 6 M and Marietta Hartley. (TO . "You can’t teach a child who has the budget, since it is a certainty 1979. Rated PG. 9 - That's HoNywood given the night he died is pre* election plans have again been challenged by been "very responsive” to the city’s request for help CD - CBS News gets tlie opportunity to become a rienne Barbeau. Jamie Lee Curtis, min.) CD “ Tom Cottle Show his or her mind on something Elman is ready to hire one that 1,600 kids are coming on Aug. NASCAR driver but Boss H o ^ (S )H a w k s Eyavlaw santed. Sneezy Waters. minority plaintiffs. to businesses. CD ® - M*A*S"H 8 - MOVIE; 'Edward The Hal Holbrook. 1979. Rated R. 8 - MOVIE; 'If I Had a MMHon' CD ~ Tom Cottia Up Cloao personal," said Sondra A. Stave, candidate, Mrs. Stave said, and a 31," she said. wants in on her contract. (R) (TO King* Brennan refused Thursday to grant the stay " I called the president m yself," Koch said. " I have 9 ~ FairfMd Co. Report 10:30 P.M. An eccentric millionaire decides (3 ) - Independent Network 6 ft - Night Flight Tonight's pro­ chairwoman of the board. number of others are “ in varying CD - Muppet Show min.) to leave Ns money to eight stran­ w . sought by Attorney General Francis X. Bellotti, not yet spoken with him to see whether or not we can 8:30 P.M. ® - Inside Business Today CD - Kinar's Komar News gram fMtures 'New Wave The board earlier this year stages of the interview process." IN ANOTHER inatter, the board D - ABC Nows (D - PM Magazine gers. George Raft, W.C. Fields. Theatre,' 'Donnie Iris* end 'Space who said he would now try to bring the case before get some special assistance in the form of short-term (X) - Health Beat (3})-Nawa C:harles Laughton. 1932. (2 ) - NBC Nows Overnight sought funding for the two posi­ She said she expects both positions authorized the purchase of three (D - V o g a $ (X) - This W M k In BnaboU 9:30 P.M. Cadet.' (4 hrs.) Justice William Rehnquist instead. loans for the manufacturers.” CD - Major League Baseball; dft - HBO Rock: littia Rhrar 8-Nightllfw 9 -M O V IE : 'TheSearchers' a tions primarily in response to pleas to be filled by mid-September. TRS-80 Model 4 computers from 2 Nows 03) (2 1 - (X) SI - NFL Pro-Sooon 931 - CFL Football: British Texas CivH War veteran returns ® > Freemen Reporte The blackout struck the garment district at one of Boston at Kanaaa City Columbia at Edmonton Band In Australia This Australian from teachers, particularly at the Since the positions are new to the Radio Shack, to be used for (3ft - SportsCentor Football: Team a to be home to find his brother and 9 • Quntm oke its peak selling seasons. Announced ® - Inside Boxing rock group performs from the Coventry school system, some computer instruction in the (3ft - MOVIE: 'Hank Williams: 8 - Cormecticut Lawmakara Melboume Concen HaN. 12:00 A.M. sistar-in-law kiNed and Ns two elementary school level, for help in Pell nudges peace process Millions of dollars in losses were expected, although CD 9 * Mejor League 8 (B) - Wall Straat Waak neices captured by Commachas. 3:30 A.M. dealing with children’s problems, board members questioned schools. The purchase and pro­ The Show Ho Never Gave’ The 8 - Gsbrial y Gabilala 9 ~ That's HoNywood (9 ) - Saturday Night Liva NEWPORT, R.I. — Sen. Claiborne Pell, D-R.I., some businesses have moved to nearby hotels and to show that Williams might have Baseball: Chicego Cubs at N ew L(Mis Rukeyser analyzes the '80s John Wayne, Jeffrey Hunter, Na­ 6 ft - Voice o f Faith Mrs. Stave said. Teachers were whether they had been adequately posed instruction is in response to a York Mats with a we^ly review of econ­ & - Stata Wa’ra In 8 - Nswanight says the peace process and the move toward the street to sell their fashions. given the night he died is pre­ & - Short Faatura talie W ood. 1956. 9 - MOVIE: 'Breaking Away* often forced to try to help children defined through job descriptions. long-realized need for some sort of sented. Sneezy Waters. omic and investment matters. 8 - MOVIE: Tattoo’ A psy­ nuclear arms control needs a “ nudge," and he (3ft - Auto Racing '83: Formula 8 - Buainaaa Report 1:45 A.M. Four teenagers challenge local deal with personal problems, While no final job descriptions training in that area, Mrs. Stave I German Grartd Prbc Coverage 9 > BIN Presenta: Veraoo 10:00P.M. chotic tattoo expart kidnaps a (3ft - Radio 1990 Today's pro­ college boya to an important bi­ exist, several preliminary ones hopes a Senate delegation to the Soviet Union next gram looks at the hottest trends of the Formula I German Grand Azul QD - FsiGon Craat Lance, des­ modal and maksa bar the ultimate 8 - MOVIE: 'Stmnga cycle race. Dennis Cnristophar^ which then decreased the amount said. Behavior' A crazed murderer dis­ week can provide it. and perfomrters in the world of Prix is presented from Hocken- pite an irate Angela, learns that canvas for hia work. Bruce Dam. Dennis Quaid, Barbara oWrie. of time available for educational have been drafted, said board “ Our students are frequently 9:00 P.M. (6 ) - Comedy Tonight Maud Adams. 1981. Rated R. turbs the life o f a quiet coHage Pell, ranking Democrat on the Senate Foreign entertainment. heim. West Germany. (90 min.) love without money cannot 1979. Ratad PG. instruction and interfered with the member John S.' Bagnali, head of penalized by the lack of knowledge (X)-D.lia. Bobby discovers ev­ thrive. (R) (60 min.) town. Michael Murphy, Louisa Relations Committee, will be part of the (3ft - Chapel Hill Church ^ - USA Friday NIgM Boxing 10:45 P.M. Fletcher, Dan Shor. 19B1. Rated teacher-student working relation- the board’s Social Services of such equipment, whether word Heat shrinking idence proving that J.R. is illegally 4:00 A.M. Coverage of professkxtal boxing (X )- Naws 12:30A.M. nine-member delegation which leaves Washing­ ( 9 - Hogan's Heroes shipping oil to an embargoed 8 - Rsportsr 41 R. ^ ip , she said. Committee. processors or computers, when is presented from Madison 91) - Indapandem Nstworic CD - AR In tha Family CD - MOVIE: 'Ooodbya Agaiii* ton on Monday. country. (R) (60 min.) A Paris interior decorator accapta Although the social workers will "We have models from six or they enter the job market or IS ) - Moneyline Square Garden, New York, NY. (3 Newt 11:00P.M. CD - Mary Hartman. Mary 2:00 A.M. “ The most important purjM>se of the trip is to hrs.) CD ■ The Merv Show tha attention o f a younger mari. seven other towns,” he said, 9 - MOVIE: 'Nosferatu; The 8 - Sunday at tha King'a CD CD CK)8 8 8 - Hartman QD - Naws/Sign Off be contracted to the entire school pursue additional education,” she U.S. corn crop Ingrid Befgman, Yves Montand, nudge along the process of arms control and the Vampyre' The sad. tertder parts Gft - Camp Meeting USA 9 $ - MOVIE; Tha Mlaatonary' system, it is tentatively planned to adding that the preliminary job said. House CD - M*A*8*H CD - NIghtiina QD - Amarica's Top Tan Anthony Perkins. 1961. peace process,” Pell said during a news conference at his waterfront home. BEAT UP VOOB BUPPV WASHINGTON (U PI) — This year’s drought- b ec a u &e h e was Auditors question financing stunted American corn crop — estimated to be 38 BETTER THAN BRIDGE ASTRO Sununu cheers foundation percent smaller than last year's record harvest — you, HUH 7^ could shrink further as the dog days of August BOSTON — New Hampshire Gov. John Sununu increase the damage inflicted by July's heat wave. GRAPH has gone on the road to lead cheers for his state’s “ It is not the final word by any means," Richard Defeating a slam economic foundation, promoting an upcoming $52 «iai alai probe fund illegal Lyng, deputy Agriculture secretary, said Thursday million bond 'sale while he tries to deal with a after release of the season's first corn estimate, which budget in the red. ment his Indian hosts, who \ put the crop at 5.24 billion bushels, the smallest in nine The tax-exempt bonds, scheduled for redemp­ NORTH 1-1141 beat his team in the finals. HARTFORD (yPI) -Thechief istration and regulation of legal­ Jackson, who normally follows up years. tion in 1993, will be used for construction projects. ♦ QJS4 He doesn't show the bidding state’s attorney’s'Jnvestigation of ized gambling were used instead to on such letters from the auditors, Weather since the Aug. 1 survey on which the f flO < lb u r They will be priced next week. except to say that it was jai alai has been ilthgally financed finance an investigation by the earlier this week said he believeci estimate was based has not been good for crops, Lyng ♦ J973 very bad. for two years by the State’s gaming Sununu is saddled with the problem of raising ^ B irth d a ^ Division of Criminal Justice the financial arrangement is legal. said, projecting a lower estimate when the next 4KJ82 west led the fourth best of money at a time when his state has a budget agency, state auditors have told (McGuigan’s office),” Donohue Jackson said Monday he had monthly crop report is released Sept. 12. WEST e a s t his partner's suit in accor­ Gov. William O’Neill. \ deficit of $44.7 million and a decreased bond and Becker wrote. approved an oral agreement be­ He said the largest acreage cutback in history OA10 876 *2 dance with E)asley Black­ A u g in l 13,1BS3 State Auditors m V.' Donohue rating. V They said the Legislature, for tween McGuigan and Alfred W. reduced this year’s corn crop by 'about 2 billion V8532 TQJ976 wood’s theories. It was defi­ and Henry J. Becker Jr., Thursday nitely his best lead. Have definite goals and objdc- whom the auditors work, could Oppenheimer, director of the gam­ bushels, and the drought so far has cut it another 1 *Q4 4 10885 tlves this coming year, tMJt fra oSaid in a letter to the governor that simply have appropriated the OH M Y ♦»6 4543 South took the first heart ing agency, setting up the transfer New mortgage pool slated billion bushels below last year’s record crop of 8.4 flexible regarding the m alM d s they are questiosing the transfers funds to McGuigan’s office during GOSH! WE and led a spade toward you use to achieve them. You two years ago. billion bushels. W ALKED SOUTH ■ of $334,640 from the 'Division of its 1982 and 1983 sessions, "thereby BOSTON — Low-interest mortgage offerings o GCX3D 4KS3 dummy. West ducked and may find It necessary to tailor McGuigan’s investigation began The national average corn yield was estimated at RIGHT INTO G APFR V ) Special Revenue to the office of avoiding this continued circum­ that created overnight lines outside of banks in AK4 North won. South returned your procedures to changing after the May 1981 murder of 99.9 bushels per acre, down from a record 114.8 A S E TU P ! TH E Y GOT to his hand with a club and "Chief State’s Attorney Austin J. 4 AK2 conditions. vention of the budget process.” former Hartford Jai Alai owner the spring return this month with a new pool of bushels last year. LOOKOUT. H IM ! H E'S led his nine of spades. West McGuigan. The money has been R O U m SM 4AQ107 LEO (July 23-Aug. 22) If you Last week, Donohue questioned Roger Wheeler. $100 million to help about 2,000 potential The crop is the smallest since 1974, when a poor G O IN G ducked and E)ast chucked a used to investigate possible skim­ DOWN! place too much emphasis On $238,088 in transfers to McGuigan’s Thus far in the investigation, 73 Massachusetts home buyers. spring, hot summer and early frost pulled the crop Vulnerable; North-South heart. Now South ran off the sell-serving Interests today, ming of jai alai betting money at office, but the letter was his first [lercent of the money transferred The money, supplied by the sale of state down to 4.7 billion bushels. Dealer South rest of his clubs. E)ast someone you're fond of may M state frontons. formal abjection regarding the has been spent to pay consultants mortgage revenue bonds, will provide 11 percent Record grain supplies left over from the 1981 and chucked a second heart and you know how he or she feels • The auditors cited a statute Weal Nsrth Eail Soatk was careful to throw a high matter. for computer work. They are fixed-rate loans that require a minimum down 1982 crops — 3.4 billion bushels — "w ill give us what about selllshness. Order now. requiring that money be spent 24. one. The NEW Matchmaker whaM That amount now has grown to trying to determine whether bet­ payment of 5 percent. Commercial mortgages in clearly appears to be an ample supply," Lyng said. Pan 24 2V strictly on the purposes for which it Now South cashed his ace- and booklet which reveals $334,640, because of $96,552 in ting money at jai alai frontons can the Boston area currently carry an interest rate "There will be no shortage of grain in the United king of diamonds and was romantic compatibilities (or Ml was budgeted, and said the expenses incurred by McGuigan's be "skim m ed" while the crime is of about W/t percent. States." Ftether bidding not abown. ' transfers violate it. Zta Mjn it naight beat be delisted when the queen signs, tells how to get along office since June 30; and it is disguised through the use of a Already the drought has pushed up feed prices, G with others, finds rising signs, " I t is our conclusion that certain forgotten, except that South fell. He then took his second expected to reach $650,000 within a sophisticated computer scheme. reducing margins for livestock producers. In the high heart and again E)ast ' hidden qualities, plus more. funds appropriated to the Division Transplant Insurance due played in efai no-tmmp. year, the auditors worte. There havfe been no arrests or short-term, producers might send more animals to dropped a h i^ one to retain Mail 82 to Astro-Graph, Box jat Special Ibevenue for the admin- O’Neill’s legal counsel. Jay W. public accusations of wrongdoing. BOSTON — Massachusetts Blue Cross and Blue market, lowering food prices, but ultimately there SOU'RE SOU ^ p r — ^ I 'M NOT A Opening lead; V2 the seven spot. 489, Radio City SUtion, N.Y. 10019. Be sure to give your Shield, under increasing public pressure, has will be less meat available — and at higher prices. eULLIBLE, SWALLOW * I JUST TRV TO BE FANATIC Now South made bis key - zodiac sign. Send an additional decided to offer its 3.5 million subscribers Confronted with the steepest decline in farm incoii e HAZEL. ALL THAT CAREFUL, TVI Axis A U . ABOUT IT,' play to try to make the hand. HEALTH FCOP He led tne four of hearts, '$1 for your Leo Astro-QrA^ insurance coverage for heart, heart-lung and since the Great Depression, the administration last By Oiwald Jacoby only to go down two instead predictions for the year ahead. liver transplants. winter adopted a payment-in-kind program that OTJFF H(3(X, VIRQO (Aug. 23-Sapl. 21) Poor to energy money a ^ Jamei Jacoby of one when West won that The Harvard Community Health Plan, the LINE ANP Strive to be budget-minded promised government commodities to farmers who SINKER.' trich with his eight to cash largest health maintenance organization in New idled acreage normally planted with com and other two spades. today and keep your accounts WATERBURY (UPI) agency. Pakistani expert Zia Mah- in order. Don't blow funds now are NU "hardship” custo­ panes, water flow restric- England, also announced Thursday it would feed grains, wheat, rice and cotton. Note that the old-fash­ tnood has written an excel­ which are earmarked lor future ' — A total of 500 poor The money comes from mers, have already been tors, caulking and provide for heart transplants for its members and The department forecast the soybean crop at 1.84 ioned opening lead had told lent "Bridge World” article expenditures. ' families will have a total the state, which agreed to chosen. Work on their East that he could unblock weather stripping, De­ would evaluate candidates for liver transplants billion bushels, down 19 percent from last year’s on a tournament play^ in UBRA (Sept. 23-Ocl. 23) Keep , of $250,000 in energy con- fund the program with homes could begin within in hearts, thus avoiding the on a case-by-case basis. record 2.28 billion bushels. Average soybean yield was Calcutta, India. He shows mum about your finaneW „servation improvements $250,000 it received in a Leon said. diamond end-play. 10 days, said Kevin De­ estimated to be 29.7 bushels per acre. many interesting bands, and status. If you broadcast your -made to their homes 1981 settlement of a legal (NEWSPAPER ENTERPRISE ASSN.) Leon, weatherization takes great paiiu to compli­ worth, an acquaintance whale under a pilot program battle between the federal coordinator for New Op- always short may tap you lor a ‘ announced by Northeast government and Chevron 111 loan. portunities for 111 Utilities and a Waterbury Corp. STilliiaux. SCORPIO (OcL 24-Nov. 22) Waterbury. ^ E N Money could be the root of ! community action The conservation mea­ CROSSWORD your problems today, and I'm agency. sures "w ill help many of not referring to the lack ot It. The coofierative effort the residents who are Conn Save, an inde­ BOni'S FRUIT FARM , , , _ r - Jfl# Uncharacteristically, you may with New Opportunities low-income in the Water­ pendent agency sup­ ir / A RAINT-6Y- ACROSS 64 Big top Answer to Previous Puale be needlessly tightfistad. for Waterbury, initiated bury and Naugatuck ported by utility funds, ART ^ S A Q ITTA R H fS (N ov. 23-O m -by the utility, was des­ areas, not only this win­ will conduct free "energy ilMikiai J 0 W| LI 21) Optimism must ha NUIAgeR 55T 1 Bothers (tl.) DOWN cribed by officials who ter, but in winters to audits” of each family’s PEACHES & PEARS 5 Cigarette (fl.) u T 6 t l tempered with reality today. Kaoud SUPPLIF; 9 Berrel (ebbr.) L 1 t Iti Hope which lacks sufficient announced the program come,” said Mary Hart, home. Up to $500 will then fOft BEGIISiNEiRr. 1 Mete pig energy aide to Gov. Wil­ locatad on 160 luih Hill Rd. 12 Amorout look 2 Homely substance could be shattered Thursday as a "unique be spent on improvements 13 Sefety egency 3 Exultetion by minor disappointments or . partnership” between a liam O’Neill. such as storm windows, Mandioitor — off tha rood (irrrr^ setbacks. (ebbr.) 4 Gender private company and a The 500 Waterbury and furnace modifications, in­ Oriental Rugs 14 Poverty-wer 6 Stunted tree CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. II) ''non-profit social service Naugatuck families, who sulation, new window Open 9 am-6 pm 7 days week It is likely you'll achieve your egency (ebbr.) 6 Perm egency 15 Ancient (abbr.) ambitloua ob|ectives today, hut Th a v c s B-12. conqueror you might have to pay a prf^ 7 Article SEMI ANNUAL ClMShpNCAMC.TMn^t U» FM • TUOff 17 Entreet that exceeds their true worth, 8 Fez 18 Grein for AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Fab. « ) 9 Dunke whiskey Deal warmly with others todw, CLEARANCE SALE 10 Edible root ^S/fksfom i^Vt^artnacyi Lac. 19 Scouting CHDaD not In a cool or calculating HARTFORD STATE TECHNICAL COLLEGE 11 Booth 401 IFIatbuih Awnw, Hartford, Conn. 06106 31 Chsets 49 Songbird fashion. If you get off on tM 16 Areb germent wrong course. It will be hard To 33 BibUeel 50 Breezy RNIUTION EXTBUION 22 Bleet 21 Piercing tool gat back on track. L iFor your shopping convonlonco ,'MHAT'^HAPPENEP I CAH'TUNDERSTANP (ptopte 827-4111 23 Knot 22 Heit unil 51 Nighicrewler 50% OFF nscss (Fab. 2IHHarch 38 Bygone deye m 1DV0U0^/EI^. COORnMCf 24 Actor 23 FrenkHn 52 Scotch hill Coworkara will not appradM a pay your N.UtiL, SNETCO & CN6 40 Longing (tl.) -m'fBke.ei Lehcceter 24 Offers 63 Swift cepitel it today If you press them to (M OFF CAMPUS PROGRAM ONE DAY ONLY SAY. AUGUSY 13th 9K)0-5:30 AAE.'^OOWERE 27 Science of 26 Skeleton pert 42Ene^ AH our rugs are chosen with patience and attention. 54 Primitive things done and than slack W bills hsrel Also wo aro a U.S. CloiiM bentod e t AV/ERV doctrines 26 Pereien coin 43 Scribble yourself. Do your fair share. - They they wait for a customer to come in and notice chisel 32 Troy 28 Be overly fond cimleeety ARKS (Mareh 21-Api4l IS) p|y Post Office substation. HowgH Chonsy Rogional Vocational Tschnicol School them. S N A P P y 57 Eggs 34 Elenwnttry 26 Mind 47 Trouble your duos with a tmila today. 701 Wm I MIddIfr Tumplk* Unfortunately, some of them never get noticed. D R E «6 E P perticle suffix 30 Dencer Kelly 48 Porch 58 Receive One who has aided you In t b ManchBStor, Conn. 06040 And after a while we run out of patience. (Pl) past will not taka kindly 4o 1 2 3 4 827-4111 So, we stack them all in our famous Clearance Corner. ...MOWLOOK 35 Hhw dwsllsr • 9 7 9 9 10 11 excuses lor not helping him i r 36 Genstic her now. . Big rugs, little rugs, simple or busy rugs, Persian de­ A T S b U l 12 13 14 msterial TAURUS (April 2S4lay » EVENINO DIVISION REOI8TRATION AT CHEN signs, Chinese designs and strange designs. Indian 75< Off FALL TERM AUGUST 30, 31,1983 rugs, Pakistani rugs, all kinds of rugs. 11 19 17 You won't be afraid of worii 37 ^tfeel grass today, but tharo'a a posslbll|ly Sfrptonibor 0, lOOS-NowmlMr 23,1083 8 p.m. to 7 p.m. And for one special day we sell them at prices certain to 38 AerdiMlf 19 ^ 9 t o 21 you may balk at pitching InTlI Tyranol Extra strangth get your attention! 41 Rescued avarytMng Isn't done your wat. Come early! There’s sure to be an impatient crowd!! 44 Looke et 22 23 eO’BtabB ITEM NO. COURSE NO. COURSE NAME OnWNI(May 21-Jwia 20) TIME CREDIT FEE And, bring your room measurements. 45 Nigerien tribe true you're entitled to a Utfla THE JAPANE9E QBBMID Id 21 29 MONDAY & W EDNESDAY WE STILL MAKE BETTER 46 Heve 37 29 29 10 31 real and relaxation today, t£ t Our Reg. Low $3.79 PROOUCe eVERYTHINfr 48 Hindu not to the point whara you 800 uniiM s Pn-TicMcil Mitt (M n ) 6;0M;II0 4CE0 3124 MONSTO? MOVIES THAN 32 13 39' B E TT E R A N D C H EAPER religious n totally Ignore hnportant d u t M M l MIN 141 ItdEiol MithMtics 1 6;IIM:00 4 TH EV OO. tegehsr 124 T H A N VA/EDO. 39 17 C A N C E R , (Ju n o 21-July M ) T y l e n o l Kaoud Brothers 99 n 4 0 N 2 MIH241 61 Sound of HousiMold projects co«3d TtcUtil UithMtia R 6;0M;(I0 4 124 disepproiril Alalh 1 17 South Main St. West Hartford Center 41 42 41 44 prove to bo fun today and tim N 3 MTU 342 MHiraniil m o i 6 IM :0 0 4 52 Enollsh 124 you money - provld^l, TUESDAY & THURSDAY Open Dady ia )iM brosdcistsrs 49 49 47 before you begin, you're cer- 56 Thrte (prefix) m 0 13 40 9 Em m c s S:l)M:00 4 DimtioMc (t. 14 Elk 41 to W. HanfeiJ CmMc I v, xiila fnai n il on Idi. 49 49 $0 teh) your wey It cheaper. PriMifbt 124 56 Somewhet (3 $1 92 91 94 wds.) no o n M l TidRial ENliA-2i4 UuM p GtOO-BtOO 4 124 99 4SS HARTFORD RD., MANCHESTER 59 Over (poetic) 19 97 •9 111 O N 140 E fliil tHwitiH 1 6:009:00 4 124 60 Misfortune 643-B230 61 Peer 19 90 91 Wheo you were 20, yo4 112 EM 241 E t U i CMipiiitiN n 6:009:00 4 124 62 One or more couldn’t wait till Umoi------na t-12. B4 92 93 IU n 3 2 MiRMiriii DmiEi 1 6 -.0 W t 3(1) 93 H+ 5 U» FM « IMOff 63 Setiete 94 after 40, you pin yORr | OFEN 7 DAYS 8 om -9 pm 643-S130 J 3 k on flniihing —ttM o R ij 1 0 - MANCHESTKR HKrtALD, Kridiiy. Aur, 12, 1983 MANCHESTER HERALD, Fridtiy, Aug. 12. 1983 — 11 ’Dozer breaks gas

