Institute of Mineralogy

TU Bergakademie Freiberg

Rough Beauty. As much as the Japanese Sea is heaving in this picture, as wild was the year 2013 for our institute. The picture has been taken at the western edge of the Oga Peninsula in Akita Prefecture (Honshu), impressively shaped by young volcanic rocks (Quaternary). Annual Report 2013

2 Annual Report 2013

And this is what you will discover in the next few pages:

Institute, University and City ...... 3 Current issues in and around Freiberg in 2013 ...... 3 A review of regional history ...... 3 Institute and Working Groups ...... 4 BHMZ ...... 4 SMSB ...... 4 A team’s trip ...... 5 Prolongation of the guest professorship for Stefan Norra ...... 5 WG Applied and General Mineralogy ...... 6 WG Geochemistry and Geoecology (Earth System Science) ...... 8 WG Mineral Resources and Petrology ...... 11 News from the Labs ...... 11 WG Geoscientific Collections ...... 15 Our Team (permanent staff and the enhancement) ...... 18 Outlook to 2014 ...... 19 Annex ...... 20 Publications in refereed journals and book contributions 2013 ...... 20 Other publications 2013 ...... 21 Research projects and contracts 2013 ...... 25 Qualification works 2013 ...... 27 Prizes and Awards 2013 ...... 28 Oral presentations and organisation of scientific events 2013 ...... 28 Other activities 2013 ...... 34

As always, this annual report shall also serve and with warm greetings as a Thank You to all friends of the institute, who accompanied us this year and/or others and supported us.

Impressum. The individual working groups (WG), and generally the Director of the Institute of Mineralogy, Prof. Dr. Gerhard Heide, are responsible for all content. Contact: Institut für Mineralogie, Brennhausgasse 14, D-09599 Freiberg; Tel: 03731 – 39 2628, Fax: 03731 – 39 3129; E-Mail: [email protected]

Sources (other than the content per se): Various press releases from the PR department of TU Bergakademie Freiberg and for the historical data: Wagenbreth O, Pohl N, Kaden H, Volkmer R (2008) Die Technische Universität Bergakademie Freiberg und ihre Geschichte. 2. ed. 345 p. (Thank you!). Photographs, if not indicated otherwise, are © Jörg Matschullat. This issue contains 37 pages.

Institute of Mineralogy – Annual Report 2013 3

Institute of Mineralogy – 2013

Institute, University and City Current issues in and around Freiberg in 2013. Once again, the year 2013 was a year of busy con- struction and building, renovations and restorations for the city of Freiberg. It is not only our guests, who will appreciate this – at last once the noise and detours become history. And there were lots of big parties, among them celebrating 300 years of the term sustain- ability, coined in Freiberg ... Right: Prof. Christof Mauch, Director of the "Rachel Carson Center for Environment and Society" at the Ludwig- Maximilians-University in Munich, keynote speaker at „300 Years Sustainability“ in Freiberg. Photo: Detlev Müller

A review of regional history. Odd, nobody celebrated that one: our university slept over its 20th Anniversary as an officially nominated Technical University. It was only in the year 1993 that our alma mater fribergensis was bestowed with this title. Until then (and for many until today still) it is just the Bergakademie (Mining Academy). But first things first ... At the time of the first full bloom of the Freiberg mining activities, the Freiberg Mining Law was first mentioned in 1233. In 1423, Margrave Friedrich der Streitbare received the Duke- dom Sachsen-Wittenberg and with it the electoral dignity. Thus the term Electorate of Saxo- ny became known for all lands of the Wettin family. Dr. Ulrich Rülein von Calw died in 1523 (even back then, Freiberg experienced “Swabian imports” and had no reason to be ashamed of them). The man was in the city council and at times councilman and even mayor. In 1500, he published the first montanistic textbook in the German language, entitled „Ein nützlich Bergbüchlein“ (a useful montanistic booklet). In the year of his death, Adam Ries took up his new job as mining officer in Annaberg-Buchholz. Balthasar Rösler, a Bohemian mining sur- veyor, working in Freiberg, invented the Hängekompass in 1633 (picture r.). Ten years later, Freiberg survives almost without harm the besiegement by Swedish troops under the guidance of General Lennart Torstensson. The “Man- ufaktur für le- onische Waren” (fabrication of silver and gold thread- based items) opened in 1693 in Freiberg, run by the Nu- remberg tradesman Thomas Weber. In the same year, the „Ausführliche Berginformation“ (extensive mining infor- mation) is published by the Freiberg Chief Mining Officer and reformer of mining, Abraham von Schönberg. 300 Years of „Nachhaltigkeit“ (sustainability) were commemorated in 2013 at many places and many times because the book „Sylvicultura oeconomica“ appeared 1713 in Leipzig, written by the Freiberg Chief Mining Officer Hannß Carl von Carlowitz. The govern- ment of the Elector of Friedrich August I, named August the Strong, ended in 1733. He had led Saxony to its historical prime as a European power. In the same year, the Freiberg medical doctor and mining officer Johann Friedrich Henckel installed the famous Laboratorium für Probierkunde – a predecessor of modern analytical geochemistry. The 1713-born Christlieb Ehregott Gellert was appointed teacher for metallurgical chemistry in Freiberg in the year 1753, and later filled the first professorship of metallurgy. Gottfried Sil- bermann from Frauenstein near Freiberg, the famous Baroque organ builder, died ten years later. Our city guards four of his organs, all of them actively in use. Shortly thereafter, the Seven-Year War raged until 1763, leading to the definite end of the Saxon-Polish Union. In the same year, Friedrich Anton von Heynitz was appointed General Mining Commissioner 4 Annual Report 2013

and Friedrich Wilhelm von Oppel Chief Mining Officer – both founding fathers of the Bergakademie Freiberg. 1813 was the year of the „Völkerschlacht“ (Battle of Leipzig), with many commemorative events. And that battle brought Napoleon back to Saxony; he resided in Freiberg before on his march East. The first steam engine was put to work in 1823 in the Roch-Bucherschen Spinning Factory. Another ten years later, Saxony became part of the Deutsche Zollverein (German Customs Union). The first turbine has been used as of 1843 in Saxon mining. The element indium (In) was discovered in 1863 by the Freiberg chemists Ferdinand Reich and Theodor Richter. The first Freiberg group of the Social Democratic Par- ty was founded in 1873. In the same year, the local silver coins were taken out of traffic with the united monetary union in the German Reich. The Freiberg mining activities come to a planned end between 1893 and 1913. And in 1913 the Elite Motorenwerke AG started their vehicle production in the neighbouring town Brand-Erbisdorf (today, only the beautiful old factory premises remind passer-byes of those glorious days). Ten years before, in 1903, the Bergakademie received the right to bestow the title “Diplom-Ingenieur”. In this year, the cav- ern power plant Dreibrüderschacht between Freiberg and Brand-Erbisdorf started working. Twenty-nine dead were to be mourned in 1923, the year of the Munich coup by Adolf Hitler: victims of an encounter between hunger-driven demonstrators and the military (Reichswehr) on the Freiberg Postplatz – supposedly there was no memorial activity in Freiberg in this year, either. Ten years later, Hitler was elected as Chancellor of the Reich. On January 31, a large demonstration of the Freiberg NSDAP took place, and on March 02 already, leading communists were being arrested. On June 17, workers of the Freiberg Zinc-smelter demon- strate, in parallel with the big demonstrations in Berlin and in the same year as the show trial against the Freiberg Mining professor Otto Fleischer at the Highest Court of GDR. In 1993 Freiberg had 46.027 inhabitants – today we count an official 40.083 (2012). The year 1993 also saw the first Saxon Law for Universities (August 04), which declared Freiberg a Tech- nical University (see above).

Institute and Working Groups

BHMZ. The Biohydrometallurgical Centre Freiberg for Strategic Elements is the latest Krüger-College of our university ( It was officially launched in May 2013. This time, all three working groups of our institute are jointly involved. The big project want no less that to find new ideas and solutions about the future of mining, ore dressing and smelting of non-ferrous metals in an environmentally friendly, yet efficient manner. At the same time, a very decent number of doctoral students will be receiving their education and training – and benefit from the many additional offers available within the Krüger-College. While still at the beginning, we are very much aware of the various other groups worldwide, who aim at similar challenges with creativity and engagement – we try to do our best and contribute our share. SMSB (Strategic Metals and Minerals from Saxon Mine Heaps and Tailings). Within this BMBF-joint research project, four tailings deposits have been drilled in January 2013 with one borehole each and sampled ( The investiga- tions aim at a deeper assessment of the reusable material potential and at technological so- lutions to use it, while at the same time renaturating the mining legacy in an environmentally appropriate and economic fashion. The project is under the guidance of the WG Economic Geology and Pe- trology with Dr. Inga Osbahr taking the key responsibil- ity for this group’s activities. The other two working groups, Mineralogy and Geochemistry, are equal part- ners. Further support comes from Philipp Büttner from the Helmholtz-Institute Freiberg for Resource Technol- ogy, who coordinates the project that has already stirred quite some attention in . Right: Test drill on the Tiefenbach deposit in Altenberg in February 2013 (© TU Bergakademie Freiberg; photo: Mario Köhler) Institute of Mineralogy – Annual Report 2013 5

A Team’s Trip. Everyone of us, who was able to walk (and could afford the time) came along on September 04 to a truly interesting and fun excursion day. The first destination was the Glückauf shaft with the mining museum Mehren in Käbschütztal, where kaolin and clays have been mined and processed for the porcelain, chemical, pharmaceutical and construc- tion industries. The shaft had been dug in 1925 to a depth of ca. 20 m. Today, all mining takes place above ground. Following this highly interesting and inspiring visit, and after a short bus trip, we took a larger hike from and to the State Wine Cellars of Wackerbarth. Through the vineyards and the beautiful city of Radebeul, we enjoyed the opportunity to lei- surely discuss all of those things that too often get neglected in daily routines and to meet new faces (e.g., guest doctoral students and Post-Docs). The photos below give a taste.

Prolongation of the guest professorship for Stefan Norra. Stefan is a geoecologist and environmental mineralogist (picture at right). His focus lies in the analysis of element budgets in ecosys- tems. He works on urban ecology, agricultural soils, waters quality, air pollution and microclimate at the interfaces with environmental health and ecosystem services. His projects lead Stefan through Germany, France and Eastern as well as southeastern Asia ( He heads a group on Environmental Mineralogy and Environmental Systems Analysis at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) and teaches Soil Chemistry and Urban Ecology in Freiberg since 2011/12. His optional (!) courses, albeit blocked, find so much positive feed- back from the students that they opted for a prolongation – which was happily granted by both Faculty and Rectorate.

„Im Grunewald ist Holzauktion ...“. These following photos below are not from a Berlin forest as in the song, but were recently taken in our institute’s garden ...

“How sustainable this action my have been” is a question, many of us are musing about.

6 Annual Report 2013

WG Applied and General Mineralogy Four bursaries from the National University for Mineral Resources (Mining Institute) in St. Petersburg, Russia, worked for six months with us since September 2013. Their stay has been supported by DAAD and related co-financing via the Russian Lomonossov as well as university stipends. They thus extend a long tradition of mutual exchange of junior scientists between the Mineralogy professors of both institutions. In this year of the 240th anniversary of our partner university in St. Petersburg, a recod number of four bursaries were successful applicants. The Freiberg mineralogists congratulate their Russian colleagues warmly on the occasion of the jubilee on November 01. Anna Kurguzova investigates the Russian tin deposit “Severnij”, located in the extreme northeast on the shores of the icy seas of Tschukotka. Anna studies the main ore mineral cassiterite in more detail. There is a long-standing tradition of such works at TU Bergakade- mie Freiberg, currently represented by Dr. Ulf Kempe. During her stay, Anna takes a closer look at the characteristic of cassiterite with cathode luminescence. She performed her stud- ies largely at the new scanning electron microscope, jointly used with the Institute of Geolo- gy. Another focus is dedicated to the inclusion of water and iron; using infrared spectroscopy and colour analysis. In respect to cathode luminescence studies, Freiberg is a worldwide respected centre of expertise. Maria Machevariany studies another Russian tin deposit in the far east of her country near the Chinese border. The “Urmi” deposit is seen as one of the World’s largest tin ore potentials and has not been mined yet. The investigations follow a radically different path as compared with Anna Murguzova’s work. The widely spread, yet mostly lowly concentrated mineral zir- cone is in the focus of Maria’s studies. Zircone is often used on the geosciences as a natural “clock” to determine the age of various geological formations. Thus Maria aims at presenting the first age determinations for the Urmi zircones; to be performed at the isotopic laboratory under the guidance of Prof. Dr. Marion Tichomirowa. In addition, special zircone characteris- tics such as crystal shape and chemical composition are to be determined in detail.

Jointly with Prof. Tichomirowa (front left) and Prof. Götze (2. from left, 2. row), Prof. Heide (right) welcomes the young Russian scientists (f.l.t.r.) Yury Nefedov, Anna Kurguzova, Anton Popov and Maria Machevariany from St. Petersburg and congratulates the guests on behalf of the 240th anniversary of their university. Yury Nefedov. There is one type of diamonds, known worldwide, of which we do neither know where they formed nor how, since they have occurred in placer deposits only. This type, so-called Brazil-Ural-diamonds, are the topic of Yury’s work. Using infrared spectrosco- py under the guidance for Margitta Hengst, information on the nitrogen content within the diamonds should become available. The reasons for varying colours shall also be elucidated in Yury’s studies. Very thin slices had been cut out of the diamonds in Russia already, to enable related studies. Anton Popov. The upper reaches of the Jenissej River developed in recent years as one the most important gold mining regions of Russia. In his PhD dissertation, Anton performed de- Institute of Mineralogy – Annual Report 2013 7

tailed studies on the geological position of one of these deposits. This work was continued and enhanced during his stay in Freiberg. Within the “Zolotoe” deposit, gold occurs as so- called “free gold” or, as geologists address it, as “native gold”. The chemical composition of the gold may contain valuable hints on the formation conditions of the deposit. Accompany- ing sulphides shall be studied in addition, using light and electron microscopy. ELSA (Annia Greif*). The study to characterise the pollutant input from the Mulde region mining areas into the Elbe River was finished successfully. Starting from the pollutant poten- tial of Elbe river sediments that continuously contribute to strain biota, overbank soils and the North Sea, the City of Hamburg and the Hamburg Port Authority launched the project ELSA – Pollutant Remediation Elbe Sediments – in 2010. It aimed at initiating and supporting measures to improve the pollution situation of the Elbe ans its sediments (http://www.elsa- The study to characterise pollutant inputs from the ore mining regions of the Mulde catchment was the first one to be supported by BSU Hamburg to the benefit of our institute.

Top: Freiberg Mulde at the “Altväter” bridge at low, high and extremely high discharge In the early 1990’s already, the Mulde River was identified as a relevant tributary to the Elbe in respect to its pollutant load. Even today, it still presents an important – and mainly geogenic – source of various trace elements (see pictures above). Inputs from the Erzgebirge ore mining travel via the two tributaries Freiberger and Zwickauer Mulde into the Vereinigte Mulde and addi- tional waters reach the Elbe via the Rothschönberger Stolln and Triebisch River (see pictures below). The focus of our project lay in the evaluation and interpretation of substantial data that were gathered over the past years for various questions by state agencies and consultant In addition; we performed some new investigations on element behaviour under high discharge conditions and the supply potential.

