1 PENNINGTON PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Service for the Lord’s Day ~ October 6, 2019 ~ Here I Am Lord: God’s Call and Our Response World Communion Sunday


GATHERING MUSIC As the music begins, please quiet yourself in anticipation of the worship of God.


PRELUDE "Lord, Your Hands Have Formed This World" arr. Mark Sedio Philippines/Ikalahan

*CALL TO WORSHIP Madeleine Mansier Today we gather around God's table from near and far. We are the People of God! Though we differ in language, custom, and tradition, We are Family in Christ! For there is one Lord, one faith, and one baptism. We are One in God's Spirit! We are the People of Redemption! We will praise our Maker!

*HYMN “Come All You People” Hymnal #388 ______Zimbabwe (We will sing in English, then Shona and end in English please)


PRAYER OF CONFESSION Gracious God, our sins are too heavy to carry, too real to hide, and too deep to undo. We look at a world undone by strife, torn by violence, separated by hatred. Yet you call us to walk the way of peace. Forgive us, O Lord, for refusing to follow you on this path because the cost is too high, the direction too confusing, the conditions too harsh. Forgive us our complacency. Grant us clarity of vision to see the light, and the strength to walk behind you. In the power of your Spirit we pray, (silent confession.) Amen. WORDS OF ASSURANCE

*RESPONSE HYMN “May the God of Hope Go with Us” Hymnal #765 Argentina (Again, singing in English, Shona, English)


PRAYER FOR ILLUMINATION (unison) Rev. Dr. Gordon Mikoski Holy God, as we read your word, may your Spirit speak through it that it may be for us the word of life. Amen.

FIRST LESSON II Timothy 1:1-14 Pew Bible Page 1084


THE LORD’S PRAYER in many languages then in unison in English Catherine Ahmad- Arabic Susan Danser- American Sign Language Anna Mikoski- French Megan Coiley- German Sandy LaCasse- Spanish Rob Thornton and Congregation- English

Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For Thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory, forever. Amen.

*HYMN “Lord, When I Came into This Life” INSERT (Young worshippers may go to Child Care in Room 102 in the Nursery School building. Visitors welcome.)

Continues on following page 3

GOSPEL LESSON Luke 17:5-10 Pew Bible Page 954

SERMON “This Thing Called Faith” Rev. Nancy Mikoski


MOMENT FOR STEWARDSHIP Jeff L’Amoreaux, Nancy Russell & George White


OFFERTORY “Bonse Aba” Za arr. Andrew Fischer Zambia The Adult Choir Translation Bonse aba mu pokelela All people who accept Ba lipele maka akuba bana His authority are his children kuba bana bakwa lesa Are children in the power of God Muyayaya bakwa lesa Forever in the power of God.

*THE DOXOLOGY Praise God from whom all blessings flow. Praise God all creatures here below. Praise God above, ye heavenly host; Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Amen. Switzerland/France

*PRAYER OF DEDICATION (unison) Most loving and gracious God, we are thankful. We are thankful for your grace to us in Jesus Christ, for your gift of the church in its global witness, for the capacity to give. May these gifts help prepare the way of peace and justice in our community and around the world. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen. SHARING JOYS AND CONCERNS



GREAT PRAYER OF THANKSGIVING The Lord be with you. And also with you. Lift up your hearts. We lift them to the Lord. Let us give thanks to the Lord our God. It is right to give our thanks and praise.

It is truly right and our greatest joy to give you thanks and praise, eternal God, creator of the universe. You made us from the dust of the earth, breathed into us the breath of life, and set us in your world to love you. We rejected your love & your peace. We chose to live in conflict with one another rather than peace with you and all creation. But you did not reject us, and you called us back to you over and over again. We thank you for the prophets like John who prepared the way of peace. Therefore, we praise you, joining our voices with the heavenly choirs and with all the faithful of every time and place, who forever sing to the glory of your name:

(Hymn #552) Holy, holy, holy Lord, God of power and might, heaven and earth are full of your glory. Hosanna in the highest. Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord. Hosanna in the highest, Hosanna in the highest.

We give you thanks for Jesus at whose birth the angels sang of the coming reign of peace on earth, who fed the hungry, humbled the mighty, and proclaimed the good news. With thanks and praise we offer ourselves to you, sharing this holy meal; remembering Christ’s dying and rising, we pray: Come, Lord Jesus! Great is the mystery of faith.

(Hymn #553) Christ has died; Christ is risen; Christ will come again. Christ has died; Christ is risen; Christ will come again.