Continued from page 1 creating a minor traffic jam. supervisor said. Mrs. Quillen said today that Weekend At no point was service dis­ FOCUS/ STATE LAW requires contrac­ Connecticut Natural Gas has no rupted, according to CNG spokes­ tors to obtain a map of utility lines record of Brunalli Construction woman Leslie Stophel. She said in the area of planned construction Company ever requesting such a gas was providec sutomers in the from the state public utility control report. CNG’s Mrs. Stophel agreed area by other means while the department’s "Call Before You with this, but added that the broken pipe was isolated and then Dig” service, headquartered in company was not through investi­ repaired. Hamden. The service is financed gating the matter. Good gourd! Police closed a SOO-foot section of through the public utilities depart­ Tolland Turnpike to traffic until ment by participating utilities. If the bulldozer had given off any the leak was under control. Many State law requires contractors to sparks when it ripped through the persons returning by bus to Burr give the service at least two days’ gas main, the gas could have Farmers mart Corners had to wait before they notice before construction begins. exploded, according to Manches­ could get their cars out of the Burr ter Police Sergeant Beau Thur- Corners commuter lot. The gas As contractors call in their nauer, who was at the scene. main was at the edge of the lot. requests, the service notifies each But O’Marra said there was no business off Some people, barred by police utility, according to a Call-Before- great danger if the gas ignited from crossing the Tolland Turn­ You-Dig supervisor. Each utility because there are no houses pike bridge, went below to the then provides a map of any lines on nearby and a fire would have By Adele Angle highway and crossed it on foot. the proposed construction site, the burned itself out. Focus Editor FREE Cop degree •U M l DEUVEHr LONC TERM Business is off at the Manchester Area swuMieil Conference of Churches’ Saturday farm ers’ no help in BANK market. Way off. •NORMiL INSm UTION FINANCINC The crowds of Manchester residents who taking tests (Excapi Bum Ina) descended on the farmers’ market on AVAILABLE Saturdays last year just are not showing up A college degree will not count YPiCAL BUYS. this year. ♦ ■ toward a policeman’s right to take t \ . an examination for promotion to “ l^ st year the farm ers were all sold out by detective, sergeant, or lieutenant 11 a.m. This isn’t happening this year,” says in the future if a new agreement ZENITH Marge Lappan of 214 Scott Dr. Mrs. Lappan between the town and the police union is approved Tuesday by the . 25" CONSOLE is the MACC farmers market coordinator. Classic Cabinet She’s not sure why. Sweltering heat and Board of Directors. 100% SUPER VAIUE! The directors will be asked SiM •BUYEK MISTAKES the fact that Pratt and Whitney is shut down approve the agreement worked out Sbti for summer vacation may be factors, she by Assistant General Manager •SCRATCH OK DENT FKE says. Steven Werbner and the union. But. •DISCONTINUED MODELS Under the present agreement an piCtHI •DISPLAY SAMPLES Last Saturday there were 13 farmers associate degree or a bachelor’s Ui degree is counted as the equivalent MTHlN 1 9 " Z E N IT H TYPICAL BUYS... selling fresh produce at the market outside of a certain amount of experience 100% .Solid State of St. Jam es Church. toward qualifying a police officer MICROWAVES That’s a good turnout. But the crowd that to take the promotional exam. 'i . ' The union and the police admin­ Jann-Air showed up wasn’t. The majority were the istration have agreed that the *537 *297 Touch-A-Matic elderly from the immediate Main Street Herald photo by Pinto degree is not the equivalent of area. experience in preparing a police­ “ W e’re losing an awful lot of time on this. Riding instructor Mary Foohey of Los Andes Stables in Bolton her students. On horseback are (from left) Kathy McManus, man for command responsibilities RCA XL-100 T.V. 3 4 9 0 ” demonstrates the proper hand position when riding to three of Rebecca Wheeler and Tracy Kopp. CHAD in the field. 19" COLOR 1 9 " * Amono The farm ers aren’t going to come if we don’t Police Chief Robert Lannan said 100% Solid State Touch-A-Motic get more community support,” she said. the degree does equip the police­ Deluxe The farme/s’ market is in its third year on man better for taking examina­ UPl photo the Main Street site in front of St. James Want to saddle up? tions. however. Color 329”” Church. Chad's Foreign Minister Korom Ahmed (L) hold up He said the new agreement would not discourage policemen • Litton Compoct Fresh vegetables — com, tomatoes, • photos of what he claims were captured Libyans who from getting degrees. He said 7 of • • peppers, snap beans — along with fresh frait 10 policemen now have degrees, D \0 0 invaded his country, while Libyan Deputy Ambassador 1 are available. The farmers market usually and he is being asked constantly It Just takes some horse sense to the U.N. Awad S. Burwin listens during a U.N. Security about what courses are available Toshiba ^11 Size has freshly-made baked goods, too. Council session Thursday. for further study. “ W e ’re getting good things. A ll the stuff is By Cherle O'Neil dirty while in the stall so that students will have the In the current round of testing 2 7 9 0 0 really coming in good now,” says Mrs. Special to the Herald Naturally, you should check the physical condition for detective and sergeant posi­ opportunity to brush and clean them. This is an of a stable’s horses. Lappan. essential part of the lesson and training. tions, those who qualify under the *277 Look at the horse’s coat for shininess. If its coat is all Want to learn how to ride a horse, but don’t know existing agreement will be allowed “Somebody from Glastonbury came last rumpled up, it is a sign the horse is sick. Check to see if Khadafy assailed ■Walkman Miniature VIDEO how to start? She says that in the summer, horses that have just to take the tests. week with peaches so ju icy you had to hold a the eyes are bright and clear. " Litton RCA 8HR VHS It can be confusing. There are many stables to chose been cleaned will often roll in mud to keep flies off Another proposed change would napkin in your hand to eat them,” she said. from and different types of lesson packages offered. their bodies. make only lieutenants eligible to AM/FM Please turn to page 14 Microwovo Ovan [00 Farmers come from Manchester, as well And choosing just the right one isn’t easy. take the examination for promo­ S tereo Here are some hints. by U.N. delegate tion to captaincies. With Ughtweight as East Hartford, South Windsor and Use plain old common sense. Under the present system police­ Stereo Head­ ~ FfslTor MR VHS Glastonbury. One farmer, who brings fresh Bt John Usher of Israeli athletes at the Olympic men of lesser rank oan also take iteluxs ModsI eggs, conies from Sterling. Visit the school and look carefully around you. It’s United Press International games in Munich, West Germany. the exams. phones easy to tell a dirty stable. A dirty stable means horses The market is designed to provide fresh are not well cared for and may be ill. Area stables to check out 11 years ago. For the captaincy exam, a UNITED NATIONS — The Uni­ He said Libya and the Soviet degree will still count as the 5 3 9 0 0 produce to the elderly and handicapped who Does a barn have to be spanking clean? ted States denounced Col. Moam- Union tried to divert attention equivalent of one year of the two live in the Main Street area and don’t have No. But Susan McQuade, assistant manager and ANDOVER: COVENTRY. mar Khadafy for his "brazen, from the aggression in Chad with years’ experience required. HffoKTsHR VHS transportation. trainer for the Glastonbury Equestrian Center, puts it Rolling , Acres, East Street: horses, 646-1175. Privatelessons; this way; "When you walk into a barn, there should be contemptuous" assault against “ a smokescreen" of counter­ S an yo Visual SMirdi accommodates 16 horses, 646— ^ hour, $12 for advanced, $10 for She said the reaction the farmers have a sweet auroma of hay and pine shavings in the air, Chad and charged the Soviet Union charges that alleged U.S. interven­ 7430. Private lessons: 1 hour, $15; Coventry Riding Stables. Na­ begninner. Group lessons (6 peo­ -taken is a “wait and see” attitude. and not manure. backs and supplies the Libyan tion in the affairs of African ioo hour, $8. than Hale Road: accommodates ple): I hour, $12 for advanced, $10 leader. countries. '$2988 *188 ‘‘They’re not upset, but they’re saying, Items such as food buckets are immediate 40 horses, 742-7576. Private les­ for beginner Two resign giveaways. sons: 1 hour, $15; ‘A hour, $8. U.S. delegate Charles Lichen- “ The council is confronted with a Kenwood VHS ‘W e’ll wait until next week,” she said. Semi-private (2 people): hour, Rocking Horse Farm, 524 Bell stein told the U.N. Security Council real threat and brazen, contemptu­ IBgIcTller You should be able to pet a horse without your hand BOLTON: 1 Thursday that if Libyan “ aggres­ Dsluxa Modiina Nancy Carr, executive director of the getting filthy. The horse’s tail should be free of pine $12. Group lessons (4 people): 1 St.: accommodates 35 horses, ous challenge to the bedrock Cheney unit Los Andes Farm, Route 85 in sion is permitted to go unpunished, Manchester Area Conference of Churches, shavings, and its body free of manure stains. hour, $10. Special group rates for 659—3654. Privatelessons: >/4 hour, principles of the U.N. charter," 2 SPEED WASHER W biripool Bolton: accommodates 28 horses, then this council is revealed as The best time to see how well a stable keeps its horse the handicapped. 1 or >/2 hour, $8, $15 for advanced, $12 for beginner; Lichenstein said. says she’s not sure either why business is off. 646—9937. Privatelessons: 'Ahour, impotent.” Two members of the Cheney 477”” 1 hour, $25 for advanced, $20 for “ Colonel Khadafy conducts a 18 lb. Capacity She says the farmers may go elsewhere, clean, one instructor suggested, is when horses aref $12. Semi-private lessons (2 peo­ National Historic District Com­ NO-FROST GLASTONBURY: beginner. Grouop lesson (3-4 peo­ ’The council scheduled further virulent, hostile foreign policy, used for lessons. ple): 45 minutes, $12. mission have resigned and the kcrmctkAtOkSl though, if business doesn’t improve. Glastonbury Equestrian Center, ple): 45 minutes, $12 for advanced, debate on the issue today. which respects the territorial Some stables, she says, purposely keep their horses Group lessons, 1 hour, $12. Libyan Charge d’Affaires Awad integrity, national independence, Board of Directors Tuesday will REFRIGERATORI 269 Keeney St: accommodates 43 $10 for beginner. Burwin counter-charged the Rea­ the right of peace and security and consider appointing replacements FREEZERS for them. gan administration with "power self-determination of no one," HIAVY Walbuilt Singlo Dooi frenzy" in its "virulent campaign Lichenstein said. Douglas Welch and Constance DUTY of threats’ ’ against Libya since the The U.S. delegate said Chadian Adams, both Democratic appoin­ 18 IB. a n o n I •Twd ipHtf lAmm W ^ k e u d e r a revolution that ousted King Idriss insurgents had been "massively tees, have resigned from terms 299”” which expire in November. Ifs a teen Mangle in 1969 and brought Khadafy to armed with new and sophisticated ilrrort Froo Festival invades EUzdbeth Park this weekend. power. Soviet equipment by Libya.” Welch has moved to Bolton and •17.0 cu. ft. Including Conko^to tho fair ^ 4.73 cu. ft. freezer Festivities wUi start both days at 11 a.m. He accused U.S. warplanes of Soviet delegate Richard Ovin- will be ineligible to serve. Ms. Today’s the'tfay the oldest 4-H Fair In thenation Saturday there will be music demonstrationa QUESTION: There’s a kid in my school that I like a violating Libyan airspace 336 nikov brushed aside the U.S. Adams declined to comment on the reason for her resignation. opens for fhe S7th time. It’s the annual Middlesex and workshops on mdsic of the sea. international lot, but he likes another girl. I ’m real good friends with times in the past decade and said charges and accused Washington both. I don’t want to ruin that, but I really like the kid. The commission is charged with Coupty 449 Fair and it continiiea Satwday and fMk danciog, song writing and many other topics. sending an American fleet to the of “ cowboy daring" in spreading I-Door What should I do? — 14 and Confused in Pelham, N.H. preserving the historic integrity of Sunday on the fairgrounds off Maple Avorae in Saturday there will alio be two performances Libyan region was "a direct threat nuclear weapons around the world. ' Dnrhanw»< ' : Romance! the Cheney historic district as $368 [00 for children at noon. Magician Michael Wald will to Libyan peace and security." *499 The U.S. delegate also said This is a family event featuring horse shows. be presented first, followed by a concert with ANSWER: Making and keeping friends IS confus­ Lichenstein accused Libya of a Libya’s "flagrant aggression" buildings within the district are developed. ox,en add horse draws, farm tractor and gaixlen singer Nancy Tucker at 1 p.m. ing — whether you’re 14 or 41. The key to success is to “ pattern of misconduct” that must be labeled as "a dire'ct White Westinghouse '1 Automatic Frost Froo tractor pulls, food concessians, games, entertain- There will be an evening concert starting at 6 first decide what you want and then to follow a few Langdon Hill included giving haven to interna­ challenge to the charter of this The first private development simple rules. 14 Cubic Fsat ment, bay rides a.nd even more. featuring Irish songs, sea music of the Morgans, Syndicated Columnist tional terrorists, including “ the institution and a grave threat to scheduled is the conversion of the DELUXE Washer ' the fair opens to the public today from s to 11; sfai^r,.banJoist and dulcimer picker. STEP 1. Find someplace where you can be alone, infamous Carlos,” and the killers international peace and security.” Manchester JUodes building into SELF apartments and the second is Heavy Duty [00 Saturdw, S a.m. to llp.m .; and Sunday,-ga.m. to The festiral will open Sunday with a hymn and away from distractions, and ask yourself “ What do I want?” You already know that you DON’T want to conversion of the Clock Mill into CLEANING . Sj.m . General admiasion is $1 add 7S cedta for gospel shigmbng at 11 a.m., followed by a concert ruin your friendship with both of your classmates. I apartments. R U fO ' ' cbUdred under .12, exhibitors and senior citisena. atnlNm. Ail events are free and open to the public OVEN Parking ja (Free. ihiok that’s a wise decision. Many people are far too Cheney Hall is being restored by Feat anAwOI go on ra in «r shine. the romantic success stories it can get. Frances B. A Go epny Saturday and see the Sfogihih and willing to destroy two friendships in the hopes of sends this one from Carmichael, Calif.: “ My husband Reagan says U.S. the Little Theater of Manchester. creating just one. The status of the Cheney Great *497 137D |rWe|terntepH!idiowsrunningconcarretltlyintwd is a very romantic man and when we were on our Lawn is in question, with a fund 4 9 8 0 0 ;‘rings. Other events will go on all day: Steve Stop and smell the daisies > In addition, you know that you ’really like the kid” honeymoon he was prepared for any nervousness I •2 lirgi unttt .^^WiUiams and Shiloh wUI entertain Witt dowh ^^ I would guess that you want him to really like you, too raising effort in progress to 2 SPEED ip w t prettier right Is there than a field of might feel when it was time to get ready for bed. That •2 tnill units The best way to make both these “ wants ” happen is not world police finance purchase of the lawn frpm •Lift-Off Ovsn DELUXE' home country omaic from h to II p.m, colorful wildOowers? It's you and your family, first night he handed me a gift-wrapped package and to do just what you’re doing now — be a friend to its owners, Wesley Gryk and enjoying the sight, that’s what.' watched while I opened a sweet gift of perfume. Then Door 4 Automatic BOTH. Don’t be pushy. If your male friend decides By Norman D. Sandler Michael Lynch. On ttmddy from 2 to'3: S0 p.m. Roaring Brook he excused himself and went to the lobby of the hotel course in Central America. I •Automotlc Cycles CONDITIONERS wuar green ' later to date you, great. If not, maybe he’ll introduce United Press International Nature Center si^DOSors a family nature walk until I had time to be ready for bed. (This was in the Reagan said the Libyan-backed Timing Contor Black Glass you to someone. (“ This is my buddy, Robert — Robert •CethwhnWpdaobwnMenfinwolftw GE 5000 ITU Be sure and wear green when you go to the featHring late suiamerwUdflowers. days when people were a little more inhibited than rebellion in Chad, which prompted p w A UMUIBo tgtatir •EwohSiNi Redford, Jr. What d’ya say we all go out for pizza?’’) WASHINGTON - With U.S. D oor •IttoentenalMvBMid ttwlt Saturday night. That’s The I^^tura center is located at 70 Gracey Road today.) him to send two AWACS radar MeTof Mds. — STEP 2. The care and feeding of friendships is troops deployed in three world 00 ®Jght of the traditional Irish music fostivad i»Cimt«i|,,The charge for the wdlk is|l for center ’Each night he had another gift for me. One was a planes and eight F-15 fighters to Worker hurt equally important. Here are seven simple rules. beautiful linen and lace handkerchief that I kept and trouble spots. President Reagan the Sudan over the weekend, "is membefi andM fpr non-members. Dress for tte denies adopting a more militaris­ weather and d r ^ for the hugs. For more — FRIENDS have fun. For some people, life which our daughter carried in her wedding two years not in our primary sphere of consists of disaster after disaster. (’’Ohmygod, I just tic foreign policy, but insists the ol - Theiesm al wIiTMart at 7: $o at the shoii on the ' infoirmation call the center at 003-0263. rn ago. My husband is still romantic and every time a influence" and will not require in bridge faii brokeanail. I ’ll probably get typhoid” ) Tryyourbest United States must recognize Automatic Manchester Community CoUege, sentimental song comes on the air, he still reaches out U.S. combat troops. to be positive. Try your best to have fun. to take my hand. What a wonderful way to live...How threats that "could involve our Reagan also signaled his disap­ 00 own security." Herman Reed, a construction Dryer . To honor tiwilate Jtttnny Keane, the Golden- ’' R — REMEMBER, two friends are better than one good it is to feel so loved even after so many years. I ’m pointment with France’s refusal to ' I Reagan, seeking to calm fears worker, is in critical condition at ^ of Bollon. dlrented by — or none. Winning an argument, or a boy for that sure f ’m the happiest married 51-year-old in provide air support requested by matter, gets you nowhere if you lose a friend. stirred by talk of “ gunboat diplo­ Manchester Memorial Hospital Tape a show tmai^n ^boo BTU ; Olerilre Gudan, wlR perform a medley, of California." Chadian President Hissene Habre with injuries he suffered this trattttonal Irttt Reele. and Hong>ipes.< I — IGNORE errors, mistakes, flubs and Perhaps the happiest romantic in Arizona is Goldie macy” in Central America and and tried to minimize the rebel and while you watdil frioids conflict in the Middle East and morning when he fell about 3S feet 7 including Uw BlaoWiM. afkvorite tiinedftlwIM occasionally awesome stupidity. Help your friend L. from Prescott. She writes: "A fun and romantic Libyan takeover of the northern •3 Drying Temps 219”” from a bridge abutment under They win attt bh a Sdottialf Biaada- pick up her lunch tray when she drops it. In return, she tradition my husband and 1 have is every time we go Africa, said Thursday he does not oasis of Faya-Largeau. VIDEO CASSEHE •Permanent Press intend for the United States to construction on Buckland Street. ir6000~i n r V*®Fl4w«donehy)Woi»Dubockatudentn, anda probably won’t point when you laugh so hard milk where helium balloons are sold, we buy one, attach a “ I don’t think that this is such a Reed, 55, of Alice Street, Wind­ •Largs Capacity mUtureofsongandMoryfoUinghy • comes out your nose. note of goodwill, give the date, time and wind "play policeman" around the key spot that marks the imminent RECORDER world. ham, was on top of the abutment tibbey, Johaniw ReOly, and Jtt SerbgM ^ E — EXPECT things to change. Your best buddy direction and let it go. We also request a reply if the end of the war,” he said. might be amazing this year and only outstandingly At the same time, he said, recent helping two other workers unload a 229”” *•? ****” ■ •>$»«« grotipa, and lota balloon and message are ever found. We have been But while Reagan distanced the mediocre the next. Why? Because YOU are changing. projections of military power to bucket of concrete when he lost his PRICE Ihrfoh ttiuptottatteiiainyoaJprUw doing this for about five years now and no replies so United States from the fighting in Don’ t worry. Growing older happens to all of us. Central America, Africa and the balance, broke through a wooden Many More far. But that still has not taken the joy out of sending Chad, he pulled no punches in BREAK Middle East — in the form of barrier, and plunged to the mud *299 spoBOoredliy i!S S N — NEVER gossip. I know, it’s tempting to talk the message nor squashed the hope of getting an attacking Libya’s Col. Moammar below, apparently striking con­ SAVENOWI I , Apd i^uiday yoa can hurry about ‘ 'That g-r-o-s-s boy Mary's going out with.” But answer someday. Some of our friends have started military exerci.ses and personnel Khadafy. He accused Khadafy of *297 crete structures as he fell. *1>7; w piD. to enjoy anather ’amdf nwaicof-. if you do, Mary is sure to get angry. In addition, you sending balloons also. It’s fun and inexpensive for — "recognize that the threats can adventurism and said, “ His be that widespread." The accident occured at about ^tbe iigra to tta UgOalw “ g^^Heur,” ,G» .