Top: Rösche (discharge tunnel) of the Rothschönberger Stolln at medium and high water levels The contents of toxic elements in water and sediments of the Mulde catchment are still high and often exceed the official thresholds (EU-WFD) for dissolved cadmium and particulate arsenic. Over time, a concentration decrease was noticeable. Major remediation actions have been done in the main polluted areas of Freiberg and Aue-Schlema by Saxonia mbH and Wismut GmbH, respectively; nevertheless, a certain pollutant export level remains. Point sources can be estimated, yet explain only a fraction of the observed freight increases at some river stretches. Flood events lead to concentration peaks, particularly of particle-bound pollutants. The bonding and distribution behaviour of the elements is crucial for the retention in sinks. Next to the Mulde reservoir, the Eibenstock reservoir in the upper reaches of the Zwickau Mulde act as pollutant sinks. *Annia Greif since 1.08.2013: Wismut GmbH, Jagdschänkenstr. 29, 09117 Chemnitz, Germany; fon 0371-8120-257; email: [email protected] 8 Annual Report 2013

WG Geochemistry and Geoecology (Earth System Science) 2013 delivered some very successfully defended PhD theses. On January 25, Dipl.-Geoecol. Anne Schucknecht defended her thesis on soil chemistry, land-use and climate change in northeastern Brazil. Today, Anne works at the “European Commission Joint Research Cen- tre” in Ispra on the Lago di Maggiore. Dipl.-merchant (!) Andreas Hoy came next; his defense on May 24 became a particular highlight. The referees Dr. Christoph Beck (Univ. Augsburg), Prof. Dr. Hartmut Graßl (Max-Planck-Institute for Meteorology in Hamburg), Prof. Dr. Jaak Jaagus (Univ. Tartu, Estonia) and Jörg Matschullat as doctoral father had all rated this work as very good (the prerequisite for an excellent final mark, if the defense itself justifies this ultimate rating). Andreas’ outstanding oral presentation, entitled “Variability of atmospheric circulation and its relation to climate” attracted a large audience – and the subsequent de- fense was so impressive that he received the very rare rating “excellent” (summa cum laude). Thereafter, Andreas “fled” into Bhutan and could establish a new study course for Environmental and Climate Research, which is supposed to start in 2014. Just before the end of the year, on December 16, Dipl.-Geoecol. Juliane Bernhardt defended her similarly very demanding work on lake physics, entitled “Rotation-affected internal seiches and its effects on transport through the sediment-water interface”, which was done in close collabo- ration with the Leibniz Institute for Lake Research and Fisheries in Berlin. All three former candidates set new standards for the 2014 candidates, who are already busy preparing themselves. ALL-Africa. This interesting small project, again in close collaboration with the IGB, and in- ternally a tight cooperation between the groups of Mineralogy and Geochemistry/Geoecology studied the question, whether recent lake sediments from arid basins with lesser flamingos (photo left; with strongly decreas- ing populations), are a signal for contamination or ecological degradation from the perspective of mineralogy and geochem- istry. The question could be answered within the Master thesis of Katharina Großer: the sediments are not contaminated and it is more likely external influences such as physical disturb- ances and decreasing distance to human settlements that threaten the flamingo populations. BLITSN. Parts of Saxony belong to those regions in Germany with the highest density of lightning occurences and the highest strike intensities. Even the absolute maximum lies in our Free State. Will this situation change with regional climate change? Lightning and thun- derstorms are energy and temperature dependent – and the surface temperatures in Saxony increase above average. While there are certain tendencies that could support such a hy- poithesis, we must admit that the available observation time period (14 years) with the Sie- mens BLIDS system is too short for a comprehensive (and robust) answer. Nevertheless, Anne Schucknecht and Jörg Matschullat were able to lay the foundations for a lightning cli- matology for Saxony (and earlier Thuringia with Bianca Fielder); to be published soon. GEMAS. On December 4, the new GEMAS atlas by EuroGeoSurveys on the pedogeochem- istry of agriculturally used soils of all Europe was presented at FAO in Rome. We had to stay home and will have to do some homework until 2014, since something had been neglected: the quantitative analysis of this most valuable sampling set for the macronutrients carbon, nitrogen and sulfur. We are looking forward to the first public results in January 2014, when the highly engaged Master student (M.Sc.) Débora dos Santos Carvalho will defend her re- lated thesis. See also GREGASO. What had been seen by the German Science Foundation (DFG) as not worth supporting, attracted the attention of the Air Liquide Foundation: our ideas on the develop- ment of a new technique to measure soil emissions, here mostly greenhouse gases (GHG) ( Mean- while, the technique, developped mainly by doctoral student Cornelius Oertel with substantial support from our great Faculty workshop, functions not only in Saxony, but has demonstrat- ed its usability in semiarid tropical environments. We built two variants, a very robust version Institute of Mineralogy – Annual Report 2013 9

of a static closed chamber system that needs no electricity from the net chamber system (dynamic in respect to CO2-measurements) and a fully automated dynamic closed chamber. The latter needs electricity and more maintenance. Both serve not only the quantiative de- termination and flux calculation of GHG, but allow application for e.g., hydrocarbon explora- tion and the detection of underground leakages of technical appliaces and transport systems. We hope to be able to continue this very successful work, for quite a while also supported by doctoral student Kamal Zurba, in 2014.

Left: Kamal Zurba sets up the chamber system at the INPE testsite and installs a soil T-sensor. Centre: Prof. Dr. Judith Hoelzemann (UFRN) controls the external sensors. Right: Kamal explains the set up and our software development to Dr. Hendrik Elbern (Univ. Cologne and FZ Jülich) REGKLAM. The rather big BMBF joint research project in the framework of the federal KLIMZUG initiative comes to and end with 2013 ( Six PhD students in our group alone, numerous publications, including a book edited under the guidance of Stephanie Hänsel, and countless reports later, we did learn quite a bit: on the hydrological behaviour of urban and near-city biogeotopes under the influence of climate change (which meteorologically translates in our region mainly into shifts of precipitation frequencies and intensities as well as temperature profiles (Daniel Leistner and Sabine Tesch); on a better understanding of the physics and the chemistry of grain-size differentiated urban and rural aerosols, also under projected conditions of various assumed futures (Silvia Leise); on a deeper physical understanding and on the behaviour of large-scale weather patterns and its consequences in the past, at present, and in some foreseeable future (Andreas Hoy); on the behaviour of extreme weather conditions (mainly drought and extreme precipitation) in the same time frames (Stephanie Hänsel and Wiebke Miketta); and, also coupled with REGKLAM, yet independent, on the dynamic reaction of biomes and the differenciation of this reaction between climate change and land-use-related changes (Anne Schucknecht), and on the physical and chemical behaviour (inorganic and organic) of fog, differentiated by interstitial aerosol and the liquid phase (Stephanie Schüttauf). The latter and still ongoing work would be impossible without the generous support and collaboration with the Leibniz Institute for Troposphere Research (IfT) in Leipzig and the DBU. As a bottomline we may say, that climate change-related risks in our region are rather underrated still, likely because individual extreme events and risk probabilities are difficult to communicate to the public. VeLuDeClim-NEB and BraSol-2010. As the brainchild of a conference meeting in June 2012 and the “mother” project BraSol-2010, we developped jointly with Dr. Stefan Erasmi (Göttingen University) the DAAD-suppoted pilot project Vegetation, Land-use, Desertification and Climate Change in North Eastern Brazil. This enables us to invite colleagues from the federal universities of Natal (Rio Grande do Norte) and Campina Grande (Paraíba) to Freiberg and Göttingen, and to work in Brazil ourselves. Thus, Anne Schucknecht, Anne Müller (Scratinha), Anne Marie de Grosbois and Jörg Matschullat traveled in February to the extreme Brazilian northeast. We aimed at a representative soil sampling in the interior region Seridó in the central south of Rio Grande do Norte, where serious desertification tendencies are reported from that supposedly are a result of regional climate change. Together with our colleagues, professors Reinaldo Petta, Mario Pereira da Silva (both UFRN) and Marx Bar- bosa (UFCG), we organized a well-attended workshop, before heading by rental cars for almost three weeks into the Caatinga biome. In parallel, and thanks to the enormous en- 10 Annual Report 2013

gagement of professors Judith Hoelzemann (UFRN) and Marcio Furukawa (UFERSA in An- gicos), we were able to successfully obtain some aerosol test samples using two of our new- ly developed low volume samplers (LVS). A special Thank You to the teams of Judith, Mar- cio and João Gualberto (INPE). By now we assume that is is land-use changes and not cli- mate change that have led to decreased soil fertility and salinization. We expect more certainty by additional works, planned for 2014.

Left: Marcio Furukawa and JMT setting up the LVS at the UFERSA site in Angicos. Centre: Drilling in northeastern-Brazil comes with a price. Right: the female drill team WWDACC. This acronym stands for the book title ‘Why we disagree about climate change’ by Mike Hulme, former director of the Tyndall Centre for Climate Change Research in Eng- land. The book is – in the eyes of Jörg Matschullat – one of the most differentiated and wise discussions on the topic climate change ever written. It deserves special mentioning that Mike Hulme does not primarily address scientists here (he is a wellknown atmospheric phys- icist himself), but a much wider, educated audience. His approach is multidisciplinary and in principle transferable (in respect to key hypotheses) on practically all major conflict topics of our time. This probably enticed the eight Master students Danny Arnold, Ronny Badeke, Erik Donner, Valentin Garbe, Stephan Lenk, Friderike Klos, Anne Müller, and Berit Schult to joint- ly with and under the guidance of Stephanie Hänsel and Jörg Matschullat translate the book for the German-speaking world. It shall appear in March 2014 under the title ‘Streitfall Klima- wandel oder warum es für die größte Herausforderung keine einfachen Lösungen gibt’ at oekom Publishers, Munich. Sportive high performance was also part of the 2013 succeses. Dipl.-Geoecologist and doc- toral student Cornelius Oertel convinced not only in his research work on soil emission of greenhouse gases (GREGASO) but in the triathlon on June 29 at the Kober valley reservoir. Cornelius won the competition as Saxon Vice University Champion with 1:07:11. We are proud of Cornelius and congratulate.

WG Economic Geology and Petrology Hybrid Lithium winning. This 2-year BMBF joint research project ended in early 2013. After Sören Rode having left us for Brisbane, Kai Bachmann pulled his weight. The project could be finished successfully with the university and industry partners involved.

Geology and metallogeny of In und Ge-deposits in the Erzgebirge and comparative studies worldwide (BHMZ project 1). I. & O. Chaplygin, M. Yudovskaya, as well as TS, took part in the expedition to the Kudriavyi volcano on the Kuril islands (01.07. to 01.08.2013) in cooperation with the IGEM Moscow. Left: volcanic dome: fumarole activity to 880°C (As-Pb-In-minerals); Centre: Re-Feld: high-T fumarole activity (Re + Mo, In?); Right: Mo-field: Cu-As-Pb-Mo(-In?)-mineralisation T = 550°C (phot. TS) Institute of Mineralogy – Annual Report 2013 11

Ore dating. Jointly with the German Geological Survey (BGR) in Hannover, doctoral student Jörg Ostendorf develops direct dating options for ore minerals. With Dr. Henjes-Kunst (BGR), this project focusses on the Rb-Sr dating of sphalerite. Important examples that could be dated successfully include the hydrothermal gangues of the Freiberg mining district and the Jabali deposit in Yemen. The latter is seens as the most important silver mine of the an- tique Arab world. This was done in collaboration with professor Maria Boni (Naples Universi- ty, Italy) and supported by the German Science Foundation (DFG). In addition, the WG runs a sequence of directly industry-fianced research projects with prom- inent partners such as Anglo American, Boliden, KGHM, K+S, LKAB, Rockwood Lithium (earlier Chemetall), Solarword and Vergenoeg Fluorspar. The collaboration with K+S is the youngest success story. And the group keeps growing: Anja Dabrowski (WM) works since May 01 at a geological deposit model of the Calvörde wedge with special emphasis on the lithofacies of the potash seam Ronnenberg. Anne Engler (WM) deals with the geology and tectonics in the Werra potash region – a contribution to sustainable deposit usage; and Matthias Bauer (WM) is busy as of October 1 with the ‘Geology and metallogeny of indium and germanium deposits in the Erzgebirge and areas for comparison worldwide’. Freiberg Short Course in Economic Geology. For the 12th time already, this compact course took place in December 2013. Unique within in Europa, the course focussed this time on ‘Granite-related Mineral Systems’. The number of applicants far exceeded the possible number of places of our large lecture hall in the Werner-Bau – we had to restrict the total number to 125. The participants came from 17 countries and represented five continents – a new record for this course that meanwhile has taken a firm position in the calendars of eco- nomic geologists worldwide. The picture below shows the participants along the staircase of our institute.

12 Annual Report 2013

News from the Laboratories One of the strength of our institute certainly lies in the joint discussion of research content (where it applies) and of shared laboratory infrastructures. While we do have clearly defined responsibilities for each individual laboratory, it is a pleasant naturalness to use all resources together.

Analytical Geochemistry (Dr. Alexander Pleßow). Two young Lab technicians were edu- cated over the past three years by Thurit Tschöpe and the colleagues of the geochemical labs with additional help from others in our institute, the Chemical Institutes and the Institute of Energy Processing and Chemical Engineering. Jennifer Glanz finished her education ear- lier than anticipated in July and was honoured as the best of her year by the Chamber of Industry and Commerce IHK in Chemnitz. We are very happy that she may keep working with us, now in the Isotope Lab. Jule Lehnert has taken her theo- ry exam in December, to be followed by the prac- tical finals in January 2014. We keep our fingers crossed for her and are confident that she will do well. She will likely work in the Institute of Energy Processing and Chemical Engineering as a chemical lab technician thereafter. Jennifer Glanz (left) and Jule Lehnert preparing a round robin test (photo: GB) Since early in 2013, the labs sport a total reflection XRF, the Bruker S2 Picofox, with a mo- lybdenum tube and a 10 mm² silicon-drift-detector. The advantages of this system in compar- ison with other XRF techniques lie in the largely matrix-independent options, since X- radiation does not penetrate the samples and in the very low amount of sample mass need- ed – one droplet is sufficient. Both liquid and suspended samples can be determined. The limitations are given by the energy-dispersive detection with a resolution of < 160 keV für Mn Kα. Lower limits of detection in suspensions are comparable with WD-XRF; in solutions, a few µg L-1 are realistic. The S2 Picofox was immediately put to use in the ALL-Africa project with Katharina Großer. To improve acid digestion options, we could buy a new microwave systems including waste gas washing from the company Berghoff. The special issue here are rather simple handling, the fuming off of acids without refilling and the direct and accurate pressure and temperature determination within the beakers and ‘bombs’ without corrosion-prone sensors.

Diffractometry-Lab (Dr. Reinhard Kleeberg). The most important technical change this year was the installation and launch of the new powder diffractometer Empyrean (Panalyti- cal). The machine was bought through the HZDR/HIF and will be run jointly with our lab. Its key tasks relate to the resource-oriented projects of the BMBF r3-programme, particularly „SMSB“ and ‘Chemical-biotechnological winning of valuable residuals from lignite powerplant ashes’ as well as in the cooperative works with the HZDR/HIF. The fast detector system al- lows for rapid and low noise measurements. Methodological works on an improved profile description of the new detector system have alredy yielded first successes, so that we can use the machine for Rietveld analyses in a good quality. Our old Philips diffractometer PW3020 has found a new home at the Univerity of Concepcion in Chile; thanks to Gerhard Heide; and is busy there every since. The improvement of the Rietveld programme BGMN slowly, yet steadily progresses. Through a new collaboration partner, Nicola Döbelin from the RMS-Foundation in Bettlach/Switzerland, a new, user-friendly and cost-free user interface is being developed and tested in our lab – this will certainly boost the distribution and use of the software. Xiaoli Wang was awarded a Student Travel Award of the Clay Minerals Society with 1.200 USD. She gave a very well-received oral presentation on her first resilts on smektite structural analysis at the 50th Annual CMS Meeting in Urbana, Illinois (6.–10.10.). Institute of Mineralogy – Annual Report 2013 13

Reinhard Kleeberg gave various talks at conferences, e.g., at the same CMS meeting, the ‘Accuracy in Powder Diffraction’ conference at NIST in Swarthmore/USA, the Annual Meet- ing of the German Clay and Clay Minerals Group in Munich and the Panalytical Applicants Meeting in Weimar. As consultant and lecturer, he was at NGU in Trondheim/Norway in No- vember 5 and 6., and on December 13 busy as a lecturer in the ERASMUS-study course ‘International Master in Applied Clay Science’ in Poitiers/France.

Geometallurgy-Lab (Prof. Bernhard Schulz). No major changes occurred in the Geomet- allurgy-Laboratory (also referred to as MLA-Lab for Mineral Liberation Analysis) in 2013. Both SEM’s were used extensively for a sequence of research projects. The methodological emphasis lay on the characterisation of pegmatites of the Lithium-Tantal-Cesium group (LCT) and on several studies on REE mineral-bearing rocks and their ore dressing products. The other petrology-directed investigations saw the preparation of element distribution maps of garnet blasts in mica schists and of amphibole blasts in blue schists and eklogites. The lab also served the company FEI at various days to demonstrate the instruments to potential customers. We intensively schooled four colleagues of the Polish mining company KGHM from January 28 to February 08. Here, Sabine Haser particularly engaged herself. By now, KGHM has its own SEM-MLA lab in Lubin, . The lab and its team are also engaged in the programme ProMinNet, a platform for Universi- ty-based researchers, dealing with Ore Process Mineralogy. After Trondheim (Norway), Lu- leå (Sweden) and Freiberg, the University Oulu in Finland organized this year’s workshop for the platform members. The Freiberg delegation with Dr. S. Birtel (coordinator, HIF), Dr. M. Rudolph (HIF), Dr. I. Osbahr and Prof. Dr. B. Schulz (both TUBAF) partook from September 20 to 24. Next to presentations of the individual working groups, the participants visited the Talvivaara Ni-Cu-Zn-Pb mine. Its geological conditions (fine-grained ore minerals, rock ma- trix with a lot of graphite) provoke the metal liberation with bacterial enhanced heap leaching. It may be an interesting side remark that the Mining School at the University Oulu runs its own ore flotation test plant (mini pilot plant) for student education. Next to numerous short machine and method demonstrations, a full-day MLA course took place on November 11 with 20 students from the Universities of Liège, Nancy, Luleå and Freiberg under the umbrella of the Emerald programme (Erasmus Mundus Master in Georesources Engineering).

