Paul’s Third Missionary Journey - Part 5 (covers Acts 18:23 - 21:16)


______- :1-2 ​ ● KEY: The Lord used ______generated by unsaved men for His glory and ​ ​ ​ purposes. ● SCRIPTURE: It was during this time that ______was written. ​ ​ ​ ● Paul was concerned about the situation in Corinth. He seemed to make his way up the coast to Troas, crossed over to Phillipi, and then headed to Corinth. He didn’t tarry long at Troas. Paul was hoping that Titus would have some news from Corinth. ○ 2 Cor. 12:12-13 ● Paul didn’t meet Titus until he reached Macedonia. ○ 2 Cor. 7:5-7

______- Acts 20:3-5 ​ ● After Paul visited the Macedonian churches (Philippi, Thessalonica, Berea), he came to (more specifically, Achaia). Paul would have made his way back to Corinth. ○ 1 Cor. 4:19 ● SCRIPTURE: It was during this time that ______was written. ​ ​ ​

(Paul’s Co-labourers) - Acts 20:4 ● Aristarchus ○ A Macedonian from Thessalonica - Acts 27:2 ​ ○ ______with Paul - Colossians 4:10 ​ ​ ○ ______with Paul - Philemon 1:24 ​ ​ ● Gaius ○ From Derbe - Acts 20:4 ​ ○ Baptized by Paul - 1 Corinthians 1:14 ​ ○ Persecuted at Ephesus - Acts 19:29 ​ ○ Hosted the Apostle Paul - Romans 16:23 ​ ○ Loved by John - 3 John 1-3 ​ ● Secundus ○ Only mention is Acts 20:4 ○ Name means “fortunate” ● Sopater of Berea ○ From Berea ○ Romans 16:21 ● Tychicus ○ A beloved ______and faithful ______- Ephesians 6:21 ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ○ ...and fellowservant - Colossians 4:7 ​ ○ Trustworthy to be given responsibility - 2 Timothy 4:12, Titus 3:12 ​ ​ ​ ● Trophimus ○ An Ephesian - Acts 21:29 ​ ○ Attached with Paul by the Jews in Jerusalem - Acts 21:29 ​ ○ Was sick and Paul left behind - 2 Timothy 4:20 ​ ■ Side Note: proof that the Apostolic Gifts of healing has ceased! ​ ● KEY: Ministry runs on the rails of ______! ​ ​ ​ ○ Who are your co-labourers? Who are you co-labouring with?

______- Acts 20:6-12 ​ ● SCRIPTURE: It was during this time that ______was written ​ ​ ​ ● The ______- v.7-8 ​ ​ ○ KEY: The early church had established the ______day of the week as for formal ​ ​ ​ meeting and worship. ○ This was the day in which the Lord Jesus Christ has appeared to His disciples. ■ John 20:19-29 ● The ______- v.9-12 ​ ​ ○ How to see the DEAD raised to LIFE: (Great picture of salvation) ■ Paul ______DOWN (to him) ​ ​ ● Sometimes you have to come down out of the pulpit to see real resurrection in the lives of people ■ Paul ______on him ​ ​ ● Similar to other ministry leaders in the Bible: ○ Elijah & the dead son of the woman of Serepta - 1 Kings 17:21 ○ Elisha & the dead son of the Shunammite - 2 Kings 4:34 ○ Jesus - Mark 5:39, , Luke 7:12-15, Luke 8:52 ■ Paul ______him ​ ​ ● Ecc. 3:5 ○ Eutychus was RAISED from the DEAD!

ASSOS, MITYLENE, CHIOS, , TROGYLLIUM & ______- Acts 20:13-15 ​ ​ ● KEY: ______now included himself back in the narrative - “WE”, “US” ​ ​ ​ ○ Luke was left in Philippi to oversee the new church established there during Paul’s second missionary journey - Acts 16:12, Acts 16:40, Acts 17:1 ​ ​ ​ ● Paul went by foot while the others went by sea from Troas to . (~20 miles by foot, about ​ ​ ​ ​ 35 miles by sea). This would have given Paul a day by himself. ○ Jesus at times put his disciples in a ship, and went alone - Mark 6:45-47 ​ ○ KEY: Leaders need time ______… ​ ​ ​ ● Acts 20:16-17 ○ Paul chose to deliberately NOT stop at Ephesus - he was determined to get to Jerusalem for Pentecost. While at , he calls for the elders (pastors) of Ephesus to come down and meet him there for a “leadership retreat”. ○ Miletus would have been about 30 miles from Ephesus. ● KEY: Invest in ______, and leaders can invest in their churches! ​ ​ ​