Information Classification: PUBLIC

Cornwall Community Governance Review

Public Engagement Meeting ( Area)

Parishes being focused on at this public engagement meeting: Penzance, , , , St Hilary – in West Community Network Area; Gwinear- Gwithian, , – in & St Ives Community Network Area

Note: If you would like to speak during this meeting, please make sure you register your interest with the Council officers stationed at the entrance door.

Date: Monday 16 September 2019 Time: 7.00pm-9.30pm (6.30: Tea & Coffee; opportunity for informal networking) Location: St John’s Hall, Alverton Street, Penzance, TR18 2QW

Interactive map link:

Parking: The car park next to St John’s Hall is Penalverne, Penzance, TR18 2RQ. This is a car park, and is free after 4pm. If this is full, the next nearest car park is St Erbyns, a 2 minute walk up Penalverne Drive; this is also free after 4pm (postcode: TR18 2RG)

Chair/Vice- Malcolm Brown CC (Chair of the Electoral Review Panel) Chair Dick Cole CC (Vice-Chair of the Electoral Review Panel


1. Welcome & Introduction by the Chair

2. Issues affecting the Parishes of Ludgvan, Madron, Marazion, Penzance and St Hilary

(i) Those listed below to have opportunity to give brief verbal summary of their submissions (“URN” refers to the unique reference number in the published list of submissions):


Information Classification: PUBLIC

 A Representative of the Community Organisation in Penzance Parish, Village Council Steering Group (URN 106)  Resident number 1 from Penzance Parish (URN 106)  A Representative of Madron Parish Council (URN 102)  A Representative of Ludgvan Parish Council (URN 101) [focusing on proposals also potentially affecting Marazion and Penzance]  The Resident of Ludgvan Parish (URN 101)  Resident number 2 from Penzance Parish (URN 106)  A Representative of Penzance Town Council (URN 106)  A Representative of Marazion Town Council (URN 103)  A Representative of St Hilary Parish Council (URN 111)

(ii) Questions on these Submissions from Members of the Panel and Substitute Members

(iii) Statements on these Submissions by Other Parish and Town Councillors and Members of the Public Present

(iv) Statements on these submissions by Local Cornwall Councillors

3. Issues affecting the Parishes of Gwinear-Gwithian, Ludgvan, St Erth, and Towednack

(i) Those listed below to have opportunity to give brief verbal summary of their submissions:  A Representative of Gwinear-Gwithian Parish Council (URN 201)  A Representative of St Erth Parish Council (URN 203)  A Representative of Ludgvan Parish Council (URN 101) [focusing on proposals also potentially affecting St Erth and Towednack]  A Representative of Towednack Parish Council (URN 205)  The Resident of Gwinear-Gwithian Parish (URN 201)

(ii) Questions on these Submissions from Members of the Panel and Substitute Members

(iii) Statements on these Submissions by Other Parish and Town Councillors and Members of the Public Present

(iv) Statements on these Submissions by Local Cornwall Councillors

4. Chairman’s Closing Remarks