Isotope-Lab (Prof. Marion Tichomirowa). The establishment of the single zircone U-Pb dating method stood in the foreground of this years’ methodological development; one of the very few highly precise techniques, since it delivers a ca. 10-times higher precision and ac- curacy as compared with all other U-Pb-zircone dating methods (e.g., SHRIMP, SIMS, Evaporation, LA-ICP-MS). In its reply letter to a related proposal by Marion Tichomirowa, the DFG wrote: “The establishment of the highly precise U-Pb-dating method in Freiberg ap- pears highly desirable” and further: “since it is a well thought-out, well-planned and useful enterprise”. The key prerequisite for successful dating with this single zircone U-Pb-method is reaching and maintaining a low total Pb blind value (Pb; ideally < 1 picogram, pg = 10-12 gram). To reach this aim, all acids and the water have to have a very low blind value. We succeeded this year – by lab-internal distillation (knee-still, see picture below) – to obtain constant blind values below 1 pg. Two trial series of U-Pb-dating were performed with zir- cone standards. A total blind value of 5 pg was reached in the second series – thus develop- ing the Freiberg lab to the best U-Pb facility in Germany. Yet, there is a lot to do still to play at the top worldwide. We had to further lower the blind value to obtain even lower dating er- rors. Various hinderances needed to be overcome such as the production of ultra-pure silica- gel. Although the initial substance is no longer in production, and cannot be bought any more, Marion Tichomirowa managed to obtain some material from isotope colleagues and produce the necessary purity. Thus the boundary conditions can now bet met and the first zircone samples shall be dated with the new method in early 2014. 14 Annual Report 2013

Repairs needed for both mass spectrometers, were successfully mastered by Klaus Bom- bach; thus avoiding longer downtimes in measuring valuable samples. The Isotope-Lab received (free of cost) a no-longer- needed clean bench from the Federal Geological Survey (BGR), thus allowing us to retire the old (and fairly contami- nated) one. Many hands and heads supported the not-so-easy process of installation of this laminar flow box into the Isotope Lab. We are most thankful to everyone involved. Right: So-called ‘Knee still’ for acid distillation within the oulet at the Isotope-Lab (photo MT) Members of the Isotope-Lab performed many Sr-isotopic investigations this year. This in- cluded, e.g., the study of water samples from Iraq and Palestine (in collaboration with Prof. Broder Merkel) and of waters of the geothermal-drill site Groß-Schönebeck (with GFZ- Potsdam) to identify the Sr-sources of those waters. Other samples were dated with the Rb- Sr-method (e.g., by Irfan Mousa Yara, Iraq, and Erzgebirge samples). We continued the col- laboration with the Saxon State Authority for Environment, Agriculture and Geology (LfULG) and worked on sampling and analysis of zircones. From July 24 to 26, the XIIth ESIR Workshop (European Society of Isotope Research) took place in our Werner-Building; jointly organized by Marion Tichomirowa with colleagues from the Isotope-Lab. 65 scientists from 15 countries actively participated at this bi-annual plat- form (see picture below).

Participants of the XIIth ESIR Workshop in front of the Werner-Building (our Institute)

Shockwave-Lab Freiberg (Dr. Thomas Schlothauer). The development of shockwave synthesis with flyer-plate and passive plane-wave-generator as well as impedance-corrected container could be brought to a successful end. This system allows to gain a 100% sample winning in the full (currently achievable) pressure range. Interest to apply this method already emerged from Japan (Profs. T. Sekine and K. Tsukamoto). In addition, tests for the Joint Institute of High-Temperature of the Rus- sian Academy of Science (JIHT-RAS) were done with this method, results of which were presented at the Elbrus 2013 conference. This new impedance-corrected system was used to develop the sample container for large sample amounts; a set up that has demonstrated its functionality in six successful tests so far. This container permits the syn- thesis of high-pressure phases in the pres- Institute of Mineralogy – Annual Report 2013 15

sure range at a minimum of 40 GPa with masses of up to 7.5 g – a comparatively very good value (Fig. top right). Another development concerns the container that allows for the syn- thesis of high-pressure phases, equivalent to the outer Earth core (Fig. top left). Using the reflection method with reflectors made from tantalium and wolfram, sample spressures of up to 165 GPa can be realized.

WG Geoscientific Collections As in late 2012, the year 2013 started with the Krüger-House (final touches for the exhibit ‘Mineralogical Collection Germany’). Since some of the showcases did not hold their prom- ise, all of January went by to empty them and re-establish the exhibit after their re- construction. To do so, the exhbit had to be closed for the public. The re-opening in early February started with a BIG event: the World’s largest Haüyn-crystal can now be admired in the treasure chamber of the Krüger-House; found on the day that the House initially opened its gates. The specimen could be bought with additional support by the chancellor of TU Bergakademie Freiberg following the Munich Mineral Days. Apart from this addition, the ‘Foundation Mineralogical Collection Germany’ developed quite well. Fourteen new sponsors were found, who donated generously to the Krüger-House exhibits. The number total of private donators has increased to 50. 68 people and institutions have loaned us specimen. These include nine museums (Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden – Grünes Gewölbe, Stiftung Schloss Friedenstein Gotha, Museum für Naturkunde Berlin, Deutsches Bergbaumuseum Bochum, Museum Idar-Oberstein, Museum für Miner- alogie und Mathematik Oberwolfach, Städtische Museen Zwickau, Goldmuseum Buchwald, Museum Huthaus Einigkeit Brand-Erbisdorf). Left. Andreas Massanek presents the World’s largest Haüyn-crystal, on display in the Krüger-House as of February 1, 2013 The new book volume on mining and minerals from Siegerland and Westerwald in Germany, launched on March 15, has received very positive reponses. The most interesting talk by Markus Heinrich, one of the authors, attracted too many people to seat them all in the Senate Hall. The Krüger Foundation generously sponsored this new edition. The volume presents a valuable continuation of its predecessors such as the Tsar’s treasures, Namibia, Czech Re- public and Slovakia, India and China. At the same time, it is the first volume dedicated to German sites. Further volumes are in the planning. Let yourself be surprised! The team of the geoscientific collections is strengthened since April by three new colleagues, Susanne Eberspächer, Beata Heide and Ines Jaschke, the latter being replaced by Ilja Kogan for the time being since she gave birth. The reason for this increase is the successful acquisition of three DFG-projects (HE 3015/5-1, HE 3015/6-1, VO 902/2-1) with a total time of three years each. The projects are targeted to build a web-based systems to assess, digit- ize and visualise the complete historical mineralogical collections of Abraham Gottlob Wer- ner, the entire fossil fuel geology collections, and the thin section collection of TU Bergakad- emie Freiberg. Withing these three projects, all part of the mantle application Geo and Mon- tane Scientific Collections in Freiberg and Dresden (HE 3015/7-1), related tools shall be de- veloped and the collection items transferred into a modern scientific database, available thereafter to everyone interested. All of the Freiberg collections are intended to become part of this database in the future to be available online to all researchers worldwide. The related work is done jointly with the Senckenberg Naturhistorischen Sammlungen in Dresden and Frankfurt. Left. Three new DFG-projects led to more personnel for the Geoscientific Collections. (f.l.t.r.): Dipl.-Min. Andreas Massanek, Dipl.-Krist. Beata Heide, Dipl.- Geol. Ilja Kogan, Dipl.-Min. Susanne Eberspächer, Prof. Dr. Gerhard Heide 16 Annual Report 2013

The stock of our geoscientific collections was used this year by many scientists from both Germany and abroad. Apart from our intensive use in teaching at TU Bergakademe Freiberg, 220 objects were given away for scientific investigations to 37 scientists. The highest de- mand came from our working group of economic geology and petrology. External groups such as from the Helmholtz-Center Dresden-Rossendorf and Freiberg, from the University of Hamburg, the Free University Berlin, Tübingen University, the Urweltmuseum GEOSKOP, the Museum Schleusingen, the Loser Chemie GmbH Langenweißbach and from the German Amphibolin works Ober-Ramstadt, received samples for their investigations. Extensive pho- tographic documentations were made from type materials and other originals that cannot be on loan. The use of our Paleontological Collections was particularly intensive this year. Among oth- ers, four guest scientists studied Cenozoic conifers and palms, Paleozoic calamites, graptolites, and Devonian ammonoidea. The interdisciplinary col- laboration with the Freiberg Institute of Mechanics and Fluid Dynamics gained quite some attention for the joint work on fossil fish (photo at right). Within this project, the collections could welcome a spec- tacular new specimen – the 3D-remains of a Saurichthys madagascariensis skeleton. Right: Fluid mechanics specialist Steffen Pacholak (left) and palaeontologist Ilja Kogan (right) present the completely intact fossilized remains and the model of a Saurichthys. Foto: Eckhardt Mildner In the framework of the DFG-project OB 80/44 (Oberhänsli, Rötzler and Gaitzsch 2011: „U- Pb and Ar-Ar dating of minerals from metamorphic and syn-orogenic sedimentary rocks as a key to understanding architecture and evolution of collisional orogens“), we could jointly sample with J. Bek from the Czech Academy of Science in Prague for palynological studies. The Mineralogical Collection registered 177 new specimen, obtained through exchange, do- nations and to come extend, purchases. Here, the acquisition of a regional collection with ca. 150 specimen from the CaF2-deposit Schönbrunn in the Vogtland is of particular relevance. The Mineral Deposit Collection grew by a suite of about 250 minerals, ore and rock speci- men from the Döhlen basin. Dr. Bellmann from Markkleeberg forwarded again numerous polished rock sections to the Petrological Collection. The Palaeontological Collection regis- tered Tertiary material from Lausatia (thanks to Dr. W. Schneider, Hoyerswerda) and the do- nation Reuter from Freiberg (various fossils). The World Bank finances a project for the modernization of the Geological Survey of Tanza- nia, to be realized by the Freiberger BEAK Consultants GmbH. We received the assignment to develop a scientific concept for a new discplay and organization of the geoscientific collec- tion of the Tanzanian Survey in Dodoma. The know how of the Freibergers in conzeptualiza- tion and realization of geoscientific collections was on demand beyond this project, however. The international acclaim that the exhibits in Castle Freudenstein (terra mineralia) and in the Krüger House (German National Collection) attract led to numerous invitations for curator Andreas Massanek to give talks and presentations in Germany and abroad. Visits to China and Norway have been highlights of these activities. Left: Invited by the Chinese Association of Natural and Sci- ence Museums (CANSM), Andreas Massanek presented the scientific concept of the Mineralogical Exhibits in Freiberg. Just as nice as travelling is the reception of esteemed colleagues from abroad, who wish to benefit from our experience and share theirs with us. This included such prominent address- es as the Mineralogical Museum of Harvard University in Cambridge, USA (Raquel Alonso- Perez), the Manitoba Museum, Canada (John Whitey Hagadorn), the Denver Museum of Earth Sciences, USA (Graham Young), the Minerals Heritage Museum Brisbane, Australia Institute of Mineralogy – Annual Report 2013 17

(Tony Forsyth), the Mining Museum St. Petersburg and das Vernadsky Museum in Moscow. At the end of 2013, more visitors were welcomed from Harvard University (Kevin Czaja) and from the Socorro Mineral Museum, USA (Virgil Luedth) as well as the Smithsonian Institu- tions in Washington, USA (Paul Pohwat). As usual, the Geoscientific Collections contributed largely to the public relations work of our institute and university. Eleven special exhibits were shaped with material form our collec- tions. Within the university, we designed the “Window to Science” in Castle Freudenstein twice (with material from the Fossil Fuel Geology Collection and the Biominerals and Bio- mineralization Collection) and in the Historicum (Scientific relations between the Bergakad- emie and Russia). In the Freiberg Mining Archives we contributed to the exhibit “100 Year Anniversary of the end of Freiberg Mining Activities 1913”. Loans from our collections largely enriched the special exhibits in the Erzgebirge Museum Annaberg-Buchholz (Minerals from the Erzgebirge and Mineral Deposits from Saxony) and in the Novalis Museum in Castle Oberwiederstedt (About the Nature of Light and the Colour Blue in Science, Fine Arts and Poetry around 1800). More special exhibits were supported on Mineral Fairs (Bad Ems, Mu- nich, Hamburg), with collaboration with such famous partners as the Museum of Natural His- tory London, the Museum of Natural History in Vienna, museums in the USA (Smithsonian Institutions Washington, Natural History Museum Los Angeles, Colorado School of Mines, Harvard University, Socorro Mineral Museum) and the Museum “Reich der Kristalle” in Mu- nich. At Europe’s largest Mineral Fair in Munich that ce- lebrated its 50th Anniversary this year, we jointly manned a stand with terra mineralia. Again, we were completely overrun on all three days. Visitors of all ages were attracted by the Geo-Ralley and the offer to partake in the interactive program “Hu- mans and Minerals”. Not only children were sur- prised to learn about the minerals in our body and which minerals we need to survive. Right: The joint stand of the Geoscientific Collections and terra mineralia again attracted many visitors at the International Mineral Fair in Munich In July, Dr. Birgit Gaitzsch partook at the summer party of the university Kindergarden with the special activity “We dissect fossils”. A similar activity took place within the summer uni- versity and in September for kids of the 4th grade. Last but certainly not least, team members of the Collections guided 40 tours through our collections for school classes and other groups, and oversaw six student practical trainees in 2013. 1.620 visitors were welcomes in the exhibits (Werner-Bau 1.144, Humboldt-Bau 476), of course not counting the large number of our university students.

Our Team (the regulars) Christine Anders (CA) – Regina Blüthig (RB) – Gisela Bombach (GB) – Klaus Bombach (KB) – Angelika Braun (AB) – Doreen Fischer (DF) – Ulrike Fischer, former Krause (UF) – Oliver Frei (OF) – Birgit Gaitzsch (BG) – Jennifer Glanz – Jens Götze (JGö) – Jens Gutzmer (JG) – Sabine Haser (SHa) – Gerhard Heide (GH) – Margitta Hengst (MH) – Kurt Herklotz (KHe) – Katja Horota (KHo) – Christin Kehrer, ehem. Weißflog (CK) – Ulf Kempe (UK) – Heidrun Kodym (HK) – Rein- hard Kleeberg (RK) – Werner Klemm (WK; em.) – Gerhild Landers (GL) – Andreas Massanek (AM) – Jörg Matschullat (JMT) – Heidrun Meinhardt (HM) – Sabine Mühlberg (SM) – Jörg Os- tendorf (JO) – Joachim Pilot (JP; em.) – Alexander Pleßow (AP) – Karin Rank (KR; em.) – Elvira Rüdiger (ER) – Bernhard Schulz (BS) – Thomas Seifert (TS) – Marion Tichomirowa (MT) – Kat- rin Treptow (KT) – Thurit Tschöpe (TT) – Kristin Unger (KU) – Steffi Ungar (SU) – Karin Volkmann (KV) – Roswitha Wald (RW) – Ina Wichmann (IW) – Frank Zimmermann (FZ) 18 Annual Report 2013

… and the enhancement (doctoral students, Post-Docs, guest scientists, etc.) Kai Bachmann – Matthias Bauer – Falk Böttcher – Thomas Dittrich – Anja Dabrowski – Susanne Eberspächer – Anne Engler – Annia Greif – Stephanie Hänsel – Beata Heide – Claudia Heidel – Judith Heinrich – Tobias Höfig – Michael Hohf – Andreas Hoy – Ines Jaschke – Sandra Kalanke – Kevin Keller – Gabriela Kluck – Ilja Kogan – Harald Kohlstock – Svetlana Komashchenko – Frank Kreienkamp – Carsten Kruse – Silvia Leise – Daniel Leistner – Priscila Lisboa de Oliveira – Carolina Lopez – René Luhmer – Przemyslaw Michalak (Slavo) – Robert Möckel – Irfan Mou- sa – Jörg Neßler – Cornelius Oertel – Jörg Ostendorf – Christoph Reuther – Dirk Sandmann – Thomas Schlothauer – Daniel Schrader – Anne Schucknecht – Stephanie Schüttauf – Lidia Stokratskaya – Irina Talovina – Sabine Tesch – Kristian Ufer – Peter Völgyesi – Natalia Vonron- tosva – Xiaoli Wang – Marlis Zimmermann – Kamal Zurba Gerhild Landers ended her long-term commitment with us. It was not in her group alone, at the Diffractometry-Lab, that she was seen as a wise and differentiated personality, a dear, empathetic, eager and tedious colleage. We miss her – and wish her all the very best for the new stretch of life. After giving birth to her daughter Ida Helene, Sabine Haser is now on maternity leave. Mi- chael Hohf (WG Economic Geology) has left the group to continue working in the Tectono- physics group in Freiberg at his research project. Przemyslaw Michalak (Slavo) now works for the HZDR Helmholtz-Institute Freiberg for Resource Technology. Dirk Sandmann started a new career on August 1 at the company FEI in Brisbane. We thank him for many many years of dedication and success in the working group for Economic Geology and Petrology. And we say Good-Bye to Marlis Zimmermann. It has been a fine and successful time with her, greatly due to your engagement. Thank you! Marlies now has a permanent position in the Institute of Chemical Engineering. Outlook onto 2014 A workshop on the Rietveld software BGMN wil be held in 2014 in our institute. Reinhard Kleeberg will serve as the Conference Chair for the 7th Mid-European Clay Conference in Radebeul (16.-19.09.2014). JMT has some plans and will spend much of the year 2014 on a ‘sabbatical leave’ at the University of Queensland in Brisbane, Australia, and at Akita University in Japan. Yet his absence is well organized. Thanks to the dedication of the very fine team around Katja Horo- ta, Alexander Pleßow and Frank Zimmermann, hardly anyone will notice his absence. The next conference ‘Freiberg Innovations’ will not take place in 2014; instead on March 25 and 26, 2015. Entitled ‘Energy and Resources Turnaround’, the conference will be organized again by Peter Kausch, Martin Bertau, Jens Gutzmer and Jörg Matschullat with additional support from Helmut Mischo and Karl-Ernst Kegel. We look forward to the event.