| are sure to look silly if you later decide that “ that everyone." empire-building is of concern to gross guy" is really a hunk. 9:30 a.m. Police, town paramed­ k^and hear on at yourTavori uTMgprogrmr 1 Share a little romance with readers from coast to “ This is all based on what could anyone, but the main concern is to ics, and the Eighth District Fire ^ it'Romn. S D — DON’T FORGET to listen. A good friend is also coast. Send your hint or story to me, in care of the be — what could involve our own the surrounding African states. security,” Reagan said. Department went to the scene. a good listener. It’s got to be more interesting than Manchester Herald. Box 591, Manchester, 06040. If “ They are all very much geometry, right? Reed was brought to the hospital Its used. I ’ll send you a free " I Love Romance!” The president was inundated alarmed and disturbed," Reagan with foreign policy questions dur­ by ambulance. S — SAY " I like you," or " I like your dress” — this nightshirt. (All submissions become the property of said, “ because they believe that Reed is employed by Brunalli last preferably not to a male —or ’T m glad you’re my Romance!) ing a 10-minute news conference Khadafy is intent on adventuring Construction Co. of Southington. .and fiddle Waaa Will ring out tmca friend.” We all like to receive compliments. Andsince that coincided with escalating far beyond his own borders, and Ses'HI (Attention romance lovers: Get your free "I Love The firm is working at Buckland MMUmWOSO.,____ the ConaecUButlWiy enemies don’t usually give them, we look for them tensions in Chad and Lebanon and they believe that they are all under 1-S4 Rx rr TO KicNsv a r S w . m t a a i . aa from friends. Romance!” button by sending a self-addressed, with rising public anxiety about his Street in the widening of Interstate stamped envelope, plus 25 cents for handling, to a threat.” tmsBttSMstTBansvi ns.ihnLasMai R6 though Manchester. V '..'r Romance! Button, P.O. Box 591, Manchester Herald, HINTS FROM ROMANTICS; This world needs all ^Manchester, 06040. Imagine the possibilities.) 18 - MANCHESTER HERALD. Friday, Aue, 12, 1983 M A N C 'lE S T E R H ER A LD , F rid a y . Aug. I'J. 1983 - 13 Estelle Parsons has bone to pick Where DINING Is A PLEASURE Music with playwrights \\ A>>M..'( V Blcantcnnlal Bond Shall. Monchestar: Tradi­ tional Irish Music Festival, Saturday. 7:30 p.m.; By Glenne Currie "Midnight Hour,", music of the IMOs through the UPl Lively Arts Editor A Fine Guide To Weekly Dining 1980s, Sunday at 7:30 p.m.; Country Western c^vBuiif^iy .1 R"-M ur, ml Night with Slim Coxx, Tuesday at 7:30 p.m., at the NEW YORK — Estelle Parsons is a maverick' MancheiterU NeweMt Restaurant band shell on campus of Manchester Community acdress who complains bitterly that American Air Conditioned for Comfortable Dining Wookon'd Ipociais College, Bldwell Street. (646-4900.) playwrights — both men and women — are not writing DAILY and EVENING SPECIALS Tonglewood, Lenox, Moss.: Festival of con­ decer * ' w for actresses of her age group (she is 55). 11M AM — 9 PM Baked Stuffed Zucchini...... 5.2S temporary music, starts Saturday and continues Polynesian Veal Cacclatore...... 5.25 through Thursday. Saturday, 1:30 p.m.; In The So sue learned Italian just so she could read and Friday and Saturday Sanring Tent and 2:30 p.m.. In the Theater; Sunday, 2:30 translate the works of controversial leftist Italian ...... till 10:00pm Chinese London B ro il...... 5.95 p.m.. Shed and 8:30 p.m., Theoter; Monday ' playwrights Dario Fo and his wife Franca Rame. Boiled Lobster $5.95 with muzhroom zauez through Thursday, 8:30 p.m. In Theater w/baked potato and salad American Sirloin Tips...... 5.95 The result is "Orgasmo Adulto escapes from the Call For Ketervations (413-637-1600.) Zoo,” a collection of eight playlets by the Fos which Baked S cro d...... 5.95 Elixabeth Pork, Hartford: Connecticut Family Join l/j Far Happy Hour M—F From 4 PM . 7 PM IsIwNicr with zzzlOBd ztulllno Miss Parsons is presenting over two nights at the New Second Drink Half Price RRRTAURANT Cocktail Lounge Folk Festival, In the park, Saturday and Sunday. York Shakspeare Festival’s off-Broadway Public , ffor. J'oeuvre. included kOUM AB Starts 11 a.m., both days. Pork Is located at Theater, Aug. 4-Sept. 4. They are basically solo 613 Bata I t - 649-1666 331 Contor St. Mandiostor 647-9995 Intersection of Prospect and Asylum avenues. evenings, though a couple of the works need a walk-on (563-3263.) male sto^e. Bushnoll Pork, Hartford: Festival of Jazz, Monday featuring Norman Gage Quartet and The Fo-Kame acting-writing team is best known for 179 TOLLAND TPKE. Michael Carvin Quartet, 7:30 p.m.. In the park. In anti- establishment political works like "We Won’t Suijday Brupeb 'flt MANCHESTER case of rain concert will be at West Indian Social Pay” and "Accidental Death of an Anarchist,' ’ and Fo Tl>e Brou'iLstoi)c 643-9529 DAVIS FAMILY Club, 3340 Main St., Hartford. (278-9950.) was the center of an international furor a couple of NOW SERVING BEER & WINE Avery Point, Groton; All-American music years back when the U.S. State Department refused * Our antique buffet abounds with fresh fruits, straw­ festival of William Billings Institute, Saturday berries Chantilly, and our pastryjehefs creatluns — muf­ him a visa at the request of the Italian government.; fins.-danlsh, and nut breads — still warm from the oven. DAILY LUNCHEON SPECIALS "The American Concerto," at 8 p.m. at the * On the dessert side you’ll find cheesecake, chocolate M O N D A Y - Qrllled Cheeee wHh Bacon University of Connecticut at Avery Point. There is a certain amount of political and social- mousse, napoleons, fresh cakes, and m o re ^ it's all in­ on White Breed (443-5883.) comment in "Orgasmo Adulto," which has been - cluded In the price of your brunch! T U E S D A Y - Kellen Meelbellt on e Collordoor Coffeehouse, Hartford: Ramblin' performed in other forms around the world since * Treat yourself to our Brownstone Special — a tender Soft Roll Jack Elliot, the Brooklyn cowboy, will be being written in 1977, but much of it seems forced and filet topped with a poached egg. artichoke hearts, and unnaturally imposed on the playiets. smothered In e rich Bearnalse sauce — or try our thick W E D N E S D A Y - Egg Seled with Becon featured today and Saturday at 8 p.m., at the cuts of French toast served with N4w Hampshire maple on While Breed coffeehouse In the Hill Center, 350 Farmington As Miss Parsons explains in an introduction to each syrup — or select another one of our enticing entrees. Avenue. Admission $1. (249-7691.) of the two evenings, the double- barreled show is about * Yout first Bloody Mary. Screwdriver, or glass of Cham­ T H U R S D A Y - Grilled Cheeee wHh Tune pagne is on the house and all other brunch libations are on White Breed "the sexual subjugation of women; the presence of Happy Hour priced! i i am male sexuality which inhibits us." NIMIIVATIONi MCOMMINDID F R ID A Y - F r«h Friwt Flih on . Bolt Rotl ABOVE SPEaALS INCLUDE:Cup ol HomMtyl. Soup, 2 ASYLUM a TMIMIUU* STS. 525-1171 “We’re never going to have sexual equality," she! DOWNTOWN HARTHMID 8. n<»lc1i of Iho D.y, CoftM, T . . or SmHI Sod. _ proclaims. Then she proceeds with the series of. MIOOB P U Z A EXIT ta OFF 1-86 6 4 9 -5 4 8 7 characterizations, some of which illustrate this point. But some of them also illustrate the superiority of women and show them getting their own back. Much Et Cetera of the language is pretty raunchy. •A COUPLE of the playlets are fairly routine scenes a n a rke t On the Green, New Haven: Taste New Haven. 30 of woman as unappreciated wife-mother- worker, ^O O D BRID G E RESTAURANT restaurants will havefaod on the Green Saturday enlivened by the Fos’ antic sense of the non sequitur.' and Sunday from noon to 10 p.m. Dizzy Gillespie Another follows a woman from rough seduction —! 305 South Main StrRot LUNCHnDINNER and his band will entertain Saturday starting at 8 “I’m not a pinball machine,” she complains —: (Scenic Manchester Country Club) p.m. and Sunday at 8, Dave Brubeck's band. Free through birth and the growth of a child, during which SPEICALIZINQ IN: admission. (669-1662.) she fantasizes about seducing a man who runs the risk 646-0103 PRIME RIB RRCH OF LAMB Gay City Park, Hebron: Living history demon­ of becoming pregnant. SUMMER SPECIAL SEAFOOD STEAKS stration from 10 a.m. ta noon Saturday, at the There is a silly extended 11:30 AM-2:30 PM SUNDAY BRUNCH park off Route 85. Free admission. (566-8108.) Mystic Seaport, Mystic: Outdoor arts festival, piece about a farmer’s daughter turning the tables on; her suitor, and an unnecessary rephrasing of Soup and Sandwich CMIdrcfl's I Regulv Menu EvailaMc Saturday and Sunday. (536-8559.) "Medea.” Inn on Loko Waromaug, Now Preston: Bagpipe 2 .9 5 GLEN LOCHEN Concert and Scottish Dancing Day, 1 to 3 p.m at One of the strongest works is "It Happens Please mention this ad for NEW LONDON TPKE . GLASTONBURY the Inn. Free admission. (868-0563.) Tomorrow,” a monologue of violence and blood: the: A COMPLIMEN'TARY GLASS OF WINE fairgrounds, Durham: Middlesex County 4-H funniest may be "The Freak Mamma,” in which an! OPEN DAILY fS*S!%s 633-3832 Fair, today through Sunday at the fairgrounds off Italian mother tells in the confessional how her See You At The Woodbridge Room Maple Avenue. Special events each day. General communist son was responsible for having her kicked admission SI. Free parking. out of the party. Cmter Church House, Hartford: The film. Future Shock," will be presented Wednesday Miss Parsons brings considerable energy and talen^ noan at the Church House, 60 Gold St. If wanting to “Orgasmo Adulto,” but is unable to weld a series of lunch at a suggested cost of $3, call Tuesday. Or go vaudeville numbers into a satisfying )vhole. and bring own lunch and have beverage and see HOUSE DFCHUN6 the program for $1.50. (249-5631.) “JEEVES TAKES CHARGE” is a one-mair Herald photo by Pinto evocation of P.G. Wodehouse's most famous charac-* I'l itlitring iiulhcntii- /’o/> fic.nVin THE NEW Our Lady of Lourdes, Litchfield: Archbishop ters, written and performed delightfully by English: John F. Whealon will be main celebrant at a actor Edward Duke. iiriil (Miitoru'/ic ALTNAVEIGH INN ; special Pontifical mass at the Shrine Grotto on ‘Music Man* Is in town I \ < n It /)/(/AK S Now Serving . Route 118, Sunday at 4 p.m. The show opened off-Broadway at the Haft Theater Farmers' Market, Manchester: Fruits, vegeta­ Jennifer Joy, of 63 Eldridge St., as directed by her husband. Bob Richard­ Aug. 4 for a limited run through Sept. 4 under the Sunday Family Breakfast bles, canned goods and homebaked goods on sale, auspices of the Roundabout Theater company, after 8:AM In 1:00PM ^ u rd a y from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Main Street In “Marian," in the Uniyersal Players son, both of 67 Phelps Road. Final production of "The Music Man,” shares an earlier off-off-Broadway showcase in its American ^ Delirious Belgium walfles, umeieltes and french least tront of St. James Church. performances of the show are tonight premiere. . are just a few uf our dishes available. Gorman Park, East HarNord: Annual talent a scene with Howard Epstein of 145 and Saturday at 8 p.m. at the Unitarian Bertie Wooster, Wodehouse’s famed mononcled 3 6 3 B R O A D S T . Relax and begin your day in a country setting. shew, sponsared by East Hartford Parks and Lakewood Circle, N., who plays the part silly ass” hero, and his supercilious, solve-any- Recreation Department, Wednesday at 7 p.m in Universalist Society East, 153 W. Manchester Route 195 - Storrs, Cl. of “Harold Hill.,” The musical is problem valet Jeeves have delighted several the park. Admission Is free. (289-2781.) Vernon St. Tickets are $5. generations of readers since their first appearance 6 4 9 -4 9 5 8 429-4490 Roaring Brook Noturo Center, Canton: Late produced by Marilyn Richardson and together in 1919, in "My Man Jeeves.” The new proprietors. Vickie.Bill and Bernie. summer wlldflowers, 2 to 3:30 p.m. from the They are not quite as funny on stage as on the cordially welcome von. G center on 70 Gracey Road. $1 for members and $2 printed page, though it is hard to imagine anyone for non-members. (236-2961.) Monday from 5 to 6 p.m. on "The Prudent Diet recreating them better than Duke. Your attention Alheneum Theater, Hartford: "Citizen Kone," Plan." Dietician Louise Koyaclk will be the span for "Jeeves Takes Charges” will vary directly playing Friday, Saturday and Sunday et 7:30 p.m speaker. The public Is Invited. (548-4202.) with your addiction to Wodehouse’s brand of humor DAILY LUNCHEON SPECIALS end :"MacBeth,” playing Saturday and Sunday Duke plays a dozen characters as he tells three of Friday Specials theater. Main Street. (525-1439.) Wodehouse’s stories, but he concentrates on Bertie Lectures Jeeves and the lovelorn teetotal Gussy Fink-Nottle, Audubon Center, Glastonbury: whose orange juice is spiked with gin just before his Baked Scrod M.95 BYOB (Bring your Own Binoculars,) Astronomy appearance at a school prize day. • Watch, tonight at 9atthe center 1361 Main St. (633-8402.) Center Church House, Hartford; The Rev. Edith If you giggle at Bertie Wooster and Reginald Jeeves P. O'Donnell will speak on the book "Future Dance flnd tiicir friends snd rclstives^ you'll love "Jeeves Hip Steak Obseryatory, New Britain: "The Takes Charge.” " ‘5.49 Block Hole of Cygnus/' today and Saturday, 8*30 Shock," Tuesday at noon at the church, 60 Gold '''®'«scopes open to public. S3 for adults and St. For luncheon and program reservation coll Saturday Only] 7niv'i '•♦l*ens and children under 12. the church office. Bring own lunch without U.S. Dance Club, Rocky Hill: John'jeskI band, Egg Plant Manacotti *4.49 (827-7419.) reservation. (249-5631.) ballroom and polka dances, Saturday at 34 Pearl Lemmon stare M. Thomas Seminary, Bloomfield: Physicians St. Fronds Hospital, Hartford: Free lecture St., Enfield. (529-3442.) La Strada West and pharmacists at St. Francis Hospital softball HOLLYWOOD (UPI) - THE PUMPERNICKEL PUB 471 HARTFORD no. 8 H O M C J I 8 C Mon.-Thur. 5:30 AM - 10 PM p,,. & S.t UM1 gome Saturday, 4 p.m. at the seminary, 467 Jack Lemmon will star in OF MANCHESTER Sun til 9 PM Bloomfield Ave., Bloomfield. Benefit the hospl- the movie version of the OAKLAND COMMONS PHONE Fresh Fried Fish $4.99 Fond. $1 admission. Tickets Broadway hit "Mass Ap­ NEXT TO ECONOMY ELECTRIC 643PIIBB ayallable at gate. Rain date Is Aug. 20. peal” with Charles Dom­ rmtt>HCMI»08H.V « with French Fries & Coie Slaw Downtown, Hartford: Architecture Conser­ ing co-starring in the film vancy weekend walks, Saturday In Frog Hollow Cinema which Lemmon’s com­ neighborhood and Sunday, Barry Square. All pany, Jalem Productions, ★ ★ J Saturday meet at the corner of will produce. FREE Seconds on Fish Capitol Avenue and Hungerford Street; Sunday, meet St. Augustine Church, 2 Campfleld Ayenue. Hartford 2,4:X, 7,9:35.— Pink Floyd: Production is scheduled SI charge. (525-0279.) Anitnoum CIntma — citi­ The Wall (R) Frl and Sat The Movies— Return of the Octopussv (PG) Fri-Sun 8:M / zen Kane FrI-Sun 7:30. — midnight. — Staying Alive JedI (PG) FrI-Sun 1I:M, 2, with Poltergeist (PG ) Frl- to begin Aug. 3 with Glenn JAWS 3-D Macbeth Frl 9:35; Sot and (PG ) Frl and Sat 2,4,6,8,10, 4:30, 7:10, 9:35. — Monty Sun 10:55. Jordan directing Lem­ PG Sun 5:30,9:30. Python's The Meaning of Rost Windsor— The Three OUR DAILY SPECIALS / * ^RESTAURAhLTccvAiinoaiT 12; Sun 2,4,6,8,10. — Monty Life (R) Frl and Sat mid­ Stooges Fri-Sun 8:15 with mon as a complacent ’SHOUmAT:- Cinema City — The Gift (R) Python's The Meaning of JjRJAJMgWWWhJJM.1108 Rt.S3,EMnoton.CT 572-7327; FrI-Sun 2:20, 4:20, 7:20, 9:30. Life (R) Frl and Sot mid­ night. — Staving Alive (PG) Porky's II: The Next Day (R) priest whose values are — Cabaret (PG) Frl and Sat night. — Snow White and the FrI-Sun 11:15,1:20,3:25,S:X, FrI-Sun 8 :X with Cheeeh and questioned by a rebellious 2:10, 7:05 with Being There Seven Dwarfs (G ) FrI-Sun 7:40,9:45. — Pink Floyd: The Chong's ..Things ore Tough young seminarian. Dum- (PG) FrlandSot4:30,9:25.— 2:10, 3:50, 5:25, 7:15, 9:15.— Wall (R) Frl and Sot mid­ All over (R) FrI-Sun 10:M. M o i k Baby Beef livar, bacon or onion HSUNDAY LOBSTERFEST La Travlata (G ) FrI-Sun 2:30, The Rocky Horror Picture night. — Snow White and the Manchester — The Three ing plays the head of the cujom UVI U S T IN 1IN SWUWmMI 4:45, 7:30, 9:45. — Return of Show (R) Frl ond Sot Seven Dwarfs (G> FrI-Sun 12, Stooges Comedy Frl and Sot seminary. -SNOUMAri- Let US prapar. your mMl*. Serving a w M y of light, cool and w/potato & salad 4 4 . 4 9 , 4 T THE COV^TRY SQVIRE RESTAVRANT the JedI (PG) FrI-Sun 2,4:25, midnight. 1:45, 3:25, 5:15, 7,8:35, 10.-- 8:20; Sun 8:15 with National rafra•hing food*. 7; 9:35. — Lawrence of Ara­ Dawn of the Dead (R) Frl and Lampoon's Class Reunion Tuas: Fresh fried or baked fish SERVED IN OUR COOL AND CASU^ Theater Mansfield Sot midnight. Salw)*, fruit, of the Muon, cold loup. and paittwa' bia Sun 2:10, 7:10. Translux Cellege Twin — (R) Frl and Sat 8:35; Sun 10 Duraing was nominated w/potato & salad FRONTSTAGE LOUNGE 3:00 PM-7:00 RM Clnof tudlo— Reopens Aug. Curse of the Pink Panther with Porky's II; The Next last year for a best sup­ , caisEorTNi n WMW AwMMMMIM) 4 4 . 7 9 24. (PG ) Frl 7,9; Sat ond Sun 2, Wllllmontic D ^ (R) Frl and Sot 10; Sun LOBSTER Colonial — Reopens Sept. JIHsaq Squore Cinema — porting actor Oscar for his IPIMPANTNUI^ 150 ARrr/orA rta d - manefieour, ct. Wed: Yankee pot roost 4:15, 7, 9. — The Discreet 'Mnnsfleld — staving Alive Glasfon^ry High School: "Once Upon a Charm of the Bourgeoisie Frl National Lampoon's Vaca­ performance as the gov­ -moumwi w/potato & vegetable 4 4 . 9 9 STEAMERS Mattress, playing todoy at 7:30 p.m. at the high Rost Hartford 7; Sat 3, 7 with The Phantom tion (R) Frl l:M , 7:10, 9:15; (PG) with An Officer and a ernor in "The Best Little Boslwood Pub A Cinema— Gentleman (R) Frl-Sun from school on Hubbard Street. Tickets S2 for adults; of LIberte Frl 9; Sot 5, 9. — Sid and Sun 2:10, 4:15, 7:10, 8:». Whorehouse in Texas.” 444^44^ — Monday 5 luMday 7 ant - 3 pm Thors: Chicken or veal pormigon •our Own CLAM CHOWDER Octopussv (PG) FrI-Sun 7, Strow Dogs (R) Sun 2:45, 7 T f Frl 1:», 7, WwliwMiay thru Saturday 7 am - 9 pm /im “ fid free for senior citizens. 9:20. with They Shoot Horses 9:10; Sat and Sun 2. 4:10, 7, w/salad 4 4 . 9 9 (659-2711.) Poor Richard’s Pub A ci- Don'tThev (R) Sun4:40,9:l0. •CORN ON THE COR nema-TTPorkv'sll: The Next Vernon I'S ' s®* “"t* sv" Coupons not good on these specials Ivoryton Playhouse, Ivoryton: "The Prisoner Day (R) Frl and Sot 7:30, Cine I A 2 — Octopussv 2:10,4:15, 7:10,9:15. — Class ePOTATO SALAD 1 A Q 5 of Second Avenue," playing through Aug 21 9:30,12; Sun 7:30, 9:30. (PG ) Frl 7, 9:40; Sot l;X , 7, Frl 7, 9:10; Sat and ^ BEER and WINE NOW AVAILABLE Showtime, Tuesdays through Sunday nights at Showcase Cinemas— Jaws 9:40; Sun 1:X,4:)5,7,9:40.— f '12' T'-'^rull (PG) Frl Something DIfreront...... wish Someone A' Lroll and b u tter I U 3-D (PG) Frl and Sat 1:30* Superman III (PG) Frl 7:10, 1 :X ; Sot and Sun 2. Take out ordor on everything — 649-5487 8:30 p.m. Wednesday matinees, 3 p.m. Catered 3:30, 5:20, 7:30, 9:40, 11:30; 9 :X ; Sat 2, 7:10, 9 :X ; Sun 2, "BRING THE WHOLE FAMILY" ordered along with tickets. Sun 1;30,3:X,5:20,7:30,9:40 4:X,7:10,9:». W IR GAMES (767-8348.) g ra d in g Places (R) Frl and West Hartford Wlnditr Happy Birthday , IBS , SANDWICHES ALSO AVAILABLE ALL DAY Sot 1:40, 3:50, 7:35, 9:55, 12; Elm I A 1 - r Octopussv FIANO’S : McAuliffe Park, East HarNord; Pandemonium Sun 1:40, 3:50, 7:35, 9:55. — (PG ) Frl 2:05, 7:15,9:45; Sot Fr?^5.7:S?O TV';?,! Culo (R) Frl and Sot 1:05, WHh A Herald H ^)py Heart - s s o a e s r i FRONTSTAGE NOW OPEN SUNDAYHI Puppet Company, Tuesday at 2 p.m. of the park and Sun 1:45, 4:35,7:15,9:45. 9:40; Sun 17:15. |we)MlW.l.UJiUWM .'" '' RT, 6 &44A BOLTON RES. CALL 643-2342 No admIAlon charge. (289-2781.) 3:05, 5, 7:15, 9:40, 11:55; Sun — Superman III (PG) Frl 2,7, Orlve-ins 3D0PM TO I IDO PM 1:05,3:05,5,7:15,9:40. — War 9 :X ; Sat and Sun 2, 4:W, 7, .R ost Marfterd— The Three Only MBTIOIIBl Hol^ln-lhe-Wall Theater, New Britain: "G e ­ Games (PG ) Frl and Sot 1:20, 9:X. Stooges FrI-Sun 8:15 With ^ Davis Family Restaurant ^ FOR 1 ON MOST DRINKS mini, playing through Aug. 20 with lust Friday 4, 7:X, 9:50, 12; Sun 1:20, 4, VACATION m •2 7:X, 9:50. — Risky Business $6.06 BANQUH FACILITIES AVAILABIE and Saturday performances at 8:30 p.m. Admls- '' -JBQWMabjg-j - , M ;i lie Ill’ll 1 I — I ||n •2 FOR 1 DRAFTS (R) Frl and Sot 1, 3, 5, 7:15, taetMiiMHssesiias • Sion by donation. (223-9500.) 9:45,12; Sun 1,3,5,7:15,9:45. T 6 E ALL Y9UR PARTY NEEDS * 'N A I li ''• \ 11 1 I ".{ " i Ililt ii I I1 Ml o B id m '' — Curse of the Pink Panther • \ •PROFESSIONAL DARTBOARD ..t?®"®*"***'* dinner Theater, East Windsor: (PG ) Frl and Sot 1:10, 3:X, TW6 RODIIS TD CH09SE FR6IIL AND PRIVATE PLAYIN6 AREA Hooray for Hollywood," playing through Sept. 7:20, 9:35, 11:40; Sun 1:10, To list events 1) at the theater on Route 5. Performances 3:X, 7 : ^ 9:35..— Natlonol UP T9 399 PEOPLE. h'VJ b'la/ H •VIDEO GAMES nightly, except Mondays. (522-1266.) Lampoon's Vacation (R) Frl and Sat 1:15, 3:15, 5:15, 7:40, To list events In this weekly (»lendar of Hartford Stage Company„HartfOrd: "Anything 9:50, 11:50; Sun 1:15, 3:15, SUNDAYS-DINING ROOM •RELAXED ATMOSPHERE Goes," perf®rmed by the Youth Theater of 5:15, 7:40, 9:50. — Star "where to go and what to do," submit them AND COCKTAIL LOUNGE ______Chamber (R) Frl and Sat by Monday at noon to Entertainment Editor, b u l l . . . . Ham ord Stage, playing Wednesday through Aug. 1:45,4,7:45,10,12; Sun 1:45,4, OPEN 5 TO 10 PM JULY ANO AUGUCT 21. Performances 7 p.m. with matinees Saturday 7:45,10. The Manchester Herald, Herald Square, P.O. 643-271 p reiDAYS-FRESH SIAFOOD BUFFR 11.95 theater,50 Church St. Manchester Ask (or.... -SHOWnMTK SUKUKKI HOUKS (525-5601.) UA Theaters Rost — Re­ Box 591, Manchester, C T 06040. turn of the JedI (PG) FrI-Sun I B i f r ELLINGTON 872-7327, MANCHESTER HERALD, Friday, Aug. 12, 1983 Chevy Chase — getting hang of movie comedy MANCHESTER HERALD. Fridiiy, A u k . 12, 1983 — 15