Pour out your Holy Spirit upon us— this bread, this cup, this people— Christ’s body and blood, that brings us peace. As you make us one in the Spirit, grant us the strength and wisdom to seek peace in the world. Keep us in the peace of Christ until you gather us at your table in glory. Guide us in the path of peace. (Joys and concerns and intercessions for the church and world may be included here.) Through Christ, with Christ, in Christ in the unity of the Holy Spirit, all glory and honor are yours, almighty God, now and forever. Through Christ, with Christ, in Christ, and in the unity of the Holy Spirit we pray. Amen. 5 WORDS OF INSTITUTION (Congregation shall partake of the bread when it is served and hold the cup so that we partake of it together. The purple cups are grape juice and the white are wine. Gluten-free bread is in the baking cup)

COMMUNION MUSIC “Joyfully Feast” Phil McMillan New Jersey, USA COMMUNION PRAYER


*HYMN "Here I Am Lord" Hymnal #69 California, USA *BENEDICTION

POSTLUDE “Little Prelude and Fugue in G major” Johann Krebs German * * * * * * * Worship notes: *congregation is invited to stand - Bold is to be said by congregation

PRAYING FOR OUR CHURCH FAMILY: We pray each week for members listed alphabetically in our church directory. This week: Doris VanDyke; Peter, Jane, Peter, Mark & Annette VonJaglinsky; Clarke Walker; Luke, Kacie, Brayden & Tanner Walton; George, Kerri, Gracen & Georgie Ward

PENNINGTON PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH STAFF Pastor: Nancy Mikoski-Pastor Emeritus: William McQuoid Director of Music Ministries: Megan Coiley-Organist: Donald Dolan Director of Youth Music Ministries: Phil McMillan-Bell Choir Director: Laura McMillan Seminary Interns: Christine James and Sunday Childcare: Samantha Barber Office Administrator: Jenny Valdez Treasurer: John Coats Finance Administrator: Pam Paluzzi Director of Pennington Presbyterian Nursery School: Hope Anderson Interim Director of Middle School Ministry: Lee White Interim Director of High School Ministry: Ellen White Pastoral Assistant: Rev. Dr. Nancy Schluter

6 WELCOME! We extend a warm greeting to newcomers and visitors and invite you to join fully in the life of our church. Coffee/fellowship hour is held following our service. For printed information, please stop by the Visitors Welcome Table. CHILDREN’S BIBLES are available. Please feel free to look for one for your child and take it to where you are seated. CHILDREN’S WORSHIP BAGS with paper, crayons, etc., are also available. A SPECIAL SPACE FOR PARENTS AND BABIES is available with a rocking chair and foam padding for little ones. NURSERY CARE is provided in Room 102 throughout the morning. RESERVED PARKING is available for people who must park close to our entrances. Please respect the special needs of others. IMPORTANT NOTE: We appreciate your consideration in not taking flash pictures, and silencing cell phones during the worship services, as it is disruptive to the other worshippers. Thank you.

THIS WEEK’S SCHEDULE  SUNDAY, October 6 o 9:00 am Christian Education Hour-children, youth, adults o 9:00 am Adult Choir Rehearsal-Sanctuary and Upper Titus o 10:15 am Worship Service, World Communion SUNDAY o 11:30 am Fellowship time-Upper Titus o 11:45 am Sr. High & Sunday Night Central Youth Groups -Vito’s for lunch then to the Corn Maze (3pm pickup) o 6:30 pm Mental Health Task Force o 6:30 pm Genesis Choir for Grades 2nd to 5th - Room 206  WEDNESDAY, October 9 o 9:30 am Shalom: Women’s Bible Study o 6:30 pm Gloria Deo  THURSDAY, October 10 o 6:45 pm Bell Choir Rehearsal in Upper Titus o 8:00 pm Adult Choir Rehearsal  FRIDAY, October 11 o 7:00 pm Fresh Start Al-Anon Family Group  SUNDAY, October 13 o 9:00 am Christian Education Hour-children, youth, adults o 9:00 am Adult Choir Rehearsal-Sanctuary and Upper Titus o 10:15 am Worship Service-Sanctuary o 11:30 am Fellowship time-Upper Titus o 11:45 am Sr. High Youth Group o 6:30 pm Sunday night Central Youth Group o 6:30 pm Genesis Choir for Grades 2nd to 5th -Room 206 SAVE THE DATE! CHRISTMAS OPEN HOUSE: NEW LOCATION! NEW TIME!: This year Pennington Presbyterian Church's Christmas Open House will be held on Saturday, December 14 from 2 to 5 PM at the Hopewell Grant Clubhouse. The new location will allow accessibility to all, while the new, earlier time will enable all ages to enjoy the festivities. Mark your calendars to either drop by, or stay for the duration! Stay tuned for more details.