Below: Impressions from the derelict Steelworks in Ostrava, today an industry museum

Institute of Mineralogy – Annual Report 2013 19


Publications in refereed journals and book contributions 2013 (n = 37) Čermáková Z, Hradilová J, Jehlička J, Osterrothová K, Massanek A, Bezdička P, Hradil D (2013) Identification of vivianite in painted works of art and its significance for provenance and authorship studies. Archaeometry DOI: 10.1111/arcm.12067 Dämmgen U, Matschullat J, Zimmermann F, Strogies M, Grünhage L, Scheler B, Conrad J (2013) Emission re- duction effects on bulk deposition in Germany – results from long-term measurements. 2. Precipitation, poten- tial sea salt, soil and fly ash constituents. Gefahrstoffe – Reinh Luft 73, 1/2: 25-36 Dämmgen U, Matschullat J, Zimmermann F, Strogies M, Grünhage L, Scheler B, Conrad J (2013) Emission re- duction effects on bulk deposition in Germany – results from long-term measurements. 3. Sulphur and nitro- gen compounds. Gefahrstoffe – Reinh Luft 73, 7/8: 330-339 Fischer J, Schneider JW, Voigt S, Joachimski MM, Tichomirowa M, Tütken T, Götze J, Berner U (2013) Oxygen and strontium isotopes from fossil shark teeth: Ecological implications for the Carboniferous and Permian bas- ins of Europe based upon δ18O and 87Sr/86Sr isotopes of shark tooth enameloid. Chem Geol 342: 44-62 Fischer J, Schneider J, Hodnett J, Elliott D, Johnson G, Voigt S, Joachimski M, Tichomirowa M, Götze J (2013) Stable and radiogenic isotope analyses on shark teeth from the early to middle Permian (Sakmarian–Roadian) of southwestern USA. Historical Biol Frenzel M, Ketris MP, Gutzmer J (2013) On the geological availability of germanium. Mineralium Deposita Geldmacher J, Höfig T W, Hauff F, Hoernle K, Garbe-Schönberg D, Wilson D S (2013) Influence of the Galápagos hotspot on the East Pacific Rise during Miocene superfast spreading. Geology 41: 183-186 Götze J, Hanchar J, Schertl, HP, Neuser DK, Kempe U (2013) Optical Microscope-cathodoluminescence (OM– CL) imaging as a powerful tool to reveal internal textures of minerals. Mineralogy and Petrology 107: 373-392 Hänsel (2013) Introducing the decile concept for studying the spatiotemporal characteristics and variability of long-lasting dry and wet periods. Theoretical App Climatol, DOI: 10.1007/s00704-013-1044-4 Hänsel S (2013) Climate science news in brief. Environmental Earth Sciences 69, 4: 1491–1494

Heide K, Nolze G, Völksch G, Heide G (2013) Boracite Mg3[B7O13Cl] from the Zechstein salt deposits. Z Krist 229: 467-475 Heidel C, Tichomirowa M, Junghans M (2013) Oxygen and sulfur isotope investigations of the oxidation of sulfide mixtures containing pyrite, galena and sphalerite. Chem. Geol. 342: 29-43 Heinrichs T, Siegesmund S, Frei D, Drobe M, Schulz B (2013) Provenance signatures from whole-rock geoche- mistry and detrital zircon ages of metasediments from the Austroalpine basement south of the Tauern Window (Eastern Tyrol, Austria). GeoAlp 9: 156-185, Innsbruck Hoffmann U, Breitkreuz C, Breiter K, Sergeev S, Stanek K, Tichomirowa M (2013) Carboniferous-Permian volcanic evolution in Central Europe – U/Pb ages of volcanic rocks in Saxony (Germany) and northern Bohe- mia (Czech Republic). Internat J Earth Sci 102: 73-99 Hoy A, Schucknecht A, Sepp M, Matschullat J (2013) Large-scale synoptic types and their impact on European precipitation. Theor Appl Climatol 113: 643-658 Keiding JK, Frei O, Renno AD, Veksler IV, Trumbull RB (2013) Conditions of magma crystallization in the Henties Bay-Outjo dyke swarm, Namibia: Implications for the feeder system of continental flood basalts. Lithos 179: 16-27, ISSN 0024-4937, Leibold J, Monecke T, Gorman B, Götze J (2013) Radiation damage in quartz from the Three Crow roll-front uranium deposit, Nebraska. American Mineralogist (in press) Lenz C, Talla D, Ruschel K, Škoda R, Götze J, Nasdala L (2013) Factors affecting the Nd3+ (REE3+) lumine- scence in minerals. Mineralogy and Petrology 107: 415-428 Lisowiec K, Budzyń B, Słaby E, Renno A, Götze J (2013) Fluid-induced magmatic and post-magmatic zircon and monazite patterns in granitoid pluton and related rhyolitic bodies. Geochem 73: 163-179 Lopes TC, Martins M de Souza, Götze J, Leite MM (2013) As formações córrego da bandeira e córrego Pereira (grupo Conselheiro Mata, supergrupo Espinaço) na poçảo noroeste da Serra do Cabral (MG): Definiçảo das seções-tipo e contribuiçảo ao estudo de proveniência sedimentary. Geonomos 20, 2: 44-57 Möckel R, Reuther C Götze J (2013) REECOB: 20 years of rare earth element calcium oxoborates crystal growth research. J Crystal Growth 371: 70-76 Nasdala L, Götze J, Hanchar JM (eds; 2013) Luminescence spectroscopy and imaging: Analytical advances and perspectives in the Earth sciences and related disciplines. Mineralogy and Petrology 107, 3: 120 pp. Nasdala L, Götze J, Hanchar JM (2013) Luminescence spectroscopy and imaging: Analytical advances and per- spectives in the Earth sciences and related disciplines. Mineral Petrol 107: 349-351 Ngnotue T, Ganno S, Nzenti JP, Schulz B, Tchaptchet Tchato D, Suh Cheo E (2012) Geochemistry and ge- ochronology of peraluminous High-K Granitic leucosomes of Yaoundé Series (Cameroon): Evidence for a uni- que Pan-African magmatism and melting event in North Equatorial Fold Belt. Internat J Geosci 10.4236/ijg.2012.33055 Pleßow A (2013) X-ray induced alteration of specimens as crucial obstacle in XRF-spectrometry of fluorine in rocks and soils. X-Ray Spectrometry 42: 19-32 20 Annual Report 2013

Rericha A, Götze J, Jeckel P (2013) Zur Analyse der dunklen Bänderung von Onyx-Achaten aus Mali in Verbin- dung mit Genesevorstellungen. Mineralienwelt 5: 89-96 Scheinhardt S, Spindler G, Leise S, Müller K, Iinuma Y, Zimmermann F, Matschullat F, Herrmann H (2013) Com- prehensive chemical characterisation of size-segregated PM10 in Dresden and estimation of changes due to global warming. Atmos Environ 75: 365-373 Schucknecht A, Niemeyer I, Erasmi S, Matschullat J (2013) Assessing vegetation variability and trends in north- eastern Brazil using AVHRR and MODIS NDVI time series. European Journal of Remote Sensing 46: 40-59; doi: 10.5721/EuJRS20134603 Schulz B, Schüssler U (2013) Electron-microprobe Th-U-Pb monazite dating in Early-Paleozoic high-grade gneis- ses as a completion of U-Pb isotopic ages (Wilson Terrane, Antarctica). Lithos: 175–176: 178–192, DOI: 10.1016/j.lithos.2013.05.008. Schulz B (2013) Monazite electron microprobe Th-U-Pb age pattern in Variscan metamorphic units in the Armori- can Massif (Brittany, France). Z Deutsch Ges Geowiss (German J Geosci) 164: 313-335, DOI: 10.1127/1860- 1804/213/0008 Schwarz MR, Antlauf M, Schmerler S, Keller K, Schlothauer T, Kortus J, Heide G, Kroke E (2013) Formation and properties of rocksalt-type AlN and implications for high pressure phase relations in the system Si-Al-O-N. High Pressure Res DOI:10.1080/08957959.2013.857020 Smith AJB, Viljoen KS, Schouwstra R, Roberts J, Schalkwyk C, Gutzmer J (2013) Geological variations in the Merensky Reef at Bafokeng Rasimone 4 Platinum Mine and its influence on flotation performance. Minerals Engineering 52: 155-168 Smith AJB, Beukes NJ, Gutzmer J (2013) The composition and depositional environments of Mesoarchean iron formations of the West Rand Group of the Witwatersrand Supergroup, South Africa. Econ Geol 108: 111-134 Stübner K, Ratschbacher L, Weise C, Chow J, Hofmann J, Khan J, Rutte D, Sperner B, Pfänder J, Hacker BR, Dunkl I, Tichomorowa M, Stearns MA, Project TIPAGE members (2013) The giant Shakdara migmatitic gneiss dome, Pamir, India-Asia collision zone: 2. Timing of dome formation. Tectonics 32: 1-28, doi:10.1002/tect.20059. Tichomorowa M, Köhler R (2013) Discrimination of protolithic versus metamorphic zircon ages in eclogites: Cons- traints from the Erzgebirge metamorphic core complex (Germany). Lithos 177: 436-450 Tichomirowa M, Whitehouse M, Gerdes A, Götze J, Schulz B, Belyatsky BV (2013) Different zircon recrystallizati- on types in carbonatites 1 caused by magma mixing: evidence from U-Pb dating, trace element and isotope composition (Hf, O) of zircons from two Precambrian carbonatites from Fennoscandia. Chem Geol 353C: 174- 199 Wongfun N, Götze J, Furrer G, Brandl H, Plötze M (2013) Effect of water regime and vegetation on initial granite weathering in the Damma glacier forefield: Evidences from CL, SEM, and Nomarski DIC microscopy. Geoder- ma 211-212: 116-127

Other publications 2013 (not necessarily refereed) n = 92 Anonymus (2013) Glückauf! Schwerpunktbeitrag in BMBF (Hrsg) Unternehmen Region 1: 33-41 Atanasova P, Gutzmer J, Leijd M (2013) Geometallurgical classification of REE Mineralisation in alkaline com- plexes. Critical Minerals 2013, 04.-05.06.2013, Perth, Australia Proceedings: Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy, 978 1 921522 88 8 Atanasova P, Gutzmer J, Tolosana Delgado R, van den Boogart KG (2013) Geometallurgische Klassifizierung von Seltenen Erden Mineralisation in Alkalinen Komplexen. Aufbereitung und Recycling 2013, 13.- 14.11.2013, Freiberg, Deutschland Atanasova P, Krause J, Gutzmer J (2013) Mineralogical characterization of REE mineralization in Norra Kärr alkaline complex, Sweden. Mineral Deposit Research for a High-tech World: 12th SGA Biannial Meeting, 12.- 15.08.2013, Uppsala, Sweden, 978-91-7403-207-9, p. 298-301 Atanasova P, Krause J, Gutzmer J (2013) Mineralogical characterization of REE mineralization in Norra Kärr alkaline complex, Sweden. FEI User Group Meeting, 08.-09.10.2013, Eindhoven, Holland Bernhofer C, Heidenreich M, Köstner B, Franke J, Riedel K, Schanze J, Matschullat J (2013) Climate change: Assessing associated regional uncertainty by a vulnerability approach. CCRR2013 Abstract Birtel S, Tolosana Delgado R, Matos Camacho S, Gutzmer J, van den Boogaart KG (2013) Towards a statistical treatment of images acquired by automated mineralogy. 15th Annual Conf Internat Assoc Math Geosci (IAMG), 02.-05.09.2013, Madrid, Spain Mathematics of Planet Earth Proceedings, Springer, 978-3-642- 32407-9, p. 45-48 Birtel S, Wunderlich I, Gutzmer J (2013) Tracking ore mineral characteristics from mine to concentrate: The fate of electrum at the Cavanacaw gold deposit, Northern Ireland. 12th SGA Biennial Meeting, 12.-15.08.2013, Uppsala, Sweden; Mineral deposit research for a high-tech world. Proceedings 1: 306-309; Elanders Sverige AB, 978-91-7403-207-9 Degler R, Schulz B, Queiroga G, Amancio Novo T, Martins M, Pedrosa-Soares AC, Jordt-Evangelista H (2013) Thermobarometry and electron microprobe monazite dating from garnet paragneisses of the Andrelandia Group in the Jequeri-Vicosa region, Southern Aracuai Orogen, Brazil. Abstracts Geosudeste 2013, 17. Sym- posio de Geologia de Minas Gerais, Juiz de Fora Institute of Mineralogy – Annual Report 2013 21

Dittrich Th, Schulz B, Seifert Th, Hagemann S, Gutzmer J (2013) Application of combined SEM, BSE and EDX techniques to the mineralogical and geochemical characterization of granitic-pegmatites. GACMAC Joint An- nual Meeting, May 22-24, 2013, Winnipeg, Canada. Abstracts volume 36: p. 87 Fahimi I, Gutzmer J (2013) Globale Rohstoffmärkte – seltene Erden und ihr Recycling. Proceedings der 17. Ta- gung Siedlungsabfallwirtschaft Magdeburg: Restabfall – Recycling – Ressource; 12.-13.09.2012, Magdeburg Götze J, Stevens-Kalceff M, Pan Y (2013) Origin and significance of the yellow cathodoluminescence (CL) of quartz. Conference on Raman and Luminescence Spectroscopy in the Earth Sciences (CORALS-2013), Book of abstracts, p. 31-32 Götze J, Schertl HP, Neuser R, Kempe U, Hanchar JM (2013) Cathodoluminescence (OM-CL) imaging as a powerful tool to reveal internal textures of minerals. Conference on Raman and Luminescence Spectroscopy in the Earth Sciences (CORALS-2013), Book of abstracts, p. 33-34 Greif A (2013) Charakterisierung der Schadstoffeinträge aus den Erzbergbaurevieren der Mulde in die Elbe. Studie im Auftrag der Behörde für Stadtentwicklung und Umwelt (BSU), Amt für Umweltschutz Hamburg, Ab- teilung Wasserwirtschaft, Projekt ELSA der Freien und Hansestadt Hamburg, 164 p., http://www.elsa- Gutzmer J, van den Boogaart G, Klossek A (2013) Ressourcentechnologien "Made in Germany" – bisherige Entwicklung und Perspektiven des Helmholtz-Instituts Freiberg. In: Sroka A (Hrsg) Schriftenreihe des Instituts für Markscheidewesen und Geodäsie an der TU Bergakademie Freiberg, Freiberg: Wagner Digitaldruck und Medien, 2013, 978-3-938390-10-8, p. 1-5 Hänsel S (2013) Dürre und Starkniederschlag – Langzeitvariabilität und Trends in Sachsen. Annalen der Meteor- ologie 46: 103-108 Hänsel S (2013) Reviews on books and media: Dong W, Ren F, Huang J and Guo Y, The Atlas of Climate Change: Based on SEAP-CMIP5. Environ Earth Sci DOI:10.1007/s12665-013-2505-x Hänsel S, Matschullat J (2013) Precipitation variability and changes in Saxony between 1901 and 2012. Confer- ence Proceedings, International Scientific Conference Environmental changes and adaptation strategies, 9– 11.09. 2013, Skalica, Slovakia Hänsel S, Matschullat J (2013) How to use regional climate projections in climate adaptation? CCRR2013 ab- stracts Hänsel S, Matschullat J (2013) Climate Change Education in Earth System Science. Abstract EGU 2013-11971 in EOS4 Hänsel S, Heidenreich M, Franke J, Riedel K, Matschullat J, Bernhofer C (2013) Providing climate services for climate change adaptation – challenges and solutions. Abstract for BIOMET 2013 in Skalica, SK Hänsel S, Heidenreich M, Franke J, Riedel K, Matschullat J, Bernhofer C (2013) Climate services within a region- al climate adaptation project. Abstract EGU 2013-12052 in EOS8 Hänsel S, Heidenreich M, Franke J, Bernhofer C, Matschullat J (2013) Erfahrungen mit regionalen Klimaprojek- tionsdaten in der Anpassungsforschung. DACH 2013, Innsbruck Hänsel S, Mehler S, Matschullat J (2013) Evaluating dry and wet period changes using an ensemble of GCMs, ENSEMBLES RCMs and additional higher resolved RCMs. Abstract EGU 2013-12144 in CL5.6 Hänsel S, Mehler S, Matschullat J (2013) Bewertung regionaler Trockenheitstrends anhand eines Ensembles globaler und regionaler Klimamodelle. DACH 2013, Innsbruck Hänsel S, Mehler S, Matschullat J (2013) Regional projections of precipitation characteristics based on a multi- model ensemble. In: Šiška B, Nejedlík P, Hájková L, Kožnarová V (Eds.) Conference Proceedings, Interna- tional Scientific Conference Environmental changes and adaptation strategies, 9–11.09.2013, Skalica, Slo- vakia Hänsel S, Miketta W, Matschullat J (2013) Long lasting dry and wet periods in Europe between 1901 and 2010. Conference Proceedings, International Scientific Conference Environmental changes and adaptation strate- gies, 9–11.09.2013, Skalica, Slovakia Hänsel S, Miketta W, Matschullat J (2013) Decadal variability in European wet and dry phases. Abstract EGU 2013-12182 in HS 2.13 Hänsel S, Ullrich K, Sommer T, Benning R, Prange N, Matschullat J (eds; 2013) Regionaler Wasserhaushalt im Wandel – Klimawirkungen und Anpassungen in der Modellregion Dresden. REGKLAM Publikationsreihe 5: 192 p., Rhombus Verlag, Berlin Matschullat J (2013) Zusammenfassende Gesamtbetrachtung und Bewertung. p. 145-152 Heide B, Massanek A, Heide G (2013) Die Kristallmodellsammlung von Abraham Gottlob Werner (1749–1817) in Freiberg. Poster: Tagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Kristallographie, Freiberg, 19.-22.03. Heidenreich M, Feske N, Hänsel S, Riedel K, Bernhofer Ch (2013) Herausforderungen beim Umgang mit Daten aus Klimamodellen im Rahmen einer integrierten Klimaanpassung. In: Katz C, Beese K, Molitor H, Körner C, Fekkak M (eds) Anpassung kommunizieren?! Konzepte, Fallstricke und Perspektiven von Bildung, Kommunikation und Wissenstransfer für eine erfolgreiche Anpassung an regionale Klimafolgen. Oekom-Verlag, München Heidenreich M, Feske N, Hänsel S, Riedel K, Bernhofer Ch., Matschullat J (2013) Providing climate services for climate change adaptation – challenges and solutions. Conference Proceedings, International Scientific Con- ference Environmental changes and adaptation strategies, 9–11.09.2013, Skalica, Slovakia Herrmann A, Matschullat J, Trimis D (2013) Climate change impacts on energy production and energy conversion technologies. CCRR2013 abstract 22 Annual Report 2013