By Vernon Scott “ Now I can say those lines more easily as an actor himself under the dictatorial control of William UPl Hollywood Reporter rather than comedian. I saw the same twitchy Friedkin, who directed “ The French Connection” and SPORTS ______reactions in Christie Brinkley, who makes her acting “ The Exorcist.” HOLLYWOOD — Chevy Chase says he’s finally debut in ‘Vacation.’ “ It was a different experience for me,” said a getting the hang of movie comedy after making six “ I tried (o help her just as Goldie did with me. It’s chastened Chevy. pictures — some hits, some misses. not an easy thing to overcome when that camera “ Billy is meticulous and he pulled a quality out of Chase, the most successful and sophisticated of zeroes in on you. me I haven’t seen before. I wasn’t allowed to mug. Yankees still winning, George still fuming TV ’s “ Saturday Night L iv e " sophomore hjjinks, “ It’s taken me six pictures to hold a character for There was a lot of discipline and rehearsing, and less began with a huge hit, “ Foul Play,’’ with Goldie the length of a film and not be sketchy. I never felt freedom. Hawn. comfortable in a role before now.” He followed with the critically praised “ Seems Like Chase was a master at TV sketch comedy, bringing “ I ’D N EVER been yelled at before in a simple Old Times” and the box-office smash, “ Caddy a character to life for a minute or two and then moving expository scene. That was a surprise. Billy would Tigers Goosed in 10th Shack.” Then came a drought with “ Under the on. Prolonging a role over a period of months was a clear the set when we disagreed. He struck fear into Game time no good Rainbow’’ and “Oh Heavenly Dog,” both difficult transition. the hearts of the cast and crew. disappointments. DETROIT (UPI) - The Yan­ “ Physical comedy and rhythms are instinctive with and moved them into second place NEW YORK (UPI) - The New the Yankees "all the way down the Chase is back on the beam with “ Vacation,” playing kees’ winning combination of SUCH OTHER “ Saturday Night Live” graduates as me. Billy requires more structure. More reality. in the American League East. York Yankees believe they have line” since the AL president upheld a comic wimp of a father and husband on a Goose Gossage on the mound and Detroit fell to fourth after being Gilda Radner, Dan Aykroyd, Bill Murray, Eddie There are no Chevy Chase mannerisms in Ed Muntz, been stuck with another bad a Kansas City protest that allowed sight-seeing saga from Chicago to Los Angeles to visit Dave Winfield at bat added up to tied with Milwaukee and Balti­ Murphy, Steve Martin and the late John Belushi the arms salesman I play in ’The Deal of the decision in their "Pine Tar George Brett’s two-out, two-run the ultimate amusement park. another victory Thursday night. more for first. doubtless have encountered the same challenge. Century.’” Game.” ninth-inning homer in a controver­ Chase keeps moving further away from physical With the score tied 5-5, Gossage There exists. Chase thinks, a fertile movie climate Chase, as have the other TV comics moving up to the “ He’s the premier reliever in the Yahikees owner George Stein- sial July 24 game. comedy, relying on dialogue and character develop­ relieved in the seventh inning and league,” said Winfield of Gossage. for himself and other “ Saturday Night Live” big screen, discovered enormous budgets, screen size brenner Thursday charged Ameri­ The rhubarb began when Yan­ ment for his laughs. held the Tigers hitters in check “ He’s intimidating and he gets the comedians, along with Dudley Moore, Richard Pryor and greater expectations from ticket-buying audien­ can League President Lee Mac- kees Manager Billy Martin pro­ until Winfield’s 23rd homer in the job done. You don’t want to go up and Monty Python’s madmen. ces demand more of comics than the tube. Phail with accommodating the tested that the bat Brett used was DESPITE AN image of serene confidence. Chase 10th inning produced a 6-5 New against theGoose late in the game. The deadly predictable, humorless TV sitcoms have He’s also learned movie .comedy is considerably HFi Kansas City Royals by ordering his covered with pine tar beyond the until now has beep a very insecure screen actor. He York victory. He’s smart. He’s a good pitcher. driven com^y lovers back to movies where more risky. team to push the starting time 18-inch limit and the Kansas City said he sometimes duck^ close-ups in “ Foul Play” It was Gossage’s loth win of the Who wants to mess with the Goose originality and lack of censorship give free rein to new Do a dumb sketch on TV and everyone forgets 5 back for the resumption of the slugger should be called out. out of nervousness. year and Winfield’s 18th game­ late in the game?” comedians. ' minutes later. Make a dumb movie and it is rarely game from 2 to 6 p.m EDT on Aue Umpires agreed, but MacPhail “ I couldn’t stop from twitching over certain winning RBI. The Tigers fell behind 3-0 in the Often, however, newcomers — thanks to lack of forgiven or forgotten. But Chase is not about to return 18. overruled them several days later straight lines,” said Chase, grinning at the memory. Winfield lined a one-out homer second inning as starter Dave discipline — bomb out. to television. Steinbrenner also emphasized and ordered the game resumed on “ Like the time I had to tell Goldie’s character she had into the left-field stands for the Rozema was tagged with three Chase acknowledges he discovered the meaning of “ It’s too much exposure,” he said. “ I had more that there was no certainty of a Aug. 18 from the point of conten­ the greenest eyes I ’d ever seen. win. Detroit reliever Howard Bai­ unearned runs, thanks to three tight comedic control in his seventh picture, “ The freedom but my work on ‘Saturday Night Live’ was game on that date, which would tion. The Royals were leading 5-4 “ That’s not a comedic line. I was uncomfortable ley fell to 5-5. Detroit errors. Willie Randolph's Chevy Chase is getting over his Deal of the Century,” due for release later this year. aimed at a specific audience. Now I have to appeal to a have been an off-day for both when the incident occured. with it. Maybe it is something I say to my wife, no one Long accustomed to running his own show with broader segment. I ’m older and don’thave the need to Winfield said he didn’t know two-run single highlighted the clubs. insecurity as a screen actor. else. what kind of pitch he put into orbit choice of director and script approval. Chase found fall down a lot and hurt my knees.” inning for the Yankees. " I f in fact the game is played, we but TigersManager Sparky Ander­ Steinbrenner said the Yankees The Yankee scored two in the will follow Mr, MacPhail's orders, son saw it clearly: it was a fastball now have lost all three decisions fourth on Randolph's ground- rule but I hasten to point out that the that arose from the controversy — in the wrong place — right out over double and a sacrifice fly by Graig the plate.” decision rests solely with the "in the first place, allowing the Nettles. players,” Steinbrenner said. "It's It just takes horse sense About Town “ I wanted to make good con­ home run. In the second place, their’s to make and I will back tact,” Winfield said. “ I didn’t want ordering us to play the game in The Tigers rallied for a 5-5 tie in them 100 percent in whatever they to loft it. I wanted to hit a line drive August, which will mean the the bottom of the fourth, sending 11 wish to do." Yankees will have played over 30 continued from page 11 first; Ethel; Robb and Marge Prentiss, second. but with One out I was going for the MCC dance lectures batters to the plate. Glenn Wilson, MacPhail said the 6 p.m. start days in a row without a break, and there a good rapport between animal and student? East-West; Jon Greene and Joyce Rossif, first; stands. It’s one of the few times Tom Brookens and Lynn Jones was necessary "to comply with then ordering us to start it after 6 2 Between student and instructor? The final two sessions of a series of modem dance You should also look at the quality of the stable’s Marge Warner and Suzanne Shorts, second. this year I ’ve gone for it.” each smacked an RBI single If a student makes a wrong move, does the lectures and demonstrations will be at Manchester scheduling provisions of the Basic p.m. equipment. Saddle leather should be in good shape Gossage pitched the final 3 1-3 among the six Detroit hits that instructor just stand there and holler about the Community College Aug. 24 and 27 as part of a Agreement with respect to the "Certainly, every decision has and free of stitches, rips or cracks. These indicate the innings for New York and retired knocked hut Yankees starter Ray student’s imcompetence, or does the instructor take three-credit course offered by the college on Bidwell Library plans program Kansas City club. Final details on appeared to be against the Yan saddle is getting old and unsafe to use. all 10 batters he faced — four on Fontenot but reliever George the time to get on the horse and demonstrate the Street. date and starting time were made kees, the last one certainly to The stirrup leather should look and feel smooth and Mary Cheney Library, 586 Main St. is accepting srikeouts. Frazier, who departed in the correct move? The lecture demonstration and course is being after discussions with the Major accommodate the team who broke have no signs of wear. registrations for the pre-school storytime. “ I feel like I had good control,” seventh after a collision with Tiger Mrs. Coleson says a good stable lets the beginner taught by Margaret Dillon. The Aug. 24 session will be League Players Association." the rule.” There are openings for children ages 3,4 and 5. For he said. “ I ’ve had good control of Kirk Gibson left him with bruised use the same horse. In this way, the rider can from 5:30 to 6 p.m. and Aug. 27 from 10 to 10:30 a.m., Steinbrenner accused MacPhail The time change additionally my fastball all year. When you’ve ribs, held Detroit at bay until concentrate on his own riding skills instead of the both on the college’s Central Mall. more information call the Junior Room at the library, of favoring the Royals because the infuriated Steinbrenner. who said Watch a lesson 643-2471. only got 15 walks, that’s good for a Gossage came on. horse’s particular bad habits. In case of rain the meetings will be held indoors. team preferred leaving Kansas he now must cancel entertainment power pitcher. “ You just can’t give a team five She also recommends a stable with an indoor ring Participants should wear casual dress and be City on the day of the resumed plans that would have benefited All the instructors queried suggested that before “ What helped in this game is that runs like that and expect to win too which would not only offer the beginner the prepared to take part in dancing. No previous modern game rather than the night before. youngsters in the New York area. doing anything, a beginner should observe a lesson in Boating safety program I had a good slider,” he added. many games,” Anderson said. convenience of evening classes but also classes in the dance experience is required. The league, however, pointed out He said he planned on a lot of progress. “ Anytime I get the slider over it “ That’s the way we’ve been losing UPI photo dead of winter, a time when stables without a ring Community Broacasting Company of Manchester that the Royals are playing in giveaways to kids ‘who want to Look to see if students are enjoying themselves.Is makes my fastball more effective them lately.” would have to terminate their lessons. will present a special program on boating safety, Kansas City the day before while come to Yankee games on a Society seeks RR photos because they can’t just sit there The Yankees’ Don Mattingly had today, Saturday and Monday at 7:30 p.m. and Sunday and wait for it.” Dave Winfield gets a high-five from Ken Griffey after his the Yankees are home. summer afternoon. at 5 p.m. on Channel 13 of Cox Cable TV. a 15-game hitting streak snapped Connecticut Historical Society has started a search The victory pushed the Yankees’ Steinbrenner called MacPhail’s " I t ’s a lousy, lousy thing to do, The program was produced by Paul Martin in and the Tigers’ Lou Whitaker was solo homer in the 10th inning gave the Yankees a 6-5 win order just another in a series of but we'll abide by it, if the game is for a photo history of Connecticut railroads covering record at Detroit this year to 4-0 stopped at 13. Advice the years of 1832 to 1982. A proposed publication of the cooperation with the Manchester Power Squadron. over the Tigers Thursday. decisions that have gone against played,” he said. history is tentatively schueduled for release in the fall of 1984. Pre-teen contest finalist Anyone having information, photographs or manus­ cript material pertaining to Connecticut railroads is Clare Hulme, 10, daughter of David and Lynda Decision today Woman needs quick answer asked to contact Peter J. Malia, managing editor of Hulme of 205 Union St., has been selected as a finalist the society, 1 Elizabeth St., Hartford, or call 236-5621. in the 1983 Miss Connecticut National Pre-Teen Pageant. The pageant will be Saturday at the Holiday Inn in to her questions about sex Seniors collecting items Hartford. This is the official state preliminary to the Gault: gold or gridiron? Manchester Senior Citizens are collecting items to Miss National Pre-Teen Pageant to be held in November. be sold at a tag sale planned for Sept. 10. CHICAGO (U PI) — Willie Gault DEAR ABBY: I have Anyone wishing to donate articles can bring them to Miss Hulme is being sponsored by the Moe take him from the cradle to the Finks met Wednesday night in you’re under your moth­ Manufacturing Corp. of East Hartford. is divided into two parts. And today some questions I ’m too the Senior Center, 549 E. Middle ’Turnpike or call - grave. They want to take care of Chicago with Glenn and Alvin er’s roof, she will feel he must decide which one is the him for the rest of his life. That’s embarrassed to ask anyb­ 647-3211 for pick up. No clothes will be accepted. real Willie — the fleet sprinter- Chriss of TAC, a Bears spokesman ody else. I ’m a 21-year-old justified in treating you Open dance at Piano’s hard for a young man to turn said Thursday. In a telephone like a juvenile. hurdler or the standout wide down.” woman and, unfortu­ receiver. interview from his Long Island nately, my mother never Dear Abby AM Bridge Club results Parents Without Partners Chapter 469 will hold an The decision will be difficult, as office, Chriss said TAC was called open dance Saturday from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. at Fiano’s Gault’s attorney said Thursday Gault was part of the U.S. squad told me anything about DEAR ABBY: I am a The following are the results of the Aug. 1 and Aug 8 he would make up his mind today, in after the lA A F made its growing up or being sexu­ Restaurant, Route 6, Bolton. that broke a 6-year-old world unfavorable ruling. Abigail Van Buren woman of 67. in fairly games of the Manchester AM Bridge Club: after he runs the 110-meter hurdles ally active. good health and weigh 272. Music will be by “ Free and Easy.” Admission is record in the 4 x 100- meter relay "W e tried very hard to urge the North-South: Margaret Kropp and Jane Lowe, $3.50. The public is invited. at the World Track and Field How far can a woman go I cannot keep weight off first; Joan Slitt and Donna Feir, second. Wednesday with a time of 37.86 lA A F to reconsider its decision," The chapter will have an orientation meeting for // Championships in Helsinki, with a man without get­ once I do find a diet that seconds — the first in history under Chriss said. "W e consider it a East-West: Burt Smyth and Flo Smyth, first: Joyce prospective members, Tuesday at 7 p.m. at Shop Rite Finland. 38.00. ting pregnant? Does the works for me. I have been Rossi and Jon Greene, second.f saddening result, not necessarily Community Hall, East Middle Turnpike. After the race. Gault faces After the race, Gault joked: degree of penetration de­ overweight for 35 years, North-South; Frankie Brown and Barbara Davis, another hurdle — whether to hang an incorrect result, or one that termine whether she is in For more information call 646-8643 or 643-1219. "Now we can go back to play Parents have written to when he calls I am forced but nothing like this. M. ■ . ■ -- up his track shoes and join the wasn’t predictable." any danger of getting football.” tell me that their 12- and to lie to her, and I have to My doctor told me he N F L ’s or turn his Gault was the Bears’ first choice pregnant? Can a woman In a telephone interview from his 13-year-old boys and girls tell her I am going some­ wants me to have my back on a record-breaking con­ in the April draft, even though he get pregnant if she doesn’t stomach stapled! Do they Oakland office, Glenn said the had indicated he wanted to try to G found it very educational, where else so I can meet tract and seek an Olympic gold have an orgasm during former University of Tennessee and they (the parents) him. actually use staples? Or is medal. win an Olympic gold medal next sex? wide receiver might still seek an year, regretted that such a Everyone I talk to tells that a stupid question? Earlier, Gault had said he would Sorry I am so dumb, but MHS posts its final honors exemption from the International booklet was not available me my mother has no say Please send me all the be willing to forget football for a lA A F rules prohibit any athlete I really need to know. Amateur Athletic Federation, al­ when they were growing about whom I may date, information you have year and go for the gold. But his from competing professionally in a COULD BE PREGNANT up. about this operation or tell lowing him to run in the Los secondary sport that would help but I can’t seem to get that The following is the attorney, Everett Glenn, said me where I can get it. klrton, Lisa Gates, Sarah Michael P. Donlon, Leonie varrlno, Marcea Generis, Ti­ Angeles Games. him in his principal form of through her head. I need honor roll for the fourth Gifford, Jonathon Goldick, Thursday that Gault might an­ DEAR COULD BE: See Glaeser, Loura Grovell, Da­ mothy GraboskI, Potty "W e will know tom orrow,” amateur Olympic endeavor, as it DEAR ABBY: I am a some suggestions on how I LAST RESORT quarter at Manchester rya HIrschfeld, Shanna Hop- Hardy, James Hare. nounce today that he will join the a doctor at once for a Kittle'"’*’ ■J? .,-»■» Glenn said. "W e are petitioning the would give him an unfair advan­ 35-year-old woman. I ’m can deal with her High School; p e rs ^ d , Storl Howe, San­ Michelle Howthorne, Kris­ Bears, who picked him in the first pregnancy test. Kerri Kronen, Kristin Link, dro Keith, Toni l^ lly . tin Henderson, Amy Huo- International Olympic Committee. tage over other competitors. recently unemployed, overprotectiveness. DEAR LAST: In my Carey Markham, Thong round of the draft — thus losing his A woman can get preg­ which necessitated my Nguyen, Patricia Schuhl, Dorlene Labonte, Ste­ gans, Carol Ingle, David T. But tomorrow, he’s got to make a At Tennessee, Gault set five “S’MOTHERED” opinion the first and the ORADE It phanie Lavlgne, Isabelle Le- James, Marie Jeannotte, amateur standing. decision.” nant without experiencing returning home “ to the HIMi Henert Oeldre Shearer, Kathleen career Southeastern Conference only place to get the Szarek, Joanne Thompson, coester, Richard Lemleux, Jennifer Jones, Dawn Kin­ "The Chicago Bears have of­ orgasm, and your other nest.” My problem: an -V icki BIske, Llso Chotzky, Gerald Machle, Kevin ney, Deanna Krar, Susan The lA A F ruled last weekend records for kickoff returns and was DEAR S’MOTHERED: answer about the proce­ Kenneth Willis. fered him enough money that he questions are answered in Christina Colvin, Suzonne Mather, Alicia McDowell, Krupp, Paula KurowskI, Mi­ that Gault will not be allowed to among the national leaders in overprotective mother. Your problem is not an dure is from the doctor Dudley, Shari Goodwin, Kimberly Merz, Jody chael Letourneau, Donald will seriously consider retiring detail in my booklet, She has never liked the Jeanne Lemleux, Kristen Regular Honors Metheny. Logan. compete in the 1984 Olympic combined yards for the Vols, As a “overprotective mother” who recommended the Diane Adamy, Christine from track and field,” Glenn said. "What Every Teen-ager man I ’ve dated forthe last Noone, David Rlordon, John Nancy Miller, Donald Michael Lohr, Kheuavanh Games in Los Angeles if he signs a track star, he was rated third in the — it’s your own inability stomach stapling. Please L. Rogers, Heidi Sullivan, Babbitt, Jonathan Brody, Ja­ Palmer, Christopher Parker, Glenn refused to say how much Ought to Know.” It can be seven years. When we son Clifford, Marlene Cole, Luangpraseuth, Sharon pro footbali contract with the world in the 110- meter hurdles last to assert yourself and consider a second opinion. Kimberly Wright, Sarah Jeffrey Poplk, Elizabeth Lucek, Elizabeth Lyon, the Bears are offering, but he said, obtained by sending $2 broke it off (for a while) Zimmerman. Danette Coombs, Lianne Sayre, Sean Sullivan, Chris­ Bears. year and won the 1983 NCAA indoor project yourself as a ma­ 'There are no stupid ques­ Darna, Timothy Edwards, David MacBrvde, Jenifer "There’s no question he’d be the and a long, stamped (37 two years ago, she was topher Surh, Kenneth MacGlllvarv, Sloan Mahone, UPI photo The Athletics Congress told the title in the 60-yard dash and ture woman who is able to tions — only people who Regular Honors Gahan Fallone, Angellque Szarek, Patricia highest- paid receiver ever to come cents), self-addressed en­ very pleased, so when we Fiwcher, Debra FInkelsteln. Pofrlcla McCarfhv, Llso Chicago Bears Wednesday night 60-yard high hurdles. control her own life. Try remained uninformed be­ , KathI Albert, Gall Baltov- Wolnarowskl. McRory, Michael Memery, Julio Cruz of the WhiteSox stomped out into the league, and one of the velope to: Abby, Teen got back together again, I Ick, Erie Brown, Robert Cas- Dean Flora, Elizabeth play thanks to Ripken's slide in the third there is nothing more it can do to Gault made the 1980 U.S. Olym­ doubly hard to find a job in cause they’re afraid of French, Brian Garrison, Do­ Julie Merldy, Holly Miller, highest-paid players in the game. ’ ’ Booklet, P.O. Box 38923, never told her. tagnq, Potrick Comlns, Kris­ Regular Honors Donald Moore, Lisa Murphy, the Orioles’ Cal Ripken Jr. at second inning of Thursday's Chicago- help Gault. Gault had asked TAC to pic team as a sprinter, but the U.S. order to break out of that appearing stupid by ask­ tin Craft, Jennifer Dennison, nald Gaston, Shelly Johnson, Susan Ambach, Rebecca Joanne Nadeau. Glenn said Bears General Man­ Hollywood, Calif. 90038. Now that I am home. Jonothan Kim, Jennifer Ko- base, but Cruz failed to turn the double intervene with the International boycotted that year’s Games in ‘ ‘nest,” because as long as ing questions. Christopher Downing, James Aubut, Michael Banavlge, _ Thomas Norwood, Baltimore contest. ager has promised "to Emmerllng, Diana Flores, hut, Koren Kropp, Patricia David Bashaw, Ella Basker- Chrisfine O'Brien, Doris Pot­ Amateur Athletic Federation. Moscow. Pomelo Foreman. MacBrvde, Michael McGee, vllle, DIona Beaulieu, Cheryl man, David Pesso, Kathleen Lynn Michaud. Belanger, Susan E. Ber- Deanna Gordon, Albert Joann Morlorty, Erica PIttslev, Karen Pivnick, Harris, Jennifer Heinrich, Newton, Hung Nguyen, Ro- zenskl, Debra Blake, Richard Dawn M. Plourde, William AL roundup Uzette Heritage, Kristin Blasko, Kimberly Bride, Dl- Wayne Reading, Hutt, Laura Jones, Julie £*'■1 NIghan, James Angina attacks are similar O'Loughlln, Robert Price, a n e Carlson, Lisa William Reading, Karl Ri­ Kane, Brian Kuhl, James Christensen. chards, David Richardson, Kurlen, Chi Nguyen, Gre­ Heother Reading, Michael Leonne CIchowskI, TerrII Eric Robl\;haud, Dena gory Palmer, Tamar Qulck- Roux, Elaine St. Pierre, Clemons, Mark Colbath, Pa­ Robinson. enton, Kristen Spear, Kris­ Wendy Strattman, Wendy tricio Crowley, John Dalone, Karlen Roy, Scott Russell, tine Trombley. Swanson, Lucio Vernal I, Brewers take turn in first Laurie Dorna, Jacque Dol- David Schneider, Charlene Dana Zackin, Vincent ZIto. ron, Kenneth Donnestad, Sentelo, William Silver, Pa- to heart attacks sometimes G R AD E II John Dublel, Karen Eddy, •riri? ,M. Smith, Kristen High Honors G RADE 12 By Mike Tullv hits, I want five.” H IM Honors Scott Edgerton, Evette Ela Stahl, Melissa Starr, Patrick the third on Willie Upshaw’s RBI DEAR DR. LAMB; My Brian Breen, Wendy Bur­ Stefurak, Pamela Sterling, UPI Sports Writer Of his surge, he said, “ I ’m not sick and still need a little gess, Joseph Donovan, Carmen Bonacarsl, Ellza- Falco, Polly Flaum, Amy single and to 3-2 in the fourth on mother, age 63, has an­ oeih Srainord, Vicki Cos- Melinda Tetreault, John D. doing anything different. I ’m just tender loving care. Why Kriston Elb, Gordon Frec- fouthlor- Debra Galllgan, Thomas, Maryslo TonskI, Garth lorg’s RBI single. gina. She makes a big deal taana, Karrie Lvn Demers, Linda Garnells, Melissa Ga- Lynn Trocy. Despite losing a solid right arm getting the opportunity to drive in not give her a little TLC, But Milwaukee made it 6-2 with out of putting a medicated and their Fingers, the Milwaukee runs. I just happen to be in the right three runs in the fifth. Charlie cream on her chest. She perhaps at other times Brewers have put their hands back piace at the right time.” Moore led off with a double and one never leaves the room to Your Health than during an attack. It is on first place in the American Starter Chuck Porter scattered out later scored on Gantner’s put on the cream and sometimes the cheapest League East. six hits over six innings, struck out single. Yount tripled to deep center seems to plan it so she can and best medicine a per­ Cecil Cooper, Robin Yount and live and walked five to even his Lawrence Lamb, M.D. son can receive. to score Moore and chase Alex­ apply this cream in the Jim Gantner drove in two runs record at 5-5. His record since the DEAR DR. LAMB: I apiece Thursday night to lead the ander. Cooper greeted reliever presence of others. She From their earliest years, before church whenever possible. All the All-Star break is 5-1. has also been known to am enclosing a carton for children can speak or talk, they are wonderful grace. She is already a surging Brewers to a 6-4 victory Dave Geisel with an RBI single. sights of candles and colorful robes "I haven’t really changed any­ moan or gasp for breath. a non-dairy creamer we member of a small “ j^outh group” over the slumping Toronto Biue In other AL games, Chicago becoming at home with the world and the bread and wine, all the thing,” he said. “ It’s just that According to her, she has have been using quite we surround them with. that grew out of her nursery Jays. ripped Baltimore 9-3, New York That can be quite severe constriction of the chest. sounds of hymns and happy voices, before the All-Star game I was only several heart attacks regularly. I know it is high If parents play mostly classical experience. She has always been edged Detroit 6-5 in 10 innings and or so mild it could pass The pain is not caused by the smells of incense, the motion The triumph was Milwaukee’s used as a spot starter, and now I ’m some days. in calories but it is a music, or jazz or rock and roll, then with those kids, they have always Oakland blanked Minnesota 6-0. unnoticed. And it is chest wall muscles but by and movement of the liturgy, the 10th in its last 14 games and the loss pitching every five days. Pitching These heart attacks do pleasant tasting cream from age one or two, that becomes been her friends from church. Kansas City at Boston was post­ caused from the same the heart. activity of the nursery become was the Blue Jays’ eighth in their as a regular member o f' the not put her in the hospital substitute we use on des­ their kind of music too. If parents Before any could speak, they poned because of rain. thing — not enough blood It can be dangerous. imprinted on an infant’s brain, and last nine. The American League rotation has allowed me to get my or cause her to call her serts and cereal. ’There is have loud arguments that last and jabbered into the air togetherfrom White Sox 9, Orioles 3 flow to the heart muscle. And as the changes in the alTof that becomes a part of their champions lead second-place New rhythm.” doctor. I ■" suspect that no mention of coconut oil last, or quick flares of temper that their cribs, they cruised and At Chicago, Tom Paciorek had That can be from an arteries progress,, they life. They just have to be in the York by a half-game. Though the Pete Ladd worked the final she's playing “ poor me” or palm oil in it and it says are soon over, that will become the crawled together on the floor, they four hits and four RBI and Floyd obstruction by fatty- can lead to a myocardial room, and it is imprinted. It is race is far from over, the Brewers inning for his 13th save and his 11th and wanting pity. it hi cholesterol free. Is it way the children express their had parallel play, and then interac­ Bannister, 10-9, equaled his career ehotesterol deposits in the infarction with heart mus­ theirs, before they can speak a deserve pAise for rallying from a in his last 19 appearances. Doyle Tell me, what is an­ OK to use this product? conflict. If we don’t smoke...if we tional play and lots of little fights. high of 11 strikeouts, lifting the arteries to the heart or by cle damage. It is proper to complete sentence. Just as rock bad start, especially without ace Alexander, 0-7, took the loss. gina? Is an angina attack DEAR JWADKR: Yes. are generous with our time...and But what a rich result, and she’s White Sox. It was the sixth straight a spasm of the coronary call an anginal attack a and roll will sound fam iliar and right-hander Pete Vuckovich and “ We haven’t been getting good V really a heart attack or Poly P en depends upon so forth. Even before children can still only five years old. loss for the Orioles, who dropped arteries. heart attack. The term ‘home” for a child whose iiarents reliever Roliie Fingers. pitching or timely hitting,” said ‘ UPI photo just a cramping of the soybean gOU as its fat speak or talk, the world about them What about small children in from first to third place in the East, The distinguishing fea­ heart attack is not a played rock and roll, so will the Much of the success revolves Toronto Manager Bobby Cox. chest muscles? I know it source. It doesn’t contain is being “imprinted” on their your church? Are they welcome? one game back. Allan Ramirez, ture is the short duration specific term and can church experience feel like around Cooper, who has 44 of his “ We’ve been playing catch-up ball Suing the Olympics can be very painful but is any cholesterol. Unlike mind, like a thumbprint that is Is there a place for them? What 4- 3, lasted only 2 1-3 innings. of the discomfort. It include both angina and “ home” to the child who was there league-leading 98 RBI since the for the last couple of weeks.” it truly serious? many popular cream or uniquely from their family’s could you do to see there Is? What A ’s 6, Twins 0 should last less than 15 from the beginning. All-Star break. He went 3- for-4 The Brewers took a 1-0 lead in the Grete Waitz of Norway and Mary Decker myocardial infarction. milk substitutes it con­ surroundings. could you do to build on what is so At Oakland, Chris Codiroli, 9- 8, officials contend that with the addition minutes and may last only Sickness interferes a lot with with two RBI against the Jays and first on Cooper’s 2Sth homer, a of the U.S. are among 50 women DEAR READER; An­ Now your mother may tains no coconut oil. Any We wouldn’t disagree with that. good already? pitched a five-hitter for his first of a women’s marathon, the women a few minutes. It can small children getting to church. even that wasn’t enough for him. drive over the left- field wall. gina pectoris causes the feel breathless with the cream substitute should And yet I think this makes a good major-league shutout, lifting the runners from 20 different countries who cause a sensation of im­ “ No I ’m not satisfied,” he said. Milwaukee made It 3-0 in the A ’s to their sixth victory in their have a world class long-distance event same pain that a person attack. And you may be provide information on case for having our infants in­ greatest third. Paul Molitor walked and have filed a sex discrimination suit pending death and causes satisfaction in seeing my five year “ You can’t ever be satisfied — you last seven games and into the third in which to compete. The two are shown has from a heart attack. right that she wants some the saturated and polyun­ volved in worship and ih a nursery Rev. John C. Holliger scored on Gantner’s triple. Yognt the feeling of pressure or " '“ experience an espirit de corps always want to do more and place in the West. Frank Viola, against Olympic officials for excluding attention too. You can be saturated fat content. program with other infanu at St. George’s Episcopal followed with an RBI single. here receiving roses after gold-medal with other five year olds that is a contribute more. If I get three hits, 5- 10, took the loss. Dwayne Murphythe 5,000 and 10,000 meter races in the Church, Bolton Toronto edged to 3-1 in its half of victories at the World Track and Field I want four hits and if I get four his his 12th homer for Oakland. 1984 games in Los Angeles. Olympic J Championships in Helsinki, Finland.

