Grimsby Welcomes All Seafarers

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Grimsby Welcomes All Seafarers GRIMSBY WELCOMES ALL SEAFARERS St Mary on the Sea RC Church POST OFFICE BANKS & MONEY TRANSFERS PLACES OF WORSHIP Catholic: St Mary on the Sea, $OOPDMRUEDQNVKDYHEUDQFKHVORFDWHGLQ*ULPVE\WRZQFHQWUH Heneage Road 01472 342 301 3RVW2I¿FH)UHVKQH\3ODFHZZZSRVWRI¿FHFRXN Church of England: Grimsby Minster, Eurochange (Money Transfer), Freshney Place 01472 287 383 St James Square 01472 277 277 SHOPPING Orthodox: Christian Community of St Marina and St Kenelm, Grimsby Cemetary South Chapel, Freshney Place Shopping Centre and the surrounding area in the town Scartho Road (Fthr Campbell 07397 220 728) centre has all the main shops, inc: Islam: Grimsby Mosque, $VGD+ROOHV6WUHHW SEAFARERS’ PORT 79a Weelsby Road 01472 751 115 $UJRV9LFWRULD6WUHHW INFORMATION LEAFLET 3ULPDUN)UHVKQH\3ODFH PUBLIC TRANSPORT Boots the Chemist, Friargate 01472 351 451 SHIP WELFARE VISITING ORGANISATIONS Rail: National Rail Enquiries 0345 748 4950 6SHFVDYHUV2SWLFLDQV9LFWRULD6WUHHW:HVW (Train station located in town centre) Apostleship of the Sea 07738 128 175 LIBRARY Bus: Local Bus Information (Traveline) 0871 200 2233 Port Chaplain 07793 488 971 Coach: National Express Coaches 0871 781 8181 *ULPVE\&HQWUDO/LEUDU\7RZQ+DOO6TXDUH The Mission to Seafarers Air: Humberside International Airport 0844 887 7747 Port Chaplain 07387 022 375 SEAFARERS’ TELEPHONE HELPLINES TAXIS 6HDIDUHU+HOSWKHOLIHOLQHIRUVHDIDUHUV ,6:$1 Fishermen’s Mission 01472 354 384 Links Taxis 01472 35 35 35 ZZZVHDIDUHUKHOSRUJ DOOVHDIDUHUV +44 20 7323 2737 Coxon’s Cars 01472 34 34 34 Seafarer Support Referral Helpline PORT OFFICE & SECURITY Nautilus International ZZZVHDIDUHUVXSSRUWRUJ 8.VHDIDUHUVRQO\ +XPEHU3RUWV2I¿FH 6HFXULW\ RMT 020 7387 4771 LOCAL PORT HEALTH AUTHORITY North East Lincolnshire Council ITF 020 7403 2733 IRU*ULPVE\ ,PPLQJKDP 3URGXFHGE\WKH0HUFKDQW1DY\:HOIDUH%RDUGUHJLVWHUHGDVDFKDULW\1R LQ(QJODQG :DOHVDQG1R6&LQ6FRWODQGDQGWKHVHDIDUHUV¶ZHOIDUH MARITIME AND COASTGUARD AGENCY UK FKDULWLHV0DSFRXUWHV\RI$%3 Please pass any amendments directly to MNWB Nearest Seafarers’ Centre is in Immingham on 02380 337799 or visit: DSSUR[PLOHVDZD\ Issue Date 02/19 0/&&RRUGLQDWLRQ*URXS POF#PFJDJRYXN ENTERTAINMENT SPORTS FACILITIES LOCAL HOSPITAL Fishing Heritage Centre, Alexandra Dock 01472 323 345 Grimsby Leisure Centre, Cromwell Road Diana Princess of Wales Hospital (Grimsby) 01472 874 111 Grimsby Auditorium, Cromwell Road (Swimming / Gym / Indoor Sports) 01472 323 500 ZZZJULPVE\DXGLWRULXPRUJXN *ULPVE\,FH5LQN&URPZHOO5RDG NHS Direct 111 Other entertainment facilities like a cinema and bowling People’s Park (located in the town centre, south of the DOOH\DUHORFDWHGLQQHDUE\&OHHWKRUSHV DSSUR[ train station) miles away) Grimsby River Terminal SCALE (Approximate) 0 500 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 5280 feet (1mile) West Pier 0 500 1000 1500 1609.3 metres Tidal Basin East Pier Dock West Pier Tower Centrica HUMBER ESTUARY Dong Energy Kemp Road 12 Fish Market Moody Lane North Quay Road 1 Westside Road 11 No.1 North Quay Wharncliffe Road DOCK 2 Henderson Street 10 West Quay E.On ROYAL DOCK 3 Surtees Street RES 9 Eastside Road Hutton Road Volkswagen Group BIP Cross Street No.3 Fish Dock Road (UK) Ltd TO IMMINGHAM - 4 DOCK Enterprise 8 Dong Zones Northern Maclure Street East Quay APPROX. 9 MILES Vehicle Auckland Street Volkswagen Group MARINA South Energy Gilbey Road Distribution Storage 5 Estate RoRoad No. 1 Estuary Way (UK) Ltd RMS Quay Travel Centre 7 Inn Faringdon Road Humber Bridge Road Vehicle Westside Road 6 A180 Storage Security Gorton Street No.2 DOCK Gorton Street Control Wickham Road Wickham Road RMS Womersley Road Grimsby Security UNION DOCK Robinson Lane Seafood Control Royal Street To Immingham 18 16 Village Ross Road To M180 ALEXANDRA DOCK 19 Square Lock Hill Square Estate Road No2 20 Flour MarsendMarsden Road SalvesanSalvesen Road GB Terminals PORT OFFICE Grimsby Docks Halt A180 Development Cleethorpe Road Land Pyewipe Road River Freshney Victoria St. North F r e e p A16 o r t W h Grimsby Road a r f National V i Fishing c t Freeman Street Heritage o r i Centre a A180 S Pumping Station t ALEXANDRA DOCK SOUTH DOCK ALEXANDRA . To Cleethorpes S Freshney o u t h TO CLEETHORPES - Boulevard Avenue ASDA APPROX. 4 MILES SUPERSTORE ay rd W Wa k ric e d Pasture Street re F FRESHNEY PLACE SHOPPING CENTRE Ladysmith Road GRIMSBY DOCKS DUDLEY STREET A16 Peakes Parkway & TOWN CENTRE Grimsby Town Station YARBOROUGH ROAD A1136.
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