Höfig TW, Hoernle K, Hauff F, Frank M (2013) Hydrothermal versus cratonic sediment supply to the eastern equatorial Pacific over the past 23 Ma and Central American Seaway closure. IODP/ICDP Colloquium Freiberg 2013 Abstract Proceedings: p. 94-96 Höfig T W, Portnyagin M, Hoernle K, Hauff F, van den Bogaard P, Garbe-Leißner T, Mütze T, Bachmann K, Rode S, Gutzmer J, Peuker UA (2013) Evaluation of mineral precessing by assessment of liberation and upgrading. Min Eng 53: 171-173 Hoy A, Matschullat J (2013) Großwetterlagen und Europas Klima – Eine folgenreiche Langzeitbeziehung. An- nalen der Metorologie 46: 125-129 Járóka T, Seifert Th (2013) Characterization of cassiterite paragenesises in metasomatic altered meta-mafic rocks of the “Felsitzone”, Großschirma – Freiberg mining district, Erzgebirge, Germany. GACMAC Joint An- nual Meeting, 22.-24.05. 2013, Winnipeg, Canada. Abstracts volume 36: p. 119 Klemm W, Greif A, Hartmann J (2013) Nutzung natürlicher Fe-Gehalte in Haldensickerwässern zur nachhaltigen Bindung von Arsen. Ergebnisse eines Langzeitversuches in der gefluteten Zinnerzgrube Ehrenfriedersdorf. Proceedings Mine Water Workshop, 26.09.2013, Freiberg, p. 51-58 Kotova EL, Götze J, Brotskaya RL (2013) Micro-texture and cathodoluminescence (CL) of high-purity quartz from Russia. Conference on Raman and Luminescence Spectroscopy in the Earth Sciences (CORALS-2013), Book of abstracts, p. 59-60 Leise S, Lorenz J, Pleßow A, Zimmermann F, Matschullat J (2013) Charakterisierung von Aerosolbelastung durch Filteranalysen mittels RFA und ICP-MS. Abstract CANAS-2013 DV21: p. 49 Leise S, Zimmermann F, Matschullat J (2013) Weather condition – air quality relationships. CCRR2013 abstract Leise S, Scheinhardt S, Spindler G, Zimmermann F, Matschullat J (2013) Effect of meteorology on the chemistry of atmospheric aerosols. CCRR2013 abstract Leise S, Lorenz J, Pleßow A, Matschullat J (2013) Charakterisierung von Aerosolbelastung durch Filteranalysen mittels RFA und ICP-MS. Colloquium Analytische Atomspektroskopie CANAS, 17.-19.03.2013, Freiberg: p. 49 Leistner D, Hänsel S, Matschullat J, Dunger V (2013) Projected changes in the water balance of small scale catchments in Dresden. Abstract for BIOMET 2013 in Skalica, SK Leistner D, Matschullat J, Dunger V (2013) Impacts of climate change on small scale catchments in Dresden: results from different regionalized climate projections. CCRR2013 abstract Lisowiec K, Słaby E, Götze J (2013) Cathodoluminescence of apatite as an insight into magma mixing in the granitoid pluton of Karkonosze, Poland. Conference on Raman and Luminescence Spectroscopy in the Earth Sciences (CORALS-2013), Book of abstracts, p. 67-68 Lisowiec K, Słaby E, Förster HJ, Götze J, Michalak PP (2013) Chemical composition of apatite as a tool for mod- eling composite pluton evolution using Polytopic Vector Analysis (PVA). Goldschmidt Conference, Prague Massanek A, Kempe U, Heide G (2013) Aus dem Schwarzwald nach Freiberg – farbige Fluoritkristalle für die Mineralogischen Sammlungen der TU Bergakademie Freiberg. Acamonta 20: 136-138 Massanek A, Rank K, Heide G (2013) The mineralogical collections of the TU Bergakademie Freiberg/Germany. Norsk Bergverksmuseums skriftserie, Kongsberg 50: 5-21 Matschullat J (2013) Beitrag in „Zur Diskussion: Klimaforschung und Wirtschaft“, ein Streitgespräch in Form von drei Parallelinterviews. Argos 21, 1: 8-12 Matschullat J (2013) Strategische Rohstoffe – Risikovorsorge. Ein Rück- und Ausblick mit einer Prise Fantasie. Acamonta 20: 93-99 Matschullat J (2013) „Deutschlands verborgene Rohstoffe“ – eine Buchempfehlung. Acamonta 20: 190-191 Matschullat J, Schucknecht A (2013) BlitSn. Raum-zeitliches Blitzaufkommen im Freistaat Sachsen. Projektab- schlussbericht für das LfULG; verfügbar über Matysová P, Götze J, Leichmann J, Škoda R, Strnad L, Drahota P (2013) CL as a tool for identification of diage- netic changes in Permian silicified wood – evidence of U and V mobility. Conference on Raman and Lumines- cence Spectroscopy in the Earth Sciences (CORALS-2013), Book of abstracts, 77-78 Michalak PP, Renno AD, Merchel S, Munnik F, Gutzmer J, Uecker R, Galazka Z, Heller HP, Radtke M, Reinholz U (2013) In search for the real value: Freiberg strategy for obtaining reference materials for resource technol- ogy microanalysis. Seminar Instytut Geologii, Uniwersytet 08.10.2013, Poznan, Polska Michalak PP, Renno AD, Merchel S, Munnik F, Gutzmer J, Uecker R, Galazka Z, Heller HP, Radtke M, Reinholz U (2013) Freiberg Strategy for obtaining matrix-matched reference materials for resource-related microanalyt- ical methods technology. Goldschmidt 2013, 25.-30.08.2013, Firenze, Italia Miketta W, Hänsel S, Matschullat J (2013) Raum-zeitliche Eigenschaften und Trends langandauernder Nass- und Trockenphasen in Europa sowie Zusammenhänge zur atmosphärischen Zirkulation. DACH 2013, Innsbruck Neßler J, Seifert T, Gutzmer J, Müller A, Stute S, Kühn K (2013) Geology and exploration of the Li-Sn-W-Rb-Cs- deposit Zinnwald, eastern Erzgebirge, Germany. 12th SGA Biennial Meeting, 12-15th August 2013, Uppsala Neßler J, Seifert T, Gutzmer J, Müller A, Stute S, Kühn K (2013) Lithium-Erkundung in Zinnwald, Osterzgebirge. ACAMONTA 20: 33-35 Neßler J, Seifert Th, Gutzmer J, Müller A, Stute S, Kühn K (2013) Geology and exploration of the Li-Sn-W-Rb-Cs deposit Zinnwald, eastern Erzgebirge, Germany. 12th SGA Biennial Meeting, 12-15th August 2013, Uppsala Noll S, Engler A (2013) Studienreise in den Südosten Australiens (New South Wales) – Lagerstätten und Bergbau. Bergbau 11: 493-500, RDB e.V. (Hrsg.), Essen Institute of Mineralogy – Annual Report 2013 23

Noll S, Engler A (2013) Studienreise in den Südosten Australiens (Tasmanien) – Lagerstätten und Bergbau. Bergbau 12: 368-377, RDB e.V. (Hrsg.), Essen Osbahr I, Büttner P, Gutzmer J, Bertau M, , Fritze C, Heide G, Janneck E, Kleeberg R, Leißner T, Luhmer R, Martin M, Matschullat J, Pätzold C, Peuker U, Peuser U, Stelter M (2013) Heimische Geopotentiale I. Wert- stoffe aus Bergbauhalden. Acamonta 20: 25-27 Osbahr I, Buske S, Spitzer K, Eiermann M, Siemon B, Meyer U, Gutzmer J, Gloaguen R, Stein S, Lehmann U (2013) Heimische Geopotentiale II. E3 – Rohstofferkundung im Erzgebirge mittels Geophysik. Acamonta 20: 28-30 Ostendorf J, Gutzmer J, Mondillo N, Boni M, Henjes-Kunst F (2013) Rb-Sr dating of sphalerite from the car- bonate-hosted Jabali Zn-Pb-(Ag) deposit (Yemen). 2013 GSA Annual Meeting in Denver, Colorado. Pavlova GG, Phan Luu Anh, Vladimirov AG, Borisenko AC, Seifert Th (2013) Geodynamic settings of indium deposits formation. International Symposium “Large Igneous Provinces of Asia, mantle plumes and metallog- eny. Vietnam Academy of Sciences and Technology, Hanoi, November 8-9, 2013 Pleßow A (2013) Fluoranalytik in der Geochemie – warum nicht mit der RFA? Colloquium Analytische Atomspek- troskopie CANAS, 17.-19.03.2013, Freiberg: p. 40

Reuther C, Schmidt H, Paulmann C, Hengst M, Götze J, Heide G (2013) Sr3Gd2[BO3]4 – Thermal behaviour and structure. Mineralogical Conference Apatity, Russia Schaefer J, Scharf O, Renno AD, Kühn A, Wedell R, Langhoff N, Groh M, Gutzmer J (2013) Optimierungspoten- tial für Aufbereitungsprozesse durch Nutzung eines Röntgenfluoreszenzspektrometers mit Full-Field-Detektor zur Vorort-Charakterisierung mineralogischer Proben mit inhomogener Elementverteilung. Aufbereitung und Recycling 2013, 13.-14.11.2013, Freiberg Scheinhardt S, Leise S, Spindler G, Müller K, Iinuma Y, Matschullat J, Herrmann H (2013) Climate change impact on size-segregated PM10 mass concentration and composition by 2100 in Dresden (Germany) – an estimate. CCRR2013 abstract Schmidt J, Stasik S, Matschullat J, Wendt-Potthoff K (2013) Mikrobielles Thiosulfat-Oxidationspotential in Seesedimenten. SIL-Abstract Schönberg CD (2013) From birth to death of arc magmatism: The igneous evolution of Komandorsky Islands recorded tectonic changes during 50 Ma of westernmost Aleutian history. Abstract V21C-2742, presented at 2013 Fall Meeting, AGU, San Francisco, CA Schüttauf S, Matschullat J, van Pinxteren D, Herrmann H (2013) Fog: a transformator for organic aerosols. 6. International Conference on Fog, Fog collection and Dew, Yokohama, May 2013 abstract Schüttauf S, Matschullat J, Zimmermann F, van Pinxteren D, Herrmann H (2013) Fog as an organic aerosol transformer – phase partitioning of carboxylic acids at a mountainous site in Germany, 6th International con- ference on fog, fog collection and dew, Yokohama (Japan), 19.-24.05.2013 Schüttauf S, Matschullat J, Zimmermann F, van Pinxteren D, Herrmann H (2013) Organic aerosol: distribution between fog water and interstitial air – a report of two mountainous sites in Germany, European Aerosol Con- ference, Prague 01.–06.09.2013 Schüttauf S, Matschullat J, Zimmermann F (2013) Langzeitbeobachtungen von Nebelereignissen im Erzgebirge: Entwicklung der chemischen Zusammensetzung und der Auftrittshäufigkeit. Annalen der Meteorologie 46: 120-124 Schulz B, Gutzmer J (2013) Erzminerale sehen heißt verstehen. Automatisierte Mineralogie und ihre Anwendung. Acamonta 20: 30-33 Schulz B (2013) Two metamorphic cycles recorded by garnet and monazite in micaschists from the Saualpe Eclogite Zone (Eastern Alps). Jahrestagung der DGG, Pilsen 2013, Schriftenreihe der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Geowissenschaften, 82: p. 98 Schulz B (2013) Monazite electron microprobe (EMP) Th-U-Pb dating across the Variscan sutures in the Armori- can Massif (France). Jahrestagung der DGG, Pilsen 2013, Schriftenreihe der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Ge- owissenschaften, 82: p. 97 Seifert Th (2013) Geology, mining, and environmental impact of uranium deposits in eastern Germany. Interna- tional Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War (IPPNW) and conference „Uranium- mining: Impact on Health and Environment”, Dar Es Salaam and Bahi /Dodoma, United Republic of Tanzania, 1.-6.10. 2013 Seifert Th (2013) Late Paleozoic post-collisional magmatism and metal resource potential of the Erzgebirge-Krušné hory (NW rim of the Bohemian massif). “Crustal evolution and geodynamic processes in Central Europe”, Pro- ceedings of the joint conference of the Czech and German geological societies, Plzen, Czech Republic, Sep- tember 16-19, 2013. Zak J, Zulauf G, Röhling HG (eds) Schriftenreihe Deutsch Ges Geowiss, Heft 82 Seifert Th, Sandmann D (2013) The giant Beaver Brook antimony deposit, central Newfoundland, Canada. GACMAC Joint Annual Meeting, May 22-24, 2013, Winnipeg, Canada. Abstracts volume 36: 175-176 Seifert Th (2013) Late- and post-Variscan vein-type mineralization in the Erzgebirge-Krušné hory, Germany and Czech Republic. GACMAC Joint Annual Meeting, May 22-24, 2013, Winnipeg, Canada. Abstracts volume 36: 175 Słaby E, Lisowiec K, Michalak PP, Götze J, Munnik F, Förster HJ, Rhede D (2013) Imaging of trace-element spatial distribution in apatite using various X-ray based and spectral analytical methods. Goldschmidt confer- ence, Prague 24 Annual Report 2013

Stevens-Kalceff MA, Götze J (2013) Amorphised Quartz – evidence from cathodoluminescence microanalysis of silicon dioxide polymorphs. Conference on Raman and Luminescence Spectroscopy in the Earth Sciences (CORALS-2013), Book of abstracts, p. 97-98 Tesch S, Dunger V, Hänsel S, Matschullat J (2013) Modeling groundwater recharge in an urban area in response to projected climate change. Abstract for BIOMET 2013 in Skalica, SK Tesch S, Dunger V, Matschullat J (2013) Modeling groundwater recharge in an urban area under changing cli- matic conditions. CCRR2013 abstract Ziegenrücker R, Hanf D, Gutzmer J, Ihle S, Merchel S, Renno AD, Rugel G, Scharf O, Buchriegler J (2013) High- Speed PIXE – schnelle Multielementanalyse mit Ionenstrahlen. Wissenschaftsforum Chemie 2013, 01.- 04.09.2013, Darmstadt Zimmermann F, Leise S, Zimmermann M, Matschullat J (2013) Aerosol – gas phase distribution of S and N com- ponents at two rural sites in the eastern Erzgebirge, Germany. Poster presentation DACH Innsbruck 09/2013

Zurba K, Oertel C, Matschullat J (2013) CO2 emissions from willow and poplar short rotation forestry on a derelict mining soil. Abstract for BIOMET 2013 in Skalica

Zurba K, Oertel C, Matschullat J (2013) CO2-emissions from willow and poplar short rotation forestry (SRF) on a derelict mining soil. International Forum – Competition of Young Researchers "Topical Issues of Subsoil Us- age". Staatliche Bergbauhochschule Sankt-Petersburg (Caнкт-Пeтeрбypгcкий Гocyдapcтвeнный Гopный yнивepcитeт), ISBN: 978-5-94211-646-0