4 _16 - MANCHESTER HERALD. Friday. Aug. 12, 1983 MANCHESTER HERALD. Friday, Aug. 12. 1983 - 17 Sports In AL roundup Scoreboard Softball Marathon still open - Area softball teams, groups of friends or Major League leaders LPGA scores co-workers who wish to form a team still have Murphy homers lift WhlteSoxB,Oriole$3 time to register for the Easter Seal Softball BdHlng Htnredon Classic Marathon to be held Saturday at Legion Field in .y'- Baseball BALTIMORE CHICAGO Football Golf At High Pointf N.C., Aug., 11 ObrhM ObrhM National League Vernon. All proceeds from this event will benefit (Par 72) *****••••••••••••••••• Shelby cf 4 0 0 1 RLow cf 5 0 0 0 g Ob r h pet. Patty Sheehon 32-33—65 the Easter Seal camping and recreation pro­ / Ford rf 3 0 0 0 Fisk c 5 2 3 2 Modlock, Pitt 98 379 56 125 .3X Hendrick, StL 102 378 54 124 .328 Judy Clark 3533—68 grams for the handicapped. Dwyer rf 1 0 0 0 Baines rf 3 2 11 N FL exhibition alandings Charlotte Montgomery 3434— 68 Braves over Giants Ba$Bbill $tandlng$ Ripken ss 4 0 2 0 Luzinsk dh 4 1 2 0 Herr, StL 89 313 43 )0) .323 PGA scores Teams entering the Marathon must submit a Dawson, Mtl 109 442 69 141 .319 Janet Coles 3435- 69 Murray lb 4 0 0 0 Paclorek If 5 1 4 4 Amerloon Conference JoAnne Corner 3833— 69 minimum registration fee of $150. In return they Roenick If 3 10 0 Walker 1b 2 10 0 Knight, Hbu 104 368 29 )16 .315 W L T Pd. PF PA Bv Mike Barnes In other N L games, Chicago NATIONAL LEAGUE Oliver, Mil 110 4X 55 IX .315 Opqn Ayako Okamoto 3435—69 will receive two cases of Molson Beer and a RBI single to pinch-hitter Tom East SIngletn dh 3 2 2 2 Squires 1b 0 0 0 0 Pittsburgh 2 0 0 1.000 54 X At Orond Blonc, Mlchw Auo. 11 Lenore Muraoka 3435— 69 UPI Spbrts Writer bested St. Louis 10-5, Los Angeles TCruz 3b 4 0 0 0 VLaw 3b 4 0 12 Horner, All 100 373 74 115 ,X8 Baltimore 1 0 0 1.000 15 o marathon trophy for the team, win or lose. Other O’Malley in the fifth and a 0> Cruz, Hou 111 411 61 126 ,X7 (Por 72) Amy Benz 3834— 70 PhlloMDlila 58 51 .532 ______Sakata 2b 4 0 1 0 Fletchr ss 4 12 0 Cleydond 1 0 0 1.000 21 X Jane Lock 3436— 70 prizes are available. sixth-inning solo shot by Jack shaded Cincinnati 4-3 and Houston [Tempsey c 3 0 1 0 JCruz 2b 2 10 0 Thon, Hou 11) 449 60 137 ,X5 Denver 1 0 0 1.0X 10 7 Calvin Peete 33-33—66 Montrsol 58 53 .523 1 Murphy, Atl 115 408 102124 .304 D. A. Weibring 32-34—66 Gall HIratq 3436—70 When it comes to remembering Clark, his 16th of the year. Gene downed San Diego 5-1. Totals 33 3 6 3 Totals 34 9 13 9 Kansas City 1 0 0 1.000 24 7 3436—70 To register your team call the softball hotline at PIMsburoh 57 55 .509 2'/j Baltimore 020 000100— 3 American League John Cook 35-32—67 Alice Ritzman his accomplishments, Atlanta’s Garber got the last three outs for Cubs 10, Cardinals 5 St. Loult 54 58 .482 SV i LA Raiders 1 0 0 I.OX 26 33 Jock Renner 32-35—67 Kathy Whitworth 3535— 70 228-9438 Chicago ‘ 00600300X— 9 g ab r h pet. Buffalo 0 1 0 .000 17 27 Dale Murphy would just as soon his seventh save. At Chicago, Leon Durham belted Chicago 52 61 .480 8 Boggs, Bos 1X413 68 )53 .370 Chi Chi Rodriguez 34-33—67 Vivian Brownlee 37-33—70 Game-winning RBI — Paclorek (5). MiomI 0 1 0 .OX 17 X Anne-Marie Polll 3436— 70 forget. New York 45 68 .398 15 E—Fletcher. DP—Baltimore 1. Carew, Col 90 350 49 IX .366 Fred Couples 3^31—67 The Braves raked starter Bill a in the third inning W ed NY Jets 0 1 0 .OX 16 X Pat Bradley 3835— 71 LOB— Brett, KC 84 319 67 107 .335 Clnclnnotl 0 1 0 .OX 7 24 Tom Kite 33-35—68 MMH Golf Tournament "W ell, if it’s good or bad you've Laskey, 12-9, for three runs in the and the Cubs scored six unearned Atlonto 70 45 .609 — McRae, KC 1X413 65 134 .324 Jim Simons 37-31—66 Donna White 3835— 71 Baltimore 7, Chlcogo 8. 2B— Ripken, Houston 0 1 0 .OX 0 15 3437— 71 just got to forget it and come back first. With two out, Claudell runs in the fourth to beat St. Louis Los Angeles 62 50 .554 6Vi Paclorek, V. Law. HR— Singleton (14). Whitaker, Det 111 447 68 145 .324 Don Poolev 33-35—68 Hollis Stacy The third annual Manchester Memorial Golf Houdon 58 54 .518 lO'/j New England 0 1 0 .OX 16 27 Dale Eggellng 3536— 71 the next night,” said Murphy, who Washington singled and Bob for the ninth time in 12 games. Dick SB—J. Cruz (47). S—J. Cruz. Simmons, Mil 1X417 53 134 .321 Son Diego 0 1 0 .OX X 34 Lou Graham 33-35—66 Tournament is scheduled for Wednesday. August San Diego 56 58 .491 13V> Murray, Bolt I X X4 78 124 .315 Jeff Sluman 34-34 66 Marl McDougall 3833— 71 ripped two homers and had five Ruthven, 8-9, was the winner while San Francisco 54 60 .474 15'/> IP H R ER BBSO Seattle 0 1 0 .OX 7 10 3835—71 17, at the Manchester Country Club. Horner walked. Murphy then Baltimore Yount, Mil 103 X5 74 )24 .314 Notional Conference AsIkO AskO 34-34—66 Valerie Skinner RBI to spark the Braves to a 6-4 rookie Danny Cox, 0-1, took the Cincinnati 52 63 .452 18 Moseby, Tor 1X375 68 117 .312 Brad Faxon 34-35—69 Vicki Singleton 37.34_71 drilled a 2-1 pitch into the left- field Ramirz (L 4-3) 21-3 4 6 6 5 2 W L T Pd. PF PA 3835—71 The tournament will feature an afternoon of Thursday's Results Stewart 3 1-3 7 3 3 0 1 Trammell, Det 93 3X 50 96 .31) Mark O'Meara 37-32—69 Silvia Bertolaccinl victory 'Thursday night over the seats. loss. Ozzie Smith had four hits for Chicago 10, St. Louis 5 Atlanta 1 0 0 1.0X 13 10 Julie Fyne 3438— 72 golf with an added incentive: a car will be DMartInez 21-3 2 0 0 1 1 Home Runs Chicago 1 0 0 1.0X 27 17 Tom Welskopf 35-34—69 San Francisco Giants. The Braves went ahead 4-0 in the the Cards, who have lost 10 of their Atlanta 6, San Frandsco 4 Chi 0190 National League — Schmidt, Phil 26; Ronnie Black 35-34—69 Patti Rizzo 3834— 72 awarded to the first person scoring a hole-in-one Los Angeles 4, CIndnnatl 3 Dallas 1 0 0 1.0X X 17 Marlene Hoggs 3438— 72 “ I felt OK tonight, and tomorrow second on an RBl double by Brett last 12 contests. Bnnstr (W 109)61-3 6 3 3 1 11 Dawson, Mtl and Murphy, Atl 25; Evans, LA Rams 1 0 0 1.0X 34 X Rex Caldwell 36-33—69 on the 18th hole. Houston 5. San Diego 1 SF 23; Guerrero, LA 2). Antonio Cerda 36-33—69 Barb Bunkowski 3834— 72 night’s another game. Ifou never Butler and added two runs off Dodgers 4, Reds 3 Frldgy's Gomes Barolas 2 2-3 0 0 0 3 2 Minnesota 1 0 0 1.0X 3t 10 Laurl Peterson 37.35— 72 Greens fees, carts, lunch, complimentary T—3:34. A -a U lO . American League — Armas, Bos 25 Phllodelphia 1 0 0 1.X0 21 17 Bill Britton 36-33—69 UPl photo feel comfortable up there." reliever Andy McGaffigan in the At Cincinnati, Ken Landreaux (All Times EDT) .and Cooper, Mil 25; Kittle, Chi 24; Rice, Buddy Gardner 36-33—69 Kathy Postlewaite 3537— 72 cocktails and dinner are all included in the entry Plltsburgh (McWilliams 11-6) at Mont­ Tampa Bay 1 0 0 1.0X X 17 3837—73’ fifth. With two out, Horner singled lofted a tie-breaking sacrifice fly in Bos, LuzInskI, Chi and Winfield, NY 23. NY Giants 1 0 0 I.OX 23 16 Bruce Fielsher 35-34—69 Sue ErtI fee of $75, Tickets may also be purchased for Calvin Peete doffs his hat to the crowd real (Rogers 146), 7:35 p.m. Runs Batted in Michael Brannon 34-35—69 Joan Joyce 3837—73 Murphy, whose 25 homers and 82 and Murphy popped an 0-1 pitch the seventh and Tom Niedenfuer Son Diego (Show 11-7) at CIndnnatl Detroit 0 1 0 .OX 17 21 39-34—73 dinner for $20. The Tournament raises money for A’cB Jw In a O Notional League — Dawson, Mtl 87; Green Bay 0 1 0 .OX X 21 Dovid Graham 38-32—70 Penny Pulz after finishing his first round tied with RBI places him second in the NL in over the right-field fence for his pitched four innings of one-hit (Pastors 5-10), 7:35 p.m. Murphy, Atl 82; Schmidt, Phil 79; Jon Inman 35-35—70 Jane Geddes 3538— 73 the Hospital Development Fund, which helps both categories, said he never sets Los Angelss (Welch 9-t1) at Atlanta St. Louis 0 1 0 .OX 10 X Rod Nuckolls 37-33—70 Lauren Howe 37-36—73 D.A. Weibring for the lead in the Buick second homer of the game. relief to spark the Dodgers. MINNESOTA OAKLAND Guerrero, LA 70; Chambliss, Atl and Son Francisco 0 1 0 .OX 23 26 make possible the purchases of new pieces of personal goals. (Perez 13-3), 7:40 p.m. Hendrick, StL 68. LIndy Miller 35-35—70 Mindy Moore 3538— 73 The Giants scored two runs in the Niedenfuer, 6-1, struck out seven Chicago (Jenkins 3-7) at New York ObrhM ObrhM Washington 0 1 0 .OX 10 13 Vic Regolodo 35-35—70 Nancy Rubin 3835— 73 medical equipment and the undertaking of Open. American League — Cooper, MM 98; New Orleans 0 2 0 .OX 3) 47 " I ’d like to hit x-number of home (Terrell 3-4), 8:05 p.m. Brown cf 4 0 0 0 Almon 1b 3 111 Winfield, NY 87; Parrish, Det 79; Roger Maltble 36-34—70 Dot Cjermaln 3538—73 renovation and onstruction projects at the ninth on a throwing error by third and walked none after relieving Friday’s (femes runs, but you can’t think about it St. Louis (Allen 7-11) at Philadelphia Costlno 2b 4 0 0 0 Heath c 4 1 1 0 Simmons, Mil 76; Armas, Bos and Ward, (All Times EDT) Mark McCumber 35-35—70 Pom Germain 3538—73 Hospital. baseman Jerry Royster and an Jerry Reuss with the score tied 3-3. (Bvstrom 4-7), 8:05 p.m. Ward It 4 0 2 0 Lopes 2b 2 0 0 1 Mark McMultyo 36-34—70 Cathy Hanlon 3837—73 too much," the 27-year-old slugger Min 74. CIndnnatl at Washington, 7:Xp.m. RBI single by Duane Kuiper. Greg Brock hit his 15th homer, a San Frandsco (Martin 1-2) ot Houston Hrbek 1b 3 0 0 0 Brrghs dh 3 0 ) 1 Stolen Boses Lanny Wadklns 35-35—70 Sue Fogleman 37-36—73 Tickets may be obtained from Dr, Daniel P. said. "Y ou ’ve got to try and block it (Ryan 11-5), 8:35 p.m. . Goettl 3b 3 0 10 Lansfrd 3b 4 0 1 1 Green Boy at Seattle, 7:X p.m. 3837— 73 "W e hit the ball real hard in the three-run shot, for Los Angeles. National League — Raines, Mtl 51; New York Giants at Pittsburgh, 8 p.m. David Peoples 36-34—70 Debbie Massey Purcell at his 116 E. Center St. office. out of your mind. Once you start Saturday’s Gomes Bush dh 4 0 0 0 Murphy Wilson, cf 4 1 1 NY1 37; S.Sax, LA X ; LeMaster, Craig Stodier 35-35—70 Sandra Palmer 37-36—73 first three or four innings — just Astros 5, Padres 1 Pittsburgh at Montreal Brnnsky rf 4 0 0 0 Peters If 3 1 1 0 Saturday's (femes Peete, Chi Chi thinking about hitting a homer, you' SF 34; Butler, Atl, Moreno, Hou and Cleveland at Buffalo, 6 p.m. Peter Jacobsen 36-34—70 Deedee Lasker 37-36—73 nothing happened for us,” said the At Houston, Mike Scott and Dave San Frandsco at Houston Wshngt ss 3 0 2 0 Gross 1b 10 0 0 Redus, CIn X . Mark Collcavecchla 34-36—70 Jeannette Kerr 3835— 73 St. Louis at Phllodelphia, night Smith c 3 0 0 0 Davis rf 2)00 Chicago at St. Louis, 7 p.m. 3538— 73 Christensen chooses Eastern start aitering your swing and Giants’ Darrell Evans. “ They got Smith combined on a seven-hitter American League — Henderson, L.A. Raiders vs N.Y. Jets at East Ed Fiori 36-35—71 Beverley Davis San Diego at CIndnnatl, night Hill ss 3 1 1 1 Oak Larry Mize 35-36-71 Laura Hurlbut 37-36—73 things like that. You just want to two bigs hits from Murphy and and Jose Cruz drove in four runs to (3ilcago at New York, night Totals 32 0 5 0 Tolols 29 6 7 6 Rutherford, N.J., 8 p.m. Lisa Christensen, a first team CCIL All-Star for 70; R. Law, Chi 53; Cruz, Chi 47; Wilson, New Orleans at Miami, 8 p.m. Mark Pell 37-34—71 Sarah Leveque 37-36—73 make sure you take a goodswing.’’ even with the three-runner, we had lead the Astros. Scott, 6-4, went Los Angeles at Atlanta, night Minnesota 000 000 000— 0 KC 45; Sample, Tex X. Jimmy Roy 35-36—71 Catherine Panton 3439— 73 last year's girls basketball team at Manchester biister Buick Oakland 200 031 00x— 6 Baltimore at Minnesota, 8:Xp.m. M J . Smith 3838— 74 Murphy, who also singled, is Pitching Chip Beck 36-33—71 a chance to come back. He hit seven innings in his first start since AMERICAN LEAGUE Game-winning RBI — Lopes (5). Detroit at Kansas City, 8:X p.m. 37-37—74 High, will enroll at Eastern Connecticut State hitting .304. Victories Atlanta at Denver, 9 p.m. Tom Boozan 36-35—71 Mary Dwyer another one, so it’s tough when a suffering a sprained ankle July 20. East E—Ward. LOB—Minnesota 7, Oak­ National League — Rogers, Mtl 149; Tony SIMs 36-35—71 Lynn Adams 3836— 74 2 University this fall. GRAND BLANC, Mich. (U PI) — Ken Dayiey, 3-3, allowed five W L Pet. OB land , Philadelphia at Son Diego, 9 p.m. guy has a night like that. We had Cruz singled in the go-ahead run in Perez, Atl 13-3; Dravecky, S 0 139; Soto, Tampa Bov at Houston, 9 p.m. Jodie Mudd 36-35—71 Judy Ellis 3836—74 Christensen, 5-10, set the Manchester single­ Chi Chi Rodriguez is trying to turn back time but he hits over 5 1-3 innings for the Milwaukee 64 48 .571 — 4.2B— Almon, Peters. HR—Murphy (12). CIn 13-9; (Tennv, Phil 12-5; McMurtrv, Steve Barr 35-36—71 Vicki Tabor 3836—74 some opportunities, that’s for the fourth and sliced a bases- New York 63 48 .568 '/> S—Davis. SF— Lopes, Almon, Bur­ Sunday's (feme 37.37— 74 game rebounding record with 25 last year and led victory. The left-hander yielded an Atl 12-7; Rainey, Chi 129; Laskey, SF l2- New England at San Francisco, 4 p.m. George Burns 37-34—71 Susan Grams may discover that Calvin Peete has beat him to it. sure.” loaded triple in the eighth. Baltimore 62 48 .564 1 roughs. 9. Keith Fergus 35-36—71 Cathy Sherk 3836—74 the Indians in both scoring (14 ppg) and Detroit 63 49 .563 -1 IP H R ER BB SO Monday, Aug. 15 Rodriguez shot a 5-uhder-par 67 Thursday in the American League — McGregor, Balt Dallas at Los Angeles Rams Perry McCord 35-36—71 A-Kim Grace 3838—74 rebounding (12 rpg). opening round of the $350,000 Buick Open, one stroke Toronto 61 52 .540 3Vi Minnesota 14-5; Honeycutt, Tex 14-7; Hoyt, Chi 14- Allen Miller 35-36—71 Lori Huxhotd 3838—74 An honors student at Manchester, Christensen Boston 56 55 .505 7>/i Violo (L 5-10) 4 5 5 4 0 3 10; Rlghetti, N Y 13-3; Guidry, NY and Steve Melnyok 35-36—71 Martha Nause 3838—74 off the pace set by leaders Peete and D.A. Weibring. Cleveland 48 65 .425 16V^i Lvsander 211112 Sutcliffe, Clev 13-7; Morris, Det 13-8. Bobby Nichols 36-35—71 LeAnn Cassadav 3838—74 expects to major in physical education at Joining Rodriguez in third place on the 7,001-yard, W#tf Fllson 2 1 0 0 0 1 Jeff Mitchelll 37-34—71 Myra Van Hoose 3539— 74 OoOdond Earned Run Ayerage Eastern. par-72 course were John Cook, Jack Renner and Fred Chicago 61 51 .545 — National League — Hammaker, SF Soccer Tommy Valentine 37-34—71 Terri Luckhurst 3838— 74 Kansas CItv 53 55 .491 6 Codiroll (W 99) 9 5 0 0 1 1 1.98; Ryan, Hou 2.16; Pena, LA 2.43; Mark Lye 36-36—72 Margo Stubblefield 37.37— 74 Couples. Oakland 56 60 .483 7 Viola pitched to 3 batters In 5th. Soto, CIn 2.48; Denny, Phil 2.X. Wayne Levi 36-36—72 Alexandra Reinhardt 3836— 74 DeValve named co-captaIn Another shot back at 68 were Lou Graham, Japan’s Tsxos 54 58 .482 7 HBP—by Codiroll ((Soettl). T—2:05. American League — Honeycutt, Tex Mike Gouve 35-37—72 Lynn Stroney 3839— 75 California 54 60 .474 8 A— 250; Stieb, Tor 2.76; Young, Seo 3.X; Lou Nielson 37-35—72 Donna Capon! 3837— 75 Isao Aoki, Don Pooley, Jeff Sluman, Tom Kite and 6,915. Seniors Tim DeValve of Manchester and Mike Minnesota 47 69 .405 16 McGregor, Balt 3.23; Guidry, NY3.X. NASL standinga Tom Purtzer 37-35—72 Jull Inkstar 4845—75 Jim Simons. Seattle 45 69 .395 17 Strikeouts Brad Bryant 38-34—72 Jane Crofter 39-36-75 Gagne of Nashua, NH, have been named The rain, which delayed the morning start by one Thursday's Results National League National League — Carlton, Phil 192; Bill Calfee 35-37—72 Vicki Fergon 39-36—75 co-captains of the University of Connecticut cross hour, slowed things up considerably in the afternoon. Milwaukee 6, Toronto 4 Soto, CIn 176; McWilliams, Pitt 145; Eastern John Fought 36-36—72 Jerilyn Brltz 3839— 75 country team for the fall season. * Kansas CItv at Boston, ppd., rain Dodgera 4. Reda 3 Valenzuela, LA 124; Ryan, Hou IX . M ^ WLGFGABPPts. Tom Jenkins 35-37—72 Colleen Walker 3540— 75 Thirty-three players broke par in the morning, only 21 New York 6, Detroit 5,10 Innings American League — Morris, Det 153; New York 17 8 69 42 52 152 Larry RInker 37-35—72 Allison Finney 37-38—75 DeValve is a Dean’s List student majoring in broke par in the afternoon. Chicago 9, Baltimore 3 Stieb, Tor 131; Rlghetti, NY IX ; Chicago 13 10 55 55 46 124 Joey Rassett 3438— 72 Dianne Dailey 3839— 75 (}akland 6, Minnesota 0 LOS ANGELES CINCINNATI mechanical engineering. He holds the record in But shortly after Rodriguez came in, Peete, 40, Bannister, Chi 119; Blyleven, Clev 116. Toronto 13 10 43 37 37 112 Bobby Watkins 36-36-72 Cindy Hill 3540-75 Friday's Oames Ml r h M Ob r h M Soves Montreal 915 48 63 44 98 Payne Stewart 36-36—72 Marty Dickerson 3540—75 the school's indoor three-mile run (14:18.2) and strolled in with his 6-under 66. (All Times EDT) SSax 2b 4 0 1 0 Milner cf 5 0 10 National League — Smith, Chi 18; Southern Larry Ziegler 36-36—72 M. Floyd-DeArmon 4835-75 was a top runner on last season’s 6-21 team. Milwaukee (Caldwell 9-8) at Toronto Monday If 2 0 0 0 Redus If 5 2 10 Reardon, Mtl 17; Bedroslan, Atl 16; Ft. Lauderdale 10 13 43 48 40 IX Randy Erskine 36-36—72 MIssie McC3eorge 3837— 75 Peete was later tied during the rainy afternoon Londrex cf 2 1 1 1 Conepen ss 3 0 0 1 The Huskies open thier cross country season round by Weibring. (Leal 10-10), 7:30 p.m. Lovelleand Minton, SF and Holland, Phil Tulsa 11 13 40 43 X 95 Forrest Fezler 3438—72 Chris Johnson 37-38—75 New York (Keough 45) at Detroit Guerrer 3b 3 1 0 0 Cedeno rf 4 1 2 1 13. Tampa Boy 717 43 6) 36 78 Mike McCullough 38-36-72 Sydney Cunningham 37-38—75 with a home meet against Boston College and Rodriguez has been in a slump recently. (Petrv 12-7), 7:35 p.m. Brock 1b 4 1 1 3 Driessn 1b 3 0 1 0 American League — (Julsenberrv, KC Team America 915 X 41 X 68 Rik Mossengale 38-34—72 Beth ^lom on 3838— 76 Maine on Saturday, September 10. "I haven’t been off the tour," he said. "I just haven’t Kansas CItv (Perry 5-12) at Boston AAarshll rf 4 0 0 0 Esasky 3b 3 0 2 0 X ; Stanley, Bos 22; Caudill, Sea 2); Western Bob Boyd 38-35—73 (tindv Ploger 3838—76 (Boyd 2-2), 7:35 p.m. Thomas rf 0 0 0 0 (Tester 2b 4 0 0 0 Davis, Minn 19; Lopez, Det 16. Vancouver 19 5 47 22 39 149 Don Pohl 35-38—73 Holly Hartley 3838—76 been good enough so you could see my name in the Baltimore (Flanagann 6-1) at Chi­ Russell ss 3 0 10 Bllordell c 3 0 0 0 Golden Boy 15 8 51 41 39 IX Tom Groy 35-38—73 Kathy Martin 3840— 76 paper.” cago Nledenfr p 1 0 0 0 Walker ph 10 10 Seattle 1013 48 44 37 93 Dove Hill 37-36—73 Jackie Bertsch 3838—76 Manchester soccer tryouts In 14 tournaments this season, Rodriguez has only (Hoyt 14)0), 8 :X p.m. FImple c 3 0 0 0 Trevino c 0 0 0 0 San Diego 8 14 27 -43 X 7) Tom Lehman 40-33—73 A-Sora Ann Timms 37-39—76 Cleveland (Brennan 2-1) at Reuss p 1 0 0 0 Puleo p 3 0 0 0 (Teoro get six points for winning In Jim Thorpe 36-37-73 Lori (jorbocz 37-40—77 The Manchester Soccer Club will continue its made the cut four times. He has earned $3,200 and has Texas Andersn ss 2 1 1 0 Scherrer p 0 0 0 0 regulation time or overtime but only four Curt Byrum 36-37—73 Cindy Lincoln 41- 36—77 player evaluations as follows: for boys born in career winings of $946,025. That includes, however, (Tonana 5-4), 8:35 p.m. Bench ph 10 0 0 Transactions iralnH tor winning a game dedded by Steve Hart 35-38—73 Denise Strebig 3841— 77 just one victroy in the last 10 years, the Talahassee Seattle (M oore 33) at Californio (Witt Hayes p 0 0 0 0 shootout. A bonus point Is awarded tor Dan Forsmon 37-36—73 Carolyn Hill 39.36— 77 1974, Monday, Aug. 15 and Saturday, August 20. at 54), 10:X p.m. Totals 29 4 5 4 Totals 35 3 8 2 each goal scored up to a maximum of Rick Dalpos 37-36—73 Carole Jo Callison 3841— 77 6 0 clock (MCC Field ); for boys born in 1973 Open in 1979. Minnesota (Schrom 94) at Oakland Los Angeles 300 000100— 4 t^ee per game exduding overtimes and Mike Donald 3538—73 Amy Alcott 42- 36—78 Peete could also use the first- place prize money of (Warren 0-1), 10:35 p.m. Cincinnati 102000 000— 3 shoolouts.) David Ogrln 36-37-73 Kelly Fulks 4838—78 Tuesday, Aug. 16. at 6 o'clock (Bennet Junior Game-winning RBI— Landreaux (11). Boteboll $63,000 to reach the $1 million mark in PGA tour Saturday's Oames Thursday's Results Ray Stewart 37-36—73 Cathy Mont 42-36—78 High); for boys born in 1972, Monday, Aug 15 and Milwaukee at Toronto E—Russell. LOB— Los Angeles 6, Chlcogo (A L ) — Purchosed the No (fem es Scheduled Tom Burrours 37-36—73 Shelley Hamlin 4838— 78 Thursday. Aug. 18 at 6 o’clock (Bennet Junior earnings. He has won seven tournaments and stands Kansas CItv at Bodon Cincinnati 10. 2B— Landreaux, Cedeno, contract of outfielder Dove Stegmonfrom Friday's (feme Richard Zokoi 37-36-73 Barbara MIzrahie 39- 39—78 at $968,605. Minnesota at Oakland Milner HR—Brock (15). SB— Redus (X ), Denver (A A ); optioned pitcher Al Jones Tampa Boy at San Diego, 10:X p.m., Scott Simpson 37-36—73 Marianne Huning 42-36—78 High); for boys born in 1971, tonight and New York at Odralt, night Cedeno (10), Walker (4). S—Reuss. SF— to the Midwest League. EDT Howard Twitty 3835—73 Susie McAllister 4839— 79 Wednesday, Aug. 17, at 6 o’clock (Bennet Junior ”I have a lot of fans in this area and to win here Baltimore at Chlcogo, night Landreaux, Concepcion. Houston — Recalled catcher John Frank Conner 36-37—73 Brenda (Goldsmith 41- 38—79 High); and for boys born in 1970, Saturday at would probably be one of the highlights of my career," Cleveland at Texas, night IP H R ER BBSO MIzerock from Tucson (A A A ); Jim St. Germain 36-37—73 Linda Hunt 4839— 79 Peete, a Detroiter, said. Seattle at Californio, night Los Angeles sent W<^dy Blackburn 37-36—73 Debbie Meisterlln 41.38—79 10; 30, Tuesday. August 16 at 6 o’clock, Friday, Reuss 5 7 3 2 4 6 catcher George Blorkman to Tucson. Dave Eichelberoer 37-36—73 Cathy Morse 42- 38—60 August 19 at 6 o'clock, Saturday, August 20 at Niedenfuer (W 6.1)4 1 0 0 0 7 Texas — Signed a contract to take Jim Dent 3836^74 Heather Drew 4837—60 EASTERN LEAGUE Cmdnnall over Arlington Stadium on Nov. 1. Radio, TV 10:30 and Sunday, August 21 at 1 o’clock (all at W L PCt. OB Jeff Roth 39-35—74 Therese Hessio 4840— 60 Puleo (L 49) 6 19 5 4 4 6 5 Basketboll Murle Breer MCC Field). Reoding 75 37 .670 — Scherrer 1 2-3 0 0 0 0 1 Andy Bean 37-37-74 41- 40—61 Boston — Signed first-round Mike Hill 36-38—74 Patty Hayes Lynn 61 51 .545 14 Hayes 1 0 0 0 0 1 draft 42- 39—81 New Britain 60 52 .536 15 7 :X Yonkees ys. Tigers, WPOP Beau Baugh 39-35—74 Laurl RInker 42-39—81 UPI photo W P— Reuss. PB— FImple. T—2:52. A— choice center Greg Kite of Brigham John Mazza 37-37—74 Kathy Hite Cavanaugh gone to 49ers Buffalo 58 55 .513 \ r /2 14,069. Young to a multi-year contract. 7 :X Red Sox ys. Royals, WTIC 37-44—61 Nashua 53 60 .469 22'A 8 Cubs vs. Mets, W INF Terry Diehl 3836—74 Mariorie Jones 4839—82 The Atlanta Braves congratulate Dale Cleveland — Signed top draft picky Julie Waldo two homers in Atlanta’s 6-4 victory over Albany 50 61 .450 24'A 8 Giants vs. Steelers, Channels 8, 40 George Cadle 34.36— 74 40- 48-63 SMITHFIELD, R.I. — The New England forward Rov Hinson, to a multl-vear Ralph Lendumn 3836—74 Barbara Barrow Murphy after the slugger hit his first of the Giants Thursday. Wateriiurv 47 65 .420 28 contract. 12:X AM World Track and Field 41- 44—65 patriots have welcomed a veteran back to camp Glens Falls 45 68 .398 XVi A8lroaS,Padrea1 Championships, Channels 22, 30. Rafael Alarcon 3838—74 Deborah Petrizzi 40^5—85 Foottxill Bobby Clampett 37-37—74 A-LuAnn Johnson from his Alabama farm and sent a backup Thursday's Results Cleveland — Released offensive tackle 45-45—90 Albany at Glens Falls, 2, ppd., rain Don Miller, a rookie free agent. quarterback heading to California. Nashua at Reading, ppd., rain SAN DIE(K> HOUSTON John Hannah made it through his first day of NFL roundup ObrhM ObrhM Dallos — Placed on waivers wide G Lynn ot Waterburv, Pixl., rain receiver Michael Edwards of Auburn, Buffalo at New Britoln, ppd., rain Brown It 4 1 1 0 Boss rf 3 0 0 0 practice Thursday with the New England Wiggins 1b 4 0 0 0 Puhl rf 10 0 0 guard Clavborn Fields of Purdue, tight FrMav's Gomes end Kenneth Gardner of Tennessee State, Patriots, but kept a low profile to reporters after Albany at Glens Falls, 2 Whitson p 0 0 0 0 Doran 2b 3 2 10 Giants visit aiiing Kotar Lucas p 0 0 0 0 Thon ss 2 0 10 linebacker Brent Hargrove of Texas- ending his self-imposed retirement. Nashua at Reading, 2 Arllngton, fullback Terrance Jones of Lynn at Waterburv, 2 Tempitn ss 3 0 2 0 Reynids ss 2 1 1 0 While Hannah got the attention, the team dealt Kennedy c 4 0 1 0 Garner 3b 3 2 1 0 Oregon, tackle Gene Knickrehm of Utah, CANONSBURG, Pa. coffee. New Jersey, but physi­ Steelers, Giants tonight Buffalo at New Britain, 2 cornerbock Allen Pierce of North The Kotars have since six-year veteran quarterback Matt Cavanaugh to Gwynn rf 4 0 1 1 Cruz If 4 0 2 4 (U P I) — Linebacker Saturday's (Somes Carolina Central, quarterback Scott Ruiz The team flew to Pitts­ had many visitors but cians decided it would be the San Francisco 49ers. Buffalo at Glens Falls Jones cf 3 0 0 0 Knight 1b 4 0 10 Harry Carson led a con­ Flonnry X 4 0 0 0 Mmphry cf 4 0 1 0 of St. Mary's (Calif.), defensive end Mike burgh for a Friday night never so many at once, too dangerous to surgi­ Cavanaugh, a one time star at the University of Bv United Press International know what limits they have." Waterburv ot Reading Staff of Northern Colorado and lineback­ tingent Thursday of 45 contract renegotiations. Third- Albany at New Britain Bonilla 2b 3 0 2 0 Ashby c 2 0 0 0 pre-season game with the Mrs. Kotar said. cally remove the cancer­ Pittsburgh, lost out to veteran Steve Grogan and Thurmnd p 2 0 0 0 MScott p 2 0 0 0 er Charles Toles of MIddleTennessee. New York Giants players As the N F L exhibition season That group was able to defeat year linebacker Byron Hunt will Nashua at Lvnn ^ New York (AFC) — Signed free-ogent Steelers. They checked "Doug is really excited ous tumor in the center of rookie Tony Eason of Illinois in the fight for RIchrds If 2 0 0 0 Walling ph 1 0 0 0 and officials to visit ailing continues, Pittsburgh Steelers’ New Orleans 27-14 and New replace him. Smith p 0 0 0 0< defensive lineman John Sturdivant. into their motel, and about (thevisit),’’ his wife his brain. quarterback positions. former teammate Doug head coach Chuck Noll has found England 27-16. In fact, rookie free Other exhibition games tonight Totals n I 7 I Totals 31 5 8 4 many of them boarded an said before the team ar­ The Canonsburg native, He was traded for a sixth round draft choice in San Diego Ml 000 000— 1 Phllodelphia (N F L )— Cut veteran Von Kotar, whom Carson his team more dependent on its agents Chet Winters and Tim include Green Bay at Seattle and Mansfield and rookie free agents Rick airport bus and drove rived. " I ’m a little ner­ who played football for 1984 and both teams agreed to share the cost of his American League Houston M02N03X— 5 young players. And tonight, when Harris have gained more yardage Cincinnati at Washiington. Game-winning RBI — Cruz (6). Sorter, Frank Natividad, Henry Fol­ called a “fighter you’d directly to Kotar’s home. vous about it. My kids are Canon- McMillan High annual $290,000 salary. Brewera 6, Blue Jay$ 4 iar, like to have with you in a the Steelers face the New York at running back than veterans Green Bay and Seattle are E— Bonilla. DP—Houston 1. LOB— “He’s a very likeable driving me crazy. They School and the University San and Larry Sontag. foxhole.” Giants at Three Rivers Stadium in Franca Harris, Frank Pollard and seeking their first 1983 exhibition Philadelphia (USFL) Appointed Bill guy,” said Carson, one of can’t wait to meet all of Kentucky, was a Pitts­ MILWAUKEE TORONTO Diego 9, Houston 5.2B— Mumphrey. 3B— Among those who vi­ PGA shootout an exhibition game, Noll once second-year man Walter victories. Cleveland edged the Cruz. SB— Brown2 (8),Templeton (9). Kuharich director of player personnel the organizers of the mass those players. And my two burgh Steelers player be­ Abercrombie. obrhM obrhM IP H R ER BBSO and assistant general manager; sited the home of Kotar, 20 again will be using inexperienced Packers 21-20 on Matt Bahr’s Molltor 3b 4 1 0 0 Collins If 4 0 10 named visit. "He’s a fighter nephews live next door fore joining the Giants in SCOTTSDALE. Ariz. — Former Masters Yet Noll, despite the fact Stoudt S