NEXT INQUIRERS GROUP Our next Inquirers Group will meet on Sunday, October 27 from 11:45am - 2:00 pm and will include lunch. This is geared for visitors and friends of the congregation who would like to learn more about Christian faith, what Presbyterians believe and do, and about our congregation's mission and ministry. It includes a tour of the facilities and information about our programs and ways to be involved. Child care can be arranged if we know of your need in advance. Those who participate in an Inquirers Group may then decide if they would like to take the next step and become members. No pressure, just an invitation to explore faith and community. To sign up for this Inquirers Group, contact Elder Allison Neary, [email protected] or Rev. Nancy Mikoski, [email protected]

GLORIA DEO ANNOUNCEMENT Our music group for students in grades 6-12 has a new day and time: Wednesday at 6:30 PM in Upper Titus. NEW SINGERS AND INSTRUMENTALISTS ARE WELCOME.

WANT TO BUILD FRIENDSHIP AND FAITH? JOIN A SMALL GROUP! Church friends are special. They are group of people who provide encouragement and support just for you. They aren’t competing with you for the next promotion or the nicest lawn on the block, instead, they are ready to join with you on your journey of faith. Church friends listen when you ask deep, hard questions, and learn with you as you grow spiritually. If you’d like to make new friends at Pennington Presbyterian Church or strengthen relationships you already have begun, consider joining a small group. Everyone is welcome—singles, couples, pals, families with kids—there’s a group for you. Two Groups Ready to Go Friday Nighters—This group meets on Friday evenings in people’s homes, breaks bread, and discusses short readings designed to bring you in touch with your church family and your faith. Singles and couples of all ages welcome. To sign up email Barb at [email protected]

8 Sunday Morning Disciple Discussions—This group meets at 9 a.m. on Sundays in Lower Titus. The first six week topic, which began on September 22, is "Wellness". To sign up contact facilitator Allison Larthey at [email protected]. Drop-ins are welcome, too! Other Groups Forming —Our hope is to organize a group for parents and children together, and one or two weekday or evening groups that could meet at the church or in homes. A variety of topics and formats are possible. During the seasons of Epiphany and Lent there will be opportunities for home potlucks with communion, too. If you would like to host a small group, help facilitate a group, or attend a group, please contact the L'Amoreauxs, Allison Larthey, or the church office.

HOLY REDEEMER-HOPE FOR THE HOLIDAYS-BEREAVEMENT SUPPORT GROUP The holiday season can feel especially tough following the death of a loved one. You are welcome to join Holy Redeemer to tell your story of loss, find support and sharing strategies for coping. This group is designed for adults who have been bereaved a minimum of three month. It is not suited for the newly bereaved. There is no fee to attend. The group will meet at Holy Redeemer Homecare & Hospice, 2 South Gold Dr., Suite B, Hamilton NJ 08691 at 1:30-3PM on Tuesdays October 15, 22 & 29 and November 5, 12 & 19. To register, contact Matthew Corbett at 1 (609) 471-2315 | [email protected] by October 8.

THE MENTAL HEALTH TASK FORCE OF THE PENNINGTON PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH is sponsoring a special family event on Saturday, October 19 at from 3:30 - 6:00 p.m. in Upper Titus hall. We will be showing and discussing the movie Inside Out, a wonderful animated movie for all ages which explores the ways we connect to our feelings. Here is a brief summary: Growing up can be a bumpy road, and it’s no exception for Riley, who is uprooted from her Midwest life when her father starts a new job in San Francisco. Like all of us, Riley is guided by her emotions - Joy, Fear, Anger, Disgust and Sadness. The emotions live in Headquarters, the control center inside Riley’s mind, where they help advise her through everyday life. As Riley and her emotions struggle to adjust to a new life in San Francisco, turmoil ensues in Headquarters. Although Joy, Although Joy, Riley’s main and most important emotion, tries to keep things positive, the emotions conflict on how best to navigate a new city, house and school. —Pixar Come and join this family event! We will provide snacks during the movie, and we will have small group discussion of the movie afterwards.

9 FALL EXPLORATIONS CLASSES ANNOUNCED Four new classes have been announced, starting the week of October 14. This falls titles are "Legal Right to Privacy: Past. Present. Future?"; "Three Plays by Lillian Hellman"; "American Indian-Animal Relationships"; and "How Poetry Works" The first two classes will be held in the afternoons at Pennington Presbyterian Church (Monday and Tuesday, respectively), and the others are morning classes to be held at Pennington United Methodist Church (Thursday and Friday, respectively.) Go to hvsfsenior.org for class and registration information, or call 609-737-0863 to register. The first class is $40 and each additional course is only $20 more. Payments are by check

VOLUNTEER FOR THE WORSHIP LEADERSHIP TEAM Rev. Mikoski is forming a group of volunteers from the congregation, members or friends, adults, teens, and children age seven and up, to assist with worship. A schedule will be created and volunteers will be provided their parts and supported throughout. Would you like to give it a try? Our worship experience is enhanced by the gifts of many people. Speak with Ginny Manzer or Rev. Nancy Mikoski - Pastor’s email: [email protected]