Research projects and contracts in 2013

WG Applied and General Mineralogy 1. Seltenerdenelemente (Gd, La, Sm, Y) für mikroakustische Bauteile im Hochtemperaturbereich. Mit Leibniz-Institut für Werkstoffforschung Dresden (DFG GO 677/10-1; 4 years) – JGö 2. Global warming-induced vegetation change and their effects on mineral weathering in a cold-dry and alpine environment (Wind River Range); (2 years) mit ETH Zürich – JGö 3. Funktionales Strukturdesign neuer Hochleistungswerkstoffe durch Atomares Design und Defekt- Engineering (ADDE), Teilprojekt Neue Volumen-Hartstoffe (until July 2014) – GH 4. Freiberger Hochdruckforschungszentrum, Dr. Erich-Krüger-Stiftung (until August 2014) – GH 5. Unkonventionelle Synthese von ternären und quaternären nanoskaligen Nitriden mittels Schockwellen (Synthese), Leuchtstoffwerk Breitungen GmbH (until March 2014) – GH 6. SMSB – Gewinnung strategischer Metalle und anderer Mineralien aus sächsischen Bergbau- halden. BMBF Fördermaßnahme "r3 – Innovative Technologien für Ressourceneffizienz – Stra- tegische Metalle und Mineralien": Teilprojekt Quantitative Mineralogische Analyse, 2012–2014 7. Kraftwerksfilteraschen. BMBF Fördermaßnahme "r3 – Innovative Technologien für Ressour- ceneffizienz – Strategische Metalle und Mineralien": Teilprojekt Quantitative Mineralogische Analyse, Laufzeit 2012–2014 8. BHMZ - Biohydrometallurgisches Zentrum. Dr.-Erich-Krüger-Stiftung: Teilprojekt 4 "Laugung synthetischer und natürlicher Erze und Erzminerale", 2013–2018 9. SecMinStratEl - “Secondary Mining – The extraction of strategic elements from mining dumps (e.g., tailings) at selected Chilean sites, connected with a more environmentally friendly subse- quent disposal residual materials. BMBF-Verbundprojekt der Förderinititiative CLIENT mit Prof. Drebenstedt, Prof. Lieberwirth, BGR Hannover, UdeC Concepcion, UDA Copiapo, Codelco, ENAMI, SQM, Municipality of Copiapo, GEOS, Erz&Stein, UVR-FIA, GFI Dresden und Tenova- TAKRAF, 2013–2016 10. Domeyko-Initiative (BMBF) der TU Bergakademie Freiberg. Deutsch-Chilenische Ausbildungs- initiative im Bergbau und bergbaurelevanten Fachrichtungen (mit TFH Bochum, UdeC Con- cepcion, UCN Antofagasta, UDA Copiapo). 2013–2014 11. Aufbau eines webbasierten Systems zur Erschließung, Digitalisierung und Visualisierung des Bestandes der historischen mineralogischen Kennzeichen- Sammlung von Abraham Gottlob Werner an der TU Bergakademie Freiberg (GH, AM), DFG; 2013–2016 12. Aufbau eines webbasierten Systems zur Erschließung, Digitalisierung und Vi- sualisierung des Bestandes der Brennstoffgeologischen Sammlung an der TU Bergakademie Freiberg (Norbert Volkmann, BG, GH), DFG, 2013–2016 13. Aufbau eines webbasierten Systems zur Erschließung, Digitalisierung und Visualisierung des Bestandes der Dünnschliffsammlung an der TU Bergakademie Freiberg (Axel Renno, CW, GH), DFG, 2013–2016 Institute of Mineralogy – Annual Report 2013 25

14. Geo- und montanwissenschaftliche Sammlungen in Freiberg und Dresden: Digitalisierung und Aufbau eines webbasierten Systems zur Erschließung und Visualisierung (GH, Helmut Albrecht, Jan-Michael Lange) DFG, 2013–2016 15. Laugung und Verwitterung von chilenischen Kupferschlacken, DAAD-Promotionsstipendium, Carolina Lopez, 2012–2015 (GH) 16. Typomorphie Sibirischer Diamanten, DAAD-Lomonossov-Forschungsstipendium Yury Nefedov, 10/2013–03/2014 (GH, UK) 17. Typomorphie von Feingold der Lagerstätte Zolotoe, DAAD-Lomonossov-Forschungsstipendium Anton Popov, 10/2013–03/2014 (GH, UK) 18. Spektroskopische Untersuchungen an Cassiteriten der Zinnlagerstätte Severnij, DAAD- Forschungsstipendium Anna Kurguzova, 09/2013–03/2014 (GH, JGö, UK) 19. Zirkone der Zinnlagerstätte Urmi, DAAD-Forschungsstipendium Maria Machevariany, 09/2013– 03/2014 (GH, MT, UK) 20. ELSA - Schadstoffeinträge aus den Erzbergbaurevieren der Mulde in die Elbe, Stadt Hamburg und der Hamburg Port Authority, 2010–2013 (AG)

WG Geochemistry and Geoecology 21. ALL-Africa (Arid Land Lakes in SW and E-Africa). Sediment investigations on lake sediments from Kenya and Namibia to detect geochemical anomalies and possible keys for recente envi- ronmental change (with IGB, Dr. Peter Casper). 2012–2013; finished succesfully 22. BLITSN Lightning project Saxony. In analogy to a forerunner project for Thuringia, we evaluated lighting frequencies and intensitities in Saxony and interpreted the phenomenology based on land-use, weather patterns and other basic geodata (with LfULG, SMUL). 2012–2013. success- fully finished 23. BraSol-2010. Soil geochemistry and land-use, NE-Brazil. The large interdisciplinary joint reser- ach project continues and received further support for 2014. So far, 2 PhD projects, 4 M.Sc. theses, 12 B.Sc. theses, and an additional 6 student works successfully finished; more to come. see publications, too. 2008 – 2014 – JMT 24. Einhausungen (photo at right). This DBU project performs open-air experiments at Oberbärenburg, trying to figure out the best winter protection means for natural stone sculptures. Cooperation project with the Institute for Diag- nostics and Conservation of Memorials in Saxony and Saxony-Anhaltina e.V., Dr. Christoph Franzen – JMT, HK and FZ 25. Fog Organic Aerosol. The DBU-supported PhD project (Stephanie Schüttauf) separates Aerosol and fog water fractions and explores the role of organic aerosol in near ground air masss and in the fog phase, jointly with colleagues at the IfT in Leipzig. 2011–2014 26. FREKLISBO. Building upon the GREGASO works, we develop the preconditions for a state- wide GHG soil emission network in Saxony, supported by SMUL and LfULG. 2013–2014 27. Geochronological age determinations on acidic magmatites/volcanites of Erzgebirge and Lusa- tia. Contract with the LfULG 2013 – MT 28. GREGASO. The successful method development by Dipl. Geoecol. Cornelius Oertel now per- mits manual and fully automated sampling and subsequent analysis of climate-relevant race gases from soils under various land-use. Supported by the Air Liquide Foundation, the system is being developed further and special questions addresses, e.g., the reaction of short rotation for- estry (with Kamal Zurba) and soils in different climate zones. 2011–2014 29. KLIWETT module II. Jointly with CEC Potsdam GmbH, we tackled the aspect of the ‘Influence of weather extremes and the deposition situation of Saxony’ within the project ‘Climate change and Weather patterns’. 2012–2013; successfully finished 30. REGKLAM. BMBF-joint research project. Various partial projects with Dr. Stephanie Hänsel, Dr. Frank Zimmermann, and the doctoral students Andreas Hoy, Silvia Leise, Daniel Leistner, Sab- ine Tesch (JMT). See above for details. 2008–2013; successfully finished 31. Skarn deposits in Kurdistan. Wihting an Iraqi-German program of stipends, Irfan Mousa Yara works with us on his PhD. It is obvious now that important aspects of the crustal dynamic pro- cesses at the former edge of the Tethys Ocean will have to be re-considered. 2010–2014 – BS, MT, JMT 26 Annual Report 2013

32. SMSB. Winnung valuable mineral materials from mine heaps and tailings is the focal point of the r³ project (BMBF; Innovative technologies for resource efficienvy – Strategic metals and minerals’. The projct headed by Jens Gutzmer ‘SMSB – Gewinnung strategischer Metalle und anderer Mineralien aus sächsischen Bergbauhalden’ studies materials in Saxony for their stra- tegic elements. It is our task to further develop inorganic high-end analytical tools. TU Bergakademie Freiberg receives 910.000 Euro. 2012–2014 33. SoilTempCC. Long-term soil temperature data from Germany are being evaluated for climate relevant signals in the PhD project of Falk Böttcher. With DWD; 2012–2015 34. WEIMAR. Element sorption, relevant to long-term nuclear safety. With GRS and HZDR we host a PhD project (Sandra Kalanke, Carsten Kruse) to study the sorption behaviour of nickel, europium and aluminium (as analoga and homologa) on various pure mineral phases. 2012–2014; JMT

WG Economic Geology and Petrology 35. Geologie und Tektonik im Werra-Kaligebiet – Ein Beitrag zur nachhaltigen Lagerstättennutzung. Kooperation mit der K+S Aktiengesellschaft (Projektleiter: Prof. Thomas Seifert, Prof. Klaus Stanek, Dr. Jens Barnasch [K+S Aktiengesellschaft, Kassel], Dr. Silvio Zeibig [K+S Aktienge- sellschaft, Kassel]; PhD-Student: Anne Engler) 36. Erarbeitung eines geologischen Lagerstättenmodells der Scholle von Calvörde unter besonder- er Berücksichtigung der lithofaziellen Ausbildung des Kaliflözes Ronnenberg. Kooperation mit der K+S Aktiengesellschaft (Projektleiter: Prof. Thomas Seifert, Dr. Silvio Zeibig [K+S Aktieng- esellschaft, Kassel], Dipl.-Geol. Jörg Feldberg [KALI GmbH, Zielitz], Dr. Werner Reichenbach [Externer Betreuer]; PhD-Student: Anja Dabrowski) 37. Characterization of Cu-Mo-Au mineralization in the Laver Prospect, Northern Sweden. Koopera- tion mit Boliden Mineral AB (Master thesis: Albrecht Böhme, Betreuer: JG, Tobias Höfig) 38. Geometallurgical study for REE on processing plant concentrates and in situ ore samples from the Vergenoeg Fluorite Deposit. Kooperation mit Vergenoeg Mining Company (Pty) Ltd. (Master thesis: Marius Kern, Betreuer: JG, Sandra Birtel [HZDR]) 39. Erkundung der Li-Rb-Sn-W-Greisenlagerstätte Zinnwald, Erzgebirge. Kooperation mit Solar- World GmbH Freiberg (Projektleitung: JG u. TS; PhD-Student: Jörg Neßler) 40. Geometallurgical assessment of the rare earth mineralogy and processing characteristics at the Vergenoeg Fluorite Mine, South Africa in Kooperation mit Vergenoeg Mining Company (Pty) Ltd. (Master thesis: Marius Kern, Betreuer: JG, Sandra Birtel [HZDR], Tobias Höfig) 41. Characterization of the Cu-Ag mineralization of the Polkowice-Sieroszowice mining district, SW Poland, and its significance for the potential recovery of trace metals in Kooperation with Cen- trum Badań Jakości Sp. z o.o. (CBJ) (Master thesis: Carolin Kresse, Betreuer: JG, Tobias Höfig, Sandra Birtel [HZDR]) 42. Deportment of critical metals and process mineralogy of Kupferschiefer ores from the Polkowi- ce-Sieroszowice mining district, SW Poland – Cooperation with Centrum Badań Jakości Sp. z o.o. (CBJ) (Master thesis: Michael Stoll, Betreuer: JG, Tobias Höfig, Sandra Birtel [HZDR]) 43. Petrological, microstructural and geochemical characterization of the ore types of Kirunavaara, Sweden in Kooperation mit LKAB (Master thesis: Karsten Aupers, Betreuer: JG, Sandra Birtel [HZDR], Tobias Höfig) 44. Cs-Potential of LCT Pegmatites in Western Australia. Kooperation mit Rockwood Lithium GmbH Franfurt/M. (Projektleitung: ThS u. BS; PhD-Student: Thomas Dittrich) 45. Metallogenie von Indium- und Germanium-Lagerstätten im Erzgebirge und im Ausland. Teilpro- jekt 1 des BHMZ an der TUBAF (Krüger-Stiftung): (Projektleitung für TP1: ThS; PhD student: Matthias Bauer) 46. Geologisch-mineralogische Charakteristik und Genese von Turmalin-Brekzien und assoziierten Cu-Mo-Vererzungen im Lagerstättendistrikt Rio Blanco-Los Bronches/Chile. Kooperation mit CODELCO, Chile. Supervisor: TS and Prof. Lother Ratschbacher (Inst. f. Geologie), PhD stu- dent: Michael Hohf, chilenischer DAAD-Student

Qualification works, defended in 2013 PhD dissertations 2013 (n = 5) Juliane Bernhardt (2013) Rotation-affected internal seiches and its effects on transport through the sediment-water interface – JMT mit IGB (Georgyi Kyrillin und Christian Engelhardt), December Andreas Hoy (2013) Atmospheric circulation variability and relation to climate – JMT (May) Institute of Mineralogy – Annual Report 2013 27

Kevin Keller (2013) Schockwellensynthese und Charakterisierung von Aluminiumnitrid mit Kochsalz- struktur – GH (20.12.2013) Anne Schucknecht (2013) Soil geochemistry, vegetation dynamics, and precipitation in north-eastern Brazil – a global change study – JMT (January)

Christoph Reuther (2013) Züchtung und Charakterisierung von Sr3Gd[BO3]4-Einkristallen (GH)

Master theses 2013 (n = 11) Matthias Bauer (2013) Mineralogical and geochemical investigations of the Archean LCT-pegmatite deposit Cattlin Creek, near Ravensthorpe/Western Australia. M.Sc. Thesis, Geowissenschaften TU Freiberg: 160 p. (ThD, TS, BS). Reik Degler (2013) Electron microprobe monazite dating and geothermobarometry in Paleoproterozoic metamorphic series of the Jequeri District, Aracuai Orogen, Minas Gerais, Brazil. M.Sc. Thesis, Ge- owissenschaften TU Freiberg: 129 p. (BS and Dr. Glaucia Queiroga, University Ouro Preto, Brazil) Katharina Großer (2013) Charakterisierung rezenter Salzseesedimente vom äquatorialen bis zum südlichen Afrika. Masterarbeit im Studiengang Geowissenschaften (JMT, RK und AP) Albert Gruber (2013) Comparative Studies on Micas from Archean LCT-pegmatites of Western Aus- tralia. M.Sc. Thesis, Geowissenschaften TU Freiberg: 296 p. (ThD, TS, BS). Tom Járóka (2013) Mineralogical and geochemical characterization of cassiterite-bearing mineraliza- tions in metamorphic rocks of the "Felsitzone" in the Großschirma area, Freiberg mining district. (Betreuer: TS, BS) Marius Kern (2013) Geometallurgical assessment of the rare earth mineralogy and processing charac- teristics at the Vergenoeg Fluorite Mine, South Africa. M.Sc. Thesis, Geowissenschaften TU Freiberg in Kooperation mit Vergenoeg Mining Company (Pty) Ltd. 100 p. (JG, Sandra Birtel [HZDR Helmholtz-Institut Freiberg für Ressourcentechnologie], Tobias Höfig) Tobias Petermann (2013) “Wood tin” as constituent of heavy mineral concentrates from modern water courses in Central Saxony: distribution, mineralogy, genesis (TS, BS) Christine Irene Pilz (2013) Qualitätskontrolle einer WD-RFA-Anwendung für Erzhaldenmaterial und darauf aufbauende geochemische Untersuchungen. Masterarbeit im Studiengang Geoökologie (JMT und AP) Lisa Richter (2013) Mineralogical and geochemical investigations of the Archean LCT-pegmatite de- posit Wodgina, Pilbara Craton/Western Australia. M.Sc. Thesis, Geowissenschaften TU Freiberg: 263 p. (ThD, TS, BS) Juliane Schmidt (2013) Thiosulfatpotential in geschichteten Seen. Externally with Katrin Wendt- Potthoff (UFZ) – JMT Christian Utschig (2013) Optical properties of marine phytoplankton. Externally with Heather Bouman, Oxford Univ.) – JMT

Bachelor theses 2013 (n = 14) Martin Baldauf (2013) Gitterkonstantenbestimmung von Mineral der Pyroxenfamilie (Betreuer: RK, GH) Björn Fritzke (2013) Petrographie von Metabasiten der penninischen Eklogit-Zone am Südrand des Tauernfensters (Ostalpen). B.Sc. Thesis, Geowissenschaften TU Freiberg: 117 p. (BS, Dr. U. Kro- ner, Institute of Geology)

Michael Gäbelein (2013) Zur Synthese von Linarit, PbCu[(OH)2|SO4] (GH) Anne Hänig (2013) SPI-Trend im 21. Jahrhundert für die REGKLAM Modellregion. JMT mit Stephanie Hänsel Robert Junge (2013) Petrographie und Verformungsanalyse an Amphiboliten und Metapeliten des Schiefermantels im Sächsischen Granulitmassiv bei Wolkenburg. B.Sc. thesis, Geowissenschaften TU Freiberg: 40 p. (BS, Dr. U Kroner, Institute of Geology) Katharina Kupper (2013) CNS-Konzentrationen in tropischen Böden Nordost-Brasiliens. JMT and AP Friderike Kutz (2013) Nährstoffe im Kreislauf tropischer Böden am Beispiel Nordost-Brasiliens. JMT and AP

Susanne Paskoff (2013) Sinterung und Untersuchung des Schmelzverhaltens von Ca3La2[BO3]3. (JGö) Louisa Polzer (2013) Nutrient content of tropical soils in north-eastern Brazil. JMT and AP Julia Richter (2013) Untersuchung fluider Phasen in Achaten mittels Thermo-Massenspektrometrie. (JGö) 28 Annual Report 2013

Markus Röhner (2013) Geologisch-petrographische Aufnahme des Granulit-Massives im Übergang zum Schiefermantel am Schusterstein im Chemnitztal bei Auerswalde. B.Sc. thesis, Geosciences TU Freiberg: 72 p. (BS, Dr. Kurt Goth, LfULG Sachsen) Franziska Schenk (2013) Petrographie von Kristallingesteinen des Sächsischen Granulitmassivs zwi- schen Granulitbruch Diethensdorf und Bahnhof Markersdorf. B.Sc. thesis, Geosciences TU Frei- berg: 66 p. (BS, Dr. Kurt Goth, LfULG Sachsen) Carolin Schröder (2013) Soil repiration of forest locations in Saxony, Germany. JMT with Cornelius Oertel Ulrike Schwerdtner (2013) Treibhausgasemissionen aus der Landwirtschaft gemäßigter Klimate. JMT with Stephanie Hänsel