♦ 18 — MANCHESTER HERALD. Friday, Aug. 12, 1983 MANCHESTER HERALD. Friday, Aug. 12, 1983 - 19 .643-2711 Classified—Store/Office Space...... 44 .62 For advertisements to be Business Opportunities .. .22 Notices Situation Wanted...... 23 Resort Property...... 45 MIsc. for S a le ...... 63 Rates published Monday, the dead­ TAG SALE SIGNS Employment Info...... 24 MIsc. for Rent...... 46 Home and Garden___ .64 Minimum Ciiorae: line Is 2:30 p.m. on Friday. Lost/Found...... 01 $2.25 for one day Are things piling up? Then why not have a TAG SALE? The best way to Personals...... 02 Instruction...... 25 Wanted to Rent...... 47 P e ts...... 65 Announcements...... 03 Roommates Wanted...... 48 Musical Item s...... 66 Per W ord: announce it, is with a Herald Tag Sale Classified Ad. When you place your .67 1-2 d a ys ...... 15C Read Your Ad Auctions...... 04 Real Estate ad you’ll receive O N E T A G SALE SIG N FREE, compliments of The Herald. Services .68 3-5 d a ys ...... 14< Classified advertisements Homes for Sale...... 31 .69 6 days...... 13« are taken by telephone as a Financial Condominiums...... 32 Services Offered...... 51 .70 26 days...... 12« convenience. Lots/Land for Sale ...... 33 Pal nt Ing/ Papering...... 52 Hoppv A dt: Xhe Manchester Herald Is M ortgages...... 11 Investment Property...... 34 Bullding/Contracting...... 53 $3.00 per column Inch responsible only for one Incor­ CALL 643-2711 OR STOP IN AT OUR OFFICE 1 HERALD SQ., MANCHESTER Personal Loans...... 12 Business Property...... 35 Roofing/Siding...... 54 Automotive rect Insertion and then only Insurance...... 13 Resort Property...... 36 Heating/Plumbing...... 55 Deadlines for the size of the original Wanted to B o rro w ...... 14 Flooring...... 56 . 7 1 ^ ^^J=or classified advertise- Insertion. Income Tax Service...... 57 .72 ments to be published Tues- Errors which do not lessen Rentals Services Wanted...... 58 .73 the value of the advertisement Employment day through Saturday the I'ApartmMitt for Rent 42 Servicw Offarod Rooms for R e n t...... 41 For Sale .74 deadline Is >iODn on the day will not be corrected by an 51 Bulldlng/Contractlng S3 MIsc. for Sale 63 Pets 65 Tag Soles 69 Motorcycles/Bicycles 72 & Education Apartments for R e n t...... 42 .75 before publication. additional Insertion. Help Wanted ...... 21 Homes for Rent ...... 43 Holiday/Seasonal...... 61 .76 COVENTRY — (North) DESIGN KITCHENS by DRAFTING BOARD T- NEED GOOD, LOVING M OVING SALE — Satur­ HONDA, 1980 CX 500 cus­ Five room apartment. ; CIMHA'S PIISCHOOL J. P. Lewis. Cabinets, SQUARE $15. Call 649- HOME — Three aban­ day, 10 to 5. Twin bed- tom, like new. Low mi­ Second floor, two family. vanities, formica, Wilson 1649. doned, short hair. Tabby room sets, crib, leage, Xtros. Asking ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• •sMaasMa*«MM»aeMM ••aaSbaaaaaai lEAiNMG a m n Pretty country location. IB ptBBBBd to vinounoo ttwt WBWHI bB art, Corlon counter tops, mole kittens. Coll 647- Hammond organ, $1600. Coll after 4pm, For mature working cou­ moving to • no«f and lorgor fBeHity on kitchen cabinet fronts, Help Wanted 21 Help Wanted 21 Help Wanted - 21 Help Wonted XI Help Wonted 21 Lots/Lond for Sole 33 Apartments for Rent 42: January 16.1664. W« aranowocoapt- WHITE BATHROOM 9376. dinette, small applian­ 646-4305. Notices ple. No children or pets, Ing B lltnKod numbar of tftrollmBntB complete woodworking SINK with faucets. $20. ces, linens and many (tak floors, stove, refrig­ for cfiMdran «4k> aro 6 woaka to 36 montha by January 16.1664. LPN m service, custom mode Call 649-2071. LOVEABLE PUPPY — miscellaneous. Some 1979 HONDA - CB750K. erator, heat and hot wa­ ASSISTANT MANAGER Infant room, aloetric braaat pump. dL furniture, colonial repro­ Cocker/Beogle, block Items FR EE! 91 Lvness Low mileage. Excellent PART TIME — Soturday MANCHESTER — Two FIVE ROOMS - Second" ter. Good parking. Secur­ apam providad. 1 to4ratlo.Raaaona ductions In wood, 9 varie­ SEARS PLAY STOVE — NOW Lost/Found 01 — Bright, energetic, posi­ bla rataa. Convanlantly looatad on and white. Five months. Street, Manchester. condition. Please call 649- and Sunday mornings double A lots on Primer floor. Carpeted. Stov#' ity deposit. References. ties of hardwood and Refrigerator and sink. GOOD HOURS AND lARNING POTENTIAl tive, thinking person preparing restaurant SECURITY GUARD — and refrigerator.Ill' Shots. Trained. Requires 7755 otter 5pm. Rood next to Keeney Call 742-6658 after 6om. veneers NOW IN STOCK Like new. $50. Call 646- MOVING TO FLORIDA Walter/Waltress - Positions available sening quality needed to loin our grow­ laundry. Person must be Early evenings and wee­ School. Each lot 125 foot Charter Oak Street.' formation. 6<6 1664. more time than I con kends. Coll 673-2597, Coll 649-9658 or evenings, 4848. — Wrough iron rollings, LOST — SMALL FE­ products in pleasant surroundings. Excellent oppor­ ing women's promo­ mature, clean, neat and frontage by 160 feet deep. above Hungry Tiger Rei* provide. $35. Coll after 26 INCH COLUMBIA between 7om and 4pm. MANCHESTER — Two 289-7010. 6pm, 649-4237. living room set, Honda women's bicycle, stand­ M A LE CAT, Black tiger, tunity to supplement your Income needs with (full or tional fashion stores. reliable. Call George at All utilities. $30,000 each. touront. $325. Security." bedroom duplex. New Growth minded company NEED A VACATION FOR SALE: Silver, tak- 120 MotoVcycle — and ard. $40. Call 643-7534. white paws and white part time) year round employment. Above average in­ 643-2751, dolly after 12 Coll 1-739-8272 or write: Adults only. Coll Forr’e.- carpet, new kitchen. ara sport 10, 19" from. come, uniforms and generous food discounts pro­ looking for exceptional noon. FROM HOUSEWORK? Miscellaneous. Saturday chin. Lost In vicinity of 127 Blockpolnt Rood, Apt. 643-7111. Heat, hot water, gas for Thorough housecleonlng Roofing/SIdIna Good condition. $95. Coll from 9om to 4pm. 33 Main and Williams vided. Must be over 18. For details call the manager people. Call Linda at 18, Nlontlc, C T 06357. Musical Items HUFFY PRO — Thunder Real Estate cooking included. $500 a offered by experienced 643-4607. Grant Rood. BMX. Excellent condi­ Streets. It seen call 643- between 2 and 7 p.m. 646-1437 Millie Frugal, Manches­ PART TIME CUSTODI­ TW O BEDROOM towfl-' month. Coll 659-0703 otter ter Parkade, 643-6116 tor ANS needed by South college student. Coll Sue tion. $65. Coll 646-4848. 4251. house with fireplace;; 5pm. anytime at 649-8678. MAPLE occassional Friendly lattaiirartt appointment. Windsor Boord of Educa­ Heat and hot water, coT'' BIDWELL HOME Im­ ROUTE 44A BOLTON — choir. Good condition. GUITAR STEEL STRING August 12th 8, 13th. Bot­ LOST — Cream color, 199 Spencer Street tion, September thru Resort Property peting, air conditioning.' provement Company — ACO USTIC solid neck 1981 YAM AH A 850 SPE­ SIX ROOM APART­ RICHARDSON MA­ Roofing, siding, altera­ $15. Coll 646-16U. tles, crocks, frames, CIAL — Red with custom female cat with dark M n n d ie ite r June. Three morning Homes tor Sale 31 All appliances. Nice Ioc«k MENT, two family. No and bridge, fingers easily hours daily, five days SONRY — Brick, block, tion, additions. Some material, knitting nee­ cruiser seat. Excellent markings. Vicinity of EOE tion. Coll 649-5240. pets. Security, Referen­ stone, plastering, chim­ MIRROR PLATE GLASS and has good tune. $30. 2 weekly, 8om to Horn. number for over 30years. dles, woodcorvlngs, condition. Only 2800 North and Union Streets ces. Convenient location. ney repairs, fireplaces, — 18'/2" X 32'/j" with Coll 875-6736. WANTED — SECRE­ Excellent opportunity for COVENTRY — Four M AN CH ESTER — Excel­ 649-6495. 0 boxes, 15 Inch tires, drop miles. $3000. Coll 646-4178. In Manchester. $25 Re­ Deposit plus $400. 646- masonry landscaping. 2V4" frame raised design, leaf table. ward. Call 875-7589. NEEDED IMME- TA R Y with clerical and retired person. Inquire In Room Cottage, Hemlock lent three room apart-' PART TIME FEMALE COVENTRY — Eight Point. Furnished. Short 5993. V Free estimates. B. Ri­ $35. Coll 649-7517. D IA TE LY — Mature, re- COMPANION for elderly people skills for well- person only. South Wind­ ment, stove,' Recreational Items 67 room Garrison Colonial. walk to beach. $34,900. eeeeeeeaeMeaaaaaaaaaae chardson, 742-7437. Flooring 56 MIsc. Automotive 76 L O S T— In vicinity of the sponsible, lady. Approximately 20 equipped office. Send re­ sor Coard of Education, Two acres, pond, magnif­ refrigerator. Wall to wall sume to Secretary, P.D. Rich Realty, 423-6335. Parkade or Main Street. grandmotherly type per­ hours per week. Includ­ 1737 Main Street, South icent views. A real show- carpeting. $310 plus utili­ Homes for Rant 43 aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa son to help care for Box 847, Manchester, CT Windsor, Facilities Servi­ RELIABLE 46 year old Red Bell full-faced mo­ ing Sundays. Must have plocel $95,000. Rich ties. Call 649-4003. nanny will core for your TRAILER — 1972 Yellow- torcycle helmet. Desper­ newborn and 2 year old in 06040. ces Department. The. F L O O R S A N D I N G - TA G SALE — August drivers license and good Realty, 423-6335. children In your home EXCELLENT QUALITY Stone, 29', owning, refrig- 13th, 9am-12pm. 41 Ed­ REAR WINDOW OF 1977 ately Needed! Reward. my home. Part.time. Own driving record. Call Mr. South Windsor Board of MANCHESTER — Two' Floors like new. Special­ /freezer, stove, tub- CHEVY PICKUP tranportation d"'must. PLUM BER — Must be Education Is on Affirma­ COVENTRY — Two bed­ while you get away for SEASONED HARD­ wards Street. Household Call 649-9604. Carter, weekdays, 646- CO VEN TR Y — S Room R e i l t a l S and three room opart-' izing In older floors, natu­ WOOD - Oak - Maple - /shower, toilet. One TR U CK. $25 or Best Offer Vernon area. Call 646- Licensed or Registered tive Actlon/Eouol Oppor­ '/2 room, appliances, wood the weekend. References ral and stained floors. No items, dir conditioner, ••••••••••••••••••••••• 6464. Ranch, Mediterranean ments, $280, $325, $350,' stove, garage. Utilities available. Write Box NN Hickory. $85/cord. Two Owner. Good condition. wicker choir, children's takes it. Coll 643-4251. 5153, leave number with Apprentice. Steady work. tunity Employer. Phone 646-2426, 9 to r waxing anymore. John style, very unIquel Needs extro. $425 o month. One c/o The Herald for cord minimum. Call 649- Coll 742-6428. clothing, car seat, Personals 02 answering serv Ice. TYPIST/RECEPTION- Top pay for the right work. $49,000. Rich weekdays. Verfollle. 646-5750. PICK UP TRUCK CAP man. 872-9604. month security. Coll 742- particulars. 1831 anytime. walker, toys. Rain Dote: IST and assistant In Man­ Realty, 423-6335. Rooms for Rent 41 6032 otter 10:3()pm. Sunday. tor 6 foot bed. $95. Phone chester doctor's office. VERNON — One beffv' DAYCARE — Ages 3 and Household (3oods 62 PLYWOOD PING PONG Antiques 68 742-7193. CAMBRIDGE DIET Mature, reliable person OFFICE PERSON to do room, garage, pool, OR> coordination work. Must up. Highland Pork School TA B LE , $35. Coll 643-0728 PLAN — Information with pleasant personal­ PROFESSIONAL TY­ GENTLEMAN PRE­ pllonces, full carpeting.. Sfore/Offico Space area. After school, kin­ otter 5pm. FLEA M A R K ET — Satur­ BOLTON With tax rebates now in meetings Mondays ATTEJ4TION HOUSE­ ity. ApproximatHv 30 be pleasant, outgoing, Excellent condltlon.- day and Sunday, 10 to 5. PUBLIC NOTICE most homes, it's the WIVES, VACATIONING good on the phone and be PIST — Dictation from FERRED. $50.00 weekly. dergarten included. Coll USED REFRIGERA­ WANTED ANTIQUES: The Zoning Board of Ap­ 10;30am and 7:30pm. 150 hours. 60wpm minimum. tapes or telephone pre­ ANDOVER LAKE — Kitchen privileges. 646- $400, Includes heat. 646- 649-2328. TYPING TABLE — Two Early Victorian, Oak, Lower level of the An­ peals will hold a Public perfect time to find a Narth Main Street, Man­ STUDENTS, anyone with Call 646-5153, leave mes­ able to organize. Typing 1485. TORS, WASHERS, tique Moll, Purnell Street cash buyer for that and filing a must. $200 ferred. Full or part time Three bedroom Cope on 2000. level metal and wood, 1920's and miscellaneous. Hearing on August 16,1983 of chester. 646-3994. free time In the evenings I sage with service. four lots. As Is, by owner. EXCELLENT OFFICE Ranges - clean, guaran­ entrance. Many items at 7 P M at the Tow n Hall to hear baby stroller you no longer salary plus benefits. Con­ considered. We need a CHILD CARE IN M Y very sturdy. Coll 643-7069. Please coll 643-8709. There are a limited Private, deod end, Bdu- MANCHESTER MAI N S TR E E T— 500/1000 teed, parts and service. Tog Sole prices! the following appeal: use! tact Bruce, 2 to 4pm at perfectionist. Top pay LADIES O N LY — Free HOM E — Monchester- Appeal of Milton and Ro­ TICKETS — Robert number of positions op­ ELECTRICIAN — Jour­ solo Rood. $55,000. Coll Brookfield Street. Flrat sq. ft., heat, ianjtor, park­ Low prices. B.D. Pearl 8, 528-9964. plan. Excellent working parking. On busline. Kit­ ing, air. Reasonable. 649- /Foster Street area. Coll ONE"OLD"CARJACK; ANTIQUES AND semary Hathaway of 40 Plant, Kenny Ragers. ening In our phone sales neyman or experienced 742-6589 or 742-8674 for floor, six room duplex. Son, 649 Main Street, Quarry Road tor a variance And it's easy I Just call us operation. If you have a conditions. Friendly at­ chen privileges. Security 5334, 643-7175, 643-1393. 649-8152. 643-2171. bumper lock; scissors COLLECTIBLES- Will TA G SALE — 79 South Call 201-851-2882. Phone apprentice. Call 643-1472. mosphere, new office. No appointment. and references required. Front and rear porches / lock. $12, negotiable. purchase outright or sell to allow construction of a today and we'll put your orders, malor credit goad voice and the desire STATISTICAL TYPIST Rood, Bolton. Saturday, sign 30 feet from the property smoking. Coll lOom to Call 643-2693. with rear deck. Wall to LICENSED DAVyCARE Phone 649-2433. on commission. House lot line instead of the required 30 low-cost ad in print. cards. to itlake your free even­ MARKETING TRAI­ — Person Friday. Oppor­ wall carpeting, ap^ 600 Square Feet of store BEST OFFER — 14 full August 13th, 9 to 4:30. tunity open In small asso­ 4pm for Interview: Mory MANCHESTER — 41 HOME has opmngs In or single piece. Tele­ feet on property located of 10 ings profitable, call NEES — Must fill five Phelps Rood, 6 room plionced kitchen, washer front or office space. $400 window screens, four as­ Tent, sewing machine, Quarry Road. For extra cash, sail ciation office for person K. Stein, MO Communi­ MANCHESTER — Kit­ monthly plus utilities. September for/oddlers, 3 Vj SPACE LEBANON phone 644-8962. i.OSE WEIGHT — Main­ -Gerry tor an interview at positions for territory. Colonial. Large front and dryer hookups, gar- sorted sizes. Coll anytime rug, maple bed and much John H. Roberts, that stroller . . . nowl 643^-2711, Monday- with all around office cations. 646-5050 In chen and bathroom privi­ 643-6712. years and uiy Nutritious 649-0137. Best otter will be FLEA Market. Sep­ more! Chairm an tain or gain. 100% maney $13,200 base. Manage­ Monchester. porch, two cor garage, leges. $60 weekly. Phone oge. Nice and clean. No- lunches opd^nocks pro­ tember 24th, $12.50. Also A N TIQ U E 1908 Sewing Zoning Board back guarantee. Ten to 29 Wednesdav evenings be­ ment available within procedure experience. pets. $550 plus utilities, accepted. of Appeals Excellent benefits and beautiful pork-llke back­ 643-2659. vided. Fi/(Ttlmeonly. Coll Wlllington Flea Market, Machine — "New Ideal" pounds per month. All tween 6:30 and 7:30. Will first year. For appoint­ yard. $74,900. Marlon E. security and references." NEWLY DECORATED 004-08 train qualified Individu­ working conditions for OFFICE SPACE In Man­ 6464262( M OVING — Sofa Bed, September 10th, $9.00. ('/z In oak cabinet. Excellent natural, no additives or ment call 569-8056. Robertson. Realtor, 643- ANDOVER LAKE — Pri­ Available October 1 ^ payable In advance) 643- condition. $99. Coll 643- preservatives. Full nutrl- als to earn $67.00 to dependable person with a Coll 647-1225. chester. Centrally lo­ $65. Arm choir, $10. Two NOTICE TO CREDITORS real Interest In a secure 5953. vate home. Sailing, COMPLETE LAWN 6526. 7534. Cors/Trucks lor Sole 71 tlan pragram. Call 289- $120.00 weekly. C A LL MINOR AUTO REPAIRS cated with ample park­ bureaus, $10 each. Two ESTATE OF PETER M. NOW 11 position. Contact Mrs. AIR CONDITIONING swimming, fishing, etc... ing. Coll 649-2891. CARE. Tree trimming. lamps, $10. Coffee Table, PEI LA, deceased 2260. ^ PERSON — Immediate SERVICE Mechanic — All privileges. Non- COMFORTABLE Lots cleared. Light truck­ MIKASA FINE CHINA, THREE ANTIQUE The Hon. William E. Fitz­ Palmer, 289-9576, . be­ Condominiums $10. 742-9441 or 872-9268. opening. Call Keith at Conscientious person ex- smoker. Coll 742-8740. SLEEPING ROOM. ing. Roy Hardy. 649-9158. service for 8 plus extra BEDS, 1909 model. Coll IS IT TRUE YOU CAN Gerald, Judge, of the Court HERALD SECRETARY — with ex­ 646-1140. tween 9am and 4:30pm, Working adult. Parking. of Probate, District of M an­ Emplovment cellent shorthand and Monday thru Friday. perienced In DARK WOOD SMALL cups, etc. $50. Crooksville 643-7534. $55 each. BUY JEEPS FOR $44 chester at o hearing held on commercial-industrial No Smoking. $30 weekly.* AUTOMOBILE SIMON- dinner set, service for 6, THROUGH T H E U.S. GO­ August 4, 1983 ordered that & Education typing skills needed for W AN TED — School Bus Coll 649-6526. Roommotes Wanted 48 Rocker with bock cu­ Classified diversified duties in a PART TIME SECRE­ equipment and systems. SOUTH WINDSOR — IZING — Will simonize shion and seat cushion. Harvest pattern. $25. Coll VERNMENT? GET THE all claims must be presented Drivers to drive In the Newly built one bedroom Apartments for Rent 42 649-0222. Tag Sales 69 to the flduclorv on or before small, very busy, office. TA R Y — Two days a License required. Com­ your cor in your drive­ Good condition. $15. Coll FACTS TODAY! Coll November 4 1983 or be barred Phone Town of Bolton. Will pany vehicle provided, cono. Appliances. Air MANCHESTER — Newer way. Complete lob with (312) 742-1142. EX T. 5426. Help Wanted 21 Well organized and con­ train. Call 537-5234 or week. General office du­ three bedroom duplex. 649-6801. os by low provided. genial personality a posi­ ties. 60 wpm. Call 643- with excellent wages and conditioning. Fireplace, (FLEXIBLE Non- two coots of wax. $25. Coll GARRARD TURNTA­ Down E. Gezelmon, 537-5766. Family room, woll/wall; smoklng adult to shore Ass't Clerk tive factor. Send resume 2659. benefits. Contact Envir­ pool, tennis and more. MANCHESTER-One, two 443-8653. WOOD CHAIR with reed B LE, $15. console, HI-FI, TAG SALE — Many as­ 1983 PLYMOUTH HO­ 643-2711 carpeting, appliances, four bedrooms, Mon- The fiduciary Is: with salary requirements onmental Service Corp., Coll 649-5928 otter 5pm. and three bedroom seat, $15. Has arms. Coll $15. Unicvcie, $5. Air sorted household items. RIZON — 4 cylinder. 4 Evelyn R. Pella SEWERS — Established 522-6225. fenced-ln yard. No pets.! Chester home. $225 plus LADY BUSTER conditioner, $10. Mixer, Bedroom set, portable speed. Standard. 4 door 375 Bldwell Street You’ll Get to P.O. Box 5, Buckland REASTAURANT HOS­ apartments. Heat and hot Security, $550 per month. 649-6801. nationwide pillow manu­ TESS — Five days, two water. $400, $440, $495. 1 /3utilities. Coll649-4427. K E N N E L S — C a n in e $15. Coll 646-8661. clothes washer. Satur­ Hatchback. Rustproofed. Manchester, CT 04040 Station, Manchester, CT No utilities. September' 016-08 facturer has Immediate 06040. nights to begin. Must be Lots/Umd for Sol# 33 Call 649-4800. Boarding. Safe, clean, BATHROOM CABINET, day, 8-4. 162 Center 400 original miles. Still ResultsI full time openings. Expe­ OIL COMPANY: OPEN­ TEACH ER S — Openings 1st occupancy. Coll 649- •••••••••■••••••••••••• state License. 30 years CANNING JARS — G career minded, take available for preschool, #••••••••••••••••••#••• sliding mirror doors, 24W Street, Manchester. . under Warranty. Owned rience preferred. Day INGS — Offshore rigs 5132. experlence.S4.50 per day, Quarts and pints. $3.00 o by an estate. $5500. Call CARPENTER EXPE­ accepting appl^atlons. charge person with a primary and gifted pro­ LIKE PRIVATE HOME. X 23H X5D, gloss shelves, shift. Five day week. Full RIENCED in remodeling. working knowledge of FR E E CATALO G of land Studio-type apartment. services any size dog. 649-8496, white, with 4-bulb lights dozen. Coll 644-0348. GARAGE SALE — Au­ 646-1974, 9 to 5, ask (or benefit program. Includ­ No experience. $24,000 grams In private school - MANCHESTER ADULT School-Girl Doll Call Robert Jarvis, 643- the restaurant business. Manchester area. Early bargains, 5 acres to 500 Utilities,appliances. 647-8309. and electrical recepta­ gust 13th, 14th. 9om-Spm. Tracy. ing sewing incentive. plus. For Information APARTMENT COM­ ...... '■ "■ ■ TORO POWER H AN D LE 6712. call (312) 920-9675, ext. Call George at 643-2751 childhood, elementary or acres, covering all New Working single adult. No cle. $20. Coll 646-3067. Housewares, books, clo­ Apply at Plllowtex Corp., otter 12 noon for an England and New York PLEX — One bedroom and lawn edger attach­ thing, aluminum storm 1966 CHEVY IMPALA SS 2340P, also open special ed degree re- children, pets. 643-2880. apartment, centrally lo­ sarvicaeOffered 51 n eed a helpin g 49 Regent Street, Man­ NEED EXTRA CASH? appointment. State at lowest Imagina­ HAND around the house? 36" Green Kitchen Hood ment provides effortless door,'range hood. Mis­ — 283 engine. Good run­ chester, Connecticut. evenings. O'jlred. Send resume Im­ cated on busline, heat, $350 a week plus possible. mediately to Box OO c/o ble prices. Write LAND MANCHESTER — Du­ ••••••••••••••••••••••a Mowing lawns, pulling Fan, exhaust to outside. lawn edging. Only $50. cellaneous. 28 South ning condition. Needs Shirtdress hot water. All electric Coll 643-1403. body work. Two new Work from home. For PART TIME SECRET­ The Herald. CATALOG, P.O. Box 938, plex, three bedrooms, 1 '/z _ - _ _ _ _ - , weeds or shoveling snow. $45. Coll 646-4371. Adams Street, FROM $100 TO $300 PER details call 1-312-931-5337, No. Adorns, MA 01247. baths. $550 monthly plus kitchen, dishwasher, C 8i M T R ^ service — con after 4:30pm, 12 ye- Manchester. front tires. $500 or best ARIAL — Fast growing oven and refrigerator In­ W EEK. 15 - 55 Hours, Ext. 2340H. utilities. Security and ref­ Free estimates, discount ars old. Ask for Pom, WEDDING GOWN — offer. Call 643-1262. financial firm needs ma­ cluded. Security deposit FOR SALE: 30" Electric flexible. Will train far erences required. Call senior citizens. Company ^11 0301 stove. Very clean condi­ Ideal for garden wed- TAG 8, PLANT SALE — ture Individual 10am to and one year lease re­ Manchester owned and ______!______ding. Size 8-10. several positions. Top Excel lent income for part 3pm as typist, reception­ Homes tor Sole 31 Homes for Sole 31 Monday through Friday, tion. $50. Coll 649-7811. Friday and Saturday Au­ FOR SALE — Triumph benefits and advance­ time home assembly 9am-5pm, 646-1974, quired. No pets. Laundry operated. Call 646-1327. ^ Reasonable. Coll 646- gust 12th & 13th. 45 Spitfire Mark IV, 1972. ist, bookkeeper and available. 643-7135 or 643-' ment potential. Call 569- work. For Info. Call 504- DECORATIVE FRUIT- 6331. Northfleld Street, Man­ Excellent condition. 8202. clerk. Required: Excel­ 9674.______REWEAVING BURN Many new ports, special 641-8003. Ext. 8201. lent phone manner, spell­ 3 ROOMS — Third floor. WOOD Shelved M irror chester. 9 to 5. Heat, hot water. Adults. HOLES — zippers, um­ CHAIRS RESEATED — with sconces, 21 X 47. PROPELLER FOR edition wire wheels, re­ ing, record keeping and TWO AND THREE brellas repaired. Window JOHNSON or Evinrude 4 No pets. $310. Security. ROOMS, apartment for' Cone, reed, fiber rush. Excellent condition. $70. BARN SALE — Old built engine, 37 mpg. Best CELEBRITY CIPHER organizational skills. shades, Venetian blinds. cyl outboard motor. 13 X offer over $2000. 643-8282 Word processing skills a Coll after 6pm, 649-2236. rent. Heat and hot water;: Some repairs. Custom Coll 649-1847. trunks, baskets, crocks, CelDbrtty Cipher cryptogreme are Greeted from quotations by Iwnoue people, pest Keys. T V FOR RENT. built picnic benches. Coll 19. Very good condition. kitchen collectibles, Keep Trying. end preeent. Each lener In thedpher etendefor ertoUter. Today‘$eiiM: T t q u ^ M . plus. Send resume to S.T. {^PUBLISH ER ’S NOTICE Call 563-4438 or 529-7858. Marlow's, 867 Main aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa HELP WANTED — FOUR ROOM APART­ 568-0638 after 4:30pm. Aluminum. Please coll rockers, choirs, tables by CONNIE WIENER Sadlak, 111 Founders street. 649-5221. 649-0231. $36. Bartender-port time ev­ M E N T. Adults only. No AVAILABLE SEP-' MIsc for Sole 63 and much morel 10% 1978 DODGE OMNI — Plaza, Suite 1512 A, East 60,000 miles. 4 door, 4 “P’T X LPLSK-HPWN8-KHXI-EBC WVK Hartford, C T 06108 or cal I enings and weekends. Pets. Security. Referen­ TEMBER 1st — Three OFF WITH THIS AD! Dlshwosher-port time, EQUAL HOUSING OPPORTUNITY ces. One car. Coll after Br ic k s , b l o c k s , Polntlng/Papering 52 SMALL FRANKLIN Country Born Collecti­ cylinder. $3500 or best 728-5594. bedrooms. $325 a montti S.TONE — Concrete. evenings, weekends, high 4pm, 649-1265. STOVE — Never used. bles, 1135 S u lliv a n otter. Coll otter 4:30, JNE OMEJG MESNPMW RV8 NEJ All raalMtttaadvartliedInttil* nawipapar IstublacllolhaFa- plus heat. Coll after 5pm, Chimney repairs. No lob aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa END ROLLS— 27>/ color, rellaion. sex or natlonel origin, or an intention to mekeany PLEX — Laundry Hook­ HANGING — Exterior LOVELY FRENCH PRO­ Sunday. 1972 OLDSMOBILE CU- — Experience required. time days, weekends, M A N CH ESTER — VcF "EXPERIENCED picked up at the Man­ must be 19, Apply: Man­ such prefarsnce. limitation or discrimination. This newspaper ups, Fenced Yard, and Interior, ceilings re- VINCIAL curio cabinet, TLAS SULPREME — Ex- Quality Control Systems cant one bedroom condo, P/klNTER-Quollty work. chester Herald Office B E­ 8NX8 PTDEI8XM8 X WVK. P CEM’8 chester Country Club, 305 will not knowingly accebtany advertisement lor rSal estate which Central Location, Ap­ polred. References, fully light In top three gloss cellent running Inspector - high school it In violalion of the law. with appliances. $350 per Reasonable rotes. Fully FORE 11 AM ONLY. South Main Street, be­ pliances. No utilities. No Insured. Quality work. shelves, cupboard on bot­ condition. 350 engine. Air diploma required. Entry month. Gordon Realty” Irisured. Free estimates. tom. $99. Llauor cabinet, VMCHIG8XMC.” — UENM CHBEIHXM. tween 12 and 5pm. pets. Coll 649-0159. 643-2174. Martin Mottsson, even­ SCREENED LOAM ------conditioning, excellent Level Inspecting and 643-9237, ask for Jerry. $99. Phone 646-4985. Interior. Coll 646-1696. 21 PREVIOUS SOLUTION: "All last year we tried to teach English Testing of Finished Pro­ ings 649-4431. grovel, processed grovel, 203 MOUNTAIN ROAD, to Fernando Valenzuela, and the only word he learned was MCC STUDENT — Must sand, stone and (III. For Manchester. Saturday INCHES ducts, no experience re­ DD JOBS, Trucking. 8mm MOVIE CAMERA, 1969 G TO 400 — 4 speed, 4 'million.'" — Tommy Lasorda. quired. Font DIgItllzers - be 20 by October 1st. Port INTERIOR — EXTE­ deliveries call George Only. 10 to 2. Hand mode Eome repairs. You name RIOR Pointing — Wal­ film viewer, editor articles. 400-f square feet barrel. Asking $1100. Call e teas by n e a . inc. high school diploma, time for nights, wee­ Gritting, Andover, 742- 9 , we do It. Free estl- lpapering and dry wall splicer. Never used. Man­ patio slate. Much 646-5090. some knowledge of draft­ kends, holidays. Apply at vpotes. Insured. 643-0304. 7886. Memorial Corner Store, Installation. Quality pro­ ual operation. $20. Coll Miscellaneous. ing and art desired. Field 646-2190. KIT ‘N’ CARLYLE’” by Larry Wright 352 Main Street. fessional work. Reasona­ DELIVERING RICH M USTANG, 1969 — 351W. Repair Technician, fOGARTY BROTHERS Excellent condition. New Materials Coordinator, FREE YDURSELF- ble prices. Free esti­ LOAM - 5 yards, $60.00 TA G SALE — Saturday, PHOTO-GUIDE — Bathroom remodel- RAPIDLY GROWING mates. G .L. McHugh, PEARCE SHIMPSON August 13th. 9om— 36ond point. Best offer. 688-8944. PAHERN Cost Accountant, Ac­ Sig; Installation water plus tax. Washed sand, Depth recorder, Dolphin counting Clerk. We've COM PANY needs ener­ Rom A^ointenQnce. 643-9321. stone, trap rock, and 40 Thomas Drive. "Lots Iteaters, garbage dispo­ 100 model, brand new, Of Things!" FORD MAVERICK, 1971 various openings at our getic, reliable people. sa ls; faucet repairs. 649- grovel. 643-9504. Opportunity for advance­ never been used. Cost — 6 cylinder, 3 speed. facility. Excellent com­ J657. VIso/MosterCord aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa $150, sell (or $99, or best pany benefits. Salary ment. Coll for appoint­ Free Yourself (o e r ^ y the carefree lifestyle of SWIM POOLS warehouse TA G SALE - BAKE SALE Very good condition. 5920 'accepted. offer. Coll 643-9132. Asking $550. Coll otter commensurate with abil­ ment, The Houseworks, o cortdominium owner. BuHding/Coiifnictlng S3 forced to dispose of new - CAR WASH to benefit 8377 M DA. Saturday, 9om to 4pm, 646-4305. This channinic doll is cro­ ity. An opportunity to 647-3777. Duy now and receive FREE MAINTENANCE iW on-ground 3V long pools A U U2IS ! CHANCrteD •WILLING TO DO ODD aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa FAMOUS NAME SKIN 2pm. Klndercore, 394 cheted from knitting wor- )2Va-24Va work with a young, dy-. March 1st. ;30BS, Housecleonlng, complete with huge sun- eted and measures 21- SALES — Hartford Dia­ CARE and glamour cos­ West Center Street, 1973 PONTIAC GRAN NVy I namic, high technology 'Solntlng or wood work- LEON CIESZYNSKI decks, fencing, hl-rote metics at less than holt inches tall. A delightful mond Exchange, full and Free yourself to enjoy oil the odvontoges of filters, ladders, war­ Manchester. VILLE — Good mechani­ gift for the little girl. The ever-popular shirt- 1 WASN'T company. If Interested, !4ng. Hove own tronspor- BUILDER — New homes, price, from $3.00 to $600. cal condition. $650 or best apply at: Gerber Scien­ port time. Retail expe­ a custom home in o condominium com­ ranty, etc. Asking $966 No. 5920 has full cro­ dress is an all-season •Xbtlon. Coll 647-0329 or additions, remodeling, Coll 649-8111 evenings. TAG SALE — Tires, offer. Coll 649-8572. HONttPy, tific Products, Inc. 261 rience necessary. Excel­ munity. Choose from o vonety of floor plans. 9 4 ^ 1 4 . rec rooms, garages, kit­ COMPLETE. Financing chet directions for doll classic for the half-size Broad Street, Manches­ lent opportunity to work available. Call N E IL toll household Items, miscel­ and costume. figure. AFTeR. AIL. Eoch unit complete with fully oppllonced chens remodeled, ceil­ METAL CHAISE 1964 CH EVY IM PALA Su­ ter. Equal Opportunity In o uniquely progressive ings, both tile, dormers, free 1-800-221-1461. laneous. 9am to l^ m . TO OROOt t M i S2JW fer Mch No. 8877 with Photo- kitchen, til? baths, full bosernent orxJ privote AMBITIOUS COLLEGE LOUNGE with spring. Saturday, August 13th. per Sport — 6 cylinder. it^ . pill ^ pMtif• ud Guide is in Sizes 12% to Employer, m/f. chain of fine lewelry reof deck. Luxurious cxjstom optlorts indude S T U D E N T — Seeks odd roofing. Residential or C stores. Medical benefits, Good condition. Coll 649- 1pm to 4pm, Sunday, Good running condition. awHiif. 24V4. Size 14%, 37 bust, Jobs. Pointing and lawns commerclal.'649-4291. 7944. Price $30. ANMI CAItT 3% yards 46-inch. employee discount, base o goroge. sitylight or fireplace. August 14th. 237 Bldwell $375. Coll 643-2048 otter w e a specipltv. Coll Jeff, Patttrru available only | W AITRESS — Two to plus commission. Lo­ Buy now at Ridgecrest Cortdominiums and aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Street, Manchester, 3pm. MenebMlGf 0 %7-9013. FARRAND REMODEL­ in sizes shown. I three evenings, 5 to 9pm. cated In the Richardson Free YourseM ING — Cabinets, roofing, ALUMINUM SHEETS H o m e a n d G a rd e n 64 1973 CHEVROLET NOVA TO ORDER, ssad $2.00 tor isctl No Sundays. Experience Moll. For on,Interview GRANDMOTHER'S' gutters, room additions, used os printing plates — Bittsni, Rlsi SOC lor RSitaio aid preferred. Davis Family coll 525-1818. aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa — 8 cylinder, new car­ H o u s e , i n c ., M a n ­ decks, oil types of remo­ .007" thick, 23 X 24". SOC kasdllsf. Restaurant, 649-5487. deling and repairs. FREE each, or 5 for $2.00. Phone buretor, tires and ex­ smi Ml ayiiHTT c h e s t e r — We provide HOUSE PLANTS — 23 CLYDE ROAD Tog haust. Runs well. $850. [DGE estimates. Fully Insured. 643r2711. They M U ST be SPECIA L: Over 200 ae- NamtMMwNwMd latructurad daycare and Many sizes and varieties. Sole — Old records. 9om 649-3975. Cursery school to 12. Telephone 6434017. picked up before iMtions and a FREE tile Rm . at MMffctt Very reasonable. Hardy to 1pm Saturday. Rain In the Now Vcili, N.Y. itOM t:ONIMIMINI|iM.S children In our pleasant 11:00a.m. only; OFFICE ASSISTANT — ground cover. Telephone dote-Sundoy. ALBU M . Jnet $8.00. M t Rm o , Roertu am ZIF 9ome-llke setting. State CUSTOM coil, IbrM NemOaf m O tisa. W AITRESS— Immediate 649-6486. 1977 PLYMOUTH VO- UOUalssjtcaMi Port time position for AAodel Open Tuesday Sunday 12-5 AOVtaONOF HHcansed and staffed by REMODELING- MONTGOMERY WARD opening. Part time wee­ mature, energetic person TH R E E TA G SALES IN LAR E — Station wagon, m t Nea. Sm New FASHION with {caring professlonalt. We Bcrthrpoms, kitchen, rec ping pong table. Folds In TOMATOESI TOMA- te *M s Ikcai im te mka Um s. Photo-Guide patterne In kends. Experienced In 0 small office. Some Call 646-3705 or 644-6140 k e l lc d rooms, rooting, siding, ONE — Beds, pictures, top model, 6 cylinder, 4 %ise - aiiMMt euiirs. m S f a n provida your child tiolf for practicing on or TOESI Pick your own. kids clothes, household speed, power steering, all size ranges, has a apply In person, Lo bookkeeping experience We Buid Our Reputation {with home away from house repairs. Licensed lust storing away. S3S. atSMS M l MpIlMfd SwiMS. special Grace Cole Collec­ Strada West, 471 Hartford 0 Notslskv Form, Vernon- goods. 61 C Rachel Rood. power brakes, roof rock, «-i»i-atiatoeii MXiiwoM-se helpful. Ask for Bob or 647 AAiddle Turnpike East. MorxJtester, CT Gome. Coll now, 649-8920 and experienced. Call Call 643-48S9 anytime. IZNs ef MMIcewli iiuai. tion for larger aisca; plus One3byNEA.>nc . IMWep U.l.PBt ATMOIf Road, Manchester. ■ /South Windsor line. Call 8om to 4pm. Saturday & snows, manuals, etc. Adele, 646-0610. •ar 4664608. Gory 6464743 or 6494516. Keep Trying. KiEr-4e m*- 2 BONUS Coupons! 644-0304. Sunday. $1995. 228-9706. ■wvtik itH H It wke. Price . . . . IIJ5. . 20 - MANCIIKSTKK HKKAU), Fridiiy. Ana. 12. 1983 s u m m e r r e a i ESTATE