PRAYING FOR PEOPLE OF THE WORLD ONE COUNTRY AT A TIME – (Togolese Republic) This week we are praying for Togo (Togolese Republic), located in Western Africa. It is a long and narrow country bordered by Ghana on the west, Benin on the east, and Burkina Faso on the north. It also has a short coastal region on the Gulf of Guinea, where the capital of Lomé is located. Togo has gently rolling savanna in the north, and hills and low plains dotted by extensive lagoons and marshes in the central region. The highest point is Mont Agou at 3,253 feet. The most recent estimate of the population is 8.2 million. On the of Togo, the five horizontal stripes stand for the five different regions of the country; the red square is meant to express the loyalty and patriotism of the people; the color green symbolizes hope, fertility, and agriculture, while yellow represents mineral wealth and faith that hard work and strength will bring prosperity. The symbolizes life, purity, peace, dignity, and Togo's independence. The colors in this flag use the popular Pan-African colors of Ethiopia. From the 16th century to the 18th century, the coastal region was a major trading center for Europeans to search for slaves, earning Togo and the surrounding region the name “The Slave Coast”. After it was already a German colony, Togo was conquered by Anglo-French forces at the start of World War I in 1914, and then divided into British in the west and in the east. In 1956, British Togoland joined what the following year became the independent state of Ghana, the former Gold Coast. The remainder became independent Togo in 1960. Today the official language for commerce is French. Not many tourists visit Togo as the main national parks are more accessible in Ghana. Koutammouko, the Land of the Batammariba is a cultural landscape designated as a UNESCO World Heritage Site in northern Togo. The area features traditional mud tower-houses which remain the preferred style of living. Fufu is a traditional food item of Togo is made from yam. The yam is first boiled and mashed to make a dough. Togolese historically carry goods on their heads. The two major indigenous local languages in the south of Togo are Ewe and Mina, and in the north are Kabye and Dagomba. Life expectancy is about 65.8 years, and the literacy rate is still relatively low, with a significant gap between men and women (male - 77.3%; female - 51.2%.) The religious mix is: Christian - 43.7%, folk - 35.6%, Muslim - 14%, and none - 6.2%. Togo is among the smallest countries in Africa, and enjoys one of the highest standards of living on the continent because of its valuable phosphate deposits (used in the production of fertilizers for agriculture) and a well-developed export sector based on agricultural products that earn about 30% of their export income from the sale of coffee, cocoa bean, and peanuts (groundnuts). While the Sports Ministry named volleyball as the national sport, cricket is most popular and soccer is the other favorite. Togo has produced some noteworthy sportsmen like boxer Zafrou Balloqou, who was considered one of the top in the super middleweight division in the 1990s, and tennis player Gérard Loglo, who carried the Togolese flag in the 1999 Davis Cup. Togo earned its first Olympic medal in the 2008 Summer Games when Benjamin Boukpeti took the third place in kayaking. Wild animals are not found in great numbers, especially in the southern and central regions. There are a few lions, leopards, and elephants left in the north. Monkeys, snakes, and lizards are numerous in many areas, and crocodiles and hippopotamuses are plentiful in the rivers. In the Keran Forest Reserve in the north, there are wild herds of buffalo, asses, warthogs, antelope, and deer. Togo has some challenges: International Disputes -- In 2001, Benin claimed Togo moved boundary monuments so a joint commission continues to resurvey the boundary. Talks about funding the Adjrala hydroelectric dam on the Mona River also continue between these countries. Overall Concerns -- Togo has set reducing birth rates, boosting job creation, and improving education as goals to help reduce the high poverty rate. They eliminated primary school enrollment fees in 2008, which lead to higher enrollment but increased pressure on limited classroom space, teachers, and materials. It has a good chance of achieving universal primary education, but educational quality, the underrepresentation of girls, and the low rate of enrollment in secondary and tertiary schools remain concerns. Environmental concerns -- Slash-and-burn agriculture leads to deforestation and the use of wood for fuel is degrading their small remaining rain forest. Desertification and water pollution present health hazards and hinders the fishing industry and increases urban air pollution. Illicit drugs – Togo is a transit hub for Nigerian heroin and cocaine traffickers, but for now money laundering is not a significant problem. The Presbyterian Church (USA) partners with the Evangelical Presbyterian Church of Togo, the largest Protestant denomination. World Mission has been working with the church to develop and support partnerships that will work to address Critical Global Initiatives in evangelism and global poverty.

Church Office: (609) 737-1221, #10 Email: [email protected] www.pennpres.org www.Facebook.com/pennpres