School student works and internships 2013 (n = 1) 01.–07. Constanze Horn, 11. Klasse Gymnasium Arnstadt, in the Geochemical Lab

Prizes and Awards 2013 Xiaoli Wang received a Student Travel Award of the Clay Minerals Society for 1,200 USD. GH has been nominated by the Bavarian Staate Ministry for Education and Culture, Science and Art as a member of the advisory board of the State Collections of Bavaria (SNSB). Oral presentations and conference organisation 2013 15.01. Gaitzsch B Talk im Rahmen des Geowissenschaftlichen Kolloquiums, Senckenberg Naturhistorische Sammlungen Dresden 01.–06.03. XXVIII Internat Conf on Interaction of Intense Energy Fluxes with Matter, Elbrus, with § Yu S, Anan'ev, Milyavskiy VV, Schlothauer T, Mases M, Waldbock J, Dossot M, De- vaux X, McRae E, Soldatov AV: Shock compression of carbon nanotubes up to 100 GPa (talk) § Milyavskiy VV, Savinykh AS, Schlothauer T, Akopov FA, Lukin ES, Valiano GE, Boro- dina TI, Popova NA, Borovkova LB, Ziborov VS: Shock-induced phase transitions, spall strength and dynamic elastic limit of tetragonal zirconia (talk) 03.–06.03. Teilnahme von JG und TS an der weltgrößten Explorations- und Bergbau-Messe (PDAC 2013: mehr als 30.000 Teilnehmer) in Toronto und Betreuung eines gemeinsamen Infor- mationsstandes von HIF am HZDR, TUBAF and DERA/BGR 18.03. AP talk „Fluoranalytik in der Geochemie – warum nicht mit der RFA?“ Colloquium Analyt- ische Atomspektroskopie CANAS, Freiberg 19.03. Leise S talk „Charakterisierung von Aerosolbelastung durch Filteranalysen mittels RFA und ICP-MS“. Colloquium Analytische Atomspektroskopie CANAS, Freiberg 19.03. Massanek A, Heide G, Heide B: Aufbau eines webbasierten Systems zur Erschließung, Digitalisierung und Visualisierung von geo- und montanwissenschaftlichen Sammlungen. Talk zur Arbeitstagung des AK Mineralogische Sammlungen und Museen der DMG in Leipzig 19.03. Kehrer C: Charakterisierung der Erze vom Typ Kupferschiefer mittels MLA-Technik. Talk zur Arbeitstagung AK Mineralogische Sammlungen und Museen der DMG, Leipzig 19.–22.03. 21st Annual Conference of the German Crystallographic Society (DGK), Freiberg, with § Köhler A, Schimpf C, Schlothauer T, Schwarz M, Klemm V, Heide G, Kroke E, Rafaja D: Structural and chemical analysis of shockwave-synthesized superhard γ-Si3N4 Ma- terial (talk) § 22.03. Keller K, Schlothauer T, Schwarz M, Brendler E, Kroke E, Heide G: Structural characterisation of shocked AlN-powders (talk) 28.03. Keller K, Schlothauer T, Schwarz M, Kroke E, Heide G „Shock synthesis of high-pressure phases in the system Si-Al-O-N“. International Symposium on Explosion, Shock wave and High-energy reaction Phenomena 2013. Talk, Nago/Okinawa, 2013 07.–12.04. EGU: European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2013, Vienna, Austria, with § Hänsel S, Matschullat J: V Climate change education in Earth System Science § Hänsel S, Heidenreich M, Franke J, Riedel K, Matschullat J, Bernhofer Ch: Climate services within a regional climate adaptation project (poster) Institute of Mineralogy – Annual Report 2013 29

§ Hänsel S, Miketta W, Matschullat J: V Decadal variability in European wet and dry phases (poster) § Hänsel S, Mehler S, Matschullat J: P Evaluating dry and wet period changes using an ensemble of GCMs, ENSEMBLES RCMs and additional higher resolved RCMs (poster) 12.04. Neßler J, Seifert T, Gutzmer J “Geology and Exploration of the Li-Sn-W-Rb-Cs-deposit Zinnwald, eastern Erzgebirge, Germany”. Treffen des Forschungskollegiums Lagerstät- ten, Zinnwald 17.04. Greif A (2013) Die Arsen- und Schwermetallbelastung der Mulde – Quellenermittlung, Langzeitentwicklung und Bilanzierung. Talk zum gemeinsamen Workshop AK „Sedimente und Gewässergüte“ der Wasserchemischen Gesellschaft und AK „Kohäsive, schad- stoffbelastete Sedimente der Binnenelbe“, Berlin 18.04. Massanek A: Die neue Ausstellung „Mineralogische Sammlung Deutschland“ im Krüger- haus in Freiberg. Talk beim Verein der Mineralien- und Fossilienfreunde Radebeul

24.–26.04. Zurba K, Oertel C, Matschullat J (2013) CO2-emissions from willow and poplar short rota- tion forestry (SRF) on a derelict mining soil. International Forum – Competition of Young Researchers "Topical Issues of Subsoil Usage". Staatliche Bergbauhochschule Sankt- Petersburg, Russische Föderation (Caнкт-Пeтeрбypгcкий Гocyдapcтвeнный Гopный yнивepcитeт), ISBN: 978-5-94211-646-0 27.04. Massanek A: Das Krügerhaus in Freiberg – die neue Ausstellung „Mineralogische Sammlung Deutschland. Talk Symposium Internationale Mineralien- und Fossilientage Bad Ems 02.–04.05. CL-Workshop Uni Genf, Switzerland (JGö) 03.05. Massanek A: „Mineralogische Sammlung Deutschland“ – die neue Ausstellung im Krügerhaus in Freiberg. Talk beim Verein der Mineralienfreunde Dresden 08.05. TS: Der Schneckenstein im Vogtland – Ein einzigartiges geologisches Naturdenkmal und ein sehr bedeutender geologischer Aufschluß für wiss. Untersuchungen zur Entstehung von Seltenen Metall-Lagerstätten (Sn, W, Mo, Li, Sc, In). Talk am Vogtländisch- Böhmischen Mineralienzentrum Schneckenstein 17.05. Massanek A, Rank K, Heide G: The mineralogical collections of TU Bergakademie Freiberg, Germany. Talk: Conference at the first international mineral show, Changsha, China 15.–20.05. Conference at the first international mineral show, Changsha, China, with § Massanek A, Kehrer C, Gaitzsch B, Heide G (2013) The Geoscientific Collections of the TU Bergakademie Freiberg. poster § Massanek A, Rank K, Heide G (2013) The TU Bergakademie Freiberg – Mineral Col- lection of Abraham Gottlob Werner. poster § Massanek A, Rank K, Heide G (2013) Terra mineralia – a mineralogical world tour. poster § Massanek A, Rank K, Heide G (2013) The Krügerhaus Building – a mineralogical journey through Germany. poster 19.–24.05. Schüttauf S, Matschullat J, Zimmermann F, van Pinxteren D, Herrmann H (2013) Fog as an organic aerosol transformer – phase partitioning of carboxylic acids at a mountainous site in Germany, 6th Internat. Conf. on fog, fog collection and dew, Yokohama (Japan) 22.–24.05. Teilnahme von TS am GACMAC Joint Annual Meeting „At the heart of the Continent“, Winnipeg, Kanada. 3 von 4 Beiträgen mit den Koautoren Th. Dittrich, T. Jaroka, D. Sand- mann (see other publications 2013) 26.05. Kongsberg Mineralsymposium with two talks § Massanek A: Terra mineralia – two new mineral exhibitions in Freiberg/Germany § Massanek A, Rank K, Heide G: The mineralogical collection of the TU Bergakademie Freiberg/Germany 27.–30.05. Climate Change and Regional Response (CCRR-2013) in Dresden mit diversen Beiträgen (talks, poster and Workshop-guidance) der AG Geochemie und Geoökologie: § Hänsel S: Leitung des Young Researcher Forum § Hänsel S: Future drought conditions in the REGKLAM Region (talk) § Heidenreich M, Hänsel S, Franke J, Bernhofer Ch, Riedel K: Selection and evaluation of regional climate projections for the Model Region Dresden (talk) § Mehler S, Hänsel S, Matschullat J: What changes in extreme precipitation events do ENSEMBLES models project for the REGKLAM region? (talk) § Mehler S, Hänsel S, Matschullat J: Changes in frequency and duration of wet and dry periods in the REGKLAM region using ENSEMBLES data (poster) 30 Annual Report 2013

§ Müller A, Hänsel S, Matschullat J: Fundamentals and success factors of climate change adaptation (talk) § Tesch S, Dunger V, Matschullat J: Data availability – a challenge for climate impact and adaptation research (poster) Left: We hosted one of the CCRR-2013 excursions, leading two groups to Ober- bärenburg

03.–04.06. Workshop “Geoanalyst” Academy of Sciences of Poland, Krakow (JGö) 03.–05.06. Köhler A, Schlothauer T, Schimpf C, Schwarz M, Klemm V, Heide G, Rafaja D, Kroke E: Structural and Chemical Characterization of shockwave-synthesized γ-Si3N4 material, Workshop on New Directions for High-Pressure Neutron Research, Oak Ridge, Tennes- see, USA, Talk 12.06. Massanek A: The Mineralogical Collections of the TU Bergakademie Freiberg/Germany. Talk Geological Survey of Tanzania, Dodoma 17.–21.06. Teilnahme von Tobias Höfig an dem 2nd SGA-SEG-UNESCO-IUGS Short Course on Afri- can Metallogeny “Base Metals in Basins”, Kitwe, Zambia 18.06. Massanek A: Review of the geoscientific collection of the Geological survey of Tanzania. - Talk Geological survey of Tanzania, Dodoma 26.06. Keller K, Schlothauer T, Schwarz MR, Kroke E, Heide G „Shock-induced synthesis and characterisation of rocksalt-type AlN“. Minerals as Advanced Materials III. Talk. Apatity 01.–06.07. International Conference on Raman and Luminescence Spectroscopy in the Earth sci- ences (CORALS 2013), Wien (JGö) with (03.–05.07.): § Götze J, Kotova EL, Brotskaya RL (2013) Micro-texture and cathodoluminescence (CL) of high-purity quartz from Russia § Götze J, Schertl HP, Neuser R, Kempe U, Hanchar JM (2013) Cathodoluminescence (OM-CL) imaging as a powerful tool to reveal internal textures of minerals § Götze J, Stevens-Kalceff M, Pan Y (2013) Origin and significance of the yellow ca- thodoluminescence (CL) of quartz In early July, the conference CORALS–2013 was hosted for the first at the Faculty of Ge- osciences, Geography and Astronomy of the University of Vienna. Over 70 scientists from 22 countries exchanged knowledge on the field of destruction-free microbeam analysis of minerals and other geological samples.

Participants of CORALS-2013

Institute of Mineralogy – Annual Report 2013 31

Left: Cathodoluminescence-image of a cut diamond square from the Democratic Republic of Congo (width ca. 1 mm; phot: D. Howell, Macquarie Univ., Sydney, Australia) The analytical techniques Raman and Lumines- cence-spectroscopy are increasingly applied in geoscientific research, since they permit a de- struction-free and high-resolution analysis of very small samples. This increasing trend of light- spectroscopic mineral anyticval techniques is addionally documented by the support of a “Marie Curie Chair of Excellence for Mineral Spectros- copy” in the years 2006 bis 2009 at the University of Vienna by the European Commis- sion. At the time it was the third Marie Curie Chair for Austria and the first one in Europe in the field of mineralogy. Left. Luminescence image (width 0.85 mm) of a sand- stone sample from Minas Gerais, Brazil. Radioactive mineral grains emitting alpha radiation millions of years have damaged the structure of the neighbouring quartz grain; these defects are well visible in their orange- colured emission (see arrows; phot: JGö) It was the third CORALS conference, following preceding events in 2009 in Mainz, Germany, and 2011 in Madrid, Spain; this time organized by the Institute of Mineralogy and Cristallography of the University of Vienna; the Vienna Museum of Natu- ral History was engaged as co-organizer. New research results and technical develop- ments were presented and discussed over three days. Puctually at the conference start, a spcial colume of the Springer journal “Mineralogy and Petrology” appeared with articles on the current development in the field, represented by invited review papers. The conferece included a doctoral course on luminescence techniques that attracted an unexpected 30 participants. This short contribution was taken from UNI-VIEW MAGAZIN (University of Vienna, Aus- tria) from July 25, 2013 erdwissenschaftskonferenz-erstmals-an-der-universitaet-wien/ 12.–15.08. 12th Biennial SGA Meeting: Mineral deposit research for a high-tech world, Uppsala, Swe- den with: § Bachmann K, Gutzmer J, Persson M F, Jansson N (2013) Alteration in the area of the Kristineberg VHMS deposit, Skellefte district, Sweden: p. 498-500 § Jansson N, Hermansson T, Persson M F, Berglund A, Kruuna A, Skyttä P, Bachmann K, Gutzmer J, Chmielowski R, Weihed P (2013) Recent advances in structural geolo- gy, lithogeochemistry and exploration for VHMS deposits, Kristineberg area, Skellefte District, Sweden: p. 545-548 01.–06.09. Schüttauf S, Matschullat J, Zimmermann F, van Pinxteren D, Herrmann H (2013) Organic aerosol: distribution between fog water and interstitial air – a report of two mountainous sites in Germany, European Aerosol Conference, Prague 02.–06.09. DACH: Deutsch-Österreichisch-Schweizerische Meteorologentagung 2013, Innsbruck, Austria, with § Bernhofer Ch, Hänsel S, Heidenreich M, Feske N, Riedel K, Franke J, Matschullat J: Erfahrungen mit regionalen Klimaprojektionsdaten in der Anpassungsforschung (poster) § Hänsel S, Mehler S, Matschullat J: Bewertung regionaler Trockenheitstrends anhand eines Ensembles globaler und regionaler Klimamodelle (poster) § Miketta W, Hänsel S, Matschullat J: Raum-zeitliche Eigenschaften und Trends lang andauernder Nass- und Trockenphasen in Europa sowie Zusammenhänge zur at- mosphärischen Zirkulation (poster) § Zimmermann F, Leise S, Zimmermann M, Matschullat J: Aerosol-gas-phase distribu- tion of S and N components at two rural sites in the Eastern Erzgebirge, Germany 32 Annual Report 2013

08.–11.09. Köhler A, Schlothauer T, Schimpf C, Klemm V, Schwarz M, Heide G, Rafaja D, Kroke E:

The role of oxygen in shockwave-synthesized γ-Si3N4 Material, International Workshop on Advances in Static and Dynamic High-Pressure Crystallography, Deutsches Elektronen Synchrotron (DESY), Hamburg; poster 09.–11.09. JMT gives three invited talks and two poster presentations at BioClim 2013 in Skalica, Slowakia 08.–12.09. Keller K, Schlothauer T, Schwarz MR, Brendler E, Kroke E, Heide G: Searching for hy- percoordination. 8th Alpine Conf on Solid State NMR, Chamonix (poster) 12.09. JMT gives invited talk at the Leibniz-Societät in Berlin 17.–20.09. Teilnahme von Profs. Dr. Thomas Seifert und Dr. Bernhard Schulz an der Tagung GE- OPilsen in Pilsen. Es handelte sich um die gemeinsame Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Geowissenschaften (DGG) und der Czech Geological Society mit dem regionalen Schwerpunkt Geodynamics in the Bohemian Massif 23.–25.09. Teilnahme von Anja Dabrowski und Anne Engler ab der Konferenz Sedimentary Basins Jena 2013 – Research, Modelling, Exploration in Bezug auf die Zechsteinzyklen und Ab- folgen des Buntsandstein in Mitteldeutschland waren die Themenschwerpunkte 26.09. Greif A, Klemm W, Rohde S, Kreyßig E, Martin M (2013) Beitrag der erzgebirgischen Grubenwässer zum Arsen- und Schwermetallstatus des Fließgewässersystems der Mulde (Sachsen, Deutschland). Poster, Mine Water Workshop, Freiberg 26.–27.09. Jubiläumskolloquium „Goethes weiteres Erbe: 200 Jahre Klimastation in Jena“ zum The- ma, „Lange Zeitreihen und schnelle Prozesse: Die wiederentdeckte Rolle der Langzeitbe- obachtung in Geowissenschaften, Klimatologie und Hydrologie“, Jena, Deutschland, with § Hänsel S: Starkniederschlag und Dürre – Langzeitvariabilität und -trends in Sachsen (1901–2012) (talk) § Hoy A, Matschullat J (2013) Großwetterlagen und Europas Klima – Eine folgenreiche Langzeitbeziehung (poster) § Schüttauf S, Matschullat J, Zimmermann F (2013) Langzeitbeobachtungen von Ne- belereignissen im Erzgebirge: Entwicklung der chemischen Zusammensetzung und der Auftrittshäufigkeit (poster) 27.9.–01.10. III International Conference Crystallogenesis and Mineralogy, Novosibirsk, with § Schlothauer T, Heide G: Infrared Spectroscopy of shock-wave synthesized γ- Si3(N,O)4, talk § Keller K, Schlothauer T, Heide G, Kroke E „Shock-induced synthesis of high-pressure aluminium nitride with rocksalt structure“ (talk) § Schlothauer T, Grund K, Heide G: Samples from the outer core? The new shock wave laboratory at the TU Bergakademie Freiberg (in Russ.), Sankt Petersburg (talk) § Schlothauer T, Heide G: Properties of shock wave synthesized nitrides (in Russ.), Sankt Petersburg, (talk) § Schlothauer T, Heide G: The possibilities of the shock wave laboratory Freiberg/ Germany (in Russ.), Cernogolovka (invited talk) 01.–06.10. TS as Invited Speaker an der IPPNW conference and field excursion „Uranium-mining: Impact on Health and Environment”, Dar Es Salaam and Bahi /Dodoma, United Republic of Tanzania 06.–09.10. JMT gives invited talk at a Workshop, World Resources Forum in Davos 06.–10.10. Xiaoli Wang hält auf dem 50th Annual Meeting der CMS in Urbana/Illinois einen viel beachteten Vortrag über die ersten Ergebnisse ihrer Arbeit zur Strukturanalyse an Smek- titen 07.10. Tesch S: Modellierung der Grundwasserneubildung unter veränderten klimatischen Bed- ingungen. 5. Regionalforum REGKLAM, Dresden (poster) 10.10. Massanek A: Die Mineralogischen Sammlungen an der TU Bergakademie Freiberg. Vortrag Heimatverein Kemmlitz/Neusornzig JMT Workshop halbtägig beim CIPSEM-Kurs an der TU Dresden 14.–21.10. JMT invited by AvH to Sydney for talk and workshop moderation with Prof. Roger Read 15.10. Greif A (2013) Charakterisierung der Schadstoffeinträge aus den Erzbergbaurevieren der Mulde in die Elbe. Talk zum 10. Gewässerforum Mulden, in Leisnig 16.10. Götze J (2013) Das Rätsel des Mondes – Untersuchung von Mondgesteinen und -mineralen. Talk Museum für Naturkunde Chemnitz Institute of Mineralogy – Annual Report 2013 33