If being envied won’t embarrass you, you can spend the rest of your life enjoying the comforts of this glorious 11 room Colonial. *16x32 In-oround Sabrina Pool *Cabana with shower SENTRY *4 spacious bedrooms *Fu lly appllanced kitchen Real Estate Services inc. ^Central air conditioning *Fainilu'Family rnnmroom tiillh with fireplaceflrAnlaea open to kitchen *Electronic air cleaner ^Florida room off family room 223 Eoft Cr^tw St. Mondintw 643-4060 *Low er level Is finished with rec room, 646 Harffard Turnpike Rt. 30 Vernon office, extra bedroom, work room 29 Connecticut Rlvd. East Hartford ^Gorgeous fleldstone patio 60 Poquonock Ave. Windsor *MANY, MANY EXTRASIII

$39,500 Only 1975 down buys this spotless3Vi room com­ pletely furnished Condo. Convenient 1st floor YOU MUST GO M unit includes sliders to patio with grill, all appli­ To see whal this home olfero! Full dormered 7 Room WEEK! ances, pool, sauna & lush attractive landscaping. Cape. Three bedrooms and 2 full baths, carpeted living room with fireplace, large kitchen with new cabinets. Many extras include screened 9'x12’ porch, pretty yard ' t and detached garage. $72,500. I T ’S A L L '-m - HERE... •lia;! Excellent CondItlonI Investors please take notice $102,900 of this well cared for 2-fam­ Immaculate throughout, professionally de­ ily. It has modern kitchens corated & color coordinated is a large 8 room Co­ lonial with 4 bedrooms, family room with fire­ and baths, newer furnace place, appllanced kitchen, 2'A baths, all in a relax­ SUPBI STMTn HOME ing country setting. Six room Cape, three bedrooms, one with skylight. First and roof. Excellent income. floor laundry and upstairs study. Save on heating costs 2 car garage, recently by Installing a woodslove, the basic hook-up is already IB ini See it today. $57,000. painted, located close in, al­ : I TREE we can help you become e MARKET "REALE" PROFESSIONAU ways occupied. $82,900. SENTRY______^ IEVALUATION Real Estate Services inc. Cell 64R.45Z5. end eek lor Oen. 223 East Center SL, Mencheelar 843 4060 D.F. REALE, INC. STRAND REAL ESTATE 046 Hortford Tpko. Rt«. 30 Vomon Home of the Week is sponsored by the Manchester Herald Real Eatmte 29 Connodlcul BhftC, Em I Hartford i n lU m » . ■..JiiiH,, Cl. 156 EAST CENTER ST. 60 Poquonock Ava., Windsor 646-4525 MANCHESTER, CT. 646-2000. >■ . 9 Q u a lit y . . .

-I Manchester .'.■aWT •Townhouse Condominium •123 Main St. Pride of Ownership shows in this •Royal Arms Condominiums East Hartford 36 Concord Rd. Monchostor, Ct. •2 bedrooms Lovely 6V2 Rm Ranch. 3 bed­ 7 room Split in South Windsor. “Must sell" Brick 3 BR Ranch on New alum, siding, new roof and •1V2 baths rooms, living room, kitchen new carpeting all show the care •Full basement and dining area, lower level huge lot with 2 fireplaces, country taken in this house you can move • Move in condition kitchen, 2 baths, large concrete patio right into. Call today! •Affordable starter home family room, 2 fireplaces, V/2 and 2 car garage. Possible in-law •Stove and refrigerator baths, convenient location, suite. Asking $74,900. •$52,500 only $69,000. ED GORMAN „ M r n 1, fJn Aasociatea > USjm U&R REALTY CO. JACK6TON/6HOWCA6E 604 M IDDLE TUR NPIKE EAST 263 MAIN STREET 789 Main St 646-1316 k>) 643-2692 MANCHESTER. CONNECTICUT 00040 646-4040 Roburt D. Murdock, RuaRor Area Coda 203446-4144 Manchester Ct

GREAT CAPEI NEW CAPES $64,900. with 8 rooms, 1 full and 2 half baths, fireplace, 4 Beautiful customized homes that qualify for9%% bedrooms and a large treed lot. CHFA financing. Full dormered also available. MANCHESTER $63,000 MANCHESTER $6e,SeD NORTHFIELD GREEN A RARE FIND Cute aluminum sided home •Central Air Conditioning with spacious rooms, enclosed •Pool porch, pantry and all ap­ •Tennis Court •2 Large Bedroom pliances. Deep lot, close to •Finished Rec Room schools, recreation area, and FOREST HILU 61,900. •New Appllancee . Beautifully appointed 9 room U&R built home will buy this attractive 3 bedroom colonial cape. All this possible f o r^ ^ m busline. with 2 baths, 2 fireplaces and a private rear yardi Fireplace plus lota of natural wookwork. ERA $110,000. — If you act fasti $65,000 b u y e r s p r o t e c t i o n p l a n . HURRYII BLANCHARD & ROSSETTO, INC. C(M a u - D.W. FISH REALTY CO. REALTORS , OF / h OMCs / ^ 89 WEST CENTER STREET (Comer of McKee) 243 Mam SI. Manchester Vernon Circle. Vernon 646-2482 643-1591 872-9153 tY ) Inc.

1-4060 in


3W8 in this Windsor. ^ roof and V the care can move

[•TON/tHOWCAU 46-131S


$ 60,500 d home mclosed all ap- Stave family built a room to house art AUGUST gift from one of Bruce E . Hall Staves graduate students, HOfCild Reporter looks lifelike in a recessed COVENTRY - It looks glass frame. At first, the SAVINGS more like an art gallery Staves tried hanging it ^an a place where you’d with a push pin, but it just sprawl out on the couch — looked limp and iwt a living room/dining bedraggled. Closed Sundays during August room it is nonetheless. “The Dancer," a sculp­ And from the Indonesian ture made of cut and hand puppet that hangs to welded metal tubing, is fws: the side of the dining poised above their couch. table, to the wild boar The figure, a model for the . . . so much more than mask which sits on the larger one outside Hart­ floor, this room in the ford’s Bustanell, looks a convertibla storall! Stave family house at 200 ready to pirouette onto the Broad Way is a unique cushions. showplace. The same sculptor — "Everything was built Evolin deDeus, a former to be a background," says welder from Hartford — Sondra Stave in defense of created a copper-beaked =*'**•*11?^] I i the all-white walls. "Com­ toucan which stands plicated wallpaper just guard above the short wouldn't fit in." stairway Jeading into the Floors are made of % living room. Hie beak f l i Pennsylvanian slate and V i comes in bandy for bold­ are kept clean with occa­ ing eyeglass cases and sional wipes of mineral wallets. oil; there’s lots of exposed It’s important to keep wood; walls are few and an open mind about art, unobtrusive. Simplicity the Staves say. The var­ and ease of maintenance iety of art media in their were guiding principles bouse bears testimony. A when the Staves, who both white marble lump flanks work full-time, had archi­ a burnished bronze tect Robert Brown of Hsrald photo by Pinlo whale; wooden figurines Canton design the house from New Zealand squat nine years ago. Sondra Stave, Bruce Stave, and their painting of a three-headed serpent, under a huge copper tray "We wanted to give an son, Channing, lean against a table bought in India and made of throw-away from Nepal. Even their airy, spacious feeling to which sports a white marblelump and a pastel-striped soup tureen the house,” says Bruce materials. More photos on page 5. Stave. "You probably no­ burnished brass whale. Behindthem is a Please tnm to page 5 ticed that it looks smaller Irom the outside than the India. A visiting expert done not hy a seasoned At Castro Showroom, 283 West Middle Turnpike, Manchester, inside." has told the Staves it’s artist but by an American you will find a wonderful world of furniture — living rooms, dining ao Indeed. The living area worth much more now.' student, that hangs above ^ e S T f a s h i o n s rooms, bedding and convertible sofas. All are available In a choice iQQ itself is filled with arti­ But the Staves say they their dining table. The of size and decorator fabric. Our interior designer, Karen Kennedy facts from all over the don’t judge a piece on the canvas’s gray undula­ p world, but it hardly looks basis of its cost; they tions depict some moun­ is available to help you. Bring your floor plans or make an in-home crammed. (As a history simply buy what they like. tainside caves in India, N o w appointment. Reupholstery, custom slip covers, custom draperies, professor at the Univer­ An inexpensive ceramic near the village where the and accessories are included in the store service. / Jr sity of Connecticut, Bruce owl from Mexico, its red Staves lived in 1968-69. Stave has traveled exten­ price-sticker still on, sits To boot, the Staves have Come In and meat Sharon Keroack (above) our sales manager sively with his wife, coor­ on a narrow table in their a way of showing off their Genuine Oriental Rugs and Joe Flaherty our salesman and let them help you select from dinator of the Eastern living room. And one of artifacts to their best fine furniture to suit your needs. Connecticut Library As­ their favijrite artworks is advantage. A mean-faced AH accessories shown are available at comparable savings. sociation and Coventry a gray sculptered canvas. Indonesian hand puppet, a ' school board chairwo­ Reasonable Prices .. Come In and browse INTERIORS TABLOID COVER: AH places available at special man, and their 13-year-old savings during our August Salat son, Channing.) Sliding Also Repairing and cleaning Free Estimates glass doors open onto a brick patio, behind which • 5 0 K A I O f c . fered opportunity to own beautiful furniture at several modern sculp­ Wa are offering our floor sample one-of-a- prices far below retail! tures grace the ample e j p Come in for a kind sofas, lovaseats, chairs and recllners at lawn. fantastic savlim to make room for our new fall Listed Below Are A Few of the Many Values: Just above the doors, dangling from the 11-foot marchandiaa. Take advantage of this seldom-of­ ceiling, is an Austraiiian bark painting of a fat FREE G U T ^ Bm u HSiI RaUan DMng Ri Conlamporary Sola coverad brown lizard. The rep­ Sal featuring glaaa tabla top Chair Bed in Oatmeal Hercu- Quean Ann Chair. La France Rattan Occasional Chair A Beautiful Straw Hot Pad In natural color Nylon fabric. lon. (Opens to single bed). tile’s skeleton is promi­ and natural nylon covarad (Opens to full size bed). Velvet. (Blue - Bronze - Beige) Riva Finish Seat cushion In nent, , making it look as For Your Table For Just oatmeal nylon though you’re seeing the Conning In For A Visit Reg. $689. *299 Reg. $429. *299 Reg. $499. creature from the inside. Serving our friends and cuetommrs (or 11 iieers wHh quality • 6 7 5 *439 • 2 0 9 Reg. $299 Between the doors and a merchandise set of double windows is an'eyen stranger piece — a three-headed serpent, Tke lUicitet Cottage 7-piece Colonial Wood Trim TradHIonal Sofa S Lovaaoal Colonial Loveseal in Green Recilner Wallaway. Rust Ny­ Rattan Sofa in Rust/Gold- "painted" with broken SW offering Sola, Chair, party covered in Brown Nylon. Herculon tweed. (Opens to lon Velvert /Brown print. (Opens to shells, bits of beads, and ottoman, two and tabloa and (Sofa opens to Queen Size single bed). Queen Size Bed). two lamps. other throw-aways, ^low Spccisluing in Bed). *299 Reg. $399. the slithering snake, and • 8 9 9 Hag. $1298. Rag. $599. Reg. $1195. in between the ridges BASKETS. Rag. $1$9S. *359 *699 formed by its body, are WICKER *995 FURNITURE shapes within shapes. A AND monkey and a lion can be BATH ACCESSORIES Layaway Plan Free Interior seen within the lumbering Decoratingl Specials Only at HE form of an elephant, for instance. OPEN MON. • SAT. 10 to S .64 M 21S EASTWEST MPOKTS Titled "Deep in the H O U iy Tua^PH fcao^iso; Thurt. HI gKM; SaL 10-8.-00; CIOMd Mendays CA5V SUNDAY 1-5 283 WEST MIDDLE TURNPIKE Woods,” this piece was Ejdt 94 off of ia6. turn Mt onto Rt 83. ^E D I , ACROSS FROM THE PARKADE V ml. to Wickor Cottogt. CREDIT l a r bought for a piddling $2(10 M 3-S692 MANCHESTER 646-0040 J4 years ago in Bombay, (nart to Town Main ■T£PMS; 1 • 7 «I • f « m M • I \ ^ . f I ‘ ■ t {• t i • I * ’ z ^ i ^ t t ^ i

