Volume IV, Number 49 U.S.S. HO STON, Long Beach, California 24 December 1937


USE of the fir tree I N ALL Christian THE committee for in connection with Christmas celebra­ countrbs Christmas is celebrated as the Christmas Party wishes to take tion is either of German or Scandana­ the anniversary of the birth of Christ, this opportunity to voice its thanks vian origin. When the pagans of north­ "the Prince of Peace," "the King of for th~ splendid cooperation of all ern Euyope became Christians, they Kings." That day, by common con­ the officers and men of the ship in made their sacred evergreen a sent December 25, is marked by spe­ preparing for the coming event. There part of the festival, and decorated cial religious services in val'i 0 u s follows a program of the attractions them with gilt nuts and apples in imi­ churches, by charitable deeds, the ex­ and their purveyors. tation of the stars. changing of gifts, and by merrymak­ Yuletide Echoes Band One popular legend relates how on ing and rejoicing. Teasey Tricks ...... Fred Allen a , twelve centuries ago, The time when the Christmas festi­ Wedding of the Painted Dolls . Band the first was miracu­ val was first observed is not definitely Old Mill Stream lously revealed. Winfred, an English­ known. It is spoken of in the biginning Sleep Kentucky Babe man, who had gone to Germany to of the third centuary by Clement of Silent Night .... Seagoing Cowboys spread the teachings of , found Alexandria, and Chrysostom speaks Parade of the Wooden Soldiers . Band a group of worshipers gathered at of it in the latter part of the fourth Song and Tap .... Carolyn Londahl the Oak of Geismar about to sacrifice century as a custom of long standing. little Prince Asulf to the god Thor. Other dates were often celebrated as Harmonica Tunes Ray antz Winfre1 averted the death blow and the day of the ativity, but finally, When Irish Eyes cut down the "bloJd" oak. As it fell, a December 25 was universally adopted; Are Smiling ...... Ray Kelly young fir tree ~ppeared, which the there ;s no evidence that the date is Sweetpea Returns ... H. D. Williams missionary declared was the tree of absolutely correct. But exactness on life or Christ, of whose birth he then J. R. Brady, E. A. those points is now not so important Chick, I. F. Olson told the people and then converted as the "Spirit of Christmas," the spirit is Coming to Town. Band them to Christianity. of giving, of helping-a broad all­ embracing love for our fellow men. ARRIVAL OF SANTA CLAUS WITH PRESENTS ALL hands of the Gun­ The giving of presents and the use of , mistletoe, logs, and the nery Department and the non-com­ wassail bowl have all descended from THE Captain and the batants who furnished coffee and the day of , but they are Executive Officer extends to each s::':luwiches after firing runs are to things which set the day distinctly officer and man and his family best be congratulated on thl!ir splendid apart from all other holidays. Without wishes for a happy holiday season efforts and excellent achievement the Christmas tree and Santa Claus for the little folks, the day would be and for a Happy ew Year. in the recent pract:ces. Well done! (Continued on Page 4.)