25.–27.10. Massanek A: Minerale für das Krügerhaus – die Stiftung Mineralogische Sammlung Deutschland. 3 talks zur 50. Internationalen Mineralienmesse München 27.–30.10 Ostendorf J, Gutzmer J, Mondillo N, Boni M, Henjes-Kunst F (2013) Rb-Sr dating of sphalerite from the carbonate-hosted Jabali Zn-Pb-(Ag) deposit (Yemen). 2013 GSA An- nual Meeting in Denver, Colorado 01.11. Heide G, Heide B, Massanek A: Die Farbe Blau in der Kennzeichensammlung von Abra- ham Gottlob Werner. Vortrag zum Symposium: Über die Natur des Lichts und die Farbe Blau in Wissenschaft, bildender Kunst und Dichtung um 1800. Schloss Oberwiederstedt 06.11. Keller K „Dynamic high pressure research at the Freiberg shock wave laboratory". Semi- narreihe Meteoriten- und Impaktforschung. Naturkundemuseum Berlin. Invited talk, Berlin 08.–16.11. JMT mit Kamal Zurba eingeladen zu Vorträgen, Workshop und experimenteller Arbeit mit Kollegen von CT’Gas, INPE, und UFRN (Prof. Dr. Judith Hoelzemann) zur Boden- entgasung (hard work, see below) Left: kamal Zurba at work in Natal, Brazil. All it takes is creativity …

14.11. TS: Mineralische Rohstoffe in Sachsen und andere Rohstoffprojekte in Deutschland – Chancen für die Zukunft. Frankfurter Geographische Gesellschaft e.V., Institut für Phy- sische Geographie, Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main 17.–21.11. JMT auf Einladung und in Vertretung der Universitätsleitung an der Akita University anlässlich ihres gut 100-jährigen Bestehens und der Gründung einer Fakultät für nachhal- tige Ressourcennutzung mit Plenarvortrag und Workshopleitung gemeinsam mit Prof. Dr. Atsushi Shibayama 21.11. Neßler J „Lithium – Das Leichtmetall und seine Erkundung im Osterzgebirge“. Veranstal- tungsreihe Förderverein Drei-Brüder-Schacht e.V., Freiberg 02.–06.12. 12th Freiberg Short Course in Economic Geology zum Thema “Granite-related Mineral Systems” mit 125 Teilnehmern, organisiert durch die AG Lagerstättenlehre und Petrolo- gie. 09.–13.12 Höfig T W, Portnyagin M, Hoernle K, Hauff F, van den Bogaard P, Garbe-Schönberg C-D (2013) From birth to death of arc magmatism: The igneous evolution of Komandorsky Is- lands recorded tectonic changes during 50 Ma of westernmost Aleutian history. Abstract V21C-2742 presented at 2013 Fall Meeting, AGU, San Francisco, Calif. Other Activities All year: • JGö – Guest-editor for the journal ‘Mineralogy and Petrology’ • RK – Nomination as Chair of the Source Clay Committee of CMS • JM – Co-editor of ‘Brazilian J Geochem’, ‘Gaia’, ‘Environ Earth Sci’ • MT – Head of the European Society of Isotope Research (ESIR) • MT – Editor for the ‘International Journal of Earth Sciences’

Work stays and internships of guest doctoral students and scientists Post-Doc Christian Mavris, ETH Zürich (March – September 2013) Post-Doc Dr. Clemens Reimann (NGU), Trondheim, Norway. Short stay for project discussion (GEMAS) and Erzgebirge excursion (July) Post-Doc Prof. Dr. Atsushi Shibayama with Mrs. Junko Sato (Akita University) for diverse pro- ject and cooperation talks in house and at the HIF (September) 34 Annual Report 2013

Post-Doc Prof. Dr. Mario Pereira da Silva (UFRN), Natal, Brazil, short stay and talk within the joint VeLuDeClim-NEB project (October) Post-Doc Prof. Dr. Massimo Gasparon, Humboldtian from The University of Queensland in Brisbane, Australien. Short stay for three talks and the planning for joint work with JMT in 2014 (December) PhD Raphael de Vicq, UFOP Ouro Preto, Brazil (Dec. 2013–Feb. 2014) PhD Elena Kotova, Mining-Institute St. Petersburg, Russia (Oct. 2012–Apr. 2013) PhD Anna Kurguzova, DAAD research stipend 09/2013-03/2014 PhD Katarzyna Lisowiec, University of Warszawa, Poland (Apr. 2013) PhD Carolina Lopez, DAAD PhD stipend 2012–2015 PhD Maria Machevariany, DAAD research stipend 09/2013-03/2014 PhD Yury Nefedov, DAAD-Lomonossov research stipend 10/2013-03/2014 PhD Anton Popov, DAAD-Lomonossov research stipend 10/2013-03/2014 PhD Peter Völgyesi, University of Budapest (Sep. 2013–Feb. 2014) with DBU-stipend Jan. Gestaltung der Ausstellung “Fenster zur Wissenschaft” in der terra mineralia/Schloss Freudenstein: Die Brennstoffgeologische Sammlung der TU Bergakademie Freiberg 12.01. Tag der offenen Tür mit Präsentation der Gesteinsmikroskopie und Vortrag zu Berufsbildern für Geowissenschaftler 31.01.–01.02. JMT besucht die Earth Science and Resources Gruppe um Prof. Patrick McKeever bei der UNESCO in Paris 14.10.2012–07.04.2013 Mitarbeit an der Bergbau-Sonderausstellung: „Von Leistung, Leid und Lei- denschaft“ im Oberschlesischen Landesmuseum Ratingen, 26.–27.02. FZ: Teilnahme am Workshop “Ultrafine Particles in Urban Areas”, Düsseldorf Feb.–Mrz. JMT with Anne Schucknecht, Anne Marie de Grosbois and Anne Müller (Scratinha) at fieldwork in the Seridó, Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil (pictures below)

12.–14.03. FZ: Teilnahme am Workshop „Eddy correlation measurements“, Hamburg ab April Mitarbeit an der Ausstellung: “Wissenschaftsbeziehungen zwischen Bergakademie Freiberg und Bergbauinstitut St. Petersburg” im Historicum 17.–18.04. Besuch von 15 Geo-Studierenden der Universidad Nacional de Columbia in Bogotá, Kolumbien mit Besuch von Campus, Institut für Mineralogie, Sammlungen. An- sprechpartnerin Laura Catherine Paiba Garcia mit Prof. Pedro Calixto Roberto Patar- royo Gama. 18.04.–05.08. “Mineralien aus dem Erzgebirge und Bodenschätze Sachsens”, Erzgebirgsmuseum Annaberg-Buchholz, Sonderausstellung mit dem Verein der Mineralienfreunde des oberen Erzgebirge e.V. 22.–26.04. Gestaltung der Sonderausstellung “Mineralogische Sammlung Deutschland im Krügerhaus in Freiberg” – anlässlich der Mineralienbörse in Bad Ems 24.04. JMT moderiert die Veranstaltung „300 Jahre Sylvicultura Oeconomica – 300 Jahre Nachhaltigkeit“ der TU Bergakademie Freiberg in der Alten Mensa mit Festvorträgen von Prof. Bernhard Cramer (Oberbergamt) und Ulrich Grober (Autor) 08.05. Eröffnung des Biohydrometallurgischen Zentrums Freiberg für strategische Elemente (BHMZ Freiberg). Alte Mensa mit Erika Krüger (Stifterin), EE Jorge Eduardo O’Ryan Schütz (Botschafter der Republik Chile), Prof. Kümpel (BGR), Prof. Schlömann und Prof. Robin J. Batterham (Melbourne) zur Einweihung des Promotionskollegs Institute of Mineralogy – Annual Report 2013 35

09.–11.05. JMT besucht mit dem Dekan Carsten Drebenstedt auf Einladung die Partneruni- versiutät VSH Ostrava (CZ). Ziel der Partner ist es, von den Erfahrungen Freibergs bei der Umstrukturierung der Universität, der Fakultät sowie der Studiengänge nach der Widervereinigung Deutschlands und im Verbund mit der Umsetzung der Bologna- Reform zu lernen 14.–17.05. JMT bei AvH Auswahlkommission in Bonn-Bad Godesberg für zukünftige Hum- boldtianer mit einem Klima-Fellowship 12.06. Podiumsdiskussion im Städtischen Festsaal zur Eröffnung des Freiberger For- schungsforums mit Bundesumweltminister Peter Altmeier, Ministerpräsident Stanislav Tillich, Prof. Ulrich Groß, Rektor Bernd Meyer, Prorektor Michel Stelter als Moderator und JMT zum Thema Nachhaltigkeit 14.06. Podiumsdiskussion zum Nachhaltigkeitsbegriff im Bischof-Benno-Haus in Schmochtitz zum 15-jährigen Bestehen der Sächsischen Landesstiftung Umwelt und der Verabschiedung von Dr. h.c. Fritz Brickwedde (DBU) mit Prof. Dr. Karl Mannsfeld (Moderation), Prof. Dr. Willy Xylander (Senckenberg Görlitz), Roland Horne (Landeszentrale für Umweltaufklärung Rheinland-Pfalz), Kornelie Blumenschein (Gäa e.V.), Wolfgang Hübel (Sächsische Bildungsgesellschaft für Umweltschutz und Chemieberufe) und JMT 14.–16.06. JMT in Budapest zur Evaluation ungarischer „Großforschungs“anträge bei der OTKA 25.06.–05.07. Stephanie Hänsel Bei Sommerschule „Adaptation governance: spatial, temporal and cultural constraints and opportunities“, Budapest, Ungarn 13.–14.07. Vier Gäste der Schweizer Akademie der Wissenschaften unter Leitung von Dr. Rainer Kündig und Dr. Otto Smrekar im Haus zu Besuch sowie beim HIF – zukünftig engere Kooperation 15.–22.07. JMT Gast der Universität von Akita. Vorträge, Workshop und Exkursion; Planung zukünftig engerer Zusammenarbeit zwischen TU Bergakademie Freiberg und Akita University (die im Jahr 1910 nach dem Vorbild der Bergakademie gegründet wurde) 15.–26.07. Geologisch-petrographisches Geländeprakti- kum Ostalpen im Modul Regionale Geologie im Studiengang Geologie-Mineralogie (BGM; 15 Teilnehmer). Leitung Prof. Dr. Bernhard Schulz. Das Geländepraktikum führte in das kristalline Basement der Ötztaler und De- feregger Alpen. Right: Participants of the field training on Regional Geology of the Eastern Alps 2013 at the Groß- glockner-Hochalpen road on our way to the De- feregger Alps (Eastern Tyrolia) phot BS 17.07. 7. Krüger-Kolloquium: Bildstrecke unten Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. Klaus Keil anlässlich sei- nes Vortrages in Freiberg zum 7. Krüger-Kolloquium am geschichtsträchtigen 17. Juli 2013 (60 Jahre später); http://tu-;

24.07.–Dez. Mitarbeit an der Ausstellung “Fenster zur Wissenschaft” über Biominerale in der terra mineralia/Schloss Freudenstein mit dem Institut für Experimentelle Physik 28.07. Geburtstag Prof. Dr. Jochen Pilot. Wir freuen uns und gratulieren nochmals! 02.–06.09. Limnologie-Praktikum 2013 mit neuen Rettungswesten 36 Annual Report 2013

25.09. Lerncamp der Gymnasien Auerbach und Rodewisch im Waldpark Grünheide, Thema: „Eintauchen in die Welt der Rohstoffe – Entdecke, was in (d)einem Handy steckt!“. (Talk sowie Gesteins- und Erzbestimmungskurs; Tobias Höfig) ab 30.09. Mitarbeit an der Sonderausstellung “Über die Natur des Lichts und die Farbe Blau in Wissenschaft, bildender Kunst und Dichtung um 1800” im Novalis-Schloss Oberwie- derstedt (bis 05.09.2014) 11.10. JMT moderiert das Krüger Kolloquium mit dem Ehrengast und Vortragenden Prof. Dr. Ernst Ulrich von Weizsäcker sowie Prof. Höck (Wirtschaftswissenschaften) 24.10. Empfang einer Delegation des Vale Institute of Technology mit JG, JM sowie weiteren Kollegen aus Geotechnik und Bergbau sowie der Brennstoffgeologie 25.10. Talk “Determination of Zenith Tropospheric Delay (ZTD) from GNSS data and its rela- tionship to the tropical Atlantic TSM. A tool to determine the precipitable water Vapor in the stratosphere in the Brazilian semiarid region” von Prof. Dr. Mario Pereira da Sil- va, Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte in Natal (Gast und Projektpartner von JMT)

Left: Mining heaps of the graphite-bearing Ni-Cu-Zn-Pb-ore for bacterially-enhanced leaching; Talvivaara- Mine, northern Finland. The mine visit was part of the ProMinNet-Workshop at Oulu University with participa- tion of the WG Economic Geology and Petrology. Centre: Flotation-Test field (Mini pilot-plant) of the Oulu Mining School with participants of the ProMinNet-Workshop. Right: Oliver Frei with 4th term students BGM at the field training part of the mineral and rock determination course 2013 (Granite quarry in the Meissen Mas- sive, east of the Elbe river; Fotos BS) 25.–27.10. Gestaltung der Sonderschau “Gold und Goldminerale” – anlässlich der 50. Internatio- nalen Mineralienmesse in München, gemeinsam mit dem Naturhistorischen Museum Wien, dem Natural History Museum London, dem Harvard Museum Cambridge/USA, dem Natural History Museum Los Angeles/USA, den Smithsonian Institutions Wash- ington/USA und vielen privaten Leihgebern 25.-27.10. Gestaltung der Sonderausstellung “Minerale für das Krügerhaus – Neuzugänge für die Stiftung Mineralogische Sammlung Deutschland”- anlässlich der 50. Internatio- nalen Mineralienmesse in München 25.-27.10. Gestaltung der Sonderausstellung “Mensch und Mineral” – anlässlich der 50. Interna- tionalen Mineralienmesse in München 07.11. MLA-Kurs mit 20 Studenten des Emerald-Programms (Erasmus Mundus Master in Georesources Engineering) der Universitäten Liège, Nancy, Lulea und Freiberg. ab 27.11. Mitgestaltung der Ausstellung “100 Jahre Schließung des Freiberger Bergbaus”, Ber- garchiv Freiberg 05.12 Wir trauern um Nelson Mandela, erfolgreicher Überwinder des Apartheid-Regimes und erster schwarzer Präsident der Republik Südafrika sowie Träger des Friedensnobelpreises. Mandela starb nach langer Krankheit bei Johannesburg 06.-08.12. Gestaltung der Sonderausstellung “Minerale ‚aus den USA” – anlässlich der Mineral- ienmesse Hamburg, gemeinsam mit dem Harvard Museum Cambridge/USA, Smith- sonian Institutions, Washington/USA, Colorado School of Mines, Golden/USA und dem Socorro Mineral Museum/USA, Hamburg

Institute of Mineralogy – Annual Report 2013 37

And very important, too: On August 1, 2013, Ines Jaschke happily delivered her daughter Gerda Margarethe (no pic) Ida Helene Haser, daughter of Sabine Haser made her first moves towards us on *29.09.2013 (left) And Tom Marlon (*17.11.2013), the second son of Stepha- nie Hänsel, became another pearl (right)

We congratulate and enjoy the good news with you! And we wish to everyone

All the very best for 2014