Elboricua.Com Celebrating Our 10Th Anniversary
EL BORICUA 3109- C VOSS DRIVE EL PASO, TX 79936 elboricua.com Celebrating our 10th Anniversary A Cultural Publication From the editor . When I was a child and living in Puerto Rico, a long time ago that is, there were acerola bushes everywhere. You could find them on the side of the road, by pastures, en el monte, by the beach, and in peoples yards. They are called West Indian Cherries in English. Acerolas are sweet and tart as well. Acerola is a large, relatively fast growing bushy shrub or small tree (to 15 feet). Fruits are round to oblate, cherry-like but with 3 lobes. They are bright red (rarely yellow-orange) with thin skin, easily bruised. The pulp is juicy, acid to sub-acid occasionally nearly sweet, with a delicate flavor and apple notes. The fruit is very high in Vitamin C, up to 4,000 mg per 100 g fresh weight, but typically around 1,500 mg C. Green fruits have twice the Vitamin C level of mature fruits. Fruits develop to maturity in less than 25 days. Seeds typically three with fluted wings, forming a triangle. Many aspects of seed viability have not been studied. Doesn’t this picture make your mouth water? acerola – grows wild in the island Siempre Boricua, Ivonne Figueroa JULY 2005 JULY 2005 EL BORICUA PAGE 2 EL BORICUA is Published by: - Editors and Contributors - BORICUA PUBLICATIONS El Paso, TX 79936 ©1995-2005 Boricua Publications All articles are the property of Boricua Publications or the property of its authors. Javier Figueroa -El Paso , TX Publisher Ivonne Figueroa - El Paso, TX Carmen Santos de Curran Executive Editor & Gen.
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