.h W Everyone’s clamoring for it r 'll. DID

By Barbara Richmond mand cool, wicker with bamboo or'wrapped rat­ fi Herald Reporter bright cushions. Wicker is tan and a cane seat with a not cheap, as you proba­ wooden frame is better YOU KNOW. So you threw away all bly have found out if than circular-woven reed that wicker furniture you you're trying to replace or chipboard, or grandmother used to what you threw away or have — and now you'could gave away several years HAIRY, BRITTLE reed AL SIEFFERT’S offers one of the kick yourself. Why? Be­ ago. indicates careless work­ cause everyone is clamor­ At fine furniture stores manship and inferior ing for wicker furniture you can buy a brand new material, the experts these days and you pay a wicker chair for $190 to claim. areas largest selections of premium price for it — the $200. The ottoman to go Most of the old wicker is old as well as the new. with it sells for about $110. simple and useful pieces Marie King of Oakland Wicker rockers cost such as sewing baskets, Home Improvement appliances Street is a wicker fan. She slightly more than regu­ bookcases, high chairs, says it's durable and will lar chairs. tea carts, dining sets and at Low discount Prices?...... lake a beating from the Wicker is unique in that hat stands. It's wise to try kids. Of course, Mrs. King it's suitable for any room to strike a balance of admits to being a little in the house, from the simple and ornate, the I)i ejUdiced. She works at bathroom to the living unique and the utilitarian I'ero's on Oakland Street, room. It comes in any­ if you're building a collec­ one of the many stores in thing from very simple tion of wicker. „.N 0 W YOU KNOW! he area which carry styles to the most ornate. The revival of interest M k ker items. If you're lucky enough in wicker has brought on Mrs. King said wicker to find some wicker in an plenty of reproductions — RANGES«WASHERS*DRYERS ■inghig lamps are very antique store, you'll find and some of them are very r> '.4 y oular as are hanging the older pieces are much well made. However, ex­ V icker chair swings, reg- sturdier than the newer perts say that the items DISHWASHERSeMICROWAVES ilar chairs and tables. ones. Experts say when imported from the Far Herald photos by Pinto i'he> also have wicker or you’re shopping for new East are apt to be overly ■f A corner of the Bruce Stave family’s living room in Coventry. -Irak rugs. wicker furniture there are Victorian. REFRIGERATORSbFREEZERS 01- course, w ic k e r several things you should Wicker on a nice airy “The Dancer,” a metal sculpture, is poised on the bookcase. baskets are very popular Ipok for to make sure porch conjures up Victo­ A black-based printer’s block lamp from Scandinavia sits on Herald photo by Taroulnlo See our expanded Microwave Dept. and can be bought in any you're getting good qual­ rian days, lemonade and the end table, and to the left is a blue-toned modern painting variety store including ity. This cozy corner in the home of the Charles Kings on Oakland croquet matches played from India. K-Mart and Caldors. They say a solid wood on spacious lawns along Street shows an attractive cushioned divan, wicker trunk coffee frame that is glued, nailed with men wearing straw table and a wicker end table. The hanging wicker chair stands in Including a large display SL'NROOMS AND or screwed together is PORCHES seei i to de­ the corner. More photos on page 6. better than one made of Please turn to page 6 A room for one’s art of bullt-ln appliances Continued from page t and helped her lace them their style; it was too is more than just a craft. through the eyelets. bright and too bold. But Also on display, Sondra Another story lies be­ they agreed to let the your house losorves Stave's Dali Lama boots hind the bright design architect put it up on a have a special story be­ painted on a stairwell trial basis, since he was so x a m z hind them. Soon after she wall. The Stave's archi­ bent on the idea. (^^alifornia bought the boots and put tect insisted on painting "Bob started painting them on, an excited Nepa­ this red, yellow, and blue at 4 p.m. By 9 p.m., I knew lese priest noticed them graphic of a triangle inter­ it was right," says Sondra and approached her. As secting- an arrow just Stave. " I t ’s very disturb­ HOIISii villagers stood around after he built the house. ing to have somebody who and watched, he gave her The Staves strenuously knows your taste better PAINT] A very large selection some brightly-striped ties objected — it just wasn’t than you do.” of wall decor for AND your business and hofne

a ART SPEaALIZINQ IN FINE ART GRAPHICS •‘■Tt ■ - UTHOORAPHS [ -i ;H A R P CARE - ETCHINOS . IT 1UINS THE FOOD SO YOU PONT HAVE TO... - SERIQRAPHS UMMim* MOWNfE WBIMTN aECTMWIC - ALL WONED A tEHMIT nOCBtll (Etf~) I CAROUSEL SYSTEM • ROTATES FOOD AUTOMATIC­ NUMBERED ' '/ ALLY SO V M DONT HAVE TO » ESP • SENSOR SYSTEM 'SM ELLS' FOOD S AROMA A lso AND AUTOMATICALLY CALCULATES COOKING TIMES custom picture framing AND VARIABLE POWER LEVELS » SENSOR TEMP • ACCURATELY MEASURES THE California Acrylic Houau INTERNAL TEMPERATURE OF FOOD AND COOKS TO Paint! Beautiful colors last and last... no mora bJifiiam __ DONENESS LEVEL DESIRED ALLOWS COOKING II4JIHUI FROZEN MEATS or chalking. And the trim? Reach for California Trim Paint ^ the MJIII 1I F « i original exterior latex trim paint. • • • tne RD530 I Now it the perfect time to point your house: We hove the point, supplies ond ThiSPAuitt'MfiAntt wHh purchoM of Micreoravo I the "Know Hew!" OWNERS Made of inexpensive metal tubing that's been cut and E A. JOHNSON PAINT CO. 1720 Ellington Rd. This mean-faced Indonesian welded^ this sculpture is a TONIGHT TIL 8 W7 9997 728 M A IN STR EET— M A N C H E S T E R (Route 30) hand puppet looks lifelike in a model for the bigger one L.TNIIIIS.' So. Windsor, CT recessed glass frame. It was a which stands outside Hart­ <15 KJU'IOSO HH.TKU Tel.: 644-8750 gift from one of Professor ford's Bushnell. Its title: "The DID Of KiDtir • MiKinr ■KD ..U T. Stave's graduate students. Dancer." rifi Kom inno itme rou low pbicis i pusomai utv/ct nun s’ tm Marie King loves wicker I **'® ®**i® Fans of American Pride If you're one of those two vent openings so air the tops of gables. The homeowners with the can flow in one end of the rest should be at the Continued from page 4 good sense to realize that attic and out the other. A eaves. “ • see a styiish attic insulation is an ex­ combination of vents at With a vapor barrier, hats and white flannels. In cellent Way to trim heat­ the eaves and gable ends it’s one square foot of inlet To be fashionable is to of homes around the coun­ other words, wicker is ing and cooling costs, materials that are com­ of a house is better than and outlet for each 600 conform to the custom of try. Nearly all fans are nostalgic. don’t blow it by ignoring bined to create a stream­ gable vents alone. The square feet of ceiling whatever is in favor at the both dependable and func­ Unpainted wicker that the important role of attic best ventilation, says time. I lined, well-constructed, area. M IM A also points tional. and attractive product is factory stained or pro­ ventilation. MIMA, is provided by a To be stylish, however, out that vent openings Know the difference that goes well with any tected with clear varnish Good ventilation in the combination of eave vents should be kept clear for is to possess something How can you tell decor. or lacquer, is harder to attic helps a house and continuous ridge air to circulate freely. extra — distinctive char­ whether that fashionable American'Pride ceiling find than painted wicker breathe by permitting wa­ venting. Additional information acter and excellence in ceiling fan you have in and therefore, it's more fans, for example, come ter vapor from cooking For a combination of on ventilation and tips on accordance with an ac­ mind has style? Nichols- costly. However,' some­ in six basic styles, includ­ and baths to escape to the eave and gable vents attic insulation is availa­ cepted standard of ele­ Kusan, Inc., manufac­ times a beautiful piece is outdoors. In summer, without a vapor barrier, ing four and five-blade ble in “Sar« on Home gance — be it a person or a turer of American Pride models, and in a variety of disguised by an ugly coat good air circulation redu­ the minimum amount of product. Heating and Cooling ceiling fans, says it’s elegant finishes. Other of paint. Don't dispair ■ ces heat build-up in the vent area is one square Costs: Insulate Your Attic Distinctive styling simply a matter of learn­ though, the paint can be attic. features include gold- foot of inlet and one Now. ” To get a copy, send One product that is at ing what to look for. stripped off or the item stenciled, solid-wood Proper ventilation, square foot of outlet for 45 cents and a stamped, the height of fashion is the Durable materials can be repainted. In Victo­ notes the Mineral Insula­ blades and a full line of each 300 square feet of self-addressed envelope ceiling fan. Once largely A stylish ceiling fan is rian days and today, white light kits and other acces­ tion Manufacturers Asso­ ceiling space. At least half to MIMA, 3112 Springfield restricted to southern one in which craftsman­ is the most popular color. sories that match the ft ciation, calls for at least the vent area should be at Ave., Summit, N.J. 07901. homes, ceiling fans are ship is evident in the form So wicker lovers, con­ elegance of the ceiling being installed in millions of clean lines and durable tinue your search for fans. well-made furniture pie­ ces because wicker has Low celling? such potential both as a Shop for insulation financing decorative element and an investment. Nearly everyone knows many utilities and banks charge. Once the audit is that adding insulation is are working together to completed, you’ll receive the best way to reduce Fans measure up provide funds at less than a detailed report listing home heating and cooling market rates for home the estimated cost and the costs. But with interest Consumers are high on American Pride “space improvements linked to payback period for a reverse switch to help rates at record high levels ceiling fans.'‘ They like saver.” energy conservation. variety of energy conser­ save energy year round. recently, many ho­ No matter how the cost both their nostalgic look This new design mounts vation projects. and their ability to circu­ meowners were unable or of adding insulation is nearly flush with the Finished in bright Suggested measures late air economically. Un­ unwilling to finance the financed, says the Min­ ceiling, making it compat­ brass, white with brass might include ceiling, til recently, some people cost of such eral Insulation Manufac­ ible with ceilings that are accents or brown with wall or floor insulation, had to pass them by improvements. turers Association, a vital less than standard height. brass accents, the Ameri­ adding storm windows or because of low ceilings. A wicker plant stand decorates the Now, things are differ­ first step is to have your It requires 30 percent less can Pride “ space saver” doors, caulking and But that’s been changed. ent. Interest rates are local utility conduct a vertical space than stand­ is easy to install and, like dropping and more money weather-stripping, or Now there are ceiling fans ard ceiling fans. The Oakland Street. home energy audit. Some modifications such as re­ oother models in the line, is available for home designed just for low five-blade, three-speed charge a nominal fee; placing the heating carries a 15-year limited improvement loans. And ceilings, such as the model also has a motor others do it without system. warranty.


n e . i n u Keep your house cool & comforteblo with greet dosis on sir » t n » conditioners end micro weves from Pearls. sgggg [BUTTON , , CARRY COOL MICROWAVES fAIR CONDITIONER Light •5 year limited warranty included •52” Decorative Ceiling fans •Built-in comfort controls include •Permanently lubricated bearing trort' •Cane blades, light included ‘278

Cookmg Demonstration See how to microwavo and taste $7ggs the results! Easy to use—Keeps the Mtchen 4.000 BTU TO •5 year limited 20.000 BTU Warranty energy efficient •Three speed control •4 way switch to operate fan & LARGE SELECTIOH OF HAME BKHID MR CONDITIONERS IT M M T light included •Reversible air 6 0 PEARL & S O av flow control Mon.-Wed. 10-5:30 Babies were lulled to sleep in this wicker cradle in Victorian ChWQo, ViM a lAywoy Ac««ptad 643-2171 MANCHtSTER 5EWINC CENTER Thurs. til 9:00 VIKINC SfWINC CENTER timM. Perhaps the only place you would find this model 251 HHOAflST 649 Main St. fb kANl SI Wist hAMT^OHl- . Pearls would be in a museum. , 0^45 Ou.-n t,r 9 TV AND a p p l ia n c e s Fri. til 8:00 •‘ 4f5 f' t : O f j . f t -u j,., . M Downtown Manchester Sat. til 5:00 P- ' : .(is May Net be Actual f.lodels Sold SERVICE SiNCt ‘We open in Venice’ can biind you to disasters Eliminate ‘ciodet ciuttei' with easy cedar ciosSt country move. In fact, one One of the best ways to work, you can build a areas: one for coats and sweaters, blankets, bed­ lumber yards and home and the ends for easy and Furnishing a home for of the most appealing provide for the proper storage area that not only trousers, the other two for ding and- other items that sturdy installation. In ef­ the first time can be features of the mini centers, the cedar mate­ storage of your clothing provides moth-free pro­ jackets, shirts and other can be folded. rial comes in convenient fect, the pieces lock to­ arduous. A conglomera­ blinds, according to the items is to convert one of tection for your posses­ shorter-length garments. gether as they are nailed tion of “inherited" fur­ Venetian Blind Associa­ Building the cedar strip form and is pack­ your existing closets into sions but also eliminates A vertical divider separ­ closet requires no special aged in individual bundles in place. nishings can produce a tion, is adaptability. a moth-repellent storage the clutter that is com­ ates the individual As shown in the illustra­ hodge-podge effect. There carpentry skills. The or cartons, either in ran­ center. It’s an easy do-it- monplace in many sections. cedar closet lining is dom or uniform lengths. tions, the cedar pieces are are, however, some aids Easy to use yourself project and with closets. Storage bins were applied to the wall from to creating needed har­ Whether- you have a nailed directly to the The individual cedar a little additional plan­ The closet shown has added above the hanger walls, floors and ceiling. strips are tongue-and- the bottom up, one wall at mony. Using color to large picture window or ning and not much extra three distinct hanging blend decor eyesores,, for seven small portholes in a bar on the right to hold Readily available at grooved along the edges a time. If the closet floor is instance, has long been house boat, covering them presently carpeted, you recognized by beginners neatly and 'fashionably can cover it with a sheet of plywood, then nail cedar and professionals alike as with mini-blinds is a sim­ TONCUl an easy cure. ple matter. strips to it. This raised Another attractive and Especially important to surface helps keep the cedar aroma from escap­ economical way to cope city dwellers cursed with CHALK MNfS ing under the closet door. with the problem, accoi^- small rooms is the ability LOCATE ing to the Venetian Blind of Venetian blinds to act as STUDS To obtain a folder des­ Association, is to use mini room dividers or to sec­ \ cribing how to build a blinds on your windows. tion off a corner of the cedar closet, write Home Space-age cousins of the room for an instant closet. Closet Planning Service, wide-slatted, cloth-taped Since most new home­ 221 N. LaSalle Street, Venetian blinds, mini makers are concerned Chicago, IL 60601. blinds are easier to in­ with costs, it’s important stall, easier to clean and to know that Venetian Cut off slat to length. Turn slat right side up and fit available in all the latest blinds are relatively inex­ into place. decorator colors. And, pensive and can last a because of their uniform lifetime. sleekness, they give a sense of style to any room. Limit utility costs Their ability to block Ltvel firtt flat. Focus OB first-timers the hot summer sun and The clean contempor­ bar cold winter drafts ary styling that is charac­ helps to cut heating and teristic of mini blinds air conditioning costs. makes them a perfect And cleaning bills are nil: match for whatever kind a simple dusting keeps of furniture, carpeting, mented look. Because any lifestyle. are a newlywed couple nishings, or a single exec­ them clean and in tip-top lighting and accessories there are over 100 differ­ merging his and her fiir- utive making a cross­ shape. ^ ^ „ If floor is carpeted, cut sheet of H" that first-time ho­ Made to fit any window Finish back wall first, then do the side p|y„ood to fit area ent colors available, it’s walls. meowners may bring to relatively easy to achieve size or shape, mini blinds their first home. Mini with mini blinds a de­ adapt to anyone’s home; blinds can focus a frag­ signer look that fits in with whether the first-timers ” PERO Here at Pero’s, we’ve earned a reputation for having a great Make a simple cut-off box from V stock / FRUIT STAND selection of wicker at very A . ■ width of your widest slat 1/8” . reasonable prices. m m m m Our Most Popular Items: BEAUTY ON A BUDGET. •Pie Baskets 'r-T------. •Hampers •Handled Baskets •Mirrors •Bamboo Trays •Wicker Chairs •Planters 276 Oakland St. •Rattan Headboards Mandiostor, CT •Dried Flowers & Piece llet, tongue edge down, against end wall and (203) 643-6384 Grapevine Wreaths mark for sawing. Be sure to line up mark with end 2P of flat face n o t end of tongue. b There Life After Housework? VISIT OUR FACTORY I ' SHOW ROOM Let 's e x p e rts f ■ 3 0 % OFF CUSTOM DRAPERIES Cornicee* Valances gBedspreadsaWood Blinds ICOUNTRV CURTAIN Show you the easy way to do: $290<^ VERTICALS COLLECTION •windows •walls •carpets e o P A T A e t E SALE BONUS We have the lowest prices in •floors •bathrooms •ceilings 14b «B» 40% OFF MINI BLINDS the area for our fine selection of I • • SAVE $3-$5 per yd. on SELECTED CARPETS . S J 7 $ o o • SAVE up to 30% OFF WALLCOVERINGS______country curtains. and supply you with: •squeegees •sponges otrash bags COCKTAH. TABLE M a M x W 643-2072 Fltn DECORATING SERVICE Cape Cods - Tabs - Stenciled Style •brooms •mops •pails •vacuum cleaners' Cal kx an appomtmenl days, evenings, or weekends al your and More convenianoe nos^o CALL TdDAY. SALi ENDS AUGUST 20TH. . .isioh' % blan.f.ird Sizes Available MANCHESTER GLASS CO. I'g .’ Seu.-clior ol Finishes Av.ul.anie TsIspfeSMO 61 Woodland S t OMHEcnONt PAUL'S PAINT I 6 1 5 MAINST. MANCHESTER Mancbostor, t t 1 FACTORY OUTVET Dropery • Carpel • WaJkowfwig MS Uakl M WfUsKe » Sb Bi VM M . CT MBM The cotorfiil store Ikat ceaiei to your door.'* MSkbaltaM OOBSaMB* HwBMsK-Sa.MVn 649-0300 646-5068 Tour JanMariaf SiWPtr / \ Computer furniture expected big seiler this year Antiquing options We’ve outlined the basic application of the glaze CHICAGO (UPI) - N.Y., filled a need with the provides the weight, the circulates hot air so frying So much money for coat for antiquing furni­ Smaller nifties: Choose Tradition Computers, physical fit­ Data-Vac, a small, hand­ platform provides sup­ can be done in just one something to replace the ture. You were told how to ness and child safety held, 4-pound combina­ port for your back, and the teaspoon of oil. cooking pot and wooden • Network’s $40 elec­ wipe for a traditional figure to make big bucks tion vacuum cleaner and angle at which you attach “People who diet don't spoon? tronic baby sitter, a moni­ antique finish. Once the for the nation’s house- blower unit for $60. One the rails to the support want to give up eating,” “Ten years ago they tor that requires no sp^ base coat has been app­ wares manufacturers this end sucks up dirt and the determines the level of GH dietitian Sheilah asked who’d spend $250 cial wiring because it lied, there are hundreds of year, judging by some of other provides forced air resistance. Kaufman said. for a machine to slice works off the electric ways to decorate or em­ the newest items at the channeled through a pin­ Less costly health care Many states now re­ vegetables,” sai.d Ri­ wiring in your house. bellish the piece, using 79th semi-annual Intema- point nozzle to blast loose equipment abounds. Pol- quire safety restraints for chard Hochman of the • Bandwagon’s big glase or other materials. tional Housewares the dust and paper and lenex has a Smoke children in autos. Cosco National Housewares Ma­ wipe-away board to list 1 Exposition. ribbon fuzz that quickly Grabber smokeless ash­ reports its business is up nufacturers Association, What’s In My Freezer and SPLATTER EFFECT: noting that Cuisinart and When Did I Put It There. Company after com­ jam up printers and other tray that George Bums 50 percent since last year 8 Instead of a wiped glaze, pany is bringing out computer equipment. and his cigar will be on child safety seats, and its imitators have done Magnets hold it on the side you can apply a flyspedc sturdy, reasonably priced Everybody is into home advertising. Norelco spokesman Neal McLach- rather well. of the appliance. or splatter effect. This is computer furniture, much health care products. showed a series of ma­ lan said in states with espedaliy effective when of it handsome enough for West Bend just bought out chines, including scales, a strict laws, “It’s up the base coat is light coior the living room. The most Total Gym of San Diego, vibrating bedboard, a tenfold.” • — such as light green — expensive seen at the July surface and then paint a applied a design for de- makers of exercise equip­ Clean B ^ y Machine for One of the smallest and the splatter material number of coats of clear coupage, you can make 10-14 show were $150. ment for the sports and $35 that scrubs and booths at the show had the Old South remedy? is a daric brown or black. They were big enough to finish over it. You can use the last step in the anti- physical rehabilitation sponges you, and a line of biggest crowds. Singer hand painted designs, quinlg project — appiying I3s r - : s s i handle a keyboard, video markets, and plans to home blood pressure un­ packed them in with Easy By UPl-Popolar long-range effect of the WOOD GRAIN: Usings display unit, printer and photographs, pictures the sealer coat. push hard into the home its, $22 to $245. Menders, hand-held Mechanics salts contained in these commercial grainer or a from greeting cards, any-' There are two ways to supplies. market. General Housewares gadgets to sew on buttons, chemicals — regardless sponge or folded cheesec- Gary Liebsher of Cha- thing which pteases you. finish the project. One is Total Gym is a series of Corp., of Terre Haute, make thread tacks (say in QUESTION: I’ve heard of whether your chimney lotb, wipe through a coat­ You can make a sharp to appiy severai coats of a rleswood Furniture Corp., four exercise units, price Ind., had the cholesterol hems and seams that give of an old Southern remedy is masonry, galvanized ing of ^aze to imitate a ...is a collection of pieces lhal Wright City, Mo., pre­ and weight-conscious in cutout, or you can make a good paste wax, buffing offers tradition, variety, and range $240-$500, which way at the office), and of burning tin cans in a steel or stainless steel — is w ^ grain. With a tittle rough cutout b y tearing thoroughly between dicted computer furniture feature a sliding padded mind when it pushed its make perfect replace­ fireplace to reduce the corrosive, and the overall durability. Constructed of solid practiM, you can learn around the edges of the coats. This produces a maple and maple veneers, each will be even bigger than platform on rails that $20 Dry Fryer into depart­ ment patches in clothes. buildup of creosote in the harmful effect is not bow to create a good grain home entertainment cen­ ment stores. The heavy design. Apply the design good appearance, but the carefully scaled unit is Finished in hook onto a metal support. They’re about $30 each. chimney. Care to com­ known at this time. pattern. Part of the trick to the suiiface with white design you have made is ters for stereo equipment. You sit or lie on the frying pan, with nonstick The most-asked ques­ ment on its effectivenes? Chimney cleaning im­ is in teaming just how a soft, hand, rubbed autumn Metropolitan Vacuum finish, has a raised center glue, pressing it down to subject to wear. brown lone. Warm and personal, platform and pull yourself tion was, “Have you seen plements are available much glaze to wipe off. It make sure it adheres well. The second method is to Cleaner Co. of Suffern, up and down. Your body section with a slot that the cement mixer?” That, ANSWER: We’re afraid for homeowners but Riverton Place is designed to be is a g o ^ ideat to practice After the white glue has apply at least one coat of a an integral part of the family. at $450, is the Farberware that remedy is an old cleaning your own chim­ on an old wood surface for dried, you apply several Electronic Ultra Chef, a clear plyurethane var­ wives’ tale. Burning tin ney is definitely a messy a white before trying this coats of polyurethane var­ nish. Most refinishers glass container that may create a chemical job. If it isn’t your cup of on the furniture. nish or clear plastic prefer the semi-gloss fin­ Insulating may mean tax credit heats, stirs and senses reaction in the smoke tea, consult your classi­ finish. ish for this, but in some temperature to mix your going up the chimney fied directory under DECOUPAGE: In de- cases, depending on the delicate sauces — or bake similar to that produced “Chimney Cleaning” for coupage, you apply a your roast — while you Once you have wiped a design, a glossy finish Homeowners, including sures, up to $2,000. The Storm windows and by so-called chemical the name of a professional picture or a design to the design into glaze or have might be better. those who live in condomi- maximum credit is $300. doors, weatherstripping flee the kitchen. chimney cleaners. But the chimney sweep. , niums and co-ops, may be Suppose a homeowner and caulking, energy­ ' eligible for federal tax spent $1,500 adding min­ saving furnaces and other credits. These credits eral fiber insulation to his improvements designed apply to the money spent home. He could qualify for to conserve energy may on measures to reduce the a tax credit of $225, which qualify for the tax credit cost of heating and cooling is 15 percent of $1,500. as well. their homes. Not itemized To qualify, points out Check with your local deductions, these are the Mineral Insulation utility about any state credits that can be sub­ Manufacturers Associa­ incentive programs you tracted from any federal tion, construction of the may be entitled to as well, I income tax that might be home to which insulation adds MIMA. If the job due. is added must have been qualifies, keep receipts The tax credit amounts “substantially com­ and dateid invoices of the I' to 15 percent of the cost of pleted” before April 20, work to certify eligibility energy conservation mea­ 1977, for tax purposes. Buy the set or a single piece during our SUPER SUMMER SALE MANCMCSTER Reg. SALE Queen Size Bed ‘529. *419. tf‘ 1 Drawer Night Table ‘159. 129. a t j f f c t There is only one Colonial Williamsburg.” Dresser Base 399. 319. Mttliii'Srnour m ibcoiUv |Hiinl n*aeurrli<*d lo mBli'li )e'**iuiii«‘(4)iunial WiUismH|iurxt'»lorHgndap|>rov«NllA’Tlii* Colonial Williamoburii (uumlaliMii. Stdrrt rolora «iTunrommon In'roIv lhal brinR iMtmr all i Ih' ritarm and r1«ftatirr of hlNlorir WilliamHhur|i. And Oval Mirror 299. 179. C ^ e n ,tc t. made lo laai. in duraldi* f^tiii CIonk l.jiti*x for RxirriorH; Hal or Satin OIosh l,aiex for liilerioni. Ilwl iirii i i y r i eil fn W iUimmthurs F tm m h th m mtmlr fcy TRr Blanket Chest 345. 275. 311 MAIN ST., MANCHESTER, CONN. TEL. 646-2130 «NifIkr nwlMmvliU trn^m y mmthr Brrwf fm m T k r W illim m thtirf yiHtmihiUtm. ^ . INC. Desk 230. 185. Chair 150. 119. STENCILING I or shown: Lingerie chest 399. 319. ( ( /’A /’ ^ \4.V v i > ' w w * MATCMAUS, PAlNTS, DCSIAN QoovCS. IN STOCK ONLY Visit our newly KiTCH FQ Mirlborongh Coontr; Bin remodeled showroom. The advertisers in this Interiors Tab, ! i. ,ccv You'll find most ARTIST ^^'981 Main St, NORTH MAIN ST., RTE.Z, EXIT 12or 13 SUPPLIES 14 MAIN STREET major brands of hope-you ll get helpful ideas to enhance MARLBOROUGH OLD SAYBROOK 0 B ★ Manchester ______carpeting. you r **palace”. PAINT AND Tun.- Sal. 10-5:30, FrI. 10.9; Sun. 1-5:30 WALLPAPER Phone ★ ^ c(| naiJiaw / W« njlTdoM at 12KI0 on ioL during Augual A personal visit to their shop— , will be most rewarding i ; CARPET 646-0613 Sleepy Giant C

Bv Freder United Prt

The Ami DISCOUNT WATERBEDS forU.S.-Hoi neuvers hai galpa, a Ho Friday. Ir govemmeni leader was HUGE AUGUST CLEARANCE another reb Col. Am charge of neuvers bet the United Tegucigalp: SALE! traveling Fi where the n ters will b Waterbed sheets and Chief of S accessories also on denego Bue Bueso Roi sale. maneuvers any countr country tha Moisub« lyitM is $19.95 Ruling lei Nicaragua PaddMl fMa ruih from $19.95 maneuvers i an invasion NEW ENGLAND Fieg. *699 $499 Cotton wotorbod ihoot lott $19.95 TMBtLINE Fleg. *699 $499 The Tegu La Tribuna Satin wotorbod shoot toti $39.95 troops had i so far, and t Storogo draws from $99.00 reach 3,0001 In Gua Comploto unfbiishod announced Watorbods from $149.00 Camilo, a Guerrilla / largest reb death Sui City. Police r< shot seven I MONTERAY Reg. *399 *279 passing cat an automol A police that anoth CONTEMPO Reg. «249 $199 may have letter founi MM “ The bn Til ' zation isai I - ! ' letter, acc communiq Camilo w received it I I'l- Also in < parties set

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By Norman United Pres

DEERHELD Reg. ‘799 C N u u n u r Reg. TAM PA, 1 *599 *699 Reagan, cour panic comi Drowor bos* optional. Eyory bod faidudoi Run mottrois. Aqua Fidel Castro' quoon boating lystom, Fittod safoty Rnor, Shadow baio and FIN an “ econon where peop political freei 90 DAY SAME opportunity. FREE ONE YEAR SALE ENDS AUGUST 30th “ TheCubai AS CASH FINANCING its young mei fodder in exc LAYAWAY COMPLETE BEDROOM SETS $995 sive subsidy could not s said. “ The on ^ T 8 n ! 5 r T ^ there today ; EAST HARTFORD 10— 9 HARTFORD pons, re[ SAT shortages.” 860 MAIN ST. 243 SISSON AVE. 10—6 Reagan’s o a speech prei 528-9449 CLOSED SUNDAY 236^6811 k to Tampa’s I: of Commerci Cubans who since Castro I nist regime ir His stop at city, the large turer in the nr on a three-we Hispanic supi •No

By United Prei

Nearly 700,000 wnrlrArfl alnvA/l